#but I can’t picture her sounding like webby but also she looks like she would sound just like webby
just saw a video of kimiko glenn talking and there is a disturbance in the force
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mimiri22-6 · 4 years
Let's do this. One last time.
Ducktales 2017. I didn't think I was ready for the end, but the finale was too perfect to be sad nor angry.
There's so much to say-too much to say...and I'm going to try my best to say all of it.
Seeing Webby and Scrooge interactions now, after watching this once, is just-They're So Soft! AND everything is just-AH I love it. It's so weird, but when is the family tree not screwy(also, Webby=Scrooge's clone? Webby=female? Trans Scrooge=Cannon?! I think Fucking So!)
Aaaaaaannd that's all we get from Gladstone and Fethry. If there's one thing I wish was in this episode more it would be more cousin interactions and Daisy. Though, Daisy not being too into it makes sense. Loved what we got of her tho. At least we got a little bit of them this episode, it was already pretty character packed
Well...Launchpad is only half wrong.
Oh wow. Oh Wow, I love this dynamic between LP, Drake, and Fenton...ot4? because I refuse to leave Gandra out. I love how Drake doesn't know about Fenton and Gizmo while it seems like everyone else in the world does. Still, LP/Drake and Gandra/Fenton some of my faves. So good
OH YEAH! Even the other 2 Caballeros are here!!
And the last adventure STARTS
I find it Fantastic how Dewey and Launchpad will probably die thinking F.O.W.L used the last level of a videogame as their secret layer layout
*sigh* This is why I avoid previews and wish I was better at avoiding theories from after those previews. I would have been more surprised and probably would have enjoyed this ep even more if I had Nothing to expect. But the theories were right. Tho, I did not expect how (or should I say Who) Webby was cloned from...though also I was spoiled by that when I was looking for the ep. Some ass used "Scrooge is Webby's dad" as a video title. I didn't think it was real, but I was wrong.
Awwww. Don has such a soft spot for kids
I love Lena and her development.
...*sigh* ok. "you've already got sisters" with this line, I am obligated to drop the Webby/Lena ship. I'm sorry, but it's one of my many rules for being ok with a ship. If the characters Ever say, even just once as an afterthought, they see each other as siblings or something similar, I will see them as that. It's why I've never been ok and have been uncomfortable with Shiro/Keith since Keith saved Shiro from...his clones...huh. So, from now on, I'm going to be Very uncomfortable with anything Weblena...even though the thought of them in the future was cute
HOW does a show about building ottomans have plot???
I wasn't sure how to feel about the clones All throughout this
Oooooh. That picture of Webby's parents...is fake. It's like some picture Beakley took off the internet.
I saw a post saying how Della had to convince Donald to go on one last adventure and how she had to watch him almost die, but she really Didn't. She helped him pack and she was ready to let Donald go on his adventure("but Daisy's my adventure" They are too damn cute for their own damn good. I love them. donsy for the win), but an actual Crisis came up and he had to stay. Donald nearly dying by void was not Della's fault and if I see any more posts about how she roped Donald into a death mission, I will go up a wall and break a neck on my way down
Man, it's weird hearing this and knowing that Webby's parents don't exist
Wow! Beakley just knocked out Scrooge! Damn!
Oooh! The girls are fighting
...Woah. I just realized, the blood and brain of Scrooge McDuck and the training of Bentina Beakley. Webby is even more of a beast than we knew.
Pepper. Just Pepper. She seems like one of your parent's nice coworkers that brings you brownies and pinches your cheeks
I also really like that you can't tell which Gyro is telling that to
God, I Fucking Love the concept that is Manny. He's one of those things that if someone asked you about him outside of the fandom, you wouldn't even know where to start. It's absolutely FanFuckingTastic. He's the most magical thing in the universe? Fuck Yes, give that to me Now!
HE SPEAKS!!!!!!(I couldn't place his voice actor, but I when I looked him up I realized recognized him for Glossaryck from SVTFOE)
(Edit: Just found out that the scene with Manny was a Gargoyles ref. Nice!)
Once again, I love everything about LP, Drake, and Fenton
And then Lena Died
Aww, they both have such soft spots for children
(that had to be a different font because really, what the fuck)
He really did just say he was too busy to die. This duck is too powerful
(I really just don't have too much to say between all of this. I just love all of it)
Woo! Louie with the motivation!
Pft-how both of them are singing? Love to see it...wait, we don't see Don Karnage after this...DID HE DIE IN THAT CRASH?! DID DEWEY COMMIT HIS FIRST MURDER?!
"Welcome home, April." I hate you.
Of course he dabs
"he was like this when we found him." Nice to know Gos knows what to do in the event that she kills someone
Oh that's horrendous. I hate that
"Now, let's get down to business." TO DEF[get's shot]
Why is Manny like actually the best?
God, Drake and LP really are two halves of a whole idiot huh? They're soulmates, your honor
"I. Am." "Not alone in this." That was so sweet, but also JUST TELL HIM!!
And now Glom is dead
Oh, that's a lot of mind control
"Even by our standards, this is a weird day." Couldn't say it better, Lena
"How do you think Della found out about the Spear of Selene?" OH, YOU MOTHERFU
"Oh, Bradford, how villainous." DAMN! HE REALLY DID JUST DO THAT, HUH?!
"Do you know how replaceable clones are?" Oh yeah, that's right. You're probably not the og Gyro
Man, we don't ever have Von Drake for long but I always love him
Those lights are really only there for dramatic effect, aren't they?
...Close enough.
Launchpad moment! Yeah!!!
HEY! I just noticed. While wearing the suit, Launchpad didn't crash...idk what to do with this info
The fine print is usually good to read...we people just don't do it apparently
"...your most trusted ally?" *picks Donald* Wow. That's right there with the feels ain't it
"it's not worth the risk." Fuck, I love them
Oh that sounds so weird. Scrooge has never been a dad, always Uncle. So Weird
And Gandra, Gyro, and Von Drake are dead. There is a Body Count this episode
"Donald Duck." "Uncle Scrooge." I SEE YOU! I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE! AND I LOVE IT!
Hehe. From Bitchford to bird brain.
Beakley thinking she's no longer accepted? Nah, she was granny first and foremost
"We're smarter" "We're tougher" "We're sharper" And we'll earn our way square." AH-I'M GOING DOWN LIKE THE SUNCHASER, GUYS
I don't know what else to say.
This show was amazing from beginning to end. I may not have cried, but I didn't need to cry. It wasn't sad and there was nothing bittersweet about it. Just pure perfection, just like the rest of the show.
Perfectly Preen, not a fether out of place.
Goodnight Ducktales, you were perfect
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lettheladylead · 4 years
a quick visit
characters/ships: goldie, scrooge, beakley, scrooge/goldie, (slight) webby/lena word count: ~3500 summary: Goldie stops by the mansion shortly after The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades!  ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27023359
Bentina had a bad feeling.
She often did when Scrooge took all four kids by himself and it was just adults in the mansion. Well, adults and Launchpad, who came by twice already - having forgotten that Scrooge wasn’t around.
It didn’t help that she hadn’t gotten Webbigail her own cell phone yet, so there were no updates coming from a trusted source. Scrooge didn’t know how to send a proper text and the boys just sent weird pictures and emojis so she was stuck in the dark until they returned.
Fortunately, the trip ended early, and as the family burst through the door only two days after leaving, the first thing Webbigail did was throw herself into her grandmother’s arms. “GRANNY! You won’t believe what happened in Florida!”
“Something tells me I will.”
Before Webby could open her mouth, Scrooge loudly cleared his throat. “Ahem, um...Webbigail, perhaps you should let me talk to her first. If you wouldnae mind.”
Webby considered that for a moment before doing a backflip and landing gracefully on her feet. “Okay! I’m gonna call Lena and Violet!” And then she rushed upstairs.
The boys were chatting amongst themselves, clearly interested in what Scrooge was going to say to Beakley but knowing they wouldn’t be allowed to stick around for the conversation. Louie in particular was excited to see steam come out of their housekeeper’s ears.
Beakley’s eye twitched as Scrooge grumbled a bit and motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen. Huey and Dewey decided to go find their mom or Uncle Donald, while Louie stuck with his original plan and held his head against the kitchen door to listen in.
“What kind of danger did you put my granddaughter in this time?”
Louie almost snickered.
“So listen, Twenty-Two, I need to start by pointin’ out that it could’ve been much worse! She was far away from the real danger!”
No response. Louie worried he was missing something and leaned in a little further, but it seemed Beakley was just waiting for more information.
“...Goldie was there.”
“Don’t tell me you let her anywhere near Webbigail!” was Beakley’s very quick response. Louie knew the housekeeper hated Goldie, but she didn’t hesitate for even a second.
“Ah...well. Webby spoke to Goldie just as you would’ve wanted her to,” Scrooge said with a chuckle.
“Then what happened?”
“Ehh...Goldie ‘n I drank some youth water, got a bit rambunctious in our young bodies, and left Webbigail by herself in the middle of the woods.”
Louie waited. No sound yet. Maybe Beakley just killed him quickly and quietly and got it over with?
“Is that it? She’s well equipped for a few hours by herself. Better than spending anymore time with your thieving ex-girlfriend.”
What a disappointment. Louie scoffed and got up, walking towards the back of the mansion where he saw his brothers go earlier.
Beakley looked over at the door where one of the kids had been obviously spying, and then poked a finger in Scrooge’s chest. “If Webbigail goes on adventures with you, I expect you to be responsible for her. No running off with your girlfriend, no leaving her alone. Am I understood?”
He looked sheepish, but nodded. “I’m sorry, Twenty-Two. It was...I wasnae myself.”
“Oh, you were completely yourself. Just younger and stupider.”
“Quite right.”
There was a moment of silence before Beakley couldn’t help her curiosity. “So what did she take from you this time?”
He blushed a bit and smiled - a reaction she was definitely not prepared for - and started tapping his fingers against the top of his cane. “Ah...nothin’.”
“...really now.”
Scrooge had a look on his face that Bentina barely recognized - he looked lovestruck and downright silly - and it was making her eye twitch again.
“She took Isabella’s journal, but...then she gave it back. A lot happened yesterday. We...talked.”
“Goldie O’Gilt...talked. To you.” Beakley leaned against the counter and didn’t pretend to hide her disbelief.
Scrooge picked up his cane and swung it around briefly. “Oh, she talked, alright! Let’s just say, I havenae lost my touch when it comes to women.”
Now that was the least believable thing she’d heard so far. But Beakley bit her tongue on that remark. “...did you two sleep together?”
His blush deepened and his smile formed into a smirk. Pushing his hat up an inch with his cane, Scrooge just shrugged and said, “I would never kiss and tell.”
“That’s historically untrue,” she commented with an eyeroll. “Are you going to tell me you two are on good terms now? Or something equally terrifying?”
Scrooge shrugged again. “Hard to say…”
He started to hobble out of the kitchen, considering whether or not to leave Beakley with that non-answer, but chose to turn around at the door and expand. “...she’ll be visiting the mansion soon.”
And she felt a headache coming on as he waltzed out of the kitchen, leaving her alone to decide how many traps she needed to set up and how many items she needed to hide. Not that anything she could try would stop O’Gilt, who always seemed to be one frustrating step ahead of her.
This was a terrible turn of events. Not to mention unexpected. But, Beakley surmised, this was likely a long con that Scrooge hadn’t caught onto in his lovestruck stupor. She’d have to talk to Webbigail and get more details about what happened. She’d have an easier time figuring out what Goldie’s game was.
Webby was using her laptop to video call with her friends, going over the trials and tribulations of her recent trip.
“I still can’t believe Scrooge has a girlfriend,” Lena commented dryly.
Webby just laughed. “Yeah, it’s super weird. They just have...so much history together. But I thought it’d be cute! Or fun! Instead, it was just…” She couldn’t think of the right word.
Violet flicked at her hair. “Uncomfortable? Not only are they ridiculously old, but she’s betrayed him a number of times. I can’t imagine watching them interact was pleasant.”
“Exactly!” Webby waved her hands around. “And when we left the hotel they were all gushy and hand holding, but...I don’t know! Love after betrayal doesn’t really seem like a good idea.”
Violet nodded to that, but quickly noticed Lena’s awkward silence and turned towards her sister.
Webby, despite herself, also noticed Lena’s lack of response, and after replaying her sentence in her head, she immediately started to shake her head and laugh. “Ha, ha, well, I mean, you know, who knows!! It’s...I shouldn’t make assumptions! It was probably just weird because they’re so old! I don’t know the details, I should do some research! But maybe not too much research! Ha, ha, ha!”
Lena seemed comforted by that and just chuckled and shook her head. “You’re a riot, Pink.”
“I know,” Webby said with a smile, and she could tell Violet was going to comment on what just happened but was interrupted by a knock on Webby’s door.
“Webbigail, can we talk?”
“Oh, sure, Granny!” she yelled at the door. “Sorry guys, Granny wants to talk! See you later?”
The Sabrewings nodded and said their goodbyes as Webby shut the laptop in sync with Beakley climbing up the ladder.
“Scrooge tells me you were alone for quite some time,” Beakley said as she finished her climb and sat next to Webby on her bed. “How did you fare?”
“It was crazy!” Webby said enthusiastically. “I had hurt my back and mosquitos stung my eye and then suddenly I was alone with who-knows-what lurking around! But I used my quick wits and geographical knowledge to make my way back to the hotel in record time!”
Beakley responded with a few small claps. “I’m very proud of you.”
“It’s too bad I missed the fight, though!”
“Oh?” Now that made more sense. “So Scrooge and Goldie did fight, then?”
“Oh, no, I mean. Sort of, but that’s not what I’m talking about!” Webby proceeded to explain the situation with Ponce de Leon to her grandmother, not leaving out any details of what the boys and Scrooge had told her. 
“Well...I supposed that explains his good mood.” Beakley put a hand against her beak in thought. “I can’t immediately tell what O’Gilt’s angle is, but I don’t trust this. If she tries to talk to you again, don’t give her any information she doesn’t already have.”
“Okay! Oh, and did you know she’s friends with Louie?” Webby added suddenly. “I mean, I guess friends might be a strong word. But they talked for a while and I was really surprised! Scrooge didn’t seem as surprised, but also...not. You know what I mean?”
Beakley let out a long hmmm in response. “...that’s interesting.”
“I was talking to Lena and Violet…” Webby tapped her fingers on her legs. “I don’t trust Goldie any farther than I could throw her, but...I don’t know, she and Scrooge seemed to be really happy together all last night and this morning.”
“And it’s not like you can’t have a good normal relationship even if there was once a lot of lies and betrayal!” Webby started to play with her skirt. “I’m trying to keep an open mind!”
Beakley’s face scrunched up in thought and her eyes widened in realization. “Ah...Dear, if you’re projecting onto this, I can assure you that your relationship with Lena is nothing like that of the infamous McDuck-O’Gilt rivalry.”
“Goldie O’Gilt is proof that some people can never change,” Bentina said forcefully. “And no matter what she says or how she acts or even if she chooses not to steal anything one time, that’s no reason to trust her. She’s going to break Scrooge’s heart again, one way or another.”
“...oh.” Webby frowned and looked down at her knees. “You’re probably right, Granny. Maybe I just...want her to be better.”
“I understand.” Beakley stood up and brushed invisible dust off her skirt. “I do, too. But it’s safer to stay alert than to try and expect anything good from her.”
She nodded. “Uncle Scrooge invited her here.”
“He mentioned as much.”
“But she said no.”
Webby played with her fingers while she spoke. “She said, and I promise I wasn’t eavesdropping! But she told him that ‘meeting the family is too domestic,’ which I think is weird because she’s already met all of us so what difference does it make?”
Beakley wondered why Scrooge seemed so sure that Goldie would be coming over despite her rejection. This was already starting not to bode well. “I need to speak to Scrooge again. Why don’t you go find the boys?”
“Okay!” Webby shouted and did a front flip off her bed, launching down the ladder and heading towards the pool.
Beakley grumbled and followed after, determined to figure out why Scrooge had lied or what was going on. She needed to be prepared if Goldie O’Gilt was coming to visit, and prepared for Scrooge’s inevitably whiny heartbreak. You’d think he’d be used to it after so many years.
She found him in his room, staring at the inside of some ancient-looking box. As soon as he noticed her, he slammed the box shut and tossed it back into the locked desk drawer he came from. Curious as that made her, Beakley didn’t have the energy to comment.
“Goldie said she wasn’t interested in coming here.”
Scrooge flushed and shrugged. “I mean...technically, yes, but you had to see the look in her eyes, Bentina! I know she’s coming.”
“I think you’re likely misinterpreting.”
“I know for a fact she wants to see Della, at least,” Scrooge said with his two pointer fingers up in front of him. “We talked about her for a while and she hasn’t seen her since her return, so…”
“I stand by what I said.”
Scrooge stood up and stretched his limbs. “I understand your negativity, Twenty-Two, but I feel good about this! I feel like -”
Both parties stopped talking and turned to look at the window, which was slowly being opened from the outside. Scrooge smiled brightly and Beakley’s frown deepened.
“Hey, Hun, how about we……..oh.” Goldie hadn’t noticed Beakley at first, and wrinkled her nose as soon as they made eye contact. “Great.”
Before the man of the house could let his lady inside, Beakley stormed to the window and grabbed it. “How about you use the front door like a proper guest!?” She slammed the window shut and Goldie didn’t move for a moment, then smacked the closed window before disappearing again. Beakley made her way to the foyer in angry anticipation.
Scrooge didn’t even know how to react to that and quickly rushed to the window to see what was happening. Goldie had gone back down to the lawn and she looked up to shoot him a quick wink before continuing towards the door. He almost didn’t believe what he was seeing, but hurried after his housekeeper anyway.
The doorbell ringing was a surprise to everyone, and Scrooge was double surprised to see all four kids running towards the front door even after they saw Beakley reach for the handle. Maybe they liked Goldie more than she did. That wouldn’t be saying much at all.
The door opened and Goldie groaned loudly. “Is this what it’s like to wait for someone to let you into a building? It’s awful. Scroogey, don’t make me do that again.”
Beakley rolled her eyes and moved to the side so Goldie could enter, and Scrooge just smiled at her instead of moving to give her a proper hello. She put a hand on her hip and looked at the small army of ducks who’d come to greet her for whatever reason.
“I thought you said you weren’t coming!” Webby said suddenly.
“Yes, well…” Goldie rolled her hand around by her head, trying to think of what to say. “Here I am anyway.”
“Here you are,” Beakley said harshly as she shut the door. “And what’s your plan for this visit, O’Gilt?”
Goldie gave the housekeeper a sultry look. “Oh, Bentina, always so suspicious of me. Scrooge asked me to stop by on my way back to D…”
Everyone leaned forward slightly, looking very interested in the next thing she was going to say. Goldie took note of that.
“...doing my own thing.”
The resounding disappointment was palpable. Clearly no one knew where she currently hung her hat, and Goldie preferred it that way.
“So he did. Apparently you’re here to ‘meet the family,’ but of course,” Beakley walked past Goldie and stood next to her granddaughter. “You already know everyone here.”
Scrooge raised an eyebrow, not sure if he should interrupt or let this play out. Goldie didn’t seem put off at all.
“Are you testing me?” Goldie asked with a smirk. “Of course I know you, Bentina. Or would you rather I call you Twenty-Two?”
Everyone looked up at Beakley, who scowled. “Bentina is fine.”
Goldie took a look at all four kids, who were currently lined up in front of her. Their...names? She knew their names. But that didn’t really matter and she didn’t want them to get too attached.
“Well, obviously I know Sharpie,” she said, motioning to Louie, who just shrugged in response.
Next came the red one. “...based on your clipboard, I’m gonna assume you’re the Smartie.”
“Not technically my name, but observant nonetheless!” Huey tapped his hat with his pencil.
“And you…” She looked at the blue one, who seemed overly excited at her presence and was pumping his knees up and down. “Well I’m not about to call you Toughie when you look like this.”
“You can call me…” Dewey pulled out his phone and pressed a button, playing a short track of loud electronic music. “TURBOOOO!!!” he shouted as he dabbed dramatically and the music ended.
Goldie just stared. “...ah, you’re just a mini-Della, aren’t you?”
Dewey spun around and snapped some finger guns at her. “Compliment received and appreciated! That’s how we Dew it!”
“Right. So. Sharpie, Smartie, Mini-Della.” She pointed to each of them as she spoke. “And lastly we��ve got Old Lady Vanderquack.”
Webby looked up at her grandma and gave a sheepish smile to Beakley’s irritated expression.
“I suppose I can’t very well call you that when the real old lady is right there,” Goldie said with a smirk. “I’ll just call you Pink.”
That elicited a small gasp from the little duck. “You can’t call me that! That’s what Lena calls me!”
“Oh? She’s got a claim on that name?” Goldie crouched down and leaned her arms on her knees (which were feeling much better than the day before, thank God). “Well I’m sure your Uncle has told you that I’m quite the claim jumper.”
Scrooge chuckled at that while Webby just squinted and tapped on her beak. “I guess, in a way, you kind of remind me of Lena.”
“Since I don’t know who that is, I’m going to assume that’s a compliment.”
“It is!” Webby clapped her hands together excitedly. “She’s my-”
“Webbigail,” Beakley interrupted. “Remember what I said about limiting the information you give to thieves?”
“Oh, right!” Webby stood tall and did a motion of zippering her mouth shut.
Goldie smirked and stood back up. “The less I know the better, I suppose.” She looked around the room. “Well I don’t see Donald or Della, but as far as I know, that covers everyone who lives here, right?”
Beakley rolled her eyes, but couldn’t say anything before Dewey jumped up. “Oh! I bet Mom would be super excited to see you! I’ll go grab her!” He rushed off to the pool.
“What, no fun nicknames for them, too?” Louie said sarcastically. “How boring.”
Goldie crossed her arms. “That’s not something anyone’s ever called me before.”
“First time for everything.”
Huey glanced between Louie and Goldie, sensing an unexpected tension that he didn’t know anything about. Clearly he’d be grilling Louie about it later.
Scrooge sighed and felt a familiar warmth in his chest. All he wanted was for Goldie to be a part of his family, and for the first time...it felt like it might happen. Despite Beakley’s objections, of course. He shuffled over and grabbed one of Goldie’s hands.
“Are you staying long?” he asked hopefully, but trying not to sound too desperate.
She glanced at him and sighed. “No, I don’t think so.” She pulled her hand away from his and placed it against his cheek instead. “Meet the family, you said. Not have dinner with the family or move in with you, right?” She gave him a few little pats.
Scrooge smiled even though he would’ve loved for her to stay longer. “Right. Whatever you’re comfortable with, Dear.”
The little domestic nickname made her heart flutter, and Goldie had to look away from him to avoid blushing. Fortunately, it was at that moment that Dewey was dragging the twins into the foyer behind him.
“What’s so impor-....oh!” Della paused as she looked up, Donald stepping up next to her a moment later.
They both looked at each other and then back at their guest. “Hi Aunt Goldie,” they said in unison.
“Donnie. Fly Girl,” Goldie responded, giving them each a curt nod. “Glad to see you’re both in one piece.”
Della elbowed Donald in the chest. “How come you didn’t tell me this was still a thing?”
He coughed and put a hand over his injured sternum. “I didn’t think you cared?”
“I dunno, I’m kind of mixed on it,” Della said with a shrug. “But I like to stay updated!”
They bickered for a minute and Goldie felt a bit awkward - she didn’t know Donald or Della very well and could barely understand a single thing Donald said. She assumed everyone else could understand him perfectly and didn’t want to be the odd one out, so she opted to look back at Scrooge again.
He was staring at her. This whole visit he’d just been staring at her. She did what he asked! She stopped by! She spoke to his whole family! Why did he still look like he wanted something?
Finally he looked away from her, seeing that most of the rest of the family was talking to Della about adventures they knew about involving Goldie. He looked back at her and smiled.
“...Scroogey, just ask me what you want to ask me.” She swiped a hand through her ponytail and sighed. “I’ll die of old age if I’m stuck waiting for you to spit it out.”
He took a deep breath and reached out to grab both of her hands this time.
“I want you...to meet my parents.”
Bentina had a bad feeling.
She often did when Scrooge took all four kids by himself and it was just adults in the mansion. Well, adults and Launchpad, who came by twice already - having forgotten that Scrooge wasn’t around.
It didn’t help that she hadn’t gotten Webbigail her own cell phone yet, so there were no updates coming from a trusted source. Scrooge didn’t know how to send a proper text and the boys just sent weird pictures and emojis so she was stuck in the dark until they returned.
Fortunately, the trip ended early, and as the family burst through the door only two days after leaving, the first thing Webbigail did was throw herself into her grandmother’s arms. “GRANNY! You won’t believe what happened in Florida!”
“Something tells me I will.”
Before Webby could open her mouth, Scrooge loudly cleared his throat. “Ahem, um...Webbigail, perhaps you should let me talk to her first. If you wouldnae mind.”
Webby considered that for a moment before doing a backflip and landing gracefully on her feet. “Okay! I’m gonna call Lena and Violet!” And then she rushed upstairs.
The boys were chatting amongst themselves, clearly interested in what Scrooge was going to say to Beakley but knowing they wouldn’t be allowed to stick around for the conversation. Louie in particular was excited to see steam come out of their housekeeper’s ears.
Beakley’s eye twitched as Scrooge grumbled a bit and motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen. Huey and Dewey decided to go find their mom or Uncle Donald, while Louie stuck with his original plan and held his head against the kitchen door to listen in.
“What kind of danger did you put my granddaughter in this time?”
Louie almost snickered.
“So listen, Twenty-Two, I need to start by pointin’ out that it could’ve been much worse! She was far away from the real danger!”
No response. Louie worried he was missing something and leaned in a little further, but it seemed Beakley was just waiting for more information.
“...Goldie was there.”
“Don’t tell me you let her anywhere near Webbigail!” was Beakley’s very quick response. Louie knew the housekeeper hated Goldie, but she didn’t hesitate for even a second.
“Ah...well. Webby spoke to Goldie just as you would’ve wanted her to,” Scrooge said with a chuckle.
“Then what happened?”
“Ehh...Goldie ‘n I drank some youth water, got a bit rambunctious in our young bodies, and left Webbigail by herself in the middle of the woods.”
Louie waited. No sound yet. Maybe Beakley just killed him quickly and quietly and got it over with?
“Is that it? She’s well equipped for a few hours by herself. Better than spending anymore time with your thieving ex-girlfriend.”
What a disappointment. Louie scoffed and got up, walking towards the back of the mansion where he saw his brothers go earlier.
Beakley looked over at the door where one of the kids had been obviously spying, and then poked a finger in Scrooge’s chest. “If Webbigail goes on adventures with you, I expect you to be responsible for her. No running off with your girlfriend, no leaving her alone. Am I understood?”
He looked sheepish, but nodded. “I’m sorry, Twenty-Two. It was...I wasnae myself.”
“Oh, you were completely yourself. Just younger and stupider.”
“Quite right.”
There was a moment of silence before Beakley couldn’t help her curiosity. “So what did she take from you this time?”
He blushed a bit and smiled - a reaction she was definitely not prepared for - and started tapping his fingers against the top of his cane. “Ah...nothin’.”
“...really now.”
Scrooge had a look on his face that Bentina barely recognized - he looked lovestruck and downright silly - and it was making her eye twitch again.
“She took Isabella’s journal, but...then she gave it back. A lot happened yesterday. We...talked.”
“Goldie O’Gilt...talked. To you.” Beakley leaned against the counter and didn’t pretend to hide her disbelief.
Scrooge picked up his cane and swung it around briefly. “Oh, she talked, alright! Let’s just say, I havenae lost my touch when it comes to women.”
Now that was the least believable thing she’d heard so far. But Beakley bit her tongue on that remark. “...did you two sleep together?”
His blush deepened and his smile formed into a smirk. Pushing his hat up an inch with his cane, Scrooge just shrugged and said, “I would never kiss and tell.”
“That’s historically untrue,” she commented with an eyeroll. “Are you going to tell me you two are on good terms now? Or something equally terrifying?”
Scrooge shrugged again. “Hard to say…”
He started to hobble out of the kitchen, considering whether or not to leave Beakley with that non-answer, but chose to turn around at the door and expand. “...she’ll be visiting the mansion soon.”
And she felt a headache coming on as he waltzed out of the kitchen, leaving her alone to decide how many traps she needed to set up and how many items she needed to hide. Not that anything she could try would stop O’Gilt, who always seemed to be one frustrating step ahead of her.
This was a terrible turn of events. Not to mention unexpected. But, Beakley surmised, this was likely a long con that Scrooge hadn’t caught onto in his lovestruck stupor. She’d have to talk to Webbigail and get more details about what happened. She’d have an easier time figuring out what Goldie’s game was.
Webby was using her laptop to video call with her friends, going over the trials and tribulations of her recent trip.
“I still can’t believe Scrooge has a girlfriend,” Lena commented dryly.
Webby just laughed. “Yeah, it’s super weird. They just have...so much history together. But I thought it’d be cute! Or fun! Instead, it was just…” She couldn’t think of the right word.
Violet flicked at her hair. “Uncomfortable? Not only are they ridiculously old, but she’s betrayed him a number of times. I can’t imagine watching them interact was pleasant.”
“Exactly!” Webby waved her hands around. “And when we left the hotel they were all gushy and hand holding, but...I don’t know! Love after betrayal doesn’t really seem like a good idea.”
Violet nodded to that, but quickly noticed Lena’s awkward silence and turned towards her sister.
Webby, despite herself, also noticed Lena’s lack of response, and after replaying her sentence in her head, she immediately started to shake her head and laugh. “Ha, ha, well, I mean, you know, who knows!! It’s...I shouldn’t make assumptions! It was probably just weird because they’re so old! I don’t know the details, I should do some research! But maybe not too much research! Ha, ha, ha!”
Lena seemed comforted by that and just chuckled and shook her head. “You’re a riot, Pink.”
“I know,” Webby said with a smile, and she could tell Violet was going to comment on what just happened but was interrupted by a knock on Webby’s door.
“Webbigail, can we talk?”
“Oh, sure, Granny!” she yelled at the door. “Sorry guys, Granny wants to talk! See you later?”
The Sabrewings nodded and said their goodbyes as Webby shut the laptop in sync with Beakley climbing up the ladder.
“Scrooge tells me you were alone for quite some time,” Beakley said as she finished her climb and sat next to Webby on her bed. “How did you fare?”
“It was crazy!” Webby said enthusiastically. “I had hurt my back and mosquitos stung my eye and then suddenly I was alone with who-knows-what lurking around! But I used my quick wits and geographical knowledge to make my way back to the hotel in record time!”
Beakley responded with a few small claps. “I’m very proud of you.”
“It’s too bad I missed the fight, though!”
“Oh?” Now that made more sense. “So Scrooge and Goldie did fight, then?”
“Oh, no, I mean. Sort of, but that’s not what I’m talking about!” Webby proceeded to explain the situation with Ponce de Leon to her grandmother, not leaving out any details of what the boys and Scrooge had told her. 
“Well...I supposed that explains his good mood.” Beakley put a hand against her beak in thought. “I can’t immediately tell what O’Gilt’s angle is, but I don’t trust this. If she tries to talk to you again, don’t give her any information she doesn’t already have.”
“Okay! Oh, and did you know she’s friends with Louie?” Webby added suddenly. “I mean, I guess friends might be a strong word. But they talked for a while and I was really surprised! Scrooge didn’t seem as surprised, but also...not. You know what I mean?”
Beakley let out a long hmmm in response. “...that’s interesting.”
“I was talking to Lena and Violet…” Webby tapped her fingers on her legs. “I don’t trust Goldie any farther than I could throw her, but...I don’t know, she and Scrooge seemed to be really happy together all last night and this morning.”
“And it’s not like you can’t have a good normal relationship even if there was once a lot of lies and betrayal!” Webby started to play with her skirt. “I’m trying to keep an open mind!”
Beakley’s face scrunched up in thought and her eyes widened in realization. “Ah...Dear, if you’re projecting onto this, I can assure you that your relationship with Lena is nothing like that of the infamous McDuck-O’Gilt rivalry.”
“Goldie O’Gilt is proof that some people can never change,” Bentina said forcefully. “And no matter what she says or how she acts or even if she chooses not to steal anything one time, that’s no reason to trust her. She’s going to break Scrooge’s heart again, one way or another.”
“...oh.” Webby frowned and looked down at her knees. “You’re probably right, Granny. Maybe I just...want her to be better.”
“I understand.” Beakley stood up and brushed invisible dust off her skirt. “I do, too. But it’s safer to stay alert than to try and expect anything good from her.”
She nodded. “Uncle Scrooge invited her here.”
“He mentioned as much.”
“But she said no.”
Webby played with her fingers while she spoke. “She said, and I promise I wasn’t eavesdropping! But she told him that ‘meeting the family is too domestic,’ which I think is weird because she’s already met all of us so what difference does it make?”
Beakley wondered why Scrooge seemed so sure that Goldie would be coming over despite her rejection. This was already starting not to bode well. “I need to speak to Scrooge again. Why don’t you go find the boys?”
“Okay!” Webby shouted and did a front flip off her bed, launching down the ladder and heading towards the pool.
Beakley grumbled and followed after, determined to figure out why Scrooge had lied or what was going on. She needed to be prepared if Goldie O’Gilt was coming to visit, and prepared for Scrooge’s inevitably whiny heartbreak. You’d think he’d be used to it after so many years.
She found him in his room, staring at the inside of some ancient-looking box. As soon as he noticed her, he slammed the box shut and tossed it back into the locked desk drawer he came from. Curious as that made her, Beakley didn’t have the energy to comment.
“Goldie said she wasn’t interested in coming here.”
Scrooge flushed and shrugged. “I mean...technically, yes, but you had to see the look in her eyes, Bentina! I know she’s coming.”
“I think you’re likely misinterpreting.”
“I know for a fact she wants to see Della, at least,” Scrooge said with his two pointer fingers up in front of him. “We talked about her for a while and she hasn’t seen her since her return, so…”
“I stand by what I said.”
Scrooge stood up and stretched his limbs. “I understand your negativity, Twenty-Two, but I feel good about this! I feel like -”
Both parties stopped talking and turned to look at the window, which was slowly being opened from the outside. Scrooge smiled brightly and Beakley’s frown deepened.
“Hey, Hun, how about we……..oh.” Goldie hadn’t noticed Beakley at first, and wrinkled her nose as soon as they made eye contact. “Great.”
Before the man of the house could let his lady inside, Beakley stormed to the window and grabbed it. “How about you use the front door like a proper guest!?” She slammed the window shut and Goldie didn’t move for a moment, then smacked the closed window before disappearing again. Beakley made her way to the foyer in angry anticipation.
Scrooge didn’t even know how to react to that and quickly rushed to the window to see what was happening. Goldie had gone back down to the lawn and she looked up to shoot him a quick wink before continuing towards the door. He almost didn’t believe what he was seeing, but hurried after his housekeeper anyway.
The doorbell ringing was a surprise to everyone, and Scrooge was double surprised to see all four kids running towards the front door even after they saw Beakley reach for the handle. Maybe they liked Goldie more than she did. That wouldn’t be saying much at all.
The door opened and Goldie groaned loudly. “Is this what it’s like to wait for someone to let you into a building? It’s awful. Scroogey, don’t make me do that again.”
Beakley rolled her eyes and moved to the side so Goldie could enter, and Scrooge just smiled at her instead of moving to give her a proper hello. She put a hand on her hip and looked at the small army of ducks who’d come to greet her for whatever reason.
“I thought you said you weren’t coming!” Webby said suddenly.
“Yes, well…” Goldie rolled her hand around by her head, trying to think of what to say. “Here I am anyway.”
“Here you are,” Beakley said harshly as she shut the door. “And what’s your plan for this visit, O’Gilt?”
Goldie gave the housekeeper a sultry look. “Oh, Bentina, always so suspicious of me. Scrooge asked me to stop by on my way back to D…”
Everyone leaned forward slightly, looking very interested in the next thing she was going to say. Goldie took note of that.
“...doing my own thing.”
The resounding disappointment was palpable. Clearly no one knew where she currently hung her hat, and Goldie preferred it that way.
“So he did. Apparently you’re here to ‘meet the family,’ but of course,” Beakley walked past Goldie and stood next to her granddaughter. “You already know everyone here.”
Scrooge raised an eyebrow, not sure if he should interrupt or let this play out. Goldie didn’t seem put off at all.
“Are you testing me?” Goldie asked with a smirk. “Of course I know you, Bentina. Or would you rather I call you Twenty-Two?”
Everyone looked up at Beakley, who scowled. “Bentina is fine.”
Goldie took a look at all four kids, who were currently lined up in front of her. Their...names? She knew their names. But that didn’t really matter and she didn’t want them to get too attached.
“Well, obviously I know Sharpie,” she said, motioning to Louie, who just shrugged in response.
Next came the red one. “...based on your clipboard, I’m gonna assume you’re the Smartie.”
“Not technically my name, but observant nonetheless!” Huey tapped his hat with his pencil.
“And you…” She looked at the blue one, who seemed overly excited at her presence and was pumping his knees up and down. “Well I’m not about to call you Toughie when you look like this.”
“You can call me…” Dewey pulled out his phone and pressed a button, playing a short track of loud electronic music. “TURBOOOO!!!” he shouted as he dabbed dramatically and the music ended.
Goldie just stared. “...ah, you’re just a mini-Della, aren’t you?”
Dewey spun around and snapped some finger guns at her. “Compliment received and appreciated! That’s how we Dew it!”
“Right. So. Sharpie, Smartie, Mini-Della.” She pointed to each of them as she spoke. “And lastly we’ve got Old Lady Vanderquack.”
Webby looked up at her grandma and gave a sheepish smile to Beakley’s irritated expression.
“I suppose I can’t very well call you that when the real old lady is right there,” Goldie said with a smirk. “I’ll just call you Pink.”
That elicited a small gasp from the little duck. “You can’t call me that! That’s what Lena calls me!”
“Oh? She’s got a claim on that name?” Goldie crouched down and leaned her arms on her knees (which were feeling much better than the day before, thank God). “Well I’m sure your Uncle has told you that I’m quite the claim jumper.”
Scrooge chuckled at that while Webby just squinted and tapped on her beak. “I guess, in a way, you kind of remind me of Lena.”
“Since I don’t know who that is, I’m going to assume that’s a compliment.”
“It is!” Webby clapped her hands together excitedly. “She’s my-”
“Webbigail,” Beakley interrupted. “Remember what I said about limiting the information you give to thieves?”
“Oh, right!” Webby stood tall and did a motion of zippering her mouth shut.
Goldie smirked and stood back up. “The less I know the better, I suppose.” She looked around the room. “Well I don’t see Donald or Della here, but as far as I know, that covers everyone who lives here, right?”
Beakley rolled her eyes, but couldn’t say anything before Dewey jumped up. “Oh! I bet Mom would be super excited to see you! I’ll go grab her!” He rushed off to the pool.
“What, no fun nicknames for them, too?” Louie said sarcastically. “How boring.”
Goldie crossed her arms. “That’s not something anyone’s ever called me before.”
“First time for everything.”
Huey glanced between Louie and Goldie, sensing an unexpected tension that he didn’t know anything about. Clearly he’d be grilling Louie about it later.
Scrooge sighed and felt a familiar warmth in his chest. All he wanted was for Goldie to be a part of his family, and for the first time...it felt like it might happen. Despite Beakley’s objections, of course. He shuffled over and grabbed one of Goldie’s hands.
“Are you staying long?” he asked hopefully, but trying not to sound too desperate.
She glanced at him and sighed. “No, I don’t think so.” She pulled her hand away from his and placed it against his cheek instead. “Meet the family, you said. Not have dinner with the family or move in with you, right?” She gave him a few little pats.
Scrooge smiled even though he would’ve loved for her to stay longer. “Right. Whatever you’re comfortable with, Dear.”
The little domestic nickname made her heart flutter, and Goldie had to look away from him to avoid blushing. Fortunately, it was at that moment that Dewey was dragging the twins into the foyer behind him.
“What’s so impor-....oh!” Della paused as she looked up, Donald stepping up next to her a moment later.
They both looked at each other and then back at their guest. “Hi Aunt Goldie,” they said in unison.
“Donnie. Fly Girl,” Goldie responded, giving them each a curt nod. “Glad to see you’re both in one piece.”
Della elbowed Donald in the chest. “How come you didn’t tell me this was still a thing?”
He coughed and put a hand over his injured sternum. “I didn’t think you cared?”
“I dunno, I’m kind of mixed on it,” Della said with a shrug. “But I like to stay updated!”
They bickered for a minute and Goldie felt a bit awkward - she didn’t know Donald or Della very well and couldn’t understand a single thing Donald said. She assumed everyone else could understand him perfectly and didn’t want to be the odd one out, so she opted to look back at Scrooge again.
He was staring at her. This whole visit he’d just been staring at her. She did what he asked! She stopped by! She spoke to his whole family! Why did he still look like he wanted something?
Finally he looked away from her, seeing that most of the rest of the family was talking to Della about adventures they knew about involving Goldie. He looked back at her and smiled.
“...Scroogey, just ask me what you want to ask me.” She swiped a hand through her ponytail and sighed. “I’ll die of old age if I’m stuck waiting for you to spit it out.”
He took a deep breath and reached out to grab both of her hands this time.
“I want you...to meet my parents.”
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smilebouquet · 4 years
somewhere to go, someone to love
my secret santa gift (@ducktalessecretsanta2020) for @kvanderquack!! i’m sorry for tagging again after i already sent my gift via dm-
also on ao3!!
For as long as Lena lived (all fifteen years), she’d always been alone. She was born alone on the heights of Mount Vesuvius, from the remnants of her Aunt Magica’s shadow. She travelled to Duckburg alone, with no one to keep her company other than the voices in her head and the harsh whispering of her shadow. She bore the brunt of Magica’s lashings and whining alone, hurt and angry and bitter.
A happy family felt like such a foreign concept to her. Magica was always her one and only kin, the only person who had a connection to her. And she hated every second of it. If having just one aunt was so exhausting, imagine having two aunts. Imagine three. Criticizing your every move. Yelling at you for screwing up. Demanding nothing but obedience and respect and returning none of it. 
Lena didn’t think she would be able to take it. Family just didn’t sound like something she’d like.
That’s what she thought, anyway, until the Sabrewings took her in.
Lena can’t sleep.
Or to be exact, she can’t sleep peacefully. Ever since she came back to the land of the living, she’s been having dreams. Dreams where she found herself running from her. Into the woods, where the screeching of bats rang in the air, and the ground was muddy and made each consecutive step heavy. Or within a mansion suspiciously similar to Scrooge’s, her voice bouncing off the walls and getting closer and closer until they were literally screaming into her ears. She could do nothing but run.
She never dared to look back, but Lena always managed to glimpse her in the corner of her eye. The swish of a velvety black cape. A gloved hand, reaching out to snatch her. A flash of purple magic. 
Lena always manages to wake up before Magica could grab her and do god-knows-what. She would always be grateful for the fact that she awoke easily. But every dream ended in To Be Continued — never The End — and Lena didn’t want to know what The End would look like, because she has the sinking feeling that it won’t be a Happily Ever After.
Tonight is no different. She’s staring up at the ceiling of Violet’s room, letting the muffled snores of her roommate fill the still air. It’s getting increasingly hard to stay awake, and she isn’t sure how much longer she can take it.
Sighing, she rolls out of bed and leaves the room, making sure the door creaked as quietly as possible and that it clicked shut. She heads down the stairs and into the living room. A bookshelf stands in the corner, filled with all sorts of books from encyclopedias to photography books.
Lena instinctively grabs a cookbook (and accidentally knocks off a few more, but she’ll deal with them later) from the second topmost shelf. Yellow sticky notes jut out of the pages, all written on with dark purple ink. Walking into the kitchen adjacent, she flicks on the light, then flips the book open. Vanilla Cake, reads the title in big bold letters, followed by the exact quantity of ingredients needed and the instructions on how to bake one.
This should keep her up until tomorrow.
"...Lena? Shouldn't you be in bed?"
She freezes. Ty is standing at the door, a wooden baseball bat loosely held in his grip. He chucks it aside and steps into the kitchen.
"Hey." She waves half-heartedly with a sheepish smile. "I, uh, couldn't sleep."
"And you're in the kitchen with a cookbook, why?"
Because Aunt Magica haunts my dreams every night and I don’t wanna deal with it anymore?
“...I wanted to do something nice for my friends for once, so I thought baking a cake for our sleepover would be neat?”
Ty’s gaze flickers between Lena and the clock currently showing 12:59. He pinches the area between his eyes. “Lena, it’s late. I think you should go to bed—”
“No!” He flinches. Lena’s eyes widen. “I mean— no, I can’t go to bed until I finish this cake!” she backtracks, her voice cracking. Her heart is pounding. She can't go to sleep, she can't...! “If you help me, I’ll go to bed sooner! Maybe!”
Ty scratches the back of his head. “Well, Indy’s the dad who bakes, not me... but I suppose I can try.”
Relief washes over her. She flashes him a tired smile, handing him a bowl and some measuring cups. “Thanks.”
“We’re back!” 
Indy looks up from the couch. “Welcome back. How was your sleepover?”
“Pleasant,” Violet replies, already halfway up the stairs. “Ate some cake. Played a video game. Saved Lena from getting dragged into a mirror and possibly losing her within a lucid dream to the witch responsible for the shadow war several months ago. The usual.”
“Sounds nice,” Indy remarks. Then did a double take. “Wait, what?”
Ty laughs, following after Violet. “It’s a long story. Took the whole car ride for them to finish telling it.” Indy glares after him, but shrugs and returns to his book.
Lena drops her own bag on the floor and flops onto the couch with a heavy sigh. She could shower or whatever later. Right now she just wanted to rest.
“Long day?” Indy asks, barely moving from his position on the right side of the couch.
“Kinda. I’ve been through worse, though.”
There's a beat of silence.
The unspoken Like what? hangs over her head uncomfortably. Is this the part where she spills her entire life story? Should she play it off as a joke? Would it be wise to pretend she hadn’t said anything? She can feel Indy’s stare on her shoulder, burning like a pair of red-hot lasers—
He either noticed her discomfort, or is really good at reading minds, because he hums quietly and says, “You don’t have to elaborate.”
“...Ah. Right. Okay.” She sits upright, then lets out a short laugh. Her eyes wander over to Indy, who’s still reading his book with a content look on his face. “What is that?”
Indy shows her the book. There’s a bunch of pictures of Violet, Ty and Indy together. “It’s one of the family photo albums,” he explains. “Photography is one of my hobbies.”
Lena grunts in response, then peers at the photos more closely. “Is that Violet in the library?”
“Oh, that’s from the first time we visited the public library together. We had just moved into Duckburg, and wanted to do a little sightseeing. Violet insisted that we check out the library. That girl always did love reading. She gets it from Ty…”
They spend the rest of the hour looking through the photo album together. There’s a surprising amount of photos in this one tiny album, each preserving a special memory that Indy knows by heart and tells Lena about with nothing but fondness. She now knows that Violet used to take ballet classes (and hated it), has won at least two national spelling bees by the age of six, and is part of the Junior Woodchucks.
Photos from before Violet was born are also in it, located near the end of the album. Indy tells Lena that he first met Ty at a college entrance exam. They had entered the building at the same time, and Ty thought it would be neat to strike a conversation with him. They hit it off pretty much immediately, but forgot to ask for each other’s phone numbers before they went their separate ways.
“But you’re married now?!” Lena blurts out, jumping from the cough to point a shaky finger at him. “How?!”
He chuckles. “We met again at a supermarket several months later, I believe, reaching for the same can of beans. Ty’s first words to me ever since were ‘Holy shit, you like beans, too?!’ This time we remembered to exchange contact information, and here we are ten years later.”
“I— Wow.” Lena sits back down. “Some luck you have.”
“I wouldn’t call it luck,” he admits. His fingers gently caressing the old photo of them. “I like to think of it as fate. If we’re meant to be together, life will find a way to get us together.”
(Lena thinks about Webby.
She thinks about their “chance” meeting at the amphitheater.
She thinks about how she almost lost Webby by sacrificing herself to protect her.
She thinks about how lucky she had been that Violet was there in the library that day, reading a nerdy old book.
She inwardly decides that Indy is probably right.)
Once they reach the end of the album, Indy moves to close it. The corners of several photographs stick out from the side. Lena blinks.
“And those are?”
He looks down. “Oh.” Tucking them back in, he replies, “Those are some of the newer photographs. Haven’t gotten a new album for them yet, so I keep them here for the time being.” His fingers drum on the hard cover. “Come to think of it, I don't have any pictures with you yet. We’ll need to remedy that.”
“Hm, why?”
“You’re family, after all. I think you deserve a spot in the photo album.”
Family. She’s family. The thought of it makes her heart flutter.
It takes her a minute to realize Indy stopped talking, and is looking at her with the slightest hint of hesitation in his expression.
She beams at him. “That would be nice. You should get a new album first, though.” As if on cue, a photograph falls out. She picks up. “Hey, what about this one?” Indy lights up, and starts going into a tangent about the one time they lost Violet at Duckburg’s largest department store. As he does, she zones out for a bit, testing the name.
‘Lena Sabrewing’, huh…  She can feel her smile widening.  Sounds way cooler than Lena de Spell.
This is terrible, Lena concludes.
They’re on the way to the Junior Woodchuck Campgrounds for Violet’s upcoming graduation. She’s a little hazy on the details, but she does know that each year only one senior junior woodchuck can become a senior woodchuck (“That’s dumb! Why can’t you all just become senior woodchucks?!” “Don’t question it, Lena.”), they decide who graduates with some sort of obstacle course, and Violet’s opponent this year is likely going to be Huey.
Lena also knows that the campgrounds are located waaaay out on some island in the middle of nowhere, and if she sees another “NOW LEAVING DUCKBURG” sign she’s going to lose it. She lets out a groan as she slides farther down her seat, watching the pine trees blur into a strip of green on the landscape. “Hey, Vi, how much longer ‘til we’re there?”
No answer.
Again, no answer. Lena knows that Violet has a tendency to be quiet during car rides, preferring to admire the scenery as they drive, but Violet should’ve at least spared her a grunt at this point.
She decides to turn and look at her. Violet is staring at her lap, perfectly still. Her fists are clenched so tightly she can see the white knuckles beneath her purple feathers, and they’re trembling.
“Vi, what’s wrong...?” Lena begins to ask, and then immediately Indy’s voice from before echoes in her head.
“Third time’s the charm, right Vi?”
The gears click into place. Oh.
She inches closer to Violet’s side — as much as she can with her seatbelt on, anyway — and reaches out to place a comforting hand over Violet’s. The hummingbird looks up.
“Hey,” Lena says, “you’ll be okay. You’re the best nerd I’ve ever know. What’s Huey got, his stupid guidebook? You’ve got this.”
“Actually, the Junior Woodchuck Wilderness Challenge prohibits use of the guidebook,” Violet corrects, then sighs. “Sorry. I know you’re trying to comfort me, but I…” She trails off. “I know failing is natural, but it still terrifies me every single time.”
Indy, from the passenger seat, pipes up, “Violet, you know that just being willing to go back and try again is… really brave, right? Yeah, failure is inevitable, and very terrifying, but not a lot of people are able to bounce back from it like you do.”
“What Indy said.” Ty peers at them from the rearview mirror and gives them a thumbs up. “We love you no matter what, and I bet you’re gonna crush the competition this year.”
“Yeah! What they said! You’re Violet Sabrewing. You brought me back from the Shadow Realm. If you can do that, you can do anything!”
Violet stares at her for a moment, then Indy, then Ty. Her eyes are glassy. She opens her fist to hold Lena’s hand and squeezes it weakly.
“Thanks,” she whispers, with a smile that doesn’t exactly reach her eyes.
...At least she’s smiling a little. Lena frowns, but gets an idea. She leans forward to ask Ty, “By the way, how long until we get there?”
“Five hours, I think,” Indy answers.
“FIVE HOURS?!” She can feel a vein pop in her head. Five hours. Five. Hours. It feels like she’s been in this stinkin’ car for decades already. Well, no matter.
She turns to Violet. “Alright, since we’re basically stuck here, why don’t I teach you how to smacktalk?”
Violet raises an eyebrow, clearly unamused. “Is that really necessary? Also, I doubt Hubert would appreciate—”
“Of course it is! And of course he won’t. You can’t have a healthy rivalry without a little back and forth! Where’s the fun in that?! Now, the key to good smacktalk is...”
She spends the rest of the ride lecturing Violet on the essentials of smacktalk (read: making most of it up as she went). As they drove, Violet’s shoulders began to relax and she allowed herself to laugh more, and Lena felt more at ease than she had in a while.
Lena wakes up with a gasp. Frantically, she feels around. Her arms are intact. Her legs are still here. Nothing hurts. Phantom Blot isn’t here. Okay. It was just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream.
“Vi?” Lena calls, but it sounds more like a choked sob. She’s suddenly acutely aware of the tears messing up her feathers and her pounding heart.
Violet sits up. “Another nightmare?” she asks, her voice quiet. Lena nods. She gets up from bed and leaves the room. Lena sits in the darkness, her hands gripping her knees tightly. Breathe in, breathe out.
Violet returns with a tall glass of water and hands it to her. Lena takes it and brings the glass to her beak. The water is cool and soothing.
“They’ve become increasingly frequent. Shouldn’t we talk to our fathers about this?”
“No,” Lena says immediately, finishing her glass and setting it on the night table with shaky hands. “I don’t want them to get worried.” 
Violet gives her a glare that pierces even in the dark, then sighs.
“Very well.”
✿ — ✿ — ✿
On Christmas Day, Lena wakes up to Violet dumping a bucket of cold water over her.
“Merry Christmas.”
“Ack—! Violet, what the hell?!”
“Apologies,” Violet says, her tone betraying her words. She’s already dressed in a plain cream turtleneck. “You wouldn’t wake up no matter what I did.” She tugs at her sleeve. “Now, come. Fathers are already in the living room. You were literally the last to awaken.” Without waiting for a response, she drags her out of the room and down the stairs.
The living room feels… warmer than usual. There are string lights, giving out a gentle multicoloured glow, both around the Christmas Tree and hung up along the walls. Someone took the time to hang a wreath on every door in the house, each covered in mini ornaments and topped with a red bow. The bright orange fire in the fireplace is crackling.
Ty and Indy are already waiting, wearing matching Christmas sweaters. “Merry Christmas!” they greet, pulling the two girls into a hug. 
“Merry Christmas,” Lena says back before pulling away. The cheeriness of the season was beginning to catch up to her. “So! What do we do first?”
“Well, the presents are under the tree but maybe eat breakfast first—”
Lena was gone the moment Ty said ‘presents’. She rushes to the tree and begins checking the tags for her name. Not that there are that many presents to check. Violet follows soon after with a much calmer demeanor.
She ends up with a limited edition of The FeatherWeights’ newest album from Ty and Indy (“How did you know they’re my favourite band?!” “Your shirt is all we needed to clue us in.”) and an exact replica of the Caw-nverse shoes she loves wearing. Violet receives two books — an encyclopedia the thickness of one and a half dictionaries about magic and a thinner book called Tales of the Peculiar.
She’s ready to head off to the dining table to eat when Violet stops her. 
“Wait.” She pulls out a neatly wrapped present from her pocket and holds it out to Lena. “Here.”
“Wh— But I didn’t get you anything!”
“It’s okay.” Violet shoves the present into her hands. “Just take it.” Lena peers at her suspiciously before tearing the wrapping paper clean off and opening the box.
A dreamcatcher. The hoop used is a nice beige, and a flower-like design had been woven within it with colourful threads. White feathers suspended from twine, with beads adorning the strands at intervals, are attached to the hoop. Lena dangles the dreamcatcher above the box and looks at Violet questioningly.
“It may not be as beneficial as actual therapy since I couldn’t infuse it with any magic, but it should help keep the bad dreams at bay,” Violet explains. “Probably. I made it myself so it might not work.”
Lena stares at the dreamcatcher again. Upon closer inspection, the feathers and beads appear to be glued to the twine, and the twine was wound imperfectly around the base of the hoop. The flower design is also uneven, having slightly larger ‘petals’ on one side. She feels herself tear up. “Violet. This is the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for me.”
“I can’t believe saving you from roaming in the shadow realm for all of eternity isn’t the sweetest thing I've ever done for you,” Violet replies, completely deadpan. But the corners of her beak are twitching upwards.
“You wanted to summon evil spirits! I was a byproduct. It doesn’t count,” Lena jokes, putting the dreamcatcher away. She envelopes her in a crushing hug. “Thank you.” Her voice is wobbling. “This is just— It must’ve taken ages. Now I feel even worse for not getting you anything.”
Violet hugs her back just as tightly. “You’re welcome. Just make sure you get me my own personal library next year.”
As if your room isn’t filled with enough books as is, Lena thinks, but she can’t help but laugh.
Ty clears his throat. “This is great, but it’s already nine and you girls haven’t even had breakfast yet, so chop chop! We’ve got a whole day ahead of us.”
(They end up at the ice rink, where Lena learns that she’s actually terrible at ice skating. Violet offers to teach her like the Samaritan she is, but doesn’t hesitate to throw jabs at her incompetence. Fortunately, she’s not the only one who’s suffering, if Indy’s screaming and Ty’s guffawing are any indications.)
In the first fifteen years of her life, Lena had been alone with no one to turn to. Being part of a happy family felt like something out of a movie or fairy tale. Happiness seemed like an unreachable dream.
But within two years, she found a best friend in Webby, a sister in Violet, and two dads in Ty and Indy. She found a family to call her own, one that loved her and made her feel good about herself. She was finally content.
The dreamcatcher and family photo hanging above her bed would need to be pried from her cold, dead hands.
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moonstone27ls · 4 years
Ducktales finale spoilers
You’ve been warneddddddddd
Warning you againnnn
Sooo Ducktales will be ending soon my thoughts? Not as sad as when compared to Rise of the TMNT, Venture Bros, Brooklyn 99 (though it had a good run considering), Drunk History, Dark Crystal Age of Resistance. Though there are rumors Darkwing Duck is gonna be rebooted.... uhh maybe excited? I'd say maybe becauseeeee again its on a streaming service... and no for anyone's future question don't have Disney+ and have no intention of getting it why? Cause I'm broke/on a budget and I can't buy every stupid streaming service for the sake of a few shows.
But I'm getting off topic the show in general... sorta sad but sorta not. I'll be honest some eps of Ducktales in the last season didn't fit well with me. Some felt uhh very cliche/or readable, some felt kid dumb (but its a kids show so you're gonna get a few of those more than once), some felt like they were uhh if I had to compare like when you'd watch Adventure Time and you'd be "WTF was that one for". I wouldn't say dark you're just "that one felt random". Sometimes thats not bad but heh depends on the taste.
There are a few things disappointed we didn't get to see one Donald & Della's ACTUAL parents interacting with their children, GRANDCHILDREN. Don't get me wrong their interactions with Scrooge was nice but we barely got one ep with family that WASN'T him. You'd think given what dangerous work they were involved with we'd see a flashback or actual talk of their parents talking to them. Especially with Della being a single mother oO. Kinda feel it slightly unrealistic that they'd just sit and do nothing (and no there's no sign they're dead so they should be around) when their daughter disappeared into space. I mean maybe it'd been nice to see a few eps of past Donald getting advice from his mother Hortense how to raise the triplets. Heck would have like to see Hortense & Matilda's relationship.
Second the triplets father would had been nice oO. Yes he does have a father. All these fan ships but no one actually wondering "hey who's the boys father?".
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  Third would had been nice to see more of Violet's family life. I mean whats the point of giving her "dads" if they never have a role beyond background character. Heck would had been nice to see a day of Violet and Lena's life with their fathers. Yes probably to the viewers it probably would had been boring but whatever 8B.
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Four uhh I dunno explore space more? Maybe actually see some of Moon's home. I'll be honest that episode of "Moonlander on Earth" ep always bugged me. While I could believe some of the moon aliens wanted to stay on earth. I'm not convinced an entire planet thought Earth was so amazing they'd just stay there forever. People are fickle things, I can believe some wanted to stay like a vacation. But I feel at some point some, like Penny wanted to just go home. And I always found it... disturbing that no one attempted to really listen (no I don't count Webby cause that was written more of an experience lesson than "oh I miss home"). I mean the McDucks have all the money in the world, thats how Scrooge spent almost all his fortune finding Della. I'm just not convinced Scrooge and them thought "Hey we got extra rockets if they wanna go home we'll let them". No it was "oh they'll never get home, lets not bothering asking or giving them those extra resources. I think the show MISSED a good opportunity to let Penny go home (as well as others). And since Fenton or Gyro are often considered so smart they couldn't make a special teleport device JUST for them or ways to keep communicating with the moon. Thus meaning they could have explored space. And while some might argue "yes we needed Penny for the finale" (minor spoiler). She didn't DO anything she and Goldie were mostly used for cameo purposes. Sooo wasted use there.
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Hmm anything else....  would have LIKED to seen more eps with Gandra/Fenton but hey if that Darkwing Duck spinoff is a thing maybeeee Gizmoduck will make special appearances and Gandra/Fenton can double date with Morgana & Drake(yes I wanted her to make an appearance I liked her goth look). Uhhh I don't think we ever got a Selene & Della interaction. (So far no eps were really... well friendship stuff. I mean I got a small fraction (if that) with Gods on the Block ep but it was near the literal END)
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Also wish we could had more from the old show cameos Kit/Molly, Rescue Rangers, Goofy... pft plus I'll be honest before the show ended would had loved an actual cameo of Goofy, Mickey & Donald just alll together. Pfttt omg I would had loved a Max & Roxanne cameo date/wedding (yes I shipped them).  Haha more interactions would had been fun. And while I enjoyed the Talespin sorta crossover... could had more (and yes sorta ship Kit/Della. heh sorta more of a crackship haha). And lets be honest that Molly cameo was wasted potential. I mean would had been cool to see Baloo & Becky. Though I understand to a degree why we didn't. At least with Baloo.  But ahh well what can you do.
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  And same with Daisy and Donald buttttt gonna take some of the finale as something. I'm just gonna say it left enough for my imagination to think "they're having a happily ever after soon". Uhh another minor spoiler with Ludwig revealed not to be dead (which I'm glad)... just disappointed he wasn't in the credits or given more interactions with Scrooge. Yeah I know they weren't BEST friends or anything but I dunno I do associate them as friends.
Anything else... uhhh would had been nice to see more of Boyd and Doofus family moments too. I mean I dunno consideringgggg that life probably was better for Doofus' parents now that they had an ACTUAL loving child. Be nice to have seen more scenes. I mean heck that last ep with Doofus... uhh jumping? I assume it meant Doofus had closure and accepted his fate? So I dunno would had been good to see him and Boyd bond more. Heck I'd like to have seen his parents' telling Gyro in finale (yes minor spoiler) take care of "our" son.
Nowww onto the finale gonna put spoilers soo warning here.... as for the finale it was... good. I'm not gonna say "Oh it was the best everrrrrrrr". Nah it was pretty good given their budget or whatever. Yeah some felt rushed and all those cameos while I appreciate the thought felt wasted potential. I mean I get why budget/timing etc. Just saying you know could had some Goldie/Scrooge moments, more Lena & Violet, Webby friendship stuff. I mean heck when they were all "released" (and judging by that cube system) there was a lot we don't really see where they go or how the Ducktales group got everyone where they originally belonged.
What did I think of Webby's so called surprise... uhh mixed. Bigger picture wise kinda explained that need to be so clingy. To a degree I sorta agree with the split fans I like it and I don't like it. But I get it the writers NEEDED something for shock value cause lets face it they ran everything else. I say a part of me didn't like it cause I was kinda hoping this version would show us Webby's real parents. And I'm not fully convinced that photo was just a fake or some random relatives Beakley took to shut her up. 
I think she sounded genuine when she said "I missed a lot". I admit when the whole "oh she's made from FOWL" was becoming obvious. I thought Beakley was subtly hinting that her daughter made Webby. I dunno could see that happening seeing that this whole ep was hinting at adults who did NOT think of their actions effects (yeap Scrooge, Della's choice to go on that rocket, Bradford's granny traumatizing the dummy), I thought "Ohh sooo she felt neglect and rebelled or fell for the enemy". But anyways yeah I still think Beakley probably DID have a daughter. Where is she? I dunno, thats kinda the whole point. Either she died or like Donald did with Scrooge, broke away from her family. I really believe whatever the reason, her daughter's gone from her life and Beakley deeply regrets she wasn't a more attentive mother. She probably to a degree saw Webby as her second chance to do better by her.
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Hmmm lets see anything else.... as dark as it was with what Bradford did... not really shocked. And while he was obviously a villain I think his background did prove a point. But I could be thinking of Dean Venture and Dr Venture's childhood. Not every kid is built or for that matter wants an adventure life. Bradford was a product of his well intentional but neglectful family. Had the triplets or Donald not wanted this life that could had been them. Thankfully it wasn't 8B.
I admit the part with the villians at the end was quiet surprising. Not because they turned him into a bird pft. But because technically they saved Scrooge but heh I get it, chalk it up to either "they don't like to be used" or "Bradford was so terrible he was beneath even their level". Just somewhat made me wish Magica could have found Poe or something (I liked his design and voice actor). 
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 And super glad we didn't really lose a lot of villains. I dunno I wanted Phantom Blot & Pepper to escape, fight another day stuff. And I kinda think to a degree thats why we saw that dumbed-down clone of Bradford. He's gone but that clone could get "smarted" up to stir more trouble 8B. Maybe I dunno.
Heh but all in all I enjoyed this finale. Its was wayyyy better than Star and Tangled's finale, no flippin' drama :P. I mean I suppose you could call Donald & Daisy leaving drama? but no not really cause literally none of this bothered me. The credits kinda gave me that nostalgia of how this show got so much attention. So while it was rushed maybe and it had its flaws. All in all it kept up with the heart. Soo I enjoyed the credits a lot good way to say goodbye
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(just putting that gif there cause I liked it 8B)
Anything else....KEITH FREAKING DAVID, another reason to give this finale a point best flipping part I’m just sad I have no gif to use XD
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saokpe · 4 years
HDLW Sibling Week 2020 - Day 3: Family Photo
I’m having a whole lot of fun writing these HDLW Week fics and this might be my favorite so far! 
Photo Preparations
The morning in the mansion dragged long. An overjoyed Webbigail waits in jittery excitement as, from just around the corner, enters three unusually dressed identical triplets. Their faces burrowed in clear annoyance, all stretching horribly in the costumes discomfort. Expressions Webby could not dare emulate, instead she wore an elongated smile and beaming stare. 
Before they reach the living room sofa that the excitable Webby waited by, Huey complains, “I love him, but Donald really does pick THE WORST clothes for these family photos.” The duck, absent of his usual red cap, signals to his combed and meticulously designed outfit. A thick red vest, stray pieces of thread fuzzing over the also red undershirt he begrudgingly wore. Oh, and it was all covered in polka dots, from head to toe. Not a spot was left without a spot, it was anything but attention grabbing, multicolored polka dots in a bright red background, beautiful.
“MY question is: why do we need to take a sibling only photos in ADDITION to the family photo, the parents photo, the uncles photos, the rich uncles photo, which is literally just Gladstone and Scrooge, and the ‘anyone else we have passing knowledge of’ photo! I would think the last one would tick all the previous boxes.” Louie, whose loose shoulders wore the bear of a t-shirt anyone would doubt he would like immortalized. The shirt, a couple of sizes over his body type, obnoxiously said, in outdated impact font, “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right!” The utter void of any type of enthusiasm echoed in his sunken eyes.
“Well I want to know why this sweater is so ITCHY!” Dewey forces himself ahead, unaware of the couch he crashed into as he vigorously scratches his body, rolling across the sofa while struggling to fight the liberally designed blue sweater. “AND WHY DOES IT SMELL SO WEIRD!”
As their sequence of whining comes to a still begrudged end, their uninspired trek halting as they reach the only ray of enthusiasm in the room, i.e. Webby, she tosses her opinion into the frey. ”I think you all look great, your photo is gonna be amazing!” She exclaims.
“Wait.” Louie approaches Webby, her body bolting backwards as the distance closes. “Why are you wearing your normal clothes? Did Uncle Donald let you wear anything you wanted!?” Disbelief and shock rings in his angered assessment.
“Oh, no-” Webby attempts to excuse herself before being interrupted by Dewey, who still drags his nails violently over the obnoxious sweater, adds:
“Really!? Lucky!” The boy stumbles over his contorted feet, falling face first to the room’s rug, not stopping the erratic fight he had with his clothing.
“No, no, no, no, guys-” The girl waves her hand over the accusive triplets, chuckling as she explains, “This is the sibling photo, I’m not in this one.” She continues the giggle.
Little response leaves the triplets as Webby’s forced laugh permeates. Dewey, who halts his pursuit of comfort and stands beside his brothers, Huey, and Louie stare oddly at the girl. The deafening silence of their looks complimented by a perfectly synchronized eyebrow raise. Eventually, despite her lacking social skills, Webby reads the room, thinning out her somewhat sad laughter and replacing it with awkward eye contact with the boys. It takes a second for the fourway gaze to break, the embarrassingly dressed kids turning to each other before, simultaneously, speaking out:
“That doesn’t sound right.”
“Yeah, Webbs goes in the sibling photo with us, I’m pretty sure.”
“Us four, and Mom and Uncle Donald.”
“Uhh-” Webbigail, somewhat paralyzed from the overheard mumbles of her family, tries to intrude. Unfortunately the attempt is foiled when they turn their bodies back to the stunned sister. 
“You probably just didn’t see your clothes, I asked Donald to let mom pick it out for you so-” Huey begins before getting intersected by Louie.
“Actually, Huey asked me to convince uncle Donald, he was real adamant about the outfit he picked out for you until I persuaded him otherwise. No need to thank me, unless you want to, in which case, who am I to refuse?” He smugly assures. 
Huey pushes the scheming brother aside before finishing, “-point is, you’ll probably look a bit better than us…. Maybe.”
“Uhhhh-” Webby didn’t dare move as her brothers explained the situation, her mouth agape and droning. Her mind ran, every fiber of her brain overthinking the words the conversation brought. She probably liked to believe herself a sister to the triplets, but that wasn’t written down in the family tree, it can’t be the case. Right? I mean, she would’ve known and added it by now. Wouldn’t she?
Salted tears begin to well, the stray droplet splashing over the shaky smile her body forced over her. The emotive response doesn’t go unnoticed, Dewey returning to his feet after a valiant round against his sweater.
“You okay Webby?” Genuine concern oozes over the duck’s equally concerned tone of voice.
Louie and Huey, who discussed the clothing situation they still suffered, are the next to take notice.
“Whoa, are you alright? What’s the matter- Oh.” Huey stops himself, his expression souring in embarrassment as he continues, “Did you want to wear what Donald got you instead? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to exclude you I just-”
“Way to go dude!” Louie lightly shoves his older brother.
“You were the one to convince him! I feel like there's equal blame here.” He attempts to retort.
“Cause you told me! If I knew that Webbs wouldn’t-”
“No! No! No!” A stray laugh escapes the overwhelmed Webby, her arms rubbing across her eyes, drying them. “That’s not it, I just-” She contemplates her answer a little longer. Her thoughts prove blank, another chuckle preceding a larger hug. Her arms drag the triplets together before wrapping them tightly, abnormally tight for some her size. “Thank you.” She whispers between them.
Lungs crushed, the triplets are able to spew out:
“No problem?”
“You're welcome.”
“This somehow makes this sweater itch MORE.”
The embrace parts, leaving those squeezed out of breath and aching. But before any complaint can be filed, their sister runs off. From the distance she screams. “I’ll be back in a second, wait for me.”
“Alright!” Huey screams back.
Silence continues as the remaining group, Dewey while scratching the living hell out of his now burning torso, look ahead to the dashing Webby. 
“That was weird.” Louie finally breaks the silence.
“We’ve got a weird sister.” Huey responds.
A second moment of silence, occupied only by Dewey’s struggling grunts, returns.
“Dewey! NO!”
The following pictures were deemed unusable by Donald as Dewey refused to put his, by then, burnt and torn sweater. Webby still keeps them in her room, though, the blurred lines of action and chaotic composition struck a chord with her. A good representation of their relationship as siblings, she thinks.
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
alrighty, review time!
Do you think Donald wrote the song? He did write a song when he was younger and the lyrics fit him best
I love that Donald is the sane man of the Caballeros
Why did you choose the bathroom? That’s really weird and kind of perverted
I love the picture of a rubber ducky in a top hat on the wall
Just how big is that bathtub? Four grown men were able to fit in it at the same time
Never mess with a man who has a demon-ghost butler
“That’s the FOURTH rich guy’s bathroom we’ve been kicked out of.” I...I would like to know about the other three. And again, WHY THE BATHROOM?!
“We just need someone to listen to us!” Donald giving us the theme/moral of the episode
Was Louie just waiting out there?
Louie looks like a drug dealer. He also looks a bit like the reboot version of himself from that poster in Quack Pack
“And you’re willing to do whatever I say, at any cost whatsoever?” “Well, not any...” “QUIET, DONALD!” Guys, you should listen to Donald, he knows Louie better than you
Poor Donald, the only sane man here
I love the stickers on Louie’s laptop. I wonder if he actually knows how to hack
I love the stupid “it” trends. Hats-Hats and Invisible Piercings, what will they think of next
Of course Dewey would keep up with an IT list. He actually cares about his image/how his peers view him
The lead singer of the Feather Weights looks like a punk girl version of Drake. I’m gonna go with them being related somehow. Or they used to date. Or they go to the same hair stylist. THEY ARE TIED TOGETHER SOMEHOW
Yo-yo tricks were more of a 2000s thing, Dewey (seriously though, does anyone else remember when yo-yos were SUPER POPULAR for some reason?)
Panchito is so ridiculously EXTRA and I LOVE HIM
“These are my people.” Oh sweet Dewford, they wish they were on your level
“Internet fame-the most important fame of all” Well it’s the most achievable
And then Dewey just rolls off screen
“If only someone had a super-elaborate scheme to get in...KA-BOOM!” Dewey’s not the only showman in the family
This show LOVES some big boards
Why/when did Louie plan all of this? I mean he did want the Caballeros to make him their manager so he could get a cut, but why?
Already you can see that Louie’s pride is gonna get in the way
Again, Donald is being the responsible one
I love their signatures. Panchito’s is like a 12 year old girl’s, José’s is curvy, and Donald’s is the least showy. And I love that Panchito thought “Don” was enough lol. He is close to Launchpad levels of ditziness
The pictures Louie uses on his board are GREAT! I love fridge-raiding Panchito
Agent Dewey-License to Chill. Dewey, that was two episodes ago
“I have a very special job for you.” “Oh-ho ho-ho, special.”
Luis P Canard. Is that a false identity Louie already had or did he make it up for the party? Or is there an actual Luis P Canard?
Huey looks SO CUTE! Though he should have known something was up when Louie asked him to forge a signature. Do you think Huey has forged other documents with or without knowing it?
Louie looks good with that black “lipstick”
“Welcome to the scheme.” “What scheme?” “Nothing.” “TELL NO ONE.”
Gyro Gearloose-Kid inventor. Does that mean he was a child prodigy or that he LITERALLY invents kids? Or both? The possible clone’s tube had K.I.D. on it. I bet this will be explored more, probably next episode
I love how they all stare at the earpieces when Gyro says the DEFINITELY won’t explode 
I love that the lion statues have sunglasses and there’s a statue of a ballerina hippo from Fantasia
How do ducks whistle if they don’t have lips?
Daisy-smiles, Donald-I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
I love Daisy’s fake laugh
With both of them in tuxes you can really see that Dewey and Louie have different body types. Louie has broader shoulders.
“I’M GONNA DANCE DOWN THE RED CARPET.” No Dewey, that’s for the after party
It’s the PEP guy! I feel like he’s gonna become a villain with how much he’s been embarrassed (and he already LOOKS like a cheesy superhero show villain)
Dewey has made a LOT of enemies
“New plan-Dewey is NOT going to the party!” DAMN, THAT’S COLD
“This is the Dewey-est party in town!”
“Oh, WHY was I cursed to be so FLASHY and UNFORGETTABLE?!” I love my dramatic son
Why did the Caballeros have to switch hats?
Ok, real talk? That party looks boring as fuck 
I like that there’s sweat when Dewey pulls off his helmet. It’s the little details
“Everyone listens to my plan.” Dewey looks PISSED
“The plan to wow Glamour with our haunting melodies.” Panchito is Drake/DW if he was a Latin Lover. THEY NEED TO MEET. IT WOULD BE HAMMY AND GLORIOUS
“You mean our SICK dance beats!”
Donald is like “girls, girls, you’re BOTH pretty”
But seriously, they need to decide what direction they want to go with their sound
Donald is ALWAYS the voice of reason (except in The Town Where Everyone Was Nice, he got a bit caught up in that lie)
“I will charm my way on stage with my golden voice.” #youtried
That smirk José gives him, beautiful
“Easy, grownups.” YOU JUST GOT DISSED BY A 10 YEAR OLD!
“So I’ll dazzly Daisy with my hip, cool yo-yo tricks.” I would have liked to see how that played out
Does Louie have some kind of dirt on Jane? Why does she keep helping him out? Why does she call him “Mr. Duck?”
Glamour is a BITCH. And it seems like Daisy might share the same luck as Donald and Della
Donald was posing all cool
Why send Donald in to do the most important part of the plan? At least have someone with him. Louie should have gone with him so Donald could distract Daisy and Louie could use his pickpocket skills to get the pass. Louie did not account for the variables
“Ooooh PHOOEY.” I love that all of the Duck family say Donald’s catchphrase
I love Louie’s other distraction ideas-explosion, food poisoning, SET FREE A WILD MONGOOSE, ghosts, ANOTHER explosion 
I’m pretty sure Donald got a boner when he saw Daisy DESTROY that vase (I also found it hot). He was scaroused
OUCH. That HAD to have hurt/broken SOMETHING
How did Louie get that picture of Webby? Hell, how was that pic taken in the first place?
“WHEEEEEEE” Webby knows what’s up
“MY FAULT! It’s...your bag.” Oh Donald
“My band is sorta...crashing the party.” DONALD YOU ARE TOO CUTE
The yo-yo just rolls away
Louie, you hurt Dewey’s feelings! Also, your plans are pretty ridiculous too, including the one you are currently trying to pull off. There had to be a better idea than a harpy
“I don’t want to be at Funzo’s forever.” “Why not?” Oh Webby, so innocent to the horrors of minimum wage jobs. Also it’s nice to see Webby being able to have an ordinary conversation with someone
It’s equal parts cute and sad how long Dewey takes to count
Manny is 0 for 2 when it comes to being the muscle (I’m counting him vs Mega-Beaks as well)
“That was odd.” You have no idea
Donald sees Daisy as the GODDESS she is. GET YOU A MAN LIKE DONALD
I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE WANTED TO BE A FASHION DESIGNER! It was like the only guess I got right so let me have this
“Nobody listens to me either.” Awww
“They don’t understand me.” AWWW
“Well that’s weird, I understand you perfectly.” MY HEART!!!
I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH! And when it changes into how Daisy hears him...chef’s kisses. It reminded me of Remember Me from Coco and I Love You Too Much from Book of Life
Real talk-the song really got me. I feel a lot like Donald. A lot of times it feels like no one is listening or understands me because my thought process is a bit different. Or they can understand but they don’t care, like how Daisy feels. When Donald sings for her, I teared up because I want to be comfortable enough with someone to let down my guard like that. Music is a big part of who I am so I would love if someone sang for me even if they don’t have the “perfect” voice. I want someone to feel comfortable enough with me to let down their guard and be real
Daisy is a woman of ACTION
Do you think she’s been stuck in that elevator before?
“My kids!” “Wait, you have kids?” Whenever Donald calls them his kids I gain 5 years to my lifespan. I can’t wait for Daisy to officially meet the kids
“Oh no, not again!” Starting to rethink your life-choices aren’t ya?
I love Mark. He’s so stupid and out of touch with the real world
“Oh Gravesy! Long time, no crime.” GRAVEBEAK LIVES ON!
I love Mark’s hoverboard crashing and catching fire in the background. And then it chases Slash
Haha, Mark’s name is Markus. What a dewb
I was rooting for rich lesbian aunt, but mom works too
Graves is SO DONE with these people
Dewey is all of us
Poor Louie. His self confidence is the most fragile of the kids
THEY’RE HOLDING HANDS! And Mark seemed into it ;)
“I want to look away but I can’t” CALLING IT NOW, THIS LINE’S GONNA BE A MEME
I want Dewey’s yo-yo skills to be a reoccurring thing
That’s one of the things he has in common with his uncle-being a performer even if they aren’t the best at it
Louie’s face as he sneaks away is great
“The failure of it is ridiculous...and BEAUTIFUL!” Gonna use that to describe myself from now on
Daisy, maybe you should let the man get rid of them
I like the “totally not Pirates of the Caribbean” music that accompanies José when he’s fighting
“Nice singing.” “Nice moves.” NOW KISS
“Oo, nice dagger.” Webby, not the time for that
There is NO WAY that the scene with Gabby and Webby isn’t foreshadowing SOMETHING
“I gotta get out of Duckburg.” Jane starts a GoFundMe page to get out of Duckburg when she gets home
It was then Donald realized that he had met his future wife
It was then Daisy realized she had met her future husband
“LOVE YOUR BLOG” Who knew Manny kept on on the latest trends
Glamour probably realized those fuckers were crazy so she should back off
Manny is one suave motherfucker
Glamour playing with the yo-yo while Mark acts like a spoiled brat
“Our brotherhood is the greatest scheme of all!” SO FUCKING WHOLESOME! MORE LOUIE AND DEWEY PLOTS
“HEY, YOU’RE MESSING WITH MY MOJO!” Don’t be a hater, Manny!
“I could listen to it all night.” DAAAAAWWWWWWW
GAAAAAAHHHHH THIS EPISODE WAS SO GOOD! I love that there was a common theme of feeling like you aren’t being heard. Daisy felt like she was too unimportant to be listened to, Louie doesn’t listen to Dewey because he feels like Dewey isn’t serious enough, and NO ONE listens to Donald because his voice is hard to understand. In the end they all get heard, with Donald and Daisy getting the bonus of finding someone who understands them. The two of them really are relationship goals. I cannot WAIT for more wholesome Donisy content. This one bumped Quack Pack down from my favorite so far.
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drummergirl231-2 · 5 years
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^I’m sad my phone gave the picture this weird cold discoloration, but oh well. So after my post analyzing whether or not Della may be suffering from PTSD, @icantescapethefandomlife and @turtleduckdog and I started talking back and forth in the comments, and we are in agreement Della getting a service doggo would pretty much be the best.
We all love the idea of it being a golden lab, too. I mean how can you not love golden lab puppies? They’re SO cute, and they’re great service dogs. turtleduckdog brought up the breed first, and I’d already been thinking of it, and icantescapethefandomlife agreed it’d be adorable.
I love the idea of it being a three-legged dog so she can match Della, but I had to do a little research on whether or not tripod puppers are up to the task of being service dogs. From my research, I’ve concluded that if Della’s struggle were one of mobility, getting a dog with the same disability would not be ideal. If Della needed to physically lean on a dog or have the dog bring her things or perform other physical tasks all day, a four-legged dog would be the way to go. Since, however, Della gets around really well and her main struggle would be PTSD, a tripod doggo would be more than up to the tasks of waking her from nightmares, bringing her out of flashbacks, calming her down when she’s anxious, or cheering her up when she’s down. I’m not 100% sure how a tripod dog would handle adventures, but for the most part, dogs adapt to missing a back leg really well.
Update: I didn’t even realize when I drew and colored this, but the awareness color for PTSD is kind of a teal/aqua blue and while you can’t totally tell by the way the colors turned out in this picture, that’s the color of the collar I gave the puppy. I probably should have colored it a little darker so it shows up better.
As for how Della gets her pup, we’ve come up with a few ideas. 
icantescapethefandomlife was thinking it’d be interesting to see an episode where Della gets the dog but is kinda mad about it at first, thinking maybe the dog would hold her back on adventures, but slowly she’d learn to accept the dog and accept her own current limitations. I think this option would also be interesting because Della might initially be in denial of her need of a dog because she’s afraid to admit she needs help and thinks dogs are just for the bad cases, so she’d have to come to terms with how bad things have gotten while also gaining hope that things will get better.
I have two other ideas for Della getting a doggo and they’re a bit fluffier (the ideas, not the doggo), because in these instances Della loves the pup immediately.
One is that Della isn’t necessarily thinking of getting a service dog, but she finds out about a three-legged puppy up for adoption and she drags Scrooge down to the shelter and begs for her, and Scrooge says he’ll have to think about it. But as they turn to leave, the puppy whines and Della turns right around and sits in front of the puppy’s kennel again, crying “Did you hear that? She called me ‘Mama!’” And Scrooge would know once her maternal instincts were involved, it was all over. So they bring her home and Della walks into the boys’ room and says, “Boys... I have some pretty big news... what do you think of getting a new little sibling?” and the boys would be like, “Wait, WHAT?!” not sure if she’s adopting, somehow gravid, joking, or what. But then Scrooge walks in with the puppy and she goes, “Meet your new sister!” She’d totally psych them out like that. XD And while Della didn’t think of getting a service dog but only got this puppy because she felt a connection, over time the puppy would start doing service dog things all on her own like waking Della from nightmares or calming her down because she’s that good of a doggo.
My other idea is that it’s Donald’s idea to get Della a service dog. Maybe one night Della’s screams wake up half the mansion and Scrooge, Beakley, and Webby rush to her room and wake her from a nightmare. Beakley and Scrooge tell Webby to go back to bed, but instead Webby runs out to the houseboat to get Donald, and Donald brings his sleeping bag in the house and rolls it out on the other side of Della’s bed. And when Della admits she’s been having a lot of nightmares and not sleeping well after waking up from them, Donald camping in her room becomes a regular thing. But after a while, he realizes Della’s going to need to be a little more independent from him. Things are going well with Daisy, and he’s a future-oriented guy. Suppose he marries Daisy someday? What’s he gonna do, canoodle with his wifey and then crash in his sister’s room? That sounds weird, even to him. So, he talks to Scrooge about getting Della a service dog, and Scrooge agrees. The fact they found a puppy that recently had to have its back left leg amputated just made it seem like fate,  and for their next birthday, or Christmas, or Mother’s Day or whatever’s closest, they give Della her puppy. She takes a the lid off a box (with air holes in the back) and gasps when she sees the pupper. She looks back and forth from Scrooge to Donald to Beakley like, does she really get to keep a puppy? And she turns her attention back to the pup already licking her hands and says, “Awwwww... hey little guy... or girl?” and when she lifts the puppy out of the box to check, that’s when she sees she’s missing a leg, and that’s when Della starts crying.
icantescapethefandomlife said while the dog would spend nearly all her time with Della, Dewey and Webby would love to play with her (she wouldn’t need to be 100% focused on Della 100% of the time like service dogs for certain other conditions because she can’t prevent Della’s triggers, only comfort her once they’ve occurred). Huey would research proper care for labs and tripod doggos, but also want to spoil her a little, and Donald and Della would have many pictures on their phones of Louie napping with her on the couch. 
All that to say, Della  having a service dog would be great representation and super insanely cute.
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sophfandoms53 · 5 years
42.) “Truth hurts, doesn’t it?” Webby?
Lena slowly made her way to Webby’s apartment, her thoughts running all over the place. How on Earth is she supposed to tell Webby that her friend is dating her ex-boyfriend? And also doing all this behind her back?
She groaned, “Ugh this is gonna suck.” Lena knew deep down this news would hurt Webby but also knew she wouldn’t show it. That’s just kind of how Webby acted since everything happened 3 months ago. She just didn’t react on the outside and kept it all inside. Lena hoped that, at least for this, Webby would just let herself cry.
Lena heard her phone going off, saw the contact was Violet and answered, “Yeah, Vi?”
“Are you at Webbigail’s?” Violet asked.
“Yeah I’m a block or so away. What about you?” Lena responded.
“Just finished parking, I’ll meet you at the door.” Violet answered.
The girls said goodbye and hung up. The goth took a deep breath, “It’s now or never.”
Violet waited for Lena at the steps of the building, shaking her hands anxiously. She doesn’t even know how any of this happened. She wasn’t even aware that Dewey and Shelly were spending time together, then she just randomly finds the two canoodling one another.
The sabrewing was frozen in her tracks when she saw the two in that type of position, especially in a public setting. Then again the duo were around their other friends. But regardless. It still shocked her. Why wouldn’t they say anything? How could they do something like this behind Huey and Webby’s back? It all just didn’t make sense.
She pulled out her phone and looked at the image again. It wasn’t anything too bad, just Dewey with his arms wrapped around Shelly’s torso, her sitting on his lap and one of his hands up her shirt, but it still made Violet feel uneasy that this is something they didn’t tell her or the family about. Then again, considering the circumstances between them, Huey and Webby, Violet could kind of understand. Regardless, having to tell Webby this? It’s not gonna be easy.
Although, Violet had to admit she suspected Shelly had some interest in Dewey. She remembered back at McDuck Manor during their annual Christmas party the year before, she had a conversation with Shelly in regards to that.
The purple bird had her eyes on the blonde hair duck all night. She came to notice Shelly giving the blue cladded brother a certain look for some time now. Kind of odd, considering he was still happily dating Webby. It wasn’t even just a look. Every time the blue ducks spoke to each other Violet could’ve sworn she’d seen a light blush brush across Shelly’s face. Violet began to wonder if it’s something to actually be worried about.
She then noticed the red brother just sitting by the table, chatting with his Uncle Donald. She wondered if Huey noticed Shelly’s recent odd behavior with his brother. Probably not. If he did, he’d probably make it obvious it bothered him. Even if it wasn’t something Huey noticed, that didn’t mean Violet couldn’t question it.
The silence of her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of Dewey’s voice,
“Aw dang it! I dropped it again!” He complained loudly, picking up the elf from the ground.
Webby jumped in front of him and laughed, “Ha! That’s another two points for me!”
Despite them being 19, Dewey and Webby still had their child-like nature around the holidays. They just enjoyed being around their family. “I don’t like this game. Every year you rig it!” Dewey laughed.
The pink bow wearing duck just shrugged and snatched the elf from his hands, “I will not confirm or deny! But this elf is now mine!” She ran off with the elf doll out of the room.
“Oh no you don’t!” Dewey chuckled as he giddily chased after his girlfriend, almost knocking his mother down in the process.
“Dewey! Be careful with the decorations!” Della yelled.
“Sorry mom!”
The pilot rolled her eyes playfully, “Oh those two.”
Half-way through the chaos Violet’s eyes traveled from the duck family up to Shelly, whom was sitting on the window sill and noticed the blonde’s eyes followed the blue brother as he left the room. Now it was time to question things. Violet made her way towards Shelly and coughed to gain her attention.
Shelly looked over at Violet, “Oh hey, Violet. You need something?” She took a sip of her egg-nog.
Violet raised an eyebrow, “What was that?”
“What was what?”
“Just before, you were staring at Dewey. I saw you the whole time.”
Shelly’s eyes widened in disbelief and confusion, “Okay first, no I wasn’t. Second, if anyone was staring, it was you looking at me. Seriously Violet where is this coming from?”
The sabrewing shook her hands as she got aggravated, “Shelly, you’ve been acting weird around Dewey for weeks now. I’ve noticed it and I’m just worried.”
The blonde raised an eyebrow, “You’re worried? About what?”
“That you have feelings for Dewey.”
An obvious blush made its way to Shelly’s face. But despite her now red cheeks, she continued to deny the accusations, “Even if I do have feelings for Dewey, which I don’t by the way, it wouldn’t even matter. He’s with Webby and they’re happy.”
Violet pointed out her red face, “That blush says otherwise, Duckling.”
Shelly groaned in annoyance, “Rgh! I don’t need this from you Violet.” She stood up and began to walk away, “Dewey and I are just friends, and it’ll always be that way. Don’t try to make something out of nothing.”
The purple bird grabbed her arm, “Hold on. I’m not trying to cause a problem… I’m just trying to make sure you won’t do anything dumb.”
Shelly rolled her eyes, “Has anyone ever told you, you suck at being empathetic?”
Violet smirked, “A few times.”
“Violet? Violet?” Lena’s voice rang through her ears and Violet was pulled out of her thoughts. She looked at the goth, “Oh hey Lena.”
“You okay? You seemed kind of zoned out there.” Lena asked in concern.
Violet brushed it off, “Yeah, yeah I’m good. I was just thinking about something, that’s all.”
Lena nodded, “I’ve been in my own head too. I don’t know how we’re gonna tell Webby.”
“We’re just gonna have to say it. It’s not going to be easy for her to take but we don’t have much of a choice. Better she hears it from us than anyone else.” Violet admitted.
Lena nodded, still nervous, “Yeah.. yeah you’re right.. Well.. now or never right?”
The two looked at each other for a moment then at the door. Lena brought her hand to the door and rang the bell three times. Her breath was caught in her throat. Words could not describe her stress at all. She could only imagine how Webby would take this news. Lena herself doesn’t even know how she feels about it.
Violet noticed Lena’s states, “Relax. The more you panic, the harder it will be to tell Webbigail.”
The goth took a breath, “Okay okay okay. I’m okay… I think..”
The door then opened to reveal Webby, who was actually smiling at the sight of her best friends, “Lena! Violet! This is a surprise! What’re you guys doing here?” She looked… okay. Her hair was out of its ponytail and wet, implying she was just finished with a shower, she had a pink tank top on with white pants, but she had noticeable bags under her eyes.
When the duo didn’t respond, Webby got worried, “Did something happen?”
Lena started to laugh nervously, “Wha-at? Why would something happen? Can’t we just come down and visit our fellow best friend!”
Webby could see through Lena’s fake enthusiasm and crossed her arms, “Okay, what happened?”
The goth sighed. She gently grabbed Webby’s arm and took her inside the house, “I think it’s better if you sit down.” As Lena sat Webby down, Violet closed and locked the door.
Webby and Lena sat down on the couch, Violet grabbed a chair and they sat in silence for a few moments.
“So.. what’s going on?” Webby asked.
Lena spoke, “Before that, how are you doing?”
The pink duck raised an eyebrow, “I’m good, why?”
“Pink, you know what I’m talking about.” Lena said annoyed.
Webby’s face fell, knowing exactly what Lena was referring to. The break-up with Dewey took its toll on her, Webby wasn’t gonna deny that, but she had so much support from the family that she’s able to say she’ll be okay. But every now and then, it still hurts and she cries about it. Not that she’d tell. She’d gotten so good at putting up a ‘I’m good please don’t worry’ facade.
“By that face, we are going to take that as not so good.” Violet said, shifting her folded legs.
“No, no. I’m alright. It is what it is. I hope Dewey the best, that’s all.” Webby said, shaking her hands.
Lena growled, “Well you might not hope he has the best after what we tell you.”
Webby felt something irk inside her, “So this IS about Dewey? Oh my god.” She rubbed her forehead annoyed, “Lena, I get it. You’re mad at him for what happened and how he handled it. I understand. But it was 3 months ago, I’m tired of being mad. And I’d appreciate it if you got over it. I adore that you care but.. I’m sure Dewey’s moved on and has his own life.”
“Webs.. did you forget what he almost did to you? Did you forget that he left you?” Lena pressed, becoming confused at her best friend’s attitude.
“No, Lena. I didn’t. I just.. being mad isn’t gonna get me anywhere.” Webby responded.
“Oh for goodness sakes! Stop beating around the bush Lena!” Violet groaned getting annoyed at seeing the two of them bicker, “Webbigail, Dewey and Shelly are dating.” She blurted out.
Webby took a double take, “Wait what?”
“Violet!” Lena exclaimed, “That wasn’t gentle! Seriously! That was so abrupt!”
“Well one of us had to say it! And you were on a different topic all together!” Violet said pointing at Lena.
Webby just stared at Violet, “Dewey and who are dating?”
“Shelly, Webs.” Lena responded.
“Shelly…” Webby’s voice got quiet, “and you know this, how?”
Violet and Lena looked at each other with a sigh. The Sabrewing took out and unlocked her phone, quickly found the picture and showed it to Webby.
Her eyes scanned the photo. To be quite honest.. it hurt. Seeing her ex-boyfriend holding her friend in such a way. Shelly was supposed to be one of her best friends and yet… she does this..
And Dewey the look on his face.. The way he was looking at Shelly in this photo was the same way he used to look at… her.
“How long?” Was all Webby could ask.
Violet shrugged, “Not too sure but, definitely a few weeks.”
“Webby?” Lena leaned towards her best friend, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.. yeah.. I’m fine.. just...” Webby sniffed and looked over at Lena, her eyes glossy with tears, “Truth hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Webs I’m so sorry. Dewey’s-.” Lena was cut off by Webby saying,
“So happy.”
“Wait what?” Lena and Violet said in unison.
“Aren’t you.. mad? Webby, they’ve been hiding their relationship from all of us! Are you okay?” Lena raised an eyebrow, incredibly confused.
“Look at him Lena.” Webby said, grabbing Violets phone, “I haven’t seen Dewey with a smile like that since everything happened.. and Shelly…” she seemed to have paused.
“What about Shelly?” Violet questioned.
“I knew it…” Webby said, “I had a feeling Shelly started to see Dewey in a different light.. I even spoke to Dewey about it but.. at the time, he said such a thing was impossible.. Little did we know..”
“You noticed it too?” Violet asked, feeling a little grateful it wasn’t just her who noticed that Shelly gained feelings for Dewey long before all this.
Webby nodded, “Yeah.. It was kind of obvious but.. maybe that’s just because I was with him.. so when any girl looked at him I would notice…”
“So… you’re not mad?” Lena asked.
“I mean… I’m hurt.. but… not mad. I can’t be. Who am I to get upset about a relationship that has nothing to do with me.” Webby said, giving Violet back her phone.
“Webby. Webby. Webby, you guys broke up three months ago. Are seriously telling me you’re not at all mad that in the matter of three damn months, Dewey already started dating someone else????” Lena was utterly lost.
“That’s Dewey.” Webby shrugged, “Don’t misunderstand Lena. I’m upset, and I wanna talk to Shelly about it, but… Getting mad at who Dewey dates is a waste of time.. what he does it’s just… it’s not my business anymore.”
“Wow… you took this a lot better than we thought you would.” Violet said.
Webby rolled her eyes. Of course they thought she’d freak out. A certain person entered her mind and she looked at them.
“How is Huey taking this?”
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ihavenonamehalp · 4 years
Hold on Chapter 4:
- Maybe part of falling in love with someone else is also falling in love with yourself.
~Nicola Yoon, The Sun Is Also a Star
Huey wasn't sure why he agreed with violets weird request to join her for lunch in the library. He didn't really know her and wasn't too eager to get to know her but he could use the break from Jake... and possibly, his brothers.
He showed up at noon like he promised, he brought his lunch and the book he originally borrowed. He saw Violet sitting alone reading 'The picture of Dorian gray' by Oscar Wilde. He didn't want to interrupt so he quietly took a seat next to her.
She looked at him raising an eyebrow "You came"She said.
"Uh yeah, why wouldn't I?"Huey asked, he felt anxious for some reason wondering if he wasn't actually supposed to come, was she being sarcastic? Was she signaling him? She didn't sound sarcastic.
She didn't seem nervous either, she seemed confused, She looked back at her book, "No reason, it's just nobody has ever accepted  lunch invitations from me in the past"She said.
"Why not?"Huey asked.
"Because I'm weird"She said without looking at him, without blinking or hesitating, Without shame. He couldn't understand how she could be so calm.
"I can be pretty weird too"He said. He wasn't sure what to say next, they just sat there for a good five minutes in complete silence.
He was so cute when he didn't know what to do. Violet didn't know what to do either, she was so nervous, and he was so perfect.
She slowly put down the book and looked down at the table, neither of them looked up. Neither of them felt comfortable eating in the presence of one another so violet stared at the wall while Huey stared down at the table. Every now and then they'd shake things up and violet would look at the table while Huey looked at the wall.
Say something!
He mentally beat himself up, he felt bad for interrupting violets reading and now she looked bored. Why did he care? He barely knew she existed until yesterday. What could he even say? "Have you told Webby and Lena?"He asked, why did he ask that? That's too personal! It's too late to take it back.
"About what?"She asked as if she didn't already know.
"About Rachel and Erica"He answered.
She sighed "No, I haven't".
"Why not?"He asked.
She kicked her feet really high and grabbed onto her fingers and started playing around with them "Why would I?"She asked.
"They can help you"He said "Lena is only a few grades ahead of us and Webby is kind."
"I know.."She said "But I'm not comfortable with telling them yet ok?"
Huey shrugged "Ok", he suddenly wished they were closer, he could help convince her to tell Webby and Lena. They were her friends and Huey knew they'd help her. And He didn't want her to go through this alone.
"Have you told your brothers about Jake?"She asked after a long pause.
"Why not? Aren't you comfortable talking to them?"She asked.
"I suppose it's possible to be too comfortable"He said.
"Well I don't think we have to worry about that"She said basing on their current situation. Huey laughed, she smiled but didn't look at him.
She made him laugh.
"I should go, my brothers are probably looking for me. This was fun, we should do it again. How about tomorrow?"
She looked at him this time. He asked her? "Alright"She said, as vague as she could be, she can't have him knowing that she enjoyed his company.
"Hey nerd, where do you think you're going?"Jake asked standing in front of him.
Huey was just trying to walk back to class, why did bad things have to happen when you start thinking it's going well.
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The Parting Glass
-A Scroldie one-shot -
Scrooge opened his tired eyes and took sight of empty bedsheets beside him. He grumbled.
She was gone.
Of course she was. Why did he expect anything else from her? Wasn’t it always like this?
She would stay for a night of fun and the next morning she would be gone.
That was their thing, her thing.
Wasn’t it?
Well he’d thought, no hoped, that maybe this time, would be different.
Donald was on a trip with the boys over the weekend and Beakley and Webby were on a little family trip as well. So Scrooge had invited Goldie to come over because he didn’t want to be alone so short after the whole thing with Magica.
But now he was alone again.
With a bad mood he reached for his eyeglasses on his nightstand, but accidentally pushed them over the edge.
With an even worse mood he pushed the bedsheets aside and stood up only to get on his knees to fish for his glasses, which were now under the nightstand.
“What the-“
With his glasses he was holding an old crumbled photograph.
It was in black and white and showed Scrooge himself as a young boy with his beloved sisters and parents. The old family photo, he had been searching for so long, had been laying under his nightstand all this time... He put his glasses on his beak were they belonged, grabbed his dressing gown and walked to the door.
On his way downstairs to get is nutmeg tea he looked at his family.
He wasn’t older than ten or so back then, but his eyes had already shone with a dream of wealth.
He sighed.
He hadn’t felt this since the boys had moved in. But the loneliness now made him realise how much he missed his family, his parents, his sisters and remembered him of how much he had missed Donald and the boys. How much he misses Della!
But also it remained him of how much family means to him and of how much love he carries for them.
There it was. Homesickness.
His eyes looked at the black grand piano next to the stairs. He couldn’t remember the last time he had played. He hadn’t felt the need to do so for a long time, but now he had to remember the sound of home. The songs and sounds of his childhood.
The old photograph still clutched in his hand he walked over to the piano and sat down in front of it.
He put the picture in his pocket and lifted his hands above the keyboard. For a short moment he hesitated and hold his breath. Then he gently pressed the first key and his mind started to wander as the soft sound of -The Parting Glass- reached his ears. The old sentiment duck closed his eyes, while his fingers wandered gently over the keyboard.
His heart started to ache and a single tear found it’s way out and fall on his hand.
Scrooge was in such a trance that he didn’t realise that someone was standing behind him.
“To memory now I can't recall
So fill to me the parting glass-“
Sang a beautiful soft voice behind him and Scrooge winced terribly out of his trance and hit a wrong note.
He turned around and looked at Goldie who had two steaming mugs in her hands. One with nutmeg tea for him and one with black coffee for herself. She titled her head to one side and looked at him with amusement but also curiosity.
“I didn’t know you can play.” She said and lifted an eyebrow.
Scrooge starred at her.
“Ae thought yer were gone.” He said perplexed and blinked several times to assure himself that he wasn’t asleep.
He wasn’t and she was still here.
“Why? You invited me over the weekend because your family won’t be there remember?” She replied.
“I just made you your tea.”
She handed him the mug and he thanked her with a nod.
They starred at each other in silence.
“Soo... you can play the piano.” She pointed out and raised a teasing eyebrow. She started to smirk when his beak turned red and he nervously scratched his neck.
“Ah, well, yer weren’t supposed to hear that...” he said quite embarrassed.
“Ae only play when Ae’m alone.”
“How come I didn’t know that?” She asked, secretly a bit hurt about the fact that she didn’t know him as well as she thought she would.
“Ae tried to keep it a secret.” He answered and looked up at her.
“Ae’m doin’ it when Ae’m feelin’ down...”
Goldie glared at him and then sipped at her coffee.
“That’s sad to hear. Because you are good.” She mumbled in her mug and made Scrooge blush even more.
He sipped at his own mug to try to hide it.
Silence again.
“Would you play for me?” She asked after a while and Scrooge looked up at her like he didn’t trust what he just heard.
He started to chuckle.
“Only if yer sing to it!”
She smiled.
Scrooge made space for her to sit down next to him and they placed the mugs on top of the piano.
Scrooge put his fingers onto the keyboard. And when he played the first keys of -The Parting Glass- Goldie’s head felt automatically onto his shoulder.
“Thank you.” She whispered as she listened to his soft play.
“For yer, anything, my dear!”
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lorewytch · 5 years
Clashing Destiny?!
As per @akozuheiwa​ and @holydramon​  Here it is! (Dies) the scene that somehow became much more than I thought it would be. I was sure I would do a page and half of stuff and it ended up being like 5 pages of one freaking scene...(flails!) Oh and for those interested, yes those OCs I made up on the fly sooo they aren’t canon at all XD I thought of how many name puns or jokes I could come up with bird and or dragon names. Isla and Leith are supposedly Scottish names I found. Please tell me what you think. Also this was lightly edited by myself so I may go back and fix a few things before posting the official story XD I hope you enjoy.
ANYWAYS: Here is one random scene from the coming up fanfic that may end up being titled “Clashing Destiny”
Scrooge took one step within the dark and dank room. He swallowed hard, the air was thick and musty and cold. He could see his breath as he slowly approached something within the middle of the room. Bringing his flashlight up, he glided it towards the middle of the room and the light illuminated a table made of stone. It was fragmented and covered in moss. It seemed as if everything in the room was decaying.
The only thing that looked pristine was what lay on the ancient table.
A book.
Curious, Scrooge raised an eyebrow and approached it hesitantly. Upon closer inspection the old tome had five jewels encrusted on the worn, black leather cover. Each jewel had a different color, black, white, blue, red and green.
“What in blazes…” Scrooge muttered.
A wind erupted within the room, slamming the cover of the book open. The sound of paper fluttering and flipping was the only thing he could hear as he covered his eyes with his arm.
Finally, the fluttering stopped and slowly Scrooge lowered his arm. He walked closer to the book and flashing the light upon the page, he read the words that would change everything.
“The Curse of Clan McDuck…”
 The teens were sneaking within the dusty and old halls of Castle McDuck. At this time the boys were taking turns telling Webby about the last time they came here and found secret passageways. Webby of course squealed like a fan girl and was all over the place. Going from one painting to the next, she took pictures and documented everything she saw. Dewey had to pull her away and keep her on track. They weren’t just there to sightsee. But to get into some serious mischief.
With Huey and Louie leading the way. The green clad duck holding the flashlight and Huey holding a map of the old building, they continued onward. Ever guarding suits of armor, old clan flags; torn and weathered paintings of relatives long since passed, artifacts galore lined the walls as they continued their adventure into the heart of the castle. The deepest, darkest places that they weren’t even sure the owners ever lingered.
It was down some rusting, iron circular stairway and past the servant’s kitchen, down the hallway that didn’t seem to be cleaned in at least 100 years that they found a strange looking door. It was layered with cobwebs and dust. While the others were made of wood with more or less modern door knobs there was a strange door at the end of the hallway. Painted all in black and was made on pure hand welded iron. Rivets dotted it along with a door handle that might break if touched. All four kids glanced at each other with nervous grins.
“So, are we all in agreement we want to find out what is behind door number one?” Dewey grinned with a dramatic flair of his arms.
“There could be gold..” Louie was already rubbing his hands together.
“Or it could be an ancient library!” Huey’s and Webby’s eyes shone at this.
“Or adventureeeee!” Dewey grabbed the handle forcefully and pulled.
The door slid open an inch.
A pause.
“I see someones been working out.” Louie replied snidely.
Narrowing his eyes at his brother, Dewey pulled harder, sweat pouring down his face as he strained and moved in another few inches.
Sighing, Huey grabbed an edge of the door. “Were gonna be here all day, everyone help pull.”
With all four pushing and pulling they managed to open it enough to slip inside. The room lit up as they walked inside and instantly all four beaks dropped.
“Woahhhh” All four said in unison.
“TREASURE!” Louie whooped and jumped into a pile of golden artifacts nearby.
Huey was instantly by a bookshelf of ancient looking books. He touched them all, eyes shining with glee.
Dewey ran over to an old fashioned guillotine.
“Oooo Fancy.” He commented and looked for things to chop up. Taking selfies and posing with the deadly device, he suddenly spotted something else. Swords.
Picking up one with an especially jewel encrusted hilt, he held up with a grin. “Hey Webs! We should totally-“ he blinked as he saw Webby was no longer in sight.
Running over to his brothers he glanced around. “Guys have you seen Webby?”
Huey glanced around. “She was just here a second ago..”
Louie popped up. “I think I saw her go near that ladder to the second floor..” Sure enough, above them was a balcony encircling the walls made of wooden banisters. From his view, Dewey could see bookcases.
He saw a flash of pink and purple.
Momentarily forgetting their loot, the brothers climbed up the ladder to the slightly rotten second floor of the room.
The vaulted ceiling made it easier to walk around since they wouldn’t need to crouch. Scanning the upper floor, he saw Webby at the opposite end, her back to them.
Dewey grinned, relieved that she seemed okay. Leading his brothers along the one person pathway against the right wall he ran towards her. Once they reached her though, they knew something was off.
Webby hadn’t even noticed them. Instead she seemed transfixed with something before her.
“Webby?” Dewey’s voice sounded worried.
“Webs what are you looking at?” Louie glanced around her shoulder.
Before them within a glass case was a rusting necklace. It looked as if it was made of pewter and hand crafted. The amulet had a crudely made star and within the middle was an opal. The dark color of the opal gave Louie a bad feeling, yet flashes of bright orange, reds and greens made him curious.
Within the glass case was also a torn piece of parchment with fancy handwritten letters written upon it. However, he couldn’t read it.
“What is that?”
Huey studied it a bit. “…Sumerian? Or Gaelic I’m honestly not sure.” He confessed. “Whatever it is, I can’t read it.”
“Who can?” Dewey asked. Huey and Louie’s eyes drifted to Webby who was slowly reaching a hand out towards the pendant.
When her fingers brushed the glass casing, it shattered.
Scrooge studied the words upon the book carefully. “I fear I have no time left. I must write these heartbreaking words to let the future generations of the McDuck clans know the terrifying truth of what my brother has done. I fear he has done something that canna be undone and aye only hope those in the future can somehow dispel this curse upon our clan. Leith McDuck and I, Isla McDuck were only simple farmers. We had a falling out with the rest of clan McDuck and were more or less outcasts from the family because of conflicting opinions. I couldn’t stand Leith living out there alone, so I came with him.
Little did I know that what his true purpose was.”
“Leith! Leith!” A red haired girl, clad in several layers of skirts stumbled after her brother.
Leith’s own red locks were tied back neatly and as he glanced back at his sister, he let out a sigh.
“Isla..can you at least act more lady-like while running? You will never attract a man that way.”
Isla raised an eyebrow at her brother. Hands on her hips, she almost dared him to continue that sentence.
He swallowed a lump in his throat and turned back, continuing to walk. She followed after him.
“Where are you going? It’s going to get dark soon. You shouldn’t be out.”
“Who are you? Mom?” Leith snapped.
“No, but I am your sister.” Isla rebutted. Grabbing his ponytail, she started to drag him back. Quacking and flailing his limbs, Leith tried to escape his sassy sisters hold but knew it was futile.
Groaning, he decided he didn’t have a choice. “Fine! I’m going on a lead to find us some money!”
Isla stopped. “Money?”
Leith pouted, crossing his arms. “You ruined the surprise..”
“And how perchance are we going to acquire this money?” Isla inquired.
“Have you been reading books again?” Leith eyed her.
“Please don’t tell me you are doing something shady again.” Isla prayed. “After that debacle with the fake bouncing potion..”
“It was real I tell you! Those confound it bears were too fast for me to steal it!” Leith pouted again while Isla looked at her brother with a seriously worried expression.
“Just…don’t tell me its something like that..” Isla finished.
Leith sighed. “On my word dear sister, it is not like that.” He stared into her eyes.
Staring back, she looked for any shred of falsehood. But could find none.
Releasing her brother’s hair she sighed and crossed her arms. “So..what kind of deal is this?” She inquired.
“You know Rory?”
“Rory Bitterness?” Isla raised an eyebrow.
“Aye, he has gotten in contact with an Alchemist..” Leith’s eyes sparkled.
Isla groaned. “Leith….no…I said no more of that magic stuff!”
“This isn’t magic Isla!” Leith’s arms opened wide. “He assured me, this is pure science.”
“Science…” Isla repeated, not convinced.
“Aye! This is it, a spell to turn things to gold!” He took her hand in his and smiled brightly. “We can finally live the way we want!” he laughed and picked her up by the waist and spun her around. “Imagine it Isla! Father and Mother will have to believe in me and my dreams!”
Finding herself laughing a bit at her brothers antics, it was hard not to go with the flow with his rather silly dreaming. “Oh Leith.” She smiled slightly.
“Please Isla, let me do this…this won’t only just help me. Do you want father to come back and take you away to marry some old fat nobleman in his 50s?”
Isla glanced away, closing her eyes. Sighing, she managed a smile. “Okay, go. I’ll be here. Maybe I can go visit Skye Crane while you are gone.”
Leith rolled his eyes a bit. “You and that crazy lady. I swear she’s the definition of a witch. And you say I’m conniving with demons.”
She gave her brother a wicked grin. “You have your sins, and I have mine..”
“As it turned out, letting my brother go that was the biggest mistake of my life.” Scrooge read, within his mind he was trying to recall the names of Isla and Leith. But his mind was blank.
“When he returned, he spoke of talking with a dragon alchemist. He was so excited and brandished a strange looking golden object. It was a mirror and he stated anything reflected within it could be turned to gold.” Scrooge gave a “pah” at this.
“This Leith sounds like a mighty gullible fellow.” He muttered.
“Of course, it was too good to be true. We tried many times to make it work. It was useless and while Leith gave into his anger, I offered to see if someone wished to buy it.”
“Who would buy this useless piece of junk?!” Leith growled and smashed the mirror into the floor.
“And that’s when it all began.”
Webby’s eyes began to glow a bright white and she spoke in a weird tongue none of the triplets recognized. The boys were yelping and trying to avoid the flying glass, Dewey having a tight hold on her arm. “Webby!” He shouted over the loud noise that was engulfing the room.
“What is she saying?!” Louie shouted to Huey who simply shrugged his shoulders.
“Webby stop!” Dewey tried to pull her away.
Her arm was outstretched, reaching for the pendant which seemed to be glowing with energy. Her fingers were nearly brushing the metal, when the boys seemed to realize that maybe this was a really bad idea.
All three grabbed their sister and tried to yank her away from the pendant. But a strange burst of wind knocked them off their feet and the trio tumbled in a heap behind her.
Mindlessly, fourteen year old Webbigail Vanderquack reached out. Her hands grasping around the pendant.
The opal shattered.
“At first, we noticed strange things here or there missing.” Scrooge read, completely absorbed within the tome.
“Then we realized something was very wrong when we both had similar dreams. A strange being was always there. He had the face of deer skull, deep red eyes and had a black mass that he could change at will for a body. He called himself Antaurus, he called himself a god but we knew better.
Skye confirmed our worse fears, she had ‘the sight’. She saw nothing but danger and death if we continued to deal with Antaurus. At first, we all thought we could defeat him on our own. We got together with Rory and the Alchemist, Slysten Dragster was his name. He gave us several magical items to dispel this monster, this demon.
But everything failed, and the demon grew more powerful. Feeding off our negativity and fear, he soon materialized in flesh and blood.
And that was when everything went to heck..literally.”
 Leith, Isla, Rory and Skye stood before the home. Floating above them, laughing maniacally was Antaurus. The demonic figure swept up to Skye.
“I see that you have something very fascinating for your eyes. I might just take them for my own!” With a swipe of his hand across her eyes, Skye’s vision went black.
“NO!” She screamed, falling to her knees and clutching at her now sightless eyes.
“Skye!” Isla ran to her friend, kneeling next to her and holding her.
Rory growled and swung an axe at the demon. It simply passed through the astral being and grabbing Rory’s red mop of a head, the beast raised him to eye level. Cursing at the demon with every foul word he could muster, Rory was swinging and fighting with everything he had.
Leith took this chance and grasped onto a magical whip and flung it towards the demon. It wrapped around Antaurus’ arm. But the demon merely smirked.
“I see this one has quite the Mouth on him.” Swiping his hand across the others mouth, Rory went to yell at the monster again, only silence answered his plea.
Giving a horrified expression, Leith yanked the whip with everything he had and the demon released Rory. Wrapping his arm around the whip, the demon yanked back, sending an unprepared Leith to the ground. Glaring up harshly, he quickly got to his feet and tried to kick and punch the monster that he had unleashed upon them all. None of his hits connected obviously, but he couldn’t risk this monster going after Isla next. Grasping Leith by the neck, Antaurus smirked and spoke with Rory’s voice.
“And you are too energetic for your own good dear Leith.” He chuckled. “I would very much like that Body of yours.” Antaurus raised his arm.
“NO!” Isla yelled and got up, running as fast as her skirts could allow her and knocked into her brother, sending them both of the demons grasp and tumbling to the earth. She grasped onto her brothers arm and dragged him. They were running now. Running for their lives.
Hand in hand, the brother and sister ran. Leith chanced a look behind him and paled. The demon was approaching them rapidly from behind. Knowing they couldn’t outrun him, Leith knocked Isla to the ground as Antaurus swept over them, floating down just inches from their heads.
Before Leith could get up, he was yanked up and a hand quickly swept over his legs. Shocked, Leith could only fall to the ground as he was released. And before his eyes the demon grew legs with webbed feet.
“Leith!” Isla cried out and grasped her brother, he could no longer feel his legs and lay there pathetically.
“Isla! Get away!” Leith positioned himself in front of his sister. Even if he could no longer fight, no longer run he could buy her some time. He knew the monster would come for her next.
“Ah yes, the little sister.” He reached out for her, Isla closing her eyes and cringing in fear.
But as his fingers brushed her hair, a spark of light made him yank his hand back at an alarming rate. “Magic?!” He growled. “But how?”
Confused, Isla opened her eyes and glanced at what she was clutching in her hand. Her mother’s pendant.
A pendant of a star, for her to always remember that her mother was gazing down at her from the starry sky. The white opal within the center seemed to sparkle.
“Isla!” Skye’s voice called from behind her and she spotted Rory helping Skye to where Isla is.
The demon growled and approached the siblings with ill intent. “I should smother out this light as soon as possible.”
“Not today!” Skye whispered some ancient incantations which threw the demon back. Holding up a hand, Skye formed a ball of pure blue energy within her grasp.
Thrusting it out, the ball exploded into some kind of sticky sap which temporarily stuck the demon to the tree.
Taking this time, Rory led her to Isla who was looking frazzled and worried about everyone around her.
“Skye are you okay?!” She whispered frantically to her friend, her heart hurting because of her current state.
“You ARE a witch?” was Leith’s dumfounded question.
Rory rolled his eyes.
Skye smiled a bit. “I’ll be fine, and sorry I didn’t tell you guys.” She weakly chuckled. “It’s not something that should be known in the open.” A growl alerted her attention at Antaurus who was quickly pulling himself free.
“Listen, Isla, you have to listen to me.” She looked deep within her best friends eyes with her unseeing ones. “I wasn’t kidding when I said you were special. You have light within you.”
“Light?” Isla whispered.
Nodding, Skye turned to where she thought she heard Antaurus.”Which means, we can win.” She handed her friend a piece of paper. “Repeat that spell.” Slowly she began to stand up, forming more magic within her hands. “It’s the only way to stop this demon.”
Antaurus finally burst free from his confines and came at them full force.
Even blind, Skye thrust out magical blasts like they were nothing. Quite a few didn’t hit, but it was enough to slow him down. “Now Isla!!!”
Fumbling with the piece of paper, Isla glared at Antaurus. “Forge the light within my soul alone, Steal his senses and lock him away in stone!” She repeated this as he growled, knocking Skye away into Rory.
Continuing to repeat, she soon lost sight of everything around her as she began to glow. Leith was still lying before her, holding himself up with his arms and half protecting, half gazing up in awe as his sister literally levitated in the air!
“Forge the light within my soul!” Isla’s voice rang firm, the crystal around her neck pulsing with light and blasted at the demon.
“Steal his senses!” She growled, Antaurus let out a wail as his voice as well as Rory’s were taken, as well as Skyes and his sight and Leith’s legs.
The being before them writhed in agony at having his senses stolen, forming into five crystals that spun around Isla.
“And lock him away in stone!” Her voice echoed. A bright light exploded from the opal on her necklace.
All of them watched in awe as Antaurus was swept up in a in a black orb and absorbed within the opal.
Gasping, the glow in Isla’s eyes faded and she fell to the ground, Rory just managing to catch her before she hurt herself.
“We did it!” was Skye’s laughing yell.
Rory went to say something, but nothing came out.
Leith tried to stand.
Skye opened her eyes.
They hadn’t gotten their senses back.
“While we may had won the war, the damage had been done.” Scrooge closed his eyes painfully.  “When Skye studied the stone she had some ominous news. Antaurus was not defeated. In fact, in a dream he had given her a prophecy that chilled us all to the bone. The Prophecy goes as thus:
In a mere five one thousands I will return
When the moon is black and burnt.
I will seek revenge against McDuck the clan
And steal what is mine as according to plan
Four from the clan will stand in my way
But I will destroy them within a day
The one with the book will lose their sight
The one with the inner strength will lose their body
The one with the skills will lose their voice.”
The last sentence made Scrooge’s heart stop.
“The one to inherit the light will be consumed by shadows.”
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dadweebking · 6 years
Black Heron Returns: Part 2
Part 1 (x)
The four ducks wandered around the island aimlessly, Scrooge and Beakley focused on trying to find anything that could help them find Black Heron’s base while Webby looked around along with them while occasionally glancing over at Dewey.  Every now and then, he’d begin to fall behind because he wasnt really paying attention to where he was going, Webby would sometimes call to him to help him keep focus. Though he was happy that Scrooge allowed him to tag along, he didnt really seem to enjoy it as much as he had hoped, since nothing exciting has happened yet, but kept those thoughts to himself.
The 4 then wondered into a cave-like place that goes into the mountains, with multiple openings on the sides that view the whole island.
“We’ll stay here for a bit longer. I have a feeling there might be something here.” “Agreed, 22. Kids, watch your step. There could be trap doors around.” Scrooge and Beakley began cautiously looking around, while Webby glanced at Dewey again, this time with a frown on his face. She noticed it a few times earlier and chose not to say anything, but she just couldnt stay quiet any longer.
“You ok, Dewey?” “Hm? Oh, yea, i guess. Its just so boring.” “Well, thats what a lot of these kinds of missions are. They’re not all action packed.” “Well i wish i knew that before i snuck on this trip.” Webby giggled, as Dewey walked passed her towards an opening.
“You know, it may be boring, but this is one heck of a view.” Webby then walked up to his left side and looked out and was stunned. The view was gorgeous. There wasnt a single cloud in the sky, the sun’s light being reflected on the rippling ocean water. Distant sounds of crashing waves could be heard, and a soft breeze rattled the leaves in the trees. Nothing from towns like Duckburg could be seen. It was just nature doing it’s thing, and it was beautiful.
“Oh my gosh, you’re right. This is so beautiful.” Dewey smiled then took out his phone, and took a picture of the scene. He then turned around and took a selfie with the scene, then pulled Webby closer, put his free arm around her shoulders and took another selfie with both of them. “Perfect.” He said as he leaned against the wall to look at the photos.
But it wasnt a wall.
As soon as he leaned against the wall, it got pushed in, like it was a loose panel or a button. A giant crunch was heard, as he and Webby looked around frantically. Scrooge and Beakley also heard the crunch, and ran to where the kids were. 
“What ‘append?!” “I don’t kno-AAAHH” “KIDS!!”
The ground fell from underneath the kids’ feet like it was a trap door, and they fell through, much to the horror of the adults. The kids were sliding down a rocky surface, with Dewey in the lead and Webby behind him. It wasn’t long before the kids reached the bottom, Dewey rolling to a stop on the ground, and Webby gracefully landed upright in a fighting stance. She saw Dewey slowly getting up, holding and shaking his arm, and went to help him. Rocks could then be heard clogging up the slide, blocking Scrooge and Beakley from going down the slide. They called out to them. 
“Kids, are you ok?!” “Yeah, I’m fine!” Webby called. “Dewey hurt his arm-” “It’s just sore, i landed on it weird. It should go away soon, Uncle Scrooge!” “Children, stay put, we’ll find another way down!” “Ok, Granny!” 
Dewey walked back and forth, still moving his sore arm around, trying to make the pain go away. While doing so, he caught something from the corner of his eyes. He turned fully to see a white light glowing on the wall, but it didn’t look like it was natural sunlight. While still moving his arm, he began slowly walking towards it. Webby then turned to see him walking away. 
“Dewey, where are you going?” Dewey turned to her and pointed to the light on the wall. “There’s something there, I wanna see what it is.” Webby didn’t know whether to follow him, or stay put until the adults arrive, but against her better judgment and her fear of Dewey falling into sudden danger, she hesitantly followed him. They walked side by side down the cave, and it wasn’t long before they were able to see what caused the light, and it made them gasp. 
A giant open space with a bunch of desks and flasks with chemicals and berries along with a lighter, several microscopes and a big screen and projector with a camera right in the middle. They looked around the room, and Dewey spotted multiple flasks with a liquid inside of it. “Webby, what is this?” He walked towards one of the flasks that had a substance that was a completely different than the others. Webby walked next to it, and picked it up. “Wow, this is the bouncing potion. And it looks like it was mixed together very recently!” She then quickly put the flask in her pocket, and then grabbed a whole bunch of flasks in her arms. 
“Whoa, Webby, what are you doing?” “Making a mess. If we get rid of the remaining liquids in all the flasks, she can’t make another potion!” “Ooooooh I like your thinking.” Dewey smirked as he joined Webby in smashing flasks and pouring out the liquid from said flasks. When it was all set and done, they cheered and high-fived each other, but their joy was soon short lived. 
They soon heard mumbling coming from the cave, making Webby’s eyes widen as she pulled Dewey by his hand and dragged him behind a desk. “Webby, what are you-” “Shhhhhhhh.” She covered his bill with her hand, and peaked to see Black Heron coming. She looked towards her lab and gasped, making Webby hide her head. “That’s Black Heron!” Webby whispered. “Really?!” Dewey then turned to peak around the desk, and quickly pulled his head back upon seeing her for a split second. “Why does she have a robot arm?” “I don’t know, she had that when i first met her.” They soon saw her shadow making their way towards them, so they quickly and quietly moved away to hide again from a raging Black Heron, still going on about asking herself what happened to all her berries and the one finished potion. She then stopped, as the kids wondered why she did so. 
“I bet they’re here again.” The kids listened intently as she continued. “That painstakingly annoying Agent 22 and her wreckless partner. Maybe even she brought her grandchild again.” Now Dewey felt something weird inside his chest. It began to beat fast as she kept insulting Beakley, Scrooge and Webby. Everything else seemed to fade away, the only thing he could hear being Black Heron’s venomous voice. “…and she even defeated me at my previous base. That no-good, mischievous, nosey, idiotic child!” 
That was enough to set Dewey ablaze. No one insults his best friend like that. NO ONE!
In rage, Dewey rose up, but was quickly pulled down by Webby. “Dewey, what are you doing?!” He said nothing as he tried again, but Webby held him down, knowing what he wanted to do. “Dewey, take it easy, she’s too strong for you, she’s out of your league!” “No one’s out of our league, Webby. We can take her!” He pushed her arm off him, and hopped over the desk towards Black Heron. “DEWEY!” She whispered out to him. 
The Heron turned around, and saw Dewey standing tall and determined. “Who are you?” “I am Dewey Duck. Nephew of Scrooge McDuck, and close friend to Agent 22’s granddaughter!” He stated bodly, as Webby facepalmed, not believing what he just said. 
“Oh really?” “Yea! And no one talks badly about the people i care about as long as I’m around!” He said as he ran towards her and went for a punch, but Heron dodged it, seeming to have fun with this. He tried again and again to no avail, even having Heron lightly wack him on the head, treating this like a game. Dewey was now furious as he faked a punch, but then suddenly kicked Heron’s legs from under her and pounced, both rolling on the floor before Heron used enough force to hurt him a bit and throw him off her. He landed on his stomach, and turned his head to face Heron, who was now standing before him. 
“Poor Child.” She said as she lifted her arm and turned it into a blaster. Dewey rolled onto his back. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.” She said, as Dewey glared at her. Suddenly a cry was heard, and Black Heron was knocked to the wall hard. So hard, that her vision was blurry and she felt dizzy. Dewey looked from Heron to his savior in front of him, which was none other than Webby herself.  He quickly got up, and walked towards her, cheering. “Webby, that was si-” “ARE YOU CRAZY?!” 
Dewey stumbled back as she yelled at him. Her face was red and her face had a furious look as well as… a worried one?
“I told you she was too strong! You could’ve gotten really hurt just now!” “I know, i know, but she was insulting you, Scrooge, and Beakley, and i wasn’t gonna let her talk trash about any of my family, most especially my best friend.” Her face got redder, but her furious look softened a bit, making Dewey slightly confused, but he quickly dismissed it. Webby sighed, and stepped back a bit. “Just…don’t be so reckless, ok? I appreciate you looking out for Granny, Mr. McDuck, and I, but don’t go in blinded by anger. That just works against you.” Dewey walked slowly towards her, and put his hands on her shoulders and smiled, saying “Ok, Webbs. I’ll try to think logically next time.” causing them both to giggle. 
Black Heron was just coming to, and her vision cleared to see Webby and Dewey laughing together, and she silently scowled at the scene. But then her eyes widened, as an evil smile was etched upon her face. She was focused on nothing except the smiling faces of the two ducklings as she slowly got up, then quickly charged at the children, slamming Webby off to the side hard. They weren’t expecting this at all as Webby was blindsided and cried out, with Dewey’s face growing terrified at what just happened so quickly. “WEBBY!” Dewey cried out, as he was then grabbed by the neck from Heron’s non-robotic hand. She lifted him up, by the neck, and slammed him onto the wall, keeping a firm grip on his neck, choking him. He grabbed her hand with both of his and tried everything he can to make her let him go while straining to try to get some air into his body but failed, coughing and gagging as a result. 
Webby shot up, and began running towards them. “Ah-Ah-Aaaah.” sung Heron as she turned her robotic hand into a blaster again, and aimed it at Dewey’s chest, making Webby stop dead in her tracks. She looked at Dewey, and he looked back at Webby through tear-filled eyes, shattering Webby’s poor heart. 
“DROP HIM, NOW!” Yelled Webby. “I don’t think so, Girly.” Heron replied, as she turned to face the girl and saw her look back at Dewey. She then turned to see Dewey look at her, and Heron smiled. “You two seem very close indeed.” She said to Dewey, who glared at her through gritted teeth. She then turned to Webby. “Boyfriend?” She asked. Webby said nothing, as a sickening feeling made their way to both the kids’ hearts. Even in a life-and-death situation, they feel embarrassed at that assumption.
“What do you want?” Black Heron began to think, before she looked to Webby’s side pocket, seeing the only remaining flask that contains the completed potion. “I want that flask in your pocket.” She said sternly. Webby was taken aback by this, before pulling out the flask and held it in her hand. 
“That’s right.” Black Heron sung, as she held her hand out, motioning for Webby to give her the flask. She took a few steps forward before, “W-Webby... no.” She heard this and looked at Dewey, who was looking at her with a pleading look. “Don’t... give in! Figure something else out!” “Quiet, you brat!” Heron’s grip around Dewey’s neck tightened, causing him to cry out in pain. Webby gasped, hating seeing Dewey suffer like this, but couldn’t force herself to look away. 
“I’m waiting girly.” Webby looked at Heron, then at the flask, then at Dewey. She was at a loss. Heron could be deadly with the potion against the world, but she just couldn’t leave Dewey in her clutches! For the first time in a long while, she didn’t know what to do, and it drove her insane. Save the world? Or save her best friend’s life?
Webby took so long that when she looked back at Dewey, she saw his struggling begin to cease, his eyes slowly shutting as his hands that gripped Heron’s arm slipped off, eyes closed as his body fell limb. 
To Webby, everything fell silent. 
She saw Heron look back at Dewey, and seeing him unmoving, she just dropped him onto the floor. Webby didnt even notice Heron walking towards her, as she was focused on Dewey, until Heron hit her off to the side, making Webby’s senses come back to her. She looked at Heron who went to reach towards her before, “HERON!” 
Scrooge came in and knocked her away towards Beakley, who began duking it out with Heron. “Granny! Mr. McDuck!” “Forget about us, lass, go help Dewey!” Webby didn’t even think twice, as she got up, and bolted towards Dewey while Scrooge and Beakley dealt with Heron. Webby slid down by Dewey’s side, and rolled him over, before shaking his body. “Dewey?! Dewey, please!” Dewey didn’t move a muscle, causing Webby to fear the worst. “Come on Dewey, not like this! NOT LIKE THIS!” She tried to shake him awake again to no avail. 
Heron could barely get a hit on Scrooge and Beakley. They both we’re fighting differently, and Scrooge had a ferocious look on his while he fought. Beakley hit Heron back towards Scrooge, and Scrooge wasted no time in showing her what she deserved. “You come up with a plan to lay havoc on the world, trash my house, and mess with me and both my partners, but when you seriously hurt one of my nephews?! That’s when things get personal!” 
He landed a couple of blows, and hit her back to Beakley who gave the finishing blow as she punched Heron across the room. Heron, looked up at the two, before noticing something at the corner of her eye. She viciously smiled, as she reached up and pressed a button, causing the whole area to shake with an alarm going off and a voice saying, “Self Destruct Sequence Initiated.” 
“What?!” They both looked around before Scrooge saw Heron making a run for it. He was about to chase after her before Beakley pulled him back. “We can deal with her another time, McDuck, we have another serious problem at hand!” She pointed to Webby still holding a limp Dewey, making Scrooge realize what it could mean. They both ran towards the kids, Webby looking up with teary eyes as they arrived. Quickly, Beakley scooped up Dewey in her arms, and Scrooge turned to a dress both of them. “Beakley, carry Dewey out and Webbigail, stay close. Follow me!” 
Scrooge led the way, with the two females right behind him. He managed to find a way down to the kids, but it wasnt short, so with the self-destruction sequence activated, they had to run fast, or else they wouldnt make it. Beakley really had no trouble running while carrying Dewey, and Webby focused up ahead, but every so often would quickly glance at Dewey. He was still unmoving, and she still couldn’t shake the sickening feeling, but had to focus on running if they all wanted a chance to survive. 
Finally, they rounded one last corner to arrive back at the area where the kids initially fell through the floor. They then ran towards the beach, where Launchpad was waiting with the sub. He could see them and waved before Scrooge’s voice reached his ears. “Launchpad, start the sub!” He was about to enter the sub before his eyes caught Dewey in Beakley’s arms, and his eyes widened in shock. “Wait! What happened to Dew-” “No time, just get in!” Shouted Beakley, and Launchpad did so without hesitation. The engine roared to life, as the 4 hopped into the sub and closed the hatch tightly and quickly. With that done, they sailed off before diving under the ocean, the island exploding before they did so. The sub shook, as the force of the explosion pushed it outward at a faster rate, Launchpad barely able to keep the sub under control. 
Once things were steady again, no one wasted anytime to lay Dewey down across the seats. “How is he?” Asked Scrooge. “His heartbeat was faint when i got to him, but thats all i could hear.” Whimpered Webby. Beakley laid her head sideways upon Dewey’s chest, and emitted a long sigh. She lifted her head, and smiled at Webby and Scrooge reassuringly. “His heartbeat is still there. He just needs a lot of oxygen.” 
“Right. Lass, come with me, i might need your help.” Webby followed Scrooge to the storage closet at the back of the sub, with Beakley looking over Dewey, and Launchpad still piloting the sub, but couldnt get Dewey out of his mind. He turned around and asked Beakley, “Mrs. B., what do i do?” “Just keep driving, Launchpad. The sooner Dewey gets home, the better.” She smiled at him, as he saluted her, and focused on the open ocean up ahead. Scrooge and Webby then came out with an oxygen take and mask, and placed the mask on Dewey’s bill and the tank right beside him. His chest was moving up and down, so that calmed the nerves of everyone to an extent. 
“Now, all we have to do is wait.” Said Scrooge. They then pulled Webby off to the side, and questioned her about everything that happened before they came to their rescue. Webby explained about the lab and the flask in her pocket, completely forgetting about it before they brought it up. She also explained how he took Black Heron on the way he did was because she was insulting the three of them, and managed to actually knock her down before she got the best of him. Then she knocked her back and grabbed Dewey by the neck and literally choked him unconscious, causing Webby to slightly sob as she explained that part. 
The adults hugged the young duckling in reassurance, and smiled down at her saying that everything will be alright. “Give him time, and he’ll wake up soon.” Her granny said to her. “He’ll be fine, lass.” She looked up to Scrooge. “Whether be it fortunate or not, it’ll be hard for anyone to finish him off.” They all let out a small chuckle before dispersing around the sub. Scrooge and Beakley went off to the side to talk about some things while Webby sat by Dewey’s side, waiting patiently for him to wake up. 
About two hours go by before the black finally gains some color. 
Dewey’s eyes slowly blinked as he tried to get his vision to focus while also trying to ignore the soreness of his throat. He noticed a mask on his bill, and took it off while sitting up. His eyes could see clearly again, as he looked around and soon realized he was back in the sub. He could see the back of Launchpad’s head, then turned around and saw Scrooge and Beakley sleeping on the chairs they were sitting. He then looked straight from where he was, and saw Webby’s head resting on the arm rest of his seat, but was actually on the floor. He wondered why she was like this, tried to breathe in to speak before his throat began to hurt badly, and he started viciously coughing, startling Launchpad and waking everyone else up immediately. 
They all swarmed around him, bombarding him with questions about his well being, if anything hurts, if he needs anything, etc. With a bit of a straining voice, he quieted then down, only asking for some water. Scrooge was about to go get it, but Webby was gone and back with a flash, a water bottle in hand. 
Dewey took a sip, thanking her, before walked towards him, putting his mask back on saying, “might be a good idea to keep this on you for a while longer.” Dewey didn’t argue and nodded his head. Scrooge and Beakley went back to where they originally were, leaving Dewey and Webby by themselves. 
Dewey nervously turned to look at Webby, expecting her face to be fuming, but when he did, his eyes widened. She looked at him with her eyes threatening to tear up with her bill quivering, yet she look extremely happy and relieved. 
“Uh, W-Webbs? You goo-oh!” He got cut off with Webby embracing him into a very tight hug. He could feel her body shake and a few tears stain the back of his shirt. He didn’t care about that though, as he was still confused by the sudden action, and she then pulled back, still holding on to Dewey’s shoulder with one arm, and the other to wipe her eyes. 
“You really scared me, you know.” 
“I, um...”
I thought you... I thought that...” she stumbled with her words and turned away from him, as he then scooted closer to her and put an arm on her shoulder this time. 
“I thought I failed you.” She whispered as more tears fell from her eyes.
“Hey, look at me. Look at me.” He pushed against her shoulder, and used his other arm on her other shoulder to gently make her face him. “I’m still here, aren’t I? I’m fine as can be. A bit sore on the neck, but probably not the worst thing that’s happened to me.” He quietly chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, and it seemed to work, as she giggled right next to him. 
“My point is, don’t think you’ve ever failed me from now on, ok? You’re my best friend, Webbs.” He then embraced her and she hugged him back. “You can never fail me.” 
The hug lasted way longer than it should’ve, but honestly, the kids didn’t mind. The only thing that seemed off was that Webby felt a tiny pang in her chest as soon as he called her his “best friend,” but she was too happy that he was still alive, she could care less about anything else at that moment. She shoved that feeling to the side, dismissing it as nothing big. 
Or was it?
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adamarinayu · 7 years
“We’re All We’ve Got, Remember?”
So this was originally supposed to be a completely independent oneshot that just sort of popped into my head but then this quote slipped in there.
This is completely and 100% AU.
When a city, no matter how large, is all you’ve ever known, it begins to feel more like a prison than home. That was something Donald’s nephews had to learn the hard way.
Not that Donald took it much better- after decades of adventuring the world, being confined to Duckburg alone was driving him crazy. It was like cabin fever, only he could go out into town instead of being locked within the walls of that mansion he had once upon a time and once again called home. The simple fact of the matter was this was Duckburg, and there was no way out.
Except for the sky burning red and hot above them, the high glass ceiling of the dome keeping them inside the city, the guards patrolling the streets enforcing laws Donald had never grown up with, and a plethora of other small details and big details, it was the Duckburg he had known and loved and often left behind for a bigger, better, more exciting place- but the Duckburg he always returned to.
The children had never known any other world. They didn’t know life outside the dome.
Donald, Scrooge, Bentina, Gladstone and Launchpad did.
The world they grew up in was not the world Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby would inherit.
“Uncle Donald!”
Donald’s eyes tore away from the window, swinging around to look at his nephews and niece running over to him. They had dart guns in their hands, but the expressions on their faces told him they were much less interested in their game and much more interested in something else.
They leapt up on the couch, forcing themselves between Donald and Gladstone, causing the latter to drop the book he had been looking through in order to scoot over.
“Yes?” Donald asked, giving them a somewhat disapproving look. Gladstone didn’t look too perturbed, however, as he just plucked his book back up off the floor. He waved the childrens’ apologies away.
“We were talking with some friends from school,” Dewey explained to his uncle, “and everyone else says their parents tell them stories about the “old world” all the time.”
“So we were wondering,” Huey continued almost nervously, “what was the world like when you were young, Uncle Donald?”
Donald and Gladstone shared a surprised look over the ducklings’ heads. “When I was young?” Donald repeated.
“Yeah,” Louie confirmed, leaning against Gladstone’s side. “You know, when you were a duckling. Like us.”
“When you were our age!” Webby added excitedly, dropping her dart gun to grab his arm. “Please tell us, Uncle Donald? Uncle Scrooge doesn’t want to talk about it!”
That was understandable, Donald figured- Scrooge was bitter about the whole affair and hated thinking of the old days. He missed those days so much.
But Donald? Donald wanted the children to know. He wanted them to know how it used to be. How it should be.
He gave them a slight, sad smile. “Gladstone,” he started, turning towards his cousin and holding his hands out. Gladstone looked slightly unsure.
“You sure, ‘cuz? Unc’ didn’t want us talking about it,” he reminded Donald.
Donald rolled his eyes. “Scrooge can stuff it,” he said as Gladstone dropped the book into his waiting hands. “They deserve to know.”
“If you’re sure.”
He turned to the children. “Things were a lot different when Gladstone, your mother and I were growing up,” he started. “Back then we could go outside.”
“We already go outside, Uncle Donald,” Dewey pointed out, raising a brow.
“Not outside the house,” Donald corrected, flipping the book open to the first page. “Outside the dome.”
The album was filled with memories. Memories of Donald and Gladstone and even Della’s entire lives, right up until the dome was erected. Twenty-five years of fun, glory and paradise.
Sometimes the cousins regretted not taking more pictures- why they didn’t just take a picture of that common flower that bloomed every spring, or take more pictures of their grandmother, or more of Della, more of Fethry, more of that old pond out by the farm... the farm itself...
It was filled with memories, longing and regret, but also respect and nostalgia for the things that no longer were.
On the very first page, three ducklings- one slightly different, his goose showing through- sat on a blanket in the grass, looking at the camera in confusion. In the background, ducks of various ages played.
Scattered across the page were more pictures of those ducklings, sometimes all together and sometimes separated. It wasn’t very clear whose pictures these were, to be honest- Donald and Gladstone, when the triplets and Webby were barely a year old, had piled all of their pictures up and cobbled the album together with no clear separation on who the photos had belonged to originally. Sometimes they were at the farm, sometimes they were at the house Donald vaguely remembered belonging to his father, sometimes they were at Gladstone’s house, and then sometimes they were elsewhere.
Some places the two cousins had carefully copied whatever their parents had written on the back of the photos underneath, to be sure they would never forget the details.
At some point, of course, the pictures seemed to all merge- when all three children came into their grandmother’s care. Several years passed with the children there before a sudden separation happened again in their teens, when Donald and Della moved in with Scrooge officially.
That was when the old photographs really got interesting. Suddenly Donald and Della were in other countries, in adventuring gear or camping or somesuch, while Gladstone was at parties and the “best of the best for tourists” countries available.
Of course, there were the “cousin roadtrips” they took and treasured every year scattered throughout, but other than that Donald and Gladstone’s lives ceased crossing over as much as they once had.
Fethry, their other cousin, showed up mostly in family reunion photos and the cousin roadtrips. Every day Donald and Gladstone felt crushing regret that they didn’t have more pictures of him.
No one knew where he was when the enemy none of them knew about rose into power. No one knew where he was when the dome came to be.
He wasn’t home when the sky began to burn red.
“Uncle Donald, these pictures look so...” Huey started, sounding unsure as he stared at the album.
“Fake?” Dewey supplied somewhat nervously.
“Fake?!” Gladstone repeated, almost offended. “Dear children, these pictures are our lives!”
“Gladstone,” Donald started tiredly, leaning back on the couch as he gazed at the old photographs. “It’s okay, they don’t know.”
“The world can’t be that different,” Louie said, frowning at the picture of three blue-eyed ducklings swimming in a lake, an orange sun gleaming down from a blue sky.
“Sure it can,” Webby argued. “I mean the world had to change sometime, right?”
“It can’t be this different,” Louie repeated, huffing. “I was expecting boring talk about a building that no longer stood, or a park where industry is now, not-”
“We grew up on a farm,” Donald interrupted their argument, silencing the children. “The pond’s water was really cold,” he told them, pointing at a picture of him and Gladstone swimming. Della was in the background, a blur jumping off of the small dock with a rare image of Fethry following. “We swam in it every summer, anyway. The skies were always blue in summer, and the sun was warm and the air clean.”
“Air,” Gladstone added, leaning over the children to peer at the album as well, “actually came from the trees and grass and oceans, and not a factory.”
“That can’t be true,” Huey mumbled in awe, eyes on the trees Gladstone pointed out to them. Donald and Della were beneath that true, the former holding a spider protectively in his hands while the latter tried to throw a rock at it.
Donald remembered that- that had been in the year between his and Gladstone’s parents’ deaths, and Donald and Della were living at the farm without him. Donald had, shortly after losing their parents, become obsessed with being a pacifist. Everything, he believed, deserved to live- even the icky gross spider he used to cry for his father to come kill.
It was during that time Donald came to really respect all life, and learned that he actually really liked spiders... much to Della and Gladstone’s horror. He saved a lot of spider and insect lives in the years following.
In a photo on the next page, however, something caught his attention and he dropped his line of thought. This, he knew, was so much more important.
“This is Grandma,” Donald said, directing the childrens’ attention to an elderly duck lady, laughing at her grandchildrens’ antics as they pretended to drive a tractor. It was old and rusted, and Donald remembered it was sold a year later (briefly he wondered what happened to it, considering he couldn’t remember a time that old thing had actually worked), so she didn’t mind the three (and sometimes four!) children climbing up to play pretend. “She raised us after our parents were gone.”
“Your parents died too?” Webby asked, surprised. Gladstone was the one who nodded.
“Yeah,” he said, turning back a few pages and pointing to a family photograph taking up the entire page. He tapped on the ducks in question. “These here were my mom and dad, and these were Donald’s.”
“This was taken a week before mom and dad died,” Donald told them quietly, looking at his parents. They were holding hands, gazing adoringly at each other while their children played in the front with the others. They had been so happy. “An accident on their way home from St. Canard.”
“St. Canard?”
Donald and Gladstone looked at each other, and the latter- who, even Donald would admit, knew the album much better than anyone else- swiftly flipped to a page further in the book. Donald immediately recognized it; Gladstone and himself, one of the rare pictures of Donald without his twin (as she was the one taking the picture), under the lights of a club they were much too young to enter. It was their first trip together after Donald and Della moved into McDuck Manor.
“This is Donald and me in St. Canard,” Gladstone told them. “A city across the old lake- the lake’s not there anymore,” he added, flipping back and tapping a photo of the docks. “It used to be massive. Donald had an old houseboat docked there for a time, always dreamed of moving in, but then...” he trailed off, a frown coming over his face.
“Then...?” the children prompted.
“The soldiers came,” Donald finished for his cousin. “Whatever they did dried the lake, and all of the boats were left stranded.”
“But that’s not what we’re talking about,” Gladstone said quickly, clearly not ready to tackle that topic, and he flipped back to the St. Canard pictures.
He began pointing out every picture of them there, talking about what street they’d been on, what it had been like, the sights, the sounds, the smells, everything, and Donald, for just a moment, felt like he was there again. The children were just as enraptured, trying to imagine all these things they never had the chance to experience...
Then they were back to green-grass, blue-sky and clear-waters. A cousin roadtrip picture came up, the first year Donald, Della and Gladstone had their licenses, and finally Dewey broke down and, pointing to the fourth duck in the picture, asked, “Is that Uncle Fethry?”
“Yes,” Donald and Gladstone said in unison, each looking at the picture of their missing cousin.
“The one who wasn’t in Duckburg when the soldiers came?”
“Yes,” Donald answered alone, quietly.
“And this is mom,” Huey guessed, fingers reaching out to brush over Della’s form. She was smiling so widely, giving Donald and Gladstone both bunny ears while, unknown to her, Fethry did the same to her.
“Yes,” Donald answered again, voice cracking slightly. “She loved the world, y’know.”
Without any prompting, Gladstone flipped to the first picture of Donald, Della and Scrooge on their adventures. “They used to adventure all the time with Uncle Scrooge,” Gladstone told them, gently tapping a selfie Della had sent to him of the three of them shortly after they barely survived a crash landing. “Had a blast doing it, too. I opted out.”
“There’s no way Uncle Donald could be an adventurer,” Dewey protested, looking at Donald in shock. “Right?”
“I was, and it was probably the best time of my life,” Donald sighed, looking at another picture of himself and Scrooge, taken by Della, in front of a South American pyramid in a previously-undiscovered city. Two faces Donald hadn’t seen in more than a decade, faces that hurt to think about, names that the children wouldn’t recognize, seemed to be cheering in the background. It had been the first time his adventures with them and his adventures with Scrooge and Della had overlapped. “There’s nothing quite like exploring the world, kids.”
“Even I did some exploring, just not the same way,” Gladstone said, flipping back a few pages to a picture of himself on the Eiffel Tower. “This album is our lives, right up until-”
“The soldiers,” Webby whispered, sounding awed. “So... it this was the world back then...”
“What happened?” Huey asked quietly, staring at the photos as Gladstone slowly flipped through the pages. “Why did the sky turn red?”
“No one really knows,” Donald said, turning to observe each one of his children. “Scrooge, Gladstone, your mother and I... we were all here when it happened.”
“Why isn’t mom here now, then?”
Donald sucked in a shallow breath. He had expected it, of course- he just showed them an album full of their mother’s life.
They knew she was gone, but they didn’t know why.
“She fought,” Gladstone answered for Donald, voice so quiet it was almost lost. He stared intently at the last picture in the album, at Della’s mischievous smile, Grandma’s laughing eyes, Fethry’s goofy grin, Donald’s exasperated affection, Scrooge’s proud expression, Gladstone’s own confident smirk... the last photo they ever took. “She fought alongside Uncle Scrooge, Donald and Bentina while I stayed with you four here, at the mansion, to keep you safe. I only wish I had kept her safe, too.”
“She died?” Louie asked, though they knew it to be true already. “She died... fighting them?”
“She died trying to protect the world she loved,” Donald told them, reaching over to gently stroke Louie’s feathers. “And she died to protect you four.”
“We didn’t stand a chance against the soldiers,” Gladstone admitted, closing his eyes and looking away. “There were too many. After Della died, and Donald was injured, and Scrooge lost basically everything...”
“They didn’t even give anyone a chance to save their families,” Donald said, tears burning his eyes as he thought about the farm- about his grandmother- so far outside of any city limit. “We don’t even know if domes in other cities were erected, before they did... whatever they did to kill the world outside.”
“We could be all alone in the world,” Gladstone sighed, rubbing at his eyes as they both thought of the family that hadn’t been in Duckburg with them.The family they lost, the family they might have lost.
“It was only Gladstone’s luck that let us stay in the mansion. Even though it’s a good point to see the city from, the soldiers didn’t want to make the drive every day,” Donald told them bitterly, turning back towards the window. “Frankly I’m surprised they let us live, but living in Duckburg now is a greater punishment than death so it’s no mercy on their part.”
He stared out the window, across the city he had loved and now only loathed, to the dome wall slicing through the bridge, to the old Moneybin sitting outside, falling apart as the harsh environment lashed at its walls.
Everything was bathed in a red light.
“On the other hand,” he mused, turning back to the children, “we’re still here, together and alive. And so long as we’ve got each other, we’ve got everything we need, right?”
“Right!” the children agreed, though the tears in Louie and Huey’s eyes told Donald that they weren’t exactly happy about it.
This was the world they lived in now. They had to accept that.
All the loss, all the pain, everything. It was their life. And maybe one day, he thought, maybe one day these children and their generation would change the future, reclaim the world as theirs.
Donald, though- Donald could only wish he could help.
He looked at Gladstone, who without words took the album from his grasp and closed it, handing it to Dewey, saying, “Read the things we’ve written in there, if you want to know more.” Then Gladstone stood up and moved over to Donald, grabbing his arm and helping him to his feet.
Donald leaned on Gladstone as the half-goose helped him take the few steps needed to reach his chair. He sunk down into the seat and, after setting his feet in their proper space, reached down to the wheels.
Looking at the children again as Gladstone retook his spot on the couch, Donald said, “The world used to be bright and colourful. Not everything was red. We lost a lot in that fight...
“But we should still be thankful for what we do have. We’re all here together, and we’re all we’ve got, remember?”
Gladstone just looked back at him while the children nodded, each one quiet as they watched their uncle.
Donald took a breath. He sounded more confident than he felt. Because honestly? His heart was breaking all over again.
“Good. ‘Cause for now, that’s gonna have to be good enough.”
His smile was sad, shaky at best, as he turned and wheeled himself out of the room.
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myrskytuuli · 7 years
Ghosts in the Mansion
Oh, what’s that? the duck fandom ordered more angst? No? You’re getting it anyway. 
Little Webby is convinced that the mansion has a ghost in it. And with no friends to entertain her, she might as well try to find that ghost. And she might not be entirely wrong thinking that Mister. McDuck doesn’t sleep well, because he is being haunted. 
“-You can’t let it haunt you forever-.”
“Nothing’s haunting me!”
Young Webbigail Vanderquak tip-toed away from the door that had been left slightly ajar, feeling just a tiniest amounts of guilt for eavesdropping. But then again, she hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, she had been walking the hallways, minding her own business, when she had overheard her grandma and Mister. McDuck. Eavesdropping might have been rude, but overhearing was something that could happen to anyone.
Besides, she couldn’t be blamed for walking past the same door over and over again, it wasn’t like there was anything else for her to do.
Hurrying back to her room, the very young girl jumped on her chair, which rolled over to her bookcase, where the girl snatched a rope and used the momentum to swing herself on top of the sturdy wooden structure. With practiced ease, she reached for the secret notebook taped to the wall behind the bookcase.
Settling down on her spot, on top of the bookcase, she started to leaf through the notebook, eyes critically scanning her previous notes. The big picture was starting to form from the clues that she had been gathering for a long while now.  
The McDuck manor had a ghost in it.
It only made sense. A manor like this had to be haunted, she had never read of an old manor with secret rooms and mysterious artefacts, inhabited by an eccentric old man, of not being haunted.
And there were clues all over the place. Firstly, there was the fact that Mister McDuck never let anyone visit him in the mansion, expect of course grandma, but Mister. McDuck had to let her in, because otherwise no one would clean or cook in this place. And If Webby was owner of a mansion like this, she would have invited friends over every day! She would have invited total strangers too, and made them her new friends! It just wasn’t normal to not ever invite anyone in without some reason.
Then there was the fact that sometimes Webby could hear Mister. McDuck wandering the halls, and mutter to someone who was not there. Sometimes he would even stay up the entire night pacing in circle, or the halls, or just staring into nothingness. Webby had done her research, and concluded that it might be a case of possession. Or maybe there was a ghost who was specifically targeting Mister. McDuck, and keeping him up at nights. It might also explain why he was so grumpy during the days. Webby was also grumpy herself if she didn’t get her proper sleep.  
And of course there was the keen knowledge that grandma was trying to keep something secret from Webby. She never answered when Webby asked about Mister. McDuck’s nightly wanderings, or why they never had any visitors in the mansion, or why it sometimes felt like there was something heavy and frightening weighing down the air of the mansion. She only told Webby that she was imagining things, and that what Mister. McDuck did was his own business, and that she shouldn’t bother him too much. But Webby could hear in the tone of her grandmother that not everything was all right. That something was wrong, and that she didn’t want Webby to know about it.
But Webby did know about it, and she had to do something, even if none of the adults were going to do anything. Webby, who had nothing but time in her lonely hands, and an adventurous heart, (and the sneaking hope that maybe if the ghost was banished, people would start coming to the mansion and Webby wouldn’t be so alone all the time.)
Now, after consulting books, it was time to find the actual ghost, which meant that it was time for fieldwork. She had prepared well, watching all the episodes of the ghost-hunters, reading all the books she could find, and by making herself a notebook for guidance.
Two months ago, Webby had found the vents, and consequently that they were just big enough for a young duck-child to crawl through. This had led her to start a mapping project and kept her entertained many long evenings. She might not be able to do any exploration outside the mansion, but at least she could claim the honour of being the expert in exploring the inside of the mansion.
But there were still many spaces and many rooms that she had not visited. Dropping down from the vent into darkened room always brought the same feeling of rush to her. The first glimpse around in a place she had never seen before. The endless possibilities.
Well, mostly the rooms did resemble each other. The same style of furnishing, the same amount of dust gathering in the corners. But there was always something new to be discovered in every room. Maybe it was an old map hanging from the wall. Maybe it was the ancient samurai sword placed on the mantle of the fireplace. Maybe it was the basket of pearls on top of the unused piano.
The room that Webby dropped down into, didn’t at least on the first glance seem to hold any notable treasures in it. But Webby knew that first looks weren’t everything, and that she wasn’t looking for treasures anyway. She was looking for the ghost, and she had deducted that the best place to start would be from the east-wing of the second store, because even Grandma wasn’t allowed to clean in those rooms, and Mister. McDuck himself avoided ever going in there, even if he had to take the longer route to the west-wing stairs if he wanted to go to the third-floor.  
Webby slid her feet on the floor, trying to be as silent as possible, even if she was sure that neither grandma nor Mister. McDuck were anywhere near. The room was only very faintly illuminated by the light of the moon filtering through the dusty window, but what she could see in the dim lighting was that the room had at some point been a bedroom. This room had probably been a guest bedroom at some point, before the dust and the cobwebs had taken over. There were two beds neatly positioned underneath the small window, and empty shelves lining the walls. For a room so impersonal, there was still a whisper of something that suggested that whoever had been the last person to sleep here, had not been the most considerate of guests. There were little marks on the furniture that suggested a rough use once upon a time, and all kind of little holes and scratches on the walls, that were almost familiar to what Webby’s own walls looked after trying out how to make a pen stick from the wall.
Fishing out the small pen-light from her pocket, (She always came prepared), Webby started to peer into the shadows.  
“Hey ghost! If you’re listening, it’s me, Webby Vanderquak. And I’m not afraid of you!”
Webby shivered slightly. Everything around her was perfectly silent.
the shelves were empty, as was the closet. There was nothing but years’ worth of dust underneath the beds, and the writing desk had notches and ink stains in it, but nothing that would tell any interesting stories of the rooms former occupants.
Swallowing back her temptation to crawl back into the vent, and to her own room, she instead peered behind the bookcase on the right-side wall. Expecting nothing more than more cobwebs, she was surprised to see something nestled between the wall and the corner of the bookcase. Stretching her short hand, she managed to hook the end of her finger in the old leathery strap. Pulling the item out, she could identify it as an old and cracked pair of aviator’s goggles.
Excited, she turned the item around in her hands, coughing a bit as the dust flew into her beak. On an impulse, she pulled the item over her head, noticing that the pair was a tad too big for her, and even if the size would have been fit, the lenses were both so dull with dirt that you couldn’t see through. She had to pull the goggles up, but kept them still resting against her forehead, because they were cool.
Getting back up, she let the small pen-light travel on the bare walls. She was already getting disinterested, and started to think about leaving the room, when she noticed something half-hidden behind a table leaning against the wall opposite of the window and the beds.
Creeping closer, she realised that the white, square, shape was actually a painting covered with a sheet. A quick glance on the wall also revealed the hooks already in place to hold the heavy-framed picture. Apparently, the room had been for some reason abandoned before picture had made it to the wall. Or maybe when the room had been emptied from all of its other decorations, the painting had been left behind.
Curiosity peeked, Webby reached for the corner of the white cloth, wanting to see what type of a painting was hiding underneath it, but her moment was disturbed by a loud bang coming from behind her. A high pitched squak escaped her beak and instinctively her hand, still holding the penlight, stabbed forwards.
Jumping around, she saw Mister McDuck standing on the open doorway, an ancient musket on his hands, looking like he was ready to chase a burglar or two away all by himself.
When his eyes settled on Webby, standing in the dusty bedroom, aviator’s goggles hiding half of her face, the weapon dropped from his hands and clattered on to the floor. Webby flinched again at the sudden sound, but otherwise felt relieved. At least she wasn’t about to be shot.
“Mister McDuck…I can explain…?” She tried, not actually knowing how she could explain snooping around in his mansion at this time of the night.
Mister McDuck did not shout, or growl, or do anything that Webby expected of him. He didn’t do anything, expect stare at Webby, or at least stare at where Webby was currently standing.
“So um…”
“So it’s you? You are the girl whose footsteps and voices I hear coming from the east-wing at nights?”
“Well… I guess I kinda do speak to myself from time to time…So, you’re not mad?”
Mister McDuck blinked, and suddenly Webby wished that she had not said anything. A storm cloud settled over Mister. McDuck’s face as he gazed at the little girl in front of him.
“Mad? Of course I’m mad! What in Dismal Down’s do you think that you are doing?! Wandering around at nights, keeping me awake! Going in to places you are not supposed to go!! Destroying my property!”
Mister. McDuck pointed behind Webby, and a quick glimpse back made Webby curl into herself in shame. Her penlight had ripped at the the corner of the painting. The white cloth had pooled on to the ground, around the picture, but Webby no longer had any interest in what the painting was depicting. She was too concentrated on keeping the tears at bay.
“I’m sorry, Mister McDuck.” She whispered, feeling utterly dejected.
“Yes well.” The red coated tsillionare coughed awkwardly. “Just make sure that you stop wandering from now on. I’ll be talking to your grandmother about your behaviour. Besides, there are many dangerous things on these abandoned rooms, you might end up in an accident, if you go off by yourself.”
Webby would have asked if maybe Mister. McDuck could then come with Webby, so it wouldn’t be dangerous, but the cold finality and the very underlying bitterness of the last sentence stilled her tongue. It had been a stupid idea from the start. Mister McDuck wouldn’t want to go of gallivanting with little girls anyway.
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mrs-goldie-mcduck · 7 years
Here are my thoughts on the latest episodes of DuckTales 2.0: “Daytrip of Doom” and “The Great Dime Chase.”
Non-spoilery summary:  Overall, I found them very enjoyable episodes.  Loved Webby.  Not so sure about Gyro.
Spoilers below the cut.
“Daytrip of Doom”
Yay for a Fergus picture on the wall.
I’m sorry, but I still can’t understand Donald half the time.  :\  I also would prefer the boys to sound younger, but I’m getting used to their voices.  The acting is great, so that helps.
That joke about Donald and Mrs. Beakley kissing was just as random and out-of-the-blue in context as it was in that promo.  Seriously, WTF was that?
LOL @ the nephews telling Webby “don’t lick anything” on the bus, and also LOL @ at her getting uncomfortably close to a passenger reading a book called “The Joy of Personal Space.”  Nice touch.  
All of her schtick about having been so sheltered and now unleashed was actually really cute.
I know this is a thing that happens in animation because it’s easier to keep individual parts separate for coloring, but I couldn’t help noticing that Ma Beagle’s outfit didn’t match.  Her hat band, necklace, purse, and skirt didn’t really work well together.  Then again, I suppose it’s all stolen, so...  ;)
LOL @ Ma Beagle saying something about “marking your territory” to her sons and them exchanging looks like “WHAT did she just say?”  Considering how little attention is paid to their species in the comics, it took me a second to get the joke, and then I was like, “Did they really just do a pee reference?”
The family dynamics of the Beagles were nicely done.  I liked Ma comparing chasing Webby to chasing after her boys when they were kids, and the part with Big Time being jealous of the rapport Donald and the kids have was both funny and oddly poignant.
Overall, not enough Scrooge for my liking, but a very cute episode.
“The Great Dime Chase”
I got a little shiver at Dewey being referred to as an “Heir of Clan McDuck.”  I also wondered where the heck Huey was all that time.  It’s one thing to have just one nephew get the spotlight in a plot, but having two of them doing things and the third completely missing felt weird.
I caught lots of mentions of place names that are significant from the comics, including Dawson and Culebra (and others, too, but I couldn’t write them all down fast enough.)
Scrooge:  “Do you have any idea how many revenge curses I have on my head?”  Well...YEAH!  LOL!
As a library worker, I was quite amused by the jokes about card catalogs, shelving, the horrors of dog-eared pages, and especially the inevitable Dewey Decimal joke.  Well played.
I giggled at “The Life and Times of Della Duck” (even if I was just as disappointed as Dewey when it turned out to be blank.)  I actually don’t mind that they’re drawing out the Della mystery into an ongoing plot point.  Her fate has been such a huge question mark in duckdom for so long, it wouldn’t be as satisfying to have all the answers dumped on us at once.  Draw out the anticipation!  Keep us guessing!
I liked the subtle detail of making L’il Bulb’s filaments suggest facial expressions.
As for Gyro...honestly, I don’t like the megalomaniacal mad scientist vibe they’ve got going with him.  Barks’ Gyro is almost childlike in his innocence and earnestness.  He doesn’t want to get rich or famous.  He just wants to make good inventions that help people.  This version...not so much.  And his inventions keep turning evil for...some reason?  Eh, I’ll see how it goes in future episodes, but so far it’s really not working for me.
I also miss his orange hair, but that’s a tiny nitpick.
Still an enjoyable episode overall, though.  The comedy of errors with Louie chasing the dime was good, I liked the library humor, and the tidbits of clues to The Great Della Mystery were neat.
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