#but I never really wanted to give him a typical king in yellow look bc he's his own person now
soliusss · 2 years
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The brainrot has been strong the past 36 hours enjoy 2 pixel wip screenshot
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imma-potatoo · 4 years
Blond Janus Darkside Headcanons
I noticed how I haven't written down any info on the dark sides (Wrath, Apathy, Depression, Remus and pre-AA Virgil). More will be added.
@mother-snake, @writerstrashbin, @psychedelicships, @cryptidwriterdotcom (ask to be removed or added)
Leader of the dark sides
Can induce a blind rage
When the rage is happening the recipient cannot control what they say or do and react simply on their first thought
The rage becomes stronger the more angry the person becomes
Wrath can't bring someone out of the rage. He can induce it but the person has to come out of it themselves
He has almost no control of Apathy because of that due to his lack of emotion
Likes to wear a partial suit. Finds that the coat is restricting and makes more complex movements hard
Still owns the coat. Just never wears it.
Symbol is tattooed on his left wrist
Orange and black color scheme. Like this:
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Immediate reaction to almost anything is to yell.
Loves huge parties
If he's going to make a point, he makes it loud and clear. Often in front of other people so they can see what happens if you step out of line
Rules the dark sides more like a dictatorship then a family or of equel footing
Believes that they have to bend Thomas to their will and that the light sides are complete fools who will only destroy Thomas life
Wants Thomas to take what he wants and not to worry about who he leaves behind
If Thomas has to kill a politician to get what he wants? Sure go ahead. As long as he gets what he wants
When angry, Wrath is ruthless
He'll take your deepest fear and taunt you with it until you snap under the strain and comply to his every whim
He refuses to take no for an answer
Because of his hatred for the lights; he takes it out on Janus
He's big on public humiliation
If Janus would step out of line; well, he doesn't need all of those scales does he? He's sure Apathy would love to see the reactions if you rip some off
To aid in the control of the others; Wrath has complete control over the food supply
When the others are listening and followings orders. Good, they get to eat properly
When they don't? Your options are moldy bread or cheese that has been out in the open for about a month.
Him and Apathy eat like kings while the others decide between food poisoning and starvation
Likes to take words of affection and make them have a negative meaning (ex: the word Love.) after beating the hell out of someone, he would make them look directly in his eyes and says that he loves them... And he makes them say it back
He hates it when the others cry
Says that they're doing it for attention and that they should shut the fuck up
Second in command
Can nullify peoples emotions. Leaving them feeling like an empty shell. The effects normally break after an hour
If Apathy knows your name he can control you like a puppet
White and black outfit. White shirt with black suspenders and pants.
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Doesn't show where he keeps his symbol (its on his right ankle, its more like a tattoo then a patch)
Has a deep obsession with fire
Owns a zippo (a lighter that flips open)
Often feels empty due to his function. The fire makes him feel warm, feel more human (as human as the sides can be anyway)
Doesn't quite understand emotion. He understands the basics of it (cry = sad, laugh = hqppy, yell = angry.) but the more complex reactions confuse the hell out of him. Crying out of happiness is one of the things he will never understand.
Because of his lack of understanding of emotions; Apathy tries to understand through making others feel said emotions
Wants to know how someone would react when you break a precious item? Time to find a couple photos.
Will someone scream when you waterboard them? Hm well, only one way to test that.
Opinions change like a flip of a switch
One day he'll help you make dinner with a plastered on smile. The next he'll knock you out and burn you with his lighter with that same smile
Has only properly laughed twice
The first time was when Thomas accidentally laughed at someones funeral (he couldn't cope that the person was gone and his default reaction was to laugh)
The second was after the three of them (wrath, depression and him) shut off the heating to Janus' room and locked him inside
In order to understand things he doesn't know; he does experiments
He's not allowed to experiment on Wrath and Depression has no fun reactions. So he has his fun with Janus instead
Kinda likes it when blood stains his dress shirt
Because its warm. The warmth that once came from the person now belongs to him and it eases the cold empty feeling only slighty and temporary but its warm
He's indifferent on the lights. They're a little too perky for his tastes
Third in command
Doesn't really get a lot of say with decisions
Can erase certain memories (he doesn't use it very often)
Wears a medium blue dress shirt, brown leather suspenders with a black bowtie.
Normally keeps his sleeve rolled up
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When crying; his eyes leak black
If the tears hit your skin, its a 10% chance that you could collapse and start spewing your insecurities while your eyes leak black
Symbol is on the back of his neck
Doesn't really mind not having the control that Apathy and Wrath have
Less work for him to do anyway
Couldn't care about the other twos blatant abuse of Janus
He sees it as a way to keep Janus in line
If Virgil wanted to play father figure he can go ahead. But that doesn't mean he has to be kind
Respects and looks up to Wrath
Normally just follows the lead of the others
He's the epitome of the duckling following the leader
Wrath has steak and potatoes for dinner? Depression also wants that too
Wrath says that they need to bend Thomas to their will? Well duh! Of course!
Wrath says that Janus has been out of line lately? Well why don't we break his leg again to show him a lesson
Most of the time, the food restrictions have no effect on him bc he listens to Wraths every word
Was the second in command before he left
Opposed Wrath on his more extreme tactics
Has the ability to control shadows and others own Anxiety
Hated the dress code that Wrath insists on having. What kind of person wears suspenders and a dress shirt daily anyway?
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Still wears the stupid things anyway because Wrath said to and he's not in the mood to get beat
Symbol is tattooed on underneath his shirt. The left side
After adopting Janus he lost his position as Wrath's right hand
Kinda pissed him off when he got demoted. Not bc of the loss of power. But bc he couldn't protect Janus as well
After adopting Janus he became the 4th in power (after Depression)
Is the epitome of don't give a shit
He has the power to conjure things and cause intrusive thoughts
Half the time he ignores the dress code completely
Typically opting for his normal clothes but does own a uniform as well
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(if anyone has a better photo of this outfit pls pls pls DM me. I've looked through hundreds of photos and this is the best dark green dress shirt with suspenders I got)
Symbol is tattooed on the swell of his back
Gets practically no opinion on dealings or decisions with plans
Remus is a indifferent party. One moment he'll help you. The next he'll stab you in the back
He mostly just works with who can give him what he wants the fastest
He actually feels pity for Janus
Not like he'll ever act on that but he still feels a bit bad for the guy
Remus is kinda like that uncle at family get togethers that no-one talks to or cares about but he's always there
Oh boy, where to start?
Has the lowest rank out of every other side
His power (the ability to make people unable to talk) can only be used on the light side of the mind
He is also unable to heal immediately on the dark side
Meaning that he has to treat his wounds the old fashioned way
Doesn't really like the dress code
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Only gets to wear his normal outfit when he's visting the light sides
Blond hair (wow! Really? Not like its the the name of the au!!)
His patch isn't a tattoo
This boi has the biggest fucking sweet tooth you could ever imagine
He is also so fucking short
His shoes have lifts to make him taller
He's cold blooded
When he gets focused, he bleps
This is turning fluffy-
He is literally covered head to toe in scars
Almost no skin was left untouched
Lying is a defense mechanism for him. He's deceit! He can lie his way out of anything!
Heavily disagrees on Wraths views
Thomas should get ahead, of course he should. But that shouldn't come at the price of someones life or the cost of his reputation
Hurting someone to get ahead in the short-term is only going to harm you in the long term
To hide the bruses, he applies thick layers of makeup and illusions if he's on the light side
Hasn't gotten a good sleep in years
He's terrified that someone will break into in bedroom while he's sleeping and finish him off
Or that they'll cut the heating again and he'll slowly freeze to death
Or that they'll drag him out of his room and chain him up somewhere to become nothing but a punching bag
He has agoraphobia (fear of open spaces)
Hasn't had positive touch since Virgil left
He has venom. Its very lethal and only activates when threatened
When angry, his eyes glow yellow and his canine teeth grow sharp and long that they stick out of his mouth slightly like fangs
Was meant to be a light side and function as Validity and Societal Self Preservation. But the dark sides found him first and brought him back with them
Virgil is his father figure
Doesn't really know how to feel after finding out that he's not a dark side
He does feel really really lied to and betrayed
But... Virgil is his dad. Virgil raised him
How could he be upset?
Writes down all of his thoughts and complaints in journals that he keeps in his room
He started writing journals when he was very young, so there is hundreds of them
Honestly doesn't know how to feel about him being a light side.
He's mad at Wrath. He knows that. But he can't do anything because his powers don't work on the dark side
He might as well be powerless.
When on the light side (so when all his powers work) his powers include: silencing others, the ability to repress sides/ make them unable to appear to Thomas and illusions.
His title is technically Validity with the added function of societal self preservation
Still goes by Deceit anyway
Has three brands burned onto him via Apathy
Is on his left ankle. Its his snake symbol. About the size of your fist
On his right bicep. The word "monster" in bolded writing. About two fingers in thickness.
Left chest, above his heart. The words "Property of the Dark Sides" in cursive text. The writing sits in a box.
All the brands are extremely painful for Janus if touched. Brand #3 is the brand he hates the most
His scales are more in patches then a perfect 50/50 split down his body
More will be added in the future.
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brawlite-archive · 6 years
i was tagged by @jennlfercheck​ to share/discuss some of my current wip’s. under the cut bc it’s long. and you also probably aren’t interested in it~
some venom, some harringrove. [with the harringrove, warnings for homophobic language and drugs/drug-use]
i tag -- literally anyone who wants to do this.
01 -- chapter 3 of less defined as days go by (venom ot4)
[the next chapter of my ot4 fic. it’s at about 4k right now, and i haven’t had a good chance to work on it, but i’m really enjoying the four of them talking together. and the awkwardness. so much awkwardness.]
“Hey bud,” Eddie hears as his shoulder shakes a little, the warmth of a gentle hand nudging him out of a pretty deep sleep.
He blinks his eyes open and Dan’s blurry images comes into view, bright in the light of the day.
Eddie grunts and closes his eyes again. Five more minutes, right?
“We’re here,” Dan says.
Dan’s a very symmetrical man.
Eddie’s eyes snap open. Dan’s still looking at him through what can only be an expensive pair of sunglasses. Eddie blinks up at him and his cheekbones, at his own reflection in polarized glass.
He’s an excellent example of your species. Very proportional. Don’t you think?
“I just woke up,” Eddie grumbles. “Can you wait like, five minutes?”
“Uh,” Dan says. “We can leave you in the car, if you want?” The car keys jingle in his hand as he holds them out to Eddie.
Eddie groans again and pushes the keys back toward Dan with a sleepy hand that may or may not be more inky black than Eddie’s hands typically are.
“No, not you. Sorry. I’m -- I’m coming.”
02 - unnamed kink venom thing
But that doesn’t mean that it’s not sometimes frustrating as hell.
“Will you stop it?” Eddie asks, fingers tightening around the can of iced tea.
Eddie rolls his eyes. He feels Venom wriggle around his spine in annoyance.
“You’re not thirsty. We’ve had, like, three of these this afternoon alone.”
Cheap and sugary herbal tea from the bodega. Venom’s new favorite thing of the week.
“Okay, but just because something’s tasty doesn’t mean you have to gorge yourself on it.”
We do that on people, though. When they are bad, you don’t have a problem with it.
03 - a v. rough harringrove thing
[the general vibe of this thing is that billy is very very very drunk and steve finds him at a party. anyway, i wrote it for the dubcon, but.i really need to rework a lot of this to make it more in character. and to make it -- better. ugh. i kinda hate it? so who knows if that’ll happen.]
Billy barely manages to shrug, because nothing’s really working right now. Not his mouth, not his shoulders, not his arms. He longs to touch, to pull Steve closer, to -- something -- but he can’t.
It’s frustrating as hell.
Steve slaps his face again. Billy opens his eyes. It hurts, a little bit. The sting of the collision of palm against skin.
“Billy,” Steve says, and it’s a little louder. A little harsh. A little biting. “You gotta stay awake for me.”
“King Steve,” Billy slurs. Because it is. It’s true. Finally. He’s dreaming, and this is the King Steve he was promised, the one he’s entitled to. The one he can’t stop fantasizing about.
“Yeah, sweetheart,” King Steve says, smiling like he does in all of Billy’s other dreams. “It’s me. How’re you feeling?”
Billy thinks there’s a hand in his hair, pushing it back from his face. He can feel the nails dig into his scalp and he follows the motion, tipping his head back, groaning.
“So good,” Billy says. “God, you’re so fucking --”
“Yeah?” Steve says, even though Billy’s not sure he even finished that thought, just that he trailed off into something slurred and stupid. “That right?” Steve asks, his touch alternating between gentle and rough. Sometimes stroking through Billy’s hair, sometimes pulling at it when Billy’s eyes start to droop.
“You want me to take you home?” Steve asks, slow.
“Yeah,” Billy breathes out. Then, on another breath, “No.”
04 - chapter 5 of i broke my bones playing games with you
[i NEED to finish this fic but, like, i also am finding it very difficult bc it’s dark and kind of depressing and it]
“Are you done avoiding me, Hargrove?”
He’s brave.
“Depends.  Are you done being a fag?”
“Last I checked, I didn't exactly make any moves on you.”
Brave. Real brave.
Billy snarls. He gets Steve by the chin like he so loves to do.
“Careful, baby. I wasn't planning on hitting you tonight, but I could always change my mind.”
And he kinda likes the way the bruises are yellowing on Steve's face. If Billy gave him more right now, he wouldn't get to watch the change.
“Have I ever stopped you?” Steve asks, like he’s pushing, pressing forward a little bit. Stepping into Billy's space. Chest to chest. Nose to nose. His breath smells like booze. His tongue probably tastes like it, too.
All of Billy goes hot. His ears, his neck, his gut. It all just burns.
He wants to punch, to touch, to take. He wants Steve to never stop him.
“Gimme another line,” Billy demands. He lets go of Steve’s chin like he’s been scalded.
Steve does.
Coke still burning in his nose, Billy leaves Steve in the bathroom and loses himself in the crowd outside.
05 - chapter 2 of plenty of seeds in a lemon
[a little thing for @jennlfercheck that i’ve been chipping away at.]
“Oh, I made breakfast. Left some for you on the counter, if you want,” Billy says, like it’s nothing. Like he didn’t come into Steve’s house uninvited, hang out while Steve was sleeping and then make breakfast.
Like he hasn’t been avoiding Steve for days.
Like people just make Steve breakfast like he’s the kind of person that fosters that kind of niceness.
Not that Billy’s nice, because he’s pretty much the opposite of that.
But there’s a plate full of breakfast hash on Steve’s table and a bottle of hot sauce next to it. Steve is pretty damn sure Billy had to go to the store to make this, because it’s got potatoes and sausage and peppers and onions, and Steve doesn’t have any of those things -- much less a pan to really make it all in.
He probably shouldn’t eat it. There’s like, a whole thing about not eating or drinking things strangers give you, and it’s not like Billy would truly have a problem getting his hands on anything those warnings are talking about, considering he’s a drug dealer. He’s probably got a whole stash of creepy shit at his apartment.
But the potatoes smell really good.
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neokollection · 6 years
A - Z ㅡ Taeyong
A/N: A twist on the traditional A-Z that’s NSFW and now a fluffy version. Yes, I made these up, sorry if they’re bad-
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A - According To ...
According to Taeil, Taeyong is very sensitive and just wants to be loved.
B - Bored [ what he does when he’s bored ]
Scrolls through his phone or sleeps if possible- Basically, what we all do too.
C - Cuddling
Cuddle bug, he loves cuddles. He doesn’t mind if he’s the big or little spoon, or your limbs are all tangled together, facing one another. Anything with contact he’s fine with- He likes burying his face, can’t say why... He’s gorgeous, not sure why he’d hide. But he finds it most comfortable and a good way to block out the light, plus he’s enraptured in your scent, nuzzling into the crook of your neck or chest. He’ll snuggle anywhere, in bed, on the sofa, in the back of a taxi, etc... When he’s sleepy or has a bit of alcohol in his system he’s the most cuddly, murmuring shit no one can understand.
D - Day or Night? 
He prefers night. Usually in the darkness of his bed, illuminated by his phone.
E - Excited [ what he does when he’s excited ]
He wiggles! He’s a wiggler~ When he gets excited his hands clasp together, or onto the person he’s with and he smiles, even laughs. He’ll even go as far as to bounce around, clapping his hands. When he can’t hold it in he does a variety of weird motions, not really knowing what to do with his hands for once.
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F - Fans
He loves his fans so much! He credits them with everything, without them he wouldn’t be where he is today and NCT wouldn’t.  Each and everyday he reads what fans say on either the fan board, twitter, youtube comments, instagram, etc... And I bet you each and everyday he smiles because of the things he reads. He told fans once if they see NCT on the street to run up to them and hug them without saying anything [pretty sure that’s what a lot of sasaeng fans try to do anyway in the airport, and you’d definitely get a bodyguard on your ass]- He just wants NCTzenies to love one another and NCT!
G - Gayness
Hmm, around 40% I would say. Jaeyong is still a strong ship. He’s a very subtle and chill gay, but still a confident one- Except for when it comes to Jungwoo and Win, then he gets flustered... bc... cute angels.
H - Heart
He’s got such a big heart and so many don’t know!!! He did wrongs in his past and has been branded for them ever since, even tho time and time again he’s apologized, cried, and addressed them with regret... With his lyrics too you can tell he wants to be loved, as Taeil said. He’s a leader, and has to be compassionate and sympathetic to be able to handle his group mates and have them all love him- He’s a huge softie, have you ever seen him around animals?
I - Imagine ...
Imagine baking chocolate chip cookies together.
J - Jealousy
He’s jealous. If it’s just between mates it’s fine, Johnny and Jae hanging out, chill. But it comes when he’s attached to certain people who he finds himself close with, but they give another attention... He needs attention, especially yours. He’ll find something else to do other than watch, pour himself a glass of water, look at his phone, turn around and act like he’s going to sleep. It’s a mini silent treatment until you address him. He’ll still ask later about it, what was Yuta saying that was so important? Be a bit obvious he’s jealous, he doesn’t mind if you know, he’d prefer you/them know than be oblivious.
K - Kisses
A great kisser!!! He gives all his friends little pecks on their cheeks and says his kisses are a reward to his members~ Any chance this giggling mess has pop a smooch on your cheek, nose, or forward he will- Even for the littlest of things, the way you cutely sneezed or whined at him for being too loud. When it comes to your lips, he has a thousand different kissed saved for each occasion; a sweet and chaste kiss for when your sleepy, a rushed and teeth-bared smooch for when he’s excited, long sensual make-outs when he’s upset or emotional, rough and passionate kisses when your pulling on his shirt, etc... His lips are so soft and travel all over the he can reach, your hand, sure, your hair, of course, your nose, certainly, the back of your neck and shoulder, naturally~
L - Lyric [ personal/my favorite lyric or verse ]
“I’ll show myself to you, so show yourself to me too. Hug me. What do I do with this attention-seeking illness I’ve caught because of you?” Baby Don’t Like It - NCT 127
I mean he rapped earlier in it about being a hard ass bitch who’s going to play with your heartbeat, wanting you to kick and hit him... But look- He’s a real softy, just talking the talk to get your attention. These lyrics seem so soft to me- Like his real feelings for a S/O
M - Moody
He can be a moody bitch, no lie. Especially since he’s exhausted far too often and doesn’t have the energy to deal with everyone 24/7. When he gets in his moods he can become really quiet and keep to himself, his typical look of boredom on his face...
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N - Neediness
Depends on who it’s with. In this kind of scenario obviously it’s dedicated to the reader, so I’d say only with you is he needy, for attention and all. He’s needy with his members too, since they know him inside and out, but he doesn’t want to put strain on people or seem annoying, so with staff and others he won’t act needy.
O - Open or Closed?
He’s a pretty closed person, he doesn’t make friends easily and it’s especially hard being a celebrity- Knowing who you can trust and get close with and who you can’t... But with his close friends he’s very open, they’re his only outlet since he doesn’t want to worry his family.
P - Picky?
When it comes to food he’s not so picky- I mean he has a list of stuff he doesn’t like, but he’s also very willing to try new things~ When it comes to people, he’s kinda picky who he’d chose as his friends. He has high standards and it takes a lot of work to become close to him, so you’d be the top 1%
Q - Question [ something I wonder about him... ]
 With a S/O, would his germaphobia lessen? Would he share a water bottle with me? Cuz I mean I have it also, but I’d share with him
R - Rec [ song rec directly from him ]
When I Fall in Love - Nat King Cole
S - Skinship
He’s fine with it, he does PDA too. He’s not shy of it and naturally is one into skin contact for the simplest of things. Rustling your hair if you did a good job, interlocking fingers, squeezing the flesh of your arms unconsciously as he spouts, poking your cheek, gently body bumping before chuckling as you push him out of your way, etc...
T - Talent
Off the charts, no questions asked. Amazing actor, singer, rapper, dancer, person, etc...
U - Unique [ a unique characteristic ]
He has so many facets. You all already know what I’m talking about. He’s cool and sexy on stage, but adorable and sometimes awkward off. His persona is so unique, how he’s able to switch so casually.  I think it makes him unique, I’ve never met someone who can so coolly be two-faced.
V - Vegetable [ how he is when lazy ]
I’m not 100% sure, but I can guess. If he’s feeling tired and has the chance, he’d probably sleep. Usually tho, he probably plays Animal Crossing or another game on his phone- Possibly even taking some time to lounge around and scroll through the NCT tag on Twitter. If he has to do something he’s obviously going to not want to, but he’s a big boy and as NCT’s leader he’s learned a lot about doing things even though he may not want to and matured a lot as well, so he’ll still silently do whatever it is he’s asked before plopping on the sofa once more.
W - Wink
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X - X-Man [ if he had a superpower it would be... ]
He said he’d like the ability to teleport, to visit all the Czennies around the world no doubt- His parents too-
Y - Yellow [ his thoughts on the color ‘Yellow’ ]
If the color gold is considered yellow... He may like it. But in general I think he can agree it’s an ugly and awkward color- I mean when do you ever see him willingly wearing yellow??? Never
Z - Zodiac
Cancer~ Very sensitive. He matches well with Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, & Scorpio ^^ He doesn’t match well with Aries or Libra T T
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