#but I’m changing my headcanon I think her accent is German
tongue-ttied · 2 years
my avatrice headcanons because they’re adorable pt.2:
(also im sorry to all of you that i hurt with the last headcanon on my last one, unnecessarily sad)
-Ava’s a huge fan of taylor swift
-Beatrice is more of a pheobe bridgers fan / and a big fan of instrumental
-Ava would marry Bea with paper rings
-Beatrice listens to Taylor Swift when Ava isn’t around / they share a spotify account so Ava totally knows
-Bea won’t go out with Ava on a night out but still tells her to go have fun / Ava always leaves early cause she just wants to go home to Bea
-Ava flirts really hard with Beatrice when she’s been drinking and it gets Bea all flustered
-Ava is oblivious to everyone flirting with her when she bartends because she only has eyes for Beatrice
-they bake cookies together and Ava eats all the raw dough and Bea tells her she’s gonna make herself sick (which she always does)
-Ava hates her birthday because she was always alone / she forgot about it this year
(canonly in s1 e4 Sister Francis says Ava will age out in a month so that means Ava turned 20 while in hiding. s2 is two months after s1 but Ava said that Bea and her had only been at the bar a month so either they have only been in the Alps for 1 month or they’ve been there for 2 and but worked at the bar for 1?? / im thinking too hard about this)
my head canon is they’ve been in the Alps for two months but only worked at the bar for one please tell me if i’m wrong
-Ava let it slip that her birthday passed and Bea was sad she didn’t tell her about it / Bea then baked a cake, bought her a gift, made her a card and cooked her a nice dinner to make up for it / it was the best birthday Ava has ever had
-Beatrice thinks she’d be a terrible mother because of her own relationship with her family/ Ava KNOWS Beatrice would make an amazing mother
-Beatrice taught Ava german
-the few times Beatrice has fallen asleep reading on the couch she’s woken up to Ava asleep on top of her like a weighted blanket
-Ava has a tendency to get changed right in front of Beatrice because she really doesn’t grasp the concept of privacy around her / “we’re best friends Bea who cares if you see me in my bra!”
-Beatrice gives Ava piggyback rides when Ava claims to be “too tired” after training
-Ava likes to study all of the lines, scars and callouses on Beatrice’s hands and Bea just lets her / Ava knows all the stories of all the scars she’s ever seen on Beatrice
-Ava definitely calls Beatrice by other pet names / she’s definitely let ‘Babe’ slip a few times and played it off
-Beatrice likes to run her fingers through Ava’s hair when Ava rests her head in her lap while she reads
-Hans thinks they’re dating / that’s what the ‘glance’ was about he thought they were having a couples argument
-the pretty girl at the bar whispered to Bea “she’s been watching us the whole time, now she knows she’s not the only friend in the world”
-Ava always holds Bea’s hand or links their arms when walking around town so she “doesn’t get lost”
-The day that Ava had fallen and basically died, Beatrice held her so tightly the entire night and couldn’t sleep, she just had to make sure Ava was breathing the whole time, reminding herself that she was okay, that Ava was alive
-Ava eats off of Beatrice’s plate even if they’re having the same food
-Ava mimics Beatrice’s British accent sometimes / asks her to pronounce long or funny words just to hear how she says them
-Beatrice keeps buying new socks because Ava keeps loosing them / she’s a barefoot around the house kind of girl
-Ava is also a floor girl
-Beatrice is a morning person who likes to do long stretches, Ava is a night owl who likes to sit on their fire escape and look out at the town
-they’ve spent countless nights staying up until the sunrise just talking about anything and everything
-even though Ava can levitate she always asks Beatrice to grab things that are too high for her
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supercluedofan · 1 year
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Drawing different versions of Clue characters and giving my opinions/headcanons on them! Here’s my take on Miss Scarlett, as portrayed by the 1949 UK board game.
Firstly, here’s some canon info on this version!
She’s mid-20s, the youngest of the suspects in this version (she’s usually the youngest, so this makes sense, seeing as it’s the first official Cluedo game, unless you count Murder!).
The Cluedo fandom wiki lists her ethnicity as French + Italian, although I’m unsure if this is confirmed!
Her hair in this version is styled into victory rolls, a curling method most popular from 1940 to 1945!
I’ve given her the lead piping as a weapon, which was introduced in this game, and did not exist in Murder!
While her name is spelled “Scarlett” in this game (and its US equivalent), it will change to the spelling “Scarlet” by the next installment.
And, my own headcanons on 1949 UK Scarlett…
She’s a cis woman, and heterosexual. English and German ethnically, American nationality-wise. Her name in my mind is something like Catherine, but she goes by Kitty.
I like to imagine she’s an actress, advocating for the usage of the Transatlantic accent in film and radio. I picture this version of the game taking place in 1939, 10 years prior to release, making it set the same year as the theatre release of The Wizard of Oz. I think this movie is Scarlett’s favourite for its ingenuity and beautiful imagery, despite it not having a lot of popularity as a film in its first year.
I think this game’s Scarlett has a crush on this game’s Mustard. She probably finds height attractive, since she’s a tall woman herself. I imagine 1949 Scarlett dreams of settling down with a strong patriotic “man’s man”, unlike most other Scarlett variants (this idea of mine is mostly fuelled by her victory rolls, I confess). He’s definitely oblivious to her affections, but that’s okay. She’s also attracted to dumb men.
Her signature weapon is the lead piping, because it has no recoil, and no sharp parts to worry about accidental self-injury. She’s very particular about her weaponry, when she’s the killer. She also hates mess, and if she can give someone brain damage or bruising with minimal external bleeding, that is certainly preferable.
If she existed in the modern day, rather than the late 30s / early 40s, her go to song would be “Wildest Dreams” by Taylor Swift (Taylor’s version, of course. Scarlett isn’t an animal).
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ckret2 · 3 years
Do you have any headcanons about the Hazbin's (minus Charlie) lives back when they were alive?
I scrolled through all 42 pages of the hazbin tag on my blog and literally every one of my premortem headcanons are about Alastor and Sir Pentious lmfao
So sure! Want an entire novella about my headcanons for Sir Pentious's backstory?
For Alastor, I can offer:
a traumatic toddler experience
his mother observing him with ghosts as a child
Alastor working with demons (funny)
Alastor working with demons (creepy)
Alastor and his asexuality/aromanticism (mostly postmortem but it has some premortem flashbacks)
Alastor with friends in the 20s trying to explain he does not get horny
a fic that didn't ACTUALLY happen but that demonstrates my headcanons for how he works with demons
And moving away from fics and on to tumblr posts!
For Alastor:
Alastor fought in World War I
another WWI post
headcanon about how he died (I've since changed my headcanon—hunting accident rather than manhunt—but the position's the same)
excerpt from one of the fics above about Alastor's first kiss
early headcanoning on Alastor's relationship with the queer community in life
Alastor saw but didn't learn the lindy hop in life
Alastor's accent makes people (in this case Sir Pentious) think that he's upper class when actually he's just had theater training
Alastor's family tree comes from a mix of socioeconomic backgrounds and before he died he achieved fame but not fortune
Alastor does not feel broken/insecure due to being ace/aro and never has
what people in Louisiana thought of Alastor as a radio host
what did Alastor look like (and Sir Pent)
Alastor only saw 10% of the Golden Age Of Radio and that's fucked up
fun fact when Alastor was on air radio stations weren't "just news" or "just (one genre of) music," a single station would play music and news and soap operas and sports etc
random links of queer history, 1920s gay culture, slang, and NOLA history
Alastor's mother grew up while Sir Pentious was menacing the US and she has very vivid memories of living in fear of him, and also she doesn't know her son is a cannibalistic murderer
Alastor wore glasses in life and only switched to a monocle in death
Alastor was never identified as a serial killer and there's probably unsolved true crime documentaries made about his killings (and these documentaries unknowingly use a recording of the killer's real voice, a clip from a news broadcast where Alastor read about the killings on air)
check out how hyped this newspaper in the 20s was for radio like goddamn
Alastor listened to radio all day every day
more 1920s research links
very loose overview of New Orleans race relations 1890-1920
how NOT to write about Voodoo
reminder that "alastor did magic in life" is a headcanon until we SEE him using magic before he died—also "Voodoo" is a religion not a magic power
how Alastor avoided getting caught as a serial killer
I doubt Alastor was famous enough for queer historians to have discovered he existed, only niche radio broadcast historians know about him
Alastor was raised to be courteous to (respectable) women, but not to genuinely see them as equals in a modern sense
1920s hair facts and headcanons on Alastor's hair
scene from one of the above fics of baby Alastor being haunted as shit
Alastor is a hedonistic thrill killer not a mission-oriented killer
his killing method was shooting from a distance, like hunting game
Alastor was kinda psychic in life and his psychicness interacted with radio signals
this includes developing a hella accurate sense of time
Alastor's always been hella into Mardi Gras
here he is in a ridiculous Cajun Mardi Gras costume
how the Great Depression probably affected Alastor
Alastor feels 0% empathy for other people but 500% empathy for fictional characters in musicals
For Sir Pentious:
he was so infamous that today he's a common character used in historical fiction in the same way that Victorian-era historical fiction commonly uses Queen Victoria as a character
(and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle references him in a Sherlock story)
(and he really did call himself Sir Pentious in life)
(and every character who lived after him had to study him in school, including Vaggie writing a paper about him and Alastor was cast as him in a school play)
(and now let's talk about historians dying and meeting the people they studied in Hell)
he has a son who's probably now in heaven
Sir Pent is trans
no seriously he has a son
Sir Pent has a chain of deadnames he used before settling on "Sir Pentious" and all of them are snake puns
one of Sir Pent's chosen names
based on Victorian sexual mores Sir Pent probably got kinda homoerotic with some dudes
this is just big Trans Sir Pent energy
what did Sir Pent look like (and Alastor)
I don't think Sir Pent used a wheelchair in life (but do think he had to for a while after he died)
Sir Pent is Pussyeating World Champ no I do not accept arguments
Sir Pent and his wife were very loving until his wife went "nope, you're planning world conquest, that's too evil for me"
he rigged his clothes to self-combust so he could choose death if he was ever on the verge of capture
his wife was named Helena and here's why
this is his self-destruct binder/corset
the one headcanon everyone shares
Sir Pent ain't Jack the Ripper
And there's a ton more headcanons on @dontasktheradiodemon my Alastor ask/RP blog but listen, I just went through 42 pages of one tag and it's 3 a.m., I'm not going to comb my roleplay blog for every premortem headcanon I've ever mentioned about him over there. It includes stuff like "he did deliberately shitty horoscope readings on air" and "the first time he summoned a demon he was on the Western Front and also coming down with Spanish flu so he's not sure how much of the ensuing chaos was real vs fevered hallucinations or how much was the Germans' fault vs the imp's" and "he lived a few years in New York and did drag."
These are not the only headcanons I have. These are just the headcanons I've been asked about or made time to type down. (And not counting all my postmortem headcanons. Or the premortem headcanons sprinkled into postmortem fics.) Feel free to ask me for more. Ideally with a topic you'd like to hear about; otherwise asking me "do you have any headcanons?" is like walking into a library and asking "do you have any books?" Gimme a section to start with.
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Hey, I already read some of your headcanons and loved your One-Shots of Heisy <3 May I request a Heisenberg X Reader One-Shot who is also German? Like they would be a tourist and stumble over the Village etc. Heisenberg will take care of her (which was chosen by Miranda). When arriving in his factory, he would notice their accent. How would his reaction be if he'd find out their native language is the same as the origin of his family? (F!Reader or GN!Reader pls!)
Ah this is so creative thank you!
You felt your head pound before you even opened your eyes. You could hear faint voices growing louder as your body and mind began to slowly wake up. "What the fuck happened?", you thought to yourself. You meant to go on a simple vacation to a secluded area in Romania. Life had gotten so stressful that you just decided to take a trip far away. The last thing you expected was to crash the car you were driving into a tree. Your thoughts began to gather from the haziness inside your head. It all seemed like a weird fucked up dream. You remember seeing something weird outside your car window which caused you to crash. It looked like... a werewolf.. or some other horrific beast. Then bam! It all went black and now here you are.
"She's an outsider! There is no telling how she got here mother, but she already has seen to much. If she were given to me, I'd make sure she'd stay quiet.", a powerful female voice rang. You slowly began to open your eyes. It was hard to open them past a squint due to the outrageous pain coming from your head. Your vision was blurry, but you could make out the silhouettes of a very tall lady in white, a strange hunched-over man, a black figure with a small white doll, a man sitting on a pew, and a woman in the center with a strange mask. "Oh come on! She's got to be of some use other than empty calories for you!", the man on the pew sasses. "How dare you! You stupid little manthing!", her voice boomed in the church. Were they.. fighting over you? It was impossible to put the pieces together. No one even noticed you were awake.
"SILENCE! BOTH OF YOU!", the woman in the middle demanded as wings spread from her back. "Heisenberg, you may take her. Just please adjust your attitude! I never want to hear you two fight over this again. Do you understand?" "Yes mother.", they both responded in an aggravated tone. You still haven't moved, but you begin to open your eyes more. The man on the pew became clearer. He was wearing a coat and a hat. Sunglasses covered his eyes and he had a large metallic hammer propped beside him. "This meeting is dismissed.", the woman says before vanishing into nothing but black feathers. You couldn't tell if you were dreaming or possibly died and went to hell, but you were far too scared to scream.
"Ah. Seems like my prize is awake.", the man makes his way over to you and kneels down to face you. You just then noticed that your wrists were cuffed and you had been laying on the ground the whole time. "How are you feeling?", he cocks his head. You're unable to form words as you're too overwhelmed by everything. "Well... I don't hear any bitching so I'll assume you feel fine. Can you stand?", he asks. You wiggle your legs, shocked at how they suddenly feel heavy. They're still asleep from whatever happened after you hit the tree. He helps lift you off the ground and to your feet, but your legs shake beneath you. You begin to fall, but he catches you. "Looks like you still need some rest.", he picks you up bridal style. Your head was still hurting, so you close your eyes.
"This is just a bad dream. This is just a bad dream. This is just a bad dream.", you repeated to yourself in your head.
"Home sweet home.", he says. You open your eyes and realize you had drifted off to sleep and had woken up again, confirming this wasn't a dream. You were still in his arms as you looked around, taking in the scenery. It looked like a factory. "You've got some blood on you still. That was a pretty bad crash. Luckily, you don't have any broken bones. But if you keep actin like this, I might have to assume you got some brain damage.", he laughs a little at his own words. He carries you to what looks like some type of workshop room. There, he sits you down in a chair and begins to rummage for some supplies to help your wounds.
You finally gain the guts to speak up. ".. can you please get rid of these cuffs on my wrists?" He jumps slightly at your unexpected voice and unexpected accent. It was an accent he recognized, but hadn't heard in so long. "Sure thing.", he flicks his wrist towards you and the cuffs break and fall off your wrists. You look down, shocked, as you roll your wrists around and stare at them.
"How did you do that?!" He approaches you slowly with his supplies, and he dampens a rag with rubbing alcohol. He squints his eyes at you for a moment as if he's thinking hard about something. "Don't worry about it.", he crouches down and begins to rub your head with the rag. The rubbing alcohol stings and you wince at the pain. "Sit still..", he continues to wipe at your forehead which you now realize must have a cut on it. "I'm sorry.", you say quietly, afraid of disrupting the man.
"Where did you come from? How did you get here?", he begins to question you. He stops rubbing your face and steps back to stare into your eyes. His were intimidating and demanding. You speak up. "I am.. from Germany. I came here for a vacation and.. I think I got into an accident.", you say. "Germany, huh.", he seems to daze off slightly when he says this. "I figured. I can hear it in your voice." Why is he so interested by this?
"You're name is.. Heisenberg? Correct?", your words snap him back to the present. "Yes. Karl Heisenberg. And you are?", he becomes engaged in the conversation once more. "I'm (Y/N). Karl Heisenberg.... that is a very German sounding name.", you try to make conversation. "Well, my family was German. It's just been so long... I nearly forgot what it sounded like..", he gets up and walks back to the box in which held first aid supplies. "Your family.. who are they?", you ask, confused from his lack of context. The mentioning of his family causes him to freeze in place.
"It's.... been a long time. Don't worry about it.", he finds a bandaid and walks over to you. He puts the bandaid on your forehead to cover your cut. "It's just nice to hear it again." There was a bitter sweetness to his words. The room goes silent after that, but there's a new tenseness in the air.
"What's... happening? Where am I?", you ask. It's almost comical how long it took you to ask. "Well.... to put it short.. you got into your little accident and this is probably the worst place it could've happened. You were found by Mother Miranda before the lycans were able to get to you. The fact that you're here already means you know too much, so the only options where either to have you killed or be put to use by one of the Lords. Donna never participates in these types of things and Moreau is to idiotic to speak up. Your life was either gonna be in my hands or the hands of that supersized bitch. I know what she does to girls like you and I didn't want that to happen so now you're here."
You have no clue how to respond. Mother Miranda? Lycans? What does it all mean? "I know it's a lot to take in. But, I have a plan to get out of here one day. Once you start feeling better, maybe you can help me. I like you. I like the way you talk." He probably means your accent since he seems so focused on it. "The way I talk...", you cock your head and look into his eyes, trying to get a reaction. He breaks the eyecontact and looks at the ground. "My mother and father always wanted to keep the culture and language alive through the family. I didn't get to learn too much as a kid, but I remember the accent. It's... really nice." He becomes overwhelmed with his own emotions. He didn't want to admit you or himself that something as silly as a strangers voice was so comforting to him. He keeps his composure and walks back to where the first aid box is to pack it up once more.
"Your family is gone?", you almost regret saying it the moment it left your lips. Was it too personal? You tense up as he stays silent for a little too long. "Yes." Once he's done, he turns to look at you. "How do you feel? Can you stand up now?", he changes the subject. You wiggle your legs a little to prepare. The feeling had come back to them, so you stand up. You lift each leg to check for any abnormalities, but they feel fine other than a bit of soreness. The rest of your body was the same. You ached all over but it wasn't excruciating.
"Well, looks like you'll be fine. That gash on your forehead is probably the worst of your injuries, but I don't think it needs stitches." "Thank you for helping me. Is there anything I can do to return the favor?, your words catch him off guard. "Just don't get in my way and we'll both be fine.", he tries to put on some type of stubborn act to cover up how weirdly flustered your words made him. "I can teach you some German if you'd like. You said you never got to learn much so maybe I can help you." He chuckles a little. The corners of his lips slowly rise into a small smile. "Maybe so."
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livlepretre · 4 years
So this is a weird thing to bring up, but I was thinking about the weirdness regarding the accents of all the Originals and remembered the scene in ATFBBTF where Elena tells Klaus that she knows he is faking the accent. In canon, we know Mikael has a British accent (despite being a viking in a settlement located in current day Virginia) and all of them speak the way they do in the present throughout all their flashbacks. I love all of your charactizations throughout your fics and wanted to know: What are your personal headcanons regarding all the accent stuff and how all the cultures the Originals have lived through have affected the way they speak, think, behave, etc.?
Not a weird thing to bring up at all, because as it turns out, I am hyper-fixated on this franchise and would love to talk about any element of it! 
This is kind of long so I put my answer under the cut: 
Personal headcanons: I like to think that all of their accents are subtly WEIRD not only because they have moved all over the place but because pronunciation of languages like English have shifted so much over time. Like, I remember an early interview with Daniel Gillies where he said that he tried to make his accent sound like it was from everywhere and nowhere, because the Originals had traveled so extensively over such a long period of time. The other thing is that their syntax tends to lag inevitably behind-- yes, they incorporate new phrasings, like Elijah using “OMG” with such relish in 2x19, but I try to think about the way English was shaped in modernist novels when I’m writing Rebekah-- her idioms are all about a century out of date-- or slip in little anachronisms that aren’t quite off but are no longer common in daily speech like “shan’t” or even older slang like “belle chose.” 
The scene in FE where Elena asks Rebekah how many languages she speaks sums it up pretty well-- they’ve been speaking a lot of these languages as they evolved from middle languages to early modern languages to modern and then contemporary language. The slippage amongst them must be pretty extraordinary-- I like the idea that even though the Originals “mostly” sound contemporary that there would be a lot of random archaic forms peppered in. 
Another idea I had is that their names are probably different than the ones they originally had, but since they’ve all traveled and evolved linguistically/culturally together, they have changed how they think of each other, and maybe even their original names are getting fuzzy in their mind (Rebekah alludes to this in that same conversation in FE). This is partially born out of my general distaste for the Viking!origins that make no bloody sense to me and the fact that even if they’re all Vikings, why is Klaus’s name Niklaus (the German form of a Greek origin name), and then Elijah, Esther, Mikael, and Rebekah have Hebrew origin names and then mysteriously Finn, Kol, and Freya have Viking names? It makes no sense which is why I came up with the idea that they’ve changed their names over time, adapting and adopting what suited them. 
The idea that they grew up in Virginia a thousand years ago is so cringe that I mostly try to block it out (I was writing ATFBBTF while season 3 was airing, which is why I reference it explicitly; that was before I was comfortable just papering over things I don’t like so much)-- like, Elijah, there weren’t wild horses in the Americas a thousand years ago! You’re confused! 
I’ve talked about this at detailed length with @icebluecyanide (whose thoughts on this are AMAZING) but I’m really fond of irrevocably attached to the idea that the Originals are actually Russian or some other Slavic country in origin. Playing on the whole “my father was a wealthy landowner in Eastern Europe,” and also in a meta-sense playing with Eastern European vampire folklore. (Also I would love anything that gets rid of that awful Mikaelson “surname”! That name keeps me up at night. Also, why does Rebekah have it. She’s not a son.) 
I do think that they all tend to be really, really stuck in the middle ages in terms of their thinking about their place in the world, the roles of men vs. women, fathers vs mothers vs sisters vs brothers, and who has filial duty to whom. Maayyybbbeeee some Humanist ideas sunk in, but honestly, there’s a reason that Rebekah still cleaves to Klaus and it’s because he’s her brother and she very much conceives of herself as lower in the family chain, even though she also rebels against it (but never quite seriously). Klaus is patronizing and domineering because he very much so sees that as his divine right-- he’s the special one, the hybrid, the king of kings. And also, he’s not even aware of his sexism when in SWBS he tells Elena things like “don’t you want to be a nurse or a teacher or a mother” (not that those aren’t critical, difficult, amazing careers!)-- it’s just that his idea of career options for women hasn’t changed in like at least a hundred years so he falls back on to him the obvious standards. 
Hmm what else... they’re all definitely cultural chameleons, though, obviously, some places left bigger impacts on them than others. I think of Italy, and England, and New Orleans when I think of their “home” cultures, but that might be because that’s where we see them in flashbacks the most often. It’s easier to blend in for the three who are awake for most of everything, of course, because changes are incremental and fluid from their perspective, happening little by little and organically as they travel. 
Oh! And I think my last thing is that I am really fond of the idea that Kol and Finn were both just caught in a supernatural sleep for all that time they were daggered... so Kol is constantly having to reinvent himself and his facility with language since I get the impression he gets daggered pretty often, though also undaggered whenever his siblings decide they miss him, which is often enough to keep him spry and make him really really good at learning language and adapting, but poor Finn has to learn contemporary English from scratch when he’s undaggered and he’s lost and bewildered in the modern world and it’s really only the fact that he already thinks of his whole existence as a bewildering haze of hell on earth that he (eventually) learns enough English and modern customs to cope (so long as no one pays close attention; he blanks a lot on which word he should use.). 
I think that’s it??? 
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vonholten · 3 years
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welcome aboard, eden von holten, student #30. we are excited to set sail with you !  has anyone told you that you look like elle fanning? according to our records, you hail from linz, vienna, prefer preferred she/her, are cisfemale, and are here to study astrophysics. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of money — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + warm, + loyal, but also - approval-seeking. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the arcade. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a pair of earrings brought from home. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
ooc info
hello, my name is ana (she/her) from gmt+1 and i’m happy i found this roleplay because it looks amazing! okay so i’ll stop talking about myself and get onto eden’s bio. if you wanna plot feel free to send me a message or ask for my discord.
NAME: eden viktoria von holten
GENDER: cis female
PLACE OF BIRTH: november 9th, 
DATE OF BIRTH: july 6, 1998
AGE: twenty-two
MAJOR: astrophysics
eden was born and spent the first ten years of her life in linz, austria. her father is an architect while her mother is a former housewife turned real estate agent.
the von holten last name was a distinguished surname back in the day as they were part of the austrian nobility. however, eden never really enjoyed the lavish life of being part of royalty as her part of her family is known as the descendants of ‘bastards’.
this meant that while her family could carry the von holten surname they didn’t have access to the family’s wealth, except for a trust fund to cover college expenses.
despite this, eden had a rather comfortable life as her father was a young promising architect that through his hard work managed to provide a good life to his family.
when eden was ten years old, her parents divorced and her father decided to leave austria to work in the england. 
her father eventually remarried and eden would spend her time between england and austria. 
many would think that eden had it easy, no event in her early life was enough to cause what would happen in the following years.
at sixteen, eden made the decision of finishing her schooling in new york, against her parents’ wishes, but being the supportive pair they were, they had no choice but let their daughter move to the big city.
tw eating disorder
something changed in those first weeks in new york, maybe it was being surrounded by the royalty of the city or the constant bombarding of slim models that prompted a switch in her.
at first it was not obvious, she reduced calories and signed up to the gym but as the months went by her obsession with calories and exercise only increased in an alarming way.
the teachers at school were the first to notice. and when they told her mother, she became very angry as she didn’t want to accept the fact that she had a serious illness and needed help.
the summer before starting at columbia, her parents took her to the doctor where she was given an ultimatum, either she gained weight during the summer or would be sent to an eating disorder clinic but that didn’t change anything and eventually was sent to the clinic, causing her to lose her first semester.
eden pushed herself to fight her anorexia, not wanting to be hospitalized and manage to be discharged before the start of the semester. despite her parents’ reluctance to let their child alone again, she started studying astrophysics at columbia.
for the next three years have been difficult for her, many times she has relapsed but on her own, she has managed to pull through but the increasing anxiety only gets worse, especially in finals time.
end of tw
at one point the stress got so high that her parents just made her drop out and go back to vienna. she did and spent a year working at her mother’s company before she made the decision to give university another chance.
she took the decision to attend seas because her step sister was here and this is her first semester
she’s doing a lot better now and she sees this as her chance to prove herself that she is healthy now.
from a young age, eden has felt a fascination for stars and space. she never thought of studying anything related with that until she was interned in the clinic and spent most of her time reading books about the subject
speaks fluent german and she still has a slight austrian accent as she speaks in that language with her family
loves Pomeranians, and if you see her Instagram is filled with pomeranians blogs
she’s been to fourteen Elton John’s concerts, the last one a few days before her birthday. safe to say she is a fan
fan of any hgtv show
she has 'bought’ stars for herself since no one does it for her lmao
betelguese is her favorite star
actually believes in horoscope
favorite song: freaking tiny dancer ofc
has watched the theory of everything too many times
used to firmly believed she was anastasia as a child, now she is happy watching the movie or musical
former best friend of cassidy silva
step-sister of student mack gallagher
childhood friend with minjun "micah" jin
wanted connections
best friend; if you are her best friend she’ll name a star on your behalf and also look what it could be: x or x
enemies: i mean she’s not one to create them but she cannot be liked by everyone and i need someone to get out her sassy side bc it’s probably rusty from being nice
roommates: self-explanatory 
first love; maybe it happened during her first year, you know i’m a hoe for angst so we can make it angsty af
friends with benefits; but really they would be very good friends that ended up sleeping together because she would need that sort of emotional connection to do it
awkward date; they went on a date that was so awkward that now they avoid each other
unrequited love; she could either have a crush on your character or viceversa, but lemme tell you that my girl can be shy so she probably just suffer and admire your character’s perfection from afar
tutor or study buddies; someone that helps her in some of her classes or the other way around
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bai-zewarrior · 4 years
So I finally nailed down my designs for the black heart characters (except colossus, perry/predator and Madusa I'm still massing with them) along with some head canons! The characters might look a bit weird next to each other, I didn't draw them all on the same canvas. I know I'm suppose to but I was lazy and didn't want to re draw the refs on one canvas. I also appologize for this being so long.
I'm hoping to start a comic with these guys. I always end up saying no to projects like this because I don't think my art is good enough but I think I'm going to put my foot down this time!
Tumblr media
Can talk(unlike my version of Cyan)
Pretty laid back but knows when he needs to be serious
Will curse you out
Thinks Aura and Nautilus are cute together
His cape works as his "soul meter"(idk what to call it). It has 3 squares on the back that represent Hal's souls. The cape becomes tattered and ripped when souls are taken.
He just wants 5 minutes of peace without someone trying to take his souls, please give him his 5 minutes of peace.
Really hates colossus
In the context of black heart I don't consider him a nano bot. He can bleed and stuff like that.
When he sleeps his body starts to heal any wounds and mend his cloths. This leaves him defenseless as he will remain unconscious until it's finished. He tries not to sleep out in the open and often uses caves and trees as temporary shelters when he needs to sleep. This can also activate when he is knocked unconscious but in cases like with Colossus the healing part is stopped.
He can change colors but he prefers red. His cloths don't change colors with him. Just his skin and his cape.
Again, in he context of black heart, I imagine Hal just kinda woke up somewhere with a bit of knowlage about himself and that's about it. Shortly after works he ran into Aura and Nautilus for the first time. He considered the battle a joke.
Has glowing markings all over his body. He can cause them to glow at will
Can only breath air for around 10 minutes( this time can decrease with some conditions such as heat or cold. This is because his gills need to be wet for him to breath air, so if it's really hot out his gills will dry out faster)
Has a stutter due to the N.A.T.U thing, among other things. Like trust issues when Xero is around
Is euryhalinr(this just means he can breath any kind of water)
His suit adds about 100lbs to him (material, water, and special boots to help with balance when moving around in the suit)
Likes to make jewlary with shells and stuff
Loves Aura to death. Would litterally die for her.
His teeth work like a shark's. One falls out? You've got plenty more to fill the gap! He has given pretty much all his friends breif heart attacks when he casually spits one out after they hear the loud bone cracking noise of a tooth braking. He keeps all the teeth.
Runs on all fours for some reason. No one knows why, including Aura.
Learned all her magic from her parents
Her parents lived like hermits because they believed people still hold witch hunts. Aura hated this because she snuck out a lot and knew that this wasn't the case.
Can be a bit forgetful with spells so she always keeps her book with her at all times
Love Nautilus to death, would die for him too.
Can't swim, her body it denser then water so she just sinks. Nautilus is almost always with her when she's near water for this reason.
Aura's wand is broken but she just keeps fixing it with tape because she doesn't know how to make a new one. She also doesn't want to ask her parents because they wouldn't let her live it down.
Made the headphones Puffer wears so he doesn't have to worry about Siren trying to mind control him, again.
Aura has a secret garden. She uses it to grow her magic plants. It has a defense system that even Jestar can't get past. Only those she has given permission can enter, but those people can give temporary permission to others. Only Nautilus, Puffer and Solario have permission to go into the garden.
Has gotten use to the weird things Natalie can do.
A bit of a hermit, but will open up when he trusts someone
Always has his eyes closed because he thinks his eyes look scary. He can still see for some reason? (Like Brock from pokemon, idk how he could see but he traveled like 3-4 regions like that)
Changes colors depending on emotions. Blue is calm and happy, purple is upset and sad and red is anger and frustration.
Puffer can create lots of spikes all over his body if needed as well as a set of claws. He doesn't do this often.
Likes to cook but keeps it a secret from everyone. (Aura and Nautilus found out though, they just kept the secret)
He really doesn't like Siren after what she did to him, but he will talk to her and hang out with her if someone else he trusts is around.
Really wants to apologize to Hal but he hasn't gotten the chance to yet.
Is really self conscious.
He's not very good at swimming but Nautilus teaches him when Siren isn't around or in Aura's secret garden.
Likes to sing for no reason
Has a not so small army of skeleton fish
Is litterally heartless (she doesn't like to talk about it)
Has a crush on Puffer but she doesn't know how to fix the bridge she burned with him
Plays chess with Myst a lot(and wins a lot, much to Myst's dismay)
She can shape shift her tail into a pair of legs. This was a "gift" from Jestar to help her be a better assassin for him
Thinks Xero is a prick
Likes to steal Xero's alcohol sometimes
Can water bend. She can't blood bend though. She's tried.
Likes rock and country music for some reason
Nautilus likes to play with her fish some times.
Knows a bit about necromancy. She doesn't like to talk about it though. She never does it in front of anyone besides her fish army
Doesn't like to talk about his life outside work
Is well over 100 years old( he lost count)
Is very protective when it comes to Shade
Doesn't really understand Shade but will support her regardless
Likes to smoke when he thinks no one is around
Can create an umbrella to protect himself if he is caught outside when the sun comes up
Likes to play chess
Is basically a dad to the other assassins
Rarely opens his third eye. This usually only happens when he gets frantic, scared or extreamly angry
Does not have any remorse over killing Parry
He doesn't eat in front of others if it can be helped
Myst told Nautilus about Shade once. He had a bad feeling and asked that if anything happened to him Nautilus would take care of her. Only problem was no one thought about the address of Myst and Shade's mansion. He found her though, don't worry.
When he is exposed to sunlight it will immediately cause him to get sunburned. If he doesn't leave after about 30 seconds- 1 minute he will start to die slowly and painfully. He has taken a lot of tea baths because of the sun
A big dork
Very loud and bubbly
Is a prince from a kingdom galaxies away from where black heart takes place in
Was suppose to marry the moon from the moon is getting away level (haven't given her a name yet) but she unknowingly broke Sol's heart so he left. He wanted her to be happy and he clearly couldn't give her that happiness.
Doesn't understand "mortal" things but wants to learn.
Nautilus taught him the word yeet and now he won't stop using it
I headcanon that his voice actor would Gary LeVox(lead singer of Rascal Flatts)(don't ask why, I can't change what has happened in my brain)
Will stop at nothing to see his friends happy
Likes hanging out with Aura, Nautilus and Puffer
Can make himself hotter or colder at will. He tends to stay at a heat that won't hurt others when the go near him, but not cold enough to cause himself harm.
If he gets to cold he can die. He also starts to become extreamly cold or extremely hot before death. The direction his tempature goes in is dependent on what he was doing before hand. (Example: reading a book, gets shot, starts to get colder and colder. Attacking Hal trying to get his soul, shapeshifts so much he almost blows himself up, gets hotter and hotter)
Can be a bit over dramatic sometimes
He is incredibly strong. He can lift both Puffer(who whieghs roughly 230 lbs) and Nautilus when he's in his suit(so about 250 lbs) with no trouble. He forgets about his stranghth some times and has accidentally thrown a few things before quickly trying to fix it.
His shapeshifting isn't limited to just objects, he can shape shift small things about him self like his cloths or his entire body into something like a dinosaur. He doesn't do it often though. Mostly just the cloths thing.
Yells a lot
Thinks everyone is incompetent except Xero, for some reason
Accidentally took Puffer when Siren joined do to a confusion about Sirens powers. He refused to send Puffer home.
Colossus is basically just his pet
Xero is the only one who can get away with yelling at Jestar. No one really knows why but they hold really long arguments about all sorts of stupid stuff
Did I mention he yells a lot? I did? Well I’m saying it again. He yells A LOT.
Can shapeshift in to anything
Does not know how to handle baby Madusa. He doesn't know how to handle people in general, and he thought creating a baby was a good idea.
Smokes and drinks a lot
Has a German accent(I can’t un heard it, I’m sorry)
Has a wrapped sense of humor
Calls Natilus “shark boy” after natilus bit him(this is related to what happened before N.A.T.U)
Calls everyone a nicknames besides Jestar.
Makes more robots then he needs and holds robot death battles at night.
Wants to dissect Siran after he found out she’s litterally heartless.
Is drunk 90% of the time but that's when he works best. He doesn't care that he has a problem either
Dressed Madusa up is costumes a lot during the 2 weeks it took him to grow up. He created a scrap book with photos of them too.
Can actually be a really nice dude when he wants to be. He doesn't normally want to be nice
90% of his robots are idiots
He's left handed
Is basically Jestar’s pet
Doesn’t speak a language anyone knows
Is basically a king without a kingdom
Starts out really tiny but gets really big for a short period of time once he has infected someone
Has trust issues
Is only like 16 years old
Has normal(ish) ghost powers because she was born a ghost
Drives Myst nuts with her edgy stuff
Likes talking to Perry(she meets him after the Funk Hole level)
Can bounce between having a ghost tail to having normal legs.
Her flower is technically apart of her but she doesn't consider it part of her.
Kinda skittish around people who look scary to him(so 90% of the black heart cast)
Has a crush on Shade but won't admit it out loud because he's scared of getting bitten in half by Myst, again.
Around 18 years old
Left home because his mom and brother suck and he wanted to be a ghost hunter like the ones he saw on tv. He got his wish for like 2 hours?
Transforms into Predator during the full moons and special moons. Special moons can have different effects on his transformation and mental state. Like a blood moon causes him to become more blood thirsty but a blue moon causes him to actually retain his normal mental state.
He has a habit of spiraling about everything
Can't say anything understandable
Each part of his head has a brain so they agrue sometimes
Around 5X the size of Parry
Acts like a dog sometimes
Would have probably just ate Hal instead of taking the souls.
Can breath underwater and air without issue
Doesn't like the fact that he looks like Nautilus
Hasn't figured out how to swim fast like nautilus yet but won't admit it
Calls Jestar dad
Actually gets along well with Xero
Xero calls him Moccasin
Has markings like Nautilus but they only glow in the dark and they aren't as bright
He's allergic to shell fish
Actually had about a 2 week period where he was a kid. Xero and Jestar just gave him a special serum that caused I'm to grow up faster.
Most of his teeth ended up like Aura's but his canines are significantly sharper then they would be. Xero also found an extra set of teeth under Madusa's adult teeth.
Doesn't like the idea that his whole life rests on a tiny, easy to brake, stone on his head but just rolls with it.
Scared Jestar and Xero a lot during his first few days of life. He not only descovered his allergy to shell fish but almost got himself caught by the others a bunch of times.
All these guys belong to OL666 except Hal, he belongs to vitamin games
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rosesmith18 · 3 years
(PnF) Headcanon #11 Thomarie Nitpicks #2 Pt.1 Clothing
This is sort of a sister post to post #6 & #7, it mentions characters from post #6, and is connected to my current series of post about the problems I have with the MnT(Marie and Thomas) Universe. I want to make it clear that I like these characters...to an extent, but to another extent I don't. I want the best for them as they were a big part of my childhood, and so in this post I want to make some tweaks to their clothing and personalities, as I find them currently sporadic and dated.
*Disclaimer: The MnT Universe is centered around (OC)Maria Flynn & (OC)Thomas Fletcher. Marie belongs to angelus19 & sam-ely-ember deviantart. Thomas Belongs to Melty64.
Maria's Child Clothing: Okay, so a lot of people have made the claim that Maria's design is generic which I will not deny. It's a blatant ripe off of her mothers clothes with a change of color palette, and while I enjoy the idea of Phineas designing her clothes to be that way, it's a waste of potential(as are most things I will mention in this post). Maria canonically adores France, and in my headcanon was born there, so I think some Parisian style could be added to this design. I'd draw instead of writing about this, but I have no artistic talent. For starters, based on my research(as I myself am not French)puffed sleeves are a common occurrence in French clothing culture, so giving Marie puffed sleeves in place of her mothers regular ones would be nice. Instead of basic shoes, ankle boots are also a common item in French clothing followed by white and/or black tights. Now, ironically enough the style of belt Isabella has on her clothes is similar to a French Skinny belt called a Maison Boinet, so just change it from being one color to a light brown with a metal clip, and it can stay-as can the main outfit. Lastly, to quote https://leoncechenal.com/french-girl-style-guide/ 'And I think the ultimate goal of all French girls is to find their own style (what they like and what they don’t) and to stick to it.', so in summary this doesn't need to look perfect or fancy it just needs to look natural.
Maria's Teen Clothing: Okay, this one is even worse in my opinion, but the whole one color thing is killing me! So, for this I did a COMPLETE recall and came up with this; A purple beret, orange bow wrapped around her neck mimicking a Parisian scarf, dressed in an orange & purple horizontal striped sweater dress that hangs off her shoulders, and a pair of black single buckle ballet flats. She would have a gold chain-link belt to replace her Maison Boinet one, a cameo necklace of the Virgin Mary, and a gold choker with small bells. Based on my research actual Beret's aren't that common in French culture anymore, though ironically striped shirts and dresses are, but Marie's is canonically the one her mother wore in the episode 'Summer Belongs to You' and familial connection is super important to Maria-so I decided to keep it. I kept her Garcia-Shapiro bow as I am appalled they tried to get rid of Isabella's in AYA(Act your Age)! Vivian clearly still has her from when she was young, and I believe every Garcia-Shapiro who wants one should keep them to some extent throughout their life! Off shoulder tops and dresses are pretty common in France as are sweaters, so I gave Maria an off shoulder sweater dress. And, ballet flats are some of the most common footwear for woman in  France, they have many styles like the single buckle that don't actually look like ballet flats we American's would usually associate with ballet. The jewelry wore by French woman is wore all the time, and is rarely below the quality of 10-carrot gold. Layering necklaces of different sizes such as a cameo necklaces and a choker is normal, and chain-link belts are considered appropriate for any and every outfit. Chokers are a bit longer than some might expect them to be, and I went with a cameo necklace of the Virgin Mary as I headcanon Maria to be a serious Jew. Lastly, make-up in the French world is some of the most neutral in color and shade, so I gave Maria a soft pink lip and nose bridge blush at best.
Thomas' Child Clothing: I heavily dislike Thomas' child design. It lacks any personality in my opinion when compared to Ferbs or Vanessa's. I appreciate that it isn't a ripe off like Marie's, but that doesn't make it good or interesting. Also, this ties into my biggest problem with Thomas, but he's too...boyish. There is nothing wrong with having a practically boyish character, but that kind of personality and style is better used on a character intended to be boyish, and not characters who happen to be boys. I mean Thomas is the son of one of the most headcanon'd nonbinary characters in the whole show, and one of the most headcanon'd bisexual's in the whole show. This is why I mentioned these characters being a bit dated. They definitely came out before LGBTQ+ representation became popular in the fandom-at least compared to the extent of today. So, for Thomas I want to propose a few heavy changes to his child design, starting with...SKIRTS. I petition Thomas to have an either black & white(or purple and green), plaid skirt that reaches his knees. This style of skirt is popular in both British and German(Drusselstein) clothing culture, and is something his family would so support! I mean the potential Thomas has for normalizing clothing as gender neutral is being completely wasted! A white polo shirt inspired by his fathers and his original design underneath. A tweed blazer-of the same color scheme-which is considered always in style in Britain, and the Haferlschuh which are the most popular type of shoe found in Germany-and suit any outfit. Add some tracht socks in white and you have the perfect style!
Thomas' Teen Clothing: This design wasn't horrible, I actually quite like the overall vibe it was going for, but it's not specific enough. I don't find this design to be more than a vibe; It doesn't go deeper than that when it could. So, I summarized it into this; Ripped up, leather pants, sleeveless, white turtleneck, high-heeled, black boots, and to top it all off a trench coat and leather satchel. Considering Thomas is the lead singer and bass guitarist for a classic/heavy rock band I think some ripped leather pants with a bell bottom are perfect. I kept the sleeveless, white classic turtleneck that came from his original design as I do think it's appropriate. I also wanted to pay homage to his mothers almost iconic heels by giving Thomas a similar pair himself; A pair of black, over the knee boots, with a stiletto heel. The trench coat MADE his original design, and the traditional leather satchel is a perfect accent to it, both are British classics in the world of fashion.
Thomas' Rock Outfit: I'm added a subsection for Thomas' clothes as we NEED to talk about his band outfit. I want to say this first, I don't like the original name for the band. Clair is a generic name that doesn't sound too rock-ish in my opinion. It's supposed to represent Maria as it is a French girls name, but it's too simple for someone like Thomas. So, I changed it to Église des Gémeaux which represents Maria in more ways. The name literally translate to Church of Gemini from French to English. It represents Maria's French heritage, her connection to her Jewish Religious roots, and contains a reference to her birth month of June-her birth sign Gemini. The band in itself is canonically represented by The Spill Canvas which is an American Alternative rock band which I also changed. I gave the band a more Eisbrecher/Queen style as Thomas is German(Drusselstein)/British. Eisbrecher is a German Neue Deutsche Härte rock band(translating to New German Hardness aka Industrial Rock), and most of us know Queen the British rock band known for helping to start the rock genre making them a Classic rock band. Major headcanon to this band I want to add, Thomas primarily sings in German(Drusselstein) as he himself has a heavy German(Drusselstein)/British accent. His canonical outfit is a leather top similar to his mothers teenage attire, some basic jeans, and some black boots. I have rewritten this design as such; Ripped up, bell bottom, leather pants, long-sleeve, purple, deep V-neck top, covered by a studded, leather jacket, and keeping his pair of black, over the knee boots, with a stiletto heel. Accent this outfit with some studded, leather cuff bracelets, silver chain choker, and industrial piercing as well as some crescent moon 2nd/Upper lobe piercings. Now, the style of rock/punk is highly personal and changes heavily from generation to generation, but as someone whose family is highly involved in the antique business; It can be expected that Thomas would have a classic rock style inspired by the band he loves such as Eisbrecher, Queen, The Rolling Stones, Mozart L'Opéra rock, Amon Düül II, etc. Some of the elements of his outfit repeat such as his pants and heels, though his deep V-neck is inspired by a picture of Queen. His studded jacket is inspired by MANY rockers of the past. And, his jewelry has a very punk aesthetic. His make-up can be expected to be heavy with intense eyeliner, mascaras, and aided with a plum lip to match his V-neck. While I do enjoy the Grunge style take for Fred & Xavier; I personally find it underwhelming for someone such as Thomas.
I'll end the post here for now as it's getting pretty long. I'll make a post about personality changes at a later point(likely my next post). If you have any questions, comments, etc about what changes I've made feel free to share them! If you have any expertise with French, German, British, or Rock attire and believe I've been misinformed than please tell me! I remind you I am not an expert on fashion, character design, and am only aware of American trends. These changes are entire based on what knowledge is available to me, and my own personal feelings about clothes and characters, but I'm open to learning! I apologize if my opinions come off as harsh, I am merely opinionated about things I enjoy, but I hold no ill-will towards anyone who thinks differently. At the end of the day, I don't own Marie or Thomas or Phineas and Ferb, and am merely expressing my freedom to make or suggest changes. I encourage anyone reading this post to do the same, and be has intense as you feel, of course WITHOUT being insulting of the people you disagree with. Thank you!
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apprenticeofcups · 5 years
What do you think Lucio's accent should be considering the language that Morga spoke in Muriel's 3rd book? Just curious!!
oh boyohboyohBOYOHBOY a dialect ask!!! let me tell you, I was fuckin LIVING when they described Morga speaking her and Lucio’s native language, because you bet your ass I’ve thought about this before, and it actually works out...kind of beautifully.
So to start, I like the Jersey accent. There are a lot of sounds associated with it that I really like for Lucio - I think they fit his character, and the rhythm and drawl come through in his dialogue.
I subscribe to the (relatively popular?) headcanon that he hasn’t spoken his native language in a very, very long time, and goes out of his way to NOT sound like he’s from the tribe he’s from.
However, I see a lot of “Lucio puts on an accent to hide his real accent...but it slips sometimes, revealing his Real Accent.” Now, I’m skeptical about his ability to learn and put on a false accent in the first place, but the thing I think is really overlooked there is that he hasn’t been with his tribe, immersed in his native language, for years. He left when he was 18, and per my own math&headcanons, he’s in his early 40s at least - meaning he’s been away from his native language for longer than he was immersed in it.
Any voice/dialect coach will tell you that your personal dialect (or idiolect) does and will change over time, influenced by where you go, what you do, who you surround yourself with, and you are capable of intentionally changing your idiolect. If you don’t like how you pronounce a word, and you make an effort to pronounce it differently, over time, it becomes a permanent change you no longer have to think about.
Basically, if Lucio’s been actively hiding his native language’s accent when he speaks Vesuvian, making a conscious effort to change the pronunciations and quirks he knows are from his native language, by this time in-game (theoretically, even by the time he’s named Count), he no longer has an accent of his native language.
That being said, it is virtually impossible to erase every influence on your idiolect, so let’s talk about how his native language - described as “rough”, “low”, and “guttural” in Muriel’s Book VIII - still comes through in his speech.
It comes down to how Vesuvian sounds to him when he’s learning it. His first language is his “normal”, and Vesuvian is “different”.
If his native language sounds rough to a Vesuvian-speaking audience (vesuvaphone?), then to a speaker of his native language, Vesuvian will sound particularly fluid. His native language is low, so Vesuvian sounds high by comparison, and “guttural” implies resonance low in the chest and throat, so Vesuvians to him will sound like they resonate from higher up, in the face and mouth. (Think about how particularly posh English dialects sound to Americans.) So Lucio’s dialect, whatever it is, will be a result of him trying to imitate those qualities when he’s learning to speak Vesuvian, and will become a permanent fixture in his idiolect.
Interestingly, the way his voice is described in-game lines up with this pretty well - “nasal” comes up a lot, for example. Since his native language is guttural, resonating from the chest, it stands to reason that to Lucio, Vesuvians sound like they’re talking through their noses. Since his native language is rough and barking, Vesuvian sounds smoother and more fluid - trying to copy that quality explains him having more of a drawl.
I hesitate to pick one specific irl dialect for him, because a lot of dialects will fit the bill for how his voice would logically sound, and for me, “Vesuvian” is English, because that’s my first language, but that isn’t the case for everyone, and different dialects sound different layered over different languages. (A dialect that sounds “right” to me for an English-speaking Lucio might be totally off for fans with a German- or Spanish-speaking Lucio.) But the way I see it, Lucio’s accent is already right there - specifically, he talks the way he does and his voice sounds the way it does because of the influences of his native language. ☕️
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andaminyard · 7 years
This is based on this headcanon that is probably better written than this but??? I kinda wanted to expand on it properly so !!! lmk if you enjoy it/want more of it
basically neil & andrew keep encountering eachother and there’s definitely some kind of soulmate forces at work or smth idk 
Being on the run wasn’t something that usually left Nathaniel with the time to look out for the little things that didn’t seem quite right. So caught up in looking for familiar faces with significance that it wasn’t really much of a surprise that he’d managed to gloss over a boy who looked no older than he did, with equally as sharp edges, standing in front of him and confronting him like he’d known him his whole life.
“I’ve seen you before,” The boy says, and they’re outside of the school gate, where Nathaniel can feel the gaze of his mother on his back. It’s as safe and grounding as it is terrifying. If Mary heard that comment, she’d choke any vague resemblance to himself out of Nathaniel. At least he wouldn’t look like Nathan anymore.
“That’s impossible,” Nathaniel’s saying back, forged German accent heavy as he carefully keeps up his persona, Kaleb, who had supposedly just recently moved to America from Germany after his mother was given a job opportunity.
“Why? Because when you were in Ohio you were blonde? Or because when you were in California you had brown eyes and now they’re blue? I’m not an idiot,” And Nathaniel can feel his stomach clenching – his throat blocking up with the desperate need to run – can feel the panic of a hand on his shoulder and the ease that rushes over him when it’s his mother’s voice which follows.
“Kaleb, what are you waiting for? We need to leave,” She’s reminding him, and Nathaniel knows she’s dropped her accent on purpose. She knows their characters are broken as much as he does. He knows he’ll suffer for it, and that he’ll be gone by morning. We need to leave carries far more weight than this nameless boy could surely even imagine.
“I’ll see you around,” Nathaniel doesn’t need to look to know he didn’t imagine the smug tone in the boy’s voice – especially how it clenches itself around his throat and feels a lot like choking.
After the bruise of his mothers warning clears up, it’s easy for Nathaniel to forget all about it. With his eye out for so many people, a boy as young as him seems pretty low on his radar. Seems impossible to even waste a second thinking about.
Until he’s sat in a classroom in Brooklyn, and a pen bounces off the back of his head.
“I told you I’d see you around,” The voice says mockingly, and Nathaniel turns around and suddenly feels the need to leave as soon as he possibly can. “Hey, hey, now. No need to get all flighty.”
“Who are you?” He’s asking, fight or flight screaming at him for wasting a moment doing neither. Instead he’s focusing on him, eyes scanning his face for something anything he can use against him.
“Andrew what?” 
“Right now? Andrew Price.”
“Right now? Implying it changes?”
“Not as often as yours, Kaleb.”
“Noah,” He corrects, “Why would yours change?”
“Oh, Kaleb, Surnames change for all kinds of reasons. Forenames, however, I think you owe me an explanation for.”
“Noah,” He reminds, assuming it won’t make a difference but important either way. There was no point in pretending he didn’t have any idea what he was talking about, and lying about it seemed like his only choice. “My mum’s indecisive.”
“About your name?”
“And where we live, and who she is. Calls it wanderlust.”
“Paranoid looked more accurate to me.”
Nathaniel’s about to say something – but the teacher’s calling for his attention. And he misses it the first time, thanks to the unfamiliarity of his own name, but eventually turns around to mutter a sorry.
Andrew leaves him alone for the rest of the lesson, but stands over his desk afterwards. Lunch was next and while he’d normally spend it alone or with some superficial friends he’d made just to look his part, Andrew seemed intent on sticking with him. And taking him somewhere private, apparently, as he leads him up to the roof. 
Nathaniel knows he shouldn’t trust himself with this boy who seemed to recognise him far too easily given how much effort he goes through to change himself. But there’s something about him which feels unmoving, safe.
“Alright, time to cut the shit,” Andrew says the second the door is shut behind them, and Nathaniel feels his breathing stop with it. It feels too much like an accusation and the start of something Nathaniel is absolutely not prepared for at this moment. “I know who you are,” He continues, and Nathaniel can hardly breathe. “Why the fuck do you keep following me?” Ah. No. Not quite. 
But it still feels terrifying. If some kid can remember him well enough to need to confront him about it, then what are the odds that other people can too?
“I thought- I thought you were following me. I’ve only seen you here and—back whenever,” And he feels numb, “You’re the one who said you saw me before then. I don’t even know who you are.”
Apparently that was a disappointing answer for Andrew—who just rolls his eyes, sighs and mutters whatever. Or maybe he just didn’t believe him. 
“What was your first name?” Andrew’s asking, and Nathaniel hates the question with the way it’s worded to fit his lies. He’s not asking what his real name is, because as far as Andrew is aware, that is, at this moment, Noah. He’s asking for his first name.
“Jack,” He says, effortless. “Why does your last name keep changing and why do you keep moving?”
“Gotta adjust to my foster parents of the week somehow, haven’t I? Names and locations are just the trivial parts.” Which—actually makes sense. Maybe Nathaniel should steal that as a future persona. Andrew Price. He likes the way the name sounds, but not so much the risk attached to it. If he’s run into him this many times, then if he were to do that then, then explaining that to him would be near impossible. “What’s the truth about your mother?”
“Witness protection, but don’t ask me why. She can’t even tell me.”
“Witness protection wouldn’t move you this often.”
“High profile.” He tries, but if Andrew can work out that much then—
“What did she witness? The president committing a murder?”
“My turn,” Nathaniel interrupts, trying to deter this. “How many times have you seen me until now?”
“Seven. Or eight. Depends if you changed your hair-colour while in New Orleans.” 
“I did,” He admits, and that feels a little haunting. Ohio, Brooklyn, California and New Orleans twice. That makes five, but when have the other three times been?
“Even someone as stupid as you wouldn’t change that much. I get the feeling they’re not the only people you’ve been, either.”
“Nineteen,” Nathaniel says, and it’s a truth after a truth. He isn’t sure when he stopped lying to Andrew, but he feels it somewhere between the clench of a lie and the warmth of trust. “I’ve been nineteen people including Noah.” 
The bell rings to signal the end of lunch and Nathaniel disappears with a warning into the crowd of people as he leaves. He doesn’t see him again until their names are Andrew Spear and Alex McClean, Twenty. California. Don’t approach me next time, was a warning that they both understood perfectly. It’s something that Nathaniel appreciates when Andrew catches his eyes across the café and something Andrew very clearly resents as Nathaniel catches him glancing over every other second.
There are no more sightings until after Mary gets lost to his father’s hand and Nathaniel becomes Neil Josten, identity twenty-two. Milport. There’s only one identity between the two and Neil wonders if he and Mary had waited around for too long between them. A year was a long time to stay anywhere for someone on the run. 
He knows the second his coach says anything about Wymack what it means, though, and Nathaniel feels the swing of a racquet long before the shock of who caused it. 
Andrew Minyard. Seventh name. Fox.                                     
For all Neil had been following Kevin and Riko – always making sure they kept their distance, keeping note of everything they did through his binder—he had never expected to have to meet either one of them again. Or at least, thought that until the day Andrew Minyard signed to the foxes and Neil became well aware that it was only a matter of time before he would encounter Kevin again – and here they were, face to face and far too close for comfort. 
Andrew’s grin looks far too out of place after their last encounter, almost two years ago. And Neil wants it gone. 
“Neil Josten,” Andrew says, tone upbeat in a way it wasn’t before, “Or should I say, Noah, as you were so intent on me using that one. Will you disappear tomorrow now that I’ve said hello? That seems to be your way of working.” 
“I’m not signing, if that’s what you’re asking.” 
“But we came all this way to get you,” Andrew’s grin doesn’t fault, regardless of the mocking tone in his voice. “And she’s not here to stop you, is she? Miss—witness protection, was it? What exactly do you have to lose, Kaleb? –Noah? Or was it Neil? It’s so easy to lose track.”
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jinglyjangly · 7 years
In the Fallout world, what are considered Native Americans? Is that what the Tribals are they talk about? If so, does that mean the three families that run the casinos on the strip Native Americans?
Short answer: No. They’re fictional.
but you just pointed out the #1 issue with the Fallout Universe, and in turn the biggest issue with the scifi/fantasy genre and it’s most offending trope in one single question. Something I don’t see a lot of people talking about but I’m guessing it’s because they either don’t think about it because they don’t quite get it or they feel uncomfortable talking about it.Again I don’t feel like it’s my place to say what’s racist/what isn’t in most circumstances because I’m just some White Dude, but I feel like I’ve had a similar discussion with people when it comes to scifi utopias/dystopias where sexuality/gender is treated “equal” so in turn, doesn’t matter which... sounds good, but you’re also erasing the identities if you have everyone not care and never talk about being LGB and/or T and how their lives revolve around that. Obviously you don’t want to stereotype them by making their sole personality trait being a minority but you also can’t just, have it not effect them because it will. theres no way for it to not! whether it’s positive or negative effects depends on the writer and whether it’s offensive depends on how they frame it. How they frame it depends on who they think about when they’re writing it. A good example is how I’ve meet cis people who try and write trans characters and it’s really fucking obvious they were writing it from a cis perspective for the cis perspective, because it was framed for the negative experience to be empathized by cis people. Like gender dysphoria, there’s a difference between writing it as “I feel uncomfortable in this body and I always feel out of place” or “I hate my body and i want to be cis (aka normal)!!1!” Obviously yes, real trans people do have both experiences, so yeah you can write it like the second way, but as a fictional writer/artist/creator I think people always need to be aware that what they’re making is not real and at any instance they can change anything, ever. And the point of fiction is for people to think in a different perspective, for the audience to experience things they never would, something that is unreal...hence fiction. So if you make a trans character that hates themselves just because theyre trans and not hate the systematic oppression and pressure they feel for not being cis, you better have a bomb ass character arc where they learn to accept and love themselves for being trans and have a happy ending, because otherwise you’re just making a pity party for cis people to gawk at and think “oh boy im sure glad that aint me!”
how this ties in is how the tribes is kinda a long reach, but basically a huge chunk of canon fallout lore is written by white americans for white americans. The basis of the nuclear holocaust “restarting” the world back to 0 is interesting in a sense, especially if it’s at the hands of the American gov, and where you can imagine a world where people are trying to piece together their past can really be a awesome thing to explore and why I really love the lore/series. But so far every single tribe has been fictional and there’s barely any talk about anything that isn’t fictional. I headcanon Arcade as Ashkenazi Jewish! Yet there’s no talk about WWII, there are no Jewish characters in the entire series (that i know of), so no one knows how not only Jewish diaspora, but also post nuclear war diaspora would effect someone in this fictional universe, and how those two intertwine! You really don’t get any talk about anything about prewar history that isn’t like... white american. like with Raul, he’s from Hidalgo but he doesn’t mention anything about it outside of the fact that he’s just from there. How has being Mexican effect him both prewar and postwar? Has he had to deal with negative parts like any racism, and how does that intertwine with him being a ghoul? Were there positive parts, like meeting other people who have roots tied to being Latinx and bonding? What about Cait in fo4, she’s Irish, but outside of just saying she is and having the accent, she doesn’t have any cultural ties that they bring in to her story you know? Like... what’s the point of character’s in your series that aren’t white and/or aren’t american, if you’re not bringing in how it matters. Same with LGB and/or T characters, why write them into a series if you don’t make it matter (aka player sexuality).
Obviously based on what I said with the example about a cis person writing a trans person, the only way to write these kind of arcs and issues is to either have a Mexican writer, or have have a Mexican editor/reference. Gabriel is mixed Mexican and Cahuilla, and if I were to ever do anything ever even slightly professional outside of dumb comics and drawings, like fanfiction or a companion mod, I would get references who are real people, not just books. I made him sure, but he’s not for me project into. I made him because I thought it would be cool to play a game where the protagonist isn’t white so outside of that, I really don’t have a place writing him without help. With the Fallout Universe they kinda did this thing where they have more lore about fictional ethnic that kind of... replace real ones? Sort of? Which like, fictional ethnicity and race have a place, but it’s not replacing real ones, you know? Like the Dead Horses have a creole language mixed with Navajo/Diné and German. which is pretty cool, since it has happened so would likely happen ,like with Creole French, so it’s interesting to explore that possibility, but with how it’s framed... having no characters with direct connections to being Navajo/Diné, makes it feel like its erasure in favor for fiction. Hell they aren’t even mentioned in canon, all you really get is Joshua saying “idk their language is probably from the Res".
And then you finally come to where the question kind of points it out: do all the real, actual Indigenous ethnic groups who have to deal with not only non-fictional racism, but also this fictional pseudo-racism where they’re lumped into being “savage tribals who get rehabilitated” all over again, this time just fictionally?? How many of the 87 tribes caesar conquered, were indigenous? same with the NCR? What about before the nuclear war, how were they treated in 2077 if the government was even more obsessed with taking resources, and even more brutal? Basically Fallout Lore is whitewashed and americanized in the sense that the whole series, including bethesdas, prioritize fictional racism and fictional xenophobia over including actual arcs and stories that are written by people who aren’t white american and have to do with issues that aren’t about white americans. Again, it’s a bigger issue that’s not just fnv, and not even just fallout, and wont go away until white cis het dudes stop making the stories.
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Game of Thrones rewatch - season one, episode six
Hi again, get yourself some waffles, crisps and ale to indulge in while the rewatch continues. To be honest with whoever the fuck may end up reading this, I'd actually love to make this an audio commentary/podcast to listen to alongside watching. Too bad there's a) probably copyright issues if it includes any video or sound material from the show (so, podcast it would have to be), and b) my voice shall remain as secret as my face on here (at least for now), not to mention the annoying stutter and accent. But enough of the chattering, there's a (hopefully good) episode to watch. Ah... Cersei... not a pleasant face to see while waking up. Good thing we have Robert to make up for that. If only he'd keep his mouth shut as well. Once again, we have Robert being a POS (or, for those who know German, Arschgeige would be rather fitting IMO) to Cersei and making me feel sorry for her. And absurdely make me pity him as well. Wait... the hunt was in that episode already? Or is he talking about another random hunt? Thought it happened way later. That's not a nest, Dany! Though this is a good opportunity for another theory - Daenerys Targaryen isn't the dragon or anything, but indeed immune to all heat and fire in this universe thanks to being an elemental. A fire elemental, to be precise. And I've just decided that, from now on, the showverse is part of the original "Heroes of Might and Magic"-verse as part of my evergrowing list of silly headcanons. Robb being a bit of a fool is another reason why I don't like Bran's scenes. At least he could've thanked Theon for saving both of them. Didn't remember Natalia Tena managed to look that ugly. Guess the costume department did something right. Why for fuck's sake couldn't we have more of Syrio and Arya having dancing lessons? He's the type of teacher everyone should have at least once it their life. That guy would manage to encourage even those who hated PE all the time.
While it may look  rather impressing, I'm not that much of a fan of method acting unless the actor or actress chose to do it. Which wasn't the case here. Not even remotely. At least the sight of a shirtless Jason Momoa makes up for that visually. Everything else remains debateable. She truly is a queen? Not just a queen but your personal queen. No matter where you've stood before, here you stand now, Ser Jorah. Facing the king of fools and beggars. Come on Tyrion, do you really think talking about an abstract concept such as wealth to a lackwit and expect it to be fruitful? Fuck it, because in the end, it just works. Plus your confession actually ends up being funny despite all the jokes that sound like they're coming from a horny boy. Hell, you even manage to make Sweetrobin and Bronn smile. And the former will even get to see someone fly, even though it's not the person whe wanted it to be. But does that really make a difference? No it doesn't.
And it is that hunt. Such a shame that Robert Baratheon may have lived at least a bit longer if he realised that a squire is not only supposed to be different from a simple cupbearer but also either deserves some respect. Even if we're talking about Krista/Armin Lancel Lannister. He and Not-Steve Renly are the only ones I feel sorry for right now, albeit for different reasons. Shame all of it will be forgotten sooner or later.. unlike in the books. Did big old Bobby B really not realise that Renly doesn't care about girls the way he himself does? Well, even if he does know about his brother's interest in men, I guess Robert would find it easier to imagine someone being into both than not being into girls. Apropos Renly... wasn't Loras volunteering to set things right in the books when Ned was listening to the smallfolk talking about the mess that's been happening in the riverlands? Guess they had neither the time nor the budget to give Finn any good scenese to play. How the fuck is that guy Ned's commanding Beric Dondarrion? Please tell me I'm blind. Or drunk. Or both. Little Robin's eagerness to see the fight is surprisingly normal in my opinion. Or at least not that unordinary, as anyone who'a actually met boys his age and seen their eagerness to get certain films from the video rental shop to watch them for a dare. Is it good or healthy? Probably not. Horror and gore still was (and probably still is) a rite of passage for some of us though. What makes this creepy is the fact that his mother not only allows but practically encourages him to watch. Guess that's just how Westeros works. And again, the oh so shitty Catelyn being fair and dutiful even towards her enemies when they are in the right. Here we have Sansa again... how are people able to forget she's just a teenager, given how she acts and behaves here? Maybe they don't. Maybe they're just forgetting how teenagers act and behave and how they're rather immature and self-absorbed sometimes. Can't find any other explanation. Aside from a certain kind of fans being idiots. Which I can risk to say because of how unlikely it is that any of them will read this. Ros being Theon's favourite whore is really funny in hindsight, given that we know who'll end up being his one true love in this universe. Disagree? Fight me! Oh how right you are about Joffrey not being a stag at all, my little bird. Doesn't change that even in the books this doesn't really make sense as George is a writer and not a biologist. Not that you need to be a biologist to see that. Well, everything else makes up for that. Just a few moments before this episode ends we get to the first scene I ever saw, even before actually reading the books properly. Damn did I feel sorry for that poor white-haired guy then, because no matter how brutal and cruel any show is, being cruel to someone who's standing that low is simply wrong... until I read the books and watched the show. After that, there's some pity left. But not nearly as much as before. Plus, gold's not supposed to melt that quickly. And there we had another episode that, while not that good, was at least okay to watch.
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weneedtherooks · 8 years
Let’s talk about Friedrich, yeah?
Lordie, I’m putting this under a cut.
1: What is your character's biggest fear?
Not being able to take care of his family
2: What is your character's favorite memory? The first time he kissed Clara! She was 15 when he admitted to himself he was falling for her, so he kept any form of romantic affection to a minumum. Mostly just hugging her and letting her sit on his lap, and/or an occasional kiss on the cheek (if she was comfortable with that).
3: What is your character's least favorite memory? That man has seen war. He's got an abundance of memories he'd rather not hash up.
4: Does anyone have a crush on your character? Is your character aware of this? HE MARRIED THAT GIRL, SO I DAMN WELL HOPE HE KNOWS
5: Describe your character's dream date. Actually getting to go on a nice date.
6: What is your character's sexual orientation? Okay, I'm not gonna write a lot about this, because I don't want to get it wrong, but he's pansexual. I just want to be able to look into it further so I don't fuck it up.
7: How does your character feel about their name? He's likes his name just fine. But don't call him Fritz. Ever. He only allows that nickname to a few people, and they're mostly family.
8: Does your character hate anyone? Why? He doesn't have anyone in particular that he hates.
9: How does your character feel about religion? He's not huge into church, but he does believe in a higher power.
10. Would your character ever kill someone? ..............*nervous laugh*.........the real question is how many HAS he killed
11: How did your character meet their best friend? He met Clara during the war. Beyond her, though? His best friend died during the war in Verdun.
12: How would/does your character feel about roller coasters? Best ride ever, 10/10, the puking is just a minor setback
13: What would your character die for? Literally guys, his family is his world. It's really all he has.
14: What is the cutest thing your character has ever done? He had a tendancy to spoil Clara whenever she was pregnant. So he'd do things like get her flowers, make sweets, etc. You know, sappy stuff. I don't know if that counts as cute, but...
15: What music genre would your character listen to? Classical is his favorite, but Jazz is his fallback.
16: What other fictional characters remind you of your character? I actually came up with Friedrich while watching Cry play Valiant Hearts. He doesn't remind me of anyone specific, though.
17: Does your character have any irrational fears? It's not irrational, per se. He just really fucking hates loud fireworks. Like the ones that boom REALLY FUCKING LOUD. He's fine watching them from a distance, for the most part. It's just...they remind him of mortar fire.
18: How would your character feel about having their life recorded? So, my OCs are based on a semi timetravel plot. He knows he's being recorded, and THAT doesn't bother him (it's a long story, but he just knows why that particular camera is there).
19: What is your character's deepest, darkest secret? He has secrets? I wouldn't say he has any "dark" secrets, but he was in a relationship with a guy when he was 15...it didn't end very well.
20: What is the most surprising thing about your character? He can play the piano, actually.
21: Is your character flexible? That totally depends on the topic at hand.
22: What is the worst thing your character has ever done? ......He...he's a World War I soldier. He's killed people.
23: Is your character morally gray or black or white? Black and white, I suppose. Goes into the grey on occasion.
24: What prejudices does your character have? Hmm...I'm gonna have to get back to this one at a later date. I've never actually thought about it.
25: Would you want to hang out with your character? I would very much like to!
26: What is your favorite headcanon for your character? I don't really have one? I have a bunch of "work in progress" ideas, but nothing that's just a headcanon.
27: What would be the worst way for your character to die? The worst? If he was killed as either an example or for no better reason than he was there.
28: What pet would your character like to have? *Friedrich glares at the cat* He does have a pet. Or, rather, Clara does. The cat doesn't usually go to him. He WANTS a dog. He had a dachshund when he was a kid.
29: What would be your character's favorite food? He likes sweet breakfast-y things.
30: Would your character have any hobbies? He likes to tinker with things. So you can generally find him messing around with something in his home.
31: What social media would your character use? Ummmmm...maybe Facebook?
32: What does your character look like? Oh jeez. Ummm...I can give you minimal looks. Blue-grey eyes, dirty blond hair. I'm still floating around google images and such to find the more specific stuff about him.
33: In what ways is your character like you? "Oh cool, I've failed my job as a caretaker. Wonderful."
34: What is cliche about your character? That he's a fucking stubborn German man.
35: What is unique about your character? Um...UMMMMMMMM...LEMME GET BACK TO YOU ON THAT
36: Does anyone want to harm your character? No? I don't think so?
37: Do people have justified grudges against your character? Justified? Not that I can think of.
38: What role does your character play in their story? Uhhhh...main character...? Am I doing this right?
39: What would be your character's niche on Tumblr? I don't think he'd actually HAVE a Tumblr
40: What would be your character's favorite school subject? Music
41: Would your character want to have any children? My dudes, he's got seven.
42: What would be your character's dream career? To run a repair shop.
43: What is your character insecure about? It's not a massive insecurity, but his accent. He knows it's pretty thick, and he knows it's difficult to understand him sometimes.
44: What is your character proud of? *whips out photos* "Look at my family, everyone!"
45: What would your character change about themselves? Probably his stubbornness and his negativity towards himself
46: Would you want to trade places with your character? HAHAHAHAHAHA No
47: What fandoms would your character be in? He'd probably get a kick out of those car restoration shows.
48: How would your character type? Fast, but with a bunch of mistakes.
49: How does your character stand politically? Politics is NOT my strong suit. I'm thinking more towards liberal, but I don't have a fucking clue.
50: What is your favorite thing about your character? What ISN'T my favorite?
51: What is your character's favorite animal? Dogs
52: How would your character act in gym class? He'd be the one goofing off, but the second the teacher calls him out he proves that he's one of the best students there.
53: What clubs would your character join? A shop club of some kind. He does like working with his hands.
54: What is the saddest thing about your character's life? That he's had to kill people. The cost of war weighs on him sometimes.
55: Would your character do the Ice Bucket Challenge? Oh yeah
56: What's one of your character's quirks? *whispers* he chews on his pen a lot
57: How would your character feel about feminism? He finds it incredibly silly that women have to literally fight to get the same rights as men.
58: Is your character dorky or more athletic? More athletic. I call him a dork for fun.
59: What is your least favorite thing about your character? He's not always the easiest to work with.
60: If you could title your character's life, what would you title it? "Living By the Seat of Your Pants" lol
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