#but I’m sure… in every AU… these two find their way too each other 💕
oshiawaseni · 1 year
Do you think if Izuku was a girl Bakudeku would have been seen cannon from day one? I mean Bakugo seems to also have all the tropes of a female romantic love interest in Shonen and the reason why many don't think Bakugo's feelings towards Deku are of a romantic nature is because Deku is a boy. Here's to Bakudeku becoming cannon <3
If the story managed to miraculously stay the exact same story with the only difference being Katsuki is a girl (coz let’s face it, he was the princess being abducted by LOV and held so protectively by Izuku in the Vol 37 cover), then yes. Everyone would be bkdk and all other ships would seem delusional, the way Izuochas/other fans think we are. It’s just ‘cause it’s happening between two guys that people stop caring about the moments that develop or hint at their romance. And this is something Hori wants to change.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but Hori represents BkDk in a super wholesome way without many traces of sexual desire. Because he wanted shounen readers to see their love as something real and beautiful, and not being made just for the sake of BL or fetish.
Though tbf, he has occasionally depicted Kacchan as ikemen, maybe to help us imagine Izuku’s struggle to hold back his feelings for him.
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Kacchan is gorgeous, and yet his combative personality has scared away girls his whole life. And here we have Izuku always having accepted him for who he is and never distancing himself from him despite the many attempts by Kacchan to reject and send him away!
But anyway, Hori focussed so heavily on the emotions they feel towards each other because he wants readers to look at pure romantic love between a boy and another boy and understand it has no difference whatsoever with the love between a girl and a boy.
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This also might be another reason why baby Decchan memories come up sometimes with Kacchan’s POV, or why Noguchi drew so many pictures of their childhood.
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Because Katsuki and Izuku seem to be each other’s first love, and while feelings grew rotten for a while, the deep love they have for each other now comes from an incredibly sweet and pure origin.
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How Hori is gonna pull this off really has my interest now because he has written bkdk so beautifully up until this point, so I have high expectations for his future plans to bring them together.
Update: I just wanted to add that my heart is so full right now from the KiriMina/BkDk parallels in ch.383. Canon BkDk really is coming right at us and it feels like Hori is going to bombard doubters with reminders of their love until they practically beg Hori to end their misery, and just draw what he has been waiting to draw for so many years, lol. 😊
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captainpains · 2 months
Acting Afool (Kylux)
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For @kyluxshortshorts I'm having so much fun with these prompts. Enjoy 💕
Prompt: Roleplay
Warnings: Highschool AU, Benarmie cuteness, first kiss
Ben Solo did not consider himself to be a patron of the arts. He had managed to fail art class his freshman year of highschool, flunked the beginners music class his sophomore year, and hated the introductory photography class so much he switched classes in the first week. This theater class is his last hope to get the art credit that he needed to graduate highschool. 
So far in the semester, the class hadn’t been too bad. There was memorization and acting exercises, but all in all the class was pretty fun. Ben was excited to finish off his highschool career. 
One thing he did not expect was his massive crush on the British exchange student, Armitage Hux.
In the beginning, Ben thought Armitage was there for the same reason he was, just to get the stupid art credit. But, he soon realized that Armie actually liked acting. He put his heart into every small performance that he did, every monologue and improv game.
“You really like acting, don’t you?” Ben asked as he looked over the short script. It was for their final in the class, to put on a short 10 minute play. Armie and him were in a group with one other senior, one that has decided that they don’t need to practice, so it was just the two of them in Ben’s house. His parents were out of town, which is why he suggested they practice there.
“I find this class to be more agreeable than other art classes.” Armie answered, writing something down in his notebook.
“But you put a lot more effort into this class than anybody else.”
“I put this much effort into everything I do.”
“Yeah, but you smile when you do work for this class and seem to actually enjoy it.”
Armitage gave him an unimpressed look, then a gentle shove. Ben laughed and shoved back. That turned to a playful wrestling match, the two boys laughing as they fought each other. In the end, Armie came out on top, literally pinning Ben to the ground and sat on his waist. Ben panted and found himself staring at Armies lips. For the longest time, Ben dreamed about those soft looking lips on his. 
“Uh? Ben?” The words broke Ben out of his trance and he sheepishly pushed Armie off of him.
They went back to studying their lines innocently. Ben wanted to do well because he wanted Armie to be proud of him. 
“Do you want to practice together now?” Armitage asked after a few minutes.
“Kinda hard to do without Rose.”
“Well, we still need to make sure our performances and timing is great. I’ll read Rose’s parts.”
“Alright. Start from the beginning?”
“Of course.”
Armie cleared his throat and began to read off his lines. The play they chose was a comedy called The Wedding Story. Ben was the groom, Rose was the Bride, and Armie played the Storyteller. 
“ The bride at the tender age of 24-” Ben laughs, as directed. “WHAT? WHAT’S SO FUNNY?”
“She’s not even close to 24!” Ben said, putting emphasis in a way that would make their teacher proud.
“Now just wait a minute here, Buster Brown, whose story is this?”
“OURS!” The two yelled.
Then they broke down laughing. It was meant to be an absurd comedy, but probably not the best for the actors to burst out laughing.
Ben slowly quieted down, while Armitage kept laughing for a little longer. He was smiling so beautifully, and Ben couldn’t stop himself from closing the gap. Their mouths collided and the other boy was shocked still. It took a moment for Ben’s brain to catch up, and when it did, he panicked and pulled away quickly.
“I’m so sorry!” He buried his head in his hands, cheeks red with his embarrassment. 
Armie was silent. Ben mentally prepared himself to fail this final because of his own stupidity. But, then the other boy reached out and pried his hands away from his face. Ben looked into his pretty blue eyes and was prepared to face the worst rejection in his life. However, it never came because Armitage gave him a peck on the lips. He pulled away with a smile.
“Will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?” He asked.
Ben nodded enthusiastically before tackling Armie to the ground with a laugh. 
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minisugakoobies · 3 years
Happy Accidents | KNJ
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: fluff, holiday, strangers to lovers, College!AU
Rating: T
Warnings: swearing, a lil’ smooching, Namjoon wears that blue cardigan, Namjoon also wears a beanie, it's as fluffy as marshmallows in a mug of hot cocoa
Word Count: 2.2K
Disclaimers: None, other than obviously I don’t own BTS - they simply inspire me
Summary: Sometimes your clumsiness leads to a happy accident.
A/N: This is my third story for the Winter Wonderland Fic Event, run by the fabulous @hellojeongkook! Inspired by those insta pics of Namjoon all bundled up for the cold weather. And that blue cardigan he wore that one time. You know the one. Unbeta'd as usual. I'd love to know what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
Sequel: Safe With Me - part of Milestone Celebration
Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
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Well, this is a colossal waste of time.
You don’t even know why you came tonight. Well, that’s not true, you know exactly why you’re here - Jung Hoseok. Your roommate begged you to come with him to this holiday party your university is throwing for students staying on campus over winter break.
Hobi twisted your arm, promising to do your laundry for the next month, knowing how much you hated schlepping down to the creepy basement every week. So you came. And now you’re alone by the refreshment table, sipping your hot cocoa, most decidedly not mixing it up with anyone.
(There isn’t any booze here. Insult to injury. You wish you’d pregamed, or at least thought to tuck a flask into your pocket.)
Hobi disappeared the minute you’d walked in, as soon as he spotted his crush Lisa, who you belatedly realized was the sole reason he wanted to come tonight. They’re currently spinning around the dance floor together, making the googliest of eyes at each other, and you want to gag at their cuteness.
Given how much Lisa clearly seems to like him, you aren’t sure why Hobi insisted on dragging you here. He obviously didn’t require a wingperson. Maybe this is his subtle way of suggesting you get out and have some of that ‘fun’ he’s always on about.
He’s annoyingly encouraging like that sometimes.
But instead, here you stand, too anxious to ask anyone to dance, seeking comfort in your favorite cold weather beverage. Glancing repeatedly at your watch until you start to worry you’re going to give yourself a repetitive stress injury. Hobi probably isn’t going to want to leave until the party ends, so you might as well find a seat somewhere and get comfortable.
With a sigh, you abandon your post by the mini cupcakes. As you turn, you nearly collide with someone, managing to stop just short. Unfortunately, your hot chocolate continues on its forward momentum, splashing all over the plain white t-shirt he wears underneath a light blue cardigan.
“Oh god!” you yell, setting your now empty cup on the table. Grabbing a stack of napkins, you begin blotting at the liquid, trying to slow its spread across his…
...rather broad chest.
You stop wiping, looking up… and up… into a ridiculously handsome face.
“It’s ok,” the tall man says, smiling kindly down at you. Two dragon-shaped eyes glimmer below a dark brow. As he grins, dimples pop in his cheeks, and you realize you still have your hands pressed against his pecs. You quickly lower them.
“I didn’t see you! I was just walking, and…” you trail off, taking a breath. “I’m so sorry for spilling hot chocolate on you.” Curse your ever-present clumsiness.
He tugs on his shirt, assessing the damage. Dark veins of liquid chocolate are still branching off, covering most of his chest and stomach at this point. It's definitely ruined. “It’s fine. It’s only my favorite shirt.”
Horrified, you stare at him. He glances at your face and laughs. “I’m kidding. It’s a plain tee. Sorry, dumb joke.”
“Oh! Right, sorry,” you apologize again, feeling silly.
“Accidents happen. Please don’t worry about it. I’m Namjoon, by the way. You are?”
You give him your name.
“It’s nice to meet you,” he repeats your name, the word becoming a rumbly melody in his deep voice.
You nod, lowering your eyes timidly, only to notice in dismay that you’ve also gotten some chocolate on his gorgeous sweater. “Augh, I’m so sorry! I think I ruined your cardigan, too.”
He examines the brown blotch. “Yep, you did.” He sighs, looking stern. “I’m afraid you owe me a new one.”
“Oh!” You bite your lip. “Of course, you’re right. I can replace it! I just need to know where you got this? And what size - “
“Whoa!” He holds up his hands and you stop babbling. “I’m kidding, again. I’m sorry. I’m really terrible with jokes, I guess.” He smiles reassuringly. “I’m sure it’ll come out in the wash.”
You just nod, afraid to say anything else and make a fool of yourself again.
“But if you want to make it up to me, you could dance with me.”
You stare at him so long that he laughs nervously, running his hand through his hair. “Only if you want to, of course. I really don’t expect -“
“Yes!” you blurt loudly, then flinch, wishing you could play it cool for once. “Yes. I’d like that.”
He offers his elbow and you grasp it lightly as he leads you onto the dance floor. As a slow holiday tune begins to play, he wraps one arm around your back and brings your hand up with the other. His hands are so large, making your own look tiny in comparison.
“I’m sorry again,” you say, now that the cocoa has dried into an unsightly stain.
Namjoon just shakes his head. “Really, don’t stress yourself about it. Truth be told, I’m glad you spilled your drink on me,” he confesses, making you peer up at him in confusion.
“Why, were you tired of that sweater?”
“No,” he chuckles, and you can’t help but smile at the warm sound. He dips his head shyly. “I was having trouble gathering the courage to ask you to dance. It’s just that… I never know how to talk to beautiful women.”
There are many things that you can’t understand in this world. This Adonis having any trouble finding a willing dance partner immediately leapfrogs to the top of the list.
But also… beautiful? His compliment goes straight to your head, and you breathe deeply before quipping, “Well, given your terrible jokes, I’m not surprised to hear that.”
His eyes widen before he catches your playful grin, and then he smirks. “Touché.”
“If it makes you feel better, I never know how to talk to cute guys, either,” you admit, glancing down.
“You seem to be doing fine right now.”
You laugh as he spins you around before pulling you back into his arms. “Oh, so you think I was talking about you?”
His face flushes as you giggle. You’re pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to banter with him like this. You were being honest when you said you had trouble talking to handsome men. (Other than Hobi, of course, but he’s practically your brother, so he doesn’t count.) Your awkwardness increases when you’re nervous, and you always end up saying something dumb or tripping over your own two feet.
He only asked for one dance, but you don’t part when the song ends. Or when the next one fades, either. The conversation keeps flowing, and Namjoon only releases you for the uptempo songs, automatically pulling you back into his arms when the music slows again.
The two of you chat about where you’re from and what you’re studying. You’re shocked to learn he’s an art history major just like you, because you’re sure you’ve never seen him in any of your classes and there is absolutely no way a man this gorgeous could possibly fly under your radar.
“So, what’s keeping you on campus over break? If you don’t mind me asking,” you add quickly, not wanting to seem like you’re prying.
“Needed to fill out some applications for summer internships, and knew if I went home, they’d end up forgotten. You?”
“Well, it’s just me and my dad at home,” you explain. “And he’s been out on a job site for several weeks. At least here, I’m not alone. My roommate also stayed.”
“Ah, that’s nice,” Namjoon hums as he deftly steers you away from a couple who are dancing to their own beat, arms flailing wildly. “But it’s weird, right? Not spending the holidays at home?”
“It’s different, for sure!”
“Different good or different bad?” He tilts his head as he looks at you.
“A mix, I’d say. It’s a little sad, missing out on some of my favorite traditions, but there have been some unexpected delights, too.” You can’t help but look up at him meaningfully, and are rewarded with an enchantingly bashful smile.
As Namjoon whirls you around the dance floor, you catch sight of Hobi, still swaying with Lisa. He covertly flashes a thumbs up in your direction, and you glance away quickly, hoping Namjoon didn’t see him.
Maybe you should lean into your good luck for once and ask Namjoon if he wants to go out sometime. Gazing up at him, you lick your lips anxiously, trying to work up the nerve, when your foot goes rogue and the heel of your boot stamps down directly on his toes. Hard.
“Ah!” he yelps, recoiling in pain.
“Sorry!” You draw back, hands held in front of you in apology.
“It’s ok!” he proclaims, but as he stumbles towards you, limping slightly, you manage to kick his other shin.
“Ow!” He hobbles, grabbing his leg, as you cringe.
Your klutziness strikes again. For some reason, you always lose control of your limbs when you get nervous, flailing around like a newborn calf learning how to walk.
Better bail before someone gets hurt. Or more hurt.
“Shit! I should probably go before I accidentally maim you or something. Th-thank you for the dance,” you stammer, turning away.
“Oh, no, it’s fine!” he protests, but you are already fleeing, heading for your coat. “Wait!”
You don’t look back, intent on saving what little face you have left. As you pass Hobi, he shoots you a concerned look, but you wave him off. Let him have his fun. Later, you can lament about how embarrassed you are. Right now, you just need to get out of there.
Bundled in your fluffy winter jacket, you step outside to find that it is snowing. You curse, wishing you’d checked the weather report earlier, because the cute boots Hobi convinced you to wear were not meant for walking in snow.
This means you need to move slowly and deliberately. The first few steps you take are easy, but as you reach the bottom of the steps, you slip, gasping as you pitch backwards -
-into a strong pair of arms.
Your world is tilted as you stare into those dark dragon eyes again. He’d caught you just before you’d hit the ground, so you’re practically laying on your back. It’s such a vulnerable position, finding yourself totally supported by him.
Setting you back upright, Namjoon grins. “Ok, you’re really boosting my confidence here, letting me sweep you off your feet.”
“That wasn’t you, that was the snow,” you respond without thinking, and he throws his head back as he guffaws, a loud laugh that resounds through the quiet night air. “Did you follow me out here?”
He nods, pulling his long gray trench around himself more tightly as the flecks of snow dot the dark material. A black beanie covers his thick hair, giving him a boyish appearance. “Yeah. I - I was going to ask for your number, but you ran off.”
“Oh?” You blink in surprise. “You sure? I’m afraid I’m always like this. Might be a health hazard dating me.”
He nods again, guiding you down the final steps with a hand on your lower back. Even through your coat, you can feel the heat of his palm where it presses against you. “Yeah, I’m sure. Besides, I'm not worried. I don’t break easily.”
You nearly comment that you believe him since he’s built like a sequoia, but at the tone of his voice you hold your quip.
“You’re not that clumsy, really,” he continues. “But maybe dancing isn’t your forte.”
It takes you a minute to realize he’s teasing. “I don’t think comedy is yours.”
You could listen to that boisterous laugh all night.
The weather is only getting worse, flakes coating everything in sight, so you decide to make your move before you both freeze. “Can I see your phone?”
You key in your number, then hand it back. He fires off a quick text. “There, now you have mine, too.”
Unknown: Can I walk you home?
Grinning, you nod. “That would be nice.”
Once again, he offers his arm, and you slide yours through.
“To be clear, I’m doing this because I don’t want you to injure yourself on the way home,” he informs you as you trudge down the snowy sidewalk towards your apartment.
“And here I was thinking you might want a goodnight kiss.” You shrug. “Good to know I don’t have to worry about that.”
“… I really gotta stop with the bad jokes.”
You laugh as you tug him down the pathway to your place.
“This is me,” you announce as you come to a stop. “If I can be honest with you?”
“Please.” His eyes shimmer merrily.
“I think you undersold yourself when it comes to talking to women. You did just fine with me.”
“Really?” He steps closer, forcing you to look up to meet his soft gaze. “Even with all the dumb attempts at humor?”
“Mmm, yeah, maybe fewer jokes would be all right,” you grin cheekily. “You could always try sweet talk instead.”
In the dim light of the streetlamp outside your building, snowflakes swirling between you melt from his warm smile as his lips drift towards yours. “Gotta save something for our first date.”
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© 2021-22-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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meltwonu · 3 years
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|     𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖓 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒     |     CHAPTER 14
pairing; camboy!seokmin x female!reader
this chapter’s notes; camboy!au, university!au, awkward seokmin & reader, therapists jeonghan AND soonyoung(🥸), (attempted) masturbation, (mentions of daddy!kink, name-calling, degradation). AAAAAH HAPPY FRIDAY!!! I am exhausted but we made it!! Yay🥳! I have this queued and I guarantee yall that I am already asleep by the time this goes up LMAO ☠️ Also a bit of a shorter chapter this week bc I broke up the draft I had so that it wasn’t a humongous chapter heheh… SO a bit of a shorter filler chapter this week before the next chapter! 🥰❤️‍🔥🎉 As always, thank you so much for your love and support 🥺💕 Enjoy ch 14 and have a good rest of your weekend!! 🥳✨🎉 I love you! 💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - ?
*queued post.
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“So… Wait, but… You don’t look happy about this.”
Soonyoung’s brows furrow as he stares at Seokmin’s form across the table; fingertips stroking his own chin as he tries to dissect the situation.
“I don’t get it. So, you met the girl from the picture and now you’re… not talking? But you… like her? And she… likes you? What am I missing here?”
Seokmin groans in return - head in his hands as he mulls over the situation even more.
The part Soonyoung didn’t know happened to be the part where the two of you had technically known each other before that photo and had even masturbated together and to photos and videos of each other without knowing it had been the other. And while Seokmin was confident in the way he felt about you, regardless of everything, and also was daringly confident that you liked him too - he knew that it’d been awkward to find out in the manner that the two of you had found out.
“It’s just… hard to explain, hyung. I–there’s just some stuff I’m not ready to mention I guess. I just–I dunno, I didn’t think it’d go over that badly. I thought she’d at least wanna talk to me about it...”
“Hmm…” Soonyoung starts, “Maybe it’s not bad. Maybe she just needs to think about it - alone. You said there’s some details you can’t tell me but they must be pretty big if they’re the reason why she reacted the way she did. You’ll live, though. Give her some time. You should think about it too - and the possible outcomes, y’know? It’s not a normal situation, from the sounds of it.”
Soonyoung nods just as Seokmin lifts his head to look up at the other male; soft sighs on his lips knowing that the elder was right in every aspect.
“I know, I just…” We still have a fitting together. “I hope she’ll give me the time to explain, y’know? I don’t want her to think I’m–I’m a liar or–or a fake or something...” And I still wanna be her friend if she’ll let me.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. She probably has a lot on her mind too.”
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“And so I kinda just... left.”
You dramatically sob - hands raking through your hair as Jeonghan laughs.
“Wait so, you go on a date, find out the guy that you’re meeting up with is someone you… masturbated to? What the fuck? The post-nut-clarity really did a number on you, huh. I didn’t realize it was that bad. How does that even happen. Even I’ve never been that bad.”
“Would you shut up? I thought you were trying to be helpful for once. This is the first time we’ve literally just talked and I’m regretting it, ‘Han.”
He leans back in his chair and looks around the small study room that the two of you had holed yourselves up in, in the library. “I’m trying, but that’s straight out of a TV show if you ask me. I don’t really blame you for running out of there, though. But I’ve got some questions.”
“How did he know it was… you? Like, you could’ve just said you didn’t get off to him? Did you blurt it out or something? Why does he know that?”
“Uh, well…”
Your cheeks are warm; mentally trying to make up a scenario that would make sense without revealing Seokmin’s other side hustle.
“There’s just some stuff I left out. It’s–uh–just—just some stuff that I can’t mention. Private info...”
Jeonghan’s eyes narrow at you from across the table and it makes you nervous as you avert your eyes back to the textbook in front of you.
“Can’t mention, huh? Why not?”
“Just can’t. It’s personal. Just that… let’s just say I’d met him before under different non-sexual circumstances, okay? And we were–we–we weren’t... ourselves online...”
“Ah… so he didn’t see you as ‘the type’ to do that?”
You bite your bottom lip as you remember all the times you’d interacted with Seokmin after getting off to or with him the days before and even remembered the time you’d gone over to his place and complimented his computer setup not knowing that that’d been the exact place he’d been when he made you cum with just his voice.
“Ah, guess not… But I guess I never saw him as ‘the type’ either...”
“Mmm… we love a mutual, dumb moment.”
“Ugh, would you shut up?”
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Your eyes are fixated on the white ceiling above you - the silence in your empty room only making the buzzing in your ears seem louder than usual.
“Now what…?”
Muttering, you groan and ease onto your side as your head swims in thoughts of Seokmin.
Your body felt hot thinking about all the times you’d actually been thinking about Seokmin when you were listening to ‘Dokyeom’ - half wondering if you should’ve even felt bad about it at the time now knowing they were the same person.
“Ugh, why... It shouldn’t even be awkward - why is it so awkward?”
Muttering, your eyes flutter shut while you continue to drown in your thoughts. 
‘Daddy wants you to feel good too, sweetheart...’
‘Don’t you want to be a good slut for me?’
‘Be a good girl for me and take your punishment so I can reward you, sweetheart...’
Shivers roll down your spine at all the times his voice had gotten you to cum - toes curling and thighs rubbing together as the arousal starts to fill your body.
Seokmin had always spoken in a lower drawl when he was ‘Dokyeom’ and that’d been the main reason why you could never tell it was actually the same bubbly Seokmin that you’d been hanging out with and working with most of the time.
And it’d also been the reason why you had such a hard time accepting it was the same person because now, all you could see was the same innocent million dollar smile at the same time as the filthy dirty talk. 
“God, but that’s... what I imagined too...” You groan; fingers trailing down your stomach and down to the waistband of your panties.
“N-no, I–I shouldn’t...”
You can feel a rush of wetness soak into your panties but you stop yourself - fingertips digging into the bedsheets instead to keep yourself from going any further.
‘I want to spread you open, first with my fingers and then my cock~’
‘Wanna see how wet you get for me before I even give you what you want’
‘All I can think about is how good you’ll feel around my cock when I finally get to fuck that pretty ‘lil cunt of yours...’
Biting your bottom lip, you sit up from your bed - huffing slightly before you swing your legs over the edge.
“I’m going to take a cold shower and go to sleep...!”
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Seokmin writes and rewrites the same text a multitude of times - cheeks warm as he stares down at his phone screen.
It’d been a few days since the two of you had tried to meet up and you’d stealthily evaded every interaction with him any chance you could get in classes and outside of classes - not that he could blame you.
But this time it’s technically work, he tells himself, I need to make sure...
Nodding, he hits the ‘send’ button on his text - a gentle sigh on his lips before he sets his phone down.
‘Hey, I know this is coming out of left field right now but I know we still have one more fitting session together. But I just wanted to know if we were still okay to do that? I can see if someone else can take over for you, if you’re not up for it just yet. Just let me know. I can adjust to suit your needs.’
Now he just had to plan on what to do if you replied ‘no’.
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sie-rui · 3 years
Hello. I’ve seen that you write angry and smiley content and I’m so happy because there is not that many ff about them. And I wanted to request if the boys had a crush on the reader. Like their a baker and in the manga the boys own a ramen shop. Sorry if I spoiled anything. But if it’s not too much thank you💕💕☺️.
❀ THE BAKER NEXT DOOR | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 kawata nahoya and kawata souya 💿 gender neutral, third pov (they/them), fluff, pining, au - post canon, imagine 📅 june 09, 2021 🔗 main, kawata twins as your boyfriend
the kawata twins has a little crush on the baker next door to their ramen restaurant. shy and lovesick are what they are
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In the Kawata Twins' life, most are inconsistent. They're predictably unpredictable. One moment you understand them, the next not. One moment they want it, the next they hate it. The only thing consistent between the two of them is each other…
And maybe also the baker across the street, in front of their ramen shop.
Visiting the bakery every morning before they open their own shop had become a routine at this point. The bread was soft and tasty, they also sold cakes of different icings and sizes, along with macaroons that Souya loved. But the biggest reason they keep on coming back was the gorgeous baker behind the wonders.
The bakery always opened early in the morning, their ramen shop opened a few hours after. It was a quaint little place with pristine tiled floors and beautifully painted walls—sky blue and intricately drawn clouds. A few tables with chairs pushed underneath loitered around. A glass-covered display boasts some of the products right beside the counter with the cash register. Soft music played in the background to keep the atmosphere light. And only one person worked in it.
Today was no different as the rising of the sun finds both Kawata Nahoya and Kawata Souya in the very bakery as the first customers of the day—watching the center of their affection going about, preparing the displays.
"Ah, Nahoya-kun, Souya-kun, the usual?" They chime, the familiar beautiful smile on their face causing the twins' hearts to tighten just a little bit more.
Souya nods, eyes light. Nahoya grins as he waves and adds, "And tea for me, Y/n-chan!"
"You got it!"
Souya gives his brother a little side eye, brows pinched. He rolls his eyes, turning his head away as Nahoya sends a small smirk. There were no words exchanged as Y/n flitters around, preparing their usual orders to get them ready for the day.
In this little bakery with only the walls to see, the Kawata twins lead a silent battle for Y/n's attention. It's never with animosity. Sure there is a little tension but both of them knew that if the other loved Y/n more and if Y/n loved them back as well... One of them would back off. It's respect, in a way.
"Are you working on a new recipe, Y/n?" Souya brings up, standing in front of the counter side-by-side with his brother as Y/n gathers all of their orders in bags with nimble hands.
"It's a little secret," they lean in a little, catching the twins' attention as they bashfully smile. "But I've been working on a lemon-flavored treat for a while now."
"How is it?" Nahoya beams, placing an arm on the counter, on top of the cash register, to rest his chin on his palm. Souya almost does the same beside him, but on the other side.
Y/n laughs, a little shy. "To be honest, bad. It's either too sour or too sweet and I can't seem to get it right."
Souya lowers his head a little, thinking of how he can help. Noticing his growing dilemma, Y/n giggles. "Don't think about it too much, Souya-kun."
He looks away, pushing his hands into his pockets to hide the growing blush of having been caught. Nahoya laughs, already knowing what he was thinking even before he had even noticed.
"I'll work hard on it and the two of you will be the first ones to try it," they wink and goddammit Nahoya just felt his heart stop with that simple action.
He gulps, trying to hide his nervousness and wondering if anyone else could hear his deafening heartbeat. He pulls out the exact amount, passing it over to Y/n who hums in appreciation.
Souya receives the two paper bags Y/n hands to them with their usual kind smile before bidding them a great day at work.
The twins leave the bakery with small blushes and wistful thinking for the next morning to come just a little bit faster.
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paperultra · 5 years
soulmate au headcanons: aoyama, ojiro, kouda
[AU in which everyone has a soulmate, and the means with which you find them vary from person to person]
Request: Hi! Could you do some Soulmate!AU head canons for Yuga Aoyama? Love your work, by the way!💕 - Anon
Aoyama Yuuga:
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[connection: soulmates have opposite powers from each other]
Aren’t soulmates wonderful?
Aoyama thinks so.
Just knowing that there’s someone out there who’s meant to understand him, who can accept him and love him as much as he wants to accept and love himself – it’s wonderful
He goes through life with you in mind, always, training hard to become the best version of himself and shine brightly for you and his friends
He only wishes that his connection to you would be more obvious
There's no timer on his wrist, no voices in his head, no mysterious letter on his nightstand
So it’s kind of hard sometimes, watching his classmates show off their marks or special possessions while he wonders whether he’s doing something wrong
“You shouldn’t worry,” Shouji tells him when he catches him looking enviously at Yaoyorozu’s bracelet. “They’ll come by one day.”
(Shouji’s words make Aoyama feel a little better, because his classmate does know from experience, but.)
He hopes that by putting himself out there – making himself someone to be noticed – might help him find you more quickly, or in the likelier situation, help you find him. Big groups make him nervous but it’s where he has to stand out the most, so he does his best
Tokyo, then, is both the perfect place and the worst
Summer break brings him there to visit the National Museum of Western Art for the third time, staring at the French paintings and perhaps not-so-discreetly posing while he sits on the benches
He’s rubbing his chin at a particularly sparkly portrait when he hears two people arguing near the entrance to the wing
“Come on, I wanna see it.”
The second voice is low and soft in tone, sending a slight shiver up his spine; he tenses, though he’s not quite sure why
“Just –”
“Stop it –”
There’s a rustling of fabric, then the sound of something plastic unclicking
Then a whoosh
Just like that, all the lightbulbs in the wing dim as the lights get sucked out of them, yellow orbs rushing towards the commotion behind him and disappearing
Aoyama blinks, eyes adjusting to the sudden darkness as he looks over his shoulder to peer at the troublemakers arguing behind him
And that voice makes its way to his ears again
“Leave me alone.”
An annoyed huff
“You’re so boring. I’m going to find Mother.”
One of the silhouettes turns around and stomps off right as the lights begin to flicker back on, and when that happens, Aoyama breaks into a cold sweat because your eyes are trained exactly on him
You don’t tear your gaze away, shoving your hands into your jacket pockets and walking around the back of the bench to sit down next to him; Aoyama swallows, managing to partly swallow his yelp of surprise when you speak
“I like looking at the portraits too.”
You’re staring at the painting he was admiring earlier, one cheek squished against your palm as you hunch forward in your seat
“The portraits. Their eyes sort of … twinkle.”
They do twinkle. Aoyama nods in agreement, still slightly nervous but pleased with your observation as he turns his attention back to the young man painted delicately onto the canvas
At one point he spares a glance back at your face
(Your eyes sort of twinkle too)
Ojiro Mashirao:
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[connection: the first (or last) words your soulmate speaks every day is written on your arm]
He used to have a connection.
It was years ago but he still holds them closely, the memories of waking up to a sentence or two written neatly on his skin every morning
He wasn’t even in elementary school yet when it just … stopped
To have something so important disappear at four years old is awful. The third morning he woke up with nothing on his arm, he had cried, clinging to his mom as he realized his loss
As time goes by, though, he eventually comes to terms with the fact that you are gone
Until you aren’t.
Midoriya shows him an article on quirk manifestation and soulmate connections one day during a brainstorming session for essay topics. He scans through it while the other boy chatters about the gist of the paper, holding it close to his face as he reads
Two sentences jump out at him
“Several cases have existed where the manifestation of a quirk disrupted one or both ends of a communication-based connection. The cause is still being studied, but in each of those cases bonding between soulmates still occurred with negligible setbacks.”
Hope blooms within him – maybe, maybe his situation is like one of those cases
So the next morning, the first thing he says is that he’ll be at Dagobah Municipal Beach Park every Saturday at 10 a.m.
If you’re still out there, he reasons, maybe one day he’ll see you there
But as luck – or fate – would have it, he doesn’t have to wait very long
It’s sort of cold when he arrives at the beach on Saturday morning. After kicking up his skateboard, he shuffles through the sand all the way down to the pier, tugging his jacket closer around him as wind blows in from the ocean
He stops right underneath the pier. And then he sort of just … waits
He’s never been to the beach this early, or much at all until it was mysteriously cleaned up a few months ago, and it’s kind of refreshing to be one of the only people hanging around.
(Kind of romantic, too)
(He blushes immediately at the thought and tries to think of something else)
Fifteen minutes pass before Ojiro hears footsteps sounding behind him
His tail twitches as he turns around slowly, hopefully, meeting your eyes for the first time in this life
Vaguely, he remembers something his mom said – that people always recognize their soulmate when they meet them because they’ve met many, many times before – but it’s a whole lot different when he’s standing right in front of you.
It’s the strangest feeling. He knows he’s never seen you before, but even so, he knows you
You beam and lift your hands, index fingers bowing towards each other
(Sign language?)
He doesn’t realize that anything’s happened until you gesture with your head toward the ground behind you
He looks, and then watches, entranced, as the shadow you’ve made with your hands shifts, a single word breaking out and settling right next to it
He blushes a bit and bows at you, mouth forming into a bashful smile
The waves lap at the edge of the pier while the two of you sit down underneath the hut, backs to the ocean and the sun as Ojiro watches your shadow-words ripple excitedly across the space in front of you
He … feels at home. It’s nice.
Kouda Kouji:
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[connection: you have this limited stack of sticky notes. write whatever you want on it, and that note will magically appear somewhere in your soulmate’s line of sight during that day]
Kouda tends to forget things sometimes, so when he first sees the stack of sticky notes on his nightstand one morning, he assumes that his mom bought them for him on a whim
He writes something about buying more food for Miruku-chan and sticks it onto the bulletin board above his desk before heading to classes for the day
By the time he gets back home that evening, though, there’s a red sticky note right where his yellow one used to be
Take Kaoru out for a walk, it says
Who’s Kaoru? Kouda peels the bit of paper off the wall and scratches his head at the handwriting, which is large and pointy and not at all his
Eventually, at a loss for any plausible explanation, he puts it in his desk drawer
He quickly realizes the red notes are from his soulmate when he finds the second one the next day inside his notebook, this time sporting the name KAORU with an arrow pointing at a little sketch of a puppy
Written crampedly underneath the picture is Is Miruku-chan a cat? :3
Along with the emoji, you had drawn a cartoon cat face with a bottle of milk
After looking around shyly, Kouda quickly digs out his stack of notes and writes no, she is a bunny! ^_^ onto the top one, placing it right next to your note
After a moment of hesitation, he draws a doodle of Miruku-chan onto the note as well
It doesn’t take long before he learns your name and the village where you live – it’s a small one in Okinawa, very small (so you and your friends get into trouble a lot, apparently, since everybody knows everybody else)
He tentatively asks his mom about going there for vacation after graduating, and with much enthusiasm at the prospect of meeting his soulmate she agrees and quickly books flights for them
i’ll be at ishigaki airport at 2! (He folds this note and puts it in his pocket right before he boards the plane)
Sweet!!! See you there, Kouda-kun :D
The sticky notes travel along with him on the flight, tucked safely into his bag, worn at the corners and halfway finished
Like you promised, you’re there with your grandparents when he and his mom arrive at the airport, cheering and calling out his name
His bright yellow sticky note waves wildly in your hand as you run over to him, eyes bright and ecstatic
“Kouda-kun! You made it!”
He nods and blushes deeply as you hug him, your grandparents and his mom keeling over in delight in the background
(You’re warm. And cute. It’s flustering and he’s scared that you’ll laugh at how pink his face is getting, but you don’t)
“Is that Miruku-chan?”
He nods; you bend down to coo at the rabbit inside the cage he’s holding, reaching through the bars to pet her head before standing back up and grinning at him
“Kaoru was sad that he couldn’t come with us, but you’ll meet him when we get home.”
When we get home. Kouda looks over at your grandparents; they smile the same way you do, large and warm and genuine. He looks at his mom – her hands are clasped tightly to her chest, the barest hint of tears in her eyes
The sight almost makes him tear up too
“Are you ready to go, Kouda-kun?”
He takes your offered hand.
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meltwonu · 3 years
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✦ 👻  𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 SEASON 2 👻 ✦
this chapter pairing; incubus!woozi x succubus!reader x switch!seokmin
genre&warnings; incubus!au, incubus![dom]woozi, succubus[switch]!reader, switch!seokmin, threesome, rough fucking, blowjob, name-calling, shibari, dirty talk, degradation, hair pulling, face fucking, slight mentions of dacryphilia[crying kink].
notes; 😮‍💨💕 HAPPY HUMP DAY! 😈 heheh... heh...hehe... It do be humpin’ 😗✌️ LOL kfjhkdh anyways 😭 Thank you sooo much for all your support so far with each chapter 🥺💕 It really means so much to me! I really can’t believe it’s almost over too? Like how is there only 4 more chapters out... I’m kinda scared ☠️ kjdhkajdh Everything is moving so fast 😭😭 It’s kinda wild... This time last year I wasn’t home to post the last like, 3 or 4 chapters so I’m very excited to be home and have the opportunity to not feel rushed about it lol Also I got my attacca albums in! And so stupidly ordered one of the carat versions bc I did not get a single jihoon pc and I am suffering 🥳🥰✨Hehe enjoy ch 9! I will see you tomorrow and enjoy the rest of your day! 💕👻👽 
word count; ~3500
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - x - x - x - x
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most men know if they misbehave,
they're gonna pay while I collect.
and that's why they all come to me,
so I can teach them some respect.
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“Heads or tails?”
“Mm.. Heads ‘cause that’s what I’m tryna get tonight.” Jihoon grins.
The two of you stand in the lobby of the lavish hotel - eyes on the bar that’s attached to the premises.
You roll your eyes as you flip the coin - the outcome determining which one of you would be catching your ‘toy’ for the rest of the night.
And while most incubus and succubus preferred to go about their business alone, you and Jihoon had found it much more satisfying when you worked together - even if he annoyed you every now and then.
“Winner decides what they want to do?”
Jihoon watches with an amused grin as the coin hits the ground; only nodding when he sees that it’s landed on heads.
“Uh-huh, and I say it’s your turn to pick our toy for tonight. I got that Jeonghan guy last time so it’s your turn now.” He pats you on the shoulder and kisses your cheek for good luck.
“Don’t take too long. I’m already getting bored here.”
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You enter the bar alone - the quiet piano music adding to the luxurious ambience as you walk around and try to find a likely candidate to play with.
But it’s not as busy as you were hoping for and most of the people were in groups or couples as you huffed and made your way to the bar to grab a drink instead.
“Hi, can I just get a Necromancer please?” You smile sweetly at the bartender who raises a brow and leaves to make your cocktail as you scan the room once more.
There two only two tables of single people - one who seemed like they’d been drinking for a while now and another one who’d been reading a book alone in the corner with his drink seemingly untouched.
“Hmm… maybe…”
A grin etches itself onto your features at the prospect that the latter would be pliable and you wait for your drink to come before you’re swiping it off of the counter and making a beeline for the book-reading male.
“Hi… So, so sorry to bother you but… Can I sit here? All the other tables are taken and I don’t want to stand by the bar...”
He takes a second to look up at you - wide eyes blinking rapidly as his mouth hangs agape.
“S-sure, I--I don’t mind! I--my name is--is Seokmin, by the way!” He smiles shyly as you take a seat across from him and introduce yourself as well.
“What’s a handsome guy like you reading a book in a bar like this, hmm? Seems like such a waste when you could be, y’know, doing something else~” You tease him and see how he reacts - smirking when you see the crimson blush creeping up his neck as he sets a bookmark in his book and reaches for his drink for the first time that night.
Ah, bingo~ You mentally sing-song; already feeling his aura shift as he slowly starts to feel your overpowering one washing over himself.
“I, uh, I’m actually not from around here…” He mutters, “I’m staying at this hotel for the next couple of days and I just wanted to kinda have a, um, calm night in, I guess?”
Seokmin takes a large swig of his drink before he sets it down, “I don’t know anyone in this city so it’s just me.”
“Do you want to get to know me?” You whisper sensually - eyes flashing a quick crimson before he can even catch it. “Ah, but there’s a bit of a catch, you see…”
Seokmin is intrigued and admittedly, he can’t stop the thrum of arousal that sends goosebumps rising on his skin the longer you stare at him.
“A-a catch?”
“Mm…” You take a sip of your drink as Seokmin watches with his mouth parted in awe.
“Let’s just say… I’m kind of a two for one deal.”
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Jihoon lays in bed - bored out of his mind as he stares at the ceiling.
You’ve been gone for the better part of two hours and he’s convinced by now that you’ve abandoned him at the hotel for once.
“What’s fuckin’ taking her so damn long…” He mutters to himself; sitting up as he runs a hand through his blonde hair.
Two long black horns protrude from his mess of hair and he makes no effort to hide them since he was alone up in the hotel room the two of you had booked for the night.
And he’s about to make a comment to himself about going downstairs to check in on you when he hears the keycard scanning and the door opening - a sigh of relief on his lips when he hears your voice and that of an unfamiliar male.
“Don’t worry, Seokmin~ We’ll take very good care of you~” You coo.
“I--okay…” He smiles shyly as his eyes flit to Jihoon - a sudden gasp on his lips when he sees the horns and gleaming red eyes.
“W-wait, I--hold on--”
“Fuck, did you forget to tell him?” Jihoon groans and drags a hand down his face as you giggle and push him towards the bed instead.
“Oopsies~ I just told him we’d be playing with him tonight, Jihoonie~ But how about we give him a little taste of what he’s in for, hmm? He’s so… cute. I couldn’t stop squirming at the table while I talked to him~” You moan, “I wanted to finger myself right then and there - He tasted so good~”
T--tasted?! Seokmin mentally screams, unsure of what to make of the situation.
He’d thought your red eyes were contacts, or even a trick of the light - and while he knew that there'd be three of you tonight, he didn’t realize it would be with literal demons. 
And the horns that protrude from your own head not a second later have his mouth drier than a desert as his body feels stuck to the ground.
“Jihoooon… C’mon, play with me~” Whining, you scramble on top of Jihoon on the bed as Seokmin watches with wide eyes - his cock twitching in his pants as his eyes flit from you to Jihoon as you straddle his lap.
“If there’s anything you need to know about her, Seokmin, it’s that she’s an insatiable one.” Jihoon smirks. “People think I’m bad, but her? She’ll run you dry.”
You turn your head to look at Seokmin who simply stands by the bed, your crimson eyes making the blush on his cheeks intensify as you lick your lips.
“Sorry~ I like to play with my meals a little too much but I like how good you make me feel~” You turn your head back to Jihoon just as you start grinding down on his lap. “You’ve heard of incubus and succubus, right, Seokmin?”
“I--m-maybe once or t-twice but--but I never… Thought they were real…”
Jihoon thrusts up and makes you bounce on his lap as you mewl and only grind down harder.
“They’re real and she’s probably one of the worst.”
“What? It’s true. She’ll have every one of her holes filled with cock and still beg for more. Most of us can't even keep up with her.”
Seokmin blushes harder as you and Jihoon giggle between yourselves - body itching to join you two on the bed the longer he simmers in his thoughts.
It’s just this once, he tells himself, I’m in a new city and nobody knows me here. I should… Do something crazy once in a while, right?
He gulps and slowly starts inching onto the bed as you let out a drawn out moan; feeling Jihoon’s hardening cock straining against his leather pants with each passing second.
“I… Is it okay to j-join you now? I’m… ready.”
And when two pairs of crimson eyes are on him - he realizes he can’t turn back.
Not that he wants to, anyway.
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“O-oh… Ah, w-wait…”
Seokmin bites his bottom lip as you tug a little harder on the ropes - his arms bound behind himself in an intricate pattern as you admire your work.
“Aww, does it hurt, baby boy? Or do you want it tighter?”
Jihoon sits by the foot of the bed with Seokmin in the middle of you and him; a firm hand wrapped around his cock as he watches you adjust the ropes to your liking.
“It f-feels fine, I just--it’s d-different…”
Seokmin’s entire body is covered in a pale pink blush as you reach a hand around and slowly start to tease the head of his leaking cock with your warm palm.
“Oh---oh, god…” Whining, his hips automatically thrust up into your loosely closed fist despite his first hesitation.
“You seem to be enjoying it though, hmm? Look at the way your cock is already leaking so much pre-cum, baby boy~ Have you ever seen yourself like this? Your body already so sensitive even though we’ve only just started.”
You giggle as Seokmin cries out; his hips bucking up as he tugs against his restraints.
“I--I don’t think I’ve ever, ah, been in a situation l-like this… But, I--I like it…” He whispers - mostly to himself.
“You know we feed off of your sexual aura, right?” Jihoon smirks, “And she was right, yours tastes particularly sweeter. I can see why she chose you.”
You squeeze Seokmin’s cock as he lets out a shaky moan - tears beading up in his eyes from the pleasure that starts to build from the overwhelming aura that you and Jihoon both exude.
“Jihoon, why don’t you take a seat by the headboard… I wanna play with Seokmin just a little before we get to the main course~”
You tease the slit of Seokmin’s cock as the tears finally spill over; a sultry moan on your lips when you finally kneel in front of him.
“You’re so cute when you’re crying~ Has anyone ever told you that, baby boy? It makes me want to ruin you even more~ And it makes my pussy so fuckin’ wet...” You reach between your legs as you play with yourself - fingers dipping into your hole as you lick your lips and let Seokmin watch with tearful eyes.
“Puh--please… D-do something, I…”
His cock twitches as he watches you pull your fingers from between your legs - the digits covered in strings of your wetness as you bring it up to his lips.
“Clean my fingers off, baby boy. And then I’ll let you have my mouth~”
Seokmin does what he’s told as he wraps his lips around your fingers - moaning loudly at how sweet you tasted.
And once they’re clean, you pop them out of his mouth as he sighs softly; eyes hazy as he watches you sink down until your lips are only centimetres from the head of his cock.
“Actually, Jihoon’s going to fuck my tight ‘lil cunt while I let you have my mouth, okay~? I want you both now, I’m so impatient~ I can’t stop thinking about having my pussy filled up with cock~”
Jihoon scoffs and rolls his eyes as he pushes away from the headboard and makes his way towards you.
“What did I tell you, Seokmin? Always wanting to get her dumb holes filled all the fuckin’ time. She’s not satisfied unless she has two cocks in her every single time we find a new toy.”
“I, ngh, I--I don’t mind…” Seokmin bites back the urge to thrust his hips when you wrap your lips around the head of his cock - softly sucking on the tip as he lets out a choked cry.
“We’ll switch positions after a while… I want you to feel how good her cunt feels around your cock too.”
Jihoon positions his cock at your entrance before he harshly sinks his whole length into you - simultaneously forcing you to take Seokmin’s entire length into your mouth as you moan around him.
“H-holy fuck…!” Seokmin feels his breath hitch as you sink your mouth down all the way to the base of his cock; your throat warm and tight around him as you adjust to his size.
“Oho, I bet if you had your arms free, it’d be a different story, wouldn’t it?” Jihoon teases, “I bet you’d grip her by the hair… Fuck her dumb throat into the shape of your cock if you had your way, huh? You only play nice and shy because you’re still getting used to it but I can see the way you wanna give in to what you really want.”
Seokmin grits his teeth when you start to work your mouth up and down his cock and with Jihoon’s harsh thrusts that have you propelling forward each time - Seokmin starts to agree with Jihoon’s words.
Images of you completely wrecked and covered in loads of his cum flying through Seokmin’s fuzzy mind.
“Mm? Are you thinking about it, Seokmin? Your sexual desire just spiked by a lot~”
Jihoon laughs cruelly as he grips your ass harder - skin slapping as he uses your cunt to get off.
“It’s okay… She likes being used like a fucktoy too. I mean, just look at her.”
You swallow around Seokmin before you’re pulling off of him to catch your breath - smirking up at him with precum covered lips as his brows furrow.
“Aww, baby boy, don’t tell me you’re falling for Jihoon’s words~ Don’t you want me to pamper you? Hmm? I can be so good to you too, baby~ All you have to do is be obedient to me and I can give you everything you want~”
Seokmin falters momentarily with your honey-like voice tempting him - both you and Jihoon acting like the angel and devil on his shoulders trying to tug him in either direction.
“Why don’t you undo the shibari, huh, sweetheart? Give him an option to pick what he wants to do.”
Jihoon thrusts into you even harder as the head of his cock grazes your cervix.
“F-fine…” Muttering, you quickly snap your fingers as the ropes disappear into thin air - only leaving behind the markings from where they’d dug into his skin when he’d tugged and fought against them.
And Seokmin only takes a second to make his decision.
Growling as he tangles both his hands into your hair and guides your head until the tip of his cock is already pressing against your lips.
“Open your fuckin’ mouth so I can fuck your throat.”
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The quick shift in Seokmin’s demeanor has you feeling like you’re floating - both males fucking you at a challenging speed as your body jerks between both of them.
“Glad to see you joined the dark side, Seokmin~” Jihoon comments teasingly.
“I just--fuck, I want to feel her cunt around my cock if her throat is this good…” He replies back; hips snapping towards your face fast as he uses your throat and mouth to his liking.
You swallow around him as he groans and holds you down onto his cock, momentarily restricting your airways as you gag around his length.
“You said she likes being fucked like a fuck toy? Then I’m going to, too. Ah, fuck, can we switch soon? I want to cum so fuckin’ bad and I want it in her pussy.”
Seokmin pulls you by the hair, tugging you off of his cock as you let out a mewl of satisfaction.
“Mmnh, you feel so fucking good fucking my mouth so roughly like that, Seokminnie~ I want you to do that to my pussy too, okay? Fuck me like I’m your bad little slut that needs to be punished~”
Your shift in demeanor has Seokmin’s cock twitching and he can’t help but tighten his grip in your hair as you moan.
“We’re switching. Now.”
Jihoon can only laugh as he nods and pulls out of you - your walls immediately clenching around emptiness as Seokmin roughly lets go of your hair so that they can switch places on the bed.
“Hu~rry… my pussy is so empty… It needs a cock inside of it so badly~”
You wiggle your hips just as Seokmin knees behind you and he doesn’t waste a second as he positions himself and thrusts into your pussy in one fluid motion.
“Oh~ Seokmin!”
“Jihoon’s been fucking your filthy ‘lil hole but it’s still so tight… Fuck, you’re so hot and wet around my cock, just like your throat was.”
Jihoon slides his fingers through your hair; taking a second to massage the base of your horns as you mewl and lean into his touch.
“I’m gonna let Seokmin cum inside that pussy of yours, okay? And then I’ll cum inside your mouth so that you’re leaking with cum from both ends.”
“Ngh, please… I need it so bad, Jihoon~ And his cock is so fuckin’ b-big… It’s stretching my pussy so good…”
You lick your lips before you lean in and suck on the head of Jihoon’s cock - the teasing only lasting what feels like a millisecond before Jihoon is doing the same thing that Seokmin was by fucking your face to his liking as well.
“Y’know, one time, she took two cocks in her needy ‘lil cunt at once. Fuckin’ squirted all over the bed as soon as we were both inside of her.”
“Y-yeah? Fuck, she’s so filthy. And yet her pussy is still so fuckin’ tight despite how many cocks have been inside of her...”
Seokmin’s cock curves into you and makes your mind melt and toes curl; both of them thrusting into you at the same time and making you feel extremely full as you moan around Jihoon’s cock and clamp down onto Seokmin’s.
“Mmhmm… You said you’d be in town for a few days longer? Maybe we can arrange something.” Jihoon smirks - the innuendo not going over Seokmin’s head as he chuckles and licks his lips.
“I think I’d like that. Wouldn’t you, baby girl?”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head and the two males share a look with each other to silently let each other know they were close to their orgasms as they both start to double their paces.
“We can tie her up all prettily… Tease her all night before we’re both sliding into her warm cunt. Filling her up and cumming inside her greedy ‘lil hole at the same time.” Jihoon growls as he hears the way you gag and choke around his cock, “I’ll have to teach you more next time.”
Seokmin lets out a deep groan as he feels his cock start to throb inside your pussy - hips snapping into you at a frantic pace.
“Can I c-cum? Fuck, I--I need to cum so bad…”
“Aww, still asking for permission, huh? Go ahead~ Let’s cum inside her at the same time.”
Jihoon and Seokmin work in tandem; this time alternating their thrusts as you let out a muffled moan around Jihoon as your walls only get tighter around Seokmin’s.
And it’s only a few more mind-melting thrusts from both ends until all three of you are cumming at the same time - their loud groans mixing in with your muffled ones as Seokmin cums inside your pussy and Jihoon cums down your throat.
You choke and sputter trying to swallow the abnormally large amount of cum that Jihoon unloads into your throat and mouth; some of it already spilling out from between your lips as he continues to fuck your throat.
“Swallow as much as you can, sweetheart~ I know you can take it all~”
Jihoon grins as his eyes flit to Seokmin whose face contorts in unadulterated bliss when he cums inside your fluttering walls - globs of the sticky substance dripping from around his cock as his hips stutter.
“How’s it feel, Seokmin? Cumming inside of her hot cunt. Bet you’ve never felt anything like her’s, huh?”
“F-fuck… I--It’s like she’s--she’s sucking my cock in deeper… Like she’s, ngh, milking my cock of all it’s c-cum…”
Jihoon’s thrusting into your mouth one more time before he draws his hips back and pulls out completely and you hack and sputter as you try to catch your breath.
“Fuck… Jihoon…” Your voice is hoarse as rivulets of cum and drool spill out of your used mouth but the soreness only makes you want even more as you peer up at Jihoon when he forces your head up.
“Hear that, sweetheart? Seokmin sure does love the way your cunt feels around his cock~ Shouldn’t you thank him? He was kind enough to give you his load of cum in your greedy ‘lil hole, wasn’t he? Your ‘lil hole is all filled up to the brim now, just how you like it.”
You lick your chapped lips - hips moving as you try to fuck yourself even more on Seokmin’s, now, sensitive cock.
“T-thank you for c-cumming inside of me, Seokmin… It feels so gooood and hot... ”
He groans in return; rough hands trying to hold you still as he, too, tries to catch his breath.
“S-stop fucking m-moving your hips, slut… Fuck, you really are insatiable. Trying to fuck yourself on my cock even after you’ve already had your fill...”
Jihoon lets go of your hair and moves away slightly as your upper body hits the bed sheets in a dull thud - your face planting into them as you start to drool into the sheets.
The amount of energy you and Jihoon had taken from Seokmin should have been enough to kill several but somehow, Seokmin seemed to be unphased as he slowly rocks into you - his hips moving at a leisurely pace as you move your own hips back in time with him.
“You’re a curious one, Seokmin.” Jihoon comments.
“W-why’s that?” He mutters - eyes on the way his cock forces out more and more cum out of your spent pussy with each thrust.
You turn your head to the side as your crimson eyes gleam in the light; body alight with limitless energy much like Jihoon himself.
“Humans would usually be ready to keel over by now with how much we’d have taken from them but you? You have so much more to give~ And we're both ready to take.” You slur out.
Jihoon smirks at the scene in front of himself - cock curving up to his abdomen as he wraps a nimble hand around himself again.
“It’s going to be a long night.” He decides.
And Seokmin knows why that is - deep, unearthed desires only bubbling up to the surface now that he had a reason to express any of them with the two of you, who’d seen a lot more than himself in your time.
Mental images of ropes, whips and blindfolds making him want to drool as his blunt fingernails dig into the skin of your waist.
“We have all night, right? Let me show you what else I’m capable of, baby girl.”
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