#but I thought they shared enough similarities in funny reactions to things that he could work in the role
iskratempestmadness · 7 months
The characters of "Baki the grappler" and the language of love
Baki is one of the most tactile characters. And it is also important for him that you also express your love physically. Hugs, kisses, holding hands, even just a pat on the shoulder will do for him. It's just that it's important for him to feel that you're with him and you're safe.
He is not mercantile. He is not a materialist. Oh no. It's just that, as I've told you before, it's difficult for him to express his feelings in words. He is also limited in his actions. And he can't spend the desired amount of time with you. But despite this, he really likes to put on your smile when he gives you another gift.
Time or quality forwarding time
Oooh, it's hard to define his love language, but still he tends to do just that. And he appreciates it. From simple silence in each other's campaign to experiments and joint hobbies. Why this particular view? He likes the idea of your memories together. Definitely in old age, the phrase " Do you remember how we learned to surf together? Yes, you often fell off the board. Hehe, it was a funny sight... Maybe we should go to the sea again, don't you think? "
It's difficult for him. He would prefer to show his feelings by actions. But he understands perfectly well how important words are. For him and for you. Jack tries to compliment you, thank you for even the smallest things, say "I love you" before going to bed, and a lot of similar things. It really means to him that you know that he loves you. And don't forget to return the favor. This boy needs to be praised as often as possible, he deserves it.
Retsu is a conscious person and he prefers to show his love not by word, but by deed. It's just more practical. And it's also a way to make sure that everything will be 100% fine with you and you won't have to strain yourself over trifles. Like you came home tired from work and didn't have time to clean the house? It's not a problem, because he's already done it, there's no point in straining. It is important for Retsu that you are happy and comfortable, so he will do everything to make your life easier.
For him, time is a resource. You know, when people get older, they start to appreciate time more. So he shares with you what is valuable to him. And he likes it. Perhaps before you entered into a relationship, he directed this resource only to himself, and he could not think that sharing it could be so pleasant. He shares it with you... Almost all the time. From reading a book together to training.
Yes, you can't tell from him, but this. However, this love language is different from Jack's love language. No cute phrases, no compliments. For him, it's trivial. He starts giving you advice, voicing his thoughts about certain situations. Do you think that this is not enough? Look who it is. This is Yujiro Hanma. He was always on his own mind. And it is difficult for him to open up to another person, there is a feeling of insecurity. So this is for him a manifestation of love in the highest degree.
Yes, he has lived enough, but touching is still important to him. It's just that they make it easier to express emotions and feelings. Like, he starts to feel worried about you when something doesn't work out, so he'll hug you, pat you on the back and say a few encouraging words. And reciprocity is also important for him, because there is nothing better than to return from training and receive affection from his beloved.
Well, what else? He likes to give gifts. And not just gifts, but the BEST gifts. Look, he has enough money to do this. So everything is most dear to you. And he loves your smile when you get them. She will always remain in his heart. And Oliva does not require gifts in return, your sincere reaction is really enough for him. However, he wouldn't mind accepting something made by your hands.
This guy just loves you so much that he can't keep his hands to himself. You are always happy with him, and his hands are always on you. In private, he won't let you out of his arms, in public, his hand is chained to your waist. And despite the appearance, Shiba is gentle, he is certainly ready to give you his love, but he also wants to receive something in return. Even a crumb will be enough for him. Just straighten his clothes or give him tired shoulders and it will make him shine.
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https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLo43mYH/ this scene is perfect evidence that Kai and Damon could’ve been besties if given the chance. They’d be such good frenemies
Hahaha, I just watched that episode last night!! But I always think that, too! They would've been such good besties / frenemies, and we were honestly robbed of that. Especially with Kai as a heretic, where they're bad influences on each other. 😂
Like Damon doesn't seem to be too pissed off at Kai, in season 8, for putting Elena in a coma, and Kai doesn't seem too stale about Damon killing him in season 6, that they can't immediately start teaming up again. Because when Ric wants to kill Kai when he shows up at the Armory, Damon prevents that, and then immediately go fuck around at a diner.
It'd be so funny to see everyone's reactions to them slowly becoming besties. Damon's ofc denying it the whole time, but the girls are like, no, you're totally becoming more lenient with him and engaging in his tomfoolery. And Kai never really expected to become buddies with Damon, of all people, but he's glad to have a buddy nonetheless and is happy he's found such a reckless and crazy one.
Maybe the more Ric starts to spend every night with Jo, Damon ends up at the bar with Kai as company. Or, if Kai's a heretic, Ric is distant from everyone following his fiancé's death, and is rather perturbed by Damon's budding frenemy-ship with the mass murderer.
But regardless of the situation, for the longest time, they only see each other as a way to get information, and then after one particular night of drinking, both get the nose-wrinkling realization that they're kinda friends.
I can see so many text conversations complaining about the people around them. Kai bitching about the guy next to him at the bar. Damon mad about lurking Liam, or Ric not answering his texts. I can see Kai inviting himself over to the Salvatore house, or Damon inviting himself in the stool beside Kai's, and in either situation, them drinking and cracking jokes and pissing each other off, but then making up by the end of the night.
The first time they went on a blood binge together, it was a mess. Kai's not exactly clean, and while Damon's had a hundred years to learn, he loses his manners around the younger vamp. The alleyway beside the grill became stained with blood, but as soon as Damon sensed the approach of recently-titled Sargent Donovan, he ushered Kai back to the Salvatore house to finish their feast on stored bags. They laughed about it the whole way back, and the only thing to sober them up was the cold hard stare of one judgmental Stefan.
Despite all the fun times they have together, they've definitely had times where they've gotten too drunk or too in their feels and shared horror stories from their similar, terrible childhoods. Kai started it because he's not used to having people to talk to, nor is he used to having the heightened senses of a vampire. Something small reminded him of his childhood, maybe a dad clearly burdened with his son, or a nasty comment made at a dinner party going south. Kai sharing a memory about his father's treatment sparked Damon to share something about his own. They learn both their fathers were cruel, while both their mothers stood by and let it happen. After that, they were closer and more trusting of each other, yet never told anyone else what they had shared, and therefore, no one understood, but that was fine.
But yes, I totally see them as slow-burn besties, where a mutual distaste brought them together as actual friends. This is an itty-bitty portion of my thoughts on how fun they'd be together; they'd be such menaces together, full of jokes and bad ideas, but also could be such support systems for each other, given the time (and enough booze). There's a lot of similarities in their childhoods and I think they could find common ground in that. Again, I think we were robbed of a bestie-ship, and I was so hoping Kai would be around longer in season 8, because he and Damon were so funny together in those episodes!
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
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A little bit of both, it is.
The thing younger Luz was digging for was a snake skin. Ah, sorry, I meant snake pajama. The other kids at the playground are kinda freaked out, and honestly? Same.
The kids’ parents watching are also grossed out, and honestly? I hate to say it, but same. But my opinion doesn't really matter, the important part is this: When the other parents talk ill of Luz, Camila immediately jumps in to defend her (and the parenting skills of wolves). We don’t see the reaction of the other parents.
Next, we see Luz’ during the Romeo & Juliet tryouts (which we saw in the very first episode of season one ((except the other kids’ faces are blurred this time))) but from the perspective of the audience. Camila finds Luz’ trick with the sausages funny and comments that her dad taught her that. But again, two other parents speaks ill of Luz’ antics. Camila turns around to, once again, defend her daughter. bUt just like before, we don’t see the results before we’re transported to the next scene.
We next find ourselves in the office of this imposing figure.
Hm… I’m gonna keep watching a little longer before I speak more, but I will say this:
Upon rewatching A Lying Witch and a Warden, it seems pretty clear to me that Camila was always very hesitant about sending Luz to camp. And I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy here is largely responsible for convincing her that camp was the right decision, regardless of what any rational thought or gut feeling might’ve told her.
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Alright, there’s some stuff to talk about here, but first… notice there, lower left corner? Garlic powder is crossed over. My garlic allergy headcanon is not completely dead yet.
So I was kinda right in that Big Red Guy was the one who at least gave Camila the idea of sending Luz to Reality Check Camp.
His voice sounded somewhat familiar. I don’t know the voice actor, so I could be way off, but he sounded a lot like Warden Wrath. Aside from both being framed as these large imposing figures, these two share another similarity. Recall what Warden Wrath was doing back in A Lying Witch and a Warden? Imprisoning people in the Conformitorium for being weird.
And what does Big Red Guy here do? He wants to send Luz to Reality Check Camp (once described as prison) to learn how to conform to an arbitrary standard of normal because she is weird.
Like I said, not sure if this is an intentional parallel, I could be wrong, but I thought it was interesting.
As far as the actual scene goes… Big Red Guy claims Luz’ antics are her way of acting out for attention caused by the grief of losing her father. Camila concurs that losing Manny was difficult for both of them, but that Luz has always done things differently, she’s always been an original. It might be of note that her defense of Luz is meeker here than in the two previous scenes, perhaps due to a perceived power imbalance: Camila was on the same levels as the other parents, but Big Red Guy here looms over her.
Regardless, Big Red Guy points out that Camila herself was bullied in high school and basically tells her that Luz is going to end up going through that same struggle as Camila did if something doesn’t change. And sadly, this was enough to convince Camila that what needed to change was Luz.
I feel like this was really scatterbrained. Not my best work. I know I said I wanted to see this, but that doesn’t mean I find it easy to talk about.
(sidenote: Big Red Guy’s comment about Luz bringing a snake to school means this likely takes place right before the meeting in the principal’s office we saw at the beginning of A Lying Witch and a Warden)
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On a brighter note, look at those cute photos! We got the classic one of Camila & Luz, which first appeared all the way back in A Lying Witch and a Warden, we got a new addition in the from of Camila & Vee. Also, a giraffe.
We also see Camila has a little spot dedicated to Manny, as well as more books on parenting, in particular on how to support LGBTQ+ kids. Because Camila is determined not to mess up (again).
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We also have what looks like the snake skin pajama Luz found as a kid. So that’s… nice? I do wonder how Vee would react to seeing that.
Anyways, what was that about a heartwarming moment between mother and daughter just now? I kinda zoned out for a moment.
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D’awww… this is sweeter than caramel.
It’s good that Luz got to hear that Camila is not mad and doesn’t hate her, she really needed to hear that. Now she just gotta hear it from her friends too and also accept it and we should be golden. 
That will have to wait though, because this is where I’ll end thing off for today. It sure is nice to end this session off on a nice, wholesome, cosy note. I definitely did not watch a few seconds further and saw something super creepy. That’s something for Future Lampman to worry about.
Before I go, I’ll quickly go over some numbers. We are currently, roughly at 16:30 in this episode. I have taken 50 screenshots thus far and written a little under 7 400 words. You can see why this took… wait, how long did it take, lemme check when I started watching… THREE WEEKS AGO!?!? Bloody hell’s bells!
Whew. Let’s hope it doesn’t take five weeks to get through the rest of the episode, eh? We’ll see, we’ll see.
Until next time… take care of the planet Earth and remember that anything can happen in space!
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1-up-chump · 1 year
An mk ask thingy i did! Warning, its very long tho so its under the cut. Here's the blank https://www.tumblr.com/arttrampbelle/714499370612113408/mk-various-asks
• What is in your opinion the best stage?
Have to say the living forest, not just bc i love nature, but it's always left a big impression on me. The menacing trees with a life of their own, that random dead guy returning to the foliage. The whole atmosphere is just so unique to mortal kombat in terms of a fighting game. In shaolin monks its my favorite level just how memorable the scenery is, from the lumbering zombies to the trees themselves to the clay status to the snakes all around.
My second favorite might have to be the shirai-ryu fire gardens. Its just so beautiful and a perfect place to have a good fight. Reminds me truly of those old martial arts movies
• Who is your main?
Raiden, simply because i always found his flying electric move so funny bc he just flings himself and screams.
Although kung lao and scorpion are close second to who i prefer to play as, even though sub-zero is my second favorite character of all time.
• What powers/fighting type would you have if you were in mk?
Probably fire moves like liu kang, but with the legs. Something like a cool cartwheel of flames attack or breakdancing move as a special.
Although for something more sinister... bones and shadow would be a cool ability, like a cross between shinnok and noob-saibot's attacks
• Who is your fave kharacter(s)?
Raiden, baby me thought "haha funny screaming triangle man" as good enough reason to like him. Upon growing my first and only brain cell however, i appreciate his role in the lore as a mentor and protector. But also feel his character could have so much more, how i see him is a combination of many iterations of him in media. And it saddens me that, canon and fans alike, only put him in a one dimensional box thats, no offense, a generic lawful good paladin type who has all the humor and personality as wet cardboard.
Second favorite is sub-zero. Short answer: heehoo blue is my favorite color :)
Long answer: sub-zero, specifically kuai liang, is an interesting character who goes through many trials. Having to deal with the sins of not only his brother, but his clans' grandmaster as well. Having to fight a vengeful specter to having to fight those he once called brothers in arms in steel prisons that contain their souls in code.
• If you had to pick a representative realm,who's side would you be on? Or would you be on your own side,acting alone? Aka neutral.
Earthrealm, because i fricken live here!!
• If your found yourself on shang tsung's island,washed up on the beach. What is your first reaction,and what would you do first?
Panik, calm, remember as much survival tips as possible and encounter shang tsung, panik
• Would you have a master/teacher/sensei? If so...who?
(Do i really need to say it?)
Raiden and fujin would be the best teachers (both with their similar yet different approaches)
However, i would so vibe with master bo rai cho. One, i laugh at fart jokes. Two, i may like drinking. And three, approaching things with cautious optimism is always the best tactic for me.
• Fatalities,brutalities,or friendship?
I love friendship HOWEVER this is mortal kombat...
My favorite fatalities and brutalities are varied amongst characters and the games. So i would describe my favorite kinds to be...
How exaggerated they are, as in how unnecessary you are killing someone from ripping them apart to blowing them up.
How much gore there is, from gushing blood and guts to a whole skeleton popping out.
How quick they are, slow and painful or quick and... still painful.
• What stage would you NOT wanna be stuck in?
Dead pool, the smell must be atrocious. Like someone filled a chlorine soaked pool with road kill. The mix of chemicals unknown and death has to at least made one kombatant throw up.
That or the kytinn stage, god i hate that stage who thought THAT was a good idea??? The gore i can handle but bugs and the hives and the eggs eeughhhh!!! No thanks >:(
• Who would be absolutely terrifying to fight in mk. Even if it was at its fairest and you had the highest advantage.
Shao kahn due to trauma fighting this asshole many a times.
Although i gotta say the scariest might have to be either shinnok or onaga. Those two are literally beings who will end realms, compared to them? Shao kahn is a little kitten.
• Who's your least faves and why?
To be honest, i dont have a character i hate and wished didn't exist, but rather be written better. But to pick someone, it'd have to be either kronika or Stryker. Kronika bc in canon shes stupid, ugly, and annoying to fight not even fun to beat in the sense of accomplishment but rather getting it over with.
Stryker bc (acab) his character is literally just some dude. Yeah Johnny cage is a Hollywood star but also a serious fighter with chi energy, and sonya is fckin military and has her own agendas. Stryker is just some riot cop thrown into all of this and while that type of character can be done good as a vessel for the "every man" i just think he's boring.
Same goes for cassie cage and Jacqui Briggs but even with them they can be developed in the right hands. Cassie being more of Johnny's protege and Jacqui being her own woman, both who are defenders of realms through and through.
• Who's in your opinion the best character to play as? Who is the worst?
Raiden, liu kang, scorpion and sub-zero (if you can get used to them)
I'd say there is no "worst" character to play as. As that is mostly due to how they are programmed in various games. I will say in terms of "not fun" to play with, is characters that feel op with just button mashing or learning only one special move and spamming that. Yeah its easy cheese but it feels cheep and ruins fun for both the opponent and myself. Against ai? Lol. Against a player? Unfair on both sides.
• Fave game?
Shaolin monks hands down, it shows its age with the gameplay and story BUT despite that its such an amazing beat em up. From running around and throwing hands, to the fatality meter and input. To the shaolin monks shared braincell and raiden dishing out hot gamer tips. Its silly stupid fun and honestly has the truest spirit of mortal kombat.
Senseless violence in the name of survival. Morals be damned, you have a realm to defend. Feel guilty after you slice this man in half ok? Now kick the big bad guy's ass!
• Least fave game?
I've heard the special forces game is the worst and i believe them, but i haven't played it so i dont count it for me.
I gotta say playing armageddon i hate how clunky it feels.
Storywise mk 11 is the WORST (sorrynotsorry) it just... they take everything built up in 10 and spit on it. Dark raiden who? Shinnok who? They added time nonsense and basically just copied avengers infinity wars homework (i say this as someone who once loved marvel to death and still loves spiderman)
And with the addition of aftermath they did some good changes but also did worse ones too so in the grand scheme of things, nothing changed. They added these "titans" that just replace the elder gods they just killed off for funsies rather than DO SOMETHING WITH THEM.
They fucking killed off kotal UNCEREMONIOUSLY (and while im kinda neutral with him i feel for the poor kotal fans)
they fuck up Sindel's character to turn her into a "hashtag girl boss thats powerful and sexy but really in a male gazy way still"
they make raiden even more useless with their clear favor of fujin (i love him but ffs stop treating him like the nicer bro in touch with mortals more than the fucking bro who's been with them LONGER and has a mortal son figure)
Oh i forgot they kill off future hanzo so all that progress he made? For nought. For fucking nought. In the dumbest way possible (the favoritism d'vorah has REEKS she killed off two popular 2d era characters and gets no real repercussions. Love her but fuck off man)
Shang tsung is the only good thing about that whole ass game. And his ending is better than liu kangs, which feels so intrusive to kung lao's whole ass legacy. Like fuck him he can't bring honor to his own bloodline but his "bestie" can???? Tf?!?
Liu kang is favored the most but suffers from "protag syndrome" and gets dbz levels of treatment. Gets all the power ups in the end and just goes "yeah im the chosen one fuck the rest of you" without saying it like good god.
I hate it bc bad writing. But i don't mind some things about it, i love sheeva and nightwolf and frost looks so good and geras and cetrion are pretty cool and kollector is kollector.
But the pre battle dialogue? Dog shit. Most ooc writing i ever fucking saw. 90% of it i skip going "he would not fucking say that"
"DEmi GoD" my nonexistent left nutsack.
(Sorry for the rant but i just have strong opinions on this as a long time fan)
• Favorite iteration of your faves? The least fave?
The best iterations of raiden are always the most weirdest places of media. For instance, defenders of the realm cartoon and conquest. Both with their uniquely 90s stank, raiden remains the best aspect of both media. The 95 movie also has the best raiden
Least iteration is mk 11 because he just feels so... wrong, if he was dark raiden i would accept it but he's supposed to be "light" yet his personality doesn't show it. Even in the moments where he goes "dark" it doesn't feel significant enough to have impact to me. Especially with how they take his character to be too detached (yet emotionally charged, but in a way that is writen by someone who hasn't had these feelings before of caving in under pressure and responsibility)
The ideal raiden is: wise, calm unless provoked, sassy, dilf.
• Who would you love to have a drink with?
I would say bo rai cho but i think my organs would explode with alchohol.
My safest bet would either be raiden or Johnny cage (he may hit on me but i know he'd fight another drunk guy or a coat rack for me)
• Who would you play board games/videogames with?
NOT shang tsung i know this fucker cheats (and is just too smart)
I wanna play street fighter with liu kang bc he's like a big brother to me :3
• Who would you have as a sparring partner?
Liu kang, i would pick kung lao but honestly i feel like kung lao is just slightly more ferocious than liu. So my bruises would be less with the dragon than the rabbit
(Fun fact: rabbits are more aggressive than you think)
• Who is your arch nemesis?
i honestly have no clue bc i don't like having beef with anyone. So it would have to be some random antagonist who declares me to be a nemesis bc i beat them hard that one time. (I genuinely dont know, someone tell me who my nemesis would be!)
• Who if given the chance to. Would you love to sit down and have a deep conversation with?
Raiden or fujin, I'd love to hear stories from their eternal life. Asking questions about what they see about life through their eyes, their opinions about humanity, what has changed about it and what hasn't.
Shang tsung I'd actually love to talk to just to hear what he has to say. I bet he's dying to info dump culture onto someone, either ming dynasty era culture or even cultures of outworld folk. Talking about magik, dark and "light" magiks. Religion, spirituality, politics and everything else.
• Where would you like to live in the mk verse?
I mean i already live in "earthrealm" but as in a place? Sky temple, or any temple really bc temples are cool and tranquil. Aesthetic af. Although shang tsung's island is really cool as long as its cleaned up a bit.
• Would you help johnny cage with a movie if given the opportunity?
Hell yeah! Although I'd rather take a minor role.
• What's your main outfit look like?
Fitting the old style kung fu aesthetic but with a sort of modern twist. Matching more with liu kang's aesthetic but blue and more accessories
• Do you have a self insert(s/i)? If so what do they look like?
See above for self insert.
I did have a self insert turned oc, katsumi. Look on my blog for them for their convoluted lore.
• Do you self ship? If so. With who?
Raiden, but also kuai liang in a complicated genderfluid fuckery of "only when i feel masculine" way i cant really explain in short.
• If you could change 3 major things about the story. What would you change?
Mortal kombat being more important than a tournament. There are tournaments that decide fates of the realms, and there are personal challenges that have a little more lax rules.
The elder gods actually enforcing these rules via divine intervention.
I have many ideas for many characters but one thing i have in mind for kabal is that, he actually is more involved with destiny than led on. Kabal is working in the black dragon to play the long game of taking it down for good, but cetrion is secretly and subtly using him to manipulate destiny in a sort of "butterfly effect" for what she perceives as "greater good" but its biased to "order and light" and actually messes up the balance of the universe.
• If you could have the power of the crown,would you take it? If so what would you do? If not,who would you give it to and why?
I would not change anything, that sort of power has too many variables. I would still keep it so others can't access this power. I would be lying if i said i wouldn't be tempted to "juuusst change a little thing, just one thing, one little tiny insignificant thing" but ultimately any change no matter how minor always has that variable of messing things up. Changing destiny itself is always a gamble.
• What is a race/species in mk you want to be explored or expanded upon?
The kytinn, they should be more than "disgusting bugs" because there are like billions of insects with so many different shapes and sizes and colors. And not all are slimey and ugly some are so beautiful and some are really beneficial to the environment.
More shokan, can't get enough of those four arms.
Whatever species that birdman was in defenders of the realm
And the saurians, more on reptile's people plz and thank.
• What part of the lore is underrated or underused?
More about the lin kuei and the shirai-ryu, esp the shirai-ryu.
Hell, just gods in general. Raiden and fujin can't literally be the only ones. What about other pantheons? What about other realms and their gods? Rain cant be the only demi god argus produced. More about this god war thingy that happened in the lore that one time and just never gets brought up.
• Opinion on the special forces?
Good but should stay out of the spotlight as much as possible. This is mortal kombat, not call of duty and certainly not s.h.i.e.l.d.
• Opinion on the elder gods?
as useful as politicians, which is to say NOOOOOOOOT.
Jokes aside. The elder gods are so interesting and i wish we knew all of their names or most of them. How many are in counsel? What do they do most of the time?
What really IS their role in the mortal kombat universe? Were there elders before and no longer? What was shinnok really like before he went mad and evil?
• Opinion on the old timeline? New timeline?
Now here's a hot topic, i gotta say both have their pros and cons like anything.
I will say though, no writers can hold a candle to john tobias and (when he wasn't too big for his britches) ed boon's writing.
• Opinion on the "kombat kids"?
Loads of potential!
I dont mind them, hell i love kung jin and takeda. Cassie and Jacqui however leave a little room for improvement (more so on cassie's part) but i blame the writers being mostly dudes who haven't met a lot of women.
• Are you a heroic kharacter,villainous,neutral,etc?
Im probably neutral leaning heroic??
• How dirty are your willing to fight?
Depends on how dirty, are we talking dirt in the eye or psychological warfare?
For me it may depend on the stakes and context. I might fight dirty in a hairy situation. But if there is a lot at risk, probably not afraid to utilize every dick move possible.
• If tempted by an enemy to join them if it ment saving your realm,home,loved ones,friends.....would you?
Yeah, but not without trying to figure a way out/eeking out the benefits of playing mole
• If you were to be in an arranged marriage with a "bad guy" who would you rather be with? What about a "good guy"?
Had a hilarious idea cetrion gives raiden a "handmaiden" as a gift. And he's so mad bc he feels weird about being served and worshipped in that way (although all gods have an inherent desire to be worshiped)
Gotta say shang tsung may be an evil sorcerer who would steal my soul, but he'd give me a better time than shao kahn at least. At least be a bit nicer
• If you could kiss any kharacter,who would it be?
Who do you think~?
Although i gotta say mileena deserves a big smooch, she deserves a lot of tender love and care C'mon ppl are so mean to her give her sharp teeth some love
• Would you show your opponent mercy?
Yes, buuut if it's someone who's fatally wounded a "mercy kill" would probably be best. However accidents happen and "fatality" may be the only result.
But letting someone live isn't always the nicest thing to do anyways. Especially if you wound them, and their spirit, and let them deal with it.
• If you had to pick a kharacter to die or killed off,for good. (Aka no bringing back for plot,like actually they ded ded bro) who would it be?
Gotta say kabal but only at the most opportune time that really hits the hardest.
Quan chi, killed by scorpion in the most le epic way possible.
Jerrik (lol sorry jerrik)
Ermac (sorry ermac but maybe its for the best you have eternal rest. No more mortal kombat for you at least)
• Who would be a better guest kharacter?
Any street fighter bad guy (or character in general. Their crossover is LONG OVERDUE MAN. Long overdue.)
Terminator can stay bc he's been referenced before in mk as easter eggs.
Deadpool because his inability to die plus his chaos is just on brand for mortal kombat.
• Opinions on guest kharacters?
Or at the very least be the only payed dlc, and take at maximum 3 slots. And make fucking sense. And WILL NEVER EVER IN AN INFINITE AMOUNT OF YEARS BE CANON
• What rules of mk are absolutely necessary and what rules do you think would be absolutely bullshit? (This one is for people who actually give a damn about tournament rules,lore rules,and general rules that were established in lore. If you dont care. Skip this.)
The whole of mortal kombat being as fair as possible to mortals to defend themselves against threats is necessary and i wish they'd show rules against magiks. Like an official tournament they show that kombatants can't use magic, chi or otherwise, only pure skills with their physical bodies. They can use weapons provided that they were in the arena prior to kombat, they cannot use weapons given outside of kombat.
There's no bs rules that come to mind i would get rid of. There's loopholes that can be taken advantage of and getting rid of those we'd have no plot.
My problem lies mostly with canon never showing the full set of rules until convenient. And even then just how enforced are those rules? How much can raiden and/or the elder gods really do? Can someone just say "fuck the rules i can do whatever i want actually" and have 0 consequences? Some media depicts shao kahn breaking some established rules but nothing really happens except in 9, but even then im pretty sure he already broke a few minor rules anyways?
• What features would you keep,get rid of,and better utilize or polish up. Or even add?
Keep the x-ray moves those were awesome.
Turn the weird defence/offense thing into one whole convenient energy bar.
Maybe trim the fat with augments, as fun as those are, i think they shouldn't have had that much in 11 as it felt personally to me more like a mobile game with getting them and putting them on.
KEEP all of the accessibility options in 11 like i dont use half of them but i was very happy with how accommodating it was.
Fuckin ACTUALLY balance the characters, use the "tank, long ranged, short ranged, speedy, glass canon" type method of balancing these characters. Give them reasonable strengths and weaknesses that can be beaten with any character with a certain strategy. If they have an op move give a fair punishment like a long cooldown time or a one time use.
For additions. I had an idea for a "karma" system (that could be optional.) For instance, certain things you do in battle can rack up good or bad karma, like for example spamming the same power move (bad karma) or blocking a lot (good karma) and once this meter fills up either way, you get a buff or debuff. Good karma could give you reduced damage or heal a little bit of health. Bad karma could disable block or disable a certain power move. Giving kombat a new experience, to your benefit or detriment. (Changing your strategy of spamming hellport when you play scorpion, you know who you are)
• Who is more aesthetically appealing?
They all have their aesthetics tbh. No one kombatant is the same (we dont count the ninjas they have to share clothes)
• If you had to have a one night stand with a kharacter who would it be?
Im not a person to really have those, but I'd have to say either raiden or Johnny cage. Im sure Johnny is no stranger to drunken one night stands
• Who in your opinion has the biggest pp? Whether in energy or literally the biggest
Shao kahn, i KNOW this man's cock huge and he has the metaphorical and literal balls to match.
Close second is raiden and hanzo. They are packing down there ;)
• Who would you say gives the best oral?
Shang tsung and fujin, Although shang tsung would win overall bc fujin wants to tease how you squirm under him, but it's rude to talk with his mouth full~
• Where in the mk verse would you liked to get fucked the most?
Shang tsung's throne room and sky temple. So sacrilegious~!
• Who would send the most chills if they did dirty talk to you?
Fujin is the master of dirty talk, he can say the most utter filth with the sweetest of face. But for me personally raiden just has a really nice voice so he could say something so tame and i melt from the vibrations of his voice.
• If you woke up next to your mk blorbo,naked,in their bed. What is your reaction?
Oh no! Anyways~
• Sexual tension training session? Thoughts?
Y e s. Although raiden would prefer such acts to a minimum, especially with anyone else present. But in private, tease him enough and he'll teach you a "personal lesson~"
• What god,elder god,or immortal kharacter would you smash?
If i couldn't pick raiden, either fujin or rain. Maybe cetrion, maybe.
• If a god caught with your mk f/o (if you have one) doing the do. What would your reaction be? Theirs?
Raiden being caught with cetrion barging in with divine nonsense and just gets so mad. The audacity of this elder, smh... i would probably be like anyone else being walked in on, shocked and annoyed.
• Who is the most husband/wife/spouce material? Who is the least?
Liu kang and kung lao are husband material the most.
Scorpion and jax are canonly husband material.
Raiden is a dilf so yeah he's husband material.
The least husband material? Im sorry it probably has to be sonya, relationships to her are already so complicated i can't see her being the upmost wife/mom material regardless what canon said. Although if you mean in the sense of "married to her work" then yeah, match made in heaven.
• Would you bring back sexy outfits? Skimpy attire for everyone? Or just keep it rather tame or realistic outfits?
Everyone in mortal kombat should have at least one sexy alt costume.
• The smuttiest,filthiest,hc you have for your faves.
Raiden enjoys eating sushi off his lover's body. And fucking in the water, either a hot springs, a bath, in the rain shower. Raiden also has to constantly hold himself back from going too rough, otherwise he's going to slam into his lover too hard and give them bruises. He wants to go deep and be as close as physically possible.
• How loud is your mk blorbo in bed?
Raiden is just very loud, especially when he kums. He's a god of thunder, how can he remain quiet when he's getting the best head of his life?
• Mk Blorbo,angry sex? What's it like? What about other faves?
Raiden doesn't like to have angry sex even if he probably should let off steam like that. But when he does, he's rough, stern and commanding. May accidentally zap his lover with the occasional stray lightning emanating from his body. But afterwards he's very attentive to make sure he didn't completely wreck them.
• Mk Blorbos Opinions on virginity?
Raiden does not care at all. Although he'll tease you if you are rather perverted for a virgin and know some things about sex.
• Mk blorbos opinions on breeding kink? Would they have this kink? Would they be willing to get into this kink?
Raiden is too cautious to actually go through with it, but if he thinks about it, he'll blush like crazy. He might indulge but he's mad careful about not accidentally having any little demigods.
• How would your fave go about asking for sex? Would they be straight up or would they give hints and play around with you? What about you?
Raiden would be straightforward but tactful about it. He probably would be dropping hints he needs sex more than he cares to admit by accident.
• How long would they wait to have sex with you? Would they be ok with rather early on or would they actually wait a bit?
Raiden tries to wait as long as possible for an established relationship. But if the tension is too much, he may crack sooner than he wanted to. But he's very resistant to such temptations first, so him asking someone for sex means there's probably been a century's worth of sexual tension.
• Would people know about your affairs or would they keep it under the radar? Or would they kinda have something in between?
Raiden prefers keeping affairs between the person he's seeing. Not that there's anything against the rules about having an affair, gods care less than mortals about such a topic. Raiden rather just not deal with the headache of being asked unnecessary questions. And not want to embarrass the person he's having sex with. On a "need to know" basis.
• Would they fuck after a fight? Would they fuck during a sparring match? Would they do this during training? What is their opinions about sexy times during kombat?
"You can have sex AFTER mortal kombat." Raiden is far too serious to desire any sort of sexual activities during kombat. However, there are certain exceptions if one can rile him up enough. But be prepared, he'll show no mercy for such "distractions."
• Turn ons? Turn offs?
Raiden will immediately pin you against the nearest surface if you kiss, lick, and or suck his neck. Especially if it's bare. He's sensitive there and its a surefire way to get pounded one way or another.
He also likes "purity" and "innocence" in a playful manner. Wear white or light colored garments under an outfit where its easy to reveal them, and it can easily make him blush and turn his hat down to hide it. Raiden will definitely make time to find a secluded area to "get a better look at such inappropriate training attire"
Raiden is immediately turned off from causing too much damage to his partner. He can cause a few bruises here and there, but hates drawing blood, and leaving scars. Kombat already does that enough as is.
He's not exactly turned off by degradation, but it just does nothing for him. Either way.
• What they seek in a sexual partner (aka what they find sexually attractive) vs what they seek in a significant other/spouce (aka marriage material)
Someone who is honest about what they want, someone who is also respectful and polite about it as well. And is good at teasing just enough to imply some sort of cheekiness. Sounds like a contradiction, but really, raiden prefers his attention grabbed, and then gently taken to reveal intentions.
But for marriage material? Has to be good with kids and has a strong sense of fairness. Who loves life and wants to defend it with their own, for themselves and others. And have a good sense of humor, and be able to get him out of a grumpy mood.
• Who would they have a dick measuring kontest with. Aka who would they have to throw hands the most with for your affections?
Shao kahn is competing for raiden's love interest solely for the flex. And is willing to do many dirty things to rile raiden up.
Which is the worst idea ever, since raiden will not be afraid to hold back and pummel shao Kahn even as a mortal within every inch of that tyrant's life.
Shang tsung would play around but unlike shao Kahn he's not stupid enough to piss raiden off to that degree. He knows when to get out when the static builds up to critical level.
• Do you like them softer/romantic or more spicy/kinky?
Depends on the mood but soft and spicy is a nice touch. Raiden can go any way, but usually he'd be more soft and romantic.
• What "bedroom" nicknames would you call them? What about what they'd call you?
Raiden loves being called "lord" or "master" in the bedroom. But he'll laugh at particularly silly nicknames like "lightning rod" or "thunder daddy". They are absolutely not sexy but its funny to him, and laughter during sex enhances it so much.
A personal nickname would be "raiun" which means "thunder cloud" but other than that his name is hot enough when you pronounce it with a Japanese accent.
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
Okkkk, done with the 12th month (aka goodbye Jeralt)
The fantasy action/adventure stuff continues apace. The Tomas/Solon thing was pretty smoothly set up, though I would say Monica/Kronya was much less so. She's mentioned like once, then gets one quick textbox of nothing on the stage immediately before the stabbening, so it really comes out of nowhere. It doesn't help that the cutscene is quite rough and doesn't really convey things too well.
Aside from that, we progress from Miklan turning into a monster while holding a Relic, to the Crest Stones being related to shapeshifting, to a mystery group who experiment on humans all the way to turning students into monsters with crest shards... and who also happen to be able to change their appearance. (Minor FE lore tidbit: in the old Archanaea games, there was a dragonkin who could shapeshift into other people. So this is all potentially part of the same experimentation.)
We also get into the mystery of Byleth's birth, but while Jeralt's diary makes it clear that he freaked out, Rhea herself doesn't come off as particularly ominous or suspicious. If anything, her reactions and the details that surface make her look burdened but not particularly culpable for anything. Actually, I am getting very attached to her. She's so pretty and so sad. Why can't I do her A rank? Why can't I S rank her on this route? :(((
The other major player is Claude, but... tbh I agree that the relationship with him feels weirdly floaty. If anything, I feel like it would at least be better if he said he had thought his dream might not even be possible, but seeing Byleth makes him feel like it might be achievable after all. At least it would add weight to it that way. As it is, the lack of anything concrete from him, along with his brown-nosing makes him come off as trying to manipulate Byleth more than forming a genuine connection.
The Golden Deer on the whole have a similar problem. They are nice kids, and the combination of their supports + paralogues does create a certain sense of community and group connection. I went around and listened to all their little dialogues about trying to comfort Byleth after Jeralt's passing... (Getting Leonie B rank immediately after tho... lol)
But it feels like there's a lack of some major anchoring event or cause to serve as the focal point, presumably because no one in the class can really interact with the plot and they're too disparate to share a similar broad motivation. Like, I don't instinctively reject their promise to meet in five years, at the Millennium Festival, but I can't say I'm all that invested in it either.
It also really doesn't help that the writers didn't bother fleshing out some of them. A lot of them cross the line from having traits that strongly influence them to having 2 jokes that they repeat in every support. Disappointing but unsurprising, it happens especially prominently with the commoner characters.
And again, liveblogging notes:
Rhea is so unsubtle about Flayn, "your... sister is like family to me," if we ever thought Flayn was really Seteth's sister lmao
And then Lysithea is like "she looks my age but seems so much older!" when she herself gets accused of acting too mature several times. lmao they were not subtle At All
Immediately after Tomas jumpscare, we get a required chain of dialogue highlight how he's so sus, he's been asking about Flayn before he knew she was missing, he was asking about Byleth and Jeralt too, he directly calls you out for finding him suspicious and tries to handwave it with "oh, I was just curious" aka the weakest excuse ever
I keep killing the other enemies before getting to Death Knight. Twice now! It's so rude because I didn't know he'd teleport out if I killed some other dude? Lysithea could one shot his ass, damn I'm not redoing that stage tho
At least I finally managed to grind out enough Armor to recruit Ferdinand. His C support is really funny because he wants to talk about what you think of Edelgard, but like... I've seen her like twice. I don't care, dude.
They mention that Byleth has started smiling twice in a row. This writing is not subtle lol
eeeeey got a paralogue AND a relic
Several mentions of Almyra, and these proper nouns are finally starting to sound a little more familiar. I have almost all C ranks and it's getting into the B ranks now.
Claude brings up wanting to use the Sword again. He's really hung up on that.
When Byleth suddenly falls over in the Remire month, Sothis mentions that she's felt dizzy before, but I can't remember what this might be referring to. She later says the feeling is very familiar, so it seems to be related to her? Mysterious.
Lysithea casually drops that she has multiple crests in conversation. We haven't discussed this before....
Claude points out that the Crest Stones on the Relics have the images of the associated Crests. He doesn't seem to know what Crest Stones are, though he knows the name.
He finds a picture of the Immaculate One and notices it might have a Crest Stone on it, linking it to the ability to transform. Which is... not incorrect.
Claude directly confronts Seteth about his censorship. Claude is so fond of the bludgeoning approach to conversation.
Monsters attack merchants all the time (at least in Alliance). Generally, monsters don't just occur naturally in FE settings, but I guess it's just a thing in Fodlan? These do seem to be mutated animals (holding "Dark Stone") rather former people, I suppose.
I actually kind of like Raphael. I wish his writing wasn't so much 2 jokes though.
Raphael and Ignatz paralogue suggests that Lorenz's dad got the "previous Duke Reigan" killed but like... the current Duke is Claude's grandfather. It seems like this is referring to Claude's uncle, but he's other times referred to as the previous heir, so...
Incidentally, two merchants were killed along with this previous Duke, who were Raphael's parents and went instead of Ignatz's parents by chance.
Claude describes his father as "extravagant" and his mother is apparently like a warrior goddess. She seems to be able to back it up, including getting into a fistfight with a famous warrior.
He's not very subtle about hiding his background. Like, bro, if you talk about having a combat instructor who has won a hundred battles, that's... not normal....
That reminds me of Claude expecting Cyril to recognize him. They don't have TV, so how would a regular commoner kid recognize the crown prince on sight? Does Claude's portrait get passed around? Is he Almyra's top bachelor of the younger generation? Or is he just that out of touch?
Solon was at the monastery specifically to get Flayn's blood. The Agarthans need it for their plans.
Flame Emperor jumpscare lol
Edelgard says she would have totally stopped Solon's experiments if she knew, promise. And smoothly goes into pointing out what a threat the Agarthans are.
Jeralt suggests running away from Rhea was a mistake. Claude suggests that maybe exposing the church's secrets might not be for the best.
Apparently Jeralt had told Byleth they were born after he left the monastery.
Tomas joined the monastery 40 years ago, then left 8 years ago, and returned 1 year ago. He was recommended by House Ordelia. Jeritza was recommended by the Imperial nobility.
Seteth and Flayn's paralogue is kinda... weird if it happens before the war.
Flayn B theorizes that maybe she and Byleth are related, it's possible given "everything Rhea has done." But Seteth doesn't know what could possibly be up with Byleth, so...
Getting both Claude B and Leonie B right after Jeralt's death is... sure a ride.
tbh the cutscene for Jeralt dying was kind of unimpressive.
Fun fact: it seems like you have to choose the Dancer on the very first weekend of the month, and it no longer works on subsequent weekends. Guess who overwrote their only save of that by accident. No dancer in this run, I guess.
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just-orbiting-you · 1 month
He made the stone tower which I think has a little big of significance of its own. It's often used to pray for someone's health. I'm also of the opinion they made it seem like they didn't meet up even once which i don't think is true and based on literal evidence isn't. We've seen how jungkook had reacted to jimin when he's been sick and when he's been crying before. The truth untold when jimin was crying and how he comforted him, massaging his neck and offering him support. Or when jimin cried during their online concert jungkook was the only one who moved towards him during the live and massaged his neck and offered him support then made him laugh. And also as jimin was talking you could see how much it affected him too just from his face. He's always always been sweet to jimin and I believe he was being again. You all the expectations we've set are based on things we've seen from them before. I guess his reaction is more up beat per the request of the show, I don't think he found it a joke but tried to make it funny. If you guys recall when he fell into the water he turns and says "this is what you guys wanted right?" while laughingbehind the camera. In reference to the fun and silliness of it. It would've been counterproductive to what they've been trying to show, like if jungkook didn't leave jimins side once because somebody needed to entertain the camera yk. Before with the members they had a chance to approach each other and be softer because the sole focus wasn't them. Also like one of the previous anons jimin has always been the type to want to be left alone when going through something and I believe jk gave him that space. I'm kinda rambling but I think im getting my point across. I have more to say but I'll leave it to after you reply :) hopetully.
These are a few posts about it. The stones have cultural significance too. I think this is an extremely cute gesture on jungkooks part.
jk has always been a man of actions as opposed to words, so i thought him building the tower was a sweet thing to do on his part. showing his care for jimin, presumably wishing for him to feel better and have a better trip. i don’t really have that much else to say on that point, just something cute jk did.
i agree that a lot changed in just how they’re depicted on screen, simply because they don’t have the buffer of 5 other members. and i might have said it in an earlier post about jk not seeming as doting enough, i want to walk that back because i think he was just normal. i’d probably be a similar way if on a trip and a friend was sick, you don’t want to make it into something so big that it’s the only focus on the trip. you’d stop having fun, so at least try to make the most of it and i think that’s what they did. i thought jungkook apologizing and checking jimin was alright was really cute when he kicked him in front of stop and shop. you can tell they’ve been in each other’s lives for a long time. so yes, i agree with jungkook making light of the situation.
I'm also of the opinion they made it seem like they didn't meet up even once which i don't think is true and based on literal evidence isn't.
i read an opinion in another post (forgive me im forgetting where), i think we have to take it at face value. even if we know they had seen each other, it wasn’t enough. they both walked away from that time thinking “well you never saw me!” and jimin flew out to make things right. they MADE time to see each other. i think this show is just as much a chance for jikook to reconnect as it is a piece of content to share with us during enlistment.
they had probably seen each other a few times from april to may, but feb-march seemed like jungkook was almost trying to “lure” jimin by talking about him online. relationships change, we are foolish to think the members would be the exact same post hiatus, they didn’t see each other in the context of coworkers everyday anymore. and that is perfectly fine.
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fox-glove · 10 months
I have been far from home for too long that I got excited changing the sheets because looking at my bed empty made me feel like I was leaving. But, once this ends and I leave from here it'll be another funny failure. Whisking myself away again didn't fix anything. No change in state, no change in country can stitch together all these wide sparing gaps I don't have names for.
My hot water hasn't worked since last week. I could deal with it only if it were a few degrees warmer. It spits out pretty icy and the window in my bathroom never closes so I don't really see the point in trying to use it. Everyone who lives with me has somewhere else to shower. My roommate who I share a room with is showering in the bathroom that belongs to the girls upstairs. If this had happened earlier, I think she would've asked them too for my sake to shower too. I told her I didn't want to talk to the girls upstairs last week so I think she's sticking to what I've said. Something about the whole thing is so humiliating. I've been washing my hair with water from the stove in a dull grey pot. There's this horrible run I do straight to the bathroom with the pot so I can start washing it before it gets too cold. It's like I'm about to topple over with the whole thing shooting into the hall. Since I don't own any hand towels, I've been using a Cat Naruto T-Shirt that my mom probably bought for my younger brother and it didn't fit. Sponge bathing with a Naruto t shirt and they wonder why this Era has a particularly hard time making people believe their status as adults
I hear the words come out of my mouth and they sound so posture and strange to everyone. Walking home one night, I described this phenomenon as "Pull string, insert sarcasm." When I'm drunk I can understand every person who's ever disliked me. It's like suddenly they get every ounce of sympathy I've ever guarded from them. Even sitting in a room drunk and alone I'm in there position. It's like this dinner I went to with a guy I didn't know who hated me at the time. It was him, a good friend, my best friend and me. We were in this polish place in my college town that only sells two types of dumplings, potato and beef, and alcohol. Sitting at these high-top tables, picking around the dumplings, I had started talking. Honestly I can't remeber what it was about anymore. Not remembering really reflects on the probable content of what I was saying because I usually remember serious or interesting conversations very well. What I was probably doing was talking just to talk. The restaurant, which was more of a bar, was pretty packed and sometimes I just catch myself on such a wind when no one else is making conversation. Halfway through, the guy got up and left while I was talking without saying much. I didn't really care he had gone but my friends I was with were trying to put together what happened. I found out only later that he couldn't stand me enough to sit in front of me. He was so sickened by me that he had to leave, he later explained. When I got into a similar skirmish with a guy I live with and he screamed his head off at me in our stairwell while I was drunk, I had a bigger reaction. I bought some candy from a convience store, lit lit a cigarette and put it out on my ankle like any well adjusted 20 year old. I also purchased my first vape. I think was cherry blossom flavored, definitely Lost Mary which I'd never really seen before. I threw it away two days later because I drank half a bottle of absolut vodka and kept blowing the vape smoke straight into the smoke detector in the bathroom at 1:40 AM because I thought it wouldn't work. Just a note, my roommate who hates me wasn't home and I swear this was out of character. My dad has this saying he's probably ripped from somewhere, "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." I've thought about it frequently since I've spent the last few months being a bit unpopular. I don't know if that's true. Everyone likes to think that they're the one off-chance for everything. I came to another country because I thought that there was a reality I'd be happier to live in. I spent 18 years stewing, two years leaving, and none of it really means anything.
I have tried to articulate this before, how I feel for people but I wish I felt more, how I think about my own life but it doesn't feel real to me. I think there is such beauty in emotion, feeling a real, tangible anguish or heavy joy. I envy everyone. I am so, so jealous.
0 notes
the one you should not have killed || loic || body reaction
It’s funny.
That’s such an odd phrase because, no, it’s not. Not really. It’s not funny at all. But it is, isn’t it? It’s funny. Because it’s a joke. This entire situation is a joke--this entire world is, honestly, if a scenario like this could exist. But it’s not a joke, and no one’s laughing because this is reality. Mio Date is dead on the ground in front of him, and there’s a bloody axe in the corner of the room that took its life, and there was nothing he could do. Again. Nothing. Nothing.
Was this what it had felt, being the one to discover the body each and every time? Left to wonder if she had been just a little bit faster if she could have done something?
Exsanguination. She’d bled out.
Maybe if he had come here earlier, come here faster, done something different, then she would still be with them. He could have gotten help. He could have stopped Yuriko from being forced to feel the same pain he’d felt when Hisa had fallen through the floor. Who was he kidding, though? It was just as much for him as it was for Yuriko. Maybe he wouldn’t have to look down at the body of yet another friend and wonder why he could never do anything for anyone until it was too late.
To say Mio was a comforting presence would be minimizing everything that she did for him to a disgusting degree. She was stabilizing, maybe, is the better word--providing comfort while also providing a foundation for him to keep his footing. When he felt his faith in the group slipping again, he could easily look to Yuriko or Mio for the reminder that things were okay. There were people worth fighting for by his side. Their faith in the group, even, made it easier to look around him and feel…like maybe he’d been too quick to judge some people. It saw good in everyone, even people who didn’t deserve it. Like himself. He wasn’t self-centered enough to not count himself in that number.
But what was it that it had said?
“Honestly, it's hard to be nice all the time, too. I mean, I... I've thought that a lot since I got here. People try to take advantage of that and stuff. And it's tiring.”
He’d shared similar sentiments when he’d still been allowed to claim those sorts of things about himself. It was tiring. Everything around here made it tiring. But it had still kept it up. It had a kindness that was borderline inspirational. It said it wished she had more of a spine, but, really, he thought she had a stronger spine than any of them, keeping herself as loving as she had while in a place like this.
Maybe it wasn’t borderline inspirational. It just was inspirational.
More than she was an inspiration, though, she was a friend. Conversations between them were inevitably some of the highlights of his time here. Mio was like a spotlight. He couldn’t help but want to be in its presence. Whether it was talking about how they were in some sort of Mario-esque game and lamenting how they probably had to go through an ice level still or playing the most agonizing game of Battleship known to man, it was fun. It was no-strings-attached fun.
Even in the aftermath of his betrayal, Mio found it in her heart to forgive him to such an extent that she was willing to still offer him that sort of unconditional fun. 
…And someone had the audacity, perhaps, to take advantage of that kindness. 
As he kneels down next to its body beside Yuriko, a distant thought that had stayed in his mind but not necessarily at the forefront of it occurs to him, and he feels his chest clench as he solidifies it like a promise.
The Shepherd was going to pay for this. If Mikazuki intended to kill them, then he would hold them down so she could finish her mission in the easiest manner possible.
Someone whose actions led to someone like Mio being taken from them didn’t deserve to have a chance to live. If Mio’s life was to be cut short here, then they didn’t deserve the kindness of another day. Maybe the Shepherd didn’t put the axe in Mio’s back--they would figure that out soon enough--but they were the reason the axe was there in the first place.
“I’m sorry.”
Sorry for not being able to save it. Sorry for being too slow. Sorry for being a bad person and an even worse friend.
And sorry for breaking his promise to her. Good people couldn’t wish for people’s deaths, could they?
But, well, dead people couldn’t be disappointed.
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susie-dreemurr · 2 years
I see Chainsaw Man on the dash, gimme your thoughts :eyes:
Sorry for the wait!
I was hesitant to start this anime, because I’ve heard some things that didn’t paint the anime in a good light (I heard about the perverted stuff out of context. And I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the manga covers have naked women…then again, could be another series?) but, thankfully, this is pretty good so far…! I’m glad that it’s not like how I expected it to be.
The sexual stuff (and the obsession with it I heard that Denji had) isn’t really as bad as I thought and I can make do with it, since it’s not just fanservice and actually has a meaning in the plot…It makes me uncomfortable still, almost quit at ep 7 lol, but I binged it with my cousin who had already finished, so it’s fine lol.
On characters/
Denji is actually good! I thought I’d hate him due to rumors, since I’m not comfortable with focusing on sexual stuff, but it’s not anywhere close to being his main motivation and, unlike certain other protags (Meliodas I’m looking at you), he does not sexually assault people. He just acts like traumatized, yet horny 16yo boy. Which he is.
My main reason for liking him is obv everything else about his character. The kid’s had a hellish life and his main goal was to have a “normal teenage life,” which is only possible now bc he lost his pet, and even now that things got a lot better, his current situation is still shit. Not that he realizes it, ofc.
Makima is interesting because she’s an awful person who’s also in the main cast’s side. Manipulating people, mostly her subordinates, (Denji having it worst bc girlie. Do not make moves on a minor so he can do whatever you want, whether you’re not interested in him doesn’t matter when I’m p sure it still counts as grooming) with anything she can do in order to achieve her goals, that woman is terrifying not only because of her powers (that power reveal made me scared for the baddies, even when they’re 0% unsympathetic!) but due to her incredible talent for manipulation, especially since she’s always so eerily calm…! Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss.
Power is really great, love me a funny morally wrong demon who’d be a dangerous enemy if she didn’t have to be on our side. I love her story with the Fiend’s one soft spot (“Miauzin” in Portuguese, idk english) and her similarities with Denji with both their pet and also…the shared braincell. The sibling vibe. I think how uncaring and ruthless she is even to her Allie’s can be interesting.
Aki is great, don’t know what to say but still. His thing with grief and having his loved ones die off leaving him alone, the isolation within the main trio carrying that theme, his search for revenge ruining his chance of healing and having a good life forever…The scene where he realizes he has two years left and still hasn’t come close to achieving his goal…OUGH!
Kobeni is definitely the most relatable person in the cast for her realistic reactions to all these crazy situations, you can’t blame her for acting Like That in ep6/7 because you know you’d have done it as well. Himeno said she had great moves, the girl barely hesitated on trying to kill Denji and most importantly, she specifically said her contract was a secret, so her great fighting made a lot of sense. Hope she gets to kill her parents someday, because. girlie…it’s better to cut off your family than to be forced to work for their sake like this.
I wanted to like Himeno, really did, but…Maybe the way she acted with Aki is forgivable, since from what we known, she only fell for him and got him to smoke after he became an adult. But there’s no excuse with how she acted towards Denji, it’s so creepy 😭 the moment she heard she was underage the girl should have broken off the “deal,” and she deffo could have done that because back then she was sober enough to tell he shouldn’t drink. And that’s not even mentioning Everything Else in ep 7. Plus, offering to hook him up with Makima, an adult….😬
Everything else about her was so promising and good, but I can’t look past that at all. Which is why I’m glad she died so soon, so we can see her impact the narrative yet not continuing to behave Like That. Or else I’d have quit the anime lmaoooo
I don’t have any other memorable general thing to say rn
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jylener22 · 5 years
IchigoxOrihime In the Movies: The Mummy
No request to fill here. Just my imagination running amok.
“Renji, why are we going to the guardhouse? Is your contact the warden or one of the officers?”
Grinning sheepishly down at his half-sister, Renji replied rather evasively, “Well, I believe I remember him saying something about how he fought in the army at one time.”
Sensing more than seeing Orihime’s stern look, Renji held up his hands in surrender and said, “All right, all right...he’s one of the inmates at the guardhouse,” then he held up a defensive finger as he finished hastily, “However, I wasn’t lying when I said that he said he was part of the army.”
Firmly planting her feet, crossing her arms and glaring daggers from her slightly over five-foot-tall stature, Orihime nevertheless struck quite the intimidating figure as she said in a deceptively calm voice, “Before I take another step, you give me three valid and irrefutable reasons why I should talk to this...’friend’ of yours.”
Intentional or not, Renji merely said, “Look, I obviously can’t vouch much for his character as he is in the clink, but I’m telling you that he knows what he’s talking about. He can actually take you to...well, there.”
Shifting her weight, Orihime arched an eyebrow at him and asked in a flat tone, “Took you there last night, did he? All the way to Hamunaptra?”
“Well, no. Obviously not,” spluttered her brother, before he leaned close to her ear and said in a hushed tone, “It’s a risk, I’ll grant you, but what isn’t? You know what all the quacks and blowhards sounded like when they claimed to know how to get to there, but this guy I’ll swear has been there.”
Still not entirely convinced, Orihime’s body language nevertheless became more relaxed as she asked in a resigned way, “Why? How are you so convinced he can take us there?”
Leaning in closer, Renji whispered, “Because he doesn’t sound like he ever wants to go back. I think it’s also possible he regrets it and doesn’t want other people to find it.”
“Okay...then why did he say anything about it to you?”
Stiffening momentarily, Renji straightened up and tried to walk away when Orihime instinctively grabbed one of his arms and held it fast as she demanded, “Renji...what did you do?”
Massaging the back of his neck, Renji let out a half-hearted chuckle and said, “Oh well, I can’t really recall the details. Pretty sure there was a bottle or two downed during our little visit. Maybe a couple of poker hands where during a couple of hands secrets about that city were traded instead of money by the loser.”
“Great,” sighed Orihime, “Now I’m dealing with two gamblers, drinkers and cheats. Honestly, why me?”
Walking into the compound, Orihime had to suppress the urge to pick up her skirts and run away as fast as she could from the sights, sounds, but mostly the smells of the prison. Had her much taller and burly brother not been at her side, Orihime would have done so without a second thought, but as it stood at the moment, she figured that she’d come this far, so might as well see it through to the end.
While the warden had the good sense not to overtly leer or make offensive remarks about Orihime’s appearance, there were more than a few slow looks that made her feel once again like bolting. Arriving in front of what seemed to be an empty cell, Orihime was just turning to glare at the two men and rip them a new one for involving her in a ludicrous goose chase when a door on the other side of the cell burst open and two massive men forced another man into the cell.
At first, Orihime couldn’t see how the prisoner was any different from any of the other filthy and crude inmates she had seen thus far, but after the man gave his two jailers a rather impressive withering look, there was something about his posture and bearing that gave Orihime the impression that there was more to the man than what she was currently seeing. When he turned his attention to the group on the other side of the bars of his cell, Orihime found herself wondering what he might look like if he wasn’t covered in who knew how many layers of dirt and grime.
Her musings were interrupted when the man stalked over to the bars, menacing glower firmly in place as he demanded gruffly, “You two the reason I was so rudely woken up from my last nap ever?”
Completely taken aback, Orihime could only ask automatically, “Beg pardon?”
Raising his shackled hands to grip the bars, the man huffed and replied, “Guess it would be too much for a condemned man to expect that his last few minutes of life couldn’t be spent in relative peace and quiet.”
Before Orihime could think of anything else to say, the man asked curtly, “So, what exactly are you so desperate to find out from me?”
Stepping in beside Orihime, Renji said firmly, “You just keep a civil tongue in your head when you’re talking to my sister, Kurosaki.”
To Orihime’s utter astonishment, the man named Kurosaki suddenly lunged forward to land a resounding punch square on Renji’s nose. Unsurprisingly, Renji hit the ground clutching his nose while Kurosaki hit the ground not two seconds later when the two jailers dealt the man a punch each.
Before the jailers could continue with beating the prisoner, Orihime held out her hands and pleaded, “Oh please don’t! He’s had enough!”
After the men backed away, Kurosaki gave Orihime a wry smirk as he said, “Not bad, lady,” but then his scowl returned as he said, “but you still haven’t answered my question. What do you want?”
Looking down at her moaning big brother, Orihime decided that it would be best to finish this business up quickly and answered truthfully, saying, “My name is Orihime Inoue-Abarai and this is my brother, Renji. He said that I needed to meet you because you told him that you claimed to know the way to...Hamunaptra.”
Kurosaki’s face remained impassive as he asked, “What’s it to you if I do?”
Not at all phased by the man’s tone or demeanor, Orihime replied, “Well, it was always my father’s dream to find the city of Hamunaptra and up until the day he died, I helped him with his research and tireless searching. His passion for history and all the secrets it held quickly became my own dreams,” when she realized she was rambling, Orihime finished with, “It may seem silly to you, but I want to find this city to honor my father’ memory and if you have any information that could help me, I would greatly appreciate you sharing it with me.”
For a long moment, Kurosaki looked at Orihime with an expression she couldn’t quite read before he finally answered with, “Can’t.”
“Why?” asked Orihime before her brain was able to think that it was a ridiculous question and stop her from saying it aloud.
“’Cause they’re gonna hang me in less than an hour, lady,” Kurosaki said as he shrugged, “Unless...”
When he trailed off, Orihime didn’t realize that she had drifted closer to the bars to hear what he had to say as she asked, “Unless?”
Kurosaki leaned in closer as he said in a low voice, “Unless I was somehow pardoned of these trumped up charges they have against me and released, I won’t be able to tell you how to get to...”
“Hamunaptra,” Orihime supplied without thinking, staring up into his intense brown eyes.
“Right,” he said, “Think you can do that?”
“Do what?” Orihime asked in a daze.
“Get me out,” said Kurosaki gruffly, “Can I count on you?”
“I...I...” began Orihime in her usual flustered manner when all of a sudden she found her voice unable to leave her mouth as Kurosaki’s was suddenly covering hers. Had her brain been able to function at that particular moment, she would have been mortified at the thought that her very first kiss was coming from a man she had only just met, who was a prisoner near to being put to death and filthy as anything...and yet for some reason she never wanted the kiss to end.
Yet end it did, rather abruptly when the jailers landed two more ferocious blows and started dragging Kurosaki out the door in the back when the man in question turned back to Orihime and demanded, “Help me and I’ll help you!”
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caitimetravels · 3 years
she's insignificant
chapter 10: where you've gone
the umbrella academy x (fem) reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters.
warnings: none
with a sigh, y/n stood. five was still writing away behind her on the walls non-stop. she didn't dare interrupt him, simply leaving. she would be back anyways. all she needed was a nice walk. 
as she wandered down the street with no destination in mind she spaced out, eyes trained on her feet. suddenly someone knocked her shoulder and brought her back to reality. she raised her head, hoping they weren't someone looking to start a fight or argue with her.
"y/n?" instead she was met with allison. her technically older sister seemed frustrated.
"allison? are you okay?" y/n's eyebrows furrowed, looking up at the curly haired woman. 
"yeah.. i think so" she frowned, "i'm worried about vanya. she won't listen to me but her boyfriend, whoever he is.. i think he's dangerous. i couldn't find anything about him-"
"you went searching for his records?" y/n pulled back in disbelief, "allison! you know vanya doesn't like-"
"i know, she already got angry with me" allison sighed, shaking her head.
"why would you do that?" y/n tilted her head up at her, eyes narrowing incredulously. "where are you even going?"
"well, i found his address. i was going to see if anything's weird.." she earned a disapproving look, "i can't just sit around and do nothing y/n! please, help me, for vanya?"
y/n's expression only darkened, "why are you trying to ruin one of the only good things in her life?! she deserves to be happy for once and im not going to help you take that away from her!" she begun to shout, freezing as she realised her powers were getting out of control in the middle of the street. "just.. leave them alone!" 
she took off, hoping to get away, she needed to get away.
as the sweet melody came to soft halt y/n smiled up at her sister. vanya donned a similar grin, placing her violin down and joining y/n on the floor, cross legged and leaning back against her bed.
"one day, you're going to be amazing, v" y/n mumbled quietly, looking like she was in a slight daze, "more amazing than you are now.. you're going to be a famous violinist, i can see it now. 'vanya hargreeves, the world's best violinist'" 
vanya softly nudged her shoulder, shaking her head. "no way, the world? c'mon" 
"i'm serious!" y/n was adamant, sitting up straighter to see her better, "you're gonna be so cool! and everyone here is going to see you and say 'damn, wish i had seen how awesome our sister was back then' and you're going to have lots of fans!"
vanya snorted, shyly brushing her long hair to the side, "yeah, right"
".. you won't forget me when you're famous, right?" y/n leaned back against the bed to avoid direct eye contact, her voice was much softer now. "don't forget me.. okay?" she nervously side eyed her sister, trying to gauge her reaction.
"i could never" vanya shook her head, leaning into the h/c haired girl. both of them shared small content grins.
as she walked upstairs to five's room she heard a commotion, hopefully he hadn't gotten into a fight with one of their siblings again, right?
"put her down" five snarled, holding a gun up to luther who held dolores' body out the window. y/n grinned at the sight, highly amused. who would have thought luther would ever threaten someone? well, y'know excluding their missions.. but five nonetheless? she leaned casually against the doorway, arms crossing and waiting for them to sort out whatever issue she walked in on.
"put the gun down, you're not killing anyone today. i know she's important to you so don't make me do this" luther paused, waiting to see what five would do. "it's either her or the gun.. you decide"
eventually five did decide that dolores was more important and dropped the gun before spacial jumping to catch dolores before she could fall. not that much damage would have occurred to the mannequin anyways, maybe a few scratches.
"i can keep doing this all day" luther spoke triumphantly, now holding the gun at his side. y/n snorted, catching their attention.
"you're such children" both glared at her in response, "c'mon, surely you have a better plan than whatever ended up in this-" she gestured vaguely between them, "squabble"
"we did not squabble" five hissed, placing dolores down and straightening his jacket. "but yes, i do have a one other plan" 
the three of them, five, luther and y/n, drove down an empty road before slowing to a stop. five unbuckled his seatbelt and sighed, looking around.
"you know, i never enjoyed it" he started and luther turned to him in confusion.
"the killing. i mean i was- i was good at my work and i took pride in it but it never gave me pleasure" he took a deep breath, "i think it was all those years alone. solitude can do funny things to the mind"
"yeah well, you were gone for such a long time.. i only spent four years on the moon but that was more than enough. it's the being alone that breaks you" luther placed a hand on the briefcase, "you think they'll buy it?"
"well, what i do know is that they're desperate. it's like a cop losing his gun" he alluded, "if the commission finds out they'll be in deep shit, well not to mention that they'll be stuck here until they get it back"
"i should hold onto it" luther suggested, patting it with one hand.
"hm?" five's eyebrows furrowed,
"incase they make a move on you" he added to explain his point.
"okay, luther.. but be careful. i've lived a long life but.. you're still a young man, you've got your whole life ahead of you. don't waste it" y/n snorted and five turned to her, unamused.
"what?" they stared at each other for a moment before five shook his head, looking away with a small smile.
suddenly a car began to drive towards them and they all made to get out of the car. "here we go" five sighed again, he was doing that a lot, y/n realised.
the car continued to drive past them, stopping a few metres away.
"if this all goes sideways.. do me a favour and tell dolores i'm sorry" five turned to luther who nodded slowly.
as five walked away from them y/n leaned back against the car.
"i have a bad feeling about this" she nervously picked at her nails and luther frowned, looking over at her.
"why? what's wrong?"
"that.. i don't know yet" she looked down the road, "i just.. feel like something's off" she shook her head as five walked back, leaning next to her.
luther stepped forwards a bit, "what happens now?"
"now we wait" 
barely a moment later they heard the music of an ice cream truck. y/n squinted against the sun and wind, trying to work out who it was. she took a moment to focus, sensing klaus, diego and ben. uh oh.
as the car got closer luther turned to five, "is that her?"
"luther, you idiot" y/n shook her head, "it's klaus and diego" right on time klaus waved to them as they passed.
the two assassins begun shooting, thinking it was a set up and y/n raised her arms to cover her head as luther stepped in front of her and five to block any shots.
suddenly time stopped.. well, only for five.
he frowned down at y/n next to him, the girl cowering in on herself. he felt bad for bringing her into something like this but she was very persistent.
he slowly stepped under luther's arm, looking at everyone frozen in slight confusion.
"neat trick, isn't it?" a feminine voice called out behind him and he turned to face the woman he had asked to see. the handler. she stared at him, pulling the veil over her face up and onto her hat instead before pulling her sunglasses off.
"hello, five" she smiled, "you look good.. all things considered" she softly gestured to all of him.
"it's good to see you again" he nodded back,
"feels like we met just yesterday, 'course you were a little bit older then" she teased, "congratulations on the age regression, by the way. very clever, threw us all off the scent"
"ah, well, i wish i could take credit" five shrugged, looking away. "i just miscalculated the time dilation of projections and.. well, you know, here i am" his gaze met hers once again, throwing his hands up before putting them back in his pockets, casually.
"you realise your efforts are futile" the handler shifted so that her briefcase was behind her, "so, why don't you tell me what you really want?"
"i want you to put a stop to it" five moved his own hands behind his back. 
"you realise what you're asking for is next to impossible even for me" she shook her head, "what's meant to be is meant to be. that's our raison d'etre" 
"yeah?" five smiled sarcastically, pulling a gun from his shorts "well how about survival as a raison?" 
"i'll just be replaced, i am but a small cog in a machine" the handler waved it off, ignoring the gun pointing straight at her heart. "this fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse is just that.. a fantasy. i must say though, we'll quite impressed with your initiative, your stick-to-it-tiveness, really quite- quite something. which is why we want to offer you, a new position back at the commission, in management" the handler held a hand up, smiling like her offer was an obvious choice.
"sorry what's that now?" five scoffed as she stepped closer, hand tightening on the gun.
"come back to work for us again, you know it's where you belong" 
"well, it didn't work out too well the last time" he glared up at her, not liking the persistence.
"oh but you wouldn't be in the correction department any longer, i'm talking about the home office, you'd have the best health and pension and an end to this ceaseless travel" she laughed freely, "you're a distinguished professional in.. school boy shorts. we have the technology to reverse the process. i mean you- you can't be happy like this" she slowly pushed his gun down, stepping ever closer.
"i'm not looking for happy" he spat through gritted teeth.
the handler only tilted her head, eyeing him carefully before raising a hand to stroke his cheek, "we're all looking for happy. we can make that happen, we can make you.. yourself again"
five huffed a laugh, gesturing to his siblings. "what about my family?"
"what about them?" the handler raised an eyebrow, acting like she didn't already know he intended to save them.
"i want them to survive" 
the handler took in a deep breath, taking in the sight of luther protecting y/n who was still crouching against the car as well as diego and klaus who were in the middle of crashing the ice cream truck.
"all of them?" 
"yes, all of them" he narrowed his eyes at her,
the handler gave him a small smirk, moving towards the recoiled girl. five watched carefully, waiting to see what she would do.
"it's such a shame.. she would have done well with us. if only we could take her too" she reached a hand out, about to touch her but five moved first, spacial jumping in front of her and grabbing her hand. he held her away from y/n.
"don't touch her" he snarled, unmoving from his protective stance. 
"my my, five, i didn't expect such protectiveness from you" the handler merely smirked, stepping away. as they walked back she once again proposed her deal.
"well" the handler begun, reaching a hand into her pocket and pulling out her sunglasses before putting them back on her face. "i'll see what i can do from them.. do we have a deal?" she reached a hand out to him, awaiting his acceptance. he merely stared at her hand before sighing,
"one thing" five stepped back, putting his gun in his shorts again. he walked over to hazel's gun on the floor, taking out the ammunition and chucking it on one side of the road before chucking the rest of the gun to the other. he turned and walked back, noticing the bullet headed towards luther and y/n. he frowned, using his pointer finger and thumb to move it over so that it would hit the car instead of them.
as soon as he shook her outstretched hand they disappeared and time was restored.
y/n shivered, ignoring the bullet hitting the car next to her and the way her siblings scrambled around to get away quick. she allowed herself to be shoved into the car with klaus and diego, spaced out.
"you alright?" diego turned to her while klaus stuck the middle finger up at hazel and cha cha. 
"i felt someone else.. it was only for a moment but i felt someone.." she spoke solemnly, staring at her shaking hands. "and then five just.. disappeared"
tag list: (if your name is crossed i couldnt tag you) @rxses-and-reverie @lostgreekgod @on-yourmark-99 @bicyhot1 @navs-bhat @midnightmystic @shawkneecaps @baby-bi-bi-bi-yeah @velveticxyyy
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Reaction to You hiding under a table... (All the boys)
Hiding under a table. Reactions and laughs abound! All the brothers and the dateables.
He walked into the room and saw you ducking under the table with the cloth hiding most of you. He lifts the cloth to reveal that you’re not shivering with fear at the sight of him. Obviously, you’re not just hiding like Mammon has done. Nope, you had a book and were under a… table???
Cue questionable scowl. WTF is this human doing now?
It only is more confusing for him when you glance up to see him, wave, and smile before returning to your book.
Does he even want to know? Actually, he does. However, should he spend the time to ask?
He does. He’s a sucker for you. Your response is simple. You wanted to read in peace, and (almost) no one would see you here.
He inwardly groans and tells you to go hide in his room next time.
No, he wouldn’t mind seeing you reading in there when he gets home. In fact, go ahead, make that your primary space to hide. Coming home to you would be exactly what he dreamt about.
Bonus points if you laugh and agree. Melted firstborn, anyone?
“If you insist on hiding from my brothers for some peace, you may do so in my room. I won’t be perturbed as long as you don’t tell them.”
Walks into the dining room to try and find something to sell for some quick coin. Scowls at the sight of your shoes sticking out from under the table.
Most definitely will crouch and stick his face in your space. This boi is perplexed at you huddled under the table with your phone.
Huh? Is this a human thing?
You smile and ask if he wants to come to sit with you.
Mammon will snort and toss an insult or bravado of some sort but still be really confused at your new place to sit.
Hiding from Asmo because he wants to dye your hair? Well, that makes a little more sense. However, he still doesn’t get it. You have a bedroom.
You pat the ground again, and he grumbles but agrees. Sitting with him, you start playing the funny Deviltube videos of demons getting scared by human items. You and he are laughing at the idiots together.
He soon wraps his arm around you as you’re cozy in the dim light. Forgetting about his task, he asks if you want to come back to his room. Ya know, to watch videos there???
If you agree, he’ll drag you off. It wasn’t the first time he was hiding under a table, but it would be your last.
“Now, human, that happens again, and ya just come to my room. I’m supposed to be watchin’ ya.”
He was walking up to the bathroom. Usually, his nose was stuck to his D.D.D, but he caught sight of you. You were napping under a table?! What?
He thought about leaving you there. Belphie usually falls asleep in the weirdest places. However, why??? Why were you under a table? In the hallway???
Bending down, he touches your shoulder, and you wake up. He asks what you’re doing sleeping under a table like a normie?
You tell him that you were waiting for the bathroom to take a bath, but Mammon was taking forever. You got caught up reading a manga and fell asleep under the table.
Cue heart eyes and blushes! He stammers about going to use the bathroom. When he comes out, you were still under there reading.
Immediately he was a jumbling mess. Asks you if you would read it in his room instead of under a table.
If you agree, expect blushy boi to timidly ask what it's about. If you explain the plot to him, he will definitely show you similar types from his own collection!
He will likely keep you captive all night because the thought of you under a table with a manga stole his otaku heart out of his chest.
“If you d-don’t mind spending time with a disgusting otaku. You could come read it with me. I have more if you like. P-please?”
Inquisitive and actually perceptive about his surroundings, he wanders into the library to immediately see you under the table in there. You pulled a chair over to block the view of anyone who would be just glancing in the room.
He ignores you, for the time being, grabbing the book he had an interest in reviewing. Instead of leaving, he picks that chair to sit in.
Minutes go by as he enjoys the subtle sound of your breathing and the beautiful announcement of the pages being turned when he thumbs them.
Is he curious why you’re hiding under a table? Absolutely. Will he ask? Well, he was debating on how long he’d let you believe you’re actually hidden.
Instead of asking flat out, he turns and slams the book on the tabletop, causing you to jump and bump your head. He’ll ask you why you’ve been hiding under a table at that point.
Enough said. He offers a better solution to your issue. He invites you to his room, where you can seclude yourself from his fury until the firstborn is busy with other tasks.
If you agree, he’ll smirk and feel smug as hell. Lucifer will ask and ask where the human went, and he won’t say a word.
“Honestly, there are far better ways to disappear than under a table. Come to my room, and I’ll shield you from the chaos.”
Glorious clothes. Fabulous makeup! Asmo just returned from his shopping trip and was on a high. He walks into the sitting room to see you lying under the table.
Flat out asks you what you’re doing under the table. Oh, you’re glancing at all the cute outfits in the latest Devildom fashion??? He would climb on the floor and join you if it wasn’t dirty.
Comments on the dirt.
You say that you’re waiting for Mammon, and he never looks lower than the sofa. You wanted to scare him for him stealing your hairbrush. True. Very true. A great place to jump out and scare him.
However, just not working for Asmo. Nope. Insists that you end your ploy to scare Mammon and help him go through his new things.
He promises to help you get back at Mammon with a better, less dirty plan.
If you agree, he will be skipping all the way up to his room. He’ll have you all to himself, and you both can do a fashion montage!!!
“Honey, he’s an idiot, but this is no way to treat your poor skin. Let’s go through all my new clothes and plan something far more deserving!”
Baby boy just got done with his workout and was going to walk into the kitchen to make a snack. Walks by the dining room to see your knees under the table.
He stops and scowls. This is a new behavior. Beel goes into the room and ducks down to see you huddled under the table… eating Simeon’s cookies?!
You give him a simper and offer the bag saying he can have one. Beel accepts and then asks why you’re under the table.
Hiding from the others because you didn’t want them to know Simeon made them just for you?
He's a little hurt that Simeon wouldn’t make him any, but happy that you shared. You ask him if he wants a few more because you only had a handful left.
He sits down and eats the offering with a smile. After you both have finished the cookies, he asks if you want to come with him to make a snack.
If you agree, this teddy bear is glowing. He’ll make everything you want, and you just need to sit on the counter and tell him about your day.
“If you want, since you shared, I could make your favorite snack. I love sharing my food with you too.”
Tired. Grumbly. Tired. He walks into the sitting room to see you stationed under the side table.
Um? What? He scowls and smacks his pillow at you reading a book before slumping on the sofa.
His version of asking you what’s wrong??? Well, it worked.
You tell him that Lucifer was looking for you to do a chore and figured you could plead ignorance if he didn’t find you sitting under a table.
Mammon never gets away with anything like that, and Belphie tells you so.
You curl smaller and laugh. See, he can’t find something this tiny, right?
Thump. Thump. Thump. Yes, his heart is just beating for how cute you could be. Tells you how ridiculously stupid that is instead.
You unbunch your legs and sigh. Well, he sucks at times… So, instead of apologizing, he offers to take you up to the attic and hide you in the blankets if Lucifer comes knocking.
If you agree, he walks with you all the way up, and when you snuggle on the bed together, he apologizes for being grumpy.
Turns into a melty soft boy when you run your hands through his hair and say you didn’t even notice with a smile.
“Well, if you want a plan that actually will work. You can come with me to the attic. I’ll hide you in the blankets, and we can nap.”
Walks into the library at RAD with one goal in mind. There was a book on energy manipulation he wanted to read. However, the goal is postponed.
Sees you under the table, and now, he’s completely intrigued. You had your book in hand. You even looked to be in perfect health. Hmm… odd.
Approaches you, and you glance up. No words. Not even a plea for help. Still odd.
He finally asks you why you’ve chosen this space to sit instead of a useful chair. You reply that there was a demon giving you dirty looks. So you ducked under a table, and the demon walked away in confusion.
He finds it fascinating that something this odd would work. Now is intrigued if that’s all demons or just you doing it.
Climbs under the table with you and asks what you’re reading. Makes no effort to remove you from under the table nor ask you to sit in the chair.
Both of you read under the table and watch as demons glance at you with pure befuddlement. Cue laughter and enjoyment. He would have never thought he’d walk into a rare social experiment with demons that day.
“You know, that poses an interesting question. Do demons insist on the same social norms as humans? Care to perform this experiment with me?”
Walks into the House of Lamentation to have tea with Lucifer. However, he is quite amused at the sight of seeing you trying to tuck as far under the side table near the hallway.
He walks over and ducks down, lifting the cloth, asking, what are you doing?
You rush out in a whisper that Levi is angry with you because you beat him at a game. You don’t want him to send Lotan on you!
He nods and hears footsteps on the staircase, so he stands in front of you. Levi comes storming down the staircase and asks if he’s seen you. Simeon spills a few lines from TSL. Levi is blushing and waves him off before stomping by.
He checks the hallway before bending down and whispering that you can come with him back to Purgatory Hall. He’ll explain what happened to Lucifer so he can calm Levi down.
If you agree, he doesn’t waste time to skirt you out the door and away from danger. What a freaking angel??? Well, maybe it’s a little selfish. He gets to keep you safe, after all.
“If you would like, you can come with me and have some tea to calm your nerves. You look shaken, and I do hate to see you out of sorts.”
Skips into the sitting room at Purgatory Hall and immediately scowls. What are you doing under the table???
Walks over, and you press a finger over your mouth. You thought you saw a bat. A flappy bat in the sitting room! They see with sound.
What??? Is it a blood-sucking bat??? Does it eat humans? Are things like that really in the Devildom?
Climbs under the table with you and looks around with a hint of anxiety on his face. It doesn’t help that his clothing tickled your arm, and you jumped and screamed.
Insists that you both run into the kitchen to tell Simeon! He’ll know what to do!
If you agree, both of you are bolting into the kitchen to describe an exaggerated version of the event. Your fear was enough to scare this wee angel. You weren’t scared of demons, but were of a bat??? This had to be a very evil bat!
“If we run as fast as we can, it won’t find us right away! Simeon will be able to help!”
He was well aware of lunacy thanks to his very creative prince. There were things he just expected to weave sideways from the norm. However, you under a table in the hallway of the Demon Lord’s Castle wasn’t one he foresaw.
Should he bother to ask? Yes, he best do so. Bends and questions your oddity.
You explain that one of the Little D’s was yelling at you for walking on their clean floors. It called you a stupid, ignorant human. You wiped your face, and he noted the blotchy color of your cheeks. Well, someone was going to have an unfortunate accident later…
He asks if you would like to come with him to the kitchen. You could have some tea while he prepares dinner.
If you agree (let’s face it, no one tells Barbatos no), he will assist you in climbing from under the table. He will pull out a handkerchief and wipe the tears from your cheek and escort you to the kitchen.
You may not have seen it, but it did bother him immensely that you were cowering under a table. He would fix that and have you smiling in no time.
“I’m apologetic that someone was rude to you. Let me make it up to you with some tea and cookies. We will cure this bad experience with a better one.”
He was enjoying the party thus far but was in need of a moment, just a brief moment alone. Walking into the dark sitting room, he turns on the lights to see you under a table. Your formal attire was pooling around you.
He walks over and ducks down to see the shock on your face and D.D.D in your hand. Asking what you’re doing in here, he smiles.
You answer with taking a break from the party. Though it’s beautiful and jovial, you were tired of dancing with so many demons.
He agrees and asks if you don’t mind the company. Actually, while he’s asking, he found a way to duck his torso under the table with you. (Big boi could actually break furniture and you if he wasn’t careful)
You show him the cute animal videos off Deviltube, and both of you begin to laugh. One video leads to six leads to twelve. It didn’t matter. It was so nice to just spend time with you.
He asks you if you want to have another table date again. He actually would sit under any piece of furniture as long as you said yes.
“I’m so glad to see you! I was actually exhausted from all the dancing myself. Care if I join you in watching whatever was amusing you?”
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delicrieux · 4 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 "𝚘𝚑"
... it’s late into the night and y/n is streaming with one of her new friends, sykkuno. running on caffeine and redbull is apparently not enough because she falls asleep on his shoulder 45 minutes into their cyberpunk gameplay. at that exact moment, twitter goes up in flames.
─── corpse husband x reader, sykkuno x reader (because i was threatened by thirsty anons) ─── soc. media + written fiction!  ─── word count: 1.8k author’s note: here it is...what yall been asking for. literally had to add a new part for this but i loved this idea sm i couldnt just nOT NOT do it. i tried writing this with the same energy as the smau lmao so expect chaos as always. hope you enjoy it and as always lmk what u think! hopefully yall wont go too feral, but tbh thats prolly too much to ask for xx EDIT: srr for the fucky format tumbler dot com is being lame 
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Such a back and forth continues for the better part of the day as you get ready. Corpse only whines a bit when you forget to text him back - you are packing, and your prestigious cat ears you bought from Amazon for 10$ deserve exquisite care - which only fuels your seemingly bottomless hunger for mischief, leading to you sneakily ignoring him more. When your phone lights up with a message, you giggle, giddy with excitement. Your laughter only gets louder and more erratic, to the point where Rae had busted down your door and threw her Hello Kitty plush at you - one you’d gotten her, mind you! - and told you to just “Shut the fuck up!”
Ungrateful. You know not everyone can appreciate your sense of humor, or stand your hyena like cackle, but that was uncalled for and you told her as much. Noting the mess your room is in (more than usual, that’s for certain), she leans onto the door frame, crossing her arms over her chest, pretty brown eyes twinkling curiously, “Where you off to?”
“So I had this idea-” You start, but are promptly shut down with a raise of her palm.
“Already know it’s a bad one.”
Insulted, and hurt, you clutch your heart. As if she had not mocked you enough today, “Rae...The hell, that’s so mean...” You mutter, face scrunching into a soft frown, “I only wanted to tell you what me and Syk thought of.”
“Oh?” Intrigued, she raises a brow, “Continue.”
“Gee, thanks for letting me this time.” You mumble, rolling your eyes, “So. We thought we’d stream together. The catch? In the same room! We’ll be playing Cyberpunk. Gotta cash in while the hype is still up.” You add, making her snort, “And, ya know, the whole cat boy business...We’ll be wearing matching cat ears. Admit it, I’m a genius.”
She’s quiet for a moment, mulling over your words; you can practically see the gears in her head turning. She glances around the room, then briefly at you, strangely apprehensive. “You sure that’s a good idea?”
Well, that is definitely not what you expected her to say. You figured it’d be more along the lines of you’d be one ugly cat. “Huh?” Is all you manage to stutter, “What do you mean?”
She gives you a look, one all people give when something is so plainly obvious, “Y/n. You do know the stans will go wild, right? And you do remember our conversation involving Corp-”
“Nope!” You exclaim cheerily with a bright smile to match. You don’t want to think about that. The relationship between you and Corpse is strictly platonic, and besides, seeing Twitter loosing their shit is always funny, and you never miss an opportunity to mess with your fans. Sykkuno is also a good friend, albeit a new one. This supposed flirting from Corpse’s end Rae deduced was nothing more than her projecting her feelings onto the situation. She always liked shoujo anime and was probably thinking one was happening right in front of her. Not a chance. Corpse was just being a friendly crackhead. Your energies mesh beautifully.
Like, beautifully in a strictly friend way. Absolutely nothing more than that.
She gives up, naturally, arguing with a wall would be more productive than arguing with you. You’re such a (Zodiac sign).
“Well,” She mumbles, ticking her head to the side, leaning off of the door frame and turning to leave, “Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”
Your grin melts as soon as she leaves. Glancing at your bag, you shove your last necessities in with newfound hesitance. 
Nothing bad will happen, right?
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It is well past the generally set “appropriate” time to hang out, but since quarantine, what is appropriate anymore anyway? You’ve never been in Sykkuno’s apartment, but now that you’re here it’s...strangely him. Every corner seems tailored to his specific requirements. It’s cozy, and pleasantly warm - it’s a bit chilly in LA, as surprising as that is.
He’s even shyer than you remember him being. And a whole lot more awkward, but in an endearing way, a way that makes you want to laugh and try to reassure him that it’s just you and he has nothing to worry about. While you hung out only once, the history you share is rich and tender. From him following you on Twitter and subsequently prematurely ending your stream, to kidnapping a stray cat affectionately named Juan. His long lost brother, Juan (no the Second, just Juan), lives in your Minecraft server. 
His stream room is sadly bare. There’s an appalling lack of merch or fairy lights. Not even led-lights. It’s a good thing you brought your own. As you try to decided which color would be best - his signature lime green, reminiscent of his adorable Among Us astronaut, or, perhaps, mischievous violet? - he boots the game and tweets out a quick “streaming with y/n in ten mins! come one come all!” 
“You should probably tell your fans, too.” He mumbles, looking somewhere above your shoulder. You settle with cherry blossom pink. Glancing at him, you shrug.
“Ah, do it for me, please?”
“Oh!” He hiccups, “Uhm, I wouldn’t want to pry and I don’t know your password and-”
“It doesn’t have a password.” You had removed it, knowing something like this would happen. Bless your foresight, you did not want him to know it was demonspiitinmymouth. Before he could protest further, you rush to the nearest mirror to put on your cat ears and make sure they aren’t crooked. You look absolutely adorable. The cat boys in your dms will go feral. Hell, you might just go feral looking at yourself! Sykkuno is not ready. No one is. This will be a stream to remember.
When you return (with flourish of course), he’s anxiously fidgeting by his computer, his own little cat ears, one’s he wore for the Halloween stream, peaking out from his silky brown hair. You have to suppress a squeal. When he catches you gaze he gives the kindest, sweetest little smile.
“They, uh--” He points at you, then decides it’s rude to point, bringing his hand back to his lap, then clutching his mouse, lastly releasing a sound stuck between a chuckle and a wheeze, “suit you, uhm, a lot!” He finishes with a resolute nod, quickly spinning in his chair and away from you.
This is the reaction you desired. All is going according to plan. Is this what God feels like? If not, then you pity her. She’s missing out.
Taking a seat next to him - he had been gracious enough to haul you a spare chair from the kitchen - you draw closer, and he, instinctively, shrinks away with another nervous chuckle. 
“You have, uhm... I-I didn’t look!” He quickly chimes. You raise a brow, “Uhm, unopened messages? From Corpse? He texted you when I was tweeting! I didn’t mean to look, I’m sorry-”
Instantly, you recall the famous vine with the scandalous “daddy chill” line, though refrain from saying it aloud. You love havoc, but you’re not evil (Rae would ardently disagree with you, though). Instead, you just shrug, “’S fine, don’t worry. I’ll text him back later. Let’s start?”
He nods, but doesn’t look at you. Granted, you don’t think he glanced at you even once since you returned, “...Okay. Ready?”
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You’re much too immersed into the game and Sykkuno’s twitch chat to even check what’s happening on Twitter, but your estimated guess is that everyone’s going crazy. The stream chat is unruly as well, but missing the signature Twitter spark. Most of the chaos is bravely lead by your fans. Sykkuno’s, much like the man himself, are too nice to scream so unabashedly.
Perhaps you excitement had been a bit too taxing, perhaps drinking 5 coffees and 2 energy drinks today and not enough water are to blame for the sudden drowsiness you’re feeling, but you can’t focus on the swimming chat or the abundance of cut-scenes at the starting point of the game. You steadily draw nearer and he, more composed in front of his audience, doesn’t react. About ten more minutes of hoovering by his shoulder and muttering soft commentary, and you feel yourself slipping.
The last coherent thought you have is a few choice words directed at caffeine itself for having the opposite effect of you at the worst time possible.
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You float in oblivion for perhaps ten minutes at best. Once you awake with a startle, you shower Sykkuno in shy apologies and he quickly reassures you that it’s fine and that he didn’t mind at all!
“Though,” He adds after a thoughtful pause, “not sure if it was very, uh, comfortable?”
His stream chat spams uwu and variations of similar kind. The stream continues for a few more hours before the both of you wish everyone a good night. 
While you planned on wreaking absolute havoc, this sudden falling asleep was unexpected. You pondered the consequences of such an innocent, unplanned act whilst ubering home, fearing to check your phone which by now was blowing up with not only Twitter notifications but also Rae’s angry messages that vaguely read “what the fuck y/n”. Within the past two hours she had left 57 messages on all platforms collectively, including 7 calls. 
Corpse’s last text was over three hours ago.
Now that’s strange. Worry festers quickly. Briefly glancing at your surroundings - the pretty glimmer of passing street lights, neon signs, familiar buildings - you decide that it’s time to check what kind of nuclear explosion you’ve caused.
Your heart drops to the bottom of your stomach as you scroll past the hundreds of tweets and mentions. Scan through Rae’s messages. 
You had failed to prepare ahead. Every explosion of such kind is followed by nuclear winter. And Corpse’s lack of messages feels especially cold.
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Not you smiling like a fucking idiot reading his last message! You shrink into the backseat, afraid the driver will accidentally look into the rear-view mirror and see you a bit too happy before asking questions. Good news? Yeah, but it’s not like it’s his any beeswax! In the words of Rihanna, just shut up and drive. 
This argument had not yet happened, but you’re preparing, just in case. 
As you think up of potential scenarios, your eyes drill into Corpse’s goodnight text. You’ve looked at it enough. Time to turn the phone screen off. Leave the app, at the very least. When the screen dims you instantly press on it to wake it up. This is embarrassing. Maybe the deadly amount of caffeine really did mess you up, big time. Your heart races in your chest, painfully almost. You feel a bit sick. Worst of all, you can’t stop smiling.
A notification from Rae makes you snap out of it. Ah, one more demon to deal with. 
However, before you talk to her, you really need to tell Twitter that you’re not with Sykkuno. And apologize to Sykkuno as well. 
At least Corpse doesn’t hate you.
Fucking hell, just exit the chat you idiot!
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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Out of respect for this person who wished to keep their identity a secret but asked me a few questions, you're gonna see some random reaction stuff here. Starting with this one:
Thank you so much for the questions though, it means the world to me ❤️🥺
Saeclus and the Sakamaki Brothers
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He knew Shu at a young age too, although barely. They had seen each other in the few times Saeclus visited the Vampire Clan's royal castle as a diplomat. And he liked Shu a lot as a kid.
Shu was energetic, talented and strong, so Saeclus really viewed him in a similar lens as Carla (despite them having vastly different personalities, even as kids, they do share some traits) and had high hopes for his future.
He also told Shu once that he wanted to hear him play the violin.
Flash forward to a few centuries and they meet again. Saeclus is absolutely astounded at how much Shu has changed since the last time they met. And not in a positive way.
He's almost disappointed in what became of a promising young man, but then again, an environment as toxic as his was bound to fuck him up one way or the other.
Still though, Shu and Saeclus get along well. Saeclus himself is very artistic and hated the pressures of being a military leader as a young man, so he and Shu have a lot they can talk about. And both of them are comfortable in silence too, they don't have to talk much.
Eventually, Shu does play violin for him sometime. Saeclus loves and absolutely encourages it. He knows it's a bit too late for that kind of energy, but he provides it nonetheless.
Even now, Saeclus is a little impressed by some of the things Shu does - and how despite being known as lazy and useless, he still commands authority in the house - and believes he is the one who will claim the throne someday.
While Saeclus never really saw Reiji as a child, like he did Shu, Reiji did see him visit the palace and have brief exchanges with his older brother sometimes.
Honestly, adult Reiji reminds him of Caranthus. Like... A lot. A painful lot.
It's not that this makes him dislike Reiji - far from it, actually - but it does make him have a faraway look on his face every time their conversations end. Which may or may not leave Reiji with a questioning look in his eyes.
Saeclus knows a lot about the Demon World, more than almost any other Demon, through hundreds of years of studying and experiences. So if anything, Reiji understands that he has a lot he could learn from him.
He's also smart enough to not badmouth Saeclus. Unlike the triplets, he knows of what his rage would be like. He's not risking that, thank you very much.
Saeclus doesn't know what Reiji has done to Yuma and his village, but his opinion of him would vastly deteriorate if he were to find out.
He doesn't know shit about who Saeclus is. At all. My guy is expecting to become King of the Vampires at this rate too.
The first time he meets Saeclus is as an adult, and he's immediately put off by the fact that he's a First Blood. That being said, he is wearing red. So Ayato's willing to be a little polite.
Saeclus is very confused by Ayato's air of arrogance, and two seconds into his introduction, he's already figured him out. Overcompensating for insecurities and incompetence.
And that is something that leaves a bad taste in Saeclus' mouth. Because of the Founders and their blatant arrogance and idiocy.
So while Ayato annoys him with his behavior, Saeclus is trying his best to be lenient with him. I promise, he's doing his best.
So yeah basically. Ayato annoys him, but he's willing to bear with him because it is kind of funny how he shoots one ball through a designated hoop and thinks he's the king of the world.
Like... How do I...
In the nicest way possible, Kanato both angers him and makes him feel sympathetic.
He is repulsed by the thought of Kanato's behavior towards certain things, like his mother's ashes or the brides' corpses, and at the same time, he understands that it makes sense in Kanato's own fucked up head.
And it's weird, my dude, he doesn't know how to feel about this little freak.
One minute he's thinking of incinerating him on sight, and the next he feels bad because he can practically taste the bitter loneliness of being Kanato.
The way he acts like a kid and talks to his bear because no one else would talk to him makes Saeclus really sad.
And then he remembers how he drags ghosts out of tombstones to literally frighten helpless girls and he feels less sad.
They have a weirdass relationship. I don't think Kanato would ever really approach Saeclus, one wrong word from him could potentially set the man off and he isn't risking death... Yet.
Again, in the nicest way possible, Laito either grosses and freaks Saeclus out or makes him feel pained and uneasy with sorrow.
His behavior towards women is inexcusable in Saeclus' eyes, and he tells him as much. Not that he expects Laito to care, even if he is considering burning him to a crisp while he speaks, but he had a feeling that wasn't all there was to it.
So he did some - because he's a curious soul at the end of it all - and found some clarity through hushed whispers and behavioral patterns.
He doesn't know exactly what happened to Laito, but he has an idea of it, and he isn't sure if he ever wants to know if it's true or not. Because the thought alone haunts him in the dead hours of the night.
Now, to be clear, Saeclus doesn't think this excuses or justifies any of Laito's actions. In fact, as someone who has experienced something similar on a much smaller scale, he expects Laito to become more empathetic.
Still, Laito's behavior towards women (or people in general) disturbs Saeclus and repulses him, so he tends to keep interactions with Laito to a minimum. Plus, he doesn't like the way Laito's always trying to figure him out.
But he can't quite bring himself to end Laito because of that same twisted sense of empathy he feels.
Long story short: it's complicated but if Laito makes another attempt at putting one of those hideous hats on his head, Saeclus will burn him to ashes. He won't hesitate, bitch.
Ah yes. Subaru also saw Saeclus, extremely briefly, as a young child.
He was wandering the gardens while Saeclus took a walk through them, and he was seen by the older man quite quickly.
He didn't stay around to chat - actually bolted almost immediately after being spotted - but he does remember seeing Saeclus' eyes soften at the sight of him. Still wonders why.
His anger issues, in the present, often exasperate Saeclus more than anything else. He isn't necessarily annoyed - if he's being non-biased, Shin is just as prone to an outburst as Subaru - and he's also not enjoying this.
But when Subaru's on one of his more peaceful days - or is feeling a bit shy around Saeclus - he thinks of him as a rather cute boy.
Saeclus loves nature, and by default, flowers. So it's quite often that Subaru and Saeclus have a chat on the subject away from any eavesdropping sleazebags. Subaru's worried he'd be made fun of.
Saeclus honestly doesn't mind Subaru, he's fine. Sure, he could - and should - work on that temper of his and stop throwing tantrums every time something goes south, but other than that he's okay.
You can catch Saeclus giving Subaru a lecture on why a small mistake does not put his overall ability in question, and how to start working on himself to become more confident. And seeing a demon like Saeclus might help Subaru, you know with the whole "because I'm a demon" thought process.
Honestly, I am not very confident in writing for canon characters, so if you think my portrayal can be improved in any way, do tell me! I hope you enjoyed this post ❤️
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mrprince3 · 2 years
Why SaNami Over LuNami
Let me first start by saying I'm not here to offend the contrary. My goal is not to prove why SaNami is better than LuNami but simply show why I think SaNami is a good ship. Also, similar assessment has probably been done before so I might be repeating what other people have said without knowing so just know that. I've read a lot of posts from LuNami supporters and their evidence as to why they think it's a good ship and to be frank, I'm quite surprised because they had a lot of 'evidence' but not really at the same time but that just what I think you don’t need to take it for granted. Once again, this is my personal opinion. I'm not here to do anything negative of any sort, I'm simply just sharing my thoughts. Without further ado let's begin.
1. Nami is Sanji’s number one + More
Yes, wow! Amazing right? I know I know. Okay, if you're the person who is going to disagree with me now and say "But Pudding loves Sanji so they should be together." Then, you either hate Sanji or you like Sanji and you just want him to be with a person that actually loves him. Which I wholeheartedly understand but as a person who likes Sanji very much I think Pudding doesn't deserve Sanji. I'm not gonna explain why as I already did in my previous post so read that if you want to know. Nonetheless, I do want to point at one thing about Pudding that I haven't noticed in my post regarding her. Big Mom said that Pudding will have an awakening that'll allow them to decipher the poneglyphs. I think she was referring to the special ability of the 3-eyed tribe. Big Mom may have been defeated but she is definitely not dead because Zeus didn't disappear and she said it herself that it wasn't enough to kill her. So perhaps we will see Pudding again and if Oda ever tries to add more on her redemption maybe just maybe I could accept her and even be willing to say that she deserves Sanji depending on how significant her redemption is. Viola is another contender that I see, as of now I’d rather have Viola instead of Pudding, because both Sanji and Viola shared mutua romantic interest. However, the problem lies in developing their relationship and the two just weren't given the time to do so. Even if they are both in love, Sanji is gone. Unlike Pudding, the chances of Sanji seeing Viola again is very low because she has no other roles to play except for her role as a princess of Dressrosa. My point being that Sanji will just become more attached to Nami or have more interactions with Nami which may or may not further advance their relationship. Now let's start talking about Sanji. Some LuNami fans disagree with SaNami because of the fact that Sanji loves all the ladies in the world. So he automatically doesn't have the sense of commitment which I think is false. He was committed to the marriage with Pudding and was ready to give up his adventures with his crew and dreams if it meant saving their lives including his father figure Zeff. I mean he was so committed that he didn't have his usual reaction (heart eyes) when seeing Nami enter a whole yonko territory to save him. Sanji's kindness and bias towards women probably won't change but I think Sanji is definitely capable of commitment. You can’t hate Sanji for liking other girls because he isn’t into a relationship with anyone. It's all a gag that I personally find funny but preferred to be lowered down. Oda has undoubtedly made Sanji more perverted than he ever was post time skip and it's hurting his character. I do think after Wano things will become much better for Sanji and I do hope he doesn’t encounter female opponents. I do think Nami is conscious of Sanji's affection towards her so he does take advantage of that sometimes but I really don't mind and Sanji enjoys it so who cares. Nami also cares a lot about Sanji (She wanted to get Sanji back as soon as possible Zou and WCI highlights). Despite saying “I’ll never forgive you” to Sanji in WCI, she was overjoyed when Sanji caught her, preventing her from falling to the ground.
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Part of me thinks she's just playing hard to get or even acting like a tsundere sometimes but I'm probably wrong. I mean who wouldn't fall in love with such a dependable and smart man? The only thing that's ruining Sanji’s chances is his lack of commitment and out of control perverted behaviors which annoys Nami often. Sanji's post time skip has undeniably become worse in regards with his pervertedness towards pretty ladies. But out of all the female characters in One Piece Sanji had most of his interactions with Nami. They had several moments with each other which just forced the belief on me that being them being together in the end. Oda could've simply not have included those moments but he did like the wedding theme exclusively for Nami and Sanji the groom and the bride. I don't know why but their relationship reminds me of Usui and Misaki from Maid-Sama if you know you know😉. If you don't know, I'd recommend watching it. Misaki's confession is how I would imagine Nami confessing to Sanji though the chances of this happening is probably close to zero. The difference is that Usui is an actual giga chad and is only dedicated towards one girl. I think Sanji and Nami just need a scenario where they can better understand and develop their feelings towards one another. Though the chances of this is very low due to it being a battle shounen it's still possible. Since Sanji has been with Nami all this time and has had some sole moments with her I do think that she's more special compared to other girls given that she's the only girl Sanji calls with San suffix and he’s the only guy Nami calls with Kun suffix. Which could just refer to respect but then again at the end of the day I find it cute because it's what a couple would do. Towards the recent chapters it was shown that Sanji actually lost control of himself and even gave Zoro a heads up to kill him if he ever goes berserk. 
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 Maybe at one point Sanji will be forced into transforming into a monster to save his friends, probably more towards Nami and Robin. His emotions of course are what will cause this transformation. He'll unleash the devil that is hiding inside of him to save the person that he cares for the most, Nami (biased). I could really see this happening to Sanji. Sanji transforming into this monster will finally make Nami realize that she isn't just any girl for Sanji and she might be aware of this already but who knows. Nonetheless, perhaps Sanji could lose control like his siblings and have no remorse or the sense of value like he once had. Then, maybe Nami could do something to calm him down which would prove to her that Sanji's love for her is more special than she may have initially thought. This is all speculations and chances of it happening is slim to none. At any rate, Sanji and Nami's relationship is undoubtedly just going to progress. I would also like to mention those people that say “Romance between the crew would destroy the image of friendship that they have going.” I understand what they mean but you have to understand one thing: Sanji has had a different intention towards Nami ever since they met. Yes, they are friends as of now, but them being together wouldn’t destroy anything because Sanji has viewed Nami more than just a friend and in chapter 991 Sanji actually calls her MY nami-san. Perhaps you think oh it’s gonna ruin it because it’s going to be forced since it’s a one sided love. Again, I understand what you mean but them being together has yet to happen and I don’t think Oda would simply make Nami love Sanji romantically for no reason. 
For the second part of this talk I will discuss some of the plausible hints that may or may not prove anything. Though one thing before I do that, I wanna talk about some of the reasoning of LuNami fans and try to interpret it with my own logical reasoning instead of biased reasoning. Please bear me with me. 
1. Nami and Luffy are the only ones wearing crowns on some of the color spreads which apparently shows that they are both King and Queens meaning that they will be together at the end. Now this could be the case, but it could just show that Nami is the heroine of the story, the main girl. Similarly, Luffy is the protagonist and has a crown on him and it would also lead to the idea of his dream being the KING of pirates which is mentioned by him a lot. However, the idea of QUEEN of pirates has never been mentioned of any sort. The closest we got is Boa Hancock being referred to as Pirate Empress. Therefore, calling Nami that is just pure speculation with no relevance to One Piece but I do understand what the LuNami fans mean. 
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2. Nami and Luffy are the only ones that appear to be raising their hand on some of the color spread. Now Luffy is raising his hand because there's  treasure which would mean he'd be able to eat a lot of meat. Similarly, Nami is raising her hand also because there's treasure and as we know Nami loves treasure.
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3. Luffy putting his straw hat on Nami's head. Now I have no idea how this turned into a romantic gesture but I guess there's no point in questioning it. If anything though, Luffy giving his straw hat to Nami shows his trust to her even though she betrayed them which shows that Luffy still considered her as Nakama. Luffy knows his nakama very well and will do anything for them. Sanji literally went on a brutal beatdown on him and he took it without using haki because he understood Sanji’s sacrificial motive. Unlike Nami, who believed Sanji’s act, Luffy knew the truth. Sanji just thought of it as Luffy just being selfish but Luffy knew what Sanji really wanted, which was to be back with them. It’s one of the reasons why Luffy is such a good protagonist his always true to his words. It goes to show the lengths Luffy will go to once he views you as a nakama. Luffy treasures his nakama and puts his hat on Nami and says "Of course I will" after Nami asked for help. My point being, his hat is his treasure and was a way of confirming to Nami that he still viewed him as one of them. This is because Luffy could've just said "You're my friend, of course I'll help you." Instead, he took the hat route as means to say you're my friend and I view you as my Nakama.
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4. LuNami fans like to use movies, especially strong world, for hints. But those movies are not canon...in other words it never happened in the real story. You can call it fanservice if you will. Some argue and say what matters is Oda's intention. I'm just like😂🤷 because sure it was his intention FOR the movie which is not CANON. The hints or moments in the movie are for the movie exclusively. It's like blood type just because we're both humans doesn't mean we have the same blood. We can't use each other's blood if they DIFFER as means for transfusion. (I was not arguing please don't hate me.)
5. LuNami fans also bring up Usopp Gallery where Oda apparently called one of the SaNami fan arts 'stupid' and 'delusional'. All I can say is it's called Usopp Gallery for a reason which means that it's Usopp's commentary not Oda! Even if we say it was Oda's intention it just wouldn't make sense because Oda made those Sanji and Nami moments knowingly that it'll create some sort of ship between the two. So if it was his commentary then it wouldn't make sense because it's like his calling his own creation stupid. Usopp though calling it stupid makes a lot more sense. Also, one of the fan arts indicating SaNami commentary stated "This is Sanji's dream" which would prove SaNami right? Since One piece is all about reaching your dreams. Again, We don’t have a way of confirming it 100% if it was Oda's intention or just Usopps but if you're a SaNami fan don’t take it for granted and let it deviate your initial thoughts.
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6. Portgas D. Rouge, the mother of Ace, apparently looks similar to Nami. We don’t know anything about Rogue history to make comparisons in regards with character. So saying they’re similar is quite invalid. Appearance wise they do not look alike at all: different hair color, eye shape, and eye color. I also don't think she's a navigator or part of Roger's crew because the navy didn't seem to have known her. Luffy and Roger are comparable but not really in terms of character. Roger is more intelligent than Luffy in terms of being captain; he knows what he needs to achieve his goals. Luffy on the other hand, was just lucky enough to stumble upon the right people and had to save them to build trust vice versa. Roger seems to not have a problem killing people as he did for Squard’s crew. Luffy is less proud because he is in fact willing to kneel in exchange for favors and mercy. Whilst, Roger seemed to contain a lot of pride as we can see with Ace. Luffy also has the ability to draw everyone on his side which I doubt Roger had. Luffy and Roger share the same passion of becoming the King of Pirates but they are very much different. As a result, they are not gonna have the same outcomes except of course becoming the king of pirates.
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7. Nami’s punches working on Luffy actually means something other than being a GAG. Garp calls them “Fist of Love '' so LuNami fans think that there's some connection between the two. In reality, unlike Nami, Garp knows Haki so it makes sense that his fist actually hurt Luffy. In an sbs Oda confirmed that it’s not that Nami’s hurting Luffy physically but his spirit.
8. They would also point out Oda’s wife cosplaying Nami and use it as a hint and say Oda thinks of himself as Luffy. However, when asked what he thinks about Luffy Oda said that Luffy is what his “ideal child” would be. Did you know that Oda’s a chainsmoker and a pervert? Well now you do. That reminds me of someone that we One Piece fans know very well…..Ohhhh that’s right, Sanji! My point being, if anything Oda is more of a Sanji than a Luffy. Thus, this hint is logically more favored towards SaNami.
The main reason why I choose SaNami over LuNami is mainly because I don't see Luffy as someone who is interested in romance. I don't think Oda will change Luffy's character and turn him into a character that appeals for romance like Sanji. This could possibly change after he is able to achieve his main objective of becoming the king of pirates like Roger suddenly having a baby. However, for Roger he had a reason why he wanted a kid which was to inherit his will of becoming the next king of pirates. As you can see the Roger pirates were too early. 
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So he made sure to have a kid that could inherit his will which we now know as Ace. Unfortunately, Luffy will be the man Roger is waiting for and become the one that he hoped his child would become. Therefore, Luffy wouldn't really need a child to inherit anything because he already will be the one finishing the mission. Now, Luffy can still definitely have a kid but he is the embodiment of freedom. I'm not sure if Luffy would desire such responsibility. Luffy can also just end up with someone with no child like Rayleigh. Sanji has a sense of commitment as I established earlier; he just needs to be loved back and taken seriously. Despite Sanji being one of the more intelligent straw hats he has yet to discover the WAY to Nami's heart. Nami could personally just ask Sanji to do so and Sanji would probably be able to maintain composure and just love only Nami and still be kind to other girls which is not a problem and Nami actually favours it though not the point of him killing himself because of it. Like how Nami respected his chivalry in Enies Lobby. Personally, I just find SaNami really cute even though it's one-sided as of now. The slow burn romance of two friends slowly becoming true lovers at the end MaMa Ma Ma! that would indeed be sooo satisfying. My headcanon is getting more severe as we speak. If you have read until here you're a legend. T'was mostly nonsense coming from me but thank you for reading have a beautiful day.
Today marks the birthday of Nami-Swaaan July 3rd
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Weird one but I kinda just want to see what the reaction would be: Julieta and Agustín getting caught having sex by their children. I just imagine it'd be so funny, awkward and uncomfortable. I don't know if you've seen That 70s Show, but I see it similar to when Eric walked in on his parents in that 😂
(No incest though, because eww)
Thank you for clarifying no incest- I don't do that shit here. And I've got rugrats at home, so I can attest that being able to have fun is. Complicated sometimes. Sure, let's do it!
Augustín rolled over on his side, and had snuggled behind his wife, embracing her. He was happy. A bit too much. He woke up with quite the case of morning wood, and he had pressed his hard on against her bare back. He didn't seem to realize it, given how distracted he was, giving his wife the kisses she deserved. It was still pretty early in the morning, so the lack of attention was reasonable.
"Morning amor...you're so pretty."
She shouldn't. But...well, she was absolutely a morning horny sort of person. She reached behind her, and pulled him out from his boxers, pressing the gerth against her own night time underwear.
"And you're horny, Augustín ~"
Augustín seemed to just realize this, making a confused hum in response. But upon realizing that he was being touched, he immediately went with the flow. Grinning, he kissed her cheek.
"And YOU aren't?"
They shared a chuckle, and a few kisses, with him moaning against her as she continued to touch him with her soft, little hands. His hands went from around her stomach, to slowly reaching up to her tits. They felt nice, being in his careful palms.
"We have some time before we have to get up. How do you want to do it?"
He hummed in thought, before groaning against her skin.
"Hhm...I'm not fully awake yet. But you are. You could sit on top of me...so I can see ese hermoso cuerpo."
"And just WHAT makes my body beautiful, Augustín?"
Oh she loved how he chuckled in her ear. Loved the way his thumbs rolled over her nipples.
"Everything. It's full, it's soft, it gave me the beautiful family I love so much. You're like bread."
"Warm and comforting?"
"I was going to say good enough to eat, maybe with butter, but yours is more romantic."
Oh that made her laugh. He was a stupid, heartfelt man. She rolled over, planting her hands on his chest to get him on his back. She took off her underwear, and cradled him, slowly rubbing her wet pussy against his hard cock.
"Ay Augustín. Te amo."
"I love you too. So much."
He took her hand to kiss the back of it, his mustache tickling her soft skin. She sank herself slowly down onto him, both sighing in content. It was hard to find the time to do these sort of things, so they cherished whenever they could. She started off slow, just how they liked it. His hands roamed to her thighs, giving them a decent squeeze.
"Cum inside this time, please?"
He chuckled as he looked up at her. He didn't have his glasses on, but she could tell he was still admiring her and her beauty.
"You want to be a mami again? So soon?"
She nodded, feeling that cock slide in and out of her as she moved. All these years of marriage, and the sex was still as exciting and pleasurable as it was from the start. She nodded, pushing some of her hair behind her ear, and covering her mouth a bit, trying to hide her blush and her grin.
"Maybe. No es mi culpa, my handsome husband gave me such beautiful daughters. I want more."
"You...might get that s-sooner than you think. Lo siento."
Augustín was already about to finish. She recalled when they were younger, he wouldn't last very long either. But that never mattered to her. She chuckled, looking at her husband with absolute adoration.
"You cum cuando quieras. When you finish, you can always use that pretty face of yours to help me."
Augustín, despite the fact that he was close to orgasm, snickered up at her, as if this man was somehow still shy around his loving wife.
"Let me guess- you want me to eat your ass?"
"Smart Papi~"
He was so close. He was throbbing. He was going to empty inside of her and-
"Breakfast train come-HOLY ASS!!!"
She immediately got off of him, grabbing the blanket to cover them both. They crossed their legs in almost shame, watching as a VERY uncomfortable set of sisters stood there, averting their gazes from their parents. Luisa was holding a tray, full of breakfast, while Mirabel was holding plates and napkins. Both of them were turned around however, Mirabel muttering how absolutely gross this was, and Luisa desperately trying to find SOMETHING to say.
"We are SO sorry- we just wanted to give you guys breakfast because you guys were working really hard and we appreciate you guys and we love you-"
Augustín sat up, keeping his legs crossed.
"I'm SO sorry- we didn't know you girls would be awake so early, it's SO sweet of you two-"
Butted Isabela, who was holding a lovely bouquet of flowers.
"I was following behind, I couldn't decide what color roses to use. Why is everyone being...?"
She trailed off, evaluating the situation.
"Oh. Should've done hard boiled eggs for breakfast."
Both her sisters screamed at her, and Julieta sighed into her hand. Great, now today was going to be just this. Isabela shrugged.
"What-this situation is FUNNY. Because I wasn't involved in it. The trauma is hilarious. Minus you Luisa, ven aquí, cariño."
Isa let her put the tray down, before holding onto her bicep, and walking her downstairs in comfort. Mira stood there, uncomfortable, before putting what she was holding on the table, smacking her face against the door, and finally making it out. Augustín kept the blanket around him as he got up, calling down the hallway.
Julieta groaned. Maybe another kid could wait, just for a while.
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