i-like-words · 10 months
Checking In (MTaP)
Dusting off this ancient account to post a bit of the My Time At Portia Arlo/Builder!self ficlets that have been absolutely dumping out of me lately. seriously it's just been like. non stop writing for two weeks straight, this video game man has done unspeakable things to my brain and I love it
some lore and context: Adri was discovered frozen within a massive ruin, thawed out, reawoken after a stupid amount of years and whoops - turns out they have Trauma™ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ luckily our favorite good guy redheaded captain takes it upon himself to keep them out of trouble :)
this particular bit takes place like a week after Adri is introduced as the new Builder - they go MIA, leading Arlo and Merlin to swing by the old workshop
(As an aside, my Builder!self is non-binary. By this point no one within the canon knows this, so characters will refer to them with she/her while the narrative uses they/them, just to assuage any confusion or cw people beforehand of misgendering - it's intentional but temporary)
cw for swearing and aforementioned misgendering
Arlo stepped through the gate and looked around. The yard had become quite overgrown and the workbench was strewn with stray leaves. It looked as though none of the equipment there had even been touched. There was no sign of Adri. Merlin peered over the scene and began jotting down notes.
Approaching the door to the little shack, Arlo noticed the lights were off.
"Do you suppose Adri is out for the day?" he asked.
"Mm, unlikely," Merlin replied, not looking up from her notebook. "Considering no one has really seen nor heard from her since the fireside chat. Not even the farm girl or her grandmother across the way."
Slowly, Arlo reached out and rapped on the wooden door with his knuckles. "Hello?" he called out.
He knocked again.
"Anyone home? It's Arlo, from the Civil Corp. I'm here with Director Merlin from the Research Center. I'm sure you remember us from... before."
More silence.
"Uhh, listen. Mayor Gale asked us to check in on you, since no one has really, er, seen or heard from you in a handful of days. You... um, don't have to open the door, but give us a sign that you're alive...?"
"Though opening the door would be the preferable option," Merlin interjected.
Still no answer. Arlo chewed his lip. He wondered if maybe Adri was simply sleeping... understandable that someone who'd been reawakened after being frozen for a few hundred years would probably want to nap off that whole ordeal. But, still, as the one put in charge--self-appointed, yes, but in charge--of making sure Adri was safely acclimating to life in Portia, Arlo hoped that his first check-in with the new Builder wouldn't end with him breaking down the door.
Before he could contemplate that scenario further, said door suddenly parted, ever so slightly, from the door frame; Adri's pale face was barely visible through the open crack. Dark eyes glowered at Arlo, then at Merlin.
"There. I'm alive. Now go away," they said flatly, and with that, the door was shut once more.
Arlo stood there awkwardly, startled, but relieved he wouldn't, in fact, have to resort to property damage. At least not today. "Oh. Ah, that's... good. Um. I... we were hoping to maybe speak with you, see if there was perhaps anything you might need...?"
"What I need is for you to leave me alone," came the muffled, yet terse reply from behind the closed door. Merlin scribbled into her notebook.
"Hmm. Specimen... displaying... antisocial tendencies..."
"You're not helping," Arlo sighed to Merlin, before addressing the door again. "Uh, can we at least ask you a few questions?"
"I promise once we're done we'll both leave you be. You have my word."
"Do these so-called 'wellness visits' of yours always go this poorly?" Merlin asked, shouldering Arlo aside. She then knocked on the door. And hard. "Ms. Adri, while I understand you're going through a rather difficult period of adjustment, this an important matter, and neither myself nor Mr. Arnold will be vacating the premises until we can speak with you face-to-face."
"You were saying?" asked Arlo pointedly, moving himself back in front of the door.
Merlin folded her arms indignantly. "Hmph..."
"Um... sorry about that, Adri," Arlo continued. "Just ignore what she said. Anyway, we're glad to see that you're, in fact, not dead, and it's, uh... pretty clear that you're not exactly in the mood to be social right now, which is totally fine, so we'll... just come back later."
He was about to turn to leave, when the door reopened and swung out slowly with a long creak. Adri stood there in the turnstile, squinting against the sunlight. Their clothes were disheveled, their shoulder-length hair was a tangled mess, and they had dark bags under their eyes. They looked like they hadn't gotten any sleep in days.
The Builder looked between the researcher and the Captain with intense disdain, then turned away and trudged into the dark, unlit void of the house. Merlin followed, notebook in hand. Tentatively, Arlo stepped over the threshold, closing the door behind him.
There wasn't much to the little ramshackle house--four walls, a roof, and a modest wooden bed topped with moth-eaten sheets sat in the corner, nestled beneath a cracked window. The floor groaned under Arlo's boots, and he noticed some floorboards were missing. What little belongings Adri had had been unceremoniously dumped around; even the Builder's clothes that were given to them as a welcoming gift were laying in a crumpled heap at the foot of the bed.
Adri slumped onto the edge of the mattress, crossing their arms over their chest, shoulders hunched as if they were trying to fold into themselves.
"Make this quick," they muttered. Their gaze fell into middle distance, and their expression was blank, unfeeling.
Merlin looked up from her notes. "Yes, well," she began, leafing through some pages. "I'll be asking you a series of questions, you answer as honestly and as thoroughly as you can. Don't spare any details, even if you think they aren't important."
"All right... How are you feeling?"
"Terrible." The answer came out before the question had bothered to finish being asked.
Merlin blinked in mild surprise. "Erm, can you... perhaps be a little more specific? Try to refrain from single-word answers."
At this, Adri's head--and eyes--lolled back, and they heaved an irritated sigh. "Oh, my god, fine--I'm 'fucking terrible'. Is that better?"
Merlin did not look amused. She clicked her tongue. "Right. Moving on, then... Have you been experiencing any unusual physical or mental phenomena? Any short-term memory loss, disassociation, or particularly strange dreams or visions?"
"Oh, yeah... I've definitely been having strange visions lately."
Merlin perked up at this. "Have you? Can you describe these visions?"
"Let's see: some blue-haired bozo in dumb glasses shows up and asks me a bunch of stupid ass questions," Adri replied in a flat monotone, their expression unchanging. "I'm having one right now, in fact."
It took a great deal of effort from Arlo to stifle a chuckle. He was always so used to Merlin being the dry and sarcastic one; it was kind of a nice change of pace watching her get a taste of her own medicine. He could see the researcher's jaw jut forward angrily as she wrote something into her notebook before snapping it shut.
"Ms. Adri," she said, the patience dropping from her voice. She removed her goggles and eyed her interviewee as a parent does when lecturing an unruly child. "I am trying to help you. The very least you could do is take this seriously."
In an instant, Adri's cold, indifferent expression changed. Their eyebrows shot up, disappearing into a thick curtain of dark hair. Merlin and Arlo both were taken aback as they suddenly began laughing--a short, bitter bark of a laugh.
"You're trying to 'help' me?" they sneered, rising from the bed and slowly walking forward. Their fists were clenched so hard they were trembling. "Just like you fucking 'helped' me by dragging my half-dead body back into consciousness, in a completely foreign world, separating me from everything I've ever known and loved by HUNDREDS OF YEARS!? THAT kind of 'help'...?!"
Adri was stopped short by a long arm extending in front of them, shielding Merlin, and they glared daggers up at its owner.
"That's enough," Arlo said, his thick brows furrowed. "I don't want to use force on you, but I will if I have to." Beyond his outstretched arm, Merlin was bracing herself behind her notebook and was staring at Adri with fear and anger in her eyes. Adri scowled.
"Tch. Unbelievable... Treated like a damned experiment and I'm expected to be grateful," they mumbled, looking away. Arlo caught a glimpse of a tear sliding down their face, glinting in the dim light of the window. They crawled back onto the bed and curled up into a ball, facing away from their visitors. "Just leave me alone already."
Arlo sighed, running a hand through his tousled red hair. He looked to Merlin. "We should probably go," he said, quietly. Merlin opened her mouth to interject, but, to Arlo's great relief, decided against it.
"...Very well."
They both turned to leave and Arlo opened the door to allow Merlin through. She strode outside, making a beeline for the front gate without another word, no doubt mentally cursing to herself for having to go back to the Research Center strapped for new data. Once she was far enough away, Arlo looked over his shoulder at the small, vulnerable figure laying there, alone, in the dark. Guilt tugged at the inside of his chest.
Adri heard the front door close with a soft click. A brief pause, and then:
"I know she isn't the best at dealing with people, but you mustn't blame Merlin," Arlo said quietly, his gaze fixed on the wood grain of the door. "It wasn't her idea to bring you back. It was mine."
"I was the one who found you in the ice," he explained. "And I was the one who insisted that we help you. If you resent me for that, then that's okay. I accept that. You're well within your right to be angry, and... if you're going to be angry at anyone, you can be angry at me."
More silence. Arlo placed his hand on the door's handle. Just as he opened his mouth to apologize for the trouble and make his leave, he was cut off by the nearly inaudible--but unmistakable--sound of sniffling.
"Why did you have to bring me back...?" Adri whimpered, their voice thick and cracking. "Why didn't you just leave me there...?"
Arlo froze. The statement hung heavily like a yoke on his shoulders, pinning him to the spot. He turned and looked over at Adri helplessly as their body shuddered with silent sobs, unsure of what to do. He wanted so badly to comfort them, but he didn't know if he could... or if he even should. Shit. He knew today's visit probably wouldn't go smoothly, but... he had not been prepared for this.
"I... I felt like I had to," he said, crestfallen. Hesitantly, he walked over and sat at the foot of the bed, allowing as much space between himself and Adri as he could manage. "But... I am sorry. Hate me all you want, but please know that I only ever wanted to give you a chance."
"I never asked for your help," Adri mumbled into their pillow. "I never asked for any of this."
"I know." Arlo rubbed at the back of his neck as his gaze fell to the dusty wooden floor.
Another sniffle. "But... I don't hate you."
Arlo looked up again.
"You don't...?" he asked gently, mild surprise in his voice.
"No," Adri responded, heaving a shaky sigh. "I don't even hate that blue-haired bozo, or really, anybody here. I understand why you went out of your way to help me, but I was probably better off being frozen..."
"What makes you say that?"
"Under any other circumstances I'd be happy to have a second chance," Adri said, wiping tears away from their eyes. "I can't even say that my old life was super fucking great anyway, but... it was mine. Knowing that everything that made my life what it was is just... gone, it--" They trailed off, their voice wavering before letting out another sob.
Arlo said nothing, and he sat there, solemnly, as Adri grieved. After a few minutes, they went quiet again.
"Sorry..." they said, sniffling.
"What for...?"
"For making everyone worry, I guess..." Adri rolled over and sat upright. Their eyes were puffy and red, and their cheeks and nose were shiny with tears and mucus. "After Gale introduced me during the meeting thing, everyone was just so... nice. It was a lot. I didn't know how to deal with that, so I've just been holing up in here all week and feeling sorry for myself... I'm sure they all must think I'm an asshole."
"You're not an arsehole; you're going through a lot," said Arlo. "More than anyone in town could possibly know or even imagine. Yes, Gale is a bit of a worrywort, that's just how he is, but I doubt he's expecting you to seamlessly integrate into society overnight."
"Maybe... but he sure seems to believe that I can just pick up a hammer and magically become a Builder..."
Ah, yes. That. Gale had suggested, in the interest of keeping their origins a secret, that Adri be introduced to the townsfolk as a new Builder to avoid any unnecessary panic or conflict. If word of the truth got out, it could spell all sorts of trouble, not just for Adri, but for Portia, perhaps even for all of the Free Cities. 
"I understand that it's probably a lot to ask of you, especially when you're already dealing with so much," Arlo said. "But, unfortunately, it's a necessary evil, to keep you safe. At least for now."
Adri sighed, running a hand through their long curls. "I know, I know... I'm just having a hard time understanding why you're going through the trouble of doing all of... this in the first place." They gestured vaguely around at the house. "What do you get out of protecting me?"
Arlo blinked, looking visibly confused. "What... do you mean...?"
Adri gave him an incredulous look. "Seriously...? C'mon, man. There are obviously people out there who'd stand to benefit a great deal by me being here, whether, like, academically or monetarily or whatever. ...So what's stopping you from just handing me over to some science lab? Or the government? Why even concern yourselves at all with what happens to me? What am I to you?"
They folded their arms over their knees and looked sullenly out the cracked pane of the window. The cynicism in their voice had left Arlo stunned. He stared, his expression wavering between shock and disbelief before it finally settled on pity.
"You're someone who deserves to live," he said, his voice saddened. "Even if you... believe otherwise." 
Adri sighed again, heavily, their gaze still fixed out the window. Silhouetted by the light outside, their face appeared even more tired and weary than before.
"I'm just some random idiot you found in the ice," they mumbled into their knees, hugging them tighter. "You can tell Gale I'll play along with the Builder shit eventually. Right now, I... just want to be left alone."
Arlo nodded; he knew a hint when he heard one. "Okay," he said, patiently, standing up from the bed, and he turned to leave. Boots thudded across the creaky floor, stopping just before Arlo reached the doorway. He looked over his shoulder.
"Would you... be all right with me coming back tomorrow? To check in on you?" he asked cautiously. "If you'd rather I not, then I understand."
Adri quietly considered this for a moment.
"Yeah... okay."
The Captain gave a confirmatory nod. "I'll see you tomorrow, then," he said, gripping the door's handle. After a beat, he added, "and, uh, I'll make sure not to let the blue-haired bozo tag along this time."
At this, the faintest of smirks flashed across Adri's face as they let out an amused chuff, the closest thing to a genuine laugh Arlo had yet heard from them--and he was more than happy with that. He smiled, said goodbye, and left.
He went to sleep that night feeling... strangely optimistic.
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sapphire-draw · 2 months
random doodle i cleaned up
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[I don't know if the drawing is readable??? I put a description on it if not]
Malroth being menacing/scary by virtue of existing.
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simpleman193 · 7 months
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adrimakesart · 10 months
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I've recently have been playing My Time At Portia and regret to inform everyone that I've contracted and succumbed to Arlo Brainrot because of course I have why wouldn't I
anyway here's a silly doodle of my self-insert Builder and their video game husband being dorks
★ adrimakes.art ★ ☆ Ko-Fi | Discord ☆
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yellowhoodiex · 10 months
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More art!
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satoshi-mochida · 7 months
Some indie game recommendations from ones I’ve played or know enough about them to suggest them to others(mostly in no particular order), Part 8.
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
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Rise of the Third Power
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Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin
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Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass
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Eastern Exorcist
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The 7th Stand User(JJBA fan game)
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Gravity Circuit
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Rusted Moss
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Laika: Aged Through Blood
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Bramble: The Mountain King
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Refind Self: The Personality Test Game
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nameless(fan game for Hololive Vtuber Nanashi Mumei)
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M.A.S.S. Builder
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NAIRI: Tower Of Shirin and it's sequel NAIRI: Rising Tide.
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Fatal Twelve
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Fading Afternoon
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The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa
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Killer Frequency
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Oh…Sir!! The Insult Simulator
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Full Void
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Seven Days
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Siren's Call
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Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony
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Little Goody Two Shoes
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Pocket Mirror ~ GoldenerTraum
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Battle Princess Madelyn
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When the Past Was Around
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hollownest-whore · 3 months
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I cannot go into full depth on the inner workings of this neighbourhood but just know that Wyryn is freaking tf out
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ice-mint · 10 months
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Some niche asoiaf memes.
1) Brandon the Builder 2) Lann the Clever 3)The Iron Bank of Braavos
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paofia · 1 year
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Logan rubbing his scratchy stubble on my builder because she teased him not be able to grow a full beard 🤣
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lilmothgf · 9 months
Pen/pregnant Builder headcannons
Builder is gender neutral
bro this is way too long so..enjoy
Builder is gender neutral, spoilers for act 2 & 3, SOME mentions of childbirth but no graphic detail. AGNST... A lot of it. Pen will not use the nickname skinny to be inclusive towards heavier readers. Not really proofread, I can barely write.
You knew you should've been a bit more careful.. Though with how passionate and needy Pen could be and your busy work schedule.. You may have forgotten protection a few times and the light knows pen wouldn't care enough to think about it himself in the heat of the moment.
Though, it was only so long you could ignore your new symptoms that were making taking commissions extra hard lately
Nausea and vomiting.. nothing stayed down..
..You really dreaded going to fang to confirm what you already knew but you desperately needed treatment with the constant vomiting, you couldn't keep any fluids down & in a hot arid environment dehydration was a real threat.
Fang confirmed your worst fear though deep down you already knew it, you weren't that oblivious to your own body. You were thankful to fang, he provided you some herbal remedies to help cope with the Nausea and to hopefully keep some fluids in your system.
You already knew how Pen felt about marriage, you were absolutely terrified to have to tell him you were pregnant but you knew you couldn't hide it forever.
Pen, well, he took it as well. He was good at not showing how he really felt but oh did he feel sorry for you both
You were expecting him to break up with you immediately but...
Pen knew he didn't have much time with you left, he always knew he would need to leave Sandrock to go back to Duvos. He was only here for a mission and he already broke so many codes just being involved with you.
Despite everything, Pen did love you, in his own Pen way.
you could see he was a little apprehensive responding to you, you could tell something else was on his mind.
"My Baby is having a baby? well, I hope you realize how lucky you are to be having my child! I bet they will even have fans asking about me when they are born!"
don't try to propose to him, it's still no. it's already gone too far.
Need help around the workshop? You got it. Even the Light knows he would not let his pregnant partner overwork themselves!
deep down he knew that he may not have much time left with you, so any time spent with you was valuable
When you eventually start to show your baby bump Pen is...
Well. Everyone knows you are HIS builder! They can so obviously see it! He has claimed you.. forever.. He was always very possessive of you and this only made it worse
Sadly for pen he won't get to see his child
Despite everything being so well.. things still felt.. wrong. There were just things about Pen's schedule that would make you suspicious.
Oh how your heart broke when Grace & Logan finally had to break everything they knew to you. You didn't wanna believe Pen was involved in this but when Logan explained to you it wasn't him that blew up the water tower but it was Pen.
They were sympathetic. They knew, they knew you were Pen's partner. That night in the hideout you cried and cried.. but they were here for you.
Grace was hesitant to take you with her when you broke the lock to the Sandrock storage room, she didn't know what you would see in there but she in general was just worried for your safety, being the pregnant one and all..
You helped collect evidence as silently, you were burying your emotions deep inside you.. even up until Pen and Miguel came into the storage room to investigate. You saw him.. but you were just numb, there were so many thoughts inside your head what have you gotten yourself into? why is he doing this? did he ever love you, how are you going to do this alone?
Of course.. when you wake up one morning to see Haru had been captured outside of the city hall, you couldn't lie no more.
Pen was... well. I guess it's over now isn't it my dear builder "How.. could you say such outrageous things about me.. Builder? Are you working for the Bandits! How could you betray me like this?"
Everyone was SHOOKETH, they knew your relationship to Pen, and they knew how trustworthy you were, even though Miguel and Pen tried to flip it onto you, nobody believed them.
When everything was said and revealed, Pen knew there was nothing more he could say or do, but he tried, he knew you though. You would never join him.
"Oh.. My dear Builder, I guess this is it?... Why don't you just come with me! Join Duvos, I can give you everything you need or ever want."
he knows you will say no
Refuses to hurt or fight you, he purposefully avoids hitting you, he can't hit you, he can't endanger you or his own child... Oh he wishes how you could've just come with him.
But he loved how strong you were, emotionally & physically, even now. He admires you, deep down. He knows this must be painful for you.
which is partially why he may have been caught, oh he knows he will not hear the end of it. Again. he already violated too many codes by mingling with you!
You believed that maybe you could have convinced him to change his mind about Duvos
when it was revealed he killed Howlett.. You knew. There was no going back from that.
Seeing him in the Civil Corps jail was very bittersweet. You had many things you wanted to tell him
you did
but most of it was just you crying & yelling at him
and he let you
"My dear.. Just don't forget. I truly did love you & I still do. Unfortunately our paths must split here, I cannot undo the things I have done, as much as I wish I could, I would have stayed with you otherwise.. There is nothing more I can say to you, you are strong, you will get through this.. My love... Farewell."
for you and your childs sake he hopes you move on, as much as it tears him up inside, you are well loved in Sandrock, you will get through this, you aren't alone.. He is, alone, and he will have a long time to think about what he has done.
Grace & Logan are your best friends through the rest of your pregnancy.
Everyone in town cared about you & they made sure you knew that. You wouldn't be alone. They'd help you with your baby. Catori was always there giving you advice, considering she is a divorcee and a single mom! She might've not had as traumatic as a separation as you but she still gives you good tips, especially post birth recovery.
Fang sends you letters, requesting you check up with him during such a traumatic event, as well as general checkups to make sure your pregnancy is progressing healthily.
He's not much of a talker but he lets you cry & vent to him.
Through your visits to him though he starts to open up and he tries.. he really tries to talk to you to comfort you.
He is worried about your mental health and your own trauma helped connect him to you, he knows what it's like to lose someone, albeit, in a different way than you.
you really needed the support, some days it was hard for you to even get up out of bed anymore or even try to do anything, to have everyone so worried about you and checking up on you... it really did help you
As soon as he is out of jail you bet he is right outside of your workshop and checking on you don't refuse his help, you aren't getting out of it
helps maintain your workshop & runs around collecting materials for you (anything you ask for, he's got it!)
Logan feels like he owes it to you he feels like this is what howlett would have wanted him to do
Grace tries her best to make you nice meals for you! Even if she's not that good of a cook.. She just wants to be sure you are eating.
You bet Grace & Logan will help you once the baby is here, they will watch them for you & still assist with the workshop.
..Grace definitely cried when she had to go back to Atara.. But you but she will be doing anything she can to get back to Sandrock.
Grace may have not been here for when the baby was born but she sure did make it a priority to get back to Sandrock ASAP!! You were on her mind always!!
do I need to make it obvious that grace and logan may be crushing on you..? whatever, they will wait, they will wait until you are healed before even taking things there
they absolutely adore the baby ❤  ❤ 
you are so glad to have them while you recover mentally & physically.
and they are patient with you, they will be here for you. Always.
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ghosttownmettie · 9 months
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I've been playing a lot of My Time at Sandrock this summer. You can tell a game is good if I plug 100 hours into it and it's only in early access. Here's some art I did of my player x miguel when we are married(HIS VOICE SO FINE)
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cuuzca · 1 year
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“I have to protect everyone…”
From a destroyer to a protector, the world will be safe in his hands.
It’s a beautiful day to celebrate the best boy!! ^-^ Happy Malroth Day!💜🧡
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
Jimmy may have a bad memory but he is a CLEVER and hardworking boy
who pays very close attention to how other youtubers do things, and takes notes, and works so hard, and now he has 810k subscribers because he knows how to do it.
(well, sometimes clever and always hardworking)
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If anyone wants my spreadsheet just lmk. my data mostly came from the youtube wiki and MaxData's visualization of new life smp members' subs numbers. oh, i'll include that!
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Jimmy was at 609k when new life started in may 27. he made a (lovely!) pink house.
Twenty one days later he's gained 201,000 subs.
Between cpk and pix now probably, having jumped ahead of oli & pearl.
Y'all when people talk about jimmy being dumb, watch and think how much is an atrocious memory, and how long is not being quick to understand things. If he settles in and works at it! If he's in a group event in mcc and not individual! If he has a strong team captain in mcc who he can listen to! (he's said the last one is how he succeeds).
Jimmy can fucking do it, just in his own way - and he doesn't care to put a lot of effort into learning some things that some viewers want. As I barely care about minecraft, I do have an interesting perspective here! <3
Jimmy can't just get by on his minecraft skills plus his winning smile, comedic timing, charisma, and skill at social rapport and interpersonal... okay I've made it sound like a lot but he has some brains. Those brains just don't know the recipe for... things I also don't care about.
Jimmy Solidarity. You appreciate him. Good.
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vani-candy · 1 year
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here's another piece in my "vent art about the heat" series im literally melting
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wispyfrills · 27 days
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Wisp's alter pack’s!!
I made this blog for alter / headmate packs I will take requests :3
My other blog with my very lovely partner <3
I’m pro-endo!!
There is no template for requests just be detailed
I don’t take requests for transID’s etc all though I do support them!!
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Wisp’s intro!!
Hello!! I’m wisp a mixed origin system off 1’000+ we are collectively taken to necro <3 ( @bloodyfrills ) we use they/rot/bone/song ill do just about any request from any media as long as I can get all the info I need for it.
Tagging system
𝒢ㅤ 🎀 request accepted ᵕㅤ₊
𝒢ㅤ ⚰️ request denied ᵕㅤ₊
𝒢ㅤ 🎱 self-indulgent ᵕㅤ₊
𝒢ㅤ 🪓 talking ᵕㅤ₊
𝒢ㅤ 🎥 reblogs ᵕㅤ₊
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bearlytolerant · 4 months
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Tagging anyone who sees this and wants to share.
More from a Sea of Silt:
“You here to lecture me about not showing?” She went back to wiping the table, scooting crumbs into a pile and then cupping her hand at the edge to swipe crumbs into her palm.
“Lecture? No. I came to see if you were—well.”
She stepped closer to him and dumped the crumbs into the trash bin just under the window, and tossed the used rag into a bucket on a nearby table. “You shouldn’t worry about me.”
“But I do.” He cleared his throat. “As I care about every one of my—patients.”
“I’m not technically one of your patients,” she reminded and then waved him inside. “Come on in. I won’t bite.” She strode over to the door to flip her bakery sign as he stepped further into the room. She closed the blinds before heading behind the counter to wash her hands. “Have you eaten?”
“I have a mixed greens salad and a smoothie from Grace I could share.” She smiled as she leaned over the counter. “And bread. Of course. Though I’d have to make a fresh loaf. Have you ever made bread?”
“No,” he said, finding a seat on a stool at the counter.
“Would you like to?”
This made her light up brighter than the sun. Like the first time he’d heard her laugh. He enjoyed it more than he wanted to admit. “Okay, come around and make sure to wash your hands. Which I’m sure you’re used to doing as a doctor and all. Oh and there’s an extra apron over there, hanging next to the refrigerator. You’re probably going to need it.”
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