#oh well the wip is done btw!
idrawgaystffs · 8 months
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Working on a Behemoth of a WiP right now
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 years
I realised that the 10k words that I currently have is likely a much smaller fraction of the hypothetical completed work than I thought it was going to be and I told myself I shouldn't take anything out because it all seems to be fitting together fairly neatly BUT I am def starting to have my doubts about the value of "the scene where the two male characters discuss whether the female character (who is not in this scene) should be breastfeeding the baby that she just had with one of those men (but she's been passing it off as the other one's)" because WTF that sounds AWFUL and I think I only put it in there because I was all YAY I'M JUST GONNA WRITE ABOUT MEDIEVAL QUEENS (KIND OF!!!) and there was that whole Thing in monarchies where you have to get a wetnurse in because breastfeeding reduces fertility and your shitty husband needs AT LEAST another couple of boys what with infant mortality being what it was in them days. And for some reason (probably sleep-deprivation TBQH) I at some point thought that it wouid be a good thing to put into an MCU fic???
#wip tag#now that i type this out it has become both worse AND funnier to me so who knows what i will decide to do with it in the end#i also remembered that this entire adventure into whatever the heck i am actually making now is because i realised that two famous queens#i forget which ones OBVIOUSLY#were famous for pulling off the same feat#which is 1) pop out at least one boy#2) outlive your shitty husband#and 3) your child-king son is now basically your talking puppet and you run a country now you go girl yas queen slay etc etc etc#i think one might have been catherine di medici? and... possibly margaret beaufort? (i know henry wasn't a kid at the time but yk)#POSSIBLY one was Empress Cixi? aka the one non-European more-or-less-queen that I know anything about#but anyway yes the trick here is to have a royal son and then refuse to ever die#elizabeth woodville has to be an Honourary Mention because she COULD have done it as well#had her brother-in-law not realised she was about to do that and kidnapped usurped and then probably-murdered the boy in question#Henry VIII's famous gang of queens all failed to meet at least one of the requirements :(#anyway hello some years ago i started reading books about famous dead queens and now what have i become???#BTW monarchies are a terrible idea#just scrolled up to see wtf i am typing this stuff under oh yeah it's the post about the lactation debate scene oh noooo#gonna... gonna hit post now while i still can#the Sylki AU that got longer and wronger
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themeganator5000 · 2 years
🤡🎢🎶🧠 (and good luck with homework 😩)
Alright, this one got a lil long so buckle in (also thank u king!! 🥹)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
MAN, that’s a toughie. What’ve I written that HASN’T made me laugh?? Uuuhhhhh obviously all of Truth or Don’t You Dare, that’s probably my favorite fic ever ngl. Okay, I’m bad at decisions so we’re just gonna do a lil Best Of list rn let’s goooo
Pretty much all of this scene from One Night in Portorosso just cause I can see it so clearly:
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And damn, Without You is really funny too. Underrated classic 👌
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Oh my god, how could I forget Pornos and Protostars??? This whole damn fic is a gold mine 🤩
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(P.S. i like to think that Guido is Portorosso’s local gay porn dealer and Alberto bought all his magazines from him in private. i do not know where Guido gets them. maybe Ercole.)
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Luca HAS to some kinda weird space kink, right?? Like,, just fuckin lookit him
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And Alberto making suggestive drawings of his then-best-friend at age sixteen is just 😘👌
Uugghgjkdhfkfhgk i know there’s more but this post is already so damn long i gotta stop. But trust me my dude, i write da funny shit, it’s what i do 😜
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Oohohohiohh definitely Truth or Don’t You Dare 😏
I won’t spoil anything for the select few who see this post and haven’t read it yet, but here’s a quick summary:
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🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
Okay, so I more or less answered this like a year ago here, but obvi I’ve had some more thoughts since then. And, y’all are gonna hate me for this, but I do have a favorite.
I think Luca and Giulia should hook up in college.
Not as a long-term thing, more like a one-night stand (but possibly without any actual sex, i still like my asexual Giulia headcanon). I see them going to the same college together, Luca studying astronomy and Giulia studying marine biology, and they’re roommates cause it’s cheaper and they practically grew up together anyway. Luca’s already securely with Alberto at this point and Giulia thinks she’s a lesbian, so it’s all whatever. Everyone’s all happy, Luca loves Alberto, Giulia loves both the boys as her best friends/family, Alberto is no longer jealous of Giulia, yadda yadda yadda.
But like. What if they fucked it up.
What if they kissed. 😳
Idk I just think it’s a fun and interesting scenario cause like, Luca is missing Alberto and he’s all sad that Alberto’s not there, but like. Giulia is. 👀
fhdjjwhfk idk there’s kinda a lot to explain which is why I don’t talk about it much but I’ve already written one fic about it (which is kinda underrated in my opinion). And I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I just think their bond is so strong it’s almost hard not to imagine them in a semi-polyamorous relationship (i ain’t doin incest tho srry). I’m also working on another Giulia/Luca/Alberto fic where essentially everybody just goes to town on Luca and it’s great, but I have no idea how to wrap it up so no promises that’ll be out anytime soon :P
Thanks for letting talk at’cha! 😋
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cuminhoid · 2 months
(some) heaven beside you doodles
Snippet here!
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doodle page (not even remotely all pictured) that started as a seating chart. Not pictured here are the drawings I'm actually proud of; but when I upload the fic the whole doodle page will be attached as a second chapter.
English reads: 1) LMAO L+ratio+gay 2) (actually quite pleased)
Mando'a reads: 1) wet noises 2) ah. alor
Yes, Eptuous like "inept". No, he doesn't know where Sidious got the name for him from. And yes, Xanatos was served 8 space blueberries. Qui-Gon's single broccoli is just because he's like That, though. I love how little this Sidious is...tiny evil man.
Bonus quote from about 8,000 words into the fic:
“Jenko, alor, gar mayen par, ner baar, ner tal, ner runi, gar an par."
Trans.: "Of course, leader, anything for you, my body, my blood, my soul, all for you."
Jenko: my mando'a for "of course"
fun fact: my word for "authoritative 'understood?'" is ka'pyc because i am the funniest person on the planet
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fumifooms · 5 months
I've reached a certain point in the manga now where Sissel heckles Marcille and mentions how "half breeds" are sterile.
And now I can't get out of my head the idea of a Marcille who can't become a mother herself, but ends up being able to experience something of the sort through meeting Chilchuck's daughters (even if they are all grown already.)
And allow me to go further, but also imagine that there is a point where Chilchuck does finally bury the hatchet with his wife, but have come to accept that they just don't work anymore, and decide to divorce formally on amicable terms.
The daughters therefore all slowly get to know Marcille, and even without the intent of being motherly, she dotes on them all anyway (because they're just so cute and so sweet!), and they see how their crabby father's eyes goes soft when they see Marcille interacting with them that by the end of it, they corner their father and tell him they approve.
Yes!!! YES!!!
You seem to not have finished the manga yet so I want to avoid spoilers… But no if I’m going into this topic I’ll absolutely end up spoiling some things lol. So beware, spoilers in the links I put and under the cut! I also talk about this topic/dynamics headcanons a bit here, and here, and specifically about his wife and him reconciling or not here, and my fanfic Grind Me Down Sweetly has bits and headcanons like these, but it’s an aspect of marchil with lots of potential!! Not obligatory reading btw lol, I just like to keep things as tidy as I can with things I cover many times plus there’s more stuff I won’t say here. I’m gonna be talking for a while though!!
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I feel she could genuinely get along great with Flertom and Puckpatti, their personalities seem pretty compatible! Meanwhile Meijack’s more reserved, but Marcille would grow on her too. Meijack 100% would be the one who sticks more around her father as Marcille and her sisters chat enthusiastically when she first meets them, and out of nowhere she goes "She suits you." and Chil spits out his beer, but he swallows back the urge to deny it and then agrees.
One of my marchil timelines is that they stay close friends for a long time after post-canon, before maybe or maybe not dating. I like to think that after they meet, Marcille starts exchanging letters with Flertom sometimes because they hit it off and Chilchuck is like "Why are you on first name basis with my daughter!!! WHY ARE YOU ON FIRST NAME BASIS WITH MY DAUGHTER!! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN, STOP INFILTRATING ALL OF MY LIFEEEE-" <- Man who has her on his mind 24/7 and is kinda going mad over it. Hehe I’ll let you read the fic I linked in the beginning if that sounds fun to you!
I know that in my fic wips where confessions or proposals happen I tend to bring the topic of the daughters up. Here’s my favorite that lowkey guts me
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Post-canon spoiler but I like the idea that when the Toudens die from age or one thing or another, if one of them forms a family and has kids (through adoption or anything) then at least over the centuries she’d still overlook the lineage of royals and would find a sort of solace from that, always being surrounded by lots of caring people. I think this is a bit healing for her single child self as well! Her notion of family and childhood are very tainted by loneliness and loss, and though she needs to accept that all hellos end with goodbye and find closure and happiness even through that, something can definitely be done about the loneliness! And as you can see with my fanfic wip, in a perfect marchil world I also think that she would fully become a part of Chilchuck’s family and generations down the line either people at family gatherings call her "great-auntie", or inversely no one really knows and just goes "oh her? Yeah that’s Marcille. She’s in the family -shrug-". The family dinners would be awkward at first since I imagine Chilchuck’s prejudices on elves come from somewhere lol, but it’d be so sweet.
But yes, back to the daughters! Marcille is 100% a mom friend who loves caring for her loved ones (I have a post examining that a bit here), there’s how she likes to bathe Izutsumi and Falin after all (Kui has said it herself that she loves when characters care for others in ways like that, which reflects in Marcille, and with Milsiril & Kabru or Mithrun & his caretakers, etc~), but I don’t think she’d actually want a kid herself if she had to choose, maybe she’d grow to want it one day but I think what kind of bonds she’s looking for currently are more platonic and such than familial in nature, that she wouldn’t want ro raise a child herself quite yet. She likes spoiling people she loves and caring for them in domestic ways, but not the ‘everything else’ part lol. So I actually think this works out great!! She 100% dotes on them as you said, but in many ways I think their dynamic would be a lot like gal pals chatting every once in a while, Flertom and her share in the latest gossip and they talk about fashion amongst other things! With Meijack being more akin to the usual stepmother dynamic where what ties them together is Chilchuck, until they grow to have a bond based on familiarity over time (I feel like due to these she’s the one that would have a mother-daughter relationship with Marcille the most since Flertom and Puckpatti would be more casual with her, but I basically think all the daughters and Marcille see each other as equals). Their common point above everything is caring about Chilchuck, and though of course Marcille would be ready to offer motherly comfort or support for them if they wanted it, the girls are pretty past that age so I don’t see it happening all that much, at least not in the first 5 years or so~ I think once Chil dies (probably not very late with how he drinks a lot of alcohol and was malnourished/"strict dieting" for what’s implied to be a very long time) the reverse is gonna happen, where Marcille is gonna be absolutely gutted and will reach out to the girls a lot to grieve together and spend time recovering together. Talking about him and whatnot. If his wife goes to his funeral and they meet, Marcille and her could potentially also have very interesting interactions.
Girl sure wishes she wasn’t right here :( Unbeknownst to him she’d be giving him lifespan buffs ad infinitum if she could
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And! It was so easy for me to miss this detail when I first read The Adventurer’s Bible (the world guidebook) but Marcille’s mom remarried! Marcille has a stepfather herself! It’s interesting that Marcille’s relationship with him or her stance on her mom remarrying is left so open, but she certainly acts enthusiastic about families and kids so doesn’t seem like there’s a complex there. I think this would give her a lot of thoughts about potentially being a stepmother though! I think it might influence her in her casual attitude, where she doesn’t want to push herself as ‘the new mother’ and whatnot, and I think honestly if the girls ever wanted to vent to her about how their family situation made them feel, Marcille and them could have really heartfelt and understanding conversations.
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Ah yes ah yes, might as well unload my ‘Chilchuck has a second family of clingy asses’ timeline I adore: Marcille and Izutsumi, + the rest of the gang to a lesser degree~ I already linked a post in which I talk about how Marcille’s somewhat of a motherly presence for her, and Izutsumi’s relationship with Chilchuck is def rather father-like too (post going into that here)! A post-canon Marcille hc I love is that Marcille gets a cat~ A black one to fit with her witch aesthetic, and with how the cat hairs are black like the dresses she now wears all the time so it’s less apparent that she’s covered in them lol. It reminds her of Izutsumi a bit as she goes on her journey, it’s kinda like the chickens she had around her as a kid, she loves having things to care for and spoil AND also it’s the end place of her character arc about appreciating loved ones even if they’re short-lived, and having the courage to want to know and love them anyways… It always comes back to marchil and his stupid only 20 years left to live I swear 😭 I genuinely feel like Marcille tends to keep some emotional distance from others during canon to try and minimize that effects of loss would have on her, but more on that in another upcoming post. But yeah I feel like every time she sees a stray cat while strolling out she starts tearing up a little… She wonders if Izutsumi is okay and eating well and all… But she learns to live with not fully knowing, and optimism & being hopeful are her trademark thing so she puts them to good use! Sometimes her and Chil will hang out of his shop and they’ll see a stray cat. They start leaving some food out for them. Chil is all "Bad idea! They’ll become overly reliant on our food and it’ll be bad for them!" at first but he caves. So then they watch it feed on what they gave it, and she brings up what was both on their mind. "Do you ever wonder where Izutsumi went, if she’s alright…" "You say that as if she didn’t visit three months ago. Aren’t you supposed to be the one for who long periods of time mean little here?" And a silence falls, but then after a bit he finally replies, without snark. "… I do." Marcille’s cat would 100% be a stray she decided to adopt actually. I am seeing how a marchil fic being written centered around this would work~ Before she brings it to the castle and officially adopts it, she sees it standing out in the rain all pitifully in front of Chil’s shop once and she invites it in (to Chilchuck’s despair), and from then on it’s still a stray but it has a home to go back to. And it can showcase Marcille and Chil’s relationship alongside that metaphorically and it’s like… Domesticating love… 😭 I think I hold a Grind Me Down Sweetly sequel here~ Chilchuck is so the ‘doesn’t want a cat dad who ends up being the cat’s favorite’, both with his cat daughter and the actual cat lol, and Marcille’s not a cat but he certainly wasn’t looking for another romance so hey!! Chilchuck expected to live alone forever after his wife didn’t get back together with him, but surprise!!! Ok cat tangent over I promise <3
Meeting the stepmom energy… Plus the dwarven bachelor. And the king. Maybe he didn’t make up with his wife "like how well it goes in stories" like he hoped for, but her wish sure did come true!! She met his family!! :] I’m planning a huge character arc post about this part of their interactions in canon, but optimism and hope did at least half the job <3 Especially since he hadn’t seen his daughters in years too. She’s good for him!!! And he’s good for her!!!
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needle-noggins · 1 month
Sav's Author Highlight: Beelzebby666
For the entire week of @trigunfanfic appreciation week, I’m going to highlight my favorite authors and friends whose writing I adore and why. Tonight I'm highlighting @beelzebby666, aka Fly!
Oh Friend Fly. I cannot describe to you the power that Fly has. They convinced me to write Millionsummers. They got me writing about Tesla. They are so imaginative when it comes to exploring and pairing characters, and they make it work so well. Fly can convince me of any ship, see similarities in any pairing and make it work. They're also fantastic at making AUs, so much so that I rotate their Angel Maker AU Tesla around in my head at mach speed.
They're a master of body horror and dark themes but with so much love packed in right alongside it. Their writing will cut you open and cradle your heart gently. And, they have written so much Vashwood it's incredible. So many bite-sized delicious Vashwood morsels with more than a few tears (usually Wolfwood's)! There's far more on their Ao3 than I can list, but here's a few (lol, if 7 is a few) that stand out to me:
The First Angel - T, Tesla and Wolfwood, body horror and hurt/comfort. Two small kids who don't understand what's being done to them. Tesla as baby Nico's guardian angel. This makes me feel many an emotion.
i wanna love you till we're food for the worms to eat - T, Vashwood, undead zombie Wolfwood and a very grieving Vash. Y'all, the WIP alone made me bawl crying big fat tears before this even got published. It's gross, Wolfwood is gross, but Vash loves him so much. This fic hurts so so good. Makes my heart ache just thinking about it now.
cross my heart and hope to die - M, Tesla and Elendira, body horror grossness. OKAY. This seriously inspired me and now I'm in love with the idea of Tesla and Elendira. Compels me SO much. The way this is written too is absolutely haunting and visceral. Anything Fly writes regarding Tesla is handled so well and is so hauntingly sad.
to have a body is to be a horror show - M, multi, a collection of body horror and dead doves. I'm still working my way through this one but ohhh man. OH man.
Angel Makers - M, Tesla and Wolfwood and LR, AU where Tesla lives. THEEEE Tesla AU. When I think of Tesla, I think of this AU. It's only got one published chapter so far, but pspsps Fly please tell me more always
Dressed To Kill - E, Vashwood, clothing swap. You know, to go with Sheltermnbone's clothing swap art? I'm very regular about it, I swear. This is so hot.
pierce my heart - E, Millionsnails, t4t bloody smut. I actually just read this for the first time and phew. wowza. If you liked my Millionsummers fic Fresh Cut (which Fly helped inspire, btw), you'll love this one.
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hi covey how r u??? i hope ur doing well and if u feel comfortable telling us i’m curious about wips ofc u don’t have to tell us anything. i love ur work btw
im doing great!!! been a little distracted from writing but i gotta pull an all nighter tonight anyways, so hoping to bang a few of this wips out bc i feel like i've been lacking lmao- doesn't help that i got distracted by my new blog and whatnot lmao-
i present thee with thine wips (idk if that's accurate sounds right to my dyslexic ass shut up)
i got my hot pants on tonight; leo valdez x reader blurb (this one came to my brain while on my road trip. should be super short and sweet and hella dorky and kinda cringe lmao-)
what divine lives we lead; mortal gods blurb (pt two to my all time fav fic on this blog. might take a bit to write out but super super excited that i get to yap more about mortal gods!!)
c'mon, barbie, let's go shopping!; percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite! reader blurb (a request from our darling lotus anon who's had to wait actually eons for it- IM SORRY BBY IM WORKING ON IT I SWEAR-)
Cotton Candy Kisses (a leo valdez fic about a county fair date with gf + the seven, another request from someone!! i have good ideas for this one but i gotta like sit down and write it, which is always the hardest part lmao-)
little miss grumpy and little mister sunshine; jason grace x reader blurb (the title of this one has me screamingggggggg but tbh kinda don't have a plot for it??? probs gonna be relatively short compared to recent blurbs ive been doing- which is something i've been meaning to fix. some of my blurbs are dead ass whole fics-)
sneak around the grapevine; leo valdez x daughter of dionysus! reader blurb (another title that i loveeeeeee and liveeeeee for!! just a sneaky little fic that might get a little steamy bc im in a mood!!)
Fall In Love With a Prankster, What’s The Worst That Can Happen?? (CONNOR STOLL FIC ALERT WOOOOOOOO- im actually super excited for this one, which you could NOT tell from the blank draft but TRUST GUYS IMMA COOK YOU KNOW IM GONNA COOK-)
AND THAT'S ITTTTTTTTT shortest wip ive done like everrrrrrrrrr love it love it love ittttttttttt
well...technically that's not all.
come, lean in closer, i'll whisper it in your ear- no closer!
ill whisper, don't worry...
oh, right, sorry, just yelled straight in your ear- ummmmm yeah im sure the ringing sound will go away...with time...probably-
anyways...i've offically spilled my guts lmao
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roaringwish · 1 year
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I was rummaging through my wip folder and found a bunch of unfinished things I wanted to share with you (details under the readmore).
My commission info
❶ I wanted to do a quick ref for the UM gang but ended up not finishing it. I think I chipped my tooth on Misumaru bc I wanted her to be a walking geode (much like Eiki) but I had no idea what to do with the colors. Pun not intended btw. That Takane is my favorite I think.
➋ Concept of Chimata where her design would change based on the sky she's currently under. I decided to add like. cloud themed frills? And the red buttons and stuff that holds her cape together look like a dragon flying through the clouds.
❸ Monstrous Rinnosuke ref. This was based on my theory that he's Hakurei no Kami. He's a half-youkai so I went "oh what if he was a chimera cat but in a half-human-half-cat-way?" so this happened. I needed to model him in Blender to wrap my head around how his face would work. I still failed lol. I think the kami and abstract kami designs of his are a little too ambitious but what am I if not over-the-top.
❹ Another monstrous Orin (the third one despite the fact that I dislike her solely because she gatekept my 1CC for 3 months). This one is my favorite though, I really went off with this design. I wanted to put Okuu behind her, Koishi on top of her head and Satori being done with this shit in Orin's wheelbarrow, but everyone else was noticeably less well-drawn and also the colors didn't fit well, also the image ended up being too busy... yeah this wasn't going to happen in this form so I cut out the only thing I liked about it. This cool as fuck Orin.
❺ This was going to be a single poster with two halves. The concept was to make an opposites illustration with Okina being the savior of monsters and Eiki being the savior of mankind (this is based on their mythological origins). Then I ended up realizing that Eiki has way more colors than Okina and this might not work with only 4 colors. I want to revisit this sometime though, it's a really cool concept imo.
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roseartsandfics · 2 months
Sephiroth (CC) -- Rose
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Here is another Sephiroth artwork from Crisis Core with a rose 🌹 Tbh, I actually LOVED how this turned how. I just love drawing my favorite FF character (or villain lol), especially the FFVII trilogy <3. I’ve been wanting to draw more Sephiroth lately, so here he is I did probably last week (?).
SPOILER ALERT for those who hadn't played Crisis Core and/or Crisis Core Reunion, and the original and the remakes of FFVII of what I am about to say! So be aware of spoils!
I managed to do chapter 8 of CC-R, finally managed to see the Nibelheim Incident, which was an essential, and most shocking event I have EVER seen in my life ever since getting into FF. I hadn't even known that the people that created FFVII to have the most crucial event that probably is popular and shocking at the same time. I hadn't even gotten into that event in the OG and the remakes of FFVII just yet, nor seen the full thing of Last Order, but I did manage to get through it in Crisis Core Reunion. I was NERVOUS of playing that chapter 0_0. My heart was beating fast and my stomach was turning just thinking about it and how I will get through it! (I started to love Tifa's voice, btw :3). Sephiroth’s fall from hero to a threat was INDEED heartbreaking. I feel like he is the victim of Hojo’s experiments and the origins are just heartbreaking. Unfortunately he fell into insanity. I also felt if that wasn't for Hojo, and all the experiments he had done, and what he had done to Sephiroth, and probably the company did this to him as well, none of Sephiroth’s insanity would've happened. And yeah, Cloud killing Sephiroth at the reactor by stabbing him and throwing him into the Mako pit (or lifestream) was hard for me to watch after the battle. It'll be hard and NERVOUS for me to watch that scene from the OG as well along with the backstory from Cloud's POV in the OG and Rebirth. Oh, and that Sephiroth battle… was probably one of those battles that got my blood boiling but loving at the same time for some odd reason. I wasn't even READY for the Sephiroth battle at all, and I hated it, but loved it at the same time. Things I love was his stances and and intros before the battle, but what I hate is trying not to die from every powers he's using. The second phased I don't really like. So yeah, Sephiroth's fall from grace sucked, but will be forever my favorite FF villain ❤️
Alright, that's enough with the long description of my time playing chapter 8 and discussion before I get myself carried away lol. I had the shirtless Sephiroth art with a rose done on this book, but I didn't like how it turned out. So I decided to redraw that piece on my iPad and will display it as soon as it's done :). I'll be playing more Crisis Core soon!
WIP pics:
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Sephiroth and Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII - Reunion ©Tetsuya Nomura, Hajime Tabata, Yoshihiro Hirota, Mariko Sato, SQUARE ENIX and Tose
Artwork ©RosePrincessArts
No copyright infringement is intended
Used: Soho Studio pencils and markers, fine artists pens, gel pen, illustration markers, non toxic alcohol markers and calligraphy pen
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usereddie · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @jdeanmorgan like....a good few days ago lol getting to it now <33
How many works do you have on ao3?
40. little known bia lore is that it used to be 41 but i archived a larry one shot i wrote sophomore year of high school before i started posting for shameless LMAO
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
911 mainly!!! but i've also written for shameless (gallavich), IT (reddie), wednesday (wenclair), and a league of their own (jesslupe)
Top five fics by kudos:
#LAFDads (silliest thing ever so ofc it's my most popular), whenever you call me, i'll be there, call me by your name, i got all my sisters with me (which has actually gained so many kudos lately bc it keeps getting rec'd on twt lol), baby don't you know (you're my golden hour)
i did not know these were my top five lol
Do you respond to comments?
not as much as i'd like :( there really are only so many ways you can say thank you, but i do try!! especially when the fic is first posted. i just get so many that it gets overwhelming to keep up, but i appreciate all of it soooooo soso much i mean that i really do.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably some spec? i'm a "happy ending or bust" kinda guy tho idk if i have anything
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
well! all of them! but maybe i think i wanna merry you since it was them getting engaged at a christmas party. doesn't get fluffier than that ngl.
Do you get hate on fics?
i did on the first bucktommy fic i posted lol (after episode THREE btw because i have always seen the vision /lh)
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
never written one
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
i also don't think so
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not really
All time favorite ship?
buddie and sterek!
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i mourn parent trap fic daily but also this rivals to lovers choir director au i got about 40k into and never finished. rip durufle requiem one day i will love on you again.
What are your writing strengths?
my lit professor says i write good metaphors? which i'll agree with, i like the way i describe inner monologues.
What are your writing weaknesses?
smut in many ways but especially in the sense of "oh my god can the english language please pretty please come up with a new synonym for cock i can't do this."
also, i have a hard time writing dialogue that feels organic to me? i think the end result works out fine but it doesn't come immediately
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i'm fluently bilingual and do switch between english and portuguese in conversation, so it does feel realistic for a character to do that, but it's down to personal taste when i like it or not
First fandom you wrote in?
well. phan.
Favorite fic you've written?
STRAIGHT EDDIE FWB YOU ARE SO LOVED BY ME!!!!!! wishing to be the friction it's my magnum opus. i almost called it my prima donna because those words are the same in my mind.
tagging @bucktommys @bibuddie @honestlydarkprincess @sibylsleaves i'm sure y'all have alrdy gotten tagged and done this or gotten tagged and ignore it but i have no memory of anything at all ever!!!!!!!!!
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riderofspades · 3 months
Hello again DiFang shippers,
If you remember, I was translating my Chinese DiFang fanfic (which you can find here) into English. Well, the translation's done now, but I need someone to look through it to make sure everything sounds natural in English.
This means you don't need to know a lick of Chinese to help. In fact, if you volunteer, I will only be sending you the link to the English translation, to ensure that even fluent Chinese speakers can't have their impressions of the translation be influenced by their understanding of the original Chinese text.
Sooooo. Any takers? I will be happy to credit you using any username/profile/link you prefer as my English beta when we're done.
And oh, while we're at it, further progress on a DiFang art WIP under the link, as usual:
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P.S. Anyone got any reference pics for how pale skin and white shirts look like underneath a rainbow flag shone on by a fierce summer sun btw? I'm struggling to imagine the lighting for this piece, so I can't colour it yet.
P.P.S. Will draw Li Lianhua in the corner with Hulijing as well; we need some ace rep in here.
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landwriter · 1 year
Oh my god your writing has me in a choke hold!!! I’m curious about Hands and/or Shut Up, please! Your brain is amazing and lovely and I’m very excited to hear anything you have to share about your WIPs💚
Thank you so much! I've got a couple Hands asks marinating and nothing to offer for them yet, so Shut Up is the Twitter Beef AU (another excerpt here) where Hob is a comparative lit professor and Dream is an underground electronic artist, and Hob comes for him on Twitter. Death meddles and drops a diss track. Hob finds out at his last lecture before hols and plays it for his course in a fit of pique, and...ends up having the best two hours of his teaching career?
He slides into Dream's DMs for the first time under the cut:
He catches sight of the time and is surprised to see it’s five minutes past the hour. Normally, his cue is when a handful of students start pointedly packing their things in the last few minutes of the lecture. “Okay, we’ve gone on too long, because you’re all still here, letting me, but I do need to get to office hours, so let me conclude with the argument that this is why textual analysis is so important, right? The author chooses their words to say more than one thing, and, as we learned, having additional knowledge of where they’re coming from - historically, socially, culturally - is the real Rosetta stone for understanding their message. I encourage you to think about that while you choose your final paper topics over break. A final reminder that your draft thesis is due on our first week back, and yes, I will be able to tell if you came up with it that morning, so please, please, give it some thought. If anyone feels keen and wants to talk about their ideas now, you know where to find me. Office hours go until 6. Alright, go, be free. My apologies to anyone who was excited for Marlowe - we’ll cover him when we come back instead! Have an amazing break, folks.”
Students are coming over already and he holds up a quelling hand. “Office hours, guys. I have other classes! I’ll see you there.”
It’s true, of course, but also he wants just a quick moment to himself to do something. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he pulls out his phone and ignores all his notifications to send a DM to Morpheus before he can think too hard on what he’s doing.
didn't know you needed to be protected by your big sis, next time i'll go easier on you x
He hesitates, deletes the x, and sends it, and jams his phone back into his pocket. After his office hours - exhaustingly well-attended - he finally has a chance to check his phone again. He's not used to actually having three hours worth of students to talk to.
There's three messages from Morpheus.
she insisted also i wrote most of it for the record
He raises his eyebrows. The messages are from nearly two hours ago, which he hopes means it's not uncool and weird if he replies right now.
it was you? it's incredible writing
Then, feeling suddenly far too earnest, he quickly adds:
almost like you went to school for being something other than a pretentious goth cunt
His reply is marked read immediately and he nearly chokes on his tea. He desperately wishes he could delete the last message now. Too much, he thinks. Always too much, Hobsie. Morpheus is typing.
don't need to go to school for that x and thanks
He puts down his phone violently and stands up, breathes out. He feels like a teenager with a crush. His phone buzzes again and he snatches it back.
meanwhile i bet u have student loans still prof
Hob laughs.
only a little. some of us had to learn how to be pretentious actually x
He thinks for a moment, then adds, wincing a little at the size of the text block:
thanks btw. aside from threats from ur insane fans I also had the best lecture attendance in ages and my office hours were 'sold out' lol. if all I had to do for better student engagement was get in an internet feud with a random musician I'd have done it years earlier.
so u concede i'm a musician :)
you still have terrible taste in shoes hey i see you typing if you say anything about my sweatervest i'm blocking you!!
then have a good night, professor gadling
you too
Then he waits a little too long, maybe, before adding:
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 7 months
Embroidery updates : a cat in needle painting !
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About a month ago, I finished this project of a cat in a hoop, needle-painted, and gifted it to a colleague at her retirement party. It was my 1st time using this technique, and I think the result is pretty good.
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This project started about a year ago, with me wanting to learn this technique... and not really having an end goal for it lol. So I bought Hiroko Kubota's book : Embroidered Cat in My Pocket (the French version is Brode un chat dans ta poche, at Les Éditions de Saxe). And I just started slow, not knowing where I was going. Here are some creepy photos of a cat without eyes (the quality is not ideal but I don't have any other photos of the WIP) :
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Then later in the year, my dear colleague announced she was leaving, and suddenly I had the best idea ever : why not gift it to her, since she likes cats and has an artistic mind ? This meant, of course, that I could no longer dilly-dally, and so I finished just in time for her retirement party. (And yes, I worked on the Laudna blouse in parallel, the summer was very complicated guys)
I didn't know how to finish it properly on the back, so I watched a bunch of Youtube videos, cut the fabric very close, glued it on the hoop with clothespins to keep it in place, and cut a cardboard circle and glued it on the hoop on the back.
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My colleague loved it.
More details under the cut !
The posture is maybe leaning a little bit too much to the right, but once I started, there's nothing I could have done.
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The colours on the ears are a little weird (the darker colours should be on the inside, not on the outside) and that's because the book used Olympus thread - that I cannot find here in France easily - and give a chart for DMC threads equivalency... and the chart is not very well done. Some colours are not the same at all, including the ones I used on the ears. But I started by the ears, and again, once you're in, you're in !
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I'm mostly proud of the general fading of the colours, especially on the body, and I think I managed to give to this project the texture desired : like a cat's fur !
It was a good intro to this technique (oh yeah btw : 1 strand only, with size 10 embroidery needle, a combination of long and short basic stitches, except for the whiskers that are done in split stitch). And I will continue to use the book and the things I've learned, but also coming back to traditionnal embroidery... because yes, needle-painting is great, but it takes so much time !!
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valeriianz · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @honeyteacakes <3 (and belatedly, @tharkuun haha)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
400,576 (+ 100k extra from fics i've deleted/orphaned in the past few years haha rip)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i am at the mercy of the hyperfixation, and currently it's The Sandman and Dreamling exclusively.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) Salvation (How to Get Away With Murder) 2) The Red Witch (Good Omens) 3) Bolt in the Blue (The Sandman) 4) Let Me Down Easy (The Sandman) 5) Show Me (The Mandalorian)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes and no. i love that people take the time to show their appreciation for a fic and i always want to reply and show how much it means to me... but i have this bad habit of not replying to comments on say, older works or older chapters of a fic. idk why... im just not good at it lol BUT I LOVE AND APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE COMMENT, EVEN THE LITTLE ONES 💖💖
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh, Exit Wounds, for sure haha
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
im a sucker for happy endings so i'd say, everything else lol but particularly Almost Idyllic (The Song of Achilles) due to the build up and Salvation also, because of the events leading up to the ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not since my ff.net days haha.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
very occasionally. and nothing too wild (except for that dreamling butt plug one. that was. hmm.) but i typically enjoy writing first times.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i do not.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope. though i have seen ideas/prompts used without credit. it doesn't bother me much.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
once, The Red Witch (which btw has been discontinued, pls don't read it lol). it started off just me, then my editor jumped on maybe 5 chapters in once i realized they were much more versed in magick and fantasy than me.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
haha probably Zutara.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
ahhh haha... fuck. idk i want to say none. but my brain keeps whispering about the dreamling road trip au. i thought i had a plot but as i continue working on bitb and other little drabbles... ive realized i might've bitten off more than i can chew. and my only option is to completely sideline it until im done with bitb, or change the story (because right now the research i have to do for it is too much and y'all know how i am...) it sucks cos i do want to write it. but it's difficult when all my patience for research is already going into one fic (bitb).
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and monologuing, probably.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
self 👏 motivation 👏 finding 👏 the 👏 urge 👏 to 👏 write (technically, it's tense. i flip between past and present tense constantly and at this point i just consider it one of my endearing qualities pfft)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i try to avoid it but when it happens i just use Google Translate and then toss a disclaimer that ive done my best (to which usually a commenter will helpfully correct me and then all is well)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Inuyashaaaaa (Miroku/Sango omg). exchanging physical notebooks with my friends with fanfics we'd written in school lol
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
truly a tie between Savory & Sweet and Let Me Down Easy (at the moment). the restaurant au was so easy and fun to write (probably because i used to be in the industry) and i reread it a lot. the pacing is fast and i love how immediate Hob and Dream fall into each other haha. Let Me Down Easy was very similar. my major was Media Production in undergrad and although it's been a while since i've held a camera, it was fun putting myself back in that environment. also the angst and tension were just a blast to write and figure out.
(this was an excellent waste of time, thanks again!) tagged, if y'all want, @magnusbae @teejaystumbles @ml-nolan @tj-dragonblade @reallyintoscience @delta-pavonis @staroftheendless
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whisper-and-tangle · 1 year
Whisper n Tangle Roommate AU!
*Relatively new to fanfic and sth in general, so be wary of that! WIP btw. really like new to fanfic, seriously. dont expect much lol
Tangle sat on her messy, half-made bed which was missing a bedsheet and only had one pillow, the entire thing barely held up by its metal frame. She collapsed onto it, launching herself back as she took her phone from her pocket and stared at her empty inbox.
"Ohhhhhh man. This is so boring." She said to herself, having done nothing exciting for the last week. Week. She was really getting tired of this town.
She'd seen all the sights, tried all the food, she'd done everything she could here. There was nothing stopping her from moving on-
Until she got a message from her landlord.
"Huh?" She exclaimed as she swiftly pressed the notification, her eyes darting across the words at a frankly excessive speed. She read the message aloud to herself,
"Dear Tangle. You've got a new roommate staying with you. She's arriving at 12:30, and her name is Whisper. Please don't make a bad impression." Tangle read.
"Huh. Finally some excitement- he could've let me know she was arriving in.." Tangle spoke to herself as she checked her phone's clock, a surprised expression dawning on her face.
"...5 MINUTES!? And he expects ME! TANGLE! Not to make a bad impression. When have I EVER made a bad impression!?" Tangle said overdramatically, looking at her bedroom, which was littered with;
2 full garbage cans,
5 wrinkled posters, 3 that were scattered across the floor.
and 6 framed photos of cool critters she saw.
"....Okay. Maybe he had a point. I really need to tidy up if I'm getting a roommate. Wonder if I'll get a bigger apartment, then, aswell." Tangle asked herself.
"Meh." She shrugged.
She quickly grabbed the two bins, rushing out of her apartment and down the stairs to the garbage outside. She threw all the garbage from the can into it, and rushed back to her apartment-
Where, she was struck.
Not, actually hit, or physically hit.
Lovestruck. And rather embarrassed at the trail of trash she left behind her in her rush to throw it all away.
a gorgeous wolf with closed eyes, a well-kept, long biscotti-coloured ponytail the same tone as her fur, a pair of steel-toed shoes fit for harsh traveling, a shy smile with an exceptionally sharp tooth that stuck out, a variable wispon, and a specially crafted mask to help increase ranged accuracy, almost all engulfed in a large black cloak adorned with poaches.
"Uhm...Hi... Sorry. I'm your roommate. The new one. You left the door unlocked...so I let myself in. Sorry."
"Oh! Haha, no that's fine-" Tangle said, snapping out of it.
"Wait- where's your bags? All your stuff? Shouldn't you kinda, y'know, need that?" She asked.
"Oh. I put it in that room over there..... I think it was your room- or, uh, our room. I won't be here much. I travel alot. There's a sleeping bag in there." Whisper responded slightly sheepishly.
"Alright...cool!- I like traveling too! Don't get to travel alot though, actually." Tangle said, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly as she wandered off into her- their room.
Whisper followed behind.
As Tangle arrived in her room, she sat on her bed and patted next to her- offering Whisper to sit next to her.
Whisper didn't utter a single word as she shook her head to signal a 'no.'
"Suit yourself. Anyway, have you been on any cool adventures? Fought any badniks? Man, I've always wanted to fight one of those- obviously, not to for just a rush or anything, but to be a hero, y'know? Like that Sonic dude. Help people out." Tangle said as Whisper simply nodded.
"I've...been on a few.
I fought a couple badniks. Me and my Wisps-"
Whisper gestured towards the swarm of Wisps following her.
"- Took down some."
"Aw, sweet! Well, I know this one coffee shop that's not too far away. Maybe tomorrow we could head there and talk about your journeys then?"
"Mm...Okay. Maybe." Whisper replied, smiling ever-so-slightly.
"Great! Can't wait." Tangle replied excitedly.
Tangle looked around her room as silence filled it.
She stared at all the trash.
"So, yeah, I'm just gonna continue taking out this stuff, 'k?" Tangle said with an embarrassed smile.
The day went much quicker that- er, day. By the time Tangle had finished cleaning, she'd moved on to making herself dinner-
She grabbed a packet of microwaveable ramen from the cupboards. "Soo....want some ramen?" Tangle said to Whisper, who was lying in her sleeping bag and staring at the ceiling.
"Mm." Whisper said with a nod.
Tangle replied with a cheerful thumbs up as she emptied the ramen into a microwaveable bowl, setting microwave's timer as she placed it in.
Tangle tapped her foot as the time passed, waiting for the ra-
She took the ramen from the microwave, and got out another bowl. She divided the ramen and walked over to Whisper.
"Here y'go! Ramen. Microwaved ramen." Tangle said as she sat comfortably next to Whisper. "It's not much, though- Sorry 'bout that." She continued.
"S'okay. Thought counts..." Whisper muttered.
Tangle smiled shyly as she absentmindedly gazed at Whisper, not even touching her ramen as Whisper ate next to her.
"...you okay?" Whisper said as she turned to Tangle, confused to why she wasn't eating her ramen.
"Huh- oh, what- Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Tangle said with a surprised expression and red face, turning from Whisper to eat her ramen.
She tried her best not to look it, but she was screaming in her head.
"Oh my god oh my god oh my god TANGLE. LOOK AT YOU. YOU JUST STARED AT HER! FOR AGES! ohmygodyoumustlooksocreepyrightnow. oh god. oh god." Echoed in her thoughts, panicking profusely over nothing.
"I'm, uh- gonna go to bed now!" Tangle said as she finished the last of her ramen, covering her face as she blushes and walks over to her bed.
Whisper looks at her with a puzzled glare, and then rolls into her own sleeping bag.
"G'night." Whisper...whispers? Sweetly, dozing off surrounded by a group of sleeping wisps.
"Night!" Tangle said as she could barely sleep.
Love does wonders for all-nighters.
[To be continued.]
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apopcornkernel · 8 months
trick or treat!! 🎃🦇 (btw i loved hearing about the backstory/historical aspects of your fav wip, i’m not even in the hsr fandom but it’s so interesting)
THANK YOU <33333
(i know it's literally november 3 but shhhhh, all soul's was just yesterday it still counts—)
anyways!! the next fic i wanna talk about is... also jingfu 😭😭😭 this is embarrassing
presenting: ✨ jingfu vegas wedding ✨
there was a time i got back into asoiaf and jaime/brienne, and there's this subgenre of jb fics where they get quickly married on the quiet isle for one reason or another! and i just got obsessed with this type of wedding, and then i got to thinking about vegas weddings, and then i imagined jingfu drunk and giggly and happy and my gdocs stood NO chance
what's great about jingfu is, as i hope to never stop reminding my readers, is that they're chinese living in a chinese setting wifh chinese culture. so you can't just throw them into an actual vegas wedding situation—china has its own wedding ceremonies and the luofu must have its own technological advancements in that area too! so long story short i had a lot of fun brainstorming the wedding rituals and how it would mesh with the luofu, how people would even discover a wedding has taken place considering chinese weddings CAN technically be done without witnesses if you're feeling quirky enough (like maybe legally it's not allowed but ive seen cdramas where they do the same thing so like. me 🤝 cdramas; ignoring things for dramatic flair), and generally just trying to write their world vividly enough that it doesn't feel like Vague American Fantasy Spaceship #2432
i do think i kinda succeeded!! and even if i didn't, well, in my head i can clearly visualize it and in the end this is a fic for ME and not for yall, sorry but i come first when it comes to my fanfic :P
also i wrote my thoughts on the au while we were out with paternal relatives eating hotpot, so of course their drunken wedding feast is hotpot. i couldn't resist
It was strange to see the General and Master Diviner drinking, and even stranger to see them drinking like they were racing to their graves.
At least it would be. Extenuating circumstances, Dan Heng art thy name.
i also really like these lines i giggle everytime! because i ship jingfu but i also ship jingheng in the pathetic unrequited pining old man jing yuan kinda way.... its hilarious how down bad jing yuan still is for dan heng/dan feng and so since i needed a catalyst for the drinking i used dan heng hehe
also i researched chinese constellations for this because i needed more drunk activities and i figured i could do one of those "laying on the grass and pointing at the stars" except ofc it's the luofu so that's synthetic grass and false stars and their stars are also different and it would be very weird to mention ursa major or something! so i had to do research </3 i swear the things i do for my craft
i don't know how to end this.... i guess here's another excerpt HAHAHA
Jing Yuan, thanks be to Lan, had left behind some of his formal clothes at her residence, which meant the two of them did not have to sneak all the way back to Exalting Sanctum just to nab the appropriate garments. If they had not been drunk, the journey from the gardens to her quarters would not have taken so long. Unfortunately: they were. Unfortunately: Jing Yuan was enamored with every flower that passed him by, and Fu Xuan was busy counting the number of off-color stones in the cobbled path.
They did still make it there. Eventually.
In one of Fu Xuan’s many closets were the robes they’d worn to Qixi-jie—his a simple but elegant grey trimmed with white, and hers a dainty pink, complete with a round embroidered fan. Fu Xuan took Jing Yuan’s out, shoved it into his arms, and then shoved him out. He staggered out into the hallway, and then turned to blink at her, lost.
Fu Xuan rolled her eyes. “Well? What are you waiting for?”
“Oh,” Jing Yuan said. The light came back into his eyes. “Oh! Yes.”
Stupid, she thought, and closed the door. But apparently she’d said it out loud, because he yelled, muffled, “You’re the one marrying me!”
“I won’t if you don’t shut up!” Fu Xuan yelled back.
Immediate silence.
thank you for the ask again hehehe <3
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