#but all of the ‘make your own font’ programs cost money
loudclan-clangen · 4 months
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*cries in hand lettering perfectionist carpal tunnel insanity*
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copperbadge · 1 year
Genuine question; how is it self publishing with Lulu and are there any copyright issues? Thinking about taking some of my older world building and turning it into a Actual Novel.
I hope it's okay if I answer this publicly, I've had a few questions about it recently!
I've been doing it long enough that my frame of reference for difficulty may be a little skewed, but it's relatively straightforward -- Lulu has a publishing wizard that walks you through selecting options, uploading a document, adding a cover, and such. There is still a lot you have to do yourself that they don't really tell you how to, but it's not hard to google for some and they do have forums that cover other bits.
There are generally speaking no copyright issues with going through a self-publisher, but it depends on the services you obtain from them. With Lulu -- as with, I think, most Print-On-Demand printers -- there's an array of routes to go from unpublished document to published book.
So you can do it all yourself -- you can edit, proof, typeset, design the cover, purchase an ISBN, and do all the marketing. Or, at any step in the process, you can purchase services from Lulu that will do that for you. I can't recommend purchasing their proofing/design/marketing stuff; on the one hand it's where they make their money, but because of that they're not providing super great value for what you pay. And as a self-publisher, unless you have a massive platform or great marketing and hustle, you probably won't recoup in sales what you paid for.
Whether or not you buy other services, Lulu charges a per-book print fee, but you set your own prices, so like the book might cost $5 to print, but if you set the price at $10 you're making a pretty sweet profit per book. Some other POD publishers also charge a "setup" fee, but I'm not familiar with what that entails.
In any case, there's only one point at which copyright becomes an issue, which is the ISBN -- the serial number and barcode that identifies your book so that (for example) bookstores can sell it and libraries can stock it. You don't HAVE to have an ISBN, but it makes it much harder to get it distributed if you don't.
You can obtain an ISBN on your own -- cost varies by country, many make them available for free but in the US a single ISBN is $125 or you can buy like 100 for $500. If you want to have one but don't want to buy one, Lulu will give you one, but they then become the publisher of record. I don't really know how that works in terms of copyright, but it does impact some rights to the book, so if you use a Lulu-issued ISBN that would be something to research. If you're just publishing a book through them without using their ISBN, they're basically a printer -- they have no right to your book as an item of intellectual property.
Now, outside of copyright considerations, it is certainly more work to self-pub. If you want it to look professional you have to have access to a good program for typesetting, you have to know how to set margins and gutters, title/author headers and page number footers, and if you want to do an epub that's a whole other ball of wax.
I don't get super fancy. I typeset in Word, because Libre Office and Open Office (at least last I checked) didn't have a few of the features Word has, but any other program has a much higher learning barrier to entry. You also have to upload the document as a PDF, so you have to be able to save/print it as a PDF.
Lulu does have a cover-design app you can use to make a cover, but it's extremely basic, so if you don't want your cover to look like it was designed in Canva, you'll need access to a design program like Photoshop or Glimpse, or to commission a cover from someone who does. Once you've uploaded your document, Lulu will give you a template that tells you exactly what size your cover should be, where the bleed margins are, and etc.
And then we get into the nitty-gritty stuff like how only certain fonts can be used for the document (there are twelve fonts that Lulu allows, it's listed on their site somewhere, I just use Garamond) and you need to make sure any art that goes on the cover is either free for use or Creative Commons or similar (or you buy the art for use). Google does have a handy Creative Commons filter on their imagesearch function, which has been useful for me in the past, but on the copyright pages of many of my books you'll see credit given for images used.
So to do your first book there is a bit of a steep learning curve, but once you're past the curve, you'll have some pretty good skills for future publishing. I did a book a year for several years, in my twenties, and then didn't publish at all for several years, and had to relearn a lot when I started publishing again, but it came back pretty quickly. And depending on how fancy or professional you want your book to look, you don't necessarily have to put in a TON of work. Like, I try to make mine look as much like pro-published books as possible, but some authors on Lulu just shove a formatted word document into a PDF and call it a day, they don't bother with headers/footers and fancy formatting and such.
In any case, while I think going the professional route of querying publishers and agents is laudable and certainly I wouldn't advise anyone to go to selfpub first thing, selfpub can be awfully satisfying, and it starts to feel kind of like a fun hobby after a while.
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auxiliarydetective · 6 months
↬ OC Verse Trading Cards
Here it is! The reason (well, one of the reasons) for why I've been so inactive lately. I saw this super cool trading card template by @squea and @buttertrait and thought it was super fun, so I wanted to make something similar for my mutuals and myself. And, as you can see, I rediscovered my love for art deco on the way, so it's very art deco lol
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You can find the template to make your own cards here - and I explicitly encourage you to make your own, because I was kinda hoping I would get to see cards of you guys' OCs and we could collect them all in a binder like this one. It would be really fun! (The number next to the name is the power level btw - I wanted to imitate a set of Star Wars trading cards I used to collect as a kid) Make sure to @ me when you do and tag your post with #ocversetradingcards!
I tried to make the template as accessible as possible so that even beginners should be able to use it without any issues. So, I color-coded the layers!
The red layers are ones you shouldn't touch. They make up the main frame of the card. The orange layers are ones where you can play around with the colors, but that's for advanced photoshop/photopea users. The green ones are the ones where you put in text! Edit those freely. Blue ones are ones you have to select and move as a batch - if you don't know how to do that, check below the cut ^^
You'll need to download these fonts:
Park Lane (name & power level)
Market Deco (main text font)
Artisual Deco Black Italic (blog url)
Below the cut, you'll find a tutorial for the template and a list of the image resources I used - Quick info for everyone, including the more experienced Photopea users: Save your image at 50% quality. The template is a big file and the exported image will also be pretty big if you don’t save it at a lower quality. 50% is what you can see above and I think it's a nice size-quality ratio.
Tutorial Time
Opening the File
Step one: Get either Photoshop or Photopea. Photoshop costs money, Photopea is free and runs in your browser. Take three guesses which one I use. Yeah, it's Photopea. As such, this tutorial will be Photopea-centric, and I also have no clue what the Photoshop interface looks like, so I can't really help you if you work on Photoshop. But I'm told they're essentially the same, so...
Step two: Download the fonts listed above from the links in this post.
Step three: Click on the link above to go download the template. It's a bit of a big file, so I put it into a zip file for you. Don't worry, you don't need a special program to open it. Photopea will do that for you.
Step four: Open Photopea. Click on "File" -> "Open..." and select the "TradingCardTemplate" zip file.
Step five: Click "File" -> "Open..." again and select the zip files for the fonts. This will import them to Photopea. There are also preview images included in at least one of the zip files for the fonts, so just close the windows for those projects when they pop up by clicking on the little "x" next to their file name. You only need the "TradingCardTemplate.psd" tab to be open in your Photopea window.
Great! Now you're all set to edit!
Editing the name, power level and blog url
I decided to group these together because they function essentially the same way
Step one: Select the typing tool. It's the little "T" symbol in the toolbar on the left side of your screen.
Step two: Select the layer of the text you want to edit. The blog url one is in plain view. For the name and power ones, you need to open the corresponding folders first. They're the green layers in the folders!
Step three: Click on the text you want to edit. It's easiest to aim for the middle, that way you have the least chances of missing. The typing tool is a bit finicky with that sometimes, especially if the text is small.
Great! Now you can use your keyboard to delete the placeholder text and replace it with your own! The power level will only fit two digits and picking "00" will look bad. Your OC should have at least some power. They need it to breathe.
Changing the size of the name text
As you might be able to tell, the basic text size only works for fairly short names. So, you might have to make it smaller for your OC's name to fit
Step one: Enter your OC's name as described above.
Step two: Select the text as you would anywhere else in your browser.
Step three: Above the little tag where it says "TradingCardTemplate.psd", there's an options bar. You'll find a box there labelled "Size" with a box that says "150px" and a down arrow next to it. Click on the down arrow and a slider will pop up. Play around with that slider until your text has a good size. Then click on the checkmark.
Step four: Switch to the transformation tool. It's the cursor with the directional cross next to it, at the top of your left-hand tool bar. Move your text so that it aligns well with the left side of the frame but make sure it's below the middle.
Step five: You now have to select two layers at once. The text layer and the frame for the name tag. Do do that, either press and hold your control key on your keyboard while selecting the other layer or toggle the control key using the on-screen keyboard at the bottom left of the toolbar. If you use the toggle, don't forget to untoggle it after.
Step six: On your horizontal toolbar above your project window, click on the icon that's a horizontal line with two boxes centered on it.
Congrats, your text should now be centered!
Adding in your OC picture
Step one: Open the "Picture" folder and select the layer beneath "Add picture here". This will make sure your picture will be in the right spot. Also make sure to click on the eye next to the "Pattern" layer tag to make it go invisible.
Step two: Select "File" -> "Open & Place..." and pick a nice image.
Step three: Once the image has been imported, make sure you change the zoom percentage to 100%, that way the image doesn't look pixely or weird. Click on the checkmark.
Step four: Resize your image so your OC fits nicely into the frame. The image should fill the entire space inside the frame and can stick out as much as you want.
Step five: Right-click (or press and hold, if you're on mobile) your image' layer and select "Clipping Mask".
Perfect! Now your image should no longer stick out of the frame. Feel free to adjust your image's coloration, brightness etc. by selecting "Image" -> "Adjustments" and your preferred action.
Changing your stats bars
This works the same for each bar and I tried to make it as simple as possible.
Step one: Open the corresponding folder.
Step two: Select the set of three blue layers together. You can do this by selecting one layer normally, then selecting the other two while holding your control key or while having it toggled using the built-in on-screen mini keyboard at the bottom left of your screen. If you use the toggle, don't forget to untoggle it after.
Step three: Switch to the transformation tool (the one at the top of your left-hand toolbar, it's a cursor with a directional cross) and move your layers. By moving them to the right, you'll reveal more of the gold underneath the overlay. More gold = higher level of the corresponding stat.
Great job! Now adjust the bars to your liking.
Saving your project + card image
To save the project: Click on "File" -> "Save as PSD". This will download the current project under the same name as the file that you downloaded it as. So, it will be called "TradingCardTemplate (1)" or something similar. Make sure you change the name in your files so you know which is which. Alternatively, you can also change the name of the project by double-clicking the little square that currently says "TradingCardTemplate" and type in your new name. If you save again now, it will show the new project name! Make sure to save your project if you want to be able to recover it and/or work on it later!
To save the card image: Click on "File" -> "Export as >" and pick your preferred image file type. I suggest JPG for best results. Make sure to turn the quality slider to 50%, then hit the save button. This will download an image file of your chosen type, under the same name as the project name. To change that name, refer to the bullet point above or go to your files :)
Advanced: Changing the BG color of the pattern
Step one: Select the pattern background of either the name tag, power score or picture and turn it to 100% opacity.
Step two: Color-pick the current background color of the pattern.
Step three: Click "Image" -> "Adjustments" -> "Replace Color..." and click on the colored rectangle in the new pop-up. Replace the default color with your color-picked color. Now use the Hue, Saturation and Lightness sliders to get a new color that you like. Note down your slider values for later so you have them for the other elements.
Step four: Color-pick your new color and select the corresponding solid background layer. For those layers, click "Edit" -> "Fill..." and make sure you have "Foreground" and "Normal" selected, your Opacity is 100% and you have "Preserve Transparency" checked.
Step five: Don't forget to turn the opacity of your pattern layers back down to 60%.
Congrats! You have your colors changed! Repeat this process for the other two patterned elements.
Extra advanced: Changing the card's background color
NOTE: I DON'T recommend this. You can do it, but it's a lot of work.
Step one: Select the background layer and change its color to the new color you want. You can do it with the "Hue/Saturation..." adjustment, with the "Fill" edit as described above, or whichever way you want. Color-pick your new color.
Step two: Open the smart object PSDs for the frames for the frames for the picture, the name tag, and the power counter by double-clicking on the preview image of the layer.
Step three: Select the lowest colored layer of each and change its color to the same as your new card background color. Click on "File" -> "Save (Smart Object)". Close the project windows.
Step four: Open the folders for the various stat bars and select the "Color Overlay" layers. Change their colors the same way you did for the other layers. Warm colors and high-saturation colors will most likely not look good here and you might need to find a different way of making the stat bars look good. Playing around with the "Brightness/Contrast" adjustment layers above might help, but I can't promise anything. This is the main reason why I don't recommend changing the card background color. The stats bars are adjusted to the background color.
There we are! Either your card looks very pretty now or you understand why I don't recommend this. Either way: Good job!
Resources from Freepik:
Corners by tartila Power counter frame Picture frame by pch.vector Stats bar by tartila Pattern
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Taglist (we're bringing out all fandoms today): @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats @fluffle-system @wheresmybloodynauglamir @nanukanal @supermarine-silvally @cody-helix02
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lyjack-86 · 8 months
Remixable Review: The BEST Secret Website to Make Money Online!
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How To "Remix" Your Business...
...By Automating EVERY Aspect Of MY $400,000/Year Business, Including... Building Websites, Developing Software, Creating Brands & Getting Buyer Traffic!
Remixable is THE 2023 tool-suite for Internet marketers.
It 100% automates info marketing, list-building, affiliate marketing & video marketing -- with site builders, video creators, resell rights, copywriting tools & more.
Expect $5 EPCs.. steal our $100k swipes.. and embed our $100k demo videos.
Remixable Review: Features
CLICK HERE: https://www.digistore24.com/redir/467549/fortjack86/
Remixable provides a comprehensive range of tools for internet marketing, product creation, website-building, traffic generation, and revenue generation. Let's explore some of its key features:
1. Remix Technology
Remixable's proprietary Remix Technology allows users to easily modify any website with just a few clicks. With this technology, users can effortlessly replace headlines, text, call-to-actions, images, icons, colors, fonts, and more, enabling them to customize their website to their specific needs and preferences.
2. Website Builder
Remixable provides its own easy-to-use website builder, which allows users to create an unlimited number of websites and pages. The platform includes professionally designed sales page templates that can be easily customized to suit individual branding and design requirements.
3. Software Generator
The Software Generator feature of Remixable enables users to design unique software products without the need for coding or developer recruitment. This tool empowers users to create personalized software straight from their browser, making the process quick, efficient, and cost-effective.
4. Video Creation Suite
Remixable's Video Creation Suite allows users to produce high-definition sales, affiliate reviews, promo, and content videos directly from their browser. With over
300 preloaded media, royalty-free backing tracks, a voice-over creator, YouTube training, and daily affiliate program media files, this feature provides users with all the tools they need to create captivating videos that drive engagement and conversions.
cliok here:https://www.digistore24.com/redir/467549/fortjack86/
You can generate ecovers, logos, and brand creatives instantly and without limit. This means you can avoid the hassle and expense of hiring a designer for every new image you require.
5. Niche Content Packs
Remixable provides 50 specialized content packs, each containing effective scripts, headlines, images, and other media. With these packs, you can make your website almost fully prepared for sales in a atter of minutes.
6. Traffic Resources
Remixable offers traffic resources that enable you to generate buyer traffic from other users, without relying on advertising or SEO. The platform provides templates and strategies to attract relevant traffic to your offers, allowing for regular launches and increased visibility.
7. Excellent Support
As a member, you can receive support via email and live chat from Chris and the Remixable team who are committed to helping you achieve success online.
8. Early Access to Future Features and Updates
As a member, you get all future features for free and can preview upcoming ones. You can even prioritize development by “upvoting” your preferred features.
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AI Hostmaker Review: Create Hosting Affiliate Websites in Just 60 Seconds!
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Welcome to my AI Hostmaker Review post, Are you thinking of making money online with hosting affiliate programs then you can use AI HostMaker, the world's first app that is fully powered by ChatGPT4 latest AI technology that can create a hosting affiliate website in just 60 seconds! That can be your means of earning money!
AI HostMaker is a cloud-based software that allows you to create stunning and professional looking hosting affiliate websites by reviewing thousands of hosting in various categories. You don't need any technical skills, coding or design experience to use this app. All you have to do is enter your niche, domain name and affiliate links and AI HostMaker will do the rest for you.
AI HostMaker uses ChatGPT4, the most advanced AI technology, to create high-quality and unique content for your hosting affiliate websites. ChatGPT4 is a natural language generation model that can write as fast and well as humans. It can generate interesting and informative hosting reviews that will attract visitors and convert them into buyers to earn you money.
AI HostMaker also provides you with a drag-and-drop editor that allows you to customize your hosting affiliate websites to your liking. You can change the layout, colors, fonts, images and more as per your requirement with few clicks. You can add your own logo, banner and call-to-action buttons to increase your brand awareness and conversions.
AI HostMaker is not only a website builder but also a traffic generator. It connects to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and allows you to share your hosting affiliate websites with millions of potential customers. It also optimizes your hosting affiliate websites for SEO, so you can rank higher on Google and other search engines.
AI HostMaker is a one-time investment that will pay for itself many times over. It is currently available at a special launch price of only $17, which is lower than other hosting affiliate website builders that charge no monthly fees. Plus, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can try it risk-free.
If you want to make the most of this amazing open door and start earning online with affiliate program benefits, you can use it quickly. Computer Based Intelligence HostMaker is temporarily unavailable, and costs will increase shortly. ChatGPT4 Don't miss this potential opportunity to get your hands on the world's first application with the latest artificial intelligence innovation that can leverage member sites in just 60 seconds.
Get More Info
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tsreviews · 8 months
AI Hostmaker Review: Create Hosting Affiliate Websites in Just 60 Seconds!
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Are you thinking of making money online with hosting affiliate programs then you can use AI HostMaker, the world's first app that is fully powered by ChatGPT4 latest AI technology that can create a hosting affiliate website in just 60 seconds! That can be your means of earning money!
AI HostMaker is a cloud-based software that allows you to create stunning and professional looking hosting affiliate websites by reviewing thousands of hosting in various categories. You don't need any technical skills, coding or design experience to use this app. All you have to do is enter your niche, domain name and affiliate links and AI HostMaker will do the rest for you.
AI HostMaker uses ChatGPT4, the most advanced AI technology, to create high-quality and unique content for your hosting affiliate websites. ChatGPT4 is a natural language generation model that can write as fast and well as humans. It can generate interesting and informative hosting reviews that will attract visitors and convert them into buyers to earn you money.
AI HostMaker also provides you with a drag-and-drop editor that allows you to customize your hosting affiliate websites to your liking. You can change the layout, colors, fonts, images and more as per your requirement with few clicks. You can add your own logo, banner and call-to-action buttons to increase your brand awareness and conversions.
AI HostMaker is not only a website builder but also a traffic generator. It connects to social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and allows you to share your hosting affiliate websites with millions of potential customers. It also optimizes your hosting affiliate websites for SEO, so you can rank higher on Google and other search engines.
AI HostMaker is a one-time investment that will pay for itself many times over. It is currently available at a special launch price of only $17, which is lower than other hosting affiliate website builders that charge no monthly fees. Plus, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can try it risk-free.
If you want to make the most of this amazing open door and start earning online with affiliate program benefits, you can use it quickly. Computer Based Intelligence HostMaker is temporarily unavailable, and costs will increase shortly. ChatGPT4 Don't miss this potential opportunity to get your hands on the world's first application with the latest artificial intelligence innovation that can leverage member sites in just 60 seconds.
Click Here To Grab AI Hostmaker
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ibrinfotech · 2 years
Invest in a quality POS system development now!
Do you still run your retail enterprise utilizing a cash register and conventional methods? However, if you have been on the fence in the past, now is the perfect time to update. POS systems today are more user-friendly and economical than ever. You’ll profit from a custom POS software development in every aspect of your organization, not simply the checkout. It’s time to retire that cumbersome cash register and get a fantastic POS system that can help your company expand.
A POS (Point of Sale) system is a hardware and software setup that streamlines commercial operations. A POS is made up of the necessary hardware and software. Hardware for the point-of-sale software may comprise a computer, a physical terminal, a scanner, a printer, and other devices. The software keeps track of and arranges the data from your shop.
Below, we’ll look more closely at some of the major advantages of purchasing a high-quality point-of-sale system.
Saves Managerial Time
POS systems are becoming more and more of a hub that integrates all of your small company software resources, from payroll and scheduling to accounting and inventory management. They are not just tools for processing payments. Modern, cloud-based POS software development either come with all of these capabilities pre-installed or allow you the choice to connect to additional software programs to create your custom software solution, a process known as “integration” or employing “integrated apps.”
Cost savings
A modest investment in a point-of-sale system can have a significant impact on your ability to increase profits. No matter how much money your company makes each year, saving 10% can have a significant impact on the bottom line. Using the shoe store pos system will have a significant influence on shoe retailers specifically if we take 10% into account.
Make Customer Service Better
When a business owner makes changes, the customer experience is always the first priority. A dynamic point of sale system may greatly enhance the shopping experience. Customers today rely on the ability to pay for in-store purchases in a variety of ways, including cash, credit cards with magnetic information strips, debit cards with microchips, and even smartphones using so-called mobile wallets, or apps that hold financial data.
Employee Administration
It’s important to monitor your employees’ activity within the company if you own a firm. Who will be employed in the evenings? Who will be working during the day? a person’s schedule for weekend shifts, the week’s labor costs, the best employee, etc. There are several factors that could leave you dizzy. However, you can construct employee profiles with point-of-sale systems, which will keep their data like contact details, employee ids, names, and login passwords for POS software.
Easy to use and set up
Two of the industry’s top providers are partners with us. With touch screen capabilities, large, easy-to-read font, and other user-friendly features, today’s POS machines from Toshiba and HP are made with the client in mind. The main advantages for your company are that less training is needed for all of your stores to operate the POS terminal. Easy-to-use POS equipment is crucial for lowering expensive transaction errors and increasing productivity for every single customer.
Point-of-sale systems provide reporting capabilities that let you maintain a careful check on revenue, earnings, and costs like Cost of Goods Sold (COGS). Data is sent to you in real-time by POS reports, which are formatted with clear information. You can obtain reports with cloud POS reporting whether you’re at home or on the go. You will always have access to the data you need to make data-driven business choices, no matter where you are.
Real-time view
The point of sale offers real-time analyses of the business operations going on. It provides thorough details about all of the company’s facets, which will aid in making judgments. It fundamentally promotes the expansion and development of the organization by emphasizing the critical business procedure improvements that must be made.
Explicit Receipts
Instead of only giving your consumers a slip of paper with the date and the price of the sale, POS systems give them more thorough receipts. The item description, price, and savings from a discount or coupon are just a few of the additional details that POS systems can present using inventory data. With some systems, you can also choose to modify a specific area of the receipt, such as the footer. Using this, you can print coupons directly on the receipt, offer details about your loyalty rewards program, outline your return policy, and/or advertise your social media accounts, among other personalized messages.
Wrapping it up!
POS systems can boost productivity, reduce operating expenses, and boost your company’s bottom line. An ECR upgrade to a point-of-sale system will have a quick return on investment (ROI), both financially and in terms of operational time. With these point-of-sale benefits, upgrading is the obvious choice. Are you prepared to locate the ideal POS system for your company? Get professional guidance by contacting IBR Infotech right away.
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stevejosh20 · 2 years
Increase Your Site Traffic With Effective Web Design & Development Factors
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Website development and the best website designing company in India will offer immense benefits to generate web traffic and cost-effectively increase your brand presence online. Web design India must be as attractive as possible, including appealing colors combination, eye-catching images, well-structured content, and great layout design to make it easy to navigate throughout the site.
This can be possible by hiring one of the best website designing company in India that will understand your business needs such as Matebiz. We design the right kind of website which will cater to your need and thus improve brand visibility and generate more leads over the internet. We know that web design and development are two different jobs. However, the phrase good design and development often go together in the minds of most people that need to launch a website.
All too often, design takes precedence over development, which can seriously affect how your site performs to search engines, visitors, and other websites and even how long it stays online and receives traffic from them!
Use the superb power and influence of the podcasts
Podcasts are an amazing way to reach a new audience. Podcasts are so versatile — you can do an interview, present an informative topic, or even share some thoughts. Whatever you choose to create, podcasts are a fantastic way to get your message out there. Podcasts have the potential to reach more people than any other form of media because they are free and easy to access. It’s never been easier to be heard by the masses!
If you’re thinking about starting a podcast, then don’t hesitate! Hire us, the web design India service provider company. We’ll use popular podcasts that relate to what your podcast will be about. We use podcasts that it’s compatible with all devices- if someone downloads the app onto their phone or tablet, they’ll be able to download any podcast they want at any time.
When creating your own podcast, it’s important that everything is creative- from your show’s logo to how the website for the show is designed.
Heighten aesthetics and usability
Aesthetic appeal and usability make a website stand out from the rest. From custom graphics to fonts and color schemes, an aesthetically pleasing site is easy to navigate and will keep visitors coming back for more. The web design India services at our company can help you create an attractive and user-friendly website. Our designers will work with you to create a site that reflects your business’s personality while also attracting customers looking for products or services like yours.
Digital ad campaigns
People are increasingly relying on the internet, which is why online businesses are thriving. The better they can attract visitors, the company will be better off. Creative web design is an important aspect of boosting a website’s traffic. Relevant strategies fuel successful digital marketing campaigns. A strong branding campaign is built from various components, including logos and graphic designs. The most successful websites have brand recognition and strong visual consistency, attracting customers to their services. Website owners should invest time and money into a thoughtful website design to attract more visitors.
Influencer outreach programs
An influencer outreach program is a short-term promotion campaign that can be executed as a contest, sweepstakes, or another event type. We’ll tailor the program to the specific type of product or service you’re marketing and the demographics you’re targeting. With this approach, your company can get a lot more mileage out of its limited marketing budget by focusing on influential bloggers and social media users who have huge followings and are likely to share content related to your business.
Guest posts
Online businesses are built on a huge volume of web traffic. The more visitors they can attract, the better their outcome will be. A guest post on the right blog can be a great way to reach potential customers and generate hype around products and services. This is particularly helpful for new companies looking to build their brand awareness. Matebiz is the best Website Designing company in India that provides high-quality website designs. We create websites that are visually appealing and provide great functionality and usability. Web design India experts at Matebiz have made it possible to increase website traffic with an effective web design and development strategy.
There are many ways to increase your site’s traffic, but to do so, you need to be creative with your web design. Matebiz implements new procedures, colors, and graphics to draw attention and make your site more interesting for the viewer. New content is also a great way to engage visitors and keep them coming back for more. Our SEO Solutions can help you create an effective website to stand out from the crowd and give your website the best visibility in search engines. It increases the chances of getting more visitors to your website. This will also help you generate more sales and improve the overall success of your business. Our Web design India company will definitely help you in achieving this target.
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mediamoraseo · 2 years
Full Stack Developer Education
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Choosing to go to full stack developer education is a very smart decision, if you are a web developer who wants to switch to a new career or if you want to expand your skills. In this article, you will learn about the cost of a full stack developer education compared to a boot camp, what skills you will need to become a full stack developer and what the career outlook is for full stack developers.
Career outlook for full stack developers
Developing a career in full stack development is a great option for aspiring software developers. The skills involved are highly in demand, and the job outlook is bright. If you have the right skills and experience, you can start your own business or find a physical or virtual job.
To make the most of your potential, you can enroll in a full stack development boot camp. These intensive classes are designed to help you master new programming languages and technologies in just a few months. These are also a great way to network with developers in your area and learn about the industry.
While you can earn a full stack developer salary with just a bachelor’s degree, you may want to consider pursuing a master’s degree or certification. A master’s degree will help you earn more money in your career, and will give you the necessary technical skills to advance.
You can also take part in a boot camp to learn new programming languages. These are designed to prepare students for employment as quickly as possible. While attending a boot camp may sound like a daunting task, most full time programs last three months or less.
Aside from the official boot camp, you can also pursue a self-taught career as a full stack developer. This is a great way to learn the fundamentals of programming, and also to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in web development.
Cost of a full stack developer education compared to a boot camp
Getting a full stack developer education is a great way to start your career. The market for full stack web developers is growing. Whether you want to work for a Fortune 500 company or start your own business, this program is a great way to get started.
The cost of a full stack developer education varies based on the program. For instance, a boot camp is more expensive than a traditional degree program. However, coding bootcamps have high job placement rates.
Some coding bootcamps offer scholarships and employer sponsorship. Other providers may offer deferred tuition or allow veterans to pay with their GI Bill benefits. Full stack coding bootcamps are an affordable alternative to a four-year degree.
Full stack developer programs are aimed at teaching the fundamentals of web development in a fast-paced, approachable way. Students may also get help from instructors and other industry professionals.
Full stack developer education programs include projects and assignments that allow students to apply the skills they’ve learned. Those who complete the program can receive a certificate of completion.
Full stack web developer programs typically require students to spend at least 20 hours a week on coursework. In addition, students may be required to complete group projects. Students may also need to attend weekend classes. These programs may also include networking opportunities.
Required skills for a full stack developer
Getting to be a full stack developer requires a wide variety of skills and knowledge. These skills and knowledge range from the basic to advanced, and they need to be learned on a regular basis.
The basic skills required for a full stack developer include a knowledge of HTML and CSS. These are important because they help in the design of the website. CSS allows you to alter the color, text, and fonts of a web page. Similarly, HTML enables you to format text and prepare the structure of a webpage.
Another important skill for a full stack developer is the ability to create databases. A database stores all the data needed by the app. These can be financial records or company information. For example, e-commerce websites are built to store data about their products.
As a full stack developer, you should also know how to work with various programming languages. Java, for example, is a powerful client-side programming language. Moreover, Java offers several frameworks that help you design applications. You can also learn to use Node, an open-source cross-platform runtime environment.
The ability to work with a version control system is also a must. A version control system is a software that stores a history of changes to a website. Using this software helps in the efficient management of a project. Popular version control systems include Git, Subversion, and GitHub.
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phantomtutor · 2 years
SOLUTION AT Academic Writers Bay Unformatted Preview College of Administrative and Financial Sciences MGT 312 Assignment 3 Deadline: End of Week 12, @ 23:59 Course Name: Decision Making and Problem Solving Student’s Name: Course Code: MGT 312 Student’s ID Number: Semester: I CRN: Academic Year: 1440/1441 H For Instructor’s Use only Instructor’s Name: Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained/Out of Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page. • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer. • Late submission will NOT be accepted. • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism). • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted. Course Learning Outcomes-Covered • Identify and analyze different perspectives on understanding problems for different situations. (3.1) • Utilize different decision making tools to enhance problem solving and decision making approaches. (4.3) • Identify organized alternatives and select among possible alternative to evaluate business options. (2.10) • Create a Decision Making and Problem Solving worksheet document. (4.5) Critical Thinking Questions: (Marks 5) Question 1: (1 Mark) Suppose you are a member of a group asked to find ways to cut costs throughout your organization for the upcoming year. Sales have fallen sharply, and the company is in danger of going out of business. After gathering information, your group concludes that the company will save the most money by freezing pay for a year, despite a tradition of annual salary increases. How can you make sure this is a fair decision? How can you make sure that others in the organization will see it as a fair decision? Question 2: Case Analysis (2 Marks) Care, a health consultancy company in Saudi Arabia, is studying the economic benefits of a program of preventative COVID-19 flu vaccinations. Care has to give advice to government for COVID-19 vaccination. If vaccinations are not introduced then the estimated cost to the government if flu strikes in the next year is SR.70m with probability 0.1, SR.100m with probability 0.3 and SR.150m with probability 0.6. It is estimated that such a program will cost SR.70m and that the probability of flu striking in the next year is 0.75. One alternative open to the committee is to institute an “early-warning” monitoring scheme (costing SR.30m) which will enable it to detect an outbreak of flu early and hence institute a rush vaccination program (costing SR.100m because of the need to vaccinate quickly before the outbreak spreads). Question • As a consultant of Care, Develop a decision tree for alternatives and make recommendation to Indian government that which alternative can maximize expected economic benefits? Question 3: (1 Mark) Decision support tools rely on objective, mathematical data. What part does ethics play in using decision support software? Question 4: (1 Mark) If you collect too much information for analyzing a decision, you can suffer from analysis paralysis, where you spend too much time thinking about a decision rather than making one. Recall a major financial decision you made recently, such as of a car or housing purchase or rental. Describe your process for making the decision. How could analysis paralysis have affected this process? [Please answer in the next page] Answers CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS
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parvezwdadm · 2 years
Explaindio 500 Drawn Characters-Make videos in minutes
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What is Explaindio?
Explaindio that no other software on the market is so cheap and flexible. While this may or may not be true, it offers a great toolbox for those looking to create animated or explainer videos in a whiteboard or cartoon style.The software is primarily advertised as a tool for internet marketers, which is a fair designation. For educators or other noncommercial groups, you're probably better off with Videoscribe, another whiteboard animation tool that's easier to use but more expensive.Complex to explain and can take some time to learn. Also, it only offers an annual purchase plan. Purchasing the program gives you access to updates during the year, but not upgrades.What I like: Library of pre-made animated scenes. The timeline is flexible and provides precise control over elements. Import your own Font files into 3D Creation.What I don't like: Difficult to use an anonymous interface. Limited free media library. Poor audio performance.Now create videos with explaindio more easily and in a few minutes because explaindio is now offering only 500 characters for only 47$.  This character market value is 5$ for each character.
500 consecutive emotional characters will benefit me?
Yes, You can…Maximize the impact of your doodle videos Create your videos 5 times faster. Get all the characters you need. Your video and characters will take the quality to a higher levelAmong many other things, Doodle allows anyone, regardless of experience level, to create exciting and engaging doodle videos in minutes.While doodle videos have been repeatedly proven to capture audience attention, skyrocket engagement and drive sales to new levels, you need to play with passion for reaching the full potential of doodle videos.The best way to do this is through an identifiable character expressing the emotions you want your audience to feel.From emotions like frustration when talking about a problem to surprise and joy when talking about a solution, any human emotion you can imagine.
Why Andrew Darius create Explaindio Carecter 
Andrew Darius owns Explaindio, and his company's team created these 500 characters.Some complaints about Explaindio are that creating characters is a little complicated and time-consuming for those who need to become more familiar with online tools.So they spend a long time creating characters so the user can easily create videos with any character quickly.You want the audience to feel the emotion to connect deeply with your messages and take the action you want.Unfortunately, the problem is that it's challenging to find characters drawn in the right way to give you the full emotional range you need.After searching the major stock image websites, Andrew Darius discovered that the major stock image companies not only neglect emotionally drawn characters, making it very difficult and time-consuming to find something usable, but when you finally manage to find something good enough, It can cost you $20 for a single photo.After spending a lot of time looking for dynamic characters repeatedly, He thought there had to be a better way, and the dynamic character project was born. 500drawnfinal from Andrew Darius on Vimeo.
What can you create with doodle sketch characters?
Sales Videos Explainer Videos Facebook Advertising Youtube Videos Teaching & Training Inspirational Videos
Are those characters Stock Images?
These characters are not stock images. It took an entire team of professional artists to manually draw each character to give you the results you've always wanted from a doodle video.They paid their professional artists $2,500 to paint custom characters. You won't find higher quality doodle sketch images than Explaindio anywhere.
Explaindio official 30-day money-back guarantee
Explaindio wants to remove any pressure or hesitation you may feel about taking risks for yourself. You get a full 30 days to test the software. If you try our software and system and decide it's not for you, They'll gladly refund all your money.There is no 100% risk.They want to remove any pressure or hesitation you may feel about taking risks for yourself. You get a full 30 days to test the software. If you try our software and system and decide it's not for you, They'll gladly refund all your money.https://www.reviewswin.com/explaindio-500-drawn-characters-review/ Read the full article
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veworbass · 2 years
Logo creator software adobe
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#Logo creator software adobe how to#
#Logo creator software adobe software#
#Logo creator software adobe trial#
#Logo creator software adobe software#
A more formal company, like a law firm, might care most about achieving a professional look, while a fashion store is going to focus on unique stylization.Ĭonsidering what your organization is looking for, you can assess each logo designing software based on our criteria. When it comes to their logo, every organization has different design priorities.
#Logo creator software adobe trial#
With this framework, you’ll be able to clearly assess each logo maker and decide which tool is the best fit for your brand and organization.įree Trial of Vyond 12 Best Logo Makers and Creation Tools To help you find the right logo maker, we’ll break down 18 tools by each of these factors.
Cost: While a logo maker is less expensive than hiring a designer, it’s important to check their fee structures to make sure the tool fits your budget.
A logo maker should offer enough customization options to help you create a unique image.
Customizable: With generic templates, you can’t create a memorable, stand-out logo for your brand.
Make sure that a logo maker has professional-grade designs to avoid downgrading your brand.
Professional: While saving money with logo makers is optimal, you don’t want to settle for a low-quality logo.
User-friendliness: How easy is this logo maker to use? Consider your design skill level to make sure you pick a logo maker that you can use.
Logo makers vary widely, so it’s important to know what you’re looking for in a program to meet your design needs. There are plenty of low-cost logo makers that organizations can use to create custom, memorable logos. Logo maker tools 101Ī logo maker is a software or web-based application with stock design templates, fonts, images, and more, so you can create a logo in minutes.Ī small design budget is no excuse for not having a logo.
#Logo creator software adobe how to#
Read on to understand the various logo-making options available, and click here to learn how to create your own logo animation in Vyond. If hiring someone is completely out of your budget, however, you’ll need an affordable alternative-like an online logo maker software. Luckily, there are now great marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr, and Designhill for freelance logo designers. That’s why it needs to be simple, striking, and professional.Īnd, although you could work with an agency to create your logo, that route often proves expensive. Your logo is one of the most recognizable things about your business. All of these are instantly familiar icons. Twitter has a bird, Nike a tick, McDonald’s the golden arches, and Apple an apple.
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maybeeatspaghetti · 4 years
Hi guys, this is completely different than what I usually post, but I would like to ask you all to sign this petition (it’s a serious one this time, I swear!!). Cricut is a company that makes precision cutting machines for crafting. To use to machine, you have to use their software called Design Space, where you can upload your designs in order to cut them with the machine. Here’s what the petition is about, in their words because they explain it better than I do:
Cricut has just announced they will be limiting our Design space uploads unless we pay monthly fees to use our machines. As many at home crafters know 20 uploads a month is not enough! We paid for these machines and continue to pay for tools & supplies. Now they are going to make these machines useless to anyone who doesn't want to pay their monthly fees. Even if you don't use their fonts or images! For many people who use different programs to make their own designs this is very heartbreaking news. Lets make it known we do not agree!!!!
Forcing people to pay $9.99 a month (the premium plan is $120 a year) on top of the cost of buying the machine ($180-$400) is ridiculous. This screws over small artists and small businesses who heavily use Cricut because this update will start requiring a subscription to use the machine and software they’ve already purchased. 
When I went to a Comic Con way back before this whole pandemic thing, I ran into multiple people who had used Cricut to cut out some parts of their outfits (Cricut can cut cloth, leather, iron-on vinyl, and do engraving and all sorts of other things). So Cricut is screwing over cosplayers too.
I saw a great comparison online: “Imagine you buy a Nintendo Switch and a copy of a game. What if you were only allowed to play that game for 30 minutes a month unless you purchased a Nintendo Online Subscription? How would you feel? This is what Cricut is pulling on us right now.” What good is buying a machine if you are forced to pay extra every month to even use it?
Cricut’s software already sucks (it’s glitchy and very limited), and most people (myself included) have figured out ways to get around those limitations by doing almost nothing in Design Space—designing things in other programs and then uploading them to Design Space when they’re ready to be cut. And so now they’re making you pay for more than 20 uploads per month (which is hardly anything, considering most projects have multiple layers, all of which need to be uploaded separately). And if you upload something and you realize you’ve made a mistake or it’s not quite right (which happens a lot), well... now you’ve wasted one of your free uploads.
This is a list of actions people can take (even if they’re not familiar with Cricut or don’t use it):
This reminds me of Disney+ making subscribers pay an additional fee to watch new movies. They’re just trying to get as much money out of people as they can. Which is a change of tune, because back in 2014 they said “creative freedom should be free”:
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Well anyway, this is making me mad so I thought I’d share it. 
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ibrinfotech · 2 years
Invest in a quality POS system development now!
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Do you still run your retail enterprise utilizing a cash register and conventional methods? However, if you have been on the fence in the past, now is the perfect time to update. POS systems today are more user-friendly and economical than ever. You’ll profit from a custom POS software development in every aspect of your organization, not simply the checkout. It’s time to retire that cumbersome cash register and get a fantastic POS system that can help your company expand.
A POS (Point of Sale) system is a hardware and software setup that streamlines commercial operations. A POS is made up of the necessary hardware and software. Hardware for the point-of-sale software may comprise a computer, a physical terminal, a scanner, a printer, and other devices. The software keeps track of and arranges the data from your shop.
Below, we’ll look more closely at some of the major advantages of purchasing a high-quality point-of-sale system.
Saves Managerial Time
POS systems are becoming more and more of a hub that integrates all of your small company software resources, from payroll and scheduling to accounting and inventory management. They are not just tools for processing payments. Modern, cloud-based POS software development either come with all of these capabilities pre-installed or allow you the choice to connect to additional software programs to create your custom software solution, a process known as “integration” or employing “integrated apps.”
Cost savings
A modest investment in a point-of-sale system can have a significant impact on your ability to increase profits. No matter how much money your company makes each year, saving 10% can have a significant impact on the bottom line. Using the shoe store pos system will have a significant influence on shoe retailers specifically if we take 10% into account.
Make Customer Service Better
When a business owner makes changes, the customer experience is always the first priority. A dynamic point of sale system may greatly enhance the shopping experience. Customers today rely on the ability to pay for in-store purchases in a variety of ways, including cash, credit cards with magnetic information strips, debit cards with microchips, and even smartphones using so-called mobile wallets, or apps that hold financial data.
Employee Administration
It’s important to monitor your employees’ activity within the company if you own a firm. Who will be employed in the evenings? Who will be working during the day? a person’s schedule for weekend shifts, the week’s labor costs, the best employee, etc. There are several factors that could leave you dizzy. However, you can construct employee profiles with point-of-sale systems, which will keep their data like contact details, employee ids, names, and login passwords for POS software.
Easy to use and set up
Two of the industry’s top providers are partners with us. With touch screen capabilities, large, easy-to-read font, and other user-friendly features, today’s POS machines from Toshiba and HP are made with the client in mind. The main advantages for your company are that less training is needed for all of your stores to operate the POS terminal. Easy-to-use POS equipment is crucial for lowering expensive transaction errors and increasing productivity for every single customer.
Point-of-sale systems provide reporting capabilities that let you maintain a careful check on revenue, earnings, and costs like Cost of Goods Sold (COGS). Data is sent to you in real-time by POS reports, which are formatted with clear information. You can obtain reports with cloud POS reporting whether you’re at home or on the go. You will always have access to the data you need to make data-driven business choices, no matter where you are.
Real-time view
The point of sale offers real-time analyses of the business operations going on. It provides thorough details about all of the company’s facets, which will aid in making judgments. It fundamentally promotes the expansion and development of the organization by emphasizing the critical business procedure improvements that must be made.
Explicit Receipts
Instead of only giving your consumers a slip of paper with the date and the price of the sale, POS systems give them more thorough receipts. The item description, price, and savings from a discount or coupon are just a few of the additional details that POS systems can present using inventory data. With some systems, you can also choose to modify a specific area of the receipt, such as the footer. Using this, you can print coupons directly on the receipt, offer details about your loyalty rewards program, outline your return policy, and/or advertise your social media accounts, among other personalized messages.
Wrapping it up!
POS systems can boost productivity, reduce operating expenses, and boost your company’s bottom line. An ECR upgrade to a point-of-sale system will have a quick return on investment (ROI), both financially and in terms of operational time. With these point-of-sale benefits, upgrading is the obvious choice. Are you prepared to locate the ideal POS system for your company? Get professional guidance by contacting IBR Infotech right away.
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overdrivels · 4 years
Even more unsolicited resume advice
Corona has probably hit a lot of people hard and it has been a tough time for everyone, especially people who just left college to enter the work force or have been out of a job and had been looking to get back into the force. While this might not solve much, I want to provide some additional advice piggy-backing off a previous post.
<Previous Resume Advice Post>
Again, Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV) since this is entirely subjective and very US-centric. A lot of the resumes that come across my desk are for specialized jobs and higher-levels, so I’ve had a bit of a disconnect with entry-level and recent grad-level resumes. Regardless, I still want to help answer some questions that people have and hopefully give a bit of a push to help you into the jobs you want.
There’s more of this sort of stuff under the tag: ‘adult drivels’.
"What do I write for my Objectives/Summary of Qualifications?"
To be very honest, I only ever see Objectives from people trying to switch careers or from internship/entry-level resumes. At least 98% of the time, we know what your objective is. It's money. I don't care if the objective is to help save the world--believe me, I've seen enough resumes that say something along those lines (worked at a place that kind of championed that and boy is the reality nasty).
Anyway. Write a short paragraph (usually 2-3 sentences, but no longer than a full paragraph) about your skillset. Give me enough detail to want to read the rest of your resume.
Finance student with 2 years volunteer experience in business accounting, correspondences with the Federal Reserve, and federal financial law. Specializes in XYZ, etc.
I couldn't make this any more detailed, but you get the gist of it. If not, here's another one.
Recent college graduate with experience in freelance computer repairs for Windows, Mac, and RedHat Linux. Customer-oriented from # years in customer service, and willing to learn new things especially more about network infrastructure and engineering. Currently studying to pass Network and looking to pass Security+ within the next year.  
This is just a personal nitpick, but be careful with very subjective character traits like ‘loyal’ or ‘hard-working’ or ‘effective leader’. Anyone can put that on a resume, but I need you to prove it in your resume. Some industries like this sort of self-description/self-evaluation, but I really don’t trust when people write that stuff down.
(Ex. Someone wrote they were detail-orientated and their resume was littered with typos. Mm, don’t trust like that.)
"I don't know what to write for my job experience. I don't have sales numbers or percentages like these websites are telling me."
You do. You have them, just not consciously.
You worked at Starbucks and trained newcomers? Fine.
"Trained ## new hires on all store procedures, safety, and customer service, and one was promoted to store manager with # months/one new hire won Employee of the Month/and I received formal recognition from corporate."
"Created new training plan/procedures/whatever and implemented it over the course of # months, reducing the time needed for training and increasing effectiveness."
Didn't work at Starbucks? Just joined a club and helped organize a bake sale? Cool.
"Sold $# worth of merchandise for [school club] [sale] which contributed to #% increase in funding for the year's activities, allowing the club to do XYZ.
Don't have the percentage? Do a reasonable guess, or ask. Or just say it helped you guys earn your field trip to wherever. Whatever it helped do.
Didn’t do anything involving cash or numbers? No problem.
“Tutored # students at least # times a week in [subject], working with them using different teaching methods such as [example] and [example]; # students were able to pass their courses with satisfactory grades (insert grades somewhere, if you’re proud of that).”
The point is: [Action] --> [Result].
What did you do, specifically? And what was the direct result? That’s what I’m looking for.
“But I’ve never held a job. This’ll be my first one. How do I write my resume?”
That’s always tough. In this case, you’ll have to play on anything you do have. Volunteer work, school activities, extracurricular activities, personal projects, awards, personal achievements, etc. Sometimes people go for a skills-oriented resume which I don’t actually see a lot.
Basically, standard resumes have your regular stuff:
Personal Information
Summary of Qualifications/Objectives
Job Experiences in chronological order
Extracurricular Activities
Whatever else
A skills based resume usually replaces the ‘Jobs’ section with a huge-ass ‘Skills Set’ section which contains several main skills you want to highlight for the job and examples of how you demonstrated these skills.
- Corresponded and tutored students struggling in [subject] class, restructuring and explaining lessons using easy-to-understand anecdotes, resulting in students passing the class with scores of no less than a B. (This is lengthy as fuck, but you get the idea.)
- Successfully led one 24-person raid a month for 2 years in an online game where quick and clear communication and timing was vital.
So, that but multiple times until it fills out your resume.
This goes against my personal opinion about subjective traits, but if it works, it works. 
“Anything else?”
I turn my entire Word document into a table for formatting and then just hide all borders when I’m done.
Always, always export to PDF and do a test print. You never know how it’ll look on someone else’s screen or program. (Especially if you have LibreOffice or something, that really messed up the formatting sometimes.) 
I kind of like Google’s resumes, the one they have in Google doc templates.
To make different things stand out, I mess with fonts. Like sans serif for section titles and with serif for body text. Sometimes I just start going nuts with them, but not too nuts because again, it might not be a font on someone else’s computer.
To test the visual appeal of my resume, I’d usually print it out, paste it on a wall, walk away, turn around, and try to see if I can spot my name and the different section breaks instantly from a distance. If I can’t, I know I fucked up. If I can, great, formatting is clean. One thing I hate as an interviewer is searching through walls of text for important info or section breaks.
If you can, only submit as PDF. I swear, half the time, the Word doc gets mangled by the application platform that people send them through (you know, the automatic uploading thing?) It had definitely cost a few good candidates a job simply because the program mangled the resume’s formatting.
Following these steps still won’t necessarily get you the job. This is cruel, but reality. It could be your resume. It could be just because the role is meant for someone else with a different skillset. It’s not personal. You have to keep trying.
For the last time, TAILOR, TAILOR, TAILOR. You’re fighting with about 30 other people who have put in a hell of a lot of effort to get jobs. They also want the job and have been searching just as long or longer than you. You have to give yourself an edge by not blasting a generic version of your resume at the recruiter. That’s wasting our time and your own time.
Again, all of these opinions are my own and should be taken with a handful of salt and two handfuls of personal judgement.
Good luck on your searches and may the job you want be yours.
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reclametotem · 3 years
Banner Advertising
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What is Banner Marketing?
Banner marketing are the little rectangle-shaped advertisements show up on all kind of Web pages and also differ considerably in appearance and also subject, yet they all share a fundamental feature: "if you click them, your Net web browser will take you to the advertiser's Web site."
A bit of HTML code advises an Internet server to bring up a particular Web page when an individual clicks on a particular piece of text. Banner ads are essentially the same thing, except that rather than text, the link is presented as a box having graphics (normally with textual aspects) as well as sometimes computer animation.
Due to its graphic element, a banner advertisement is somewhat similar to a conventional advertisement you would see in a published publication such as a paper or magazine, yet it has the included capability to bring a potential consumer directly to the advertiser's Website. This is something like touching a printed advertisement as well as being quickly teleported to the marketer's shop! A banner ad likewise varies from a print advertisement in its vibrant capability. It remains in one place on a web page, like a magazine ad, however it can offer multiple pictures, consist of computer animation as well as modification look in a number of other methods.
Sorts Of Banner Ads
Like publish advertisements, banner ads can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes. The Net Marketing Bureau (IAB) defines 8 various banner dimensions, according to pixel dimensions. A pixel is the smallest device of shade used to comprise images on a computer system or tv display. The IAB's standard banner dimensions are:
1. 480 X 60 Pixels (Complete Banner).
2. 392 X 72 Pixels (Complete Banner with vertical navigation Bar).
3. 234 X 60 Pixels (Fifty Percent Banner).
4. 120 X 240 Pixels (Vertical Banner).
5. 125 X 125 Pixels (Square button).
6. 125 X 90 Pixels (Switch 1).
7. 125 X 60 Pixels (Switch 2).
8. 88 X 31 Pixels (Micro Switch).
The full banner (468 x 60) is without a doubt one of the most preferred, however you will see all these variations throughout the Internet. These are not the only banner advertisement shapes and sizes, either, but they are a great depiction of the range of usual banner advertisements. There is no universal file-size constraint for banner advertisements, yet the majority of Website enforce their own limits on memory dimension, typically something like 12K to 16K. This is since banner ads include in the complete documents size of the page they show up on; consequently increasing the time it considers a browser to lots that web page.
As you have actually possibly seen while surfing the Web, real graphic content, or creative, differs considerably amongst banner advertisements. The most basic banner advertisements feature just one, fixed GIF or JPEG picture, which is linked to the marketer's home page. More common is the GIF-animated banner advertisement, which presents a number of various photos one by one, occasionally to produce the effect of animated movement. Then there are rich media banner advertisements-- advertisements that utilize audio, video, or Java and also Shockwave shows. These banner advertisements, which generally have bigger data dimensions, are usually interactive beyond their straightforward connecting function.
How to carry out Banner Advertising:.
The designing of a straightforward banner ad is not so hard. For instance to develop a photo for promoting the code resembles this:.
Text to be presented.
Simply put same as an easy link development. Also the computer animated GIF banner ads aren't much more complex. We can likewise make use of a top quality media advertisement. We can make use of specialist assistance for developing advertisements for us. Currently we can obtain a professional banner ad for $50 or you can spend upwards of $1,000.
To make our banner ad much more efficient, we can likewise use the several of adhering to approaches:.
Post banner ads on pages with relevant Web web content-- the more relevant, the much better.
Advertise a particular product and services in your banner, as opposed to your site typically.
If you do market a specific product and services, connect the banner advertisement to that part of your Web site, rather than your home page.
Place banner ads on top of the page, as opposed to farther down.
Use straightforward messages instead of complicated ones.
Usage animated ads as opposed to fixed ones.
Your graphic web content should stimulate site visitor interest, without being as well odd.
Keep banner ad dimension little. If the page takes too long to tons, a lot of site visitors will certainly go on to one more web page. One can also utilize the adhering to 10 ideas to make an ad a lot more reliable:.
1. Research the very best examples online. When creating an innovative piece like a banner ad, beginning by determining the very best banner ads that you have seen.
2. Be clear in your graphics and messaging. Your major goal is to have people take a specific activity after seeing your ad. A strong, clear message will certainly aid capture their rate of interest. Clear communication needs that you comprehend your message, what you are marketing and also the advantage that you are supplying possible consumers.
3. Control the documents dimension. To decrease user frustration, you need to restrict the documents dimension of your advertisement. As a basic rule a 468 x 60 pixel banner need to be 12 kilobytes or much less. The easiest method to achieve this is to restrict the variety of colors you make use of and save your banner as a computer animated GIF data.
4. Say it in seven words or less. This is especially crucial for a banner campaign, where you are restricted to a tiny visual room. Making use of fewer words suggests that you can make the font style size larger, which raises the impact of your message.
5. Use power words. These are solitary words that instantly interact a benefit. "Free," "amazing," "amazing," "budget friendly," "heartwarming"-- a conceptualizing session will certainly assist you create a checklist of words that are perfect for your project.
6. Select pictures very carefully. Including visuals is like cooking with seasonings. Too couple of will lead to a bland banner, while a lot of will certainly ruin the desired impact. If you want to include an appealing visuals, aristocracy cost-free supply digital photography is an affordable option.
7. Usage comparison to catch attention. Your advertisement will likely consist of these aspects: background shades, a vibrant text message, as well as a photo or illustration, and computer animated. To be reliable you require to have contrast between these components. Contrast can be accomplished using different font dimensions and also bolds and shades.
8. Limitation your use typefaces. If you do use two or more font styles make certain to select fonts from different categories. There are 3 major typeface classifications: serif (which have tiny "feet" on the letters), sans serif (without attractive "feet") as well as decorative (that include extremely ornamental and script or handwritten typefaces).
9. Do not overdo it with animation. If you plan to utilize computer animation in your ad, there are a couple of points to consider. You want the computer animation to draw the eye without angering the online visitor. When setting the computer animation rate, try to find something that transforms at a slow to modest pace. It aids to set your animations to ensure that they stop after three cycles; some sites may demand this.
10. Much less actually is extra. As you develop your layout, bear in mind that much less messy messages will certainly make a more powerful impact with the on the internet customer. Limit the variety of components-- the colors, typefaces, graphics and also words-- that you utilize in your advertisement and ask on your own whether your primary message is clear.
Internet site for the Banner Marketing:.
Banner Exchange Programs: These programs provide a straightforward solution. If you post a specific number of banner advertisements on your website, they will publish your banner ad on an additional site. Usually, this isn't an even exchange; you need to publish more than one banner advertisement for every single one of your banner advertisements they upload. This is how the exchange program makes a profit. Their plan produces them extra banner advertisement rooms than actual banner advertisements they require to put for their participants, so they can market the added banner advertisement rooms to paying advertisers.
Buying Advertising Room: We can likewise acquire a banner advertising and marketing space to place our ads and also to do so we can use numerous websites.
Marketing Advertising Room: Marketing banner advertising room is a terrific way to use your website's traffic to generate revenue, but it can be a little bit difficult. The most convenient option is to sign up with a banner ad network, which will hire advertisers, keep track of your revenues, and also control banner advertisement placement on your site. In exchange for these services, the network will certainly take a significant percentage of the marketing cash created by your advertisement space. If your site gets a bargain of web traffic, greater than 100,000 impressions each month, after that you must have the ability to join an excellent banner network's CPM program Spandoeken
How much money might you make via a banner ad network? A lot of networks are offering "run of site" advertisements to advertisers, and also they are getting something like a $5 CPM rate for the advertisements. Then the network takes between 30% and also 50% of the $5 as its cut. Consequently, you might expect to gain something like 0.3 cents per impression that appears on your website, or a $3 CPM price. If your site creates 100,000 impacts per month, you can expect to receive a look for $300 on a monthly basis. If you are getting paid per click, you may get anywhere from 3 cents to 20 cents per click. 5 cents could be a typical standard. If you get a 1% click price as well as you have 100,000 impacts per month, that means that you may expect to receive $50 per month.
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