#busy later today so I’ll continue working tommorrow but I hope to get it done by the end of this week
idrawgaystffs · 1 year
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Working on a Behemoth of a WiP right now
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stray6ix · 6 years
We Have to Make This Work
Tom Holland x Reader
Wordcount: 2,151
Contains: Fluff, Tom’s POV
Requested by anon:
Could you write something where Tom holland falls in love with his makeup artist😬💕
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(I couldn’t find the gif of him annoying his MUA lol.  If you have it please hmu!!)
2nd Person POV
“Tom, stop moving around!”
Both of your laughs echoed through the dressing room as you attempted to do Tom’s makeup.  He had spent the last five minutes straight dancing around in his chair to dodge you anytime you approached with your makeup brush.
“I can’t help it (Y/N).  It’s just way to easy to bug you,” Tom managed to get out from between chuckles.
“Okay, but don’t blame me when you go out there looking like a clown,” you teased.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop!”  He caved, finally sitting still and holding his hands up in mercy.
You were a freelance stylist who was lucky enough to sometimes do Tom’s hair makeup when he was in LA.  Today, you were getting him ready for a morning talk show.
The two of you had been introduced through Zendaya - one of your first celebrity clients, and now good friend.  Tom had complimented her hair and makeup at the Spiderman: Homecoming premier you got to tag along to, and after you jokingly stepped in to tell him it was your masterpiece, the rest was history.  
Much like your relationship with Zendaya, your relationship with Tom had transcended work, and turned into a true friendship.  It was to the point where he would give his own stylists days off in LA if they weren’t already busy, just so he had an excuse to hang out with you.  You always felt guilty that he literally had to hire you to spend time in person together, but with his busy schedule doing press and you working at any given time of day or night, it was next to impossible for the two of you to hang out.  When he had a morning free, you were working on a bridal party.  When he had an evening free, you were working on a photoshoot.  He had his commitments, and you had to take any jobs that came your way.  As a result, the two of you had developed a system of spending time together that worked, and that was all that mattered.
However, things were about to change.  You had been offered a position at high-end salon in downtown LA.  It would be a steady job, with a loyal clientele, reasonable hours, and financial security that you didn't have as a freelance artist despite being relatively successful.  But it also meant you would be unable to take freelance gigs anymore. Your heart hurt knowing you wouldn’t be able to see Tom anymore.
You were your happiest around him.  You had never said it out loud, but your feelings for him were more than just friendly.  Somewhere between dealing with his antics, sculpting his curly hair into place, and taming his crooked eyebrow you had fallen in love with him.  For the sake of professionalism and your friendship, you had kept your feelings hidden, convincing yourself he wouldn’t feel the same anyways.
Despite being close, you had failed to tell Tom about your new job.  You knew that he at least enjoyed hanging out with you, and finding the words to tell him that things were about to change proved to be a difficult task.  Since you were starting your new job the following week, tomorrow’s late-night talk show he had scheduled would likely be the last time you would get to work together.
“Looks great, love!  You always do an amazing job,” he vocalized, gently running his hand over his hair as you finished styling it.
“Yea, when you aren’t being annoying,” you jokingly responded, trying not to focus on the fact that this was one of the last times you would get to see him admire your work on himself.
“I better go out to set, but I’ll see you after,” he smiled, hugging you before walking out to the stage he’d conduct the interview from.  It was more quiet than usual, as today’s interview wasn’t in front of a live studio audience.
You watched as he received his mic, and the interview began.  He was always so animated yet eloquent when he spoke.  It was one of the many qualities you loved about him.  After a few minutes, you left him to finish the interview and went back to the makeup station to clean up.
“I’ll tell him tommorrow…” You muttered to yourself.  It had to happen eventually.  And it was probably better to tell him tomorrow and not drag out the awkward goodbye any longer than necessary.
Tom’s POV
“You what?” I exclaimed, sure my eyes were so wide it looked like they’d pop out of my head.
“I got a full-time job at a salon.  It’s more secure than being a freelance artist, so I took it.  I think it’s a good opportunity for me...” (Y/N) explained, looking down at the floor.  “But it also means today is the last day I can do your hair and makeup,” she finished, her voice quieter than before.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”  I felt hurt that she didn’t tell me when she found out, but I was sure she had her reasons.
“I just didn’t want either of us to feel sad.  We have so much fun working together, and I know we’ll miss each other.”
“Then I guess we’ll just have to make the most of today,” I suggested, leaning down in the makeup chair and tilting my head up so I could look (Y/N) in the eyes.  I would have given her a hug if I wasn’t confined to the chair.  She giggled at my action, silently agreeing to not let her news keep us down.  Reaching for a makeup brush and my usual foundation, she began to get me ready for the interview.
Why did she have to get another job?  I mean, of course I was happy for her.  I wanted the best for her.  But I’d miss her so much.  I’d be lying to myself if I said I’d never thought about (Y/N) as more than a friend or stylist.  I loved watching her eyes as they focused on me while she worked, feeling her fingertips lightly tap in product to my skin or gently run through my hair, and I especially loved the way she would jokingly smack me and giggle when I acted like an idiot and wouldn’t let her work her magic on me.  She was so beautiful and intelligent too.  Harrison always joked about how my face lit up when I found out I’d get to see her, even if it was still weeks away.  And I could swear my heart skipped a beat when she would text me and her name popped up on my phone.  I guess over the last year, I’d really fallen for her.
Was I an idiot for not telling her how I felt?  Maybe I should have told her from the start.  I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship, and we worked together too!  It would be awkward if she did’t feel the same as me.  But what if she did feel the same and wasn’t telling me because she didn’t think I felt the same?  Maybe I should just tell her.  Otherwise when would I, right?  Plus, if she didn’t feel the way I did, at least we wouldn’t have to see each other for a while.  But what should I say?
“Are you okay?”  (Y/N) asked, bringing me back to reality.  I looked at her as she stared at me curiously.
“What do you mean?”
“You look really deep in thought,” she observed, now working on my hair.  Right.  Trust me to be dumb enough to forget that the girl I loved was staring right at me while I was thinking about her.  I probably looked like an idiot.
“I uh...” I hesitated, unsure of what to say.  I couldn’t just say “yea so, I’m thinking about how to tell you I’m in love with you” out of the blue.  “I’m just thinking about what to say in the interview,” I quickly lied, hoping it would be believable.
“You’ll do great like always!  Just don’t spoil anything,” she laughed.  God I loved her laugh.  “And I just have a few finishing touches and you’ll be good to go!”
I didn’t want her to be done.  I didn’t want to move from the chair in front of her. She meant so much more to me than I’d ever been able to admit to myself or her.  But it couldn’t wait anymore.
“And just some hairspray to set the style...”
2nd Person POV
“All done!”  You exclaimed, clapping you hands together in satisfaction.  “You look hot as ever.”
“You think I’m hot?”  Tom questioned, seemingly more shy than the other times you had complimented him.  It made you blush.
“I was complimenting my work, but don’t act like you don’t know how hot you are Holland,” you joked, trying to distract from your flushed cheeks.
“True... I mean if the things I read on Tumblr are any indication, I must be pretty fine.  Right darling?” he confidently replied, emphasizing the last word.  There was the usual banter-filled Tom you knew and loved - literally.
“Just go do your interview and show off my work loser,” you teased back, not wanting to give in to his immodesty.  “Your fans are waiting for you.”  Their chattering could be heard as the talk show host cut to commercial.
You watched as Tom stepped away to get his mic before turning away to start clearing your things off, knowing you would see Tom again after his interview.  As much as you didn’t want the time to come, you would have to say goodbye to him at some point.  At least you would have more time together later.  Reaching for the bottles of hair product to put them away, you noticed a figure’s reflection in the vanity’s mirror.  Looking up, you met eyes with Tom.  You were so lost in thought, you hadn’t noticed him approach you.
“Before I go out there, I have to tell you something.”  He placed his hands on your shoulders, gentle spinning you around so you were facing him.  With one hand, he took the foundation bottle from your hand and placed it on the vanity behind you, before taking both of your hands in his own.  “I don’t know why I’ve never told you this before, and I’m not sure how to tell you so I’m just going to come out and say it.  I love you.  And I’m devastated that you can’t work with me anymore, even though I’m happy you’ve found a great job.  It’s okay if you don’t feel the same-”
“Thomas Stanley Holland,” you interrupted him before he could continue.  “I do feel the same.  And I don’t know why I’ve never told you either, but at least now we know where we stand,” you beamed at him, causing little crinkles to form by his eyes as his face contorted to grin back at you.  He affectionately squeezed your hands. “Thank you for being the brave one and confessing first Tom.”
“So, does this mean I’ll still get to see you?” He prodded, cheekily raising his eyebrows.
“It won’t be easy, but we’ll find a way.  I refuse to let things end here for us when they’re just getting started.”
Tom released your hands and slung his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a tight hug.  You moved your arms around his shoulders and squeezed him back as hard as you could.
“Darling, I promise we’ll keep in touch, and I’ll do whatever I can to see you when I’m here, or fly you to me when you can get away. Now that everything is out on the table, we have to make this work,” he said encouragingly.
“I love you Tom.  So much,” you appreciatively whispered into his ear.
“I love you too (Y/N),” he gushed, gently stroking your hair.
“You better go now,” you sighed, not wanting to let go.  You loosened your grip on him and leaned back to look into his eyes.  “And you better not let it slip in the interview that you’re in love.  The fans will go wild,” you teased.  The audience could already be heard buzzing with excitement as the host began to introduce Tom.
“You couldn’t just let us have this nice moment, could you?” He whined, jutting his bottom lip out in feigned offence.
“Not a chance Holland.  Now go!  I’ll see you after the interview.”
“I can’t wait!” He said, unexpectedly kissing you on the cheek before heading to the stage and somehow getting through the interview without letting any Marvel or personal secrets slip.
You weren’t sure of what the future had in store for the two of you, but you did know that you loved each other.  And for right now, that was all you needed.
So I guess this isn’t really Tom falling in love with his MUA as much as realizing/confessing his love?  But I hope you still liked it nonetheless!  I haven’t been feeling too creative lately, but I loved this idea so I hope it turned out okay.  Thank you anon for requesting!!  And thank you to anyone who reads/likes/reblogs this!  My requests are open, so feel free to check my guidelines and leave something for me to write :)  And please leave feedback! It really helps~
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