#but I think shidge is pretty problematic
alohaasaloevera · 8 months
yo I need y’all’s opinion on the Sheith vs Klantis (or just Klance) discourse way back then??? I personally think Shiro and Keith’s relationship is platonic but I would actually like to hear other people’s view points of Sheith whether they shipped Klance or Sheith or none.
I’m relatively new to this fandom (I started consuming vld media in late 2022), and god even I know the fandom way back then was crazy.. people definitely took it too far.
Also Sheith isn’t incest??? Maybe it’s weird for some people (including me) but c’mon they aren’t even related 😭😭😭
WTF…. People thought Plance was pedophilia?1!1?!1?11! Pidge was like 15 and Lance 17 at the start of the show and the law in the us says an 18 yr old and a 16 yr old can date, just no hopping on the vegetables….
Yooo klantis were crazyyyyy…. Now I understand why klance gives people PTSD
Anyways… just tell me about how you interpret shiro and Keith’s relationship and why
(Also I haven’t watched VLD past season 3 so I don’t know a lot of the lore..)
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shironaut · 6 years
Tbh I really like all of the shaladin ships except shidge. The age gap is really big and I feel like Pidge is too young for an age gap that big. I know they arent that much younger from the rest of the team, but it feels like Pidge is...TOO much of a minor if that makes sense? Going off the assumption that they're 15/16, of course. Anyway, despite the fact that I don't like it, I understand that Shidge isn't toxic or hyper sexualized, so I would never do any of that anti shit. Antis are gross
It’s okay to be squicked out by a ship, you’re totally fine to feel that way!!  Notps exist and you dont have to be down for any and all shipIt’s okay to have NOTPs!!
I do want to kind of explain WHY i like shidge though as i know theres a lot of controversy around the ship itself??My friends know that shidge is my comfort ship!  it makes me feel better and brings out emotions that take me back to a time of peace and comfort.It reminds me of a one sided admiration crush i had on a boy that my uncle took in when i was younger.
This boys name was Zach and he was quite a bit older than me. I remember visiting my uncle, his family, Zach and another boy they had taken in for thanksgiving one year and I got really attached to him really quickly.
He wasn’t without his faults.  He had been a delinquent, came from a broken home, and had been on a self destructive path, but at the same time he was gentle and as we grew up he became someone who would show you love, support, and genuine care unconditionally.He helped me through so much i cant properly put it into wordsI was not a happy kid, i was suicidal, angry, and broken and he took all of it without judgement because i think he understood what it was like to be that way.
(this is a pretty tldr version of what i was going to type - be thankful)
So when i see shiro and pidge and i see their dynamic, im thrown back to that kind of relationship with someone and the only way to really describe it is like how in greys anatomy there was the use of “theyre my person” and how deep and meaningful that is in its own way
So uhh message to antis/people who are anti-shidgeTake a minute to think why someone likes a ship and why, even if it may seem problematic, what it might mean to someone personally
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groundramon · 6 years
🌟 1, 4, 9, 27 🌟
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?God honestly, a lot??  I’m fairly generous when it comes to ships unless there’s something Problematic™ or something that I just personally don’t like.  Rivals-to-lovers relationships are pretty hard to get me to like, and if I DO like them it would be because there’s a “friend” stage in-between there.  I probably don’t need to list off all the problematic ships that I don’t get because Icky lmao, but some examples of ones that have tropes about them that I don’t like but I’d never judge someone else for shipping would be Raven x BB, Matt x Sora, honestly basically any Edgy Loner Rival from Digimon x Digimon Girl™ (so like, Koji x Zoey, Christopher x Nene, Rei x Eri, ect) Bakugou x basically anyone (Kiri is okay ig because Kiri isn’t able to be manipulated by Bakugou, other Bakusquad members may be similar but idk, but I think that Bakugou has a LOT of shit he needs to work on before he should even be shipped with someone like Iida or Todoroki, and honestly Kiri deserves better too because Kiri isn’t a therapist and Bakugou has a long way to go before becoming a non-toxic person), SasuSaku, Allura x Lotor, and uhhh…god I’m sure there are way way more but that’s just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*Well I don’t think the ones I listed above would count as “NoTP”s because there’s just, really not anything *that* wrong with them (with the exception of like Bak/ude/ku which technically falls under the Bakugou one) and I’m just really over being anti-”anything that isn’t inherently nasty” because shipping drama is fucking stupid.  So I guess I’ll list off the most popular problematic ones in my fandoms- Bak/ude/ku, Slade x Terra (godgodgod gross, I know where people get it from because its in the original comic [slade’s a Bad Dude and Terra is a shitty teenager] but people DEADASS DO THIS WITH TT ANIMATED TERRA AND ITS UGHHHHH STOP THAT YA NASTIES), Sheith (stop), Shidge (stop), Koji x Koichi (STOP), Kari x Tai (STOP STOP STOP), yknow all that jazz- also apparently some people ship the digidestined with their digimon partners?  Which I mean.  I don’t really know where that falls on the problematic spectrum but please don’t do that.  OH, oh, one NoTP from question one that’s def a NoTP - and I’m iffy about how problematic it is if you did like an AU where it was endgame or something but I really do dislike it so ill put it here - is Lotor x Allura.  I didn’t like it to begin with, I tried denying that Voltron was going in that direction with season 5, I thought I was right but I was wrong, BUT Allura is 10000% done with Lotor and thank GOD she is and I don’t believe it’s a healthy relationship on either party’s part.  Idk about age and shit - all I know is I’m not a fan and I’m happy it was killed in the same season it was confirmed in (and god BLESS Allura for sticking up for what she believes in even at the cost of personal relationships, god I love her SO MUCH)  I’m also really not a big fan of SasuSaku but w/e I haven’t seen enough of naruto or boruto to really make a final call on that.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?This is only a handful that I can think of off the top of my head butWould erase from existence if given the chance:- Mineta (BNHA): he’s a pervert I don’t like him- Jiraiya (Naruto): he’s a pervert I don’t like him, he’s also an adult which is worse (although he only says questionable things to Naruto, not any of the young girls, and he’s not bi he’s definitely straight, but that still doesn’t make it okay) and he’s just an absolute fucking asshole in every single way.  He’s tied with mineta though because Jiraiya at least has some good influences on the plot, but still that’s not enough to justify him.- Onion (SU): NOWHERE NEAR AS BAD AS THE OTHER TWO, he’s just really annoying (and is it bad I get ableist vibes from him? LIKE I’m not gonna accuse Rebecca here, because if ANYTHING I think Rebecca was trying to make Onion a sympathetic “weirdo” where even if their hobbies are very strange to you, you should still respect them. but I think it falls a little flat and I still just don’t like him)Would kill if given the physical (not legal) opportunity, but I wouldn’t want to erase them from the show: - Slade (TT): *still crying nearly a year after watching the Terra arc* that arc legitimately put me in a depressive episode and I’m not even kidding, the only reason I didn’t feel worse is because I was laughing at myself for getting so upset over a kids cartoon from over a decade ago.  I’m still upset though.- Biomon (Appmon): *more crying* I HATE HIM AND WHAT HE DID TO REI, I’M NOT EVEN DONE WITH THE ARC SO DONT SPOIL IT BUT HHHHWould punch in the face if given the physical and preferably legal opportunity:- Bakugou (BNHA): angry explodey gremlin needs to be put in his damn place- Marcus (Digimon): like not in a mean way because his heart is in the right place but he’s also really annoying.
27. Least shippable character?Honestly gonna have to go with Pidge on this one??  There’s like…no other characters her age.  I hc her as ace/aro but I know some people hc her as a lesbian which is also hella valid (I’m just an imprinting bastard) so I mean that probably doesn’t help but like.  There’s not even anyone I can kinda lowkey ship her with if someone asked me what I would ship her with if I had to pick someone.  It’s weird, there’s not a whole lot of characters like that tbh.
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cominatchacleopatra · 7 years
VLD Pairings For Dummies™
Okay so we all know shipping plays a really big part in this garbage fire of a fandom. It has divided the fanbase and people will judge you and immediately think you’re an awful person for shipping something they don’t personally like. Why is it like this? I dunno, I’m just here to bitch and pretend that I’m funny (keep in mind these are my personal opinions so take them as grains of salt and throw them over your shoulder if you don’t like them). Let’s get into this
Two of the biggest pairings:
Klance: Follows the typical tropes of frienemies to lovers, red and blue aesthetic, opposites attract type of thing. Is currently the most popular pairing in vld.
Sheith: the second most popular pairing in vld. A fair amount of people love the chemistry between Shiro and Keith. They want to know more about their back stories and such.
These two pairings have an... intense rivalry... and that’s putting it mildly. It has escalated to the point where it’s an outrageously over blown shipwar taking the guise of social justice. It really has become a case where if you tell a lie long enough it will become accepted as the truth. some Klance shippers (a loud minority really) will accuse people shipping anything other than said ship of supporting pedophilia. And let me assure you, that word isn’t meant to be taken lightly so how dare you haphazardly throw it around to where it loses it’s original meaning? I digress, fans of klance largely out number the fans that like other pairings so antis can get away with all the harassment and bullying that they do, mostly to the sheith shippers and now currently the staff and voice actors. But lately, it’s evolved into a pure hatred for a certain character and ships with that character: Shiro.
“Shaladin” ships
Shance: Lance/Shiro well known in it’s own right, Lance and Shiro have some nice moments together in the show. Has a nice balance between the two, The jokester and the slightly more serious one that keeps him in line. Slightly less hated than sheith but those that ship these pairing are very civil towards each other
Shidge: Shiro/Pidge. One of the more controversial ships. I personally see them like a mentor or replacement sibling type of thing but I can see why people like it. They have cute moments too. Shiro is so nice and encouraging towards Pidge.
Shunk: Shiro/Hunk. Very rare but visible. Buff and Soft combo. Nice. Hunk could totally manhandle Shiro like Allura can.
Shallura: Allura/Shiro. Used to be the second most popular ship next to klance but wondercon happened and now people scorn it because they think Allura is too young. Gonna be biased here, some people (antis) only shipped this to compete with sheith so that Shiro could be out of the way. Regardless I still think this is a great ship and they could have even more good moments together in the future.
You see antis severely dislike Shiro for no reason. I’m pretty sure they don’t even know why themselves. I can say with full confidence that most antis ship klance and will attack any other ships that “threaten” their ship. To that I say fuck off and stop being so insecure, you already have the most popular ship, so enjoy it and stop bothering people.
Threatening Outliers
Kallura: Keith/Allura. In previous incarnations of voltron these two always end up being together romantically. Due to season 2 this ship has shot up in popularity a little bit that more antis come and clutter the tag. But ironically more antis ship kallura ever since the wondercon fiasco (which I find hilarious and infuriating because most kallura shippers and “shaladin” shippers are on very civil terms with each other)
Plance: Pidge/Lance. They have some cute moments, some have even made the parallel with another ship from OHSHC. I don’t really go into the tags for this ship but I’m guessing it’s light spam from antis, nothing too bad.
Hance: Hunk/Lance. This ship is pretty cool and holds it’s own well enough. It’s great if you don’t want to see Hunk constantly on the sidelines in fanart/fiction.
Allurance: Allura/Lance. I see great potential and even greater headcanons from this ship. They have their moments. Great art works all around.
Laxum: Plaxum/Lance. It’s cute. Their tag has more or less of the same problems that the kallura tag has.
I think these four pairing should get more love because they all can be written really well and have interesting chemistry with each other, especially ships with Pidge because I think they are worth exploring. Another thing I keep seeing is people leaving out Pidge because they think she’s 14, but they never do the same to her brother Matt.
Kidge: Keith/Pidge. They work well together in the show. I could see a really nice friends developing into something more out of this. The art is nice. I don't really go into their tag though.
Hidge: Hunk/Pidge. All I can say is this ship is cute as fuck. And dishes out really good content every now and again.
Shatt: Shiro/Matt. (I know not a Pidge ship but there’s a reason why I’m bringing this up) This ship is popular enough amongst antis and their shipping circles.
Pallura: Pidge/Allura: It’s very cute. I don’t go into this tag either because not my thing but I’m sure the fans are nice.
And I question why since Matt has barely gotten any screen time within two seasons; Shiro and Matt are friends so of course I can see why people would ship them but to me, he looks around the age of 17... 19 tops, wouldn’t Shiro be around the same age as Matt? In photographs he and Pidge only look one or two years apart. What I’m trying to say is Matt is around the same general age as the other paladins yet some antis will ship him with Shiro and not even bat an eye? I mean according to antis “logic” Shiro is 25, so wouldn’t it be wrong to ship Matt with him? Or shatt is totally fine because it doesn’t get in the way of klance? Hmm....
There is also that whole issue of making Pidge asexual because of her age and other things but that’s a topic for another day.
EDIT: 8-15-2017. I was fucking wrong about how old Matt actually is. My bad. Damn... I also have a slightly different stance on Shatt now.
Wild Cards
Allurvian: Allura/Kolivan. This came out of nowhere and I never expected the fans to be so interactive and nice. It also has this pseudo enemies to lovers type of thing so if you like that this ship is for you.
Alforan: King Alfor/Coran. I’m not gonna lie this is a rare pair. There is some art but very few. You can reach the end of the ship tag easily. But it has that servant/royal trope so if that’s for you go nuts.
Shendak: Sendak/Shiro. Oh very problematic pair. I mean if you can stomach the noncon, go for it but other than that, would not recommend.
Shlav: Shiro/Slav. First of all what the fuck. Second of all this is a shitty crack pairing. Third of all WHAT.. the fUCK?! Pairing a character with somebody they don’t like, sounds familiar. No wonder antis like this, they hate Shiro so much.
Haggar/Zarkon: I feel like I don’t need to explain this one. But I think they both had a hand in making Lotor.
Speaking of which, Lotor ships
Lancelot: Lotor/Lance. I can admit when I take off the shipping goggles, this is a crack pairing. They haven't even met yet so why? And to this I say why the hell not? Most of Lotor ships are gonna be assumed hero/villain ships unless stated otherwise later on in the show.
Lotor/Allura: Classic considering the context in the original show.
Keitor: Keith/Lotor. If you like memes this is the crack ship for you.
Pidge/Lotor: It’s another crack pairing. 
Thulaz: Thace/Ulaz. I don’t really go into this tag. But from a quick look over they generate a lot of headcanon. Very sweet and sappy adorable. Both are dead though so have fun with that.
Heith: Keith/Hunk. They have such a cute ship name. Honestly, it reminds me of the candy. It’s nice and sweet like the candy. The art is really good. And the shipper have a nice little community.
I know I missed a lot of ships but tell me and I’ll add them in post. Also another tip for newbies in this fandom, if you see a url with starry- as a prefix, avoid at all cost. They are most likely antis and will try to brainwash you. Just avoid antis in general. They don’t know what they’re talking about.
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dent-de-leon · 7 years
to that other anon - i don't think they didn't talk about sheith because they want to avoid it, because then they wouldn't want to talk about shidge either, since it's also a "problematic" ship. it was the panelists who chose ships they would ask questions about, and it was most likely pretty random since hidge or allurance aren't big ships. people are making a big deal out of nothing.
ya, based on the ships they picked i do think it was kinda done at random for the most part. 
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sheith-is-good · 7 years
Can I ask the source of where Bex has turned against sh/eth? Or whatever the context of some of the posts I've seen on your blog about Bex revoking her opinion on sh/eth and being against it now? Because on her tumblr everything still looks okay to me? She still seems fine with it?
She didn’t really say she disliked she1th! Her stance just weakened a little I think, or perhaps because she was vague at the start we interpreted her opinions incorrectly.
Shiro is not a sexual predator.
Is what she initially said, which seems to suggest that none of the ships have problematic age gaps? Perhaps excluding shidge as she’s said she doesn’t ship Pidge with anyone + sees her as ace.
“Shiro is about 25...  the rest of the Paladins are something like ~17+ (“late teens” which means 17 18 or 19)”
She then went on to say about the ages, and mentioned “about 25″ implying Shiro may be younger, and then said the paladins may also be “19″. Overall that’s a fairly harmless age gap, a 19 year old dating a 23-25 year old isn’t uncommon or inherently abusive.
I’m not for any sh@ladin ships for a variety of reasons, including the age gaps... [I support the ships] as long as they’re not toxic.
But then her last statement suddenly said she is "not for sh@ladin” (meaning she doesn’t ship it? which we presumed) but because of the age gaps, which is fine but... seems to suggest they’re bad? It could have helped for her to explain a little bit more here. She also says about “toxic [ships]” which is vague and I believe is a fail-safe against further accusations.
But I’ll mark this down as Bex being understandably uninformed about the fandom’s behavior, and perhaps she also based her “toxic [ship]” statement off what the antis were saying. I don’t blame her though, if she was trying to cover all the bases and not fuel the argument that is pretty reasonable!
There’s nothing wrong with what she said, I just think it’s possible to suggest her stance did change a little as the pressure increased. Her argument wasn’t totally clear either from the start either. She said at one point “[Shiro] is in no way in a relationship with any other Voltron character” presumably relating to canon, but how is that relevant? Slightly confusing. Of course he isn’t!
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Why your ship is invalid
Directed @ the ugly parts of the vld fandom. Xoxo
So! The Voltron:Legendary Defenders fandom… a dangerous place full of nasties, and people with morals. It’s a pretty even split, if I do say so myself. But I wouldn’t know that because I never go to the ugly side; I’ll get traumatized. For life.
Anyways I’ll be keeping anon off, so if you want to send me death threats over something that is very true and kills your precious ship, then my points will be proven. Have fun.
Before I go on my rant, I want to discuss the elephant in the room: Shiro’s sexuality. Shiro has been confirmed a gay man on several occasions. Therefore, 2 ships are already eliminated - brutally. Shallura and Shidge. And they’ve been rightfully eliminated, because those ships are very problematic.
And I’d like to point out that you CAN’T HEADCANON SHIRO AS A BISEXUAL/PANSEXUAL MAN. That’s blatant homophobia. I cannot stress that enough. But I guess people are so dense that they really don’t care… and I’m not committing bi erasure… you have literally ALL the other characters. Shiro is the only one with a confirmed sexuality. You have Lance, Keith, Hunk, Allura, etc. to headcanon as bisexual/pansexual. You can’t choose Shiro.
The ships, as you probably already picked up on, I will be discussing are Shiro x Paladin ships, more commonly known as ‘Shaladin’. Mostly shipped by 30 year old people with no life, fujoshis, and young teenagers who don’t know any better and have been trapped by the toxicity of the shaladin fandom.
I will begin with the most problematic and disgraceful of the ships (all of them are, but these are really problematic+disgraceful): Sheith, Shallura, and Shidge.
Ah, yes. The ugliest of them all: incest. This is unfortunately the most popular shallie ship, being 2nd (unfortunately) in Fandometrics. Which should be disqualified for its disgusting nature :). Klance is Canon King btw.
Sheith is between two brothers: Shiro and Keith, obviously.
Why this ship is invalid:
Shiro adopted Keith. They’re brothers.
Keith was a student and Shiro was a teacher when they first met.
Keith has told Shiro, several times, that he’s like a brother to him/is his brother, and has said Shiro’s his best friend. They have a very powerful, familial bond.
Shiro loves someone else. He wouldn’t choose Keith over Adam.
Why would you date your sibling??? You must be pretty messed up if you want to.
“Love” isn’t always romantic. It can be familial or/and platonic. When Keith told Shiro he loves him, he meant it as familial and platonic. Would you say you love your sibling romantically?
Incest and pedophilia is illegal.
I don’t really need to explain this, do I?
But I have to, because people are dumb. This is between Allura and Shiro, obviously.
Why this ship is invalid:
Allura has been confirmed a teenager.
Shiro is a gay man. Not bisexual. Not pansexual. Yes, homosexual. Their interactions are strictly platonic.
They’ve never even looked remotely interested in one another. Are you blind? I’ll give you my glasses if you want.
It’s pedophilia. Illegal.
Shipping them together is homophobic.
Allura’s likely around 17-19, so the age gap ranges from 9-7 years.
And the big, bad, pedophilic ship of them all?
You’ve gotta be kidding me with this. This one makes me want to vomit. I absolutely don’t need to explain this one, because of how revolting it is. Stop. But I have to, for the sake of this damn essay. People are really ugly.
This is between Shiro and Pidge, obviously.
Why this ship is invalid:
Pidge is 15/16 years old. Shiro is 25/26. That’s a 10 year difference. And if you’re really dense, then there’s the math xoxo. Can’t leave the math to Pidge on this one apparently.
Pedophilia at its finest
Their interactions have never appeared romantic ugly.
Shiro is a GAY MAN.
Have I mentioned the 10 year age gap?
Pedophilia is illegal.
Shipping them together is homophobic.
10 years
Now the other 2 shallie ships: Shance and Shunk. Pt. 2 of the ugly ships now.
This is a ship between Shiro and Lance, obviously.
Why this ship is invalid:
Same with Keith: Lance is a minor, a student, when he meets Shiro, a teacher, a full grown man.
Lance has never shown any interest in Shiro. Lance shows interest in Keith and Allura.
Shiro has never shown any interest in Lance. Shiro’s interested in Adam.
Their interactions have never been romantic.
Lance looks up to Shiro. Shiro is his role model and his hero. That doesn’t mean Lance is interested in him.
Let’s be honest, Shiro treats Lance like he’s his out of control child.
8 year age gap.
This is a ship between Shiro and Hunk, obviously.
Why this ship is invalid:
Hunk shows obvious, romantic interest in Shay.
They’re not interested in one another.
Same case with Keith and Lance: Hunk is a student, Shiro is a teacher.
Hunk is probably straight, and Shiro is gay. Simple as that.
8 year age gap.
There’s probably some people who are probably really upset. There’s probably some people trying to say Adashi/Shadam is toxic and Klance is not canon king. Those people are very wrong, blind, and obviously hasn’t had a wonderful relationship or an abusive one. But, since that isn’t the point of this rant, I won’t go into it.
People are saying that this is fiction. It doesn’t effect anyone. It’s just harmless fun, right? Wrong.
It’s fiction, yes, but the things people put on the internet will effect people. It will harm people, whether you like it or not. You’re encouraging pedophilia, incest, toxicity, and it’s alright to get with someone who is twice your age. And by shipping a gay man with a woman, you’re encouraging homophobia.
If a kid sees any of the content you put out, they may think “Oh hey, this is a thing I should do because people say it’s okay to do”. Because they’re seeing their favorite characters being sexualized, and put in a romantic relationship they shouldn’t be in.
What you make will effect people. It is not harmless fun.
If you are young and you’ve been dragged into this hellhole of a shipping fandom, then you need to break away from that place and rethink your decisions. It’s not healthy for you. It is very toxic and it can effect your life permanently.
From a personal experience, it changes the way you think and it hurts you. It devours you. You need to step away from all the ships, unfollow all the toxic people you follow, and go into a healthy, safe community.
You know those anti-block lists? Go follow those people. They are genuine, they have morals, and they’re pretty awesome people overall. If you have to, start a new blog and start from scratch. Get these people to help you. I’ll help you, obviously. You just need to ask! I’ll follow you with my main blog.
And yes, all shaladins are bad. They’ve sent death threats, they’ve harassed a 13 year old, and they’re spreading such a toxic thing around. If someone says “uwu not all of us are like that lol”, then they’re wrong. If you ship a shaladin ship, you’re just as bad as the rest of them. Especially if you’re pushing minors into it.
I’m being nice in this. If y’all make me angry, then I’ll be much more brutal.
tl;dr - Shaladins suck lmao. And get away from the community if you’re young.
-Sincerely, an angry person.
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nayrudo-a · 7 years
Are... Are you not aware what being in the voltron fandom is like? My sister writes fic for a 'problematic' paring and she gets hate mail and nasty messages probably every week calling her abusive, a pedophile, a cunt, a rapist, ect. Luckily nobody has tried to doxx her but some of the other ppl around in the fandom have gotten that or worse
luckily I don't because I've avoided watching voltron for so long the community being one of the reasons I've heard from other ppl that I follow that it's actually pretty horrible and I've never followed anyone that has a blog dedicated to it so I don't what pairing was she writing for? the only problematic ship I can really think of is shidge (is that right???? shiro and pidge???) or shiro w the other paladins?? either way I'm ,,,, absolutely LOL appalled at the community and I'm sorry for ur sister regardless of who she writes about she doesn't deserve that like at all
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