#for one she must be a really good swimmer
moon-mirage · 10 months
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Annie Cresta
There's not that much info about Annie, and not from Annie herself ... Which made her lots of fun to draw, just to figure her out.
On the left she's in her wedding dress which she got from Katniss. We know that it's green and has a very specific embroidery that makes it uniquely one of Cinna's works.... And wow, did I give it my all with the embroidery. (Never again!) It now has a very vintage flair to it which I think would have appealed to Annie.
In the middle, it's what I imagine her to wear during her Victor's Crowning ... if she even made it that far. Maybe she would still be in shock for a while until she was breaking down during her interview with Caesar? That's how everyone would know about her mental state after the Games. I imagine she would be forced to wear something sexy and very distinct for District 4 so it's mostly blue. The cape is a reminiscent of waves and a sea shell.
The upper right would be her after being freed and bright to District 13. She was described as "lovely, but bedraggled".
The last one ... well, I had some white space left. 😜
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ladykailitha · 2 months
The Caged Bird Still Sings Part 3
Hey guys!! I am really loving all the excitement for this story. It's going to be a fun ride.
I'm going to be taking a week off with this and Icarus (metal band Steve) next week because I can't wait for you guys to see the Stripper AU and the Olympic swimmer one. And Sept is too far away dammit!
This part we see the morning after and Eddie learns Steve's real situation.
Part 1 Part 2
Steve woke up the next morning, warm, sated, and happy. He stretched luxuriously in the bed, reveling in the silky softness of the satin sheets against his bare skin.
“There’s the sleepy head,” Eddie said from a nearby chair. He was gently strumming his guitar and jotting down notes. “Did you sleep good, princess?”
Steve sat up and let the sheets pool provocatively around his waist. “Best sleep I’ve gotten in a long time, if I’m honest.”
Eddie chuckled and put the guitar down. He strolled over to the bed and kissed Steve deeply. “As much as I would like round two, I’ve got to check out in an hour and I still need breakfast and shower.”
Steve pouted, but the tantalizing smell of room service hit his nose and his stomach growled.
He hadn’t eaten since his dinner two nights before. So he slid out of the comfort of the bed and pulled on his pants, before padding over to the table that had a literal feast laid out.
“I figured you’d be hungry,” Eddie explained. “Eat as much as you want, I can grab food on the tour bus.”
Steve looked up at him, chewing his bottom lip. “Are you sure?”
“Yup!” Eddie said, and then gathered some clothes and slipped into the bathroom.
Steve dug into the food with gusto. His mouth watering around each bite. Look, he’d grown up rich. He had never had “poor” people food. Only the best ever graced his mother’s table. But this? This was god tiered level food. Each bite melted in his mouth and lit up all his senses. It was divine.
Granted that could just be because he was hungry, but he didn’t think so.
He wasn’t sure how long he took savoring each morsel but he looked up to Eddie chuckling in the doorway to the bathroom.
“You keep making those sounds, baby,” he purred, “and I might be tempted to see how fast I could get you off.”
Steve ducked his head to hide his blush. “Is the food always this good?”
Eddie threw back his head and laughed. “Not always sometimes they’ll have some asshole chef who thinks he’s god’s gift to food and makes it all about him. Small portions, bland, expensive as hell. There isn’t much Hawkins has going for it, but this hotel is definitely one of them.”
“It must be so expensive getting a room here,” Steve breathed.
Eddie just shrugged. “You must have not come from much if this impresses you.”
“My parents are like lawyer and businessman rich,” Steve said shaking his head, “not rockstar rich. Trust me when I say that this would blow their fucking minds.”
“Duly noted,” Eddie said coming to sit next to him at the table. There was still a lot left as Steve had been enjoying the meal instead of scarfing it down. “I wouldn’t know. I grew up in Forest Hills that’s the trai–”
“Trailer park,” Steve said quietly, “I know. I used to babysit after school for fun money. I didn’t have to do it, but I enjoyed it and I liked the pocket money that wasn’t dependent on Mommy and Daddy. Anyway one of my kids was from there. She had a single mom who worked and when she didn’t she drank, so I was happy to watch her and get her out of the house for a couple of hours.”
“Oh.” Eddie blinked for a moment and then half shrugged. He pulled some food onto his plate and took a bite. “So yeah, I grew up poor and each time we moved up the chain from sleeping rough, to motel, to cheap hotel, to nice hotel, to some place more like this I was always impressed. Don’t impress me anymore, though.”
Steve tilted his head to the side. “Do you miss that? The wonder of seeing each new place?”
Eddie frowned as he thought about it. He took another bite of food but he nodded. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
He poke Steve in the ribs. “Don’t I didn’t notice you wanting to go diving into those pillows when we first came in. I saw you.”
Steve squeaked and giggled. “All right, all right. But can you blame me?”
“Nope!” Eddie said with a grin. “Because that was the first thing I did when I got into the room yesterday afternoon.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, all right.”
They finished their breakfast.
“Come on let me take you back to your car,” Eddie said putting his luggage together for his PA to grab later.
Steve didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t tell him that he still had all his earthly possessions in his car. At least he hoped they were still there. That he didn’t have any place to go and he couldn’t ask the parents of those kids he babysat. His dad would make their life hell.
“No, it’s fine,” he said waving Eddie off. “I’ll relax here in the lobby for a bit and then call a friend for a ride. You can go whenever you need to.���
He had no friend to call and he would be walking that long ass trip back to the bar.
“I’m not going to do that,” Eddie said, standing up. “I’m going to take back to the bar because that’s where the tour bus is anyway. It doesn’t make any sense to have you call someone else when we are literally going to the same place.”
There was nothing Steve could say to that. So he finished getting dressed and walked with Eddie back to his rental car.
Once they got to the bar, Steve tried to sneak off, but Eddie wasn’t having it.
“I’m walking you to your car, Stevie,” Eddie said with a chuckle. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Steve dragged his feet all the way to the back of the lot where his Bimmer was parked.
Eddie stopped ten feet from the car and looked at Steve in indignation. “Please tell me you have some place to go after I get on that tour bus.” Steve opened his mouth, but he held up a hand, “And please don’t lie, you’re terrible at it.”
Steve’s jaw dropped as he stared at him in shock. “I am not!”
“Yeah, you are, babe,” Eddie said coming and taking Steve’s face in his hands. “It’s how I was able to tell you weren’t twenty-two, remember?”
Steve let out a small petulant huff but said, “Yeah, okay. My dad kicked me out and threatened all my friends so they wouldn’t want to take me or risk his wrath. He did the same thing to my job at the video store.”
Eddie kissed him tenderly and then pressed his forehead against Steve’s. Steve grabbed onto his wrists for something to hold onto, not to pull him away.
“Let me get this straight,” Eddie growled, “you have no friends, no money, no job, and no place to go, is that right?”
Steve nodded, tears slipping down his cheeks.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured. He took Steve’s hand and started hauling him away from the car.
Steve stumbled, trying to keep up. He looked back at his car and then back to Eddie. “But where are we going?”
“I need to make a short pit stop and then we’re going back to the hotel,” Eddie said firmly.
“But what about your tour?!” he protested. “I let you throw your life away from some guy you just met!”
Eddie stopped and turned around to face him. “You listen real close, little Canary. We are going back to the hotel to get you a room for the next six months so that you have a roof over your head and a constant supply of food. Then I will be going on tour and will check in on you from time to time to make sure you do need anything else. Is that clear?”
Steve gulped he wanted to argue, but he couldn’t. And he had the feeling that if he tried to weasel out of it, Eddie would be right back in Hawkins to hunt him down.
“You take care of everyone else,” Eddie said gently, “let me take care of you.”
“How��how did you know I take care of everyone else?” Steve stammered, trying not to think of the implications of what was going on here.
Eddie kissed him gently. ‘Because little Canary, you have not once talked about the boy you were obviously caught with for your dad to throw you out even though he’s not offering to take you in either. You haven’t railed against the friends that are clearly more afraid your dad then they care about you. You haven’t blamed your dickhead boss for firing you for being gay, even though you really should. And you haven’t called the parents of the kids you used to babysit for fear of your dad coming after them, too. You have carer written all over you, babe.”
Steve blinked in the face of that onslaught of information.
He hadn’t really thought to blame anyone for his current predicament because it was obviously his fault this all happened.
“So you’ll let me help you?” Eddie asked with a raised eyebrow.
Steve sighed and waved his free hand back to the direction they were going. “Lead on.”
Eddie cackled and did just that.
What the pit stop was was Eddie talking to his band and manager about getting Steve a room at the hotel, putting all of the expenses on Eddie’s credit card and hauling all his belongings up the hotel room Steve had vacated literally a scant hour before.
The room had been cleaned and the bedding replaced and the bed made anew.
Eddie handed Steve a paper with a couple of numbers on it. “The top one is my cell phone. I usually leave it in the tour bus, but if you call it I’ll call you back as soon as I can. The second number is Chrissy, she’s our manager, if you need anything other than what the hotel provides, call her and she’ll get it for you. The third number is your hotel en suite phone number. I don’t recommend giving this out to too many people though, okay?”
Steve nodded and gingerly took the paper from him. He looked up at Eddie, eyes glittering with unshed tears. “Thank you so much for this.”
Eddie kissed him again. “You just relax and enjoy yourself, baby. The tour will be over in a few months and then I’ll come back to you, I promise.”
Steve kissed him goodbye as tears flowed down his cheeks. Eddie kissed them away and gave him a hug goodbye.
Once Eddie was gone, Steve sat down into the chair Eddie had been in when he woke this morning. Hard.
His entire life had been turned upside down again. This time was even more insane than the last.
Just two days ago, he had been making out with Tommy Hagan on his parents’ sofa and now he was sitting in the swankiest suite in Hawkins’ swankiest hotel, which would be his for the next six months.
He had all his clothes and his pictures and things. He even got to put them up on the side table, housekeeping would just dust around them. His clothes were in the drawers and closet. There was a basketball court in the hotel gym, there was a swimming pool, and a fucking sauna. There was a TV in the room, hooked up to cable. He could even order porn on here and it would all be charged to Eddie’s credit card.
Steve literally had everything he could ever need and never leave the hotel. There was just one condition.
No underaged drinking on Eddie’s credit card. Steve could smoke, watch porn, do whatever else he wanted, but he couldn’t drink alcohol until he was twenty-one. Because Eddie didn’t want to get into trouble with the law and Steve really didn’t blame him.
So he traded booze for the life of luxury. Which fucking hell was a pretty great trade.
He wiped his hands on the black leather pants he had yet to change out of and stood up.
Steve eyed the bed for one moment before he was running straight for it. He leapt into the air and landed spread eagle, face first in the center of the bed, pillows flying everywhere.
It was every bit as amazing as he thought it would be.
He rolled over on his back and stared up at the ceiling. Maybe he could get used to this, in fact.
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Tag list: CLOSED
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arminsumi · 1 year
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ COLA
░ 🐬 married!Armin x fem!reader ♪
One hot summer, you met a married man at the beach.
⚠️Cws; SMUT 🤤, cheating, homewrecking
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⚠️💦Smut cws; CHEATING, eludes to reader having had an affair with married men before, secret public fucking (beach), unprotected sex (creampie), standing position
It was one of the hottest summers on record, and you could really feel it at the beach. The sun was scalding your back as you laid, breasts deliciously smushed on your towel, besides your best girl Mika.
"The sun is trying to burn the sins off my back." you kept joking with her. "Yeah, after what you did with your boss last week, it should be burning the sins off your back. Girl, you're a devil in disguise."
"I wouldn't say this swimsuit is much of a disguise." you giggled cheekily.
You and Mika, clad in provocative swimsuits, knew exactly what effect you had on the men passing by your spot. You have to refrain from laughing at the way wives and girlfriends cling to their men with that overprotective death grip; as if them acknowledging your very existence threatened their relationship.
When you returned lustful stares back at some men, you made sure to peer seductively over the rim of your oversized sunglasses.
You weakened one man in particular that day; a blond with a ring on his finger, who was fussing over his tots. "Don't eat the sand, darling." he told his youngest.
His eyes flitted between you and his wife, eventually locking onto you for good.
Did he feel guilty for blatantly checking you out? Of course he did, but he was too attracted to you to stop staring.
You bit your lip at him.
"Hey, go ask mommy to get ice cream, m'kay?" he softly commanded his youngest. They gave him sparkling eyes and agreed, immediately trotting over to mama to nag her until she disappeared to get those cold treats.
When his woman left the scene, Armin quickly found himself chatting you up. His eyes soaked up your curves, intently wondering how hard it was for you to squeeze into that swimsuit.
"Pretty hot today, isn't it?" he asked you in a low, sultry voice.
You gave him a flirty smirk, "Sure is."
The sexual tension between you and him was unbearable. Armin thought he was going to snap if he didn't pierce this tension soon.
It was criminally smooth how Armin talked you into his arms, whisking you away to a secluded area, giggling like horny teenagers.
Your chemistry was incredible. It was too much to handle. So laughably better in comparison to the chemistry he had with his wife.
You even sucked him off just how he liked, without knowing a damn thing about him besides his name and zodiac and marital status.
"Ah! Fuck!" Armin hissed through his teeth as you lowered your lips down on him.
You'd made a sloppy mess out of his juicy cock. His wifey was busy getting that ice cream for the kids, and meanwhile you were busy getting Armin's cream down your throat.
"Sh-shit, that's good, j-just like that, sweet girl. Just like that" Armin groaned, holding your hair back so it was out of the way.
His legs shook and he gritted his teeth. If you didn't know he was a married man with a cheating cock, you'd think he was some innocent college student getting blown for the first time. His response to your sucking and slurping made you theorize that he probably never receives head from his wife.
He kept his teeth clenched and his fists balled up. The sensation of your plush lips engulfing his dripping head sent a rush of ecstasy across his body.
Sweat beaded off his body, running down his toned torso; a small build, but boy what a build. He must have been an athletic man, you thought, probably a swimmer.
He couldn't refrain from looking you right in the eyes. He loved the sparkle you had in them while doing such an immoral act.
His cum was creamy and thick in your mouth. The perfect consistency, you expected no less from someone who was as attractive as him.
You made him weak; he was breaking down, beginning to think less about the ring on his finger and more about how hard it would be to peel that tight swimsuit off of your pretty body.
Sure he thought about all the consequences he'd face, he thought about them while sinking his fat cock into you with a needy sigh.
"I really shouldn't be doing this..." he moaned, contradictorily to his words, his actions were shameless. "Fuck... so fucking tight..."
You ensnared him with your arms, wrapping them around his neck and resting them on his broad shoulders. He groaned as he fucked you against the beach showers. Not a soul was in sight, but that didn't mean it was entirely safe to be diving into you right there.
"It's okay, your wife won't mind if she doesn't know, right?" you said cheekily.
God, your devilish tone only encouraged him to bury his cock deeper inside. He was on fire from that sloppy blowjob you gave him behind the rocks. The memory of your wet, dirty lips would be imprinted on his mind for a long time after.
Armin was thrusting into you frantically, shamelessly; like he was well aware of how sinful this act was, and yet he let it turn him on.
Such a hypocrite, he thought of himself as he bust a hot, creamy load of cum deep inside your pussy. He's the one always preaching about being a loyal lover through and through, lest you become a lonely sinner.
But his principles went out the window that day, all because of you. And that tight swimsuit, which in the end, proved to be pretty easy to peel off.
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mollywog · 4 months
"Do you think we'd have ended up like this if only one of us had won?" he asks, glancing around at the other victors. "Just another part of the freak show?"
Actually - yes (though they’re not freaks). Under slightly different circumstances or over time, Katniss could have become the next Haymitch, Johanna, Finnick, Annie, or morphling
Haymitch Abernathy
Maybe he wasn't always a drunk. Maybe, in the beginning, he tried to help the tributes. But then it got unbear-able. It must be hell to mentor two kids and then watch them die. Year after year after year. I realize that if I get out of here, that will become my job. To mentor the girl from District 12. The idea is so re-pellent, I thrust it from my mind.
"Is that what happened to you?" I ask Haymitch.
"No. My mother and younger brother. My girl. They were all dead two weeks after I was crowned victor. Because of that stunt I pulled with the force field," he answers. "Snow had no one to use against me."
"I'm surprised he didn't just kill you," I say.
"Oh, no. I was the example. The person to hold up to the young Finnicks and Johannas and Cashmeres. Of what could happen to a victor who caused problems," says Haymitch. "But he knew he had no leverage against me."
"Until Peeta and I came along," I say softly. I don't even get a shrug in return.
Johanna Mason
Where you can starve to death in safety," I mutter. Then I glance quickly over my shoulder. Even here, even in the middle of nowhere, you worry someone might overhear you.
When I was younger, I scared my mother to death, the things I would blurt out about District 12, about the people who rule our country, Panem, from the far-off city called the Capitol. Eventually I understood this would only lead us to more trouble. So Ilearned to hold my tongue and to turn my features into an indifferent mask so that no one could ever read my thoughts. Do my work quietly in school.
"Of course Peeta's right. The whole country adores Katniss's little sister. If they really killed her like this, they'd probably have an uprising on their hands," says Johanna flatly. "Don't want that, do they?" She throws back her head and shouts, "Whole country in rebellion? Wouldn't want anything like that!"I can't help catching her hand as she passes me.
"Don't go in there. The birds -" I remember the birds must be gone, but I still don't want anyone in there. Not even her.
"They can't hurt me. I'm not like the rest of you. There's ho one left I love," Johanna says, and frees her hand with an impatient shake.
Finnick Odair
"President Snow used to ... sell me ... my body, that is," Finnick begins in a flat, removed tone. "I wasn't the only one. If a victor is considered desir-able, the president gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them for an exorbitant amount of money. If you refuse, he kills someone you love. So you do it "
I'm left with Haymitch in the rubble, wondering if Finnick's fate would have one day been mine. Why not? Snow could have gotten a really good price for the girl on fire.
Annie Cresta
"You're not leaving me here alone," I say. Because if he dies, I'll never go home, not really. I'll spend the rest of my life in this arena trying to think my way out.
"Yeah. Annie's the one who went mad when her district partner got beheaded. Ran off by herself and hid. But an earthquake broke a dam and most of the arena got flooded. She won because she was the best swimmer," says Peeta.
The morphlings
Surely she could afford food, but turned to the morphling just as Haymitch turned to drink, I guess. Everything about her speaks of waste - her body, her life, the vacant look in her eyes.
I revise my suicide plan to slow death by morphling. I will become a yellow-skinned bag of bones, with enormous eyes.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months
That Boy is Theirs
18+ MINORS DNI for implied smut and Steve doing the hand on his hips things naked is powerful to imagine.
Shout out to @monologichno for giving me the great idea about Nancy and Eddie falling into the bed scene as they fought. It gave me the inspiration to write this out.
Summary: Nancy and Eddie fight over Steve while Steve revels in it.
For Steve, it was hard to tell when someone really liked him. . .unless they were being very obvious. Eddie and Nancy were very obvious. Well, okay, so maybe Steve had to be told by Robin. Well, once he was aware, it was very obvious their eyes were on him. He remembered them now in the boat before they got pulled into the Upside Down. Their eyes were on him, too. Although, who could blame them? Even though he no longer had his swimmer's physique and he gained a few pounds, Steve still thought he looked pretty damn good. Not so much now with the bat bites.
"You definitely still look good," Nancy had told him after listening to him complain.
"You look better than good. You look scrumptious, good enough to eat," Eddie had grinned. "The bats clearly thought so."
Steve had watched Nancy glare at Eddie. The doctors had put him on bed rest after he over exerted himself. Eddie had managed to escape his own bites when Steve doubled back and promptly collapsed. It was Eddie who carried him through the gate. It seemed he never let Nancy forget it that it was Eddie who saved Steve’s life. Now, at his house, they had both shown up at the same time to tend to his wounds.
"Seriously, Eddie?" Nancy asked.
"Seriously, Wheeler? I don't think Johnny Boy is going to appreciate you coming here and telling another man how good he looks," Eddie said.
"Jonathan and I broke up," Nancy seethed, glaring at Eddie. "That's why I came here, to talk to Steve - ,"
"He's under strict orders by the medical doctors not to deal with any. . .unnecessary stress. So, I don't think it's wise for Steve here to listen to whatever upsetting news you may have for him," Eddie said.
"Steve, would you please call off your attack dog?!" Nancy asked.
"Don't you yell at him!" Eddie exclaimed.
"And don't act like you've suddenly changed! You only feel guilty because you suddenly realized that Jason Carver wasn't the only one who was a bullying dick! You're only doing this because you judged people just as harshly!" Nancy snapped. "And once you don't have to hide anymore, you're going to go back to your old ways! Standing on lunch tables and lording over everyone that you think you're better than them."
"That's rich, coming from little miss priss!" Eddie yelled at him.
"Takes one to know one!"
"You realize you just insulted yourself, Wheeler!"
"I'm going down anyway, might as well take you with me!"
Steve’s darted back and forth as he watched them. Holy shit! He knew that they thought he was attractive but he didn't think they would fight over him but here they were. He shouldn't be enjoying this. . .right? Who knows what would have happened if Hopper hadn't come over at that moment to check on him? Although he kind of wished he hadn't. Hopper had kicked them out after that, and Steve had to pretend like he wasn't pouting inside. It was Robin who had come over the next day.
"They're fighting over me!" Steve hissed to her.
"What?" Robin asked.
"Eddie and Nancy, they're fighting over me," he grinned.
"Why do you look so gleeful?" Robin asked, and then she paused. "Oh, is this making you horny. . . You slut."
"Well, I mean, a little, but also, is it weird that it also makes me feel. . .wanted?" Steve asked.
"No," Robin said. "They're really fighting over you? Okay, I'm going to have to witness this. My curiosity is peaked."
Of course, they weren't here the next day or the day after that. Steve figured that Hopper must have given them a talking to on the way out, but it didn't seem to deter them. They arrived together three days after they had been kicked out. Robin had shown up after them. Eddie and Nancy were already in Steve's room by the time Robin came in with a bowl of popcorn and crawled into Steve’s bed.
"Excuse me, I was here first," Nancy said, grabbing the bandages out of his hands.
"And I was here second," he said, taking them back.
"I think Steve would want me to change his bandages," Nancy said. "He's known me longer."
"He's going to know me better. It's all about quality, not about quantity, sweetheart," Eddie smirked.
"Holy shit, they really are fighting over you," Robin said as Steve ate some popcorn.
"Yeah," Steve said.
"So, when are you going to tell them you want them both?" Robin would ask.
"When I stop enjoying it, and they both realize they like each other too. I'm enjoying the sexual tension," Steve said.
"Gross, but also hilarious," Robin said. "Is it just me, or is their hair getting bigger as they argue?"
"It's not just you," Steve said.
"Why don't we just ask ask him who he wants?" Eddie asked.
"We don't have to because I know he wants me. My hands are smaller," Nancy said.
"What the hell does that mean?" Eddie asked.
"It means my hands are more delicate than your gorilla paws," Nancy said.
"Excuse me? Steve’s hands are bigger than mine," Eddie said. "If my hands are gorilla paws, what are his?"
"Beautiful," Nancy sighed.
"Yeah, that's true," Eddie said with a sigh of his own.
"I shouldn't have called your hands gorilla hands. They're nice too," Nancy said and slipped her hands into his.
"Um, thanks," Eddie blushed.
She pulled her hands back, grinning mischievously. She waved the bandages in her hands.
"Got you!" She exclaimed.
"You minx! Deceiver!"
"Come on, Steve, let's change those bandages," Nancy said and paused. "Robin, when did you get here? And when did you get popcorn?"
"Steven, are you eating popcorn without us?" Eddie asked. "How dare you?!"
The arguing between Nancy and Eddie went on for a while. The younger members of the Party even caught onto it and had started making bets on who Steve would choose. Of course, Max would be the only one winning with her 'ridiculous' idea that he would choose both of them. El decided to stay out of it. Eventually, Steve got better, but unfortunately, he had neglected to tell both Nancy and Eddie that he was no longer on bed rest. He also didn't tell them that he started driving the kids around again.
"Steve?!" Nancy called out as she searched through the empty house.
"Steve?!" Eddie yelled.
They had gone upstairs to his room but found that he wasn't there either.
"We should check the garage," Nancy said.
Eddie agreed with her and followed her to the garage, where they discovered that his car was gone. Nancy frowned and decided to search the house for a note or any clue to where he had disappeared to. They ended up in his room again.
"Maybe he got tired of us arguing all the time," Eddie said.
"This is all your fault!" Nancy snapped.
"My fault?!" Eddie gasped. "Mine?!"
"Yes, yours. You couldn't accept the fact that he wants me! It's odd, though, because Robin said you tried to push him towards me," Nancy said.
"That was before I realized I wanted him too!" Eddie yelled. "You had your chance with him, princess, and you ruined it!"
"And I'm trying to make it up to him, but you won't let me!" Nancy screamed at him.
"I'm not going to let you break his heart again!" Eddie yelled as he moved closer to her.
He was towering over her now, and she could feel his breath on her face. Nancy screamed and jumped on him, pushing him onto the bed. Eddie growled and pushed her onto her back. She did the same, and they kept doing until they were wresting around on the bed, getting twisted up in the covers. At one point, he had her on her back, hands pinned above her head with his legs straddling her. Suddenly, she could feel it on her hip, and it filled her with annoyance that he could get turned on by this. Was it annoyance, though? Nancy thrusted her hips upward, pressing against it and causing Eddie to moan. He loosened his grip, and she flipped him on his back. She put his hands around his throat, squeezing, but that only made it harder. He liked it.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Steve’s voice came from the doorway.
"Steve, this isn't - " Nancy started to say as she removed her hands from Eddie's throat.
"You guys are having sex in my bed and didn't invite me?!" Steve exclaimed.
"What?!" Nancy and Eddie asked.
Steve sighed and rolled his eyes. He started pulling off his clothes. It was amazing how quickly he had managed to strip himself naked. Nancy and Eddie stared at him.
"How far did you get? Can I still hop in?" Steve asked as he put his hands on his naked hips.
"Wow," Nancy and Eddie said in unison as they gaped at him.
"You've seen it before," Eddie said to Nancy.
"Yeah, I know," she blushed.
Steve pulled back the covers and frowned at their fully clothed bodies before grinning.
"Guess I didn't miss anything," Steve said as he slipped into the bed next to them. "Where should we start? I guess here should be good."
Steve leaned in and kissed Nancy deeply, smirking when she gasped against his mouth before returning the kiss. He quickly pulled away from Nancy before turning to Eddie and kissing him as well. Eddie kissed him back eagerly and hungrily, whining when Steve pulled away.
"I want to see you two kiss," Steve grinned.
"What?" Eddie asked, his mind a blank canvas.
"I'm really glad that you two finally realized that you two liked each other and that you didn't have to fight over me because I want you both. I wish I could have been there to see that, though," Steve said.
Eddie and Nancy turned to look at each, realization appearing in their eyes. They moved at the same time, lips crashing against the others. When they both broke the kiss, they laughed and leaned their foreheads together.
"Am I just going to be the only one naked here then?" Steve asked in amusement.
"Right, right!" Eddie exclaimed.
It was awkward at first, trying to find out how to do things, but then they found their rhythm, deciding where they wanted to be. Nancy and Eddie enveloped Steve, welcoming him into their embrace. He was their middle, their anchor, and being with him was like sinking down into a warm bath. They bit, licked, and kissed every inch of him, marking him as their own. It was almost animalistic, the way they loved him, and the way they loved each other because of him. It was a beautiful but exhausting thing, and as soon as Steve lay on his stomach, his skin still glistening with sweat, he fell asleep. Eddie and Nancy stayed away, leaning on their elbows as they stared at him. Nancy used her free hand to trace patterns into his skin. Eddie reached out before doing the same.
"It seems silly now, fighting over him," Nancy said.
"Yeah," Eddie said.
"I do it all again, though. . .fight for him, like I should have before," Nancy said.
"I'm sorry for all the things that I said. I didn't mean them," Eddie said.
"I'm sorry, too, Eddie. I didn't mean those things either. You're a good man," Nancy said.
They moved their hands and held them over Steve’s back, looking at each other fondly. Nancy smiled at the bite mark she left on Eddie's neck. She left one for Steve, too. They were both hers now. She leaned over and kissed him. Eddie smiled as he pulled away. They laid down next to Steve, curling their limbs around him protectively. Theirs.
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chronicowboy · 2 years
Buck loves kids. He's always loved kids. Well, apart from ages eleven through fourteen, but in his defence, middle school kids are quite literally evil. Like spawn of satan evil.
Apart from Christopher. He's an angel.
But the point is, Buck's always loved kids. Its why he always volunteers to free little girls from claw machines or bundle little boys up in his turnouts.
He loves kids. He loves talking space with Denny, and pretending to know video games with Harry, and having very serious conversations with Jee.
He loves kids. Never thought he could have them when he was younger, assumed he'd be fun uncle Buck forever. He loves kids. Wants them more than anything, maybe more than a partner. He loves kids. That's why he—
"Hey," Eddie leans against his locker, back in his street clothes, unbearably soft in the morning light. "Chris is getting all antsy about his dance on Friday, could use a hand helping him calm down long enough to try his suit on?"
He raises a hopeful eyebrow, but all Buck can see is the memory playing in Eddie's eyes. The memory of Buck, teary-eyed and half-drunk, a week after his parents left the state, telling Eddie he'd never been to a school dance because he was always grounded. That he'd only ever made it to prom because he'd asked the daughter of one of his dad's colleagues and he wouldn't let Buck stand her up.
"Sorry, man." He smiles, he wonders how long both of them can keep pretending its not a grimace. "Looking after Jee whilst Maddie and Chim go house hunting."
"Oh." Eddie blinks, the corners of his mouth twitching up. "You could always bring her along. She might be a good distraction for Chris, and you know—"
"No." Buck clears his throat, looks very hard into his locker for the hoodie he knows he already packed into his duffel. "I mean, I just hardly get any time with her, you know? So, I just kind of want to..."
"Oh, yeah, sure. 'Course, man." Eddie doesn't bother with a grimacing smile, just lets the furrow crease his brows. "Gotta keep up the title of best uncle, right?"
"Please." Buck scoffs. "Can she say Albert's name?"
"Right." Eddie nods with pursed lips. "Definitely doesn't have anything to do with easier phonetics and half the amount of syllables."
"Wow. I thought you were supposed to be on my side."
And, see, he means it as a joke. The whole conversation is a joke, really. Like Buck desperately doesn't want his niece and his— His Christopher to coexist in the same space, in the warm embrace of the Diaz house, home. But he can't, he just can't.
Still, its a joke. Only Eddie must be done with his jokes because he steps in closer, lays a gentle hand on his bicep and ducks his head until Buck has to meet his eyes. Like the tsunami.
Like the start of it all.
"I'm always on your side, Buck." He murmurs, more of a breath than anything. A confession that makes Buck a little dizzy. And then, Eddie's patting his arm and sweeping out of the locker room just as Hen and Chim come in.
"We'll drop Jee off at eleven, Buckaroo?" Chim says.
"Yeah. Sounds good."
Two days after Jee-Yun gives him the best workout of his life, he shoots a text to Hen asking if she wants to take Denny to the Renaissance Fair which had finally reopened after dealing with the bee problem.
He doesn't mean to do it is the thing. Sure, in his probie year, after Hen had finally trusted him enough to let him meet Denny, they'd hung out all the time. He'd practically fast-tracked his way to uncle Buck. But then, Eddie Diaz had waltzed into his life and said I'm all he's got and the rest—
Well, the rest is history.
But the thing is, Buck's DNA is floating somewhere in the American healthcare system in a little plastic cup with a green lid and he's trying very hard not to think about all the ways that could break him into a million pieces.
Because there's something hollow and empty inside of him that's slowly been shattering ever since Connor said that he didn't have enough swimmers. And it crumbles a little more every time he thinks of Christopher.
He thinks of that night in his loft with a frustrated rant, and two indulgent Diaz boys, a missing couch, and a lasagne that took three tries to get it right. A night that had become routine for them. And now he hasn't seen Christopher in almost two months, hasn't seen Christopher since—
Since Lev.
Two months he's spent trying desperately not to think of the way he'd seen Christopher safe in Eddie's arms and collapsed into a heap because his job was done and that was enough. Two months he's spent trying not to think about the flash of happiness that came with the end of a tsunami. Two months he's spent trying not to think about how he's buried that realization for almost three years.
He just. Christopher is growing up, he's lying to his dad, and sneaking out to see his friends, and going to dances, and having crushes. And Buck is trying so hard to remember. To listen to the cyclical chant of guardian, not dad echoing around his skull every time Eddie turns to him expectantly upon a mention of his son.
Because he has an answer to Hen's question. Finally.
But, fuck, he doesn't even really care about his sperm anymore. He doesn't give a fuck about the abstract concept of a child biologically half his out there in the world, out of sight and out of reach. He just doesn't care. Because nothing will ever hurt as much as having everything he's ever wanted at his fingertips and still not being able to grab it for fear of it vanishing into thin air.
He doesn't care about not getting to raise his child because there's a child he actually cares about, a child he's been raising. A child that's not his, but could be—
So, he's at a renaissance fair with his friend and her son, picking out a sword so that his niece knows that she doesn't have to be a damsel in distress, but he's trying so damn hard not to think about a little kid—who's not really all that little anymore—sat in a barber's chair because he wanted to look good for his crush.
It feels a lot like pressing his thumb into the space between bruised ribs.
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Neteyam x reader - come naturally
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Hello, how are you? I hope you're doing good. Could I request a neteyam x metkaina(I don't know if it's how you write it) reader where we see the reaction of neteyam to the reader's tattoo where it is at her ear like in the picture ( it doesn't have to be this design just the idea of where the tattoo could be on the reader) please and I'm in love with your blog and writing, thank you - @bakakara666💜
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A/N: this is the picture that was referenced:)
You had no clue about the new family that had come to join your tribe, and learn to be one of your people, you were too busy sitting at the bottom of the ocean floor, practicing holding your breath.
When you opened your eyes, you noticed a girl sitting in front of you and you titled your head a little bit and she did the same.
She pushed herself to the surface, and you did the same thing breaching the surface you noticed she was back by the shore.
“(Y/N)! It’s about time!” Aonung laughed.
“Huh? About time for what? I’m so confused.”
You walked over and brushed some hair from your face, and you noticed there was more just like that girl who you found staring at you.
“Why do you look like that?”
“(Y/N)!” Tsireya scolded.
“What? I’m just curious!” You huffed.
Walking over your crossed your arms across your chest and looked at the two boys and the two girls.
“I’m Neteyam, this is my bro Lo’ak, and our sisters Kiri and Tuk.”
You nodded your head and turned to Kiri.
“Hey you’re the one who was staring at me.”
Kiri nodded her head.
“Sorry if I disturbed you, I was swimming and thought you were a statue.”
“(Y/N)s one of our best swimmers! She can hold her breath for so long, she practices a lot.” Tsireya smiled.
“She’s a try hard.” Aonung laughed.
You smacked his head and he hissed at you, making you snarl back and he backed away a little making you smirk.
“You two enough!” Tsireya huffed.
You grinned sheepishly at her.
“Sorry sis. So what’s up anyway? Why are they here?”
“We’re living here now.” Lo’ak said.
You nodded your head and you all sat down for a little while to talk.
You looked to Tuk and smiled a little at her.
“Do you like it Tuk? What’s your favourite part?”
“The IIu! They’re so cute!”
“They are! They were my favourite when I was little too, it took me a while to learn to swim them her.”
“It did?” She asked shocked.
You nodded your head.
“Oh yeah (Y/N) couldn’t get the hang of it for the life of her, she’s one of the best now.” Aonung smiled.
“Woah really?!”
Tuk was practically bouncing where she sat and you laughed a little bit as you nodded your head, rubbing the back of your head sheepishly.
“Can I get better at it too?”
Everyone turned to you, watching as you leant forward on your knees, ruffling her hair a little bit.
“Of course sweetie, you just have to practice!”
“I want to practice right now!”
Tuk jumped up running around while everyone laughed and told her it was getting too late so she started to pout.
“How about tomorrow? I can show you Blue, my IIu.”
“Yes! Yes!”
Tuk ran around exactly again and everyone laughed, smiling as she fell on to Kiri who groaned at the impact but didn’t do anything to move her little sister.
As the next day came, you were getting ready for a swim when you heard someone shouting your name.
“Tuk! Hi!”
“Where’s blue?!”
She ran around your legs and practically started pulling your towards the water.
“Tuk! Tuk wait!”
Neteyam came bursting through the trees and she slowed down as he walked over and into the water to stand next to you as Tuk splashed in the water.
“Hey you don’t mind teaching her do you?” He asked nervously.
Looking at him, you smiled brightly.
“Not at all, I understand it can be hard to learn new things. It must be harder for you guys since you’re whole life you were taught different ways, so I’m happy to give all the help you all need.” You smiled.
You smile was contagious and Neteyam smiled back at you, nodding his head.
“Wanna meet Blue Tuk?”
“Yes!” She squealed.
You made a few high pitched noises, and you waded further into the water.
Tuk followed behind you, and she quickly had to start swimming, the water getting too high for her, and Neteyam followed behind, helping his sister make her way over.
They saw a disturbance in the water, and a blue and purple head of an IIu popped out of the water.
“This is blue! She really gentle, you can touch her if you want.”
Both Neteyam reached out, and Blue happily chirped, nudging them as she enjoyed the attention she was receiving.
You smiled at the scene and ran your hand over her back.
“She’s so pretty! Why aren’t the others like her?” Tuk asked.
“She came from a different flock, her mother and her got lost, and found their ways here. She became my best friend the moment we saw each other.”
Lifting Tuk up, you set her on the back of the IIu and they gently swam around in the nearby area.
“Don’t you need the connection to swim with IIu?” Neteyam asked.
“Well, yes. But Blue just loves attention, she likes swimming around, and you don’t need to make the bond in order to swim with her, she just won’t go where you want but she won’t travel out of sight either.”
Neteyam nodded his head and watched as you floated on your back in the water, and he smiled a little, laughing as he copied you.
“Can you swim yet?” You asked.
“Not very well…” he mumbled.
“That’s fine! You wanna see something cool?”
“What about Tuk?”
You pointed to where Blue and Tuk where heading over to Neytiri and Jake, and Neteyam shrugged before nodding his head.
You took a breath, diving under the water, and he followed you.
You swam to the bottle, and pushed yourself through a small gap inside, and Neteyam followed you.
He looked around amazed, the light shone through the water, casting a soft glow on all the coral and underwater plants.
The fish swam lazily back and forth, not seeming too bothered about you two being there.
Neteyam turned around to find you, and he saw you picked a few flowers from the sea floor, so he swam over.
You gestured for him to hold his hand out and you did, putting some flowers in him before you gathered a few more.
Once you seemed content you saw back to the surface and he followed, taking a few deep breaths as he breeched the surface.
You smiled and laughed at him.
“You’ll get the hang of it, don’t worry!”
“What are these for?”
“Of they’re actually for my mother she’s been asking for them and only I know where to find them.”
Neteyam nodded and handed them over to you, and the pair of you swam back to shore and you both sat down, listening to the calm waves.
You set the flowers beside you, and crossed your legs.
Neteyam looked at you, watching as you brushed some hair from your face behind you ear, and he focused on what he saw.
“What’s that?” He asked.
You turned to face him.
“What’s what?”
He pointed to your ear and you realised what he was asking about.
“I got it about a year ago, it’s to show I passed into becoming a star reader. I can use the stars to help find my way when lost, and I can use it to travel at night. It’s been a skill passed down through our family, and I inherited it.”
“A star reader?”
“Yes, I can read the stars, use them for direction. You can use certain patterns to mark locations and know which way to go.” You smiled.
Neteyam nodded his head and reached out but he stopped himself.
“May I?”
“Go ahead.” You smiled.
He brushed your hair back, leaning a little further to be able to admire the ink that was now part of your skin.
He knew it wasn’t uncommon for your people to have tattoos, along with song beads he knew the tattoos meant different things and told stories.
“Do you have anymore?”
“Now, but I’m getting more soon, it’ll be the mark the stage I pass into become a woman, to become a huntress.”
Neteyam nodded, slowly pulling his hand letting your hair fall back into your face.
He turned back to the water and with a smile on his face, he rested his head on his knees, admiring the way that the sunlight shimmered against the rippling water.
You looked at him with a smile before picking up a flower, braiding it into your hair while you enjoyed the peace and quiet.
You heard giggling and you watched as Tuk came running through the trees, all but stumbling over her own feet.
“Neteyam! Neteyam!”
“Hey Tuk!” He beamed.
Tuk told her older brother all about what had happened, and about how much she loved going for a swim with blue and how fun it was and how she wanted to do it again.
Neteyam and you listened while smiling.
“Wow you look so pretty! Can I have a flower in my hair too?” She asked.
“Sure pick one and I’ll do it when I’m done.” You smiled.
Tuk crouched next to you, looking over the different kinds flowers your had.
“Do you want me to braid it for you Tuk?” Neteyam asked.
“No! I want (Y/N) to do it!”
You laughed and grinned at Neteyam.
“She likes me more.”
“She can be your sister then.” He rolled his eyes.
Tuk stuck her tongue out at her older brother and sat in front of you, excitedly waiting.
“I’ll do yours first.”
You unravelled your braid, not wanting to leave it half finished and started to work on Tuks hair.
Tuk told you all about her adventure and everything she loved about the reef while you did so, and you happily listened.
Neteyam watched for a minute before he got up, taking the flower from next to you, he sat behind you and started to do the same to your hair.
“Neteyam?” You asked.
“Can’t have you not looking as beautiful as Tuk now can we?” He asked softly.
You smiled a little and let him carry on, his fingers carefully working through your hair.
“We’re going to be so pretty!” Tuk giggled.
“We are, the prettiest in the reef!” You laughed back.
Neteyam could only smile as he listened, feeling at peace.
It felt natural to him, braiding your hair, weaving a flower through it while you did the same for his sister.
If he was caught by Lo’ak now he knew he’d never be able to live it down, but part of him didn’t care, because he was really happy to be just sat there
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kalmiaphlox · 4 months
Practice Makes Perfect
AO3 Link / Masterlist
Astarion can appreciate that his sweet, little daughter just wishes to help out and bond with a certain lady-lizard in the house.
But dear gods, all Izzy does is tangle Kalmia's hair into a nest. Maybe it's time for a lesson.
Main Tags: Domestic Fluff, Dadstarion, Established Relationship, Hair Braiding, Minor Tantrum, Apologies
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His eyes blink open, inhaling sharply as he takes in his surroundings.
He’s alone in bed. How? When he fell asleep, he had been sandwiched between Kalmia and Izmezine, how could they both move without waking him?
The room is perfectly dark, but the clock reads just past five - in the morning if he has to guess. Light peeking out from the bathroom door catches his eye and quiet voices drift Astarion's way. Ah, there they are.
Sneaking over to the door, he peers inside, listening in on their private conversation.
Kalmia is sitting on the ground in front of Izmezine criss-cross on a chair, his little girl is working very carefully to entangle the dragon's hair in a poor excuse for a braid. He really needs to teach Izzy how to do it right, Kalmia's hair doesn't deserve such atrocities. 
“Kalli, when I g-get big, I be a d-dr-dragon?” The dhampir is tying strands of her hair together and then just spinning it all around her hand. Astarion's fingers ache to fix it but he isn't going to interrupt their conversation.
“Oh, I don't think you can turn into one on your own, but I bet we can ask nafldask. She can probably change you into a baby dragon for a little bit.” 
Izzy grins in excitement. “And- And I f-fly?”
“I don't see why not. Nafldask will show you what to do.” Kalmia pulls her knees to her chest, resting her chin on them. 
“You fly w-with me too, Kalli?” 
“No, I'm sorry, sweetie. I can't fly.”
He knows it's only natural for Izmezine to be curious but he cringes at her bluntness.
Kalmia doesn’t sigh or sound particularly sad, though he imagines that this hurts to talk about. “I don't have wings, but I am a very good swimmer as a dragon, so you can swim with me instead, ok?”
And she's talented at deflecting.
“Can Papa swim too?”
“Hmm, I don't know. We can ask him when he wakes up.” She says with a contented smile.
Izmezine has finished her destruction of Kalmia's hair, patting the dragon on the shoulder with a confident smile. Kalmia steps before the mirror, admiring Izzy's… handiwork. Of course, the wizened lizard is ever gracious. “Wow! Maybe I should start paying you for such fine work!” 
Kalmia takes the girl in her arms, giving her a big squeeze which she starts squeaking at. “Shh, shh, shh! Your father's still asleep, we don't want to wake him up! He might eat us!”
They giggle together quietly and he rolls his eyes, returning to the bed.
It's just the three of them today with Gale and Shadowheart out on vacation.
Izmezine needs that lesson. “Little love, can you come sit with me? I want to show you something.” Astarion holds an arm out, beckoning to his daughter. When she throws her pencils down and runs to him, he turns his attention to the old lizard. “Will you sit here in front of us? I think it's time for a lesson on hair braiding.”
Kalmia pauses in her sorting of her hoard, having been searching for topazes at his request. “Well, how could I say no to that?” and she settles on the floor in front of them, continuing her task. 
“Alright, Izmezine, my sweetest little darling,” he pulls a comb out from beside his chair, handing it to Izzy. “Let's brush Kalmia's hair, gently. Her skull is very brittle from how old she is, so we must treat her with care.” Kalmia offers no response to his slight, but he anticipates a punishment later.
Izzy takes the brush in both hands and with Astarions help, they smooth out Kalmia's brown locks. So much hair makes it easier for him to braid, but Izzy's little hands can only hold so much, maybe they can give Kalmia dual braids.
He's getting ahead of himself, Izzy is going to struggle even with a small one.
Once the dragon's hair is brushed to perfection, Astarion pushes most of it over one of her shoulders, leaving a small handful for him and Izzy to practice with. “Dearest, are you ready?” She nods silently. “Alright,” He grasps the strands,  laying them out on his palm, “We need to separate these into three equal pieces. Can you do that for me? You can leave one piece here,” pointing to Kalmia's back, “And the other here.” Pointing to his wrist.
It's hesitant, but Izzy very carefully does as she's told, splitting the hair up into three almost equal pieces. Her golden eyes glance up at him, swimming with uncertainty, and he gives a soft smile in response, kissing her forehead. “Good job. Hold the middle piece in your left hand and the right one in your right hand.” 
There's a long pause as Izzy looks between her hands, remembering which one is left or right, she'll ask for his help when she needs it, so Astarion refrains from rushing her. Eventually, she makes the right choices, picking up all the hair she should, awaiting further instruction with a determined set to her brow. 
“This is the hard part now, kitten, so take it slow. Cross your right hand over your left one,” he waits as she does so, “And now move your left hand to put that hair on my wrist. You can let both of them go.” Izzy does, and with that, they have successfully completed one motion. “So we need to repeat that move again but on the opposite side. Left hand holding that one and right hand, middle one.” 
Her confidence has soared as Astarion instructs her on twisting Kalmia’s hair back and forth, eventually ending with a very loose and tangled braid once finished, but a braid nonetheless.
“Well, look at that! You did it!” He hugs Izmezine close before finding a small elastic to tie up the ends of Kalmia's hair. He throws the strands forward, “Take a gander, little wyrm, this anon is quite skilled.”
Kalmia inspects the braid with a keen eye, a bright smile breaks across her face when she turns around, pulling the dhampir close into a hug and smothering her in kisses as Izzy shrieks like a banshee. “Wow, it's beautiful! You can replace your father as my hair stylist!”
His glare could cut glass, but Kalmia is unfazed by such things, being a dragon and all, while she continues to snuggle against Izzy. 
“Enough of that. Would you like to try again, kitten?” He separates them so Kalmia can go back to her job and Izzy is up to the task of another try. 
Ever the independent one, she wants to do this braid on her own, with minimal help. There's quite a bit of frustration building as the twisting of strands together isn't going as well as she wants, which is fine, but she refuses all of Astarion's attempts for help. 
He has no idea where her stubbornness comes from.
Izmezine reaches a breaking point though, the braiding isn't going as smoothly as she would like, and she… yanks roughly on the ends of Kalmia's hair. 
Astarion is horrified that she would react like that, and Kalmia offers no response, not even a surprised grunt at having her hair almost ripped out. Grabbing Izzy's hand, he puts on a firm tone, “No! You can't do that. Apologize to Kalmia, now.”  
Izzy's lip trembles and he sees the tears are ready to start, but she closes her mouth with a scowl, before sprinting downstairs with a cry. Gods, what a dramatic exit. “I'm sorry, are you alright?” He rests a hand on Kalmia's shoulder.
The door to Izzy's room slams shut. Ugh.
Turning to face him, Kalmia smiles pleasantly, “Nothing to worry about,” and then her smile turns evil, “She throws fits just the way you do.”
“Fits?! What are you talking about? I am perfectly level-headed, at all times!” His indignation flares up and that just makes Kalmia laugh. 
“Awe, irthiski, it's ok if you can't control your emotions. You'll learn one day.”
“Ancient fiend! I've had enough of you.” Astarion abandons the wretch to check on Izzy. He's not ready to face her wailing, and as he knocks on her door, he can hear the quiet whimpers as she cries on her bed. “Izmezine, can daddy come in?”
The muffled response he gets back is unintelligible, but he'll take it as a yes as he creaks open the door, finding Izzy curled up on the head of the bed, hiding herself between pillows and stuffed animals. Her little cheeks are blotchy and stained with tears, eyes bloodshot and lip continuing to tremble as she stares up at him behind her kitty toy, most likely afraid of whatever reprimand is to come.
Perching himself at the edge of her bed, he sits cross-legged and straight-backed, gods, Astarion hates having to be stern with her, especially when he's so weak to her tears, “I'm very disappointed by how you acted upstairs. Do you know why?”
A high keening is building up from within her as Izzy sinks further into her protective shell of pillows, whipping her head to the side in defiance, “N-No!”
It takes all of his power to not raise an eyebrow and scoff, he instead opts for a shallow sigh, “You pulled on Kalmia's hair. That hurt her.” It didn't, but this is a lesson to be learned. Semantics aren't necessary. “I understand you were frustrated, but if you get upset, you should use your words. I need you to tell me what's bothering you and then we can work on it together. Can we do that next time?” 
The vampire who kills people on the weekly is really sitting here lecturing his daughter on how to be nice. What in the hells has happened to his life?
Izzy is still partially buried in her pillows and toys, peeking a teary golden eye out at him as he speaks, and finally she chooses to sit up, “I-I h-hu-hurted Kalli?”
“Yes, you need to apologize to her.”
“Ok.” She crawls into his lap, sniffling against his chest, and Astarion holds her close before placing a kiss atop her white curls.
Later that night, Astarion and Kalmia are sitting at the bathroom vanity while he combs through her hair. It's a nightly ritual that they have taken up, he loves to lavish her with care and she loves to receive it.
“How did it go, little wyrm?”
She snorts, “I know you were listening.”
He rolls his eyes, thankful Kalmia can't see him from this angle. “Obviously, but I want to know how you feel about it.”
“Izmezine apologized nicely, and I know she meant it. She's a little being with big emotions, no harm done.”
“Magnanimous as usual, my love. Where would I be without your generosity?” Nibbling at one of her ears, Astarion ends the care routine with a smack to her thigh.
“Very cold and thousands of gems poorer.” She remarks as she glides into their bedroom.
With a mocking shake of his head, he follows Kalmia's lead, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, keen to never let go. “Might I love you tonight, my darling?”
“I hope you do for the rest of our days, irthiski.” She lays a fervent kiss upon him.
No one loves him like she does.
Some end notes: -anon = flower in draconic -nafldask = grandmother
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
Lovely Runner Live Blogging
I've been seeing the “i found you girl i like being around you” edits on tiktok but before then, i’d also heard about the show and saw an ep 1 clip of when she runs up to him at the swimming pool. i’m a time travel show enjoyer and this show has been getting such good reviews, so I’m excited. my last few shows have been quite dark and violent and i kinda wanna go for another such show but think a lighter (yet emotional) show might do me some good so that i don’t burn out
Ep 1 (June 25)
ah, he encouraged her to live through this time when she was contemplating suicide and ig later on she will do the same bc he unfortunately takes his own life before the time travel i think
Dec 31, 2022
13 years, how old were they then and how old are they now?
oh i knew she was a fan but she’s a biiiig fan
ah, they were in high school at the same time and his high school was across hers
some fans hate Sunjae bc he’s too popular and getting opportunities
the band members also seem to not like him and it could be bc of his popularity but he also seems resistant to being an idol in general and wants to retire so that might have smth to do with it
wow she’s really having a tough day: rejected from job bc it has no elevator and she has a wheelchair, late to the concert, and then lost the ticket omg
this scene of Sunjae putting in his in-ear and going on stage is now iconic to me bc of the edits, kept expecting to hear “i found you girl i like being around you” as background music loll
she’s really determined to be positive and make the most of everything, i expect a breaking point soon though
oh, in hyuk doesn’t want him to retire
phone crack
wheelchair stops
yeah the tears finally. what a fucking day
hehe they meet in the current timeline
lolll her getting annoyed that her friend came just when she could’ve been getting a ride w Sunjae
what is that jar that she gave him?
was it Sunjae who saved her from the accident?
the watch was weird for a second. i guess that's gonna be The Object that takes her back/causes everything
ahh he took meds and jumped off into the swimming pool.
this reminds me a bit of True Beauty but like the friend who passed away
time of death: Jan 1, 2023. 12am
dead at 34, so was 21 in 2009? 19 or 20 interactional age?
The fact that she Just saw him alive and seemingly well a few hours ago must make it even more unbelievable
Traveled back
her legs work again
okay, I'd seen this Instagram edit of this scene as the very first thing I saw from this show but I didn't know when I first watched it just how awkward/embarassing this is T.T
aw, is he also going through something now? her talking about how he went through this alone made him soften
her still being like 'this is my dream' oh she's gonna be mortified when she realizes this is real in a time travel universe
lolol she's like I'm not dreaming? Fuck, am I dead?
pls i'm dying, Sunjae's so confused while she's acting as if they're both dead now (and mustn't cross the bridge)
so did Sunjae take the watch?
Ah, he probably had to quit being a swimmer and become an idol in the original timeline too because of his shoulder
June 2008
So are they seniors in high school right now?
ahh she gets to see her grandma from 14 years ago when she still recognized Sol before alzheimers or whatever T.T
Aw, Sol cries every time she looks at Sunjae
ah, the parallels of Sunjae holding the umbrella over Sol and asking why she's crying now and in the original timeline
I watched around the first 30-40 minutes of this episode on my iPad while I was on the train (and also like 10 minutes in a restaurant lol). I'm likely going to have to take the train a lot starting the second week of July so I had been thinking that maybe I'll save this one for that time and watch like some raunchy BLs and GLs now that I can't watch on the train but the first ep was quite good, I think I'll binge it now oof.
Ep 2 (July 6)
Since Episode 1, I've watched My Stand-In Eps 1 - 11, Blank Season 1, and reread Mistborn: The Final Empire.
"i can fool a 19-year-old, right?" lol Sol
who is this guy? i know there's a love triangle, is this the second lead?
the people who go back in time/become younger scolding the other kids who seem the same age as them is always funny
ah, so funny, he's the first guy Sol stanned
lmfao please why's he running after the bus
the little icons getting farther and farther away and the song about going farther away playing lmfao
omg, she can't tell him the future/what will happen if he does something? time stops?
woah, you really could just stop time and do a bunch of stuff while shouting future facts lmfao
pls, this future-telling grandma cosplay
Sunjae jealous of Taesung already
how does she keep finding herself in these situations, plssss
like Sunjae is literally so correct to be like what the fuck like actually but also T.T
that guy is indeed Sunjae's father and lmfao Sunjae was the one who borrowed the porn/erotic VHS that Sol's mother has been on the dad's case about
overly dramatic crosswalk scene but i guess it's fine since it's mirroring how she probably got into her accident originally and she has trauma from it
she's the one who gave Sunjae an umbrella first! Also i've def seen this scene from a tiktok or smth
pls so he didn't even mean to borrow the erotic video? smh
this is kinda like My School President when Tinn was trying to impress Gun but everything went wrong and he was being a loser lol
so these two episodes effected the future and there's a photo of Sunjae and Sol on the table but it didn't change the death
Ep 3 (July 6/7)
ah, so he didn't injure himself this time?
hilarious that he can't seem to confess while she's fangirling and cooing over him
the dad left his shoe like cinderella lmfao
eughhhh she's like fuck, you don't want me to be your fan anymore? let's be friends! while he's trying to confess
Sunjae's dad dramatic + full of expectations and pressure + getting ahead of himself
and Sunjae also not tell him about the injury
omg her brother and her friend are both home not noticing the fire in their sight?
does that much water even do anything to a fire? feels like you're not supposed to be doing that...
I wish they hadn't done this fire scene so humorously with the brother and friend, kinda took away from the weight of it. also i wonder if the fire or her mother burning her hand won't still happen bc stuff like the shoulder injury or the ball hitting Im Sol still happened even if in a different way than the original timeline
aw, glad his dad understood
lol she's drunk, how cute
is she gonna forget the confession and kiss? since she's yknow legit drunk. i wonder if ppl made a fuss about it because if it was a bl, this would def have been Discussed in the fandom
ah, ofc she doesn't rmr
bruh aghh it's like I can see where this is going with her listening to the recording + Taesung spotting her + Sunjae being far enough behind that he'll see them (+ he thinks he confessed last night and expects her to remember the kiss too)
i'm gonna kill somebody, she didn't even pause so the "I like you" is just playing with nobody to hear
omg travelling to original timeline
girl what?! how could you say you want to date Taesung or is that not really happening or like what's going onnnnn
Ep 4 (July 7)
Oh, Sunjae had not only saved her but was at the hospital too. He'd liked her throughout his high school time i guess but what about that final night, did he recognize her even then?
oh, he had. wild
ohhh she gave him a bunch of the candy that night that she had given him the very first time when she mistook him for a mailman
hmm okay so the Sunjae POV we got of that night was the original timeline before Sol's time travel thing, right? because the photo wasn't there? and the timeline that Sol's waking up in right now is slightly different based on what she had done?
ok the future had indeed changed
omg what the hell, why did that timeline's Sol reject Sunjae like that, like in this timeline, they were friends??? unless Sunjae was being a creep fr
i got spoiled about she can come back 3 times but how does she know only 1 time is left? also it's just been 10 days?! so why did Sol react like that, wtf
ah, so it's like she's kinda fighting with her 19-year-old self from the past who's in love with Taesung? and doesn't know Sunjae?!?! weird...
so the 19-year-old Sol thought she was possessed because her memory from when older-Sol came back was missing... interesting and complicating
lmfaoo exactly, I was saying she could stop time but shouting out future facts. hilarious to have her shouting celeb marriages
plsss how's she asleep on his floor
"i don't make friends with girls. how can a girl and a guy be friends?" alright lol.
why do we have Hyunjoo pooping her pants and that furthering her romance (?) with Sol's brother come onnn
ah, Taesung mommy issues and feelings of abandonment
yknow I do like Taesung and Im Sol's banter and back-and-forth
i'm cryinggggg, not young-Sol's birthday event for Taesung
it's suchhh a long song, i'm dying. and young Sol's fashion pls
hehe Sol telling Taesung how to treat young-Sol is cute actually
so many weird men... that taxi that went away? and now this guy...
is this Sol's accident but in this timeline?
ah, Sol realizing that Sunjae had saved her
okay, in that original timeline, i thought they just called a random number maybe and was confused and ig that's true but Sunjae specifically called Im Sol's number? or what? how'd he know it? and he knew that it was her he was talking to.
Ep 5 (July 7)
i wonder how the accident happened the first time and why Sunjae was there back then
this bra returning scene reminds me of True Beauty but I can't remember what Suho was trying to give Im Jukyeong, idk why I keep thinking pads??
okay i was gonna be tormented, so I skimmed and it's on ep 2 of True Beauty. She accidentally gave Suho a bag that said "thanks for keeping my bare face a secret" but he hadn't recognized her, so to get it back, she'd said that it has pads (i remembered this part at least)
cryingggg at her being like hmm he said he can't be friends with girls, so all those "just friends" rumours with girls were all real romances (as idol Sunjae). anyway i doubt it bc he seemed to forever be in love with her even over a decade later and that's just a trope I'm gonna have to get used to.
yesss i love a girl saving a guy from the common motorcycle/car trope and also girl kabadoning guy
Sol is cute trying to block all mentions of the swimming Olympics from Sunjae but plsss it's all becoming romantic moments and also iffy when you think about young-Sol having a boyfriend
oh, cop mentioning burying a body... i think I've heard that this show has a serial killer
in the original timeline, the taxi driver with the key indeed did something? but this time the other guy got there? and he's the serial killer or what
damn, taxi driver has Sol's flip phone
not Sol's brother and Sunjae meeting but Sunjae being punished for giving Sol alcohol
cryinggg Sunjae being curious and looking at Taesung's profile but he finds out
pls Sunjae getting mad at Sol's inability to bike reminds me of Tinn yelling at Gun about not knowing any math (My School President). when even the down bad secret crush bearing Sunjae and Tinn lose their minds teaching Sol and Gun lmfao
girl, why is Sunjae buying the same jacket as Taesung T.T but ig they're gonna have him fill in for the vocal... but he's not gonna fill in for Taesung
how humiliating to run into Taesung just as Sunjae bought and wore the bright red jacket because Taesung owns it too yikesss
and that's how the eclipse happened, though Taesung isn't in it for much longer i guess?
Taesung watching Sol watch Sunjae perform reminds me of Twinkling Watermelon
oh, intense yelling from Sol
double whammy of hearing the confession recording finally and Sunjae also telling her to break up with Taesung at the same time
Ep 6 (July 8)
ah, I’m Sol broke up with Taesung but I don’t know if that’s the end of it… but she also knows Sunjae’s confession…
sunjae is quite fun to watch like his despair at his “breakup with taesung” thing going wrong vs joy when taesung got broken up with
Sol’s brother does bother me, why is he so annoying
pls both Sunjae and Sol holding back to appear cool/not “shake the other’s heart” aghhh
Taesung’s “Oh, I think I liked you a lot” is funny
not Taesung getting into a car crash, damn it
so is Sep 1 the day her accident happens? I don’t remember the date. is it gonna happen again even though the bridge thing already happened? or is it a different thing?
Taesung’s dad (?) Kim cop is investigating the case of a he dead bod?
nooo now he has their address bc of grandma
oh, Sunjae confession
Taesung in hospital but his dad doesn’t visit and his friend doesn’t believe in him + he calls Sunjae to let him know that Sol’s mother is at the hospital, oh man
aw mannn Sol rejecting Sunjae because she knows she’s not in the right timeline and is gonna have to leave soon etc. does she realize she’s the one he liked in the original timeline too? he’s talking about liking the rain and on the original timeline radio show he also mentioned it
not having to take an umbrella to Sunjae on the day of Sol’s accident! and after she almost stayed home all day
omg she’s realizing right now that she was his first love back then too and she didn’t “confuse him”
tbf maybe this mans would’ve gotten her even if she didn’t leave right then. a fucking kidnapping
omg this taxi fucker really took her Again D:
Ep 7 (July 8)
oh on that original accident too Sol missed her stop on the bus and Sunjae was waiting with her in the bus, that’s how he was there on the time of her accident on save her
i’m watching this on the subway on my commute to/from work but there are two people talking in korean beside me and i feel awkward watching a kdrama beside them lol
okay they left a couple minutes later
oh at this bridge where her original accident happened is where she dropped that watch and the first time she time travelled, right?
omg who the hell grabbed her in this timeline? bc taxi driver was in the taxi still
good job to sunjae for connecting everything and figuring out the reservoir lmfao
ah, she went back to her time again and the young-Sol is back but also that's kind of oh no in a way, though Sunjae's clever i wonder if he'll be able to figure it out?
i knew from pics i saw that she can use her lefts in the future
Sunjae survived too
pls not her getting mistaken for a sasaeng, i don't even wanna watch anymore
what a different life
damn, young-Sol had another kidnapping a year later?
oh naurrr is Sunjae doing the "who are you? do we know each other?" thing because young-Sol did this to him after he helped her with the kidnapper?
oh he's not even here, it was a scenario in her head lol
lmfao crying, this Sunjae lovesss the attention and fame (though not the stalking)
the shenanigans of them justtt missing each other every time
i can't believe we're getting random enemies-to-lovers right now, especially with them texting each other antagonistically, this is soooo fun
i seriously need to go to sleep but ahh
oh, the concert didn't happen
ah, and they met on the bridge again
35 minutes after my bedtime already, gonna take a while to fall asleep too, whelp
Ep 8 (July 9)
omg Sunjae got the time capsule egg before it got torn down and he even waited on Jan 1, 2023 fully expecting her to come - and she did, so why didn’t they meet?
and Sunjae got the watch from the time capsule
hmmm would he happen to travel back in time at all? bc she travelled back with his watch and maybe he can travel back with her watch?? esp if smth happens to her idk
lmfao pls not the hotel where they can be alone together
but also he’s an idol going with a random girl lmfao
i loveeeee Sol omg she’s so funny and endearing as she’s talking about how she didn’t mean they should have a passionate night and also mentions that they had crushes on each other in a throwaway line but she doesn’t wanna skip intros and get to the conclusion But she’s not judging sunjae for thinking that, they just have different values lmfao what a cutie but sunjae’s gonna act clueless like oh? what were you thinking as if he doesn’t know what this insinuates
i loveeee celeb/non-celeb romance esp when it actually shows the reporters and rumours and fans and such and how they can affect/limit the relationship
he has such a big house why not hide the cut out in some random storage room omg
pls and now Sunjae thinks she plans to stay the night and have sex lmfao
true Inhyuk would be like what the hell, Sunjae can’t fall for Im Sol again!!
Inhyuk talking about how Sunjae’s liked only Im Sol this whole time and kept going back to her old house whenever he was drunk while Sol can hearrrrr
ah, she confessed that she used to like him too
i kept being nervous that Taesung would somehow be in the house but Sunjae/Sol first kiss!
isn't it crazy fr, after 15 years you finally meet again and this time the girl you've loved forever confesses back and you kisssss and it's not a shitty one either
what the hell, the fuckass taxi driver is here too? that was indeed Taesung before right or did i mistake taxi driver for Taesung, I hope not
"Even if somebody sent me back to the past, I would never gamble with my future" whelp Hyunjoo, don't foreshadow too hard
the stalker makes me nervous both in terms of what if that person was the person who was knocking or whatever the night Sunjae died and also what if she finds out that Sunjae's dating Sol and does something to either of them?
okayyyy, so the taxi driver mans went and attacked Sunjae, was it the same thing in the previous iterations too?
I listened to the Afternoona Soju podcast episode and learned about 2 scenes: Sunjae and Taesung drink and do karaoke together and cuddle to sleep, and Sunjae's speech envelope + Sol's resignation letter get swapped so he ends up saying that out loud as a speech
Ep 9 (July 9)
so as hinted, a year after she came back to the current timeline, in the young timeline 2009, the taxi guy kidnapped Im Sol again and Sunjae saved her again and that's what caused that guy to get jailed until now
i loveee 2009 freshman Sol's hair, beautifully bangs and wavy hair
Hyunjoo's joyoush "hmm" and nod at 33:50 after Sol asks her if it was her idea is sooooo good omg i replayed several times
omg, the sudden "are you really from the future?" that had like no build-up, so I was surprised hehe
ahhh they kissed accidentally ofc they did, ig we'll see Sunjae and Sol married by the end?
Ep 10 (July 10)
ah, makes sense that Sunjae wouldn’t actually believe the time travel stuff oof
pls hiding under the table is so T.T
oh she’s telling Taesung about the time travel too
i like it when in a love triangle the guys try to impress the family like now with the flooding and in Ture Beauty with the dumplings but it’s annoying when they let it get the best of them and don’t care about what’s actually happening like why are you up arguing and making a mess instead of helping clean up wtf
i do like Sunjae Taesung antagonizing when it’s like verbal and witty not physical fights
oof Taesung telling Sunjae that he shouldn’t even be jealous of him bc Sol clearly likes Sunjae
Superstar K vs going to the states
ah, he digs up the time capsule and figures out that he dies (possibly because of trying to protect Sol) that time in the future
oh, the billboards changed and Eclipse is releasing their new album instead of Sunjae’s stabbing hmm i can’t tell bc im watching on my phone but is Sunjae in that photo?
Ep 11 (July 10)
not this kissing gossip lmfao
yknpw technically this is a noona romance in this timeline 3x Sol x 20 Sunjae (krn age)
the “should we roll back another minute? if you give me another chance, i’ll do my best” thing is soooo cute like Sunjae fr was just going for the remote not the kiss like Sol thought
i’m crying from second hand embarrassment at the parents and brother finding them like this and am dreading the hundreds of condoms reveal T.T plssss and even Basic instincts got brought up again and Sunjae having to cover Im Sol’s ears i cannotttttt, how humiliating
the condoms flying out like this is really and truly killing me i can’t watch fuckkk if i was sunjae i would have to leave move away say good bye to Sol like life death and time could not make me stop loving you but this… in front your family? yeah i’d learn to live
lmfao the family meeting was very funny
he sings sonagi for her on a stage ahhh first of all he’d died but she gets to see him sing again + knows it’s about her this time
ah this fucking killer mans
Ep 12 (July 10)
ofc both Sol and Sunjae are gonna try to stop the murderer
lol will Sunjae get jealous of In Hyuk lmao
i can't watch this toilet water nothing pls at least use the water that's stored in the tank of the toilet not in the fucking bowlll
is the institution just that they made out? because i don't think they had sex?
lmfao maybe now the MIL and FIL will finally get along
omg, she's pretending to have gone back so that Sunjae doesn't stay with her at this place where the attacker's gonna come
oh also i'd figured out the 3 lives thing a while back btw i'd been like how does she know w/ certainty that she has 3 chances but the clock said 3, then 2, and now it's at 1
Ep 13 (July 11)
just go so frustrated that Youngsoo figured out that Sol was setting a trap bc that guy put his hand on her to check but Sol ended up shouting for Detective Kim eughhh such planning and yet
and Sunjae runs into him right then ofc
not Sunjae getting knifed! and falling off he cliff!!!
oh, Sol returned
girl where the hell is Sunjae like nice to see Sol’s life and Taesung but c’mon
i got spoiled about the letter switching and Sunjae giving actor award speech from Sol’s resignation letter so i don’t have like The Suspence for this
ohhh Sunjae’s watch also became a time machine
oh my godddd his time machine also takes Sol back in time for some reason and she literally cuts it off right at the beginning?!?! doesn’t give him the umbrella in the rain
curious about how they’ll explain the killer stuff in the past if Sunjae’s not there to save Sol?
Ep 14 (July 11)
so Sol and family just move away soon after like Sunjae still has his sling? yknow what let me not think too much
lolol articles coming out. i didn’t realize he was just gonna be mc-ing
ahhh Ryu Sun Jae is gonna be acting in Im Sol’s script?!
ouch the script hurts (though she’s plagiarizing so hard from alternate timeline Sunjae!!)
both of them busy trying to reject the script/actor but omg poor Sol. it sucks so bad to be the one who remembers, like when Sunjae used to remember while young Sol forgot and now thisssss after everything
another enemies to lovers arc
okay i was wondering how we’d go back to Sunjae knowing but ig he’ll get dreams and memories
oh, the murderer is gonna attack the sasaeng girl instead?
Sunjae is just Meant to be obsessed with Sol in every timeline ig
yaas the lottery tickets truly a must for a fucking time travel anything
ah the ferris wheel
Ep 15 (July 11)
the taxi driver can’t be obsessed w Sol in this timeline too right esp bc it’s been 15 years since his interest in the original tl
not Sol’s mom trying to set Sol up with sunjae now loll how the tables have turned
lmfao this time it’s Sunjae hiding from Sol when usually it was the other way around in the past timelines
oh, the killer is actually targeting Sunjae straight up this time maybe, not Sol first
Sunjae’s memory coming back in flashes
oh, he's got it all back
omg dramatic. killer guy almost got Sunjae again and then for a second I got nervous that Taesung was gonna crash like the other way so that killer T-bones his car
Ep 16 (July 11)
last ep!! 1h 19 mins instead of the usual 61-63 mins
killer dies just like that
ahh meeting again after remembering
"because he died, somebody else might get to live"
they kiss pretty nice
the parents do make me laugh, the dad being like hah i know Sunjae chose a good, beautiful girl to date while the mother's like hah i know she's no beauty
ah, marriage and wedding, cute
A fun show with a fun concept and great acting + romance. It was funny and delightful most of the time, there was a kind of killer/suspense aspect but that wasn't really ever the Focus, Sunjae being killed was the focus; similarly, they didn't thoroughly explain the time travel because the mechanics wasn't the focus, Sol going back was the focus.
I liked Sunjae and Sol together and it was fun seeing how Sunjae was slightly different in the different timelines lol I liked seeing the couple on high school, college, as idol!Sunjae and actor!Sunjae. It did feel a bit like consistency was lost in their relationship but that was the point i guess. It was a very romantic concept, the way they were falling in love in every timeline.
Everything about it was good and I was engaged, I just don’t think I’d think about it much though. Kinda reminds me of When I Fly Towards You c-drama in that way; a cute youthful romance drama but I'm not hung up on it. At least it kept me company during my commute of the first week at my new internship.
Rating: 7/10
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lizard-shifter-noms · 2 months
Still Subject to Change Chapter 23 (NEW)
Hello everyone! i decided to repost arc 1 of SSTC
(the chapters were way too long and had a bunch of typos but hopefully this will make reading easier)
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
if there are still any grammatical errors i’m sorry.
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They were all standing around Nea and asking what had happened and why we were here already while the rest of the division wasn’t.
Nea herself raised her Helmet like she wanted to hit something and suddenly had a lot more space as nobody wanted to get hit by her.
She really did have an effect on people, just the wrong one.
“I’m fine! I just need tha see a medic, and tha rest of tha division will come here later! Just be glad we fixed tha stupid snow!
At her bellowing a good majority of the guards scrambled back to wherever they came from safe for a few that had offered to help her.
While she winked off most of it she still took the long and sturdy branch that a man gave her that definitely wasn’t a guard.
He was not wearing any sort of uniform whatsoever and had mud covered pants held in place by a toolbelt that had a variety of small shovels and other weird equipment stuffed into it.
I would guess him to be about forty, with Brown hair that had some gray streaks in it and a bit of a scruffy beard.
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The curiosity wasn’t aimed at me though, it was aimed at the very visible and in some places bent flowers, and I realized that this man must be the Gardener.
Well he’d be happy to know that he could pick up tending to the plants again now that the snow was gone.
I just hoped that he’d ask first if he intended to pluck one of the flowers on my back.
He seemed friendly enough and had not looked at me with hatred or fear like most people did when they first saw me.
That could come later, for now Nea needed medical attention and some of the Guards had already ran ahead when they saw the condition her foot was in, likely getting every medic they could find.
Since there were already enough people looking for a doctor Robin had opted to stay close to us, not like he would have known where to go anyway.
And neither did I, except the shed maybe.
The Castle was new to all of us and I didn’t exactly know how big it was so he could easily have gotten lost searching for a Doctor.
Since help was on its way I wondered if I should offer to get Nea closer to the castle or if we should stay here and let the Doctor pick her up.
Considering how her foot looked, The latter might be best to avoid further irritation.
That meant I was just awkwardly standing there with nothing to do.
At least the mud on my fur had stopped dripping some time ago so nobody got a surprise mud shower.
Robin had also mostly dried but now the mud was caked onto the fabric of his clothing and that did not look comfortable.
Maybe asking about where we could wash up would be a good idea as Nea was adequately supplied with care that she only reluctantly accepted so she didn’t need us anymore.
I would still go take a dip in the ocean though, just to get rid of the outer layer of mud and who knew what else.
I just hoped if i went out to do that they would open the gate again to let me in.
If not I would have to wait for Rikaad and that would be really stupid.
I turned my head a bit to face Robin and inform him what I was going to do.
While I was an okay swimmer it still was a good idea to tell someone that I was about to go out into the ocean.
Getting most of the mud off would be wonderful as the dried bits cracked when I moved and stuck my fur into unpleasant little clumps that gave an unusual tugging sensation.
“Robin? I’m going back out for a bit to wash out some of this mud in the ocean.
I’ll be right back after I get this annoying stuff off, okay?”
He nodded and stepped aside a bit to let me through, instead opting to stick closer to the only other person he knew, Nea.
While Robin followed Nea to wherever the Doctors room was i went back out the still open door and walked down the elevated peninsula to a spot where i could access the water.
I had to go a little ways away from the castle itself before I found a path that led down to the ocean, path being a generous titlement though.
To a human the path might have been nice and wide but to me it was a narrow winding route where I had to be careful not to misstep as it was very steep to my side and falling would hurt.
I made it down without any accidents and just jumped into the cool saltwater, watching it turn muddy from all the dirt that had dried on me as the waves sloshed against my body.
Getting it off felt great, now my skin didn’t feel like it was cracking anymore and the clumps that had tugged at my fur were also gone.
Using my paws to scrub off as much of the rest as I could with the thumbless appendage wasn’t very effective sadly, as I couldn’t reach much more than my underside and legs.
I decided that it was good enough for now, I could probably take a proper bath later, the castle surely had something like that.
Stepping out of the ocean i was dripping with saltwater, to combat that i shook myself like a dog, i mean if it worked for them it surely wouldn’t hurt.
Water was flying everywhere as I tried to get myself as dry as possible and I went back up the winding path up the cliffside.
Since I was wet I had sand stick to my paws but the grass managed to get most of it off while I walked.
Looking back up ahead I noticed that the Guards had not yet closed the gate, either out of consideration or because they were waiting for the rest of the division to also come through here.
Probably the latter as I knew none of them and doubted they would just hold it open out of kindness.
Regardless of what it was, I didn’t have to stay outside so I took it as a plus.
Though walking through I could see that none of the Guards got closer to me than they absolutely had to.
I ignored them as they clearly did not want to interact with me and instead went to the castle itself to find Robin who had trailed after Nea.
I hoped the kinda deranged woman was alright, and began to wonder where Oakley was, he could probably help her when he showed up.
The problem was when was he coming back?
he was stashing the ice staff somewhere safe but who knew how far away that was and when he’d be back.
I hoped he’d be here soon as I wasn’t sure what the human doctors would do to her or if they were even able to help at all.
And I could absolutely not ask them for something to help with my still itching pouch.
It took me a few seconds to realize that I currently did not fit through most of the castle doors, I only got through two as far as I knew and neither led me to where I wanted.
That and i didn’t even know where the medical wing was, let alone anything else.
“You alright there green being?”
I swiveled my head around to the source of the voice and saw that it was the Gardener.
“Just looking for my friend, and i realized i do not fit through any of these doors, did you see where he has gone?”
It was also weird that he didn’t call me a beast or monster or even a big guy like Nea, instead opting to call me Green Being, which was a pretty basic description of what I was at the moment.
The Gardener looked at me for a moment and his gaze once again lingered on the plants that grew on my back for a bit.
“What does your friend look like? I know most of what is going on in the garden so i might have seen him”
That was admittedly a first, someone just straight up offering me help had not happened before, and i didn't even know the man.
But it was strangely nice, I would make sure to treat all of the plants in this place with respect now.
“Well he’s ginger and not very tall, i think he went after Nea but i’m not sure where she is either”
The Gardener hummed and seemed to search through his memories for a bit before answering.
“Well i’m fairly certain he went through the yellow painted door over there after a group of Guards that tried to help Nea”
While speaking he pointed over at the mentioned door that had slightly chipped paint on it.
So that’s where I had to go and then?
I had not been in the castle itself except for the grand entrance hall with the throne that I didn’t bother to look at.
I had absolutely no idea of the layout of the imposing building, but before I could ask anything else I heard a commotion from the front of the actual entrance gate.
Alarmed, I looked over as fast as I could, trying to figure out what was going on.
“Ah seems like the rest of the Division has arrived, well then, i’ll be off for now but i’m sure you’ll see me around”
I looked back at the Gardener but he had already walked away.
Wait, he had said that the rest of the division must have arrived, which meant Rikaad and Arthur were also here now!
I trotted over as fast as I dared, I didn’t run as that would surely freak people out but it was still fast regardless.
Going around the bend of the castle I could see the muddy forms of the Royal Guard led by Norrin and Rikaad.
After a few more seconds I also spotted Arthur who looked like he had fallen front first into mud.
He probably had done just that, I was pretty sure all of us were in dire need of a bath.
At least my short dip in the ocean had helped a lot already.
I came up to the troup from the side and the first person to notice me was Arthur.
“HOW in the FUCK are you here before us?!”
At his sudden outburst everyone else in the division turned to look at me.
Great, not what I had wanted at all, being stared at like a freak, but seeing their confused faces was kinda funny.
I’d have to tell Nea that later, if I even found where in the castle she was, she’d be amused I was sure.
Still, being stared at was not something I liked and I wished they would go somewhere else.
I tried my best to ignore it as I approached Arthur, bending down a bit to be more eye level with him.
“I found out that i can run really fast, the other two just kept urging me to go faster and faster so i did”
He just stared at me as if it had not crossed his mind that I could actually sprint in this form.
“So wait, how long have you been here? And Where are the others?”
Well I wasn’t sure how long I had actually been here,
but the other i could at least answer half.
“I don’t really know how long, just long enough for me to go and wash off the worst of the mud in the ocean, as for the other two they brought Nea to a Doc in the castle somewhere and Robin followed her”
He looked past me at the castle looking like he wanted to barge in and search for the ginger.
He was however, like everyone else in the division, still dripping with mud.
Whoever was in charge of cleaning the castle would have a stroke if they all went inside like this.
I swiveled my head around to try and spot Rikaad, he was standing next to Norrin again and apparently had asked one of the not muddy Guards for a bucket of water.
Why became clear not even a second later as he poured it over himself to wash the worst of the muck off.
Norrins face to this was hilarious, he looked really shocked, like he had just seen someone grow a second head.
But it did make sense, it got at least some of the mud off and the rest could be scrubbed off later.
Some other Guards had brought even more buckets so the rest of the division could rinse off too, which they promptly did, following Rikaads example.
Rikaad came over to me and Arthur while everyone else was busy with trying to get the mud off.
His hair was dripping with water and his clothing clung to his skin showing off his muscles.
He could probably toss me if I was my human sized self.
Ignoring the fact that the man could just fucking break me if he so desired i instead asked him how the trek back was.
“So you finally all arrived too, anything else happen that’s noteworthy?”
He shook his head.
“No, it was rather boring even, but walking while covered in mud is not something i recommend”
“Yeah especially as it started to dry, urgh i feel like my skin is cracking and i just want a bath to get all of this off of me”
Arthur chimed in, and a bath did sound good as there was still some muck stuck between the hairs of my fur.
That was not a sentence I ever expected to think.
“That sounds like a good idea, and i kinda want to shift back to my human size but i’m worried about getting stabbed if someone sees my pointy ears”
This was the place the old king had declared to kill any Faefolk so it was pretty obvious why i was so nervous about it, But I couldn’t stay as Ardua the entire time, I wanted to be able to use my thumbs and actually fit through doors.
“They wont as long as i’m near you, and that is also one of the things i will have to fix later as soon as i can get access to all the papers the old man signed”
Well, that was reassuring, and it was nice to know that Rikaad intended to fix all the Bullshit the old git did.
But there was also the fact that i did not want to shift in front of so many people, stupid as it may sound i felt kinda embarrassed, like changing pants in public, also i didn’t want everyone to know i could do that.
I was pretty sure that would be a recipe for disaster, especially if it was found out that it was the bracelet that let me do this.
No doubt someone would try to steal it, even if I was the only one that could actually use the thing.
If the thief then tried to use it they would die, like Oakley said.
So maybe I should find cover instead and shift there?
The weird barn storage area would probably do, and there was a door into the castle right next to it that I could use.
Yeah, that sounded like a good idea.
“I’m not going to shift in front of so many people though, What if one of them gets the idea to steal the bracelet? I’d rather not have that happen.
I think i’ll just hide in the weird built on shed for that”
At a nod from Rikaad i went around the castle again, followed by both of the smaller men.
Well smaller for now, Rikaad was a good bit taller than me at my normal size.
Human size? Smallest size?
Nothing about me was normal anymore so i wasn’t sure if i should call that my normal height, maybe original height?
Thinking about that too much would probably give me a headache so I let it be, it wasn’t really important anyway since I could just shift whenever I wanted.
As long as there was enough space of course.
While stepping around the corner of the castle I made sure not to accidentally tread on any of the meticulously planted flowers.
Then before I could push the door to the oversized shed open I heard a voice behind us.
All three of us looked back to who had spoken in unison.
“Sire? Where are you going? Do you need anything?”
It was Norrin, apparently he had seen us leaving and decided to follow his new king.
Rikaad actually didn’t look too happy about it, likely realizing that his private and freetime would be rather limited from now on.
Regardless of that he wasn’t unfriendly or rude about it as Norrin was only doing his job.
“I was going to bring Donovan and Arthur into the castle and look for Robin”
Norrin looked confusedly at me for a second.
yeah i didn’t fit inside the castle as Ardua but i intended to change that.
“Wh- i don’t think Donovan can fit through the doors, or do you plan on letting him climb through one of the bigger windows?”
The poor man was thoroughly confused now, and I guessed that I actually might fit through some of the bigger windows, but those were not on ground level and to reach them I would have to get to the second or third story.
Oh what the hell, Norrin knowing what exactly made me shift wouldn’t be bad, he might even be helpful with it.
“No that’s not the plan, i’m going to shift into a more human form and use the door”
He stared at me for a few more seconds, one eyebrow twitching a bit for a moment.
“You can do that? Why did you stay in the fuzzier form for so long then?”
Well now he was just as confused as before, as for why I stayed as Ardua, well.
“My ears are pointy in human form, i thought if i shifted i would immediately get stabbed, or worse”
Well I did get stabbed, but not in human form and not while in the kingdom, The itchy stitching was a constant reminder of that.
It was really annoying and I would ask Oakley if he had anything to stop it as soon as I could.
But Oakley wasn’t even here right now, so I would first go look for Robin and then see if I could take a bath to scrub the rest of this muck off of me.
Norrin still looked a tiny bit confused but didn’t seem to have any more questions.
There was nobody else here so I probably didn’t even have to go into the shed to shift.
Besides there was a good bit of open space around us aside from the castle wall so I doubted that if someone was looking our way they’d see what I was doing.
So without further messing about I twisted the gem back into its original position with one of my claws after fumbling with it for a second.
Shrinking was not the most pleasant sensation as it felt like air was just rushing out of my lungs and I couldn’t inhale for the duration of it but once that was done I was back down to my five foot eight height.
Not a lot compared to Rikaad and Norrin, but at least I was still taller than Arthur.
I bet he was not happy about that, but suddenly being smaller than Rikaad again was really weird.
Norrin just stared, like his brain was having trouble catching up with what he saw.
I couldn’t blame him for that really, that was not something you see everyday after all.
He stared for a few more seconds and then his brain seemed to have caught up with the present.
“I don’t know why but i expected you to have green hair”
Were the first words that left his mouth, and honestly?
That assumption wasn’t even that out of the box.
My entire fur had been green so to someone who didn’t know what my human form looked like such a guess was not far off.
But it was still funny, my hair was a normal shade of brown but as Ardua i had a green mess.
I’d have to ask Oakley why that is when I went to get help for the annoying itching.
But for now he wasn’t here, probably still hiding that ice staff somewhere so I would do the other stuff first.
On the to-do list was to find Robin and then get the rest of the mud off.
Now that I was in human form the muck clung to me and had soaked into my shirt, It was really unpleasant as it was starting to dry again from my dip in the ocean.
Eurgh, that felt awful.
Whatever, I would deal with that soon enough.
“I mean, my fur is green so I guess that would be an obvious assumption?”
Norrin was still just staring, and his gaze ended up wandering to my pointed ears.
I already did not like being stared at, but having people look at my ears especially made me uncomfortable and I self consciously put my hands over them.
Normally having anyone see them would only spell trouble for me so I was quite nervous even if I didn’t really have to be anymore.
Years of hiding them out of fear wouldn’t go away in a few days, hell it probably would take quite some time to even get used to actually sleeping without worry of getting stabbed or worse.
At least Norrin had the decency to look away after he saw me put my hands over them.
“Well uh where in the castle do you want to go?
I can show you the way? I know the layout pretty well”
Right, none of us had been in the castle that long, I hadn’t even been inside before so I would have no idea where the hell I was going.
At a nod from both me and Arthur, as well as Rikaad’s go ahead, He went inside first.
“You are looking for your red headed friend right?
Where did you say he’d gone?”
I just realized that Norrin did not know all of our names, He knew Rikaad of course as he was the king and maybe mine but I was pretty sure nobody had told him the names of the other two.
“He should be with Nea i think? He did enter the castle with her while i used sea water to get the worst mud off”
He nodded.
“The medical wing then, well, if they managed to convince Nea to go there at least”
Convincing Nea would probably take twice as long as her just accepting help and getting it over with, but aside from that there weren’t many other places to go in the castle.
At least not that I knew of.
Following the armored man through the tall corridor I noted that I could actually fit through the biggest ones as Ardua.
Also walking on two legs again was suddenly weird, I had become accustomed to the four legs way too quickly and now I felt I could way too easily be toppled over.
And without the fur my skin suddenly felt way too exposed, which in turn made me a tiny bit nervous again.
I ignored it as well as I could as I knew that was just nonsense, I was IN the castle next to the king who the hell would try anything?
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actorsmask · 2 months
Voicelines: Playables
(Only applicable to characters they know, not including rp atm)
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About Sampo: Sampo? Yeah, he’s my big brother all right. Contrary to popular belief, he’s not a deadbeat and he’s most definitely not actively putting me in dangerous situations with his scams and dealings. Never mentioned me? Eh, he does that to “ensure my safety” and “make sure the guys he deals with don’t find me too easily.” Something like that I think. Since you’re the trailblazer, there’s no need to pretend I’m not his sibling. But if it didn’t risk those shady men finding me, I’d be proud to call him my brother, and to be his sibling.
About Sparkle: Don’t deal with her. Ever. If you really need to, keep it short and sweet alright? She’s on the crazier side of the Masked Fools, and her pranks can go from zero to a billion in a matter of seconds. Not to mention how she can shapeshift, which is SO annoying to deal with… Look, just try not to talk to her often, lest she makes you a victim of her little “pranks.”
About Natasha: I don’t know how she does it. Be a doctor, take care of the kids, and be the leader of Wildfire all at once. But at the same time, it really suits her personality don’t you think? Kind enough to be approachable for patients and children, yet strict enough to make sure the kids behave and to run an entire organization. Not to mention her insanely large weapon!
About Luka: We’re pretty close! We met when I first joined Wildfire, and when I tell you I physically recoiled from how nice he is… It was a bit hard to believe someone could be that kind-hearted and caring at the time, but his warmth infected me. We like to spar to pass the time or fight the Fragmentum in Rivet Town, or I just watch his matches in the Fight Club. *Sigh* He’s… Really one of the best people I’ve ever met, and I love spending time with him. Huh? I’m not dreamy!!
About Seele: If you ask me, she could be a biiiiit nicer but oh well! But honestly, she’s like a teddy bear at heart… If only she wasn’t as prickly as a cactus on the outside. Huh? Oh no, no, we do get along! I just like teasing her… She’s a good person, that’s for sure. People tend to not look past the thorns when dealing with people in general, so be patient with her!
About Hook: You must mean Pitch-Dark Hook The Great, haha! I try to take some time to play with her and the other Moles often. Usually beforehand, I set up a set path so they can have an adventure through the Underworld while making sure they stay safe. Sometimes Luka joins in and the Moles have more fun with the extra company. It was the most I could do for those who haven’t seen the sky!
About Clara: She’s one of the sweetest girls I’ve met honestly, so willing to help others and to make sure everyone gets along… I can relate to that. She helped a lot in maintaining the peace between Wildfire and the vagrants due to her relationship with Svarog, and with helping provide medical supplies. Though I wish she would wear socks at least, her feet could step on something sharp…
About Pela: For someone of her profession, you’d never expect her to write the kind of things she writes or reads. Even illustrate! But I’ll be honest, she has good taste… Uh, there’s this one story she showed me called… I think “Palace Swimmer”? About some mermaids, and one’s a beacon… I haven’t been reading up on the more recent books yet, but she has a tendency to go for the sad ones…
About Serval: One of the best sisters I could ever ask for, of course~! She’s taught me a myriad of things: Guitar, machinery, make-up, some fashion advice… Yeah! Serval just has that approachable vibe to her now that I think about it, though I do remember being slightly intimidated by her when I first met her… Then again, I was scared to meet anyone back then.
About Lynx: Sadly, since she isn’t around Belobog often, we usually only text or have video calls of sorts. Sometimes I’ll teleport to wherever she’s camping and we catch up on things while stargazing or foraging for ingredients for cooking. Lynx always has something interesting to tell me about as someone who’s trying to traverse the entirety of Jarilo-VI, so it’s never boring at all! In return, I tell her about the planets I’ve visited!
About Gepard: Another big brother of mine! Honestly, I don’t even know how we got close. After not having evidence to arrest me multiple times, he just… Stopped. So I kind of just kept bothering him about random things whenever I could or when I was bored and Sampo wasn’t around. But I do have him to thank for helping me get to know Serval, Lynx, Pela, and the others. And for just being there in general.
About Bronya: I only started to really talk to her after the Stellaron incident on Jarilo-VI, since she was steadfast in her beliefs and wouldn't dream of interacting with a criminal back then! She was… Nicer than I expected, to be honest. Though, she works way too much that I swear I can see a few wrinkles… She isn’t Sampo’s age yet, so it’s just blasphemy! She needs more rest, but apparently Seele has been helping~
About Aventurine: … I don’t really know him, nor do I want to get to know him. He’s a Stoneheart from the IPC, and that speaks more than enough for me. For all I know, he could get me arrested or try to take Jarilo-VI into the IPC’s greedy hands. I don’t want anything to do with him.
About Topaz and Numby: I also don’t like her. All this campaign and for what? It’s not even a 100% guarantee that Belobog would’ve continued to thrive under the IPC’s care. If anything, if they got too advanced, they would’ve just nuked them. I just don’t like how she made everyone tip-toe. But I do admit her pet trotter is cute…
BONUS! About Oleg: He’s apparently some kind of legend in the Overworld, which was surprising but not surprising at the same time? I heard about him from Gepard, then asked Oleg himself. He told me a lot of stories from his heyday, and they never fail to impress me. It’s hard to believe that old man used to do that much back then, much less imagine it… But he has helped me train tons, so I suppose that tells me enough.
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msweebyness · 5 months
Miraculous Second Gen- School for Monstrous Youths (My Characters)
Hey, ya’ll! These are the first set of kids from the Monstrous Youths AU! I figured I’d let Artzy post the kids for their OC couples on their own time! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Voodoo Doll/Human Hybrid, Adrinette
Age 15
As clumsy as her (bio) mom
Still has a ton of energy, but must be more careful due to voodoo powers
Struggles with some OCD
Influencer for monster-made products
Vampire/Dragon Hybrid, Lukagami
Age 14
Can see people’s auras
Musician like his (bio) dad, super mellow
Struggles with hoarding like his bio mom
Kinda the family therapist
Voodoo Doll/Vampire Hybrid, Lukanette
Age 10
Emerging Himbo still
Wants to play sports, but can’t do contact due to voodoo powers
Sometimes forgets about said powers
Loves going bat mode
Best friends with Hector
Dragon/Human Hybrid, Adrigami
Age 6
Only hoards items that symbolize significant memories
As stoic as Kagami
Intelligent for her age but doesn’t talk much
Scariest dragon glare ever
Cecily “CeCe”:
Ghost/Stein Hybrid
Age 16
Super driven, like her mom
Has a bit of a problem with remembering to knock before phasing through a door
Runs a monster activism news site
Always arguing with her brother
Loses track of her limbs often
Ghost/Stein Hybrid
Age 16
Gives off ectoplasmic static when excited
Really chill, but does meditation to help with anxiety
Plays the keyboard, and writes a comic series about a group of hybrid monster spies
Really wants to ask June out
Vampire/Angel Hybrid, Bio Mom Juleka with a donor
Age 17
Incredibly shy like Jules, but has a love for all things cute
Flying helps him calm down
Learning guitar from his uncle
Will stab someone who threatens their loved ones
Dating Vicki
Juniper “June”:
Plant Monster/Yeti Hybrid
Age 16
Mega blunt like her father, but with her mom’s caring demeanor
Has a fierce yeti temper and WILL throw rocks
RBF for days
Activist for the environment and monster rights
Gets tangled in her vines
Wants to ask Cody out but nerves are a thing
Plant Monster/Yeti Hybrid
Age 10
Gentle giant like his dad
Speaks too quiet to hear most of the time
Loves working with plants and animals
Fidgets with his vines when nervous
Best friends with Hugo
Moth Creature/Werecat Hybrid, Bio Dad Marc with a surrogate
Age 17
Sassiest lil missy, must be the werecat genes
A very talented sculptor
High-functioning autism, limited emotional expression
Spooks at loud noises, like Marc
Has a crush on Destiny
Victoria “Vicki”:
Aquatic Monster/Werewolf Hybrid
Age 17
Has the energy of three people
Fastest swimmer in the region, and a track and field star
Models for Mari’s fashion label, has a good number of fans
Herbo, but like, book-smart
Dating Marek
Nicolette “Nikki”:
Aquatic Monster/Werewolf Hybrid
Age 13
Much more subdued and reserved than her fam
Voice of reason mixed with deadpan snarker
Really tech savvy, makes her own software
Really fast swimmer like her sister, and super agile
Besties with River
Manticore, Adopted at 1
Age 13
Snarkiest lil shit, it’s why they and Nikki get along
Daredevil like their mama, they do extreme sports together
Really smart, makes top grades
Wonders about their birth parents sometimes, but loves Alix and wouldn’t trade being with her
Has to be careful with their tail spines
Centaur/Siren Hybrid
Age 17
Only one of the three with the power of siren song
Loves to sing but has to be careful with her powers
Proper lady like her mama, manners are impeccable
Sweetest girl alive, takes care of people out of instinct
Has a crush on Elicia
Centaur/Siren Hybrid
Age 12
Only one with the full lower body of a horse
School’s sprinting champ
Crazy good cook, big Kronk vibes
Daddy’s Girl
Centaur/Siren Hybrid
Age 9
Wants to be a vet, adopts random animals
Ray of sunshine 24/7
Has hooves and wings, and a good singer
Very perceptive for his age
Daemon, Adopted at 3
Age 15
Super shy, but has a quiet snarkiness
Mari’s design protégé, fashion sense is on point
Always fidgeting, usually has stim toys
Starting a foundation for abandoned daemon kids like himself and his Dad
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs! Enjoy the monster kiddies!
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linaisfunny · 1 year
Hot take of the week; The castle swimmer fandom hates on Susca WAY TO MUCH and liked Shoal WAY TO MUCH.
Okay, hear me out. Both Susca and Shoal are written incredibly realistic. They’re not perfect at all, they have flaws, they have faults and regrets. However, i see people scorn and hate Susca to an extreme amount and I think it’s completely unfair to hate HER if you like Shoal.
Susca not only lies to her people, she almost kills the Beacon to protect her sons life. She would willing kill and lie to protect Siren. Ask any parent and they’d say, “Yes, I’d do anything to protect my child.”
Pim threatens her castle’s leaders because they were mistreating Pagoon and left with him.
Mucku gives up her memories to protect Neth.
So why are we hating Susca for trying to protect Siren?
“But Susca tried to kill Kappa!!! She lied to Siren!!! She hurt him!!”
If you had a child, would you rather have them killed by a stranger or kill that stranger to protect them?
She did lie. She lied to everyone. But not for her own sake of being. She didn’t lie to comfort herself or because she could bare seeing people get hurt, she lied to protect her child.
But so did Shoal.
“Did I really leave to find a way to break our curse? Or was it too much of a coward to stay and watch our people die because of our decision?”
Shoal lied. Both he and Susca made the prophecy up. If you hate on Susca for putting Siren under pressure, you should also hate on Shoal for doing it to. It’s both their faults.
Susca hurt Siren on complete accident. Siren was the one to jump in front of her spear. And after she told that castle what she did and owned up to her mistakes and would have accepted being banished. She got insanely good character development.
But what did Shoal do?
He abandoned both his wife and son. He is, by definition, a deadbeat dad. Yes Susca made mistakes but she owned up to them and apologized and let Siren leave and accepted that Kappa and Siren love each other.
Shoal wasn’t even there to see Siren turn ten!
Shoal uses excuse after excuse to try and say he made the right choice and that leaving his wife and child behind was excusable. It wasn’t.
Yes, he does regret it, but what does he do to show his remorse for abandoning his family? Stay gone.
He had ten years to come back. He never did. He even admits the real reason he left is because he couldn’t bare to see his people get hurt because of his decision.
“Did I really do this to save Siren? Or did I abandon him because it’s to painful to stay by his side?”
Yes, Shoal, you abandoned your son.
I think the only reason people like him is because he’s attractive and he’s shown to love Siren.
But how much can you truly love someone, if you abandoned them because you couldn’t handle emotional turmoil?
Shoal does regret leaving, but never comes back? Back to his wife or son? Or his people?
He forces Susca to become not only a Queen, but a single mother raising the child Shoal couldn’t bare to stay around because it was to painful and forces Siren, who was nine at the time, to lose his father and go through life without a father.
Imagine the abandonment issues Siren must have because of Shoal. Most Sharks die for their family, Shoal left his.
Shoal is never shown to have any character development at all. He doesn’t change from the sad, deadbeat dad he was ten years ago.
Susca changes into a much more responsible and mature women and admits her mistakes and accepts if Siren never wants to see her again.
What did Shoal ever do for Siren that was for only his benefit?
Susca is a liar but Shoal is a coward.
Hate on Susca all you want, but remember that she was the one who stayed.
Susca was the one who stayed. Shoal wasn’t.
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blarsh · 5 months
Finally time for Ambrosine's backstory! Many words ahead
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Life was alright for Ambrosine. She was never like the other kids but that was fine. They were weird anyway.
There were two moderately normal things about her. Her unreasonable obsessions with rocks and romance. Her parents may have been a contributing factor to this, as they never strayed from showing off how much they absolutely adored each other. And they never missed a chance to remind her and her siblings of how they only existed because of their love.
She hardly knew how to like things in moderation.
She was spoiled with attention by both her parents and her older sister. Her brother however...was a different story.
He didn't get why she got special treatment. He deserved it! She was such a weird kid. Rarely smiled, seemed bored by most normal things. Unlike him. He was normal and liked normal things! He had friends and good grades! He was better! The only thing she had on him was the fact that she was younger. Stupid parents, favoring their youngests...
So he may have bullied her. A...lot. Most of it she could handle. She'd get angry and yell or hit him. Nothing serious. She couldn't do much damage with her tiny hands and he couldn't take anything she said seriously. But one day he was really pissed.
One day he just wanted to really get under her skin. Really show this dumb kid that he had the power here. That he was better. Stronger, smarter, faster, older. So he may have tampered with one of her obsessions.
Her rock collection...it was stupid, and took up too much room anyway. So he helped clean up...all he did was toss a few out in the yard. Where they belonged.
But that stare...that dead stare she gave him tears streaming down her little face, was...terrifying. It must have just been an off day for him. How could this kid be scary in any way? This little girl was the least threatening thing in the world. So why did that look give him the chills?
That was the only look he got for months. All through the rest of winter and into early spring. It stopped bothering him. He resumed his bullying. After all, it's not like anything was stopping him. Sure their big sister would scold him, but Morgana was totally powerless. She couldn't do anything.
Ambrosine only looked at him normally again one day in late spring when their grandfather took them out on a river trip. It was just the three of them, Ambrosine, Morgana, and him. Their parents were "busy" with some stupid romantic getaway.
It was a fun trip. Sand castles, games, even some supervised adventure. In the evening, their grandfather had decided to take a short nap. These three were good kids, and he trusted Morgana to keep an eye on them.
Now if only they respected their big sister.
Ambrosine approached her older brother with a challenge. "Aren't you old enough to swim without a life jacket now?" "What, are you weak or something?" "I bet you can't swim past the boat with no life jacket!" "Or are you a loser?" "I'm almost able to. Why can't you?"
Those stupid taunts got to him. He was just a kid. Not as mature as he thought. He couldn't help but prove himself.
"Oh come on, can't you go farther?" "It doesn't count if you're holding onto the boat!"
Morgana tried to stop it. She yelled at them both to stop and stay on land. But what could she do? It's not like she had the guts to discipline them. It's not like she knew how to drive the boat and save her little brother as the current took him away.
He really wasn't a good enough swimmer.
The current swept him away, and when it was too much, it swept him under too.
It's painful to hold a funeral for your child. Even more so without a body. And more yet knowing it's at the fault of another one of your children.
Ambrosine was never brought to justice. And while their grandfather should have been charged with criminal negligence, he never was. Morgana and Ambrosine didn't want to admit what had happened. Their parents only knew because Morgana spilled the beans.
They came to resent their children. And each other. If their love created such monsters...was it worth having?
They fought. And like their affection, they didn't bother to hide their anger from their children. Was that happily ever after? The thing Ambrosine dreamed of all her life? How could they not still love each other? After all, if their love is really what made their "precious" children, they could just make another one. It didn't matter.
They got divorced. They dated other people, many of which didn't last long. Their mother disappeared one day with her boyfriend at the time, so Ambrosine and Morgana had to live full time with their father. By then he had already started heavily drinking, and it wasn't uncommon for him to throw things at or hit his daughters. Especially Ambrosine. That monster...that utter abomination that killed his son.
It wasn't her fault. He should have been smarter.
He blinded her. Of course he did. He was in one of his moods and Ambrosine just happened to be around, so he threw a beer bottle at her. It never resulted in anything serious. But his aim was, for once, good enough to hit her. He wasn't trying to. Really he just wanted to spook her and hit the wall. But of course he hit her right in the face.
Even despite being unable to treat her properly, despite fearing her, Morgana still tried to help. She couldn't stand her little sister being in pain. It was a relentless battle. She hated her brother's killer, but she still loved her baby sister. As long as no one else got hurt because of her...maybe it would be fine.
And it was fine, completely fine...until Ambrosine started dating. No matter what, no one had the qualities she liked. No one liked her as much as she liked them, and when she realized that, she dropped them like they were nothing at all. So she realized...if a few words could so easily get her brother to practically kill himself all those years ago, why couldn't she use the same tactics to make someone perfect for her?
Ahaha, that moment when you try to write a small amount but it ends up being more than you thought it would. Anyways! Here's a few little tidbits I wanted to put in but didn't cuz I wanted it to be short!
Ambrosine's mom disappeared bc she joined a cult
She was paying for Am' and Mo's dance classes so they had to stop after her disappearence
Until their grandpa paid for it bc Ambrosine wanted him to
Then she REALLY had to stop after being blinded
Ambrosine saw her dance instructor as a mother figure so quitting was rough
Ambrosine was also very close to her grandfather all her life
She started bleaching and straightening her hair in high school bc girls with straight blond hair seemed to be more liked
And more underestimated
Despite seeming to not care as much, her parents change in behavior did affect Ambrosine quite a bit
She just wants someone to love her and never EVER leave her like her mean old parents did
Morgana would steal a lot of her partners after realizing what she was trying to turn them into
So in turn she started dating Ryan after learning about Morgana's little crush
I swear she likes things other than rocks
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ifyougoillfollow · 1 year
as we sink into the open sea
M/F, Gen | QPR MicNight | 1720 words | Selkie AU CW: Depiction of Suicide Attempt (non-graphic)
On the eve of his nineteenth birthday, Yamada Hizashi walks into the ocean and comes back with a wife.
Please understand, that wasn't his intention. Yamada Hizashi is not the kind of man to believe in tales of sirens and sea wives, and he is especially not the kind of man with dreams of snaring one for himself. He is, in point of fact, not a man of any dreams at all. Not anymore.
So he walks into the ocean, figuring that if he can't find the will to keep dreaming, then he can at least find some peace at last. He finds a wife, instead.
Or rather, she finds him.
She finds him as his body hits the sea floor, at the very moment the first wave of doubt rolls over him in one fell, unrelenting swoop, much too late for him to do anything about it. He's so overcome with it he doesn't think much of the figure that glides out of the ocean murk and sidles right up to him. Wide, shark-bright eyes peer at him, so close they fill up his entire swimming, pin-pricking vision, and all Hizashi can think about is how soon he's going to die, and how he’s not so sure he wants to die after all, and how little what he wants matters in this final moment, as in all the rest before it, and then the figure places one cold hand on his colder cheek and kisses him. She's all Hizashi can think of, then.
She's dark-haired and beautiful. And strong. And a good swimmer, too, but that's to be expected. She drags him back to shore, lips locked tight over his the whole way, and she doesn't let go until his lungs are clear of ocean brine.
Hizashi lies there, alive and silent on the cold, wet sand for a good while after. Long enough for the first hint of morning blue to blush over the horizon. The sea maiden lies with him, just as alive, just as silent, and infinitely more at ease. Cozied right up to his side, as if she belongs there, seemingly content to remain there for however long Hizashi has left on this Earth now that she's saved him. Try as he might, he can't figure out whether he's grateful or not. He does, however, remember his manners, on occasion, so when he finally finds his voice again, he uses it to thank her.
"You're welcome," the sea maiden replies. There's laughter in her voice. Hizashi doesn't know what there is to laugh about, though he finds himself wishing she'd actually done so, just so he could hear it. He used to love laughter. Impossibly, he still does.
Yamada Hizashi had a knack for making people laugh, once. It was all he knew how to do, really. He doesn't know much of anything now, least of all how to make the sea maiden in his arms laugh, so he says nothing.
The sea maiden in his arms says nothing either, at first, for just long enough Hizashi startles when she does speak: "Is that it?"
"Is that all you're going to say?"
"... Is there more I should be saying?"
"There must be." There it is again – the laugh in her voice. "You don't strike me as the quiet type in the least."
That's what it is – she's teasing him. It's much too familiar to do anything but rankle. "Listen, Miss –”
She snorts. "Nemuri."
"Listen –” his face burns as he realizes that's her given name, and he refuses to say it "– listen, I'm grateful to you for saving me and all, but you don't know anything about me."
She peels away from his side. "Liar."
"You're not grateful at all," she grunts through an impressive stretch, current-strong arms flung upward and out towards the heavens. She's wearing a sealskin cape and nothing else, and is so unembarrassed by it Hizashi can't muster up any on her behalf. She winks at him. "But you will be," she adds. Then: "Take off your clothes."
This time she does laugh – seagull-like – loud and sharp and to the point. "Well, I don't know much about land folk, but it's my understanding you don't handle being wet all that well."
Hizashi wraps his arms around himself, scowling. "I'll be fine."
"Suit yourself."
The sea maiden stands – or at least tries to. She heaves herself upward in a motion that would probably be fluid underwater, then loses her balance, toppling backwards onto the sand, rump first. The sight of her glaring down at her legs is almost enough to pull a laugh out of Hizashi.
"Stupid things," she grumbles, kicking up sand.
Hizashi does laugh, then, which is a mistake. The sea maiden stands, suddenly sure-footed in her indignation, and uses her newfound mastery over her lower appendages to kick sand in his direction.
Hizashi cannot stop laughing. He laughs until his new companion loses interest in burying him under sand. He laughs until the sun finally frees itself from under the weight of the horizon. He laughs until he almost forgets he just tried to kill himself.
When he's all laughed out, the sea maiden is still there. Sitting across from him, hands and feet planted firmly in the sand, peering at him with a smile so dry it's a wonder she doesn't hail from land herself.
Without a word, she stands again, solid and steady, all remaining traces of sea legs gone, and hauls Hizashi to his own significantly less steady feet. While he's still reeling from... all of it – the strength of her hands around his, the seafoam-salt smell of her filling his impossibly pumping lungs, the laughter still clanging through every hollow part of him – the sea maiden takes her sealskin cape and drapes it over Hizashi's shoulders.
It's soft and musky and so warm it feels more alive than he does, but, most of all, it's heavy.
Hizashi tries to shrug it off. "Thanks," he says stiffly, "but I said I'm fine."
"I heard you," says the sea maiden, rearranging the cape around him.
"I don't need it."
"I know."
She fastens the cape closed around his neck, patting his chest firmly. It's so long it covers Hizashi all the way down to his shins. On her, it must have just brushed over the sand at her feet. The uncanny warmth of it doesn't seep even as the seafront breeze hits it, makes it flap and flutter around him in a heavy, even bump-bump, bump-bump beat. Nothing could ever hope to reach him past that beat and that warmth.
"I don't want it, either," he lies, because he has to, because he's never known what to do in the face of so much want, because he's always wanted too many things, and he's wanted them too much.
"Neither do I," says the sea maiden, breezy as the morning. "Maybe we should leave it here, lying around. I'm sure no one else would find it, if we hid it well enough."
Hizashi blanches at the thought. He may not be the kind of man to believe in tales of sea wives, but he has heard enough of them to be wary of the kind of man who does. He fumbles for the clasp at the base of his throat. "Just take it back. Go home."
"Hm, I don't think so." She sidesteps his attempts to foist the cape back onto her, walking away backwards, hands clasped behind her head. "I think I'll stick around here for awhile. Explore the land realm. It seems exciting."
Hizashi chases after her, cape held out like a net. "It isn't."
She twirls away again. "Liar."
"It's too exciting, then. Dangerous."
"So is the ocean – didn't stop you from walking into it."
"That was –" Hizashi falters, loses his footing "– different," he finishes lamely, hands fisted in the sand-soiled cape caught under his knees.
The sea maiden stands over him. "You're right," she says, "that was different – I'm not going into this trying to die. I'd say that alone makes my odds of survival look pretty swell, don't you think?"
Hizashi stares up at her, looming tall against the dawn sky, so tall she dwarves the rising sun itself, and has no doubt she'd survive even the drying of all seven seas if it meant she got to live.
"You're naked," he says, because he's running out of arguments, and the will to keep making them.
"I wouldn't be if you gave me your clothes,” she shoots back, “I gave you mine, didn't I? It would only be fair."
The cape is velvet-smooth as Hizashi slides it out from under himself, warmer still from the heat of his body and the sun-washed sand, which slides off of it like ocean spray from mossy seaside cliffs. His sea maiden – Nemuri – takes it from him and helps him back to his feet. She folds it over her arm, as if merely holding on to it for the moment, and arches an expectant eyebrow at him.
Sighing, Hizashi shrugs off his coat. "Yes,” he relents, “I suppose it would only be fair."
On the dawn of his nineteenth birthday, Yamada Hizashi walks into town with nothing but a sealskin cape on his back and a wife.
Or so the townsfolk like to tell it, because the townsfolk love a good fairy tale romance almost as much as they love to pity him. In time, they will come to pity him even this moment and his sea-wild wife, as outrageous as she is beautiful, as the very ocean itself, and Yamada Hizashi will do what he has always done in the face of undue pity, which is to laugh in it and continue loving whoever and whatever he loves, in whichever way he sees fit.
But that will come later. For now, in the rosy light of a dawn he never planned to see, Hizashi walks into town beside Nemuri, the sea maiden who saved his life – the woman who will be called his wife and be so much more – and is content enough to have finally figured out he’s grateful, even if he has yet to figure out much else. The rest will follow, he’s sure, in good time and – even better – good company.
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kisutothestars · 23 days
FFXIV Write 2024 Day 2
spoilers for early Dawntrail, and mentions of endgame Endwalker. Wol/Aymeric fic
Sasa dashes into the room, dropping her bags near the entrance. 
“Oh wow!” she exclaims, making a beeline for the far back of the room. 
Aymeric walks in calmly after her, a small smile on his face. Until he also sees the back of the room. Or rather the lack of one. His jaw drops. 
The back of the room is completely open to the outside world. There’s a landing that juts out past the roof of the building, catching the rays of warm sun. Aymeric follows Sasa, who sits at the edge of the platform. The view is beautiful, lush Turali vegetation stretching out before them, the crystal clear sea water just below. There are no rails along the edge of the landing but with a quick glance Aymeric can see the water below them is rather shallow. Accidentally falling off the edge wouldn’t hurt nor pose a threat for weak swimmers, it would just be unpleasantly wet. 
Sasa hums as she looks down, no doubt searching for any sea life in the water. She delightfully informed him when they arrived how different the coral reefs in Tural are from Costa del Sol, although truthfully they looked all but the same to him. Similarly vibrant and splendid. Aymeric decides to sit next to her, dangling his legs off the edge. Afternoon sun reflects off the water, bright enough to make him squint. 
“Here we are! Isn’t it lovely?” Sasa says, smiling at him. 
“Aye,” Aymeric responds, returning her smile. The breeze tousles their hair. The gentle lapping of water against the rocks is calming, even to an Ishgardian unfamiliar with the sea. 
“It was high tide this morning, so the water’s probably coming back really soon. Just in time for the sunset I think!” Sasa beams. “Lamaty'i told us to relax for now so I’m thinking we should get some food and enjoy it out here.” 
“I think a cold drink right now would be lovely.” 
Sasa stands up quickly. “Agreed! I’ll go get some now! Sit and relax Aymeric!” She bounds towards the door and is gone before Aymeric can start protesting. 
He sighs, looking out at the greenery in the distance. Admittedly he is exhausted, never has he been on such a long ride whether by airship or by boat or anything. Sasa on the other hand has traveled to the ends of the universe. And she never liked talking about it, but it must have been a long voyage. It is possible that to her, the boat to Tural was nothing. 
It comes with the territory of associating with the Warrior of Light, but he worries about her. She is so good at playing the hero when she thinks she needs to, taking the burden off everyone else all while hiding her own feelings. 
Aymeric shakes his head. Letting her get food for them is not a burden. Knowing her, she would already be making new friends and perusing the drink menu with great enthusiasm. And she will be returning to him, to this quaint little inn room, and they can eat and drink new culinary delights in each other’s company. 
And he can return the favor by being the one who returns the cutlery and tableware to the inn later.
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