#burrito senku
ask-senku-ishigami · 1 year
what if... burrito senku....
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Burritos are good. Especially the ones from François. They make the best... eh?
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What the hell is that...?
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senkuplushie · 2 years
For context (forgive the poor quality on the first),
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senkuburrito · 1 year
The server has gone through a rebrand!
While we're still dedicated to Senku, we're now themed around the SenkuBurrito meme(?) thingy.
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Nothing has really changed except the server's appearance. There might be a few more cosmetic changes, but the purpose and general idea still stays the same! Just appreciate Senku :)
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drstonetrivia · 10 months
Chapter 209 Trivia
Why would you remove your shirts!? And how did you not die of an ebullism before you could artfully arrange your capes around your waists?
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The Senku 11 here is a reference to the Apollo 11 spaceflight which landed people on the moon for the first time in 1969.
Also, the return of Suika's full melon helmet!
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Aluminum has two usages for the rocket: the body, and fuel. It's strong and light-weight, but alone it can't handle the heat of reentry. This is fine since Senku doesn't plan to return.
As fuel, it needs special conditions to release energy, such as those made with thermite.
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Cape York Peninsula is where Senku was headed, specifically for Weipa and Amrun, which account for most of Australia's bauxite production. Australia produces around 105 million metric tons of it per year, compared to China (68 million) and Guinea (64 million).
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Bauxite itself is a dull, reddish rock made from a mix of aluminum minerals and iron oxides, and the main raw source of all aluminum on Earth. It's usually strip mined as it's found near the surface, and can be done environmentally responsibly by replacing the topsoil afterward.
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A few people seemed confused by this random person here: the KoS had already begun reviving people in Australia (hence the buildings show in the previous panel), but they were running low on supplies to revive/feed the manpower they required to get sufficient amounts of bauxite.
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Bucket wheel excavators are some of the largest vehicles ever produced, with a few of them featured in the Guinness World Records for their size, though not all of them are huge. They're used to continuously dig up large amounts of dirt and transport it away using conveyor belts.
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In the Japanese version, Gen only says "bake*… Excalibur?" rather than the full joke the English translator @CDCubed came up with, "basket-weave Excalibur".
*Bake here is pronounced "bah-keh", and is a shortened version of "baketto" meaning "bucket".
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The ship here has influences from the Americans: zig-zag patterns and stripes. The boat's name seems to be "NXN" but I couldn't find a meaning or a reference for it. It's a catamaran— it has two hulls to increase stability and reduce drag, allowing it to be more fuel-efficient.
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The food here is all made from corn: corn tortillas to make burritos and tacos, cornbread muffins, then what I assume is corn chowder or soup.
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I hope this isn't Yo since he's clothed in the next image, but Suika appears to be getting flashed by a naked person with spiky hair covering themselves up with a tray…
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Last chapter we had a moon phase near the new moon, and this time we have a full moon, meaning at least 2 weeks have passed since the mathlympics.
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Ryusui, Senku, and Tsukasa are shown on the surface of the moon, but they are not necessarily the three going on the mission itself. The roles they need to fill are "pilot", "scientist", and "warrior", that trio simply fit.
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We also know that Tsukasa's choices were Taiju and Chrome, but that was before Ryusui was introduced.
In addition, we've seen that Chrome won't let Senku go on a suicide mission.
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I wonder if we'll get an Australian character added to the team, or if the KoS will move on immediately.
I just think Australian slang would be a great addition with Chelsea and Gen around…
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shyr-littleuniverse · 2 years
This is senku.
Senku burrito.
Senku is aroace.
We love senku.
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
I know you literally just wrote the RurixChrome headcannons, but could you do a parental one with them??
Anon, you’re in luck! I was actually just finishing these up!
RuriXChrome Parental headcanons
-Chrome by this point in time, is actually plenty prepared, when they found out Ruri was pregnant.
- Senku teased him about being “late” to the party… but secretly was relieved, because it had already been Hell enough making vaccines in 9 months. He was very happy not to have to repeat that.
- Ruri’s pregnancy goes by without any complications. On a snowy December day, a little girl is born in the village. A child that to Ruri and Chrome is the finest treasure of them all, who makes Chrome’s collection of crystals look dull in comparison.
They name her Takara… Their little treasure.
- Ruri actually cried a lot when Takara was born. When she first held her, she could hardly believe it, that this tiny little human was her baby. She had lived to see her wedding and now lived to meet her baby. HER BABY. 
Chrome was just a champ during this, holding his wife and child tightly and reassuring Ruri it was all okay. She would get to see Takara grow up and be part of her life.
- Ruri began reading to Takara at a young age. At three, Takara’s favorite is the 100th tale… The tale about Senku.
- Chrome works double time at this point, both at the village clinic and at the school. He’s pretty hands on and doesn’t play favorites… Even though, if you ask him, Takara’s the smartest little girl in the whole village.
- Takara takes after her mom and Aunt Kohaku a lot. She has their blue eyes and long smooth hair… but she definitely inherited Chrome’s hair color and his ears too. She also posesses the notorious Chrome stubborness.
- Takara is one year younger than Chiyo. The two little girls are best friends and play together all the time when their not spending time with their family. 
- Chrome’s only vice as a parent, is how overprotective he is of Takara. In particular her health… When Takara was five months old, she came down with a very awful case of pneumonia herself. They were terrified that she wasnt going to make it initially.
- During this time, they basically lived at the village clinic, Senku spearheading Takara’s treatments himself with Chrome working round the clock as well. Even with the sulfa drug, a baby’s reaction to sickness can be even worse than an adult’s.
- But much like her mother, she survived it. It took awhile, but she got better… Though it left Chrome quite worried when it came to her health. He is THAT Dad who worries even if his daughter leaves the house without a sunhat on a summer day.
- No, seriously. Chrome makes “Paranoid Uncle Senku” look like a joke, when it comes to worrying that much. If Takara gets caught up in the rain, he’s got her wrapped up like a blanket burrito in front of a heater, checking her over.
- Ruri has had to put a ban on “weekly” checkups. 
- As Takara gets older, Chrome cools down. It’s her first few years of life, that’s especially bad. But when she gets past the age where Ruri’s sickness was at it’s worst in childhood, he cools down… And he really does enjoy every moment of being a father.
- Despite the overprotection, Takara is Daddy’s Little Princess through and through. She adores spending time with him and is always eager to learn something new.
- Her favorite thing to create are pyrotechnics… Chrome isn’t sure sometimes whether to be proud or concerned.
- Winds up being proud as she learns to make fireworks.
- Takara actually doesn’t want to be a scientist though. She loves learning about science and medicine, but her interest lies in creating stories involving characters with those interests. She wants to write “200 Tales of Awesome” that are just for fun stories. She’s rarely seen without her handy dandy journal for writing her stories in.
- Chrome and Ruri are very proud of her and encourage her interests. Ruri will happily read over any stories her daughter creates and gently corrects if she thinks something could use a bit of a tweak. Chrome proclaims anything Takara makes is perfect… Even if sometimes both Takara and Ruri disagree. 
“What? I think the story you wrote a few years ago was pure genius!”
 “Daaaadd! That was just a ripoff the 100th Tale with you in it instead.” 
“Exactly why I said genius!”
- Ruri and Takara like to stay up late on starry nights, turn out all the lights around their home and look up at the stars in the backyard, telling stories to each other. It’s their favorite night of the week when they have these quiet moments to just bond.
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senkuplushie · 1 year
got an idea. senku burrito but his blanket is replaced with different things
#1: tsukasa's lion pelt thing
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interpret however you wish :D
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senkuplushie · 1 year
just found this Little Guy on one of my old[er] doodle pages
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senkuburrito · 2 years
Senku Picture of the Week: the one and only burrito Senku plushie!
[Week #1]
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