#burn zantetsuken
bestoflupiniiipoll · 6 months
Best of Lupin III Poll
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nyantropy · 10 months
So..I watched "The Dragon of doom" and... what they did with Goemon upsets me(
(This is obviously just my opinion based on the first viewing of this movie and it's great if you disagree, i would honestly love to see a different perspective on this! I just REALLY need to vent :") )
First of all, Goemon feels out of character. Being serious, especially when it comes to something that has to do with his ancestors IS something that i would expect from him. However, being almost hostile towars Lupin and Jigen - is NOT. He pushes them away  and outright threatens them with death in the very beginning. We do not get to see Goemon being genuinely friendly or at the very least chill with them, wich in my opinion is very bad. Especially because he doesn't have any problems being calm with Kikyo. This, along with a later scene, just make it seem like being hostile is just a default for him when interacting with Lupin and Jigen..and i hope i do not need to explain why this is AWFUL characterization for him!!
Speaking of friendship, why doesn't it bother Goemon that he needs to fight his freinds to obtain the dragon? I mean, maybe he was bothered, but off camera, but...Why not show this ??? That would have been in character for him and potentially could have aded some nuance to the plot. And  i mean, there is literaly a scene where he says Kikyo that no matter who wants to steal the dragon from them, he will fight them. Why not end this scene with her telling Goemon that he will need to fight Jigen and Lupin, leaving him shocked or something? Just something to make this conflict more interesting and more minigful.  And why Lupin himself isn't acknowledging that this is...wrong in any meaningful way? I can see why he didn't suspect
Because as it is right now Goemon is basically another an obstacle for Lupin to overcome, without any emotional connection to him or Jigen. You may say that im paying to much attention to this aspect of the story, but in this is movie Goemons ancestors, his sword, Kikyo (who is his childhood friend apparently) are all very important. Even The Dragon of Doom was maide by one of his ancestors, if i understood correctly. Why in a movie like this is Goemon himself so poorly written? And why he barely gets any meaningful screentime for himself?
Look, i understand that budget and screentime are not infinite and obviously Lupin should have more screentime because he is the main character..But this is just bad(
Maybe im just stupid, but im genuinely really confused and frustrated by this movie and what they chose to do with Goemon in it. There was so much potential, i like the idea of this movie and its conflict...but i cant get over how it was executed
But again, im not a very smart person, so...what do YOU think?
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saradrawing · 1 year
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the gang was escaping from a place with explosives and suddenly goemon realized that he had left the zantetsuken inside and he ran after it and no one could stop him, and then when he tried to escape it was too late , and when it seemed that all was lost, pops broke into the place and rescued goemon, and most of the explosion burned him of course, but here they are alive and well.
plus, the end of the story:
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retroanimejapan · 7 months
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from Lupin III: Burn, Zantetsuken! (1994)
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dandunn · 1 year
My bad on that first one, I have fixed it:
Lupin, Jigen and Goemon are bunkered down in a hideout after a heist. It's winter and freezing when they get there because the stove hasn't been lit. What do they do?
“Come on you antiquated piece of-”
The grumbling voice is cut off by a loud clang and then a muffled curse. Goemon doesn’t move from his kneeling perch on the floor, avoiding planting himself fully on the floorboards and therefore losing precious body heat.
The door bursts open, bringing a flurry of snow with it and a man dressed in a jacket so puffy and fluffy it seems to be consuming the body within it.
“Did you find wood?” Goemon asks without opening his eyes. The muffled voice within the jacket and balaclava again gives the impression of someone half-swallowed.
“I can’t see an arm’s length in front of my face, let alone find a tree” the man says as he pulls the balaclava down from his mouth, and Lupin gradually emerges from the ring of thick fur making up the hood of his silvery jacket. Snowflakes cling to his jacket and he shakes himself like a dog to remove them, “how’s Jigen doing?”
The voice that Goemon has been hearing getting gradually more irate for the past hour bellows out a sharp “FUCK!” and another clang rings out through the small hotel. 
"Not good, I assume." Goemon says.
The building they’re squatting in is a small hotel closed for the winter season, causing Jigen to attempt to rattle Goemon by regaling him with a story called ‘The Shining’ where a caretaker goes mad from being isolated in the high mountains during a snowstorm and attempts to murder his wife and child, prompted to do so by the murmurings of ghosts. Apparently the story ends with a boiler exploding and taking the building with it, making Goemon wonder if Jigen clanging around the machinery is in any way wise.
“If I was confronted with such a situation, I would simply defend myself.” Goemon had said, as Jigen waited gleefully to see if his attempt to spook him had worked.
“The hotel was haunted, Goe. You can't cut a ghost."
“Zantetsuken can cut anything.”
Goemon pulls his thick cloak around himself a little tighter as the wind snakes around his ankles, watching as Lupin fights the door closed by shoving his upper body against it. Underneath the hood, his brow is pink and slightly sweaty.
Around Goemon is stacked innumerable piles of cash: fresh crisp bills wrapped in plastic. A successful heist, but the money won’t mean a lot if they can’t survive the storm blowing outside. 
Lupin pulls Zantetsuken out of his coat and hands it back to Goemon, since he had reluctantly handed it over to aid with cutting down any trees he found. As it stands, a bundle of thin twigs is the only prize. Goemon hugs his sword tightly, then watches as Lupin kneels in front of the wood burning stove 
Lupin open the little door and shoves the twigs inside, crumpling some old newspapers under them to serve as kindling.
“Better make this wood last,” Lupin chuckles, “otherwise we’ll have to burn the loot to keep warm!”
“It is entirely possible.” Goemon agrees. 
Lupin turns with an unlit match in his gloved fingers, “I was joking, Goe-Goe. You know, trying to be light-hearted.”
“And I was not joking."
Lupin sighs as he flicks the match alight and then carefully tosses it into the stove, closing the small door and locking it up tight. Gradually, a pathetically small fire glows to life behind the glass. Goemon’s partner holds his hands over the front of it, his breath puffing in the frigid air. Then he lifts himself upright from his kneeling position and turns towards him. 
“May I join you?” he asks, pointing towards Goemon’s expansive woollen cloak. He lifts a corner up to invite Lupin in and then they crouch together, cheek to frozen cheek.
“You’re so warm,” Lupin huffs with a smile, “how do you do it?”
“Muscle mass,” Goemon says, “generates heat.”
Lupin turns and kisses Goemon’s jaw with a smile, cuddling closer to him. Unfortunately the movement causes Goemon to hiss quietly, the injury he's been trying his hardest to ignore flaring to life.
"Are you okay?!" Lupin's voice trembles with worry as Goemon's brow folds down in pain. The only part of him that feels warm is the hot, feverish skin around the fresh wound across his arm and shoulder. Jigen patched him up and firmly bound his arm to his chest to prevent any further damage, but they're low on pain meds, and medical supplies in general.
"I am fine, it is not your fault." Goemon murmurs, shuffling a little to try and ease the throbbing in his arm.
"Don't try and be a hero, we have a few painkillers left, if it gets to be too much-"
"It will not be too much - it isn't too much." Goemon cuts him off. "Something worse might happen, we may need those supplies."
"What could be worse than this?" Lupin chuckles sadly, "I hate seeing you in pain, you're not as good at hiding it as you think you are."
Goemon rankles, but perhaps Lupin is right. Seeing him sit with a furrowed brow, still as a statue from tensing up for hours on end, unable to rest as he fights to transcend the pain and the limits of his body…
It all must look rather pathetic, after all pain is the body's signal to tell the brain that something is wrong, natural endorphins can only go so far.
Lupin cups Goemon's cheek and tilts his face towards him to kiss his face again, but this time he plants a chaste kiss on Goemon's lips as well. The softness of it startles him and causes him to jerk backwards with a hand over his mouth.
"Lupin!" Goemon's eyes go wide.
"Hey, I had to do something to show you how much you mean to me." Lupin grins, closing one eye.
"While Jigen is in the next room?"
"Right. If he weren't here, would you let me kiss you?"
Goemon thinks briefly back to all the times he's had to avoid Lupin's flirting, especially when he's tipsy and seems to get very invested in giving Goemon an extremely French kiss. 
"I am not going to dignify that with an answer."
"Technically that's still an answer." Lupin purrs with his cat smile.
Goemon breaks his air of haughty composure to speak english, "Fuck you."
"You're too fun to tease, I can't help myself."
Lupin slides an arm around his lower back to embrace him and Goemon starts to rest his head against his partner's shoulder. He doesn't want to show it but his body is starting to ache from his rigid position, and weak thoughts of a warm futon and thick blanket are starting to creep in. The thief continues to press warm kisses against his forehead and into his hair, and Goemon's strength saps out of him with each one.
"Hey, Goe-Goe, in case of certain death, I just wanna say I'm really glad you came back to partner up with us."
"It isn't like you to be sentimental in the face of potential death, thief." Goemon jabs at him, "We have survived worse, and you have survived even worse than that."
"Oh I didn't mean me," Lupin presses three fingers to his chest, "I'm going to live forever! But you and Jigen are probably goners, I'll miss you when I'm off living out my gorgeous, immortal existence alone."
Despite himself, Goemon starts to chuckle, which turns into an ugly guffaw.
"I knew that would get ya." Lupin smirks.
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loopspoop · 3 months
Hell yeah! Chapter 20! Things are heating up and the gang isn’t messing around >:3
TW: Lupin typical gun violence, burns mention, house fire, electrocution, murder
Goemon turned his head when he heard a crash from nearby. A tree must’ve fallen a couple acres away..hopefully no one was harmed. Pressing forward, Goemon stopped at the top of a hill, wind and rain plastering his long hair to his face and neck. Over the rage of the storm he could hear approaching footsteps and the cocking of a gun.
“I suggest you drop the sword and come quietly.” A figure stepped forward, gun aimed at Goemon as he spoke over the wind and rain.
Goemon glanced over his shoulder, glaring. Lupin had been right about someone coming after them then. Once he sorted this out he would have to apologize, though he had to take care of this first. Pulling out Zantetsuken, he narrowed his eyes.
In an instant, Goemon pulled Zantetsuken from its sheath and dove toward the man. The man quickly pulled the trigger, rapid gunfire clashing with the boom of the thunder above. Swiftly evading the bullets, Goemon raised the sword to go in for a strike, the assailant quickly kicking mud into his face as he swung the butt of the gun into his jaw roughly. Grunting as he fell back, Goemon wiped the mud from his eyes and spit blood to the side. If this was how he would play then he didn’t mind playing dirty either. Shaking the rain from his hair, Goemon leapt into the air as he extended Zantetsuken into the sky.
A flash cut through the air.
Traveling down the blade and into his body, Goemon let out a cry as he sent the electricity toward the assailant with a swing of his mighty sword. The man cried out as the electricity flowed into his body before he fell limply to the ground in a heap.
Panting, Goemon sheathed Zantetsuken as he stepped toward the limp figure. Still alive…so he could be of use to them. Taking some rope from his pocket, Goemon tied the man’s arms and legs before beginning to drag him back toward the house. They would get information and then sort everything out. Once they had that much under control then Lupin would be alright…
Looking up to the horizon in the direction of the house, Goemon paled as he saw fire and smoke make their way over the trees. What had happened? More assassins? They had left Fujiko at the house and if the others had encountered similar problems… Goemon slung the man over his shoulder, breaking into a sprint as he ran toward the flames. He had to make sure they had gotten out of there safely!
After several agonizing minutes, Goemon broke the tree line. Dropping the man off of his shoulder, he looked at the wreckage of the burning house in horror. Had anyone been inside? Where were they now? Scanning the scene before him, Goemon’s blood ran cold.
A figure was lying in the yard.
Goemon ran over, crouching beside the motionless heap.
It was Jigen.
Jigen groaned softly, vaguely aware of the dull pain in his…everywhere. Fuck..what type of bender had he gone on?
Wait. There hadn’t been a bender..he had been in the house and there was a bomb. Explained why his body hurt…but he hadn’t been alone..shit-
Sitting up quickly, Jigen cried out slightly as he put a hand to his head. Fuck! He looked down at his hand, cringing at the blood. He must’ve split it open. Where was Zenigata and Fujiko? Looking around he noticed several things. Burning hideout, frantic Goemon, and no Zenigata or Fujiko.
“Jigen! Jigen, what happened?! Where is everyone?!” Goemon asked, grabbing his shoulder firmly.
“They’re inside- they’re still inside! Fujiko and Zenigata, I tried to get them out- I tried!” Jigen cried out in anguish, trying to get to his feet and charge into the wreckage. Fujiko and Zenigata…they were inside…he left them inside!
Goemon narrowed his eyes, standing quickly. “Stay here!” He called, running into an opening in the flames.
Covering his mouth with his sleeve, Goemon gazed through the flames and smoke for any sign of life. It was all burning…all of it. Where could they be?! They couldn’t be gone! He would not allow it! Calling out over the roar of the fire, the samurai charged into the inferno.
“Zenigata?! Fujiko?!” Goemon called, trying to look under burning pieces of furniture for a sign of life.
A crash from the kitchen caught his attention. Swiftly moving over burning debris, Zenigata’s smoke-blackened coat caught his eye. Making his way over, Goemon took ahold of the inspectors shoulder. Zenigata turned to him, eyes glazed as he held his hat over his mouth to try to filter the smoke out of his breaths. He was protecting his midsection with his free arm but seemed like he had managed to not be burnt in addition to whatever injuries he had sustained.
“Follow me, I’ll get you outside!” Goemon carefully guided him toward the door, slashing debris out of his path with Zantetsuken when needed.
“F-Fujiko and Jigen-? Are they-?” Zenigata coughed out, looking at Goemon anxiously.
“Jigen’s outside and I’m going back for Fujiko.” Goemon assured, helping him into the grass. “Stay with Jigen!” He called, running back inside.
“Fujiko?!” Goemon called, going toward the living room.
The house had collapsed and she could be anywhere, pinned or buried.. he had to find her quickly! Calling out several more times, Goemon grabbed burning pieces of wood walls and ceiling, tossing them aside like pieces of paper. He was so afraid of finding her already gone..
It was her! Goemon threw some more burning wood to the side, eyes widening when he saw her. She was backed into a corner, shielding herself with her arms as the flames came up toward her. Wasting no time, Goemon jumped over the flames and to her side.
“Goemon-!!” Fujiko grabbed onto him desperately, hiding her face in his kimono to get some relief from the heat and smoke.
Goemon frowned, pulling her in close as he cut a hole in the wall and dove through it with her as the side of the building came down on top of where they once had been. Panting, Goemon looked Fujiko over worriedly. She seemed relatively okay..a couple minor burns on her arms but otherwise unharmed…
“I was so worried!” Fujiko looked up at him, gripping onto his kimono anxiously. “I left Jigen and Zenigata downstairs and then the roof caved in and I-“ She broke off, tearing up. She was worried about what became of them.
“They’re both out and safe, don’t worry.” Goemon nodded, helping her up as they made they way to the front of the house.
“Fujiko!” Jigen looked over at them, visibly relaxing when he saw them before he got up and ran over. “You scared the shit outta me!”
“Oh, Jigen!” Fujiko bit her lip, falling against him as she held onto him tightly.
“Ah..jeez, alright, I’m not mad..I’m just glad you’re alright..” Jigen frowned, holding onto her carefully. “You hurt anywhere? Pops needs some bandages. Whatever happened before he was hauled back to the house earlier wasn’t pretty…”
Goemon frowned, walking with them to Zenigata as he pulled some bandages out of his pocket. “What happened before I got here? Did anyone find Lupin?”
“I found him.” Zenigata frowned, holding his sides as he looked down. “We argued..a tree was going to fall on him and I pushed him out of the way..”
“I’m guessin’ it was a Pops Classic and you’ve fucked up your ribs pretty good?” Jigen frowned, grabbing some bandages from Goemon as he went to assess the damage.
“Yup.” Zenigata sighed, frowning. “We were ambushed afterwards..knocked me out with a rock or something, the bastard.”
“I was waiting here for you guys to come back when a whole swarm of those creeps ambushed me.” Fujiko frowned. “Then Jigen showed up with a couple of them and then they dragged you in..”
Jigen frowned. “They caught me off guard near the river.” He looked at Zenigata, frowning. “That guy..you knew him didn’t you?”
“What guy-?” Goemon frowned, looking at them as he took off Jigen’s hat to stem the bleeding from the cut on his head.
“Gerard Alarie.” Zenigata narrowed his eyes. “He was supposed to be chief of police for this area but apparently he’s working for whatever syndicate that doctor was apart of. Apparently he wasn’t where this all started and ended..it’s bigger than just Mad and the new lead is Alarie.”
“Goddamnit!” Jigen huffed angrily, kicking a board. “We don’t even know where the hell they took him!”
“No. But I have someone who will.” Goemon walked back to the tree line, grabbing the man he had dropped before and dragging him back.
“Well, shit. Guess we should’ve expected that.” Jigen frowned, adjusting his hat as he looked at the man. “What did you do to him?”
“Have you ever heard of Albert Einstein?” Goemon glanced at Jigen, slapping the man a few times to try to wake him up.
“You-?” Jigen hesitated, raising an eyebrow.
“I used Zantetsuken to conduct electricity, yes. Is your head injury bad?” Goemon frowned, looking at him.
“Hey, you don’t get to sass me when you bring up some outlandish shit like that!” Jigen pouted, crossing his arms.
“Stop bickering and find out where they’ve taken Lupin already!” Fujiko frowned, looking at the man. “He’s alive…right?”
“Here.” Zenigata pushed past them, wincing slightly as he grabbed the man by the collar before slapping him roughly.
The man groaned, slowly opening his eyes as he glanced around. As he gathered his bearings he quickly tried to break free of the inspectors hold.
“Not so fast, bucko!!” Zenigata glared, shaking him a bit. “You’re going to tell us where they took Lupin and what they’re planning or else things are going to get ugly real quick!”
“Do your worst, old man, I’m not talking!” The man glared back, struggling against Zenigata’s iron grip.
“Oh, it won’t be me. It’ll be my friends here.” Zenigata glanced at Jigen and Goemon, the two looming over the man menacingly, Zantetsuken’s blade peeking out of the sheath and glinting against the light of the nearby flames.
Paling, the assailant shook his head quickly. “No, no, never mind, I’ll talk, I’ll talk!”
“Good. So where did they take Lupin and what are their plans?” Goemon glared, grip on Zantetsuken tight.
“The- The official headquarters is near Caen! Mr. Alarie..he was directly above Dr. Mad in the chain of command..Mad was supposed to deliver Lupin to us after the modifications were made but..” He glanced at them before looking away. “Anyway..Mr. Alarie is supposed to take over where the doctor left off...”
“But what do they want? Who leads all of this shit and why do they want Lupin?!” Jigen glared, grabbing his collar roughly.
“All I know is that it’s because of his superior intellect when it comes to thievery!” The man bit his lip, tensing up. “They want some sort of super weapon! Everyone answers to Professor Dean but nobody’s seen him in years! I don’t know what exactly they want with him, honest!”
Zenigata sighed, standing as he frowned. “We need to get to Caen.” They would have to get a car and a way to get there.
Jigen huffed angrily, grabbing a pistol from the man’s holster before pointing it at him and firing. Goemon and Fujiko quickly stepped back, frowning as they exchanged glances.
Zenigata looked over, frowning deeply. “Jigen, what the hell?!”
“We got our info so let’s get the to Caen before it’s too late.” Jigen put the gun in his waistband, walking down the driveway.
Zenigata frowned, looking back at the body quietly before shaking his head and following behind Jigen with Fujiko and Goemon. He couldn’t fully blame him…there would probably be more killing when they got to Caen unless he could somehow manage to jail a whole syndicate with crooked cops involved…
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look-oc-prompts · 1 year
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FFXIV Whump Prompts
Morbol Breath
Living Dead
Aether Sickness
Ice Shard
Unstable Cerulean
Blood Drain
Poisoned Arrow
Barbed Lance
Airship Crash
Under-sand Ambush
Ghimlyt Dark
Collapsing Ruins
Held for Ransom
Magitek Lazer
Sin Eater
Fae Mischief
Coerl Attack
Cerulean Eye
Heavy Fog
Steam Burn
Bloody Banquet
Red Throat
Out of Mana
Human Shield
Aerial Combat
Coerthan Blizzard
Garlean Assassin
The Vault
Ritual Sacrifice
Healer Down
Ancient Curse
Night Terror
Ultima Thule
Attack Hounds
Eye for an Eye
Down for the Count
Sea Monster
Ransacked Village
Lost in a Labyrinth
Marked as Prey
Final Sting
Thorny Vines
Spiked Drink
Blue Death Flu
Wasteland on Foot
(You can read about various diseases mentioned as prompts here!) (While many of these reference specific spells/events/creatures/etc, you're welcome to take creative liberty with the interpretation of different prompts)
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experthiese · 1 year
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@novaragno asked: head in hands crying like that one puss in boots picture as lupin is literally sealed inside a web cocoon: ❝ relationships are all doomed to end eventually and crash and burn no matter what and my ten of a boyfriend is going to break up with me, ❞
❝ Have you tried trappin' him in one of these? You'll get to keep him forever, that way. ❞
The cocoon sways as he picks apart the fibers from the inside, taking a moment to curse his weapon of choice. Zantetsuken could've turned this webbing to tatters in a second. Even a shitty penknife could've had him out of here by now.
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❝ Still, that's an awfully pessimistic view to hear from a spider so young. Who'd you steal that from, a divorced father of one? ❞
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mxterhyde · 2 years
Lupin in Dragon of Doom is SUCH a little shit I aspire to write him that way it was so funny
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goemoncaps · 4 years
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bestoflupiniiipoll · 1 year
Best of Lupin III Poll
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notfspurejam · 3 years
Goemon without ZantetsuKen
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Bonus Jigen:
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Goemon after getting back ZantetsuKen 
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@detectivehole These are all the scenes from Dragon of Doom where the gang beats the shit out of each other while on Violence Gas
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Dragon of Doom / Burn Zantetsuken!
Target: Gold Dragon Statue
Dragon of Doom went so much harder on its animation than I expected, even if they did use a few repeating shots here and there. I was blown away by the opening chase sequence and how beautifully animated it was. Absolutely stunning. Anyway, Dragon of Doom gives some much needed relevancy to Goemon who in the past few specials has just sort of been there. We see a bit more of Goemon’s past and get a nice parallel between him and Lupin and their relationships with their ancestors.
However the plot feels a bit too similar to Voyage to Danger to me. The villain’s ultimate goal is to built a stealth plane made of this super metal and take over the world. In Voyage to Danger the villain wanted to take the Ivanov nuclear sub and its nuclear payload to...take over the world. I probably wouldn’t mind had they not been back to back but still.
I have to say the heist in the first third of the special was really cool. It’s an undersea expedition to the wreckage of the Titanic to find a treasure that Arsene Lupin the 1st couldn’t acquire. It has some genuine suspense with Lupin getting trapped in part of the ship and everyone counting down to how much air he has left.
The rest of the special is a pretty carbon copy treasure chase as Lupin and the villain chase each other for the dragon statue, but this time with ninjas. Not bad, but at this point I’ve seen it plenty of times, I want something to spice it up. The final confrontation is basically an Ace Combat mission and ends with Goemon cutting the super metal plane out of the sky with the traditional video game-y three hits for bosses.
So lets talk about the Gold Dragon Statue. The only reason Lupin goes after it is because Chin Chin wants it, and it was the only treasure his grandfather sent a calling card for but failed to steal. The actual monetary value of the statue is apparently negligible. Chin Chin says flat out that the statue on its own holds no value. Instead the value is in its ability to teach you how to make this super metal that is supposedly stronger than the Zantetsuken. With it, the villain wants to built a stealth bomber made of the material so he can just bomb people and not have to worry about opposition.
Ultimately the statue’s value is low. Even if it were to be sold for gold, it’s small and seems to have little weight, with Lupin just casually tossing it in the air over and over with no effort. While it has value, it’s not in money for the gang. Either way, the statue sinks to the bottom of the sea right back where it started, so all Lupin gets is the satisfaction of surpassing his grandfather.
Lupin’s Reward: $0 but the satisfaction of surpassing Arsene Lupin the 1st
I’m not sure where I’d rank Dragon of Doom. Its animation was pretty stellar but I was hoping for a lot more out of the story to be honest. I didn’t find the treasure particularly interesting, though its location and the first heist was. I’d say it was kind of middling. Worth watching, but probably not one I’d eagerly watch again.
It is worth noting this was Yasuo Yamada’s final performance as Lupin the 3rd, not counting the trailer for Farewell to Nostradamus. He definitely defined how Lupin should be voiced, and I think Tony Oliver does the best job of it in English. It’s hard to imagine Lupin sounding any other way.
Next up is Farewell to Nostradamus, the first movie since Legend of the Gold of Babylon. While I’ve never seen the movie, I’m familiar with its plot and its condemnation of the terrorist attacks that it’s inspired from. I’m looking forward to it.
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mischiefmaverick · 3 years
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@aimlovesmusic I got you, fam.
- 1969 - Lupin III: Pilot Film
- 1969 - Lupin III: Secret Files
- 1971 - Lupin III
- 1977 - Lupin III: Part II
- 1978 - Lupin III: The Secret of Mamo
- 1979 - Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro
- 1984 - Lupin III: Part III
- 1985 - Lupin III: The Legend of the Gold of Babylon
- 1987 - Lupin III: The Fuma Conspiracy
- 1989 - Lupin III: Bye Bye Liberty Crisis
- 1990 - Lupin III: The Hemingway Paper Mystery
- 1991 - Lupin III: Steal Napoleon's Dictionary
- 1992 - Lupin III: From Russia With Love
- 1993 - Lupin III: Voyage to Danger
- 1994 - Lupin III: Burn, Zantetsuken!
- 1995 - Lupin III: Farewell to Nostradamus
- 1995 - Lupin III: The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure
- 1996 - Lupin III: Dead or Alive
- 1996 - Lupin III: The Secret of Twilight Gemini
- 1997 - Lupin III: Walther P-38
- 1998 - Lupin III: Tokyo Crisis
- 1999 - Lupin III: Fujiko's Unlucky Days
- 2000 - Lupin III: Missed by a Dollar
- 2001 - Lupin III: Alcatraz Connection
- 2002 - Lupin III: Episode 0 'First Contact'
- 2002 - Lupin III: Return of Pycal
- 2003 - Lupin III: Operation Return the Treasure
- 2004 - Lupin III: Stolen Lupin
- 2005 - Lupin III: Angel Tactics
- 2006 - Lupin III: Seven Days Rhapsody
- 2007 - Lupin III: Elusiveness of the Fog
- 2008 - Lupin III: Green vs. Red
- 2008 - Lupin III: Sweet Lost Night
- 2009 - Lupin III vs. Detective Conan
- 2009 - Lupin the Third (Music Video)
- 2009 - Play the Lupin: Clips x Parts Collection
- 2010 - Lupin III: The Last Job
- 2011 - Lupin III: Blood Seal - Eternal Mermaid
- 2012 - Lupin III: Lupin Ikka Seizoroi
- 2012 - Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine
- 2012 - Lupin VIII
- 2012 - Lupin III: 3DCG
- 2012 - Lupin III: Another Page
- 2012 - Lupin III: Shanshei Pilot
- 2012 - Lupin III: Shanshei
- 2013 - Lupin III vs. Detective Conan The Movie
- 2013 - Lupin III: Princess of the Breeze
- 2014 - Lupin III: Jigen Daisuke no Bohyou
- 2015 - Lupin III: Part IV
- 2015 - Lupin III: Part IV Specials
- 2016 - Lupin III: Italian Game
- 2017 - Lupin III: Chikemuri no Ishikawa Goemon
- 2018 - Lupin III: Part V
- 2018 - Lupin III: Is Lupin Still Burning?
- 2019 - Lupin III: Goodbye Partner
- 2019 - Lupin III: Prison of the Past
- 2019 - Lupin III: Fujiko Mine’s Lie
- 2019 - Lupin III: The First
- 2021 - Lupin III: Part VI - Judai
- 2021 - Lupin III: Part VI
I’m pretty sure this is the whole list. I’ll update it if I’m missing any.
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babybluebanshee · 2 years
Blue Watches Lupin III: Dragon of Doom
Or Burn, Zantetsuken. You know the drill.
Welcome once again to the Lupin corner, featuring the sixth Lupin special and the first one we’re watching that I haven’t seen before. As such, I’m not going to be describing the plot. We’re going in fresh and virginal, kids.
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We start with these two delightful idiots hanging at the arcade while Goemon attends a play about his ancestor. Or rather, Lupin is having a bit of a tantrum because crane games are rigged, while Jigen does some important adult stuff like...I dunno what adults do, crosswords?
EDIT: I was just joking when I said Jigen is doing crosswords, but turns out that’s actually what he’s doing. The Lupin wiki lists his age as being “late 20s-early 30s” and I refuse to believe this man is younger than 35 with a soul in its 70s.
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