#but Vergil is the one who pops up the most
I genuinely have an urge to just *grabs Vergil's honkers*
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blueiscoool · 8 months
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Three Students Just Deciphered the First Passages of a 2,000-Year-Old Scroll Burned in Vesuvius’ Eruption
A Roman scroll, partially preserved when it was buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79, has been virtually unwrapped and decoded using artificial intelligence.
The feat was achieved by three contestants in the Vesuvius Challenge, a competition launched in March 2023 in which people around the world raced to read the ancient Herculaneum papyri.
Papyrologists working with the Vesuvius Challenge believe the scroll contains “never-before-seen text from antiquity,” and the text in question is a piece of Epicurean philosophy on the subject of pleasure. The winning submission shows ancient Greek letters on a large patch of scroll, and the author seems to be discussing the question: are things that are scarce more pleasurable as a result?
The author, whose identity is unconfirmed, doesn’t think so: “As too in the case of food, we do not right away believe things that are scarce to be absolutely more pleasant than those which are abundant,” one passage from the scroll reads.
The three members of the winning team had previously individually made significant contributions to the competition. Luke Farritor, a computer science student at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Youssef Nader, a machine learning Ph.D. student at Freie University in Berlin, had been two of the first contestants to detect a smaller number of letters, winning $40,000 and $10,000 respectively. Julian Schilliger, a robotics student at ETH Zürich, developed a tool that began to automatically segment the scrolls. They will share the $700,000 grand prize.
Nat Friedman, a tech investor and executive, and one of the challenge’s organizers, recently printed out the winning submission. “All this has been in this dreamlike digital world in my imagination before," Friedman says. "Seeing it on paper, rolling it up, it just made it so tangible.”
There’s a lot more to discover. The scroll partially decoded by the winning submission was one of 800 discovered in a southern Italian villa that was first uncovered in 1750. The combined efforts of the competitors and organizers so far have resulted in around 5% of one scroll being read.
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The final scramble to read the scrolls
Since the Vesuvius Challenge launched nearly a year ago, participants had both cooperated and competed, sharing their latest techniques with each other and posting pictures of their progress. But as the race for the grand prize intensified, the Discord, a social media platform where the participants shared information, went dark, says Friedman.
Of the eighteen submissions for the grand prize, most of them were received on the last day of the contest, Dec. 31, and three were sent in the final ten minutes, according to Friedman. Friedman recalls he was at home with his family around Christmas, decorating for the holiday while compulsively refreshing his phone, when the winning submission came in. “I ran into my little office at home and popped it open,” he says. “I was like, ‘Wow, this is really magnificent.’”
In accordance with the criteria set in March 2023, the winning submission contains four passages of 140 characters each, with at least 85% of the characters in each of those passages recoverable by professional papyrologists. It also contains a further 11 columns of text.
It isn’t known who authored the ancient scroll, but experts have developed theories. “Is the author Epicurus' follower, the philosopher and poet Philodemus, the teacher of Vergil? It seems very likely,” writes Richard Janko, professor of classical studies at the University of Michigan. “Is he writing about the effect of music on the hearer, and comparing it to other pleasures like those of food and drink? Quite probably.” Robert Fowler, a professor of Greek at the University of Bristol, also believes the author to be Philodemus. “Like other Epicureans, he valued pleasure above all - but pleasure rightly understood, not mere indulgence,” Fowler writes of the philosopher.
In the final section of the scroll, the author appears to criticize his intellectual adversaries, who “have nothing to say about pleasure, either in general or in particular, when it is a question of definition.”
“I can't help but read it as a 2000 year old blog post, arguing with another poster,” says Friedman. “It's ancient Substack, and people are beefing with each other, and I think that's just amazing.”
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What comes next
The Vesuvius Challenge has issued a new grand prize for 2024 that will allow the AI-enhanced decoding to move at a faster pace.
The competitors largely have been developing algorithms for automatic letter detection—using AI to see traces of ink on segments of virtually unrolled scrolls. Aside from letter detection, the other main challenge associated with reading the scrolls is segmentation—separating the layers and virtually unrolling the scrolls. So far, this process has been highly manual; the Vesuvius Challenge employed three full-time segmenters. In order to ensure that they’d have segmented enough of the scroll for someone to win the grand prize, Friedman bought the team new monitors and computers to boost their productivity. The challenge for 2024 is to automate the segmentation process.
Friedman admits that he has had other tempting offers of new quests to pursue. Over the last year, he says his inbox has been filled with Robinson Crusoe-esque proposals, from people alerting him to lost shipwrecks and ancient cities, undecoded languages, and strange glyphs on the sides of mountains.
But he can’t walk away. He wants to help read all of the 800 scrolls already discovered in the villa. And some archeologists believe there is a main library containing tens of thousands of scrolls, still waiting to be excavated.
To expedite the excavation, Friedman has obtained the mobile number of the Italian civil servant responsible for the villa, whom he has texted, twice. “My hope is that I won't have to go and dig it out myself,” says Friedman. “But if that's what it comes to, I will.”
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Sparda boys Vs. A crush
I saw a few other people do this so I figured I'd give my two cents. I'm hoping to write more often so if there's something you'd wanna see my requests are open :)
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While Dante has the reputation of a player, when he starts to fall he falls hard.
It'll start out innocent enough, he thinks about them a lot, will often worry about them when they're away, typical golden retriever man stuff.
He'll always bring them up in conversation or, when talking to them, will bring up him thinking about them.
"Last night I saw this movie, the lead totally reminded me of you-"
Dante will take every chance he can to flirt with them.
Even if they're just passing by he has to tell them how much he likes the outfit they're wearing or the way they did their hair.
When Lady and Trish tease him for being so infatuated he'll deny it vehemently.
"We're just friends, I talk to everyone like that!" "Uh huh, you totally tell everyone they look sexy eating pizza Dante."
Has no idea how down bad he is until one night he's cranking one out and their image pops into his head.
One thing's for sure, the post nut clarity is a bitch slap of truth this time.
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Unlike Dante, Vergil is a much harder nut to crack (hah)
He catches himself falling hard and fast before he can show it externally
He'll immediately emotionally withdraw himself once he realizes how he feels. Of course he cares about them, that's why he has to keep them away.
Although he emotionally distanced himself, he can't physically stay away from them.
This only worsens his internal struggle, and soon enough he'll start making excuses in his head to justify staying around them.
"If I don't flirt with them then there's no harm done, talking about books over tea never hurt anyone" "I don't care about them anymore, they'll only get hurt, but it'll hurt them too if I skip lunch with them tomorrow."
This continues until he reaches his final conclusion, "I can be strong enough to protect them this time."
From that point on he'll take the secret admirer route, leaving small gifts and notes, mostly poems, for them to find.
Vergil will take note of things they tell him to add in later. They mention their favorite candy? You bet they're gonna find a small package with a hand written note later that night.
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It's really not too hard to tell when Nero has a crush.
While he's considered the most level headed of the three, he's also the one who can't seem to find his footing when he's down bad.
He'll become a blushy mess whenever they're around. (Nico likes to tease him about how his ears turn red)
He's so desperate to win them over he'll take advice from anyone, even Dante (big mistake).
Bad pickup line after bad pickup line, he tries his best.
He'll try to get as close to them as possible, mentally noting down every detail about them and their life.
He'll try to go the same route as Vergil but will soon get impatient (both with coming up with good notes and how long it's taking)
After a while he finds it easiest to just be honest about how he feels.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
I have quite a dirty scenario so if u do mind, feel free to ignore:
It’s mating season and both the boys are quite hot and bothered, but it’s getting gradually worse when they’re around the reader as well ( they’re still in their crushing phase )
So one day, the ladies at DMC informed them that the reader have to take a few days off of work due to being “sick”. At first, they’re kind of worried fir the reader but chose to be respectful of her boundaries thinking she’s a big girl who can take care of herself now…but after a few days of not turning up at the shop, they got worried sick; thinking something must’ve happened to her so they ask one of the girls at the shop to cook them some chicken soup for reader before they head there
When they arrived at her home, they knocked a couple times but was met with silence. Reluctantly, they broke inside her home using a chimney/bathroom window, muttering how horrified she would be to see them in her home. While they’re secretly walking around her home, they heard what is secretly “pained grunts” so they rushed there, abt to charge into her room, thinking she might be injured but a creek to her room told them what they needed to know
The reader rutting against her pillow rather violently trying to get some tension off of her
It took them by surprise, thinking how the hell can you get that violent masturbating yourself when all of a sudden, she particularly triggered a spot that accidentally devil triggers herself
Now they’re ‘not so quietly’ mutter: “Ahh! So you’re a devil like me!”
And that quickly caught her attention, now they have a very awkward stare off with eachother, all hot and bothered:
Reader: *What the hell are you doing here? Did you just trespass?! Do you know I’m masturbating?!! Is that your boner?!!!*
Them: *Oh shit, how do I explain to her I’m not actually trespassing when I’m actually trespassing? Are you masturbating?! Did you just devil trigger mid getting off?!! Did I just pop a boner?!!!
Dante + Vergil x Devil!Reader mating season headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-It was mating season, the time when Dante found it nigh impossible to control his urges.
-He tried so very hard to keep his flustered nature hidden, but whenever he was around you, his long-time crush, this was a feat both risky and very difficult to pull off for extended periods of time.
-He got his relief a few days later when he was informed by the girls that you were taking some sick leave, though he was worried for your health.
-He has Trish whip up some chicken noodle soup, and after packing it in a thermos, he heads over to your house to deliver it, only to be met with no response upon knocking on the door.
-He was now very concerned, and while it was unethical, he decided to break into your home, just to make sure you were alright.
-Then he heard the noises, the sounds of what seemed like pained grunting. His heart going into overdrive, Dante raced up the stairs to your bedroom and flung open the door, only to find you violently rutting against your pillow.
-He was shocked, standing there in awe, watching you pleasure yourself so roughly. It looked like it felt so good.Dante immediately felt heat shoot into his dick once you hit a spot, moaned, and fucking devil triggered.
-Several emotions whirled through Dante's mind, the most prominent of them being his surprise when he discovered that you were a devil just like him! Insane! What made it better was that the creature you'd turned into looked like a freak that he'd love to fuck.
-He was so aroused, he didn't notice he was practically foaming at the mouth as he stood there in the doorway, watching you get off.
-You caught sight of him soon enough and stopped what you were doing to demand what the hell he was doing there, screaming about how he should at least have the decency to leave or to stand there quieter if he must watch.
-You also questioned him as to why he has a raging boner, which didn't shock Dante as much as you expected.
-Since the both of you were in heat, at the same place, at the same time, and had unannounced feelings for each other, Dante decided the best way to bond would be to walk into your room, shut and lock the door, then tear off his clothes and join you on the bed.
-In the heat of the moment, he forgot all about the thermos of soup he brought with him, which now lies on the floor, cold and congealing.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil was quite uncomfortable as it was demon mating season, the one time when his POWER and MOTIVATION could not save him from these debilitating urges.
-Being around you was no help either; his crush, which he had hidden for so long, was somehow amplified by his demonic hormones, making him blush furiously while in your presence.
-When the girls told him you'd taken the day off due to a sudden sickness, perhaps a common cold, Vergil was both relieved and concerned.
-He was relieved because now he didn't have to worry about his feelings getting out of control, but worried about your health.
-Eventually he decided to pay you a visit, taking with him some chicken noodle soup gifted to him by one of the girls, who precisely, he couldn't remember, for he didn't care.
-When he arrived at your house he discovered everything was locked down, like you weren't even home, but that couldn't be possible. You were definitely here, he just knew.
-Not knowing what else to do, he used the Yamato to slice a portal into your living room, thus technically breaking and entering, and instantly picked up the sounds of grunting from your bedroom, possibly even pained grunting.
-Now fearing more for your health, Vergil hurried up the stairs and saw you rutting against your pillow through your open bedrom door.
-His first thought was, "That liar! She wasn't really sick after all, just slacking off and saying she was to take time off from work all so she could masturbate!"
-At that precise moment, you hit a spot that felt amazing and ended up devil triggering, noticing Vergil standing in the doorway mere seconds after.
-You had a very uncomfortable staring contest for a while, before you started screaming at him, demanding to know what he was doing there, how long he'd been watching, why he was watching, and why he had a massive boner.
-He debated answering you for a little while, but eventually decided that since you and he were both apparently of the same species and were both affected by mating season hormones, why not ease each other's troubles right here and now?
-Besides, this way he would have an easier time admitting his crush on you.
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sonicasura · 7 months
I think the funniest crossover ever would be Pizza Tower and Devil May Cry. We got one anxious pizza joint owner, Peppino Spaghetti, who would pummel someone with his bare fists while going at Mach 4 like a maniac. Then there's the wahoo half devil pizza man, Dante Sparda, that hunts demons for a living and has major family drama.
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Dante would be such a common visitor to this strange pizza joint for two reasons. One is the pizza is actually good. Two Peppino practically the most interesting person he has ever met. Dante is convinced that this man got demon heritage from seeing him beat the shit out of any demons who try wreck the joint.
Hell there is a gooey doppelganger he seen multiple times with an apparent appetite for demon meat, living pizza toppins who dance around and another chef that rides on a giant ass rat. Peppino meanwhile just glad Dante pays for his massive amount of food(thank Vergil whose tired of his little brother's tab lifestyle. He does the funds.) He still doesn't know how this guy with the big ass sword even found his shop.
I got even funnier yet wholesome crack thought in the form of Nero being adopted by Peppino. He magically disappears from the orphanage doors and instead pops up outside the diner. Peppino is fucking confused as he just finished closing up his new restaurant only to find a baby. (DMC and PT are separate worlds that can be accessed through particular areas.)
Cue instant panic since who the hell would leave a baby here?! He can't exactly leave the kid here as there is no place to take him anywhere. Thus the start of reluctant dad Peppino and Nero Ink Spaghetti with special guest uncle Gustavo!
It was definitely a struggle raising a baby alongside running a pizza joint but our anxious man manages to do it. Peppino is an absolute happy crier when it comes to Nero's big accomplishments. Especially making his first pizza by himself as he definitely teaches our quarter devil how to cook.
Although Peppino hates the Noise a lot more than him being a usual nuisance. He can handle the mean pranks when it's on him but his son? You can thank one notorious mishap with the Noise that awakened a 10 year old Nero's Devil Trigger.
The kid was absolutely a fucking wreck when it happen not because he have no clue on his heritage nor demons completely. It's how Peppino would react as the man who raised him like a son is a massive ball of PTSD from being a retired war veteran. The man definitely got spooked when his kid burst into flames.
Nero being able to change into some kind of devil wouldn't make Peppino reject him though. This was just another side that everyone would have to get used too but yeah. Peppino definitely hates the Noise with passion after this incident.
Nero's first adventure actually doesn't start in Devil May Cry 4 but instead Pizza Tower which takes place a year before it. Due to Pizzaface antics, father and son got separated for quite awhile. Taking on the various levels of each floor before finally reuniting at Fake Peppino's boss stage: Bruno's Pizza.
Nero stole a random sword on Floor 1 and a gun from Floor 2 as he doesn't has his official gear yet. (He steals that from SWORD while at Fortuna.) Pizza Tower could be considered a perfect playground to figure his own abilities than just Devil Trigger. That and final boss tag team as both were completely done with Pizzaface at that point.
Now things around the diner absolutely changed a bit afterwards. Fake Peppino, Peppy, moved in without warning although Nero wasn't that offput unlike his dad. He absolutely pulled the 'Clone = New Kid' card on Peppino as the Toppins were practically adopted too from how fond said man is with them. (Those little guys taunt whenever Peppino does too!)
Ending up on Fortuna can be considered a Hell Portal in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or it shows up inside Peppino's Diner which practically leads Peppino, Nero, Gustavo, Brick, and Pep to get dragged in devilish shenanigans. You can bet your ass everyone was so fucking befuddled by these newcomers.
Dante the most as he had a feeling who Nero is but not the strange man who piledrived a Balrog with sheer strength and speed. Did Peppino think the half devil is his son's relative? Absofuckinglutely. White hair, can go Devil Time(what he calls Devil Trigger) and the obviously cultish spiel about this 'Sons of Sparda' was enough.
He would've torn into Dante if the man didn't admit to being clueless. (Vergil nor his other halves are safe though. Even V is getting suplexed.) Peppino and Pep do rip Dante a new one when he decides to call Nero deadweight. You don't insult their son/older brother without an ass kicking.
Our Pizza Tower makeshift family get involved in Devil May Cry 5 when Nero didn't call them back for awhile. He had decided to work under Dante so he could get to understand his family heritage better. Nero still calls and visits when he can even bringing Kyrie along.
Peppino did cry upon finding out the two became a couple like the proud dad he is. Kyrie gets quite well with Pep and thinks the Toppins are adorable little fellows. Now I can't forget about Vergil.
You can bet your ass it was fucking awkward when he found out not only Nero is his son but considers this weirdass anxious man as his father. Peppino loathes Vergil to no end especially with the arm cutting to get Yamato. The older Sparda doesn't visit the diner for awhile since Pep would try to tear him apart since he's just as vengeful. Fake Peppino likes the taste of demon flesh btw.
It took some time before things could smooth over between both parties. Now if only Dante and Vergil behave than try to kill each other near his restaurant. Peppino's Diner practically has a two way portal between both worlds due to the Hell Portal in the restaurant incident. (It's in the basement behind a closed door.)
The Devil May Cry crew do visit frequently thanks to that. Mainly Dante since the pizza is not only good but cheaper too. If a demon tries to slip through than Peppino will beat the shit out of it. Also he probably got a Devil Arm shaped like a pizza cutter now that I think about it.
Then again, Peppino's Diner never be the same after a little baby with white hair showed up at the doors. What do you guys think? For now enjoy this little jam.
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dollivication · 23 days
yan Dante with a user who's Vergil's s/o.. he's super insane fucking jealous of his brother but he never shows it to you, he's always so sweet. And one day he just can't take it anymore, and then a thought pops into his head... He's Vergil's identical twin rubs hands together (okay but realizing Dante and vergil are the same model in 3 was a little insane to me) so why doesn't he just be him for the night.
Waiting till your sleepy and sneaking into your room in his clothes, fresh out of the shower so there's a reason his hair is down, sadly shaved smooth cus I doubt vergil is really hairy. And he takes his fill, eating you out and fucking you like it's the end of the world
(and to be honest it'll be probably one of the last times he does it so it really is the end of the world)
And then he walks down stairs after tucking you in for the night and what's the first thing he sees?
IM GAGGED IN THE BESTVWAY… dante would be trying so hard NOT to break character,, he’s usually so vocal so having to keep up a cold facade is a challenge,… he doesn’t want to give his position away >.<! you’d freak dafuck owt,, and then he wouldn’t be able to fuck you!!!
THIS IS LAIK.. MORE fucked if you and vergil had never had sex b4.. you’d be soso surprised but not at all displeased,, completely offering urself to dante thinking it’s actually his brother laik oouuuhg… hes a lil bummed out that ur calling out vergils name though (◞‸◟) like OBVIOUSLY you greedy bitch???? user isn’t aware??? gosh…!!!
HES LOONY,!! EVEN GOING SO FAR AS TO CUMMING INSIDE OF YU.. he gets off at the thought of vergil possibly seeing his cum dripping down your legs IMFLOORED…. and once dante sees vergil downstairs, he’s GRINNING all giddily…
vergil instantly knows somethings up when dante is SHAVED + just came down from ur room.. and he’s not fucking DUMB, he’s seen how dante’s been eyeing yu for quite some time nao!! it doesn’t take long for vergil to piece 2 and 2 together..,,
it’d be funy if vergil was yan 2.. i reckon he’d actually lose his mind if dante impersonated him and successfully managed to fuck the most important individual in his laif.. methinks… ;; achoo…
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Enjoying Halloween After A Long Night With Dante
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Dante X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Mentions of blood and gore
Word Count: 1.6k
Halloween arrived and it has always been Dante’s least favorite holiday in the world. It was always his most busiest time of the year with demons popping up more often than normal. It took everything he could to dish out and handle the chaos all alone. Now that he had you and had a team, this holiday was finally a lot easier on him. Though Dante still grumbled and dreaded every time Halloween rolled around. This year though you were determined to help Dante have one good memory to make Halloween seem not so bad. So with the help of Nero, Trish, and Lady your plan began to take form and you were more than ready to go out and fight. Though you tried your best to keep your idea a secret, Dante knew you were up to something. He couldn’t figure out what but the way you had been acting all week had him suspicious. That mixed with his dread had him a little cranky, though the team was used to his cranky outbursts. They were rare but being the twin of Vergil, he was apt to have them too. Which in turn made everyone nickname him Vergil Jr on these particular days, and it only made him crankier. Though the madder he got the funnier everyone thought it was. Now as Halloween arrived Dante was even further in the dumpster fire of a mood he’d been keeping.
Night had fallen quickly and the streets echoed with the sounds of children's’ laughter when the demons stopped screaming. You were quickly coated in blood, panting heavily as you dodged another clawed swipe. Now you were beginning to feel a taste of bitterness that Dante carried inside, but you were not going to let this ruin everything. Dante couldn’t hate the spooky season forever, though he was stubborn enough to try. Nero had given you a thumbs up when the teams split up. You didn’t want to leave them at the busiest time so you and Dante would stay as long as you deemed necessary. Dante was covered in blood and grime too but faring a lot better than you were. For one moment you were jealous of the Sparda blood flowing through his veins, until you remembered all the dangers and horrors it pertained. Shaking your head you barely saved your head when the creature swiped again. Getting ticked off you charged forward, sick of playing a deadly game of dodge the claws you went on the offensive. Swinging and stabbing, trying everything to get this battle over with.
“Nice moves babe,” Dante yelled. He was still messing with the demon he was battling against, so it wasn’t anything for him to keep an eye on you too.
“Thanks! I call them ‘trying not to die’ moves!”
“Ten out of ten,” he leapt back making faces at the demon who only roared in rage. “Keep up the good work honey!”
“Dante,” you snorted, “don’t torture the poor thing!”
Your only reply was a pout before you had to focus back on trying not to get cut up. You danced around, swinging your weapon before your stamina started to deplete. The demon smirked ready to finish the fight when a painful roar, followed by silence split the sky. Before you could try for one last bout a flash of red stood in between you and your foe. With a blade whistling in the air the demon was dispatched splashing blood all over Dante’s clothes and the walls.
“Are you okay,” he asked turning around while worry swam in the blue of his eyes.
“Yeah,” you panted thankfully. “You weren’t joking when you said they’re stronger on Halloween.”
“Since when do I ever joke about anything?”
You hummed seeming to think, “How many breaths do you take during the day babe?”
Before Dante could say another word your phone began to vibrate in your pocket. Nero’s name flashed across the screen while his ringtone you picked for him played.
“We got it from here on out. Get my uncle out of here and cheer him up before I wind up tossing him off a bridge,” Nero said before hanging up. Dante looked confused but you just stretched before sheathing your katana.
“Okay babe. Nero has given the all clear we’re going back home.”
“Halloween is not nearly over yet,” Dante raised his eyebrow at you crossing his arms. You rolled your eyes embracing for that famous Sparda stubbornness. “You know that we can’t just leave everyone alone to handle everything.”
“We can, we will, we are,” you argued back taking his arm. “Let’s go.”
“What could possibly more important than saving lives tonight,” Dante glared.
“Letting you have one fun Halloween for a change Dante,” you glared right back. “I’m tired of seeing you hate Halloween. Yeah the whole demons running amok thing sucks. You didn’t get to have a normal childhood and I am sorry for that! But if I can give you one good memory that you can look back on later and say maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. Then I’ll be danged if I don’t help you out. Now shut up and follow me Vergil Jr!”
Dante didn’t say another word on the way back to the Devil May Cry office. You felt kinda bad for yelling at him but not bad enough to apologize for doing what was best for him. It was funny how you felt the need to hide your weapons from the publics’ eye but when Halloween came around you didn’t feel the pressing urge to hide them. It was the atmosphere of the season and the children running around with the plastic equivalent. You snickered to yourself, gaining a look from Dante. You hurried to his side nuzzling into him as you both walked. He still wasn’t fully himself yet but it didn’t stop him from taking your hand into his and intertwining your fingers with his.
“Don’t be so gloomy,” you cooed looking up at him with a smile. “I promise that you’ll enjoy this just as much as killing underworld dwellers.”
His whole look he shot your way just screamed doubtful. You shrugged trying to fight the grin threatening to come back. You were basically bouncing around when the office came into view. You beat Dante to the door tapping your foot impatiently while he took his sweet time getting there. His eyes glimmered mischievously as he was definitely getting revenge for calling him out earlier before. What he wasn’t expecting though was the office to be lit inside with orange lights. He looked to you in confusion when you shooed him through the door. The office had been cleared a little, an aired up mattress in the middle of the floor right in front of the older style TV, clean pillows and blankets were littered around, while the smell of food drifted from the kitchen.
“How did you,” Dante whorled around, feeling a little guilty from the way he had been treating you all week.
“I got Kyrie to help out. She set everything up while we were out and I ordered the pizza to be delivered while she was setting up. Happy Halloween Dante.”
“Babe,” he sucked in a breath before taking your hands. “I’m sorry I’ve been acting like Vergil towards you all week.”
“Whoa the great Dante is apologizing?! It’s a Halloween miracle,” you laughed before cupping his cheek. “It’s okay. You don’t like secrets I don’t blame you. Now go get all that demon blood and guts off of your smokin sexy body and I will do the same and then we feast and watch all the gory and gruesome slasher flicks we can handle!”
“Sounds like a plan.” He swatted your rear before escaping into the downstairs bathroom.
“I’ll let that slide this time,” you shouted.
“What’s that babe?! I can’t hear you with the water going,” Dante answered back.
You rolled your eyes before heading upstairs to take your shower. You shot Nero a quick text thanking him for taking one for the team before texting Kyrie you promised you’d get in touch with her for the girls day you promised. You didn’t want Kyrie to do all the work for free, though she would.
When you and Dante were all clean you had him go settle himself comfortably while you went to go get the two pizza boxes, popcorn, and various other assortments of junk food goods. You set them before Dante, praying that there would be some left by the time you got the movie in. Sliding the tape into the VCR player (you told Dante it was time to make the transition to the 21st century) before settling back down beside him. The Nightmare on Elm Street began to play as Dante held a pizza slice out to you.
  “Look at that,” you teased, “ he does share.”
“Keep talking and I’ll take it back,” he snarled playfully. You hurriedly took a bite, chewing thoughtfully you stuck out your tongue. Everything was perfect, Dante was smiling the whole time watching the cheesy bloody scenes while he ate an entire pizza by himself before starting on the popcorn.
“Happy Halloween Dante,” you yawned curling into his side. The warmth of his body and the food in your stomach was beginning to lull you into sleep.
“Happy Halloween (Y/N). Thank you for making this one to remember,” he kissed your temple letting you ease into a peaceful slumber as he continued to watch the movie. While Halloween may be his least favorite because of his job that didn’t mean he was beyond enjoying it with you. Dante was quickly beginning to change his outlook, especially when he got to spend some alone time with you. Maybe Halloween wasn’t so bad after all.
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eponastory · 1 year
As promised...
Sweet Tooth
What happens when someone sets a bag of chocolates in front of Vergil?
Well, you'll find out here.
Dante was curious. He knew that when he and Vergil were kids, they both had a sweet tooth. He still had a sweet tooth that kicked in every now and then, but it was usually brought on when he saw someone else eating candy. Most of the time, he settled for strawberries or ice cream. Vergil, on the other hand, loved chocolate as a kid.
As a matter of fact, there was a time he remembered his brother waking up in the middle of the night and spewing chocolate cake all over the bedroom. Their mother warned them not to eat all of the cake in one sitting, but they were both stubborn. They were still stubborn.
As it was, they were sitting around the table at Nero's for a family get-together. It was the first time in a few months that Kyrie put her foot down and invited all of them over. This included Evan, who had brought a whole bag of chocolate candy with her. Lady tagged along, seeing as she was part of the family, too.
Dante sat between Nero and Vergil, acting as a buffer between the two, while Evan sat across from Vergil with Lady on her left. It was a good setup, and they had finished eating a while ago. Dante smiled when Evan set her bag of candy on the table in front of her.
Oh, this was going to be interesting. His kid was just as devious as he was, and he gave himself credit for it. He could see the look in her eye. She had noticed Vergil's tendency to reach for anything chocolate when it was presented to him. Although, it was a setup.
"Hey, so, how was that trip to Europe, Evan?" Nero asked his cousin, who was busy trying to open the foil wrapper on her piece of candy.
"Oh, it was okay. Nothing I haven't seen before." She had just returned from France two weeks before. Even though she had been to Europe already in search of a way to bring Dante back to human civilization. "Studying abroad is not all its cracked up to be when you've been to all these places before."
"Yeah, I guess that could put a damper on the whole college experience." She nodded at Nero's statement as she popped a candy into her mouth.
"Once you've seen one thing over there, you've seen them all. Isn't that right, Verge?" Dante leaned back in his chair.
"I find Europe to be less exciting than East Asia. You should go there when you can, Evan." Considering his love for anything to do with Japan, Vergil was always quick to recommend the country for top choice in travel. "The food alone is reason enough to go."
"And that is coming from someone who can lower the sushi production in the matter of hours." Dante slapped his brother on the back, hoping Vergil would take the bait. That was when it happened.
Vergil reached for the bag of candy.
Not only did he grab it, but he opened the bag. He looked inside as if no one was paying attention, which they were. In an inconspicuous way while still carrying on in conversation. Dante glanced at Evan with a smirk on his face. The bait had been taken. All that was left was to sit back and watch the show.
"I mean, I'd actually love to go to Japan." Lady spoke up, not really in the loop on the trap that had been set. "I actually love Japanese fashion."
"Patty would definitely agree with you on that, Lady." Evan handed her a piece of candy. "Besides, she was really jealous of me when I went to Paris."
"Is she still not talking to you?" The younger twin asked.
"Sort of." There were the occasional calls and texts, but nothing to say they were back on full speaking terms.
At this point, Vergil had the bag all to himself, and there was a pile of wrappers forming in front of him. There was a very distinct look of mild pleasure on his face. Dante knew his brother well enough to know that Vergil's guard was totally down at this point.
"Uh, Verge... you doing okay over there?" The older twin stopped mid chew as he realized everyone's attention was on him. He looked out the corner of his eye before swallowing and composing himself.
"I'm fine, Dante." He waved at everyone to carry on before grabbing another piece of candy.
"Anyway, on to better things." Dante leaned forward and put his forearms on the table. "I've decided to remodel the shop." There was a smile on his face. "I'm gonna knock out a few walls upstairs, put in a proper bathroom..."
"All things you should have done years ago." Vergil interrupted. "A new refrigerator would be great too."
"Yes, that too... and..." Dante opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted again.
"New flooring." Vergil looked over at his brother. "Furniture wouldn't be a bad idea either. Who knows what has been on that couch in the lobby. And don't get me started on the kitchen. It needs a new stove..." He paused when he realized he was saying too much. Dante was looking at him with an annoyed look on his face. "I'm sorry, were you talking?"
"No, no... go on. Tell me what needs to be replaced." The brothers sometimes got annoyed with each other. However, it was undoubtedly Dante's fault for this. "You sure you're okay? You've eaten a lot of chocolate." The red twin picked up the bag to see how much candy Vergil had actually eaten.
"I'm absolutely fine." Vergil snatched the bag out of his brother's hand and put it aside.
"You're gonna be bouncing off the walls later if you don't stop." There was a smirk on Dante's face at his twins reaction. "Kinda reminds me of that time when we were kids."
"Don't you dare bring that up." The older twin glared. "Dante."
"Oh I won't." Evan could see the mischief in her father's eyes and the challenge in her Uncle's. "Yet." To add insult to injury.
"Need I remind you of the time you ate too many strawberries." That caused Dante's face to instantly pale. The smirk faded into a look of pleading. "I thought so."
"That was a low blow, brother." By now everyone was invested into this whole scene. Lady was at the edge of her seat while Nero was looking on in interest. "That was a really... really... low blow."
"Yeah, well, you started it." Vergil crossed his arms over his chest with what everyone could assume was a pout.
"Did I?" Dante put a hand to his own chest as if he were hurt by the accusation. "You ate over a half a bag of candy and now you're acting like you did when we were kids."
"Who gave Evan the bag of candy?" That was Evan's cue to exit the room, but she only looked at Dante.
And so did everyone else.
"I knew this day was going to come." He looked Evan in the eyes. "My own flesh and blood..." He stood up.
"Did you just stand up?" Evan asked as she stood up herself. "Better sit back down old man."
"You better run... traitor." And just like that, Dante's face hardened. Now Evan decided it was time to run. "Oh no you don't!"
The father ran after his daughter, even though Dante was capable of catching her real quick. Vergil on the other hand, took the bag of candy and held it out for Nero.
"Want some?"
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icy-warden · 2 years
@hurl-a-can a fic for Das, as a continuation of this lovely art from earlier event 💙 Zevraholics OC Kiss Week 2023 ✨
Vergil stretches with his arms up, pulling and holding, until he feels his spine pop. Something shifts pleasantly and he lets out a soft sigh, leaning back on the big pillows. The fabric feels nice on his slightly damp skin, a cool breeze wafting from the open balcony of the Inquisitor’s chambers. The air is chilly but he’s not bothered by it. Clear mountain air is still preferable over the dusty smell of underground.
He stares up at the stone ceiling, silently enjoying the lull of an afterglow of good sex. Of being able to touch and be touched in return. Of seeing how the pleasure clouds the eyes of the man in his arms and feeling that delicious thrill himself.
Vergil looks at the man sprawled beside him, slowly taking in on the expanse of dark skin of his back. His legs are twisted in the sheets, leaving his shapely butt on display. A very nice, pliable butt. Then, there are muscular thighs he just couldn’t leave alone and had to mark with his lips and teeth. 
There are smaller and bigger spots he left in between scars on Das’ skin. The man repaid him with red lines of his blunt nails over Vergil’s pale skin and a few lovely bruises of his own. Silently, Vergil revels in the small pain they brought him. 
Coppery curls spill over Das shoulders and Vergil’s fingers twitch. He has to lock in the desire to run his hands through those lush strands. His hair is as soft as it looks, the silky feel of it twisted over his hand when he held Das’ head when he drank in his voice, their bodies working together to come undone.
He hadn’t thought this mission would bring him to the Inquisitor's bed, but here they are. 
Vergil knows it won’t have an impact on their collaboration, perceiving Das as a free spirit - a person who likes to take what he can in a moment and be happy with it.
There’s no place for regret when their goals align in more than one thing.
One amber eye blinks up at him, half of Das’ face hidden in his arms. Vergil sits up slowly, his hand resting near Das. Close enough to touch but not crossing the unspoken line.
“I must say,” Vergil leans over him, the loose strands of his long hair almost touching the top of Das’ head, “I find our talk most satisfactory, Inquisitor Davarris.”
Das huffs a laugh, lazily arching his back and Vergil appreciates the captivating sight of his muscles rolling under his skin. There’s an amused gleam in golden eyes watching him.
“Back to the titles so soon? I’m hurt. I thought we had something deeper than that, Warden Surana.” He teases, his fingers brushing patterns over the back of Vergil’s hand. The touch is brief and playful, gone in a second. 
It lures him in again like it did earlier. Like his sunny personality and the body that can’t stop moving.
He shouldn’t overstay his welcome. It’ll stay as a casual thing, a memory of an enthusiastic and open lover that kept his pace with him.
“I am sure you’ll live.” Vergil answers lightly, moving away from Das. It’s too tempting to prolong this. His clothes are somewhere on the floor, as his weapons are. He grimaces in displeasure at his own recklessness when his face is turned away from Das. His magic is his greatest weapon but he shouldn’t let it be the only one. 
“You’re leaving already?”
“I do have my own bed.”
“Yes, but I’m not there.”
A blunt invitation. 
Vergil pauses, one brow up as he looks at Das. He bites at his lower lip when he sees Vergil looking, worrying the plush lip slowly and with a purpose. It’s reddened and glistening when he lets it go. It makes a spark of want ignite in Vergil’s gut, again. 
Das sits in the middle of his bed, his body bare. Sheets pool in his lap but hide nothing. An offer, without shame or deceit. As straightforward as it could be.
Vergil looks at the lines of his hips and thighs, flat stomach, chest and strong arms. All painted in freckles, with a faint colour of scars here and there.
He’d like to touch him again.
“A strong argument.” He murmurs, already leaning closer. Das’ smile widens as he meets him halfway, hands reaching for him.
Their lips meet, without hesitation.
He wants to savour it this time. 
Vergil licks at the seams of his mouth and Das lets him in, his hand finding the anchor on Vergil’s nape. It’s easy to slip his tongue in, to feel his movements mirrored by Das. The kiss is unhurried, their breaths mingling with the sound of soft sighs. They part for a while, just to be back to it, hands searching for each other's bodies. To hold on when they give in to the feeling of pleasure washing over them again.
In the end, Vergil decides to stay the night in Das’ bed. 
It’s one of the most pleasant times during their shared mission.
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xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
vergil i am decidedly unwell about the latest chapter i might print it out to physically annotate it. i’m self-actualizing my thought of writing hozier lyrics in the margins. i’ll save most of this for my actual comment but i’m infatuated with dream waxing eloquent about the celestialness of hob—solar flares!!! the way you write dream’s pov man i am rent asunder. i did spend today listening to nobody on loop so that certainly wasn’t helping my condition.
hello pen pal <3 i need u to know that when ur user pops up in my notifs that one what we do in the shadows clip plays in my head the “my friend my pal. my rotten soldier. my sweet cheese. my good time boy.” u know the one anyway hello hello
deeply honored that u wanna scribble in the margins of this chapter that’s actually perhaps the highest praise that could be give to me <3 bro i just am so fuckin fixated on how dream sees the world like, like what is the base of reference points for someone who has been alive since the inception of life itself?? when he draws comparisons what comes to his mind?? i feel like he thinks in stellar physics and mythology ya know. honestly his pov is just an excuse for me to buck wild with my poetry background truly fucking around and finding out with language
nobody hngh. hozier how do u know so many things. how do u know love so simply and achingly. give me the secrets hozier. hand them over right now.
can i recommend as a side dish “drunk and with dreams” by angel olson (recommended to me first by @womanofgoodfortune thank you so much). it wounded me physically when i heard it first and now it’s in my head All Of The Time mostly for “and if you should touch me know that i’m made of fire” like. hngh. yup.
anyway thank u thousandfold for ur kind words homie <3
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spectorings · 3 years
Oh I have some horny ask for ya 😏 DMC guys with s/o who has very sensitive nipples (in a sexual way) and loves them being played with, please?
Okay yes ooooof, I love this because I have them pierced so I kinda feel that 👀 but uhhh, I hope this is kinda what you wanted???? I hope it isn’t too repetitive or let’s hope I didn’t get too carried away
Warnings - it’s basically straight up nipple smut - sorry not sorry
Reader - g/n
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— Dante —
This man would live to please, and goddamn does he love playing with your chest anyway. He’s living the dream - he’d literally spend the entire day playing with your nipples if you’d allow. He wouldn’t even question it, he’d pay attention to them the most during foreplay, just because he knows how much you love it. He’d probably start off teasingly first, slightly brushing his hands across them while he’s kissing your neck, occasionally pulling at them just to hear your gasps. Soon enough your shirt would be ripped off and his tongue would be running across your nipples, every now and again he’d drag his teeth along them, not too hard but just enough to make you gasp in slight pain but mostly pleasure. While he sucks on one nipple, the other would be getting attention from one of his hands, before he’d switch his mouth to that one and his hand back to the one he just left. Although, it probably won’t be too long before he’s holding himself back from just wanting to throw you down and fuck you senseless all night long
— Vergil —
He’d have probably found out just how much you loved it when you guys were doing foreplay once, he’d most likely be surprised at just how reactive you seemed to be when his tongue flicked over one of them. Obviously, once he knew, you’d have to prepare yourself because he’s going to do everything to tease you during sex, anything to hear you beg for him to please you. He’d be more sadistic about it, he’d only show your nipples so much attention before leaving them alone, he’d use that knowledge like a weapon. He’d have one hand down your trousers, teasingly rubbing you, getting you worked up while his other hand worked at your chest, squeezing your nipple between his thumb and finger and gently pulling at it. Occasionally he’d move his mouth to one, sucking at it lightly and rolling his tongue over it until you were about to hit your breaking point, then he’d just stop. If you beg for him to finish you off, then maybe he’ll do it, but don’t expect his compliance to come without a price. And don’t think about touching them yourself when he’s edging you, unless of course, you want to be punished - never forget, he’s the one with the power and control, and he’ll let you cum when he sees fit
— Nero —
Nero would understand completely, as his nipples are pretty sensitive too, and he loves to have his played with - obviously if you were to play with his, expect to be getting dicked down within the next 30 minutes, there’s no other way it could go. Nero wouldn’t be so teasing about playing with your nipples, he’d show them full, undivided attention for a good while - whether with his hands or mouth. If his mouth is occupied with kissing you, then his hands will be working at them, rubbing and pulling at them from beneath your shirt. And if he’s not kissing you then expect his mouth to be round one of your nipples in a heartbeat, he’d mostly suck on them, letting them go with a little pop sounds before he moved over to the next one. His tongue would do a lot of the work, because god knows that man knows how to use his tongue, he’d only occasionally tug at them with his teeth, depending on how much of a playful / teasing mood he was in, his hand would of course show the other nipple attention too, but he would focus on the one in his mouth
— V —
V would take great pleasure in pleasing you, he is a giver after all, anything you asked for and he will give, no questions asked. He’s probably the type to love dirty talk or to even just be told exactly what you want - so once his hand is rubbing across your chest, tell him exactly what you want from him. If you want him sucking on your nipples, tell him and he’ll do it in an instant, his tongue swirling around them like he’s speaking poetry. If you want him kissing you then his hands will do all the work, he won’t always be much into teasing you, he’d rather allow you to hit your climax as quick as you want. However, some days he might completely ignore your nipples after a few tugs and pulls on them, instead focusing more with what’s in your trousers - he does enjoy hearing you moaning his name and begging him to let you cum
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4dmc · 3 years
So i found a reddit that at least managed to record one of the text posts of the devs behind the DmC. I won't really focus on gameplay development because I'm not in the field nor expertise.
As soon as I read through the texts, I realized this must be the one where one of the devs spoke about what they intended the premise would be for the reboot sequel. I had only ever come across rumors of this around late 2019-2020 and actually had no luck finding any article about it. But it turned out to be a forum, at least this must be that forum many people were talking about what the devs would be planning the sequel to be.
Before I stumbled upon these rumors (like 3rd party, other-users-who-were-on-the-loop type of thing), I had been juggling with the ideas on how to introduce angels in our DmC sequel fanfic. Since Eva, their mother, was an angel who chose to let that go and essentially lived to become mortal or have "human" lives with her new family, I had wondered if her fellow angels before would've been family to her too....... Like blood-related.
What were the biology of angels, essentially? Like, demons in ALL of Devil May Cry have vastly varying "biology" and mostly a lot of them depicted are organic in material. And I know I'm rambling on, but because of this organic-ness that I just thought about the fact they can reproduce (like duh, yeah the franchise deals with the spawns of those with demonic [and in the reboot's case angelic] heritage) but that has been mostly with demons depicted in the franchise.
They seem to do it like it's just an organic/natural thing to do and they seem to grasp the concept of human bonds, such as families. But angels?
I'm not saying they don't, but I have a feeling that they feel that they're "above" that sort of bonds or units, or even the organic reproduction thing (except those who must've admired the mortal world for their ways of being "fruitful"). This brings me to what was the most perplexing thing about the devs behind DmC and their premise's sequel.
They spoke about introducing Dante's uncle. He's an angel..... If he's his uncle, that would make him Eva's brother. Does that mean angels also reproduce? To maintain their angelic population? Like the demons do (and I think it's safe to presume demons reproduce but there could be others that could've been born from someone's head and popped out adult-sized idk...)??? Then who are Dante and Vergil's angel grandparents then?? Do they have demon grandparents, too, which in my current point right now, may be likely..?
Now you may be thinking, "yeah angels seem to reproduce in the reboot world, stop being weird!"
However, and this one is an assumption, it seems to heavily imply that in order for an angel to reproduce and stuff, it seems Eva had to give up her angelic form. I believe Sparda did the same, as he was easily taken away and is imprisoned.
So continuing with this line of thought, if Eva has a brother, their parents must've been mortal/human to give birth to them but they were angels before......right?!?!
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I guess I'm essentially just asking what the Angels are gonna be or supposed to be like.... I've researched angelology and things like that and, of course, real world mythology and interpretation is only just a foundation. It's gonna be up to the creatives to come up with stuff, but like I'm just baffled, and all I have are questions and nary a hard-boiled worldbuilding note about them.....just yet....
the only small victory i have is that I made a reboot "Trish" and she's an angel (and an antagonist)
Oh right I..... do plan on expanding on Dante's "uncle" but good luck to me about that (though I'm pretty dead on in making him an antagonist too)
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rodeoxqueen · 3 years
Cousin Nero! 
Kath on AO3 Requested:
Hello! I hope the world is treating you kindly today.
If you don't mind, could you write something inspired by dante having a baby daughter with his s/o, but the focus is nero having to baby sit the little darling while his family is busy?
“Enjoy, thank you for your patience.” -Rodeo
Contents: Aunt!Reader, Daddy Dante, Dante/Reader in the background, Domestic Fluff, Family Bonding, Slightest of Angst 
Dante’s baby was a lot like him, white-haired and blue-eyed, the powerful Sparda genes still kicking. Nero didn’t think Dante was still gunning for a kid, even at his age. You were older too, not like he had the gall to bring it up ever, and your decision to be a mother was also an added surprise. 
Nero had made himself scarce during the time of your pregnancy, you being ushered away by the protective Dante, his hand always on your swelling stomach. 
You had insisted Nero come over for a little outing, inviting Kyrie to tag along as well. Vergil was obviously dragged in by Dante, having lived with him. 
Vergil was stoically helping to chop vegetables for the tomato sauce, Kyrie instructing him what to do. Her patience and un-prying nature were commendable to Vergil, who enjoyed the peace alone when she hustled about the kitchen with you. 
Sitting on the couch, Nero made eye contact with the baby Sparda. 
The father had his daughter situated with her cheek against his bicep, body supported by his forearm while her limbs hung loosely, little strawberry footies on her tiny feet. Red crochet socks with green leaf-shaped fabric around the pudgy ankles, she was a sight to behold. Precariously held, yes, but with Dante’s reflexes, no way could the baby cause any surprises. 
Awkward silences ran in the Sparda bloodline, Dante not feeling the need to talk and Nero not knowing what to bring up. The baby could simply care less, babbling and smacking her father’s bare arm once in a while. 
His aunt, you, called Dante over. His uncle took a swig of beer and set it on the coffee table. 
“Nero, here.” 
“Whoa!” Nero sputtered as Dante just handed the baby to him. He was quick to cradle the back of her head, her body on his lap. 
“I’m lighting up the grill and there’s no way I’m letting your old man touch it.” 
Dante turned around to wave at his daughter with both hands, animatedly trying to catch her attention. 
“See ya, daddy’s going to flip some burgers.” 
And he was gone. Great. 
Nero held the soft, powder-scented baby girl in his hands, concerned for her every move against him. 
“H-hey.” She stared at him, a binky in her mouth. 
Nero noticed she was rather heavy, despite her small body. Dense, almost. 
The little one gurgled, arms waving about. 
“I’m Nero. I’m your cousin.” 
The TV was on in the background, the baby ignorant of the football game. She seemed okay in his lap, staring at him with those complacent blue eyes. 
There was a curiosity to her, lidded gaze at this new stranger. Nero had been around once and a while before she could really remember him. This hesitancy that he wasn’t part of the room, not wanting to intrude on this new family Dante made for himself. 
She was very soft, Nero’s finger stroking her cheek. Her own hand gripped his own, thumb stroking his nail. It was a color unlike her own, black polish chipped on the edges. 
“My girlfriend painted them.” Nero wanted to explain. But what did it matter? She likely didn’t understand. 
She had a sturdy grip for a baby, trying to pick off where she could see his natural nail tone. She clearly hadn’t had her own nails trimmed for some time. Nero let her, not knowing what else to do. 
He noticed there were toys on the sides of the couch, clearly shoved aside haphazardly. Where beer cans once littered the DMC shop, had baby toys replaced its territory. 
“So...what do you do for fun?” Nero asked, stretching over the take a baby rattle. A hollow rattle from inside the plastic toy did a number on the baby’s amusement, the pacifier nearly popping out of her mouth. 
She snatched it from his hand, shaking it for herself. 
Nero knows his strength and even though he is more than capable of holding the baby, he also doesn’t want to upset the child in any way. 
Dante’s daughter is like him, very playful and friendly. She’s very clingy to her father but can get along with most folk. 
The older cousin sits not knowing what to do with a baby that clearly wants to play with him, grabbing onto his red shirt and trying to snatch his necklace. 
He remembers one time Dante bouncing his leg with her sitting on it, playing “horse and cowboy.” He copies, the baby delighted in the repetitive motion, gurgling and showing a few pearly teeth. The two younger Spardas don’t notice you and Kyrie popping in from the corner between cooking dinner to watch the bonding. 
Time passed so quickly, Nero finding himself smiling at the few hours he had watching over the little girl. 
Once everything from the grill was brought back in, Dante came back to his nephew cradling his slumped daughter. 
The older Sparda sat down, shaggy hair pulled back with a pink hair tie he happened to have in his pocket, most likely meant for his little girl’s unruly hair. 
“So, I see you and devil girl are getting along.” 
Nero scoffed. 
“Yeah, right after you tossed her at me. She was alright, had a lot of fun before she knocked out.” 
Dante nodded, poking her cheek with his pointer finger. She twitched, white eyebrow jolting slightly. He chuckled, her little chubby hands rolled into fists in her slumber. 
“You know, Nero. It’s pretty fun to be a dad. I mean, I didn’t have to push this little melon head out, that was (Y/N)’s short end of the stick.” Dante gave his daughter a loving glance, who dozed against Nero. 
“I wasn’t really around babies growing up. Wasn’t great with people my age anyways.” 
“Don’t worry, me neither. You know how many times I probably kicked Vergil in the womb?” His uncle elbowed him jokingly, Nero dodging to avoid waking up the baby. 
Nero laughed at the idea of two feuding fetuses. 
“Well, you two aren’t exactly peas in a pod.” Dante shrugged, agreeing. 
“That’s for damn sure. But trust me, I think you and her have a lot in common.” Nero raised an eyebrow at that comment. 
“How so? Besides, you know.” He gestured to his and Dante’s hair. Dante looked at the staticky TV, this honest and genuine stare only a man who finally had peace could give. 
“You two bring the rest of us together.” 
Nero stilled, not knowing what to say. The years of being alone, raised in an orphanage, ostracized and left to believe he had no one of blood, never being warm by the arms of a mother, had left him foreign to this. This belonging. This familial purpose. 
To be wanted. 
Nero watched as the baby stiffened up before slowly stretching awake, yawning to show her teething gums. She rubbed those round hands against her eyes, blearily exposed to the eyes of her adoring father and cousin. 
Just in time before both men had to sit in their respective emotionally vulnerable, contemplative yet awkward silences 
“Hey there, kiddo. Want to come to Papa?” A few wispy strands loose from her headband were stuck to her face, slightly dazed and confused. 
Dante clapped his hands at her, offering to hold her again. She shook her head, nustling her head on Nero’s chest. Either by coincidence or infantile smugness, her two hands rested over each other to cushion her head as she glanced at Dante, almost to say “No, I’m alright here.” 
“I guess I’m her favorite now.” 
“Way to be ride or die, sweet child of mine.” He sighed, shaking his head. 
Nero and Dante played with the awakened baby until they were called for, you taking the baby who reached out for your touch. 
The food smelled amazing, a full spread on the table just enough for everyone to pull a seat up. Dante speed-walked to the last wooden chair, Vergil deprived of a proper seat, sitting a bit shorter than everyone else in a spare plastic one. 
Nero moved to sit next to Kyrie, when the youngest Sparda began to fuss a table across, pointing to him and yelling incoherently. 
“Do you want to sit with Nero?” You asked, your little one shaking her head. 
You looked across to notice Nero had already taken his plate to get up, ready to switch seats with you. 
Dante and Vergil shared a smile over this, pleased their children got along despite the years apart they were. 
Although it took a long time, the Spardas finally got the privilege to sit together and exist as a family. 
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ps-i-dont-even-know · 3 years
Devil may cry parent headcanons
He probably is a fun dad but at the same time don't leave your kids with him, it would be a disaster
Will wake up to crying at 12 am and try to put the kid back to sleep, ends up with both of them watching tv instead
This man will do anything with your kid, they want to go to the park, sure he'll have to keep an eye on them. They want to see the movies, sure has to be below pg or he will never hear the end of it from the nightmares his kids have. Want to go to the zoo, sure he just needs to make sure they don't go into the exhibit.
He will play dress up and tea time with them. He will put on a dress and have them do his makeup just so he can go to tea time, and might start some beef with Mr teddy for stealing his cupcakes, but he will do it proudly.
He will try to do their hair in the morning for school, again he is not the best at it and will probably give them crooked pigtails, he's trying he really is.
Can't cook for shit, I'm sorry if you think he could cook please take a look at all the pizza box stored around his shop. Like he will take cooking lessons or watch cooking shows but dear god how do you set fire to milk.
He will always be there for his kid to vent even if he doesn't know how to respond he will sit and let them rant about stuff, also trying to cheer them up because he doesn't want to see them sad
If they brought their homework to him he would be confused he can barely pay his bills i don't think he knows how to do math, but drama he will rock that stuff his acting skills are on point even if it's cheesy
Will waste all his money on the kid, toys, clothes, video games, you name it he will buy it and give to the kid
Remember how I said not to leave your kid alone with Dante yeah, he may or may noteave his weapons/devilarms around for the kids to grab them, like halfway of Dante walking into the main room and he sees ebony in his kids mouth he tricksters all the way to them and quickly grab ebony before anything bad happens, but the kid will start crying and he has to find something for them to mess with or he'll get a headache
He accidently devil triggered in front of his kid now depending on which one he get two responses and he's expecting screaming for both, but if its regular dt like humanish looking one, "woah, dad grew scales and wings, are you a lizard king?" Now its his Sin Dt he would get "Oo, daddys a gaint dragon" for both case they will proceed to touch his scales? And will be all over him trying to climb him to the point he literally has to switch out of dt so they don't get hurt. Also he's a heat source for winter if the heating doesn't get paid for.
If his kid comes out as any of the lgbtq+ he would be supportive and loves them for who they are, I also see him being apart of it too.(I know a few people see him as asexual I do too, as well as bisexual)
Look this guy probably has no clue what he's doing, even if we wish he could've taken care of Nero (at least I do) he didn't and now he has another kid to take care
Please help him hold the baby, he can't properly do it at all, he's just holding them by their chest and staring at them with confusion as the child cry, "why won't they stop screaming?"
He will get the hang of taking care of the kid, but please don't leave him alone with them for long he still has no clue what he's doing half the time
"Hey can I hang out with (insert name) at the mall?", "Do I know their mom?", "Uh, no", "Do I know their dad?", "No" Then that settles it, you can't go", "But-", "No buts, if I don't know their parents you can't go, and that's finale"
Can he cook, probably but he's been in hell for most of his life and doesn't know what he's doing half the time. Thank god for cooking shows and book he at least tries a learn how to cook, and doesn't burn anything unlike someone else
He will read the kids William Blake or other bed time stories before bed time, and will do activities where they try to make up poems he has to thank Nero for the idea
Speak of Nero, if Vergil has a mission he will leave his kids with him, he's not trusting Dante at all. Nero absolutely loves his step siblings even if their like a few years younger than him, they will either play with the other kids at the orphanages or play Nero which consist of Video games, sometimes sword fights if they beg long enough, or just talk about the stuff their dad and uncle does that are stupid and make fun of them for it.
Also that one dad to try and help with math homework but makes the kid cry because they don't understand the problem and he's yelling at them "What's 2 x 2?" Its traumatizing please someone tell him to cool it or his kid is going to have problems when it comes to yelling and math, also complains how he didn't learn it that way as a kid, I promise you he was homeschooled.
Now his kids can vent to him but he has no clue what to do nor have much good advice but he will give what he knows even if it's not the best.
This can go many ways, this man know his kid is getting bullied he will go down to the school with the Yamato and threaten someone's life, give his kid the sword for them to deal with it instead, or use some brain cells and deal with it like civil people and we hope he chooses the last one
Now he's a little careful with his devil trigger and doesn't want to scare his kids, but its by accident really and he expects screaming, just like Dante he gets two responses. Regular dt and I'm going off of 4 because I don't think he has one in dmc5, "Dad, why didn't you tell me/us your secretly a bug, don't worry well keep you away from shoes." If its Sin Dt, "Wow, your a dragon this whole time, does this mean I'm also a dragon, where do you keep your stashed gold?", I feel like for his regular dt they will sometimes smack him with a fyswatter and he has to turn out of his sin dt quickly because they want to mess with the fire coming out of him.
If his kids come out as lgbtq+ he will be supportive and a little confused because he has no clue what it is. They have to explain what it means and what their sexuality means, he'll still be supportive and loves his kids no matter what they are
Out of Vergil and Dante, he's probably the one who knows more about taking care of kids since he grew up with them in an orphanage and takes care of them
I feel he's like a mix between Dante and Vergil, Fun dad but will put his foot down on somethings
If its a girl you bet he will go out to a store at whatever time it is and buy then pad/tampon when their monthly comes no questions asked he just knows. If its a dude he will give the talk, not just protection but what not to do, like when a girl tells him to stop he needs to stop, no advancing on or anything like that (I feel like the no advancing will also go for the girl)
Doesn't do favoritism, he hates that stuff since he technically dealt with it as a kid, if one kid ask why he loves the other more than them he will shut that down quickly and tell them he loves them equally and will move moons for them to both be happy
Best cook hands down, and will let his kids help if they want to but keeps them away from sharp objects. He will also take them out to dinner if he doesn't want to cook
He's decent with homework, and goes about it in a fun learning experience for the both of them, if they get an answer right they get a point that they can trade for something special later kne, if they get it wrong they will go over it again, but still get a point because no favoritism. He also help make a volcano, but also put a little extra pizzazz to it, and might have caused the whole kitchen to be a different color now.
His kids can vent to him, he will understand and try to help give advice for some issues, also takes them out of the house to do something they want to do to cheer them up
He will encourage his kids to follow what they want to do, play a sport? He will show up to every game, even if that means giving Dante his mission he will. A club? He will make sure they have everything they need for that club and be on time for it, be it art, book, yearbook, student council, etc. They want to do boy scout/girl scout, he will make sure he gets them a vest and help put pins on as well. He will be the number one supportive dad
As soon as his kid comes to him crying about how some other kid is bullying them he will be mad, he'll reassuring his kid that they are amazing first, then go to the school, if they don't do anything he will go straight to the parent and make sure that their kid doesn't mess with his anymore.
Will watch anime with them, if they agree that is don't want your dad into your stuff. But like he's absolutely into it, he seems like the person to like Bleach (this was not intentional I complete forgot that the voice actor for Nero also did Ichigo) or Cowboy Bebop. Maybe sailor moon but you won't hear him say it
Look he's really new to the devil trigger business, the only thing close he had was that ghost creature, so keeping this thing in check and not popping up randomly is hard. His kids reaction are, "You hair is longer, are you like rapunzel, oh wait you have wings and a crown your an angel. Oh can I braid your hair please," of course he will let them braide his hair he can't say no to a pouting face, they also will poke his wings to see if their real.
He will definitely support his kid if their aprat of the lgbtq+, will buy them flags, merch, you name it. He want his kid to feel safe and loved
Lady and Trish
Look I can't separate these two, when I first saw them I thought they were girlfriends, and I can't let that go. But these two would definitely be the fun and protective mom
So considering Trish and Lady are both females they definitely have to adopt of course, now Lady may not know if its half demon or full, but Trish does and she probably would help the kid when they get older since she knows about the demon body considering she has one, if its human Lady knows the most about the stuff going on when they get older and has I already planned out.
Now Lady has to be the protective mom because the shit happen with her dad she definitely doesn't want anything bad to happen to their kid, and Trish is like you do you kid if you get hurt you learn from it "its the demon way of raising" she says. Though she still will watch over them and make sure they don't get themselves severely hurt
They will buy their kid anything, and take them out shopping. It's like a spin the wheel of pay to see if they will pay for the stuff or put it under Dante's name for shits and giggles
Lady has to like keep her weapons locked up somewhere safe, unlike Dante, she's more careful with her weapons
If their kid is mad or something Trish will take them to some deserted area with some random stuff she found that isn't in use and have their kid throw it in the air so she can blow it up with her lighting, you know to blow steam off
Trish or Lady tell their kid the stupidest thing Dante has done or said, if they visit Dante please note one will scream if Dante says something about a soul, "I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with Light" and get the voice crack right too, he will look so embarrassed
Now Trish might not know anything about homework she'll support the best she can but Lady knows most of the stuff and will help.
Trish will tell their king everything about Hell, who's in charge, what creatures are there, the history of it all. Its a great learning experience until you tell them that the female demons kill the male after finishing mating
If they are out in public and some guy is hitting on their kid and their tell him no, protective mom mode is on. Mostly Lady has to stop Trish from frying thr guy, but Lady will give the man a price of her mind saying if he tries to do this shit again with her kid he will be going home with a foot straight up his ass. So now no man tries to hit on her
Definitely let the kids go venting to them, they give the best cuddled, some good advice, and shopping if they say someone's bullying them they will see that the parent deals with their kid.
They knew their kid was apart of lgbtq+, of course their supportive of who they are, they are dating of course. They will take them to a pride march in June
Look, LOOK, she is an amazing mom, so caring but also will put her foot down on somethings
Besides Nero she is a good cook and baker, while she doesn't want kids in the kitchen while she's cooking will will have them help with baking sweet
Reads bedtime stories and tucks her kids in and kiss goodnight (ugh my heart hurts I love this)
She will play video games with her kids mostly on the wii, she still the champion on Mario Kart and Just Dance no one has taken their spot yet, even Nero tries
Packs lunch for her kids and puts a note in it telling them that she loves them and hope they have the best day
She does worry about them from time to time when they go over a friends house, only because of what happened to her brother and then Nero she doesn't want anything to happen to her kids
Tells them not to climb the tree in their backyard, what does one of them do, they climb it and accidently falls down. She goes to them saying "You know I told you not to do it, and you did it anyways, you need to be more careful and listen to me. I'm not doing this because I'm being uptight I'm doing this for your safety I want you to be able to do the things you want in the future"
I feel like she's the same way with friends like Vergil, if she doesn't know the parents then you can't go out or over their house
She is really a good listener and help with advice, so venting to her is a really great idea also will ask about your feelings and how your doing someday, like she knows your in a sad mood
She also good with homework, I feel like she wanted to become a teacher as well as study for it, but instead stuck with taking care of orphans, so she probably homeschools her kids too
She also makes the kids clothes time to time, they have little sweaters or shirts that are soft and comfortable
She is so supportive of her kids if they come out lgbtq+, she doesn't care as long as their happy thats all that matters.
Now I love Nico amazing and pretty girl but don't leave a child with her, just like Dante it will be a disaster, but she probably would try to be a better parent than her since he technically wa this weird freaky man who experimented on demons or was weird.
Let's start with teaching the kid every swear word she knows and tells them to go up to Nero call him one of those names, she will hear her name being screamed and find an angry Nero going over to her as she burst into fits of laughter
Will be extra pair of arms when getting a tool they need for fixing the van, when Nero does understand what a Dohicky is
I think Nico can cook, its decent not bad or good, she did nearly burn the van down from trying to cook turkey.
She will try and cut back on smoking or at least not doing it when the kid is around because its bad for them, Nero scoffs because she nags him when he tells her to stop, but not her kids
Now her kids could bring homework to her, like he's good in math, engineering, and probably biology, but she'll act as if she never even seen the stuff in her life, because she wants to get her learn it and not her just giving them the answer. But if their kid is in a science fair I bet she will help make something totally child friendly(its not really), it kind of gets her and her kid ban from doing anymore science fairs.
She will teach then everything she knows about Demon, mostly the biology of it, and when Nero brings a demon part for his breakers, she goes in explain how she turns them into those.
Will tease her kids if they talk about their crush, she's a huge teaser so saying something about someone they really like or anything its a mistake, she will embarrass them in front of their crush, but she means well
If they try to change the channel of the radio she swats their hand saying the driver picks the music and the passenger has to sit and listen.
If she's busy with something she will let Nero and Kyrie babysit her kids, she trust them and the kids love Nero and Kyrie.
Tries to teach her kids how to drive when their of age to learn, but Nero and Kyrie won't let her considering how she drives and that the instructor is more legal to do it.
No but she will tease her kid a bit if they come out lgbtq+ too, of course she supportive I kind of see her being apart of lgbtq+ as well
*Bonus because it seemed reasonable to just put this one here like this*
Nero, Dante, Vergil, Lady, Trish, Nico
They will teach their kid self defense, and how to use a weapon. While they rather their kids have a normal life instead of a demon hunter for many reasons, they at least want their kid to take care of themselves if they find themselves in a situation where their life is on the line
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yeetusdabussy · 3 years
Hello again! I truly love your works!❤ I hope you won't mind if I request something again :D I was wondering how do you think Dante, Vergil and Nero would react if their child (reader) would have someone obsessed with them? Kinda like a stalker I suppose. Yet again if you don't like the request just ignore it! The most important thing is that you write what is comfortable with you✨ Sending you lots of love 💞
── ・ 。☆*sure*☆゚.──
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•Who in the hell in their right mind would want to stalk you?! Especially since they know who your father is. Dumb just dumb.
•Either way, he's gonna find out who, easily once you tell him about it. He'll investigate on his own terms(right away) and catch the stalker.
•Now this can go one or two ways.... He's gonna beat the shit out of them....or he's gonna humiliate them.
•Gets you a sundae
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•So they just wanna die early? Okay, he'll do it ....FOR FREE!
•Once you tell him, it takes him the same day you told him. Yeah he's not wasting time. You literally have to stop him from murdering the person.
•And since he holds grudges, he's gonna mentally torture the person, by showing up in their room in the middle of the night sending death threats or even popping up at their job with a smirk.
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•He's gonna be pissed, and he wants to brutally murder them.
•might take him a few days to find out. But if he asked his uncle and father for help, they'll all find them the same day and they will toss them around like a fucking rag doll, playing hot potato with their body.
•Takes you shopping afterwards.
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•He already knew, he just wanted to see how far the person would go.
•If they are a threat, he'll kill them without you knowing.
•If not, and it starts to annoy you, he'll threaten them away
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may i please ask for some headcaons or short stories of dante's and vergil's small s/o (like 5'3 short) holding their hand in their sdt and/or grabbing their big ol sdt hands and putting it up to their cheek to caress their face? their hands look sooooo big i just wanna Dante's big ol hand to hold mine 🥺🥺🥺 (fem pronouns preferred but gender neutral is fine too!) ty ^u^
Since you gave me the choice and it's my most preferred option; I went with gender neutral. I write these two parts at two drastically different times so you can tell the clear differences between how exactly I wrote them but I hope they both came out okay and you enjoy them anyway! 
The two of you just finished a job together when you asked the strange favor of him. 
It was a small job from Morrison out by the border into Redgrave to take care of a riots nest that suddenly appeared sometime last week that the client didn't want to get out of hand and since he needed strawberry sundae and pizza money who was Dante to refuse? And even though he doesn't need the help, you came with him to keep him company (and to test out your new weapons Nico made for you) he really does appreciate. 
The job went as much as you can expect, the riot nest went down with ease with the two of you styling your way throughout, at some point when the job looked just about over the electric assholes of hell themselves showed up; a group of Blitz. 
With years of experience, Dante knew Blitz was no joke to mess around with, sure he can keep up with them due to his blood and all but for a regular human such as yourself? You were no match, even if you are one of the few that were more capable of standing their ground against hell's spawn, (hell he's even seen Lady having trouble taking on these electric bastards.) 
Now usually when Dante pops SDT or just DT in general it means one of two things; either he's bored and wants to do wacky woohoo stunts to entertain himself to get that mental style ranking system that everyone in his family seems to have going or there is a dangerously strong demon near by which gets his threatened instincts going. So in this case it's the latter, not that the Blitz are really any threat to him, it's the fact you're around that fires his demon protective alarm off so he doesn't hesitate to pop in and handle the situation as fast as he can.
When the last few Blitz fell before clinkering into red orbs on the roadway, Dante lets himself touch the ground again with a whistle and a taunt, still in DT. After taking a minute to recollect himself he looks over to you to make sure you’re alright. You give him a wave telling him you’re fine, just some bruises, when you look him over. The Son of Sparda watches how your eyes dart him around and he laughs to himself. 
“You know, if you wanted to check me out, you know you could’ve just asked?” You shake your head. 
“No, it’s not that it’s just...I don’t I’ve ever seen your demon form up this close.” 
He tilts his head at the response letting out a chuckle and throwing out his arms in dramatic fashion. 
"Alright babe, go on take a look but be quick, I've a strawberry sundae at Fredi's with my name on it." 
You wasted no time coming closer to him, your fingers outstretched and your eyes taking in your lover's demon form, even in his human form he towers over you but him like this was on a whole other level where you have to physically lean your head back to even look him in the face. It was...weird seeing him like this, you knew it was him but yet - no you took it back; your eyes looked up at his scaly face and took in every bump and detail. If you squint hard enough you could still tell it was him from the same hard to see Dante smirk on his sharp tooth lined lips and the gentle look he always gives whenever he looks in your direction, but in his demon form you watch as his very light orangish yellowish glowing pupil's dilate almost cat like as he watches you. 
Heat catches your cheeks in that instant as your head snaps back down in embarrassment, earning a low chuckle from your demon lover. Your eyes drift to his chest and the deep glowing crater on him your fingers outstretched to softly touch the spot, expecting a hot stinged pain but to your surprise you only get a dull heater like warmth. Your fingers then begin to trace around his form, grazing all the bumps at ridges of the shapes of his body, until you get to his arm where you completely pause and stare at his hand. 
From the wrist downward, his hand was different from the rest of his form. Yes, it was still large and demonic but unlike the rest of him it looked so smooth. He had large claws but it perplexed you where exactly his fingers started and his talons ended. You slowly grab at one of his hands and you're greeted with a gentle softness - something you totally didn't expect. You smile as you give his hand a squeeze and see how tiny yours is compared to his. 
You take a second to look back up at your lover, different from before you could tell he was grinning but now his expression is less readable. Knowing how Dante how beat himself up at times when it comes to certain feelings about his demonic nature your grip tightens slightly onto his hand as you move it to your face. Dante immediately jolts at this action to withstand his claws from your face but you only adjust and move your hand to make him have a gentle supporting hold on your cheek. 
You smile and stare up at him, love clear in your eyes as you press into his soft warm touch. 
"This is amazing, Dante. Thank you for sharing it with me." You press a gentle kiss into his palm.
He feels himself speechless at your words as well as the action but he shakes his head with a hard to see smile on his demonic lips. 
"What can I say?" He says in his DT distortion. His smile softens as his head comes gently down to test at the top of your head, other hand coming around your waist. "You're just an amazing person to share things with...and I'm not sure what I would do without you." 
Your other hand finds its way to the top of his horned head and you lean into the embrace. 
Neither of you were sure how long the hold lasted; if a civilian walked past they would most likely assume the worst (the thought made you laugh a little) but when Dante's head raised from your shoulder you immediately pressed a long kiss to lips before eventually the two of you separate and just take a moment to...take each other in.
When the two of you finally break the embrace, Dante fizzling out of SDT, you go to pick up your weapons and slug them  over your shoulder as you and Dante go to leave the now ex riot nest. As you walk to the street side by side you look over to your lover who is already telling you how excited he is to have his cold treat wait for him at Fredi's you look to his hand - the same hand you previously were holding now in its human appearance with no traces left of any demonic nature, just the human flesh covered in those old heated up gloves. You don't hesitate into taking it in your own which immediately stops your lover from carrying on to make his eyes dart to meet your clasp. He smiles to himself as he carries on. 
Yeah his human hands might not be as soft (but with his healing factor and all they are still pretty soft) but they're still him. Human or not they still bring you all the comfort in the world. 
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To absolutely no one's surprise; Vergil likes to train all of his skills quite regularly. Yes, after everything that has happened he might not be in his 'epic and motivated journey' for more power, but with his newly awakened importance - his family - he doesn't exactly want to fall behind especially in duels against his brother and son. 
Now given that he's chosen to live with his brother at his shop - that's in a heavily populated city (maybe not as populated as Redgrave but still Capulet is a city with a decent size population) to hone his skills he either has to go out and actively search for demonic prey or practice on the rooftop of Devil May Cry.
Now he definitely likes doing the former (because he actually gets to kill things) he doesn't mind the latter, these days duels with Dante usually happen up there - not as crazy as the fights that were in hell because they don't necessarily want cops getting called from nosy neighbors but you know, it's at least a type of bonding exercise for the twins. But it's not only duels that take place up here, Vergil likes practicing alone as well with practicing his stances to taking down old dummies (that needs to be constantly rebuilt or replaced each session) 
Now like I said, he practices with ALL skills, both his regular and/or Sin devil trigger included (Now with his design for regular DT being in the 5 art book, I have no problem seeing him not still being about to use regular DT - just he prefers to use his SDT over it most times) Now with that said, of course he can't get too crazy with DT (again neighbors) but still he's able to practice with his demon form.
Now like with Dante, Vergil in battle against lower level demons doesn't use devil trigger that often because being the overpowered bastard he is, most demons go easy down in his human form before he even gets the chance to so when going with him on a job, you'll most likely not get the chance to see it - the closest you get is seeing his doppelganger which automatically takes the form of his SDT. But the thought of seeing him in person like that does spark curiosity in you, a curiosity that you were going to seek out. 
Now when Vergil trains alone, he usually doesn't like people coming in on him to distract him from his focus and being the good s/o you are, you obviously respect that. However, one day in the office sitting reading one of Dante's old Two HandGun magazines, reading about Lady's old article interview (ref to that one easter egg in dmc 4) that Vergil walked past you, Yamato in hand, to go up the roof to start his training that you called out his name and told him to wait. Now if it was anyone else he would be annoyed that his training would be delayed longer than necessary from sudden start of conversation but it's you, so he stops his way up the stairs to politely turn his head to see what you want. 
The fact he actually takes the time to see what you want takes you back a little and how his expression is so...handsome and composed as his eyes meet your face, patiently awaiting your question, your cheeks faintly tint with heat before quickly composing yourself to hesitantly ask him what was on your mind. 
You sit in your spot on the old beaten up squeaky plastic chair that had appeared on the roof a couple months back (*cough cough* Vergil brought it back with after him on a job in Redgrave *cough cough*) and watch from a safe distance Vergil practice heavy charged up punches and kicks with Beowulf on the reinforced dummy, it amazes you how the damn thing was still even standing with the amount of summon swords inlodged and how many times Yamato and Force Edge had cut into it. But other than that your lover's fighting style always never fails to amaze you with how elegant, swift, and calculated every attack seems to be with heavy concentration. However there was one thing that bothered you; he never left human form to do any of these. 
Of course you love his human form to death and all, it's the form you fell in love with but your main goal in coming up here was to maybe catch a glimpse of his SDT, the real deal and not having to base your imagination off of his doppelganger's appearance. You wanted the real deal. You sigh and rest your chin on your arms that lies on your crouched up knees on the chair as with one final Kick 13 the dummy finally falls to Vergil.
Vergil does his normal brush back through his hair at his 'victory' and looks back to you to see the bummed out expression on your face. In slight disappointment, in his mind he was actually very excited to hear that you were interested in seeing him fight and even felt a sense of pride in that, however your features read otherwise and a sigh leaves his lips as he unsummons Beowulf, it flashing away in seconds to instead summon Yamato back on his hip, he goes back over to put the dummy back together. 
"You know if you're bored, you can leave at any time it's not like I'm stopping you." 
Your eyes widened in shock at the sudden break of silence and immediately you start to sputter how that's not the case at all, it's just that - then at that point you cut yourself off and try to rack your brain for the best way to explain you how you came up here mostly to see him in Sin devil trigger. Eventually your words do come to you as you tell him without looking up at him, however when you do you're met with your lover you looking back at you with a confused head tilt and his eyebrows knitted as expression reads him trying to put everything you said to him together (...which you note to yourself how adorable the sight is and promise to forever imprint the sight in your mind)
Taking a moment Vergil thinks about it, his pale eyes darting around your face before he closes his eyes with a deep exhale through his nose followed by a low; "Fine." 
The word confuses you for a second before immediately you feel a sudden burst in front of you followed by a bright flashing blue light and lo and behold your wish was granted. The demonic figure towered over you, which even in his human form was something you were used to but...this figure of Vergil was nothing you could've ever imagined it being. While yes, it look identical to the doppelganger somehow it was so much different from it, while the doppelganger had a friendly, chill, un-Vergil like aura to it Vergil himself like this was...breath takenly different. Of course it did have Vergil's powerful prideful air to it, it also for the briefest of moments made you absolutely terrified with how with each heavy distorted echoed breath sounded, how his tail lashed back and forth on the ground, and how the exhaust pipe like flames that radiate an overwhelming heat at his sides. For that briefest of instances you actually had to remind yourself that this was Vergil. 
Vergil did notice the instant sense of fear from you and he watched as it quickly ebbed away as you remembered this was him. You stood up from the chair and still noticed how he towered above you. 
"Does-" He finally spoke out, voice with that same distortion. "-does this please you?" 
You looked him over, taken in a good look at his new yet familiar - due to the doppelganger - features to the jagged edges of his large jaw to the comically large V on his chest. You couldn't help but smile as you nodded, you outstretched your hand before looking up for silent consent if it was okay to reach out and touch him, to which he returned a nod. 
Your fingers waste no time in exploring him, especially his chest. You take a step closer to him as you rest your head to his chest, feeling as the V gives out a dull warmth, wrapping your arms around him into an embrace with a quiet hum. 
Vergil is...conflicted and confused on how exactly you're enjoying this but being the touch starved bastard he is, he lets it continue as you nuzzle into him and your fingers bump along the circle patterns on the inside of his wings. When you look up at him you're smile widened, the sight making his heart race which you seem to be able to feel as you giggle at him, grin only growing wider.
You're just...too precious for your own good, he swears. 
"I don't understand how you seem to find so much entertainment through this." 
"Well, it's you." You say as you trail off, one of your hands leaving his back to down down to arm. "... and this is a part of you." 
Your hand slowly moves to his clawed hands, taking time to brush your digits across the scaly flesh. 
"Why just love one part of you? Human? Demon? It doesn't matter, it's you either way right? Yes, one part might've made mistakes in the past, but by the end both sides came together to fix those mistakes, right?" 
Your hand gives him a gentle squeeze as you lead it to your cheek. 
"So why not show love to both?" 
Your words touch him more than you could believe. 
With a sigh his eyes study yours, his own loud breathing takes in as nothing but background noise as he looks at you as his entire world. He breaks that silence with a simple response, one that's something very rare to hear him say out loud but it's something so sincere that it erases any doubt you could possibly have.
"You're aware I love you, right?" 
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