#buna aburame oc
onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
Reina's birth (Part 2 - Comic)
So, here is the second part of the comic. Again, thank you very much @succikko-nebulae for letting me use your boy Suko in here!
In these brief scene, the birth has already happen (I am not going to draw that) and we have a little view of Hana's critical state after it. As you will see, Suko uses ASL to comminicate with Buna. Friendly reminder, Buna can't hear. He has tought him that word, to be precise "Perfect" and "Problem" to know inmidiatly if there is something wrong with baby Reina. He communicates mostly using a notebook, so Suko writes and Buna writes back.
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[First panel :*Suko checking Reina's reflexes after birth. The baby holds his finger* She still has palmar reflexes. Second Panel: *Suko signaling "Perfect" in ASL* Third Panel: *IV with blood, connected to Hana. Hana is not seen in the panel* Fourth Panel: *Overhead view of Takeo sitting in a sofa* Fifth Panel : *Takeo side view, it is visible that he has been crying* Suko: How is Takeo doing? Buna: He just sits there looking at Hana...Sixth Panel: *Buna sights* Seventh Panel: * Buna visible worried* Buna: He needs to remember that he also has... Eighth Panel: *Reina's fist, you can see a small bracelet with her name and the date off her birth 01/08* Buna: He has she to care too [Needs to be edited in the picture]]
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[First panel: *Suko is holding the notebook where Buna has written "She also needs him". Second panel: *Buna holds happily the baby* Third Panel: *Front view of Takeo, visible devastated and with puffy eyes after crying* Buna: He is just lost in thought. Fourth and fifth Panel: *Heart monitor* Sixth Panel: *Suko is not very sure about Buna's positivism. Buna holds the baby while showing the last thing he wrote to Suko* Suko whispering very low: Not so sure ... Buna: Hana will wake up soon]
Hope you like it and thank you if you read it up to here :333
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
My name is Boro and well, here is my bullshit. It is strange but.... I create this with a solid idea to do one fanfic exclusively and now it is so diverse, there are AUs and other characters this is madness. So I decided to create a masterlist with everything. It must be said that this would not have happened if it wasn't for the amazing community and friends that I have found along the way in this year that I have been actively trying to create content. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!! YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!
I have ended up with more than one ship for the main OC that I did, Reina, whose story has change drastically and has shifted constantly, as well as her desing. On the way Eiko appeared with a solid background and a beautiful love story with Ibiki, I am soo in love with them. I know that this would be changing that this is a masterlist of everything that I have done so far and.... I thought that I did lest but oh boy! Gooddness!!
The Aburame family is still my main topic and I abbsolutely love my Reina and the family that has been built around her, but Eiko is a huge and very important OC for me too althought she is nto from the Aburamme family but the fierce matriarch of the Morino family. What a family let me tell you.
It would be divided by AU and Ship so you can check (I may try to change or find a more suitable way to do this). I will try to update it as much as possible. Also there is a ART Masterlist here too.
There are a few desclimers:
This fanfic is +18 mature content would be shown not just the yummy but also hard stuff like trauma for example. This is something that mus be said not just way ahead and it will be also shown in each chapter.
All the characters are property of their creator, Masashi Kishimoto, I have used my liberty to enhance what he has shown about his world and of course I have add OCs. So far I would not upload drawings of my OCs mostly because I suck at it, so better keep them lock. Therefore, it is forbidden to upload my content without the credit that it should be given as well as the descrimer that shows that the character are property of Masashi Kishimoto.
It must be said that English it is not my first language, I am using this plattaform for fun, to have some laughs and enjoy writing my fanfiction. It is more of a creative and linguistic output in general terms. I have thought to also upload in other languages for practicing and fun.
With nothing else to say... well I hope you enjoy it.
REINA ABURAME HEADCANNONS (The new ones) Headcannons
Technique's headccanon - part 1
TATSUMA ABURAME HEADCANNONS (The brother- yes it is cannon Tatsuma the one that was with Orochimaru in that 1 manga panel)
KIDOMARU (Kidomaru?!! Yes someone ~~@yamanaka-shin and @waxingmoonmilktea ~~ have make this a brainworm that is quite deep now in my brain. Very deep...really deep....I LOVE HTE DYNAMIC THAT THESE THREE COULD HAVE OKAY?! okay...I am down a rabbit hole)
Reina's birth Part 1 Part 2
-- Original cannon (no longer Reina's (and also my Aburame family) cannon but maybe I will go back here, but so far it is just an AU)
In this AU there is a hidden village called Kagenogure, found by Sasuke and that would eventually lead to all the characters meeting. The main Reina ship is SHINO ABURAME. It has two parts, Kagenogure Chronicles which is the main story line and UNTOLD that happens three years after the first one. Both are unfinished.
Chapters: 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Dreams (Scene)
Kagenogure's truth 1
Prologue Chapter 1
The Phoenix's feathers
The new Queen
The old Queen
Reina's birth
Comic: Monarc butterfly part 1
Comic : If they were here
Some HEADCANNONs and a scene
REINA X NOBIRU @moonamayillu 's OC
Chapter 1 , 2
REINA X MUTA AU (Doesn't have a name yet)
Chapter 1 , 2
Zetsu's backstory - Yes I am creating some Zetsu content hope to publish it soon rather than later.
I have never forgotten you (EikoxIbiki) Main storyline of these lovebirds. It is their official cannon
Chapter 1
Pain War Arc - Scene 1 - Scene 2 - Scene 3 (coming soon)
Roasted Chicken Scene
Days 1, 2, 3 ,4 (@shinoposting 's OC Suma :3 )
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
Reina's birth (Comic, Part 1)
I know it is not much, but here is a little bit of something that I have been working on since I decided that Reina needed a change. Here is Buna, Takeo and Hana about to give birth to Reina.
I thought that it would be could to add OC's from my friends within the story, I got the feeling that it would be very cool and cute. So, after talking wiht @succikko-nebulae , he allowed me to use his Suko and Naka as the ones in charge of delivering Reina.
I want to do more comics, I think it has helped me a little bit in terms of drawing.
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[Hana in Pain] 4 [Hana screams] Takeo- Please!! Anyone, help us! I beg you!! 5 Gen- Sorry fella, the foors are closed for the day! Takeo - Please, let us in. She is in labour!!
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1 - Gen - I told you the doors are closed 2 Mysterious figure that of course it is not Konan (yes, she is) - Should I tell Naka that you left a baby outside? 3 [Suko's eyes] 4 Naka- I told you that we had the nigh shift? Suko - Yes ~yawns~ But nothing never happens at this hour mom ~yawns~ [Crack of his back] 5 Takeo- We need help! Anyone!! Please ! 6 - Suko - What the....FUCK!!!
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Takeo - I beg you....
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
Buna Aburame: Headcannons
Well, better late than never. Here you can enjoy a little bit of the best grandpa, Buna Aburame, a charming face and kind soul.
Buna Aburame
Age Part 1 –  58 Part 2 – 61
Height -  2,15 cm
Weight – 120, 4 kg
Physical appearance: He has a rather tanned skin, it looks as if he has been his whole life under the sun, something that is partially truth but also, he was already born with that lovely soft tanned skin. He is incredible tall reaching and impressive 2meters and 15 centimetres of height. He also has a lovely round belly and softer features that let subtle hints of his past body. Although now he is rather fluffy in can be perceived that he used to be very muscular, but time has making his Akimichi side to pop up and round his features. However, he never had the sharpest out of the Aburame, although his son and grandson really looked more Aburame than him.
He is very proud of his silver mane and loves to take good care of it, loving to braid his hair in special occasions and always making sure that it looks on place. He also cares a lot about his beard which he always has it in a very decent condition and perfectly trim. It makes his chin look sharper. He has a few piercings; in each ear he has three earrings and a piercing in his right eyebrow. He also has always wanted to have a few tattoos, now that he is getting older, he is starting to ponder the idea to take that ink in. However, he is rather perfectionist and really wants to find the perfect tattoo artist and the perfect design for it.
He is also deaf since birth. Something that a lot of people are surprised by because “he doesn’t look like one”, every time that he must read the lips of someone saying something along those lines, or his family translates it to him you can Definity see his eyes flicker, but not with anger but with disdain. Talking about eyes, his are in a softer blueish-greyish colour. He usually hides them with his shades but when he is with his family or in a very comfortable environment is usual to not see him wearing them, the older he gets the more he forgets to wear them. Consequently, when he is outside in broad sunlight, you can see him squinting his eyes to try to see. It is not until either his son or one of his grandchildren appear and gives him some shades to protect his eyesight.
Psychological features: Now that he is older, he looks ever wiser than when he was a young adult or teenager. He has a very calming attitude and reassuring shoulder. He is a very loving guy with those that show that they care about him. He learnt at a young age to differentiate those that wanted to take advantage or mocking him and those that really like him. Specially when the one that he thought was the love of his live trick him and almost tried to erase from existence his real love, his child.
He is always kind to help others and has a very altruistic nature, yet the stones that he had found in his life as making him been cautious about to whom share his heart and thoughts and to whom lend a helping hand. Some people want a hand, and they ended up devouring your arm. As he would sign “I am kind, not stupid”.
Because of his hearing impairment many people judged him when he was a kid and automatically assumed that he was “below average”, quite the opposite; he is brilliant and if the clan would have let him a helping hand, he would be one of the best tacticians, but the clan thought that he would be useful in the fields taking care of crops and insects. He wasn’t suitable for a shinobi job. “It is something that they miss, although I would never like to punch a fellow” He seems to have a very pacifist nature, but do not be mistaken, do not anger him nor touch his family. He would not doubt throwing up some punches back at you.
He is a very charming guy, knowing how to please people with his words when he writes them in his small notebook, a very useful instrument for him. Not to mention, that he is a master when it comes to words. He usually writes letters to his child and grandchildren, just to cheer them up. Maybe one day Reina after crying and feeling under the weather she finds a small letter written by his grandpa, impersonating some strange mythological creature or a forest spirit that is asking for help or telling a torrid confession about how their lover has left him. Maybe a funny mouse story or a short tale about ogres and werewolves. He has a very creative mind and it shown in his little collection of letters, especially the ones that he always writes to Takeo, Tatsuma and Reina when their birthdays approach impersonating Hana.
A creative and kind mind that has learn how to stop being a people-pleaser and how to differentiate those that deserve his caring and those that do not. A gentle soul that has been forced to be rather reclusive due to people not being able to understand him or even taking the effort to do so. But he doesn’t care, since at the end of the day that means that he is truly surrounded by those that really love him, not like the rest of the people who are around people who would not even remember their names.
Background: Born from Ai Aburame and Haruka Akimichi (Granduncle of Chouza Akimichi) famous for being a Casanova. Ai Aburame fell in love with him and thought that been expecting his child would make him marry her and start forming a family. She always felt strange to her own clan, mostly because she was grossed out by her own hive and the insects surrounding the compound, forced to be a host and a shinobi like almost everyone back at those days, thought that a humble housewife life would safe her. Great mistake, Haruka kept laying around with other people to later come to her bed and lay with her too, what led to her having a herpes infection that would eventually cause his earing loss. However, back at those time it was not implied nor thought that the father’s behaviour was the cause of the child’s issue instead, the blame fell upon her.
She became a pariah for the clan, being not just useless as a kunoichi but also tainted the family with such a child. She thought many times to get rid of Buna, but somehow, she was unable to do it, instead he turned his life hell on Earth. Treating him as the clan members treated her and the world, Buna grew in this environment, where he never felt loved by anyone around him, but thanks to the books he found love there. He started to create those magical worlds, since when he read them, he was in the same conditions as anyone who dive into their pages; you can’t hear the characters talking. He found refuge in there, reading lovely parents that took care of their adventurous child he decided that he wanted to be one of them. He wanted to live the biggest of adventure with a child of his own and someone near him that loved him tenderly as he always wanted to.
The truth is that he soon was sent to the fields to work on the land, what allowed him to gain independence from his mother when he was only 16 years. Consequently, he started to prepare everything to get out of Konoha and live that adventure. However, when he was 20, he fell hard for two good friends Mei and Kentaro, he couldn’t understand what was happening. He really thought that he had found loved in both…the truth is that they have heard about the “Aburame charm” a myth that was extended among the villagers about the size and girth of Aburame’s attributes. Since the” normal” Aburames were rather reclusive and not that extroverted, yet this Aburame seemed different from the rest either eager or wanting to interact with others…So it was their chance. Buna thought that they loved him as he loved them, the truth both wanted just to taste him. As a result of their multiple encounters, she got pregnant.
She tried to get rid of the baby but time was not on her side, she had an early birth and Takeo, Buna’s son, was born premature. As a result of his mother’s action he was born without one of his arms, but…. people did not blame her; it was easier and more “logical” for them to blame Buna. After all, he was also born broken, unfinished. Takeo was left with Buna and he never knew about his mother, not he wanted to. Buna then became a rather reclusive when it came to love. He started to perceive it differently, and thought that sexual love only brought misery to those that taste it, he became someone who hated everything related with love in general… Until his teenage boy brought home a redheaded girl who looked at his son with true blessing and warmth.
Buna smiled when she tried to communicate with him using the sign that his son had thought her. She tried to interact with him, to get to know him and his son. She truly loved him. It was at that moment that Buna believed that he had been a stupid bastard for truly letting those two heartless people ruined something so pure and beautiful as love his.  He found in Hana a daughter to take care of too.
Thus, he started to read once more his beloved romance novels that he had hidden away, fearing that reading those sweet lines would bring him bad memories of what aa heartbroken heart feels like. However, he found that he had never had a broken heart, his son had fixed it. There is more than one kind of love, and some of them can be more powerful and healing that the finding that person that you want to expend your life with. Buna had found that person ages ago, himself. When raising Takeo he had found that there was no one as reliable as himself, he learnt to love every imperfection and every wonderful thing about his body, his mind and soul, and her discovered that he was more than enough. He thought that to his son and tried his hardest to make him see that he wasn’t missing anything. He pushed him into pursuing his dream of becoming a shinobi and celebrate with him every achievement that others found impossible for someone with his condition to achieve. He became a jounin, regardless of what people claimed that he really was…he was the best at his job.
However, when Hana became pregnant, panic and fear possessed both, she was about to give birth to another disappointment for the clan. A broken toy like themselves, Buna would never know, but Takeo suggested her to get rid of the child, she slapped his face. She knew that it was fear talking, not his heart. When the day came a beautiful child named Tatsuma was in his arms. His grandchild…he was a grandfather. He never thought that he would never be one after everything that life had throw at him, but here he was, a miracle. He was born “perfect”. He couldn’t help it but cry and whine, after all it was broken…the filth line that he started by being born was broken.  Just for being taken away by Danzo when he was five… He couldn’t stop his child, nobody could. Takeo faced the council, the elders, and the head of the clan his peer Shibi Aburame. Just to came back hurt, bleeding and hurrying his family to live Konoha.
They became pariahs once more… not deserted of their motherland, yet not welcomed there.
He always dreamt of going out of Konoha and discover new horizon, he never expected that he had to do it to escape the possibility that his land would take away from him another child: Hana was expecting another blessing, Reina.
She was born on a summer storm and as such were her screams and movements, what none expected was that her mother would only have time to breathe her name and kissed her forehead. She died that night; the doctors of the village couldn’t do anything. Takeo felt into misery and disgrace, hating the child, and even attempting to murder her, it was Buna who stopped such crazy actions, the one who took care of the early stages of Reina. Until Takeo could look at her tiny face and his rage was gone, instead sorrow and shame was brought upon his child. They never talk about those times, Takeo is ashamed of his acts and actions, Buna his hurt that he couldn’t help his son better. However, that is in the past and together they raised Reina, hoping to see once more Tatsuma and being able to sleep under Konoha’s sky, their motherland…Hoping to stop being treated as a freak.
His family, butterflies and silkworms, fashion, smut and romance novels, poetry, mystery and horror movies, novels, and myths. Writing under the tender light of a candle. Tea, prepare tea, cultivate tea leaves, packaging his tea leaves, tea lover!!! Crochet, designing clothes and mending his family clothing. The smell of wet soil, and the feeling of the petals in his hand. Reina’s smile, Takeo chuckles and Tatsuma’s pranks. Tarot cards, making them. Stones, he loves stones and minerals. Gifting anything that he has handmade: a scarf, a teddy bear…  Teach other people with hearing impairment or voice problems sign language and learn the sign language that every small community in other villages has developed. Teach sign language to those that he loves, people who make and effort to either sign or let him write what he wants to say and they do to instead of have to lip-reading everything.
Vanilla and mango flavoured stuff and his son’s cooking, he is an expert chef.
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The man himself, hoping to hear your questions about this buggy-gentleperson. He is love and he is kindness!!! Thanks for reading all of this and stick around to hear more about this wonderful human.
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
Some art wips
So I have been drawing...yep..So here is just a bunch of drawings of my characters....I don't promise anything expectacular just training and training that's what it is. :3 Hope you enjoy it. The ones with their names I did it today.
I need to draw more I really want to try to do some comics...Well here it is my progression? well whatever here it is
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onmywaytofanfic · 9 months
A year ago...
I know that I should be more consistent with the content I publish. I also know that I need way more practice and there is a long road ahead of me to finally produce stuff that I feel proud or at least I smile everytime I see it.
A year ago today, I decided to start posting my wips, my shit in terms of what I draw. Trying to prove myself that, maybe, if I keep working on it a little bit every day I may come out with something I like.
That day I published these pictures:
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This one was done a few days prior to the 28th
And this one was done the 28th and already was feeling that the practice was getting me maybe somewhere.
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This picture that I am showign right now was finished on the 24th, if I am not mistaken. This is not just my draawign journey, it is also my OCs developing, it is not longer just Reina, but her and her family and also Eiko and hers. It is Buna and Takeo also, and Tatsuma and Kidomaru (yes he is missing a few arms I do not feel that confident yet) it is Kakuzu and Ibiki and Jirobo!
I don't know if there could be considered a "huge improvement" or even a "small improvement". But I know that a year ago I wouldn't dare to make a full body nor play with colouring, and even less trying ot do a background. And I wouldn't even dare to do more than maybe two characters, maybe.
I know that somehow I tried to make some highlights there and also there is ilumination going on! I just hope that next year, when I do this again, there is a way more clear difference from this, a progress. Nto just that, but I also hope to deliver my comics faster and also my small snippets of writing.
I am just starting to trully enjoy what I do. Thinking also beyond just working on my fics. Hopefully next year, I will do better. Not exclusively with the posting, but delivering better content.
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It is not much tho, but it is something at least, isn't it?
Have a nice day and enjoy these holidays!
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
MARCH CHALLENGE: Day 1 - Nostalgia
Words : 1841
Warmings: None it is fuffy or so I tried to make it look like that so.... carefull it is fluffy and cozy. It may cause you do a "awww" or "uwu"
This is @deity-prompts March's writing challenge
DAY 1: Nostalgia
The kettle was boiling hot with hot water, Buna had placed a very delicate mixture of herbs in the other pot so their soothing and calming aroma would impregnate the water. He poured it gently on the other pot. His son was arranging some biscuits for them and putting them on the table, and rain started to pour down heavily. Drops of it smashed the window that Takeo shouted out with the curtains. He took his glasses and put them on the small table of their humble living room. He missed his garden a lot, but the small balcony gave him some calmness since there he could at least take care of some aromatic herbs. How much he missed his home, however there in Konoha he had found a new purpose in the Torture and Intelligence department, and he wouldn’t lie that finding himself having new friends was also charming and different. There was a nostalgic aroma to it, like something he had completely overrun through his life, something that should have always been there but it wasn’t. He stood silently looking through the window. He felt that Kagenogure was his home, but Konoha was a fresh start. He had started to save money to move to a little house that they were renting, it was really tiny but enough for the three of them and maybe his grandpa if he ever wanted to visit them in Konoha. The important part of that home is that it had a garden, a small garden where he could start his garden again. 
The sound of both cups hitting the table made him look at his dad. He sat grouting through the pain of age and took his cup in his hand, soothing his aching bones with the warmth that the cup gave him. Takeo sat near him and did the same. Silence filled the room. 
A small chuckle from his dad while sipping some tea. Takeo smiled gently. 
The sound of heavy footsteps near the entrance to their apartment. Buna raised his aching body, hive buzzing through the pain and went to the kitchen to prepare another cup. The sounds of keys and suddenly Reina outburst through the door pushed by the strong wind. She fell, button first to the small entrance and closed the door kicking it.
-Don’t do that, Ladybug - apprehend her father looking at the whole mess that his daughter was in. Her hair completely soaked stuck to her skull, the huge jacket seemed heavier than usual due to the wetness that it was impregnated in and the dirt. Her sandals were covered in dirt and mud, not to mention the mess that her clothes were. She sighted - They wanted to keep training - buffed. Takeo drank some tea
-It would be good training, weather does not acclimate to the fighters. - Reina buffed and started to take her sandals off, Buna got closer to her and offered a small towel so she could clean her feet a little bit to not make a mess in their home.
-Take your clothes there, you will make a huge mess if you enter like that.- Reina sighted now and started to undress herself. Once she was only covered in her underwear she yelled -Ready..set..GO!- and rushed to the bathroom leaping towards it - It is so cold, daammit!
-Language -said both men were in unison. The tap water started running and the small bug started to give herself a good hot shower. 
Takeo went to her small bedroom, he could not believe that his daughter had her own space now, he felt it as an achievement. Been able to provide for her a space to call her own. He lurked in some underwear and her cozy pajamas full of flowers and colors. He smiled faintly, he couldn’t stop that thought…he could not stop it. His baby, with her dirty clothes, craving warmth, shaking because of the weather and he there pouring some hot water that they heated near the fire to wash her dirt away “Papa…” she would said shaking, cold and wet “I finish in a moment my dear” he would rush as much as possible so she would not feel the harsh weather on her soft skin and then covered her with a piece of cloth trying to dry her as much as possible. Dressing her with layers and layers of rags and cupping her face with his hand, setting her feeble body near his gave her the warmth that he couldn’t provide with a good shelter for his family nor clothing. Now… There he was holding perfectly folded clothes, warm and clean, he went to the bathroom, knocked gently and left the clothes inside. He closed the door, just a simple gesture with her hand and she had all the warm water that she could think or need. His father, like he had never thought about the commodities and facilities that they had now that seemed so familiar to them, was finishing to prepare her tea. He took out of the box the chocolate chips that she liked so much, because now Reina had favorite food, they had favorite meals, they could choose. He sat again near his almost empty tea. Everything seemed familiar and strange simultaneously, everything seemed as it should have always been and then it had never been. 
He drank what was left of his tea and silently waited for his daughter to join them.
He missed having a shower in the pond with his family, but he did not miss the cold that it brought in months like this one. He missed them lurking together hearing each other's tales and Reina’s fantastic incoherent stories, but he did not miss having to share the same space to sleep. He missed how they could prepare a meal together out of anything, but he did not miss the hunger… Reina came up from the bath, smiling and content. She went to the living room, where both men were waiting for her - Chocolate cookies! - said with a bright smile, she went directly to them and started to munch on one of them happily. She sat between both grown ups with her usual childish smile -Do you know what I saw today?- said their bright butterfly. Takeo smiled - Tell us, Ladybug - she gulped the cookie that she was eating - So Goro and I were doing some training, Danuja was like always there saying what we were doing wrong but he HE did not even move once for the whole training- buffed - And then he says that we lack teamwork, anyway. I saw a devil’s flower mantis! - said with a smile - I thought that I would never see one again, I thought they were common in our land. But, here they are too, at least there is one. Then Goro hit me in the stomach and made me dizzy. - she munched the cookie and held the cup near her taking in some of the tea’s warmth - I wonder why we called them like that?- Buna smiled and patted her hair - Well…- She seemed to understand her grandpa without a word - It is true that it could be their appearance that gave them that name…but.. what about a deal? You know, maybe they have talked with some shinobi like… A shinobi well-versed in fire jutsu, you know? - Reina inquired with a smile. Takeo nodded happily to hear her rumbling. Buna stood up and took a blanket to cover the three of them under it.
They rested their backs on the wall, got closer together and sat there so familiar yet so different from what they were used to. They have sat like that before, and heard her stories cheerfully, the main difference was that now they had no hunger, no cold, no sadness to wash away by rumbling and telling stupid made up stories. They were killing time, no…they were cherishing time together as a family. The rain kept banging on the window. Reina rested her head on Takeo’s shoulder while her grandpa kept the blanket well over both of them. - So, you think a skill shinobi with fire give them that name?- inquired her father - No, impossible, fire shinobis? I am sure they do not like insects, it should have been a shinobi with a great affinity towards the earth - Buna smiled and denied with his head - You see papa, even grandpa agrees with me, don’t you? - he nodded - It must have been a fire, have you seen their colors?
-They do not look fire-like to me
-It does
-It looks more pinkish to me actually -said mocking his daughter
-It is clearly a fire, like kindling a fire. It is not a fierce fire but one of those calm ones that people trust. 
-And then zap - Takeo took the cookie away from her hand in a flash -It starts to burn everything down
-Yes! Like the mantis when they suddenly jump and attack you. - Buna started to laugh. With his hand he pat Reina’s calves with affection and stood up 
-Are you going to start a fire grandpa? - he nodded reaching the kitchen
-Let me help you! - she immediately rose up, took the three cups and started to wash the dishes - What are you going to do today? - He played a little bit with his beard thinking - Does the chef accept suggestions? - smiled mischievously, he smiled as an answer. Takeo looked at the scenes, so familiar yet not fully the image that he was used to. 
Nostalgia reigned in his heart, everything reminded him of what could have been possible yet it wasn’t. He decided that it was time to give a new meaning to that feeling, and create new moments that evoke such content into his heart. He got closer to them - I would like a simple soup 
-Papa no..soup again? This rain calls from some fried sweet potatoes with bell peppers, oh and maybe some roasted onions…Yes! Roasted veggies with fried sweet potato. We put everything in the oven and just let it cook. 
-It sounds unhealthy
-It sounds yummy
Buna snapped his fingers, he got an idea. He went to the fridge and started to put things out of it, then he took a weird utensil and smiled
-Hot pot!- Said father and daughter. The happy family knew now what their dinner was going to be. Takeo started to set the table and prepare the cooking pot, Buna and Reina sliced the vegetables and prepared the noodles. They had some already done broth with which they could do all of it and some marinated tofu to make it even yummier. It was a happy moment, a new happy moment. 
Sometimes you just need a few smiles to make something memorable, there is no need for greatness when it comes to the heart, it only needs warmth.
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Takeo Aburame: General info
Word ocunt ; 588
Tekeo Aburame
Age: (Promises) 45 (Untold) 48
Height: 2.12 cm
Weight: (Promises) 70 kg (Untold) 102 kg.
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation:  ?¿ (He has only felt sexual attraction towards Hana, he has never felt attraction towards any gender nor person ever, only her)
Bio and relationships: He is cold and sharp with his words, never misses a chance. He only shows some short of warmth when it comes to his daughter. He even smiles when she is nearby and constantly tries to show some short of affection towards her. The reason being that his mother always criticized him for being too cold with her even in public, afraid that his daughter may feel the same he has tried to change those reaction towards her only. She does not know that; however, he enjoys that when she is around his father’s attention is solely focused on her. She does not see it bad, but his other family members thing the opposite. He would willingly gave his life for her, as he did when she was a couple of minutes old when he gave his arm without a second thought of it.
He had always had a cold relationship with his father and grandfather, Buna and Takehiko, that does not mean that they do not love or care for him and vice versa. It only means that for them has been harder to show affection towards their kids. It changed with Reina, mostly because she herself has a warmth Uzumaki side that made them tender, or also because of how sick she was since she was a kid. Moreover, they prefer to talk among them using their insects, it has been their form to also show some affection among them.
Regarding Reina’s sibling they see him as a relievable uncle with which they can talk about everything. Always kin to lend a shoulder to cry or a pair of ears to listen. He also enjoys deeply the dynamic that the children had. Non-related by blood, but with stronger bonds that those who were born with them. He nurtures their relationship as siblings and sees it as something good.
The Aburames… His relationship with Shino is way different. He was one of the first to grasp what was happening with him when the rumble started, and his hive was calling for his daughter. He immediately tried to put it in a halt, but as Shibi told him, that is something impossible. The rumble that the Aburame’s feel is something whose explanation goes beyond the pure science behind both hives feeling attracted. They consider that that hive’s call is related to the theory of the red threat. They think that they have it easier because their hives detect the red threat that unites those hearts.
Takeo is hard on the boy and has always his eyes upon him. He usually talks with Shibi about it, and the man knows Takeo’s feelings and tries to ease him, trusting him that she would be in loving care with his son and his family. However, Shibi is starting to feed up with that situation with Reina’s father. He understands the man but although their talks are sharp and brief, he cannot longer hide the fact that he feels insulted by Takeo’s attitude and behaviour. Takeo knows how to hide all of that when Reina is nearby or any other person that is not Shibi, with whom he has that quarrel. He is also not fond of Torune, he does not trust how amiable he is.
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
Reina Aburame: General info
Wordd count : 1809 Bio only 1662
So, I have been lately feeling down when it comes to my writing and what comes out of it. I feel that everything that I have written so far regarding my OCs and the story seems low quality. I have tried to solve this by rumbling and trying to create headcannons and a better structure to what I do. The solution that I have foound is this, a little bit of Reina. I need to keep writing progressing. But, I do see this platform as my vent place where I post this nonsense that I call fic.
Hope that this brings a little bit of light into who Reina is and his going to be. I will write that with all my OCs, just to bring some context, or trying to, into my fic since I have got the feeling that I am doing a huge mess.
Reina Aburame
Age: (Promises) 18 (Untold) 21
Height: 1,60cm
Weight: (Promises) below 50 (Untold) 75 kg.
Sexual orientation: ¿?
Gender: ¿?
Bio and relationships: She seems quite shy, however that is the effect of the Yamanaka seal upon her for so many years. Once she was freed from the “Outburst seal” from the Yamanaka’s her real self could appeared and be as chatty and lovely as she wished for. That seal sent strong electric shock to her spine every time that she had an outburst of emotion, regardless fi the emotion was considered positive or negative. She does introduce herself as female, but she does not care which pronouns people use with her. Her sibling has tried to explain to her if she feels non-binary like them, she just shrugs and says “I just want to let the worries of living another day faint. I am just comfortable being myself, if you think that makes me non-binary then I am non-binary. If you think it does not, then I am not”. She has never questioned her gender identity. She is really carefree about her sexuality and gender.
More things about her. As an Aburame, she does have a hive, however, when she was infused with the seals the hive started to fade and disappear. Up to the point that during the events in Promises, she had a hive that was less than 100 insects. When she had her hive back, she started to blend her Aburame and Uzumaki side in terms of her jutsus. She achieved that some of her bugs, after a rigorous training and breeding, are a little bit bigger than the average kikaichu, just 2 mm bigger, and they have the possibility to store in them jutsus and seal such as the Uzumaki’s. It requires big quantities of chackra and the sacrifice of some insects form her hive. She sends her insects in special formations that represent the seal, consequently, she can make long distance seals without been caught in the middle of the battle. Those kikaichu that are bigger, can resist the release of the seal better than others. Therefore, those are saved for big seals or special jutsus.
As an Aburame, the first time that she saw Shino she was really weak, and her hive did not vibrate with his as his did. He thought that it was a bad sign, meaning that his hive and he had found someone with whom he could resonate and being loved, but her hive did not consider his hive worthy. The truth was that she was so feeble that her hive was trying to take care of her before even trying to seek for a partner. In my canon, Aburame’s resonate when they find a mate that they and their hives see as prosperous for them. There are little records of cases in which this resonance has not work, (Reina’s grandfather is one of those, and his great-grandfather never resonate), or that it rumbles again as well as doing it with two mates simultaneously. Once her hive was care for and better, she did rumble for him. Although, at the beginning she could not control the volume nor the buzzing of her insect because she had to re-learnt everything that she did when she had a proper hive. She felt so ashamed and wanted to distance herself form Shino, afraid of shame him. He worked with her in her training and support her greatly. He finds it adorable the way that her hive buzzed. She still does, because sometimes she cannot hold her hive still. What he loves about her is when she gets so nervous that a few insects start to tickle her cheeks or in her chin, making it look as she has multiple dimples.
She works in Muta’s family book-café. Although her brothers, Danuja Uchiha and Goro Hyuga, want her to keep pursuing the shinobi career as they do. They do not want her three members squad to be dismantle or her to be change for somebody that they do not know. They are older than she and quite bossy, especially Danuja. They enjoy their team, and they do make a good team and want to keep it like this. However, Reina has seen in Konoha a place where she can finally rest after been the seed for a whole village for 10 years. As a seed, the village ground took her chakra to not just keep the barrier on but also to produce every type of food in the village. At the beginning her ancestors had it a little bit easier, but the Komado family found how to abuse of this, and the village grew without control, mostly because of how they welcomed rogue ninjas. That was something that the noble clans were against it, but due to the “Incident” they did not have form to express their thoughts. They were regard as “things” that protected the village and that was their only purpose, make the village safe AND happy.
She also has three more siblings, two of them have already appear in “Untold”. Chikako Akimichi is a trans-woman, she has two years more than Reina, they are the closest and they have always been like that. They love each other unconditionally, as a matter-of-fact Chikako renamed herself like that out of Reina’s lovely mumbling when she was a baby. She always knew who she was, but the circumstances led her to hide her identity from the villagers but not from her family. Her dead name is Chikao, she liked because it was given by her mother who she admires deeply. However, tiny Reina could not avoid put a “k” at the end. She ended out loving it and feels that represents herself completely. As a sister and daughter. She loves her name and treasures it, her nickname is Kazu.
Something similar happened to her brother Genkei Yamanaka. He is a trans-man, he was the worst at hidden who he really was to the villagers. Because of that he was the most resentful towards the villagers and hates them the most. He would not flinch if he saw the whole houses burn and Kagenogure erased from existence. He is a very creative mind and was the one that put the band together. In an alternative AU they will have a Industrial Metal band, however right now I do not know how to fit those strong sounds into the Narutoverse, but I want to be a Heavy Metal Band too. He is the singers of it, and after he has started to treat his transition correctly in Konoha he has fall even more in love with his harsh and deep voice.
Finally, “Mother duck”, Shiori Nara. They are the eldest sibling out of the six of them, they have 6 years more than Reina. They identify as non-binary and only lets his parents and sister call them by “she”. They actually, their siblings, do so when they have to congregate “the sisterhood”. Mostly, to talk about things that the other three do not care about or are rude, also they do that when they have gossips. They are calm, collected and a little bit overprotective over all their siblings. They got the feeling off been a “parent-like-figure” to them, and sometimes they behave as such.
Reina’s direct blood family consist in her father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Takeo Aburame is her father, he deeply loves her and will willingly give whatever it may be to make her child happy and protect her. Proof of this is missing right arm, given so he could stay with his daughter until she bleeds. When that time happened Shiori came with a brilliant idea that let him have her until the rescue team arrived. Cold and firm in his manners, but warm and caring when it comes to Reina. He is not afraid to call her “Ladybug” in public or hold her hand when they cross the road although she is a grown-up. She lets him do it, those are his forms of showing how much doe he cares for her.
Takehiko his her great-grandpa, he is the opposite of an Aburame. Old and wrinkled he is not afraid to speak his mind and do “crazy” things such as enjoy himself without caring what other might thing of his insect covering him or been outside his body. He is an old gizzer and a pervert who never found true love. His homosexuality was an issue for a village so close in mind but not for Chio. She is Reina’s great-grandmother, and although she left this earth a couple of years ago, she left it fighting and being grumpy. She was also homosexual and together with Takehiko decided to make a family. They wanted to be parents but there was no form for them to make the family that they wished for, so they help each other to achieve that dream. Out of that dream came Buna, her grandpa. He is stoic, short in word and even colder than her father. However, he has other forms to show his gratitude and love, for example taking off his jacket to cover his granddaughter. His heart is severely hurt after Hana’s mother refusal, Reina’s grandmother on her mother-side; however, he understood it an took her child Hana into care. He never thought that she would fall in love with his child and gave him her lovely granddaughter.
Buna and Takeo are really protective over Reina, something that Takehiko blames them and reprehends them constantly. Takeo does not want Reina to be gone from his side by mating with Shino. If Takeo could, he would kill Shino or force his hive to be infatuated for another person. However, he knows hat sooner or later she would leave the nest and make her own…that does not mean that he would try to delay that event as much as he can. He has his father support after all.
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
This week I shall post the new headcannons of my Aburame family.
And Tatsuma(yes that Tatsuma the one we only see in like two panels).
This week I shall do it!!!!
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