#but ahfjf yeah
rexscanonwife · 2 years
I've been listening to a lot of artists like Kero Kero Bonito and Bo En as inspiration for the Vibe of my dhmis s/i!
The puppet version would definitely have a really catchy song about all the fun things you can do in different kinds of weather and I really just want all of those guys to just have fun for once but it's this series so it'd probably start going way downhill at some point or another ajfjfj
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le-trash-prince · 6 months
Pit Babe Ep 8 Thoughts
First of all I’m sorry but Kim looks so good tied up and bloodied
THE ALANJEFF SCENE SBFNGNFNSBDHFJFNF I’ll scream all week about this y’all know this
The stakes felt SO high this episode, North really hit the nail on the head “what are we, Marvel characters?” Like yeah some of them have powers but at the end of the day they’re a bunch of racecar drivers and engineers—not secret agents, and the rescue attempt really shows that 😭 my dudes y’all left kim’s ass on the pavement
I love Kim throwing himself at that bodyguard tho even when he was barely conscious
Winner my most pathetic man. Smh LMFAO AHFJF
Also I’m so glad they showed Alan wondering about where Jeff was I AM SO WORRIED ABOUT JEFF
Also Way. Way. WAY SIR. WAY!!!!
Some of Tony’s subs were a little confusing so I’m gonna have to go back and take a second look
I’m so stressed about Jeff my child get away from that man PLEASE
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cornsnoot · 5 years
please help!! I have a 2 and a half year old BP he's roughly 500g, basically I think I accidently ordered the wrong size rats but I'm rlly confused abt it cuz idk if it's too big for him? they're called medium adult rats, he's usually on small adult rats I think, also idk if it helps but here's a pic of him
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hmm sadly i think it’s definitely a bit too big! if it’s an actual medium-sized rat, then he’d have to be more like 1000-1200 grams. medium rats are around 90-130g, which would be ~20% or more of his body weight :I
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lilacmuffins · 3 years
River (and a playlist!!) :>
(with undyed and dyed hair, respectively)
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Some of the songs in her playlist are just like,,, her vibes. Other ones are just her feelings in the story that I'm writing. Yknow. Obviously it isn't done but I add songs as I realize that they fit her.
She's a FNAF OC kinda agjdkf--
also, fun fact: ibispaint crashed about 5 times while i was drawing her ref so--
Yes, I may know nothing about Vanessa A. but I do know that River would almost definitely be in love with her. Off of what information do I know this, you ask? Agdjfk I have no idea. Anyways, more information about Riv below the cut! :)
River goes by she/her and is somewhere in her 20s (probably around 26 or smth). She's been turned away from working for Fazbear Entertainment for most of her life by her parents (who have had,,,, bad experiences working for them, to say the least) and wasn't even allowed to know much about it. A lot of the past stuff relating to the Freddy's restaurants was hidden from her up until she looked something up that she wasn't supposed to, curiosity getting the best of her (yknow, unsupervised internet access). More things happened and it lead to her working for Fazbear Entertainment asdfh then she met Vanny and fell in love ig-- There's more to it than that but uhhhhhhhhh I don't feel like typing it.
Technically, River only exists in my "AU" (if you can even call it that) but I love her anyways. I'm rambling but like.. look at her!!
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boy-above · 3 years
My biggest hope for decadence is saiouma interactions 💙💜
Also if you want my opinion on some characters; Kokichi, Shuichi, Miu, and Ryoma are my top 4 favs and deserve love.
Also im currently playing v3 and Tenko being very supportive of Shuichi after Kaede's death is sweet though idk if that changes my opinion of her. Shuichi is very good in the 1st chapter, really smart and perceptive! I also really enjoyed Kaede as a protag and watching her slowly set up her plan was interesting hehe. Kaito definitely isnt my fav character, he's really aggressive in the 1st chapter.
yeah omggg saiou interaction!! at Least give me a cg or official art with them. it's killing me here.
yeah i super wish we would have gotten more tenko like that. tenko's writing is a mess/problematique all around and she would have benefited much more from moments like that. also i will Forever be mad that the localization made her call dudes "degenerate males" instead of "MENaces". like why would you pass that up
trial one was my favorite of v3! and in fact the only one i would say i actually liked lol. it set up expectations for the rest of the trials that were not meant ahfjf. the first time i saw it i thought it was so cool that we were just there watching her unknowingly set it up and there were clues as to what she was doing but we just didn't know.
we all know how i feel abt kaito lolllll. he's even more aggressive in the original, they mellowed him out significantly in the localization basically to make him more likable (and kokichi less likable) and it was pretty evident they had an agenda there lmaoooo
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Really feeling that post where its like "Yeah I know the plot of my story" but its like...Only the beginning and the end. First part? Heck yeah had that bitch plotted out since the beginning. Fourth part? Oh yeah baby it all came together beautiful! Second and Third parts? Well I know what I DON'T want to happen ahfjf.
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itsdelicate · 4 years
i have an extra ig account i use to follow art, craft etc accounts and not have it clog up my main and my name on there is kermit because my icon is a kermit meme so i got into a convo with someone and they called me kermit but the first time i laughed to myself was like yeah lmao i’m kermit ahfjf look at my dp but now the convo is still going on and they think my actual name is kermit and keep calling me that i’m 😭😭😭 why is this so funny
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
OK so obviously the Rex thing is never going away cause he's my forever the love of my life...
But you know that post abt how there are some f/os you only really think about in a certain mood or bcs a friend ships with a different character from the same media..? That does feel like. Whatever it is I've got going on with N. Tropy.
And it was SO easy for ruby to get me thinking about him again she was like "here's some silly voicelines for Cortex from a racing game" and I was like "hmm I wonder if there are any others 🤔" and LO AND BEHOLD
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
I was tagged by @i-love-you-by-thunder and @fandomgf thank you guys so much! 🥺 I'm really slow with these things but this seemed really fun so I'm doing it! With my forever husband Rex, ofc 💙
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height difference (Rex's 6’0 vs my 5’5) • mutual pining (BIG FUCKING TIME, with forbidden love to boot) • first kiss (on Rex's part at least) • first love (again, on Rex's part) • wedding (unofficially while on the run from the Empire then again once it's defeated) • in-jokes • lgbt+ (myself and all clones are bisexual) • family disapproves • friends disapproves • would die for each other • fake relationship • arranged wedding • cuddlers • pda friendly (only after TCW cause they had to keep it secret) • and they were roommates • secret relationship (yeah the whole Jedi not having attachments thing, needed to be very secret 😂) • opposing world views (only slightly) • opposing personalities • opposing goals (at least for a little while once the rebellion starts, Brea wants to fight and Rex does not) • getting a pet • have kids (THEY WOULDA HAD 10 KIDS IF THEY HAD TIME) • grow old together • relationship failures • rest head on shoulder • share a bed • token dummies • relationship doubts • they have a song • first date • share a jacket • sharing a blanket • mutual interests • study buddies • bathing together • crash into hello • accidental nudity • laundry • same hobbies • cooking for each other (neither are very good at it at first lol but they learn) • big fancy gala (LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAVE SCENARIOS) • sibling rivalry (only in an AU but...Fives >//>) • hair stroking • dancing • laying in the grass • watching stars together • watching the other sleep (Rex is a nervous boi, likes to make sure I'm safe) • shared values • friends to lovers • enemies to lovers • lovers to enemies • childhood friends • slow burn • love triangle (again, only in au ahfjf) • toxic relationship • sitting on each other’s lap • can’t be together • hugs • forehead touches • neck kisses • car/motorbike rides • compliments • nicknames • falling asleep together • late night talks • gifts
I tag: @cherry-bomb-ships @limey-self-inserts @me-myself-and-my-fos @tex-treasures and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! 💙
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rexscanonwife · 3 years
Whats that one post thats like, 'I refuse to consume anything until its borderline irrelevant' or something cause I finally listened to the entirety of Bo Burnham's Inside ahfjfj
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