#but I also enjoy open to interpretation actions and characters 😭😭😭
tricksterlatte · 5 months
There are two wolves inside you: the specific version of Joker that resonates with you in correspondence with dialogue options and his civilian side versus Joker, and whichever other character in the cast best plays off him. There is a high chance they are kissing right now.
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sushis-brainrot · 10 months
What made you ship Eivor and Basim together? What was it that made you feel that they had chemistry? (I’m asking because I’m curious and it’s a bit of a different ship) so I’m wondering what was it that made you ship them in the first place if you get what I mean.
Hoooo. I hope you're ready for another novel. 😶
First a disclaimer: It's important to note that this is my opinion and how I feel about the ship; I don't speak for everyone. Second, I enjoy other ships as well. It simply happens that Eivor and Basim is my favourite. (This is not necessarily aimed at you, ask. Just in general if anyone happens to stumble upon this.) A lot of my feelings about this ship are based on my own observations and interpretation of events. 😌
That being said:
What makes me ship Eivor and Basim?
I adore these characters. They're layered and complicated; beautifully flawed.
And I love the potential their ship has.
Their dynamic - Even if there is an odd power dynamic, I love how they push and challenge each other. This creates an interesting tension, perhaps chemistry, as they navigate their differences.
Gods, the potential levels for angst? It's through the roof with this one. Endless amounts if one wants it. The shared pain, personal struggles, and the possibility of conflicting loyalties and goals........ SO MUCH potential for deep and emotional STUFF. The potential for love and betrayal adds such HIGH emotional stakes and intrigue, like 👀 The stakes! THE STAKES!
Their banter:
I love hearing them talk together in-game. Basim is silver-tongued, and Eivor is a poet. Their word battles are annoyingly interesting because they're both so incredibly smart. I love it when Basim challenges Eivor's world-view, and when Eivor seems able to disarm Basim with her honesty and the heart she carries around on her sleeve.
This fragile trust that eventually develops between them:
Basim tells Eivor of his son and the one who took him away. Something that he hasn't even outright told Hytham. I believe Basim truly comes to care for Eivor, making it that much more bitter when he realises exactly who "haunts" her. I mean, imagine the heartbreak or the potential for growth as Basim would have to choose between his vengeance and someone he loves? How would he feel if he actually knew that Eivor rejected Havi?
Eivor accepts Basim as part of her family by telling him he and Hytham will always have a place - a home - in Ravensthorpe. She knows, oh she knows that to Basim, home is family. And she offers up herself and her own family to him. 😭
Again, the dynamic: Makes my brain go brrrrrr.
They have some of that good good "Don't know if I want to kiss you or kill you"-energy. 🫣
I believe, and feel, that where there are strong emotions, there can be passion.
To me, while both Eivor and Basim attempt to act calm and collected in the face of any storm(Basim succeeding more than Eivor on most accounts, at least until he snaps), they're both very much driven by their emotions and come off as deeply passionate beings. Basim with a thick layer of intellect and calculation between his emotions and actions. While Eivor and her emotions are firmly guided by her goals and even desires, she's much more likely to act on impulse.
I think Carlo Rota, Basim's voice actor in Valhalla, also has a point:
"In watching renditions of Basim/Eivor told with the slant of a love story or rather a lost love story I was blown away. It never occurred to me prior to seeing this and yet it makes so much sense regardless of whether it's Female or Male Eivor. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin..."
Love and hate are deep and potent feelings. And sometimes, it's hard to tell when that line has been crossed.
The ambiguity and intensity of their (potential) feelings *chefs kiss*
In my own eagerness, I forgot to mention the very obvious Campfire Cutscene. 😶🥲 The campfire cutscene just showcases such a soft and vulnerable moment for both of them. Basim opens up about the loss of his son, and Eivor reciprocates by sharing her own experiences. The understanding between them. The acknowledgement of the other's loss. The fostering of this fragile trust.... HNNN. 😭
I like them so much they make me incoherent 🥲😭
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iaus · 3 months
For the ask thing: 30, 23, 4! Sorry if you’ve already done these but also you can double dip if the question allows for it idc
30: share a fic you’re especially proud of
okay. this one. god. i already know the answer right off the fuckin bat. so you're gonna get kind of a little. history here.
TL;DR of it is for a long fucking time i had a weird complicated relationship where i felt peer pressured into writing stuff for other people that i didn't enjoy writing (and at times outright hated). this ended with me dropping writing/sharing my writing publicly for like 7-ish years i think? it was a good stretch of time. i like REFUSED to engage with anyone.
but then. i started playing darkest dungeon. and i was struck with this urge to write bounty hunter/flagellant (tardif/damin or bhf as i tag it). and that led to me feverishly writing the nearly 16k of when i'm in control (when i'm out of my mind) in days. and it is like. the first fic i have unabashedly loved in 10+ years.
i loved the dialogue, the action sequences (which are really hard for me to write!!), the pacing, and i loved writing a softer but still rough interpretation of tardif (he's the mass murderer i keep mentioning who kills crime lords and collects teeth).
like straight up, i think if i did not write this fic i would not be as active as i currently am within the sb tag. i adore it. i may bitch and moan a bout dd2 but dd1. my fucking beloved.
23: pick three keywords that describe your writing
this one's fun i'll happily do it again
so last time i did the moody answer of "dense, dishonest, yearning" which i'm still laughing. especially at dense. motherfucker of too many words. but i think another three might be:
frenetic, dramatic, and meandering (positive).
i feel like my writing can have this like. oh my god this person has (undiagnosed) ADHD huh quality to it at times. so.
4: a story idea you haven’t written yet
i know i mentioned earlier the idea of new teacher porter meeting an already established jace teaching at aguefort... but i mean. i think the other idea that's kind of rattling around my head is either of my text posts where jace is like FUCK WHO YOU WANT and then they end up banging or even...
expanding on the idea of porter seeing jace flirting with a guy when they're on break and then just starts being like you wanna come over? because it's so clear in my head and it's so funny especially after @jadeandquartzes replied and was like... but porter having to break into his own house through the back so he can actually open the door from the inside it's so funny. i might have to write it. but then knowing me it's gonna turn into a monster 😭
also. i'm not even going to lie i was thinking about one of my bg3 characters who's a monk dragonborn and the idea of porter feeling inadequate because jace was about to get dragonborn dick is SO funny to me but. that's. well.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 year
i finally got to catch up with the new sith chapters, i've been busy vacationing after school🥱 it's a great feeling to come home to several new chapters waiting lol
this is for chapter 21 btw:
i LOVE, love cordelia. she's such a girl's girl and i love how she didn't hold on a grudge against the o/c, she's soooo sweet. her thinking friedrich probably doesn't know her name😭 that's such a friedrich thing tbh
"... someone who isn’t so inextricably linked with another girl already." omg. everyone knows. like now i'm also curious of how they broke up??? like was cordelia like "ooohhh... so you're in love with your best friend and you're leaving me" or did she play the fool or something???
"... knowing full well you could never withstand torture. Not you, you were at heart a self-interested person who’d sell out Marley if it meant saving your own skin." this is an interesting take on o/c's character, and these bits are my favorite parts of this story. the o/c not being a traditional "hero" and acting against it (even getting annoyed when called one) is new and much much more realistic than idealist mcs who are willing to die for a noble cause so selflessly.
i truly enjoyed o/c and marek's conversation. she definitely needed to see the other side of the war and the consequences of her sacrifice. her idea might've led to something horrible, but it was either the enemy or themselves. i'm so glad that she was reminded that whatever she had done, it wasn't in vain and it had some positive outcomes for them. and not just for the military, but for people as well.
i love filler chapters like this! it's intriguing to dive into the o/c's life and character without getting lost in the action.
I hope you had a great vacation!! LMAO yes I’ve been trying to at least update SitH even though I’ve been slacking with updating literally everything else 😭
— yess I really wanted to subvert tropes w this fic and cordelia is a character I tried to do that with!! She’s definitely such a girls’ girl and I honestly just felt like writing her and Y/N to hate each other over a man would do a disservice to both of their characters and make them sm flatter and less 3D. Also friedrich definitely does know cordelia’s name but I’ll leave it open to interpretation whether that’s because his BFF dated her or because he just like. Remembers her name from when general magath introduced her to the trio
— SDJLSJS yes it’s like public knowledge at this point literally everyone knows but they all just kind of ignore it. I feel like it wasn’t a super intense break up or anything they just were like “okay this actually is not working for…reasons…” and moved on. I doubt either of them explicitly said why but it was definitely heavily implied
— Y/N as a character is like my favorite thing abt SitH I feel like I peaked with writing her tbh. I think the most interesting thing is that for the first few chapters it seems like she’s going to be the classic hero who chooses good and is super righteous and rises above her circumstances but then she just…doesn’t take that path. Whether she’s a hero or a villain really just depends on which pov you look at it from!! But I agree that she could never really be considered the stereotypical noble Hero and she herself recognizes that and hates when people think that’s who she is because it’s not
— marek’s physical state (specifically his face) is meant to directly reflect Y/N’s emotional state, and in accepting him despite how he was affected by the war, she began to finally accept herself despite how SHE was affected by the war. In real life, conflicts aren’t black and white, so while Y/N’s idea was definitely reprehensible, the other side wasn’t completely innocent either (although, of course, the people directly impacted by her idea — the Eldians — arguably were). For as many people that she hurt and as many lives that she destroyed, she also managed to save at least one, and that’s enough to at least allow her to start moving on
I feel like the filler chapters have been dragging on sm 😭 but at least if all goes to plan there’s only one more chapter left of “the gang hangs out in liberio” and then there will be…not necessarily ACTION but new situations and whatnot
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I just binge read iicngyp and holy shit 👁👁 you’re SO talented 🛐🛐🛐 this series played out like a literal action movie in my head and had me at the edge of my seat.
I’m so excited for whatever comes next, I’ve always been a huge fan of slow burn enemies to lovers- the tension and the jabs are so satisfying because of the way it gradually builds up to the two characters finally growing/realizing their love for one another. Especially in the case of jungkook here where we see him slowly lessen his aggression at mc and becomes kinda whipped (?) 😳. I really don’t know why I enjoy the painstakingly slow pace 😩 it’s a guilty pleasure.
Also- was jungkook always somewhat attracted to the MC? Albeit subconsciously but he’s just slowly falling deeper? And when he kissed her was it out of purely physical attraction or did he really feel the weight of her words/noticed how she actually cared about him this whole time? I’m guessing he didn’t do it as a ruse to get her to react because when she lashed out at him he seemed confused and slightly disheartened.
Aaaaaa I’m so invested 😭💓 keep up the stellar work
Oh my gooooosh thank you so much!! iicngyp is definitely the most ‘visual’ thing I’ve ever written? Like there are so many scenes that I more or less have movie shots in mind for. Any scene where I talk about the click of OC’s heels on the floor, I picture a camera following legs for example, so I can't express how happy it makes me that you could see the whole thing!!
Oh no whipped doesn’t need a question mark, he’ll get there 😁 It will take time. And work (on my part lol). But he’ll get there.
So, okay, the thing to consider here is that OC was the only constant in Jungkook’s life for years when he fought at the Circle. That leads to a lot of complicated feelings on his part that he hasn’t worked through. In that moment, he realizes that she does care in some way, and so, while he would never have made a move if he thought she despised him, it opens a door. He kinda just gives in and does something he’s wanted to do for a long time, and her reaction feels like a confirmation for what he thought. So there is a part of him that was like “ahAH, I got her”, which is what OC sensed, but she is interpreting it the worst way possible and looking at him like he’s some kind of master manipulator and that’s just,,, not who he is,,,
Thank youuuu for the kind ask, this made me so happy to read!! I love seeing how much you've thought about those characters, it's so cool to see 😁 Btw I'll go on and ramble about the characters and the story any chance I'm given so I hope it's not annoying when I do that askdfnjbsdlgn
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noramoons · 2 years
I hate when life gets in the way so I can’t send you my thoughts on the latest chapter of ‘for reasons wretched and divine’ but here I am finally!! Honestly I adored this chapter, I think I reread the first part of the chapter (you know the part I mean 👀) and the final part of the chapter as well… it was just perfect, the way you described the small touches and looks in both scenes were so similar but so different? Like describing Chan looking into the readers eyes in both parts but the air to each action was so different and that’s all down to your writing… just pure talent (I hope that makes sense!)
The whole scene in the mountain as well?? Between the reader and Jisung I just loved that you had this little moment between them to sort out their relationship, it was so well timed in terms of the story itself 🤩 the line from Jisung also, about he doesn’t usually say sorry or he isn’t saying sorry (I’m sorry I can’t remember it word for word) was also just perfect, perfect for him and perfectly written! I can’t believe the story is so close to ending, what are we all going to do without this world to escape to every week😭 do you think this would be a world you’d revisit with some of the other characters in the future???
Sorry for such a long ask!! I’m just always so hyped by this story😭😭🖤🖤
omg hello hello!! don’t ever feel like you have to apologize for sending in your thoughts “late,” i’m always happy to hear what you have to say whenever :DD
but i’m SO happy to hear you enjoyed the chapter!! especially the beginning ahaha 😵‍💫😵‍💫 and i love that you caught the comparison there from the beginning to the end! chan and y/n’s relationship has certainly come a really long way from the beginning of this series—they really really mean a lot to each other now and i wanted to portray that as much as i could here, so i’m so glad you enjoyed that portrayal :))
and yes it was about time for jisung to come around a little 😩 that conversation has certainly been a long time coming so i’m happy you enjoyed reading it! ofc he couldn’t really ~apologize~ for how he used to be towards the reader—he is very much still a demon, after all, but i think they both understand each other a little better now.
we are indeed getting close to the end 😭😭 but don’t worry, there’s a lot that can happen in two chapters!! ;)) i’ll honestly be sad when it’s over too though 😭 i’ve SO enjoyed getting to see everyone’s thoughts/predictions and how different ppl interpret different scenes, hehe. and that’s honestly not something i’ve thought a ton about, but if ppl would be interested in seeing more from the characters from this world i’d absolutely be more than willing to put some thought into it! maybe some more things like the intermission chapters? i’d totally be open to suggestions too :D
and omg no need to apologize, i LOVE a long ask!! hehe it truly does make my whole day to see your feedback, i’m seriously so so happy you’ve enjoyed this series so far 🖤🖤 thank you so much for reading and sending me your thoughts!! :))
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