#bummy bear
rosekisspeach · 4 months
TAROT READING//Taem's view on mingkey relationship
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Date: 31/Jan/2024 Marker: Taem's Songs Deck of Cards: Sefirot The Spheres of Heaven Tarot (Marseille, Kabbalistic teachings, and esoteric wisdom)
Notes Upfront:
I don't ask my cards questions that I already have answers;
I don't prey on information I should not know;
I respect their personal lives and;
This is for FUN ONLY.
✦ This reading is requested by/uploaded due to the asking of reader tk (AO3). You can ask me for other tarot reading, or discuss mingkey with me on AO3/twitter/tumblr✦
The deck I use to channel taem is the sefirot spheres of heaven tarot, which is quite sophisticated more like old-fashioned grandpa who isn't into gossiping for interpretation. However, they have a sweet spot for taemini, and is willing to show me a glance of his exceptionally beautiful mind. !!Be aware we have many symbolic connotations that are a bit vague.
Let's crack the Cøde . . . . .
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Base Card: King of Cups Bummie: The Tower R, Page of Wands Ming: 9 of Wonds, The World Mingkey: Devil, Temperance R Mingkey work: Sun, Knight of Wands
Although I said it earlier, I want stress again that taem has a precious mind that I think nobody but himself understands what is going on there. I will try my best to tangibilize the energies I receive so please bear with my figurative languages & word choices.
Let's start with the overall vibe. We have the King of Cups here and I can immediately see why my cards are fond of taemin. He is very grateful. He is grateful of having kibum and minho as his hyungs, co-workers, care-givers, and mentors. He is also grateful of kibum and minho just being close, because their energies (even those feisty and fighty ones) are rain drops that nourished the relationship amongst SHINee members, awakening their pride and competitiveness, and reminds them that they are alive instead of some zombies following rules and orders in the industry. They always break the facade peace and taemin learnt to appreciate their honesty & rationality. This is something mingkey has been able to do since day one. And it empowered taemin, it empowered jinki, and of couse, Jjong (the three cranes and one of them fades away) to fiercely be themselves as boldly as they could. The 91s are the glue that bonds the team together, and especially after jjong, taem began to see how much effort these hyungs have put into protecting the name SHINee, to provide safe space for console, and still, to shine as themselves. Each rain drop might seem subtle and insignificant, but together, the water flow can overcome everything ( "以柔克刚" soft is more "powerful" than the hard). In taem's mind, mingkey are people that offer him kind guidance, peace, and companionship, people he can rely on, and grow with.
But taem does not know how to express these emotions in words, and this is why he uses bodily language/facial expression to convey his gratitude. It is also why he is a big supporter of 91s. Taem believes the vitals of SHINee are very much mingkey-connected, so things get bitter if "dads" fight. I don't suggest that taem sees them as romantic couple (In fact, I often sense no-sexual/asexual energy from taem, perhaps due to his devout faith). He just really wants to make sure mingkey don't fight ugly so everyone is happy (6v6
How Taem sees Bummie:
Chaotic, self-destructive (see elaboration), hard candy, but has a heart of gold. To some extend, taem is "afraid of bummie" because although every member of SHINee pushes their limits in working and taem himself is a perfectionist when it comes to dancing, kibum, only kibum, burns like a moth to the flame. He burns because he wants the world to see who he really is. Bummie is always eager to try new things, to learn new skills, and to kill his old self over and over again. Kibum is constantly transferring, or more like metamorphosis, that reminds taemin to keep growing and becoming. However, Taem is afraid of him because these changes are what most people stay away from, but kibum enjoys being pushed to the edge and jumping over the falling tower. Nothing and nobody can stop him from his own will power, and taem respects kibum's decision, but he hopes at least there are more people appreciate and care for him. Kibum should not scream till throat hoarse just so the world accepts who he is. Kibum deserves better.
And taem adores bummie. Bummie is one of the sweetest person taemin ever knows. He enjoys life - gardening, cooking, taking care of commedes and garçons and frankly everyone he knows no matter if they are older or younger than him. Kibum can be strict because he wants the best for taem but would never get mad when taem "stole" a luxurious sweater on his birthday. Just like the hopeful young adult holding the brance of pure lotus, Kibum has a heart of of innocent child (赤子之心), and taem loves him for that. Taem can always trust him and be his true self with kibum.
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Bummie is still a newborn baby~
How Taem sees Ming:
First of all, taemin respects minho a lot, but he is as critical as jjong when it comes to ming sometimes. The 9 of wands match my reading because in taemin's mind, ming is definitely a man of action and this attitude earns him great success in his career and personal life. However, there is something missing, and that shows in minho's loneliness. The lotus blooms yet all the branches turn away, emphasizing ming has taken actions to nurture his mind but he did not listen to his heart. Do you remember the crescent hanging over ming's head in my first reading (ming's take on their relationship)? I think the energy is very similar here. Taem wants to tell us that despite ming's proactive mindset, he is lying to himself and is hesitant to try out new possibilities because he gets afraid like every one else. However, it is not ming's fault and he needs time to see the clear picture.
And the world card drops again, which is ming's current objective that he has to ride the journey of growing from the loss, stepping to embrace new point of view of life, and eventually following his true heart that he reaches the reality he hopes to rebuild. Ming is desperate for love, and he cherishes shawols because being with us feels like warm home. However, remember ming keeps saying that he just wants to be loved in relationship and he will provide anything and everything. What ming really needs is faith (ת (Tav) in hebrew means "faith" & "salvation") and Taem wants ming to believe that he is loved. He deserves love. His love is returned if he believes a little more.
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I will make money and do housework I only need you to love me
Mingkey Relationship + Work
They together are devils. The devils of aggression, addiction, but also achievement. The design of devil card reminded me a lot of the pic where taem stands between mingkey in MBC end year stage, observing the pair staring each other in amusement. This is what he sees (ע), this is also what we see. Their constant fights and the chemistry comes out of their love-hate relationship is undeniable, fuelling their working competitiveness but these energies can also flame them. This is why the reversed temperance dropped. They still need to work on how to solve their tensions and be "in between (not too aggressive nor passive 中庸之道)" when disagreement arises. And instead of waving the blaze, taem wants them to communicate like the pouring water (empathy, understanding, love).
!!skip this part if you only see them as platonic friends/co-workers and resume when you see exclamation mark again!!
Devil card manifests strong sexual attraction because in the traditional Rider–Waite system, devil card's design is similar to the lovers, but instead of guarding angels they are devils constraining the pair in lust and alluring desire. Since I grasp asexual energy from taem due to his religious beliefs, it is possible that taem is trying to tell us that mingkey's dynamic have some element that is not in his belief, and it is the "devil" for them. Mingkey deny to acknowledge the sexual attraction despite everyone sees it. Worse, it occasionally influences their work and group work because they have trouble resisting it, hence the reversed temperance (I will do an elaborating reading on their sexual attraction privately, if interested, talk to me on twi or tumblr)
!!resume here!!
In taem's mind, mingkey are a duo that support each others in work, and their existences fuel the other to express and achieve success. The two cranes are ming and bummie (in this reading, each member of SHINee are cranes which I think is very taemin coded, hehe) that fly around and fly upper to the higher sky, bringing warmness and sunlight to their reality. The Knight of wands say the exact same thing, mingkey's leadership, working morals, and endless ideas pushes the group to move forward, and inspire taemin in his career. Unlike Jjong, taem does not worry that much about mingkey (because he sees them like mentors, while Jjong sees them as younger-brothers), but he indeed hopes these two can achieve harmony and balance that is also beneficial for themselves and SHINee as a whole.
Feel free to chat or find me on twitter @rosekisspeach
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crushed-roses · 2 years
I'm estranged from my family.
I don't talk to them anymore.
My aunts, my uncles, my mother, and my father. I gave up, and I walked out the door. I hoped they would chase after me, but they all turned their backs to the trees. The twisting branches of our lineage. 
16 years of hurting. Yearning, begging, heart burning... Won't you love me? Won't you care for me? Why were you sent here to hurt me? Was it your fault? Mine? Surely it was you, him, her, him. There's no way I would unleash that much hurt on someone who I've stretched thin.
Thin, average, fat. My body image never relaxed. My hair was nappy and beautiful, I was skinny yet so fat. Those are the words that you could never take back. Words that make my skin crawl, and at my skin I continue to scratch. God, why can’t I have my family back?
No mother, I don’t think I want to come back. Conversation is something that our family has always lacked. 
Was I your daughter or a toy? Was my presence even something you enjoyed? Or was I just a babbling bitch who just consistently made you annoyed? Don’t you wish you had a boy? Would having a penis make me less shy? Shy? Shitty? Less witty? More unlikely to tell you what you are doing is wrong? Or is that something you don't want to hear?
I got a hysterectomy. Do you know? Do you care? Carrying on with new generations with our family is something I couldn't bear. I won't, I can't, my daughter won't have a chance. Just like you, just like me, we come from the same cursed family tree. I’m cutting off leaves of ancestry, unknowingly. 
And what would our ancestors think of us? We're native, carry on their legacies we must... Yet you let our heritage turn to dust. Dust like the ashes from your cigarettes, your joints, baggies of white that would hide in the lint tray. Are you the reason our family is in disarray? 
You pushed us away, no mother, I can't give you any more trust.
I'm angry, I'm hurt, I'm fucking tired of you treating me like dirt. I'm angry you let my father give in to lust. Say yes to every man who craves to touch me… But no, it is not your fault. "You're just using this against me!"
Your aid in the perversion is all I knew, you forced me to be a whore just like you. The addictions, the coping mechanisms, your guilt trip, and gas lighting. I’ve gotten great at these negative methods. I’ve gotten great at pushing those who truly care for me away from the constant and endless fighting. 
Teach me, guide me, and encourage me to be within society. Not poor, not bummy, not convinced only old men would love me. Not a pawn you could use to collect your snow. "Your chest, bare is all you have to show." I crave normality, I crave structure, not to be stared at, a broken sculpture. 
No mother, you were supposed to protect me. I am not your source of angel dust.
I’m tired of crying, I’m tired of screaming, dreaming. Who knew you would do this to me? Taint my dreams and my cheeks with tears of hurt. Without you, I will carry this hurt. Without you, I'll start our name again. Without you, I will be me again. Without you, our ancestors will be proud.
I'm estranged from my family, and it is not something I'm ashamed to say out loud.
And no, mother, to my future, you are not allowed. 
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happyharmonysuit · 2 years
Bitches fucking with other bitches rarely, if ever, given times for days process information at different rates making them different. Loathsomeness, friendship and consumerism among topics of conversation played advantageously on modern patios. Ears and feet gaining weight for fear and bears thwart gauges and your bumminess.
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bunnycosmos · 5 years
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Inktober days 25-26: Sweet!
KoFi | Twitter
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purelyjaebeom · 6 years
I hate myself right now
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drakenology · 3 years
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Baby, Have My Babies - Ejiro Kirishima
summary: you and your pro hero fiancé take a romantic getaway for valentines day with one thing on his mind; baby making.
author’s note: oh hai! so this baby is for the corruption event @ultimate-astridwriting and @bummie is hosting for valentines day! shout out to them for including me 🥺. check out the other works that participated and as always enjoy!
warnings: smut! (minors no peeking!), breeding kink, use of the word “daddy” in the sack, unprotected sex, soft dom!kiri, prohero!kiri (the big bulky one with the long hair), dirrrrty talk, I cuss a lot and Kiri nuts a lot. all characters are aged up!
The night Kirishima proposed was a beautiful valentine’s night to remember. There you were, at one of the most expensive restaurants anyone could sit at in the middle of Bora Bora (your dream vacation spot), head empty. Just the image of your boyfriend, now fiancé kneeling down on one knee to pop the prettiest question.
“Will you marry me, baby?”, Crimson eyes full of love and adoration for you and only you as you gasp, your breath stolen as you watch him pull out the biggest diamond fucking ring you’d ever seen. Of course you said yes. Why the fuck wouldn’t you?
That same night you arrive at a hotel you were staying at in Bora Bora (the most romantic location to spend your valentines day). Kirishima saw to it that yours and his things would be taken up to the suite he had already reserved and decorated to surprise you.
You open the door swiftly, Kirishima’s chest swelling with pride when he hears your girlish squeal at the sight of the romantic decor (all done by yours truly). Flower pettles littered the carpet leading to the bed where countless gifts and a huge teddy bear rested. The room was covered in candles and roses and love. It smelled sweet like vanilla as a slow piano track played softly in the background. It was like a page out of a romance novel just opened up right in front of you.
Your eyes well up with tears at the wonderful gesture. Kirishima was always a romantic; his love language being gift giving and grand gestures, but he truly out did himself tonight. As you exclaim oo’s and ah’s at all of the suites glory you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist.
“You like it, honey?” He asked, leaving a trail of fluttering kisses along your neck as you swoon at his touch.
“I love it. I love you, Kiri.” Gushing as you spin around on your heels to reach up and kiss him. Instinctively, He hoists you into his loving arms; your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands firmly gripping your ass as one falls to push all the teddy bears off the bed he needed you in.
He lays you carefully onto the bed and admired your body from way up there (boy is tall), drinking you in and groaning at the sight of your face looking up at him all flushed and innocent-like. God, he couldn’t wait to ruin you completely and thoroughly.
“I’ve been thinking baby..” Kiri started to say, ripping your poor dress in half with his seemingly handcrafted hands and chuckling at your high pitched squeak. “What if..” after pressing a wet kiss on your midriff, trailing the attention down just above where you wanted him. “..we tried *kiss* for a *kiss* baby..?”
You shudder at his minstrations, biting your lip as you feel him prod his thick fingers over your clothed pussy. You wince at the sound of his groan at the feeling of your wet pussy practically sticking to your panties.
“So whaddya say?” He persisted, cock growing at the burning question. You were already so drunk on him, his mouth leaving open mouthed kisses over your covered heat causing you to slowly lose focus on anything other than the thought of just being railed already.
“M-Mm-hm..” You manage, nodding your head as you feel Kirishima smirk against your panties.
“You gonna let me, baby? Gonna let me fuck that cunt? Hm?” At this point he’s slurping on your pussy as he’s talking to you with that filthy mouth of his. God yes, you wanted to say but he’s devouring so good the only thing you can say is his title.
“D-Daddy! Ughhn fuck.” You cry, nearing your end surprisingly fast as his soft lips wrap around your aching clit.
“C’mon, baby. Cum all over my fucking mouth.” He huffed against you, humming into your pussy as he reattached his lips onto the throbbing bud. You arch your back up off the bed, toes curling and eyes rolled at the back of your head as you do as you were told.
Curses leave your lips as Kirishima continues his assault on your pussy, fucking you through your orgasm and working on a second one as he now has those fingers inside you. You gasp, whimpering as he hooked his fingers just like always to drive you crazy. Works everytime.
“Daddy, p-please. S’too much!” You lament, trying to pry your poor overstimulated pussy away from the hungry beast devouring you.
Kirishima loves when you try to escape him; an ego trip floating in his mind as he watched you writhe and struggle to leave his strong grasp.
“Uh-uh baby, where ya goin’?” He teased, latching his mouth onto your pussy as he fingered you. His lips were replaced by his warm tongue, licking and sucking as he stroked your walls with his fingers. You melt under his touch, worrying that the other guests staying on your floor could hear your desperate cries for more.
“God, give it to me. Fuckin’ give it to me.” Kiri soothed, feeling your hands tangle into his long red tresses as another orgams ripped through your whole body. Your thighs clamp around his head as you shake like a leaf. He paused for a moment to take in your half-ruined body, hungry for the satisfaction completely railing you into a stuttering mess.
Kirishima sits right up and grabs your face to plant a sinful kiss, tongues tasting each other as moans exchange between the two of you.
He pulls away, slick coating his chin as he hoisted himself on top of you. He propped himself up on one arm, the other taking his bulging cock into his hand to tease against your dripping folds.
“So fucking wet, baby.” He panted, “Ready for me? Want my dick inside you? Huh baby?” He cooed, the only thing he can hear is an out of breath and whiny little baby begging for his dick.
Kirishima sat up, pulling you off the bed as he wrapped your legs around him. You mewl at his brut strength, him lifting you with such ease throwing you for a loop. You wrap your arms around his neck as he prodded himself at your soaking wet pussy, sinking your body down onto him as you both moan at the feeling.
“Gonna fill you so fucking good. You like that? You love it when I fuck you like this, dont you?” He rambled, your gummy walls felt so good wrapped around his swollen cock. His hands gripped your ass as he slammed you down onto his dick, the sudden deepness causing your nails to sink into his back.
You shriek everytime your pussy took him in, back arching as the head brushed up against your g-spot. Your legs are shaking again, watching your feet as they dangle at either side of Kirishima’s body. His thrusts are strong, purposeful as he used you like a fuck toy all while standing up.
Your pussy made embarrassing noises, Kirishima commenting as the assault continued more forcefully.
“Shiiit. I love your fucking pussy. So wet. All for me, yeah?” Your response frantic nonsense.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Yes, daddy. G-give me more.” And so he does; his grip on your hips tighten as he slams you down slower and harder repeatedly hitting your g-spot at a new angle as he hunched over with you in his arms.
He started thrusting up into you, his large hand smacking down on your ass as he pounded you into nirvana.
“Mmm, you feel so fucking good, baby. Want me to fill you? You like it when I stuff you, huh?”
There was the familiar feeling coming yet again, stomach flipping and eyes fluttering as you sob into Kirishima’s neck.
“God, yes daddy! Cum inside me please, I-I need it.” You gripe, grabbing hold of one of your breasts as you attempt to grind into his thrusts in time with him.
“You need it, baby? Oh, I’m gonna give it to you. Just cum one more time for me.” He huffed, the feeling of your sopping wet walls clamping down onto him slowly becoming too much.
You pant, your face pulling into that little fucked out face Kirishima loved as you scream his name. Your whole body ignites, curses leaving your mouth as you cream all over his dick.
“Yeahhhh. That’s it baby. ‘M gonna fill you-fuck! I love you.” Kirishima said frantically; rutting into as few times before unloading himself inside you.
You feel his cum fill you up deliciously, the feeling of his dick throbbing inside you as he oozed causing you to whine. You feel him fuck his cum inside you; eager to breed you before pulling you off of his cock with a satisfied groan.
“Fuck sake.” He gasped. You were always such a good fuck. It should be illegal for your pussy to be that good. As he pulled out of your used hole, you felt the thick liquid drip out of you as Kirishima carried you to the master bathroom which was also candlelit.
“Let’s get cleaned up and keep this going. I can’t wait to see you waddling with my baby inside you.” He manifested. You hum into his chest as he cradled you like precious cargo, running the hot water for a bath for two.
“Love you” You slur, lazily dipping a finger into the bath.
“Ditto, babe.”
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seraphdreams · 4 years
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Sakusa’s Little Cheerleader..
warning : smut, fem! reader, breeding kink, soft dom sakusa, MSBY team
wc - 2.5k
a/n - this is one of my older works, so the pacing might be a little weird but overall, enjoy !
summary : you’re a little cheerleader that’s so infatuated with Kiyoomi Sakusa
You’ve been a cheerleader for the MSBY Black Jackals for a few months now, but you couldn’t help but notice the quiet, stand-offish curly head. When the cheer squad and the volleyball team would have joint practices, you always caught yourself staring at him. The way his black hair swished at every move he made and how he’d avoid the other players. It wasn’t until a big win that you finally decided to talk to him.
“You guys did great!” you say in an overexcited tone. “Oh, thanks y/n-chan” Atsumu says as he wraps his arm around your neck. Atsumu was always a touchy person towards you. Some days it was more flirtatious and others, friendly. He smelled like sweat and you couldn’t wait to be released from his grip. “You too, Sakusa” you say in a quiet voice, the man slowly turning around as he was walking out of the locker room. His hair was wet and he was wearing sweatpants with a black t-shirt, he most likely showered after the game. “Thanks” he hums, sounding a bit muffled under his mask. “Hey! Hey! Hey! We should definitely celebrate this” Bokuto exclaims in an overconfident tone. “Let’s go out to eat! c’mon y/n” Atsumu says. this is exactly what you wanted, an opening to talk to Sakusa, to know more about his personality. “No” Sakusa says quickly as to shut them up when he walks out of the venue and into his car. “Don’t worry, he’s definitely coming”Hinata says as he appears from nowhere.
“What do i wear? Is it a formal event? Casual?” You thought to yourself. You wanted Kiyoomi to notice you, but what if you looked to sexy or too bummy. You settle on a white silk tight, mid thigh dress. The back was strappy and the front lifted your breasts nicely while still being modest. Your phone suddenly dinged.
“hey best friend! we’re coming to pick you up in about 10 minutes” The text read. You honestly didn’t know why Atsumu referred to you as a best friend but it really didn’t bother you. Your heart was racing, finally a night with Sakusa. A loud honk of a car startled you, making you come out of your thoughts. You quickly grabbed your purse and phone and headed out.
“Sit in the front seat!” Bokuto yelled out of the backseats car window. The wind chilly on your skin as you walked to the car. It was dark outside and the only thing you could see were the streetlights and the black car in your driveway. You opened the car door and to your surprise, Sakusa was in the drivers seat. You shyly sat down, as your heart almost thumped out of your chest. He looked so sexy in his black suit. His hair was slightly gelled back but still curly and the white mask he was wearing added the right amount of contrast to his outfit. He drove off as Hinata, Atsumu, and Bokuto were bickering in the backseat. Every so often sakusa would take glances into the rear view mirror.
“How come i look like a squirrel and Omi-Kun over here looks like a god” Atsumu complains as he fixes up his suit jacket. You chuckle to yourself at Atsumu’s comment. Sakusa takes a quick glance at you. You feel his eyes go from your pretty face down to your exposed thighs. He reaches for the volume nob to turn the music up and drown out the sound of the backseat.
You finally arrive at your destination. It’s a fancy looking restaurant with many people waiting outside. He puts his arm behind your seat as he tries to back into an open parking spot. You try not to let your eyes trail on him for too long, fearful of if he caught you. He finishes parking and you grab your purse about to open the door until you hear a “wait” from Sakusa. You do as the tall man says, watching as all four men get out of the car.
Sakusa walked around to the front of the car then to your door. He opens it for you and grabs your hand as you step out. “Thank you” you say to him, finally taking in his scent. He smelled so clean, with hints of strong expensive Versace cologne. “Thank god i got a reservation” Bokuto states as all five of you walk towards the front of the restaurant. “Right, this place is packed” Hinata replies. You look down at your outfit as you walked next to Atsumu. He nudged your shoulder, noticing you being a bit more timid than usual. He moves from your side to behind you gripping you into a bear hug. “ahhh y/n! why are you so quiet!” You couldn’t help but laugh at the feeling, he eased your stress.
“Stop being so loud and walk” Sakusa says, annoyed. You arrived at the doors of the restaurant. The inside was classy and was dimly lit. You followed behind the host as she took you to your seats. You sat near the wall in the booth with Atsumu on your left side and Sakusa across from you. He looked so handsome, just sitting there looking at the menu.
After you placed your orders and talked for a while, you feel arms wrap around your waist tickling you. It was obviously Atsumu who couldn’t stop himself from being childish in a public setting. “Stop. Obviously she’s uncomfortable” Sakusa says in a gruff voice, face still fixated on the menu in his hands. “No it’s fine, you don-“ You try to say before Sakusa cuts you off. “I’m sorry, he doesn’t know how to behave” He says now looking out the window of the booth. “Oh chill out, Omi-San” Hinata says in a playful voice that lifts the mood.
After you’ve all ate and paid for your meal, you load back into the car. Sakusa opening your door once again. The drive home was much more quieter now because the energetic crew was sleeping. “You seem responsible” You say to Sakusa as he drives. “I guess. I have to deal with these idiots most of the time”. You chuckle as the words roll of his tongue. A smile creeps from the corners of his lips as he hears you laugh. “How long have you been cheering” He asks, taking a glance at your thick thighs. “Ever since i was in middle school. I took a small break in highschool but decided to try again. How long have you been playing volleyball?” you ask him.
He starts talking about how Komori got him into it. His voice was as light as whipped butter and soothed your soul. He grabs his phone to look at his GPS, helping him find his way to drop off the sleeping idiots in the backseat. One by one, he dropped them off home, starting with Hinata, then Atsumu, to Bokuto. “Thanks bro!” Bokuto says as he steps out the car rubbing his sleepy eyes.
“It’s still kind of early, do you want to talk a bit more at my house?” Kiyoomi offers. “Sure, why not” You reply. You were honestly confused about what the outcome of this night would be.
He unlocked his front door and invited you into his home. The interior was what you’d expect from him, big and dark. The living room was spacious with a black couch and atleast a 135 inch TV built into the wall. The kitchen had dark marble and there were so many rooms, obviously all being clean. He directs you to his couch and picks up a bottle of wine with two wine glasses. He lights a candle on his coffee table. You looked up at the high ceiling, as he poured your drinks. He handed you your glass as he questioned.
“I hope you’re okay with rosè”. You nodded cutely and chucked. He sat down next to you, cautious of personal space. The night went on as you two chatted about almost anything possible. He was unusually bubbly, adding to his sexy allure. “Wait, you haven’t dated anyone in how many years?” He asked slightly buzzed from the wine. “Four” You answer with a giggle. His eyes widening. “I refuse to believe that.” He says, realizing he might’ve said too much. He slowly moves closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he looks you deep in your eyes, taking a sip from his glass. Your heart starts pounding a bit too hard and you feel pounding somewhere else as well. He sets his glass down. “Please tell me you’ve been touched atleast” He says in a low tone. “Maybe....” You tease.
He stands up, his dark figure looming over you. He grabs your hand and leads you upstairs. It was so dark but somehow he knew exactly where he was going. He opens a tall door and there it is, his bed. A california king, so obnoxiously large for no reason. He drags you to the middle of the end of the bed.
You sit down as he stands in between your legs. He lightly taps your shoulder, indicating for you to lay down. He slowly creeps atop of you, kissing your lips once meeting your face. His kisses were sloppy and tasted of alcohol. He couldn’t possibly be this drunk. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck and playing with the curls at the nape. You let out a light moan as he starts to kiss your neck. You could feel his cock harden as it brushed against your pathetically clothed clit. He lifts himself up ever so slightly. “Do you want me to stop?” He questions, big dark brown eyes lidded with lust. You shake your head and pull him down to kiss you more. His hands roamed around your body, his fingers meeting the lace of your panties.
He slowly slides them down your thighs and onto the floor. He motions for you to put your arms up as he removes the small silk dress off you. You were in nothing but a bra, feeling so pathetic and small under him. You sit up and take the bra off before laying back down.
His eyes trail down to your now glossy cunt. He dips his head down and wraps his tongue around your clit. “Kiyoomi” you moan. He sticks in a long finger, swirling your slick around your walls. The pleasure is unmatched, everything about this man was so perfect to you. He starts to pump in and out, curling his finger to find your sweet spot. He adds another, keeping the rhythm. You started to clench down on him as his pace fastened. His fingers were so long and they were drilling that sweet spot of yours.
You felt the knot build in your stomach as he kept swirling his tongue around your clit and pumping his digits in. You attached your fingers into his hair as you felt your orgasm wash over you. He looked at the mess you made on his fingers and slipped them into his mouth. “You taste good” He says landing a gentle kiss on your forehead. You pant softly as you watch him undress, his body even sexier than you imagined.
He gives his cock a few quick pumps before aligning himself with your entrance. He was just the right size, and so thick. All you wanted to do earlier was get to know him but now you’re sprawled out in his bed about to take his inches. He slowly pushes himself into your sopping wet cunt, hissing at the feeling of you tightening around him. The stretch felt too good, you were for sure you were going to cum right then.
He starts to thrust, grunting as he kept bruising your cervix. “k-kiyoomi” You say through pants and breaths. He was pounding you so good, you felt your body lax. “You’re taking me so well, baby” He says leaning into your ear. Moans and skin slapping filled the large room. You couldn’t even manage to say anything but words along the lines of “omi, please”. He kept going, even harder this time. You cup your hand over your breast and play with your nipple, pinching and rolling your thumb over the bud. You felt a sudden force on the back of your thighs. Sakusa now had you folded like pretzel and he kept thrusting. It hurt but you loved the pain.
His grunts and groans making you feel hot and flustered. He rested your legs over his shoulders as he gripped your waist. His thrusts getting sloppier. You wanted to cum, you were almost there, then he reached down to your clit. He rubbed it in small circles. You felt were so close to releasing. Just a few more thrusts and you creamed all over his cock. He groaned at the feeling. “Please let me fill you up” Sakusa moaned as he was chasing his own high.
You didn’t know what to say, you were already fucked out and too hazed to even think. You nodded. He slowly pounded deep into you as he let his seed coat your insides white. “Cumming” he groaned, balls deep.
You both waited to catch your breaths. He grabbed the baby wipes on the dresser behind him and clean you both up. He was really thorough, as you expected from him. “We should probably shower” He suggests as tucks his cock back into his underwear. He runs the water in the shower. He picks you up bridal style to the front of the shower, where you both undressed and cleansed yourselves.
After the shower, he gives you his MSBY practice shirt and boxers to sleep in. You walk into the bathroom as you watch him do his skincare routine. There were so many steps but it was all so fascinating. He looks at you with a light chuckle. You sit down on the stool in front of the mirror, resting your head in your hands. “You look nice with that on” He compliments. You let your tired eyes get the best of you as you drift off to sleep.
He finishes his nightly tasks then picks you up and brings you to his bed, where you both snuggled until he fell asleep.
side story:
“Ding Dong!” You both jumped up at the startling sound of someone outside. Sakusa puts on his sweatpants and jogs down the stairs, you follow behind. He opens the door, slightly peering through. “Hey, i left my wallet in your car oh-“ Atsumu says as he looks at the both of you. You were standing behind kiyoomi like a frightened dog. “What’s this” atsumu asks. Sakusa hands him the keys to his car, without saying a word. “No wonder you were so protective of her last night, Omi-Kun” Atsumu says as he walks away from the door and walks to Sakusa’s car.
Kiyoomi turns to you with a chuckle.
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aisuckings · 2 years
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duamuteffe · 3 years
Thoughts on Halloween? Do you celebrate? Any fun traditions for you and the doc?
I love Halloween SO MUCH, omg. You have unleashed a torrent of stories, I apologize in advance.
So my Mom's mom, who we called Bummy, was an amazing seamstress. She had started at seven (so, 1935) on a Singer treadle machine helping her mother make clothes out of flour sacks for her seven siblings, and by the time us grandkids came along there was nothing she couldn't sew. She could look at a garment and figure out a pattern, or make one up out of her imagination, and this translated into the best Halloween costumes of all time. When I was a toddler she made costumes for me that she thought would be cute; a bee, a Care Bear, a strawberry. Once we were older she'd ask my brother and I in June what we wanted to be for Halloween and by October (after numerous fittings and fussings :) it would be done. I was a wizard with beard and robes and a glowing crystal ball, I was the Phantom of the Opera with an ankle-length cape, I was a cat with velvet ears and paws and tail and a shiny blue alien with deely boppers and extra hands. My brother was a cloaked Death with ragged robes, a fishman with trailing seaweed, a futuristic astronaut with a silver spacesuit. If we didn't have a preference, she'd decide for us; she had always loved the style of kimonos and obis so she managed to make a gorgeous and very reasonable facsimile of a garment she had never seen in person, only in National Geographics, and made me a geisha one year. (Note - was this cultural appropriation? Yes. Did I know that at 14 in 1993? No, I did not, and neither did she. Rest assured that while my love for Geisha and Maiko remains undimmed, I wouldn't do it again because I know better now. But as a demonstration of her talent that outfit was beautiful.)
Trick-or-Treating in my small neighborhood was fun, although I was very shy so it could be a little nerve-wracking. Several houses had adults who also had their elderly parents living with them, so all visiting kids would be ushered in to the living room so the old people could exclaim over our costumes. ("Oh, look, how nice! Who are you being this year?" even when the child in question had a store-bought Batman costume that was a mask and a plastic poncho that said "Batman" across it :) We usually got an even mix of store-bought candy and homemade treats because it was a very poor county; popcorn balls, rice crispy treats, little bags of cookies, no-bakes that were so good we always tried going back at least once to see if the lady of the house had forgotten she'd given us some already, store bought apples, and, from the lovely but very poor lady who lived up past the end of our street, apples from her tree out back. Since there were only about a dozen houses in my town (out of fifteen total, plus three or four camps) that gave out candy, sometimes one or more of the moms would pack local kids in cars and either go across the river or up the road to the slightly larger towns so we got more candy. My folks would ration it out to us over the next few days so we didn't overload on it and get sick.
Once you hit your mid teens you either stayed at home to give out candy and attempt to terrify incoming children with spooky setups or go out egging other roving bands of teens. I always went with giving out candy because I hate being sticky. We had a great setup one year were my brother wore his Death costume and slumped in a chair looking like a dummy and holding a bowl of candy in his lap. We replaced the porch light with a blacklight bulb and put the cats in the attic so we could leave the back door open and played this exact cassette tape on the stereo:
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Kids would sneak up the porch stairs and peek into the living room, and, seeing the supposed dummy, would creep towards it. When they reached for the candy my brother would shove it towards them and growl, and they'd scream and run back outside, where I would catch them and tell them it was fine and herd them back inside so they could grab some candy. The kids were usually fine once the shock had passed, but some of the moms were so scared I couldn't get them to go back inside, which was always hilarious.
When I moved up north, the farm was too far from the town for trick or treaters, sadly, and when I came back home I was in a second-floor apartment for 14 years so no trick or treaters there, either, which was a great disappointment. But once we moved to the trailer I could finally start decorating and handing out treats the way I have always wanted to:
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With a whole cemetery and a big bowl of goofy toys and glowsticks and candy. (Reminds me, I need to get ordering this years' round of toys and glowsticks. We almost always run out of glowy things.)
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Incidentally the Doc and I are ADF Druids, so Halloween is also Samhain, the day when the barriers between us and the Next World are the thinnest, and we think of the Ancestors who have gone ahead of us and make offerings to them. Our yearly offering is the giving of treats and toys and a bit of scares to children, the way our folks and grandparents and local old folks did for us as kids, in the hopes that those kids will have happy memories of the holiday the way we do.
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yuzhousky · 3 years
Hey Bummie, Hope you're doing well. I know many have already said this before but I want to say it again..I want to appreciate you and your efforts.. it's gonna be a little long so please bear with me😂 To be honest, I never truly believed in love until the day I watched addicted and these two adorable dorks..of course I'd watch other love stories and movies but these two made me truly want to believe that love can be so genuine and pure🥺 I was devastated when I saw their separation and my heart still aches for them..I was frustrated because I couldn't know anything else about them apart from the bts videos..and that's when you came..just like an angel..someone mentioned your account in youtube and I created an account just to be able to follow you..and I wasn't disappointed at all..when I saw so many hints about our beloved yuzhou I was literally on cloud nine❤️🥺 It isn't easy at all to dig out these news and analyse everything but you do it..you take out time to give us the much needed info. No amount of thank you is enough and I can only bless you for working so hard! I could literally be crying..but when I see your posts and hints about them..my eyes shine..the next second I smile like an absolute idiot and all thanks to you❤️😂 Please never stop posting about them..I know it can be hard sometimes but know that we are all there for you and for them❤️ Let us be by their side as long as we can! Take care of your health..you are as precious us as they are❤️ Let us all wait for the day they can be carefree and with each other ❤️ Love you and God bless you❤️
I'm very touched to receive your kind message. This really means a lot to me, it's great to know that my blog can make more fans believe in YuZhou's love, or at least their friendship haha 😂
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Love Is Blind: Chapter Twenty-One
“So.. what do you think?” Robyn asked as she slowly turned in a circle. Leandra stood up and walked around her a bit before standing back with her hands on her hips, “I love it. We’ll get your hair done and you should be ready for tonight.”
“I don’t even know why I let you talk me into this. This isn’t our first date, you know.”
“No but it is your first date since you’ve been given a somewhat clean bill of health. You should get all dressed up. It’s been weeks, Robs.”
“I don’t even know where we’re going.”
“Does that really matter? You are going out with your husband, don’t worry so much.”
“Boyfriend. We are not married.”
“You could be if you’d stop playing.”
“You will not start with me too. I get enough of it from my mother and Melissa.”
“They aren’t totally wrong. I don’t see what the hold up is.”
“There isn’t a hold up. He hasn’t even proposed to me.”
“Would you say yes if he did?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“How don’t you know?”
“Just what I say. I don’t know. I love him but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m ready to go down the marriage road with him again either.”
“I mean neither of you really gave your marriage a fighting chance beyond that first year. This could really be a clean slate for the both of you.”
“We’ll never have a clean slate and I’m not saying that in a bad way but it’s just realistic. There’s no need to delude ourselves into believing our past will be forgotten. We’ve moved past it and gotten this far in spite of it but it still happened.”
“Then if you moved past it, why the concern?”
“Because I’m not ready to go there. It’s a really simple concept.”
Leandra scoffed, “whatever you say.”
Robyn went back into the dressing room to change back into her clothes. 
“Daddy, why can’t we go with you and Mommy?” Anesa asked as Chris started packing her overnight bag.
“Well Sweetheart, this is a grown up date. We took you and Christian with us the other night for a family date,” Chris replied.
“Yea but I wanna go on this one too.”
Chris chuckled, “Baby Girl, sometimes Mommy and Daddy need alone time. It’s just one night, you’ll be back home tomorrow.”
“I guess.”
“You don’t have to look so sad, Love Bug. What’s going on with you? You’ve been wanting to be under us more than usual. Did something happen?”
“I don’t think you’re being truthful with me, Anesa. Come here.”
Chris sat down on her bed and Anesa climbed into his lap, “talk to me.”
“I just want to make sure you and Mommy stay friends.”
“When were we not friends, Nesa?”
“A little while ago when y’all weren’t talking.”
“Sweetheart, we were still friends then too. Listen, in relationships, sometimes things happen and it takes some time to adjust. Mommy and I were in an adjustment period especially since we had just had your little brother and Mommy was still very sick and recovering. You gotta give time for things to become normal, that’s all.”
“I thought you didn’t love each other anymore.”
“Awww….I will always love your Mommy. You never have to worry about that.”
“I promise. There’s nothing going on with me and your Mommy that should ever be cause for concern, ok?”
“Good. So go get your Teddy bear and put it in your bag so you don’t forget like you did last time.”
“Yes Daddy.”
“I don’t know, Le. This seems like a bit much,” Robyn remarked as she twisted in front of her mirror and the screen of her laptop.
“I know he said something casual but that doesn’t mean it has to be basic.”
“But look at my legs.”
“Your legs look incredible as does your ass. Bitches pay for a body like that. Thick is it, Baby Girl.”
“You are being way too hard on yourself and for no reason. You look good and I am not just saying that because we’re friends. You’ve lived in sweatpants and leggings for the last few months, enjoy being womanly and enjoy those curves, you earned them. Postpartum done turned my fashionista into a damn bummy tomboy. No go.”
“I did not look  bummy.”
“Bitch, you definitely do. Perfect size 14 hidden under them baggy ass clothes and Chris’s hoodies. You looked homeless as hell.”
“Ugh….the disrespect.”
“It’s the truth. Go out with your man in that little ass skirt, do whatever then drop your pussy on his face for good measure. You deserve it.”
“Why are you so vulgar?”
“Why are you so scary?”
“I am not scared.”
“You definitely are. We have never had to talk you into a dress or getting your hair and nails done. That was always your thing so get back to it. Part of getting back to normal is getting back to loving yourself. I know you may look different but different isn’t necessarily bad, you know. You’re still standing, celebrate that.”
“Pregnancy always did make you all cerebral.”
“Girl shut up. All this baby is making me do is pee all the damn time.”
Robyn laughed, “I love you, Le.”
“Good but I need you to love you too, ok?”
“I’m working on it.”
“Good. Now go sit on your man’s face or something.”
“Bye Nasty.”
“You love me, Sis.”
Robyn ended the video call then took one more look at herself in the mirror. She really didn’t look bad at all. SHe grabbed her purse and left out into the living room. Chris was leaning against the back of the couch with his arms folded. The colors in her skirt gave their ensembles the only lift of color as Chris was dressed in black from head to toe. He looked good.
“Hey Babe,” she said softly.”
“Hey. You look amazing.”
“Thank you. So do you.”
“Thanks. You ready?”
“Yup. We can head out.”
“Next time tell Leandra to stop talking so loud.”
Robyn’s eyes widened, “Oh my god, you heard that.”
“I heard enough.”
“How much?”
Chris smirked as he pressed up behind her and leaned close to her ear to whisper, “I do plan on you sitting on my face at some point tonight.”
“Uh uh, we’re not talking about it. We have a date to get to,” he moved to open the front door, “after you, Ms. Fenty.”
“Where in the world do you get these ideas of things to do?” Robyn asked as she lifted a smock over her head. Chris carefully tied it in the back of her before they followed their host to a gathering of tables. They were set up in sets of two, each table facing the other.
“Well this idea is actually something you mentioned years ago and when I was thinking of where to take you for our date that wasn’t super serious, pottery sounded good.”
“I mentioned this before?”
“Yea, back in college if memory serves me correct.”
“Do you always remember everything?”
“The good things, I try.”
Chris helped Robyn sit down at the pottery wheel in front of him before he sat down at the one on the other side, “is this ok?”
“This is great. I’m surprised I don’t remember that conversation.”
“You really don’t?”
“No. I suppose there’s some things I’ve blocked out over the years, good and bad.”
“Wasn’t expecting that.”
“The bad stuff I get but our dating never seemed that forgettable.”
“I didn’t say it was forgettable, I said I blocked some things out. Big difference. We knew each other too well back then, hard to move forward focusing so much on the past especially with our past being so entwined with each other. Good memories are sometimes harder to deal with than bad ones.”
“Why do you say that?”
“The desire for them to reoccur always comes with them.”
Chris nodded his head in agreement, “now that I understand but that doesn’t seem like a bad thing.”
“If things ended good, of course not but we originally didn’t.”
“Very true. You really wanted to forget me.”
“Forgetting you meant I could rebuild my life. It just didn’t turn out that way.”
“And now?”
“Now is now. I’m happy. I have a great relationship and beautiful babies, I couldn’t ask for anything better.”
“Are you scared to want anything more?”
“Scared? No. Cautious? Absolutely.”
“I spent a lot of years assuming, I’m walking into this eyes open.”
“But you still don’t trust what you see.”
“I trust what I see and what I feel. I don’t trust my processing of it, just yet.”
“I can understand that.”
“Are you putting out feelers for something?”
“Nope, just having a conversation. So what do you want to make?”
“I think a bowl should be easy. You?”
“I’m thinking a vase.”
“Sounds a little complicated.”
“I think I can handle it.”
“So….did I offend you earlier?” Robyn asked as she took a bite of her steak. She returned her fork to her plate as she took a sip of water. Chris glanced up at her then shook his head, “No. Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know, just asking.”
“There was nothing to be offended about. We both had our own ways of making it past our divorce, that’s nothing abnormal.”
“Oh ok.”
“Tonight has had a weird line of questioning, are you putting feelers out for something?”
“You sure? I know your family thinks I’m gonna propose to you soon.”
“They’ve been thinking that ever since they found out we were each other’s internet friend.”
“Ah. That doesn't concern you?”
“Why would it concern me? It’s not I’m just gonna fall in line with it just because it’s what they expect.”
“And what do you think I expect?”
“I have no idea and no desire to speculate. Do you want to propose to me?”
“I’ve told you before I wanted to marry you again.”
“Ok but do you want to put that into action?”
“Are you worried that every time I take you out there’s a possible proposal around the corner?”
“No but should I be?”
Chris laughed, “Robyn, when I’m ready to propose, there will be no question or wondering about it. I’m not gonna tell you beforehand but you’ll know what my intent is.”
“That’s it? Just ok?”
“What else am I supposed to say? You know my stance on marriage, my concerns about some secret proposal have been clarified, there’s nothing else to say.”
“Does the idea of marriage scare you?”
“No but the idea of marriage has scarred me. I’m not ready mentally or emotionally for it so I don’t think about it unless somebody brings it up which tends to be every time I talk to Melissa or my mother.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“What are you apologizing for? You’re not the one bringing it up.”
“I know but I feel indirectly responsible.”
“Listen, you love me. I love you. We have family who unfortunately don’t know how to mind their business but we love them anyway. It comes with the territory.”
“It doesn’t have to. I can ask them to stop.”
“Not necessary.”
“Are you sure?”
“Very sure.”
They both fell silent and continued to eat their dinner. After the waiter carried away their empty plates, Chris took a sip of water and sat back in his seat. Robyn’s brow furrowed as she mimicked his movement, “what’s on your mind?”
“What makes you think something is?”
“I know your body language and you’re thinking about something.”
“Are you ever gonna officially move in with me?”
“I thought I did already.”
“You still have your apartment downtown though.”
“Chris, I moved my stuff out of there and into storage six weeks ago.”
Robyn laughed, “That’s why I went down there for a weekend. I sold whatever furniture I could and put the rest of my stuff in storage. I thought you knew.”
“No, we never talked about it. I just remember asking if you had heard back on the buying price for your apartment, you said no and that was it. Where is it in storage at?”
“In Middletown. There’s a place about 20 minutes from the house.”
“We can get it out of there. You know I have a storage building on the property.”
“I know.”
“All this time I thought you were deciding on whether to leave or not.”
“If I was going to leave, it would’ve been months ago. I’ve been at your house since the beginning of my second trimester, Christian is going on six months old. That’s almost a year, Babe.”
Chris chuckled, “I really didn’t know how to approach you about it without seeming like I was being pushy.”
“You could’ve asked me. I didn’t want to assume that I could store my stuff at your house so I got my own thing, that’s all.”
“Well then I guess my next question won’t seem so weird then.”
“You wanna redecorate?”
“Why? Do you want me to?”
“I want you to feel at home and there’s not much of anything that’s yours there except for you, your clothes, and our babies.” 
“Chris, have you ever heard me mention any of that?”
“No but I also didn’t know whether you wanted to stay or not either.”
“True. Honestly, we could just put some pictures up or whatever and that should be fine.”
“Are you sure? I want it to feel like it’s your house too.”
“It’s fine besides now that I’m back to work, we’ll only be there on the weekends right?”
“Yea but that doesn’t change my sentiments. We have to update the condo then too.”
“How about we take some family photos, blow them up and use it as art, make it feel more like our homes and not just yours?”
“Works for me.”
“I’ll have to check Melissa’s schedule and see when she can do it.”
“Now I have a question for you.”
“Did you really hear my entire conversation with Leandra?”
“Every bit of it.”
Robyn laughed, “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“Because she can be a bit much.”
“It’s fine. I didn’t disagree with anything that she said.”
“But what if I do?”
“OK then what do you disagree with?”
“Sex being the center of our evening.”
“We’ve been out since 6 and it’s going on 9, has it been the center of our evening?”
“Have I brought up sex at any point tonight since we left the house?”
“So,what’s your point?”
“I was just saying.”
“Robyn, I know you. I don’t have to seduce you as cocky as that seems. I don't have to do anything to charm you out of your panties because if you want to give them to me, you will.”
“I’m not that easy.”
“No but you are that stubborn. You will push back just to do it even if it goes against what you really want to do. I cannot claim you unless you want me to. I cannot seduce you unless you want me to. And I also can’t get you to sit on my face unless you want to. There is absolutely nothing easy about you and as frustrating as it is, it is also the sexiest thing about you.”
“You lie.”
Chris chuckled, “why would I have to? You have made me work to have you since the day I met you. No amount of time will change that about you.I’ve always loved that about you.”
“You just called me stubborn, Christopher.”
“And at no point did I say it was a bad thing, did I?”
“I guess not.”
“So, my only plan was to ask you, Robyn, would you like to have sex with me?”
“Here we are once again,” Robyn said a light chuckle as she sat on the edge of the bed and kicked her shoes off her feet.
“You really didn’t have to rent a room, Christopher.”
“Special occasions deserve a special atmosphere.”
“For someone who claims to not be trying to seduce me, you sure are trying to seduce me.”
Chris chuckled as he unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it over the armchair beside the dresser, “The flowers are because I love you. The candles are to make it smell good.”
“And the massage oil?”
“That’s to make sure you still feel good once we’re done.”
“So that’s not for before?”
“No, definitely for after.”
“Hmm...what exactly do you plan to do to me?”
“What do you want me to do to you?”
Chris began removing his pants as Robyn leaned back on her hands to watch, “are you going to get undressed?”
“You can do it once you’re finished with yourself.”
“No taking charge here?”
“I’ll take charge later.”
Chris smirked as he leaned against the door. Robyn sat up, “you’re staring at me, just like last time. What is it?”
“Nothing. Just looking.”
“You make me nervous when you do that.”
“You know why.”
“If I did, I wouldn’t ask.”
“Do you really wanna get all serious at this moment?”
“This moment was already serious. Any time I spend with you is important and serious. So what did you mean by I make you nervous?”
“This is the first time I’ve gotten dressed up in almost a year.”
“I know.”
“Robyn, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you’re beautiful no matter what to me. I wish I could make you believe that.”
“I’m trying.”
“Good and today was a great first step. I’ve missed seeing those legs in heels.”
Robyn giggled, “what you trying to say?”
“That you’ve been dressing like you’re auditioning for Set It Off.”
Robyn’s mouth dropped open as she tossed a pillow at him, “Babe!”
“It’s true. You’ve been wearing boxers for months and since that is a one hell of a skirt, I can see that tonight you’re not. I’m impressed.”
“I don’t know whether to be flattered or insulted.”
“It is definitely a compliment. I know it wasn’t easy for you because you don’t quite feel comfortable yet so I do appreciate any effort you take to get back outside your box.”
“I didn’t even realize I was in a box.”
“You’ve been through a lot especially over the last six months, it’s gonna take some time to get you back in your high heels and short dresses but we’ll get there.”
“You sound so sure.”
“Because I am. If there is anyone that can pull themselves out of a rut, it’s you. You dealt with my moody, screwed up ass for three years, this is a piece of a cake.”
“Well that’s true.”
Chris pressed his hand to his chest in mock shock and Robyn laughed, “you said it, I was just agreeing.”
“I like that sound.”
“What sound?”
“You. Laughing. You sound happy.”
“I am happy. Tonight was great even though you still haven’t brought your half-naked self over here yet”
Chris chuckled, “I like committing this view to memory.”
He walked over to the bed and Robyn lifted her leg to press her foot into his chest, “what you doing?”
“You really have to ask? I kind of wish you kept your shoes on.”
“So I could take them off you myself.”
“Hmm...so how you feeling tonight?”
“I’m feeling like we both just go with the flow tonight,” Chris grabbed her foot and placed a kiss on her ankle, “what about you?”
“Whatever you want, I’m here for it.”
“Can I kiss my girlfriend?”
“Wherever and whenever you want.”
Chris grinned and leaned down to kiss her lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Baby.”
“Aaah! Christopher, stop it,” Robyn screeched laughingly.
Chris grabbed her around her waist and pressed against her, “stop making all that noise. You gonna wait up the whole floor.”
“Then you get from behind me. You play too much.”
“Who said I was playing?”
“Chris, we have to get home to our children.”
“Our children are with their aunt. They will be fine, besides we have this room for a few more hours and I want to enjoy them.”
“Look, we’re not even dressed yet.”
“Actually my shirt and skirt are on.”
“Minor technicalities.”
Chris leaned in and nipped at the skin of her neck. He murmured, “why you acting like this?”
“Because we’re never gonna make it out of here if you start again.”
“We will. I promise.”
He carefully opened the top buttons of her shirt to kiss her shoulder and collarbone, “I can’t walk out of here like this.”
Robyn moaned softly and bit down on her lip as he kissed along the swell of her breast, “Why are you so damn irresistible?”
“I’m good at this.”
Chris hiked up her skirt, sat her on the edge of the dresser then carefully slid into the wet crevice.
“Oh God,” Robyn gritted out, “You are too good at this.”
He rocked inside her slowly, to keep from moving the furniture against the wall. Robyn’s nails dug into his shoulder blades as she pressed her head against his. Chris gripped her thighs and gently pushed them apart as he sank deeper into her. He nibbled at the swell of her breast before moving his lips to her neck. He could feel her legs trembling and her walls tightening but he didn’t want her to cum just yet, not without him. He pulled out, leaving only the tip in and Robyn let out a sigh against his skin, “I was close.”
“I know. That’s why I pulled out.”
“We don’t have time for you to play.”
“We have time for anything we want to do. You know I never rush.”
He pushed back into her and she groaned out loud. Flexing her walls against his shaft, she attempted to hold him in but he slid back out then pushed back inside. Hard. 
“Christopher,” she murmured.
He kept kissing on her neck, nibbled at her earlobe and caressed her thighs as he gently pulled out then kept pushing back in. She could feel her orgasm just teetering on the edge. Her skin felt like it was burning up. She trailed her nails in the sweat glistening on his back. He finally picked up the pace but he pulled her away from the dresser and held her up in mid air. He continued to bounce her against his pelvis, her skirt bunched above her waist, her shirt hanging off her shoulders. Her hair sticking to her skin. She wrapped her arms around his neck to anchor herself. He dug his fingers into her thighs to hold her steady then whispered one word in her ear,
Chris stopped moving as he watched her orgasm wash over her face. It was never violent or exaggerated. She always came in a gentle manner. Her eyes closed. Her chest heaved for a few seconds then slowed. Her body went lax against him, her face pressed against his head. It was his favorite part of them coming together. He wished he could bottle that feeling somehow, so she could feel that way at will. As her body released against him, the peace in her movements, her face was all he ever wanted to remember. 
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ddrmuseum · 4 years
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🇬🇧 The magazine »Bummi« is aimed at pre-school children and was first published in 1957 by the publisher house Junge Welt. In GDR times the maximum circulation was 736,300 copies. The inventor of the title character (an upright walking yellow teddy bear), Ursula Böhnke-Kuckhoff, died on the 7th of August at the age of 93. The illustration shows a section of the collection volume #21, which cost 5.80 M. 🇩🇪 Die Zeitschrift »Bummi« richtet sich an Vorschulkinder und wurde das erste Mal 1957 vom Verlag Junge Welt publiziert. Zu DDR-Zeiten lag die maximale Auflage bei 736.300 Exemplaren. Am 7.8. verstarb die Erfinderin der Titelfigur (ein aufrecht gehender gelber Teddybär), Ursula Böhnke-Kuckhoff im Alter von 93 Jahren. Die Abbildung zeigt einen Ausschnitt des Sammelbands 21. Dieser kostete 5,80 M. #ddrmuseum #ddrgram #instamuseum #ddr #gdr #museum #berlin #history #geschichte #bummi #vintagemagazine #kinderzeitschrift — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2EaVht4
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hairbrush9 · 3 years
Bummy bear ass. Dummy phat butt
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
Pixie Dust AU
“Where’s my favorite nephew?” a loud voice shouts from the front door. “I come bearing gifts!”
Taemin gasps, sitting up straight from where he was sitting in the grass playing with the pixies, and he pushes himself up to go stumbling back inside.
“Unc’Bummie!” Taemin shouts, darting at Kibum at full speed and latching onto his leg. “Hi!”
“Hello, my favorite little imp!” Kibum teases, picking him up and twirling him around. “Do you want to see the presents Uncle Bummie brought you?”
“Yes!” Taemin insists. “And play!”
“We’ll go play in a little bit,” Kibum promises.
“Uncle Ming will be here in a little bit too,” Kibum laughs. He takes Taemin over to the couch, and Jinki is sitting on a chair shaking his head at him. “Look at all these fun presents, just for Taeminnie!”
Taemin gasps again, and he reaches for the big bag Kibum brought closer. He’s sitting on Kibum’s lap, his whole head dipped inside the bag with his right arm reaching inside.
“Magic!” Taemin giggles, pulling his head out and holding a Merlin doll up in the air.
“Keep looking!”
Taemin dives back into the bag and pulls out every single new toy. There’s stuffed animals and story books and light up pretend wands and a toddler’s potions kit, to name a few. There’s also a toy train, and Taemin is particularly interested in that for a while. Slides off of Kibum’s lap to sit on the floor and and then crawl after it while it glides across the floor.
“You spoil him,” Jinki says.
“Of course I do,” is Kibum’s only response, a smirk on his face.
“Papa, look!” Taemin calls. “Choo-Choo!”
The train’s horn sounds, and Taemin giggles and keeps crawling after it.
Kibum ends up sitting in the floor with Taemin, testing out all his new toys together. They open up the Potions kit, and whenever they throw something into the cauldron, colorful mist spits out from the top. Sometimes there’s even bubbles. It makes Taemin erupt into a fit of giggles every time.
Minho walks through the door just as Taemin is growing bored with the Potions kit, and Taemin instantly runs right at him.
“Unc’Ming!” Taemin exclaims, throwing himself against Minho’s chest when the man knelt down and held his arms out.
“Taeminnie!” Minho laughs, and he picks Taemin up and tosses him in the air a few times.
It’s five minutes of Taemin being thrown in the air and being caught by Minho, and he absolutely loves it. The both of them do.
It’s always a fun time when Minho and Kibum come to visit. They have a picnic out in the garden, Taemin runs around with pixies and Minho joins him, and Kibum laughs loudly from the picnic blanket. Jinki just likes soaking in everything around him. He loves that his best friends love his son so much, and that Taemin loves them so much back.
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littlelambdrgnfly · 3 years
Ohhh lordy. Y'all are on a WHOLE nother level of thinking. That thing abt them letting Johnny hump a toy while they watched and giggled is just 👌this trio is everything.
It’s ridiculously hot, I admit it! I’ve been thinking about the toy thing for a while, but I’m not sure what toy it would be tbh! What pops up in my fantasy is a huge teddy bear, like 5 feet tall, with a little hole poked into the bottom... And maybe Paul attaches a little dildo to it as well, for times when Johnny needs his bummy filled but Paul or Cynthia aren’t in the mood for it (in this fantasy Cyn definitely pegs John)! I’m not usually into cuck stuff, but I can’t resist them 😍
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beenjen · 4 years
Challenged for a workout clothes selfie by @losingitinvirginia - not hard because I’ve been rolling in my leggings these days
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I’m rocking some pink, and here is me not working out, but getting some fresh air.
My muscle strain seems to be resolved, I’m feeling pretty bummy though. I’ve washed the same load of laundry twice, managed to make another spinach and blueberry smoothie and random, but Lilith loves frozen blueberries.
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Work has been a bear this week - it’ll pass. We had a BS tph conference meeting, and can I be honest here? Everyone is talking at the same time and zero gets accomplished. Then someone always gets hung up on some random petty crap and then the meeting should just abort.
We are doing everything via telephone, all procedures are on hold and we’ve launched video appointments, which, meh. It’s quicker for sure when there is no in person diatribe, we aren’t able to really do anything because no procedures as noted above, no services because of covid risk and it’s all just, I don’t have the word really. Pointless, no, but I feel like a toddler when everyone askes for things and my response is ‘no, no, no.’
I actually managed to gain 3 pounds fasting and I suppose not drinking enough water? Then it’s gone again today, and it’s all feeling a little redundant. Me battling the same couple of pounds without really moving forward, but overall, I’m still over here doing this thing.
I made jambalaya for dinner and made it extra spicy so hubs and I can enjoy the fuck out of it. The kids I’ll make something else. Want the little buggars to actually sleep tonight so we can have some honey time, and hubs gets Friday off for the Easter weekend. We have an egg dying kit I picked up awhile back, and we’ll do some FaceTime with the grandparents
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Also, the boys ordered some zombi apocalypse nerf guns, so we’ve been having wars in this mug haha
Keep on keeping on xx
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