#burnie tawks
thinkillwatchitburn · 3 years
Kay guys, I’m doin’ it. I would really, really like to credit the blog that I found this on, but I genuinely cannot remember and really regret not saving it into the file name 😭 If this list is yours and you’d like credit, please reach out so I can give proper dues!
And so.... here it is. Feel free to request any letter, letters, the whole damn list for any and all characters (outside of those I exclude on the pinned post.... which I’m not 100% sure is anyone at all 😬)
NSFW Alphabet:
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Let’s do this 😎🤓
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Hello again my loves!! 😍😍😍
Since we (somehow, incredibly 🥺) keep growing here, I thought update my pinned post and try to throw together a decent reference point for any newcomers, or anyone who might be searching for specific info/content on my blog (I know I can’t be the only one who does this… 😅😂😶).
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(Under the cut since long post is long)
Who I am:
My real name is Bethany, but ~~around these here parts~~ I’m generally known as Burnie ☺️ I’m 34 (born smack between Christmas and New Years 1987), cisfem, right about 6’ tall and generally b r o a d. I live in PA, USA, and am currently, uh, floating on the breeze a bit, so my posting tends to be a little sporadic. At least for now. But I try to throw updates on here fairly regularly. This is kinda my happy place 🥺🥰🥰
Fav FF Characters: If it wasn’t obvious, Konro is basically the love of my life, so. I also simp pretty hard for Joker, Viktor, Hibana, & Beni. But lbh most of those characters are 🥵🙏
Other Fandoms: Mostly just FFVII and Mass Effect, although I’m not really active in either of them. Also open to suggestions!
What I Write:
- Anything at all SFW, for any character in the series (I may struggle with a few characters I’m not used to but I will ABSOLUTELY try my best!!)
- F or M Dom or sub - I’ve mentioned before that I write mostly from an AFAB POV, but I am happy to try my hand at pretty much any gender-identification or kink identification (within the terms under “What I Won’t Write”) requested!
- Fem!Dom, Fem!sub, oral sex (oral fixation like WHOA here 😅), pet/primal play, size kink of any flavor, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and *maybe* mild blood-play are some of my favorite NSFW topics to write about. But I’m also a sucker for great custom requests that step (reasonably) outside my comfort zone and get me thinking!
- Although I mostly write from a Fem perspective, I’m def down to try writing Masc-Protag, m/m and gender neutral/non-binary requests, but please please bare with me as I am a fossil and used to writing from my own feminine (mostly) perspective (this includes trans women - we are ALL inclusive here, even if it’s a bit of a learning curve for me to write for ☺️). I’m also happy to take constructive criticism and learn!
What I Don’t Write:
- Non-Consenual - Non-con and r*pe-play are 100% off the table; dub-con can be considered on a case-by-case basis (I’ve come to realize some of my HCs and kinks fall into dub-con territory, but generally I require all acts to be 100% consensual). As long as it doesn’t feel inherently harmful to the characters involved, I’m generally down.
- Sexual or domestic violence (in a sexual/kink sense) - I prefer to stay away from most of the more violent situations, including degradation, slapping or punching, verbal abuse, threats and intimidation (with malicious intent), etc..
- Under 18 - I will not, under ANY circumstance, write, read, interact with, or give feedback on *anything* NSFW for a character who is under 18 at the time the story takes place. SFW is fine as long as the themes and tone are appropriate. If the character is underage in the show but age-appropriate in the story that’s acceptable, as long as it’s made clear. Otherwise that shit is a HARD LIMIT.
- Pain - a little bite here, a little pinch here, maybe a raised red handprint or two on a butt cheek is 👌 but outside of that general realm, I’ve never been a huge fan of inflicting or receiving huge amounts of pain. At least not without the immediate intention of soothing and/or rewarding. Idk, not a hard limit I guess 😅😂
- Scat play - water sports are just fine, but I just can’t personally do the doody.
- DDlg/Age Play - As much as this pains me to admit, I’ve been struggling A LOT with DDlg and ageplay recently, despite how ravenous I was over it for most of my teens and twenties. This isn’t a hard no, but I may or may not be able to answer any asks of this nature. I’m sorry 🥺
- Incest - this is also a hard limit for me. I’m just not into it.
- I’ll add to this if I think of/encounter more, but really there isn’t much I’m not willing to explore - I have a filthy mind and here is my blanket apology for that.
All requests are currently ~ O P E N (tentatively) ~
Current Prompt Requests:
SFW Alphabet
Any/all characters.
NSFW Alphabet
Any character, but especially:
Viktor Licht
Princess Hibana
Sagamiya Konro
Shinmon Benimaru
Akitaru Obi
#50 NSFW Prompts
Any character, but especially:
Viktor Licht
Sagamiya Konro
Shinmon Benimaru
Princess Hibana
As of right now (02/28/22) Requests are tentatively open, although it may be a long response time while I catch up on my current requests (and keep trying to make sense of the chaos in my life 😳😅). My inbox is ALWAYS open to anyone for any reason, and if you have a sweet idea you’d like to throw at me real quick? CUSTOM REQUESTS are always O P E N, so PLEASE DO. I just ask that you bare with me for a little while I catch up on some of the sweethearts who’ve been patiently waiting for months in my inbox 🥺🥰🥰🥰
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thinkillwatchitburn · 3 years
Ogun from fire force x Black s/o (she/her) who is shy working out together
Omg that is so cute 🥺
I have to be honest, Ogun isn’t a character that I’m SUPER familiar with, but I really, really love his character (what I’ve absorbed of it, if that makes sense?). He’s so chill and understanding, I love that he sees the best in people - in a devil who NOBODY wanted to give a chance. He gave no second thought about it. He doesn’t GAF what ~anybody~ thinks, he’s gonna make his OWN decisions and fuck. That is so goddamn respectable. I also appreciate that his ancestors went and collected outliers and really brought everyone together. I really wish they’d gone more in depth with Ogun’s and his ancestors’ background - that would be a really cool side story. If anyone knows of any fanfics going that direction please let me know, I’d love to check ‘em out!
Anywho - I also want to point out that I’m not actually a Black woman myself, so I’m speaking as a Hispanic/white woman who is describing her interpretation based on her world experience? I really hope that makes sense, and I hope this is what you were looking for!!! 🥰❤️❤️)
So Ogun with a Black s/o (I’m gonna attempt gender neutral here just in case, but if you’d like specifically masculine or femme feel free to put in another request!!) who is shy working out together:
If s/o is very strong and self conscious about that:
I think Ogun would have such a huge appreciation for anyone who can match his strength and/or skill, but especially somebody who he can relate to on such a deeply cultural level. I feel confident Ogun is one of the very few darker-skinned characters, and it really seems like he’s kept at least some connection to his Black culture. He maintains his individuality, despite being surrounded by fairly cookie-cutter peers. He is SO geeked to have someone who can understand his unique experience.
Also he is honestly low-key impressed AS ACTUAL FUCK at your talents. He can sense you’re a little intimidated by his skill and you get a little flustered - which he thinks is cute as heck btw - but when the world melts away and you’re directly on top of your game - oh my god. He’s never seen anything that has given him the feelings you do in those moments. He’s used to the idea of feeling like he has to protect his comrades during battle - and don’t get confused, he has ALWAYS got his eyes on you during battle - he never feels like he needs to protect you. He’ll watch your back just in case, he really can’t help it, but he KNOWS how capable you are and has absolute faith that You. Got. This. Despite your reservations when you get stuck in your head, you are so unbelievably skilled and capable he would honestly ride with you any day. He comes to trust you as much as he trusts himself - that’s saying A LOT.
If his s/o isn’t *quite* as athletically inclined - still capable, but in more of a realistic way than the ~Godlike~mega~power~ way:
Ogun is SO geeked at the opportunity to work out with his bae and teach them a thing or two. He really is an excellent teacher, coaxing out all of the best in whoever he’s focused his attention on while not letting the worst affect the overall experience or his feelings about his student. He sees ALL of your potential and is truly adept at plotting out a realistic work-out plan to get you exactly where *YOU* want to be. Even if you’ve never exercised beyond power-walking to the register at your favorite market, he’s endlessly excited to help you get ~wherever~ it is you want to go. No matter what, he loves the shit out of you and your body and is so, so happy to offer his particular expertise in a way that you can appreciate.
He also understands when you start getting exhausted and frustrated and might get a little irritable - literally you can say just about anything to him and he isn’t offended. He’ll likely laugh it off (or whatever response is appropriate tbh, he’ll never make light if you’re truly upset), and let you know that if you feel you’ve reached your limit it’s okay, but if you can push yourself just a little more you should at least try. It’s really hard to hurt his feelings tbh, he’s so understanding.
Any and all progress he sees - and I promise you, he WILL see it ~all~ - he’s going to celebrate and encourage. And seeing you push your limits and boundaries, doing things you never even thought YOU could do (although he never doubted)??? He’s literally semi-erect with pride and awe. If he gets to see you ultimately aiding in battle and kicking some serious ass? He’s almost so distracted HE fucks up. He’s Ogun so of course he recovers with the smoothness, but he’ll never get that image of you out of his mind.
I hope you like it Anon! I’m still working on getting back into the groove of writing but if anyone has any constructive criticism, comments, or concerns I’m here and open to hearing anything you have to say!
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What started as a simple, “he’s cute!” has now set my whole heart on fire! 🔥😂🔥 Man lives in my head rent free and with your content I can only thirst more lol I love your writing and hope to see more soon! 🔥💖🔥
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!!!! BBY! THANK YOUUU!!! 🥺🥰 Your messages have given *me* LIFE!! I’m so thrilled you enjoyed my content! I’ve gotten away from… well, pretty much everything lately, so I apologize that it’s taken me so long to respond, but I appreciate your feedback so, so much. Thank you sugar!!
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Hi again everyone! 💜
I feel like I do one of these every few months, but I just wanted to let you guys know what’s been going on with me and where I’ve been these past.. way too many months. I’m gonna put it under a cut for the folks who’d rather skip this, and because a lot of it can be triggering.
But I wanted to thank every single one of you who have followed me, interacted with my poss, or inboxed me to show me love. Even though I wasn’t active, seeing you guys’ love for me really helped me get through some tough times. I want you all to know how much I love and value every single one of you ❤️❤️❤️
TW: drug abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, foster care
So, I hadn’t really talked about any of this with any of my friends here, but a few months prior to creating this blog my daughter was taken into foster care, and I spent the next year living in a domestic violence situation with her father. In the duration of about a year I lost almost everything, my pets, my home, most of my belongings, my dignity. I struggled with a pretty serious drug and alcohol addiction, homelessness where we lived in hotels and out of our car, and trying to find the fight in me to get my daughter back. A little over three months ago I was just about to give up on everything, let my daughter be adopted, and commit myself to this miserable life, when there was another violent incident with my ex that left me with a broken nose and a good friend convinced me not to give up the fight.
At the end of March I left him, contested the adoption, and entered into a psychiatric program where I worked on myself for the next two months. At the end of May I completed that program and moved on to another organization focused on recovery and getting my daughter back. My opportunity to do so is still hanging by a shred, but I’m determined to do everything I possibly can to continue getting better and hopefully bring my daughter home. I’m in a more stable, happier, healthier place than I think I’ve ever been in my adult (and even adolescent) life. Things are going better than I could have even anticipated, and I’m finally able to get back to doing the things I enjoy, rather than expending all my energy on simply surviving and not losing what was left of my mind.
As I said up there, I’m so grateful for all of you here in this community, and all the love I’ve received from all of you. You guys gave me something to look forward to, your kind words soothed my pain many, many times when I struggled to find any joy in anything. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My plan is to start writing again and working through the long list of requests several of you have been so patiently waiting for. I’ve just got a new wireless keyboard and am currently working from my poor phone (which has also seen some shit this last year LOL), so it might be a slow process, but I’m determined to get there.
Thank you guys for your patience and love, I am endlessly grateful for all of you ❤️❤️❤️
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Awwwwww guys!!!!
We have 50 followers!!!
I know that might seem like a small number, but tbh, it’s the most I’ve ever had on a tumblog I’m active on!!!
I just want you guys to know…. Omg, appreciation isn’t even the right word. I seriously live for you guys, I am so thankful that you follow me and appreciate the mediocracy that I write 🥺🥺🥺
And most importantly, I am so grateful to share this journey with you guys 🥺🥰🥺🥰 I feel like I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s been a very long time since I’ve actively participated in a fandom community. I have yet to meet a single person I haven’t absolutely LOVED. I’m so excited and grateful to be part of such a beautiful, diverse community. Your interactions with me are seriously a high point of my day or even week - even if it’s just a passing like! I still see you 😉😙
I’m sorry I don’t have anything wonderful to offer to my peoples for this milestone. I promise I AM working on both requests and some original stuff that I hope you guys will like!!
I know it isn’t much, but I just wanted to acknowledge you guys that have either been with me this whole time or just joined the fun!! I see and appreciate all of you more than you can know 🥺
And, as always, my inbox is open for literally ANYTHING. I love you guys!!!!!!!! 🥺😍🥺😍🥰🥰🥰
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thinkillwatchitburn · 3 years
Heyaa! Can ya do a Beni x reader first impression please!
Heya anon!!!! Thank you so much for reaching out to me!! 🥰
So, I just wanna say I have a very over-analytical brain and so any not-super-specific-requests seem to kind of get away from me? So I hope I’m able to answer this satisfactorily for you!!
Beni x Reader - First Impression
Aight so Imma write this as word-vomit cause I really do want to answer this, and I don’t want to get all caught up in my head, SO:
I imagine it’s hard for Beni to be especially impressed by *anyone* honestly, at least until someone catches his attention.
I used to get hung up on the idea that only sheer power would catch Beni’s attention - but the more I think about it, the more I doubt that.
Like yeah, he’s DEFINITELY impressed by sheer power, especially if it’s something that can challenge his own. He likes a good fight, we all know that.
But.... we never really get much of an opportunity to see Benimaru outside of his role as Leader, Trainer, Most-Skilled. The Destroyer King of Asakusa.
But also.... lets be honest, he’s not super in love with the idea of that title. He begrudgingly accepts it because it’s kind of been behooved to him, he’s inherited it, as the most ~pyrokinetically powerful~ of the Asakusa residents, privileged to be trained by Asauka’s Defender himself, Hibachi. He was the chosen one, he AND Konro always knew that - maybe especially Konro. Beni always, always felt that pressure - and when Konro suffered injuries that left him physically incapable of running Asakusa and the Hikeshi - Jesus I can imagine that panic attack.
He’s been put in the HIGHLY unfortunate position of both having TOO much expected of you, and being ~actually~ overly-capable but terrified of your own power and competency. I’ve been there - oh man. It’s ROUGH, and it really does feel like nobody really understands - half the people think you’re underestimating yourself, the other half are jealous, expect too much, and won’t give you a chance no matter what you do.
ANYWAYYYYYYY, sorry I go way off on tangents.
It would definitely depend on *who* the person is that he’s meeting, but in general - he’s not impressed by many people. Personally I think he’s so wrapped up in feeling overwhelmed by everything expected of him and over-analyzing everything in his own head that he’s really not impressed by much of ~anything~. Yeah, strength and power is cool, and if you could knock his ass back and make him feel actual pain it would definitely give him PAUSE - but what would really catch his attention is the little things.
Maybe he sees you interacting with a group of Asakusa orphans, listening and treating them with the same respect you would adults. He knows first-hand what it feels like being one of those young, “futureless” street rats - and to see someone be so nurturing, accepting, respectful. It touches him in ways he was UTTERLY unprepared for.
Maybe he sees you interacting with animals, understanding their feelings without a sound exchanged between the two of you, your kindness and pure intentions translated throughout species.
Maybe he sees you interacting with the beleaguered of his streets, people nobody would ever bother or dare to take a second glance at - the same people he might offer a shot of Sake to share with him, knowing he sees them more thoroughly than most ever will. Sex workers, “drug” dealers, “criminals” - after all, the Hikeshi is literally made up of gang members, criminals, and otherwise thugs who have NO respect for authority, but EVERY respect for a man with morals and a defensible cause, like fighting fires, extinguishing Infernals who were once their friends, and protecting the people they love.
No matter what it is, he sees something special in you that he hasn’t in any outsider in a long time. He knows his people, he’s confident there’s not a single individual among the population of his city that he doesn’t know, hasn’t seen through, inside of, behind, above, and in between. I firmly believe he perceives SO MUCH more than he’d ever let on. He works too hard to protect himself and put up a nonchalant front for me to believe he isn’t actually HYPER aware of his surroundings and all the people inside them.
He feels comfortable, heard, SEEN. I feel like he’s fairly used to people admiring his handsome face or his sweet physique. He’s no stranger to physical attraction and lust. I feel like he likely shares his body pretty freely, especially with the deep understanding he has of his own people - he’d know who’s “safe.” Who’s “fun,” nothing too serious or heavy. He’s always looking for a good time - or a nap. LOL
ANYWAY - I’m so sorry, I get SO sidetracked with these things 😂🤦🏻‍♀️
TLDR I guess is that Beni is honestly impressed and intrigued by a wide array of things, honestly I think anything you feel especially confident/proficient in, when he sees how skilled you really are he’s gonna just fall all over himself. Despite his otherworldly talents, he’s really a simple man. He has simple needs and wants, and he’s impressed by what catches his eye. I feel confident, if it were in the real world, he would 100% feel the fact that you are a good match for him and he’d be impressed by whatever skill/talent you have to offer, no matter how insignificant you might feel it is. And honestly, to have Beni’s admiration is just the best, most validating feeling in the world, ESPECIALLY knowing he’s not really especially impressed by much at all. I feel like when he finally finds that person who catches his eye - it doesn’t matter how mundane or “Silly” you feel your particular talents/interests are, he’s going to be utterly ~fascinated~; #1. Cause it’s so different from what he’s used to (traditional, edo-period japan, I still have a lot to look up but it’s generally pretty minimalist from what I’ve seen; also brute-strength visa-vie Konro and Hibachi); #2. They’re so genuine. If anybody else said the words they said he’d be sure they were absolutely full of shit, but the more he hears the more he understands what those words, when they’re really meant, actually sound like. You give him a reason to trust.
That really wasn’t TLDR and I am SUPER sorry about that.... but I really wanted to answer your request 🥺 I hope it’s what you were looking for!!! Of course, if you have any more suggestions, comments, complaints, my inbox is ALWAYS open and I am ALWAYS happy to. hear from you guys!!!
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Hey everyone!!!!
So, I have been working on a new pinned post and master list for a little while now, as well as trying to composite everything I’ve written into something concise for AO3. BUT with everything going on in the rest of my life right now, it’s proving to be a bigger task than I anticipated.
I DO have the majority of both posts finished, I just have to do touch-ups and send to post. I just happened to realize how very long it’s been since I’ve posted here, and I felt I owed my sweet followers an update (and my eternal gratitude for hanging in there with me 🥺).
I don’t like to trauma-unload, but if anyone would like to know what’s been going on in my little world I’m happy to share. I also understand pretty much everybody (some of us more than others, I see 🥺😞) is going through some kind of hurting right now, so if we’d like to keep it light here I’m happy to facilitate that too!
My requests *are* still O P E N, although tentatively (so expect a fairly sizable response delay) as I’m working on getting through the requests currently in my inbox (and my own personal writings). However, I am planning to respond immediately to non-request messages in my inbox, as well as requests I’ve already typed out but not published that are sitting waiting to be edited. Requests are currently still open for all characters, with especial focus on Konro, Benimaru, Joker, and Viktor.
I promise I WILL post the new pinned post & master post very, very soon, once I make sure all the links are up-to-date. But I wanted to make sure I updated everyone even if the main posts aren’t quite ready yet. ❤️
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thinkillwatchitburn · 3 years
Hi! Can I make an interesting request: Captain Obi x Princess Hibana slowly realizing they have feelings for each other OR arguing so much that they end up flirting. It can be SFW or NSFW :)
Okay so I’ve definitely had some thoughts visa-vie Obi/Hibana.
I know - wait, SPOILER!!!! I DONT KNOW HOW TO HIDE TEXT CAUSE IM FOSSIL BUT IF YOU HAVENT READ MANGA DON’T READ PAST THIS TEXT***************: Anyway, I know when Iris (that little shit 😏😏😏😂) implicates a potential relationship between Hibana and Obi, Hibana doesn’t really even respond beyond an expression like “.... hm???” And Obi just says, basically, “but... that would be weird wouldn’t it? I’m too old for her, aren’t I?”
PERSONALLY - I don’t think he is. He’s, what, 32? And Hibana is, what, 20? And beyond being well beyond “legal age”... she’s been in charge of an entire company for... how long?? She’s highly capable, and Obi honestly has the same fire and just goodness that Shinra has. Shinra is just, innocently good. He has ~~impure~~ thoughts or whatever but his heart has always been so purely loving, as an older teenage boy he’s obviously HIGHLY interested in sex and I’m sure Hibana picks this up - but if she were to go after what was really, like, *best* for her??
Look, Shinra is an amazing person and I cannot say enough how much I admire and am inspired by his dedication and loyalty. Even if I originally thought his drive for “hero-dom” was corny... of anyone can fit that role it’s him. Hands down.
But Obi... look. This mufugger is technically unpowered but literally TURNED HIS BODY INTO A WEAPON. Not even just all Jean-Claude Van-Damme-ie (did I just date myself? LOLOL) but legit... a weapon against people who have supernatural pyrotechnic abilities - AND HE COULD 100% BE BURNED ALIVE, HAS NO IMMUNITY, BUT STILL WHOOPS. ACTUAL. A S S
How do you be so literally physically and mentally strong that you can fight fire-gods on the reg and WIN???
And despite his just pure brute strength .... HES A GOOD PERSON
He values human life, he’s un-prejudiced, kind, fair, forgiving, loving... and he yearns so much for a family.
And honestly despite how much Hibana doth protest...
She’s SO soft. It wasn’t that Shinra laid her ass out.... it’s that Shinra did *only* what he had to do to make her listen. But he made it clear his main and only objective was getting her to see reason - to see love and loyalty and the value therein. THAT was what she lost her shit over, not his brute strength or even THAT he stood up to her.... it’s *why*. And that, for the first time, he was somebody who didn’t WANT anything from her. Not to challenge her, or use her, or ogle at her. He saw her as a fellow human being, and all the qualities therein, despite the hard, cold, MEAN facade she put up.
But Shinra is young. He would be fun... but he wouldn’t be fulfilling. Not to someone who’s had people’s lives on their shoulders. Not to someone who’s been through what Hibana’s been through. (*********SIDENOTE: if Shinra/Hibana is your ship PLEASEPLEASE don’t feel like I’m shitting on their relationship. I 100% can see the draw and potential of the whole thing, but this is in relation to Hibana seeking love outside of Shinra... I 100% support Shinra-x-Hibana. 🥰)
But Obi.... he’s got that maturity I think would mesh well with Hibana. I think if they were to interact closely, there’s no way in hell he’d ever tolerate that shit she pulls with her own company. He’d put her ass back in her place with the quickness. He’s just a naturally dominant person, not in any flashy way or anything. People just fall in line behind him, he gives the air that he knows what he’s doing and is completely competent. He’s a total beefcake (which tbh I think Hibana would appreciate), but he’s also smart, calculated, and cunning... but never uses that to deceive or wield power. She’d appreciate that SO much, learning that “falling in line” doesn’t have to mean being degraded or feeling less-than. It can also mean being appreciated and protected, having someone competent watching your back.
So yeah, bottom line I think Hibana/Obi is a GREAT match, I think they have a lot of take-no-bullshit qualities the other needs and would really temper each other well. I think they could really do great things for each other 🥰
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Hello my dear loves!!!
This is just for the beautiful folks who are following me here 🥺🥰🥰🥰
I just wanted to let you guys know that I’m doing really great! And I’ve been working on a few things, LOTS of requests and also some original stuff!
I’m planning to (hopefully 🥺) upload some of the NSFW alphabet requests by this evening (6/8] or even sooner.
ALSO reiterating that my asks are 100% open and you are ALL more than welcome to request whatever you like!! I’ve said before some requests aren’t always in my “comfort zone,” but I am ALWAYS happy to step outside of it and explore new avenues!
Seriously. My mind is a filthy gutter, please never be ashamed to shoot me an ask, even if you request it privately. ❤️
I’m also still working on my AO3 account! I never anticipated having enough content to upload there... I’m seriously so excited that you guys have inspired me so much! But rest assured anything that is posted there will be shared here first unless otherwise stated (some of y’all know my original acct got terminated 😭 but no matter what... I’ll always be back 😈 the simp-force TOO STRONG in this fandom and I LOVE IT 😍)
And of course, as always, I love and deeply appreciate every single one of you 😍🥰💗
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I'm so proud of you, I love your content so much and it makes me happy that you feel good doing it.
Thank you for sharing it with us😭💕.
Sorry if it's not understandable, I still use a translator. 😅
I’m so glad you enjoy my lil drabbles and silly thoughts 🥺🥺 THAT’S what makes me happy!! I’m a lil proud of myself for continuing to write and post, but really, YOU guys are the reason I keep doing it!! Even just seeing likes on my posts (and especially comments and messages!!) is seriously the best feeling. Ya’ll have really impacted my life in THE BEST way and I’m so grateful and excited to be a part of this community! 🥺😍🥰🥰🥰
Also, your message was perfect! I would never have even known you weren’t a native English speaker if you hadn’t said so! ❤️❤️❤️
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thinkillwatchitburn · 3 years
Would you ever write Konro/Beni or is it just Konro/ reader? Was just curious and sorry if I bothered you.
I 100% would write BenixKonro! I haven’t had any organic ideas really come to me so far, but I’m always happy to take requests for them!!! It’s a little outside of my norm to write M/M relationships, but I’m totally happy to give it a try! I’d love to be able to expand my range!
If you have any particular requests please don’t be shy! I’m always happy to try and accommodate a request! If not, I’ll try and make note of some BenixKonro ideas that pop up so I can try and flesh ‘em out!
Thank you so much for reaching out Anon! 🥰
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i sent two requests for benimaru on your terminated page. can i resend here ??
Yes! Please do! I only saved I think one written request and the individual NSFW alphabet requests I got - although unfortunately I didn’t write down the folks who asked so I can’t tag them anymore 😭
But I’d really love for you to send them here! I’mma back this shit up this time. Swear 😂
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thinkillwatchitburn · 3 years
I'm sorry to hear that your not doing so well. But take it easy, we'll be here when your ready!
Oh thank you bby 🥺 I’ve already got a few things in my drafts, but either tumblr or my own brain forks me over before I can post it, but I’m getting there!
Thank you for your concern anon, it really made my day reading this 🥺🥰
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thinkillwatchitburn · 3 years
If you follow this blog, the blog that will follow you back is @imaginariet. I don’t know how much that actually matters but it felt important to point out. So if you followed me don’t be sad if I’m not on your followers list! I’m there! I’m just ~~covert~~ 😜
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Hi! I was wondering if you are taking request right now?
I sure am!! ❤️
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