indigoninja · 7 months
It's been a long while.
I'm gonna try and be more active on here again. Twitter feels like ass again. I do stream now. I'll pin a generalized schedule of things in a while.
I feel like I need to go back to more longform blogging again. I did miss it here, but many of the friends and mutuals I used to have on here are seemingly gone or missing now. I'm hoping I can at least reconnect with them again.
But also I do miss when I was able to just. More or less vomit out my words. Hopefully I can see how DBD is out here on Tumblr.
I did miss being here.
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arsillanola · 8 months
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Good Omentober drawing challenge Day 19 - Wings
It's important to keep your wings clean
Following these prompts (sometimes) My other drawings in this challenge
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nonomives · 1 year
I love poppy sm, ive got so many doodle ideas for her man
Plus i like to think her and wally has some mother-son relationship but like in a funny way
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Here's some of em :DD
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pythosart · 8 months
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in celebration of the Darktide class overhaul, I finally drew all four of my characters instead of just Lark! Still just standing there, because some things never change
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doodleandie · 8 months
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I wonder if George ever did regret making that joke :V
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someplace-darker · 2 months
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Space nerds how we feeling
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nightmaresyrup · 2 years
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Bouncing Wewd cock
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bokuto, literally went to the olympics with miya atsumu: idk i just like akaashis tosses better you know :/
atsumu: *has to be held back by five grown men*
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likesplatterpaint · 2 months
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Hello!!! From Burd!!
Who was very good and held still for this shot!
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urdadsnewgiirlfriend · 4 months
they should bring back vine just for joe keery
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solarpunkani · 1 year
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I saw this on Twitter and honestly felt a bit sick just thinking about it. The sheer determination some people have to keep anyone from getting any sort of help, any sort of benefits, to kick down someone who has such a big heart to help those around her?
Here's the Tiktok where the woman, Carly Burd, talks about it. She shows the salted state of the land. This video was posted 21 hours ago at the time of posting this.
Another video where she discusses it, this one was posted 4 hours ago. Over 5 kilograms of salt, she estimates, was put into the soil of her allotment. She'd already planted onions and potatoes with her kids, which are now ruined. She's working to find a solution, which I genuinely hopes she does.
From what I can tell, this is a GoFundMe that she runs--not just for this tragic occurrence, but to generally support the work she does. It has a goal of £4,000 pounds and at the time of writing this, it's raised over £54,000 pounds, but by all means if you want to donate and help her out I'm sure she wouldn't turn any help away.
I genuinely hope all the help she's getting with this lets her grow a lot more food and help a lot more people.
[Photo ID: a scrrenshot of two tweets of a Twitter thread by Elsbeth Tashioni @THISisLULE, with 6,102 retweets, 2,345 Quote retweets, 28.1K likes, and 1,597 Bookmarks. The leading tweet was made at 4:24 AM EST on 4/12/23 (April 12th 2023). "Some UK woman on tiktok has been making videos about how she’s been feeding people (partly through an allotment) in her community who are struggling due to the cost of living crisis and then yesterday she posts that someone went and salted her land so she can’t grow food anymore" The second tweet has 25 replies, 1,391 retweets, and 14.5k likes. "Do you know how evil you have to be to sneak out at night, not to even steal to benefit yourself, but to destroy the possibility of people in need getting help?" End ID]
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indigoninja · 11 months
havent been on tumblr in a few months, at this rate i kind of feel like abadoning the site. i’m following people who i used to regularly interact with, but are strangers to me now. 
if you’re interested in seeing me elsewhere, i’m over on twitter, @/Indigo_Ninja, and on twitch (twitch.tv/indigoninja) streaming things like horror games and dead by daylight, i’m usually on most evenings on monday, tuesday, thursday, and friday
thanks for sticking around as long as you have, but i’ll seldom post here anymore.
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wiezumbeispiel · 1 year
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Had an idea that was like. Well what if instead of crows glados had 3 baby porygons?? They’re kind of like birds. Kind of. Anyways all you need to know is that she loves them very much
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ofdarklands · 7 months
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31 - Simurgh
The Simurgh is depicted in Iranian art as a gigantic bird, big enough to carry off an elephant or a whale. She appears as a peacock with the head of a dog and the claws of a lion – sometimes, however, also with a human face. The Simurgh is inherently benevolent and unambiguously female. Being part mammal, she suckles her young. Iranian legends consider the bird so old that she has seen the destruction of the world three times over. She learned so much by living so long, that she is thought to possess the knowledge of all the ages. In one legend, the simurgh was said to live 1,700 years before plunging herself into flames (much like the phoenix).
The simurgh made her most famous appearance in Ferdowsi's epic Shahnameh (The Book of Kings), where Zal, the son of Saam, was born albino. When Saam saw his albino son, he assumed that the child was the spawn of devils, and abandoned the infant on the mountain Alborz. The child's cries were heard by the tender-hearted simurgh, who lived atop this peak, and she retrieved the child and raised him as her own. Zal was taught much wisdom from the loving simurgh, who has all knowledge, but the time came when he grew into a man and yearned to rejoin the world of men. Though the simurgh was terribly saddened, she gave him three golden feathers which he was to burn if he ever needed her assistance. Upon returning to his kingdom, Zal fell in love and married the beautiful Rudaba. When it came time for their son to be born, the labor was prolonged and terrible; Zal was certain that his wife would die in labour. Rudaba was near death when Zal decided to summon the simurgh. The simurgh appeared and instructed him on how to perform a cesarean section, thus saving Rudaba and the child, who became one of the greatest Persian heroes, Rostam.
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makifishcake · 3 months
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allsnarker · 7 months
quick guys i need help finding the clip of tfp where the nemesis was covered in christmas lights, all ive found so far is the still image and i know theres at least a gif out there
pls i need it. for reasons.
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