alexc1ting · 3 years
My bf is being bullied.
I tried to comfort him and make him relax but he’s very upset. He said “Feeling hated by people that you used to loves it's like a nightmare”.
Nobody should ever feel like that.
He’s gonna be fine. He’s got me and so many people that love and appreciate him. But I also think about those who are more fragile and alone, and how being bullied can be devastating for them. Please stay strong, find someone to talk to and ask for help. You might feel like everyone hates you but it’s what bullies want you to believe. It is false. You are valid and lovable.
To those beings who don’t have a life so they live to bring pain to others: aren’t you ashamed of yourself? I feel pity for your misery. Put yourself together. It’s never too late to become a better person and give a reason to your useless existence on the planet.
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davidegenco · 7 years
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The Thirteen Reasons Why weird equation.
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ok, Patty Bladelle were a psycho, but Insatiable taught us to respect lgbt people, do not be racist, ask for help, what sexual assault is, what feminism is, that bullysm is wrong to use sexual protections, adoption abd inclusion. I mean, it's a great serie.
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So, let's talk about it, you two little troll cave, shall we?
You know me very well, I assume,... you've summoned me from ancient times, so you know WHO I AM, don't you?
You know who I am, you know my powers, my heritage... nonetheless all of you've showed is been bullysm, disrespect. You have mocked me, pushed me back, dismiss my powers, belittle my being; pictured me as a whiny, tricky, jealous, greedy, hysterical youngest brother, a drunk slut who prostitute himself to an old, perverted man from another planet. An idiotic parody of myself, put in there just for entertainment, giggles, bad jokes...or in order to enhance the main hero, your precious blonde boy.
You forced me to silence my voice many times and in many ways. Until the final cowardy act, my death. Oh, don't worry... I'm not angry for that.
I am a God, you silly creatures, I live forever. I laugh at your pathetic attempt to cut me off this way.
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What you've done it's only a bad story with a poor writing... nothing of what you've showed is merely near to the truth. My truth, you little cave trolls,...but apparently you're too lazy to handle me, to approach me in the right way. The very God of Mischief you have called for.
The thing that makes me furious about is your tone towards people.
The people who cares for me. People who believe in your cruel, sadistic scene. Kids, young girls, boys, women who've mourned me, sensitive people who's been forced to look into the graphic horror of my supposed death. Mercilessly. You abused their dedication, their love, their trust, and forced them to look straight into my panicked eyes while that purple raisin grabs me.
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And I'm so raging for this. I'M RAGING FOR PEOPLE. Their tears tastes sweet, you say? Oh, as sweet as the money they bring to you? Is this the way to respect people who trust your job, little trolls? Is this the care they deserve from you? Would their tears be less sweet if it weren't for me, Loki? Is the fact they mourn me that frustrate you, isn't it? I shouldn't be mourned. I shouldn't be loved. I shouldn't be cared.
But I am the God of Mischief, little trolls, it's my job to mess up plans. And I did it.
You mocked other people tears and pain. You laughed at people's sorrow. But the people you mocked and laugh at, are MY PEOPLE. MY ARMY.
You cannot be able to tame them. To silence them. You can't forced them to bow their head in acceptance, like trembling servants. MY ARMY AREN'T SERVANTS. And they will never be stopped.
So please, go on. Mock us whenever and wherever you want. None of us will be stopped. My Army will live, knowing that i can't be killed, I assure you that. They always stand up for me, they scream my name, they fight for me.
And your tears of frustration for not to being able to rid off of me are SWEETEST more than anything else.
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*snuggling closer* anytime
wanna talk? *drawing circles on your back* -Your Ran
Nope it was a massive discussion with teachers about bullysm and somehow they wanted to kill me *sigh* but since I slept now there's something I want to do *smile caressing your cheek* unless you need this hug as much as me
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cliffneptunemusic · 4 years
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Share the song GET UP and add your line: F***_______ THIS IS THE MOMENT F*** Racism F*** Domestic Violence F*** Cancer F*** Bullysm F*** Corona Virus F*** what they say!! Rise up! 🙏🏼 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° #getugetup #riseup #noracism #nodomesticviolence #fuckcancer #nobullying #fuckcorona #fuckwhattheysay https://www.instagram.com/p/CC868ExDnoA/?igshid=17yrc1z3o0e3v
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roadtorisveglio · 5 years
How has the Internet impacted us?
-Simon Lindgren-
There is no doubt that the world has changed because of technology, in fact Simon Lindgren explores the effect of technology in society in his chapter “Digital Society”. He explores technological determinism, which is the view that technology is able to change society and human behavior. He begins by analyzing bits of the internet history and what its previous expectations were. For example, the internet was born for just a few people who could access it and wasn’t completely open for everyone. With time it began to open up for anyone and not just people who worked in technology. The internet was born with the idea of it being a cyberspace in mind, meaning a metaphysical place for communities were expression was encouraged and censorship non-existent. After this initial boom, the internet began changing to become more user-friendly and became more well known. This led to the creation of Web 2.0 which requires user participation for its survival.
Going back to technological determinism, this view fits both the cyber optimistic and pessimistic perception, as both groups acknowledge that technology can affect society either in a positive or a negative way. This is deeply connected to the fallacy of internet-centrism which refers to the belief (or more accurately the exaggeration) that the internet can change society in radical manners, regardless of the situation. Even though, this fallacy considers the internet stronger than it probably is, it is true that society has been shaped in both positive and negative ways since the development of the internet. This contrasting effect is referred to as a digital divide, which explains how for some the internet is a great thing while for others its an instrument for evil. For example, the internet was seen as a place for freedom of expression and a tool for democracy. Nicholas Negroponte, a cyber optimistic and technological determinist, argued that the internet and technology could be used as a tool to create communities and bring people closer. Similarly, collaboration would have been able to replace competition. He thought that access, mobility, ability to affect change, were the three elements necessary for success. In this positive view technology gave people a voice and made their opinions relevant.
Contrary to this, cyber pessimistic worried about the negative impact technology had on society. For example, Neil Postman wrote “Technopoly”, where he argued how technology was a threat to culture. He thought the media was an extension of us, and that it could take over and replace our appreciation for culture. Moreover, Postman was worried that technology could replace ethics and morality as it was to focused on consumption.The author raises Jodi Dean’s idea of communicative capitalism which explains how through the web the message loses its value since the only important thing is its circulation. Apart from media theories, nowadays, some of the negative aspects to the internet are linked to states. This occurs since authoritarian governments use the internet to censor and tighten their control. Furthermore, the internet is not as liberal as it seems as it continues to be controlled by hegemonic giants who decide what to keep posted and what goes deleted. There is only so much freedom to the internet.
The chapter also proposes a third point of view which is a midpoint between the two mentioned previously. This view understands that the internet is mainly situational. It emphasizes how context and motivation play a bigger role on the effects of technology instead of technology itself. There are thousands of factors that affect the users and how their experience with the internet is. Since the internet is so politicized, factors such as race, class, identity, economic situation, geographical location in between other can deeply influence your experience. Therefore, a midpoint is proposed by the author as he explains that that the internet is a tool and not an agent. Consequently, its effect can be good or bad depending on how you use it. As mentioned previously, why and in what context you use the internet will define your experience.
Nowadays we see several examples on how the internet is used for positive purposes as well as for negative ends. It allows users the freedom to use it as they please. The Google Chrome new campaign provides great examples on how you can use the web for positive reasons, and indeed the motto of their campaign is “The web is what you make of it”. For many, the internet is a place where they can get information and use it for educational purposes. You can even get a college degree online as use the internet for personal development. Also, many charities and fundraisers are based on the internet and work through the web. Others use it for social purposes and to stay close to their loved ones. However, the internet has also been used to spread violent messages and racism. Social media has been used for bullysm or body shaming rather than for community services. In my opinion, we as users need to understand that the internet is neither good or bad as it depends fully on your intentions
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i think that stella's character in general plays a lot on the trope of change: we know that in her childhood she was very lively and loud but her spirits got broken a little by the bullysm she'd be subject of , and there she already changed a bit into the well mannered and quiet kid people expected her to be as future queen and all that jazz.
as a teenage we know that stella is quiet and broody , but still has moments where the high walls she's built around her crack a little and she acts like any 17yo girl , wanting to have girls talk with the winx , opening up about her family et similia.
i think stella is quite confident in the person & personality she's built through the years because despite being quite abrasive at times she's still able to recognise she's wrong and correct her behaviour. so yeah , i wouldn't say there's something in particular , maybe it's more of a very bumpy road to be more mature but not losing her light in the process.
@visitortm  /   is there something about their personality they want to change?
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bangzchan · 7 years
viki. a difficult question (well, difficult for me). a person who has yelled at me (per email, YELLED, but it's the same) has made a mistake w the whole thing. should I yell back? or snarl? Or just answer politely and ignore their rudeness? I was very hurt by the yelling. i hate yelling. it makes me v uncomfortable (i have ptsd because of bullysm). I don't want to create more silly drama, but i want to protect myself. disclaimer: i never talked to this person, just emailed. what would you do?
ugh sorry:/ but well,, i’d either answer politely and be a lil sarcastic or just, ignore them.. but idk what your relationship is with them??
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alexc1ting · 3 years
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s-spooks · 10 years
>You say something ironic and technically pacific for protecting yourself and your friends for doing something against your decision >They start to bully you and say bad things because YES You are one of the smarty ones so "HEY WE CAN INSULT HER AND SAY THINGS THAT ARE NOT TRUE!!" >you continue to be pacific and only answer with short senteces >"OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU SAYIN'!??!?!!? WE'RE GOING TO THE GERMAN TEACHER AND SHOW HER EVERYTHING " W H A T  T H E  F U C K  GUYS  ARE YOU CRAZY? THE GERMAN TEACHER??! SERIOUSLY?!? YOU INSULT MY FAMILY AND ME, SAY THAT ALL OF YOU ARE GOING TO  BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ME AND STILL HAVE THE COURAGE TO SAY THAT YOU ARE RIGHT? OH FOR GOD'S SAKE IN WHAT KIND OF ZOO I LIVE kikelsa-echteliebe I HAVE NO WORDS
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ladythrandy · 10 years
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tenitchyfingers · 11 years
I've listened to Brave by Sara Bareilles for like an hours straight to the gym and now I have so many feels because listening to songs about victims of bullysm/harassment brings back so many bad memories and just ugh rn i wanna like join an association to fight bullysm or smth to prevent other people to go through all the shit I did
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