#building up.| lindow
sentofight · 2 months
ooc. u know l.indow in LADS verse would be hella cool? protocore poisoning and his affected arm????????? hell ye boi. he is definitely veteran hunter seen shit and this is no problem to him. it wont affect his arm. with him there is zero death my dudes. if he is deployed then you know you got 100% success rate. sits on the ground. g.od eater rise when? throws a random bone and say he might devour the wanderers or something of that line for his arm ehe~
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convxction · 1 year
ooc. i feel like chrom is the guy who is comfortable sharing things with others--not feelings, but stuff, objects, food etc. Not only because he was raised by Emmeryn to always share with those who are less fortunate, but because he is a brother. you know what i mean; you got a little sibling who will definitely look at the thing you are eating and just 'i want' or if your sibling is eating something and they toss it to you because they didnt like it so you gotta it eat. it is just funny to imagine chrom in the mass tent looking after the young shepherd. PLEASE CHROM LOOKING AFTER RICKEN. I WILL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT HOW CHROM ADORES RICKEN BUT TOTALLY KEEPS IT COOL AROUND HIM SO RICKEN DOES NOT GO WEEEE LIKE THAT TIME. GAWD RICKEN BLESS ME WHERE YOU ARE?? anyway yes. so unless you are gross eater he might help you finish your food lmao. you should not let food go to waste mhm.
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goshushin · 2 years
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Akio and Yuki (ver.GE1)
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radiojamming · 2 years
PLEASE tell us more about mummy types, i know ice is your fave so feel free to go ham on that but all of them are so interesting to me
drives up in my cozy coupe that has MUMMY MOBILE written in sharpie on the side (ALSO PLEASE EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN LOOKING THESE UP; SOME OF THEM LOOK VERY GNARLY)
ICE/PERMAFROST - If you've followed me for a little while, you probably know more about these than the average fella! These are your Beechey Island Trio, your Ötzi the Iceman. Ice keeps bacteria from turning the body into a smorgabord, thus keeping these people fresh (and fluid-filled) for hundreds to thousands of years. And maybe some day down the line, some nerd finds you and thinks you're beautiful and never shuts up about you.
THE BOG - It's Tumblr. You all know about The Bog. Bog bodies are essentially turned into leather purses by the tannins and the anaerobic qualities of The Bog, sometimes effectively snapshotting their causes of death (usually something violent). Special shoutouts to fan favorites like Tollund Man, Lindow Man/Pete Marsh, Yde Girl, Grauballe Man, and Windeby I. And Hozier, probably.
HOT, DRY DESERT AIR - Think the Atacama Desert, the Mummies of Guanajuato, or your pre-embalming times Egyptians. In fact, it was the natural qualities of desert air that probably tipped the Ancient Egyptians off to the fun and fabulousness of preservation. You dry out to potato chip crispness but lose all the wet bits. Also Anubis is probably repping you.
ARID, COLD MOUNTAIN AIR - Same idea as the desert as far as lack of humidity, but better for your skin. Mountaintop mummies are some of the best preserved in the whole world. La Doncella is a fantastic example, as are the rest of the Children of Llullaillaco or the Cherchen Man and Siberian Ice Maiden. Sometimes this was done on purpose (hi bog bodies), but sometimes people just go up to high altitudes, die, and stay there forever.
HONEY/MELLIFICATION - This one doesn't fit the bill of spontaneous mummification, which is what I study. Honey mummies are made on purpose, allegedly by feeding someone honey until they're dead, and then dunking them in a coffin full of honey for them to steep like tea for the next century or so, then digging them up and making medicine/snacks out of them. Lots of alleged's, but still pretty cool if you're into idk becoming one with the slime.
SALT - Human jerky! Salt does to you what it does to all the other edible meats, of which you're just another brand. Salt sucks all the moisture out and keeps you nice, fresh, and flavorful forever and ever. The Saltmen of Iran are Thee Pinnacle of this type of preservation. Bonus is that you get weirdly sparkly when you're salted like a slug.
SAPONIFICATION - You become soap. Actually, if you want to get technical, you turn into what's called corpse wax (which is a surprisingly badass name for turning into a human candle) or adipocere. Mrs. Ellenbogen of the Mütter Museum is probably the best example of this, but it also happens to, uh, cave divers. Which is another great reason not to go cave diving.
PRISTINE AIR OF A SACRED BUILDING - Catacomb mummies! Incorruptible saints! Sokushinbutsu! If you're stuck in a religious house of worship and it just so happens to have its own little ecosystem (usually pretty dry, probably full of resinous incense), there's a non-zero chance that you'll get preserved very similarly to the mountain mummies. Getting stuck in a crystal casket doesn't hurt either. (Disclaimer: this is semi-anthropogenic for those keeping score at home. Some of these mummies are preserved this way on purpose.)
TAR PITS - Like the bog, but hotter, stickier, and smellier. Go in the tar, have no oxygen causing you to fall apart, turn into another leather bag time capsule. This more often happens to animals like those in the La Brea Tar Pits than people. At least that we know of.
WEIRD, AS OF YET UNKNOWN MEANS - Can we say for sure that there was only one reason why Lady Dai/Xin Zhui's stayed so preserved for so long? What about the other wet mummies? What about ones people find in trees? Or whatever the hell was going on with Elmer McCurdy? Maybe it's not unknown, but it doesn't fit the bill of typical mummies, or there are so many factors at play leading to preservation that we can't just call it by one category.
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dailydemonspotlight · 4 months
Hresvelgr - Day 37
Race: Wilder
Alignment: Dark-Law
May 13th, 2024
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Norse mythology has no shortage of giants making up its ranks, immensely powerful creatures called Jötunn that wreak havoc and devour the earth below, only matched in strength by the gods themselves. The Jötunn, descended from the primordial god Ymir, whose body was used to create the human realm of Midgard, live almost entirely within their own realm separate from both Midgard and Asgard, a frozen-over world called Jötunheimr (or Útgarðr depending on the source) that is as desolate as it is deadly. The Jötunn weren't quite as malevolent as they were representative of chaos itself, and many friendly Jötunn actually existed as well- one of those being the demon of the day, Hresvelgr, the cold winds of heaven's end.
Depictions of Hresvelgr are scant, only showing in a few stanzas of Vafþrúðnismál, wherein Odin spoke with the wise elder Jötunn, Vafþrúðnir, about the origin of the winds of the world. He would provide Odin with a simple, short answer, explaining the following.
"He is called Hræsvelg, who sits at heaven’s end, a giant, in the shape of an eagle; from his wings they say the wind comes over all people." - Translation by J. Lindow, 2002.
This excerpt would later be paraphrased in the Prose Edda, everyone's favorite piece of christianized literature, where it would be effectively repeated in the Gylfaginning section, albeit asked by a different character, that being the disguised Gylfi to the jötunn Hárr. As the story goes, the giant provides the winds to the worlds throughout Yggdrasil through the flapping of its wings. Whether the giant simply is an eagle or takes the form of one is unclear, as this great bird appears only briefly throughout the few sources we have on Norse mythology. The name's meaning as well is vague, having two meanings pertaining to his role- 'corpse-swallower' and 'shipwreck-current.'
Due to this, we can see Hresvelgr as a literal force of nature- the winds he whips up aren't malevolent, but will happily swallow people in storms and destroy their ships if they're not careful. However, wind can also bring joy- it guides ships, lets people know when a storm is brewing, and can even let people play in it if they're astute enough to build kites or the like. It's due to this that we can see, in force, the duality of the jötunn- they are not evil, not good, but simply neither, bringers of natural events that spell disaster and fortune in equal droves.
In SMT, Hresvelgr's specialty in wind skills is almost comedically obvious, a late game magic attacker who whips up hurricanes to attack his foes. The main thing I'd like to talk about, however, is his design- while appearing on the surface as a simple eagle, the detail of screaming faces under his wing paint a grim picture of the devastation that a tornado can bring, while the white, in contrast, represents the simple pleasure of a windy day.
Overall, in spite of the lack of mythology regarding this bird of prey, Hresvelgr is a fascinating and fun demon to look at, use, and analyze, and certainly deserves to be a demon of the day.
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How aware do you think the kids are of their father, uncles and aunt’s childhood? I can see both it being an unspoken thing, but then a drunk Rhys or Arthur occasionally letting something slip. And would they ever talk about their mother?
I think stories from what Arthur considers his halycon childhood between the 1st and 4th century C.E have slipped through. Even with the Roman invasion and the displacements it caused and Boudicca's revolt that literally scorched themselves into a layer of ash still visible today in English archaeology, he remembers being relatively protected and high status both in the Roman world and in the British. Britain under the Roman empire wasn't the most important place in the empire but there were a lot of natural resources the British exploited, and conflict along the borders of northern England and southern Scotland made and unmade several emperors, with at least one being crowned in England iirc. Eirian was forced to negotiate with Lucius (a tentative name for Rome) about Rhys and Arthur but she did keep all four of them close. So Arthur remembers her and references her most when doing human activities done even in a modified sense, since the dawn of time. Things like spinning weaving and ship building he learned at her hand even if his memories of that are kind of bundled into Brighid too. The first apple crop after the Romans introduced them to England, the emptying of the beehives for winter storage, being taught to draw his bow against his cheek and shoot straight. Being scolded for running off without his cloak because he was a high energy ambitious little shit who never thought things through. Those things and the mentions or her make it into his children's lives.
They're less aware of who Eirian was as a person because Arthur especially looks at his earliest years under her guiding hand with rose coloured glasses so thick he's looking at anything pre 500s like this. But they are aware of her existence.
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He leaves out the headhunting or maybe not really human sacrifice (the mine level amount of salt I have with the popular interpretation of Lindow man is kind of insane.) He leaves out executions and exile, torture and terror. Eirian loved her children in the way Boudicca did. The kind of love that leaves scorch marks in the earth for millennia. Her death was 1000 years before any of Alfred's generation came into being but considering that craters leave marks millions of years later, she's a presence.
It is a lot of So much of what we consider "Celtic" today is a result of the Celtic revival of the 19th century. Most profoundly in Ireland, but also to a fairly wide extent in Scotland, Wales and surprisingly for me who studied the lionization of the Anglo-Saxons by the British empire, England as well. So Eirian was a shadowy but present figure. The diaspora in the U.S. Canada, Australia and NZ often being referred too as Anglo-celtic gives me brain rot. This perception of her as viewed by children, particularly Arthur, something still concrete and visible. A lot of who Eirian was surrounded this lot as they're growing up. Just in Arthur's Manor house I think there are post holes from roundhouses, reused Romano-British masonry in the first floor, Viking age bodies in the back garden. At least one statue of her that either survived when the anglos saxons reused old Roman and British villas or that was uncovered in church foundations or even an actual pig sty (this actually happens) is around the house.
Also... There's one headcanon I've had for a very long time where he always waits for them to wake up and start breathing again if it happens around him. Sitting vigil through a long night, turning the other way when Matt outright leaves to go check on Alfred and watching him carefully for answers when he returns. He searched Matt's face for what news, what despair, what relief marked his expression when he returned from tugging Alfred's corpse from the piles of dead at Antietam. And that, I think, stems from Brittania's death. When the sun went dark in the sky and pestilence followed hot on the heels of famine and their mother did not wake. Not that last time however it happened. And that may be burned into their perception of their own deaths.
Tldr: God I'm never going to recover from the brain rot that one asinine piece of dialogue from the dub gave me.
Matt: "My Grandma taught me the true power of the maple leaf!"
Alfred: "Your Grandma sounds hot!"
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abishek-practice2 · 5 months
The Power of Myth: Exploring the Cultural Significance of VALHERAO
In making games, telling stories is important. It lets me talk about big ideas and important things happening in the world. In this blog, I'll talk about why VALHERAO, a cool 3D village, is important. It's based on Norse stories, but it also says a lot about what's happening in the world today and what it means to be part of a culture. Let's see how VALHERAO talks about these big ideas and helps people think about who they are and what's going on around them.
Norse Mythology and Contemporary Parallels:
In VALHERAO, I use Norse stories to tell a big, exciting story. It's a story that talks about things like being strong when times are tough, giving up things for others, and the fight between good and bad. Through the story of Vali and Grannus, players have to think about what's fair, what power means, and what happens when we do things. These are big ideas that are still important in our world today.
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Cultural Expression and Identity Formation:
In VALHERAO, I use Norse stories and culture to make a really interesting world. Everything in the environment, like the buildings, symbols, and the way people do things, shows what Norse culture is about. By seeing VALHERAO, people can feel like they're part of Norse culture and learn more about it. It's a fun way to explore and be proud of where you come from.
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Social Commentary and Reflection:
In VALHERAO, I want viewers to think about more than just the story. I want them to think about the big ideas too. When they see how characters act and what happens because of their choices, I hope they start thinking about things like who has power, what makes a good leader, and what it means to be a hero. watching VALHERAO can help people understand these ideas better and think about what they believe in.
By using Norse stories and talking about big ideas, VALHERAO is a chance for viewers to think about things that matter. When viewers explore VALHERAO, they'll see how myths can still teach us and make us think, no matter where we are. Come join me in VALHERAO, where you can learn about yourself and have a great time doing it!
Reference list
Larrington, C. (2023). Why Old Norse Myths Endure in Popular Culture. [online] www.english.ox.ac.uk. Available at: https://www.english.ox.ac.uk/article/why-old-norse-myths-endure-in-popular-culture.
Lindow, J. (2002). Norse Mythology: a Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs. [online] Google Books. Oxford University Press. Available at: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=KlT7tv3eMSwC&printsec=frontcover&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false.
Manea, I.-M. (2016). Norse Myth and Identity in Swedish Viking Metal: Imagining Heritage and a Leisure Community. Sociology and Anthropology, 4(2), pp.82–91. doi:https://doi.org/10.13189/sa.2016.040205.
thehistorianjournal (2019). How Has Norse Mythology Been Interpreted to Fit Differing modern-day worldviews? [online] The Historian. Available at: https://thehistorianjournal.wordpress.com/2019/01/21/how-has-norse-mythology-been-interpreted-to-fit-differing-modern-day-worldviews/.
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ashfordlabs · 2 years
Constellation Asks; Hydra and Lupus
constellation asks!
thank you for the ask!!
hydra: tell us why you love your project. ─ oh, it would definitely be writing the characters. if i’m being honest, one of the first things i plan out after a basic plot, are the characters and their relationships with each other, so i spend probably far too much time going through it all to ensure that everyone fits and they’re important that cutting any of them out would put massive holes into the plot. like, with my time loop wip i’m slowly planning, do i know what’s going on a killing spree that’s causing august to constantly relive the night until she can save everyone? no, but i could absolutely tell you the one fact that i have about each of them because that’s the most i’ve planned of that wip.
lupus: have you abandoned other WIPs? Tell us about some and why you abandoned them? ─ i have two abandoned wips that i made intros for on here and eventually just allowed them to fade from existence. but i do love to talk about them even if i don’t plan on writing them.
lindower academy for boys ─ this was meant to be a dark academia mystery wip, in which kaito atari had been expelled a week before his final year of high school because he had been blamed for burning down his high school’s science block. the fact managing to be swept under the rug due to his parents throwing a large amount of money at the problem and transferring him to lindower academy for boys which was the same school in which his older brother attended before his death at said school. it had a secret society that kaito would join to basically be a spy due to his friends and his own curiosity, and eventually it would be discovered that the secret society was just a bunch of dudes protecting the founder of the school’s image and hiding the truth of the death of the lindower family and anastasia lindower’s involvement. part 2 was going to be anastasia’s story while part 3, cannot remember anything about outside of shit going down and kaito being involved in yet another fire.
i abandoned this wip because i got massive writer’s block and moved onto cursed bodies, but also i was like seventeen or eighteen when i came up with the idea and reached a point where i felt weird about writing teenagers that are front and center in this way.
wonderous hearts ─ wondrous hearts was my fantasy wip that despite me posting a wip intro had just fucking plot outside of a princess falling in love with her bodyguard while her brother was off having sexual tension with a shapeshifter that the court believed was evil because he had no limitations to his shapeshifting powers whereas most other shapeshifters could only shift into one animal. both relationships were very much ‘we shouldn’t be doing this’ except iris and percy’s was more percy at risk of having her title stripped from her if it was found out she was sleeping with the princess she was meant to protect while thorn and wilbur just hated each other but had too much sexual tension. i honestly had no real plot planned out outside of iris and thorn doing everything against their duty as royals and percy as iris’ bodyguard, had heaps of lore behind the magic system.
but what caused me to just give this wip up, wasn’t a lack of plot because that was just boiled down to just me not having gotten there, but it was the world building. i struggle with world building which is why i stick with not writing fantasy, and there was a point where i tried to give it a more urban fantasy setting but it didn’t work.
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sentofighta · 4 years
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Also, how did Lindow feel about Tsubaki retiring as a God Eater ?
@psychcdelica big sister <3
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A little bit sad that his sister leaving the battlefield--someone who trusts fully to have his back but he did not mind or stopped in her way. If she was okay with then he has no say in the matter. Plus, she is the older sibling and one way or another, she will do what she wants. 
But yes, you could say he didn’t care that much. She may not be on the battlefield but she is still assisting him in the command room. Not gonna lie, he was slightly relieved that she is away from harm’s way but he wouldn’t admit that out loud or she will definitely hit him and cause him concussion. nope thanks.
i honestly dont know why tsubaki retired but whatever the reason, lindow is always 100% supporting her. 
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yellowcrumpet · 3 years
You know what i just realised? Something that just entered my head and i can’t stop thinking about?
What the fuck did Lindow eat while he was MIA?
I can’t imagine food was easily accessible or in plenty of supply (considering Aragami are eating absolutely everything) while he was out of commission, missing and thought to be dead. We know Shio was with him for a short amount of time, probably helping keep him fed. But what did she feed him? Did she know he needed edible food? Or did she give him random things that looked like food to her and he just....ate it? 
What did he eat when Shio was at the Far East?
We saw him killing Aragami even as he was suffering the effects of losing his armlet, mindlessly walking around in pain in flashbacks we see when we temporarily take up his recovered God Arc as a last ditch option.
Was he just killing Aragami for no reason?
Did he eat them?
And then when it had gotten to the point Lindow was walking around as an Aragami himself, a Hannibal, was he able to eat just about anything? We know Aragami can eat anything they put in their mouths. Did that extend to Lindow too? Was he able to digest anything he put in his stomach while he was becoming an Aragami? If he didn’t eat Aragami while he was still human, did he go around eating them as a Hannibal until we saved and brought him back to his human state?
Is Lindow the only God Eater that knows what it’s like to eat concrete? Buildings? Things that are generally not edible to people? Is he the only one who knows what Aragami taste like? What did he survive off of until he was rescued?
Lindow i need answers.
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zmwrites · 4 years
Tag: Word Find LXXIII
This is a tag back from the wonderful @cirianne!! Thank you very much! Gave me the words dark(ness), hunt(er), image and glass.
These will be taken from Open Seas.
“Slavers? Is that what they are?” Tess asked, suddenly feeling lightheaded.
[Dorian] gave her a strange look. “Did you think this was just a surprise cruise across the sea?”
“Well, no, but slavery is… is bad.” She closed her eyes, cursing her mind for leaving her with no better word. Her face warmed with mortification, amplified by Petra’s snort, and she hoped the darkness hid the colour in her cheeks.
“How do you know how to load and fire a gun?” Dorian inquired.
“I had to learn for hunting parties. I don’t enjoy the actual hunting, but I like challenging myself to load the muskets as fast as I can.”
“What’s your record?”
“I can load the muskets I’m familiar with in about twenty seconds,” she answered. “Not at the start of the day, but by the end.”
He whistled. “Shit.”
“Combined with your excellent timing for distractions when pickpocketing, and the fact that you already adhere to our number one rule, you have all the makings of an excellent pirate,” Petra said.
[Barros] roughly grabbed her chin and tilted her face up to his, thumb digging painfully into her lower lip. Her heart stuttered in her chest. Just as it had in Ayrith, terror had frozen her limbs, made them leaden and unmovable. She knew she should scream, should fight back, should run, but all she could do was stare. No. She couldn’t give up now. She had to get home. An image formed of her home in Lindow, the rolling fields leading to the open ocean, the white sails of ships dotting the waves. That was her goal; that was what she had to reach for.
A footman opened the door and placed a stool under her door, then helped her down to the road. She smiled up at the facade of the building, the white stone glimmering under the midday sun. The windows were open, and the curtains were fluttering behind the panes of glass. Faint piano music floated from the main level. Home. Or, her home for the spring and summer. During the autumn and winter, she lived at her family estate just outside of Lindow, the next major city down the coast. It had a more robust shipping port, which her father needed access to for his work. Ayrith’s harbour was too shallow for the larger ships during all but the highest of tides.
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Only one snippet with Barros this time, thankfully. He is the worst.
I tag @letswritestories101, @stuffaboutwriting​, @literary-lavender​, and anyone else who wants to play! Your words are soft, miss, scrub, and date. As always, no pressure!
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sentofight · 1 year
ooc. every time i remember Ren, Lindow's God Arc picked the name 'Ren' from part of Lindow's name--JP is written as RENDOU and my heart just weeps silently. Sakuya calling for the two 'RenRen!' and the two appear like cute puppies...end me. ugly sobbing.
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poetrex · 4 years
Other Signs of Heart Attack in Women:
1. She splits at the hip like a babushka doll—suffocating husk of every sister self inside: daughter of the daughter of how many women made her spilling empty guts; behind each woman a great woman and so on, breathing dust in the lungs of sunlight. She wills herself solid, or full of something not already vessel to another restless air. 2. A winded creature stalks her sawgrass voice beyond the force of naming—none fathom her rites nor fan her rage beneath the shade of tall palms. Thundering at evenstar where shoreline razes gold in wet horizon all her hidden verticality, she scoops a mountain out of sky and crowns herself high priestess of the floodplain. 3. There is no blood on her hands. There is blood on her teeth and in other places but there is none on her hands. She tracks her shoulders drawing back as from a third person—mirror-eyes see other arms smear menses at the mausoleum door and make some favourable comparison to fruit or flowers: a meatless rib and the knives of her station. She covers her mouth when she coughs. There is no blood on her hands. It is not for lack of bleeding. 4. She sleeps in coal and rises ashen; waking mare-trod, hag-beridden, she brings up grave goods: bog-preserved garroted bodies; Lindow Woman, other grim statistics (if a victim, her attacker is well known to her). She carries sacred tools inside a coffin—torch and shovel for some queen-of-queens or underworld goddess: of the slain; of the drowned; of the burned; (Other Signs of Heart Attack in Women:). Claims to ride a cloud with Joan of Arc and Freya’s Valkyries; proposes blue-faced Hel to be the better half of wormshit (neck, jaw, shoulder, upper back or stomach pain; pain in one or both arms; trouble breathing; indigestion; nausea or vomiting; sweating; dizziness; fatigue; …). 5. She is thrust again into a body of these other bodies; grain runs down the clouded hourglass of night and through her fingers and she beats herself up for the mess it leaves the floor. But she will no more be a house—every door flings open down the hallway of her closed eyes, disgorging fire all eight corners of the sky. Feels the crackling breeze of heaven shudder in her shoulders, ring her spine with shivers of impending doom—that cliché dream again: the angel with the bell and blood-soaked wings. She falls into the void—and even here, there is the blackest wall; she cannot see a space without them. 6. She hacks her way through hedgerow where the fiddles play, and there remains a while. No garden maze will hide the chalice she has crossed this desert for: once, it was an ocean of saltwater; once, that hollow hunger. Here, at last, the flood and now the lanterns call from that far shore—oh, sweetwater isn’t deep! the currents slow; we wait for you to cross. It is not her time to go. 7. The sickle moon waxes once again and ancient throats speak starlight from the boat of heaven. She folds her hands in clay and fears no death. It is not for lack of dying. * * * October 2020. The line "How many woman made you?" appears twice in 'The Chained Beast' (for Virginia Woolf, and others) from Tintype by Elizabeth Brady (Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1977) The line “menses at the mausoleum door” is inspired by Lorde’s comments on writing about adolescence in A NOTE FROM THE DESK OF A NEWBORN ADULT: I was 16 when most of us met. Can you believe it? I laugh thinking about that me now - that glossy idiot god, princess of her childhood streets, handmade and ugly and sure of herself. All my life I’ve been obsessed with adolescence, drunk on it. Even when I was little, I knew that teenagers sparkled. I knew they knew something children didn’t know, and adults ended up forgetting. Since 13 I’ve spent my life building this giant teenage museum, mausoleum maybe, dutifully wolfishly writing every moment down, and repeating it all back like folklore. And now there isn’t any more of it. Paragraph 6 is inspired by listening to every recording I could find of Sandy Denny’s ‘Like An Old Fashioned Waltz’ on repeat for like at least a week straight. Finally, thanks to @smakkabagms for the prompt: ‘I, Enheduanna’, and thanks to the earliest known poet to have signed her work.
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morgan-diablood · 4 years
Phoenix: Rise From The Ashes | Chapter 2 – Opening Repertoire | A Hellsing Fanfic
I’m so sorry for the long wait, and for my recent silence. I’ve found myself in a bit of a rut lately, both creatively and mentally. But I’ve been feeling better lately, and I’m also getting back into the usual flow of my writing, so I’m very happy to present the next chapter!
Words: 5,400
Trigger warning: Blood, gore, mention of a child’s murder
Full Chapter Here
“There is a suspected vampire den in Lindow.”
Alucard could see the aforementioned village from the hill he stood on. It was a peaceful fishing town nested in the hills of the England coast. A place where the aroma of seafoam — with the faintest trace of fish, scarcely noticeable so far from the docks — permeated the chilly September air. The area had gone deathly silent with the dusk, and the moon was barely visible, just an ivory sickle pinned to the cloudy indigo expanse.
Turning away from the sky, Alucard instead cast his gaze at the building. The towering steeple in front and the cross resting atop its spire told him that it had been a church in the past, though its belfry hadn’t been rung in many a decade. The once grand redbrick cathedral now lay crumbling and timeworn, with ropey ivy crawling up its weather-beaten walls, like bony fingers of sage that begged to be able to reach into the heavens. The identity of the domicile mattered not however; it was no different than the gutted others of its ilk.
The freaks almost always chose the empty ones. They were the easiest to infiltrate, after all. A vacated building of any kind was the perfect place to hunker down and not be detected for days or weeks, perhaps even months if you played your cards right.
Easy. Low-effort.
Alucard remembered the last conversation he’d had with his Master, just a few hours beforehand, clearly…
A set of photos were placed across the polished mahogany surface with practiced care, and Integra tapped them. “There have been thirteen victims thus far in the Lincolnshire county, including an SIO when an investigation team was called in. The case has been handed over to us to take care of.”
Propping himself against the desk with his hand, Alucard studied the images, undaunted by snapshots of blood and desecrated bodies surrounded by evidence markers. Most of the victims appeared to have been women. In one picture, a child’s decapitated head had been placed on a dinner table like a morbid centerpiece, and he could even see her pink hair ribbons, soaked sanguine with gore, still tied in the girl’s pigtails.
How disgraceful.
To Alucard, killing was an art. The actions of these fools were equivalent to a toddler defacing the Mona Lisa with a crayon.
“You know what to do.” Integra continued. “These monsters have stolen innocent lives. Women, children, even a member of our police force.” as if to emphasize this, her gloved finger came down on a photo of a woman dead in an alley with a clear thunk.
“Search and destroy. Leave no midian you find alive.”
His vibrant red coat fluttered about Alucard’s ankles, almost in the manner of a cape, as he swept up the low staircase and toward the doors. Its white paint had been for the most part chipped away, leaving the wood, warped and knotting with age, underneath to lay bare.
As the doors slammed closed behind him, the resulting bang echoed through the hallways with the finality of a gunshot, and Alucard readied both of his guns with a grin.
It was time to play.
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Hi! Not gonna lie, I've always been somewhat intimidated by the fact that quite a lot of people in the MCU Thor fandom know enough about Norse mythology to incorporate it into their fanfiction. Lately I'd thought up of a new fic idea, but I really don't know enough about Norse mythology to write it well. Do you know any resources (websites, books etc)? I've seen a lot of your blog posts regarding mythology Loki
Hi :)
First of all, since Marvel took such liberties with their adaption (for example making Loki Odin’s son), I wouldn’t worry so much about the details, you will probably have to bend some facts to make it work anyway (depending on what your fic idea is)
It also depends how deep you want to dive into it and what you need for your fic. If you want to get a quick overview over the stories and the gods in them, Norse-Mythology.org is a good source or you can look into Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology. It’s obviously written with some comedic intent, but he doesn’t take too much liberty with the content of the stories and you get to know the different gods and goddesses in a fun afternoon read. (Also it doesn’t take the high road of trying to sound Shakespearian or something like some of the 19th century Eddas) If you want to, I can also message you a .pdf of John Lindow’s guide to Norse mythology - you can basically look up every god or object or place in Norse mythology in it like in an encyclopedia and he also summarises poems and sagas and what they are about.
I definitely recommend the videos by Jackson Crawford, he’s an expert, his videos are great and he has a hat. He also talks on a lot of different topic and gets in very deep, so you can look for the things you would like to explore.
Personal recommendation from me: You can also look into some historical things about Old Norse cultures for example in Iceland and especially into cultural things and everyday life to make your world-building more authentic. For example you can look at games that they used to play, laws and how they work, specific traditions or rituals or even idioms and see if you can adapt them for your work. I have a .pdf version a book by Jenny Jochens on the lives of women in old norse society which also covers a lot of other aspects (such as drinking culture, legislation etc.) that I can get you if you want.But as I said, if you want to write about in a Marvel context, you will have to take some liberties so personally I wouldn’t become too worries about getting something ‘wrong’. :)There are also some Old Norse dictionaries available online if you want to look for words or translations (remember though to look up the plural vs. singular forms, it’s very different from English)(which is just me nit-picking).I hope this helps for the start!
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citrinekay · 4 years
Okay, I finally had time to sit down and read the newest chapter of the golden boys and let me say: it was SO good. I might ramble in this so bear with me. I was wondering when we would dive a little in Holden's past and boy, you did not disappoint. In most MH fics Holden is usually very confident in his sexuality so to see the opposite was an interesting change of pace. And the interactions between Bill and Sunny? Intense as hell.
(Cont) I loved that Holden could read Bill instantly when Sunny showed up. When Holden challenged Bill about his compassion towards Sunny and Bill immediately grew angry, I could physically feel the tension in the room. And I KNEW Holden was going to suggest himself as bait the second all the cops backed out of being the mole. Bill's protective mode reared its head the second he realized what was going on. I'm soo interested to see where you take the story from here!! Fantastic job!
Thank you so much! I’m really excited that we’re now getting deeper into the chapters where more of the meat of the plot happens, and the interactions/ tension among all of the characters and their varying secrets and motivations grow more intense. Getting into both of their backstories for this fic was something I was very eager to do, but I also was a little nervous about if it would come across as organic to canon or not. I’m happy to see that everyone is enjoying what I’ve come up with so far! I’ve done a lot of Holden being accepting of his sexuality - and promiscuous with it at times ;) lol but both of them repressing/ questioning their sexuality is a foundation of this story. There’s meant to be an obvious parallel between the way people perceive the victims (out gay men who they think are degenerates) and the way they perceive their coworkers, bosses, and people who they assume are heterosexual. As seen with Andrew Lindower and the media discovering his sexuality, that opinion can change in a heartbeat. Bill and Holden are both caught between these two views in this case - seeing themselves on the police’s side of things and then also on the victims’ side of things. As far as Holden going undercover, I was pretty sure that plotline was going to be obvious from the beginning, but I did try to build up to it haha Can’t wait to share the next chapter where [spoiler alert] things get *even more* intense 👀👀👀 Thanks again! I’m so so happy people are loving this fic as much as I do 💕
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