#but I don't have time for that when there's fic to be written babeyyy
metaphorical-goblin · 4 months
ya girl is wearing her writing hat which means she will be writing for at least 30 minutes
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cool-island-songs · 2 years
Craig for ask gamee :3
Sorry this took so long but tumblr kept chewing it up in my drafts
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gay gay homosexual gay. Fem Craig? Staunch lesbian.
Those are my preferences in writing Craig, though I do also enjoy shoving him back in the closet because without yaoi magic, abrupt PCness, and the comfort of meth bf's twitchy hand in his, I can really see that being a longer struggle for Craig
Not-totally-gay slut Craig has a fairly long legacy some younger fans may not be aware of. This fandom is old and Creek only became canon in 2015 so it's like a form of culture shock for me to see artists getting yelled at for drawing Craig with girls. It's not like he was usually with girls, but there's this thing in the old yaoi tropes where the one who is presumed to top is less flamingly homosexual and more interested in sex generally. He was also frequently a menacing gay villain back in the day though lol
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"I'm not just gay, I'm a catamite." - Craig Tucker, 2003
I do personally love reading his earlier aggression and posturing on the show as internalized homophobia. He's NOT gay! Don't say he's gay or he'll beat you up, completely un-homoerotically!!! This is a fun retconning thing though. The intentions of the showrunners earlier on likely were not that he is posturing extra hard due to being closeted. But authorial intent is not relevant to how I might want to thread the needle between older Craig characterizations on the show and more current ones
I'm a bit more fixed with Craig than others due to the presentation of his autism and generally see him demisexual, monogamous, traditional in a learned, rote sort of way. He's very favorite person-y with Tweek to me
Gender Headcanon:
I've only ever written him cis but I have enjoyed trans Craigs of all stripes (get it????), and I actually do have some t4t Creek planned!
Very into fem Craig. Excited to write her being so regular about Tweek's twiddies <3 In short, give me all the Craig genders
A ship I have with said character:
Well... I guess I like Creek a little bit 👉👈
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I like exploring other dynamics but I'm always going to conceive of Creek as a unique bond. They get something from one another they can't get anywhere else, even when I'm putting them in horrible circumstances. That's what I'm here for, babeyyy
A BROTP I have with said character:
Honestly love thinking about Craig/Tolkien, Craig/Jimmy, Craig/Clyde (though I think I see that last one quite differently from most, or at least I'm most interested in the SoT vibe with dumdum traitor Clyde and amoral opportunist Craig). Really love writing platonic Crenny but I generally see Kenny as gravitating to other people so when I write these two as closer friends, it's usually based on particular circumstances. Craig/Bebe reluctant gossip hoes is also very funny to me
A NOTP I have with said character:
Yeah, I don't really NOTP anymore. There is a version out there of any ship I might find compelling. Being so Creek brainrotted, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about other Craig ships in any endgame capacity but I'm always curious to see the different ways people view Craig. I've noticed his characterization tends to vary depending on who he's with. One example is his socioeconomic status. I've noticed his family potentially being worse off than most others is stressed in Crenny fics, socioeconomic status tends not to play a huge role in Cryde or Creek fics, and he is often more ambitious and upwardly mobile in Cryle fics. As my friend @phantomchill put it: "he's absorbing their financial status. autism masking has gone too far!" This is not a negative or positive thing, there isn't one correct way, but he feels very malleable as the love interest guy
I'm very much a Tweek-relater first and foremost and early on in my time in fandom came up with the very novel theory (lol) that people tend to project onto one guy in their OTP more and thus multiship that guy, while the other guy isn't allowed to have other boyfriends. I have since moved beyond this theory for myself at least, because I relate to Craig quite a bit too and I think sometimes people have other boyfriends and that's pretty normal and okay. Striving for realism in my homosexual erotic cartoon porn writings
A random headcanon:
Honestly don't even consider autistic Craig to be a headcanon at this point. I think they're doing it on purpose now. His special interests are ancient animes and space. His favorite person is Tweek. He is also canonically very hairy
This is very specific but I like headcanoning Craig as Mediterranean. Peruvian Craig is cute of course and honestly I don't care where he's from as long as he's hairy, tan, and big nosed. Big nose/big eyebrows Craig 🛐 Are these just my aesthetic preferences? No. I have Matt Stone tied up under my bed and he says it's canon uwu
General Opinion over said character:
I want to beat him up
Also a bit bored by Craig discourses (bad boy VS. dork??? Leather jacket and cigarettes as a personality IS a dork I'm so sorry to burst your bubble) so some new proposals:
Craig actually doesn't like TOS. He doesn't really get it (too campy). TNG is his favorite. I'm talking about Space Trek u fake ass nerds
Craig weeb loser dub v sub opinions???
Red Racer is just Speed Racer. Sorry it's not a great discourse it's just how i feel
Craig STEM smart vs. Craig not naturally proficient in any subject
This is crazy but what if his penis was just regular. No okay that one is too far. I- *is shot dead*
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cultofsappho · 1 year
Get To Know Your Fanfic Writer
Tysm for the tag @myheartalivewrites
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
omg so long ago that I don't even know. at least 10 years ago and god only knows what embarrassing fandom it was. probably teen wolf? oh god it may have been early mcu. all that garbage has been orphaned for a very long time tho!
First character(s) you wrote for:
if it was teen wolf, probably stiles or derek, after that? idk maybe hunger games or like, a john green novel? i had to be around 16 or 17 at the time
Main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
Henry George Edward James Fox Mountchristen Windsor babeyyy
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
I haven't written a six of crows fic yet, but i have a few idea about wylan that I really want to write one shots for but haven't gotten around to it. either soc or merlin!
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
all Red, White & Royal Blue lately!
Platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
none atm, but i want to write another Henry and June centric fic soon! I just love their dynamic sm
Romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
Angst, Post-canon, and Fluff!
Your current platform where you post your works:
Snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
ahhh im sorry i dont have anything ready to share that i haven't already shared :( life has been too hectic lately and by the time i'm home i've just been shutting down and resting. but! my wips all still exist and i think about them daily :)
(esp the rwrb magic merlin/nimona-ish inspired au. it got longer than i expected and i froze lol)
also not sure who's been tagged already but zero pressure tagging: @penna-nomen @cosmicalart @sherryvalli @jesuisici33
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brigittttoo · 3 years
Fic Review 2021
Thanks for the tag @galateagalvanized! <3 total number of completed works: 10 total word count: 114k looking back did you write more, less, or the expected amount of fic this year?: a lot more! But this was the year of joining a new fandom, so I can see how the inspiration would've been really flowing
your own favorite story of this year?: I really love Wolfssegen, I think I really struck something weird and good and well-constructed with that one. I also got a delightful number of essay comments from people that made me feel like a book in english lit class, the IDEAL feeling tbh haha <3
do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?: just to finish things probably. I have too many little ideas floating around, as well as wips waiting in the wings until the big bang is finished. It would also be fun to co-author something; it's been really refreshing to come up with ideas with new friends and [job interview voice] I love following through, I'm a real team player
most popular story of the year? Pacific Rim AU Slow Waters babeyyy! Which is partly to be expected because it was a big multi-chapter thing and the first thing I wrote for codywan, but I'm very happy that everyone liked reading it as much as I liked writing it. Still surprised there weren't more pacrim au fics already when I wrote it
story most under-appreciated? Possibly Akin, Removed, but I kind of knew going into it that a weird horror fic wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea. Kind of the same thing but in the different direction with As before the loved one, which is also tied for fewest comments and was mostly written for myself anyways. I will continue to write these kinds of stories though, because I cannot be stopped
most fun story to write?: Probably Slow Waters again (because those fighting robots are just SO great), but there were a couple of prompts for Codywan Week 2021 that really buttered my parsnips, especially the retired-on-tatooine ones. And the one for 'domestic'.
most unintentionally telling story: For some reason I've pivoted into making a lot of my fics intentionally telling (i.e. As before the loved one, This is About You) but the one that was most unintentional was probably Wild Time. I thought I just wanted to write about girls but I guess I also needed to be read for friendship loneliness again, RIP
biggest disappointment: this should be kept a secret because there are some fics that were a pain to write and which I now have a personal vendetta against all comments/kudos towards, or ones which I just published in a hurry because I couldn't be bothered, but who am I to publicly cast my disappointed gaze over something that may be quite moving or touching or thrilling to someone else? In any case I should probably still be proud of these particular disappointments for managing to still get love from people, and for helping me become a better writer in the end anyways. Practice practice practice
biggest surprise: two biggest surprises were the amount of love for Inexpressibly to Untangle and for Gone and Returned, I think. I don't know what I was expecting with these but the amount and quality of feedback on these two were definitely a surprise! The other surprise was the amount of fics I managed to come up with and turn out within a good 24-36hr timespan. Inexpressibly to Untangle, Wild Time, This is About You, i'm lookin at you
my favorite part of fandom this year: being able to make new friends :) <3 it's cheesy but it's true. I also love the amount of events that have managed to happen and that I got/get to be a part of, or even just read the collections or saw the art for.
no pressure tags: the discord jocks have already been tagged so I'll throw it out as open tags to anyone who bothered to open the readmore and wants to talk about their year of fic <3
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samswinchesters · 4 years
a lot of white women in dbh fandom either fetishize white gay men. or sometimes they write these tone deaf self insert fics. usually depicting a white human lady who feels sorry for androids, showing how 'woke' she is by quoting mlk or nelson mandela or some other black person. it's like some of these people don't get how offensive it was for david cage to exploit the struggles of black people and they don't care either. they just want to fuck the white cop robot.
a lot of the fandom keep forgetting that their foundation is build on david cage’s exploitation of black people’s trauma, jewish people’s trauma, and profits off history that isn’t for him to tell. whenever a white person thinks they’re saying something by creating stories and films where “imaginary” characters are substitutes for marginalized people (ex. netflix’s “bright” and amazon prime’s “carnival row”). fairies, elves, and orcs go through a type of discrimination that is a lot like racism because of who they are, how they look, and how they are perceived as “other”. this is just a way for white people to digest the meaning of racism but it’s also incredibly harmful because it gives the perception that this doesn’t happen at all today when in reality, it is...and people are dying because of it. gosh not to get emotional but i was rewatching some of dbh because there was a mod for it and just...the way that this game is echoing a lot of what’s happening right now is just...it’s horrible! how can y’all demonize a violent revolution?? how dare a white person think that violence isn’t the answer when there is literal violence coming from the opposing side. then there’s the whole fucking fist symbol, the “i can’t breathe” shit, the “we have a dream”, the “hands up, don’t shoot”...literally getting sick thinking about how the game got away with so much shit and no one batted a fucking eyelash.
seriously, you really did capture this whole fandom in a nutshell. it’s incredibly frustrating when at the end of the day, the only thing the fandom walks away with from playing/watching the game is that connor is hot, nothing else. everyone’s attention is only drawn to connor’s storyline where they only care about him and the characters within his little world. it’s mainly white people (specifically white women) who are out here drooling over hankcon and reed900 as if gay men are some sort of sideshow attraction and say that they care about gay people when they don’t. even with rk1k, the ship between markus and connor, there are some works and fanart that depict a lot of racial stereotypes of markus and that shit ain’t right. people make fanfiction for stale side white characters and for what purpose? why can’t y’all think of headcanons for josh, a history university lecturer who definitely knows that history is repeating itself. what about rose and her son adam? why can’t y’all expand on her story and actually explore why she got into helping androids the that she does? and above all, why don’t y’all white stannies DESPISE markus? he is the literal at the center of dbh, this is his story...how are y’all just gonna brush him aside because you think he’s “boring”? this is not only the fault of DC but also the entire fandom. i have seen fandom literally create a character’s whole ass backstory, complete with fears and wants and dreams, for a side character that doesn’t fucking matter. trust if gavin was actually a man of color, he would be hated and cancelled. if hank was a man of color, he wouldn’t be forgiven for his past prejudices. hell, if connor was a man of color, y’all would NOT be this way with him...that’s on racism.
i did wanted to make this a separate paragraph because as a lot of y’all know, i used (maybe still..who knows) to write for dbh and i have seen firsthand the type of fics you described. the reader is either described as having the same prejudice as hank towards androids or the reader thinks “androids rights!” but it’s so base level activism and fake woke. like come on, girly, i don’t give a shit if you educated yourself by reading things, now what are you gonna do with the knowledge? how are you going to help this population? have you checked your own biases? then...that kinda gets to another thing where it drives me bananas thinking that white authors will write the reader as not having any sympathy towards androids...like what about us people of color who hurt alongside with them? who know what it’s like? it’s so vile to think that an author could write a reader to be so uncaring...it comes from a privileged place and that’s why i literally hate the self-insert dbh fandom. there is no representation whatsoever and whenever something is marketed as “neutral”, it never really is if the reader doesn’t care about androids. if the reader is actually written as neutral and to be “woke”, it’s a big ole bruh moment when they be like “why can’t we all get along :(” like fuck off!! we can’t get along because we still got a fucking police state, racist people in the streets, and the literal production of servants of color WHO STAND AT THE BACK OF THE BUS!! what is the reader doing about it? what are their biases? what are their privileges, if any? that’s why there’s not a single reader insert that is truly “neutral” because we know racism hasn’t been eradicated in the year 2038 (despite what rose said y’all KNOW that shit is deeply rooted and if the same establishments are still in place in detroit, we know racism hasn’t left) so we know that there will still be discrimination towards people of color. we can’t have neutral readers when writing in the dbh universe because that shit goes hand in hand. people of color, more so women of color, are gonna be far more sympathetic/empathetic towards androids and their cause than white people because they see a lot of themselves in them.
that’s why i tried to write for latinx readers while i was actively in the dbh fandom as a way to get the fandom into diversifying the reader. i have been incredibly vocal on my writing blog about these issues and though i was overwhelmed with love, support, and praise, i still wasn’t seeing the change the fandom promised to do. i was still seeing the same white reader being advertised as “neutral” ...and it hurt. neutral readers can’t provide the much needed nuances to discuss racism and discrimination about androids (since they symbolize black people/people of color do not argue this) because there needs to be a deeper understanding. yes, i have some privileges where i haven’t experienced half the shit others have experienced and i am not the spokesperson for people of color everywhere but i just know that we can no longer write neutral readers anymore when it comes to shit like this. it’s like when y’all right for 1940s!bucky barnes, you know damn well a woman of color would NOT be treated fairly during that time. that’s the nuance. you must be able to have the room to talk about it because then the work of fiction caters to white women. out of sight, out of mine and they go back to fucking connor. honestly, clown behavior.
no more “being hank’s daughter”, “gavin reed’s sister”, “reader that doesn’t care about androids/doesn’t believe in rights for androids” and other bullshit like that. society has progressed past being associated with white people!! fuck that shit xx
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