#but also GREAT for ros too!! or carter!!
squigglebottom · 3 months
The JQ Connection
Part Two
Part Three
Had a thought today about Joe’s different movies and shows and how many of his cast mates have been in films/shows that are special to me, I grew up with, and/or really enjoyed. It’s almost like a Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon but with Joe and then I thought it’s as if all roads were leading to him before I even knew who he was(I know this sounds mental believe me but he makes my brain mush 😂) I decided to do a fun thing (and I’m bored) and went through all his cast mates (or they starred in the same show as him even if they didn’t work with him) and wanted to share the many things they have worked on that hold a special place in my heart. 🥰
Djimon Honsou
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Tomb Raider : Cradle Of Life : I was obsessed with this film because Gerry was in it. I don’t want to know how many times I’ve seen it.
Movie with Joe: A Quiet Place Day One as Island Man
Peter Mensah
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300: Yes, another movie featuring Gerry. You will remember Peter as the dude that Leonidas screams THIS IS SPARTA!!!! and then kicks him down the bottomless pit.
Movie With Joe: Gladiator 2 as (unknown)
Dominic West
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Yes…also 300: Dominic was the dude who took bribes from Xerxes, gave the Queen shit, and apparently hung out with old guys as shown here. Not a nice guy.
Show with Joe: Les Miserables as Jean Valjean
Matt Lucas
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Great Britain: If you haven’t seen the OG version of this show, figure out how and binge it all. It’s one of the funniest shows ever. Matt was also in Doctor Who as well.
Movie with Joe: Gladiator 2 as (unknown)
Lupita Nyong’o
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Black Panther: I love Marvel, I’m a huge fan and Black Panther was a masterpiece. Glad we got to see Pita and Chadwick together while we still could. 🥺
Movie with Joe: A Quiet Place Day One as Sammy
Vanessa Kirby
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The Crown: Vanessa played Margaret perfectly. She was so fun and hip, I was such a fan girl. Got to work with my Matty. 🥰
Movie with Joe: Fantastic Four as Sue Storm/Invisible Woman
Pedro Pascal
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Mandalorion and Game of Thrones : Mando and GOT are two of the biggest and best shows around. Became so obsessed with both (although I’m like House of the Dragon more than GOT). Not to mention Ro Ro and Joe were both in the series.
Movies with Joe: Yes! Not one but…wait for it…TWO movies with Joe! 😃 it’s gonna be too much hotness to handle! Fantastic Four as Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic and Gladiator 2 as Justin Martialis
Hayley Attwell
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Captain America: And a slew of others as Peggy Carter and love of his life of Cap.
Show with Joe: Howard’s End as Margaret Schlegel
Julia Ormond
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First Knight: such a beautiful film featuring Seanny Baby.
Show with Joe: Howard’s End as Mrs. Wilcox
(Guess there is going to be a second part bc I’m not done 😂)
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orchidsangel · 5 months
ro i just need to tell you that i love your writing so much i literally explode everytime you post and i’m in love with you i think ! The way u write jason is literally how i want my dream man! I don’t even want men! he’s so scrumdiddlyumptious and i am so glad that i found yr writing Tbh
thank u for being The Jason Todd writer ever and i can’t wait to see what else u have in store :33!!!!
(also i think i have to hear what went down between mattel and mga that caused the downfall of bratz now!! ur making me curious with that one thing on ur sideblog ⁉️)
i really don't know what i've done to get so many kind messages from all these people, it kinda feels a little surreal like woah...u like me? i am in love with YOU for sending me this sweet n kind message like, should we get married now?
i am a man hater till the day i die, but i unfortunately am attracted to them :( too bad they fucking suck. ughhhh i've written him as my dream man too (accidentally set the bar too high for myself so fml) and i'm soooooooooo glad you find joy in my writing, it means the world to me, and i hope you continue to find joy in it <33
as for MATTEL v MGA...
(this is a really shit summary and all from memory so i could be wrong about some things but this is the general gist of what happened and i'll try to find a good article or video with much more accurate info)
basically in may of 2001, MGA entertainment released the original/main 4 bratz dolls, a group of four girls consisting of cloe, jade, yasmin, and sasha. bratz, similarly to barbie, was advertised towards young girls, but the biggest differences between the two doll lines were the diversity & the fashions. where barbie was typically shown with a pale complexion, blonde hair, and blue eyes; each original bratz girl was a different race. cloe was white, jade was asian, sasha was black, and yasmin was a bown hispanic. aside from the diversity of these four girlies, they were also dressed to the NINES !! head to toe in fashions that were unique and trendy for the time period, and to this day they absolutely devour like they're on moodboards for every fashion girlie and it's literally been 20+ years, like talk about longevity.
anyway, i'll skip most of the mumbo jumbo about their releases (even though i could literally give a list of my fave bratz lines of that era), but they became BIG, releasing literally hundreds of dolls and continuously expanding the ever-rotating list of side characters to go along on the core four adventures. some of the more notable releases are the ever iconic rock angelz dolls (my literal 4lyfers), pretty n punk (which came from that same movie), tokyo a go go, slumber party and nighty nite, etc., and aside from those dolls, they had movies, merch, electronics, albums, food, cosmetics, etc. like they were MASSIVE despite so much controversy surrounding them. sooooo massive that they surpassed barbie, and one thing mattel doesn't play about is fucking BARBIE (literally nerfed monster high bc they were gaining too much popularity, and that was THEIR brand).
here's where it all goes to shit. so naturally, when faced with a fierce competitor, mattel filed a lawsuit after discovering that carter bryant was involved in the creation of bratz. who is carter bryant? well, not only the creator of bratz but a FORMER MATTEL EMPLOYEE !!! and that's why shit hit the fan; mattels lawsuit was basically over the rights to bratz. their argument was that because bryant was employed under mattel at the time of his big idea, that bratz was technically mattels property. this legal battle lasts like literal ages, and there were a lot of layers to it that i can't really understand because legal jargon hurts my brain, but there's a book that goes into great detail called 'you don't own me' i believe. mattel won the lawsuit in 2008, and ownership of the bratz brand was to be handed over to them, but at some point between 2008 and 2010, mga took their case to the court of appeals and won, meaning they regained ownership. during all of that time bratz fashions had become less stylish, releases weren't as often, the hair was shit (but that was also cuz of mattel bc those fuckers play dirty), and overall the brand just wasn't the same. imo, the best way to see the decline in quality is to go to the lookin bratz site and see how different post-2009 releases were (and even then, some of those were...like cowgirlz was, imo, the last really good bratz line, but one could argue it was dance crewz)
they continued producing dolls through 2014, even creating their own version of monster high called bratzillaz (i should also mention that myscene was mattels version of bratz). then, in 2015, they completely rebooted the franchise with a new line titled 'hello my name is'. this line featured the original 4 girls plus a new girl named raya. and that whole...that entire thing was BAD to me, but some people like it.
anyway, there was never like a "real" downfall, but they had some pretty bad years lmao. they're back tho so we up!!!! i have a collection of fashion dolls, monster high, bratz, rainbow high, and hopefully barbies soon. literally my favorite collection (i have a lot)
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simmonsofshield · 4 years
Broken, Mended Chapter 4
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, Sam Wilson x Reader (platonic)
Summary: After breaking off an engagement, Y/N may have possibly hit rock bottom. But she doesn’t have time to think about it because she gets deployed to Iraq. Leaving their daughter with her friend, Sam Wilson, she’s gone for a year. She doesn’t like talking about her ex-fiance and is unsure if she’ll ever be able to love again. What happens a certain Captain is his literal doppelganger?
Words: 1300+
Warnings: Lots of swears in this one, sorry. Feelings of anger, betrayal. Drama. But also feels.
A/N: Normalize 👏 Platonic 👏 M/F 👏 Love 👏  (in case you can’t tell by this point, Y/N and Sam are very close. If you’re a Grey’s fan, I picture it very much like Mer and Alex. Two people who could never picture themselves in a relationship but would die for each other.) (omg i’m booboo the fool. another great example would be nat and clint?) This is for @ussgallifreyfics​ 550 follower writing challenge! Takes place during Civil War.
tag list is open
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Y/N doesn’t know how long she’s out, but when she wakes up she can tell she’s in a completely different place. She’s not laying on the ground, but whatever she’s on is not comfortable in the least. As she stirs awake, she can also tell she no longer has her wings on, nor any of her pistols. Freaking out, she sits up quickly, groaning as her head still hurts. Still disoriented, she doesn’t see the person jog past her, but she hears them. “Your girl’s awake too, Sam.”
He lets out a dry chuckle, “Not my girl, Cap.” 
When she hears his voice, she lets out a deep exhale and slowly leans herself against the wall, closing her eyes for a moment. Now a little more with her bearings, she can tell she’s simply laying on a piece of plywood over a couple wooden pallets. She doesn’t open her eyes but can tell Sam’s next to her now. She sarcastically smiles, eyes still closed, “Were you just going to keep this from me Sam? Didn’t think I was going to find out?”
He sighs, “Not this way at least. I’d rather it be in DC. What are you doing here anyways? I thought you were only supposed to be in Vienna.”
Y/N finally opens her eyes and looks at him, “You’re not deflecting away from this Sam. You never told me why you retired and now you're basically back in action and you weren’t going to tell me? How long Sam?”
He looks down in defeat, “Two years.”
“What?! T-two years? Sam, what the hell? So you were already doing stuff while I was gone? What the hell did you do with Ro?”
He smiles as best he can and waves his hand dismissively. “Oh, she was fine. Pepper’s great.”
“Pepper? As in Stark? You just casually left my child with not only a CEO of a company, who I’m sure is busy in her own right, but a stranger without consulting me first? Oh my god.” She puts her head in her hands and just sits like that for while. When a hand touches her arm, she so badly wants to pull it away but can’t for some reason. She blames the whole being knocked out thing and just exhaustion - physical and mental - at this point. 
Finally bringing her head up, she looks up to see she now has an audience. James and Steve, who she has pieced together is also Captain America by Sam calling him ‘Cap.’ Her vision is cloudy - she hadn’t even realized she was crying. Wiping the tears away and clearing up her vision, she’s pretty sure she almost has a heart attack. She backs herself into the wall as much as she can, which isn’t very much since she was already sitting up against it. In front of her is Ransom. That’s why he was so familiar back in the holding location. Her breath quickens and she looks over at Sam, confusion and a sliver of fear in his eyes. 
“Holy shit.” She stands up and goes to the end of her ‘bed,’ where her wings and weapons are located. She throws on the wings and fumbles with the guns as she runs out of the warehouse. She can hear all three of them following her, but she doesn’t stop, until she gets to the end of the wharf. She collapses, dropping her guns, and just sits there on her hands and knees, crying. When she hears only a single set of footsteps walk towards her, she knows it’s Sam.
He crouches down, putting his hand on her shoulder. “Y/N are you okay? What was that?”
“What was that?” she basically yells back, anger still seething. She brings her voice down before continuing, “Sam, didn’t you realize that Steve, Captain America, fuck...looks almost exactly like Ransom? What the hell?” 
He looks over at Steve and back down at his friend, “Well now that you mention it...”
“Sam, this is no time to make jokes. I’m pretty sure what I’m experiencing here is a panic attack, or something, I don’t know. Fuck!” She hits her fist on the concrete. “What is happening? This is a sick, twisted game of fate the universe is playing that I didn’t ask for.”
She resituates herself so she’s sitting on her butt beside Sam. Taking a few breaths to calm down, she continues, “I guess now is as good a time as ever.” she wipes her face, trying to give herself a little bit of dignity back. “I trust you but I have to say this for my own sanity. You can not tell this to anyone. Especially your bff Cap over there.” she points over to Steve.
Sam nods, “Of course.”
“Okay,” she takes one last breath before starting, “the reason I broke off the engagement was because Ransom killed Harlan, his grandfather.”
“Oh shit.”
“Yeah. And he tried to peg it on Marta, Harlan’s nurse. It was a whole thing. So I left him and fled Boston for you.”
“Oh my god, Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
All she does is nod in response, unable to speak at the moment. The exhaustion is really hitting her now.
“Riley died.”
She turns to him, “What?” He’s not looking at her, just straight out at the water. 
“Why I retired. I went on a mission with Riley in Afghanistan. RPGs were flying everywhere, but we infiltrated the target’s hideout. He got hit by one and I couldn’t save him. There was nothing I could do.”
She scoots a little closer and puts her arm around him, “I’m sorry. I remember you two were close.” He nods and also puts an arm around her. She leans her head on his shoulder and they sit like that for a couple minutes, in comfortable silence.
Someone clears their throat. “Sam.” They both look over to see the other two men closer to them now. She makes a split second of eye contact with Steve before immediately looking away and over at James. He seems to be James at the moment, not the Winter Soldier. He can’t seem to look at her, probably out of regret of what he’s done in just the past couple hours.
“You good?” Sam looks at Y/N as he begins to get up.
He stands up completely and puts his hand out to help her up. She takes it and stands as well, a little wobbly at first but she steadies herself and watches as Steve takes him aside and chats. Probably about James and what to do with him now that they’re basically running from the law.
Y/N takes the moment to bring her hand to her ear, hoping the com still works despite her being tossed like a ragdoll. “Carter, Fury. Anyone on coms?”
A female voice responds, “Yeah. What happened? We lost track of you.”
“Long story. I got thrown into a wall. Probably compromised the tracker somehow. I’m surprised the earpiece even works. Where are you?”
“Still where we were holding Barnes. Trying to find him.”
“Okay. I’ll make my way back to you and try to help.”
“We’ll be waiting.” 
Finally putting the guns in her holsters, Y/N extends her wings and readies herself to take off. Before she can, a hand on her arm stops her. “You sure you’re good enough to fly? You seem pretty wiped and a lot just happened.”
The wings retract and she turns to Sam, “Yeah, but I’m meeting back up with Sharon. Can’t exactly get there in a timely manner on foot.”
He turns to Steve who shrugs and nods. He faces her again, “We can take you.”
She raises an eyebrow, “How? You’re just going to, what, casually steal a car?”
“Actually yeah.”
“You’re unbelievable. You do know you’re all already wanted for helping a literal assassin?” she shakes her head, not waiting for a response, “but I guess I don’t have another choice. Just get me close and you guys can go on your merry way evading the law.”
All Sam does is laugh.
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@cake-writes​​​ @supraveng​​​ @vxidnik​​​ @kallafrench​​​ @itsallyscorner​​​ @polarcrystall​​​ @eliza5616​ 
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anotherunreadblog · 6 years
hey!! what are you most excited to write about for Ro? Like, is it her personality? or the plot you've got in mind? Or maybe it's something completely different?
So I was planning on going to bed, but now I just have to answer this before I do. It might not make all that much sense, I’m so tired. Where to start?
I got the idea for Ro after watching Civil War. The marketing was all like Cap vs Tony, and I started thinking about how I’d feel in universe. So, that’s where Ro comes in. She sees the Avengers save New York as a kid. They are her idols. Then, she gets her powers and she thinks I want to be like them, but when the Sokovia Accords happen they just turn on each other? Like wtf, you guys are supposed to watch out for the little guys and now half the Avengers are wanted criminals. 
After that is where the story picks up and Peter comes in (Crossed Wires follows Spider-Man: Homecoming).  Tony recruited him, which Ro disagreed with very strongly, and now this fifteen-year-old kid thinks he’s in the big leagues. Ro being two years older than him and having gotten her powers at his age, she keeps an eye on him.
This is the first time I finish an outline for a fic so I’m excited about a lot of things, mainly the prospect of actually writing and posting stuff. Mostly, I’m excited to see how Peter and Ro balance each other out in terms of teenagers with powers. Peter is still too excited and immature in Ro’s mind, but she’s a bit too harsh on herself and other heroes, so she has things to learn from Peter too.
Also, her great grandma fought along side Cap in WW2 and was friends with Peggy Carter. Her parents used to be agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. before the whole winter soldier events. And she’s best friends with Liz, but can’t talk to her about like half of her life. I’ll stop here, because this is getting long and I’m sleepy. Thank you so much for asking.
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placetobenation · 3 years
What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than with a little vengeance, right?
NXT takes over the PPV landscape Sunday night with its latest edition of TakeOver: Vengeance Day, highlighted by the NXT Championship match between Finn Balor and Pete Dunne. That alone should be worth the price of admission and maybe we’ll get Edge standing by as an interested bystander. But, in addition, they’ll crown the winners of both men’s and women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic plus Johnny Gargano defending his North American Championship against KUSHIDA which could steal the show. That is of course, unless Io Shirai doesn’t steal it first!
We know the card will deliver as it always does! Less is always more as far as the number of matches when it comes to NXT. Gives it room to breathe.
Just think about it, it’s a card that’s without Karrion Kross, The Undisputed Era, Tommaso Ciampa, Timothy Thatcher, Candice LeRae and the tag team champions, Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan, among others.
NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day – Updated Card
Dusty Rhodes Men’s Tag Team Classic Finals: Grizzled Young Veterans vs. MSK
Dusty Rhodes Women’s Tag Team Classic Finals: Ember Moon & Shotzi Blackheart vs. Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez
NXT North American Championship Match: Johnny Gargano vs. KUSHIDA
NXT Championship Match: Finn Balor vs. Pete Dunne
NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat Match: Io Shirai vs. Toni Storm vs. Mercedes Martinez
Star of the week:
WWE's Nia Jax trends on Twitter after screaming 'my hole!' during match https://t.co/15cdcHNT9H pic.twitter.com/Q4fMI6T4h4
— New York Post (@nypost) February 9, 2021
Nia Jax – No, not for being the best, but for being one of the best moments on WWE television this week. It was a moment more memorable than anything Jax has done in the ring in months.
AJ Styles defeated Jeff Hardy
Lacey Evans defeated Charlotte Flair by DQ to win RAW Women’s Championship Match vs. Asuka
Damian Priest defeated Angel Garza
Keith Lee defeated Riddle
Tables Match: Lana defeated Nia Jax
Naomi defeated Shayna Baszler
Non-title WWE Championship Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton ended in no-contest
Welcome to the WHY edition of Monday night RAW.
Why did we need Shane McMahon out to help Adam Pearce announce that Drew McIntyre would defend his WWE Championship inside the Elimination Chamber against Sheamus, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton and The Miz?
"I think at a different level than you. You're content with being awesome? I'm not. Did that 20 years ago … I NEED to be champion!" – @EdgeRatedR to @mikethemiz #WWERaw pic.twitter.com/aqqyFRmjeJ
— WWE (@WWE) February 9, 2021
Why is Edge so damn good? Rhetorical question as he now waits until after Elimination Chamber to make his WrestleMania decision. Edge schooling The Miz was priceless and on point!
The Queen has SNAPPED, forcing this match into a DQ!#WWERaw @MsCharlotteWWE @LaceyEvansWWE @RicFlairNatrBoy pic.twitter.com/rov45KVOkz
— WWE (@WWE) February 9, 2021
Why did we need another DQ finish? This time with Charlotte Flair beating up Lacey Evans, giving Evans a title shot against Asuka. Not sure that helped anyone out there.
Why is Angel Garza being wasted in a squash match against Damian Priest? And why does Priest need Bad Bunny with the distraction to beat him? That of course, is another rhetorical question. Excellent piece of business right there for sport entertainment.
Dialing 1-800-HURT BIZ!#WWERaw @fightbobby @RealKeithLee pic.twitter.com/uwUlceEFJV
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) February 9, 2021
Why is the WWE so transparent putting Keith Lee up against Riddle when we know it’s only going to lead to a triple threat match against Bobby Lashley for the US Title? Storyline aside, Lee vs. Riddle was very good.
Why did we get no build-up to a tables match between Lana and Nia Jax? Yes, they should’ve had the match, but give me at least some time to make it worthwhile.
Why haven’t we been giving a “Oh, my hole!” t-shirt from Nia Jax and why does the WWE feel the need to edit that amazing moment, trending Worldwide, out of the RAW replays? Use it my friends! It actually made Jax entertaining for a moment and made her our star for the week. At least they made amends Friday night!
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#WWERaw @DMcIntyreWWE @RandyOrton @WWESheamus pic.twitter.com/NGR5b6Qwd7
— WWE (@WWE) February 9, 2021
Why do we need yet another no-contest in a RAW main event? This time McIntyre vs. Orton goes nowhere with Sheamus’ predictable interference.
Why is there no Miss Alexa Bliss?
In the end, RAW could’ve been a very entertaining show if not for some missteps.
Dusty Rhodes Men’s Tag Team Classic Semifinals: MSK defeated Legado del Fantasma
Xia Li defeated Kora Jade
Dusty Rhodes Women’s Tag Team Classic Semifinals: Ember Moon & Shotzi Blackheart defeated Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell
KUSHIDA defeated Austin Theory by DQ
Dusty Rhodes Men’s Tag Team Classic Semifinals: The Grizzled Young Veterans defeated Tommaso Ciampa & Timothy Thatcher
Our favorite move is back, y'all… and this time it's off the ring apron!!!
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#WWENXT #DustyClassic @joaquinwilde_ @NashCarterWWE @RaulMendozaWWE @WesLee_WWE pic.twitter.com/9yNx7LXdhu
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) February 11, 2021
Is it time for MSK to make their way to the top of the NXT tag team title scene? They’re just one step away now with a Dusty Rhodes Classic finals appearance!
Talk about The WAY to NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day!
IT'S A MIRACLE!!! …or not. Tough break, Johnny Wheelchair. #WWENXT @KUSHIDA_0904 @JohnnyGargano pic.twitter.com/5Q4GbkcLDv
— WWE (@WWE) February 11, 2021
Johnny Gargano first tried to weasel his way out of the NXT North American Championship Match with a fake broken arm diagnosis that William Regal saw right there. With Candice LeRae, Indi Hartwell, Austin Theory and of course, KUSHIDA, the segment was pure gold! Then, Gargano tried to payback KUSHIDA with a cheap shot in his match with Theory, only to be held at bay in an armbar by KUSHIDA and Dexter Lumis.
As for LeRae, she and Hartwell fell short to Ember Moon & Shotzi Blackheart in getting to the Dusty Rhodes Women’s Tag Team Classic Finals. Now, it’s Blackheart & Moon taking on Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez for the Dusty Cup and a future WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match.
Do not disobey Tian Sha. #WWENXT @Bigboawwe pic.twitter.com/vE8x5Ir93Q
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) February 11, 2021
The aura surrounding Xia Li, Boa and Tian Sha has Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter as interested bystanders. Supportive friends are now turned into foes. A curious angle gets better and better with Li becoming more of a badass. Great makeover!
Tick tock…….@WWEKarrionKross & @LadyScarlett_13 await @EscobarWWE on #WWENXT this coming Wednesday! pic.twitter.com/6bgJBGw84d
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) February 12, 2021
Next week, we get Karrion Kross against Santos Escobar with Scarlett ringside. Sounds delicious! Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza have already felt the wrath. It’s only a matter of time. Tick. Tock.
Loved the build-up to this Sunday’s PPV especially the vignettes for the triple threat match for Io Shirai’s NXT Women’s Championship against Toni Storm and Mercedes Martinez. Plus, the face-offs on each match at the end of the night was a nice touch! NXT does such an outstanding job of matching it feel big time for their TakeOver events.
Cameron Grimes. Kiss My Grits. Oh my! Maybe he’s the new Million Dollar Man!
For the second straight week, we get a quality tag team main event with an upset. This time, Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher see their run come to an unexpected end at the hands of The Grizzled Young Veterans. So, it’ll be Wes Lee and Nash Carter taking on Zack Gibson & James Drake, as the GYV make it to the Finals for the second straight year.
Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: King Corbin & Sami Zayn defeated Dominik & Rey Mysterio
Intercontinental Championship Match: Big E defeated Shinsuke Nakamura by DQ
Bayley defeated Liv Morgan
The Street Profits defeated Otis and Chad Gable
Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Daniel Bryan & Cesaro defeated Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode
There’s no disputing the fact that Roman Reigns is the top dog, the head of the table, the number one performer right now in WWE. What I do find disconcerting though is the repeated open each week’s Friday night SmackDown. Having Reigns walk to the ring for a 10-minute promo with all talk week after week isn’t maximizing his greatness. It gets old quick. I did love that it quickly turned into Reigns turning down Adam Pearce’s request to defend the Universal Title in the Chamber just like Drew McIntyre’s WWE Championship. No need to have the same match twice. Plus, by having Kevin Owens and Jey Uso join those who qualify for the match face-off inside the demonic structure before having to face Reigns the very same night ultimately gives the Big Dog the upper hand to walk out of the PPV still the Champ heading to WrestleMania. It should also give Edge one fun night of watching.
.@SamiZayn & King @BaronCorbinWWE have punched their tickets to the #SmackDown Elimination Chamber Match at #WWEChamber! pic.twitter.com/378R8tLuZw
— WWE (@WWE) February 13, 2021
I did like Sonya Deville giving us tag team matches as a way of qualifying for the Chamber Contender match. Sami Zayn and King Corbin taking out the Mysterios was fun although I did fear for Dominik’s safety when he almost cracked his head against the announce table flying through the ropes and over Zayn. The right team went over and both should show strong inside the Chamber.
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@DomMysterio35 #SmackDown pic.twitter.com/hANUFd7JP0
— WWE on FOX (@WWEonFOX) February 13, 2021
Big E vs. Shinsuke Nakamura put on a show, albeit too short for me with Apollo Crews predictable match. Shinsuke gets the DQ victory but robs us of a better match. Maybe down the road as the Big E vs. Crews feud continues.
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#SmackDown @WWERollins @WWECesaro pic.twitter.com/vVDSGOUEfU
— WWE (@WWE) February 13, 2021
Welcome back Seth Rollins! I thought you were going down the right path. A new road. Fatherhood and positivity. It would’ve been the right path for him and the WWE. Instead, all of the SmackDown superstars surrounding the ring left him high and dry standing alone in the ring until a vicious attack on Cesaro.
Another week and another misstep by Billie Kay costs The Riott Squad a victory over Bayley. Last week, it was Ruby Riott and this time, it’s Liv Morgan going down to defeat. At what point, do Billie get the buh-bye?!
After a bit of momentum at the start, it looks like Otis and Chad Gable have leveled off a bit. This week, it’s a loss to the former tag team champion The Street Profits.
Anyone else find it odd that Montez Ford is dancing with Sasha Banks in a bit of a runway crossover? After all, Ford is married to Bianca Belair, who just may be choosing Banks as a WrestleMania opponent.
Oh no, NOT AGAIN!!
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#SmackDown @NiaJaxWWE @SashaBanksWWE @BiancaBelairWWE pic.twitter.com/UtBMqFEjl5
— WWE (@WWE) February 13, 2021
As for Belair and Banks, they made interesting short work of the tag team champs. First, mocking Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler for their losses on RAW this week. Then, they actually do play the “oh my hole” line from Jax which is hilarious! Finally, they get physical with the champs. You wonder if we’ll get an Asuka/Charlotte Flair redux with Banks and Belair, champ and cohort, getting a title match soon.
#WWEChamber can't get here soon enough! #SmackDown @BaronCorbinWWE @SamiZayn @WWEDanielBryan @WWECesaro @FightOwensFight @WWEUsos pic.twitter.com/kGWylfzNve
— WWE (@WWE) February 13, 2021
Instead of fighting each other, Daniel Bryan and Cesaro teamed up to win a shot in the Chamber match which is a plus for all of us as anytime you can put those two inside the wretched structure along with Kevin Owens, Jey Uso, King Corbin and Sami Zayn, you’ve got yourselves some moments to remember coming! No disrespect to Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode, but Cesaro and Bryan deserved the spot and will absolutely shine. Even despite Cesaro being less than 100% thanks to Rollins, he still gets Ziggler to tap out! Give me Cesaro vs. Reigns please! Nice little brawl with all six Chamber members to end the show as Owens reminds us that he’s not going away.
Parting Shots:
During halftime of Saturday’s Celebrity Flag Football Game on ESPNews, Heisman Trophy-winning professional quarterback @DougFlutie pinned @RonKillings to become the new #247Champion!!!! #AndNew #CelebSweat @CelebritySweat1 pic.twitter.com/2YqwNzFOHU
— WWE (@WWE) February 6, 2021
Congratulations Doug Flutie! You’re in the record books as a former WWE 24/7 Champion! Flutie beat R-Truth at the Celebrity Flag Football Game during Super Bowl LV weekend. Sure, it only lasted for a few brief, fleeting moments as R-Truth won it back for his 49th title reign, but it’s more mainstream attention for the WWE, which never hurts.
Coming up this week:
RAW: Gauntlet Match – Winner gets last pod open at Elimination Chamber: Drew McIntyre vs. The Miz vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles MizTV with Drew McIntyre
NXT: Karrion Kross vs. Santos Escobar NXT TakeOver: Vengeance Day fallout
SMACKDOWN: TBD – Go Home Show for Elimination Chamber
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts! Shoot me an email at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! You can also check out my blog, The Crowe’s Nest as we delve into more pro wrestling, sports entertainment and the World of Sports. My apologies ahead of time – I AM a Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics and Bruins fan! If you’re not down with that, I’ve got TWO WORDS for you… NEW ENGLAND
0 notes
parabataisarah · 7 years
Horrible Day (AU)
This is just a little fic dedicated to @toxicsanders (Thank you darling. Also helped me pick the pairing), @treblegirl and @dani-the-flower-bab as these wonderful people helped me when I was at my lowest x Thanks again loves x Also @romananalogicality as their page is wonderful and I cry x
This is a standalone and has no affiliation with anyone’s work :) (This has been sitting in my drafts for a long ass time ((Which is also a lie, as I added way more and edited it recently sooo))
Ship - Poly - Logan/Roman/Patton/Virgil
Caution/Warnings: Slurs, bullying, a*buse (none relationship wise) swearing, brief mention of blood (Nose bleed), brief mentions of a hospital. Nothing else that I can think of, but if I’m wrong, feel free to tell me x
Any and all errors are mine x
Word Count - 6005 (holy bloody hell. 15 pages)
Headcanon that Logic is really into playing sports.
Human and Werewolf type idea from Teen Wolf, all credits in that department go to TW creators.
Okay, I apologize. Enough rambling and on with the fic.
Summary - ‘It seemed to be that the world can hate one person. Good thing that Logan has his pack to chase it away.’
Logan woke with a groan as he felt the start of what was a beautiful migraine. “Fucking hell…” He muttered, eyes still firmly shut, burying his head under the pillow and reveling in the added darkness the pillow gave. Seconds later, his father knocked loudly, “C'mon Wolverine. Time to get up!” The older man yelled through the wooden door and his heavy footsteps could be heard as he made his way downstairs.
He steeled himself as he removed the pillow, softly moaning as he opened his eyes and they made contact with the light streaming in from the window. He got up from the bed in one movement, thanking that his clothes were hanging up after the mess he found them in after his regular study session with his boyfriends and grabbed his signature black shirt, blue tie and black jeans. He slowly made his way over to the bathroom and then the medicine cupboard, looking for some type of Ibuprofen, but found nothing.
Cursing under his breath, Logan undressed as he turned the shower on. Waiting until the room was filled with steam, he finally got into the shower and stood under the hot spray, letting it work its magic, if only temporary. After standing there for a while, he started to clean himself up; taking extra care as to not jerk his head. Once he had finished in the bathroom, dried his short hair and gotten dressed, he walked down to the kitchen, “Dad, do you know if we have any headache tablets?” The logical male’s father looked up at his son and quickly took in his pale, clammy face and stood up, “Not that I know of son,” he paused as he appraised Logan once again.
“Why don’t you stay home today? You can just sleep all day and try to get rid of what I’m guessing is a migraine?” He lowered his voice as he made his way over to his son, placing a hand on his shoulder, attempting to turn him back towards the stairs. “I can’t dad. I’d love to, but I can’t. Coach says if I miss a day of training this far in the year, then I’m off the team for the rest of this season and next season; and I can’t have that happen this late into the year. I also have two big tests that I have to ace and the pack is apparently meeting after school, although I only found out last night.” Logan shrugged at his father as he leant against the kitchen counter.
Sighing, his father slowly massaged the back of his son’s neck, alleviating some of the pain for a few seconds, “Okay, alright, Lo. Go to school and do what you have to, but just remember, as soon as it gets somewhere near your previous ones, you call me and I’ll get you out, okay?” He made an affirmative sound and smiled softly as his dad pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. “Alright. And with that, I have to go. Good luck today.” He picked up his car keys and left.
Standing in the middle of the kitchen, Logan took a deep breath and made his way to the fridge. Once he opened the door, he squatted so he could see what they had. Quickly grabbing the margarine and strawberry jam, he stood but knocked his head on the upper part of the fridge that opened up to the freezer. Letting out a string of curses as his migraine was kick started into full gear, he whimpered softly and put the items back into the fridge, suddenly losing his appetite. He walked back upstairs breathing deeply through his nose, digging his nails into his palm hard enough to draw small drops of blood and grabbed his backpack.
Walking over to his nightstand, he turned his charger off and grabbed his phone, seeing he had a message from Roman.
From King 👑: 'Hey Smartacus. Don’t worry about coming around to mine to pick me up. Mum isn’t feeling so good, so I am going to be taking the day off to look after her. See you at the pack meeting nerd. I love you x’
The logical being sent a small thanks to whatever deity that was listening, thankful that today of all days he didn’t have to put up with Roman’s loud and happy rambling and his singing of Disney songs; because Logan, Patton and Virgil; as well as everyone that knew of Roman, believed him to be the embodiment of royalty, with the way he acts; hence the alias in his phone 'King 👑’, once he started talking about something he was passionate about, it was as if a switch had been flipped on. Logan loved the boisterous male, he truly did, but today, there was only a small amount he was sure he was going to be able to take.
Nonetheless, he sighed as he made his way back down the stairs and out to his Jeep, knowing that he was going to miss his boyfriend while he was at school.
'Awh. That is upsetting to hear, Ro. Give your darling mother my love and such. I’ll come around after with a home cooked meal for her once the group is finished. See ya later, Pumpkin King ;) I love you too x’
He sent off the message and pocketed the phone, getting into the drivers’ seat and drove to school, groaning at each pothole and bump he came across; no matter how hard he tried to avoid them.
Pulling into a free parking space near the front of the building, Logan took a deep breath in, and grabbed his water bottle from his satchel bag, taking a swig but spitting it out on the other seat and throwing the bottle away as soon as he felt how warm the water was, “Oh, so gross…” He muttered, dragging a hand across half of his face and got out. Once he had locked the Jeep, he was suddenly turned around by a jock wannabe, Carter Leighton.
'Oh fucking great.’ Logan thought as he raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the other male, despite feeling like his head was being attacked by a jackhammer and had a kangaroo bouncing on his brain. Carter sneered at him, shoving him back against the Jeep’s door, “Just because Thomas and Roman have started being nice to you, doesn’t mean we have to be, you stupid, polygamous fag.”
“Wow. I’m surprised someone like you knew that big word, let alone how to pronounce it.”
Silently cursing for not shutting his mouth, Logan froze as Carter visibly bristled. Looking at the two males behind his tormentor, he failed to see the other male motion for them to go forward. The two people standing slightly behind Carter moved towards him, the bigger of the two pinning Logan’s arms above him while the other punched him in the stomach, each side and then his back; before switching positions and repeating the process, “Alright lads, you’ve had your fun,” Carter chuckled, “now it’s my turn.” He smiled sweetly at Logan as he lifted his hand up, grabbing fiercely into the brunets’ hair; the usually pleasurable stimulus bringing him nothing but pain. Logan’s eyes quickly shifted from person to person, quickly closing them as he felt his head being brought forward, only to have it jerked back instantaneously, smashing his head into his car door. Logan grit his teeth, vowing not to give Carter the satisfaction of hearing him in pain.
“We’ll see you at practice, fag.” Carter’s two cronies released him as soon as he rag dolled in their arms and Logan heard them laugh at him as they walked away.
“Real original boys. Real original.” He muttered, spitting as the taste of copper filled his mouth. “Just fucking great. Perhaps I should just go home. I fail to see the point in being at school today. It’s been a shitty day from the word go.” Despite whining, he pulled himself up and grabbed his bag once again, slinging it onto his shoulder. He quickly maneuvered himself into his home room and sat down in the back of the room, ignoring the burning pain in his torso and back, resting his head onto his arms, biting his lip to muffle any sounds that might have tried to escape.
He tightly shut his eyes as the bell sounded and the sounds of all of the other kids ambling inside the room reached his ears; thankful that none of his overprotective and overly aware boyfriends were in his home room. Logan buried his head under his arms, only making a barely loud enough 'here’ when the teacher started marking the roll. For the next ten minutes, he made no sounds and didn’t dare to move in worry that he’d aggravate his migraine and the pain caused by Carter and his lackeys.
Once the second bell had gone, Logan waited until the room was cleared and then made his way out into the hall. He stuck to the walls and walked towards his AP English class.
Walking past the Home Econ room, the door quickly sprung open and hit Logan, sending him to floor, the unmissable feel of 'owowowowpainhurtsfuck’ and blood coming out of his nose.
He started to laugh softly, trying to stop the urge to scream, cry and punch whoever had unintentionally done this. Pulling himself up, he looked at the person who had opened the door, “Sharp. You okay?” He heard his coach ask him, placing a hand on his shoulder, steading him, only just realizing he was slightly shaking.
“Y-Yeah, Coach, I’m fine. Just a bit banged up,” Logan said, gesturing to his nose and tilting his head forward, pinching his nose shut in an attempt to stop the blood flow and stop it from reaching his mouth. He breathily laughed as the rugby coach swore, “Alright, off to the school nurse, we go.” He left his hand on Logan’s shoulder and steered him to the nurse’s office.
Opening the door, his coach grabbed a few tissues for Logan and then went to find the nurse, “Just sit down on the bed. I’ll be back.” Evans said as he walked deeper into the room. A minute later the nurse came over to him, “Alright, my dear boy, lie down for me. What happened?” Logan went to open his mouth to explain, but the fluorescent lights were suddenly just too bright and he vaguely noticed a small, furry caterpillar like thing in his eyesight, blurring small sections of his sight.
Noticing his star player was taking a bit too long to respond, Evans gave the nurse a brief summary of what happened and then patted his calf. “You don’t have to worry about today’s practice. I’m giving you today off and I won’t be afraid to bench you if you show up, Sharp.” Logan made a soft affirmative sound as he scrunched his eyes closed tightly, the light starting to get to him.
He heard Coach Evans’ heavy steps leave the room, “Okay, sweets. I need you to open your eyes for me. Can you do that?” The nurse’s soothing voice filled Logan’s ears, causing him to minutely flinch, but he obeyed nonetheless. “Alright, I’m going to shine my pen light into your eyes and then move it side to side to check for a concussion, okay?” She stated as she flicked the light on and checked his pupil’s reactions and then fixing a small bandage over his nose after setting it back in place and wiping away the drying blood. Deeming him fine, if not a bit banged up and bruised, she went to leave him to his own devices, drawing the curtain to a side so she could leave. “Excuse me,” Logan whispered, frightened if he spoke normally, he would further aggravate his pain, but the nurse managed to hear him. “Yes?”
Logan sighed, “I have two questions and one confession…” He paused and took a deep breath as he saw her wave her hand in the 'go on’ motion, “Okay, number one is I was wondering if it’s possible for you to turn the lights in here off? Number two is could you possibly tell me where Thomas Sanders, Patton Rogers and Virgil Thompson are?” He held back the confession as he allowed the nurse time to answer, “Alright, I’ll see what I can do about finding out where those three students are, but why do you want the lights off?”
Logan quietly told her why and was eternally grateful when the nurse walked off and the lights turned off. Seconds later the nurse coming back a minute later with two Ibuprofen, a glass of water and a wet face washer. “The tablets won’t do much now, but either way, thank you.” Logan praised her before taking the tablets and placed the wet wash cloth on his forehead.
“And your 'confession’ is?” The nurse softly prodded, “I’m purposely leaving out names and anything incriminating as I don’t need this to get any worse, okay?” He continued as she nodded, “Well this morning, something happened and let’s just say some fists met my torso, sides, back and then my head was pushed back so it hit the door of my car. This 'hit’... Could say it aggravated my migraine to no end and it hurts if I breathe too much too fast and hurts to move.”
Logan once again closed his eyes and let the nurse instruct him in what to do in order for her to check him out and wheezed slightly as she wrapped bandages around his midsection as a precaution. “Alright, my love. It seems like you’ve had a rough start to the day so I’m going to let you stay in here all day, but the moment you feel well enough to go to class or need to go to the toilet, I’ll let you leave the room, other than that, try to sleep.”
After half an hour passed of near silence, the only sound in the room apart from his soft breathing, was the soft tapping of a keyboard. The nurse came back, pulling the curtain open just enough for her to step inside, “Alright, to answer your second question, Virgil hasn’t shown up to school today, no doubt skipping school. Thomas is marked as sick and Patton has an off-site excursion for his Child Studies class.” Logan thanked her and silently huffed at the fact that none of the pack was at school, even though Thomas should be considering the Werewolf can’t get sick.
In that moment; he would reflect later that he was being overdramatic, he felt his world slightly crumble. All he wanted was some type of contact, be it Patton’s worries and cuddles, Roman’s soft singing, Thomas’ humor and crude jokes as an attempt to lighten the mood or Virgil’s fond teasing while rubbing his thumb over Logan’s knuckles as their hands interlocked, he just wanted someone.
With a small whimper of distress, he fell into a restless sleep.
Coming to a few hours later with a start, as the nurse softly shook his leg, Logan whined as his sudden movement made it way to his head. He raised an eyebrow in askance as he looked at the nurse. “The bell is going to go in about ten minutes, so I thought it’d be best for you to leave before it goes off and the rush of students overpower your head again. I’ve rung your father and he agrees with me, so you’ve already been signed out. All you’re going to have to do when you take your bandages; is check for any pain apart from the bruises, and if there is any pain, you’ll need to rewrap yourself. Take care, Logan.”
“Thank you.” He quietly mumbled as the nurse patted his shoulder, smiling at her quick apology as he flinched and handed his bag to him as he meandered his way past her and into the hallway, blinking quickly to get used to the light change. He quickly made his way to his Jeep and slipped inside, sighing and resting his head back on the head rest. Reaching out blindly, he managed to put his key in the ignition and start the Jeep up before his phone beeped. “Okay, what siren song are you going to sing to me today?” Logan muttered as he unlocked his phone and went into his messages. New message: 'My Heart 💖 - Pack meeting is still going to be on. The time hasn’t changed. It’s still after school. Be there or my teeth will meet your throat, and not in the nice way ;) I love you x’
Logan whined again and chucked his phone onto the passenger’s seat; taking off the bandage the nurse placed on his nose, 'resetting his nose’ be damned, wishing the day was already over. He put his car into gear and waited for the dull sound of the bell. Once the car park was clear, he sighed again and drove off to Patton’s trying to make himself seem happy as to not alert the werewolves he was going to be stuck in a house with for the next few hours.
Reaching the beginning of Patton’s immense land, the Jeep started to stutter and a minute later the car came to a halt. Despite the migraine raging on in his head, Logan yelled, slamming his fists down on the steering wheel and got out of the car, grabbing his bag and phone and walked to the newly renovated house. Upon the house coming into view, he quietly cheered and then slightly jumped as Roman appeared in front of him, crooked smile and arms open for a hug which Logan gratefully reciprocated, softly smiling as Roman pressed a soft kiss to the crown of his head. When he tightened the hug, Logan whimpered and Roman immediately pulled back, “Darling, whatever is wrong?”
“Promise to keep this secret for now?” Roman raised an eyebrow but nodded either way; feeling the distress and pain roll off the other’s body in waves, and Logan lifted his shirt, feeling a small warmth erupt in his stomach as Roman’s face contorted angrily and met Logan’s eyes, his eyes a deep red. “Who?” Logan averted his gaze from Roman’s. “Carter…” He mumbled as Roman bristled beside him, his hands clenching. “Baby, I know I haven’t asked this in a long time but… Carry me? Please, I hurt.” Logan whimpered and held his arms out. Roman turned around and informed Logan to wrap his arms gently around his neck and jump on, never able to say no to his boyfriend, especially when he sounded so vulnerable.
Logan did as he was told and rested his head in the crook of Roman’s neck, “So, what happened today?” Logan groaned slightly and told him what had transpired that day, informing him of the migraine, hitting his head on the fridge, Carter, the broken nose, needing comfort, and just having an overall shitty day. “By Odin’s eyepatch! I am so sorry, Lo, for not being at school today. Although, I am as confused as you are as to the fact of why the others; besides Patt, weren’t at school.” Logan made a soft agreeing sound as Roman started to make his way back towards the Roger’s house, feeling himself tire out, covered in warmth from his heater of a boyfriend.
“I know, sweetheart, but I cannot blame you. Your mother was ill, and you did the right thing staying at home looking after her.” He pressed a kiss onto his boyfriend’s neck as the other male quietly growled.
When Roman came up to the front door, Virgil appeared, face clean of his usual makeup and laughed, “Awh, is Logan such a baby he needs to be carried? How sad is the poor human?” Normally, he would be all for the normal sarcastic banter with his boyfriend, but he couldn’t muster up any response and closed his eyes, hoping Virgil would sense his pain, blindly handing him his glasses. “Got no response? Pathetic.” Logan could hear the normal rebellion in his voice as well as slight concern, but he didn’t care. The pain was getting worse with each passing moment. “Virgil, baby boy, as much as I love you baby, please fuck off.” Virgil made a startled noise and went to place his hand on Logan’s back but suddenly stopped as Roman growled protectively at him, moving so he was facing the other male instead of Logan.
Logan softly patted Roman’s chest in a placating motion, “Good boy, but he’s not a threat and you know that. I understand that you’re protecting me, but that’s no means for you to be rude to Anx. Apologize.” Roman huffed, “I’m sorry, baby.” Roman quickly kissed Virgil, “But at this point in time, my main focus is you, Logan. You’re hurt and I don’t want you hurt more.” He made his way inside, Virgil on his heels. Walking over to the lounge room, Roman carefully put him down on one end of the many couches, sat down and gently pulled Logan down to rest his head on his lap, softly carding his fingers through his soft hair.
A collective shadow fell upon Roman and Logan, causing them to remember the rest of the pack was there. Looking at Patton, Logan groaned as the dominance of Patton’s werewolf personality made its presence known. “What’s going on?” Patton growled; his heart slowly rising into his throat at the sight of his wounded boyfriend, the younger male’s hurt radiating off of his body, “Shhh, heart, you’re too loud and the lights are too bright.” Logan turned around and pushed his face into Roman’s stomach, leaving the explanation to his princely counterpart.
Softly sighing, and shaking his head at the other male’s actions, Roman placed his free hand onto Logan’s shoulder, taking away some of the pain. “Logan has a migraine, got beaten up by Carter and his friends, got a broken nose from Coach,” He paused as growls and snarls were heard throughout the room, “It was purely accidental, my dears.” He added in a placating manner. “Oh and his Jeep broke down, so once of us need to go out and get that later.” Roman finished with a soft smile as he heard Logan’s soft snores. “I’ll get it once we figure out what to do.” Thomas spoke up as he pointed at himself.
“Who is this 'Carter’ you speak of? He go to school with us?” Thomas continued as he sat down on the arm of the couch, adjusting his hair. “C'mon, kiddo. I wish you’d actually sit on the couch. I don’t want you to do any damage to it.” Patton gave him a semi-stern look which failed as he started to giggle at Thomas’ fake offence.
“Anyway, to answer your question, yes. Yes he does. He’s in the rugby team with Lo.”
Patton’s eyes went wide and he turned around to face the others. “Has this ever happened before?”
Roman carefully maneuvered his way away from Logan, making sure he was still asleep. He walked over to the moral man and placed his hand on the other’s shoulder, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “I believe he’s come to all of us, at least once.” He paused, wrapping the silently fuming male into a hug, “W-Why didn’t he come to me? I’m h-here for all of you.”
Roman’s hand moved up into his hair, slowly grazing his nails against the back of the emotional man’s head. “Oh, sweet sun, he knows that you’re here for him, as do we. He just didn’t want to worry you. He always sai-”
“I didn’t come to you, Patton, as it is your last year in that hell hole, and I didn’t want to get in the way of you enjoying your last year with all your friends.” Logan interjected, surprising all the werewolves in the room; Patton moving back from Roman’s embrace. “So much for you guys being more observant than me.” He sighed as he stood, his eyes closed. “Patton, my heart. Please make this less embarrassing for me, and c'mere, please.” Logan lifted his arms in the universal sign for a hug.
Motioning for Thomas to shut the curtains, Patton brought the familiar body to his, holding the younger male close. “Please, beloved, tell me these things. I want to be there to protect you.”
Wiping away a few tears, Logan sniffled and moved back from Patton’s embrace, content to resting his back on the older male; gratefully taking his glasses from Roman’s outstretched hand, “If you must know.” He pointed in the direction he knew Virgil to be as he put his glasses back on. “Darkness over there can start the emotional roadshow.”
Rolling his eyes fondly at the nickname, Virgil groaned playfully and sat next to Thomas, “If I must. Well, when Logan came to me for the first time, it was well before we started dating, and so I couldn’t do as much as I can now, but nonetheless. The most memorable occasion was when he appeared in my room, looking completely disheveled and his shirt was slightly bloody, ripped and seriously dirty. All I did was hold him as he cried. The next morning, the only explanation I received was something along the lines of 'Carter seriously doesn’t like me, does he?’ and then Logan just thanked me for allowing him to cry on me, and left with the promise of a new hoodie as a way of thanks.” Scoffing at the disbelieving looks, he breathily chuckled, “What? It’s true!” Logan laughed at the response, “Don’t worry, it is a true guys.”
“Sir Sing a Lot, you’re up next.”
“Must you call me that?” Roman sounded exasperated, but the laughter was evident in his voice as he sat at Virgil’s feet. “Well, apart from earlier today, Sherlock over there as only come to me with Carter related injuries or hurt feelings because of him, a small handful of times. In keeping with the most memorable occasion trend that Virgil started, I guess it’d have to be literally the night before we became werewolves.”
Holding up a hand to silence Patton from the beginnings of his tirade, Roman continued, “Instead of going to a goddamn hospital, the bespectacled idiot actually came to my house. Thank heavens that my parents weren’t home, but still. So much for being the smart one… Anyway, I digress. He came to me with a broken arm. Yeah, I was not happy about that one little bit.” Roman rolled his eyes as he saw Logan looking at him with a shit-eating grin. “After I set his arm in place; thankful that I had taken first-aid courses, I wrapped it up and cuddled with him and we fell asleep. He was gone when I awoke, but he had left a letter.”
Thomas gaped at Logan, “That’s why you were in the cast? Gosh darn. I truly believed your cover story. Looking back at it, and realizing who one of your boyfriends are, I seriously should’ve noticed this. Well then, I guess it’s my turn then?”
Nodding as the others chorused “yes”, Thomas cracked his knuckles. “Well he’s only come to me about twice so? Anyway, the more important occasion was after he had an anxiety attack at school because Carter shoved him into his own locker for a good hour or so. I only found him in there because he was taking me home that day. He was a mess when I got him out and I was so ready to kill this jerk, but Logan assured me he had it under control, so I admit to letting it slide. Thinking back, I really shouldn’t have. My deepest apologies Wolverine.”
Shaking his head at the nickname, Logan stood up straight and stretched, feeling the bandages move. “Ah… I have just one thing to ask of you, Thomas.” He walked over and grabbed then male’s hand, dragging him into the kitchen. Sticking his head back around into the lounge room, Logan made eye contact with all three of his boyfriends. “Not to sound like a cliché for the stereotype of werewolves being dogs, but stay.” His soft laugh could be heard as he walked into the kitchen.
“What'cha need me for, Lo?” Thomas asked him as he hauled himself up onto the counter, poking his tongue out at the other man’s look. “I think it’s better if I show you. Ro already knows as I showed him, so I’m just going to show you, okay?” He waited for Thomas to nod before pulling his shirt off.
“And before the question arises as to why I’m getting you to change my bandages is because,” Logan paused, making sure he had Thomas’ full attention, patting his shoulder as the other males fingers flittered over the bandages that wrapped around his torso.
“I need you to know that I mean no offense by this, but out of everyone, you’re the least emotionally invested as although you are a part of the pack, you are not a part of the romantic relationship between us. You are the somewhat neutral party in this.” Squatting down, he grabbed new bandages from the first-aid kit from under the sink. “Mhh, I also meant to ask. How’s your migraine?” Thomas said as he got off the counter. Fondness could be heard in Logan’s voice as he muttered, “Fucking werewolves and their pain sucking powers…”
Laughing, Thomas’ hands found the clips holding the bandages up. “Alright, I’m going to take them off. Breathe in for me, yeah?” He instructed the younger male. Logan took a deep breath in, and Thomas quickly removed the old bandages and froze as he saw the bruised expanse of Logan’s torso. “Holy… I’m sorry for this Logic.” “What could you-” Logan’s question was cut off by Thomas’ shouts of 'Roman! Virgil! Patton!’
“Oh. That’s why you’re sorry.” Logan muttered as he heard his boyfriends rushed and heavy footsteps. “What’s the pro- HOLY FUCKING HELL LOGAN? WHAT THE FRESH HELL?” Logan flinched slightly at Virgil’s uncharacteristic shout. “I-I told you about this.” He whispered, worried he was going to say the wrong thing and further upset his boyfriend.
“Argh, baby. I’m sorry for yelling. I know you told us; well more Roman than us, but the way it was said was so nonchalant. I,” Virgil paused and looked at Roman and Patton, “We didn’t expect it to be like this.” He stepped towards the other man, carefully holding him as he fell into his arms, the events of today finally catching up with him.
Virgil moved his hands so they rested in the middle of Logan’s thighs and hoists him up, Logan instinctively wrapped his legs around his waist, hugging him like a koala.
Sniffling into Virgil’s shoulder, Logan laughed as he felt himself be enveloped in warmth from all sides as Patton, Roman and Thomas joined in on the hug, all whispering promises of comfort, love and protection; as well as taking some of Logan’s pain away.
“V-Virg?” He hiccupped. “Hmm, what is it baby?” Feeling warmth on his neck from Logan’s blush, he smiled. “Baby?” Lifting his head up, he yawned and rubbed his eyes under his glasses. Logan smiled at the people surrounding him, “M'sleepy. Is it too early to go to bed?”
Patton laughed and placed a warm hand on his shoulder. “Sweets, after the day you’ve had, you can go to bed whenever you want.” Patton leaned in to kiss Logan. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below his ear, Patton’s thumb caressing his cheek as their breaths mingled. He pulled back with a soft smile and then Roman was in front of him. “My darling mind. I love you so much.” Roman covered Logan’s lips with his own, kissing him slowly. It’s soft and gentle and chaste. It’s a wave of warmth that fills Logan up, spilling out from his heart and the warmth of Roman’s lips on his and rushing to every corner of his body.
“You’ll be fine, Lo. We will make sure of it.” Thomas had a small smile on his face. He leant forward, pressing a soft kiss onto the drowsy man’s cheek, the warmth flooding his body.
He was surrounded by love.
Virgil walked up the stairs, a peacefully dozing Logan in his arms. “We all love you, and we always will, dear genius. Please, promise me you’ll never forget this.” He leaned down and pressed a loving kiss on the logical male’s head, placing Logan down and then laying down next to him in the middle of the sizeable bed Patton had sourced from Amazon.
“It’s big enough for pack cuddles, guys! We have to get it.”
“I won’t forget that Virg… S'long as you promise the same too…” Logan shifted so he was positioned with his head under Virgil’s chin, wrapping his arms around the male’s midriff. “I promise, wholeheartedly.”
Smiling into the soft and sleepy kiss Logan pressed to his lips, Virgil pulled one of the multitudes of blankets, comforters and quilts that were roughly shoved down to the end of the bed, over them, “Go to sleep, darling. We’ll deal with Carter tomorrow together. As a pack.” Logan smiled into the hollow of his boyfriend’s neck, “Thank you.”
“Anytime, love.” He drew small patterns on his back with his fingers as the others’ breath evened out.
It wasn’t that long of a wait for Virgil before his other boyfriends trickled into the room. Patton on Virgil’s side, Roman next to Logan. “Where’s Thomas?” Virgil whispered, looking around for their pack mate and friend. “Shhh, Emo Nightmare, he’s perfectly fine. We just went and brought Logan’s Jeep here and now he’s just downstairs watching some Steven Universe. He’ll come join the pack pile soon enough. If you need further reassurance, just listen for his heartbeat.” Roman answered, his hot breath fanning the top of Virgil’s head. Silencing the rest of his senses, Virgil focused on the sound of heartbeats, hearing four steady heartbeats around him and one steady one, further away.
He closed his eyes, “Goodnight Patt, Goodnight Ro. I love you.” He smiled at the soft chorus of, “Goodnight, Virg. I love you too.”
“Oh, by the way. What are we going to do with Carter?” Virgil hummed happily as Patton pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. “Well, Virgil,” Roman whispered, a small snort escaping him.
“Ask the Dragon witch. She knows the drill.”
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firesuns-archive · 7 years
So today I had coffee with one of my soon-to-be roommates and it went well. I also worked one of my last shifts at my current job which is equal parts sad and exciting! (also your blog description thing made my day bless)
ooooo ooooo that’s great!!!! new roommates can always be kinda scary but im sure it’ll work out :) and yeah i know what you mean! im finishing up with a job rn too and tbh it’s crazy to think of it ending.  but it’s also exciting to get on to newer and better things so im happy for you !
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | PEGGY CARTERicon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | STEVE ROGERSmobile theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | TONY STARKcontent: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | SAM WILSONtheme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | PETER PARKERfollowing? not yet! | i am now! | yes | with you till the end of the line
compliment: your icon is so adorable ghghgfjfj comic bucky is the cutest dude ever and so underrated tbh.... also ur mobile theme? beautiful, iconic, Never Been Done Before... lov u
want one?
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quitplayinmom · 4 years
👣Making another playlist for our Best Spotify Playlists page and we're looking for recommendations. Looking for big slow builds, less percussion and not too a major hit if possible. So far we're considering: Sigur Ros - Staralfur Maxwell - This Woman's Work Daft Punk - Touch Also considering TREOS - Pale Blue Dot even though it's pretty upbeat/drummy. 👀Any recommendations? 🍕Find our collection of Best Spotify Playlists at bandturo.com. With BIG MOODS like: DIYT™ Carter Clay - "Best Spotify Playlist in the World" Bandturo #100 Touring Bands - Customers and friends we've had and made over the years that push their product on the road. 1985 Explicit - Hiphop form highschool like the How High soundtrack, Memphis Bleek, and D12 to name a few. Fantastic Linen - "The truest mood there is when you're looking for bliss. This one's for doing chores around the house or just poking around." Croque Monsieur - French and Italian hits. Great for having company over. Jewel Santana - All songs from either Jewel or Juelz Santana. Death Cab For Cudi - All Death Cab and Kid Cudi's moody asses.
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kevinmoyer · 7 years
Best Weddings of 2017 :: Romantic Black Tie Wedding in France :: Eva & Jon
If you’re dreaming of a destination wedding in France then this next wedding from our Best Weddings of 2017 will make you want to pack your bags tomorrow! Photography by Greg Finck.
Happy New Year! And a very special welcome our newly-engaged couples out there who had an extra special holiday season. We are kicking off 2017 with this wedding that ticks every box you might ever have dreamed of. Destination wedding in France? Stunning historic venue? Delicate Monique Lhuillier number? Luscious blush florals we can’t stop thinking about? And finally, dancing the night away with your new spouse in a gilt-edged ballroom? This classic, romantic black tie affair has it all in spades!
Bride Eva designed all of the beautiful stationery and paper goods herself. She tells us: “as a former stationery designer, the design of the invitation was very important to me and I wanted to create an elegant suite that captured my aesthetic. It was so nice to finally be able to execute my own invitation, instead of ones for other couples, and I designed our save the date in less than an hour! I’ve been a letterpress printer for several years, and printed the save the dates myself. I had the rest of the designs foil stamped by a local company, and the calligraphy was done by Rachel Carl, who I’ve worked with before on other projects.”
The Ceremony
Why did you choose this location for your ceremony? It was important to us that our wedding venue be both elegant and intimate, as well as have a beautiful outdoor location for the ceremony. As soon as we saw the Pavillon de Musique de la Comtesse du Barry, we knew it was the perfect spot. The building is magnificently decorated, needing little added embellishment, and it has a big, gorgeous terrace with a view of Paris. It also happened to be the perfect size for the number of guests we were expecting.
What was your ceremony music? Our ceremony music was played by Jazz Around Midnight’s Gypsy Trio, led by Alex Beker. They played high tempo swing music with two acoustic guitars and a double bass. We wanted a French sound that was fun and relaxed. The trio was just right. The music before the wedding was mostly Django Reinhardt hits. Our families walked down the aisle to La Vie en Rose. When I came out, the band played an acoustic version of Etta James’ At Last, which they learned specifically for our wedding.
Who officiated your ceremony? How did you choose him/her? Jon reached out to his longtime college friend, Brian, about officiating our ceremony. Brian is a an extremely gregarious and versatile character, who previously worked as a standup comedian, before becoming a lawyer and technology executive. We didn’t think twice about asking him, because we knew he would be cheerful, funny and professional. It was the right choice, and he hit it out of the park!
How did you go about planning your ceremony? Our officiant actually planned most of the ceremony! He had never officiated before, but he called on a few friends he knew who had. From their suggestions he wrote a wonderfully funny and light ceremony that was exactly the right tone for us.
Is there anything else that you’d like to share about your wedding ceremony? We decided to forgo bridesmaids and groomsmen, and to have only the Best Man and Maid of Honor. These two are our closest, most important friends and it felt right that they should be the ones standing next to us as we got married.
What was your favorite thing about your wedding ceremony? Our officiant sent us a few questions before the wedding to answer and keep hidden from each other. He only revealed what each of us had said about the other during the ceremony itself. It was some of the most heartfelt, loving words I’ve ever heard from Jon, and to hear it in front of everyone we love was very moving. Of course, I also really loved my dress and the flowers!
Did you include any traditions in your ceremony? We wanted a lighthearted and non-religious ceremony without any traditional expectations. The only exception to this were the vows.
What were your vows like? This was the one traditional thing we wanted! We stuck with the traditional vows: “I, Jon, take you, Eva, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part…” It’s an honest and heartfelt classic that never goes out of style.
What were your ceremony readings? I found a letter from Johnny Cash to June Carter that I felt was honest and relatable. It was true to our relationship, and Jon, who identifies with Johnny Cash, felt it suited us. The letter contained the right amount of mushy sentiment while letting Jon still feel manly.
Your ceremony in three words. Romantic, funny, honest.
You can read Eva & Jon’s full ceremony script right here!
What was your recessional music? After the ceremony, Jon and I walked down the aisle to Moppin’ the Bride, which was the upbeat exit we wanted.
What was the best advice you received as a bride? Don’t buy a wedding dress you need to change in any way. At one stage I was considering a dress that had sleeves, and I thought I might prefer the dress with them removed. My sister, a fashion designer and Parson’s graduate warned against making major modifications to a dress. I think it was excellent advice!
What advice do you have for other couples in the midst of planning a wedding? When it comes to vendors, hire professionals, stick to your vision, don’t hire anyone you have doubts about. As for the trickier, more emotional things: don’t be too concerned about what other people think, make sure you take care of each other’s needs first (f the groom wants something reasonable, he should have it!), don’t be afraid to break tradition, and only have there those who make you happiest.
What was your favorite moment or part of the day? The most rewarding part of the celebrations was seeing many of our friends meeting and enjoying each other’s company for the first time.
The couple included hand lettered love quotes throughout their day – so romantic! (This Gone With The Wind quote is a special favorite of ours, too, and we featured it in our Words To Love By series.)
The Reception
How would you describe your reception? The reception was romantic and elegant in an incredibly French setting.
What inspired you when you were planning your wedding? I was inspired by the beauty and sophistication of Paris and old world France. I love traditional French decor and I wanted the style of our wedding to be classic without feeling dated. I chose colors I thought would feel timeless and flowers that felt romantic and whimsical.
Having been a wedding stationery designer for many years, I’ve worked with couples from the beginning of their planning until the day of the wedding. I also have three sisters that have been married before me. This gave me several years worth of experience of how to plan a wedding! Over the years, I developed a taste for what appealed most to me.
I knew finding a venue was the first step that would inspire everything else, so that was our focus. If you can find a great place that fits your vision, there’s less work to be done elsewhere. Once we nailed down the location, both Jon and I were on the same page in terms of style. The most important thing to me was the visuals. I wanted to create a mood that was romantic, vintage-inspired, and elegant. I cared a lot about the paper items and calligraphy, the flowers, and the ambiance. Jon cared more about the music and the food. We both worked very hard to keep the guest list small, so the celebration felt intimate and personal. We committed to finding the best vendors to work with, while making sure that their taste was in line with ours.
Do you have any budget tips for other brides? I think it’s very important to know your budget, how flexible it is, and where you really want to spend the money. Be prepared to do your homework! For several months, we collected quotes from multiple good vendors for almost every aspect of the wedding, and then compared prices and styles. We negotiated hard, made sure we were only paying for things we really wanted, and requested changes to the wording of contracts when necessary. It’s important to realize that vendors make packages for simplicity, but you should only pay for the things you actually want. At the same time, we were happy to pay for good work and excellent products. It’s a balance of both cost and value, but in most cases we found that the best vendors were not the most expensive. Lastly, keep a detailed spreadsheet of your vendors and costs. You don’t want surprises when it comes to the budget.
What type of cake or dessert did you serve? We decided to ditch the classic wedding cake, which neither of us like, and instead opt for what the French do best dessert-wise: elaborately decorated pâtisseries! We ordered from two vendors, L’Éclair de Génie which makes the most incredible, unorthodox éclairs, and Carl Marletti, who make miniature edible masterpieces. We also had delicious fresh fruit, including some of the best strawberries any of us had ever tasted.
What was your first dance song? Father/daughter or mother/son dance? We skipped the traditional father/daughter and mother/son dances. Our first dance as husband and wife was to The Wedding Samba by Edmundo Ros (as featured in the movie A Good Year, which also inspired much of our honeymoon). We took dance lessons to learn a Rumba routine and spent weeks practicing almost daily in our basement.
If you had it to do over again, is there anything you would do differently? Nope. It was better than I ever imagined! (Although the day before the wedding, I’d probably skip the 8-hour tour of Versailles in 90-degree heat.) Truly though, the pictures speak for themselves. This wedding was worth the 11 year wait!
The post Best Weddings of 2017 :: Romantic Black Tie Wedding in France :: Eva & Jon appeared first on Snippet & Ink.
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