#bundles fortnite
binxdoesgaming · 8 months
🌟 Pawsitivly Perfect 🌟
The Perfect Score emote is honestly one of my favorite ones we've had in a while. It's just super cute and really fun!
Special thanks to Harper (@joeyscorneryt on here and @/HarperGoesUWU over on Twitter) for the emote and the footage for Mecha Team Shadow!
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battleroyalbrackets · 6 months
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rifari2037 · 6 months
Thank you for Fortnite and whoever posted this 'married Zutara life' first on Twitter. This is so loving (especially the last one) 💕 I'm screaming!!!
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skeletasticlady · 9 months
My favorite silly Bears from fortnite!!
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desertbcrnnobody · 5 months
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I'm honestly still not over this.
Never will be over this. 🔥🌊
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angeltannis · 1 year
I hope decades from now they teach Overwatch as a master class on how capitalism and the pursuit of limitless growth at all costs will inevitably break down and consume even the most creative and globally-beloved ideas until they’re bled dry of every dollar they could extract from fans
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nizaen · 10 months
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bundles! she’s always cold
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unnerving-presence · 10 months
It's okay you wanna smash a skin from Fortnite. I can sadly relate (Midas Fortnite please hmu)
WOULDDDDD 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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his name is shadow enforcer and i love him i think instead of being a henchman he should be my wife
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bowlofsoupe · 9 months
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cracksh0t · 2 years
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jdogin3d · 2 years
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Misc doodles kinda day
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binxdoesgaming · 2 years
Also have some more late night art I've never posted!
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Shout out to these two in particular. Still get a lot of use from them.
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ken-the-fluffy-pix · 4 months
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ENG I promised that if there are new Fortnite arts, I will make another “Furry Trigger”. And even though it's only a fursuit, I still think it's worthy of art, because I haven't seen Bundles fanart anywhere. Bundles: Fortnite P.S. I still hate drawing guns, they're hard for me!
RUS Я обещал, что если будут новые арты по Fortnite, то сделаю еще один "Фурри-триггер". И хоть это только фурсьют, но я все еще считаю, что оно достойно арта, ибо я нигде не видел фанарт по Bundles. Bundles (Суперобнимашка): Fortnite
P.S. Я все еще ненавижу рисовать пушки, они сложные для меня! #KenshiKP #Fortnite #Bundles #Fanart
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my-fortnite-blog · 1 year
I bought Amano´s heart bundle and this is my opinion.
Compre el lote de "Corazón de Amano" y esta es mi opinión.
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Cross heart, as many of you know, is a collaboration with a well-known Japanese artist named Yoshita Amano.
I have read many users who talk about the skin, they usually say that the skin has a vibe to the Final Fantasy saga, but to be honest, I don't think things are that way, Although it is true that Amano designed a large part of the first Final Fantasy and gave a certain aesthetic to the saga, It is a fact that the Final Fantasy saga has changed a lot, especially now that the character design is in charge of Tetsuya Nomura, this does not mean that Amano no longer does work for Square Enix-Final Fantasy, however Amano has always shone by his own characteristic style, let's remember that Yoshitaka Amano is not only Final Fantasy, we have beautiful works such as the Angel's egg feature film, the enormous number of paintings, and even his work in the Exception Netflix series; so it is difficult for me to relate the medieval and fantastic overtones that the Final Fantasy saga had with the design he has done for Fortnite.
For me, the concept of Cross Heart is completely linked to that of the MEGA city, she looks elegant but at the same time daring and with presence.
So to make my point I will compare Terra Branford (Character from Final Fantasy VI) with Cross Heart so that you will notice that the concepts are different and difficult to relate to each other.
Cross heart, como muchos sabrán, es una skin hecha en colaboración con un artista japones muy reconocido llamado Yoshita Amano.
He leído a muchos usuarios que hablan sobre la skin, estos suelen decir que la skin tiene un vibe a Final Fantasy, pero yo no lo veo así, aunque es cierto que Amano diseñó gran parte de los primeros Final Fantasy y dotó de cierta estética a la saga, es un hecho que la saga de Final Fantasy ha cambiado demasiado en los últimos años, en especial desde que el diseño de personajes esta a a cargo de Tetsuya Nomura, esto no quiere decir que Amano ya no haga trabajos para Square Enix-Final Fantasy, sin embargo Amano siempre ha brillado por su propio y característico estilo, recordemos que Yoshitaka Amano no solo es Final Fantasy, tenemos trabajos hermosos como lo es el largometraje de Angel's egg, la enorme cantidad de pinturas, e incluso su trabajo en la serie de Exception de Netflix, por lo que me es difícil relacionar los tintes medievales y fantásticos que tenia la saga Final Fantasy con el diseño que ha hecho para Fortnite.
Para mi, el concepto de Cross Heart va completamente ligado al de la ciudad MEGA, luce elegante pero al mismo tiempo atrevida y con presencia. Así que para mostrarles mi punto compararé a Terra Branford (Personaje de Final Fantasy VI) con Cross Heart para que noten que los conceptos son diferentes y son difíciles de relacionarlos entre si.
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Having said all that and returning to the skin and Fortnite let's started. I didn't want to write about this bundle until I played with it so I could give you a better description, you know I'm crazy about details and I wanted to appreciate all of them and talk about it.
In general terms, Cross heart is a "normal" skin because she don´t have any reactivity, or aditional astyle, or special Lobby pose, but you just need to see her once to relize that she is diferent to the others skins on the game.
Aclarado todo eso y regresando a la skin y a Fortnite comencemos. Ciertamente no quería escribir sobre este bundle hasta probarlo y verlo dentro del juego para así poder darles una mejor descripción, y hablarles de los detalles, pues saben que soy una loca de los detalles, además quería tomarme el tiempo para apreciarlos todos, y así, por fin hablarles sobre ellos.
En términos generales, Corazón Cruzado es una skin "normalita", no es reactiva, no tiene estilos adicionales, o una pose de lobby diferente, sin embargo solo falta mirarla una sola vez para darse cuenta que es diferente al resto de las skins que Fortnite nos tiene acostumbrados, y notar que ella se sale del molde.
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As a bundle itself it comes quite complete, since it has a backbling, spickaxe, Warp for weapons, a glider and for me, the most important thing about the bundle, the loading screen drawn by hand by Yoshitaka Amano. I think that for the 1,800 V-Bucks it is a good purchase. I bought the bundle just for the loading screen, because, I am a big fan of Mr. Yoshitaka's work, so for me that loading screen is very valuable, so I wanted to have it in my locker, but buying the bundle only for the loading screen... it is not something that I recommend to do.
Como bundle en si viene bastante completo, pues este cuenta con mochila, picos, camuflaje para las armas, planeador y lo que para mi es lo mas importante del bundle, la pantalla de carga dibujada a mano por Yoshitaka Amano. pienso que por los 1,800 Pavos es un buena compra, aunque yo compre el bundle solo por la pantalla de carga, no es algo que le recomiende hacer a todos, yo soy muy fan del trabajo del señor Yoshitaka, así que para mi esa pantalla de carga si que tiene mucho valor, por lo que deseaba tenerla en mi locker.
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Details / Detalles
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Zooming in on the skin we can see some kind of lines on the eyelids or above the eyelids, in the hair and in the shadows of the clothes,I suppose that they did it to try to give her a kind of effect that simulates being a painting.
We can also see the most pronounced lines throughout the hair, in gray black scale.
Look at that make up, with that eye liner in that vibrant red and black, it is so pretty.
Will this be the first Skin with a slightly more pronounced neckline?
without being daring or vulgar, we can see a slight shadow in the chest area clearly showing the division of the breasts, bringing realism to the shape of the body and a bit of sensuality. I LOVE IT!
The belt with the dagger carries a set of key chains that I don't know the exact meaning of each one or what they refer to, if anyone knows, please leave me a comment, because they make me very curious. I suspect the monkey is some kind of self-representation of the artist but I'm not sure. What is that they look flirtatious there.
And finally, the nails, if my memory serves me correctly, this is the first skin that has nails with that square/rectangular cut. Until now, only rounded or pointed nails were seen, even almond-shaped ones with the Helsie skin but never square-shaped ones.
Haciéndole mucho zoom a la skin podemos ver una especie de líneas en los párpados o arriba de los párpados, en el cabello y en las sombras de la ropa, supongo que para tratar de darle una especie de efecto que simule ser una pintura.
También podemos ver las unas líneas mas pronunciadas en todo el cabello, en escala de negros grises.
Vean lo bonito que es el maquillaje con ese delineado en ese hermoso tono rojizo.
¿Será esta la primera Skin con escote un poco más pronunciado?
Podemos ver una ligera sombra en el área del pecho mostrando claramente la división de los senos, aportado realismo a la forma del cuerpo y un poco de sensualidad. ¡ME ENCANTA!
El cinturón con la daga lleva como un conjunto de llaveros que no se el significado exacto de cada uno o a qué hagan referencia si alguien lo sabe por favor déjenme un comentario, pues me generan mucha curiosidad. Yo sospecho es el mono es una especie de auto-representación del artista pero no estoy segura. Lo que sí es que se ven coquetos ahí puestos.
Y, finalmente, las uñas, si mi memoria no me falla, esta es la primera skin que tiene las uñas con ese corte cuadrado/ rectangular. Hasta ahora solo se veían uñas redondeadas o picudas, incluso las de forma de almendra con la skin de Helsie pero nunca unas con forma cuadrada.
Design fidelity / Fidelidad al diseño
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Yoshitaka Amano published on his Instagram profile the sketches of the skin and the adaptation leaves much to be desired, although the skin is beautiful, I consider that many features do not correspond to Amano's vision, just like:
The make up on her eyes
The length of the hair
the shape of the face
The look of the character
I am aware that "Cross Heart" is not a 100% faithful adaptation and a decal was not going to be made, I don't know if it is because I am used to the adaptations that Square Enix makes or makes of Amano's designs but I don't feel that they capture that essence of the Lord Amano about the character.
Yoshitaka Amano público en su perfil de Instagram los bocetos de la skin y la adaptación deja mucho que desear, aunque la skin es preciosa, considero que muchos características no corresponden a la visión de Amano como lo son:
El maquillaje de ojos
El largo del cabello
La forma del rostro
La mirada del personaje
El color de las medias, tanto en el boceto como en la pantalla de carga estás tienen presente el tono blanco el cual, es ausente en el resultado final.
Soy consciente de que no se iba a hacer una adaptación 100% fiel y una calca, no se si es porque estoy acostumbrada a las adaptaciones que hizo o hace Square Enix de los diseños de Amano pero no siento que capten esa esencia que puso el señor Amano sobre el personaje.
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I even dare to say that Netflix animation did better, in the series "Exception".
It is very likely that what they wanted was to "adapt" Yoshitaka Amano's design to the style of Fortnite but… What's the point of collaborating with the artist in the first place if the aesthetics are not 100% respected?
incluso me atrevo a decir que la animación de Netflix lo hizo mejor. en la serie de "Exception".
Se que quizá lo que querían era lograr "adaptar" in diseño de Yoshitaka Amano al estilo de Fortnite pero... ¿Qué sentido tiene colaborar con el artista en primer lugar si no se respeta la estética al 100%?
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The skin is completely worth it and although the adaptation is not 100% faithful, it has many good things and I sincerely hope to see more collaborations between Fortnite and Yoshitaka Amano.
La skin vale completamente la pena y aunque la adaptación no es 100% fiel, tiene muchas cosas buenas y Sinceramente espero ver más colaboraciones entre Fortnite y Yoshitaka Amano.
Thanks for reading me and support my content !!
¡¡Gracias por leer y apoyar mi contenido!!
(Credits to whom it corresponds for the images used for illustrative purposes).
The English isn't my native language, if I write something wrong, please leave me a comment, that would help me a lot because I'm still learning. Thanks for your help.
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the silli 💔
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[fn art, bundles]
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rawstfish · 1 year
Wtf is CoD doing...I waited for 20+ days for the classified area in the battlepass, hoping it was Hadir AND ITS JUST A FUCKING SHOTGUN AND THE BOYS???
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