#same reaction when I watched Hamilton
just saw a video of kimiko glenn talking and there is a disturbance in the force
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catlaila · 5 months
as someone who is heavily fixated on college basketball and f1 i can assure you that people would absolutely be making edits of the foxes. i know for a fact that people would be OBSESSED with how messy neil is. the tiktoks on the infamous neil-riko beef starting from kathy’s show. the neil-kevin edits. did you know ive never been skiing interview would’ve had him trending for a full WEEK. riko fans would be scaryyyy and i know allison would be itching to give a bitchy reply if renee hadn’t taken her phone away so she wouldn’t make any comments to piss off raven fans anymore than they would’ve.
i don’t think andrew would be that popular at first but i think there’s a time where someone manages to dig up part of the twin’s past and it goes a bit viral so wymack tries to put him in front of a camera (horrible decision. they will never be doing that again until andrew’s forced to in his professional career). unfortunately for wymack this interview goes insanely viral bc andrew is physically incapable of not being cunty and now there are andrew edits. nicky sends all of them to neil, because nicky is terrified to actually show andrew, and neil is like hmm. well. hmm. and then watches them for hours
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sebscore · 2 years
rubyyy i have an idea for your gen-z driver series! when you are free, maybe you can write about when lil miss just got into f1 and had many people doubted her just for her to nail her rookie season like the goat sir Lewis Hamilton did in his. feel free to tweak it however you want. I just thought it would be cool to see more off the racing side of gen-z driver. :))))
and i really enjoy your writings, keep them coming but also don't stress out too much about them as well :)
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pairings: f1 grid x driver!reader 
warnings: sexism. swearing. based this one on the 2018 grid, cause I imagine her joining the grid that year. christian horner & helmut marko. 
author's note: this got me immediately inspired!! It's also the first time I tackle the racing aspect of the series so I hope it's a bit accurate and that it is enjoyable x
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''Do you feel the pressure going into this week's race?'' The reporter asked her, a polite smile on his face. 
Y/N carefully adjusted the mic attached to her cheek. ''Uh, definitely,'' she nervously chuckled as it was her first F1 press conference, ''there have been a lot of reactions, both negative and positive, so I do feel a lot of eyes on me at the moment.'' 
To say that there had been a lot of reactions was an understatement. The announcement of the female race car driver joining the F1 grid had become the #1 topic on several social media platforms and even international news channels had broadcasted about the ''controversial'' arrival of the young woman. 
Various notable figures in the motorsport world had also voiced their opinion on the new face on the grid. There were many positive reactions, for example, Mercedes Team Principal Toto Wolff saying: ''It's a step in the right direction. Many young girls will see her race and get more interested in the sport, which will hopefully motivate them to start karting.'' 
Susie Wolff, former development driver for Williams, also showed her enthusiasm. ''I think Y/N is the perfect role model for all the young girls who watch F1 at home. We've been following her closely the last few years and she's proved that she can compete with the big guys, I'm very proud and I can't wait for her performances this season.'' 
Unfortunately, there had also been less positive feedback. Red Bull Motorsport advisor, Helmut Marko, had questioned whether she would be able to handle the ''physicalities'' the sport asked of a driver. ''I hope I'm wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if she would be replaced by the second race.'' 
His Red Bull colleague, Christian Horner, had also made some sensitive comments about the young woman. He recalled his first meeting with her, stating he thought she was one of the grid girls and that it would be tough as she's ''entering a man's sport''. 
Y/N had been upset with key figures of the sport making such statements about her, but she had heard worse throughout her racing career. Men like Horner were stuck in old times. 
''Sebastian, how do you feel about a female joining F1?'' Both Y/N and Sebastian internally cringed at the rookie being referred to as a 'female', trying to not let it show on their faces. 
The German collected the right words before answering. ''I'm very happy that Y/N is sitting here next to us,'' he smiled at her, ''I think her being on the grid and competing alongside us, is going to bring a lot of positive changes that should've been happening a long time ago. I've known her for some years now, so maybe I'm biased, but I couldn't think of a better person joining the line-up.'' 
''Thank you.'' Y/N mumbled, grown shy by Sebastian's praises. He had been involved in her career since her humble karting beginnings, wanting to guide her as he knew a lot of people would try to stop her from flourishing in the sport. 
The journalist then put his focus on the other world champion sitting at the panel. ''Lewis, you share the same opinion as Sebastian?'' 
''I agree with Seb, it's nice to see that progress is being made in diversing the sport and she's here, because she deserves to be here.'' Lewis' answer showed his disagreement with the people who were convinced that the woman's arrival to F1 was nothing more than a statement to the FIA. 
Y/N wasn't ignorant and knew her claiming an F1 seat would bring a lot of publicity, not only to her, but her team as well. However, they wouldn't risk losing millions of euros, because they simply wanted to make a point that women can competitively drive as well. 
''I've seen her drive, we've all seen her drive and you can't deny that she has a huge talent.'' Lewis concluded his answer, sending a soft smile her way. 
The reporter who asked the question directed his attention back to the young woman. ''Y/N, it must be great to hear those positive words from such seasoned drivers.'' He said to her, his hands pointing towards the two World Champions. 
She shyly nodded her head, feeling the gazes of everyone in the room on her. ''Yeah, it's, uh,  very nice of them.'' 
''It's the truth.'' Sebastian chuckled. 
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''That's P11 tomorrow, Y/N! Good job, we're proud of you over here.'' Her engineer announced over the radio, letting the driver know her qualifying session was over. 
She pressed her radio button. ''Thank you so much, guys! A good start!'' She enthusiastically exclaimed, delighted about her team being happy with quali. 
They had greeted her back into the garage with an applause and many headpats, congratulating her on her first ever F1 qualifier. ''Let's discuss now.'' Her coach put his arm around her shoulder and guided her to the team's briefing room. 
It hadn't lasted long. The team was overall very satisfied with how the qualifying session had gone and didn't have much feedback for the rookie. 
''Of course it would be great to score points, but finishing P11 is the realistic standing tomorrow.'' Her team principal's words had taken her by surprise, expecting them to want to score as many points as possible at the race tomorrow. 
Y/N wasn't too sure if that was the genuine opinion her team had about the next day or if they thought that she wouldn't be able to make any overtakes. Whatever it was, the dilemma clouded her mind as she walked through the paddock, ready to go back to her hotel and unwind. 
However, an arm pulled her out of her thoughts, making the rookie flinch at the sudden touch. ''What the heck,'' she hastily turned towards the person, ''Seb, don't scare me like that.'' Y/N calmed down seeing the German man grinning at her, Britta standing next to him. 
''You looked like you were overthinking.'' He had seen the frown on her face as she passed the Ferrari hospitality, immediately knowing something was on her mind. ''Starting P11 is good for your first race, the best of the rookies.'' Sebastian figured it was related to the qualifying session. 
''No, I'm happy with my starting position.'' She assured him, shaking her head. 
The Ferrari driver furrowed his eyebrows, being confused. ''Then what is it? Did someone say something to you?'' 
Y/N glanced around the paddock, making sure no one of her team or a reporter was standing near them. ''I just, uh, well- during the briefing, they basically said that they don't expect me to make any overtakes and that I just need to try to keep my position.'' She explained to the duo, both listening attentively. 
''They're already underestimating you?'' Britta commented, shocked they wouldn't encourage her to at least try to overtake as many cars as she can. 
Sebastian agreed with his friend. ''A team telling their driver to not score points is the weirdest thing I've heard in years.'' He said to Britta, a frown gracing his face. 
He turned towards the young woman. ''Don't listen to them, okay? You pass as many fucking cars as you can, alright?'' It almost looked like he was scolding her. 
The girl nodded her head, an appreciative smile on her face. ''You know I will.'' 
''I love the confidence.'' Britta laughed, patting her back. 
''Don't think about it too much, Y/N. You're gonna do great tomorrow, I'm sure of it.'' Sebastian ruffled her hair, a sincere tone in his voice. 
Y/N simply smiled at both of them, and thanked them for their support. ''I'm gonna go back to my hotel now, but I'll see you tomorrow then.'' She bid them goodbye, waving as she walked through the exit gates. 
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She could see and feel the condescending stares as she waited on the grid before the start of the race, some people didn't know how to be subtle. She had her headphones on, blasting music through them so she could drown out all of the negative thoughts. 
A tap on her shoulder brought her eyes from the ground to the face of a semi-looking concerned Kimi. She paused her song and took the headphones off, ready to listen to what the older man had to say. ''Yeah?'' 
''I can hear your song.'' Kimi pointed at his own ears, visualizing his words. 
Y/N's eyes widened, her worried expression altering into one of embarrassment. ''Oh, sorry, I'll turn it down.'' She apologized, immediately grabbing her phone to change the volume. 
''No, uh, is okay,'' he told her, ''you good?'' 
She was stunned by his question, awkwardly staring at him for a few seconds before answering. ''Yes, I'm good.'' Kimi always kept it short, she figured she should do the same. 
''Don't be nervous,'' the Finnish driver continued, looking into her eyes, ''people want to see you do bad, prove them wrong.'' 
She had met the man a handful of times before, but they had never talked this much with each other. Kimi kept to himself and she wanted to be respectful of that, not wanting to accidentally cross one of his boundaries. 
He wasn't a man of many words (at least sober) so she appreciated his advice very much, knowing he wouldn't tell her this if he didn't think she could actually prove them wrong. 
''No worry.'' A small assuring smile was found on his face, making the grimaces of her critics seem like nothing. 
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''Y/L easily passes the Renault, moving up to P10.'' The commentary of David Croft sounded as she overtook Sainz, going from P11 to P10. 
Her team's pit crew cheered in the garage, watching the spectacle on the screen. ''Keep pushing, Y/N! We're in the points.'' Her engineer told her over the radio. 
''Hehe, understood.'' She chuckled, proud of her smooth overtake. 
She managed to pass the Mclaren of Vandoorne in the same lap, falling behind the Mercedes of Bottas and the Renault of Hulkenberg who was doing his best to keep his seventh position in the race. 
The pair was too busy challenging each other that they didn't see the car of the female driver coming through, passing both of them when they left a gap. ''Y/L jumps ahead of both of them! She jumped Bottas and Hulkenberg, moving up to P7! What a stellar performance of the rookie driver!'' 
People couldn't believe their eyes as she passed the Mercedes, undoubtedly one of the fastest cars on the grid compared to her team's midfield one. 
''Bloody amazing, Y/N! The Red Bull is too far up to catch, but defend for your life now!'' P6 wasn't possible anymore as she went into the last lap, Max's car being quicker and having fresher tyres than her. 
The last lap almost went by in a haze, the young woman scared something would ruin the beautiful moment for her, but that never came. ''Y/N Y/L comes across the line to celebrate her dream debut and she becomes the first woman in over 40 years to score points in a Grand Prix!'' 
She parked her car behind Max's, her hands on her helmet as if it were her head. Y/N sat in disbelief as reality dawned on her. You scored points in your first F1 race, the sentence played on a loop in her head. 
''Oi! Little Miss scoring points on her debut!'' An Australian accent pulled her out of her thoughts, several pats on her helmet making her look up. ''You passed the Mercedes? Fucking amazing!'' He exclaimed as he saw the silver car parked behind her. 
''Daniel, can you help me get out? My body is in shock, I think.'' Y/N awkwardly chuckled, a bit embarrassed about not being able to get out of her car on her own at the moment. 
Fortunately, the Red Bull driver didn't see the big problem and helped her stand up, supporting her underarms. 
The support turned into a congratulating hug, the Australian swaying her side-to-side. ''Welcome to Formula One, baby!'' He loudly exclaimed. 
Y/N laughed at his antics, touched by his excitement for her good result. ''Thanks, Ricciardo.'' 
''Good overtake there.'' Valtteri patted her helmet with his hand, complimenting her. She bowed her head in appreciation. ''Thank you.'' 
Her and Daniel followed the Mercedes driver into the cooldown room, the latter handing her an ice-cold water bottle from the table. ''What place did you get?'' Y/N asked Daniel, turning to him. 
''P4,'' he sighed, ''but I got fastest lap, so a little redemption.'' The Red Bull driver laughed it off, at least happy he got an extra point for the championship standings. 
A pat on her back made her look back, being met with a sweaty Charles. ''Hey, man.'' She greeted him with a side-hug.
''Saw you got P7, congrats.'' The pair had been teammates the year before at Prema Racing so they have a good friendship with each other. ''Thanks, how did it go for you?'' Y/N was curious about her fellow rookie's debut race. 
He shrugged his shoulders. ''P13, but only because 5 people retired.'' Charles downplayed it, glimpsing at the ground. 
''Cheer up, Charlito! It's only the first one of the season.'' She tried comforting him, not wanting him to be down about his result. 
Charles just smiled and moved on, ready to go back to his team and discuss everything. The rest of the drivers, except the top 3, followed swiftly. Y/N received a grand welcome back in her garage, it almost seemed like she had won the World Championship. She had a brief discussion about the race and her team prepared her for the post-race interviews. 
Surprisingly, the interviews had gone well and not one discriminating question was asked. She mainly received a lot of congratulations and one female reporter even thanked her for her race performance as it would inspire many young girls watching it. Y/N had almost teared up during the specific interview, not expecting anyone to do that. 
The rookie was walking to her driver's room when a call of her name stopped her in her tracks. Lewis jogged up to her, greeting her with a big embrace. ''Good job, you did so well!'' He told her with a huge smile on his face. 
''Thank you, Lewis.'' Her head felt warm, the older man making her a little flustered. 
''And this is only the beginning, you know? You showed everyone today that you deserve to be here, truly amazing!'' He continued praising her. 
Y/N grinned at him. ''Thank you so much, that means a lot to me.'' 
''The three of us were watching it back in the cooldown room, like waiting to see in which position you came in.'' Him, Sebastian and Kimi had attentively observed the screen that replayed the race, interested in knowing how the young woman had performed. 
She was touched by Lewis' words, honored that three World Champions had looked out for her and wanted to know her result. ''Oh my god, that's- wow, that's really cool.'' Y/N awkwardly laughed, not knowing how to give a proper response all of a sudden. 
''Anyway, congrats and celebrate it well,'' he made a move to leave before visibly remembering something, ''oh, yeah, Seb asked me to tell you that he'd come by your driver's room.'' Lewis conveyed Sebastian's message. 
''Oh, great, I'll, uh, see you in two weeks then.'' She bid him goodbye and she was on her way again, hoping the German wasn't already waiting for her there. 
Fortunately for her, Sebastian wasn't there yet and she had the time to change into her casual wear so she could leave the circuit and go straight to the airport afterwards to go back home. 
Three knocks on her door stopped her scroll through social media and she called for her guest to come in, not having the energy to get up from her couch. 
She watched an energetic Sebastian walk into her driver's room, practically running to give her a hug. ''I told you that you could do it! P fucking 7!'' He exclaimed, excitedly. 
''Congrats to you for winning!'' She retorted back, not having had the chance yet to congratulate him on his GP win. 
''Thank you, honey.'' He sat down next to her on the couch. 
''I would have loved to see the faces of everyone on your team the moment you passed Carlos, it must have been priceless.'' Sebastian smirked, thinking of what she had told him the day before. ''And the double overtake? You couldn't have had a better race.'' 
''Oh my god, I couldn't believe it, Seb! Like I finished in front of a Mercedes? Wow, just wow!'' Sebastian laughed at her enthusiasm, imagining how great she must feel now. 
The winner of the day scratched his voice. ''Kimi said how nervous you looked before the race and I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit worried about you,'' he had lowered his voice, different from his loudness of before, ''but you dealt with the pressure perfectly and you didn't let it affect your race. I'm very proud of you.'' His sincerity and expression of pride almost brought tears to her eyes, the words of her idol and mentor meaning a lot to her. 
''Thank you, Seb,'' a shy smile graced her face, ''that means a lot to me, I couldn't have done it without you.'' She thanked him. 
''No, it was your hard work that got you here.'' He argued, not wanting to take any sort of credit for her accomplishments. ''And maybe a little of my money, but you know.'' Sebastian jokingly added, not able to help himself from teasing the younger one. 
Y/N rolled her eyes at the comment. ''Always so humble! Red Bull Seb made an appearance for a second there.'' 
''He's still in here, I just need to keep him in check.'' 
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taglist :: @i0veless @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @formulazeesworld @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111 @valluvsu @thatsadsmallchild @babyyoda89 @milkbreadforlife @fxllfaiiry @hc-dutch @its-ash-not-grey @princessbetsy123-blog @mehrmonga @nyenye @screechingtrashkid @ahnneyong @holybatflapexpert @itsnotgray @beautycinders @scuderialavender @rowansshit @uhhevie @revengze @nylaslife @majx00 @multi-universe21 @jaydensluv @isasalom @gentlemonsterjennie1 @appledashhh @breathinfive @lighttsoutlewis
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thatsdemko · 1 year
drunk on you - l.hamilton
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requested: y
pairings: lewis Hamilton x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol + lewis being a simp + established relationship
a/n: I didn’t touch on all of your request I apologize :/. feedback is appreciated xx my requests are currently open!
you’re one that usually can handle their alcohol. meaning, you know when enough has been enough, but tonight? that’s not the case.
the Australian Grand Prix was a rollercoaster ride. red flags, crashes, and penalties some how all came to an end. Lewis got on the podium at third overall, but George, his teammate, gave you all quite the scare. it’s partially why you’re drinking, the cars go so fast you have no time to tell who’s in there. part of you thought it was lewis, and part of you was just praying whoever was in the car was safe. to your luck, George was safe, but that didn’t stop the alcohol from flowing.
lewis has been with you for many years. he can recall your drunk nights in a hotel room helping you change, making you drink water. he thoughts those days were behind you, and you learned your lessons. tonight’s a whole other story.
he watches you sway to the beat of the music with Carmen, one hand grips her waist and the other is carelessly swinging your fourth drink of the night. lewis has already paid his tab, it’s George’s who keeps the bottle service flowing.
you and Carmen are both stumbling over each other, bodies nearly pressed against each other holding on for dear life. lewis finally gives in, unable to watch you struggle anymore, he taps you on the shoulder. your lazy eyes flash at him, crooked drunk smile, you’re so happy to see him even though he’s been there the whole time.
“lew, baby! you wanna dance?” you remove your hand from Carmen’s waist, stumbling into Lewis. lucky that he’s got a great reaction time, he catches you, hands gripping your waist. you’re peppering his face with kisses, drunk mumbles of incoherent words under the loud music and slurred speech.
“I think we need to go home.” he suggests, hand caressing your cheek. as much as one loves watching their significant other dance freely and make sour faces while taking shots, lewis knows you’re beyond wasted and it’s time to head back. you’ve got an early flight back to London, and he wants to help sober you up for the night.
“boo!” Carmen shouts in Lewis’ face, you nod with her giving the same chant, and he laughs. he’s not sure how he used to do this, he wasn’t sure how he ever persuaded you.
“we can order ice cream? maybe some fast food?” he suggests, it’s not up his alley, but watching your face light up to the idea of ice cream and a treat that’s not vegan makes you nod eagerly.
“is there a McDonald’s?” you ask, drool nearly slipping down your lips at the thought of chicken nuggets and French fries. he chuckles wiping his thumb across your plumped pink lips.
he takes his arm, wrapping it around your waist, and helps you maneuver your way out the club. when you finally step foot into the warm Australian air, there’s a car waiting for you both to take you home. of course, holding his promise he redirects the driver to the nearest McDonald’s.
“I love you.” you rest your head against his shoulder watching him take the greasy brown bag from the driver. he feeds you a couple of fries, you’re practically munching his fingers off you didn’t realize just how hungry you were.
“just two seconds ago you and Carmen were mad at me.” he chuckles, smile appearing on his face you feel your heart nearly trying to throb its way out of your chest. god, that man beside you was like made from heaven.
“when a vegan gets someone McDonald’s you’re bound to love them.” you happily sigh prying your hands into the bag, rustling around to find a loose fry in the bag. he’d do anything for you, if you asked him to eat a hamburger that’s pure beef, he’d probably do it. only for you.
the driver lets you both know you’ve arrived, and Lewis generously tips the man for going out of his way. of course he takes a photo with him before calling it a night, and the two of you are in the hotel elevator while you shovel fries into your face.
when you get in the room Lewis is helping you take off your heels, and when they finally come off you exhale a loud sigh sauntering freely towards the bed where you allow him to help you slip out of your dress— still attempting to eat your McDonald’s in the process.
“will you still kiss me if I eat these?” you hold up the box of six chicken nuggets, he gets a whiff of the smell, nose scrunching but he nods pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“go ahead, eat.” he lays clothes out for you to change into, right now you’re just in a bra and spandex sprawled across the bed eating. he thinks it’s cute and a little bit funny, that when you’re so drunk you’ve lost all manners. you’re truly a whole other person.
he goes in the bathroom and changes, by the time he’s done getting ready for bed, he has a glass of water for you and you’ve already put on one of his shirts and his sweatpants. why did he ever think you’d want to wear your own clothes?
“drink this for me please. you’ll thank me later.” he hands you the glass, your hands wrapping it around it like a little kid, you tilt your head back chugging until it’s empty.
“that wasn’t vodka.” you frown feeling it wash down like normal, no burn or itch against your throat.
“sorry to disappoint.” he laughs watching you curl into the bed, forgetting all other aspects of your nightly routine, the sleepiness was finally taking over you.
“I would’ve preferred it to have been vodka.”
“come on, we still have skincare to do then we can go to bed.”
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averagecygnet-blog · 6 months
one thing I absolutely adore about tgwdlm is how completely and irrevocably a stage musical it is. it HAS to be a stage musical - the medium is so deeply baked into the story that it truly would not translate to another medium.
some reasons why:
the musical style is old-fashioned in a way that screams classic broadway. you can't get away from it, especially in songs like "lah dee dah dah day" and "show stoppin number". and it's not just the music, it's the dancing too - have you ever seen a kickline in a movie musical, once, ever? or jazz hands? gimme a break
along similar lines - all the broadway references! hamilton of course, but also wicked and mamma mia and jekyll & hyde
all the attention deliberately brought to the lighting and set! the performers in "la dee dah dah day" loudly saying "lights down!" when it's over; ted, paul, and emma striking the stage after "show stoppin number"; the lighting panels used as sirens, TVs, showcasing hudgins' alexa, and more; ted wheeling the big meteor prop off the stage after "let it out". they don't let you forget that we're in a theater.
all the hokey ass miming and special effects???? charlotte and hudgins having their guts ripped out is flashy and fun onstage because of the intestine props. emma and ted having blood capsules in their mouths. paul, emma, and zoey violently shaking when pantomiming being in a helicopter. ted running in place, moving forward or back to suggest movement across the road. it's all so fun and consistently reminds you that this is a stage
double-casting as intentional obstruction of the truth. we're used to seeing one actor play several roles in a musical, so when a familiar face shows up in a new costume we assume it's a new character. but it was zoey flying the helicopter to clivesdale, and I think it was zoey in the hospital at the end as well. you couldn't pull that shit in a movie because movies don't double-cast.
the role of the audience, the laughter and gasps and reactions and applause, especially the applause at the end when emma is begging the audience members to let her use their phone and demanding to know why they're clapping; sure movies have audiences too but the presence of the audience as part of the story makes a point about societal ideals as something we all have a part in that a movie just couldn't make in the same way
on a related note - emma's sudden awareness of the stage and the audience as the horror trope where the person realizes they're trapped and will imminently die. she knows she can't escape because it's just a fuckin loop. she knows no one will save her because they're all clapping. you couldn't do that in a movie because in a movie there is a fourth wall, whereas on a stage there's nowhere for the characters to run away. on a stage the characters can look you, the audience, directly in the eye, with no camera or screen between you
I will literally never shut up about that curtain call
god damn what I wouldn't give to watch this show performed live
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saintslewis · 1 year
❝ it’s the soul that needs a surgery ❞
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pairing: lewis hamilton x black!fem reader
summary: you’ve never felt a shared pain worse than what Abu Dhabi have given you and Lewis.
warnings: this entire drabble is based on AD21, cuss words, lots of crying, mean words said by mean people, slight…everything atp.
saint’s notes: feeling a bit sad after watching a Lewis edit where he still smiles even after AD21 and still stays positive and that just breaks my heart so i’ve decided to break yours 🫵🏽
taglist: @thisismeracing (thank you love), @flowerchild-96 (for your kindness)
The heat in Jeddah was unbearable and everyone seemed to be affected by it but chose to continue with whatever they were busy. As media followed you to the buzzing Mercedes garage, you took out your phone to inform your husband that you’ve arrived and will be waiting for him with Angela.
Your confidence had reached an all time high from the moment you landed in Abu Dhabi. It was a day of the champion spirit to float around the Hamilton household once again, a day for Lewis to win his 8th World Championship and for him to continue his legacy as the greatest driver that Formula One has ever seen. You refused to think anything negative about this race but something in the back of your head kept itching to argue your positive feelings about it. He had hyped himself up for today and you joined him, knowing that everything would go well.
Spotting your father in law, Anthony, standing outside the garage made you sigh of relief, knowing you could safely offload your thoughts to someone who most likely had the same thoughts as you in concern for your husband. “Hey Anthony.” You greeted as you walked up to him with his arms ready to envelop you in a hug. “Y/n! How are you feeling? It’s quite hot here, isn’t it?” He commented, looking over at the busy pit lane.
“I’m feeling confident. Surprised there’s no ice cream station around.” You joked and he flashed a smile. “Oh, there is, in the paddock club. Made sure to check for you.” Anthony smiled and you could only flash a smile back. “Hey, don’t stress about it, Y/n. Everything will be okay, even if he doesn’t get it and that’s a very big if.” He assured and you took a breath in, not wanting to seem negative. “The Red Bull’s are the ones stressing me because they’re just everywhere but like you said, I shouldn’t stress. Now, would you like some ice cream?” You asked and he nodded. “Need a little pick me up. I’ll be here when you get back.” Anthony responded and walked back into the garage.
By the time you had arrived to the paddock, it had been quite full so it was clear that the paddock club would be as full with many different people from all around the world. You waved to whoever seemed to want your attention, stopping to take pictures with fans or sign autographs all while having your airpods in, a habit you gladly took from Lewis. You knew people would talk about you, what you’re wearing, what you say and being quiet, just like your husband, has helped you a ton in terms of not taking your words out of context. Did SkySports F1 always have close ups of you during races just to see your reaction to anything? Yes but you never engaged unless it was to a smile or a wink to the camera.
Entering the paddock club with two of your security personnel, your long blonde braids swiftly followed behind you and it caught the attention of many, especially a woman who never really liked you or your husband. “Oh my! Y/n! Hi!” The shrill voice behind you had exclaimed to you, hearing their heeled footsteps come close to you. “Kelly, hello.” You smiled but anyone around you could see that the smile never reached your eyes. “Just came over to see your hair and wow, what a statement!” She giggled and she reached her hand out and inched her hand closer and closer to your braids but you moved away as quickly as you could. “Always have something to say.” You muttered to yourself as you turned towards the makeshift ice cream parlour.
“Also wanted to say good luck for today with Red Bull and Mercedes being head to head, y’know? Speaking of your hair, I saw a couple of hair ties that reminded of the two of you-”
“Okay Kelly! Just…stop commenting on our hair, our jewellery or just anything that involves my husband and I.” You sighed out. The look on her face was of shock and disbelief that you would even dare to speak up to her. You flicked your braids behind you and grabbed the two cups of ice cream after paying. Walking out of there in a quick pace, you kept your face neutral and made your way to the Mercedes garage with no one bothering you.
Giving Anthony his ice cream up in a hurry, he observed your face and immediately directed you to where Lewis was, his drivers room. Knocking on his door, you heard a ‘come in’ and entered, seeing him seated with his race suit around his waist and his airpods in just like you. He faced you and his face lit up at the sight of you. “Hey, love. You look so beautiful.” He complimented you and you smiled but it didn’t quite reach your eyes once again. “Let me guess. Someone criticising your looks?” He guessed and you could only nod at him before crashing into his chest and him hugging you right back, feeling the warmth of him envelop you.
“It’s not even about that because people always have something to say. It’s a specific sloth’s girlfriend that’s pissing me off.” Lewis squeezed you within the hug. “Don’t call him that.” You could hear the laugh creeping up but he chose not to. “It’s not me, it’s the internet. She tried to touch my hair then said some shit about hair ties and you know I could beat a bitch up and then she was on some “good luck” type shit-”
“Y/n.” Lewis called out and held your face in your hands. “They want you to stoop down to their level then drag your name all over. Everything will be fine, especially today. As long as I have you and my family beside, I already feel like I have won.” He smiled and gave you a peck before looking into your eyes. “You’re so corny but so sweet, Sir.” You said, fluttering your eyelashes at him and he chuckled while looking to the side.
“You are a dangerous woman, Mrs Hamilton.”
The silence around the Mercedes garage was unsettling once the drivers got to the last two laps of the race. Lewis and Max were head to head with the Red Bull going suspiciously faster. You stood next to Toto and Anthony, tearing your eyes away from the screen to look at the person who’s eyes were piercing into you. There were multiple cameras around you so you couldn’t see clearly at whoever was staring at you. Looking back at the screen, all your hope poured out to Lewis, praying to whoever was listening that he should win.
Your heart seemed to stop at the very moment the world saw Verstappen cross the finish line and hearing the cheers of the Red Bull garage not too far from you. A few groans spewed out of a few engineers as they began to get ready for Lewis to come back after the podium celebration. It seemed as if the cameras came close to you as a single tear slipped out of your left eye, face stoic as ever. You blocked out everything that happened around you. Toto becoming angry, Anthony urging you to come with him to see Lewis, your phone continuously buzzing but all you could do was stare at the screen as you watched Lewis park the car and his helmet dropped down as you saw people cheering behind his car.
Your throat felt closed up and goosebumps run through your body. You felt nauseous but chose to keep it down, knowing you would not be able to even breathe when you see him. You walked out of the garage only to see other drivers coming out of their garages and Lando and Sebastian walking towards the Mercedes garage, mainly towards you.
“Seb..” You muttered out and you could see the pity coming from them but they were trying to make it not seem like they were pitying you. “I’ll talk to you guys later.” You uttered as you waved them off in shock, walking towards the podium celebrations where Lewis’ face was on the screen and you tried your level best to keep it in.
Eventually standing with Anthony at the entrance of the garage, there he was, walking towards the two of you. Lewis hugged his father first whilst giving him encouraging words and you see a few tears escape his eyes and that broke you. Your own tears started to fall and Lewis could hear you despite all the noise. He looked at you once and brought you to his chest for you to sob all your feelings out.
“I’m so sorry.” You cried and he just held you, your arms around his waist. “Everything will be fine, princess. I’ll be okay.” He said as he helped you calm down, rubbing your back. You lifted your head off his chest and looked up into his sad, beautiful eyes. “I love you so much. You’re a champion to me.” You tried to smile at him and he kissed your forehead.
“I love you so much more.” He said, not caring about the world seeing you console each other.
present day
Your sunglasses were perched on your nose as you leaned onto the railing of the Mercedes hospitality in Austria. The race was going terrible for the drivers who weren’t Max Verstappen. Penalties were being handed out left right and centre and it wasn’t a pleasant sight. An hour after the race, you watched how Lewis and Lando interacted in the media pen and how there was no bad blood between them.
“It always shocks me when you and Lewis still keep a positive energy around you even when it feels like the worlds against you.” You heard Susie’s voice as she walked up behind you. “As Selena Gomez said, you kill them with kindness. Us being positive makes people really mad on the internet but everything will work out soon.” You smiled to her as you took off your shades and put them in your handbag.
“And he will get his 8th World Championship title very soon, i can feel it.” You added with a wink which made Susie smile and you looked back at Lewis on the screen to see with a big smile as he bid goodbye to the interviewer.
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blues824 · 2 years
Housewardens reaction to mc who’s power is similar to denki kaminari’s, especially the yay side affect from overusing the lightning based power
I apologize for not posting more than once today. I watched Hamilton with one of my friends.
Gender-neutral reader
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Riddle Rosehearts
You are the exact opposite of each other (besides having no rizz). You are social and easygoing, he is obviously not. He hated you at first, but you were able to smooth-talk your way into his heart somehow (again, even though you have no rizz).
Riddle always suggests study dates between the two of you since you seem to be struggling academically. You always get stressed out when he gets impatient in how long you are taking to solve a problem he has given you. You’ve shocked him a few times because of it, and you’re very quick to apologize.
When he overblotted, you were afraid to use your power since you could electrocute everyone so you made them get away. You didn’t want to hurt Riddle, but realized that there was no other choice than to use 2 million volts. As you both sat in the infirmary, Riddle got to see your YaAay side and he was scared that you went brain dead.
When you returned to normal, you had to explain that it was the drawback of using that much electricity since you had to use some of your neurons. The thumbs up was to make sure everyone knew you were alright. So you did this for him? Well, for this valiant deed, maybe he could humor you and go on the date you’ve been asking for.
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Leona Kingscholar 
He’s way more of a smooth talker than you could ever dream of being. You are more social and friendly while he’s snarky and grumpy. Eventually, he fell for you and your shenanigans because he can see that you truly care for the people around you.
He’s smart, but he never goes to class. If you ask him to help you, he will refuse since he’s too busy sleeping. You’re better off trying to ask someone else, but since he’s very possessive he doesn’t like it when you ask someone other than him. Not even Ruggie.
When he overblotted, he already knew of your quirk but he didn’t know how much electricity you were able to use. When he heard you shout ‘2 million volts’, he knew that this was about to hurt real bad. In the infirmary, Leona was laughing so hard at your brain-dead side.
When you returned to normal, you had to tell him that you probably lost some neurons because of it. You had some serious power (get it?) within you, didn’t you? Well, he has to admit that what you did was brave, so you have his respect (and his heart).
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Azul Ashengrotto
He absolutely despised you, but also realized that your personality and natural charm drew people in. He most definitely tried to hire you to get more customers, but you refused saying that you didn’t like to work unless it was mandatory for school.
He would then try to get you under contract by suggesting a way to cheat in exchange for your magic. However, you didn’t have magic. You had a quirk, and it couldn’t be taken away by anything besides someone else’s quirk.
When he overblotted, he came to the quick realization that being underwater was probably not the best environment to fight you in. If you remember from science class, water is an electric conductor, so he will get electrocuted. And he was, with the 2 million volts you shot out. Now he’s panicking when you are both in the infirmary since you’re kind of brain dead.
Embarrassed, you explained that it was an unfortunate side effect to your very powerful quirk. So you risked a few neurons just to make sure that he wouldn’t die because of his overblot? Well now he is kind of flustered at how much you care for him.
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Kalim Al-Asim
“Corporate needs you to find the difference between Y/N and Kalim.” “They’re the same person” -Blue (2023). Nah but seriously, y’all were made from the same mold or something. He doesn’t understand what you’re trying to say when you flirt with him, so you might as well not even try.
You both are kinda not… great in an academic way of speaking. Jamil always gets frustrated at the two of you when you don’t understand a topic that he has gone over multiple times. Eventually, you get stressed and zap both of them.
When Jamil overblotted, you were afraid that Kalim would get electrocuted as well since he refused to leave without you. You told him to take cover and shot out 2 million volts. Since the Vice Housewarden had an ink monster trailing, it took the brunt of the shock. In the infirmary, Kalim is taking care of you until your brain revives itself.
It’s then that you apologize and tell him that that is what happens when you use so much electricity without giving yourself time to charge back up. He laughed and said that it was alright, then he thanked you for protecting him and his best friend. 
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Vil Schoenheit
He didn’t hate you… he just very much disliked you. Sure, you had a great personality, but your flirting needed some work. You often got flustered by the things he said to you rather than him getting flustered by the things you said to him. 
The reason why he tells himself that he dislikes you (because he genuinely actually loves you) is that you’re kinda dumb. You were a bad influence on Epel since you didn’t study a lot, and if you did you kinda failed it even though you didn’t take any test yet.
When he overblotted, he knew your first move would be to evacuate everyone so that you would be able to use your quirk. What he didn’t know was it was because you were about to release 2 million volts of electricity. He had to hold in his laughter when he saw you just yAaAy your way around the infirmary.
Once you come back, you are so embarrassed as he asks what the heck happened. You have to tell him that it was a drawback to the amount of electricity you shot out of your body. It took a toll on your brain, and now he feels kind of bad for laughing. Perhaps he could treat you to dinner that he has prepared himself as a way to apologize?
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Idia Shroud
You freaked him out because you were extroverted and he was introverted. You were nice, but you were eccentric and that’s what he was wary of. Plus, your flirting actually worked on him because he got flustered so freaking easily.
Since he is shy and has a crush on you, he will most likely run away before you have the chance to ask him for help on your homework. You often have to ask Ortho instead and give Idia a message through the younger Shroud sibling.
When Idia overblotted, your first move was to use your quirk at its max capacity. The problem was that it would be fighting fire with electricity. However, ink is electrically conductive so you were able to overload it with the 2 million volts you released. It came at the price of Idia freaking out at you being brain-dead for an hour.
Once you came back, he let out a huge sigh of relief. He thought it was like a fairytale where he would have to kiss you to bring you back. You were so embarrassed and had to explain that it was the drawback to your quirk. He totally wasn’t disappointed that he couldn’t be your prince charming and save you from the state of unconsciousness that you were in.
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Malleus Draconia
He actually really enjoyed your company. You were so eccentric and exciting, as well as friendly and encouraging. Sure, he didn’t understand your way of flirting, but that was all okay because you weren’t scared of him.
The dragon fae would absolutely love to help you with your homework. He understands that it could be frustratingly confusing to someone who didn’t have magic, so he remains patient whenever he sees you struggle with a concept. 
When Leona overblotted, you had warned everyone to evacuate. Malleus was still there to see the electricity coming from you turn the dust that Leona created to glass. He also got hit with some of the bolts when you released 2 million volts, but he was able to withstand it. He got to see you turn dumb for a whole hour, which was amusing and concerning to him.
Once you came to, you were so embarrassed at how you were so vulnerable in front of him. He let a smile grace his face as he assured you that it was intriguing how you managed to walk up to him even while brain-dead. It meant that even unconsciously, you trusted him.
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jokobub · 1 year
The Great Thing About HNKNA Being An Otome Game
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I had an epiphany a few months ago. I’ve talked before about how many pitfalls HNKNA experiences by nature of it being a dating simulator, and how a lot of the cooler parts of the story and lore are overshadowed by the core romance mechanic and how I’m not a big fan of it, blah blah. But I’ve also seen way too many modern Alice in Wonderland adaptations as a result of my ridiculously long-term Kuni no Alice hyperfixation, and allow me to say that there is one thing that it nails that nothing else can even come close to touching— Alice herself!
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The Kuni no Alice series brings about what I think is the best modern interpretation of Alice I’ve yet to see in any media I’ve consumed. She’s quick-witted and brings the attitude, but she cares. Her reactions are realistically absurd and there are few moments throughout everything where she feels out of character or unrelatable. And I think the otome genre is crucial to why that is.
By nature, dating simulators don’t have strong protagonists. They’re supposed to be a blank canvas for the player to project onto to achieve their goals. Am I calling Alice flat? No, quite the opposite. Her story is set in a Victorian-inspired fantasy land with lots of guns and danger and a strict social structure, but it’s intended for a modern audience, and when connection with your protagonist is the key to connection with your story, a modern audience means a modern Alice.
The modern Alice is one of the hardest characters to write.
In most instances of an adapted, cool, edgy Alice in Wonderland, the most insufferable character on screen is, in fact, Alice. This is true of the Disney films, SyFy’s Alice special, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, etc. More often than not, Alice Kingsleigh, Hamilton, whatever you want to call her, is a young adult frustrated by life in an oppressive society who will only accept her if she acts in a hyper-specific way, usually at the risk of being institutionalized should she fail to comply. She argues with her parents, who want her to get married, and all of this turns her into a spiteful girl who is always on the defensive.
It’s insufferable to watch.
The character of Alice is too often portrayed as relentlessly mean, but under the guise of empowerment. The audience is tired of weak-willed women, so the director hunches Alice’s dress up passed her ankles and gives her a sword, an attitude, and an ugly man to kiss without her parents’ involvement. Biologically engineered to shatter every well-known gender role established in Victorian England and basically nothing else, movies and TV deliver their “strong female protagonists” in the form of a curt, unchangingly rude version of Alice whose words and actions are supposed to be justified by her circumstances. And god, does it fucking suck!
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You can't connect to this Alice, this armed and ready, sharp-tongued, "curiouser and curiouser" Alice who lives in a world that practically clears a narratively untouchable path to every foot she plans to step on. Personally, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. The misunderstood to confused, to disgruntled, to aggressive pipeline is overplayed to the point where the Alice of any and all modern interpretations has become, essentially, the same character, forced to loop the same 6 emotional plot points from now into eternity, no matter how many coats of science fiction you put over it.
(Yes, there is a part of me that understands this comes from the fact that Alice is most often written by money-hungry, corporate studios, led primarily by men, who do not understand feminine audiences, or how they want to see themselves represented in media. I get that. And Alice Liddell is not safe from that. But consider: she's my babygirl.)
Am I saying the character of Alice can't be mean, can't say fuck, can't have a sword? Of course not!!!! Give women swords!!! But I am saying that every time a director phones it in with that "Oh, I know that book" budget and gives a British blondie trust issues, a prophecy, and a quirked up, top hat-wearing sidekick to have unfulfilling sexual tension with, i lose my wings AND my marbles.
Enter: our Alice Liddell.
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What do we have with her, really? Well, the protagonist of a mid-shelf otome game, which has sequels out the wazoo, a movie and 2 stage play runs, but still somehow only enough translated media to fill a single Barnes and Noble shopping basket about halfway. Thanks QuinRose.
But for real.
Alice Liddell is written, from the ground up, as an otome protagonist. As such, there are narrative must-haves that she can't shake. She needs to be relatable to the modern young adult, even if she's supposed to reflect the Victorian female experience. This would usually be the Achilles Heel of an adapted protagonist: you, the player, get to watch in horror as your favorite whimsical Main Girl is watered down into a bowl of nothing soup for the sake of projection and selling more copies of a game with eye candy catboys and toxicity glorification.
(stay seated girlies don't go yet)
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This necessary mundanity that is baked into Alice's character, inseparable from her very being as the taste of weed in a brownie, is what singlehandedly saves this adaptation and makes her objectively the best. Unlike in a lot of cinematic adaptations, she's not meant to be the (failed) vehicle of a "deeper narrative" about the strength and roles of women in society. She doesn't exist for any higher purpose, she isn't the chosen one who will declare "Damn The Man" and force the world to listen.
Alice is a girl doing everything she can. She's experienced profound loss. She's self-deprecating. Snarky. She's been through break ups, gotten even with bullies, cuddled with her cat on a Sunday, everything that doesn't matter. The crux of her character is that she's been burned by life and love, yet she can't truly give up on them. Hers is a story of healing, of adaptation and getting back up when life kicks the shit out of you. No matter how sharply she speaks, Kuni no Alice's Alice almost always acts from a place of concern and love for others. She crucially never wields a weapon, reacting to the violence of Wonderland with that extremely jaded "holy fucking shit, what the fuck?" energy that I think any of us would bring to the table, given the circumstances. She's not her community's """lunatic,""" she's not sailing the high seas sideways, she's not on drugs, or destiny's favorite, or anything like that. She's new in town! She's sick of these people! She just wants to go home and read!
She's you. She's me. She's a clusterfuck of a damaged girl, trying to sort out what matters, find her passion and move forward without letting her past stray too far from memory. She's someone whose self-importance and perception by others is foreign to her. She wants to matter, wants not to be left alone by the people she loves, but god forbid she ever admit it.
QuinRose gives us Alice Liddell, suffering failgirl, not Alice Liddell, conceptual landmark, and that was the best possible route anyone could have taken with this character. Alice is the main character, but she is not a hero, and that's a fucking genius move.
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thanks for coming to my ted talk. i love u alice.
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violetganache42 · 7 months
Here are my highlights from the Valentine's Day watch party, all in chronological order and categorized this time around:
"Mr. Duck Steps Out":
Just everyone's reactions to Daisy's voice when she made her debut
"Till Nephews Do Us Part":
The thirst counts for Missy and Mina overloading
The return of Bohemian Quacksody
Scrooge having paintings and a statue of Goldie EVERYWHERE (He is a fucking SIMP)
Corporate Cupcake, Money Muffins, Sweet Stocks …You know what? Just the pet names in general.
WriteBackAtYa: "Spaceballs Ass Luggage"
Us when Millionara falls in the river:
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Jamie: "PULL THE LEVER KRONK" Me: "WRONG LEVERRRRR" Tokuvivor: "Why do we even have that lever?!"
Magica cameo?!
And a Sixpence in Your Shoes
Goldie Shotgun!
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"Fungus Amongus":
Godfrey and I sharing the same brain
Everyone going crazy over Morgana
hueberryshortcake: "Save me Scrooge McDuck" Me: "Scrooge McDuck" Godfrey: "Scrooge McDuck save me"
"Prissy is pissy"
DW not denying the girlfriend part
A sax play in the BG whenever Morgana is onscreen, just like Rouge in Sonic X
"The Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains!":
Us going FERAL over Goldie
Let the lady lead
Jamie mentioning the "between the legs" joke from Life and Times (No filter, Don Rosa. lol)
Bisexual waterfalls
Rexx shouting at Missy via an audio message
Foghorn Leghorn
"You loved gold more than you loved me."/"And that's why you loved me."
Jamie's storyboard project
Discord buffering during the FUCKING TANGO SCENE
"The Adorable Couple":
Me: "Piss on the moon, you cloud!" Godfrey: "YESSS PISS ON LUNARIS"
Rainbow connections
"The Duck Who Knew Too Much":
Us @ Fenton, M'ma, and Gandra's OG versions:
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Learning OG Fenton was voiced by Hamilton Camp, thus bringing DT17 Fenton being voiced by Lin-Manuel Miranda full circle
Oppenheimer mention (Stop stealing from the ducks, Nolan!)
Missy: "cant believe they whitewashed daffy guys"
Brunette Fenton
This whole fucking episode being worthy of the DT17 adaptation fic treatment *cough* Jamie *cough*
"Ghoul of My Dreams":
Archie being a hater
Jealous Launchpad
Morgana needing better lipstick because of how fast it disappears in between scenes
WriteBackAtYa having so many jokes in his head about… goofy ass noises
"And now, with the city asleep, I can FINALLY STEAL ENOUGH MONEY TO PAY OFF MY STUDENT LOANS!"
Lottie pointing out how Archie looked like—
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Me: "Goldie Shotgun sequel when?"
puffywuffy8904: "HOW IS THIS MF SLEEPIN IN THE DREAM WORLD" Us: "*Louie voice* I just am."
"The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!":
puffywuffy8904: "Webby we need to get Fenton rizzed up"/"Please never say that again"
Fenton's little growl
*seeing Fenton's hand-me-down suit from his dad* Goofy?
Gandra obliterating the wrong twink
"What kind of monster doesn't like glazed donuts?"
"Do you feel that spark?" ⚡️ZAP⚡️
The Beaks dab
"What? No signal? Boo!"
"I've got your kids! Maybe. I'm not sure how this family works."
Coach Dad
"Two Can't Play":
Mullet Donald
"A DuckTales Valentine":
DT87's love for mentioning Fort Knox for some reason
puffywuffy8904: *mentions the "DuckTales Apology Video" ranking* Me: "*Miles voice* I made a mistake."
Webby on Scrooge's desk like: She likes to be tall.
Sunglasses swag
"A swift kick in the ribs!"/"A what?"/"Aagh!"/"Aah! My ribs!"
Webby running up to Scrooge and hugging him! 💖
"Aww, he does love his family!"
"My Valentine Ghoul":
Gosalyn FINALLY appearing in today's watch party!
Negaduck appearance!
puffywuffy8904: "he's just darkwing after some cigarettes"
Missy getting double whammied with emotes of Prissy and Scrooge getting sprayed with water
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(Screenshot edit by @tealottie)
Missy's thirst levels reaching CRITICAL MASS
Quackrinomicon being voiced by KING CANDY
Archie still being a fucking hater
"Keen gear!"
Godfrey and I still being on the same wavelength
Rexx reviving the Missy thirsy count
Missy: "I NEED HIM JESUS" WriteBackAtYa: "No, you just need Jesus"
"New Gods on the Block!":
Della using party cannons like Pinkie Pie
Scrooge's transition from wallowing to anger and his tail shake
"Why don't you turn into a swan and FUCK OFF?!"
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"What are your intentions with my Donald?"
Megamind (literally) Huey
Pig couple: DESTROYED
Chris Diamantopoulos having the ✨RANGE✨
Greek God Groupchat
Webby being utterly TERRIFYING with god powers
Dewey having the best handling of his god powers through sick dance moves
"My Don-Don"
"You killed my boyfriend!"/"Boyfriend? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!"
The immediate failure parallels
Just how much Della has improved as a mother
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actual-changeling · 1 year
i listened to the hamilton soundtrack and ended up with a visceral reaction to "it's quiet uptown" and this is the result. may or may not be turned into a full fic at some point.
Joel tells Ellie the truth about what happened in Salt Lake City and she pushes him away, angry, unable to process it, so she puts as much distance between them as possible. Joel is at a loss of what to do, unable to think, work, anything, and he just ends up walking around Jackson for hours. Tommy is worried, watching him become tired and losing the glow he had gained since coming back, but there is nothing he can do to help. He can't sit around in a house that is full of Ellie, a stray sweatshirt over the back of his couch, elastics scattered over every surface, her books on the coffee table; his heart crumbles whenever he looks around and sees the evidence of what he has lost.
So he walks, quietly at first, but then he starts talking to himself to fill the silence following him around, a silence Ellie used to fill. It's whatever is on his mind, musing about taking up wood working, playing the guitar again, but eventually he ends up talking to Ellie, to Sarah, trying to process.
Days pass like this, Joel walking around Jackson until his knees ache too much to keep going, whittling away in his bedroom once his legs give out, falling asleep in a quiet, empty house, and without Ellie's light, he feels himself slowly wither away and cannot bring himself to care.
It's an accident the first time it happens, they are going in the same direction at the same time, and moving away would mean acknowledging each other, something Ellie refuses to do, so they walk. They are side by side with several feet of space between them for two very, very awkward minutes before they part, and Joel thinks about those two minutes for the rest of the day; hearing her breathe, live next to him sparks a naive hope in his chest.
A few days later, it happens again, a handful of minutes spent walking in the same direction, both pretending the other isn't there (for her, he does it for her, if she let him he would turn toward her and never look away).
Then it happens again. And again. And again. It stops being an accident, and no matter how hard he tries, Joel can't help but watch the sprout of hope grow and grow.
Ellie joins him for a few minutes each day, just walking with him before turning around a corner to go to whatever he goal is that day, not that Joel would know. After a week of five minute walks each day, she eventually opens her mouth, says something stupid, small talk, commenting on the weather like you would with a neighbour, a stranger.
Joel almost trips and falls flat on his face because Ellie is talking to him and the sound of her voice smooths out some of the lines etched into his skin. So he talks to her about the weather, soaking in her presence, and they keep walking for a little while, five minutes, ten. When they part, Ellie looks at him and Joel keeps his gaze on path, her face blurry in his periphery. She is not fully smiling just yet, and quietly says see you tomorrow.
Small talk turns into her telling him about her day, minutes adding up more and more with each passing day, and Joel carefully tells her about the trinkets and guitars he is carving, simple, easy topics that don't hurt. Joel breathes easier during those conversations, sleeps better, eats more again, and no longer feels like a giant part of him is missing.
After about two weeks, she reaches out a hand to stop him when she is about to leave, fingers brushing against his arm, and Joel immediately freezes, not daring to move or breathe. Ellie hesitates before gently squeezing his shoulder and leaving with a see you tomorrow, Joel and this time she is smiling.
Their walks become longer, and at some point, Ellie gives him an almost worried look, their eyes still avoiding each other in an unspoken agreement, and they sit down. She noticed his knee is hurting despite Joel attempting to push through it, his walking pattern changing enough for her to pick up on it, and they sit with a foot of space between them on a bench and just watch people move by. Joel puts his hand in the space between them, not even on purpose, his body just reaching out to her on reflex, and Ellie's hand inches closer to his.
She doesn't look at him, pinkies brushing when she pushes her hand closer, and they haven't talked today, not really, and Joel swallows the disappointment, longing to hear her voice but refusing to push, scared to break the fragile trust blooming between them. Joel looks at her while she looks at the sky and hears her say I never hated you. I want to try, I think, to forgive you for what you did.
Her hand is resting on his and she squeezes it before standing up, leaving him with tears threatening to spill over, and when she looks back at him she is smiling, a sad smile but a smile, tears running down his cheeks the next time he blinks, almost fearing that she will disappear. Joel watches her leave with the sun shining in his chest and a whispered thank you to the universe for, somehow, granting him a third chance after everything he has done.
The next afternoon, just when Joel is about to leave for his daily walk with Ellie, someone knocks on his door and he almost passes out because she is waiting for him, looking mildly uncomfortable, eyes everywhere but on him, and she mumbles I thought we could go to the stables today. Joel says yes because he would follow her to the end of the world and back, the stables are nothing compared to that,
They take care of Shimmer together, talking. The awkwardness gradually bleeds away, slowly, and by the end, Ellie stands so close her side is almost completely pressed against his, the warmth radiating from her expelling the ice weighing down his bones.
Joel looks at her, and for the first time, she looks back.
I thought, Joel says, and he is scared, so fucking scared, because this is Ellie and he needs her, I thought I could teach you how to play the guitar. I made one for you, he doesn't say, not yet, and Ellie takes his hand, says I would like that, and that night Joel cries because he knows she is finally coming back to him.
They sit on the porch that next afternoon, Ellie next to him, no more space between them, and he teaches her how to hold the guitar, how to place her fingers for the different chords, and just watches her play with it and figure it out for herself. His cheeks hurting with how hard he is smiling, and when he hears her laugh his chest constricts so badly he stops breathing for a while, heart swelling with a please, let me have this, please, let me have her.
Ellie lowers the guitar toward the end, and he made that one for her, too, but he still doesn't say.
You know, she bites her lip, nervous, but she looks at him. I was so angry at you for taking my purpose away. I thought dying in that hospital would have finally made my life mean something. But I think. I understand why you did it. And honestly, this is way better than being dead. Joel wipes away his tears, nodding softly, and he knows there is nothing he could tell her she doesn't already know.
She puts the guitar down and stands up, and Joel does too, and she hugs him for the first time in months, her body still fitting against his exactly the same way, holding her just as tightly as she holds him. His heart stitches itself back together and she leaves him with a see you tomorrow and a silent thank you. The house no longer looks quite as dark when he goes to bed that night.
Joel teaches her how to play the guitar, evening after evening, and they take all the strings and loose ends Ellie cut and knot them back together, weaving the fabrics of their souls back into one, a patchwork blanket that remembers where it was ripped apart but wraps around both of them just fine. After two weeks of light returning to his chest, his house slowly morphing back into a home with new shirts left hanging over kitchen chairs and fresh sheets on her bed, Joel hands Ellie her guitar with a soft I made it for you, finally no longer fearing the confession might drive her away.
Ellie just smiles, leaning against him with her head resting above his heart, his arm settling around her shoulders, and says I know.
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amyrafierceblade · 1 year
I persuaded my history teacher(same one who was playing Hamilton in class week before last) to put on Race to the Edge in class since we didn't have anything better to do and it was that or watch Monsters Inc. again(he was desperate, and this is high school)
We watched the first three episodes of season 1, and let me tell you, it was funny when my classmates of the block jumped in surprise at every cuss word, but it was even funnier to watch their reactions to
Dagur's jailbreak (three students excluding me were actually watching, one actually said "Damn, bros angry as hell!")
Meatlug getting called girl by Fishlegs(like seriously, i understand most of them never watched it but like someone actually saying "That thing is a girl?!" was kinda just fucking facepalm material)
Eels (about a third of the class was glancing up every now and then, looking surprised at the giant eels)
Dagur calling himself "Daddy"(it was funny as hell, half the class looked up like "ayo wtf?", I probably didn't help at all when someone piped up "Wait is this How to Train Your Dragon??? What is this???" and I was like "This is the show they made of Httyd" and someone had the audacity to say "But I thought this was a kid's show???")
The entirety of Gothi's screentime (there were kids cheering for her when she started beating the shit out of the snow wraith)
The entire Deathsong and Thunderdrum ordeals(People really laughed when the gang was having a hard time hearing Hiccup so he had to yell, and ofc there were some who were startled to see the Deathsong being readily implied to be about to eat the Dragon Riders and their dragons [again, not all of them watched HTTYD and those who were only vaguely familiar were Like "I thought this was a kids show!!"])
Had to share, because yeah, I think I may have actually interested like half a class with a "kid's" show
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bohnsky · 11 months
Honestly after Qatar I was anything but motivated to post, so here it is for Qatar and Texas.
I literally still feel sick thinking about what the drivers had to go through just because Qatar has money. It physically hurts me. I'm honestly just glad that everyone is okay now.
That being said here are my favorite drivers 5,5 months into liking f1:
1. Alex Albon
As always, my beloved. This guy made me support Williams in the first place and now they have become my second favorite team (after Ferrari of course, because I apparently like pain). It sometimes feels like they're the only one's who really care for their drivers.
In Texas I was really stressed out like what do you mean 0,3s away from the points in the sprint race? And what do you mean 11th in the race?
2. Sergio Perez
Checo is the sweetest, I love his smile so much and it felt good to see so many Checo fans over there in Texas, not only haters. He was doing okay this week, but Lewis is getting closer and closer and I'm scared. I just need him to be good in Mexico, otherwise I'm going to quit watching F1 (I would never but please Checo please)
3. Lewis Hamilton
This was a hard decision. But I've been obsessing over Lewis again these past few weeks so he gets 3rd for now. Even though him being good literally tears my soul apart. I want him to be good, but he's a danger to Checo my beloved. I am sooo happy that Mercedes seem to get closer to Red Bull and that Lewis might have even had a chance today if the race had been just a few laps longer. But at the same time, please be worse than Checo.
Also Lewis is one of the very few men that I find breathtakingly beautiful. He is so gorgeous. And I love his tattoos. Especially his hand tattoos.
Fun Fact: My dad watched the Qatar GP with me, which was his first race ever and now he keeps refering to Lewis as the one who never makes it past turn one. Can't wait to tell him that the one who never makes it past turn one almost got Max.
4. Charles Leclerc
This was another hard decision, because I love Charles, but the past few weeks I barely paid attention to him (not because I didn't want to, but because there were so many other things to focus on, plus Uni sucks). I have thought about putting him on 5th, but who am I kidding, I love Charles too much and when he took pole I basically had the same reaction as Matt from p1. But I didn't really have time to be sad, about him losing P1 so early, because there was so much happening.
Also both Ferraris have been doing quite good, just not good enough, which is sad, but at least they didn't have any major strategy fuck-ups.
5. Lando Norris
I almost put him in 4th. This is mainly because I totally fell in love with Team Quadrant and was watching almost all of their youtube videos. Texas quali was the first time is tuned in to Max Fewtrell's watch along and I couldn't help but cheer along for Lando. And for the first half of the race I thought that there might be a chance for him to get his first win. It's kinda frustrating watching him being on the podium every weekend but never on the top step.
Honorable mentions:
Lance. He's really close to taking 5th. I might just have two 5th places next time. I might feel for him even more than I feel for Checo. And that means something. My boy passing out in the car in the middle of the race in Qatar? I literally couldn't sleep after reading about all of this. Just imagine the things that could have happened. I could cry just thinking about it. And then the dnf in the sprint race in Texas. He was doing so good and then that. But at least we got some Strollonso content and two stroints. Good race for him today.
Logan. I didn't think I'd ever say that, but Logan has kinda sneaked his way into my heart. He's nowhere near the top five but same as Checo and Lance, I just want him to have a good race for once. Qatar might have opened my eyes about him. That he was the only driver with the balls to retire for the sake of his health. And a big thanks to Williams for being so lovely. I feel like no other team would be so understanding. Sure you could say they have nothing to lose, but still. It takes some bravery to do. And I'm happy they did.
Also the Texas race was quite good, happy for Logan. Even though the rest of the weekend sucked.
Fernando. I don't know how and when it happened but I feel myself growing fonder of Fernando every day. I realized during quali when I was really upset that both Williams, both Astons and Hulk were out in Q1. So, all five of them, drivers that I wanted to see doing well. And the dnf in the race sucked so bad. Both Astons did so well and then that.
But then again, at least we got some Strollonso content. Fernando always pointing his camera at Lance is so cute.
Also him dead ass asking the team to pour water over him in Qatar might be my favorite thing ever.
Nico. Also no idea where that came from, but I realized that I have developed a huge soft spot for Nico. It started with me being interested in how he does because he's German. Then I started to genuinely like him and now I have this huge soft spot for him. It's not like he's competing for the top five though. It kinda feels like he has his own category (again, might be the German in me talking). I respect him big time, spitting facts about how shitty Haas is and frequently driving that shit box into the points. But I don't really search for content about him. Except for Hulknussen every now and then.
Speed round:
Oscar's safe (mad respect, many would have sent that into the wall) and stupid dnf. Also Loscar is kinda cute.
Alpine being sponsored by Travis Kelce. I just think it's funny how the whole Taylonso thing comes full circle now with Tay's new boyfriend basically buying Fernando's ex team.
Also Esteban just casually talking about throwing up in his helmet...
Nico Rosberg. I initially didn't like him, but he does spit facts and I appreciate that.
Yukierre. They're too cute for my little heart.
Pierre and Danny Ric. It's crazy to me how two drivers who literally used to be my favorites at some point are now totally irrelevant to me. I still like them, but in a normal way. Which is weird. I'm not used to being normal about something.
F1 acadamy slaying. And Bianca in McLaren :)
(Please can we talk about queen Susie?)
That's it for now. Give me your thoughts.
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sebscore · 2 years
Can I request a Gen-Z driver fic where she straight-up DROPKICKS Christian Horner in public after he makes some really sexist comments abt her?
Cuz if this man isn’t gonna get humbled IRL, might as well do it in a fic😂
Tumblr media
pairings: (indirect) christian horner x driver!reader / lewis hamilton x driver!reader
warnings: sexist comments. mentions of christian horner. mention of an orgasm.
author's note: this one's not really a funny one, cause I went the more realistic route with it, i fear. I still hope you like it, though. I might do a 'comedic' version in the future, because i agree as well that horner should get humbled by someone (although toto is doing quite a good job)
• • • • • • •
''What's your opinion on Christian Horner stating that more girls are getting into F1, because of the good looking drivers?'' The reporter's question echoed through the room, cameras ready to capture her reaction as the words left his mouth.
Being asked about misogynistic comments that people in the sport made had become a regular thing in the press conferences ever since the young woman entered the Formula 1 world.
On one hand, it had become tiresome. Some men just wouldn't stray away from their sexist thoughts, no matter how many successful women would climb their way through the ranks. On the other hand, Y/N felt like she owed it to every single woman and young girl out there to defend them against these conservative men. Many women before her had proven that this wasn't a men's world and for as long as she'll live she will repeat that message.
''Young girls and women have always struggled to be taken seriously in the motorsport world, and for a team principal of a highly-regarded racing team to say that the only reason they watch this sport is for the handsome drivers? I find that quite insulting. There are many reasons why women are interested in the sport. Sure, there are people who got pulled into this world, because they found some of the drivers good looking, but why should they be shamed for that? They're the ones showing up to races and the ones who buy the merch. I know he has apologized for his comments, but I think we all know how much of that he meant.''
The lack of emotion on the woman's face and in her voice was a rare sight for the drivers and reporters. Perhaps it showed how fed up she was and how tired she had become of having to answer these questions. It hadn't been the first time the Red Bull Racing team principal had expressed some serious sexist comments.
Her welcome into Formula 1 had been a polarized one. The drivers had been supportive and many people were delighted that after such a long time there was finally a woman in the beloved sport, one that had talent that matched the ones of her competitors.
But where there is support, there is hatred. In her first ever press conference, Y/N was asked to comment on an interview that Christian Horner had done where he was asked about the woman and her arrival to Formula 1. ''The first time I saw the girl I thought that she was one of grid girls,'' he laughed, ''it's definitely going to be tough for her, entering a man's sport.''
The rookie knew the question was going to be brought up and she answered with the response her team had drilled into her. ''No comment.''
It was sad how after several years things hadn't changed, the comments were still the same and the people who made them still hadn't learned their lesson, simply being patted on the back for their mistakes.
''Do you find the handsome drivers distracting during your race week?'' Another journalist asked her, his pen ready in his hand to note her response.
Y/N looked to her side, finding Mick and Lewis already frowning at the man. ''Oh, yeah! It's super distracting when I look to my side and find a helmet there. It just riles me up, you know?'' The sarcastic comment earned her laughs and chuckles from several people in the room, happy she could show everyone how ridiculous the question actually was.
Not too long after the press conference was over, to all the drivers' amusement. Lewis caught up with the young woman as they walked out of the room. ''You handled that well, I really loved what you said.'' He squeezed her shoulder, a soft smile on his face.
''Thanks, it's just so- ugh, tiring.'' Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes.
''I know, darling. I was there was something I could do, but I'm afraid that the two of us are in the same boat.'' Lewis could relate to the discrimination she experienced because of who she is.
''Like, yeah, you all are handsome individuals, but it's not that I get an orgasm every time I see any of you.'' Her comment made Lewis giggle, her bluntness never failed to make him laugh.
''And out of all people, Horner should be the last one worried about his good looks bringing interest in the sport.''
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mickstart · 1 year
Thanks for answering to my ask! Your take on Michael Schumacher’s driving style and why it may have some similarities with Max Verstappen is so good!!!! I like both of them, but it does get me on my nerves watching them race.
I did meant Max Verstappen btw , and for a second I forgot about the elder Verstappen. Anyways fun to know why Mika Hakkinen said that!!!!
Can I ask something else? When you say that Schumacher drove insanely oversteer, is it more than Hamilton or Senna?
Thanks! Sorry for the rambling!
Omg no problem thanks so much! I think there's a general tendency for the great drivers to be better at managing oversteer in general, because when you have the skill to keep the car under control having more room for the car to move gives you more options for your entry and exit lines. Before Max I definitely saw it thrown about that Lewis was maybe the only driver who liked as much oversteer as Michael did, and then Senna close after the two of them.
Senna's thing wasn't so much necessarily oversteer or understeer (though he struggled in an understeering car and preferred a front leading car like Michael, he still wanted the car balanced and not with a mind of its own like say the newer red bulls) as it was the throttle fluttering technique that let him constantly test the grip limits. He definitely used similar techniques to Michael but honestly I think Senna's preference for oversteer has become a tiiiiny bit overstated because Prost prefers understeer and the Mythos of their rivalry exaggerated their differences + Senna obviously would have been strongly against anything that would help Prost especially if it helped his own style. He definitely preferred oversteer though so he's up there.
From the same source that noted max's driving style, Gábor Wéber said about Lewis "Regarding his technique, he likes to brake late, sometimes even locking up his inner front tires, but he can’t be pigeonholed according to his lines. He likes to vary the late, early or normal entry lines, sometimes even on the same lap, according to the behaviour of his car, he’s a bit like a one-man band. His adaptability is one of his strongest weapons, but this wouldn’t help him without his outstanding precision"
Which is to say Lewis likes an oversteering adaptive car, but he's not reliant on oversteering for his cornering so much as he is reliant on the car being able to adapt to a situation - which you naturally get more of with an oversteering car. When the car is more reactive you get a lot more minute reactions out of it to the conditions, which gives you more information to work with if you read the car as well as Lewis does. For him oversteer isn't so much the basis of his technique as it is the place where he gets the information that informs his technique. Lewis is known for talking about "feeling" the car. He has amazing precision that allows him to counteract oversteer, so he can have more oversteer on the car and therefore more options for his lines, but that can't help him if he can't get any information out of it.
For instance, about the 23 Merc, Lewis has actually complained that he sits too far forward in the car and it feels too front focused. He can't get a feel for how the car is reacting in time to adapt to it. Oversteer informs his driving, it isn't how he drives.
Anyway this is a long way of saying I think the difference between Max/Michael and Lewis/Senna is that the first pair NEED excessive oversteer for the techniques they're using to work - their cars wouldn't make the corners if they had it taken away from them - but Senna and Lewis use oversteer to boost the other techniques that are core to their style. I think Senna and Lewis could probably thrive in any car, but Max and Michael both use very specific very niche styles and need a car that will compliment that to do their best.
God now it's my turn to apologise for rambling. Disclaimer I'm not an expert a lot of this is actually me spitballing and going off of memories and observations over the years. Except for Gábor Wéber, his style analysis is fascinating.
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the-lazy-leprechaun · 7 months
I was unable to watch the race (“love” working in the medical field) but I watched the timing screen on the F1 app. Here are some stuff I am questioning:
1) Why did the last Nascar race’s last 2 laps and results have me biting my nails more than any F1 race has in the past 2 and a half years?
2) While 2021 was controversial, atleast we got some action and fighting and edge-of-seat results.
3) How is it possible for the current world champion’s teammate to be so far behind him and yet they have the same car? They barely matched lap times and at one point, Daniel Ricciardo, Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso was almost on the exact lap time as the race leader.
4) F1 is so fucking boring I was more entertained by the papers I was cutting and writing for work than the time sheet and commentary on my phone.
5) Yuki needs to chill the fuck out. When asked by your team to swop places, you swop places. You don’t go screaming on the radio. The aggressive reactions of any driver is overrated. Dude your sport is boring, why are you screaming? (This goes to all drivers who scream on their race engineers, dude is just the messenger. Don’t come with the “you’re just saying that because he is of Asian origin.” Don’t)
Pinnacle of Motorsport? My ass yes! I’d honestly rather watch WEC, IndyCar and Nascar than this bullshit. There is more action off track (i.e. Christian Horner) than on track. And no hate to Redbull at this point, no hate to Max Verstappen, but hate to F1 because they created this chaos and now? I’m paying to watch the same results as last year? I’ll rather watch F1 News because that is more entertaining.
If by Race 4 the races are still the same over and over, I’m simply cancelling my F1TV subscription because I am not spending money on nothing. I’ll check the race results online. I’m subscribed to F1’s instagram whatever.
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stardust948 · 8 months
Sokka, as a historical figure in his world, strikes me as the guy that would have a musical based on his life and political journey (never watched LoK but the impression I got is that sokka is a big deal on republic city, i think)
Hamilton style! But not necessarily with the same dramas (also didn't watch the whole thing)
A lot of facts can get wrongly represented buts that's what happens when a musical is writte 100 or more years later
Either way I think sokka and every other gaang member deserves a musical all about them (not by ember island players) but I especially like to imagine Sokka's reaction
I don't think Sokka would care for the singing much, but as long as there's good jokes he's all over it. (Or at least his ghost would be)
I can see the musical wanting to tell public more about Sokka who just know him as the warrior from the famous The Moon and The Wolf story.
Hey remember the boy from your favorite fairy tale? Well actually that was based off a true event and the same boy found the Avatar with his sister, helped ended the 100 years' war, invented 2 modes of modern transportation, mastered weaponry from all 4 nations, and became a world changing politician. All before his 20th birthday.
I would totally watch that.
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