#but I'm printing my receipt to show her when she opens it so she knows what a good deal I got
judesstfrancis · 2 years
no fucking way I just found the diamond select crow statue my mom and I have been looking at for YEARS for 46 dollars down from 160 on walmart dot com
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zombiewhor3 · 4 months
fem reader x mickey milkovich
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word count: 1280 content rating: MA (18+) A/N: this is my first shameless one shot and i don't know how to feel about it because it was so rushed and sloppy.
being posessive was always mickeys thing even if he didn't want to admit it or even if he only saw the person as a "fuck buddy" he hated sharing, he believed it was the most untolerable thing in the world.
leaning against the counter with a magazine in her hand she popped the piece of gum in her mouth before looking at Mickey who was straightening up items on the the convience's store shelves.
he looked hot during the summer, when the shitty fan Kash installed didn't work properly and the hot air around them would make his skin form glossy droplets of sweat.
his dark tank top and his security vest with no sleeves had made for a nice touch to show of his arms, the way the sweat had made his muscles pop out as it shined against him as he worked.
she caught herself staring to which her eyes traced back down as if she couldn't make it any more obvious she had been staring,
instead of him making a sly remark he rubbed over his lips trying to wipe the snarky smirk he had formed on his face.
hearing the bell from the door opening she could see a man walk in, his familiar face strolling down the aisle as he grabbed a bag of chips.
mickey could see her eyes lurking on the man her hand resting her chin up on the counter probably filling her mind with raw things.
he was an older man surely in his thirties, dark brunette hair with blue eyes. he wore a dark grey suit and a fancy watch on his wrist.
bringing up a soda and pack of gum to the counter y/n flashed the man a happy smile,
"how you been nick?"
she spoke with a slight hint of trifle in her tone, watching his blue eyes flash her a look as he re-adjusted his tie trying to hide his smile.
"just well, you holding up after last night?" he shot her a wink as he placed some cash onto the counter and watched her place it into the register before returning her gaze.
"oh definitely my body feels great. i'm back here working for the rest of the week, but i'm free this friday." biting her lip she could tell mickey wasn't having it, he looked irritated, he looked jealous.
like every bone and nerve in his body was trying its hardest not to whip around and throw one solid punch at the guy.
instead he stood in front of the door his arms crossed, "receipt?" he asked and shot y/n a glare as she licked over her lips and printed off one.
Mickey let him pass through the door and returned his sour face to her,
"who the hell is that?" he retorted at her but before he could even get an answer out he asked another snappy question,
"you seeing some rich fuck now?" he spat and watched y/n close the magazine her eyes locked on his and she wasn't backing down.
"he is a guy i've been seeing and doing things with, which you have no say in my decisions, so keep out of it milkovich."
spitting back at him she looked back down at the counter and unexpectedly the magazine was pulled away from her grasp.
"what kind of things y/n?"
"mostly we fuck" she made sure to annunciate the "k" at the end and watched his face twitch a little and he had been punched in the mouth,
like her words were a direct shot into him.
in the back cooler she had decided to clean up, take inventory and take a break from the register for a little.
bending over to move a box she felt something rough and hard pressing up against her, mickey had his crotch pressing up against her ass,
he was so hard she could practically feel his jeans about to pop at their seams, abruptly turning around she cupped the bulge in his pants hearing him let out a soft groan.
the eye contact between the two of them and the close proximity had made her hungry, hungry enough to slam her lips against his.
pulling of his vest and his shirt her hands smoothed out against his abdomen as she looked down at his tattoos and even some of his scars that were littered amongst his pale skin.
he had already gotten her down into nothing but her panties, his hands groping and pulling on her breasts feeling her nipples grow harder from the nip of cold air surrounding them.
without hesitation she had slipped away his belt, tearing away the clothes around his waist until he was bare and showing her the fullness of his cock, his tip leaking with pre-cum from excitement of her.
a small gasp slipped from her even if she had done this a million times with him.
pulling her pretty panties to the side for at least some respect he thrusted into her, not even a warning could've prepared her for.
the feeling of his cock pushing deep into her, her legs wrapped around his waist,
one of his hands holding onto the shelve to keep his balance and the other on her throat to pull her closer into the heated kiss they shared.
he pulled his lips away just for a second so he could whisper in her ear just how "fucking good" she felt on his cock, in response she moaned his name with a soft angelic moan.
her hands squeezed at his shoulders and back. her nails having a habit of scratching and clawing their way during sex, the better the sex the tighter grip she had.
"fuck mick gonna cum feels to good" she couldn't help but cry out a little into his ears and when she did she felt his cock twitch a little inside her,
her stomach balled up and before she knew it the tidal waves of a perfect orgasm had rushed through her like a summer wind,
finishing on his cock and hearing as he let out a deep set of groans and maybe even a whimper he finished against her stomach just in time.
she still had her eyes shut from the orgasm from its intensity she hadn't had one like it in weeks maybe even months since she had one that good.
no guy ever gave it to her this good, no guy except for the one who was wiping his cum off her stomach with a rag.
slipping on her clothes with a little of his gentle help she watched him pull a cigarette from his vest pocket along with a lighter and as he slipped on his pants he lit it in his mouth.
not saying a word she had tried to slip out of the cooler but the feeling of his hand grabbing onto her arm stopped her.
pulling her in closer and leaning the cigarette away from her he spoke, "i want you to stop seeing him, he's not worth it" he muttered.
letting go of her she closed the cooler door back and let out a sigh,
"i lied, me and him only had sex once. it was barely even sex and i didn't enjoy it"
mickeys eyes seemed to soften as he slipped back on his tank top and his security vest blowing out some of his cigarette smoke before speaking,
"good keep it that way. i have the house to myself maybe see you at 8?" he asked her and watched her nod before slipping out of the cooler
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firespirited · 1 year
Today's film was a very buggy (due to my computer having little ram) low res version of Black Mirror s06e04 Mazey Day. I have chosen to not watch any Black Mirror so far. I don't like bummer endings, don't like dystopias,
Charlie Brooker aka mr Huq has fantastic taste in women but a bleak view of humanity. I can handle it in his real life commentary on the real life media which needs exposing as vultures but getting attached then having characters live in your mind is something else.
Anyway someone said "this is very different to black mirror, it's not even about tech". And the name Mazey Day is a reference to an old english (read pagan) celebration. It was dark and a bummer. But I did enjoy the story which will haunt me for a long while. It's set in an era where I had gone off the grid for entertainment news including all talk radio or variety shows: the things late night hosts asked of women celebs were just awful (seriously go look at early aughts interviews), not to mention the gossip rags. Horrible time to be even white skinny toned beautiful and talented, it was never enough and literal bombshells were riddled with "imperfections"...
I found out about Britney via mainstream news and thought her shaving her head was a badass reclaiming of personhood in front of all those news crews. Then instead of giving her space, they got her sectioned.
Anyway well acted, horribly lit, good build of dread, you think you know this story but it's a morality play.
Then I read Beyond Uhura as the computer was starting to really struggle and I'd been meaning to try it for a while.
You see it's printed really big (very heavy for a 300 page book) so once I managed to get myself in a position where my neck was safe and arms weren't carrying the book (lots of pillow and duvet finagling and a winter shawl for the neck), I was actually able to read it in one go.
Even without the neck problems, with smaller print I get about 100 pages before it's just grey blobs or I get dizzy-nauseated from eye strain. That's on the days when reading isn't repeating the same sentence, parsing a paragraph as illegible, reading the words but when it arrives at the brain it seems to make no sense, missing a vital ' not' or 'never' and then not understanding the next sentences...
Guess the answer is stick to old people prints and short books 😜
I really enjoyed getting to know the actress and consumate performer better. Really touched about her mum finally opening up and them becoming mother and daughter on an emotional level not just practical care for eachother. It was a missing piece in her life she'd learned to live without but still craved and she finally got that. Just beautiful.
I feel like she managed to carefully compartmentalise her conflicted feelings about Gene Roddenberry, maybe a little too much. Just because she managed to reinvent herself with her other talents doesn't make his choice to deny her a rare chance at job security incredibly cruel.
She certainly managed to present her constant disappointment at being undermined and undervalued as amorphous 'bad suits' when I'm pretty sure women with her savvy have receipts and remember names - I guess that's why her lawyer gets a shoutout in the beginning.
It is a kind book which takes time to say what Bill Shatner could be like at his best or when in his element then she presents the change as him getting lost and not realising he had a team/family who would have his back. Very kind. Graceful. Classy.
Her book is from 95 and her comments about NASA not being sold off to contractors and not keeping the experts in control are prescient. It's also painful to know she would lose a brother two years later to a cult.
I'm torn with what we've been told about her final years, she adored her son, she was also fiercely independent and loved passionately. I can only hope she felt loved and safe no matter her sanity. What a driven, bold, tenacious woman she was.
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fuck-customers · 2 years
The ask about customers trying to touch everything at their store just made me want to complain about it at mine.
Behind the register is completely closed off, there's no way for customers to get back here - a big cake display blocks one of the openings, a coffee machine the other and the register/serving window has plexiglass over them. DESPITE THIS people still try to reach under the plexiglass to grab at things.
They ask to see what chocolates we have (they're all in a basket on the wall behind register) and when I bring the basket over to get them out to show off they always - without fucking fail - try to squeeze under the glass and grab them to get a closer look. One old woman once tried to snatch the chocolates out of my hand saying "I need to see it better". I obviously recoil and am like "no sorry I can't let you touch them" as this was peak covid so we had store rules against letting customers touch things they weren't gonna buy. She gets pissy and tells me to bring it closer, so I hold it well above the gap in the window high enough it's still out of reach but right against the glass for her to see and the musty cow STILL tries to grab them from me saying "give them to me, I can't see them" over and over getting more aggressive. How many times do I have to tell you to keep your fucking hands off? Don't grab my wrist to try and get closer cause you best fucking believe I'll slam you against the glass when I harshly pull back with you still latched on.
And people act offended when I wretch things away from them, honestly what do you expect? First off, covid - but also I don't know if you're just wanting a look or trying to steal.
Also people who grab the receipt out of the printer like who the fuck do you think you are? Don't just grab a receipt and take it/trash it yourself you entitled bitch, how do you know I didn't need to keep that? I once got angry at a regular for doing that (I already hated the guy cause he's an annoying creep). He grabbed the bunch of receipts I had just printed; one of which included the coffee order details of the last person, which I needed. I snatched them out of his hand and told him to back up and never do that again.
I fucking hate people. Need to keep their fucking grubby ass hands to themselves or so help me one of these days I'm gonna go out the back, get one of the kitchen knives and threaten to lop em off if they try to reach for me again after I tell them to stop. 🔪
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
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I can't even begin to describe the ask I received so I'm just going to leave screenshots😅😅
Also in the new mha season, I thought Tsu was being petty when she called Mineta Grape-Juice and Shoji Tentacle. But nope, those are their hero names.
Side note: I feel like when Mineta gets old and knows how to work his quirk better, he'll be able to control if they stick or not.
Slight racism, usual smut.
 If you imagine Mineta as in the picture above and with a mature voice, this is more enjoyable. Or you can imagine someone else entirely.. Cause even as someone who's tolerant to Mineta I can't imagine him getting any hoes much less smashing (at least not on top). It would be like watching a chiwawa top a mastiff. 
"This is some bullshit." You shuffle through various papers on your desk, each containing the receipts of Pro-Hero Grapejuice's celebratory purchases. Most of it was random appliances that could in no way be used on a day-to-day basis, but there were others….a shiver goes down your spine, there were others that were just downright perverted. "What even is a nub tickler?" 
Being an accountant was something you were good at, the numbers came easy and it was interesting to see the income and ways of business that different people in power displayed. Planning meetings and getting the occasional phone call made everything a breeze, but it wasn't what you wanted to do. Or in better words, this was not whom you wanted to work for. Even being number 6 causes the workload to be higher than should be physically possible in the hero world. That's one of the reasons you never gave praise to the rankings because no matter how low in the chain, a hero’s work is always taxing. 
Shifting in your seat you look at the analog clock on your desk. 3:45, you were supposed to come to work at 5:30 which means you once again have no time to sleep. Having these late nights had increased 10 fold whenever Mineta went up in rank even by a little. His way of celebrating was spending his money carelessly and leaving you to fix the balance. Though you supposed it may be your fault for never objecting when he barged in your office showing his trinkets as well as leaving his credit card.
"Yeah, it's time to go." You muttered as you read the words, "Dwarf Cow in the left lot of Wisconsin."
 The next hour, you take a detour from your office for the first time in months. Heading down the hall you watch the walls go from the pale greys to deep purple and violet splotches splattered along the wall before it inevitably melds into solid purple walls as you get closer to the front door of his office.
Hesitantly you knock on the door and wait until a muffled "Come in." Rings through the thick wood. The room itself was just as flamboyant as the walls leading to it. A beautiful fuchsia carpet on the floor made you realize that calling in your two weeks would have been better than walking into the Willy-Wonka factory that was this office. Various spherical decorations hung from the chandelier, and even something as simple as the legs of his desk was made up of crystal spheres.
The man himself sat perfectly balanced on a large purple ball most likely of his own creation, meanwhile, various children sat around him slipping and sliding on smaller balls in an attempt to copy him. "Ah, here is my beautiful assistant!" The compliment made you cringe as you fiddled with the end of the sleep-wrinkled white blouse you had worn for 2 days straight. "Can we talk sir? It is important." Mineta raised an eyebrow at your formal speech before shrugging. 
In an extravagant display of balance, Mineta does a handstand on the ball with one hand before flipping to the other side. "Well kids it's time for me to get done as a hero’s job is never over and blah blah blah the gift shop is giving out free plushies and you can keep your ball." The teacher does her best to usher out her students and the sound of childish screams resound down the hallway even though the door was shut. "How can I help you Y/n?" Mineta offers you his ball to sit on and you reluctantly take the offer as you grate in multiple directions in order to stay afloat. 
Mineta watches you with hidden interest as he interlocks his hands underneath his chin. "I didn't know you even knew my name?" Mineta Laughs exposing his annoyingly perfect teeth. It was hard to associate this face to the pictures you see when you search for his early years. "Of course I know your name, I stole your nameplate off your desk 2 months ago." Ah, so that's where it went  "What was it you wanted to talk about?"
You sighed, "I would like to put in my two weeks." Mineta goes slack-jawed before composing himself "Why?" Mineta looked at you earnestly, completely confused on why you'd want to abandon your post as his secretary- I mean assistant. "Working for you has become a hassle with your lack of financial maturity." Mineta mock shivers, "Oo big words, me no likey." Mineta hops onto his desk as if he weighed nothing more than paper and squats in front of you, "How about this, you don't quit and instead help me learn how to...how did you say it? Be financially mature." You lean back in your chair unconvinced that he was taking this seriously.
With the final nail ready to be hit, Mineta adds, "How about I give you a raise of 10 percent and a promotion?" You stand up in your chair with an eager grin, "That sounds great!" Mineta smirks to himself but you did not pay any mind to it. "Great, how about we discuss this over food, dinner date?" Your internal celebration screeches to a halt, " Dinner Date-" Mineta looks at you shocked, "Dinner date? Great idea, why didn't I think of it myself!?" A firm hand slides you towards the door as Mineta starts a complimentary speech giving you no room to object, "This is why I need you, you're so smart, I wish I was like you, tomorrow at 11?" You sputter trying to slip past his arms, "11 but I-?!" Mineta loudly gasps again, "There you go doing it again I'm so lucky to have you, tomorrow at 11 my treat!"
The door is shut in your face and the sound of the lock clicking seals your fate. What did you get into?
Cut to 4 years later and you are still not sure of that answer. Simply being bis accountant you had a glimpse of his perverted tendencies, but as his girlfriend, it was further exposed to depths you never could have found yourself imagining. You shuffle papers in the printing room as you do your best to ignore the faint tingling sensation in between your legs. Yet another whim you found yourself following on Mineta’s behalf despite the ever-present fear of being caught. The vibrator comes to life before going back down as quickly as it came. You toss a middle finger to the camera in the top corner of the room knowing he was watching.
"Miss L/n, can I ask you something?" You slap your arm down to your side in embarrassment. I hope he didn't see that.  Your coworker walks up to you holding a small stack of papers. "Yes, how can I help you?" The man shows you various forms as he talks, for once you were thankful for Mineta not embarrassing you in front of others. "Oh I see where you went wrong, this right here would be a 20% increase, not 18%." The man applauded you and graciously wrote down your explanation. "Thank you so much, my name is Kaminari by the way." 
"Ah hello, Kaminari, and no worries I'm always glad to help!" You turn back as your papers finally scan through but can't help notice Kaminari lingering. "Say Y/n?" You open your mouth to respond only to close it again as the vibratory comes back to life strongly. "Hmmm?!" Kaminari peers at you, your reaction was strange but he couldn't figure out why. "Um, never mind, have a nice day Miss. Y/n, maybe we can get together over coffee or something?” You shrug turning away from Kaminari in fear of your eyes rolling up. The man sways from foot to foot awkwardly before leaving the printing room. 
Snapping out of your personal flashback, you look over at your fiance signing autographs for his adoring and objectively feminine fan base. While it was extremely unnerving how unknowingly close they were to your home, you weren't resentful of their gushing.
Your engagement and your overall relationship had not been made public in fear of your personal life being exploited by paparazzi. That doesn't mean, however, the next thing you witness doesn't get your blood boiling.
A girl, no older than maybe 22 waltzes up to Mineta with the confidence of Muhammad Ali in a ring match. Her raven black hair fell flawlessly down her back with not a single split end. Almond eyes decorated with precise coal blink rapidly to draw attention to her seemingly natural eyelashes. With 4 inch wedges. a black halter top, and cuffed jean shorts, it was clear she was someone on a mission. She effortlessly pushes past the nearby fans as they stop to quack at her rivaling beauty. A smirk draws itself with her soft pink lips as she hears people muttering around and about her.
"Wow she's so pretty"
"They would look good together just look at them."
"Ugh, such an attention whore, not giving the rest of us a chance!"
"I bet a 20 she's his type."
"Is she famous?"
The chatter comes to a close as the girl hands Mineta a notebook, "Can you sign right here?" Mineta flips open the book and his eyes widen a fraction before he puts on his heroic voice, "Wow it looks like you got all of Japan's heroes in this book!" The girl smiles as she watches Mineta scratch his signature, "Don't be afraid to leave your number in there too Mr. Minoru." Mineta pauses at the statement for continuing his elaborate handwriting, "I don't think that would be very plus ultra of me so I'm gonna have to pass." Smug pride fills your chest as you watch the annoyance cross the girl's face.
Mineta finishes signing and hands her back her book, she, in turn, forces a small piece of paper in his hand before holding his chin and kissing him. At that moment nothing else mattered but beating that bitches ass as you yanked her black hair and dragged her to the ground. "This ain’t Wattpad bitch get your hands off of him!!" You turn to Mineta making him flinch with a sharp glare as you yank her hair again, hopefully pulling a few strands out. "You just gonna let her kiss you and not do anything!?" Mineta stretched his hands towards you cautiously, "Y/n calm down, if you would have given me a chance I would have settled it-" "No, settle it now!"
Your rage is diminished by the judgmental looks coming from the fans and you realize your brazen display was out of order.
"Who is she"
"I think she's the secretary l, so why is she so mad"
"Delusional just cause you're with him all the time doesn't mean you're together"
"I hope he fires her."
"This is why we shouldn't let them in Japan"
The girl whose hair you have in a chokehold stands up unbalanced before pushing your hands from her hair. Satisfied at the disheveled look of her previously perfect strands, you turn to walk back to Mineta, your anger having been sated, "Black Bitch." You turn around and go charging towards the girl again grinning when she flinches. Your rampage is stopped as Mineta wraps his arms around your waist and picks you up, "Sorry for the disturbance, we deeply apologize!"
It's almost comical how your mouth spews vulgarity that would make a sailor blush as Mineta drags you behind your apartment building. He ushers you through the back door leading to the washroom, "I can't believe she'd do that in front of me, and you let her!" Mineta shuts the door quietly, leaning his ear against it to listen out for any lingering fans. You sit on top of a washer still ranting as your blood cools down. "The nerve of some of these people is outrageous, even if she doesn't know about us that is still sexual harassment!"
Mineta doesn't look at you and instead peeks through the blinds lining the washroom windows. "I think they are gone, come on." The two of you sneak out the door and walk at a moderate speed all the way back to your front door. In hindsight, you knew that causing a scene like that was a bold move on your part. If anyone was recording the whole ordeal you knew Mineta’s name and possibly yours would be in the headlines by later this evening. 
As the last one entering, you lock the door behind you, forehead scrunched together with apprehension. "Mineta I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me. I just saw her touching you and saw red." You face away from the door with an earnest look on your face. Mineta has a cheeky look on his face that can only mean trouble. Despite your similar slim build and height, Mineta easily corners you against the door. "I know exactly what got into you." Mineta’s pointer finger taps your nose. "Jealousy."
You sighed, putting your head down nodding, "Yeah, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just-" "shhh." Mineta lips your head back up with a hand under your chin. "It's fine Y/n. It's not like I expected a perfect little cocksleeve like you to be okay with sharing." You stare blinkingly at Mineta. 'Oh, he's in one of those moods huh?' As expected from such a fiend like Mineta, he was quite possibly hard the whole time he was watching you beat that girl's ass, and for some reason that irked you even more. “Mineta I’m being serious.” The words leaving your mouth did not phase Mineta, he holds your hips and pulls you close to him in order for you to feel his bulge. 
“Oh come on, after seeing you be so possessive for me, how can you not expect me to be a lil turned on?” Mineta’s hands circle your ass before slapping it, “Made me feel special.” Rolling your eyes you lean into the lingering kisses he begins to leave on your shoulder. His grip tightens as he shuffles you to the nearest surface. “Makes me feel all giddy inside to know that you do this only for me and no one else.” Minoru unbuttons your dress pants and removes your belt, “But doing that in front of all those people was stupid.” A shiver travels up your arms from the feeling of lips caressing your ear. Mineta dips his hand into your cotton panties and immediately draws attention to your clit.
“Look at me, Mineta Minoru with a girl like you that would fight for me. Who would have thought?” You ball your fists on the table, hanging your head low. “You’re not going to make this easy for me are you?” Mineta slips his other hand beneath your blouse to cup your breasts. Short l  rub down your slit collecting your slick. The feeling was warm and buzzing just underneath your skin, the bastard was well trained on how to slowly but surely bring your pleasure to its peak and hold you there. Your muscles begin to feel more and more like jelly, you sigh “Oh God..” Mineta pushed his body further on yours, rutting against your body. Up until now, his other hand was simply resting on your skin but once impatience overcame him, he used it to pull down your pants. 
“You know this will be in articles tomorrow right?” Two fingers curl inside of you making you squeal, “Y-Yes!” Something hard and slick smacks against your bare ass as Mineta removes the bottom half of his hero costume. “So how are you going to compensate me for what I’ll have to deal with tomorrow?” You turn your head to the back with a small pout on your face, “She shouldn’t have touched you.” Mineta coyly smiles before pressing your head down against the table. “You should have let me handle it.” 
Mineta was an average of 5 inches in length with conservative girth. But so far he’s been the only man that really added proof that size doesn’t matter. Mineta pulls away from you and leans down to riffle through his pants. You hear a crisp pop of a cap being opened and a slick splatter is heard afterward. A shaky breath leaves Mineta’s lips as he lubes his cock up. Penetrating is a struggle at first, the longer it takes for him to push it in the more both of you become frustrated until he finally pulls your waist back against himself. “S-So good!” The pleasure causes his childhood lisp to slip through as he waits for you to acclimate to the stretch. 
You shift your feet when Mineta refrains from moving. "Tsk, you really don't understand the meaning of patience do you?" Your hands suddenly become cool to the touch as Mineta covers them with medium sized spheres temporarily gluing you to the table. "Mineta this isn't fair! Please just a little bit to the left!" Now having you helpless Mineta puts one hand on your back while stroking the base of his cock. "It's not about being fair, it is about teaching a sneaky brat like you to know their place." Mineta begins to move but it's not right, he needs to go more to the left, "Mineta what are you even talking about!?!" 
A sigh leaves Mineta's lips, "Don't think I forgot about that slick shit you tried to pull with Kaminari." Mineta watches your ad shake and bounce everytime your hips meet. Your arms twitch and pull at themselves wanting to find purchase on the flat surface. Groans leave your lips as Mineta comes closer to hitting your spot,  "Slick shit?! Y-You're the one that wanted to do that stupid little piano in the first place!" You couldn't see it but Mineta had a deep seated glare on his face. He loops his fingers underneath his yellow scarf and rolls it around long ways. 
"I'm really tierd of your mouth. What you think because I let you beat that girl out their I'll let you beat me?" The middle of the scarf is put in your mouth and your head is pulled back by it. Mineta holds both ends of the scarf to slam into your cunt. "Just a greedy little bitch aren't you?" You scream into the cloth as Minetas cock finally hits your spot just right. The constant pulling on the corner of your mouth burned everytime the fabric rubbed against the sensitive flesh. Your feet rise to your toes in a fruitless attempt at getting a break from the pleasure. Mineta holds his scarf in one hand and pushes down your waist. "Didnt you want this? Don't run from it now."
Your pussy squelched around his cock the faster he went making you go cross eyed. "Fuck you feel so damn good.  The table rattled and scraped across the floor with every thrust. "oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Your nails scraped the table as you closed your fist, had you had claws it would have been a whole different story. You beared down on his cock, trying, begging to feel more inside of your walls as he moved faster. Suddenly your argument fel worth it.
Mineta knew many things about himself. He knew his birthday, he knew where he was in life, and he knew he had come 6 minutes ago and was bordering hysteria as he pumped his overestimated cock into your wet heat. Each drag made years collect in his eyes.  Tiny whimpers left his lips and his hands squeezed your sides harder and hard.  "So fucking warm. Squeezing down on my dick like that." 
He bowed his head and rested on your back,  kissing the sweaty skin as he pushed through the painful pleasure.  "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Mineta slaps your ass  before pulling out and shoving his fingers inside your pussy. "Cum for me, Y/n. That's it cum on my hands." Mineta's fingers were the only thing that never really grew on him. They were relatively short but thick so even three of them were able to stretch your hole the way you needed. 
"Y-Yes, right there shit!" Your cum drips down his arm soiling the fabric there as you squint around him, "That's it give it to me." Mineta buried his face in your pussy licking you clean like a man starved. It wasn't until you whined did he stop and pull his fingers out. 
Luckily for you, his spheres were just about coming close to their time constraint. You stand up rubbing your wrists and drinking some water Mineta brings you. A snort captures your attention and Mineta holds up his phone, "Not even an hour." Writing in thick bold words read. 
"Obsessive Secretary Snaps on Camera!"
You snort, "I'm the obsessive one huh?" It was going to be a long day tomorrow 
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applejongho · 3 years
cherry on top | choi jongho
genre: fluff, realistic fiction, humor
character: starbucks employee!jongho
description: Jongho has an interesting run-in with a Karen during his shift at Starbucks.
word count: 2k
warnings: mild swearing
author’s note: jongho as a coffee barista was swimming in my mind for quite some time, so here he is. 
masterlist here!
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There was something about that coffee stain on Jongho's employee shirt that made it impossible to get rid of. It was likely the mix of the ingredients that had stacked the receipt when it was printed, but Jongho couldn't help but feel she had somehow planned this as he scrubbed harder with bleach.
Jongho wouldn't have guessed the day to turn out as it did, but maybe he should have. Working with the public was always a gamble, but Jongho's optimism blinded him. Most customers were nice enough. Most customers gave a smile when he handed them their overpriced coffee. There weren't too many comments about his red and black hair, and he could shrug off all of them. The compliments were what he remembered.
The day started off normally - with Jongho's coworkers nudging him towards the mound of bagged coffee beans. "I could do it myself, but you just do it quicker, you know?" One of his coworkers had whined, twirling a piece of curly hair around her finger. "It" was picking up the bags of coffee beans to put into the grinder, and Jongho didn't mind it.  As he slung a bag over his shoulder with ease and glanced at her, he could swear her face flushed. Perhaps it was just the sun. The sun hit her face like that when he broke apples in half with his bare hands too. It was strange how the universe liked her like that.
After his bean tasks, Jongho took to the drive-thru of the coffee shop. He was told he had a nice voice, but he doubted he sounded that heavenly through a cheap speaker that hadn't been changed for five years. Nonetheless, Jongho enjoyed doing the drive-thru and taking orders. When there were multiple drive-thru lanes open, he would challenge his coworkers to see who could get through orders the fastest. This caused him and his coworkers to resent vans - vans almost always meant there was a large order - a sure loss, unless Jongho's fingers could learn to dance very quickly on the ordering screen.
Taking orders via the drive thru took up his morning, and then he was released for his lunch break. His coworkers had become accustomed to bringing him apples for the sole purpose of him to break them. He didn't mind, and it allowed him to be more comfortable with his coworkers because he could sometimes be shy. "Is that why part of your hair is red?" A coworker had asked him one day after he had broken multiple apples in a row. Jongho shook his head.
"No. Just red," he shrugged, ignoring his coworker's eyebrow raise. "I just like the color red." He thought he looked good with it.
But not everyone agreed - there were some customers that liked to point it out, like he had never seen himself in a reflection before. "You missed the roots," an older woman had told him at the register and gestured to his hair. Jongho added fifty cents to her order.
But for this day in particular, his hair was the reason for his downfall. For the latter half of the day, Jongho would be at the register. He yearned to be in the bar making drinks because it could become so mindless at points, but he was placed in front of the register before he could say anything. He assumed it was because he was the longest working employee out of the staff today, and Jongho vaguely remembered a newbie was working with him. He guessed the manager didn't want them at the register. The register wasn't much different than the drive thru, but there was something about actually seeing the customer or touching their cash or credit card that made it not enjoyable for Jongho.
About an hour into working at the register, Karen walked in. Jongho saw her and his stomach dropped. She looked exactly like a Karen should look: bobbed blonde hair with caramel highlights that were too dark, opaque and round sunglasses, an obnoxiously pink phone case, and a tacky red American flag shirt that said something about how America was blessed. Jongho knew he shouldn't judge people so quickly, but he had dealt with this breed of women before. He had to brace himself for the worst and the unexpected.
"Hello, ma'am," he said cheerfully when Karen got to the front of the line. Her dark sunglasses obscured her eyes, but she was clearly paying attention to her phone instead of him. She suddenly realized she was in Starbucks and lifted up her glasses. She took one look at Jongho's name tag.
"Hello, John," she said, and Jongho had to bite his tongue to keep from making a noise.
"Jongho," he said.
"John," she continued, and listed off her order, Jongho begrudgingly typing it in as she spoke. It's not that hard of a name, he thought to himself as he kept typing. Why was Karen's order so long? Jongho kept translating her vegan, dairy-free, blood-of-firstborn, extra-expresso venti iced coffee into the system until she stopped talking, and even then she wasn't done.
"So is everyone your age just dying their hair like that?" Karen said without prologue. "I'd never let my kid dye their hair like that. It's so unprofessional."
"Thank you," Jongho said, dodging the question and not wanting to provoke her. He hoped his cheeks weren't also red. "Here's your total. Cash or credit?"
Karen pulled out her purse, but not without clicking her tongue in annoyance. "You all really should lower the prices. It's too damn expensive."
Then make your own, Jongho wanted to reply, but he held his tongue. "I wish I could," he said with a smile. Karen frowned in return, and, without warning, dumped her entire coin bag onto the counter. Jongho yelped and scrambled to keep flying pennies and quarters from rolling off of the counter. In the corner of his eye, a coworker ogled Karen.
"I used the bills to buy my groceries, so I'll pay in coins," Karen yawned while Jongho threw himself onto the floor to make sure no coins had reached there. He got up, plastering on a fake smile. He hadn't had a customer like this in a long time, but if he could just get through her, everything would be okay. He reached for her quarters first and began counting dollars. He knew for a fact that his manager wouldn't have tolerated this kind of behavior from a customer, but Jongho knew he could be too soft at times. Besides, her jangling keys on her wrist glimmered and showed off their sharpness. He swore he saw her teeth glimmer as well.
"Hurry up," Karen said after a few seconds. "Count faster."
Jongho considered shoving pennies into her eyes. "Certainly," he said, and tried to pick up his pace. He could feel her eyes burning on his neck as he shoved the change into the cash register. He pushed her receipt over to her and eagerly began with the customer behind her, glad to be ridden of her.
But his escape was short lived. He heard a whine from the corner of the store and knew it was the Karen immediately. He was currently helping out a different customer, but there was no one else in line behind them. He'd deal with it after the customer if things escalated with Karen.
"Are you sure you made this correctly?" Karen snarled at Jongho's coworker, her nostrils flailing. The coworker looked like she wanted to sink into the floor. "This doesn't taste like how it usually does. Make it again."
Jongho wouldn't have done anything - customers asked for drinks to be remade frequently. But this was Karen, and upon further inspection, this was the new employee that his manager had talked about. He couldn't leave her hanging, it would be rude as an older and more experienced employee. Jongho finished ringing up the final customer and went over to Karen and the other coworker.
"Cherry head," Karen growled, and Jongho only raised his eyebrows. That was a new one.
"I'll make a new one, ma'am, sorry," he said, taking the drink from her. "I'm sure you were fine," he muttered to the worried coworker and was pleased to see her smile.
Iced coffee wasn't difficult, and with the lack of new customers Jongho took the time to make sure the drink was entirely accurate. It's not that she deserved a drink, it's that he wanted her out of the store as soon as possible. He even had the temperature right, and gave it a perfect dairy-free whipped cream swirl at the top before handing it back to her.
Karen ogled the drink for a moment, looking back and forth at the cup and Jongho. Then she threw the drink at him.
The whipped cream top hit Jongho square in the face and he could taste it. Then came the slow and cold trickle of the coffee down his apron and shirt underneath, and at that moment, he was so glad she hadn't ordered anything hot.
"I said I didn't want whipped cream!" Karen bellowed, but Jongho's choir practice had made him desensitized to loud vocals. He wiped the whipped cream from his face and looked at Karen straight in the eyes.
"Get out," he said coldly. "There's a Dunkin across the parking lot. They can have your coins." He paused for a moment, and then his mouth twitched upward. "My name is John, you can write me up if you want. I don't care."
"I will be," Karen growled, red-faced and clutching her purse at her side like Jongho was going to reach out and nab it. he couldn't believe Karen thought that she was the victim here when Jongho had a new fluffy white beard adorning his face.
"John's right," a third coworker said, coming from behind. He could vaguely hear his laugh under his voice. "We don't tolerate harassment on our employees. You're the one that could end up in trouble."
Karen stared daggers at this new employee, and Jongho was surprised she didn't jump over the counter to tackle him. "Good riddance, I knew Starbucks was going downhill anyway." She gave one last snarl at Jongho, who fluffed up his hair at her glance, before walking out of the Starbucks.
The three employees were silent, and then Jongho felt a towel touch his arm. "Oh my God, Jongho, I'm sorry," the third coworker said.
"I don't think I've ever been drenched quite as much as I am now," he said, accepting the towel. He began to dry himself off as best he could, but he knew his face and clothes were going to be sticky for the remainder of the shift.
"I think there's another apron in the back," the new coworker said, and then scurried off to get it before Jongho could say anything.
"I'm just glad it wasn't her that got absolutely wrecked by coffee," the other coworker murmured. "I think she might have cried."
Jongho nodded, still drying himself off. It was a terrible feeling, the coffee all over his skin and clothes, but now that she was gone, he couldn't help but smile. It was comical, how insane the public could be. "I hope John gets hell for what he did," he smiled.
"Absolutely," the coworker agreed, laughing. The new coworker arrived back with the apron, which Jongho gratefully took.
"Give me a minute to clean up," he told the both of them before going to the back to inspect the wreckage on his clothes and face. It could have been better, but it also could have been worse. He licked a part of the whipped cream that was near his lips and grimaced at the flavor. Despite it all, Jongho was amused at the situation. It kept him on his toes. It would be a funny story to share at a party. Jongho wrote a note in his phone to re-dye his red tips when he got home. Then, smiling, he returned to work.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Not My Yacht" *Chapter 2*
Yes, for two days this is a semi short chapter, but I had another long today and have one more tomorrow and I wanted you to have SOMETHING. Weirdly though I had an entire different chapter written in my head, but when I started typing this came out instead. My original idea is still coming, this just added a fun little bonus getting there. I promise, tomorrow you will get a longer chapter.
Thank you loves for sticking by me through everything! I love you all.
Also, I'm finally using CHAPTER. I kept wanting to use it instead of PART but I just kept writing PART and was like WELP. But they're chapters, right?!
Ok I'll shut up.
Part 1 Here
Part 3
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And @storiesofsvu for Rita check. lol.
When five o’clock rolled around, Rita came walking out of her office with a stack of papers and her briefcase, balancing her purse on her barely free arm.
“Y/N, Why are you still here? Did I not unlock your chains?” She laughed.
“Haha….no, ma’am” You nervously laughed. “I um, I think I’m waiting for someone,”
“You think?” She raised a curious eyebrow. “If you’re waiting on Barba, you’re going to waiting a long time, sweetie,”
“Wha-? How--? Why, exactly?” You asked her totally flabbergasted by the insinuation that not only had Rafael asked you out, but was bailing already.
“He tends to get a little...involved, in his cases. Poor man is a workaholic,” She feigned pity for him.
“Right,” You nodded to her comically overflowing briefcase and papers. “Something you know nothing about,”
“Touché,” She winked. “I’d give him a call, make sure he hasn’t forgotten about you, dear. Before the cleaning staff shows up,” She laughed and sauntered out of her office, leaving you alone in the dark.
You glanced down at your phone. He hadn’t really specified a time, just-- “Tonight”. What did that even mean? Tonight. Like early evening dinner, or a midnight snack after he was done with his cases? You should probably text him. Or call him. Or text him.
TO BARBA: Heyyy….
Wait. Was three y’s too many? Wasn’t that a rule? You show affection by how many y’s you use? Is that a thing kids do these days? Wait, no you’re not a kid. And he certainly was NOT a kid. No. Be a grown up about this.
TO BARBA: Hi I’m just...checking in.
Checking in? What did that even mean? And why the ellipsis? There doesn’t need to be a pause in a text. That’s why it’s a text. You pause in your mind before typing. Idiot.
TO BARBA: What’s up?
Ok. Short and simple. To the point. No pressure, no demanding. Just... ‘checking in’. You hated yourself. Alright fine, good enough send it. SEND IT. HIT SEND NOW.
Your phone shook in your trembling hand as you waited for the ellipsis of him writing back. That was too much, no no just put it back in your pocket and he’ll text you when he--
Oh god, a phone call? Who calls people anymore? Grown ups, that’s who. Answer the phone like an adult.
“H-Hello?” You answered it as if he had the wrong number.
“Hey, Cinderella,” His smooth voice came through your earpiece. “I’m so sorry, I should have been more specific about the time,”
“Oh, yeah no-- no big deal, I’m just here at work….alone, in the dark…” You muttered the last words to yourself as you looked around the dark office.
“Right. Well, I’m kind of wrapped up in this case right now--” He started, making your heart drop. Well, Rita called it. He’s just married to his job, no time for women, let alone you. Time to just--
“....Would you hate me if I asked you to come help me?”
“...I’m sorry, what?” You blinked in confusion at your phone. So, was he actually asking you out or trying to snake you as an assistant from Rita? Is that what he meant by ‘dinner’? “Hey come bring me food and help me file these cases, because I’m so sexy and cocky and--”
“You know what, I’m so sorry I just heard how that sounded. You’ve been doing this all day, the last thing you wanna do is come--”
“Sure!” You cut him off a little loudly. What were you doing?! You’re just going to lay down and let him use your services for free? Well, when you put it that way it sounded pretty skeezy about yourself.
“....Are you sure? Because we can just have dinner another night--”
“....Yeah I have a feeling that will never happen,” You cut him off with a laugh.
“Wha--no, it will! I just--”
“Your wife comes first, I get it,” You cut him off again.
“My wife?”
“Yeah you’re married to your work,” You smirked into the phone.
“Wow, quippy Cinderella. Guess you’re more confident on the phone without my gorgeous face tripping you up now, aren’t you?”
“Do you want my help or not, Casanova?” He was totally right; without those green emeralds staring into your soul you were actually a pretty funny and smart person. Maybe it would be better to just have this date on the phone.
"Yes, absolutely," He sighed with a smile.
“Did you want me to bring food, or am I just supposed to eat paperclips and vending machine leftovers??”
“I’ll order some pizza, do you like pizza?”
“....I live in New York Barba. Obviously I like pizza,” You teased.
“Right,” He chuckled. “Well I’ll be here--”
“I know where your office is,” You cut him off for the third time.
“Oh, do you?” He asked in a sneaky tone, as if he thought you’d been googling him or something.
“Um, yeah,” Your voice fell an octave softer. “Actually I’ve been there several times, dropping off stuff from Rita for you,” Of course he wouldn’t remember that. Why would he remember that? You weren’t anything special.
“Shit,” He muttered as if chastising himself. “Y/N I’m so sorry, I--”
“It’s fine,” You assured him as you headed down to the subway. “I’m uh, I’m getting on the train so I’ll see you soon,” You hung before he could reply.
It wasn’t that far to Rafael’s office from Rita’s, just a few stops away. You quickly hurried up the stairs back into the Manhattan air as you swiftly walked through the sea of people leaving corporate America to go home to Suburbia. Finally you reached the building, went for the door and-- it was locked.
Well of course it was locked, nobody else in their right mind would be here this late-- so clearly you and Rafael were out of your minds. Shit. Should you call him? Was there a buzzer? Before you could think of another solution a pizza delivery man was walking up to you. Maybe ‘man’ was too generous, he was probably around 16 or 17.
“Delivery for Mr. Barba,” He handed you the pizza. Did you look like a “Mr. Barba” to him?!
“I um,” You stammered as the hot pizza burned the sides of your arms you were holding it on. “I’m not Mr. Barba,”
“Are you taking it to him?” He asked you with a slight attitude.
“I um,” You thought a moment. Well you were going to see him, so yes theoretically you would be taking the pizza with you to him. “...Yes,”
“That’ll be 46.57.” He whipped out a credit card scanner on his phone.
“E-Excuse me?” You were taken aback. Now Barba had you buying him dinner? And what kind of pizza costs basically 50 bucks?!
“2 Large pizzas, an order of cheesy bread, a dessert pizza and delivery fee,” The kid read off the receipt from his phone. “I only accept credit or debit cards, and please tip generously,”
“Yeah right,” You muttered with a roll of your eyes as you pulled out your credit card and swiped it across his phone. The light turned green and a receipt printed off an attachment to his phone. He ripped it off and handed it to you, then nonchalantly walked back down the stairs to wherever he was parked.
“Awesome,” You sighed. You still didn’t know how to get inside, and now you were carrying all this hot food. All of this for a pair of green eyes?!
To make matters worse, your phone started going off in your purse. You groaned and tried to put all of the boxes down softly, but the night wind blew them onto the pavement, HARD.
“Shit!” You groaned louder as you tried to salvage the food while pulling your phone from your purse. Of COURSE.
“I can’t get in,” You simply stated as a greeting on the phone.
“I can’t get in the building, Barba,” You grumbled, now on a 8 on the annoyance scale.
“Oh! Oh God,” The line went dead. Awesome.
After a few minutes while you were trying to rebalance all of the boxes in your arms, one of the big glass doors swung open right into you. The boxes all pressed against you, their hot, saucy, cheesy and chocolatey goodness smearing all over your work outfit.
“SHIT!!!!!!” You screamed in horror.
“Oh my god, Oh god Y/N I am SO--” Rafael started to apologize profusely, but you noticed he was trying his best not to burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry, do you think this is funny?!” You asked angrily while you peeled a pepperoni from your hair.
“No, not at all,” He shook his head vigorously, but kept giggling behind his eyes.
“You do!” You stomped your heel, causing marinara to roll down your legs. “You are absolutely laughing at me being covered in all of your stupid food that I had to pay for by the way--”
“Oh no, really?” He suddenly turned sincere.
“No, Rafael,” You scoffed as you tried pulling cheese from your skirt. “I just had sex with him in the parking lot and we called it square,”
“Okay! Okay I’m sorry, really I am,” Rafael tried to show you sympathy, but you looked so damn cute covered in a tasty meal.
“Yeah I can see that, you’re grinning like a five year old,” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m sorry, Y/N I really am,” He gave up trying to hide a laugh. “But you have to admit it’s pretty funny--”
“I DON’T THINK--” You started to scream at him again, but his smile made these cute little crinkles in his eyes, and his laugh was like an angel’s chorus. You might have been covered in food, but you would be covered in manure if it made him laugh like that.
“For what it’s worth, you look delicious,” He teased you, pulling an actual full piece of pizza from your chest and biting it.
“Oh my god, you’re so gross,” You did your best not to laugh, you were still supposed to be angry.
“Yum, Y/N flavor, my favorite,” He laughed for a moment just as you both realized what he had said. “Uh, I mean--” He looked away in embarrassment, and you swear you saw his face flush red.
“Um no counselor,” You bit your lip with a smile. “I’m pretty sure I taste better than a mix of pizza sauce and chocolate,”
“I’m sure you do,” Rafael bravely retorted, now that he knew you were in the playing mood.
“....But seriously, now I have to go home and get this shit off--”
“I have a shower in my office,” He blurted out.
“....Excuse me?” You blinked, not believing you heard him right.
“I...I have a shower in my office,”
“Oh my god, Rafael Barba are you that addicted to work that you live here?”
“No!” He rolled his eyes. “It’s for emergencies,”
“Emergencies? Like what?”
“Like a beautiful woman covered in pizza toppings and chocolate,” He smirked. “Now come on, I don’t want anyone around here thinking I’m dating a crazy person,” He opened the glass doors again and escorted you into the lobby of the building.
Your mind didn’t know what to focus on first; the fact that he had this mysterious office shower, that he had offered for you to use said shower, or the fact that he just referred to you as a ‘woman he was dating’. You just followed him silently into his office with a smitten grin on your face.
He wasn’t lying when he was in the ‘middle’ of something. Papers were strewn all about his desk, a white board with bullet points for arguments and cross examinations scribbled on it. You finally got a good look at him without the anger of having food all over your judgement. He looked tired, not the usual smooth and pristine Rafael Barba you were used to. But when he looked back at you to show you where his shower was, his green eyes sparkled gazing into yours.
“So, I have some spare suits in a closet here, would you mind hanging out in one of my dress shirts while I wash...these?” He gestured to your dirty clothes. Wait, wash?
You suddenly realized he had led you into a secret room to the side of his office, behind a bookcase.
“Wha…” You looked around the room. There was a shower, a wardrobe, a washer/dryer combo, and a suit steamer. “Jesus Barba, are you sure you don’t live here?”
“No I promise I don’t,” He shook his head with a laugh. “...But I may have on occasion fallen asleep here enough to invest in this,”
“And what happens when this office is passed on to a new ADA?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Then I’m sealing this place off like a mausoleum,” He stated very seriously, causing you to giggle. He loved your giggle, it was so small and soft, just like you.
“Anyway,” He shook off his momentary daze at your giggle hoping you didn’t notice. “Like I said-- Shower, dress shirt. Just put your dirty clothes in the washer and we’ll pop them in the dryer later,”
“Right,” You nodded, definitely having noticed his dreamy stare at your giggle. How had you gone from completely under his radar to making him giddy like a school boy in two days?
“Right,” He nodded back. “I’ll just be out here...ordering another pizza,” He smirked. “By the way, I’ll totally reimburse you for the one you’re wearing,” He stuck his tongue out at you with a huge grin.
“Oh you better,” You gave him the same face back. “Or I’ll cover you in it,” You lightly pressed a marinara sauce covered finger into his perfectly white dress shirt. He glanced down at it in horror.
“Oh that was so--” He started to tickle and attack you, but realized that would only make his outfit dirtier. “This isn’t over,” He wagged a finger at you as he pointed you to the shower. You gave him one last cheeky smile as he walked out and shut the door to his secret room.
What was happening? Why were you getting to him so easily, so fast? How could he have not even remembered that he had ‘met’ you several times? Well, one thing was for sure. He was never going to forget this night.
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sanababes · 4 years
It All Ends Here
Pairings: female kpop idols x fem!reader
Warnings: NEUTRAL (detective au)
• Name: Park Y/n (female)
• Age: 18
• Height: 5'8
• Bloodtype: A-
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock
The sound of the clock almost lulled you to sleep. Exhaustion was finally taking a toll on your whole body due to the continuous murder cases for the past weeks. You and your teammates were sent to different crime scenes to assist the bureau, and especially to ensure the safety of the city of Seoul.
A sound of glass being placed on the table interrupted your eyelids from fully closing. You looked up to see your trusted partner, Major Song Yuqi. She chuckled at your vulnerable state then took a sit across you.
"It's pretty rare to see you that tired, Y/n." She mocked playfully.
You rolled your eyes out of annoyance and clearly, your day won't get any better.
"Yeah right,"
She gestured you to drink the liquid that she mainly prepared to ease your troubled mind. You casted a look of doubt to your mischievous friend before shrugging your shoulders and sipped on the hot tea. A delightful sigh came out from your mouth as the warm liquid rushed down on your throat.
"Damn, that's much better... Thanks, Yuqi." You smiled gently which made the latter feel contented.
"It's nothing, Lead Inspector."
"Oh! Today's finally the day we elect a new mayor! Who are you going to vote for?" She added while pacing around your room excitingly.
"Huh? I don't know yet..." You replied nonchalantly.
"Well I'm going for Kwon Boa, but don't tell chief though or he'd go spare!" You chuckled at your partner's antics.
Seoul is currently celebrating the election between the mayoral candidates – Choi Siwon (red party) and Kwon Boa (blue party). Both are socialites within the government, with Siwon being the current elected mayor and Boa's aspiring will to lead the city better.
Just then, the door of your office burst open. The two of you immediately rise up and greeted the Police Chief of Seoul, Kim Namjoon.
"There you are, Lead Inspector. I've been searching for you, "
"Speaking of the devil..." You heard Yuqi grumbling under her breath.
You stifled a laugh before welcoming the man inside.
"Well know that you found me, what is it that you want to say, Chief?" Your eyes glanced down to the i voted badge on his chest.
"I'm sure that you guys know that today is an important day! Keeping things secure is our top priority for now, that's why I came here. I want you to go check out the red party's offices because Mayor Siwon has expressed strong fears about the safety of his staffs and I don't want to leave anything to chance." He stated, but you're a little unsure with his sudden firm attitude.
"But chief I've been hoping that we'd be having a day off—"
Yuqi's whine was cut off when the chief yelled out.
"You can't seriously have hoped to be off duty on such a day, Major Song?! Now go and report to me as soon as your team is done patrolling!"
Eventually, you went to the lounge area of the officers with Yuqi tailing behind you and saw your other five teammates chilling without any worries.
"Guys! We'll be heading to the headquarters of the red party, please ready yourselves and we'll leave in a bit."
Sua, Jennie, Joy, Sana, and Miyeon groaned in unison as they struggled to follow your orders.
"Oh stop with the fuss, we are all tired here... Don't worry I'll try to book a week vacation for us." You offered.
Their faces instantly lit up at what you said, causing them to gear up hastily which made you snort.
《at Red party's Headquarters》
You and the girls stepped out from the van then walked up to the entrance of the building.
"Hey Y/n, have you noticed... how tense Chief is acting lately?" Jennie said as she clings to your right arm.
The others immediately agreed to what the older girl uttered.
"I know right, maybe the mayor is putting some kind of pressure on him. I hope it stops after the elections." Sana continued while swiftly wrapping her arm around you.
"We don't know anything about that yet, let's just wait and see."
You finally composed yourself, and as if it was planned, Mayor Siwon appeared with his bodyguards behind him.
"Inspector Y/n, I'm so glad that you girls are here!"
He shook hands with you and the girls looked at him with hidden disgust, unknown to your own oblivious demeanor.
"That goes the same for us, Mr. Choi." You smiled politely.
"Uhm since my headquarters are about to open in an hour or two, I want to make sure everything is safe for my staff's last day of work."
He motioned to come closer to the sealed doors before unlocking them one by one.
"Here, I've opened the doors for you. Please if you can just have a quick look inside, I'll feel safer." You and the girls reluctantly stepped inside the offices.
Your team began to part ways and started to look around the vast hall.
Not even a few seconds had passed, a loud shriek coming from Joy made you dash to her side.
"What's wro– oh shit!" Yuqi cursed as she saw what the latter was screaming about.
There in front of you and the other officers was a man sitting in one of the office chairs, unfortunately, he was shot to death.
"Oh my god! B-but how could this happen, and is that the rookie model, Kwon Jiyoung? What is h-he even doing here?" Joy stuttered due to the terrifying scene.
"I've never liked him at all since he's been involved with some drug scandal, but to die like that and be shot right between the eyes? Damn..." Sua sighed.
Just then, the mayor called out.
"Inspector, is everything alright?" His eyes went wide when he saw Jiyoung's dead body.
"Oh god, I-I swear I had nothing to do with this! I'm innocent and history will prove it!" He exclaimed while starting to walk backwards.
"Calm down, Mr. Choi. We're just going to need to talk to you since Jiyoung was shot in your headquarters, after all." You warned him with your raspy voice.
'Ughh, daddy~' The girls thought except for Yuqi.
( a/n: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
The mayor agreed and ushered you and your team to make it quick.
"Oh God, the press will surely crucify me once they knew about this. We need to do some damage control!"
After calming the man down, you added him to the profile list for being a possible suspect.
You told Jennie, Sana, and Joy to bring the victim's body to the morgue for an autopsy report. The rest are tasked to investigate the crime scene.
"Y/n! I found a receipt, this might be a clue." Miyeon said as you take a look on the faded paper.
It belonged to Jiyoung and it seems like he bought a drink at Lotte Hotel shortly before his death.
"Good job, maybe try checking the hotel after this search? You can bring Detective Jieun with you."
"Yes, Inspector!" She kissed your cheek before going back on finding clues or some fingerprints.
'Why are they so whipped for me...'
You and Yuqi are currently talking with the mayor in some private room within the Red party's offices. They are still some questions that Siwon needs to answer to give your team some information.
"Inspector, this cannot be happening! The journalists will have a field day with this if it goes out to the public!" He said and distress was evident on his face.
"I'm afraid that we cannot make this go all away, but I have already informed the Chief. I'm sure he'll keep this case confidential for a lotted time." Your partner reassured the man.
"I can't believe people would do this... Killing a man just to ruin my chances of being re-elected!"
Your brows furrowed at his statement.
"So you are claiming that you were framed?"
He reasoned that Kwon Jiyoung was an avid supporter of his campaign.
"I see, thank you for having time for us Mr. Mayor." You and Yuqi soon left the offices.
《back to Seoul Police Department》
The good news instantly came as the two of you arrived at the station. Coroner Kim Taeyeon reported that the victim was executed cleanly with an extremely precise shot. The killer seems to be right-handed due to the bullet trajectory and definitely knows how to handle a gun.
• handles guns
• right-handed
Meanwhile, Miyeon and Jieun just came back from investigating the lobby and bar of Lotte Hotel.
"Y/n, it's confirmed that Kwon Jiyoung came to the hotel shortly before his death. We also picked up a torn ticket, I'm sure it looks promising!" The detective said while handing you a clear zip bag which contains the clue.
"I see, let me try restore it in my office. I'll see you guys in a bit."
You sauntered towards your office and placed the torn pieces of the ticket on your table. You leaned one of your hands on the hard surface before starting to place the pieces together.
You're now down to the last part when someone back hugged you and nuzzled its face into the crook of your neck.
"Y/n~ let's cuddle~" Sana whined which made you chuckle.
"Now is not the time for that Sana-ssi, besides I just finished restoring the second clue." You showed her the finished product.
The girl snatched it from your hold before skimming through the details of the plane ticket. She also pushed you gently towards the table which made you sit on it, the latter smiled then placed herself on your lap.
"It says that this ticket was brought under Kwon Jiyoung's name. And this is a one-way ticket to Hawaii! Why he would even purchase such kind of trip?" Sana pouted as she turned her face towards you.
"You're right. As far as I know, Jiyoung's sole goal in life is to be a bona fide member of Seoul's exclusive luxury community. He'll never have left for some tropical islands..."
"The credit card number used to buy this ticket will help us understand everything! ...Oh no, it's badly printed... can you help decipher this for me Sana unnie?" You asked cutely.
"O-of course, I'll be done in no time!" You saw her blushing which made you smirk internally.
"Thanks, I really appreciate the help." You pressed a kiss on her forehead before leaving the latter flustered.
Your phone suddenly rang as you pressed answer, not even bothering to look at the name of the caller.
"Yah Park Y/n! We still need to have a chat with Kwon Boa, I'm barging in any second!" Yuqi exclaimed.
You groaned at her childish demeanor.
"I'll be back in an hour, please do your task okay?" You reminded Sana before finally meeting up with Yuqi.
《Seoul City Hall》
The press conference of the candidates just ended a few minutes ago, so you took it as an advantage and greeted the head of the blue party.
"Ah, Inspector Park! It's nice to see you, have you voted yet? After what happened today it seems like my victory tonight is almost ensured!" Boa expressed herself happily.
"Are you referring to Kwon Jiyoung's murder?" Yuqi asked as you watched the older woman in front.
"Hmm, I always had a hunch that the red party is populated with bloodthirsty maniacs. I mean making dreadful deeds just to advance their political agenda... Poor Mr. Kwon being shot at their own headquarters, now I'm sure that the citizens of Seoul will vote for me!"
"Anyways, my campaign has always been based on honesty and morals." The mayoral candidate stated.
You just sighed at her egocentric reply.
"I think that's all that we need to know for now, Mrs. Kwon. We'll keep in contact with you, just in case." You sent her a cold gaze before walking away with your partner.
Yuqi grumbled under her breath before draping her arms around your tall frame.
"These goddamn politicians are going to be the death of me..."
You chuckled on what she said.
"Same... Right now we only have two suspects."
"Yeah, we should close this case as soon as we can. By the way, Officer Chan told me that you should check your email soon. He said the mayor's staff sent you a video recording." Your partner explained.
You immediately grabbed your phone then opened your email.
1 unread inbox
You shared a meaningful glance with Yuqi before opening the said message.
A videotape is played which showed Kwon Boa sneaking into the Mayor's office, presumably right before Jiyoung was killed.
"I can't believe this! It's Mrs. Kwon! We should speak to her again right now–"
"Not so fast, Major Song." Chief Kim appeared with some of the SWAT officers behind him.
"Mrs. Kwon can wait, I want you two to go secure the stand where the election's winner will be announced."
"Huh? But Chief we can't lose time on finding–" you tried to argue, but as usual, you were cut off again.
"Finding Mr. Kwon's murderer is top-priority, but so is the election winner's safety! I'm counting on you Inspector Park, go talk to Boa and don't forget to check out the election stand on the way!"
You and your partner had no choice but to follow his orders instantly.
"Every goddamn time, he always cuts us off!" You whined childishly which is pretty rare.
After a few minutes of walking, the two of you arrived at the wide podium. It has two large posters of each party which is hanged opposite to one another. The guest tables were pretty scattered in front of it due to the neglecting visitors who came to watch the awaited conference a while ago.
"Let's split up, you're with the tables then the podium is mine." You instructed Yuqi.
"Yes ma'am!"
The two of you then started to inspect the area thoroughly without missing a single spot. There were a few plant vases on the stage which didn't look suspicious until you saw one that looked a bit unkempt and the soil was disheveled too.
'Oh! Looks like our killer messed up a little, too bad for him...'
You wore your leather gloves before analyzing the vase carefully. It seems like someone previously dug up a hole and covered it carelessly. A smirk crept into your lips as you shoved your hand in the soil and began to try feel any possible foreign object.
"What are you doing?" You looked down to see your partner doubting your current efforts to find a lead.
"I'm searching for any clues? Duh..."
You suddenly felt a hard item and struggled to have a grip on it. After a few seconds of harsh pulling, you finally hauled a small garbage bag with something wrapped completely inside it.
"Look what I got~" you grinned playfully.
"How the fuck did you–"
"I'm going to bring this to the forensic team, have anything useful too?" You asked while stepping down the podium.
"Uh I got this hidden camera on one of the tissue holders, and then I saw this notebook on the floor. The page is torn so I think It looks suspicious so yeah,"
Yuqi handed the portable camera and ripped notebook to you. She also helped on putting all the clues inside your forensic kit whilst you called for Officer Wooseok to pick you up from the city hall.
"I called for Jennie and Joy to help you talk with Mrs. Kwon again, I'm sure you can handle it without me right? I'll go ahead to the station to get this stuff examined." You bid a goodbye to your partner and told her to wait for the other girls.
'Let's see if the fun starts from now on.'
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Part 2 coming soon...
How was ittt? Its my first time writing with these kind of theme sooo yeah hihi 🐶
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At work today I had some woman accuse me of cheating her outta money on winning scratch of tickets. She handed me like 20 tickets and I scanned them under a scanner because that's what you have to do. And once you scan them it will tell you if it's a winner or not. If it is, a thing prints off how much the winning ticket is. So if it's say a $20 winner, the machine prints off a thing saying that it's a $20 winner. So I scanned all the tickets and added them up on my phones calculator, she had in total $155 in winning tickets right. Well she also wanted two $10 scratch off tickets, which I added one her tab and her final total in which I owed her was $135. It wasn't until after I had hit the button on the computer to open my register, and I started getting the money out of it that she goes, "No no, this is all wrong, I had more then $135 worth of winning tickets, I added them up at home, you are cheating me outta money!" I had $130 in my hand at the time of her starting to yell at me. So I stood back and looked at her receipt to double check, thinking I had done something wrong. I then showed her the receipt and said to her, "I added everything up correctly, the amount I'm giving you is right." She responded with, "I don't care what the receipt says, I added them up at home and I had $197 in winning tickets. You're cheating me outta money!" So I paged the manager who was working today, her name is Dawn. So I paged dawn up to customer service. Customer service is where we sell lottery tickets, scratch offs, cigarettes, money orders and other things. We also do returns, cash in winning tickets and answer phone calls. Dawn was busy cleaning the bottle return room, which people outside of Michigan, Oregon, Hawaii, Maine, California, Iowa, Delaware, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, and Vermont, will have no clue what those are. Basically, in these states when you buy pop er soda as it's known outside of Michigan, you have a deposit and you can return them for the deposit. Michigan and Maine has a ¢10 deposit, the others have ¢5 deposits. Anyway, she was cleaning the room where you return the cans and bottles so she didn't come to customer service right away. So I went ahead and rang up some other people after I paged Dawn again. After I rang up a few people Dawn came up and added all the tickets together and got the same amount I got, being $155. Dawn then says, "Rusty added them correctly. You must've added them wrong at home, or forgot a couple. But he has the right amount." The woman responded, "Well maybe I left one in the car. I'll be right back!" She left and I stood there a worried that I had done something wrong or that I was causing problems. I rang up a guy while we waited for her to get done looking in her car. He said, "Don't worry about it Rusty, it's not your fault. That's why we have managers so we can get help on things like this." I told him, "Yeah, I know. I just can't help but worry." After he paid and was getting ready to leave, he goes, "Don't let it get to you." Dawn agreed with him. After he said that he left and she came back in saying that she couldn't find any in the car. She then said sorry to me. And I wanted to yell at her, she was accusing me of doing something that would get me fired from a job I love. But I had to be professional so I told her it was ok. Dawn asked for her name so that in the morning her boss could look at the cameras and see if I did anything wrong, which I know I didn't. After that the woman left. I work until closing, or till an hour or two before closing. The store closes at 10:00 pm. I work at a grocery store for context, and yes we sell lottery tickets and scratch off tickets there. Also, sorry for sending an essay. Talking about a singular event with ADHD always leads to talking about other things you bring up while talking about the thing you're talking about.
okay ngl I didn't read this but god does working with customers like that suck
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haddonfieldproject · 4 years
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Warren County, Illinois
As Brad Doyle backed his Mustang out of his driveway, Gabriel Couture passed the sign reading:
in his semi-truck. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. The last few miles are always the hardest, he thought to himself, time seems to slow down. He squinted through the rain.
Another sign appeared. This one was a billboard, featuring a young looking blonde girl with breasts too large to be real, wearing a black bikini. Above her, in large red letters was printed:
To the right of the model in shiny purple letters read:
And under that in plain white letters:
Gabriel cracked his neck and shook his head smiling. He had known Misty Dawn in High School—only then her name had been Ellen Rawls and her breasts were definitely not that large. I think I would have noticed those when we were dancing against one another at Homecoming.
He even remembered the song they danced to: KC and Jojo's 'All My Life'.
Another billboard came into view. This one had a picture of fire on the left and a picture of bright and shining golden gates on the right. At the top it read:
Gabriel rolled his eyes. That's Haddonfield for you, he thought, religious billboard right after the one for the titty bar.
He checked the clock at the bottom right of his Qualcomm screen. ‪5:42‬.
Haddonfield, Illinois
‪5:42 was precisely what the clock on Raj Gudipati's wall read as Jack Tate handed him his credit card to pay for the service to his car as well as the two Frappachinos for him and his wife, the Mountain-Dew for Damon, and the three bags of Doritos.‬
“Damon!” He called out as Raj took the card and swiped it. Ophelia Tate appeared behind him and put her chin on his shoulder.
“There you are,” Jack said, “Where have you been?” Raj handed him back his card.
“I was Facebooking,” she said quietly.
“Jeez Ophelia, this whole time?” He asked, putting his card back in his wallet. Raj's receipt machine came to life.
“I had a lot to catch up on. Lot's of people wishing me luck and stuff.” She said yawning.
Jack chuckled and scrawled his signature on the receipt with the ballpoint pen that was attached to the counter. “Damon!” Jack called again.
Damon took a swipe on a giant pineapple on the screen and then groaned. He turned away from Fruit Ninja and looked at Spitz, “I gotta go little dude...sorry.”
“It was nice to meet you,” Spitz said.
“Yeah, man, I'm sure we'll see you around,” Richie said, waving.
“Yeah,” Damon nodded, “It was cool to meet you guys too. Even you Lonnie.”
Lonnie had migrated, with his porn of course, from the ambiguity of the back corridor to the arcade room. He had cut back on at least 80% of his doucheness during their rousing bouts of Fruit Ninja, Mortal Kombat, and Terminator Genisys.
“Fuck you phlegm-wad.” Lonnie said, looking up from the boobs momentarily.
“Yeah...whatever,” Damon smiled. “See ya.”
“Damon!” Jack called again.
“I'm here, I'm here.” Damon groaned, stepping out of the arcade section and into the main store. The back door that led out to the shop area opened and Diego stepped through. “I'm all done Raj!” He called, “I'm gonna go ahead and head out.”
“Did Quinn clean up the shop?!” Raj called out.
“I told him to as soon as he's done,” Diego said, pausing at the door and looking out at the pouring rain.
“Done with what?” Raj asked.
“This.” Diego replied and pointed out of the window as headlights splashed across the raindrop studded glass.
“There's Quinn with your ride,” Diego said.
“Wonderful,” Jack said.
Quinn pulled the Tate Family Wagon up to the front door of the Superfuel Deluxe, and left the keys in the ignition, hopping out, and running through the pouring rain and ducking into the store with a wail.
“Oh geez, it's raining hard!” He laughed. It sounded a great deal like Lee Chumway's goofy laugh.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” Diego reached into a pocket in his coveralls and dug out a pink receipt and handed it to Jack.
“Hospitals and Car Shops are the only places in the world that still use printers like this,” Jack said, pointing to the perforated edge of the sheet of paper.
Diego chucked, “I know right?”
Quinn sneezed. “Excuse me,” he shivered, “Those drops are fat and cold!”
Jack extended his hand. “I can't thank you guys enough for your quick work tonight.” He said, shaking Diego's hand first and then Quinn's. He had to wipe the water off on his shirt when he let go of Quinn.
“No problem Doc,” Quinn laughed.
Diego nodded, “We'll be seeing you I'm sure,” he said, “you can't hide in a small town like this.” And then he looked at Ophelia Tate, who was again buried in her smartphone. “Good luck with your new job at the hospital Miss.” He said.
Ophelia wasn't listening, and Jack had to elbow her. “Whaa?” she said, looking up. Damon smirked behind her.
“I said good luck with your new job at the hospital,” Diego repeated.
Ophelia smiled, “Oh..thank you so much.” Then she shot a glance at her husband, “Geez, word travels fast here.”
“You don't know the half Miss,” Quinn chuckled.
Raj called from behind them, “Quinn! Is the shop all cleaned up?”
Quinn saluted and then turned and walked away.
Diego gave a little wave, “You guys take care.”
Jack took a deep breath, “Okay, guys..let's get on over to the truck stop down the road and get a nice hot shower before he go check out the hospital!”
They ran out into the rain, Jack laughing wildly, Ophelia screaming, and Damon saying nothing, embarrassed to be with the two idiots he called his parents. As they jumped into the car, and Jack threw the shifter into drive, the headlights of a shiny new white truck splashed over the parking lot.
The truck was owned by Bernard “Booger” Tyson. Booger had only six payments left on the thing before he had paid it off. Unfortunatley Tyson would never drive the truck again..his head was still stuck in a grease fryer. Instead the two men who had put a monkey wrench in the Tyson family finances were at the helm. Lloyd Chumway in the driver's seat with his kid brother Lee riding shotgun.
Ophelia gave the truck a glance as they passed them and turned out onto the highway. “Look,” she said to her husband, “You move to the country like this, you need to get you a truck like that Jack.”
Back inside, Diego put his hands on the counter and looked at Raj who looked back at him.
“I'm taking off Raj,” he said simply.
“Is the shop clean?” Raj asked, turning back toward his satellite box.
“Nothing Quinn can't handle.”
Raj looked back at him, “Are you sure?”
Diego smiled, “I cleaned up most of it.”
Raj pointed outside, “Are you sure you want to walk in this?”
Diego shrugged, “I don't have a choice, I'm not going to stay here, I'm tired and ready for my bed.”
Raj shrugged back, “I'd take you home, but Yuvakrishna drove me and he's gonna pick me up when he gets off after Jake comes in.”
“Did he get that truck he wanted?” Diego asked.
Raj nodded and turned back toward the TV. “Yes, he got it yesterday.”
“Sweet,” Diego said, “He showed me a picture, it looked pretty sick.”
Raj waved with his hand, “He spent way too much money for that thing.”
Diego rolled his eyes, “See you later Raj,” he said, turning toward the door.
“Good bye Diego,” he said, “stay safe.”
Then he heard snickering toward the back of the store and caught sight of the top of Spitz's head. “Hey!” he called toward the back, “Are you going to buy something tonight?!” The door chimed as Diego stepped out.
He nodded toward the two men who exited the truck and were walking toward the store. They both had their hands in their pockets. Diego put his head down and stepped out into the pouring rain. He got a few yards down the road, well out of the light of the gas station, when he really began to wish he had waited there instead of venturing out in this monsoon. He was already completely soaked, and water was filling up inside of his shoes, but he knew that if he turned back now, he would just be miserable and wet and still that much further from home, so he kept walking.
If only I had a hood or an umbrella or something, he thought. The rain was literally pounding him in the face and water was running off his sopped head and into his eyes. All of a sudden he remembered the mask in his pocket. The thought of walking down the side of the road in the Halloween mask made him chuckle to himself. I'm gonna scare the shit out of anyone who drives by, he thought. But after a few more steps of blinding rain, he thought, Screw it, and pulled the mask out of his pocket and stuck it on his head. It brought little relief, but a little bit of relief is better than no relief at all.
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spookysanta · 5 years
daddy’s girl. (e.d.)
Summary: he's been watching her and she knows it. He's yearning for her, and he’ll have her, but she has to finish high school first. 
Pairing: Ethan Dolan xReader
WARNINGS: age gap (38 vs 18), creep shit
DISCLAIMER! PLEASE READ: in this, the girl (cairo) is of LEGAL age. he (ethan) refers to her as a child bc yanno.... he's almost 40 here. this isn't on any pedophile stuff, okay? just for clarification. AND as i was writing this i got jake gyllenhaal vibes from this, but then i figured ethan could be the “sexy dad” in the future (so to speak)—which is what i was kinda going for; like a man that’s older but is so irresistibly gorgeous, even young girls swoon over him.
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She'd caught his eye. 
And he doesn't know how it came to be this way; he thought he was done messing around like this ages ago. But here he was, a thirty-eight-year-old man, watching an eighteen-year-old girl cheer at his neice's high school's football game. 
She sees him though; as if he's staring into her soul. As she finishes her tumbling routine in the halftime show, her eyes dart in his direction and his never leave her. She shivers slightly--
Who is that man? she wondered, walking away from the field to distract herself. 
She stands at the cash register, swiping his items across the scanner. "Did you find everything okay?" she asked in a monotone voice, looking at the clock on the register's screen. 
"Yes, I did. Thank you." the man responded, fishing in his wallet for cash as he already knew how much two bottles of red wine cost. "Do you need to see ID?"
"Yes, I--" she paused, looking at the man for the first time during their interaction. This was the man from the football game! She couldn't have forgotten those pearly eyes that bore into hers, and definitely didn't forget the way he ironically made her feel when their eyes locked. "I-I do."
"You okay?" he asked with a chuckle as he handed her his driver's license. He knew exactly who she was, and after a bit of research, he knows that she's what he wants. And, likewise, he knew that she remembered him. That in itself was exciting because now he knew where she was from 9-2 every Saturday--which meant he'd be seeing her a lot more. "You look like you've seen a ghost."
She glanced at the line forming behind him and shook her head at the idea of her confrontation. She took the card and read the birthdate carefully. "1980." she muttered, handing it back to him. "Your total's $18.20."
He handed her a $20, grabbing the bottles of wine by their necks and smirking. "Keep the change."
"Thank you." 
"You're welcome, Cairo. See you around."
She lay in her bed, wondering why this man clouded her thoughts. What was it about him that made him so intriguing? Yes, he was attractive, but he was more than twice her age--shouldn't that mean that he was repulsive to her? Should she shy away from this man and his beauty?
If there's anything she knew about men, it's that older men (well, boys, in her case) don't usually have the girl's best interest in mind. But no matter how many cons appear on this list, the only pro she seems to think of is the fact that he looked at her like he knew her already. His hazel eyes were almost magnetizing her brown ones to his gaze, and the energy was too strong to pull it away.
He's come to the realization that he's hooked on her.
He wants her, no--needs her. 
And he knows how crazy that sounds with all of the odds stacked against him (namely, her being a child by his comparison) but he'll admit they'd look absolutely perfect together. 
And there's nothing he won't do until they're in love.
day one.
She walked home from school every day. Three-fifteen on the dot, Monday through Friday. Sometimes, she takes the after-school bus after her cheer practices, and that drops her off on the same corner but at five-thirty. He sees her walk down Linden Avenue, then make a left on Conch Street, and then go into the tiny brick house at the end of the lively culdesac. Sometimes he sees her through her window at night, laying in her bed soundly. It takes everything in him each night to not climb up the big pine tree to the second floor, open the already unlocked window—she doesn't lock it anymore because the lock can get finicky at times and it can get quite hot in San Bernadino in May—and breathe in the same air as her.
Just once.
Just once, he wants to be there for her—hold her, kiss her, smell her, taste her.
Is that too much to ask?
Just one more month, he reminds himself as he perches himself on his porch chair, watching her walk into her home with her friend, Janelle.
He does not like Janelle.
Janelle has a tendency to be a bit manipulative when it comes to Cairo; she wants the best for her, of course. But she's always making Cairo go to parties that she doesn't want to go to, or do things that Cairo doesn't typically do.
Cairo's a good girl who doesn't need to be bombarded with social...ick.
"She's a good girl," he mumbled, palms set on his knees with white fingertips. "My good girl."
She continued her walk to the store like she usually does on Sunday mornings in the spring. Yes, she does work at the store, but why not stop by and visit her favorite co-workers while she picked up her favorite ice cream?
"Good morning, Edith!" she greeted to the elderly woman stood behind the customer service desk. She resembled Jane Goodall in a way; caring, generous, kind. "How are you today?"
"Hey, sweetie! I'm alright, hope you're doing well. Say 'hi' to Katherine for me!" she replied with a wave, going into the employee's lounge.
"Will do!" she wandered to the frozen food section, her coffee brown eyes set on the cookie dough ice cream in the freezer. With happy alarms blaring in her head, she grabbed a pint from the shelf, going immediately to the checkout line to pay for her dessert. "Hey Ricky." she said to the cashier.
"Hey, Cai." he responded, ringing up her ice cream and setting it on the counter. "$4.68. Got your employee ID on you?"
She fished through her wallet and came up emptyhanded. "Shoot. I must've left it at home." she sighed. "It's cool, I'll pay full price."
"Nah, I got you." he took a card out of his front pocket, swiped it, and put in his pin. "There ya go. $2.27."
"Thanks, Ky. I owe you one." She handed him a five dollar bill, keeping the cash fold of her wallet open so she could put her change in it.
"You know what you could do for me so we're even?" he opened the cash drawer, taking out her change and handing it to her.
"Go to dinner with me." he wrote on her freshly printed receipt. "It doesn't have to be fancy, but if you're interested, you should hit me up sometime."
"Sure. I'd love to." she smiled, putting the receipt with her change and grabbing her ice cream off the counter. "We'll talk tonight?"
"Totally. See you around."
"See you!"
She entered the house again and put her ice cream in the fridge. "Ma!" she yelled into her mother's office as she passed it. "Ms. Edith at Ben's said 'hi'!"
"Aw, how sweet of her to think of me!" she said with a smile. "I'll have to send you by her house with a plate of cookies this week."
She groaned inwardly. Edith's a nice woman, but Cairo's mother, Katherine, does not conjure up her life-changing cookies on any given day. Which means that she would make a small batch—just enough for Edith and her husband, Clarke—and then, poof! No-one's going to see those cookies until Christmastime. Bounding up the staircase and into her bedroom, practically leaping onto her bed with a sigh.
Meanwhile, he was watching her still. He didn't even think to consider the idea of someone catching him stare at this girl, sat in the rocking chair on his front porch, watching her intently through a pair of zooming binoculars while she boredly scrolled through her phone. Quite frankly, he wouldn't care at all. If someone were to walk by and ask him what he was doing, he'd merely say: "Protecting my girl."
He doesn't give a damn if she took a glance out her window and saw a man—that man—staring back at her. Knowing her, which obviously he does, she'd probably scream for her mom and tell her mom to come and look because "there's a strange man" looking at her through her window. And then her mom would come and look but by then he'd be back in his home across the way from hers, in his bedroom, watching her panic through the telescope he'd set up.
That'd be a gift to himself, really. Because he knows deep within that she thinks about him. Even though maybe the thoughts are of worry or panic and not ones of admiration, all he cares about is the fact that he's invaded her thoughts just like she's invaded his.
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