#naruto hcs oc
onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
Buna Aburame: Headcannons
Well, better late than never. Here you can enjoy a little bit of the best grandpa, Buna Aburame, a charming face and kind soul.
Buna Aburame
Age Part 1 –  58 Part 2 – 61
Height -  2,15 cm
Weight – 120, 4 kg
Physical appearance: He has a rather tanned skin, it looks as if he has been his whole life under the sun, something that is partially truth but also, he was already born with that lovely soft tanned skin. He is incredible tall reaching and impressive 2meters and 15 centimetres of height. He also has a lovely round belly and softer features that let subtle hints of his past body. Although now he is rather fluffy in can be perceived that he used to be very muscular, but time has making his Akimichi side to pop up and round his features. However, he never had the sharpest out of the Aburame, although his son and grandson really looked more Aburame than him.
He is very proud of his silver mane and loves to take good care of it, loving to braid his hair in special occasions and always making sure that it looks on place. He also cares a lot about his beard which he always has it in a very decent condition and perfectly trim. It makes his chin look sharper. He has a few piercings; in each ear he has three earrings and a piercing in his right eyebrow. He also has always wanted to have a few tattoos, now that he is getting older, he is starting to ponder the idea to take that ink in. However, he is rather perfectionist and really wants to find the perfect tattoo artist and the perfect design for it.
He is also deaf since birth. Something that a lot of people are surprised by because “he doesn’t look like one”, every time that he must read the lips of someone saying something along those lines, or his family translates it to him you can Definity see his eyes flicker, but not with anger but with disdain. Talking about eyes, his are in a softer blueish-greyish colour. He usually hides them with his shades but when he is with his family or in a very comfortable environment is usual to not see him wearing them, the older he gets the more he forgets to wear them. Consequently, when he is outside in broad sunlight, you can see him squinting his eyes to try to see. It is not until either his son or one of his grandchildren appear and gives him some shades to protect his eyesight.
Psychological features: Now that he is older, he looks ever wiser than when he was a young adult or teenager. He has a very calming attitude and reassuring shoulder. He is a very loving guy with those that show that they care about him. He learnt at a young age to differentiate those that wanted to take advantage or mocking him and those that really like him. Specially when the one that he thought was the love of his live trick him and almost tried to erase from existence his real love, his child.
He is always kind to help others and has a very altruistic nature, yet the stones that he had found in his life as making him been cautious about to whom share his heart and thoughts and to whom lend a helping hand. Some people want a hand, and they ended up devouring your arm. As he would sign “I am kind, not stupid”.
Because of his hearing impairment many people judged him when he was a kid and automatically assumed that he was “below average”, quite the opposite; he is brilliant and if the clan would have let him a helping hand, he would be one of the best tacticians, but the clan thought that he would be useful in the fields taking care of crops and insects. He wasn’t suitable for a shinobi job. “It is something that they miss, although I would never like to punch a fellow” He seems to have a very pacifist nature, but do not be mistaken, do not anger him nor touch his family. He would not doubt throwing up some punches back at you.
He is a very charming guy, knowing how to please people with his words when he writes them in his small notebook, a very useful instrument for him. Not to mention, that he is a master when it comes to words. He usually writes letters to his child and grandchildren, just to cheer them up. Maybe one day Reina after crying and feeling under the weather she finds a small letter written by his grandpa, impersonating some strange mythological creature or a forest spirit that is asking for help or telling a torrid confession about how their lover has left him. Maybe a funny mouse story or a short tale about ogres and werewolves. He has a very creative mind and it shown in his little collection of letters, especially the ones that he always writes to Takeo, Tatsuma and Reina when their birthdays approach impersonating Hana.
A creative and kind mind that has learn how to stop being a people-pleaser and how to differentiate those that deserve his caring and those that do not. A gentle soul that has been forced to be rather reclusive due to people not being able to understand him or even taking the effort to do so. But he doesn’t care, since at the end of the day that means that he is truly surrounded by those that really love him, not like the rest of the people who are around people who would not even remember their names.
Background: Born from Ai Aburame and Haruka Akimichi (Granduncle of Chouza Akimichi) famous for being a Casanova. Ai Aburame fell in love with him and thought that been expecting his child would make him marry her and start forming a family. She always felt strange to her own clan, mostly because she was grossed out by her own hive and the insects surrounding the compound, forced to be a host and a shinobi like almost everyone back at those days, thought that a humble housewife life would safe her. Great mistake, Haruka kept laying around with other people to later come to her bed and lay with her too, what led to her having a herpes infection that would eventually cause his earing loss. However, back at those time it was not implied nor thought that the father’s behaviour was the cause of the child’s issue instead, the blame fell upon her.
She became a pariah for the clan, being not just useless as a kunoichi but also tainted the family with such a child. She thought many times to get rid of Buna, but somehow, she was unable to do it, instead he turned his life hell on Earth. Treating him as the clan members treated her and the world, Buna grew in this environment, where he never felt loved by anyone around him, but thanks to the books he found love there. He started to create those magical worlds, since when he read them, he was in the same conditions as anyone who dive into their pages; you can’t hear the characters talking. He found refuge in there, reading lovely parents that took care of their adventurous child he decided that he wanted to be one of them. He wanted to live the biggest of adventure with a child of his own and someone near him that loved him tenderly as he always wanted to.
The truth is that he soon was sent to the fields to work on the land, what allowed him to gain independence from his mother when he was only 16 years. Consequently, he started to prepare everything to get out of Konoha and live that adventure. However, when he was 20, he fell hard for two good friends Mei and Kentaro, he couldn’t understand what was happening. He really thought that he had found loved in both…the truth is that they have heard about the “Aburame charm” a myth that was extended among the villagers about the size and girth of Aburame’s attributes. Since the” normal” Aburames were rather reclusive and not that extroverted, yet this Aburame seemed different from the rest either eager or wanting to interact with others…So it was their chance. Buna thought that they loved him as he loved them, the truth both wanted just to taste him. As a result of their multiple encounters, she got pregnant.
She tried to get rid of the baby but time was not on her side, she had an early birth and Takeo, Buna’s son, was born premature. As a result of his mother’s action he was born without one of his arms, but…. people did not blame her; it was easier and more “logical” for them to blame Buna. After all, he was also born broken, unfinished. Takeo was left with Buna and he never knew about his mother, not he wanted to. Buna then became a rather reclusive when it came to love. He started to perceive it differently, and thought that sexual love only brought misery to those that taste it, he became someone who hated everything related with love in general… Until his teenage boy brought home a redheaded girl who looked at his son with true blessing and warmth.
Buna smiled when she tried to communicate with him using the sign that his son had thought her. She tried to interact with him, to get to know him and his son. She truly loved him. It was at that moment that Buna believed that he had been a stupid bastard for truly letting those two heartless people ruined something so pure and beautiful as love his.  He found in Hana a daughter to take care of too.
Thus, he started to read once more his beloved romance novels that he had hidden away, fearing that reading those sweet lines would bring him bad memories of what aa heartbroken heart feels like. However, he found that he had never had a broken heart, his son had fixed it. There is more than one kind of love, and some of them can be more powerful and healing that the finding that person that you want to expend your life with. Buna had found that person ages ago, himself. When raising Takeo he had found that there was no one as reliable as himself, he learnt to love every imperfection and every wonderful thing about his body, his mind and soul, and her discovered that he was more than enough. He thought that to his son and tried his hardest to make him see that he wasn’t missing anything. He pushed him into pursuing his dream of becoming a shinobi and celebrate with him every achievement that others found impossible for someone with his condition to achieve. He became a jounin, regardless of what people claimed that he really was…he was the best at his job.
However, when Hana became pregnant, panic and fear possessed both, she was about to give birth to another disappointment for the clan. A broken toy like themselves, Buna would never know, but Takeo suggested her to get rid of the child, she slapped his face. She knew that it was fear talking, not his heart. When the day came a beautiful child named Tatsuma was in his arms. His grandchild…he was a grandfather. He never thought that he would never be one after everything that life had throw at him, but here he was, a miracle. He was born “perfect”. He couldn’t help it but cry and whine, after all it was broken…the filth line that he started by being born was broken.  Just for being taken away by Danzo when he was five… He couldn’t stop his child, nobody could. Takeo faced the council, the elders, and the head of the clan his peer Shibi Aburame. Just to came back hurt, bleeding and hurrying his family to live Konoha.
They became pariahs once more… not deserted of their motherland, yet not welcomed there.
He always dreamt of going out of Konoha and discover new horizon, he never expected that he had to do it to escape the possibility that his land would take away from him another child: Hana was expecting another blessing, Reina.
She was born on a summer storm and as such were her screams and movements, what none expected was that her mother would only have time to breathe her name and kissed her forehead. She died that night; the doctors of the village couldn’t do anything. Takeo felt into misery and disgrace, hating the child, and even attempting to murder her, it was Buna who stopped such crazy actions, the one who took care of the early stages of Reina. Until Takeo could look at her tiny face and his rage was gone, instead sorrow and shame was brought upon his child. They never talk about those times, Takeo is ashamed of his acts and actions, Buna his hurt that he couldn’t help his son better. However, that is in the past and together they raised Reina, hoping to see once more Tatsuma and being able to sleep under Konoha’s sky, their motherland…Hoping to stop being treated as a freak.
His family, butterflies and silkworms, fashion, smut and romance novels, poetry, mystery and horror movies, novels, and myths. Writing under the tender light of a candle. Tea, prepare tea, cultivate tea leaves, packaging his tea leaves, tea lover!!! Crochet, designing clothes and mending his family clothing. The smell of wet soil, and the feeling of the petals in his hand. Reina’s smile, Takeo chuckles and Tatsuma’s pranks. Tarot cards, making them. Stones, he loves stones and minerals. Gifting anything that he has handmade: a scarf, a teddy bear…  Teach other people with hearing impairment or voice problems sign language and learn the sign language that every small community in other villages has developed. Teach sign language to those that he loves, people who make and effort to either sign or let him write what he wants to say and they do to instead of have to lip-reading everything.
Vanilla and mango flavoured stuff and his son’s cooking, he is an expert chef.
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The man himself, hoping to hear your questions about this buggy-gentleperson. He is love and he is kindness!!! Thanks for reading all of this and stick around to hear more about this wonderful human.
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A/n: Hello everyone, in honor of our favorite emo, I’m doing some birthday hcs. I promise I’ll get back to doing requests soon. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these!
Characters: Sasuke
Warning/content: nothing!
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♡ Since the death of his family he didn’t really like celebrating his birthday, it was a constant reminder that they were gone. ♡
♡ That changed however when he met you, you made everything easier somehow, he couldn’t explain it.♡
♡ So when you asked him what he was planning on doing for his birthday, he seemed unsure but after some convincing he finally agreed. ♡
♡ So when you led him out to the middle of the forest blindfolded he was curious. “You plan to murder me out here?” He asked with a small smile deciding to trust you in this. ♡
♡ When you two got to where you were going, Sasuke took off his blindfold to be met with a blanket with some of his favorite foods arranged all pretty on it. ♡
♡ “What’s all this, sweetheart?” He asked, looking at you with seeming curiosity despite knowing exactly what it is. ♡
♡ “I- just wanted to do something nice for you, I know how you usually feel about your birthday….” You said sheepishly but you swallowed your nervousness and continued. “Do you like it?” ♡
♡ Sasuke looked at the setup then back at you with a small nod. “Thank you.” He said almost inaudibly, he took your hand and helped you sit on the blanket. Despite his stoic demeanor you could tell he was enjoying this; something intimate and quiet. Just the two of you.♡
♡ “I’m enjoying this….just being with you.” He said quietly, the only sound being the crickets of the night. He gently grabbed your chin and kissed you. This slightly takes you off guard but you kiss back once you recollect yourself. ♡
♡ You broke the kiss and smiled. “Happy birthday, Sasuke. ♡
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A/n: happy late birthday to our favorite emo, I actually don’t mind these one that much, I hope you enjoyed this. Have a good night, love u.
tagging: @ssailormoonn @your-sexual-curiosities
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frelonshi · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet ft. Jiraiya
I think I'm perpetually horny about this man. Horny men makes me horny. Gender is never specified and there's content for both pussy and dick owners. Jiraiya is mostly portrayed as a top dom. Don't hesitate to send me any character for a (n)sfw alphabet!
CW/TW are tagged at every letter if needed. There are mostly mention of oral (both reader and Jiraiya receiving), vaginal (unprotected) and anal sex, as well as masturbation. I think the most risky thing is the mention, at several points, of a fake kidnapping scene (not described though) and Jiraiya is very, very horny in general. Don't hesitate to tell me if you think I miss some!
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Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
For Jiraiya, sex is only over the moment you two fall asleep, meaning that aftercare is as important for him as any part of the sex - and that he makes sure he's the greatest at this too. Jiraiya has very good stamina, meaning that after sex he can still do things and he'll be very attentive. He'll probably bring you water and a towel to clean you up, run a bath if you ask for it or give you a massage. More generally, he'll be very sweet, either ready to talk or to be used as a pillow because orgasms (always plural with him) made you sleepy. He'll murmur you sweet praises, about how good you were, about how lucky he is to have you in his bed and in his life. I think it's one of the moments where you discover the most his sweet, vulnerable side and when he is the most honest about his feelings for you.
Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
This man, being the biggest simp, loves all of your body but let's face it: your sex, your ass, your thighs and your chest are his favourite parts. He'll look and kiss every bit of your body when you're naked, but this guy will spend extra time marking your ass and thighs and watch them jiggle; I think he'd actually play with your thighs and ass even out of sexual moments, like you'd be reading a book on your stomach and he'll just poke at your ass with a childish smile. Same goes for your boobs if you have, for the same reasons: the jiggle and the marking. I honestly think he'd use them as stress relief, just fondling them brings him peace. Speaking of stress relief: this man eats you out/sucks you off as a way of relaxing. Whether it's active or sex-warming, he just wants to taste and smell you.
As for him, I think he likes his chest and stomach. It's a mix of muscle and fat, perfect to look intimidating, fitting for any daddy roleplay and he loves how much time you spend on them, whether it's during sex or naps.
Cum (Anything to do with cum) (unprotected sex)
His cum is thick and he cums a lot. He loves to cum on and in you. The visual of seeing your mouth or your holes leaking is just heaven for him. He'll probably masturbate and ask to cum on you, certainly on your ass or your chest.
Dirty Secret (dubcon)
It's pretty hard to find a dirty secret, because this man literally writes about whatever lewd thing comes into his mind; so, lots of dirty, not many secrets. Hm, maybe he'd get embarassed if you knew he jerked off with your panties; but at the same time, if he wanted to keep it secret, he wouldn't put back the panty, full of cum, back into your closet.
Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He has a whole lot of experience. He's a busy man, between his network work and his book writing, but he also knows that relaxing is very important. He spent decades on the road and slept with prostitutes or have one-night stands whenever he entered a new town, sometimes every night of his stay. He has plenty of funny stories to tell, between jealous spouses and confusing twins. He knows perfectly what he's doing, he's very attentive to your reactions, so he catches very quickly what works the best for you.
Favorite Position
Doggy style, a classic, but every classic has its reasons to be. It can allow him to take you with a brutal pace, pinning your head against the pillow, or slowing hitting your spot while kissing your back. He loves how he can leaves marks around your hips - he has a very strong grip.
Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.) (mention of cnc)
It'll really depend on what kind of sex you're having. If you're doing an act, like a kidnapping scene, or a roleplay, he'll really get into the character - which is a very intense experience. But if you're having more casual sex, just a moment of intimacy between you two, he'll quip some jokes. But it depends on his mood. If you've been separated or if he learnt bad news, he'll tend to get more silent, more serious; but if it's been a happy day, if he's in good mood, he'll cheer a lot. He's mostly serious, though, focused on making both of you feel good.
Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Hairy as hell. Take a look at his hair; it's like that everywhere: chest, armpits, arms, legs, pubis. Everything is hairy, thick. You'll probably end up with some hair on your tongue when you lick him but hell, that body is too sexy to complain about.
Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
A bit like goofy: that'll depend on the context. He's an excellent, invested actor, and if the scene turns into a ruthless bastard, he will be. But when it comes to more personal intercourses, he can and will be very romantic and cheesy. This man writes books, about sex and love, and will try to recreate as many scenes as possible - yep, especially that one with rose petals and candlelight, you can't get out. Scenery aside, if he's in a good mood he'll tend to get vocal, to tell you what he loves about you and in general how much you mean to him. If he's in a bad mood, he'll make sure his gesture, his touch makes you understand so.
Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Truthfully, if he could just live in a bedroom and have sex from dawn to dusk, he would. His sex drive, his libido is endless. I believe very few can fully satisfy him - and I don't think he expects any partner to actually have a sex drive that high. Which means that even if you two have regular sex, he still masturbates a lot. When you're not with him (and if he has the opportunity because ninja life is full of surprises), he'd masturbate four, five times a day. Anything can make him horny; just the thought of you naked is enough (and imagine when he catches a glimpse of you naked when you exit the bathroom!). He's pretty basic in his masturbation most of the time, only touching his dick. As I said before, he likes having clothes of you, especially a panty, to either smell or jack off in.
Sometimes, he'll jack off next to you. He'd ask you to open your leg, so he can place his head right next to your sex, comforted by the position, the warmth and the smell and jack off right there.
Kink (one or more of their kinks) (mention of roleplay of teacher/student, omegaverse
Is there even a kink he doesn't have. I'm going to focus on three I hadn't had time to develop:
He loves roleplaying and he's open to pretty much any scenario. Teacher/student? Yes, he also thinks he needs to be punished. Royalty/Gods? He also thinks you deserve to be worshipped. Some darker scenarios like kidnapping interest him too. I also think he likes to roleplay the characters of his novels (by the way, yes, you're a muse when it comes to his novel). I firmly believe he wrote something similar to omegaverse and will definitely act as an alpha or let you act as an omega; or roles reversed. He'll totally take some days where one of you pretends to have ruts or heats and well, you two need to take care of it.
Sensory deprivation, especially on him. He loves the idea of being tied up, blinded, maybe deafened, and you touching his body. It enhances all his sensations and makes me shiver and moan like crazy. In general, he's not that quick to ejaculate, but when you touch his body like that, he's really quick to come.
Underwears. We already established he loved smelling and jacking into your underwear. But there's another thing that gets him going: you wearing his underwear, preferably already used. He just loves the idea of your two smells mixing, of two very intimate things being close.
Location (Favorite places to do the do) (public sex)
The bed is a good place to have sex in it but he has so many ideas. Remember, this guy wakes up and spends his day horny; and the mere idea of fucking you in very mundane place sends him over the edge. You're cooking? He'll pin you against the counter. You're brushing your teeth? Bending over the lavabo. You're working on some paper? Nope, you're sitting on the table now and he's between your legs. He'll fuck you outside of course - and when I say outside, I mean on the streets. Not main avenue, but you'll definitely find yourself with your face against a concrete wall and your pants around your ankle, with fresh air brushing your sex. He also likes to fuck you when you're both taking a bath, just a pure moment of intimacy and relaxation.
Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
See Kink part: the real question is what doesn't turn him on?
Okay, more seriously. He likes you in your everyday clothes, but knowing you made yourself extra pretty with lingerie? That's the quickest way to send him on cloud nine. He also loves when you act all innocent but you're actually showing off your cleavage, outlining the line of your hard dick or jiggling your ass before him. You know the cliché scene when a character drops something and the skirt is short enough to show the panty? That. Oh! And it's even better if you don't have any underwear, actually. It means you want to get fucked and Jiraiya is more than happy to oblige.
No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) (mention of cnc kidnapping)
Few things are hard limits for him, and I think "true" cnc is that for him. He's fine, enjoys, scenes where he's the "bad guy", like, for example, kidnapping you, but it needs to be the kind of scenario where the victim secretly wants it/enjoys it quickly. Even if he knows it's fake, you screaming "no" or that kind of thing really makes him feel bad.
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He eats you/sucks you like you're a meal - and he's going to eat at least three times a day. He's very skilled at this, knows exactly where to put his tongue and how to relax his throat. Whatever your length, he'll swallow you in a go. He loves making eye contact, watching your face dissolves into pleasure. He loves when you mount him, loves when he feels like his only use is to give you pleasure. I'd say he has two modes. Either he eats/sucks you slowly, sloppily, almost as if he only wanted to have something in his mouth, a bit like an everyday activity while you (try to) do something else; and when he puts his whole mind and body into it and you can only shake under (or above) him. This man isn't scared either to eat your ass out, it's really desert after main course.
He's, at his core, a simple man: you on all four, sucking him off is more than enough to make him pant and groan. If you're not skilled yet, he'll be more than happy to teach you how to do it. He can't stay still, though. He'll trust into you, pull your head, your head. He loves seeing you choke on his dick and even more seeing cum overflow from your mouth. He'd probably cum on your face or chest, too, because you're truly an art vision covered in cum. If you want to send this man to paradise, spend extra time on his heavy balls.
Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
You know the line: it'll depend on the mood. He's as much capable of setting a brutal pace, one that'll leave you shaking on the floor than making tender, slow (almost agonizing slow) love to you.
Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)  
This man can't live off quickies, he needs to also have longer moments with you. That being said, quickies are so hot to him. Not having even the time to undress, being in some public space (probably not at home), just the chase of both your relief… yes. There's something so casual, so intent relief, that really pleases him. There's the excitement at the idea that even knowing he's so big, you'd do little to no preparation to take him because you need him that bad. He'd be the one proposing them often, I think. He prefers nothing over your warmth.
Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)  
Very willing to experiment with any kink, even ones he didn't like before, because sometimes it's more about being on the same line than the thing itself? He's also ready to take risks, like doing it in public, that sort of thing but I think there's one risk he is absolutely no game to take: it's your health. If he thinks something will do more bad than right, can really harm you more than a few scratches and bruises, he won't do it. Same goes for himself: he enjoys being a bit roughed up, but no real pain.
Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can go on forever, for real. First of all, he won't stop until you're at least satisfied, and he'll go for as many rounds as needed. If he still isn't satisfied and you're not in the mood anymore/already sleepy, he'll go for some personal rounds. He's the kind of guy who can spend a whole weekend just having sex with you - hence the rut/heat roleplay that he can pull.
Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) (unprotected sex)
Of course he owns toys, and it's a very large collection. He has dildos of every size, and some of weird shapes, that he's willing to use on you or himself. He has things to stimulate the clitoris and also straps. I think his favourites are the Ben Wa balls (I hope it's the good name) and will torture you with it a lot. And plugs! He has tons of plugs. He'll make you wear some. He loves when you plug yourself up after he filled you up, or when you bend over with a plug in your hole, meaning that you can take him right now. He'd own also plugs with tails (I realized I didn't have time to really mention or explore pet play with Jiraiya, but this man is definitely a pet owner), and lots of clamps for your pretty nipples.
Unfair (How much they like to tease)
The real problem with teasing is that he'll cave before you do, most of the time. He likes to tease you, make you catch a glimpse at his body, or touch your inner thighs, but he'll generally be the one stopping the teasing because he can't resist the urge to fuck you.
Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
It depends if he's the dom or the sub. As a dom, he'll be relatively quiet I believe, focused on you, on making you feel good. He will let out grunts and groans, sighs and little growls, but it'll be relatively quiet. When he's subbing, when you're on him or behind him, he'll be louder, lost between panting, aaahh-ing and pleading for more, or telling you how good you taste.
Wild Card (Random headcanon)
I think he struggles with threesomes. Before meeting you, when it was just for a night (or a few nights), he was more than willing to spend the night with several people. But when it comes to the two of you, he struggles. He both doesn't really like someone else touching you, but he frankly doesn't like touching someone that isn't you. I think it just blocks him. He knows it's not cheating, but it feels a bit too much like it for him, and he can't do it. Orgy, however, doesn't feel the same for some reason. It feels less personal: you don't know and don't have to know the people that bring you pleasure, and it's more mindless fun for him. I think he also loves the idea of you watching over him while he's getting used to please others - but in the end, you're the only one that matters to him and you're only watching him, so that's not the same.
X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
He's massive. Like "'it won't fit' is your first reaction" massive. He knows he is, but he also loves to know he can fill you, make you so full of him. Loves to know that when you take him, there's no way you can be thinking about something else than his dick. He's long, around 23 cm/9 inches and you can barely wrap his dick with your hand.
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Probably higher than you, as I said. He can do it several times a day, every day of the week of every month.
ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He feels relaxed after coming, but not especially sleepy. Plus, he won't sleep if you fuck during the day. But if you have sex at night, he'll sleep after he's sure you've been taken care of, that you're ready to sleep.
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moonsunyinyang · 11 months
Im looking for friends in the Naruto fandom bc im bored and wanna talk about HCs and whatever so if you like any of the below, like this post and I'll dm ya! Take a look at my blog to get a vibe for what im interested in ^^
If you're an adult, first and foremost! Im 26
Like non-canon ships, especially same sex ones. Im a huge Sasunaru, Kakagai, NejiLee, SakuIno stan and tons more.
Love talking through logistics of Headcanons
Making headcanons. Especially HCs that go against the ending. HCs about the various cultures, landscapes, abilities, character backstories and evolutions, character disabilities, compatibilities, etc.
Making OC's
Roleplaying Canon characters or OCs
Nonsensical fan girling
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narutogwriting · 1 year
HELLO!!! Hope you've had a great day!!
I've beeen having this thrist stuck in my head...hear me out...
Naruto sneaking into your room at night to fool around with you 🙈 but trying to keep quiet and not wake up your household??? Oof....SEND HELP SOS.
Wow this spoke to me on a spiritual level
“What’re you—“
Naruto shushes you as he continues to slither in through your window. You sit up in your bed, watching him as he lands quietly on his face, way more gracefully than you’re used to for the boisterous blond. “Had to come see you… Missed you…” He murmurs as he crawls on your bed, his body hovering over yours without preamble. He’s already nuzzling at your neck, forcing your head back to give him access to the bare flesh there.
“Gotta be quiet, baby,” he mutters before beginning to trail open mouthed kisses over your neck, making you sigh in pleasure. “Don’t wanna wake anyone up, do we?”
The feeling of his lips has whatever questions or protests you may have had. His hands are already moving up from your hips over your breasts, and god with that low, raspy instance, how can you deny him?
You nod in agreement, and Naruto takes the invitation without hesitation. He nips at your neck before harshly sucking at the skin there, making you gasp and hiss, but he’s quickly shushing you with a kiss. His mouth presses against yours, hot and needy, and he doesn’t even bother working up from something slow and sweet. His tongue is quickly forcing its way into your mouth, and its all you can do to keep up. Just as your hands are threading into his hair, holding on for dear life, his hands are forcing their way up your shirt. His fingers quickly find your nipples, pulling and tweaking in the way that you like, and it has you mewling into his mouth.
“Quiet, baby,” Naruto shushes you, but you keep feel the way he smirks against your lips. He’s doing it on purpose. Does he *want* you to wake up the whole house?
“Want you,” you whisper, unthreading your fingers from his hair to try and grope him over his basketball shorts. “Wanna touch you…”
Naruto removes one hand from where its playing with your hardening nipples to grab both your small hands in his large one. He pins both your hands above your head. His movements are aggressive and rushed. He’s needy, *really* needy, and he doesn’t want to waste anytime.
“Nu uh,” he growls against your lips. “Don’t want foreplay… Wanna be inside you.”
The hand that’s no holding yours trails to your pj bottoms. He shoves them down and his fingers return to play with the string of your thong. You think he’s going to pull it down next, but he doesn’t bother. Naruto’s gotten his own shorts and boxers kicked off, and he only pulls your thong aside before he’s shoving his cock inside you.
You moan out instantly, but Naruto’s big hand goes over your mouth, muffling the noise. “Shh,” he hisses as he begins shallow, rough thrusts that have your breasts bouncing against the confines of your shirt.
“Be quiet…” Naruto grunts with another hard thrust, his head dropping down to the crook of your neck. “Be quiet, and. Just. Take. It.”
Each word is emphasized by his hips smacking into yours with such force that your head board is hitting the wall. All you can do is moan and whine behind his hand that’s forcing you to stay quiet.
“Take it, baby. Take my cock. *Fuck,* you feel so fucking *good.*”
Naruto’s the one who’s telling you to keep it down, but he’s making all the noise. His whispers are getting louder, the headboard hitting the wall with *smacks* now.
“Yeah baby. Good. So good. So fucking good… Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum. Do you want me to cum? Tell me you wanna cum!”
The hand over you mouth moves down to your neck, and his fingers wrap around it, squeezing.
“Y-yeah,” you gasp the best you can, your eyes rolling back as he angles his hips upwards. His dick hits that spot that has you seeing stars, and you’re practically begging now. “Yeah, baby. Cum. Please cum, I want it!”
You’re cumming as soon as the words leave your mouth, spasming and clenching around him tightly with a cry.
Naruto’s hips stutter against your own. They stop as he bottoms out, then pick up again. One, two, three more thrusts and he bottoms out one last time, hips resting completely against yours as he cums. You can feel him pulsing inside of you as spurt after spurt fills you up. The pulsing lasts seconds, and until it finally stops. Warmth fills you, and you can feel him beginning to leak around where he has you plugged.
Naruto is panting hard, catching his breath. He picks his head up finally to look down at you, and he gives you a sheepish, goofy grin, so different from the harsh, dominant figure he just was.
“Fuck,” he breathes out. You grin back up at him, but before either of you can say a word, a banging comes at your door.
Naruto freezes, eyes wide, as you flush with embarrassment.
“Can you both be quiet!”
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welkinsky · 2 years
Helloo!! I have a request, Neji Hyuga and the reader go on a mission together and the reader wears a blindfold just like Gojo but then when she fights her enemy's she takes the blindfold off and she tells him that her eyes would get tired if she doesn't cover them up and all that. Also Neji always trys to think that he doesn't like her and that he's just absorbing her strength (boy lying to himself🥱)
Neji X Reader | Reader Wears A Blind Fold Like Gojo
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Ever since you were in school you used to steal glances at him because you always have been intrigued by his fighting skills and how good he is at it. 
And as you grew up, so did your powers. So you were advised to wear a blindfold as most of your chakra centers were near your eye it took a lot of strain on them.
You both were assigned to a mission that didn't go as you thought it would. You two ended up almost out of chakra during a fight and had to fall back. Your assigned teacher was out of sight as well so you both decided to seek shelter in one of the caves you could find.
It was a little bit smaller than what you'd like, but this is the best you got. As you two were resting, finally the overuse of chakra got to you and you started losing sight. You have been warned about it and since it never happened before you didn't know what to do and started freaking out.
He got a bit scared himself. He was trying his best to not lose his composure but he was scared and tried his best to not show it in his voice.
You ended up being unconscious. Your sensei finally caught up to both of you and you were sent straight to the hospital as soon as you all reach the village.
That is where it all started and he was scared to come anywhere near you because he thought that he absorbed your chakra or something. As you grew up you tried to talk to him but he'd always avoid you so you thought that he was creeped out about what happened and wanted nothing to do with you.
Which was kind of sad for you because you've always admired him. (Well, your teenage brain had some other thoughts but who are we to judge).
As you two grew older he became more and more easygoing but always kept his distance.
Once naruto came back from training with Jaria, everyone decided to hang out and were sparing you two were the only ones left so it was you both that had to spar during the fight you knew he was not giving his all so you tried to push him as much as possible to the point that he confessed that he was scared of hurting you again.
But the thing is this is not the only thing that he confessed he also said, "and I don't want to hurt you, especially you." 
Let me know if you have any other character suggestion for this!
Thanks For Reading and for the ask!
If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!
A-Z Headcanon
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nullians · 5 months
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Two aspec soldiers having a real one
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Don´t hate me . . .
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Tell me more about arata and this pretty babe that got him slutty blushing like his grandpa kawarama
I HC Arata as not being intone with romance. Especially if keeping things the same with Kagami dying early. He wouldn’t really see it in his own home (Miu wouldn’t be interested in getting remarried or rejoining the Senju)
he had better things to do than worry about a feeling he didn’t understand (yet) anyways and put most of his energy into making friends
Sawa saw him as a nice goofball that was funny, but also very protective. She would laugh to herself when he would be running from a wild boar with his flock of crows or getting scolded by his mom.
She sort of developed a crush when he cleaned and haphazardly bandaged her scraped knee before giving her a piggyback ride to cheer her up
But she was also too young to do anything with it, so it faded a bit with time
It wasn’t until they got older that Arata’s crush comes on in full swing and guts him.
When did Sawa get so pretty? Sure, she’s always been cute in his eyes, but now she’s painfully beautiful.
She had always been so kind to him and his mother when they were kids and still greeted them even after they had grown apart
looking at her makes him lose his sense of awareness. she smells like an early summer morning, and it’s hard not to breathe her in. Her voice sounds like a sweet wind chime that echos in his mind at night.
and the way her nose wrinkled when she was disgusted with something.. She makes him feel sick
Lovesick but he’s not the brightest in that department
He would try to suppress his feelings, but to no avail. It wouldn’t help that some of his friends also talk about her nonstop.
It’s annoying, but not as annoying as the crack in his voice when he talks to her or the heat he feels on his cheeks when she talks him.
The worst part is his mom seemed to catch on to his own feelings quicker than him and talks about Sawa practically daily.
He can’t even see her cheeky smile anymore without his heart racing
Sawa on the other hand, is well aware that she’s picked up an admirer in Arata
The confident loud mouth is suddenly quieter than a mouse in her presence and stealing glances when whenever he thinks she’s not looking
She isn’t bothered by it at all
Talented, handsome, kind, and full of personality. He’s a catch and he makes her laugh, so she would be really happy if he did fancy her.
She can see herself with him. After all, he was her first crush all those years ago and still had all those quirky qualities she loves
But she wants to hear him say it first. Because if this man is pulling another one of his many pranks, she’ll have no choice but to kick his ass 😭
So their little tug of war begins. Sawa brushing her hand against his “accidentally” when taking something from him
Arata secretly getting jealous when Sawa praises another guy
Sawa getting upset when Arata invites more people to hang out (she’s trying to be alone with HIM)
She was almost convinced she had the wrong idea before Arata asked her to join him for a walk
Where he confessed his feelings in the lamest (cutest) way by asking her if it’s okay for him to like her while standing out of her sight (hiding) behind a tree.
Swearing it’s okay if she doesn’t feel the same, he can get over it with time and they can still be friends
When she peaked around the tree he looked like he was waiting to get hit or something 💀
Sawa had to hold in a laugh, because she knew he’d take it the wrong way in the moment. So she cupped his face and gave him a kiss
Asking him coyly what took him so long
He was putty in her hands from then on
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shinigxmi-muses · 1 year
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[ Tend to RP the most through Discord, which led to this thought/potential AU... What if Naruto had noticed Hinata from a young age?
Nothing romantic, of course, but realizing he had someone who didn't mind him at all. She's weird and shy, but he asks for her input, and she'd give it to him! She willingly hangs around him during school, though after school... She gets dragged off by whatever nanny looks after her... Peh.
Their teachers are worried, of course, that the heiress to the Hyuga likes someone... Well, of all people, did it have to be him?! Urgh, whatever. They'll keep an eye on the two. Besides, Naruto seems to be calming down a little with Hinata's-
...He gets worse. Thriving off of her undivided attention, any act of chaos is immediately followed by his head whipping around to find Hinata's eyes, eager to see her approval. Even concern would do; it's nice to be cared for. (Even though Hinata is learning anxiety faster, LMAO.)
It's basically a lot of Naruto being a troublemaker and happily dragging Hinata with him. Probably encouraging her to sneak out...until they get caught. Aaand now she's on lockdown every night, complete with guards around her room. Oops. Their friendship is a "stain" on the Hyuga Clan, but she refuses to let them pressure her into not being friends with him; she's admired him from afar for so long... Let her have this!! (Also not having a lot of friends due to being an oddity of her own kind. There's solidarity, playing with Naruto when no one else would be friends with them.)
Idk. Two lonely kids getting to be friends! Hinata [accidentally] encourages his shenanigans more than first realized. ]
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alumort · 1 year
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happy pride! my narutosona with my flags :)
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onmywaytofanfic · 1 year
So, as I mentioned in a previous post I am rebooting Reina, looking for a new approach to her story within the "cannon verse". I have been working, believing or not and I know that it has been a while since I uploaded anything. So here, I wanted to share not just how the HC for Reina are going but also some drawings, well...one that I feel secure to share. So here you got some HC of this new Reina. Waiting to hear what you all think about her!
Reina Aburame
Born: 1st August
Sign: Leo
Ages: The same as the main crew (Also it can be diverse in different AU)
Main ship: We don’t talk about this…yet because it hurts like hell. (I don't know with whom pair her really Shino, Muta, Zetsu, and OC, Kimimaro, Joribo, Ino I just don't know)
Chakra: Yang, Earth, Water
Techniques: Aburame techniques mixed with Uzumaki’s sealing techniques. Creating bugs who can hold different seal regarding the type of bug that they are they have an affinity or another. Plus, with her kikaichu she can do long distances sealing, (learns in Shippuden).
-Born on her parents’ way back to Konoha to introduce her to the clan members and to wait until she was three months old to introduce the hive on her. Once that was done, it would be the last time that she set foot there and her mother too.
-Daughter of Takeo Aburame, famously known for his insubordination towards the head clan after they do nothing about Tatsuma’s abduction into root. His pass glories long forgotten together with everything that he had ever done for the clan just for asking help to retrieve Tatsuma from Danzo’s side. Daughter of Hana Uzumaki, the pity of the clan; unable to control her chakra paths and the shadow of her twin brother Sen Uzumaki who managed to be the perfect example of finest shinobi.
-Spent her whole life wondering from one place to the other until their parents settled in Moon Island.
-Moon Island is known for its luxury and as the perfect destination for everyone with money and that doesn’t belong to the island. The island was once part of the Land oof Whirpools, but war and destruction brought the perfect opportunity for the Tsuki family to purchase land. And land did they gain, buying the whole island and proclaiming themselves as rulers of it and monarchs.
-The islanders suffered the consequence, native from the land of Whirpools, saw how their traditions started to disappear, how they started to have “designated areas” to live since other areas may be attractive for the tourism and therefore it should be available for them. This situation remained for ages and centuries until Shabadaba started the cup d’état.  It worked mostly because he appalled to the islander and their lack of resources and opportunities as the tourist. Of course, everything was fake, he wanted the big cake for himself.
-At that time, Reina was already far away from the land. She was seeking being a shinobi, however, she was in contact with her original three- people-squad. Chokako Akimichi and Shiori Nara, the three of them were secretly trained by Gen Yamanaka. The four of them rather young (Gen 25 a few years younger than Kakashi). Were descendants of non grata people for the head-clans. They were paying the price of their forefathers and the four of them wanted it over.
-Reina was the luckiest, since the head of the clan allowed her to look for a suitable village that may held her as their shinobi. Under one condition, if Konoha needed her, she would be there first and foremost for Konoha. She agreed, after all she wanted to be back there and safe her brother. She is sure, that the ANBU who helped her during the Chunin exams there was no other that her brother. She could feel it in her bugs.
-Chunin exams, her team enters as a non-affiliated village. However, the three of them kneeled and promised fidelity to Konoha as original dwellers of that land.
-Reina’s objective is to get into ROOT and find information about her brother, during the chunnin exams she also wishes to have a face-to-face with Shino, the future clan leader. The reason, humiliate Shibi as he did with her father. She is not aware that these men relationship only seems rivalry but each other help within the shadows. Shibi but allowing him having her and helping him getting his wish of a family without Danzo’s intervention. And Takeo gives useful intel in his travels, seems everyone perceives him as a retractor and a possible rioter they think they can trust him about peculiar intel about the upbrings that lesser clans have in other villages against their clan or the village itself. Feeding the village with useful information in secrecy while keeping his façade.
-Konoha is aware of Otagure trying to do something but not aware that they were plotting with Suna. The attack upon Konoha happens and the third Kage still dies but the events unfold a little bit differently since Konoha’s elite was aware of it, thanks to Takeo’s intel.
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shameofice · 8 months
sako's naruto verse (aka his og verse before he got genshin'd) pointers:
-sako is a member of the hyuuga upper branch family, albeit not the main family like hinata and hanabi. like in all his verses, he's an only child raised by one mother and one father.
-what makes him unusual is that he refuses to use any of the gentle fist techniques, relying on swordsmanship. originally, he was trained in gentle fist, but made one of the lower branch members (and his sort-of servant/friend, okubo) go in his stead. it caused quite a bit of trouble.
-he's a jounin and nineteen-twenty years old at the beginning of og naruto, and twenty-two to twenty-three years old during shippuden.
-he doesn't like being referred to as a member of the hyuuga clan, due to a certain incident that was covered up by the clan so they didn't lose any standing (which applies to all his verses).
-when he was a genin, both of his genin teammates (sabito akimichi and kaori inuzuka) died due to various means. as he was close to them at the time, it was difficult for him to cope with their deaths. his genin sensei (who was like a mother to sako, as his biological mother let his old man be disgusting), miyo harada, died after sako became a chunin due to unknown means.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
(New place where all the masterlists will go)
Alien vs Predator (Edited: 11/29/23)
Arknights (Edited: 4/11/23)
Arcane (Edited: 11/8/23)
A Song of Ice and Fire/House of The Dragon/Game of Thrones (Edited: 9/19/24)
Assassination Classroom (Edited: 5/20/23)
Beastars (Edited: 9/20/24)
Bendy and The Ink Machine (Edited: 6/5/24)
Bioshock (Edited: 11/4/23)
Black Butler (Edited: 4/11/23)
Blue Exorcist (Edited: 4/21/23)
Borderlands (Edited: 2/26/24)
The Boys (Edited: 7/3/24)
Call of Duty (Edited: 10/24/23)
Cookie Run (Edited: 5/11/23)
Cult of the Lamb (Edited: 9/12/24)
Cuphead (Edited: 6/21/23)
Danganronpa (Edited 8/22/24)
Dark Souls and other Soulslike games (Edited: 9/19/24)
DC Comics (Edited: 10/30/23)
Dead by Daylight (Edited: 9/17/24)
Death Note (Edited: 9/20/24)
Demon Slayer (Edited: 3/28/24)
Detroit: Become Human (Edited: 9/3/23)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (Edited: 4/21/23)
Disney (Edited: 2/22/24)
Don't Starve (Edited: 4/11/23)
DOOM (Edited: 4/21/23)
Dragon Age (Edited: 3/11/24)
Elder Scrolls (Edited: 3/22/24)
Far Cry (Edited: 2/16/24)
Fear and Hunger (Edited: 9/6/24)
Five Nights at Freddy's (1) (Edited: 7/28/23) (2) (Edited: 10/23/23) (3) (Edited: 4/26/24)
Gears/Gears of War (Edited: 5/22/24)
Genshin Impact (Edited: 9/21/24)
God of War (Edited: 11/13/23)
Halo (Edited: 5/21/24)
Halo RvB (Edited: 5/12/24)
Happy Tree Friends (Edited: 7/27/24)
Homestuck/Hiveswap (1) (Edited 1/21/24) (2) (Edited 3/24/24)
How To Train Your Dragon (Edited: 4/30/24)
Identity V (1) (Edited: 4/11/23) (2) (Edited: 4/11/23)
Invader Zim (Edited: 4/11/23)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Edited: 9/5/24)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Edited: 9/12/24)
The Last of Us (Edited: 5/5/23)
Left 4 Dead (Edited: 4/11/23)
Madness Combat (Edited: 5/2/24)
Marvel (Edited: 11/17/23)
Metro Game Series (Edited: 3/12/24)
Mortal Kombat (Edited: 3/3/24)
My Hero Academia (Edited: 8/10/24)
My Little Pony (Edited: 4/24/24)
Mystic Messenger (Edited: 4/11/23)
Naruto (Edited: 9/11/24)
Ninjago (Edited: 9/15/23)
Nintendo (Edited: 5/3/24)
Obey Me! (Edited: 4/11/23)
Outlast (Edited: 7/21/23)
The Outerworlds (Edited: 4/11/24)
Overwatch (Edited: 8/11/24)
Payday (Edited: 1/24/24)
Pirates of The Caribbean (Edited: 4/11/23)
Pokemon (Edited: 4/29/24)
Poppy Playtime (Edited: 8/17/24)
Portal (Edited: 4/11/23)
Puss In Boots (Edited: 3/23/24)
Random Hybrid HCs (to be merged) (Edited: 4/11/23)
Red Dead Redemption (Edited: 9/21/24)
Resident Evil (Edited: 10/24/23)
Rick and Morty (Edited: 8/17/23)
SCP (Edited: 4/11/23)
Silent Hill (Edited: 11/8/23)
Slashers (Edited: 9/7/24)
Small HCs/Concepts (Edited: 4/11/23)
Sonic The Hedgehog (Edited: 5/3/24)
South Park (Aged Up) (Edited: 6/28/23)
Spooky Month (Edited: 4/21/23)
Star Wars (9/20/24)
Steven Universe (Edited: 9/6/24)
Team Fortress 2 (Edited: 6/25/24)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Edited: 8/4/24)
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun (Edited: 4/11/23)
Transformers (Edited: 11/17/23)
Twisted Wonderland (Edited: 4/8/24)
Uncategorized Fics (Edited: 3/3/24)
Undertale/Deltarune (Edited: 8/30/24)
Voltron: Legendary Defender (Edited: 5/27/23)
We Happy Few (Edited: 1/23/24)
Yandere OC Concepts (Edited: 10/3/23)
Main OCs (Edited: 4/11/23)
Xenophobic (Story) (Edited: 4/11/23)
Worse Than Zombies (Story) (Edited: 4/11/23)
Yandere Halloween Event 2021 (Edited: 4/11/23)
Yandere Halloween Event 2022 (Edited 4/11/23)
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b0mbee · 2 months
Hellooo! I'm Bombee, the jester! Except l'm not funny, so I've been banished to the dungeons and have nothing to do but draw and yap
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I'm Canadian, 15, and a serial class sleeper
I wanna make art friends so badlyyy like send me a msg on tumblr or add me on discord (mediocretea) and we can be friends 😔
You can req characters from my fandoms, my ocs, any hcs, questions, and comments (so basically anything lol)
When I have lots of extra time, I'll have my asks opened up for (your) ocs because I like to take my time on those and actually make it look good
NOTE: for any drawing, it will probably wont be fully rendered since I realize I tend to take a very long time on completely finished drawings 💀
Keep everything SFW, for obvious reasons
Dear Evan Hansen, Creepypasta, Criminal Minds, Sally Face, South Park, Naruto, Camp Camp, Master Keaton, Igby Goes Down, Eddsworld, Scott Pilgrim, Law & Order, Be More Chill & Emily is Away (<3)
Media I am not as into/haven't actually consumed that I still enjoy and will draw for: Percy Jackson (Riordanverse in general), Smiling Friends, One Piece, Moral Orel, DC (specifically Teen Titans + the different Robins cuz they look so cool), Marvel, & TMNT
Make Out Monday: Kissaphobic, Desirae, Twixter, Bullet for Your Sweetheart
Chappell Roan: Good Luck, Babe!, HOT TO GO, Femininomenon, Naked in Manhattan
My Chemical Romance: Teenagers, Welcome to the Black Parade, Dead!, Disenchanted
Weezer: Say It Ain't So, Buddy Holly, Pork and Beans, I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams
3OH!3: DONTTRUSTME, Double Vision, My First Kiss, Déjà Vu
MARINA: Seventeen, Oh No!, Teen Idle, Bubblegum Bitch
Paramore: That's What You Get, Still Into You, Misery Business, crushcrushcrush
+ beautiful waste (Beauty School Dropout), Landmines (Sum 41), Memorize Your Number (Leif Garrett), Adam's Song (blink-182), The Middle (Jimmy Eat World), Until I Found You (Stephen Sanchez), Child Psychology (Black Box Recorder), My Alcoholic Friends (The Dresen Dolls), girls (girl in red)
Recommend me music!
I don't know why I felt the need to yap so much like damn dude no one needed to know your entire life story
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narutogwriting · 2 years
Okay I’m super hype fixated on Kakashi fics rn where the virgin!reader has some undercover mission where she needs to use her body and Kakashi either has to prepare her or accompany her and smut ensues…
Should i write something like that ? 👀
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