#but alas. i am on the floor in an airport waiting for my shit
tmgstudios · 2 years
I have a question about narcolepsy as I may have it. Are you extra sensitive to medications that may cause drowsiness? I take a 25mg benadryl and just die.
i honestly have no idea? melatonin which is like, supposed to cause drowsiness doesn’t work for me anymore (used to, but doesnt anymore) but benadryl will Knock Me Out. to be real i thought that was an everyone thing. ive used benadryl as a replacement for my insomnia meds when they run out since its so effective. it like, totally could be a narcolepsy thing but again i have no idea LMAO
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ithehellisbucky · 4 years
Yellow and Fuckboy- Random People Part 1
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Requested: None
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Cussing, brief mentions of sexual harassment, brief talks about eviction, general bitchiness
Author’s Note: Ahhhhh, I finally posted something. I know I’m a day late, but I tried my best. I only had enough time to edit the first half, so sorry if there are any errors. This will be a series, with about 5, 6, or 7 parts, it depends on the turn this takes. Requests and taglists are open. Love you, and stay safe out there!
This is the end. Standing on a crosswalk in the middle of a bustling street with people screaming all around you. This is the end. But then again, you never know what the ending is until it's done. But it isn't done yet.
6 years. 6 years at that job. A good job. A job with a guarantee of climbing the corporate ladder. A job that you had just been fired from.
Why the fuck were you fired? Stupid bullshitters caught one whiff of a sexual harassment scandal and booted you out without a second thought. And blamed it on your "work ethic". Stupid Jonah should have been fired instead, he was the one who would wolf whistle and "flirt" (the shitty thing that he tried to claim he was doing instead of sexual harassment) whenever you walking by his desk. Not you.
Then after all of that shit, your landlord evicted you. Said that "you wouldn't be able to pay the rent" because you were fired. You would've been able to throw something together if he had trusted you. If someone had trusted you.
But no one had. You're just standing in the middle of the street. Without anyone. Trying to convince yourself that this wasn't the end of the world.
This is the beginning. The beginning of something. The beginning of a whole new future. In the middle of the bustling street, there was only one spotlight. And that spotlight is on James Barnes. 
Today was the day. The day to end all other. Bucky's pulse was the only sound he could make out, even though there was noise all around him. 
"What am I gonna do without you Buck." He turned around to look at a face he had seen almost every day of his life, a face he almost forgot was standing right next to him.
"I don't know Steve, but you’re gonna figure it out." The better question in Bucky's mind was what the hell he was going to do without Steve. Every day of his life he had seen Steve. What the hell was he going to do without the scrawny kid who wasn't afraid of a fight but definitely should be? Possibly survive, probably die.
On the inside, Bucky had no idea what the hell he was going to do. All he knew, is that this was the beginning of something. He didn't know what. All he knew was that it was the beginning
An apartment. That's all you needed. An apartment. One bedroom, one bathroom. Maybe even a kitchen, or a living room if you were lucky. Hell, at this point you'd settle for no windows.
Today is hell. It honestly couldn't get any worse.
Something hits your back. It was light, and for a moment you thought it could be a pebble or something. You reach behind you and touch the top of your back, right where the fabric of your shirt meets the strap of your backpack.
Nothing was there. You shrug your shoulders and continue to walk along. The same sensation hits your nose. Nothing, again. All there is is a small wet splotch. Oh. Oh no. This is bad. This is worse than bad. This is devastatingly horrible. 
Looking up towards the sky in horror, you wince as another raindrop hits your cheek. The movies were right. You should never say "it can't get any worse." Because then it’ll immediately start raining. 
At least it's only a small drizzle. Nothing too bad could come from it.
Almost the exact second that thought ran through your mind that a complete and total downpour washed over you. Thunder was crashing all around you, and everyone started running. You pull up your backpack and put it over your head. Like that would do anything to stop the flood that was coming down to you.
If this was a movie you would be running through the rain to your estranged lover, but alas, this isn't a movie. Instead, you're running to a diner that is barely in your line of vision. 
As you run towards the diner the wheel of your suitcase gets caught on the curb, causing you to fall over. While pushing yourself off the ground, you look down and see that your knees have been bloodied by the fall. 
Sighing, you straighten your suitcase and continue to walk towards the restaurant at a much slower pace; partially because of your skimmed knees, and partially because your mood is just as hurt.
Once you reach the diner you stand in the foyer, thinking about all the horrific turns this day has taken. Wiping your feet on the mat and putting your backpack back on your back you sigh loudly into the universe. Not to a person, place, or thing, to the universe.
You open the door and take a whiff of fresh coffee and warm waffles. You roll your suitcase over the bump in the doorway and hear a clanging noise. 
The diner was more crowded than most of the other diners you had been to in Brooklyn, and you wonder what makes it so special. The funny thing was that most people weren't in there to shield themselves from the rain, the majority of people looked like this was just another day, not the day the world was ending.
Dragging your suitcase behind you, you walk towards one of the only empty seats at the countertop. There is one empty seat on your left, and the one on your right is taken by a man in a blue business suit.
You take a seat on the stool and plop your suitcase down on the seat beside you. If someone wants to sit there enough they'll ask. You take a look at the menu in front of you. Within two seconds you had instantly picked out the meal that you wanted: chocolate chip pancakes and a coffee. 
Waiting for the waiter to come over to take your order wasn't easy. You had just been fired, evicted, and then caught in a goddamn thunderstorm; you aren't in the mood to be patient.
For a few minutes, the seat next to you was empty. Then, someone walked up being you, and said the exact words: "Is this seat taken."
A rainstorm. Just his luck. Possible the only thing that could happen to take Bucky down a notch had happened, a rainstorm. It may not be the worst thing on the planet, but it's certainly up there.
Almost the exact second he had said goodbye to Steve for the last time in a long time, the sky opened up its floodgates and poured them down onto him. It was almost as if the weather was reciprocating the emotions he was feeling.
While running to the nearest building he could find, the only thought running through Bucky's head was how he would find the airport. He barely left Brooklyn, and when he did do it, it was by subway. 
The bell chimed as he entered the building, which he could now see was a diner from the decor. Panting, he looked around the room for a seat. There didn't seem to be any until he spotted one with a suitcase on it.
The woman that the suitcase presumably belonged to was wearing a purple sweater and blue jeans that stopped midway up her calves. She was (for some twisted reason that was beyond him) wearing cheap yellow flip-flops that looked like they were from dollar tree. Her backpack was black, and the straps were sagging so much that the bottom of the bag reached several inches below the bottom of the seat she was sitting on.
Grumbling, Bucky walked over to the countertop, thinking of how much he didn't want to deal with some crazy lady wearing yellow flip-flops in the middle of a thunderstorm.
"Is this seat taken?" Bucky asks the yellow-flip-flop-wearing-lady with grain in his voice.
You turn around, trying to make the exhaustion on your face as clear as humanly possible. Turning to face the man who had so *rudely* interrupted your peaceful, if not depressing, brooding, you plaster a scowl over your face.
However, when you turn to see him, you see something that you were without a doubt not expecting. A handsome young man (dear god you sound like a grandmother).
He's wearing a brown coat, and the shirt beneath it is a navy blue. He's wearing a pair of dirty blue jeans, and it looks like the second or third time they’ve been worn without being washed. The black baseball hat he's wearing somehow matches perfectly with the rest of the ensemble. His dark brown hair is tousled in a way that's halfway between "fuckboy" and "my hair is messy because I was busy making you breakfast at 8 AM and I didn't have time to brush it."
But even when you take all of this into account (his flawless body, hair, face, eyes, and general vibe) you couldn’t bring yourself to be nice to him on such a shitty day. "What the fuck is your problem."
Instead of acting offended, or gasping in horror, he simply rolls his eyes. Yep, definitely a New York native.
"My fucking problem is that your backpack is in the seat I need to sit in." He almost looks more annoyed that you... Almost.
You roughly pull your suitcase off of the stool and onto the floor, not breaking eye contact with the fuckboy (that is the option that you have decided to go with since he's pissed you off this much).
He kicks your suitcase out of the way, and for a second he looks at you like he's expecting a big ass reaction, instead, all you do is scoff and stare straight in front of you.
The waiter walks up to you, and within a heartbeat, you can tell that she's new to Brooklyn. She has straight and perfectly combed black hair that doesn't have a single hair loose. She has perfectly straight posture, and the look in her eyes of someone who hasn't seen someone pee on a subway. Not to mention that that makeup matches with her skin tone perfectly, not the half-toned shit that's 2 shades off your skin tone that you wear.
"Can I take your order?" Her voice is far too cheery for a diner in Brooklyn, even the waiters who fake it for the tips couldn't muster up that much positivity.
Feigning a smile you simply say, "chocolate chip pancakes, and coffee as black as my heart." The waitress looked taken aback, and the sickly sweet smile that you choose to plaster on your face remained the same. "Thanks," you look to see her nametag "Manta."
Fuckboy snorts, and you can tell that he is far more amused by the situation than you are. "And all have the eggs and sausage with the-" snort "coffee as black as her heart."
'Manta' has an awkward look on her face, and you can tell that she is trying to push the negative emotions down. Her face soon perks up, and as she takes your menus she responds with: "I'll have that right out for you." 
Your smile remains sickly sweet as she walks away, but it immediately drops the second she leaves your eyesight.
"Why the fuck are you wearing yellow flip-flops?" Fuckboy says with a sneer.
"Why the fuck aren't you wearing yellow flip-flops." You respond, raising both your eyebrows and speaking in a mocking tone.
This lady is getting on Bucky's fucking nerves. She acted like she ran the fucking place, when in fact the only thing she had control over her fucking flip-flops. He was trying not to be a sexist bitch, but Bucky was wondering how anyone could be so shit-headed.
In Bucky's eyes, today was supposed to be the perfect day. Starting over. Joining the military. Yet in "Yellow" (the name Bucky choose to call her in his head because of her obnoxious yellow flip-flops) seemed to be put on this earth to make Bucky feel any emotion but happiness. Fine, two could play at that game.
"You know, I was having a decent fucking day, so I would appreciate if you try not to ruin what's left of it." He said while staring at the clock and wondering how quickly he could get out of the establishment.
"We don't always get what we want." She shook her head in a way that made it seem like she was mocking him, which she didn't seem to be doing. Even if she was, she was doing it horribly.
"Can't I get what I want this fucking time." Bucky reaches into his pocket and rolls around a cigarette that he hasn't had the chance to smoke yet, and contemplates what the consequences of him pulling it out would be.
"No, apparently you can't," Yellow responds. Both of them were staring ahead into nothing. 
The waitress, Manta, comes back with Yellow's pancakes. Yellow's fake sugary sweet demeanor returns and Bucky can tell under the artificial smile she seems slightly happy to receive the food.
Manta puts a coffee in front of each of them, and when she speaks she does it with her trademark smile, "Your sausage and eggs will be right out sir."
Putting on a fake smile (unlike Yellow he actually meant to be nice, and not just to be evil) he said: "thank you so much."
After receiving his coffee he turned to Yellow and said: "What the fuck made you act this way? Why in God's name would you be so horrible to someone who had done absolutely nothing."
Her head snaps back over to Bucky, and she makes piercing eye contact. "You know what made me act this way. You know fucking why?" Yellow seemed to actually state this as a question, but before Bucky could respond she continued.
"I was fucking fired because some shithead said he wanted to get in my jeans. Then I was evicted from my apartment by my asshole landlord. I have nothing and no one in my life that needs me, so why the fuck should I act happy." She pauses to catch her breath, then continues on her tirade. 
"I've been nice to people who haven't deserved my entire fucking life, and I'm so fucking sick of it. You have a look on your face that says that the hardest decision you've ever had to make was to fuck someone from the front or the back. Get the fuck over yourself, some people have shit to deal with."
Why the fuck had you just explained your life story to a stranger. No idea. It just felt kind of right. In a weird and twisted way, you felted more comforted with this stranger than around assholes you had known your whole life.
"I'm sorry you went through that, but that doesn't mean you get to treat people like shit," Fuckboy said in a tone softer than any that someone had spoken to you in years.
Before you know what's happening you feel tears welling up in your eyes. "You're probably right. Shit, no. You're definitely right. I swear to god that I've never acted this way before. It's just, today is different." You look over to Fuckboy and shrug your head. "I've always had shit days, it's just that today was takes the cake."
Fuckboy looks down at his shoes and then back up at you. "Listen, I'm not sorry for what I said, I just want you to know that I believe you. From the story, you told me I'm pretty sure you're not used to people saying that to you.
"I think we got off on the wrong foot." He says in a tone that you're certain you haven't been spoken to before.
"I do too." You exclaim as you twist your lips around, keeping at least one part of your body busy as your mind roams Fuckboy's mannerisms.
"Here's your egg and sausage, sir." Manta puts a plate down in front of Fuckboy, much to his delight.
Fuckboy immediately stuffs his face with the sausage, and then looks over and glares at you. Understanding what his eyes were saying, you turn to face Manta.
"I'm sorry Manta. I didn't mean to be a bitch. I've had a long day, and, I don't know. It's not really an excuse, I'm just sorry." You look at her in hope, with a neutral expression on your face.
For a second you think she's going to react badly, and then she perks up again, excited by your apology. "Don't worry about it! We all have our bad days, and I just happened to catch you on yours." 
You let out a sigh of relief and smile a genuine smile at her acceptance. "Um, here's my card; I don't work at the place listed there anymore, but the personal number still works. If you ever need a favor, just call me. I'm almost always by my phone, and what I mean by that is that I'm almost always scrolling through supermodels Insta feeds."
Upon excepting the card Manta perked up even more, "Thank you so much."
"So, how am I doing?" Yellow asks Bucky.
"...Actually pretty good. I'm super impressed that you can just turn it off and on like that, pretty twisted superpower." He exclaims with a chuckle.
"Thank you, for your overwhelming support," Yellow responds. After hearing her say this Bucky lets out a chuckle, and in his heart of hearts he truly means it. 
"So, what's your life story. I already told you mine." Yellow Pauses to think for a second. "I swear if it's more depressing than mine, I'm going to be super pissed."
Bucky ponders the question for a moment, and then answers with: "Nothing too horrible I have a sister named Rebecca, my mom is my favorite person. I have a scrawny best friend named Steve." Bucky continues to think for a few more seconds and then, like a lightbulb, Bucky remembers something that is very important to his story. "And I am joining the military, today."
Yellow's jaw drops to the fucking floor, much to Bucky's amusement. "I'm so fucking sorry. If I had known I probably would of, well, done the same thing." She pauses and looks the other way in shame. "I'm sorry."
"It's all good, I wasn't really attached to my pride anyway." Yellow feigned shock and Bucky responded by chuckling. He was really liking her more and more as the moments passed.
"Oh, and by the way, my name is-" She started to say, but then Bucky quickly cut her off. 
"I don't want to know your name. I'll probably never see you after today, and I don't want another thing to miss." Bucky knew that he wanted to know her name, but he also knew that he'd regret it if he found out.
Yellow raised her eyebrows in confusion (Bucky was beginning to think that this was a mannerism of hers) but she soon realized what he was getting at and then lowered them. "Okay, so then what do you propose you call me then?"
Bucky wanted to act like he was pondering this question, even when in reality he had made up the nickname in his head. "Yellow, because of your flip-flops."
"Again with the flip-flops! What is with your obsession?!" She counters with a laugh.
"So my name is-" Bucky says with a smile, counteracting her statement.
"Na-ah-ah," Yellow responds, waving her finger in front of Bucky's face as if to scold him, much to his amusement. "If I get a codename, so do you."
"What's it gonna be?" Bucky asks entertained by this entire conversation, and curious to see what nickname she was going to give him.
"Fuckboy." She says, making a definite stance.
"Thank you, for that overwhelming compliment," Bucky responds, slightly taken aback by her brutal remark.
"It's not a bad thing. It's because of your hair." She says, her grin growing wider by the minute.
"My hair?" Bucky responds, not sure of what to do with that piece of information.
"Yes your hair, gives off major Jack Dawson vibes." She counters with a chuckle.
"So Jack is suddenly is suddenly a fuckboy?" Bucky exclaims as he takes another bite of his eggs.
"Need I remind you that he painted women nude in fucking France." She says right before swallowing a bite of her pancakes.
"I get your point, Fuckboy it is," Bucky says with a smile that lights up his entire face, causing a chain reaction on Yellow.
Fuckboy was charming. Then again, all fuckboys are charming. But he seemed different, he seemed... Softer. 
"Why are you joining the military, if you don't mind me asking." You exclaim as you twirl your finger around on the rim of your coffee. 
"I dunno; my entire life I just wanted to help people, and I found a way to do that using something I'm good at. Fighting." He exclaims through a full mouth of eggs.
"It sounds like you do know." You say a second before you put another bite of pancake into your mouth.
"Know what?" Fuckboy asks you through a mouth full of eggs.
"Why you're joining the military." You say, your mouth equally as stuffed.
"That's what I tell people." He says, looking over to you with endearing eyes. "I really don't know why. If I think too hard about it I come to the conclusion that it's because I know my life will have come to nothing if I don't do something noteworthy."
His brow creases, and you ponder for a second what your response will be. "How do you know that you'll do something noteworthy in the army? How do you know that your life won't end up as anything no matter how hard you try to make it do the opposite." 
Fuckboy turns to look at you, amusement resting on his features. "Thank you for the vote of encouragement."
"I'm only saying this because I don't think you could ever be nothing. I immediately classified you as a Leonardo DiCaprio type, that's not nothing. You're going to do great thing's whether it's in the military or not."
Fuckboy looks up from his eggs in earnest. "Thank you for saying that, it makes me feel a lot better."
"The trick is to be as brutally honest as possible. You're bound to say at least one thing right if 89% of everything you say is completely and totally devastating bullshit."
You finish off the last bite of your pancake and pick up your suitcase from the floor. "Well, I expect payment from my words of wisdom to be the eight dollars for my pancakes, peace out!"
This conversation had become too emotional, you knew you would have gotten attached if you continued the conversation.
"Wait no!" Fuckboy catches your arm, and your secretly happy that he wanted you to stay with him.
"I don't have to check in until six, so would you like to stay with me until then? I was going to go around some landmarks, and maybe see a broadway show, but I would appreciate it if you stayed with me, for just these few hours."
His forehead was doing that cute crease thing, and you faked internal conflict before saying what was always on your mind through it all: "yes."
His face practically explodes with excitement, and yours does too. You and Fuckboy didn't have forever, but at least you had today. And you were going to live this day as if it were your last.
Part 2
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Random People:
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shewillreadyou · 4 years
Becoming: Chapter 11- A woman’s worth
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As always. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing.
A/N: Will Karis break under Madeleine’s pressure?
Disclaimers: All characters are property of Pixelberry
Warnings: Language, sexual content, tw character death
Catch up: Becoming
Word Count:2638
Pairings: Liam x MC (Karis Vasquez
Song inspiration: A woman’s worth- Alicia Keys
Be Kind: Hit the heart button, leave a comment or reblog. It makes a writer so so happy.​
“Excuse me, may I have this dance?��
“Raymond, wow of course, well if it’s okay with you Liam?”
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Liam smiles but it does not reach his eyes.
“Of course. I’ll catch up with you soon,” he says as he heads towards Rashad.
On the dance floor
“Karis, you look…damn.”
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She blushes furiously but her blush quickly fades.
“Raymond, you look great too. But what are you doing here?”
Raymond looks around to see who is within earshot. He pulls her close and speaks in a low voice in her ear as Liam eyes him from across the room.
“Are you ok? Just squeeze me if you are not. I got a phone call from some chick named–”
“Let me guess, Madeleine?”
“Yeah, she wants you out of the way. She asked me what was going on between the two of us. I told her that we were colleagues. She insisted that I come here tonight as her plus one and talk you into going back with me. I was about to hang up the phone on her when I realized that you might be in danger.”
“Really? You are just as bad as Liam? You flew here to save me? Well thank you but I’m fine, really.”
“Kar, these people don’t want you here. They were willing to fly me here, on the off chance that I could talk you into leaving. Is this really the life that you want? Come back to Paris with me. You can finish school, go to law school and come work at the firm. You don’t have to have drama for the sake of love. Come back with me tomorrow, I can’t offer you a palace but once your internship is up my flat is yours.”
“Raymond, you’re sweet. Clueless but sweet. I don’t care about living in a palace, or whether Madeleine wants me here or if my relationship looks like drama to you. All I want, all I ever wanted was Liam. So, I’m sorry you wasted your time coming here, but if you would do me a favor, go tell Maddie, that she can go to hell.”
At the head table
Liam approaches Rashad with fire in his eyes. “I want answers. Why is he here?”
“Why is who here, Li?”
“Raymond Perry!”
“You mean Madeleine’s plus one? I have no idea? Do you know him?”
“Yeah, we’ve met. He’s Karis’ co worker.”
“Wait, he’s that Raymond? And you let him dance with her?”
“Yes, because I didn’t want to cause a scene and I trust her.”
Karis saunters up to Liam, her expression is unreadable.
“Rashad, Russell, thank you both so much for your hospitality. This has all been lovely. I look forward to seeing you both soon. Liam, a word?” she said calmly.
“Sure angel.”
“Can we go now? I can not be sure I won’t embarrass you if I run into Madeleine.”
“Absolutely. I’ll say a few goodbye’s.” He makes the rounds and instructs his guard to escort Karis to the car.”
While she is waiting for Adonis, the door to the car opens and Madeleine gets in and closes the door.
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“Madeleine.” Karis never even looks at her.
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“You know Karis, I have tried being nice to you. I even flew your little boyfriend here to talk some sense into you to no avail. There is no reasoning with you. What would Liam think if his little miss perfect was caught in a compromising position with her boyfriend?”
“Oh, you think i’m perfect? Liam knows better. Besides, I have never been in a compromising position with Raymond or anyone else for that matter. And you know Madeleine, I could say the same for you. You are impossible. No wonder Leo left you for some random girl he met on a cruise. You want Liam?” She turned to stare at her with an icy gaze.
“Take him from me.”
Just then there is a knock on the window. Madeleine opened the door to find a livid Olivia standing in the breezy night.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing Maddie? Liam is going to flip his shit. Is this what you think is going to win him over? What did you do, threaten her? Give it up. She isn’t afraid of you?”
She pulls Madeleine out of the car by her arm and the two of them head back into the estate arguing quietly. Moments later Liam joins her and they head back to his apartment. The moment the car starts to move Liam reaches for her hand and she begins to sob uncontrollably.
“Whoa, Karis. What’s this about?” He slid closer to her on the seat and wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed on his chest.
She was so overwhelmed with emotion she could not get out a coherent sentence. When they arrived a short time later at his apartment, he held her close carrying a great deal of her body weight as they entered the elevator. When they made it inside, he helped her settle on the couch and got her a box of tissues and a glass of water.
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He sat next to her rubbing soothing circles on her back. When she was finally calm enough to speak, she took several cleansing breaths and turned to Liam.
“I didn’t come to Cordonia to be arrested for murder. Keep Madeleine away from me Adonis.”
“What did she do? Is this about Raymond?”
“No, it’s about you. It’s about the crown. She is relentless. Raymond was just a pawn. She doesn’t have an issue with me, outside of I am in her way. She sent for him thinking that he could talk me into leaving tonight with him and when that didn’t work, she threatened to blackmail me.”
Liam’s mouth falls open, he wipes her tears.
“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I will handle it. Promise.”
He kissed her lips sweetly and they settled into a comfortable silence.
“So, it’s still early. What else did you have planned for tonight?”
“It’s funny that you asked. I’ll be right back.”
Liam disappears onto the terrace and is gone a few minutes before he comes strolling casually back into the living area with a devilish smirk on his face.
“What are you up to?”
“Oh, nothing dear.”
“You’re lying, but ok. Have you checked on your Dad today?”
“Yes, he is stable. But they still aren’t releasing him.”
“I was thinking we should get up early tomorrow and go see him. Maybe take him a decent cup of coffee and a heart healthy breakfast.”
Liam stares off in the distance, lost in thought.
“You have to forgive him, you know.”
“Huh?” Her words snatch him from his reverie.
“Not for him. For you.”
He nodded his head, still not focused on her.
“Earth to Adonis!”
“I’m here. I’ve never had anyone I’ve wanted so badly to please.”
“Most people want to please their parents.”
“Not him.” he finally focuses, looking at her with adoration.
She looks confused.
“Me?” she looks puzzled.
“Yes, you. Have I told you how incredible you are today?”
“Nah, but i’m listening.”
“After the day you’ve had, you’re still thinking about me.”
“Of course I am.”
“You are discerning, and sincere, and quick-witted, and courageous, and diligent, and capable,” he dotes on her as he peppers her neck with kisses. She squeals with a smile from ear to ear.
He picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder and smacks her ass.
“Where are we going?” she giggles.
“You’ll see. Patience my queen.”
When they stopped out on the terrace he sat her down they were met with a large hot tub with candles lit all around.
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“Did you do this for me?”
“Yeah, I did. I wanted it to be romantic. Is it cheesy?”
“No, it’s sweet. But aren’t we a little over dressed?”
Before she could get the words out he had shrugged out of his suit coat and was reaching for the zipper of her dress. When it pooled at her ankles she stepped out of it and he held her hand helping her into the steamy water of the hot tub.
“OMG, it’s amazing!”
He looks at her and slowly takes his clothes off piece by piece until he is standing in only his boxer briefs.
“You know, It’s not nice to tease, your majesty.”
He joins her in the water and shivers as his body adjusted to the temperature. He sat on one of the underwater benches and pulled her on to his lap. She straddled him and he gazed into her eyes for what felt like an eternity. She poured them both a glass of champagne.
“I was just thinking…What does love mean to you, Karis?”
“Love is…sacrifice, dedication, loyalty, compromising, and commitment.
“All important to making a relationship work.”
“What does it mean to you?”
“You know it’s funny. I never even gave it any real thought before I met you. I certainly wasn’t raised to have any expectation of romance in my life.”
“That’s funny coming from you. You are incredibly romantic.”
“You think so?”
“I do. Now, answer my question.”
“Hmm, love is patient, honest, kind, protecting, giving, thoughtful and trusting. I have never known love in this sense until I met you. I knew that  I loved you the morning I left your apartment back in New York for the airport.”
“Really? Day one?”
“Absolutely. You didn’t feel it?”
“I clearly felt a strong connection. I don’t think it was love. But it was something. That’s probably why I was so hurt.”
“When I found out what Madeleine did, I knew that her character was not one of a queen. Leo tried to warn me to keep an eye on her. Let me ask you this, when did you know?”
“I knew the moment I smelled your cologne in Paris. It was like every bit of logic went out the window.  My emotions came storming back in, like a flood. I was hurt. But longed for you, I craved you, I missed you.”
She tried to blink away the tears but, alas it was in vain.
‘No, no crying right now. We are being romantic.”
She smiled.
“That’s what I want to see. Let’s talk about something else. I know we briefly talked about it and you said that you wanted kids and I know my father mentioned it, but… How many kids do you think you want?” he asked as he sipped his champagne.
She takes a moment to consider her answer.
“I dunno, maybe 7 or 8,” she said casually.
He spit out his champagne.
“How many kids?”
She smirked. “Your father did say that heirs equal stability.
“Clearly you intend to be very stable.”
She takes his glass from his hand, and places both glasses carefully on the side of the hot tub. She turned to him and clasped her hands behind his neck.
“I don’t have a set number of children I want. I will be happy with whatever number of children we have.”
He breathed a sigh of relief and she kissed him sweetly.
“Does it freak you out at all that this time next year we could be married and expecting our first child?”
“Only slightly. Definitely not as much as I expected it to freak me out.”
He kisses her again. This time it was urgent and deep. His hands traced her curves and found the clasp to her bra. It plopped into the water and floated at the top as his mouth moved openly down her pulse line. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
His tongue teased her collarbone before he took her perky breast into his mouth. His tongue flicked her nipple while his hand gently massaged the other. The water lapped around them as she grinded on his lap. He lifted his hips and slid his boxers off freeing his hardened length. She took him in her hand stroking him as he groaned in pleasure.
He lifted her by the waist to stand on the bench. He pulled her black lace thong to the side as his mouth found her center. Her knees buckled and his strong arm circled her waist pulling her closer and supporting her at the same time. “Je veux seulement te plaire.”
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“Adonis!” she screamed his name as she rubbed his bald head. When she was starting to come undone he pulled away with a smirk.
“You are teasing me again,” she said slightly shivering.
He pulled her back down into the warm water and wrapped his arms around her.
“I’m not teasing. I need to be inside of you,” he says as she straddles him again.
She reaches for him guiding him to her entrance. She took in a sharp breath as she stretched around him. Her eyes widened at the sensation.
“Go slow. We have all night.”
“Like I have a choice.”
“God, you feel incredible. It’s so tight.”
“You feel large.”
“Sorry.” He grinned sheepishly.
“Don’t be,” she said as she picked up the pace.
He lifted his hips, winding them slowly at first, then rolling them thrusting harder.
“Am I hurting you?”
“Well, stop running from this dick.”
“Oh my god. Adonis, I can’t!” she moaned.
“Yes you can. Take it,” he said as he began thrusting like a jack hammer.
She wrapped her arms around him tightly and began contracting around him as she plunged up and down on his length.
“I’m, I’m soooo close. Give me every inch of you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, please love.”
“If you insist..”
Her once straight hair was now dark and curly from the way the water was splashing, just how he liked it.
He tangled his hands in her dark wet curls exposing her neck. He didn’t know if it was the way the moon was glowing against her caramel skin or the way the water beaded up as she bobbed up and down out of the water, but he couldn’t have been more turned on. He thrusted into her completely filling her. Her eyes went wide.
“Take it. Take this dick.”
She was sure she felt it in her stomach. After a few more powerful thrusts they fell over the edge together. He carried her bridal style to bed where slumber found them both quickly.
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The next morning they arose early to visit with Constantine before they got their day started. Karis had made breakfast and snuck it into Constantine, in her purse. She also had a canteen full of his favorite dark roast coffee.  
“She is thoughtful, smart, beautiful, fearless and can cook. Keep this one Liam.”
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“That’s the plan, father.”
“Thank you, sir. You flatter me. Adonis, I’m going to give you two sometime alone.”
A few moments later, Liam joins her in the waiting area where she is chatting with Kenyon, the guard charged with looking after her while she was visiting.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, nurse Emily is in with him. I told him I would come back when she was done. Karis, what do I say to him?” he asked, his eyes threatening to spill tears he had been holding a lifetime.
“Keep it simple. Tell him that you love him. That you forgive him and that you hope that you have made him proud. Remember, this is for you.”
She gives him a hug and whispers, “I’m so proud of you,” in his ear as she squeezes him tight, before he heads back in to chat with his father.
About thirty minutes later, Karis was sitting checking social media when there was an announcement on the intercom.
<Rapid Response Cardiac Unit Suite A, Rapid Response Cardiac Unit Suite A, Rapid Response Cardiac Unit Suite A.>
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staticscreenwriting · 5 years
12 Days of Christmas - [Day 4]
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A/N: Day number 4 for the Christmas coundown with @mattysheelies. This one’s almost 6k words. I loved writing this and I hope you like it too. It’s cheesy and cutesy and maybe cliché but it’s Christmas so idgaf. ENJOY ♥
Prompt: Snowed in together.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
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“I felt so lonesome, all of a sudden. I almost wished I was dead.”
It happens, every once in a while, that you read a sentence in a book that you’ve read a hundred, maybe a million times before and it suddenly hits you like a punch straight to your gut. Because it’s different now. The book has stayed the same all through the seasons but you realize, you’re a whole new person who’s been through a whole new set of trials and tribulations. And all of a sudden you understand. 
I slump back into the cold, sticky plastic of the bright blue seat and clutch my beat up copy of Catcher in the Rye closer to me. I face the huge windows, looking out into the black of the night and the airplanes, firmly rooted on the ground. There’s a heavy downfall of snow and no sign of it stopping anytime soon. 
Maybe, I realize, this is my reckoning. Isn’t this what I’ve been wishing for ? A white Christmas like the one from the songs and the movies ?
Well merry fucking Christmas, (Y/N).
Every snowflake is a sick reminder of what could have been. Of what isn’t. 
I let my eyes travel around the area. Rows and rows of blue plastic seats. There’s not a lot of people waiting around here. I assume most people have flown home a few days ago to make it in time for Christmas and the few that weren’t smart enough to do that, have resorted to some bar or a restaurant or something. 
In theory, I could do that too. The thing is, spending Christmas eve by myself in an airport restaurant, would just seal the deal for this being the most depressing and downright sad Christmas of my whole life. 
So I stay seated and lose myself in Holden Caulfield's delightful pretentiousness. 
They’re playing Christmas music from a nearby speaker. I wonder if they want to taunt me. Me and everyone else stuck in a fucking snowstorm on Christmas Eve in god damn Indianapolis. They even have a tree set up and where it should make people happy, it only makes me even more sad. I wanna be home with my family, decorating my own tree with all the weird and quirky ornaments we’ve collected over the years. They all come with their own stories and it fills my heart with bittersweet nostalgia.
I’ve never known what being homesick feels like until tonight.
Again my eyes move along the rows of plastic seats. There’s a man in a sharp suit a few rows down. He’s got neatly combed hair and a red tie and shiny shoes and a face that says “ My name is Michael and I don’t allow anyone to call me by a nickname and I have an important job and I drive an expensive car and I probably fuck my secretary. “ 
It’s not a face you particularly want to look at. Except maybe if you’re said secretary. 
A family of 3 sits by the end of the row. They seem — at peace. And for a moment I wish I could be them. I guess it’s different being stuck if you’re stuck with the people you love. 
It makes me bitter to think about it so I avert my eyes and let them travel down the other side of rows. Which turns out to be no better for my mental state because there’s a couple there and they do not seem to care that an airport terminal is not the ideal place for some serious tongue action.
Across from them sits a guy, he’s got a mean mullet. Strands and strands of golden curls. He’s wearing a leather jacket and big black boots and there’s a deep scowl permanently edged onto his face. If he’s aiming for the whole bad boy vibe, he’s really nailing it. 
I can see him shaking his head, as he too notices the couple getting awfully touchy, and I can’t suppress a laugh.
He notices and he looks at me and even across two whole rows of plastic seats I can see just how gorgeously blue his eyes are. 
He doesn’t laugh or smirk or does anything to give me any indication of his feelings. Maybe I’m grateful for it. Maybe I wish he would. It would be quite nice to make a connection with someone right now. Just to make being alone feel a little less lonely.
“ the snow's comin' down
(Christmas) I'm watchin' it fall
(Christmas) lots of people around
(Christmas) baby, please come home”
It’s quite ironic, really,that they would chose this damn song. Of all the Christmas songs in all of the world. 
Mullet boy seems to be a kindred spirit in this regard, I can see him sigh and murmur a “for fucks sake” into to collar of his jacket, as he sinks deeper into the chair.
“They’re singing deck the halls, but it’s not like Christmas at all. “ 
Yeah it really fucking isn’t. 
A smacking of lips catches my attention and I focus back on the couple just to witness the guy’s hand travel straight under the sweater of his girlfriend. It’s a sight I don’t particularly want to see. 
A sight that apparently makes my face screw up in aversion. And as it does, old blue eyes looks back at me and this time, I see a smirk. It vanishes as quickly as it appeared but I know for a fact that it was there. Maybe I don’t have to be all that lonely after all.
I close the bruised and battered orange book that, at this point, is hardly orange anymore, and place it in my backpack. If my life was a John Hughes movie or maybe any other romantic comedy, I’d get off my seat and walk over. There’d be some cheesy some playing in the background, maybe by the Smiths. I would throw him a smile and he’d look at me, an angel’s choir singing wonderous melodies. And tonight would change both our lives forever.
Alas my life is not a movie that Morrissey wrote any songs about. I am a coward and my heart already lies in several little pieces at my feet. So I don’t walk over just like that with no idea what to say, no incentive.
Instead I grab my backpack and walk past him, down a long corridor and end up at a vending machine that sells both, coffee and soup and I secretly pray that they don't come from the same jet. 
The last coffee I had, I think as the warm liquid fills the paper cup, I bought at the little cart by Kelvin’s dorm room. It was a good coffee, had Hazelnut sirup in it. I remember the warmth of it in my hand. I remember the taste on my tongue. I vividly remember the sound of the cup hitting the floor and the stains on my pants and the feeling of my heart as it broke in two.
I don’t want to remember that though, so I will myself to ignore it. To push the thoughts away. I fill the second cup, grab it, put lids on them and then carry them back towards the row of seats.
Mullet boy doesn’t as much as glance at me as I drop down in the seat next to him. Only shows me that he notices me as I hold one of the coffee cups out to him.
“ Sorry it’s not booze. I know that would make looking at these two a little more entertaining. “ 
For a second he just looks at me in confusion, contemplates whether or not to trust me. In the end he takes the drink so I take that for a good sign.
“ Thanks. “ 
His voice is deep and raspy and I really really like the way it sounds. 
“ I wonder if they even realize there’s other people around “ I say, watching the dude’s hand travel down the girls back, as they dreamily blink at each other like the main characters on a romance novel. Maybe those two get the romance and the the Smith song in the background. Maybe I’m just a sad side character in their story.
Mullet boy scoffs, takes a sip of coffee then speaks up. “ Don’t even think they’d notice if we joined in “.
He smirks at that. There’s an absolute underappreciation for people who laugh at their own jokes. I think it’s charming, endearing even. If you can’t laugh at your own joke, how do you expect anyone else to do it.
“ Least they’re not alone on Christmas fucking eve “ 
I don’t know why I say it. I don’t necessarily want to share my sob story. Sometimes my words just move faster than my head does.
“ Christmas is overrated anyway “ blue eyes says and shrugs his shoulders in a way that’s supposed to look casual. Only you can’t say shit like “Christmas is overrated” and be casual about it. There’s always more to a statement like that.
“ You think ? “ 
“ I know. “
“ How come ? “ 
He turns to face me and raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow. It’s like he’s straight from the cover of one of my mom’s romance novels. I think it’s quite unfair that he gets to look like this on a day like today and I — I look just the way I feel. Sad. Exhausted. 
“ It’s none of your business. “ 
“ Oh geez, and here I was thinking we were bonding over our shared distaste for PDA. Guess not. “ 
“ You guessed right. “ 
For a moment, we fall into silence as another song plays over the stereo that has entirely too many obnoxious jingle bells in the backing track. For a moment I feel very lonely again.
It’s then, that the universe seems to have pity on me. It sends me a sign. A gift. A little Christmas miracle if you will.
That comes in the form of the couple getting more touchy, more — obnoxious. So obnoxious that the girl leans back, presumably to lay on the seats, only that’s not what happens. It seems to happen in slow motion when really it’s probably only the blink of an eye. She leans back and back and back and suddenly tumbles off the seats and onto the cold linoleum floor, her mister holding onto her so tightly, he falls right down with her.
My mama always told me not to laugh at other people’s misfortune. But at 18 years of age, I feel it’s time to break some rules my mama set. And this is one of them.
I can’t help it. I laugh. It comes from the deepest corner of my belly and fills my entire being. Then I catch those gorgeous blue eyes looking at my and I notice he’s laughing too. A hearty laugh. I think it’s a good one. No halfway laugh. No bullshitting. It’s a proper laugh and, as we lock eyes, our laughter only seems to increase.
The magic bubble that, until now, has surrounded the couple, seems to have been popped. It’s vanished. For them at least. Because as our laughter rings in unison, a proper harmony of joy, I feel like maybe me and mullet boy have been given a tiny spark of magic ourselves.
“ I’m (Y/N), by the way “ I say, trying to hold in more chuckles.
“ Billy ” 
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“ No no, you got it all wrong. His name is Michael and he’s on a business trip that he tells his wife he couldn’t postpone but actually he just wanted to get away from his family for the holidays. “ 
“ Michael ? nah. This dude’s not a Michael. “ 
“ So what’s his name then, Billy ? “ 
He thinks for a moment, face scrunched up in a way that is absolutely adorable. It makes him look way younger than he probably is. Very boy-ish. Very cute.
“ Edward “
“ Edward ? “ 
“ Yes. Look at him, he looks so boring. And can you think of a more boring name than fucking Edward ? “ 
I have to admit, he has a point. So I shrug and nod. “ You have a point. “ 
The little family from earlier, passes us and, as the mom glances towards us, her eye linger on Billy just a moment too long for it to be accidental. And he notices, the cocky bastard. He notices and revels in it, letting the corner of his lips lift up in a teasing smirk.
“ What the fuck was that ? “ I asked, flattened by the sheer audacity for both of them.
“ I got that effect on women of all ages. “ 
“ Wow, your ego is really tiny, huh. “ 
When he looks at me, grin widening and eye filling with mischief, I know I just said the wrong thing. I set myself up with this one, I admit that.
“ That’s the only thing tiny about me. “ 
“ Aaaand that’s my cue to leave. “ I pull myself halfway out of my seat when his arm shoots out and his hand grabs onto mine. The mischief in his eyes in gone, completely replaced by a pure and unfiltered honesty.
“ Stay. Please. “ 
I sink back down and we fall into a silence. He knows that I saw it in his eyes, the fear of being left alone and I know that he knows and so we’re stuck in this weird limbo of whether to ignore it or spill our sorrows to one another. And maybe it’s because today is Christmas and on Christmas you tell the truth, even if it to a stranger at an airport, but he suddenly breaks the silence and starts talking.
“ I don’t wanna be alone. “ 
“ Yeah me neither. “ 
“ I uh — I was supposed to be in California, to visit my mom over Christmas. I haven’t seen her in — in years. This was supposed to be our first Christmas together since I was 8. I called her earlier, from the payphone. I thought she might be devastated. She’s not. I don’t think she cares very much if I’m there or not. I’m still debating whether or not I wanna get on the plane if it ever goes. “ 
“ I came to visit my boyfriend for Christmas. Surprise him, you know. He’s going to college here in Indiana. We’re both from California and we haven’t seen each other since the summer. I thought It was the ultimate proof of my love to him. Well — turns out he’s been fucking his way around campus while I’ve been busy making plans on how to rearrange my life and all my dreams, to come study with him in Indiana after I graduate High School. “
Another silence fills our hearts but this one isn’t thick with anticipation and tension. It’s one that settles deep in our bones as we realize, that sometimes there’s comfort in shared misery. 
“ Merry fucking Christmas to us. “ Billy murmures.
“ Do you wanna go see if we can get a drink at the bar ? “
“ That’s the best idea I’ve heard in a while. “ 
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“ I can not believe your fake ID says you’re name’s Ricky Hardman. “ 
“ If you’re mocking me I can just drink this myself, you know. “ 
“ Oh come on. It’s just — that sounds like such a porn name. “ 
“ So what. “ 
I have to snort at his complete lack of self reflection. He knows I’m right but he’s so stubborn. Again I find myself thinking it’s endearing rather than annoying.
To come back to a statement I made earlier, I also think we don’t appreciate the people enough, that make us snort-laugh. Is it a bit embarrassing and cringy? Sure but it’s a laugh either way and I don’t think we should ever take that for granted.
“ Put the cups down so I can spice it up a little bit “ Billy instructs me and I do as he says. This is probably our 4th refill of coffee for the night, my mom would have a go at me for all the caffeine but whatever.
Billy opens the bottle of booze he just purchased at the airport store and pour us both a decent amount into our coffees. Might as well have our own little Christmas celebration if we’re stuck here with nothing else to do.
Cups clutched in our hands we roam around the airport, cheeks warming up from the alcohol. I feel more at peace now and yet my heart is ever as heavy with the longing to be home. 
A sign directs us towards the visitors terrace where families usually gather to watch the planes take off and land. It’s deserted now but that’s not really a surprise. It’s cold, it’s snowing and there’s no flights going anyway. It’s just a dark, snowy night and a lonely runway illuminated by small lights that, if you believe hard enough, almost look like fairy lights in the distance.
“ I know it looks pretty, “ I say as I lean against the banister of the terrace “ but I really don’t find snow all that great.” 
“ I fucking sucks, “ Billy replies. “ It’s cold and wet and turns into gray slosh in the matter of a few minutes. “ 
“ I always dreamed of a white Christmas, now I can’t wait to never see snow again. “ 
“ Me too. I hate it. Snow. Indiana. At least you get to stay in California once you make it there. I have to wait until graduation to finally move back home. “ 
I don’t want to pry, I really don’t but there’s something about him that intrigues me. Everything he says and does in scrowded in some kind of mystery. Some hidden meaning in all of it. 
The way he looks and the way his words hold a certain softness to them, is a whole enigma in itself.
“ You wanna come back to Cali ? “ 
“ Fuck yes. I can’t stay here longer than I need to. I miss the sun and the beach and — my home. “ 
“ Oh god yes, the beach. “ 
“ See, and you wanted to give up on all of that for a guy called Kelvin. “ 
“ I — he’s nice.” 
“ Oh I’m sure he is. And secure and smart. “ 
“ He is. We’ve been together since my sophomore year in Highschool. He was my first — everything. He studies business and is gonna take over his dad’s company one day. “ 
Billy blows a raspberry before turning to me with his perfect eyebrow raised in mockery. 
“ That is so dull. “
“ It’s not “ 
 “ But it is ! Tell me honestly, do you really love this guy or is it just — comfortable. Being with him ? “ 
And once again, something that I’ve considered so many times in my life, suddenly affects me in a completely different way than I am used to. I understand all of a sudden. 
I get it.
“ I mean, maybe you have a point. What makes you the relationship expert though ? “ 
“ Nothing. I’m not saying I am. But I know I never plan on spending my whole life with someone because I am comfortable with them. It’s your goddamn life, you should live it for yourself. “ 
It hits me light a freight train. Straight in the heart. He’s right. Whether I want to admit it or not, Billy is right. I don’t let him know that though, it’s hard enough admitting it to myself. I think he knows anyway, by the way I look at him. By the way he looks at me. 
“ Have you decided whether or not you wanna get on the flight ? “ I ask. It’s still not my place to ask those questions but it feels like something has shifted between us. Like tonight is ours entirely. A night of truths. Of heart opened and unguarded.
“ The alternative is spending Christmas with my dad and his wife and my stepsister. “ 
“ Sounds alright to me. “ 
“ Yeah, only my dad is the biggest asshole on the planet. He’s not a nice guy. His wife is a fucking nutcase, obeying his every will. She has the backbone of a jellyfish. And Max — Max hates me. That one’s my fault though. “ 
I want to hug him. It’s a strong urge that overcomes me. A sudden rush. His words are soft and sad and frustrated and I can see in his eyes just how much this hurts him. And god, it’s Christmas Eve. I just want to make him feel a little less alone.
So I do. I hug him, rest my head on his shoulder and together we look at the snow falling around us, covering the world in a thick white frosty blanket. 
“ I’m sorry about that. Just so you know though, I’m glad we’re stuck here together. “ 
“ Well yeah, I’m hot and fun and I have great hair. “ 
“ Oh there we go again with the ego. “ I laugh. He makes me me laugh. Like genuinely laugh. I can’t remember the last time I felt like this around Kelvin.
“ What’s that book you’ve been reading. “ Billy asks as the laughter settles down again.
“ Catcher in the Rye. It’s one of my favorites. “ 
“ Uh-huh. What’s it about ?” 
“ This boy, Holden. He gets kicked out of prep school and runs of to New York City and yeah it basically chronicles his days in NYC. It’s about loss of innocence and isolation. “ 
“ Sounds absolutely — “ 
“ Wonderful “ 
“ Boring. “ 
Here’s the thing about interests and hobbies. They’re a very personal, very individual experience. They’re yours. And yes, maybe it’s nice to share your passions with another person who feels the same. But let’s be honest: It doesn’t really matter. I am not hurt by Billy’s disinterest. Not even by his mocking scoff. Because it in no way lessens my love for the book. The story it tells and the nostalgia it brings me.
It also doesn’t lessen the affection growing inside me, towards Billy. An affection that both scares and excites me at the same time. By all means, it is delusional to fall for a stranger at an airport, who doesn’t even live in the same state as me. Someone I’ve only spent a few hours with.
Then again, life is never a straight path. I used to think it was but after tonight, maybe I can let myself take some backroads. Take a road less traveled. See where it leads me and if it brings me to a dead end, turn around and try again.
Maybe sometimes it needs a boy with a leather jacket and gorgeous blue eyes, to make you realize that life can be so much more if you just let yourself live it.
“ Okay sure. What are your interests then ? I’m sure there’s something you like doing, something you care about. “ 
“ My car. “ 
“ That’s such a guy answer. “ 
“ Pff, whatever. “ 
“ What else ? “ 
He takes a moment to answer. Contemplates. Mulls his answer over in his head. There’s a vulnerability in his eyes I haven’t seen since he talked about his mom earlier tonight.
“ Music. “ 
“ Music ?” 
“ I really care about music. Not — not playing it but just music in itself. You can’t tell anyone this, okay ? It’s a bit ridiculous and It’s not really realistic, but I would love to work at a record label. Or maybe have my own music venue. To help discover bands and find new, awesome music. Whenever I’m sad or angry or frustrated, or even happy, there’s a specific songs for any emotion, any situation. I want everyone to be able to have that in their life. “ 
There’s something undeniably sexy about someone being passionate about something. He only just started but I could honestly listen to Billy talk about music for hours and hours and hours.
“ So who’s your favorite band then ? “ 
“ I’ll sound pretentious as fuck but my favorites are probably some local bands from my hometown in California. “ 
“ Maybe when you’re back home after graduation, you can take me to a gig. Show me some of those bands. “
My heart beats faster as I realize this is the first time either of us has mentioned there being a future. More than just one magical night at the airport. 
It slipped out but I’m glad it did. The idea of more nights together, more time spent listening to him talk about his music. Experiencing that music with him. It doesn’t scare me. In fact, it excites me so much.
“ Yeah. Sounds like a plan. “ 
“ A good plan. “
“ A great plan. “ 
I don’t know if he notices that I notice, but his hand drops to the small of my back, so gently it’s but a whisper of a touch. It warms me up more than our boozy coffee ever managed to.
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Airports have a weird energy. A specific mood that transcends through every corner in every room. It’s loaded with the arrival of change. It might be good and exciting or it might be sad. But something is about to change and you can feel it sizzling in the air.
As I stand next to Billy in the softly falling snow, I know that the girl that arrived at the airport earlier today, heartbroken and without purpose, is not the same girl that’s gonna get on that flight home. Something has changed. I think I like this new girl better.
“ They’re singing deck the halls … “ 
“ Oh Jesus, what is it with this fucking song ? “ 
“ What, you don’t like it ? “ 
“ Do you ? “ 
“ Totally “ 
I don’t know what hits me. Maybe it’s the fact that the future is so awfully unknown. I don’t know if after tonight I will ever see Billy again. Or maybe because it’s Christmas. 
Or maybe because I’m a little drunk and half in love.
But I start to dance and sing along. With the snow falling down on me. Snowflakes dropping onto my hair and melting, leaving it wet and streaky. But it doesn’t matter right then. All that matter is the music and the night and him and I.
“ Come dance with me. “ 
“ I don’t dance. “ 
“ It’s Christmas Eve, Billy. It’s my Christmas wish. Come on. There’s no one around. “ 
Here’s some piece of advice from me to you: If you’ve never had a guy in a leather jacket and biker boots twirl you around while the snow is falling and Christmas songs play over the stereo, then you’re missing out.
Billy’s hand is warm, his smile is gentle. It’s all so vastly different from the way I felt when touching Kelvin. Everything that comes with Billy is an enigma, a surprise. Nothing is certain and yet I am sure that I’ve never felt more alive than I do right now.
The last chord of the song echoes through the night as Billy pulls me close to him, I can see his breath in the cold, accumulating in little clouds. I can feel his skin in mine. 
“ You’re gonna get on that flight, Billy Hargrove. “ I say, my voice but a sigh. A whisper
“ I’m gonna get on the flight. I’m gonna graduate and then come back to California. Permanently this time. I’ll find you and take you to all the underground clubs and show you all my favorite bands. And I’ll even listen to you talk about your books. “ 
“ Even if you think they’re boring. “ 
“ Uh-huh. “ 
“ Hey Billy. “ 
“ Hmm ? “
“ I think I wanna write a book. I think that’s what I want to do with my life. “ 
He’s so close now, our noses touching, our breaths touching, our lips touching. Warm and soft and gentle.
“ Write about us, so you don’t forget me. “ 
I kiss him then. Or he kisses me. I don’t know for sure but really what does it matter. In the grand scheme of things it’s irrelevant who initiated the kiss. It matters that it happened. And by god I will never be able to forget this kiss or the boy that gave it to me. 
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“ Dear passengers, we are delighted to announce that the runway has been cleared. The sky is blue and free of any downfall. Flights will resume shortly. More information about departure times will be available shortly. Feel free to turn to our staff for guidance or additional information. 
“ Billy. Hey, Billy. “ I say, and shake him awake. He looks so peaceful and boyish while sleeping, it breaks my heart a little to interrupt his sleep. 
“ Hmm.. ? “ 
“ I think our flights are gonna go soon. Snow’s stopped. “ 
“ Oh. “
I don’t have to ask to know what he’s feeling. What he wants to say. “ Oh. this is it for us. “ 
We gather our stuff, stretch our limbs and get off the uncomfortable plastic seats. The board on the wall shows us that our flights go in just two hours. His to San Diego, mine to LA. 
Our time is numbered and we finally have an expiration date. My heart breaks once again though this time I try to hold onto the fact that we both want a future of whatever it is we’re sharing. Even if it’s just a friendship, I want Billy Hargrove in my life.
“ Hey uh — “ Billy speaks up and takes my hand in his “ let’s make a deal. “ 
“ What deal ? “ 
“ To see each other again. Maybe — maybe next Christmas Eve. “ 
“ Where ? “ 
“ I don’t know. Let me — let me come to you. “
“ Santa Monica pier. “ 
“ Okay sure. “ 
“ Cool. “ 
“ Cool. “ 
He kisses me again and this one too, will stay with me forever. In my heart and in my head.
“ Here I’ll give you my phone number. Call me if anything changes. If my dad answers just ignore his stupid comments “ He says, fumbles around in his backpack and come up with a pen and — a cassette tape ?!
“ Something to remember me by “ he points out as he scribbles his number onto the little slip of paper. “ Some of my favorite songs on there. “ 
“ If you give me something, let me give you something too. “ I say and pull out my old worn out copy of Catcher in the Rye, scribble a message on the first page, then hand it to him.
“ There’s a bunch of notes in the margins. I never got to share them with anyone, I’ll gladly share them with you. “ 
Then I kiss him. Again and again and again, until it’s all I can think about and all I can feel.
“ Flight 207 to LAX boarding now. “ 
And that is it for us, at least for now. The magic of last night is broken. It’s Christmas Eve gone, replaced by Christmas day. No snowstorm. No magic. Just the brutal truth that real life awaits.
So we part. With more kisses and a promise.
“ Until next Christmas. “ 
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The plane is already high up in the air when Billy Hargrove pulls the book from his pocket. It’s old and worn out and what looks like it used to be orange once upon a time is now a washed out beige.
He opens it up to the first page and can’t suppress a smile. A real one. Not one of those he fakes for his dad and susann. A real smile that reaches his eyes. One he feels in his heart.
“ Meet me at the Merry-Go-Round! “ 
His heart soars as he thinks about next year. A future that suddenly looks much brighter than ever before. 
There’s a lot of notes and scribbles and highlighted sentences. He skims through it until one passage catches his attention.
“ Make sure you marry someone who laughs at the same things you do. “ 
And so he thinks back to the overly touchy couple and their magnificent tumble from the plastic seats. And he remembers her laugh and his ringing up in unison.
He understands. That Holden guy has a point. Maybe it’s worth reading the book after all.
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A year later.
I’m rushing through the crowd of people, a vibrant clementine sky the backdrop for my misery. God, why can I never be on time.
My heart hammers in my chest. Please don’t leave. Please don’t leave.
His eyes meet mine across the way as he leans against the banister by the Merry-Go-Round and I feel like I am back at the airport. The magic is back.
“ Sorry I am late. I am so so sorry.  “  I say and can’t help myself but pull him into a kiss. One filled with passion and longing and a promise kept.
“ Ah If a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if she’s late. “ He replies.
“ You read the book. “ 
“ I read the book and all your notes. “ 
“ That’s good, I uh — have something else for you to read. “ 
It’s a bundle of papers, no cover art or fancy pictures on the front page. All it says in big bold letters is “ A white Christmas - a story of girl meets boy. “ I hand it to Billy and he looks at me in confusion.
“What’s that ? “ 
“ That’s the first draft of my book. “ 
“ You wrote it! “ 
“ You believed I could so I did. “ 
“ What’s it about ? “
“ Oh you know, just a girl and a boy and a magical night at the airport. Lots of snow. Lots of kissing. Little bit of magic. “ 
“ Can’t wait to read it. So, you wanna go see a band ? “ 
“ They any good ? “ 
“ Pretty fucking good!” 
Darlene Love’s voice echoes through the stereo and for the first time I have to disagree. This feels like Christmas more than any moment before ever did.
And my baby is finally home.
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 Taglist; [I copied this from @mattysheelies​ and just added a few new ones, if you wanna be added or deleted from the taglist please let me know]
@sebastiansloserclub ; @killer-queen-xo ; @william-hargroves ; @billysgodcomplex ; @daisyxbuckley ; @allabouthargrove ; @mcrmarvelloki ; @charmed-asylum ; @1998--js ; @naiomiwinchester​ ; @hargrovesprincess​ ; @mystrangerfics​ ; @teafrompari​ ; @staybruuutal​ ; @colourado​ ; @higher-further-faster-bb​ ; @ayybtch​ ; @carlaangel86​ ; @baebee35​
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volturialice · 5 years
Spork Haven chapter 22: outlandish fucking statue
welcome to spork haven, where I spork the EL James fic you’ve never heard of
previous chapter | next chapter | contents
previously on Spork Haven:
actor!Edward and murder witness cello student ex-hotel maid!Bella got ready to go to an awards show! and that was it that was the entire chapter
SADDLE UP CHUCKLEFUCKS, THIS CHAPTER IS GREAT. like, I legitimately mean that. a lot of stupid shit goes down and it is absolutely bonkers and thoroughly entertaining. this is the reward I deserve after putting up with the last few dead boring chapters. chapter 22 has restored my faith in this story’s ability to be wildly, audaciously stupid all over the place, like the shitting hippopotamus of stories.
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chapter 22 begins with Bella and Edward getting into the car to get to the airport to get on the studio’s private jet to fly to a different airport to get into a limo to get to the awards ceremony. okay, so maybe it’s not fun right off the bat. just hang on a sec.
on the drive, Edward notices Bella’s lack of delicious, suck-able earrings. she tells him she lost one, and he tells her he found it in her room and has kept it as a trophy. now he can’t stand the sight of her disgusting, shamefully naked ears, declaring that she should be wearing
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so he makes Mike pull over at a Tiffany’s. I’m not even kidding. they’re on their way to an official event and he insists they need a pit stop to go jewelry shopping. Tiffany’s should really have a drive-thru for occasions like these.
Bella is not allowed out of the car for security reasons, so Edward takes Jasper to Tiffany’s instead. honestly at this point I am so checked out that nothing would please me more than a sharp left turn into Edward/Jasper territory, but alas, the most we get is Edward calling Jasper
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and telling us how bitter and jealous Jasper is as Edward casually drops twelve grand on a single pair of earrings.
Edward makes sure to tell us how clueless he is choosing earrings, in case we needed to be reminded of what a good ol’ fashioned Red-Blooded Hetero™ he is. he’s so out of his depth here, among all this
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don’t worry ladies, this hunk of oozing testosterone has never seen a diamond or a sparkle in his life
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he quickly picks a pair of earrings called the “Victoria Double Drop,” which is as close as this story will get to having Victoria in it. oh well. on second thought it’s probably for the best that way, seeing as how in f!fty sh@des, erika made Victoria a head of Human Resources.
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back in the car, Bella opens the 
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causing Edward to feel such varied emotions as
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but of course Bella loves the earrings and puts them on right away.
I...assume we’re supposed to be impressed with Edward’s generosity and largesse and thoughtfulness here, but. do I even need to point out that if he were actually a thoughtful and considerate boyfriend, he would have spent more than two seconds picking out a gift for Bella and done it, oh, maybe a day or two before the black tie event as opposed to in the car on the way there?
Edward, Bella, and their retinue (Emmett, Jasper, and Edward’s movie’s director, Chris, who is completely unimportant to the story but still here for some reason) board the jet, which is decorated in 
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Ed and Bella sit down on the couch, causing Edward to have a flashback to the time he had a threesome with two beautiful flight attendants on the same couch last year.
like actually. that’s an actual thing in the actual story. flight attendant threesome.
Edward catches Bella eyeing him during his fun little reverie and has a moment of panic
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wait, was that a joke? was that a...fun reference to canon? 
if only it were in a better story
anyway. after the plane ride, the gang meets up with Taylor and gets into some
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to head to the read carpet. once on said carpet, they pose for “the fucking press corps” in a paragraph where erika hilariously mixes up flashbulbs and flashlights, making it sound like everyone on the red carpet is playing flashlight tag.
Bella gets a lot of attention from the press and seems uncomfortable with it, causing Edward to wonder if it was a good idea to bring a shy person who’s spent the last six months in hiding from murderers to such a high profile event. ya fucking think?
they talk to a bunch of people Edward hates and drink a glass of champagne
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remember kids, champagne is gay. this post brought to you by Beer Hets™
Ed and Bella sit down for the ceremony, and guess whomst is one of the award presenters? that’s right, the delectable old vain blonde hussy herself.
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and just when I thought Safe Haven!Bella couldn’t possibly get any stupider, I’m proven wrong.
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not to get all Serious And Analytical here, but Safe Haven is an amazing example of erika’s patented “write a heroine so unbelievably fucking dumb that all of the creepy male love interest’s abusive, controlling actions seem justified” method.
Tanya opens the Best Actor envelope with
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and pauses for
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and surprise, surprise, Edward has won. the audience dissolves into
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then Edward goes up to collect his award, and we get one of my favorite paragraphs of all time, which I have here preserved for you in its entirety:
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yes, that was 5 “fucks” in...two? sentences
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then Edward and Tanya have to do a photo op in front of a “lit to fuck board.” Tanya makes some catty remark about Bella and Edward snaps at her that Bella is “the future Mrs. Cullen, if you don’t mind.”
quick sidebar, are we sure an adult wrote this? like are we sure it wasn’t a ten-year-old? have we double-checked? like are we totally certain?
ok then.
Edward and Bella make their way to the after party, where they drink more champagne (gay) and something finally dawns on Edward
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no, and no official, televised, US-based event would serve her in the first place. I can’t wait for the next chapter, in which all these characters serve 60 days in jail for supplying alcohol to a teenager.
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then Bella starts to feel dizzy, so Emmett takes her to the ladies’ room while Edward poses for more pictures. place your bets now on whether she’s poisoned, pregnant, or both! my money’s on “both” but I wish it was just poison. that would be way more fun.
and indeed, some type of skulduggery seems to be afoot, because when Edward joins Emmett to lurk outside the ladies’ room, Bella still hasn’t come back after five whole minutes! Edward and Emmett share a glance
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I’m sorry erika but literally what is the point of describing them like that if they aren’t going to fall in love?? can you fucking read, erika? can you read the phrase “dark burning eyes”?? can you read that last sentence aloud and then honestly sit here and tell me it’s not the gayest thing since gay sliced bread?? hmm? can you???
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after this epically, gloriously homosexual moment, Edward bursts into the ladies’ room, surprising all the ladies who are engaged in activities like
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you know, the more of el james’ work I encounter, the more I’m convinced that she has never actually met another human woman and that her only source of information on womankind is stock photos.
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Edward rushes through the women’s restroom, checking every stall, only to find that—alas—horror of horrors—Bella has disappeared! oh, the humanity!
he fights “the nausea that’s threatening to erupt all over the fucking floor,” and there the chapter ends.
predictions: chapter 23 will begin with Edward projectile vomiting all over the women’s room. then it turns out that Bella is totally fine and was just taking some Me Time in order to laugh alone with a salad.
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best “fucks”
“a complete fucking delight”
“every fucking muscle”
“a fucking house on fire”
“pouty fucking lip”
“secretly fucking pleased” (bella)
“fucking elegant” (bella)
“fucking blinking” (the Tiffany’s salesgirl)
“fucking flashy” (earrings)
“fucking animated” (bella)
“one of the biggest fucking mouths in Hollywood” (tanya)
“completely fucking oblivious” (bella)
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next chapter: salt fucking peter
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Supernatural AU: Episode 2 - Phantom Traveler
Part 1 
“How do you do it? All this?” 
People tend to ask us that a lot. Hell, I question how we do it on a nearly constant basis. The answer is complex to say the least and the answers tend to change on a dime. On the one hand…I just do it. It’s what I know and I do it well, so I do it. If I didn’t the guilt would rattle at my brain. Why should I be living the sweet life when I know what’s out there and I know how to handle it? It just seems wrong. It seems selfish. But only for me of course. My brothers should be able to do as they please - hunt or have a home without guilt. On the other hand, even through all the pain and misery my brothers and I have gone through, we’ve saved people and that’s a feeling you really can’t describe unless you’ve felt it. 
Helping someone survive the things they can’t explain? The monsters? Allowing them to return to the normal life my brothers and I never had? That’s a great feeling. Some hunters would say it’s a drug. I would say it’s a drug.
I’m not one of those ‘if-I-can’t-have-it-no-one-will people.’ I don’t have it, but if I can give it to someone else…well that’s the next best thing.
After Jess’s death, an absolute storm began to rage within Sam. It was almost frightening what that kind of anger could do to the most vulnerable and kind-hearted among men. Sam had always been the most vulnerable of the three of them and if they didn’t rein him in soon he could easily become someone they didn’t recognize.
For nearly a week, they stayed near Stanford trying to find any trace of what it was that killed her, but they couldn’t find anything so instead of sitting around and wasting their time, Bobbie, Dean and Sam moved on, following the trail their father left from town to town.
One thing was certain. Their father going missing and this creature or spirit or whatever the hell it was showing up again after 20 years was absolutely no coincidence. It couldn’t be. Something bigger than the Winchester family was happening – the ball had started to roll.
It didn’t matter if the trail had gone cold – not really – not in the whole scheme of things. What it came down to was the fact that there was still evil out in the world and it was the kind of evil that could actually be stopped. Sam wanted to focus solely on finding their father because in his mind once they found him they’d be one step closer to finding whatever killed Jess and their mother, but they’d had no leads so Dean and Bobbie insisted on working cases as they normally would. His desire for revenge could easily steer them away from the thousands of people that needed their help.
“We kill every evil thing between here and there,” Dean spat forcefully.
In their fight against a wendigo and the vengeful spirit of a young boy who was denied the right to grow up, Sam became increasingly more impulsive, preferring to shoot first and ask questions later. It was so unlike the Sam they’d known and loved all their lives. Sure, the two elder siblings would’ve preferred that Sam have a proverbial fire under his ass in regards to hunting but this was the other extreme and it could easily get them or someone else killed. There had to be a happy medium. Happy. Ha!
In their motel room, Bobbie pulled Sam back to rest against her shoulder. “We are going to find Dad. I promise. And then we’ll all find what killed Jess. I won’t let all this be in vain.” This had been 20 years in the making; they could wait another few weeks.
Flying was the absolute worst thing in the world. There was no way anything could be worse. As he stood over the sink, splashing cool water onto his face, he wondered if there was any way for him to never fly again. What was natural about having a tube the width of a sequoia tree floating through the air with hundreds of people on it and just a few large wings to hold it all up?
If this convention wasn’t going to be keeping him abreast of the up-and-coming changes in dentistry there is absolutely no way he would be subjecting himself to this right now. He’d prefer to drive, but he just didn’t have the time.
One last time, he threw the now ice-cold water onto his face, wiping it away to realize he wasn’t alone in the restroom anymore. “Nervous flyer?” The man asked.
You think?! “Just a bit,” he replied. Snark probably wasn’t the best answer with a total stranger just moments before he was supposed to board a mobile death trap.
He was extremely jealous that the other man seemed to be a comfortable flyer. What he wouldn’t give. “You’ll be okay,” he said. “I mean what are the odds of dying in a plane crash? Like 20,000 to 1?”
“T-that doesn’t make it better,” he replied, following the other gentleman’s walk as he made his way out of the bathroom. Before he could say anything else, a cloud of something, black and almost smoke-like was staring him in the face. He tried to step out of the way but it followed him and when it touched him, he realized he was no longer himself. He couldn’t do anything to stop it. Something else was driving him through the crowded airport.
What the hell is going on?
How can I not have control over my own body?
He felt like he was drunk. But times 1,000 and he wasn’t unaware of what was happening.
As he walked onto the plane, he felt his grip on himself slipping. It was like an intense itch that was slowly taking over every feeling in his body. And then…
Sometimes people just didn’t want to face the fact that they had no control over anything anymore. “Enjoy your flight,” the blonde attendant said.
He had big plans for these passengers. “Oh, I plan to.” The little moment when a human was thrown off, when they couldn’t quite shake that uneasy feeling, oh that was delicious. Smirking, he made his way to his seat. He was practically giddy with excitement. How was he supposed to wait?
Once they were up in the air, he started to feel those exciting jitters; the kind he got anytime he indulged in a little mischief and mayhem. It was almost time! The next few minutes flew by but that was only because he made corny jokes with some of the other passengers. A favorite of his was “wow, time really must fly.” So much amazing foreshadowing and they had absolutely no idea. Just the way he liked it. “How long have we been in the air?” He asked the woman next to him.
“About 40 minutes,” she replied warily. His presence did tend to make people uncomfortable.
Perfect. It was time for the headlining event.
Amidst the recycled air of the cabin, he stood up and excused himself to pass the woman sitting next to him. If he had a little more room he’d skip down the aisle, but alas he’d just have to contain himself. When he reached the emergency exit door, he hesitated for a moment. Not because of doubt. No, not at all. He just wanted to take in the moment. Turning around, he caught sight of one of the passengers and then reached for the handle.
From behind him, he heard it – the stinging panic of incoming chaos. “Hey! What are you doing?”
The human flew out the window and as he vacated the meat suit and let it fly through the air to its inevitable death, satisfied with a job well done, he heard the sound of hysterical screams. Mixed with the wind whistling into the now open cabin, it was like a symphony – and he was the conductor.
The slamming of the door woke her up. Why did everything have to be so loud? Bobbie had always been a light sleeper, but still. “What the hell?”
She popped up, bouncing against the crappy motel mattress. God her back hurt. Was she already getting too old for this? “Sam? What are you doing up?”
Dean groaned into the pillow, cursing them both for waking him up when they actually had a chance to sleep. “What time is it?” He moaned, wiping the sleep from his eyes with closed fists like a tired child.  Sometimes it was hard to remember that these were her grown brothers now – to Bobbie, they would forever be the little boys she had to protect and love. It’s just now they could kill shit.
“5:45,” Sam said matter-of-factly, holding up a tray of coffees and what smelled like fresh chocolate donuts.
“AM?” Bobbie fell back into the mattress and finally caught sight of the clock. It was in fact 5:45 in the morning. “You’re insane.”
Sam shrugged and passed them both coffees and donuts before biting into one himself. Woah. If Sam was shoving crap food in his face then something had to be wrong.
“Having trouble sleeping?” She asked, already knowing the answer. She wished there was some way to help him, but unfortunately, no matter how much she wanted to, she had to let Sam be at the forefront of this battle. If he needed the backup, she’d be there.
Dean sat up and placed his feet on the floor as he attempted to knock the sleep out of his eyes. “You still having nightmares about Jess?” He asked.
At first, Sam couldn’t meet either of their gazes, but he smoothed back his hair with his hands and gave an almost imperceptible nod. “Yea. It’s not just about her though. It’s everything.”
Bobbie raised an eyebrow in his direction that coaxed him into elaborating. “All of this. What we do. I’m not used to it anymore.”
More than anything she didn’t want any of them to ever get “used to it,” but unfortunately, she felt like she and Dean were already on their way to working on autopilot. “It’s petrifying.”
“I know,” Bobbie whispered. She was always afraid. How could she not be when she was staring death in the face on a daily basis? The difference was she wasn’t going to let that fear stop her from doing what she need to do and being who she needed to be.
Silence hung between the three for a moment. “What you’re never afraid?” Dean had been suspiciously silent. For years, it had just been Bobbie and Dean; she knew he was afraid. But she also knew he’d never admit it.
As if on cue. “Afraid? No way.”
Lies, Dean. Lies. Sam could see it too.
Suddenly, her phone began to ring on the bedside table. It was a number she didn’t recognize. “Hello?”
“Hey, is this Bobbie?”
“This is she. Who is this?”
“This is Jerry Panowski,” he said, adding when he sensed her hesitation. “You, Dean and your dad helped me a couple years back with a poltergeist.” Oh yea, she remembered him. Unlike so many of their cases where they had to convince people of the scary supernatural shit, Jerry believed them the second they’d told him what was haunting his family.
A tenseness she didn’t realize she’d been carrying dissipated from her shoulders. “Jerry, hi,” she replied, turning on the phone’s speaker. “What can I help you with?”
His voice was heavy with sadness. “You hear about the United Britannia flight a couple days ago?”
“Yea.” Dean and Sam both nodded as they tried to figure out why the hell Jerry would be calling about the plane downed by mechanical failure.
“I don’t know what it is,” he said softly. “But that plane didn’t have any mechanical failures. I think this might be your area of expertise.”
@remember-me-forever-silent-angel @gaylemonshark   @marveldivergentouatdctvfangirl @lalirang @averagekansan @addsomesalt @stusbunker @sebba-hiddles @fanfictionrecommendations-com @hoppy519 @thatwrestlingfan91 @extremeobsessions101 @spence-imagines @bettercallsabs @whaaatthefuuuuck @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @your-imagination-runs-wild @cryinglots @steggy01 @gigilame @sedulous-mind @a-unique-girls-heaven @just-antiyou @rmmalta @original-criminal-fanfics @ties-n-suits @veroinnumera @eurusholmmes @fanficienjoyedreading @astridstark13​
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btobscenarios · 7 years
#5: Misunderstanding
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NOM: (1/7)
Kind of long, that's why it's only one member. I was too much into when I was writing it. It actually feels like an actual fic, should I continue writing it? You tell me! - Peniel: BTOB was having their Time Concert in Hong Kong tomorrow. It's going to be Peniel and I's anniversary in a few days and I've been following them around. Their manager is the only one who knows about it. Don't worry, I've been paying for my expenses. Except for the airfare, because that shit's expensive. Right now, we're in the Philippines for BTOB's performance, and other idols', in a concert. I was supposed to surprise him here but their manager said that right after the concert, they're going to fly to Hong Kong. Their appearance here was short and that I should be preparing to go to Hong Kong in a few hours. I went to the concert arena and I watched my Peniel's performance, alongside the other members. They were spectacular and they all looked so lovely. I wish they performed more because I love it when they sang on stage. I wasn't backstage because they might see me. I was somewhere in audience. I was located at a VIP area. Surprisingly, there was an area that was empty so I claimed it for myself. Alas, only a few songs were sung because of the appearance of other idol groups. Right after they sung their last song, I headed out and returned backstage. I was being a quiet as possible so I wouldn't bring attention to myself. I went to find BTOB's manager so I can tell him that I'm going to the airport until I got caught. Luckily, it wasn't Peniel that spotted me. When he saw me, I quickly turned around and hid behind a curtain. What was this doing here? "Yah!" I heard Minhyuk say, "I'm not stupid (Y/N). I already saw you, babo." Dang. I thought he wouldn't say anything. "Minhyuk-a, don't tell Peniel that I'm here." I pleaded, pulling him behind the curtain that I used as a shield. "I was going to surprise him but I don't have a lot of time, so I'm going to do it Hong Kong instead." "You're going to Hong Kong too?" Minhyuk asked, already in awe by my effort. "That's so sweet of you." "Ne, I am. I'm heading to the airport now too. Where can I find your manager?" "Are you going by yourself (Y/N)?" I nod, "I have the first flight to Hong Kong. Your flights' are the second, if I'm correct." "I can go with you if you want," Minhyuk offers. "So you won't be lonely for the ride." "Jinjja?" I confirmed. To be honest, I didn't want to be alone again in an airplane. I feel uneasy when I'm in the air and I have no one to talk to. It's really nice for Minhyuk to tag along with me. "That would be really nice!" He smiles at your reaction, "I'll meet you in the car outside? Which one is it?" 'The last one on the left. I'll ask the driver to keep the hazzard lights on, okay?" And he nods in reply. "Just tell your manager that I need my tickets and you should get yours too. I'll just pay for the movement of your ticket." "No need (Y/N)." He says, reassuringly. "I'm sure he has an extra ticket for those in the first flight. Just meet me outside, okay?" I nod and I went out cautiously because the other guys might see me, like Minhyuk did. I wondered a bit if Minhyuk was caught up by the other members. When I saw him heading towards the car, I felt relieved. It took a good 30 minutes before Minhyuk was able to get to the car. I hope that the others wasn't able to question him much. "You came!" I said, scootching over, giving him space to sit beside me. "Of course," he said, chuckling. "Why wouldn't I?" "I thought the others caught you." He shook his head and the driver turned the engine on. We went on our way to the airport. - Even though our flight was the first one to leave, the plane had some minor problems. The plane had to take a u-turn and land back to the airport because of the unexpected problems that we encountered. I'm pretty sure that Peniel and the others were ahead of us, due to the unforseen mishap that happened. Eottoke? My plan is going to get ruined! How am I going to surprise Peniel now? After 37 long minutes, the plane was ready to take off, again. I hope that the boys won't suspect anything from Minhyuk. The plane ride was actually really short. It only took 2 and a half hours to get here, but because of the problems, it took 3 hours, which isn't that bad. When we arrived in Hong Kong, it was pretty dark since it was night time. Minhyuk was all over the place, worried about what the others would think if he went to the hotel so late. We got our luggage and went to the nearest taxi line. We had no security and our only hope was that there were no fans. "Look!" I heard someone yell, "It's Minhyuk-oppa!" Oh no... I thought. I hope that they won't recognize me. "Minhyuk-oppa!" I heard a fan say, "Can you please sign this for me? And take a picture too?" Luckily, it was a small group of fans and you decided to walk away from them. Leaving Minhyuk in the middle of the small group of 13 people. When they had finished, Minhyuk was able to walk with all four limbs towards me. "Phew," he huffs. "At least there were only a handful of them, right?" I smiled and nodded, "We should hail a taxi, you do know which hotel your staying at right?" "Ahni." He said, realizing that small detail could ruin everything. "You know it right?" "Of course," I said, starting to laugh at this babo. "You're such a babo, Minhyuk-a." "Yah!" He said, slightly pushing my shoulder. "You should be thankful for me." "I am," I said, raising my hands slightly to the air. I did a little bow and said, "Gomabda." After our slight bickering, a taxi was available and made our way to the hotel. From the entrance, you could see a group of people upfront. So Minhyuk asked the taxi driver to go around to the back, hoping the people would let us pass there. - The employees were accomodating and understanding. They were able to give us the key cards to our rooms and that's where we're headed now. Minhyuk, being the gentleman that he is, brought my luggage to my room. "Are you sharing a room with anybody?" I asked him, as we walked through the hallway. "Ahni." He says, "I have the room all by myself. There's actually good outcomes of this little trip." "Yah!" I slapped his stomach slightly. "Do you regret coming with me?" He paused for a second and smirked, "Maybe a littl-" I smaked his stomach again, this time it was harder. "I'm just kidding!" "It's not funny." I said, crossing my arms together. When we reached my room, he placed my luggage on the side of my bed and looked around. "I have to go to my room now," he walks to the door. "Just text me if you need anything, okay?" "Wait!" I suddenly remembered something, "Where's your room?" "Um, I think it's a few floors up." He said, as he inspected the number on his key card. "I'll bring you to your room too." I said, getting my favorite pink cap that Peniel got me for my birthday. "So I'll know where to go, just in case I need anything." "Ne," He responds with a nod. "Kaja." - Minhyuk's room was three floors up from mine. It was slightly bigger than mine, I honestly don't know why. I looked around to see that everything was the same as mine but his room had a bigger sized bed. "Your bigger bed might have costed you extra." I joked. "Beds like those make me lonely," he said, non-chalantly. "That's why I enjoy sharing with the others, to be honest." I just smiled, not knowing what to reply. "So, Minhyuk-a, thanks for accompanying me here. I really appreciate it." "Yah," he said, flipping the cap off of my head. "you're being cheesy, I don't like it. But, no worries. I just didn't want you to feel lonely." He was really sincere, even though half of his sentence was a joke. Without any other words, I just hugged him. It was my way of saying thank you one last time. Without any warning, there were voices heard from the door. The noise was very muffled, maybe because of the door but you can definitely hear it. Both Minhyuk and I's eyes widened when the room's doorbell rang. He looked at the peep hole and realized it was 3 of the 6 members at his door. We panicked and I didn't know what to do. Minhyuk pointed to the only area he could think of, the clothing cabinet. I went inside the cabinet, thankfuly it was a decent size and I easily fit in it. I heard him slide on the chain lock on the door and he opened it afterwards. I couldn't hear clearly but I heard them having a conversation. "Oh, hey," he said, trying to be as casual as he could be. "What are you guys doing here?" "Hyung, we heard that you just arrived from your late flight." It was Ilhoon. "Changsub thought it was weird that you didn't fly with us." Eunkwang added. "So, we went to see how you're doing. We even bought pizza!" The last voice that I wish I didn't hear, Peniel's. "Um," Minhyuk said, not opening the door for his members. "I'm actually naked right now." He was what?! "That never stopped us from entering your room. Put some pants and let us in Minhyuk-a." It was Eunkwang. I heard the shuffling of their feet. They were entering the room. I'm so nervous that they might see me, so I tried my best to steady my breathing. Or else I might get a mild panic attack from the anxiety that I'm feeling. "Hyung," I heard a voice ask, "where did you get this?" "Ahhh, that?" Minhyuk, trying his best to find an excuse to what Peniel was curious about. "I had that with me during the flight." "But this is (Y/N)'s?" Oh shit. I left my cap outside. "Ahh, jinjja?" "I bought this for her on her birthday." He explained to his hyung. "What is this doing here?" I could feel Peniel gritting his teeth together. He did that when he was angry and I could hear it in his voice that the anger was accumulating inside of him. "I-I don't know what to say." Minhyuk said, in defeat. I thought that Peniel was going to pick a fight with his hyung, but everything got silent. Like any cliche moment when someone was hiding, I could feel my nose betraying me. I could feel a sneeze coming along. It came, but I tried to keep it in but I failed. It took me a few seconds to realize that the door of the cabinet flew open. I looked up, and I saw a very confused Peniel. "What are you doing here?" He pulled me out of the cabinet, a little too forcefully. "I-" "Were you fooling around with Minhyuk-hyung?" He asked, trying to put the pieces together. "Is that why he took a later flight? To be with you?" "Ahni," I said, quickly trying to clear up the situation. "Omo!" I heard Ilhoon gasp, "Minhyuk-hyung was naked before we came in, right?" I shot Ilhoon a glare, "Not helping, Ilhoon-a." He raised his hands, like the way when you give up on something. "Let me explain, please." I begged Peniel. "Give me five minutes." Peniel was contemplating on whether or not to listen to you, his eyes betraying him, and his heart was sinking. "Hear her out, Donggeun-a." Minhyik said, cleary being serious since he used Peniel's real name. "She's sincere when she says that nothing happened.' "I think we should take this outside." I pulled Peniel out of the room. "Explain." And as fast as I could, without wasting any breathe, I explained to Peniel what happened and what I had actually planned. "I'm sorry for what happened, Peniel." I said, starting to tear up. "I just wanted to surprise you for our anniversary that it got out of hand." Once he saw the first tear fall onto my cheek, he immediately pulled me into a hug, kissed my forehead and said, "Miahne, (Y/N). Sorry for misunderstanding. And thank you for surprising me." "Not what I expected to happen," I said, chuckling at the outcome of my actions. "But it was all a misunderstanding." ~ Word Count: 2.1k Damn, that took me days to write. I really like this and I might be able to turn this into a fic, maybe short but I don't know how those work... This is pretty long so I can't think of any other situation for the other members. Might update this, might not. Who knows. Thank you!
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blazinbeautywrites · 8 years
Valentine’s Day
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Note: Due to recent events and the rampant uprising of plagiarism on this site and others I am stating once and once only that this is my ORIGINAL work. If I find out that you have stolen/taken any part of my work I will handle you and the situation the way I see fit.
I give full credit to the original owner of any gif or pic I use.
This is a special personalized scenario for @veniividiiamavii-mvi who was the first winner of my game
Length: 1,862 words
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Suggestive
A/N: I know I said I was gonna post this on the weekend but I thought it’d be better to actually post it on Valentine’s Day.
Leia was pissed. It was two days before Valentine’s day and JB was M.I.A. She knew damn well that their tour ended since she’d been counting down the days until she’d see him again. She tried to call, text and even facetime him but to no avail. He was avoiding her. They were supposed to be having “I missed you” sex right about now but alas here she was stuffing her face with junk food and watching trash tv. What angered hr more about the situation was that he’d promised after the tour ended he’d fly to her hometown and spend a few days with her and now he’s nowhere to be seen. She immediately called Mark and after the 4th ring she was ready to hang up but he answered and she was ready to give him an earful.
“Where the hell is Jaebum?” Leia said.
“Well hello to you too. I am fine thank you, how about you?” Mark said. Leia became even more annoyed. She was not in the mood for his sarcasm.
“Don’t start with me right now Mark. Where is he? He was supposed to be in Cali yesterday and he isn’t answering his phone,” Leia said.
“Wait so he isn’t with you? He’s not at the dorms either. Shit I wonder if he’s- fuck I’ll call you back,” Mark said, quickly hanging up.
“What THE FUCK!?” Leia screamed. She threw her phone on her bed and pulled a pillow to her face and began screaming. She thought everything was going amazing in their relationship. If was gonna dump her, he had the shittiest timing.
Across the ocean JB was sitting in the Incheon airport, angry that his flight had been delayed an hour. On top of that he’s misplaced his passport so he couldn’t fly into the states even if he wanted to. His phone had died and his charger was tightly packed somewhere in his suitcase. Today was just going to shit and he was pissed. He had no one with him and no one recognized him so he was screwed. He walked around until he spotted an airport staff member. He was informed that they had a service phone he could use and led him to it. Once alone he dialed Jinyoung’s number.
“Hey, it’s Jaebum. I need some help. I’m stuck at Incheon and my passport is missing….and my phone is dead,” JB said.
“Well you’re in luck. BamBam found your passport in between the sofa cushions earlier and we’ve been trying to get in touch with you for hours. I can come bring it to you if you want,” Jinyoung said.
“Yes! Thank you so much! I’m at the main terminal,” JB said.
“Oh and one more thing….you might wanna call Leia. She’s mad as hell,” Jinyoung said.
“Shit okay, thanks for telling me,” JB said. Once he hung up the phone he went to find a seat. He laid his suitcase out on the floor and began digging for his charger. Once he found it he plugged his phone up. He let it charge for about 10 minutes then turned it back on. He was immediately greeted by hundreds of missed calls, voicemails and texts, mainly from Leia. He red her texts and knew he was in for it. He knew if he told her what happened she’d shit on him and never let him live it down. He decided against returning any of her calls and texts. He’d rather deal with her in person. He texted Jinyoung letting him know exactly where he was. Not long after Jinyoung was calling him.
“Okay I’m near the main terminal, wave your hand or something,”Jinyoung said, chuckling to himself. He soon saw JB’s hand shoot up near one of the bathrooms and jogged towards him.
“Thank you so much! I owe you man,” JB said.
“Yeah you do! Leia woke me up just to yell at me and grill me about your whereabouts. Please never pull this shit again,” Jinyoung said. The boys hugged and JB ran off to catch his flight. He got to the gates and handed the flight attendant his ticket and passport. Once he was waved through he found his seat and nearly fell asleep immediately. He was exhausted.
Leia was fast asleep. She was drained from the earlier events of the day. She was in a peaceful slumber until she heard a noise. She shot up in her bed and listened closely. Yep someone was definitely in her apartment. She quietly climbed out of bed and grabbed her bat from behind her bedroom door. She crept down her hallway and was met with the back of a man wearing a black hoodie. She charged for him and tackled him to the ground. She was just about to beat him with the bat when he caught her wrist in his hand.
“JB? What the fuck are you doing? Why are you sneaking in my house at this time of night?” Leia asked.
“I promise I’ll explain everything in the morning but for now I just want to sleep,” JB said.
“Fine you can sleep….right on the couch,” Leia said.
“Really?” JB asked.
“Yes really. You know where the extra blankets and pillows are. Now if you excuse me, I’m gonna go back to the sleep you rudely interrupted,” Leia said. He hated that she was pissed at him but boy did he enjoy watching her walk away. He loved her curves so much that he got annoyed that he didn’t shoot her a text earlier. Had he not been such an idiot, he could have had her bent over and calling him daddy by now. But here he was, about to get it popping with a flat ass pillow and a flimsy blanket on an uncomfortable sofa. Yep this was his life.
Leia woke up fully refreshed and energized. She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and saw how much of a mess she looked. Taming her hair she left the bathroom and upon walking into the living room she saw JB sprawled out on the sofa. Though she was mad a him she had to admit he looked fine as fuck, even in his sleep. She decided to make them some breakfast. No matter how annoyed, she wasn’t gonna let her man go hungry. In the span of 30 minutes she’d whipped up pancakes, eggs and some sausage. JB smelled the food and instantly woke up. He saw Leia plating the food and walked over to the counter and took a seat.
“Morning,” JB said. Leia turned around and gave him a glance over then turned back around. She sat a plated down in front of him and then took a seat next to him.
“Morning,” Leia replied. She didn’t look at him. She had her eyes on her phone as she ate, frustrating JB. He took her phone, turned it off, then shoved it in his pocket.
“I didn’t fly all the way out here for you to ignore me. You wanted me to explain, so I’ll explain. Look there was a mishap at the airport. I left my passport at the dorm, my phone died AND my flight was delayed. I finally found a phone at the last minute and just….I should have called you and told you all this last night but honestly, I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal but I can see that it was. I’m sorry,” JB said. Leia looked at him and let out a small smile.
“You asshole. You could have just had one of the guys tell me once you got everything situated. God I was such a bitch to Jinyoung and Mark. I have to apologize to them,” Leia said. She looked at him and almost jumped his bones.
“Or you and I can spend the morning apologizing to each other over and over again,” JB said. He pulled her closer and began kissing her neck. She moaned and tried to get away from him but he was holding her tight. She knew she wasn’t gonna be doing much of anything for the next few days.
“Oh my god stop it,” Leia said laughing. JB had been nipping at her neck for the past 5 minutes. They’d just finished their 2nd round of sex and JB was still horny.
“You love this shit,” JB said. He continued to kiss her neck then let out a content sigh.
“It’s Valentine’s Day you know. Are we gonna do anything tonight?” Leia asked.
“Well I know for sure you probably cancelled our reservations at the restaurant so how bout we just go walk around the city?” JB said.
“After all that you want me to get outta bed and walk around?” Leia asked.
“Oh come on it’ll be fun. Let’s take a shower and go get some food,” JB said.
“Ugh fine! Leia caved in and dragged him to the shower. After a quickie on the bathroom counter, they showered together and quickly got dressed. Once Leia grabbed her keys they were out the door. They walked around for a few minutes until Leia spotted a food truck. She quickened her pace and JB was hot on her heels until he had to pause for a quick breath.
“Please don’t do that again,” JB breathed out.
“Oh hush you big baby, you’ll be fine,” Leia said, laughing. She perused the menu and settled on a loaded hotdog, a bag of chips and a can of Fruit Punch Arizona. She asked JB what he wanted to get and he gave her his order. When it was time to pay she looked at him with her hand stretched out.
“What?” JB asked with a slight smirk on her face.
“You damn well what. Give me your card,” Leia demanded. JB laughed and handed her his black card. Once their food was paid for they took a seat at one of the many tables surrounding the food truck.
“I really am sorry about how all this turned out. I know we had these big plans for tonight. I promise I’ll make it up to you,” JB said.
“Jaebum, it’s fine. You’re here now and I’m happy. You already made it up to me...3 times. I’m just glad we have an extra week together,” Leia responded.
“Yeah about that……” JB said.
“Don’t you dare tell me you have to leave earlier, you fucking promised!” Leia said.
“Woah, baby chill out. It’s actually quite the opposite. I’m actually staying an extra week. So you have 2 weeks with me. I negotiated some extra time off. I used my back as leverage,” JB said. Leia looked at him and burst out laughing.
“I really do love you,” Leia said.
“And I love you. Happy Valentines Day baby,” JB said.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Leia replied. She reached over and pulled him to her lips. After giving him a quick peck on the lips they continued eating their food. Leia was ecstatic to have him around for 2 full weeks. She would have it any other way.
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adambstingus · 6 years
Seriously Gross: 19 True Tales Of Horrifying Bathroom Emergencies
1.Shark Attack Survivor
“There’s nothing worse than walking down a street, minding your own business, when you feel the sticky warmth of blood running down your legs, safe in the knowledge that you have forgotten to pack any sanitary products, and recently spent the entirety of your money on christmas presents. By the time I made it to a bathroom to stuff tissue in my underwear, I looked like the survivor of a shark attack.”
2.A Personal Nightmare
“This is true. I remember it awkwardly at least once a day. It hurts my soul.
I went to a friends wedding in a small town far away. We drank beyond what any sane people would drink that Friday night, got up hungover, he gets married, then we hit the reception. I black out and my buddy drives us back to the room. I wake up in my tux about two hours before my plane is to depart. Haul ass to the airport with my friend, both tremendously hungover. We get through security and I am so nauseated I cannot stand it. Down a huge gatorade and bottled water to try to rehydrate. I duck into the bathroom about two minutes before boarding to clear out the bowels, praying it would relieve the nausea. It doesn’t.
I boarded the plane in a cold sweat. I was sitting in the second row. A nice old woman comes and sits beside me. She has a bag of something that I can smell. It is food of some sort. I swear to you on my life I had my first true panic attack right then. The smell of that food…. I knew then and there that I was going to vomit. I was sweating so bad, the old lady asks me if I am okay. I say yes and stand to excuse myself allllll the way to the back of the plane to the restroom. The flight attendant tells me to sit back down, we are backing away from the gate. I argue for a second, but I know deep inside it is too late. I started crying and shaking. I am a grown man and I am sitting beside this tiny old lady with a bag of what is apparently rotten broccoli crying my fucking eyes out. The attendant comes back. I am inconsolable. Everyone is looking at me like I am a fucking terrorist. It is building. I am panicking in my head that I will shit myself as I vomit all over the row. Finally my body decides it is over, because fuck you for drinking for two straight days motherfucker. I reach in a panic for the airsick bag and pull it out. I will never forget the look on that poor little old lady’s face. She is gripping both armrests and arched back away from me. Her eyes were the size of dinner plates. The attendant is asking me to calm down, everyone is looking, and I let loose. The gatorade and Aquafina are still in my stomach, so it is a massive stream of red vomit. Real demonic looking shit. The bag is about halfway full when I begin farting uncontrollably. The only thing that saved me from shitting on myself was the preflight bowel clear. I involuntarily am squeezing the bag, red puke is all over my lap and seat. The old lady is screaming and trying to push her way out past the attendant. I am crying and puking and farting relentlessly. Nightmare.
I had to ride two hours with these people. They had all witnessed a small personal nightmare.”
3.Ice Scraper
“When I was a little kid, my dad went into a grocery store and left me out in the car. I had to take a shit. I waited & waited & waited but my dad never came… so I took a dump on the floor of the car and then used his ice scraper to shovel it out the door. When my dad got back to the car, he stepped on it hahaha.”
“Years ago I was living and interning in India for a summer and would usually take train trips to different cities over the weekends.
One weekend I was on an overnight train and was stricken with a terrible case of food poisoning half way to my destination.
I made my way to the bathroom (squat toilet) on a moving train and proceeded to have explosive diarrhea while simultaneously vomiting all over the place.
Shitting and barfing hovering over a squat toilet on a moving train with many hours to your destination really makes you take inventory of your situation.
I have never experienced that level of bathroom related drama in my life. It was the perfect storm.”
5.The Eastern-Style Toilet
“I was a 15 year old exchange student in Thailand. After a week of eating the local food without allowing my body to adjust from its natural Canadian habitat I found my self to be relatively constipated. One day I was traveling through a remote Thai village when I got a sudden urge to empty my bowels. Understandable considering I hadn’t shit in a week.
I asked a local to point me to a bathroom, and after a few minutes of ass-clenching and waddling I found the entrance to a Thai-style bathroom. Now anyone who has ever used a Thai Toilet will realize that it can be very intimidating if never seen before. I, coming from a western country, had NO idea how to use this, and if I could have waited until I reached a western style excrement removing device, I would have. Alas, the urge was too strong, and I commenced squatting.
I proceeded to unleash a hurricane of spicy-diarrhea stew into the dry toilet. A solid-liquid spray lasting for 15 or more seconds. After substantially loading up the toilet, I breathed a sigh of relief and looked around for toilet paper.
Well what do you know, there wasn’t any. Apparently you are supposed to bring your own ass wiping device, and I hadn’t known. The only 2 objects that could be utilized to help clean my drain-pipe were a grungy looking loofah and my hand. Opting to not risk contracting some ass-communicable foreign disease from the loofah, I proceeded to use my hand to wipe up the slimy somewhat chunky mixture and rinsed it off under the tap.
Some may be shocked about how nonchalantly I just cleaned myself, but let me explain: I was DESPERATE. I felt like shit, I was panicking, and I had no idea what I was doing. So at that point it was an everything goes deal.
After wiping I guessed I was supposed to fill the bowl with the water from the bucket, so I did. However, my recent recipe of goulash had rendered draining the water (no flushing) impossible, so it ended up just filling to the top with murky brown stinky water.
By then I was on the verge of tears: I still felt sick, I was in a strange place, and I had no idea what I was doing. So I just decided ‘fuck it’ and opened the door to go outside…
And was greeted by a LINE of 8-13 year olds. I had apparently used a local school bathroom without realizing it, and they had just started their break. I turned bright red and just high tailed it out of there, leaving behind a steaming bowl of shit soup, a horrendous smell of partly digested chicken and pork, and a gaggle of middle school Thai kids.
Never felt so guilty and disgusted before… but I have also never felt a relief as satisfying as emptying ones bowels after a week of spicy asian food.”
6.Crying And Pooping
“If you don’t know anything about menses, let me preface this by stating that the first day of the cycle is often the worse, and most girls get the shits while on their period.
About two and a half years ago, I had just spent the night at my boyfriend’s apartment. I’m sleeping soundly in his arms when my stomach rumbles so loudly that it wakes me up. I feel the familiar pain of period cramps, but they’re nearly 10 days early, so I dismiss it as a side effect of my boyfriend’s sizable penis. He’s still sleeping pretty soundly and we’re in the spooning position; I don’t want to wake him by moving, so I lay there for a while while my abdomen cramps. I have to fart and decide that I can get away with it…
My brand new boyfriend wakes up to the sensation of something warm and wet on his dick. The smell doesn’t hit us until he lifts up the covers to investigate… it is a delightful mixture of poo and pennies. Apparently I covered his junk in a light spattering of both shit and period blood. I am on the side of the bed against the wall; he gets up so I can run to the bathroom. I sit up and the blood just pours out of me. On the mattress, the sheets… it’s just everywhere…
We sprint to the bathroom together and he starts the shower while I destroy his toilet. I have never, ever shit in front of someone before. I’m traumatized, just crying and pooping and pouring blood all at the same time. By the time I flushed the toilet, I’ve decided that I can never see him again.
And my boyfriend just laughs. Then comforts me, kisses me, tells me ‘shit happens,’ then has sex with me in the shower. Needless to say, I married him.”
“I lived in the country and would eat a lot of raw vegetables when I was very young (6-12).
I started losing weight for some reason and my parents just thought it was because I was in a growth spurt or something.
Then for 2 weeks I felt really bad, went to the doctor he gave me some anti-parasite meds and sent me home.
He failed to mention that I would be passing a humungous tape worm later that week and I freaked out when I was mid shit and could see this dark black snake looking thing coming out of my ass.
I finished crapping but this thing wouldn’t come all the way out so I had to reach back and pull it the rest of the way out. (Gag!)
I didn’t tell anyone about it for years.”
8.The Honeymooners
“On my way back from my Honeymoon I had decided to stop at a Taco Bell. Mind you this was a in the back woods of Kentucky Taco Bell Express. The Chili Cheese Burrito being my favorite I didn’t even look at the menu and ordered away. Then he proceeded to tell me: “We don’t have any deep fryers.”
At the time the big campaign was the 1 pound burrito. So assuming that’s what I wanted he sold me two. What I walked out with somewhat resembled burritos, and weighed a fuck ton more than 2 pounds. The wife took one look and said no, and decided she wasn’t hungry anymore. I inhaled mine…
After getting on the highway again, the bubble-gut hit me. Of course the next exit is SEVERAL miles down the road. By the time we get to the next off ramp I’m doing the anal butt clench of death, and I shit you not there’s the oldest fucking lady driving an old jalopy 2 miles an hour down the off ramp.
When I finally pull off to run inside the only place to stop here drum roll a Taco Bell. I stop yell ‘GET THE KEYS!,’ and race inside, past a crew of kids waiting to clean the restrooms, slam the stall door, drop trow, and let loose the most foul smelling shit storm I never thought possible. It was BAD BAD BAD BAD BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. After cleaning up, of course I failed to do a courtesy flush and it starts coming up after me.
So I do the due diligence and RUN THE FUCK OUT! Of course the wife is now inside ordering her Taco Bell (OH FUCK NO!) and the kids start walking into the bathroom (OH FUCKING HELL!)…
I sternly (read that as a demand) tell her: ‘WE NEED TO MOVE NOW!’
Got back in the car and raced away…
In the rear view, yes I saw the kids running out of Taco Bell after me.”
9.I Love Peppers!
“When I first moved to China, a group of really attractive Chinese girls that worked for our company decided to take me out to lunch before my first “welcome to x company induction” class that evening. I wanted to make a good impression and be like all cool and stuff. So we’re at the restaurant, and they tell me that originally they’re all from Sichuan province (known for its spicy food) and they ask if I like spicy food. Sure I say, the hotter the better. I’m really only trying to impress them, but i figure how hot can it be? So I tell them to order it as spicy as it can get, I love peppers!, i want to eat it like they do, and some other idiotic stuff. They’re impressed and they order this meal that is literally coated in tiny shriveled dark red peppers. It was hot and it brought tears to my eyes, but I put on a good show and ate everything.
A few hours later, I’m sitting in this orientation class, and my stomach rumbles and immediately i can feel the taste of the peppers in my mouth again and I feel like if a bathroom were present, i could make use of it. I look at the clock and see I still have 45 minutes and it would be insanely rude to get up and leave. So i just decide to wait and concentrate on the lecture.
About 15 minutes later, I am UNCOMFORTABLE and squirming around. I pass a bit of gas quietly to help relieve the pressure and it felt someone lit a match on my bunghole and the smell was instantly suffocating. One of those omg, no warning, blitzkrieg on the nose, bury your face in your shirt and lynch the guy responsible types. Nobody figured out it was me but by this point i am in agony. I have 10 minutes to go and im almost sweating. My bunghole feels like Mount Doom and Im afraid its going to start leaking sulphuric acid.
Finally the class is dismissed and as professional as I can, hurry quickly to the mens room (which looked like this) As I rush in and begin to very loudly take care of business, my cell phone rings. This was back in the day when having ringtones were still cool. Mine at the time i had this painful incident? Ring of Fire
A few days later I was telling a buddy about my new found allergy to peppers and he’s like ‘yep when you eat it, you think about it hot going in, but never how hot it will be coming out.’”
10.‘It Sounds Like You Spilled Water Or Something’
“19 years old and staying at my Dad’s house for the weekend. I had come down with a stomach bug and was on the toilet every 5 minutes all afternoon just pushing this horrible liquid mess out of me.
At one point I run in and sit down quickly to let out whatever leviathan was next in line to escape my body, when I get that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach that I WILL be throwing up soon. My mouth is watering, the back of my throat is dropping, and I’m searching for a proper receptacle. I find a small mesh garbage can, but I don’t want to make “a mess” so I figure I’ll jump off the toilet, turn around vomit into it, then jump back on and finish the shitting aspect.
Pretty straightforward – so now I’m kneeling in front of my toilet with my pants down as my gut clenches up with the first waves of vomit.
At the very instant I started vomiting every muscle in my body started clenching up and 3 gallons of liquid poopy sauce erupts from my ass all over my Dad’s bathroom.
I turn around and notice I have covered the entire wall, floor, rug, and even have hit parts of the ceiling with this ass explosion.
I kind of just sit down and take it all in for a few minutes, but then realize I’m in the family’s main bathroom and my parents and sibling are all eating dinner not more than 3 feet from where this happened.
I hear a ‘are you ok it sounds like you spilled water or something?’
HAHA if only – so I spend the next two hours cleaning up everything with toilet paper. I didn’t want to ruin towels or anything. I emerge 2 hours later with a spotless bathroom behind me, my Dad says “damn son it really smells like crap in here”
I just agreed. This experience has made me a better person
11.No TP
“Once in Italy I was absolutely desperate to use the bathroom. I walked all over the city for a public restroom, getting more and more antsy about it. You know the pins and needles, shivering kind of desperate? Yeah, that bad. Eventually, I turned a corner and saw the golden arches of McDonald’s- I swear they were glowing and there were trumpets playing it was such a glorious sight. I sprinted up to the store and into the bathrooms, sat down to do my thing, then realized there was no toilet paper. I thought, no worry, I can just use receipts. Open my wallet- nope, I’d cleaned it out the day before. I sit there for a while trying to decide if I really want to wipe myself with a 50. In the end I decide not to because I heard that all euros have drugs on them. And I don’t want to put any drugs down there. Finally after much deliberation, I decided there was only one thing for it- I had to use my own underwear. Whipped them off, wiped clean, and disposed of them (in a bin, I didn’t flush them) and strutted out of there right into a lingerie shop to buy a new pair.”
12.Marital Bonding
“My parents and some other family members went to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic last year and stayed at an all-inclusive resort. They got a suite that had an open layout so the toilet was behind a wall but no door and there was a hot tub in front of the toilet. The food at the resort must have been bad, because everyone got sick. My mom ran to the bathroom to throw up and she ended up shitting at the same time. It sprayed the walls and the jacuzzi tub and the floors. Everywhere. My stepdad was in the room at the time, and from seeing that happened, he started throwing up. Then he started shitting his pants. They both tried to clean it up, but ended up throwing up and shitting in the jacuzzi tub in front of each other several times. This repeated almost every day on the trip.”
13.The Beach
“It was the summer after my freshman year at college (so 3 years ago), and I was in the Bahamas. My cousin and I were swimming in the ocean, and he wanted to go back into the hotel room, so he left. So there I am, swimming alone, when i get the urge the poop. Now I thought it was one of those ‘I can forcefully hold this in the water, it’ll go away, and then I can go when I get back into my room.’ Well I was wrong.
Five minutes go by and then I start walking up the beach because it seems like i’m holding in the worst shit of my life. I reach the sidewalk and I start sprinting up and down, trying to find one of those help desk things, I finally do and ask the lady where the nearest bathroom is. It was about 30 feet away and I thought I was in the clear.
Well I get into the bathroom, run into a stall and then I notice my bathing suite was tied…fuck. So as I’m untying my bathing suit I just start shitting….and as I finally sit down I notice it was all over my thigh, on the floor, and on the toilet seat (behind me). Then to top it all off, there’s no toilet paper.
I then see a janitor’s hand go under the stall and he hands me TP and says ‘I think you’ll need this.’
14.Blue Cheese On Pizza
“I ate a slice of pizza one summer. It was a slice of buffalo chicken/blue cheese. I should have paid better attention, the ‘blue cheese’ on the pizza looked to be salad dressing. That had been sitting under a heat lamp for an undetermined amount of time. In July.
Yes, it was bad. I had gone to the bar that night, and was halfway through a beer when I realized “oh fuck, this is food poisoning.” So I had to make the mad dash for home.
Which included A) a fifteen minute walk to the train station B) five minutes waiting for my train, C) a twenty minute train ride and D) a twenty minute walk home from the train station.
I knew that once I opened the floodgates, I wouldn’t be ale to move so I didn’t want to risk a public bathroom so I just clenched both ends and suffered. The worst was the last leg of it, when I was walking home from the train station. By then I was just looking for yards with big enough bushes for me to just go and befoul. Stupid suburbia.
I did make it home, and when I made it to the toilet I barfed for like twenty minutes. and then my ass blew up. All weekend, just puking and shitting and shivering and sweating for three days straight.”
15.The Dance
“In high school I was invited to a school dance by my best friend’s ex. I get to this dance and I’m trying my best to be a good date without breaking the bro code when the girl in question grabs my junk. It is important to say that I suffered from high anxiety and, often enough, irritable bowel syndrome. So my stomach lurched and I ran into the only bathroom in the gym where the dance took place to find that there were ~20 guys packed into the tiny room containing only one stall. I had to wait in line to get to the stall and when I finally sat down and tore ass, all of the guys on the outside started banging on the stall doors and howling at me. I sit in shame until the room is mostly clear and get up to leave only to find out that the tail of my shirt had been in the toilet the whole time and was filthy as…well, shit. Thankfully I had my pocket knife on-hand so I just cut about one foot of material off of the back of my shirt and pulled the poker face all night.”
16.On The Bus
“Mine is a pretty embarrassing story. I was in High School, probably 14-15. First day of the year. Im wearing basketball shorts (this detail will come handy little later). As soon as I get on the bus, I feel the urge to poop a footlong. When I’am talking about urge I mean business, like if i had the choice to vomit it, there would be no hesitation. The bus ride is about 45 minutes with a transfer after 20. Arriving at the depot, I’m running for the public bathroom, as filthy as it was. Of course, it’s fuckin closed because of maintenance. I couldn’t believe it. Went and sat with friends on the second bus, and I was ready to explode. I didn’t say a single word and tried to look as normal as possible but I was cringing and couldn’t stop moving on my seat. Arriving at school, the usual 5 minutes walk looked like 5 hours. Naturally, as soon as I entered the school, I couldn’t hold myself and starting shitting pellets all around the hall to the bathroom. Like rock solid stuff. Maybe 4-5 dropped before I could arrive to the bathroom. Remember, I was wearing basketball shorts.
To this day, I still don’t know if someone saw me and I kept imagining the janitor who had to pick up the shit.”
17. The Hair Dryer Savior
“I’ve had my fair share of bathroom emergencies (lactose intolerance for the win!) but this one was by far the worst/best of recent memory.
About 2 years ago, I was camping with my family. We decided to go out to eat one night instead of cooking over a fire – and went to a local seafood place. The food was amazing, and I ate wayyyyy too much greasy and deep fried amazingness for my stomach to handle. The icing on the cake of my stomach? Stopping for ice cream afterwards.
As soon as we were done my bowels started to churn that special feeling. I knew I needed to get to a bathroom, and stat. We were only 5 minutes away from the campground so I decided to hold it for then. As we got closer, I was more and more nervous I wouldn’t make it, which made me more nervous and therefore more pressure and rumbling. I felt like I was going to explode. I finally asked to be dropped off at the bathroom near the entrance of the campground – which ended up helping me out nicely, for this bathroom had showers and electricity.
Our car pulled up and I jumped out before we even stopped moving. I waddled my ass into the bathroom and found the closest stall I could get into. Normally, I am extremely bathroom shy and can barely piss with other people around, let alone drop a shit storm. And that night, the bathroom was chock. full. of. girls. Prim, proper, “I hate camping but my family dragged me along” teenagers. THE WORST. But this situation called for no shame. I barely had the door shut and my pants down before all hell broke loose. The loudest, gnarliest, nastiest sounds and smells came forth from my ass. No human being, let alone FEMALE, should ever produce anything like this. This should have embarrassed me out of the campground for life.
HOWEVER! At the exact moment hell unleashed from my bottom, one of the girls turned on her hairdryer. The sound COMPLETELY drowned out my agony. It was the most perfect timing. Normally I curse girls like this who can’t live a moment without looking perfect (and c’mon, bringing a hairdryer CAMPING!?)…but that day, I was praising her existence and persistence to do so.
Shockingly, my body emptied itself in that quick first round. I courtesy-flushed and sat a few minutes to make sure I was in the clear. When I went to stand, my legs were shaky. I was light headed. I felt like I just gave birth to some horrible demon, and I was TIRED. But the gaggle of girls had left, and I was able to exit the bathroom practically anonymous. I stumbled back to our campsite like I had gone through war. But I survived.”
18.The Pleasure Cruise Of Doom
“Behold, the terrifying & inspiring story of the PLEASURE CRUISE OF DOOM.
I was on holiday in Australia, a student of modest means, yet desiring to experience the maritime adventure of the Great Barrier Reef. In Queensland, the shorter the distance to the reef the more expensive the ticket on a tourist boat. So I opted to depart from Cairns. The weather was breezy, and there were some waves…I inquired of the Captain whether the conditions were too rough. He smiled reassuringly and said that they were expecting wind of ‘only 15 knots or so.’ Knowing nothing of the ways of pirates, I shrugged and boarded. The trip was supposed to take about 3 hours, arriving at a sand bar from which we could relax and snorkel.
There were 30 other passengers, and approximately 10 crew. The boat was 3 stories, 2 above board and one below. The voyage began pleasantly with much excitement about seeing all the tropical fish and colorful coral formations. Ahead, I saw darkening clouds and white-capped waves. A sense of foreboding grew within me, and over a period of 15 minutes, the mood on board darkened. Soon the boat was rocking & the crew was passing out life vests. By the time each passenger was equipped, the boat was rocking violently…the waves were taller than the boat and we were canting at an angle…as we went up the boat would rock to the left, and as we went down to the right…to such an angle that one could reach out and touch a wall of water that stretched to the sky. I feared we would capsize. But I soon learned, there were darker forces at work…
I was on the deck level at the rear of the ship…there were other passengers on the second level. Then the fateful curse floated past…’I think I’m going to be sick.’ Naturally, on a boat there’s not much in the way of bathroom facilities, and so we soon learned the art of improvisation. Over the noise of crashing waves I heard a bestial moan which could hardly come from the lips of man…Eyes wide with terror I look up to see a fellow passenger clutching the railing…as we pass the mid point in our arc, she’s looking up and opens her mouth wide enough to swallow a rubbish bin, and proceeds to projectile vomit…time stands still and I witness the partially digested contents of our catered lunch suspended in mid air above me…I count several shrimp, gobs of biscuit, mash of eggplant…and fervently praying that this gallon of goo will sail peacefully to its watery demise…the time stop spell begins to wear off and the boat rocks the other direction…all of us afraid to let go of the railing lest being swept out to sea, the boat rocks to the side, catching up with the suspended goo…and the poor woman ends up reuniting with her creation.
Shivering with the shameful laughter of schadenfreude, & the selfish relief of not sharing her fate, Neptune reigns down swift Karmic justice upon me. Overwhelmed with despair & disgust at her plight, she vomits again. This time, looking down…the projectile vomit a bulls-eye…on me. The stench of the stomach acid & warm shrimp quickly overpowers me, and I too projectile vomit…just as the boat has reached the end of its arc and I’m face to face with a wall of water…The stream hits the wave and I end up with a mouthful of seawater flavored vomit…I turn away not wanting to drown, and complete (my first wave) of vomiting upon my neighbor’s horrified face.
The curse gaining power, a chain reaction forms…within an instant all 30 passengers and 10 crew were enveloped in an orgy of projectile vomiting. Groans of agony echo throughout the ship…and the curse will never lift…for as one person finishes, another person starts, which only inspires others…the stench is inescapable…and so the cycle repeats…soon every surface & article of clothing is soaked…the deck becomes slippery with out collective creation.
By the time we reach the calm waters protected by the Reef, everyone is exhausted & defeated. We have surrendered our dignity eons ago, and are wantonly wallowing in the witches brew. Salty sea dogs & land lubbers alike rejoice at the presences of a sandbar where we can recover. And yet, the captain cruelly instructs the slop boy to hose out the ship, which takes several hours as we wait for the storm to pass. A man beside me remarks to his son, “that’s why you want to go to college, so you don’t end up with his job.”
And so I learned, beware 20 knot winds, for they carry foul breathe upon them.”
19.The Client And The Police Officer
“This is more situational than gross. I was out at a closing dinner with management from a company I had signed up as a new client. One of the people on the management team lived near me so he offered to drop me off instead of letting me take the train/subway. We all say our goodbyes and I get in the car; almost immediately the guy says to me that he might need to make a stop.
So I don’t think much of it, we’re chatting, and he starts talking less and less over the course of about 15 minutes and looking more and more uncomfortable. I asked if he was alright, started kicking out some ideas for places to stop (I thought he had to piss) and he keeps saying its ok.
We’re getting close to my place, he hasn’t said a word for about 5 minutes, and all of a sudden lets out this banshee-like wail out of nowhere. I’m actually frightened at this point; for some reason I thought he was having a stroke and kept trying to remember that stupid acronym. Anyway, so after a few seconds, the familiar scent of cheap Chinese food stewed in stomach acid for 8-10 hours and exploded out the rectum reaches my nostrils and I grasp the enormity of my circumstances.
He immediately pulls into an abandoned warehouse parking lot and hops out of the car, goes to the trunk and grabs something, then runs off behind a tree. So I’m pretty confused at this point and I start looking around and realize his seat is actually covered in shit and there is some splashback around the steering wheel and door (I somehow was spared collateral damage). Anyway, just as I finish assessing the damage, a cop pulls up behind the car with the lights flashing.
The cop comes up to the car and just then the guy with my waddles out from behind a tree and starts running towards the car. He had wrapped himself in a sheet which was covered in shit stains (he had apparently tried to wipe himself up) and carrying his shit soaked pants, which were dripping. So the cop takes one look at the guy and one whiff of the car and says, ‘You know what, fuck it.’ Gets in his car and drives away.
Epilogue: Guy got back in the car and did not say a word to me other than goodnight when I got out. I threw away my clothes and huddled in the shower in the fetal position alternatively laughing and crying for about a half hour after I got home. He has never spoken a word to me about this since.”
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/seriously-gross-19-true-tales-of-horrifying-bathroom-emergencies/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/175285671997
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allofbeercom · 6 years
Seriously Gross: 19 True Tales Of Horrifying Bathroom Emergencies
1.Shark Attack Survivor
“There’s nothing worse than walking down a street, minding your own business, when you feel the sticky warmth of blood running down your legs, safe in the knowledge that you have forgotten to pack any sanitary products, and recently spent the entirety of your money on christmas presents. By the time I made it to a bathroom to stuff tissue in my underwear, I looked like the survivor of a shark attack.”
2.A Personal Nightmare
“This is true. I remember it awkwardly at least once a day. It hurts my soul.
I went to a friends wedding in a small town far away. We drank beyond what any sane people would drink that Friday night, got up hungover, he gets married, then we hit the reception. I black out and my buddy drives us back to the room. I wake up in my tux about two hours before my plane is to depart. Haul ass to the airport with my friend, both tremendously hungover. We get through security and I am so nauseated I cannot stand it. Down a huge gatorade and bottled water to try to rehydrate. I duck into the bathroom about two minutes before boarding to clear out the bowels, praying it would relieve the nausea. It doesn’t.
I boarded the plane in a cold sweat. I was sitting in the second row. A nice old woman comes and sits beside me. She has a bag of something that I can smell. It is food of some sort. I swear to you on my life I had my first true panic attack right then. The smell of that food…. I knew then and there that I was going to vomit. I was sweating so bad, the old lady asks me if I am okay. I say yes and stand to excuse myself allllll the way to the back of the plane to the restroom. The flight attendant tells me to sit back down, we are backing away from the gate. I argue for a second, but I know deep inside it is too late. I started crying and shaking. I am a grown man and I am sitting beside this tiny old lady with a bag of what is apparently rotten broccoli crying my fucking eyes out. The attendant comes back. I am inconsolable. Everyone is looking at me like I am a fucking terrorist. It is building. I am panicking in my head that I will shit myself as I vomit all over the row. Finally my body decides it is over, because fuck you for drinking for two straight days motherfucker. I reach in a panic for the airsick bag and pull it out. I will never forget the look on that poor little old lady’s face. She is gripping both armrests and arched back away from me. Her eyes were the size of dinner plates. The attendant is asking me to calm down, everyone is looking, and I let loose. The gatorade and Aquafina are still in my stomach, so it is a massive stream of red vomit. Real demonic looking shit. The bag is about halfway full when I begin farting uncontrollably. The only thing that saved me from shitting on myself was the preflight bowel clear. I involuntarily am squeezing the bag, red puke is all over my lap and seat. The old lady is screaming and trying to push her way out past the attendant. I am crying and puking and farting relentlessly. Nightmare.
I had to ride two hours with these people. They had all witnessed a small personal nightmare.”
3.Ice Scraper
“When I was a little kid, my dad went into a grocery store and left me out in the car. I had to take a shit. I waited & waited & waited but my dad never came… so I took a dump on the floor of the car and then used his ice scraper to shovel it out the door. When my dad got back to the car, he stepped on it hahaha.”
“Years ago I was living and interning in India for a summer and would usually take train trips to different cities over the weekends.
One weekend I was on an overnight train and was stricken with a terrible case of food poisoning half way to my destination.
I made my way to the bathroom (squat toilet) on a moving train and proceeded to have explosive diarrhea while simultaneously vomiting all over the place.
Shitting and barfing hovering over a squat toilet on a moving train with many hours to your destination really makes you take inventory of your situation.
I have never experienced that level of bathroom related drama in my life. It was the perfect storm.”
5.The Eastern-Style Toilet
“I was a 15 year old exchange student in Thailand. After a week of eating the local food without allowing my body to adjust from its natural Canadian habitat I found my self to be relatively constipated. One day I was traveling through a remote Thai village when I got a sudden urge to empty my bowels. Understandable considering I hadn’t shit in a week.
I asked a local to point me to a bathroom, and after a few minutes of ass-clenching and waddling I found the entrance to a Thai-style bathroom. Now anyone who has ever used a Thai Toilet will realize that it can be very intimidating if never seen before. I, coming from a western country, had NO idea how to use this, and if I could have waited until I reached a western style excrement removing device, I would have. Alas, the urge was too strong, and I commenced squatting.
I proceeded to unleash a hurricane of spicy-diarrhea stew into the dry toilet. A solid-liquid spray lasting for 15 or more seconds. After substantially loading up the toilet, I breathed a sigh of relief and looked around for toilet paper.
Well what do you know, there wasn’t any. Apparently you are supposed to bring your own ass wiping device, and I hadn’t known. The only 2 objects that could be utilized to help clean my drain-pipe were a grungy looking loofah and my hand. Opting to not risk contracting some ass-communicable foreign disease from the loofah, I proceeded to use my hand to wipe up the slimy somewhat chunky mixture and rinsed it off under the tap.
Some may be shocked about how nonchalantly I just cleaned myself, but let me explain: I was DESPERATE. I felt like shit, I was panicking, and I had no idea what I was doing. So at that point it was an everything goes deal.
After wiping I guessed I was supposed to fill the bowl with the water from the bucket, so I did. However, my recent recipe of goulash had rendered draining the water (no flushing) impossible, so it ended up just filling to the top with murky brown stinky water.
By then I was on the verge of tears: I still felt sick, I was in a strange place, and I had no idea what I was doing. So I just decided ‘fuck it’ and opened the door to go outside…
And was greeted by a LINE of 8-13 year olds. I had apparently used a local school bathroom without realizing it, and they had just started their break. I turned bright red and just high tailed it out of there, leaving behind a steaming bowl of shit soup, a horrendous smell of partly digested chicken and pork, and a gaggle of middle school Thai kids.
Never felt so guilty and disgusted before… but I have also never felt a relief as satisfying as emptying ones bowels after a week of spicy asian food.”
6.Crying And Pooping
“If you don’t know anything about menses, let me preface this by stating that the first day of the cycle is often the worse, and most girls get the shits while on their period.
About two and a half years ago, I had just spent the night at my boyfriend’s apartment. I’m sleeping soundly in his arms when my stomach rumbles so loudly that it wakes me up. I feel the familiar pain of period cramps, but they’re nearly 10 days early, so I dismiss it as a side effect of my boyfriend’s sizable penis. He’s still sleeping pretty soundly and we’re in the spooning position; I don’t want to wake him by moving, so I lay there for a while while my abdomen cramps. I have to fart and decide that I can get away with it…
My brand new boyfriend wakes up to the sensation of something warm and wet on his dick. The smell doesn’t hit us until he lifts up the covers to investigate… it is a delightful mixture of poo and pennies. Apparently I covered his junk in a light spattering of both shit and period blood. I am on the side of the bed against the wall; he gets up so I can run to the bathroom. I sit up and the blood just pours out of me. On the mattress, the sheets… it’s just everywhere…
We sprint to the bathroom together and he starts the shower while I destroy his toilet. I have never, ever shit in front of someone before. I’m traumatized, just crying and pooping and pouring blood all at the same time. By the time I flushed the toilet, I’ve decided that I can never see him again.
And my boyfriend just laughs. Then comforts me, kisses me, tells me ‘shit happens,’ then has sex with me in the shower. Needless to say, I married him.”
“I lived in the country and would eat a lot of raw vegetables when I was very young (6-12).
I started losing weight for some reason and my parents just thought it was because I was in a growth spurt or something.
Then for 2 weeks I felt really bad, went to the doctor he gave me some anti-parasite meds and sent me home.
He failed to mention that I would be passing a humungous tape worm later that week and I freaked out when I was mid shit and could see this dark black snake looking thing coming out of my ass.
I finished crapping but this thing wouldn’t come all the way out so I had to reach back and pull it the rest of the way out. (Gag!)
I didn’t tell anyone about it for years.”
8.The Honeymooners
“On my way back from my Honeymoon I had decided to stop at a Taco Bell. Mind you this was a in the back woods of Kentucky Taco Bell Express. The Chili Cheese Burrito being my favorite I didn’t even look at the menu and ordered away. Then he proceeded to tell me: “We don’t have any deep fryers.”
At the time the big campaign was the 1 pound burrito. So assuming that’s what I wanted he sold me two. What I walked out with somewhat resembled burritos, and weighed a fuck ton more than 2 pounds. The wife took one look and said no, and decided she wasn’t hungry anymore. I inhaled mine…
After getting on the highway again, the bubble-gut hit me. Of course the next exit is SEVERAL miles down the road. By the time we get to the next off ramp I’m doing the anal butt clench of death, and I shit you not there’s the oldest fucking lady driving an old jalopy 2 miles an hour down the off ramp.
When I finally pull off to run inside the only place to stop here drum roll a Taco Bell. I stop yell ‘GET THE KEYS!,’ and race inside, past a crew of kids waiting to clean the restrooms, slam the stall door, drop trow, and let loose the most foul smelling shit storm I never thought possible. It was BAD BAD BAD BAD BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. After cleaning up, of course I failed to do a courtesy flush and it starts coming up after me.
So I do the due diligence and RUN THE FUCK OUT! Of course the wife is now inside ordering her Taco Bell (OH FUCK NO!) and the kids start walking into the bathroom (OH FUCKING HELL!)…
I sternly (read that as a demand) tell her: ‘WE NEED TO MOVE NOW!’
Got back in the car and raced away…
In the rear view, yes I saw the kids running out of Taco Bell after me.”
9.I Love Peppers!
“When I first moved to China, a group of really attractive Chinese girls that worked for our company decided to take me out to lunch before my first “welcome to x company induction” class that evening. I wanted to make a good impression and be like all cool and stuff. So we’re at the restaurant, and they tell me that originally they’re all from Sichuan province (known for its spicy food) and they ask if I like spicy food. Sure I say, the hotter the better. I’m really only trying to impress them, but i figure how hot can it be? So I tell them to order it as spicy as it can get, I love peppers!, i want to eat it like they do, and some other idiotic stuff. They’re impressed and they order this meal that is literally coated in tiny shriveled dark red peppers. It was hot and it brought tears to my eyes, but I put on a good show and ate everything.
A few hours later, I’m sitting in this orientation class, and my stomach rumbles and immediately i can feel the taste of the peppers in my mouth again and I feel like if a bathroom were present, i could make use of it. I look at the clock and see I still have 45 minutes and it would be insanely rude to get up and leave. So i just decide to wait and concentrate on the lecture.
About 15 minutes later, I am UNCOMFORTABLE and squirming around. I pass a bit of gas quietly to help relieve the pressure and it felt someone lit a match on my bunghole and the smell was instantly suffocating. One of those omg, no warning, blitzkrieg on the nose, bury your face in your shirt and lynch the guy responsible types. Nobody figured out it was me but by this point i am in agony. I have 10 minutes to go and im almost sweating. My bunghole feels like Mount Doom and Im afraid its going to start leaking sulphuric acid.
Finally the class is dismissed and as professional as I can, hurry quickly to the mens room (which looked like this) As I rush in and begin to very loudly take care of business, my cell phone rings. This was back in the day when having ringtones were still cool. Mine at the time i had this painful incident? Ring of Fire
A few days later I was telling a buddy about my new found allergy to peppers and he’s like ‘yep when you eat it, you think about it hot going in, but never how hot it will be coming out.’”
10.‘It Sounds Like You Spilled Water Or Something’
“19 years old and staying at my Dad’s house for the weekend. I had come down with a stomach bug and was on the toilet every 5 minutes all afternoon just pushing this horrible liquid mess out of me.
At one point I run in and sit down quickly to let out whatever leviathan was next in line to escape my body, when I get that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach that I WILL be throwing up soon. My mouth is watering, the back of my throat is dropping, and I’m searching for a proper receptacle. I find a small mesh garbage can, but I don’t want to make “a mess” so I figure I’ll jump off the toilet, turn around vomit into it, then jump back on and finish the shitting aspect.
Pretty straightforward – so now I’m kneeling in front of my toilet with my pants down as my gut clenches up with the first waves of vomit.
At the very instant I started vomiting every muscle in my body started clenching up and 3 gallons of liquid poopy sauce erupts from my ass all over my Dad’s bathroom.
I turn around and notice I have covered the entire wall, floor, rug, and even have hit parts of the ceiling with this ass explosion.
I kind of just sit down and take it all in for a few minutes, but then realize I’m in the family’s main bathroom and my parents and sibling are all eating dinner not more than 3 feet from where this happened.
I hear a ‘are you ok it sounds like you spilled water or something?’
HAHA if only – so I spend the next two hours cleaning up everything with toilet paper. I didn’t want to ruin towels or anything. I emerge 2 hours later with a spotless bathroom behind me, my Dad says “damn son it really smells like crap in here”
I just agreed. This experience has made me a better person
11.No TP
“Once in Italy I was absolutely desperate to use the bathroom. I walked all over the city for a public restroom, getting more and more antsy about it. You know the pins and needles, shivering kind of desperate? Yeah, that bad. Eventually, I turned a corner and saw the golden arches of McDonald’s- I swear they were glowing and there were trumpets playing it was such a glorious sight. I sprinted up to the store and into the bathrooms, sat down to do my thing, then realized there was no toilet paper. I thought, no worry, I can just use receipts. Open my wallet- nope, I’d cleaned it out the day before. I sit there for a while trying to decide if I really want to wipe myself with a 50. In the end I decide not to because I heard that all euros have drugs on them. And I don’t want to put any drugs down there. Finally after much deliberation, I decided there was only one thing for it- I had to use my own underwear. Whipped them off, wiped clean, and disposed of them (in a bin, I didn’t flush them) and strutted out of there right into a lingerie shop to buy a new pair.”
12.Marital Bonding
“My parents and some other family members went to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic last year and stayed at an all-inclusive resort. They got a suite that had an open layout so the toilet was behind a wall but no door and there was a hot tub in front of the toilet. The food at the resort must have been bad, because everyone got sick. My mom ran to the bathroom to throw up and she ended up shitting at the same time. It sprayed the walls and the jacuzzi tub and the floors. Everywhere. My stepdad was in the room at the time, and from seeing that happened, he started throwing up. Then he started shitting his pants. They both tried to clean it up, but ended up throwing up and shitting in the jacuzzi tub in front of each other several times. This repeated almost every day on the trip.”
13.The Beach
“It was the summer after my freshman year at college (so 3 years ago), and I was in the Bahamas. My cousin and I were swimming in the ocean, and he wanted to go back into the hotel room, so he left. So there I am, swimming alone, when i get the urge the poop. Now I thought it was one of those ‘I can forcefully hold this in the water, it’ll go away, and then I can go when I get back into my room.’ Well I was wrong.
Five minutes go by and then I start walking up the beach because it seems like i’m holding in the worst shit of my life. I reach the sidewalk and I start sprinting up and down, trying to find one of those help desk things, I finally do and ask the lady where the nearest bathroom is. It was about 30 feet away and I thought I was in the clear.
Well I get into the bathroom, run into a stall and then I notice my bathing suite was tied…fuck. So as I’m untying my bathing suit I just start shitting….and as I finally sit down I notice it was all over my thigh, on the floor, and on the toilet seat (behind me). Then to top it all off, there’s no toilet paper.
I then see a janitor’s hand go under the stall and he hands me TP and says ‘I think you’ll need this.’
14.Blue Cheese On Pizza
“I ate a slice of pizza one summer. It was a slice of buffalo chicken/blue cheese. I should have paid better attention, the ‘blue cheese’ on the pizza looked to be salad dressing. That had been sitting under a heat lamp for an undetermined amount of time. In July.
Yes, it was bad. I had gone to the bar that night, and was halfway through a beer when I realized “oh fuck, this is food poisoning.” So I had to make the mad dash for home.
Which included A) a fifteen minute walk to the train station B) five minutes waiting for my train, C) a twenty minute train ride and D) a twenty minute walk home from the train station.
I knew that once I opened the floodgates, I wouldn’t be ale to move so I didn’t want to risk a public bathroom so I just clenched both ends and suffered. The worst was the last leg of it, when I was walking home from the train station. By then I was just looking for yards with big enough bushes for me to just go and befoul. Stupid suburbia.
I did make it home, and when I made it to the toilet I barfed for like twenty minutes. and then my ass blew up. All weekend, just puking and shitting and shivering and sweating for three days straight.”
15.The Dance
“In high school I was invited to a school dance by my best friend’s ex. I get to this dance and I’m trying my best to be a good date without breaking the bro code when the girl in question grabs my junk. It is important to say that I suffered from high anxiety and, often enough, irritable bowel syndrome. So my stomach lurched and I ran into the only bathroom in the gym where the dance took place to find that there were ~20 guys packed into the tiny room containing only one stall. I had to wait in line to get to the stall and when I finally sat down and tore ass, all of the guys on the outside started banging on the stall doors and howling at me. I sit in shame until the room is mostly clear and get up to leave only to find out that the tail of my shirt had been in the toilet the whole time and was filthy as…well, shit. Thankfully I had my pocket knife on-hand so I just cut about one foot of material off of the back of my shirt and pulled the poker face all night.”
16.On The Bus
“Mine is a pretty embarrassing story. I was in High School, probably 14-15. First day of the year. Im wearing basketball shorts (this detail will come handy little later). As soon as I get on the bus, I feel the urge to poop a footlong. When I’am talking about urge I mean business, like if i had the choice to vomit it, there would be no hesitation. The bus ride is about 45 minutes with a transfer after 20. Arriving at the depot, I’m running for the public bathroom, as filthy as it was. Of course, it’s fuckin closed because of maintenance. I couldn’t believe it. Went and sat with friends on the second bus, and I was ready to explode. I didn’t say a single word and tried to look as normal as possible but I was cringing and couldn’t stop moving on my seat. Arriving at school, the usual 5 minutes walk looked like 5 hours. Naturally, as soon as I entered the school, I couldn’t hold myself and starting shitting pellets all around the hall to the bathroom. Like rock solid stuff. Maybe 4-5 dropped before I could arrive to the bathroom. Remember, I was wearing basketball shorts.
To this day, I still don’t know if someone saw me and I kept imagining the janitor who had to pick up the shit.”
17. The Hair Dryer Savior
“I’ve had my fair share of bathroom emergencies (lactose intolerance for the win!) but this one was by far the worst/best of recent memory.
About 2 years ago, I was camping with my family. We decided to go out to eat one night instead of cooking over a fire – and went to a local seafood place. The food was amazing, and I ate wayyyyy too much greasy and deep fried amazingness for my stomach to handle. The icing on the cake of my stomach? Stopping for ice cream afterwards.
As soon as we were done my bowels started to churn that special feeling. I knew I needed to get to a bathroom, and stat. We were only 5 minutes away from the campground so I decided to hold it for then. As we got closer, I was more and more nervous I wouldn’t make it, which made me more nervous and therefore more pressure and rumbling. I felt like I was going to explode. I finally asked to be dropped off at the bathroom near the entrance of the campground – which ended up helping me out nicely, for this bathroom had showers and electricity.
Our car pulled up and I jumped out before we even stopped moving. I waddled my ass into the bathroom and found the closest stall I could get into. Normally, I am extremely bathroom shy and can barely piss with other people around, let alone drop a shit storm. And that night, the bathroom was chock. full. of. girls. Prim, proper, “I hate camping but my family dragged me along” teenagers. THE WORST. But this situation called for no shame. I barely had the door shut and my pants down before all hell broke loose. The loudest, gnarliest, nastiest sounds and smells came forth from my ass. No human being, let alone FEMALE, should ever produce anything like this. This should have embarrassed me out of the campground for life.
HOWEVER! At the exact moment hell unleashed from my bottom, one of the girls turned on her hairdryer. The sound COMPLETELY drowned out my agony. It was the most perfect timing. Normally I curse girls like this who can’t live a moment without looking perfect (and c’mon, bringing a hairdryer CAMPING!?)…but that day, I was praising her existence and persistence to do so.
Shockingly, my body emptied itself in that quick first round. I courtesy-flushed and sat a few minutes to make sure I was in the clear. When I went to stand, my legs were shaky. I was light headed. I felt like I just gave birth to some horrible demon, and I was TIRED. But the gaggle of girls had left, and I was able to exit the bathroom practically anonymous. I stumbled back to our campsite like I had gone through war. But I survived.”
18.The Pleasure Cruise Of Doom
“Behold, the terrifying & inspiring story of the PLEASURE CRUISE OF DOOM.
I was on holiday in Australia, a student of modest means, yet desiring to experience the maritime adventure of the Great Barrier Reef. In Queensland, the shorter the distance to the reef the more expensive the ticket on a tourist boat. So I opted to depart from Cairns. The weather was breezy, and there were some waves…I inquired of the Captain whether the conditions were too rough. He smiled reassuringly and said that they were expecting wind of ‘only 15 knots or so.’ Knowing nothing of the ways of pirates, I shrugged and boarded. The trip was supposed to take about 3 hours, arriving at a sand bar from which we could relax and snorkel.
There were 30 other passengers, and approximately 10 crew. The boat was 3 stories, 2 above board and one below. The voyage began pleasantly with much excitement about seeing all the tropical fish and colorful coral formations. Ahead, I saw darkening clouds and white-capped waves. A sense of foreboding grew within me, and over a period of 15 minutes, the mood on board darkened. Soon the boat was rocking & the crew was passing out life vests. By the time each passenger was equipped, the boat was rocking violently…the waves were taller than the boat and we were canting at an angle…as we went up the boat would rock to the left, and as we went down to the right…to such an angle that one could reach out and touch a wall of water that stretched to the sky. I feared we would capsize. But I soon learned, there were darker forces at work…
I was on the deck level at the rear of the ship…there were other passengers on the second level. Then the fateful curse floated past…’I think I’m going to be sick.’ Naturally, on a boat there’s not much in the way of bathroom facilities, and so we soon learned the art of improvisation. Over the noise of crashing waves I heard a bestial moan which could hardly come from the lips of man…Eyes wide with terror I look up to see a fellow passenger clutching the railing…as we pass the mid point in our arc, she’s looking up and opens her mouth wide enough to swallow a rubbish bin, and proceeds to projectile vomit…time stands still and I witness the partially digested contents of our catered lunch suspended in mid air above me…I count several shrimp, gobs of biscuit, mash of eggplant…and fervently praying that this gallon of goo will sail peacefully to its watery demise…the time stop spell begins to wear off and the boat rocks the other direction…all of us afraid to let go of the railing lest being swept out to sea, the boat rocks to the side, catching up with the suspended goo…and the poor woman ends up reuniting with her creation.
Shivering with the shameful laughter of schadenfreude, & the selfish relief of not sharing her fate, Neptune reigns down swift Karmic justice upon me. Overwhelmed with despair & disgust at her plight, she vomits again. This time, looking down…the projectile vomit a bulls-eye…on me. The stench of the stomach acid & warm shrimp quickly overpowers me, and I too projectile vomit…just as the boat has reached the end of its arc and I’m face to face with a wall of water…The stream hits the wave and I end up with a mouthful of seawater flavored vomit…I turn away not wanting to drown, and complete (my first wave) of vomiting upon my neighbor’s horrified face.
The curse gaining power, a chain reaction forms…within an instant all 30 passengers and 10 crew were enveloped in an orgy of projectile vomiting. Groans of agony echo throughout the ship…and the curse will never lift…for as one person finishes, another person starts, which only inspires others…the stench is inescapable…and so the cycle repeats…soon every surface & article of clothing is soaked…the deck becomes slippery with out collective creation.
By the time we reach the calm waters protected by the Reef, everyone is exhausted & defeated. We have surrendered our dignity eons ago, and are wantonly wallowing in the witches brew. Salty sea dogs & land lubbers alike rejoice at the presences of a sandbar where we can recover. And yet, the captain cruelly instructs the slop boy to hose out the ship, which takes several hours as we wait for the storm to pass. A man beside me remarks to his son, “that’s why you want to go to college, so you don’t end up with his job.”
And so I learned, beware 20 knot winds, for they carry foul breathe upon them.”
19.The Client And The Police Officer
“This is more situational than gross. I was out at a closing dinner with management from a company I had signed up as a new client. One of the people on the management team lived near me so he offered to drop me off instead of letting me take the train/subway. We all say our goodbyes and I get in the car; almost immediately the guy says to me that he might need to make a stop.
So I don’t think much of it, we’re chatting, and he starts talking less and less over the course of about 15 minutes and looking more and more uncomfortable. I asked if he was alright, started kicking out some ideas for places to stop (I thought he had to piss) and he keeps saying its ok.
We’re getting close to my place, he hasn’t said a word for about 5 minutes, and all of a sudden lets out this banshee-like wail out of nowhere. I’m actually frightened at this point; for some reason I thought he was having a stroke and kept trying to remember that stupid acronym. Anyway, so after a few seconds, the familiar scent of cheap Chinese food stewed in stomach acid for 8-10 hours and exploded out the rectum reaches my nostrils and I grasp the enormity of my circumstances.
He immediately pulls into an abandoned warehouse parking lot and hops out of the car, goes to the trunk and grabs something, then runs off behind a tree. So I’m pretty confused at this point and I start looking around and realize his seat is actually covered in shit and there is some splashback around the steering wheel and door (I somehow was spared collateral damage). Anyway, just as I finish assessing the damage, a cop pulls up behind the car with the lights flashing.
The cop comes up to the car and just then the guy with my waddles out from behind a tree and starts running towards the car. He had wrapped himself in a sheet which was covered in shit stains (he had apparently tried to wipe himself up) and carrying his shit soaked pants, which were dripping. So the cop takes one look at the guy and one whiff of the car and says, ‘You know what, fuck it.’ Gets in his car and drives away.
Epilogue: Guy got back in the car and did not say a word to me other than goodnight when I got out. I threw away my clothes and huddled in the shower in the fetal position alternatively laughing and crying for about a half hour after I got home. He has never spoken a word to me about this since.”
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/seriously-gross-19-true-tales-of-horrifying-bathroom-emergencies/
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