#but also omg i remember watching the princess and the frog when it came out
justanisabelakinnie · 2 years
I'd love to give an answer for the wlw ask no 20! Who was my celebrity/character awakening? First time I remember finding a girl hot was Dianna Agron and Lea Michele in like a sexy schoolgirl photoshoot they did for Glee and I was probably about 14? The first one where it was definitely "Yeah, I like girls" was Kate McKinnon in the new ghostbusters. Went in a girl and came out a woman. I see myself as pan but from time to time I do doubt myself and then I'll watch something and it's like "yep, I'm pan". When I saw the new West Side Story, I basically could get with anyone in the room during the dance scene and I wouldn't complain. Particularly either Anita or Anybodys I think they're called? It's either Anybodys or Nobodys, I can't remember.
Now my women loves are Jessica Darrow and Cate Blanchett! I met Jessica at Wales comic con and she is so sweet and genuine! Hard to think she's only a year older than me! On her insta, I get very Emcee from Cabaret vibes from her, she is so beautiful, so sexy and so hot. And I can confirm her ass is amazing, like I could bounce a penny off that thing
Omg I love this! I can’t remember who my queer awakening was, it was probably Jasmine from Aladdin, I’m sorry but that girl is hot, okay? Or maybe Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Or Tiana from The Princess and the Frog…I really think I had a crush on all the Disney Princesses lol. I also love DDLC and claimed for a long while that Monika was my “waifu” but I never claimed any male characters were my “husbando” lol. And of course Isabela Madrigal was a big one!
For real people, I was really obsessed with Melanie Martinez in middle school! I thought she was just so pretty and cool and had an adorable and soft voice. I also loved Marina and the Diamonds, Lizzo, and Beyoncé! I still do love those singers lol but I think Melanie Martinez contributed mainly to my queer awakening because I never cared about 1D or Shawn Mendes but I was simping for Melanie Martinez? Umm, hello? Lesbian! Ahaha anyway thanks for sharing your experience and I hope you liked mine!
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zeussim · 2 years
I am ALMOST recovered from the cocomelon diseasio although I fear it has left me an otter
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jungshookz · 4 years
cee drop your movie recs!!!
omg i feel like i have so many but i can’t think of all of them right now!!!!! 
CORALINE is my all-time favourite movie >:-) i remember when it came out on dvd i begged my mom to buy it and then i watched it literally nine times in a row!!! the animation is incredible!!! the details are so mind-blowing!!!! the story is so good!!!! it’s so good and creepy and it’s perFECT and i love it so much and it’s my go-to movie whenever i need to feel better :’)
another one of my favourites is miss congeniality!!!! that scene of sandra bullock walking out after her transformation is just,.,. mWAH immaculate and iconic and if i was in a movie i would also want a transformation scene exactly like the one in miss congeniality >:-))) 
OOH and i have to give a special shoutout to the heat because it always makes me ugly laugh and snort 
other honourable mentions: 
ghostbusters (both the 1984 aND the 2016 versions) 
any studio ghibli film duH
mamma mia!!!! 
DIRTY DANCING (the sequel is okay but i think i’m only saying that because i had a slight crush on diego luna for a while)
mulan <3 
BRAVE!!!! if ya had the chance to change yer fate-
princess and the frog naveen is HOT okay 
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limitless-rose · 5 years
The Signs as things I wanted to be when I grow up
[This has literally been in my drafts since December because I wasn't sure if each option matched with the sign I chose but whatever (it's also a long post again, oof)
Also I didn't really post anything related to 2020 so... Happy New Year, let's hope something good will happen this decade!! 💖]
♈ Aries: Be part of the army. I was quite fascinated by the idea of guns and protecting the nation and actually getting my life together. I was actually thinking about it for quite a while until I realized that in order to get accepted (at least according to the Greek system) you need to have excellent grades (especially maths/physics), to be taller that 165cm and to be excellent in sports. Guess what, I don't understand physics/science/chemistry, I've been about 158cm for the past 3 years and the only two sports I'm good at are badminton and tennis (while you need to be good at running, swimming and things like that I guess 😕)
♉ Taurus: A chef/baker. Cooking and baking always seemed pretty fun. I would always sit by my grandma whenever she cooked/baked goodies and observe the whole process. I also got inspired by the movies "The Princess and the Frog" and "Ratatouille" and thought that one day I could possibly come up with my own recipes and open my own restaurant. But while growing up I realized that I can't cook properly when I'm stressed/multi-tasking (I'm capable of burning the food AND the kitchen if I get slightly distracted, ooof)
♊ Gemini: A TV presenter or a weather woman. My mom told me that from the age of three I would always pretend to talk to an audience and answer questions from the callers or announce news/talk about the weather. Maybe that explains why I talk to thin air (as if I was a YouTuber) about anything and everything when I'm alone. Though it sounds cool, I don't really think I could do it now because I have social anxiety.
♋ Cancer: A writer. I really like writing, I don't know why. Authors have been inspiring me since my childhood, I remember I used to read so many books and try to write something of my own based on it. 😅 I like taking notes and then re-writing them more neatly. I like re-doing old homework in a different style and see if I have improved. I really like writing in a diary/a bullet journal too, I feel like it's much better than bothering others with my problems anyway. I also love coming up with random scenarios/stories/characters and writing about it but I don't know if I should share it. Idk, sometimes I feel like my writing is a bit boring or that it's nothing that impressive. So, honestly, if more people took writers seriously instead of thinking it's a hobby as it doesn't always pay well (when did the world even start revolving around money that much, oml) and if I was more confident about my work I'd definitely chose to become a writer/author (I'm still keeping it as a hobby no matter what I end up doing, lol).
♌ Leo: A model. Omg, I honestly don't know why I even thought of it. Probably because I really liked watching ANTM when I was younger (and I specifically chose the American version because the one we have in my country makes me cringe a lot, just hearing girls from my school talking about it is painful). My friends also liked the outfits that I put together or how I would always pose for pictures (a few years ago, I'm too awkward now asdfghjkl). Looking at it now it's just so funny. There's literally so much competition in the name of beauty, the community can get kinda toxic sometimes and the standards are pretty high. Also I'm way too short and I still can't walk like a normal person when wearing high heels lol.
♍ Virgo: A teacher. Specifically, a teacher for elementary or even kindergarten. Back then, the concept of teaching seemed pretty fun to me and I had lots of ideas about how to make class more interesting. The thing is that I have good chemistry with most kids and I actually kinda dislike teenagers because of how rebellious we can get when it comes to school (idk but like teens in my country are like pretty rude to everyone 😐). I'm not so sure about it now, though it's still an option.
♎ Libra: A psychologist. I always liked helping others out and offering advice when they're having a tough time and I was also curious to see what makes each person feel angry, sad or stressed and the way they respond. It's also interesting because you can learn a lot about someone's personality, preferences and way of thinking or understand what caused someone to commit a crime. I still really like psychology and it's one of my main options for uni. The only problem is that psychology is pretty much overrated in my country so people say it's best to choose something else. 😒
♏ Scorpio: A criminologist. And, surprisingly, I still want it. I was always intrigued by things that required research, was interesting in learning what caused a murder/crime to be committed and I would always watch crime thrillers with my dad. I also like it because it's a field of Sociology which is one of my favorite subjects. I'm just hoping finals aren't super difficult so I can get accepted in the college that I want on the first try lol.
♐ Sagittarius: A flight attendant. Back then I found it kinda fun, as I was always curious about what going on a plane is like. It could also be because of their outfits (like the ones you see in movies or in Britney's MV for Toxic, idk why 😅). Plus I would get to travel around the world without paying as much as the passengers. But then, at the age of 14-15 I got on an airplane 4 times and I saw that it wasn't really like the movies and that literally everyone ignored the flight attendant so yeah, it's not an option anymore. ✈️
♑ Capricorn: A fashion designer. So because I would always draw and constantly ask for new crayons/markers and other art supplies, my mom bought me a few coloring books that focused on fashion. It came along with stickers, stencils, ideas for Victorian dressses, advice for how to design lace or mermaid tail dresses and I was so impressed. A few years later, my grandma showed me a few dresses that she had made for my mom when she was younger (which were so gorgeous like I'm definitely going to wear one of them on my graduation day) and taught me sewing. I also got to see these small floral designs that you usually see on lingerie and it was so pretty, I wish I could do it as perfectly as her. I decided to follow my grandma's advice and keep it as a hobby instead (because she ended up doing nothing but designing clothes and repairing them which she regrets 🧵🧶).
♒ Aquarius: An astronaut. This was pretty random, I have to admit. I guess I really liked space and looking at at the stars in the night sky. I read a few books about space and learned a few things about NASA back in elementary too, though I realized that it's something I could never really do, as you have to sacrifice a lot. I'm still fascinated by this profession but there's no way I could ever do it, since I can't even understand basic physics or mathematics. 🤷‍♀️
♓ Pisces: An artist. Honestly I didn't really care if most artists didn't get recognition/fame or if they didn't earn enough money, I just wanted to make art because I liked it. It's also fun because while you are expressing your thoughts through an art piece, another person might interpret it differently, based on their likings and thoughts. Art also plays an active role in my life: I've been drawing and painting since I was 5 and I would always watch the show with Bob Ross on TV with my grandma. Instead of completely giving up on this idea, I thought that I could choose another profession (also my family didn't really like the thought of me doing art for a living 😐) and keep art as a hobby.
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