#bunkbed lovers
starclast · 9 months
Ink Sketches ✨✨✨
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lovelystarship · 29 days
★ : i think you'd agree that, if your f/o possesses a tail, it's just so fun to imagine how it would act around you. how it starts a slow wag once you enter the room and speeds up after you say hi. maybe they try their best to suppress it, but ultimately fail and turn red just in time with your gasp of realization.
if it's long enough, their tail hangs around your form often as if to indicate "frequently seen together. do not separate". it wraps around you sometimes — your legs, arms, wherever you're most comfortable. if you don't want that kind of contact, f/o just keeps it next to you like some kind of barrier between your surroundings and the little space bubble you two share.
and if their tail is really short, you can just coo at how cute it is and watch them get flustered. is it sensitive ¿ would they allow touching ¿ so many possibilities !
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nexttrickanvils · 2 months
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Dunno if this is the next big meme on the Hellbird App but couldn't resist.
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instantartific · 9 months
I wanna try doing something fun that'll motivate me to draw more often, so we're gonna try doing monthly art polls that set a theme for an illustration or set of doodles!
Starting off the new year with soft stuff :)
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thestarkerisobvious · 17 days
Demon Lover
art by the always-amazing @starker-sorbet
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Demon Lover
Rated NC17
It was moments like these that College Student Peter Parker was so grateful he didn’t have a dormmate.
And only partially because that meant he didn’t have a bunkbed.
Because if he DID… well… that meant he’d be having to take it doggy-style on the floor… a thought that made Peter smile to himself.  
“What’s so funny?” the jock grumbled, pulling away (again?!) and Peter looked back over his shoulder with a sweet, winning smile.  His hook-up, who had been all swagger and bold talk at the frat party, was suddenly nervous.  Possibly because Peter’s ancient dormhall creaked and groaned in a way that seemed particularly menacing tonight.  Mr. Jock had even mentioned the rumor that this particular hall was haunted, but Peter had dismissed that with a mention of the age of the building (and a very quick shedding of clothing.)  
“Just so glad you’re here, handsome,” Peter said gently, pushing his ass backward toward Mr Jock (who’s name might have been Hugh?) 
“Now how about getting back to work?” he added coyly, and Mr. Jock seemed to take the hint.  As he groaned in pleasure, Peter smiled all the more.  He was getting better at this.
His first few college hookups had been marred by his awkward shyness, and even by his all-consuming need to please.  This led to weekends spent with equally shy, equally awkward lovers who, while educational, simply didn’t satisfy.  (Plus they always wanted to hang out afterward, for deep & meaningful talks about sexuality or possible relationship-building activities or at least repeat-hookups.   Peter was interested in neither.  Peter was interested in experience.)
And experience was the best teacher.
Just like tonight.  He had developed a sweet-but-frank persona, a way of talking to his nightly conquests, both the kind-of-nervous and of-course-I’m-not-nervous types, that both put them at ease and  kept things moving at the pace he enjoyed.  The persona was one-part authentic and two-parts act, but it seemed to work most of the time.
And it seemed to be working now.  
“God you’re a horny little piece of ass,” Mr. Jock jested, grabbing Peter’s narrow waist with two huge hands, his fingers digging to Peter’s white flesh hard enough to leave bruises on a normal person.  Peter shivered at the thrill and spread his legs even wider, dropping his head and arching his back, moaning in need.  He didn’t care if Mr. Jock made fun of him for it now (or talked about him later.)  He was too hungry to care.  He whimpered involuntarily at the first sweet burn of penetration.
And then yelped involuntarily and bowed his back.  Damn this boy had no finesse.
“Okay, okay, let’s try that again…” Peter said quickly, breathlessly, trying to smile and soothe and readjust and keep their two bodies connected all at the same time.
A task that was not made easier when his framed Valedictorian certificate, and his framed Science Fair medal of honor and his framed acceptance letter all slipped off the wall simultaneously and went crashing to the floor.
“Nonono its fine, don’t worry about that…” Peter gasped, reaching behind him to take Mr. Jock’s hand, probably too tightly (dammit it was so hard to do this and remember his super-strength at the same time!)  “Damn thumbtacks never work, just do it like this,” he breathed, shamelessly moving his hips and his ass backward, trying to show this dumb ox how Peter wanted him to use his dick.  Fortunately, even this dumb ox had a sense of rhythm.  Moving with Peter he seemed to get the rhythm right (even if he couldn’t get the angle right to save his life.  Maybe math nerds would be better at this, Peter mused.)
It worked.  Maybe-Hugh grabbed Peter’s hips again in that bruising grip and started thrusting mercilessly and Peter stopped thinking altogether.
For just a few moments, it was perfect.  Those demanding hands.  That demanding cock.  Feeling full and controlled and taken.  
He was far stronger than Mr. Jock, of course.  As huge and broad-shouldered  as Maybe-Hugh was, Peter could have pinned him down with one hand.  And that just made it better, somehow.  Being powerful and willingly handing that power over, completely, to another man.
Of course, that other ‘man’ didn’t know how strong Peter was.  Hell, that other ‘man’ probably didn’t know Peter’s name.Peter distracted himself by sneaking a peek back at the powerful body behind him, all broad shoulders and smooth muscles and sweat.  Tonight’s conquest was huge and beefy and rough… also pretty dense, but Peter had learned not to be picky about hookups.  Especially ones that smelled as manly, as salty as this one.
And god just the sight of those sweating, straining muscles was turning him on beyond measure.  If only Mr. Jock would lean over his back just enough for Peter to feel the drops falling onto his back… but changing their position only a tiny bit might end the perfect rhythm of thrusting and Peter wasn’t about to risk it.)
Peter closed his eyes and opened up his senses.  Not the enhanced kind that let him know what people were eating in the dorm rooms down the hall (GOD he was so glad the rooms right next to him were empty.  It was hard to be quiet when you were getting a good fucking) but brought all the sensory input from this single room in to super-sharp focus.
The scent of sex and salt and urgency filled his nostrils and his brain and made him so very, very glad he had gone through all the trouble of convincing Mr. Jock back to his room.  And the body heat… even though it was only the boy’s legs pressing against the backs of Peter’s legs…  it was like being burned by an oven.  Once again Peter grinned with gratitude, this time about the excellent thermostat that controlled the temperature in his room.  Keeping it just a hair above comfortable (and then swearing it was broken and there was nothing he could do about it) made sure that his partners sweat, and right now his current partner was sweating beautifully.  It filled the room with the heady, sweet perfume that made Peter’s head swim.  If only it were possible to get pounded from behind AND keep his mouth attached to that warm, moist skin… maybe Mr. Jock wouldn’t mind a few tender, lingering kisses against his neck or chest after the sex was over.  Not every lover did. 
Peter loved the taste of human male skin, but if he couldn’t get a taste, he would certainly enjoy the aroma.  He arched his neck, raising his head, breathing in the moment, letting his senses record everything.  The beautiful scent of two human bodies working together, the constant, steady vibration of the bed moving against the wall, the throaty moans of the boy behind him…
“Gonna’ fuck you to death… I’m gonna leave that hole busted open from my dick…”
Peter ducked his head quickly before Maybe-Hugh could see him roll his eyes.  
Sometimes he wished he could turn his hearing off completely.
But now Maybe-Hugh was whimpering with a high-pitched, needy urgency that told Peter his perfect moment might already be over.  He turned his head to say something… maybe not something completely people-pleasing, maybe to actually speak up and ask for Maybe-Hugh to slow down a bit, to try to draw out the moment, even for a few seconds longer…
…then Maybe-Hugh reached out and grabbed Peter by the left arm and yanked it backward.
This sent Peter sprawling face-first into his own bed.  Which was not a bad sensation by itself, but sent Peter’s ass into a right-facing slant which meant Maybe-Hugh’s dick went in at a painful angle.
Peter yelped.
Then the lamp at the night table flung itself into the air and across the bed, clipping the other boy across the face.
Maybe-Hugh screamed.
“It’s okayit’sokayit’sokay it’s nothing!!” Peter pleaded, reaching out as Mr. Jock jumped up from the bed, looking frantically around for his attacker.  “You just knocked the lamp over, it’s okay…
“It’s okay!” Peter said louder, not the other boy but to the room in general.
“What the fucking fuck was that?!” Mr. Jock finally managed, not even noticing Peter’s hands on his, trying to pull him back onto the bed.
“You just knocked the lamp off the night table… it’s not expensive it’s just from the goodwill store…”
“It went flying across the fucking room!”
“Well you were being really vigorous dude…”  Peter smiled, or at least tried to, fighting to find that tone again, the tone that would make his partners relax… to keep them in the mood… or at the very least, keep them in the room. 
“You were amazing… and pulling me face-down on the bed was hot… you just gotta keep it at a 180 degree angle and…”
“What the fuck is wrong with your dormroom, man?!?!”
“Oh come on, baby, you were so close!” Peter begged, trying to smile and look soothing, all at the same time.  Come on…”
He moved up to his knees and risked flinging his arms around Mr. Jock’s neck, letting his hands dangle behind the large, square head delicately.  “I promised you my ass was tight, and wasn’t it?  You were so close… come on baby… just because you broke my lamp doesn’t mean we have to stop…”
“Dammit they told me not to go with you, they told me this damn place was haunted…”
“My dorm room is not haunted!” 
Mr. Jock looked down at him, surprised.  But people always looked surprised when Peter raised his voice.  He had quite an unexpected tone when he was trying to keep things under control.
Peter wasn’t sure if there was any point in trying anymore, but still, he tried.  Mostly because they had only been at it for about seven minutes, and it had taken twice that long just to talk Mr. Jock into wearing the damn condom.  For an city boy, Mr. Jock sure hadn’t been too informed about safe sex.
“Hey… come on… are you really going to let some stupid, inane Tri-Delt ghost story keep you from getting laid?  Seriously?” He joked, softening his tone the tiniest bit, but not letting go of his lover’s hands, still pulling him back onto the bed.
“Now get back over here and get back to it!” he said, semi-playfully.  It seemed to work… they were moving back onto the bed in any case.  Mr. Jock’s eyes were wide, but he seemed to be obedient.  Especially when Peter turned his back and pressed it against that hard, muscular (sweaty!) chest, hooking one arm behind them both and combing his fingers through his lover’s sweat-soaked hair.  
“You just broke my lamp,” he teased, grinding his body against his lover’s suggestively.  “The least you can do is finish what you started…” 
“You spooky little shit,” came the growl from behind him.  “I’m going to fuck that candy-ass until your knees bleed…”
The lamp exploded.
Peter continued to argue.  He might have pulled it off - in addition to super-strength and extra-sensitive hearing he also had a an uncanny gift of persuasion.  He might have even convinced the panicked boy for a few minutes longer - yes, said boy’s discarded shirt currently flying around the room but Peter had managed to keep his arms around Hugh’s neck and thus his face pointed it the opposite direction.
 But then Hugh caught a glimpse of the aerial laundry show in the mirror and it didn’t matter.
Then the heavy rotary phone on the other night table began ringing and Peter gave up.
It wasn’t a normal telephone ring, because of course it wasn’t.  It was a long, terrifying continuous wail, loud enough to drown out the stammering and swearing as Maybe-Hugh frantically yanked on his pants and attempted to retrieve enough of his clothing to escape.  “At least you’re not trying to yank the cord out of the wall,” Peter muttered, mostly to himself, as he sat, defeated on the bed.  The last lover who had done that in an attempt to make the phone stop making the ungodly noise had just found that it made the phone ring louder than ever…
…which, come to think of it, was probably how Peter got the reputation of living in a “haunted dorm hall.”
“You forgot your shirt!” he called out half-heartedly as his panicked hook-up ran out the door, slamming it behind him.  Not that it mattered.  Apparently Maybe-Hugh had decided that pants and shoes were enough to make his escape.
Peter signed heavily.  He waited.
Finally, the phone stopped its clamor.
Finally, the windows stopped rattling as the walls ceased to vibrate.  One by one, the floating laundry dropped, item by item to the floor.  
They even piled themselves right next to the hamper.  
Still Peter didn’t speak.
The thrift-store lamp meekly lifted itself up from the floor and floated, humbly, back to its original position.  Peter leaned over to one side to let it pass.  It was still hopelessly broken, but he said nothing.  
It wasn’t the first broken lamp he had to deal with.  That’s why he got them from goodwill in the first place.
He sat with his mouth closed for some time.  Forehead creased.  Considering carefully.  The silence filled the small dorm room.
Finally, he spoke.   
“Tony, we have to talk.”
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
You just remided me of the blinding rage I had when I first watched that decorating scene. As a book lover, the fact that Blake even allowed them as places to put another bed is such bullshit to me. Books are quite delicate and most book owners are quite protective, especially as the books get older, ESPECIALLY if you want me to believe that Blake came from a humid place like an island, where books can mold or get waterlogged quite easily. She would probably want to take better care of her books since she has been on the run TWICE. Are they hardcovered? The spine will be stronger and thicker than the pages and it’ll either keep the bed on an uneven level, leave the cover damaged, or both. Are they paperback? Even worse! Greater chance of stains, damage feom weight, tearing if the bed slips, etc. There is no circumstance in which someone who loves or even likes their books would use it to make bunk beds. It’s impractical, frustrating, damaging to the books, unsafe, and just plain stupid.
As someone who has quite a little collection of books, but doesn't pay that much attention to caring for them.... It's believable to me. XD You're gonna think I'm very bad to my books, but I've used them as tables for coffee cups and I've dogeared pages, and when I was a teenager, I had a bed that was next to a window sill and would read late at night and then leave my books on the sill and it would rain sometimes and get books all wet. It does make sense to me that even someone who likes stories wouldn't necessarily have to take very good care of her books.
I just don't know how she has so many! Did she have an apartment or something that she could store them in? Did she have a storage unit she rented? How did she get so many books and when did she get them? Her having a couple of them makes sense, if she had a backpack to carry them in for instance because when you love stories you get little pocket novels and paperbacks and carry them around on trips until they fall apart. But that could be a couple of favorite stories, not like thirty books or so she just brings stacked along with her candlesticks. Blake doesn't make a lick of sense as a teenage runaway who presumably doesn't have a home in Vale and lived in a White Fang camp for years before that.
It is very unsafe to use books to hold up a bed though and as someone who has slept on the top bunk of a bunkbed for awhile, when it isn't secure, that is scary and could result in injury. Honestly, Blake's characterization in that decorating scene is just weird to me, because.... Her character in general is detached, wary, gives the cold shoulder and generally seems to not want to make friends, and then in the decorating scene, she's just... Happily going along with Ruby and Yang's exuberant silly antics? I get that they were trying to make Weiss the grumpy outsider, but like...
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There's something wrong with this picture.
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sporkkles-irl · 4 years
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also the obligatory mayzuke (+ ellie!) in terrible couple shirts bc i have a newfound appreciation for all 3 of them <3
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readingreylo · 2 years
Summer Reylo Fics
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I know, I know, I know -- Summer is almost over 🙃
Balm by asongforjonsa | Explicit | 2k | Oneshot | PWP | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Beach house, Sunburn | Friends to lovers | Nasty sunburn | Ben POV | " Ben's got a terrible sunburn, and Rey has just what he needs to feel better."
sharp-dressed man by audreyii_fic | @audreyii-fic | Explicit | 3k | Oneshot | PWP | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime | Neighbors | Enemies to lovers | Misunderstandings | Pining | Multi POV | "Kylo's stuff keeps getting shipped to Rey's apartment, and the resultant miscommunications threaten to destroy their lives -- or, you know, at least their summer."
melatonin by sevenofreylo | @sevenofreylo | Explicit | 3k | One shot | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: School vacation, Summer cottage | Enemies-to-lovers | Bullying | Teenagers(?) | Awkward virgins | Masturbation | no p-in-v | Bunkbeds | Rey POV | "Rey can’t sleep, not with Luke’s nephew in the same room."
🥵 Dog Day Open Hydrant by LinearA | @linearla | Explicit | 4k | One Shot | PWP | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Unbearable heat, Fire hydrant, Ice cream | Strangers to Lovers | Antagonism | Fireman!Ben Solo | It's too hot for this shit | One Night stand ??? | Ben POV | "Ben's come to close an open hydrant. The kids playing in it don't want him to, and a pretty girl on the street is backing them up."
Summer by ianixela | @ianixela | Explicit | 5k | One shot | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summer fling, School vacation, Hiking, Swimming | Audulty | Neighbors | Alcoholism | Physical Abuse | Spousal Rape (not explict) | Angst | HEA | Rey POV | "Rey is too young. Too young when she marries to an older man she doesn't love. Too young when she moves in that big empty house. Too young and she yet she feels a million years old. Rey might be too young, but Ben Solo is just her age though. And he's just moved next door."
Sweet Home by Violetwilson | @violetwilson | Explicit | 8k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Humid heat, Cicadas | Strangers to lovers | Southern USA | One night stand | Good samaritan | Waffle House | There was only one bed | Rey POV | Rey helps out a handsome stranger stranded in town-- by letting him sleep in her bed.
that green light, i want it by SecretReyloTrash | @lyresandlasers | Explicit | 9.8k | Two shot | PWP | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Unbearable heat | Strangers | Random hook up | Public Sex | Public Transportation | Communting | ch 1 Ben POV | ch 2 Rey POV | "Maybe it’s being baked alive inside public transport, but there’s something dreamy about her, unreal. Or too real, in a time that he paid little attention to the people around him, just music or a book or staring at the streets out the window. He accepts the impulse. The closeness of her, her bare shoulders, the way her clothes fit over her skin. He tries to prevent his legs from brushing hers, but it’s the fit of the tiny seat and his large body. But she doesn’t glare at him when it happens, like some women do. She doesn’t flinch away, like she’s been burned. Ben has a long commute home. Rey enjoys the ride."
Thirty One by ianixela | Explicit | 11k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summer fling | Coffee shop | Montreal | Stranger to lovers | Unplanned pregnancy | Rock star!Kylo Ren | Heartbreak | HEA | Multi POV | "Ben Solo needs a break from "Kylo Ren", his rockstar alter-ego. The first flight out of Los Angeles takes him...to Canada, where the young woman he meets on an early Summer morning flips his entire life upside down, in the hardest, and ultimately best of ways."
They don't get your soul or your fire by CoinToYourWitcher | Explicit | 11k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, small town, fire season/wildfires, thunder storms | Romantic Mystery | Firefirghter!Ben Solo | Childhood Angst | Enemies-to-lovers | Falling in love | Secrets | Angst | Bittersweet HEA | Character death | Multi POV | Rey is working the fire look out this summer and firefighter Ben is keeping an eye on her. A past tragedy links them together but Rey is oblivious and Ben wants to keep it that way.
💖 your boots beneath my bed by irridesca | @earstwo | Explicit | 12.5k | Oneshot | Modern AU | Summer vibes: summertime, Roughing it/camping, Waterhole/oasis | Ranching | Cowboys | Strangers to friends to lovers | hair braiding | smut | Rey POV | After the death of her former boss, Rey gets a job as a wrangler at Skywalker Ranch-- where she crosses paths with the prickly forman Ben Solo.
The Long Summer by deedreamer | @deedreamer | Explicit | 13k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: School Vacation, Sticky heat, Skinny dipping, Sunburn | Older brother's best friend | Sexting | Sexual Tension | College students | Garage Band | Multi POV | "He’s Rey's older brother's best friend. He watched her grow up and still teases her mercilessly. It's summer break, and the heat finally gets to Rey as she works up the nerve to flirt with Ben Solo -- the boy she grew up with who's quite suddenly become a man. Soon, she's skinny dipping, swapping secret dirty texts, and thinking all kinds of insane thoughts. And then one day, Ben sends Rey a picture of his perfect, huge... Whoa. Damn, boy. DAMN! Now, Rey can think of nothing else but getting her mouth on him. EVERYWHERE."
Orion by ianixela | Explicit | 14k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Desert | Strangers to lovers | Slowish burn | Photojournalist!Rey | Guide!Ben Solo | Ex-military!Ben Solo | Amputee!Ben Solo | PTSD | Implied/referenced abortion | Past Adultry | Desert | Oasis | Stranged togther | HEA | Reylo Baby | Rey POV | "Rey Niima finds herself in the Saharan desert trying to heal wounds from her life, and Ben Solo is there too, fixing himself along the way."
The Lazy River by NoeticEdda | Explicit | 16k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Public pool, Swimming | Strangers to lovers | Overactive imagination | Humor | Crack-ish | Lifeguard!Ben | Undercover agent!Ben Solo | College student!Rey | Strangers-to-lovers | Rey POV | Rey has too much time in her hands this summer, lazing around the local water park before grad school, and becomes convinced that the new lifeguard is a spy.
Something From Nothing by lifeofsnark | Explicit | 18k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Fireworks, Hurricane | Flashbacks | Growing up together | Friends to lovers | PTSD | Amputee!Ben Solo | Family Drama | Multi POV |  Ben returns from his naval service missing a hand and missing a purpose in life. While reclimatizing at his uncle's ranch he runs into childhood friend Rey who now builds tiny houses.
💖 between two lives by neonheartbeat | Explicit | 31k | complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Scorching heat, Bonfire, Outdoor sex | Strangers to lovers | Fashion Model!Rey | Mechanic!Ben Solo | PTSD | military backstory | sexual disfunction | psychological trauma | Rey POV | Rey Niima, a model driving from Chicago to New York, finds herself broken down in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, without any way to fix her rented car. Ben Solo, the big, silent, resident jack-of-all-trades in Kirby, a town with almost two hundred people, happens to come across her on the road, and offers her a place to wait for a tow, but Ben has a secret he's not willing to share, and Rey is determined to find out what it is...
💖Just You by charcuterie | @chimichangasaredelicious | Explicit | 35k | WIP | Last updated: 2022-05-29 | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Countryside | Neighbours | texting | Strangers to friends to lovers | Banter | Pianist!Ben | shitty-childhood-angst | multi POV | Rey and Ben are two strangers, across an alley way, who bond over Ben's piano playing. Their souls connect before they even see each other's faces. When they finally do meet face to face sparks fly! or Two imperfect people who fall in love over texting and piano music drifting across the alleyway.
rain shadow, evergreen by frak-all (or_ryn) | Explicit | 33k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: summertime, national parks, tourists, swimming, camping | Enemies-to-lovers | Road trip | Rey POV | Rey is road tripping to Portland and stopping at the Parks along the way, but she keep running into an asshole in a black RV...
💖 Cupcake Wars by crossingwinter | @shmisolo | Explicit | 36k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Unbearable heat, Beach day | Enemies-to-lovers | Bakers | Rivals | Hate Sex | Rey POV | Entirely by accident, Rey ends up fucking someone who works for Snoke's Cupcakery. She's just blowing off steam. It doesn't mean anything at all. It certainly won't come back to bite her in the ass. | or Rey and Ben work at rival bakeries, and are hooking up for hate sex on the side. What starts as casual slowly becomes anything but.
Out of Water by AquaWolfGirl | @aquawolfgirl | Explicit | 39k | WIP | Last updated: 2021-08-04 | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Lake house | Mermaids | Enemies to friends to lovers | Food Porn | Ben POV | "When ex-rocker Kylo Ren buys a lakehouse, he expected to relax near where he spent his summers as Ben Solo. He expected peace and quiet, with fresh fish and lazy days spent enjoying the sun. He most certainly didn't expect for a vicious mermaid to insist this part of the lake is hers, and to get the fuck out."
😘👌The Worst of Me by hajerika | Mature | 45k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Destination Wedding, Beach, Hiking | Wedding | Tropical Island | Drunk Hook up | Antagonism | Past Finn/Rey | Strangers-to-lovers | Feral!Rey | idiot!Ben Solo | Friend group dynamic | Drama | Character Study | Personal Growth | Rey POV | Multi POV | "Rey did not anticipate that she’d be having sex this weekend, but she really should have. It’s a wedding, her ex is here with his new girlfriend, and she’s a single woman in her twenties with low self-esteem. I mean, honestly, go figure. But if anyone had told her that it would be with Ben Solo - her boss’s son, her ex’s worst enemy, and the bane of pretty much everybody’s existence - she would’ve laughed in their stupid face."
💖 here grow the roses by neonheartbeat | @urulokid | Explicit | 46k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Outdoor sex, Farm life | English countryside | City girl meets farm boy | Strangers to lovers | author/poet!Rey | Mute!Ben Solo | Virgin!Ben solo | Shitty-childhood-angst | Past abuse | Rey POV | T.S. Eliot Prize winner Rey Palpatine is intrigued by the mute caretaker of her late grandfathers country estate. As she gets to know Ben and his demons Rey must reflect on her own past as she struggles to write a new book of poetry.
for what it's worth (it was worth all the while) by tayloremrose (need ao3 account to read) | @earstwo | Explicit | 53k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, summer camp(and all that entails!), swimming, hiking, Texas heat, fireworks | Enemies-to-friends-to-lovers | Boss/employee dynamic | Past child abuse | Mention of domestic abuse | Character Growth | Underage drinking | ANGST | Mistunderstandings | HEA | Rey POV | "Rey flies to Texas from the UK to be a summer camp counselor at Skywalker Ranch. Ben is the prickly new Summer Camp Director with a complicated past."
Summer Heat by IshaRen | Explicit | 56k | incomplete | Alternate Modern AU | A/B/O | Alpha x Beta | Summer Vibes: summertime, cabin on a lake | Strangers to lovers | Slowburn | Loneliness | Discrimination | Angst | Canada | Multi POV | "A lonely young woman arrives at the cottage she inherited from her grandfather on a remote lake in northern Ontario, to find her neighbour is a rare Alpha, a relic of the old days when humans were ruled by their designation. Across a long hot summer, they connect over their shared history, and she finds that the past may not be as far away as she assumed." | Incomplete but absolutely worth the read
endless summer afternoon by SecretReyloTrash | @lyresandlasers | Explicit | 63k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: Summertime, Swimming, Pool sex, Hammock sex | Roommates | Adopted siblings vibes | Secret relationship | Past substance abuse | Alcoholism | Homlessness | ANGST | Asshole!kylo Ren | trying-his-best!Han Solo | Father figure!Han | HEA | Rey POV | Rey moves into Han's spare room only for his estranged son to return from rehab. | Ch 1-6 are main fic Rey POV, ch 7 is xmas epilogue from Ben POV,
is this called home by reylonly | @reylonly | Explicit | 67k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer Vibes: School vacation, BBQ, Swimming | A/B/O | alpha x omega | Boss/employee dynamic | Neighbors | Mutual Pining | Secret relationship | Nanny!rey | College student!rey | Single dad!Ben solo | Professor!solo | Multi POV | Rey embarks on a secret relationship with her neighbor Ben, whose son she has been minding this summer while she is home from college. Their connection is undeniable but Rey struggles with loving Ben (and his son) and wanting a future for herself outside of her designation.
🤣 Peacock by AttackoftheDarkCurses | Explicit | 72k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Swimming, BBQ, Camping | Neighbors | Rivals to lovers | Pranks | Misunderstandings | Fake relationship | Multi POV | Rey and Rose move in nextdoor to Ben and his whole world is turned upside down. A prank war escalates into a fake engagement. Now they are playing chicken with a marriage. Who will back down first?
May Divorce Be With You by SpaceWaffleHouse | Explicit | 83k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Outdoor wedding, Beach wedding | Strangers to friends to lovers | Bets and wagers | Wedding planner!Ben Solo | Divorce Lawyer!Rey | Weddings | Romance | Wedding!Porn (think Four Weddings) | Side Rose/Jannah | Rey POV | Drinking buddies Rey and Ben make a wager about whether true love really exists. As Ben takes her to more and more weddings that he has planned Rey's cynical view of love (shaped by being a divorce lawyer) takes a sharp left turn. She is without-a-doubt going to lose this bet... because she is falling hopelessly in love with Ben Solo.
💖The Heart of Hate by SevenBetter | Explicit | 119k | Complete | Modern AU | Summer vibes: Summertime, Ice Cream, Beach town, Outdoor wedding | Multi POV | Enemies to Lovers | Hate Sex | Neighbors | Small Buisness Owners | Rey owns an Ice Cream Parlor | Ben makes Whiskey | Secret Relationship(s) | Ben is a terrible communicator | Rey is aggressively cheerful | Family Drama | Angst | Personal Growth | Falling in Love | Dramatic Family Thanksgiving | 80s Prom | Secrets revealed! | HEA | Side pairings: Hux/Phasma, Finn/Rose, Poe/Zorii | Rey POV | Multi POV | "Rey and Ben are each hard-working small business owners in a quiet beach town, determined to succeed, whose feuding and fighting lead to one other F-word that they also do together."
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okokokaythen · 3 years
NSR Headcanons
Aka NSR themed shower thoughts 
Bunkbed junction (Mayday + Zuke)
- Has a secret stash of 1010 merch hidden in the sewer that she hides from Zuke (He already knows and doesn’t tell May to entertain her)
- Sometimes call Zuke, ‘Zukie’ after the DK west encounter(s) 
- She is banned from babysitting Yinu (for obvious reasons)
- She sleeps on the top bunk 
- She memorizes small things about people and will sometimes give gifts as a token for forgiveness after the events of the story
- She sometimes hangs on the pipes in the sewer instead of sitting on the couch (much to Zukes annoyance)
- She occasionally wears Zuke’s clothes 
- Occasionally leaves the sewer alone to walk around or reflect on things
- Has a collection of books ranging from scientific journals to biographies, not exactly a fan of fiction
- Used to own a pair of glasses before he switched to contacts, after which they’ve gone missing
- Tries to organize and clean the sewer, but it being a sewer he hasn't gotten much done
- Occasionally visits eve to catch up and make amends
- Zuke is May’s primary impulse control
- He’s near the top of the list to babysit Yinu, behind Sayu/Tila
- They have seen each other naked at some point with opposite reactions. 
- They take turns cooking 
- They style each other’s hair in the morning
- They refer Ellie as their baby
- He is Yinu’s homeschool teacher
- Owns a cat named Mars 
- Has a mixed relationship with 1010
- Tolerates Green 1010 the most
- increase size whenever he’s mad
- Sayu often appears on his screens to annoy him or just hang out
- He tolerates Sayu more than 1010
- He’s 1010′s pseudo uncle
- Undefeated in basketball 
- Is Yinu’s primary babysitter 
- Sayu, when not piloted, has an A.I. But is limited to cyberspace. 
- Her reverse form was made as a joke by Remi
- She knows a lot more than she leads on, and has appeared even on Tatiana’s computer, but she's ultimately harmless. 
- She’s often tasked to work as a firewall for NSR’s servers 
- She is surprisingly useful to have around.  
- There’s several platforms where Sayu can ‘Appear’ physically, similar to Cortana from Halo.
Yinu / Mother
- Yinu is homeschooled
- DJSS is her Homeroom/Science teacher, Neon J is her Shop/P.E teacher. Eve is her Art and Literature teacher, Mother is her Math/History teacher. Tatiana occasionally is her Economics/Math teacher whenever she’s not too busy.
- Sayu’s pilots and 1010 are her ‘classmates’ 
- She, along with Mother, visits her father’s grave at least once a month. 
- She does not like being picked up by anyone other than her mother. so she carries around a step stool.
- She likes that she has multiple babysitters, but wont admit it.
- Tatiana is her god mother/ grandmother figure
1010 / Neon J
-  Yellow often gets stuck on Green’s hoop
- Each member of 1010′s “brain” is a chip that is inserted into their head
- They are referred to by their color’s (I know they got names but I’m terrible at remembering them)
- White often gets picked on for watching Danny Phantom
- They had small ‘baby’ forms and as they ‘aged’ their chips/minds into different ‘aged up’ forms 
- Blue was the first designed but last built, white was built first.
- Red’s mohawk used to snap off a lot so recently its been made of a more durable but heavier. this makes Red slower than the rest of 1010
- Whenever 1010 cause chaos, Green and Neon J are often the ones to apologizing for their actions. 
- Neon J often refers to 1010 as Teletubbies, which annoys them.
- Neon originally wanted 1010 to be fighter pilots rather than sailors but knew how marketable sailors are so swapped the design. 
- When ever Neon J is ‘off duty’ he turns into the socks with sandals dad. making dad jokes left and right. 
- She sometimes visits the sewer hideout and is always grossed out but keeps it to herself to not upset Mayday/Zuke
- She still acts cold towards May, but she is warming up and is in general nicer 
- She sleeps in a giant hand shaped bed 
- Her entire house’s furniture is just hands and other abstract shapes
- She has several outfits based in other art movements, like surrealism (my favorite movement) and cubism for example
- Mayday and Zuke have spent the night there several times, Mayday has trouble sleeping due to the furniture
- Eve still reminisces when she and Zuke were together, but is still supportive of Zuke and Mayday’s relationship (romantic or otherwise)
(I do ship Mayzuke/Bunkbed lovers but I’m trying to not make it center stage in this post)
- After spending time with Mayday, she realizes she has more in common with her and often joke in Zuke’s expense
- Tatiana is a mentor figure to Eve, and if/when Tatiana retires, Eve will be her successor. 
- She often quotes Yzma around her collogues, such as, “I know its called a cruel irony, like my dependence on you.” to DK West
- She’s grown more laid back after the events of the story, but is still stern while working
- Sometimes she jams out with BBJ and even give pointers to Mayday
- If/When she retires she becomes more grandmotherly towards her collogues
- She often slows/stops time during meetings to take a breath/ get a drink or snack
DK West
- Whenever he is not working in his field, He often crashes at the sewer hideout 
- When he opens his eyes, his true power is revealed
- His Shadow bull (stand) sometimes appears and vibes with him
- He probably sleeps with his mouth opened 
- This man is vibes first 
- He radiates the same energy as the Giga-Chad meme
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starclast · 10 months
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Staring 💞
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grapehyasynth · 3 years
since you accepted the challenge.... d/p, travel!au, enemies to lovers, meet messy/ugly, “okay, maybe i’m crazy but did i just hear you say that out loud?” 😙❤️
this got so long! slightly cracky. and also i slightly twisted the quote that you requested. and also patrick is in a mood, but hey, traveling does that to some of us.
Patrick is going to strangle his roommate while he sleeps. Or something less violent. He’s going to report him to the Czech tourism board. He’s going to leave him a strongly worded note on his way out. He’ll definitely glare.  
It was bad enough that he’d shown up to his hostel at 11PM to find they’d overbooked themselves for the weekend and would have to put him in a double room, with actual bunkbeds - what a way to spend his 30th birthday, with the sleeping accommodations of a least favorite child. He’d negotiated for a steep discount, but still.
Then he’d gotten into the room to find the bottom bunk taken (of course) and the stranger’s stuff scattered everywhere. There were little vials of makeup and hair products on the tiny bathroom sink , six pairs of shoes in shades of black (he hadn’t known there could be shades of black; at what point was it just grey?!) spread across the floor, more clothes than he’d owned in his entire life flung across every surface.  The window was open, despite the chill, and the room had smelled slightly of pot.
“Cool, bruh,” he had muttered to the empty room and kicked one of the shoes. It didn’t make him feel much better and the room was still a mess.
So yeah, all of that would be bad enough. But now it’s 3AM and he’s fighting jetlag and poorly timed airport coffee and a lumpy top bunk mattress and his roommate has just barrelled into the room, breathing heavily and stumbling into everything.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” the stranger hisses, apparently apologizing to the chair he’s knocked over. “I’m so - here, let me help you up.”
Patrick huffs and turns over, punching his pillow a few times. At least the guy hasn’t turned the overhead lights on. He smells like booze and cigarettes and a kind of cologne that would make it hard for Patrick to sleep even at the best of times.
And now he’s singing.
“Do you know what it feels like, loving someone, who’s in a rush to throw you away-”
Something comes flying out of the dark and hits Patrick in the face. He sits up quickly and bonks his head on the low ceiling. “Ow! Fuck!”
Shoving aside the leather jacket that had bombarded him, he clambers down from the top bunk and stalks towards the bathroom, ready to tell his roommate to go do his nightly ablutions in the shared bathroom in the hallway. But he arrives at the doorway just in time to hear his roommate - a tall, swaying eyeful in dark jeans and a tight white tshirt - say in a sing-songy voice, “They can’t see our cries if we moisturize!”
It’s too late to back up; Patrick steps into the wedge of light and the startled stranger glances up, eyes wide, a dab of some kind of cream on one fingertip, the swoop of his coiffed hair dipping to kiss his forehead.
“Who are you?” the stranger demands.
“Your roommate. Luckiest guy in the world. Um, did you just - did you just say what I think you said?”
“Who said what?” The guy looks around the tiny bathroom, confused.
“You did. You said - ah, never mind. Um, I was just trying to sleep, if you can please-”
He’s about to do the Ross Geller quiet down hand gesture when he takes in the red rims of the guy’s eyes, stains like spilled cola down the front of his shirt, the way his hands are trembling a little. He’s still just a drunk stranger ruining Patrick’s first night in Europe, but he doesn’t look like he wants to be here, doing this, at this hour of the night, anymore than Patrick does.
“Can I - can I get you a glass of water, while you do - that?”
“Yes, Julio, that would be much appreciated,” the stranger says loftily.
Patrick snorts, but he squeezes by and fills a glass while the stranger tries, about six times, to dab the cream under his eyes.
“Why don’t I -” Patrick snags the tub of cream on the next sway and guides the stranger to sit on the toilet. “I think this will be faster.”
He helps him through the undereye cream and about six other products he’s never heard of - hair balm? he’s definitely making that one up. He learns the guy’s name is David, and he’s Canadian, like Patrick. He’s been in Prague for a few days. Something happened with his parents and his art gallery, and so he’s asserting his independence, or trying to make his family worry for him, or both, or something else entirely. He’s a mess, and he very nearly vomits on Patrick’s bare feet, but he’s funny and erudite and Patrick can’t stop watching his hands, the way they seem to say what his mouth can’t.
David falls asleep on top of the clothes piled on the bottom bunk, still wearing his stupidly tight jeans. Patrick falls asleep listening to David snuffle and snore.
They get breakfast the next morning in the hostel cafeteria. Well, it’s Patrick’s second breakfast, by the time David gets up, but he doesn’t think David needs to know that.
“Where are you headed next?” David asks, around a mouthful of sugary cereal.
“Budapest.” Patrick pulls his printed itinerary from the travel wallet he keeps hanging under his shirt. “End of this week.”
“Budapest,” David repeats, contemplative. “How’s the club scene there?”
“I have no idea,” Patrick grins.
David pushes the contents of his bowl around. “Well. I heard it’s safer to travel with other people. If you. If it’s not - I mean-”
“Come to Budapest with me,” Patrick says. David glances up at him quickly, his face brightening more than all his expensive lotions had achieved. “But only if you promise to sing Enrique Iglesias to me every night.”
“Enri- oh god, did I do that?” David gasps, horrified.
“Yep! That was one of the less embarrassing things you sang, actually.”
“I don’t think they even played that last night.” David looks down at his cereal, suddenly seeming to have lost his appetite. “That just - that must’ve come from, like, somewhere deep in me.” 
They watch a gaggle of schoolkids harassing their chaperones for a minute.
“You know, I usually only let guys buy me breakfast after we’ve slept together,” David says.
Patrick feels the tips of his ears go red, but he replies steadily, “I don’t mind doing things a bit out of order.”
David grins, biting down on his spoon, the tip of his tongue peeking out, drawing Patrick’s attention. “Well alright then. Let’s see how Budapest goes.”
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nexttrickanvils · 4 months
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I came out of No Straight Roads shipping May and Zuke a little but this is absolutely their ship dynamic to me.
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letterboxd · 4 years
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As the 2021 film festival season kicks off, Sundance Film Festival alumni and this year’s newcomers share their best tips for at-home festival attendance.
With contributions from Joe Talbot, Aneesh Chaganty, Ekwa Msangi, Heidi Ewing, Jesse Moss and Amanda McBaine, Levan Akin, Max Barbakow, Jim Cummings, Sara Hirner and Rosemary Vasquez-Brown, Kentucker Audley and Albert Birney, Alexis Gambis and the Letterboxd Sundance team.
While it’s a small relief not to have to share a bunkbed with Gary from Australia, and go trudging up those Park City slopes in chunky ol’ snow boots, it’s still a challenge to create the ambience that the world premiere of a brilliant new indie film deserves. So, as well as creating a new, official Letterboxd festival hub (Festiville—give it a follow to receive festival updates in your main activity feed), we’ve also called in some friends to help us overcome the barrier of a lonely room, a smaller screen and a too-familiar couch.
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At home, you can sit as close to the screen as you can bear. (‘Paddington’, 2014.)
Bring the mountain to you.
How best to recreate the specific feeling of trying not to break your neck while running across the icy carpark between the Doubletree and the Holiday Village 4 during a tight turnaround? Letterboxd’s West Coast editor Dominic Corry advises getting into the Park City swing of things right from breakfast: “Place a headshot next to your coffee machine to replicate the experience of bumping into an A-lister at the Starbucks in Fresh Market”.
Before your first screening of the day, say Boys State directors Jesse Moss and Amanda McBaine (Sundance 2020), “Stand outside in the cold for sixty minutes before viewing the film, then watch the film while wearing a very heavy parka, and realize you’re very hot twenty minutes into the movie and have to wrestle your parka off whilst not disturbing your fellow viewers.”
Or, don’t even bother trying to remove those layers, says And Then We Danced writer-director Levan Akin (Sundance 2020): “Recreate the sweat-soaked sensation I had by dressing in thermal long johns to outsmart the cold, only to sit through screenings in a pool of your own sweat. Rookie mistake!”
Between screenings, you have a couple of options. “Hit that StairMaster between virtual engagements to simulate the high mountain altitude,” advises Palm Springs director Max Barbakow (Sundance 2020), ”and don’t forget that chlorophyll to catch your wind!”
Kentucker Audley and Albert Birney, writers and directors of Strawberry Mansion (Sundance 2021) have an alternate suggestion: “After a screening, we recommend turning off the heat in your home, getting into your bathtub (imagining it’s a hot tub), and once it’s nice and freezing in your house, get out of the tub with wet feet, step directly into your snow boats and race to the nearest towel, which for some reason is nowhere near you. Then watch another movie and repeat the process.” Seems eerily legit.
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There’s no corkage charged for BYO in the home cinema. (‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’, 2008.)
Creating those creature comforts.
For those of you who have long since accepted that we’re on the sofa rather than the slopes this Sundance, the trick is to make home as inviting as possible, despite its being far too familiar these days. That could mean moving the screen from its usual spot. Heidi Ewing, writer and director of I Carry You With Me (Sundance 2020) has a three-step plan: “1. Carmel-corn 2. Bathtub with bubbles 3. Play it loud—bathroom-tile acoustics will make it all feel bigger and boomier. That’s my sage advice.”
“Definitely co-sign the bathtub!” agrees Letterboxd’s London correspondent Ella Kemp. “And I’d also suggest watching the midnight-leaning stuff—big horror, big genre, big WTF—first thing in the morning, if you can. I do not have the same energy late at night in my own at home as I do with a sold-out crowd.”
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Expose your folks to a whole new world—make them watch Midnight category films with you over breakfast. (‘Good Morning’, 1959.)
Indeed, energy for film festivals is a thing whether you’re an in-person or satellite viewer—this applies to mental energy, too. “If you’re ever stressed or tired, watch a documentary to reset yourself,” says Jim Cummings, writer and director, Thunder Road short (Grand Jury winner, Sundance 2016), producer, Beast Beast (Sundance 2020).
And, given it’s a seven-day-long haul, feel free to throw cooking plans out the window and follow the Park City diet, in which you “eat nothing but finger foods for the duration of the festival,” according to Moss and McBaine. Or, as Ekwa Msangi, writer-director of Farewell Amor (Sundance 2020) recommends, “get some deliciously flavored popcorn and a hot drink for afterwards!”
Another at-home tip from Corry: “Don’t turn the lights on when you get up to go to the bathroom mid-movie, so as to recreate the sensation of your eyes struggling to adjust to the light in the restroom.”
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Mac ’n’ cheese and a cold one for the last viewing of the day. (‘Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood’, 2019.)
Hell is other people (but animals are cool).
Not all of us live alone, and not all of us live with film lovers. Company is welcome, interruptions are to be expected, but do set some boundaries and decide what you will and won’t compromise on. “If you’ve got to bargain with roommates and family members for your turn to use the TV, be intentional about sound!” advises Letterboxd contributor, Selome Hailu. “Don’t compromise on music documentaries or well-scored horror, but rom-com dialogue might still sound okay with your laptop speaker.”
Housemates not human? That’s no problem for Alexis Gambis, writer, director and co-editor, Son of Monarchs (Sundance 2021): “Make room for your pets, let them be the film critics this time around.”
Importantly, says Cummings, “Be kind to everyone.” Whether you’re at a satellite screening, joining a festival event online or talking about the films on your social channels, “everyone is here to watch crazy weird movies. Remind yourself that it’s all about weird cinema and the creators. Watch movies!”
“And definitely stay for the Q&As,” say Moss and McBaine. “Always incredible.”
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Director Dorothy Arzner and star Clara Bow are dressed to impress. (‘The Wild Party’, 1929.)
Watch the premieres as their makers intended.
Look, filmmakers know what they’re up against in 2021, but it doesn’t stop them dreaming big when it comes to how we see their films for the first time. Sara Hirner and Rosemary Vasquez-Brown, directors of the Sundance 2021 short GNT, have put some thought into this:
“We demand that GNT be viewed in one of two very specific ways, and since we have no control over ourselves or the world at large, we urge you to at least pay us this small kindness!
Option A: You shall view GNT at 3:00am, sans pants, with two-day-old pizza and your laptop perched on your titties.
Option B: You shall dress in your finest garb, slather your face in makeup (please consult the swaths of teenage beauty gurus if you’re unsure on how to accomplish this task), and adorn yourself in your highest heels. These must all be the same color (tone variations will be accepted). Crack open your cheapest available sparkling wine and get to it. We hope you enjoy the show.”
For those whose Sundance dress code extends only to bed-wear, Msangi pleads: “If you’re staying in your pajamas, at least put on a cool beanie to spice things up!”
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Sharing is caring. (‘Shithouse’, 2020.)
Tweets, or it didn’t happen.
Finally, and most essentially, Aneesh Chaganty, writer and director of Searching (Sundance 2018), declares: “It’s not a Sundance hit without insane amounts of buzz. If you like it, tell everyone you know.”
After all, it’s what we’re here for… isn’t it? The last word goes to Joe Talbot, co-writer and director of The Last Black Man in San Francisco (Sundance 2019): “Since so many people at Sundance like to say that, between all the meetings and panels, they just haven’t had a chance to see any movies, let 2021 be the year that if you haven’t seen the movies, you admit it’s because you just don’t like movies.” Boom.
Related content
The ten most anticipated Sundance 2021 premieres according to Letterboxd members
The full line-up of the 37th Sundance Film Festival 2021
All the Dramatic Grand Jury/World Cinema Dramatic Grand Jury winners from Sundances past
Follow Festiville on Letterboxd for daily updates
The Sundance Film Festival runs from January 28 to February 23. Thanks to all the filmmakers for advice, and good luck to the 2021 festival fam!
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thestarkerisobvious · 2 years
Demon Lover
The year is 1989.  Peter Paker is LOVING the college experience.  The boys.  The huge libraries.  The boys.  The compelte freedom.  The boys.
But there’s a problem.  There is an old... friend... of Peter’s who might have been feeling a little jealous lately...
Demon Lover
Rated NC17
It was moments like these that College Student Peter Parker was so grateful he didn’t have a dormmate.
And only partially because that meant he didn’t have a bunkbed.
Because if he DID… well… that meant he’d be having to take it doggy-style on the floor… a thought that made Peter smile to himself.  
“What’s so funny?” the jock grumbled, pulling away (again?!) and Peter looked back over his shoulder with a sweet, winning smile.  His hook-up, who had been all swagger and bold talk at the frat party, was suddenly nervous.  Possibly because Peter’s ancient dormhall creaked and groaned in a way that seemed particularly menacing tonight.  Mr. Jock had even mentioned the rumor that this particular hall was haunted, but Peter had dismissed that with a mention of the age of the building (and a very quick shedding of clothing.)  
“Just so glad you’re here, handsome,” Peter said gently, pushing his ass backward toward Mr Jock (who’s name might have been Hugh?) 
“Now how about getting back to work?” he added coyly, and Mr. Jock seemed to take the hint.  As he groaned in pleasure, Peter smiled all the more.  He was getting better at this.
His first few college hookups had been marred by his awkward shyness, and even by his all-consuming need to please.  This led to weekends spent with equally shy, equally awkward lovers who, while educational, simply didn’t satisfy.  (Plus they always wanted to hang out afterward, for deep & meaningful talks about sexuality or possible relationship-building activities or at least repeat-hookups.   Peter was interested in neither.  Peter was interested in experience.)
And experience was the best teacher.
Just like tonight.  He had developed a sweet-but-frank persona, a way of talking to his nightly conquests, both the kind-of-nervous and of-course-I’m-not-nervous types, that both put them at ease and  kept things moving at the pace he enjoyed.  The persona was one-part authentic and two-parts act, but it seemed to work most of the time.
And it seemed to be working now.  
“God you’re a horny little piece of ass,” Mr. Jock jested, grabbing Peter’s narrow waist with two huge hands, his fingers digging to Peter’s white flesh hard enough to leave bruises on a normal person.  Peter shivered at the thrill and spread his legs even wider, dropping his head and arching his back, moaning in need.  He didn’t care if Mr. Jock made fun of him for it now (or talked about him later.)  He was too hungry to care.  He whimpered involuntarily at the first sweet burn of penetration.
And then yelped involuntarily and bowed his back.  Damn this boy had no finesse.
“Okay, okay, let’s try that again…” Peter said quickly, breathlessly, trying to smile and soothe and readjust and keep their two bodies connected all at the same time.
A task that was not made easier when his framed Valedictorian certificate, and his framed Science Fair medal of honor and his framed acceptance letter all slipped off the wall simultaneously and went crashing to the floor.
“Nonono its fine, don’t worry about that…” Peter gasped, reaching behind him to take Mr. Jock’s hand, probably too tightly (dammit it was so hard to do this and remember his super-strength at the same time!)  “Damn thumbtacks never work, just do it like this,” he breathed, shamelessly moving his hips and his ass backward, trying to show this dumb ox how Peter wanted him to use his dick.  Fortunately, even this dumb ox had a sense of rhythm.  Moving with Peter he seemed to get the rhythm right (even if he couldn’t get the angle right to save his life.  Maybe math nerds would be better at this, Peter mused.)
It worked.  Maybe-Hugh grabbed Peter’s hips again in that bruising grip and started thrusting mercilessly and Peter stopped thinking altogether.
For just a few moments, it was perfect.  Those demanding hands.  That demanding cock.  Feeling full and controlled and taken.  
He was far stronger than Mr. Jock, of course.  As huge and broad-shouldered  as Maybe-Hugh was, Peter could have pinned him down with one hand.  And that just made it better, somehow.  Being powerful and willingly handing that power over, completely, to another man.
Of course, that other ‘man’ didn’t know how strong Peter was.  Hell, that other ‘man’ probably didn’t know Peter’s name.Peter distracted himself by sneaking a peek back at the powerful body behind him, all broad shoulders and smooth muscles and sweat.  Tonight’s conquest was huge and beefy and rough… also pretty dense, but Peter had learned not to be picky about hookups.  Especially ones that smelled as manly, as salty as this one.
And god just the sight of those sweating, straining muscles was turning him on beyond measure.  If only Mr. Jock would lean over his back just enough for Peter to feel the drops falling onto his back… but changing their position only a tiny bit might end the perfect rhythm of thrusting and Peter wasn’t about to risk it.)
Peter closed his eyes and opened up his senses.  Not the enhanced kind that let him know what people were eating in the dorm rooms down the hall (GOD he was so glad the rooms right next to him were empty.  It was hard to be quiet when you were getting a good fucking) but brought all the sensory input from this single room in to super-sharp focus.
The scent of sex and salt and urgency filled his nostrils and his brain and made him so very, very glad he had gone through all the trouble of convincing Mr. Jock back to his room.  And the body heat… even though it was only the boy’s legs pressing against the backs of Peter’s legs…  it was like being burned by an oven.  Once again Peter grinned with gratitude, this time about the excellent thermostat that controlled the temperature in his room.  Keeping it just a hair above comfortable (and then swearing it was broken and there was nothing he could do about it) made sure that his partners sweat, and right now his current partner was sweating beautifully.  It filled the room with the heady, sweet perfume that made Peter’s head swim.  If only it were possible to get pounded from behind AND keep his mouth attached to that warm, moist skin… maybe Mr. Jock wouldn’t mind a few tender, lingering kisses against his neck or chest after the sex was over.  Not every lover did. 
Peter loved the taste of human male skin, but if he couldn’t get a taste, he would certainly enjoy the aroma.  He arched his neck, raising his head, breathing in the moment, letting his senses record everything.  The beautiful scent of two human bodies working together, the constant, steady vibration of the bed moving against the wall, the throaty moans of the boy behind him…
“Gonna’ fuck you to death… I’m gonna leave that hole busted open from my dick…”
Peter ducked his head quickly before Maybe-Hugh could see him roll his eyes.  
Sometimes he wished he could turn his hearing off completely.
But now Maybe-Hugh was whimpering with a high-pitched, needy urgency that told Peter his perfect moment might already be over.  He turned his head to say something… maybe not something completely people-pleasing, maybe to actually speak up and ask for Maybe-Hugh to slow down a bit, to try to draw out the moment, even for a few seconds longer…
…then Maybe-Hugh reached out and grabbed Peter by the left arm and yanked it backward.
This sent Peter sprawling face-first into his own bed.  Which was not a bad sensation by itself, but sent Peter’s ass into a right-facing slant which meant Maybe-Hugh’s dick went in at a painful angle.
Peter yelped.
Then the lamp at the night table flung itself into the air and across the bed, clipping the other boy across the face.
Maybe-Hugh screamed.
“It’s okayit’sokayit’sokay it’s nothing!!” Peter pleaded, reaching out as Mr. Jock jumped up from the bed, looking frantically around for his attacker.  “You just knocked the lamp over, it’s okay…
“It’s okay!” Peter said louder, not the other boy but to the room in general.
“What the fucking fuck was that?!” Mr. Jock finally managed, not even noticing Peter’s hands on his, trying to pull him back onto the bed.
“You just knocked the lamp off the night table… it’s not expensive it’s just from the goodwill store…”
“It went flying across the fucking room!”
“Well you were being really vigorous dude…”  Peter smiled, or at least tried to, fighting to find that tone again, the tone that would make his partners relax… to keep them in the mood… or at the very least, keep them in the room. 
“You were amazing… and pulling me face-down on the bed was hot… you just gotta keep it at a 180 degree angle and…”
“What the fuck is wrong with your dormroom, man?!?!”
“Oh come on, baby, you were so close!” Peter begged, trying to smile and look soothing, all at the same time.  Come on…”
He moved up to his knees and risked flinging his arms around Mr. Jock’s neck, letting his hands dangle behind the large, square head delicately.  “I promised you my ass was tight, and wasn’t it?  You were so close… come on baby… just because you broke my lamp doesn’t mean we have to stop…”
“Dammit they told me not to go with you, they told me this damn place was haunted…”
“My dorm room is not haunted!” 
Mr. Jock looked down at him, surprised.  But people always looked surprised when Peter raised his voice.  He had quite an unexpected tone when he was trying to keep things under control.
Peter wasn’t sure if there was any point in trying anymore, but still, he tried.  Mostly because they had only been at it for about seven minutes, and it had taken twice that long just to talk Mr. Jock into wearing the damn condom.  For an city boy, Mr. Jock sure hadn’t been too informed about safe sex.
“Hey… come on… are you really going to let some stupid, inane Tri-Delt ghost story keep you from getting laid?  Seriously?” He joked, softening his tone the tiniest bit, but not letting go of his lover’s hands, still pulling him back onto the bed.
“Now get back over here and get back to it!” he said, semi-playfully.  It seemed to work… they were moving back onto the bed in any case.  Mr. Jock’s eyes were wide, but he seemed to be obedient.  Especially when Peter turned his back and pressed it against that hard, muscular (sweaty!) chest, hooking one arm behind them both and combing his fingers through his lover’s sweat-soaked hair.  
“You just broke my lamp,” he teased, grinding his body against his lover’s suggestively.  “The least you can do is finish what you started…” 
“You spooky little shit,” came the growl from behind him.  “I’m going to fuck that candy-ass until your knees bleed…”
The lamp exploded.
Peter continued to argue.  He might have pulled it off - in addition to super-strength and extra-sensitive hearing he also had a an uncanny gift of persuasion.  He might have even convinced the panicked boy for a few minutes longer - yes, said boy’s discarded shirt currently flying around the room but Peter had managed to keep his arms around Hugh’s neck and thus his face pointed it the opposite direction.
 But then Hugh caught a glimpse of the aerial laundry show in the mirror and it didn’t matter.
Then the heavy rotary phone on the other night table began ringing and Peter gave up.
It wasn’t a normal telephone ring, because of course it wasn’t.  It was a long, terrifying continuous wail, loud enough to drown out the stammering and swearing as Maybe-Hugh frantically yanked on his pants and attempted to retrieve enough of his clothing to escape.  “At least you’re not trying to yank the cord out of the wall,” Peter muttered, mostly to himself, as he sat, defeated on the bed.  The last lover who had done that in an attempt to make the phone stop making the ungodly noise had just found that it made the phone ring louder than ever…
…which, come to think of it, was probably how Peter got the reputation of living in a “haunted dorm hall.”
“You forgot your shirt!” he called out half-heartedly as his panicked hook-up ran out the door, slamming it behind him.  Not that it mattered.  Apparently Maybe-Hugh had decided that pants and shoes were enough to make his escape.
Peter signed heavily.  He waited.
Finally, the phone stopped its clamor.
Finally, the windows stopped rattling as the walls ceased to vibrate.  One by one, the floating laundry dropped, item by item to the floor.  
They even piled themselves right next to the hamper.  
Still Peter didn’t speak.
The thrift-store lamp meekly lifted itself up from the floor and floated, humbly, back to its original position.  Peter leaned over to one side to let it pass.  It was still hopelessly broken, but he said nothing.  
It wasn’t the first broken lamp he had to deal with.  That’s why he got them from goodwill in the first place.
He sat with his mouth closed for some time.  Forehead creased.  Considering carefully.  The silence filled the small dorm room.
Finally, he spoke.   
“Tony, we have to talk.”
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n8nt · 4 years
hey captian of the hrs klifftati, how do you feel abt the rest of nsr, if ydont mind? you dont gotta if you're busy!
i cant tell if this is for ships or jst the characters in general BUTTTTT if its ships.... im honestly not HUGE on nsr shipping BUT
My favs r tateve and bunkbed lovers/mayzuke....though blue 1010/celine is also a FAVE i dont rlly talk abt it all that much. im not really into some of the more popular ships but like i do like em. tateve and klifftati is where its at for me LMFAOOO
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sporkkles-irl · 4 years
Okay so 1) I really like your art and you’re really cool and 2) I’m so happy I’m not the only one who had the headcanon of Zuke being aro because it’s a really good take (I always viewed him as like.. bisexual and aromatic? And May is his qpp) hope you have a excellent day!!
aro bi zuke and queerplatonic relationship bunkbed lovers is where its fukin at dude!!!!!!! mayday being a funky lil pansexual poly trans gal too!!!!! poggers the fuck!!!??
also bbj is transguy/transgirl solidarity!!!!!!!! we love to see it!!!!!!!!
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