#but also I feel very often characters like Annie are shown mostly small
moon-mirage · 10 months
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Annie Cresta
There's not that much info about Annie, and not from Annie herself ... Which made her lots of fun to draw, just to figure her out.
On the left she's in her wedding dress which she got from Katniss. We know that it's green and has a very specific embroidery that makes it uniquely one of Cinna's works.... And wow, did I give it my all with the embroidery. (Never again!) It now has a very vintage flair to it which I think would have appealed to Annie.
In the middle, it's what I imagine her to wear during her Victor's Crowning ... if she even made it that far. Maybe she would still be in shock for a while until she was breaking down during her interview with Caesar? That's how everyone would know about her mental state after the Games. I imagine she would be forced to wear something sexy and very distinct for District 4 so it's mostly blue. The cape is a reminiscent of waves and a sea shell.
The upper right would be her after being freed and bright to District 13. She was described as "lovely, but bedraggled".
The last one ... well, I had some white space left. 😜
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henrycavillobsessed · 4 years
Characters: Henry Cavill x Anwen Evans (fictional fiance)
Summary: Henry and Anwen’s life was perfect. Until one day, one phone call, changes everything.
Words: 3,444
TW/CW: Death, car accident, description of injuries, hospital, grief. Slight mention of implied sex; some bad language. 
Notes: So here it is, my latest fanfic. It’s been a while, due to a bit of a mind block. The idea for this came to me, after being inspired by the song Porcelain by Emarosa (link below in case you’re interested). This one is different to my other fics, for one it’s not the usual Henry x reader narrative. I have created a character this time to act as his partner. Also this one is LONG (3,444 words). I have enjoyed writing a longer and more complex story and I hope you enjoy reading it. (As a warning, it’s SAD. I am not ashamed to admit I cried just writing it.)
Link to song: https://open.spotify.com/track/7rk8cH53nI8ffb5ZccjfpT?si=QMVvEmA3TK-3WuQXJanMmQ
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“Oww! Shit!”
Henry looked up from the book he was reading in bed. Anwen was rubbing her forehead and looking very wounded. She’d clearly just walked into the doorframe. Again. Henry laughed out loud.
“Don’t laugh at me!” A pillow flew through the air and missed its target of Henry’s face by a considerable amount. He laughed again. 
“I can’t help it. You are so clumsy!”
Anwen climbed into bed, still massaging the sore spot on her head. She scowled at Henry. “If I remember correctly Mr Cavill, it was because of me being clumsy that meant we met for the very first time.”
“Hmm,” Henry reached over and gathered her up in his arms, leaning back against the headboard. He kissed her gently on the faint bruise that was blooming on her pale skin. “I do remember,” he said fondly. 
          It had been over five years ago now. Henry was out with his friend and colleague Simon Pegg, drinking their way through some of London’s best nightclubs. It had been a great night so far, with both men enjoying their freedom; they’d recently finished filming their latest movie and were celebrating. Henry was feeling happily tipsy, and when Simon offered to go to the bar for another round, he didn’t refuse. 
“Get some shots too!” he shouted at Simon’s back as he left their table. Simon waved a hand in response; Henry took that as a yes and smiled. He was just checking his Instagram on his phone when something- someone- crashed into him and he felt the cold wetness of a spilt drink over his shoulder and down his shirt. He looked up incredulously. A woman was stood there with an empty glass and an equally shocked expression.
“Oh, my go- I am so sorry!” she said in a very attractive Welsh accent, Henry thought. He felt his annoyance dissipate immediately. 
“Hey, don’t worry about it, accidents happen. How much have you had to drink anyway?” he asked cheekily. 
The woman’s ivory skin blushed, contrasting prettily with her ebony hair, which was cascading around her shoulders in thick waves.
“Um, I actually don’t drink,” she admitted. “I have just shown you how uncoordinated I am; I really don’t need to throw alcohol into the mix.” 
“Very wise. Hi, I’m Henry Cavill.”
“Anwen Evans, nice to meet you.” They shook hands and were making pleasant small talk when Simon returned with the drinks.
“What on earth happened to your shirt?” he asked Henry. 
“Anwen happened. Anwen, this is my friend Simon Pegg.” 
Anwen’s face lit up. “I love your movies! Hot Fuzz is just hilarious!” she said to Simon, who smiled widely and they spent the next few moments quoting lines from the film. Simon looked sideways at Henry, and saw the way he was looking at Anwen, and cleared his throat.
“Well, it’s been lovely to meet you, but I must get on. Henry, I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said, winking at his friend. Henry mouthed a silent thank you, grinning. 
After Anwen explained to her girlfriend’s that she was going to continue the night with Henry, prompting a lot of excited giggling and whispering, she sat herself down at Henry’s table. The hours flew by as they got to know each other. Anwen was an up-and-coming chef, who’d recently opened a new restaurant nearby in London. She told Henry about the restaurant’s menu, and Henry promised to try it out soon. In return, Henry told her about the films he’d been in. He was mock-outraged when Anwen admitted she’d never seen a Superman movie, let alone Man of Steel, and laughing, she promised she’d check it out soon. Conversation naturally flowed between them, Henry felt so at ease with her, and it turned out they had quite a bit in common. As Henry told Anwen about his akita Kal, Anwen told him she also had a dog, a golden retriever named Ciri.
“Ciri?” Henry had asked. “As in Ciri from The Witcher?”
“Yeah! I’m such a huge fan, I’ve read all the books, and I’ve played all the games!”
Henry laughed. “You are never going to believe who I’ve just been cast as for my next job…” Anwen’s jaw dropped to the floor when he told her. 
The night ended with Henry walking Anwen home to her nearby townhouse, and they shared their first kiss on the doorstep, swapping numbers with the promise to meet up again soon for a date.
          Now back in the present, nearly six years later, Anwen had moved into Henry’s penthouse, with Ciri who Kal adored. Both dogs were curled up at the end of the bed now, fast asleep.
In Henry’s arms, Anwen cuddled in close. “Yes, so if it wasn’t for me tripping and drenching you that night we wouldn’t be here now, so stop taking the piss!”  
“Okay, okay!” Henry laughed. “I do worry though, you know. You’re like… like porcelain. So easily broken. Be more careful, I’d hate for something to happen, for me to lose you. I love you so much, my Annie.”
“Don’t be so soft! I’m not going anywhere, not for a long time. And I’ll love you until the day I’m gone, and if I can love after, then I will then too. So shush,” Anwen replied, placing a kiss on his lips.
“Anyway, I’m not that breakable, I don’t think. Wanna test this theory?” 
Swinging her legs around Henry’s waist, Anwen straddled him and seductively removed her top. She was braless underneath. Henry whistled low, and licked his lips.
“Yes ma’am.”
          Henry and Anwen’s life continued in perfect bliss. Both had never been as happy as they were with each other. Anwen was now an established celebrity chef, having opened many more restaurants worldwide, written a few cookbooks and even been on television a couple of times. Henry’s career as an actor was skyrocketing, his role at Geralt in The Witcher making him a household name. This meant that he had to travel all around the globe for work, however this didn’t impact his and Anwen’s relationship in the slightest, as she regularly went with him, using the time to research new recipes for her business. When they had spare time, they enjoyed exotic holidays, and it was on the white powder sand of the Maldives that Henry proposed. Anwen had burst into tears and accepted immediately, and they’d spent the rest of that holiday on their private island mostly naked, enjoying each other as an engaged couple.           Their home life was refreshingly normal however. Behind closed doors, they were just Henry and Anwen, not the famous actor and the celebrity chef. They both took in turns to cook dinner, did the housework together and spent the evenings cwtched up on the sofa watching old movies. Laughter was a staple in their home, in fact they only ever rowed when England played Wales at rugby during the Six Nations. Life was indeed bliss, and it seemed nothing could burst this content bubble they were living in.
            One average day in late autumn, Anwen was sat at the kitchen table, with her laptop open in front of her and Ciri snoozing quietly at her feet. Dressed in a pair of comfy sweats and a loose off-the-shoulder jumper, her hair piled artfully messy on top of her head and holding a large cup of coffee in her hands, she was looking at wedding venues online, finally making a start on planning their special day. A huge binder was also open on the table with multiple sheets on paper sticking out of it. She’d made plenty of notes and had lots of ideas; it was now time to put them into action. Henry walked into the kitchen, looking very stylish in back jeans and a tight black t-shirt. He was holding Kal’s lead and the akita was tip-tapping on the tiles behind him, clearly very excited about going for a walk. Ciri didn’t even raise her head, happy enough to stay in with her mum and continue her nap. 
“I’m going to take Kal with me to the meeting with my manager,” he said to Anwen. “Then do you fancy meeting me after with Ciri and we’ll take them for a walk in the park?” 
“Yes, my love, sounds lush. How long will you be do you think?”
“Not sure, I’ll call you when I’m done.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
“What are you up to today?” Henry asked, walking over to Anwen and kissing her on the top of her head. “Wedding stuff?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna send off some emails now this morning and then go to this bakery and try out some wedding cake samples,” Anwen smiled.
“Well, I’m jealous! Have a great day honey, I’ll call you later. Love you!”
“Love you, bye!” she called as he walked out the front door.
          Henry’s meeting was going well. His manager had quite a few prospective roles lined up for him, and Henry was interested in the majority of them. His mind wandered to Anwen every so often; he still missed her when they were apart. As the meeting was coming to a close and Kal started getting excited again at going for another walk, Henry’s phone rang. He looked at the caller ID- withheld number. 
“Is this Mr Henry Cavill? I’m a nurse here at London hospital. We have you down here as Miss Anwen Evans’s emergency contact.”
Henry paled. “Is she okay?”
“I’m afraid Miss Evans has been involved in a serious accident. We have her here at the emergency department. Can you get here straight away?”
          Henry had never moved so quickly in his entire life. After giving his manager a hurried explanation and asking him whether he’d look after Kal, he’d gotten in his car and sped through the streets of London, not caring that he was breaking the speed limit. He parked illegally, jumping out of the vehicle and sprinting into the hospital. His mind was in overdrive, all sorts of scenarios going through his head. He felt sick with fear and exertion. Flying into the emergency room, he looked around wildly, finding a nurse sat at the front desk.
“Anwen Evans? I’m here for Anwen Evans, I’m Henry Cavill,” he cried desperately. The nurse didn’t hesitate.
“Come with me.”
She explained to Henry what had happened on the way. “Anwen was crossing the road at a zebra crossing when she tripped halfway, according to witnesses. There was a speeding car, who didn’t see her. He… he ran right over her. He didn’t stop. There are police looking for the car and driver as we speak.”
The flash of anger that Henry felt was so severe that his steps faltered for a second. But then he pushed it away, to be dealt with later. All that mattered now was Anwen. 
“Mr Cavill, Anwen is in a bad way. She has a serious brain injury, and multiple body fractures. The trauma team managed to get her stable, but it’s touch-and-go. The next twenty-four hours are critical,” the nurse said gently. “Prepare yourself before you go in.”
She opened the door to the dimly lit room. The sound of machines beeping dominated the otherwise peaceful atmosphere. Henry moved closer to the bed, his mouth dry, hands shaking. His Annie was lying in the bed, connected to the machines, wires snaking out from every part of her it seemed. Her beautiful black hair was covered by thick white bandages wrapped around her head, and every part of her skin was purple and blue bruises. Her striking green eyes, usually so full of love and sparkle, were swollen shut. Henry had never seen anything so heartbreaking; tears coursed unbidden down his cheeks.
“Can I sit by her? Hold her hand?” he choked to the nurse. 
“Of course, pet.”
He pulled up a chair to her bedside and ever so gently took Anwen’s hand in his. It was reassuringly warm. He could do nothing for a moment but stroke it slowly. Worry filled every part of his being. 
“I’m here Annie. It’s your Henry. Come back to me, you can get through this,” he whispered, and then as sobs wracked through him, he added, “you said you’d love me until you’re gone and I’ll be damned if you’re going anywhere yet.” 
For the next few hours, Henry didn’t leave Anwen’s side; he didn’t let go of her hand. He held onto hope that she would get better. After all, porcelain could break yes, but it could also be fixed. And he would do anything to fix her. 
          As it approached eighteen hours since Anwen’s accident, a nurse came into the room and caught Henry fighting not to fall asleep. She softly tapped him on the shoulder.
“Mr Cavill, go and get some rest. You’re more than welcome to use the family room just next door. Freshen up, get an hour or so sleep. If anything changes, I promise I’ll come and notify you immediately.”
Henry considered this, torn between not wanting to leave Anwen’s side and the need to at least wash his face. 
“I’ll be half an hour, tops. Annie, I’ll be right back.” He put her hand down, and exited the room, rubbing his tired eyes as he went. 
He hadn’t been gone five minutes when a terrifying beeping screeched out from Anwen’s room. He ran out of the bathroom still with wet hands, his heart in his mouth. He halted in the doorway, petrified at the scene unfolding in front of him. 
A team of medics were working hard on her, the unrelenting beeping just adding to the frenzy of the situation. Anwen’s heart had stopped; someone fired up a defibrillator. The shock that went through her echoed in Henry. He just didn’t know what to do. He was vaguely aware of someone trying to lead him away but he just couldn’t move, couldn’t tear his eyes away, panic rising, threatening to overspill. His Annie, his Annie was there dying on that bed, and he couldn’t do anything but watch. And then suddenly, the most sinister sound yet. A flatline. Followed by a voice.
“We’ve lost her. Time of death, eight fifteen AM…”
Then silence.
The sound that tore its way up and out through Henry’s throat was that of a wounded animal. He screamed, the feeling pure agony.
“No! NO! There must be something you can do! My Annie! Annie…”
The doctor looked at him with sadness in his eyes. “I am so sorry, Henry. So sorry. Please, everyone, give him some space.”
The rest of his team followed him out; the nurse that had told Henry to go get some rest was crying silently. 
Henry stood rooted to the spot, in a state of absolute denial. Only a day before they’d been in their kitchen together, making plans to walk their beloved dogs, she was planning their wedding. Their wedding. Agony ripped through his chest, sobs wracked his body, his breathing erratic, his heart shattered, never to be healed again. Broken, like porcelain. 
          Henry didn’t know how he got through the funeral. He’d been to the funeral home, and dressed her in her favourite dress and shoes, and spent a long time brushing out her hair; he’d done that when she was alive, but the familiar act did nothing to ease his pain. When he got to the church, he walked down the aisle with her coffin on his shoulder, his heart heavy because he should have been watching her walk down the aisle in a white flowing dress towards him, he should be becoming her husband, not burying her. When it came to reading her eulogy, he was overcome with emotion, for the first time in his life not able to talk in public. His mother helped him down from the podium; his father continued the speech. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
At the wake, he got blind drunk. No one saw him for a week afterwards.
          The news of Anwen’s death was plastered all over the newspapers and online. Headlines such as “HENRY CAVILL FIANCE KILLED IN TRAGIC ACCIDENT” and “CELEBRITY CHEF ANWEN EVANS DEAD AT 27” accompanied photos of the both of them. The hole in Henry’s chest got bigger each time he saw it. He threw himself into his work; being someone else for at least 12 hours a day was easier than dealing with real life. Because the grief was all consuming, terrifying, never-ending. When he got home to his cold and empty penthouse, he couldn’t escape it; Kal and Ciri looked at him sadly every night, the question in their eyes: “where is our mummy?” Henry had no answers for them. He spent each evening sat in the dark, in silence. There was no laughter, no enjoyment in life since she’d gone. 
          A few weeks later, Simon came to visit. He’d been dropping in regularly, terribly worried about his friend. Henry looked, quite frankly, awful. His hair was long and the curls unkempt, he’d let his beard grow out and he had deep purple bags under his eyes. He’d lost a lot of weight too, although he hadn’t stopped working out. Simon sat down next to Henry on his sofa, nervously voicing the question he’d come round to ask.
“Henry, it’s the awards ceremony tonight. Will you be going?”
Henry looked at him like he’d gone mad. 
“Look,” Simon continued. “You’ve been nominated for Best Actor. It’s highly likely you’re going to win. Remember how she… how Anwen was really looking forward to going.” This was true. The red dress she’d been planning to wear was still hung up on the back of the bedroom door. “If you don’t want to go for yourself, why don’t you go for her?”
Henry thought it over. He hadn’t been out, apart from work and the gym, since before the accident. The thought of going to such a high-profile event caused panic. Yet… an image of Anwen, smiling before him in that red dress suddenly entered his mind. She had been so excited; she’d even helped him write his acceptance speech in case he did in fact win Best Actor. Go for her, Simon had said…
          And that’s how, just hours later, Henry found himself back on the red carpet, surrounded by flashing lights and crazed shouting as paparazzi tried to get his attention. He posed for a few photos before hurrying inside and taking his seat. He ate the extravagant three-course meal without really tasting it, drank the wine without really feeling it. Simon sat by his side, a welcome support; a truly great friend. Then, finally, it was time for the awards to be given. 
Henry clapped and cheered as each person won their nominated categories; showing his support for his fellow actors and actresses. Seeing them so happy actually lifted his spirits for the first time since… before. Then it was time for the winner of the Best Actor award.
“And the winner is… HENRY CAVILL!”
Henry sat in shock as the cameras and spotlights panned to him. Simon was on his feet, screaming “I knew he’d do it!” and then he was helping Henry up. “Go on mate, to the stage. You won, you bloody won!” 
In a daze, he walked towards the stage, then across it, accepting his award from the host. The applause was tumultuous; it took a few moments for it to die down, and then everyone in the audience was waiting expectantly for his speech. Henry drew a blank; he had no idea what to say.
“You can do it, handsome!” a heartbreakingly familiar voice whispered in his ear. He looked to the side and his breath hitched in his throat. Anwen was stood there, a wide grin all over her face, looking devastatingly beautiful in the red dress she’d planned to wear tonight. 
“I’m right here with you. I love you.”
Tears welled and spilled from Henry’s eyes as he turned back to face the audience. 
“This award,” he started. “is for my Anwen. My Annie. I couldn’t have been the actor who deserved it without her love and encouragement. She was my everything. She still is. I owe this, my entire career, my entire life to you, my angel. I miss you more than words can describe, and I love you even more.
As he left the stage to even louder applause and cheers and flashing lights, he looked up, seeing the love of his life again, smiling, tears sparkling on her cheeks, blowing him a kiss as she faded away.
“Goodbye my Annie,” he whispered. “Goodbye.”
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spiralatlas · 7 years
PAX Australia 2017 Day 3
There are no notes for Day 2 because I spent it socialising a little and sleeping a lot.
Queer Coded: A History of LGBTQIA+ Gaming
David Gaider Q&A
Brian Fairbanks Talks about Addressing Accessibility Through Game Design
Misc: I spent a chunk of the day in the diversity lounge which was fun. I met some great people at the Gender Diverse card game, and got to the semi finals of the Xena Nintendo 64 Fighting Game Tournament (there were only three rounds, but given how much I suck at fighting games this was still a happy surprise, and a sign of what a random button masher the game is)
The gender neutral toilets near the diversity lounge were very well done, unlike GCAP the original signs weren't visible and "with stalls/urinals" was in small letters like an afterthought.
I didn't break anything on Day 3 but did break a mug the next morning. Also the cinema in the Crown Casino is surprisingly inaccessible.
Despite the various mishaps I had a great time and will definitely come again next time we can afford it.
Queer Coded: A History of LGBTQIA+ Gaming
I missed the second half of this to see David Gaider, feeling very annoyed at the programmer.
Anny Sims @ChattyAnny on twitter (I was too slow to get the others!) Keely Thirkell Hayley Williams Soap Pejovic
Most queer characters are just queer coded, with plausible deniability. "It's up to you".Tendency for queer characters to be villains. Indie games tend to be more queer friendly than AAA games.
Lesbians: First known queer character in games: 1986 Moonmist had side-character who was a lesbian murderer.
Other notable lesbian characters:
KOTOR 2003, Juhani, first queer Star Wars character
Gone Home 2013
Dragon Age Inquisition Sera (I thought Sam Traynor from Mass Effect 3 came first?)
Tracer from Overwatch 2016
Trans characters:
1988 Birdo from Super Mario Brothers 2 "A male who believes he is female"
Lots of others but all terrible. Jokes and villains. Trans women seen as threat. Poison from Final Fight 1989, "so you can hit a woman".
Krem DAI 2014 trans man, You can't go "Ok, cool".
Hainly Adams MEA 2017 trans woman. Tells you her deadname, this was patched.
Horizon: Zero Dawn 2017 trans man
Dream Daddy 2017 trans man. One throw away line about wearing a binder, had to be clarified by writers. Non binary people and cosplayers wear binders too!
How do you make it clear they're trans without them implausibly outing themselves or just having it be word of god?
Gay men:
1993 fmv Dracula Unleashed has speaking role
Tended to be background characters, jokes and villains again. No m/m relationships shown onscreen.
Dreamfall: the Longest Journey 2006 (not made super clear until 2015)
Steve Cortez Mass Effect 3 2012
Dorian DAI 2014
Dorian knew exactly what his sexuality was. Coming of age narratives get boring.
Bi Characters (no picture because they're invisible):
1993 Ultima 7 part 2 bi character propositions character regardless of gender.
"Slutty bisexuals". A lot of characters are playersexual and it never comes up outside the relationship.
Zevran DAO 2009
Borderlands 2009
Fable 2004 let player be bi, Fable 2 2008 added bi PCs
Only queer in the context that they will date players of both genders, but you don't see that unless you play as both.
Dragon Age 2 2011, Anders only mentions his ex-boyfriend if you play as a male PC
Fallout 4 2015. Did have background queer characters.
Stardew Valley 2016
Non Binary:
1995 Chrono Trigger villain
Often robots, aliens or other non human
Frisk Undertale 2015
Life is Strange 2015
Zer0 Borderlands 2 2012
Turing Read Only Memories
Some games let you have gender neutral pronouns.
David Gaider Q&A
1999 Working on Balder's Gate 2, didn't talk about his sexuality at work. Figured he would always be writing stories for straight people.
He was shocked to hear Jade Empire was having same sex romance. Got to be lead writer on DAO after that. "So I can put same sex romances in, right?". More economical to have bi romances, but he would have been happier having some gay characters.
Feeling iffy about playersexuality after DA2, he asked for 2 straight, 2 bi, 2 gay for DAI. "Minority content" is weighed via the percentage of those who play it and those who appreciate it. Eg 5% play dwarves but most see it as a positive thing to be able to do.
Most of his time was spent on the actual plot but Dorian was the most personal writing.
He was targeted by Gamergate but it doesn't compare to, for example, how much Jennifer Helper was targeted.
10 years on Dragon Age was enough, his head would explode if he had to write another story about templars and mages.
How did you get the job: His story is very specific. He was managing a hotel and a comic book artist in his spare time. A friend was a character artist at Bioware but Gaider wasn't really aware of the specifics. Bioware told their employees "If you know anyone who does game related writing let us know", the friend gave them Gaider's LARP rule book without asking. Got a call, gave the stories he wrote in highschool, got offered a job. He said no, it didn't pay enough, but then he got fired from the hotel. It felt like a sign.  
Who do you think will take the romance torch from Bioware: he’s not sure they're giving it up? EA treats romance fans as a reliable audience who don't need to be advertised to, even though it's why a lot of people play in his experience (though obviously those are the kinds of fans he will tend to meet). There is an underserved audience.
Most proud of: Lots of stuff he's not proud of. Wishes he'd been more involved in community discussions early on. Proud that the team tackled issues as they started arising. Proud of the company for standing by them. Most proud of Dragon Age 2 despite the mixed response. They had very little time to create it. It’s like a very big first draft. They had a plan but didn't get to compare notes once things were written, so he had to trust the team would stick to plan as much as they could despite things being cut on the fly. Team said they were happy in a post-game survey, didn't feel he was too dictatorial.
What does your writing look like, a screenplay? A cutscene does. But it’s generally structured like a tree that expands and then contracts back to the core path before expanding again. Flow charts.
Favourite relationship in a game? Morden in Mass Effect. Cried more than in a movie. Tali was his space girlfriend. Of the ones he's worked on, Morrigan will always be closest. She represents Dragon Age to him. Joyous time working with Claudia Black, first celebrity he'd worked with. Flemeth was originally Arabic, but that actress couldn't do it so they got Kate Mulgrew. They stopped looking for an Arabic actress for Morrigan and looked for someone who matched Kate Mulgrew. Claudia Black's audition tape was her reading Smack That like a beat poet. Gaider was very nervous, he'd never spoken to any actor before. First rule he was told was don't compare them to another celebrity, so naturally he said "I had Helena Bonham Carter in mind when I wrote Morrigan". Claudia Black said "So you're saying I'm a cheap Helena Bonham Carter ;D". She would say "Does he want me to do it more like Helena?" during recording.
Has being so closely associated with diversity had downsides? He may be gay but he's still white and a dude. He feels like it's all he talks about conventions sometimes. Teams need to sit down and look at what they've made. Lot of things made individually without concern for the bigger picture eg only 15% speaking roles in DAI were female until they stopped and looked at it and fixed it.  
"We didn't think about it" is no longer a defense. He wants to help with that, but we should be helping other marginalised voices get into the industry and amplifying their voices.
Wishes it could just be expected and we didn't have to discuss it.
He likes dating sim mechanics in the context of a larger story. But he does like the idea of romance not being as tertiary as it's been in Bioware games, romance as part of the adventure eg a romantic adventure. He's not really interested in social sims or day to day relationships. "My idea of a spicy relationship is to have my life threatened."
Why do you think most AAA companies try to avoid discussions of lgbt stuff, why is it taking so long? Because it's Pandora's Box. There is more being added casually. But if they do nothing they get lumped in with the rest of the industry. As soon as they do anything there are 2 sides: 1. why are you doing this, you're politicising your game. 2. Why aren't you doing more, whatever you did is wrong and not good enough.
Not that flawed attempts should be above criticism. But by mostly focusing criticism on the games that did anything rather than nothing, people have increased the feeling that it's Pandoras box. He understands that it feels like those developers might listen to criticism but the dynamic is sending the wrong lesson.
My question: How do you think inclusion of non binary player characters can work with including gay and lesbian love interests instead of just having playsexuality? “We've thought about it”. He defined playersexual for audience, like Shroedinger's sexuality. He doesn't like it when the only way to have something show up is to have the character talk about it. eg asexual: character would have to sit you down and explain what asexuality is. Is unsexy as a feature. Explaining nuances of sexuality is off putting. If there was more nuance across the industry that would mean no one game has to do everything. Any one game can have only so much within it.
(This doesn't actually answer my question. I discussed it with my husband afterwards and even he didn't understand what I was asking, so I may have garbled it in my nervousness)
Are some choices "canon"? One of the features of Mass Effect and Dragon Age was the continuity of choices. No "canon" but there is a default. A lot of people feel like they have to play the whole series to get the full experience, was off putting, and he found the Keep a nightmare as a writer.
They had editors keeping track of which choices were incompatible. And that was just the third game. "Can you imagine for a fourth game? Phew! Not my problem :D"
Have you thought about the morals of gamifying romance, saying what people want to hear to get sex? Dragon Age didn't work that way, sex was not at the end. Some characters in DAI had no sex scenes, sex is optional for Dorian's romance. It's a game, everything is gamified, you can't simulate actual relationships. For proper reactivity you’d have to mark every response and keep track of inconsistency, but that’s too much work. Same with polyamory: too many variables!
Maybe get away from the approval system? Pay more attention to overall choices in major quests etc instead of individual lines.
Bi characters in DAI were bi from the start. Not the first thing that comes up during character creation eg Dorian started out as "the good Tevinter". Helps avoid too many assumptions based on sexuality. But once characters started solidifying they would think about who worked for what sexualities. There's no set way to write someone "as" bi, but the writer can have them talk about relevant things in other scenes. Sera's writer is a straight dude, he didn't want to write About The Lesbian Experience, and got lesbians in the company to check out what he was writing.
Have relationships gotten more or less complicated? In Balder's gate 2 there was a single sequence of romance scenes which you could get kicked off. Dragon Age had approval. If it gets complicated but the player can't see it or understand how reactions relate to their previous actions it just seems random or predetermined. Unless they say "I am angry at you because of X", but noone says that.
Brian Fairbanks Talks about Addressing Accessibility Through Game Design
lostandhound1 on twitter
His notes.
He's not blind himself, and while he obviously cares a lot about accessibility had an unfortunate tendency to treat disabled people as a separate, if respected, "Other" to himself and the audience, even though I was right there in a bright red mobility scooter. He advocated person first language, "a person with blindness" etc, but not all disabled people like it and it shouldn't be presented as unambiguous best practice. I'm building up the energy to talk to him about it.
He's a sound designer.
Audio games: designed for people with a vision disability.
Audio game jam: the games tended to be about blindness as a bad thing. It felt victimising.
How can we make people feel powerful?
He was inspired by his dog's amazing sense of smell. The mechanic is that you follow an invisible trail using sound cues, a humming noise that gets louder and quieter.
Sighted people struggle with extracting information from sound. The game is more difficult for sighted people.
He had to add fruit on the ground as an accessibility measure for sighted people.
All music is diegetic: happening inside the world of the game, eg characters are singing.
There's a lack of much budget for audio games, since they're never going to make much money.
In 30 years current 30-something gamers will need accessible games.
Accessibility tends to be added as an afterthought or accident.
For example Pokemon has unique sounds for materials, collisions, monsters that accidentally make it accessible.
Sony reader: US only
Microsoft narrator: good but hard to use as a developer
EA: Proactively adding blind accessibility
Fighting games are often in stereo, blind players can play and even win tournaments.
Demand more from your games.
Developers: find a consultant. Address accessibility early.
It's about empathy. People with disability deserve the same stories to take part in as everyone else.
binaural sound is going to make a big difference
audiogames.net: where blind gamers go to play games. They're supportive if you ask for advice and feedback.
People don't mind if you don't do immersive, game specific voices and just rely on the screenreader
Sound designers need more love to make VR accessible.  
Braille games?? He doesn't know much about it.
Curb cut effect examples: curb cuts for wheelchairs but also useful for prams etc. Subtitles. Think about short term problems that benefit from accessibility as well eg the screen is broken, there's sunlight on the screen etc.  
Sounds of a blind person navigating their desktop. To me it sounds like a mangled garble of little bursts of cut off computer speech, here’s a description of what’s going on.
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thegfiles · 8 years
Web Series: Carmilla
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The lesbian vampire web series inspired by the novella of the same name!
The synopsis from IMDb is as follows:
Small town girl Laura Hollis has just finally moved out to go to Silas University. When her missing roommate is replaced without explanation, Laura vows to find out what is happening on campus while she deals with her new roomy... a vampire.
So, right off the bat I want to say immediately that anyone who loved the book Carmilla and is hoping for a web series that is just like it or at least fairly close to it, is going to be very disappointed. Don’t go into it thinking that’s what you’re going to find. You aren’t. You will be disappointed. I realize I’m repeating myself, but it bears repeating. You will be disappointed if you start to watch this web series thinking it’s going to be like the book.
Now, on to what it’s actually about. This web series is probably best taken as live-action fanfiction (good fanfiction, though), bringing the characters into modern times and a modern setting and with modern situations.
What does that mean? It means that this doesn’t take place in the Victorian era. It means that it takes place now, in the 2000s. Laura is reimagined as Laura Hollis (played by Elise Bauman), a college girl, adorably nerdy. We’re introduced to her when she decides to use a college assignment as a video or vlog diary of her quest to find out what happened to her fun-loving, if irresponsible, party girl roommate after she goes missing and nobody seems to notice or care but her.
Not only does her roommate go missing in such mysterious and suspicious circumstances, but she is suddenly given a new roommate to replace her old one.
Enter Carmilla Karnstein (played by Natasha Negovanlis), the new roommate whom Laura doesn’t get along with right from the start. I will admit, Carmilla doesn’t make it easy for her and seems to be totally uninterested in the missing roommate and completely unsupportive of Laura’s attempts to find her. Things progress from there, with wacky mistakes and misunderstandings and even an impromptu puppet show. I know how that sounds, but trust me, it’s hilariously rude.
Laura and Carmilla are not the only characters mentioned in the book who get upgrades. While there are definitely new characters who get added to the mix that were never in the book, Madame Perrodon is reimagined as Lola Perry (played by Annie Briggs), often referred to only as Perry, and Mademoiselle De Lafontaine is reimagined simply as S. LaFontaine (played by Kaitlyn Alexander) who is nonbinary and prefers to be called simply LaFontaine. And anyone familiar with the book knows that Carmilla herself had a caretaker, a woman who seemed to help her gain access to homes where she could choose a victim. Not much is really known or explained about the woman in the book, although she refers to Carmilla as her daughter. Whether that’s true or not is anyone’s guess, but probably not. However, in the web series she is reimagined as the fearsome and mysterious dean of Silas University. In the first season you don’t see her, although her presence is certainly unavoidable, and in the seasons after that she is played by Annie Briggs.
While the first season involves mostly women, there are some male characters, although it’s also skimpy on people of color. The first season is my favorite season, but seasons 2 and 3 are also great and in those seasons there is also no shortage of Carmilla and Laura shown kissing and a very much obviously implied sex life together. A reciprocated relationship with genuine feelings on both parts, and PDA were things we didn’t really get in the book and it’s nice to see them in this updated version.
Also in seasons 2 and 3 there are a lot more characters who are people of color. Quite unfortunately, however, most of them are bad guys or exist in the grey areas skirting the bad guy category.
In addition to lesbians and nonbinary characters, we also have male characters who aren’t afraid of the idea of menstruation or the things used to deal with that, and we have man-woman relationships that are simply friendships and both are fine with that.
While I won’t say that there weren’t problems or that they couldn’t do better, this series did make a clear attempt to be inclusive of characters of color, gender identities and romantic and sexual orientations that don’t often get a lot of attention or are usually used as eye candy for the male gaze or as though the characters are broken in some way and need to be fixed. This series did not do that to them and I appreciated that.
I really did love this series a lot and I absolutely recommend it. It is funny, quirky, inclusive in many ways, and thoroughly engrossing. But if you go into it expecting it to be something that it is not you will be disappointed by and that feeling may very well ruin the series for you. Don’t do that, because this is a great series. Take it by itself, as its own thing, inspired by but not based upon the book of the same name.
As far as I can tell, the series is finished (and that ending? Will knock your socks off). It has 3 main seasons, as well as a bonus Season Zero that seems to take place between seasons 2 and 3. It also has quite a few interesting extras bonus content that are fun and hilarious to watch. In addition to all of this, they are currently working on a movie for the series.
The episodes are super short and I don’t think any of them truly break 20 minutes long.
The series can be watched for free on YouTube, at the KindaTV channel and appears to be sponsored, at least in part, by Kotex. Which is hilarious, when you think about it because periods...lesbian vampires...get it? Lol.
For anyone interested in the book (either instead or just before watching the series), please read my review of that here.
You DO NOT need to have read the book first in order to understand or enjoy the series. They really are that different from each other, the difference is as stark as night and day. I am not kidding. I can’t stress that enough.
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