#but also she loves her guardian and thinks hes just SOOOOOOO cute!
saprophetic · 2 years
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did you know that bug he well hes!
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therantsofawriterrr · 9 months
Sooooo my first kdrama of this year is King The Land and OMG IT'S SO CUTE HELP-
I started watching kdramas last year and the ones I've seen yet are: Hometown Cha Cha Cha, The Glory, Destined With You, Perfect Marriage Revenge, The Good Bad Mother, Alchemy Of Souls, My Lovely Liar (not completed) and Guardian (also not completed)
There might be spoilers under the break so
Gu Won is sooooooo cute. Going from hating Sarang's smile in the first or some ep to needing to make her smile on ep 4? Or 5 maybe idk but yea. I think this is the first kdrama I've seen where they both have like, an actual date so early on (it was a date, i will refuse to believe anything else). Plus i think it's also the first kdrama where the relationship development has mostly been fluffy and not angsty. I feel like it's gonna get angsty? Idk. But i feel like Gu Won and Sarang are like the typical grumpy-sunshine trope.
I love the fact that Sarang actually has besties that support her and listen to her and they have a realistic friendship? Like for me, personally, I haven't rly seen realistic friendships, might also be because i haven't seen that many, but this is the first kdrama where I've seen girl besties just be comfy with each other, healthy jealousy, randomly starting to party and all the other things. Friendship goals fr. I just hate how her colleagues treat her. Like ok y'all studied and shit and came up but that doesn't mean that she just got lucky. She put in her effort and hard work into her job, so she got recognised and promoted. I think the thing with Sarang is that she actually wants to do her job and enjoys it, while the others just do it cause they need money.
Anyway, but they're sooo cute together. Also, the OSTs. All kdramas have banger OSTs but man, this one wins for me. I love the songs and I love how the timing is accurate. I'm prolly gonna add it to my playlist.
Also, Gu Won's mom either died and noone told him how and he was lied to by his sister(power hungry bish) or she wasn't his mom at all and was fired. Or smn else idk.
I hate how Daeul's husband isn't paying attention to his wife or house. I feel like he's cheating. Or he's just ignorant asf. Plus omg i love her daughterrrrr, she's so cute and she's so right when she's supporting her mom.
Pyung-Hwa looks perfectly nice to me, but apparently she has a dark past or smn? Idk what to expect with this character tbh she's kinda confusing to me. But I do hope there are no misunderstandings between her and Ro-Un.
Anyway so far so good, I will be screaming abt kdramas here a lot so I'm rly sorry lol.
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Outfoxed Chapter 6
I love Dia sooooooo much! A nice insight chappy!
Previous Chapter
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This felt weird. No, not just run-of-the-mill Devildom weird. This was flat out of the most unusual misconceptions invented by humans; knowledge takes time. Lies. Rena was sitting on the floor across from Diavolo after he just explained everything. In a split second.
He pressed his thumb to her forehead, and it downloaded instantly. She was woozy from the whole experience, and he held her still with his hands on her shoulders. ‘Welcome to being a demon, Rena! Now, how about I give you all of our rules in one split second!’
She felt her stomach jerk in defiance and turned only to have Barbatos offer her a small trash bin. Rena voided her stomach and realized this was exactly why they hadn’t offered her food yet. It was so much to take in all at once.
Once her dry-heaving subsided, a towel and teacup awaited her. “That’s one way to do it,” she huffed while wiping her mouth.
“You’re quite fortunate,” Lucifer hummed. “When Lord Diavolo had done the same with Asmodeus, he had fainted.”
She set the towel down and sipped her tea with a smile. “I wish I would have been there for that.”
“Now the floor makes sense, right? See, I learn from my mistakes,” Diavolo chuckled and reached out, caressing her cheek with his thumb.
She laughed and nodded. “Yes, the floor did come in handy.”
“So, do you have any questions? Concerns? Issues?” Diavolo asked.
Rena blinked as her eyebrows launched toward her hairline. “Am I allowed?”
“Yes, you are,” Diavolo rocked his head.
She scowled and swallowed. Rena wanted to drop her eye contact with him. It made her nervous and squirm, but he wasn’t allowing it. Everything about his touch demanded her to look at him. “So, because I cannot pledge fealty due to the delicacy of my situation, you require me to make a promise?”
Diavolo slid closer and scowled in the slightest. “Yes, I believe that’s wholly fair.”
“I do too,” she nodded.
“Lucifer is your guardian. He will be responsible for your care, being that you’re still so young for a demon. It’s a formality, but it also gives you someone to go to when you’re lost or upset. You will have to abide by his rules as well. The promise you make will bind you to such,” Diavolo explained.
Rena licked her lips before glancing down to bring her tea to her lips. This was so much to go over. She set her cup on the ground and returned her vision to the prince. “You’re concerned with me being female.”
Diavolo twitched his nose and moved his hand up to her ear, scratching it. Comfort. The intelligent demon prince coaxing calm in a very intense concept. Once she made this promise to him, she was one of his demons for the duration of this accident. Owned, signed, and leased by the Devildom.
“I’m concerned that it could lead to larger issues,” he finally said. “Neither one of us is ignorant of your connections to my demons.”
Her cheeks darkened, and she bit her lower lip. It was only then that she realized just how elongated her incisors were. “Yes, well, that’s an issue, isn’t it? If I’m stuck like this for ten years, I really am not looking forward to the sexual tension in that house,” she tried to smile and laugh.
Diavolo hummed and tilted his head. “Then, we’ll fix that,” he rocked his head. “For now, can you attempt to not engage? To the extent of risking your possible return to humanity? I’m not positive, but I believe a demonic pregnancy is extremely permanent.”
“That’s quite fair,” Rena cleared her throat. Her tail thumped against the ground as she shifted. That was extremely blunt, and she wasn’t used to him being that way.
Diavolo frowned and traced his fingers over the top of her head. “Rena, I know this is so much to take into account. I’m asking for plenty of trust. It may not be deserving, given the circumstance. However, would you trust me with your livelihood? I would like to partner in your care, not command.”
She beamed and rocked her head. “I trust you, Lord Diavolo. If you meant me any harm, it would have been my demise years ago,” she giggled.
He pulled his fingers from her and held out his hand. “We’ll make promises to each other. Consider this an apprenticeship to being one of my demons,” he teased with a bright smile.
There was calm that came from Diavolo. However, there was the unmistakable hopefulness that bled through as well. She frowned in the slightest at him. “You wouldn’t be upset if I never went back to being human?”
His cheeks tinted with a light color. “That’s a talent of yours? To feel others’ emotions?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” she murmured and rubbed the side of her neck. “It’s kind of how I’ve always felt about reading beings but amplified.”
“That’s quite useful,” Barbatos murmured from across the room.
“Does that bother you?” Diavolo asked and put down his hand on his thigh. “That I wouldn’t mind it?”
“No, not at all,” Rena scowled. “The last thing I want is to be burdensome to anyone.”
“You’re not,” Lucifer sighed.
Diavolo bent forward and grinned. “Trust me, if you were a burden, I wouldn’t have insisted on showing you our secrets in the first place,” he whispered.
Rena laughed and rocked her head. “That’s quite fair,” she held out her hand.
Diavolo’s smile softened, and he sat up, gripping her hand. “I promise you’re in my care as a demon, for as long as you are one. I, as the Prince, vow to keep your person healthy and safe within my capacity. You are a subject of the Devildom who is embraced with shrouded wings and stationed in my land among the moon and stars.”
The words felt like they were fed to her in a dream. Likely in that instant download, he had given her. It bubbled up and warmed her chest.
“I promise to uphold the laws, regulations, and standards of the Devildom. With pride, fortitude, and honor for so long as I am a demon. My loyalties lie with its conviction and will bow to its magnitude. I remain under your shroud and stationed with honor and privilege in your land among the moon and stars.”
After the promises were made, a soft glimmer sparked between their hands, and resting upon the dorsal of Rena’s hand was a seal. A very intricate and beautiful seal. He released her hand, and she held it up to examine the details. Dark wings encircled a set of runes she had never seen before. Those runes were black and gold, with the center holding a ruby circle. Actually, it was definitely similar to the adornments in Diavolo’s demon form.
“Oh, that’s very cute,” Diavolo said while looking at his own hand. “If you were to ever make a pact, this would be what it looks like!” He chuckled and showed her.
The symbol in question was written in a muted turquoise that almost disappeared with wrapped silver around it, with the exception of two small triangular shapes that looked like ears. “Is that normal? Why is that silver?”
Diavolo grinned and shrugged. “Who knows. Maybe your celestial lineage.”
“I technically created a pact with you?” Rena asked.
Diavolo laughed and nodded. “The only demon awake who can create a pact with another demon is me,” he smirked and shrugged. “However, I cannot use the pact as you have before as a human. No, I can only admire it.”
“That’s pretty neat, actually,” Rena declared as she crawled closer to view it. “That’s so bright. I didn’t expect that color either,” she murmured while touching his hand, and her tail swayed behind her.
“Cunning,” Diavolo beamed and pointed at the rune. “You’re denoted as cunning.”
“Not really much to boast about,” she giggled and glanced at his face.
They were close. She just realized how little space she had provided while nearing him on her knees. His smell caressed Rena and warmed her skin. Her tail coiled around her person, and she swallowed before sitting down.
“I bet you're hungry,” Diavolo nodded and climbed from the floor before offering his hand. “Let’s have a little bit of food before you head back home, Rena.”
Rena took his hand, and he hoisted her to her feet. “Food sounds perfect,” she nodded and paced over to Lucifer.
He snorted and lifted his cloak, allowing her to slide next to him. His gloved fingers glided over her hair once before he scratched affectionately behind her ear. Barbatos handed her a plate with sandwiches on them and a refill on tea. Diavolo sat down in the armchair and placed his ankle on his knee.
“This went well,” Diavolo mused.
Barbatos rocked his head while handing him a plate. “Yes, young master. I am intrigued about what other useful talents Rena might possess.”
Rena’s tail swayed from side to side as it dangled from the seat. “Well, I don’t think much else has occurred to me. Barbs, you were going to explain to me why I felt so empty this morning?”
Barbatos sat down and rocked his head. “Yes, Rena. After debate about this talent of yours, it would appear your ability to sense others’ feelings is vital. You feed off of others’ energy. Adaptable, but of course resourceful. Likely a manifestation of a similar give and take between how you perceived relationships before.”
“Interesting,” Rena hummed and tilted her head as her ears flickered. “It won’t hurt anyone, will it?”
Barbatos shook his head. “No, the likelihood of the exchange being beneficial to both parties is solid. Just as you’ve enjoyed giving Lucifer praise in the past, you will enjoy the exchange of solving conflict and contentment.”
Lucifer groaned and pointed to her plate. “Please eat.”
“Now, Lucifer, don’t get frustrated with Barbatos’s assessment,” Diavolo chuckled.
Rena chewed on her bite and hummed. “Now that I’m essentially a demon of the Devildom, does that mean I have to avoid you now, Lord Diavolo?” Rena teased with a smile.
Diavolo scowled. “You better not. I’d be a little upset if you did.”
Barbatos stifled a chuckle. “I’m quite positive Lord Diavolo would be more than a little upset.”
Rena giggled and shook her head. “Well, I think I have no choice now. I’m technically a subject of the Devildom. If Lord Diavolo requires it, I suppose I best grow courage.”
Lucifer exhaled and sipped his cup. “An obligation I’d be happy to pass along to you.”
“You sound relieved, Lucifer,” Diavolo snorted with a wide grin.
Lucifer set his cup down and took Rena’s empty plate, setting it aside. “Of course not, Lord Diavolo.”
Barbatos cleared his throat. “Lucifer, care to come with me to review the agenda for this week. I imagine that you will have your hands quite full.”
He rocked his head and stood up, leaving his cloak around Rena. “Yes, that might be appropriate. I imagine my brothers are going to be relentless this week.”
“My thoughts exactly,” Barbatos smiled, and the two demons left the sitting room.
Rena shifted and ducked her head in the slightest. It was clear that whatever needed to be said was private and sensitive. What could the demon prince need from her?
Diavolo twitched his nose and set down his plate. “Do you mind if I sit with you a moment?”
She shook her head and positioned the cloak closer to her body. “Not at all.”
He stood up and walked around the coffee table before sitting down. There was an increased push of his energy that caressed Rena like soft fingers. Rena glanced up at him while her head was still ducked toward her neck.
“You look nervous,” he chuckled.
“Well, there’s a reason you needed to speak to me alone?” Rena questioned.
He rocked his head. “Yes, there’s something I would like to ask of you.”
Diavolo reached over and caressed her ear. “Will you please keep your new little talents to yourself? I don’t want someone to use or manipulate you, alright? I truly am worried about you getting hurt. If you learn anything new, you can talk to Lucifer, or if you feel it’s too sensitive, you can come to me.”
Diavolo bent closer as his brows sank. It wasn’t aggressive or even frustration, but of a serious nature. “If you discover something similar to the talent you revealed today, it could be risky for others to know about. You’re mine to worry about, Rena. I will do so with the utmost care,” he whispered and cupped her cheek.
There was no denying that he was honest and felt that way with deep consideration. It radiated off of him in a calming blanket, and his golden eyes were soft with affection. Rena breathed and pressed her cheek further into his hand. It felt… surrendering.
“Whatever you believe is best, Lord Diavolo. I trust you infallibly,” she voiced, and her lips curled.
“That’s my wonderfully intelligent demon,” he smirked and ran his thumb along her cheekbone. “Now, I want you to get plenty of rest and enjoy tomorrow. Even if only for a while, you will get to be one of us.”
That was true. Whether it was only weeks or not, well, there wasn’t any solidity. However, as long as she was a demon, she knew she was safe. Several demons would be watching and caring for her welfare.
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jeonsolar · 6 years
Miraculous Commentary 3x4(4)
I know they said this was gonna happen much faster, but I’m still so disoriented by how quick this shit is out. And in ENGLISH!
I held this off for a while even though I didn’t have to because I have a headache. And it's hot. I hope that won’t affect this commentary.
A NOIR episode? That would have been punny!
Oh, wait… PLOT?
Master Fu had a French girlfriend? And he was the previous Cat Miraculous user? WTF!
Is this world ward II? Are every Chat and Lady supposed to love each other? THIS IS PLOT BUT I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS NOW!
World War Miraculous? They were specifically looking for the miraculous box sooooooo
I’m with Alya here… what is the emergency? You ain’t going. If there’s anything I’ve learned from this show is that you ain't going with him.
Oh, Mari needs to cockblock Kagami. I get it.
Is Mari saying that Adrien is shallow? Because she said ‘What if Adrien’s blown away by her awesome dress and hairstyle.’ Not ‘her bold personality’. I don’t think Kagami’s fashion senses is the thing that’s cockblocking her.
Rose is way too into it. Again, I’m Alya.
Thanks, Alix. Bless you.
Though Juleka has my sense of humor.
I also would rather kidnap my love rival than confess my feelings. But Alya is right. And Alya is sooooooo tired of Marinette’s bullshit.
Does Marinette always need to pee? (2:57) She’s always standing like that and that is girl body language for ‘I’m peeing myself’ or ‘My period just came’ or “there’s some liquid coming out of me and I don’t know if its yellow, red or fluid.’.
Yo, what if Wyazz is just horrified that Marinette actually considered kidnapping Kagami.
Yeah, but Mari can’t phase through walls, so don’t be doing that after telling her to follow you.
OMG. Fu is Mari’s unofficial clumsy grandpa and I love it.
Is this girl seriously writing with a pen fountain?
Girl… why you saying that out loud?
Anime Adrien is Sora from kingdom hearts?
Why. Just why. Are they all 12? Because they look like some models that have been used for adults, and no adults do this to a child.
Master Fu… My man. Why are all men like this?
Fu Chang…
Yo, I know you ain't dying but this is an important issue to talk about. Fu is OLD.
Do miraculous users live longer as long as they keep using the miraculous?
Mari now has too many letters. I get where this is going.
This story is forcing Mari to confess. Just banging her on the head with it.
Tikki: MARI DON’T!
Mari: MARI DO!
I’m so scared… can I skip?
Girl. Check first!
Kagami’s mom scolding Gabriel is my new reason to live.
Marianne: Bitch, shut up and give me Fu’s letter. At least now I know he ain't told you kids about the previous users!.
Are we getting old Akuma?
Gabriel: My butterfly senses are tingling!
Adrien: What?
Gabriel: I mean!... My fashion senses are tingling. I must go!
This makes me so happy to see him being evil a foot away from a toilet.
Strange… this one is definitely strange
What. Adrien is not rich enough for air pods?
It would have been solved right. This one was painful. Had he just recognized either Gabriel’s or Hawkmoth’s voice this would… AGH!
I would have hit Chat at least once for that dumb joke.
Damn girl. You’ll be waiting for a while because Mari’s been working hard for a while.
Gabriel having to sit there listening to romantic drama. This is so good.
So it’s not Fu Chang? What is it? CHO Chang? Like the creative JK Rowling.
… She literally used her Yo-yo to break CEMENT, but she had to use Cataclysm for a snow globe?
If they make another “time’ pun I will kill myself.
Are we making kitty fly again?
Thank you for emphasizing how the writers aka Thomas thought this was extremely hard. I get. You don’t have to bat me over the head with it.
This IS convoluted.
Mari better be the guardian next episode.
Cute. :/
Miracle Box…. Not Miraculous Box.
Tikki is tired of Mari’s bullshit.
How did Fu getter better without his medication?
I would kill myself afterwards.
We are never getting them together.
I still have a headache but now I’m a bit happier.
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unclesamwilson · 5 years
this is a list of things i liked and didn’t like about endgame which i wrote the morning after i saw endgame
- falcon cap
- ant man!!! what a blessing. he was v funny i laughed so much it was so refreshing. 
- gamora and nebula!!!! what a surprise and what a genuine pleasure that marvel continues to impress me with this sister relationship!!!!!!!!
- i kiiiind of liked bruce. i thought his character was pretty believable. like his blase attitude ... considering he’s never been known for his strength of will, and he’s been through so much shit, i believed that was *a* way he might handle this shitty situation. bruce and the hulk are both known to run away from problems, and he definitely didn’t do that this time, which was nice. but we also never got to see a true The Incredible Hulk moment which was a downer :/
- the whole sequence in 2012 new york. loved the the cap v cap fight. america’s ass was one of the moments that i was like “is this a crackfic”. thor reviving tony with mjolnir?? also loki just picking up the tesseract and bouncing was completely hysterical to me
- f a l c o n c a p
- the final battle! that was so much fun. i cried when sam said “on your left,” don’t even. and then when the wakandans walked through the portal with the sunset, my cinematic heart grew two sizes, like god, avengers movies never really impress me visually but when they do they do, right???
- loved captain marvel
- spider-man being precious and also badass AND THE IRON SPIDWR BYE
- although it meant all my fav characters got sidelined for basically the whole movie, i appreciated the focus on the original avengers. i’m a sucker for a plot that comes full circle, and i’m a sucker for parallels, and also—this movie was SO much more focused, streamlined, and coherent than infinity war; it wasn’t busy or exhausting like it could have been. the addition of ant-man and a couple guardians was appropriate and they were some of the best characters so ... nice.
- “is that everyone?” “what, you wanted more?” Cue me, to my husband sitting next to me in the theater, “uh YEAH i wanted more, she’s still not BACK YET” boy i was so heated when carol just left for the whole movie but when she came back it was so worth it
- the opening with hawkeye was cute, his daughter was cute. i think i pissed off the stranger next to me in the theater because like 3 seconds into that scene (and the movie) i whispered “oh she is gonna be dust” and my husband snorted and the guy made some huffy noises and i was sitting there thinking “it wasn’t a spoiler it was common sense lol”
- at the end steve started to get emotional with bucky and i knew he was about to be a Bastard registered trademark, and i turned to ads and said “when hulk tries to bring him back it’s just gonna be the shield” which i think would have been very cool visually and all and it would be clear that steve just went to a new timeline, right? but i was so thrilled by his convo with sam ... they were so precious ........ that was worth it.
- (i didn’t HATE steve’s ending. it felt kind of tacked on and unnecessarily complicated, but it was also the obvious Happy Ending that they’ve been hinting at for like 8 movies with cap. the writers talked their way around their own definitions of time travel a little too much to make it work lol... but it was a very kind ending for steve, sam, bucky, and AU peggy.)
- f a l c o n c a p
- actually everyone at the funeral was touching. i was touched. (and sam and bucky were TOUCHING *eyes emoji*.) pepper is v precious and Happy talking to peppers daughter made me WEEP. i mean, now i have to live in a world where tony stark is some kind of barfy fanboy messiah, but like how is that different than before l o l
- i kiiinda liked the one “girl power” thing in the final battle? mostly because i like all those characters, and i like seeing them work together. i always like seeing women work together. but it was also sooooooo hokey and like ... a bit pandering. i just want to tell the writers/producers “you don’t get to claim women’s rights after the last 12 garbage years ok” (and also after throwing ANOTHER woman in the soul stone pit fjdkfjg) 
- the avengers dynamic for a lot of this movie was, finally, a team dynamic, and they worked together and at times even had fun together and it was so much more fun to watch than the last ....... every avengers movie including civil war. i mean, it wasn’t perfect throughout. and also tony was a huge douche canoe for awhile, but hey, in the end he wasn’t a bad teammate and also i never have to watch him again
- thor, just ,, pretty much entirely, but mostly the Fat Jokes. i think his arc could have been ok if he just ...... wasn’t fat. EDIT: my husband actually liked thor a lot in this movie, and he brought up some valid points, which i kinda want to make another post about. but this post is my initial reactions and in general i was just not happy with thor whenever he was on screen.
- particularly thor berating a child over the internet on a video game
- thanos continues to be boring, but there wasn’t as much of him in this movie as i expected, t h a n k
- didn’t like tony stark at all in the first half of the movie or more. what an absolutely unappealing dick. what was with his tantrum after he got back to earth?? and ripping out his IV and throwing a fit and blaming captain america? like this isn’t fun to watch, and it hasn’t been fun to watch in the last 5 avengers movies either lollll.
- tony stark’s family was off-putting for me. it was just weird to watch. i think this was a personal thing though. like individually i love pepper and the little girl but it was just ... i think it was very unexpected to me, and hard to wrap my head around
- giant plot hole where thanos just left his timeline like ok lol
- you’re trying to tell me the incredible hulk was trapped ... under a building?
- didn’t really care about hawkeye sry 
- black widow is so boring to me at this point im just tired of that actor and that character and the way she’s been portrayed for a decade. objectively, her involvement in this movie worked well. subjectively, every time she speaks her voice annoys me
in summary the first half had me worried it was gonna be Another Avengers Movie but the second half i basically forgot all the dumb stuff and really had fun watching it. just ....... super entertained. loved all the parallels and full circles and cheesiness. when they gave sam the shield i think that’s the first time i’ve ever been surprised by a marvel movie and ..... boy.
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dachi-chan25 · 4 years
April 2020 Wrap Up
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Sooo I read a hell of a lot... I needed the distraction.
1.- The Girl in the Tower (The Bear and the Nightingale #2)- Katherine Arden
I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK. It left me shook, everything felt rich and woven perfectly into the story. Vasya gets so tested as a heroine, and comes out with more understanding of her own abilities and the world of the chyarti. It was such a magical and immersive story.
2.-Words of Radiance (Stormlight Archives #2) - Brandon Sanderson
:00000 this is my review, it was so good. This world is being crafted so perfectly with such a care for the political situation and the different species with their culture. I am dying to read the next one.
3.-Iron Gold (Red Rising #4) -Pierce Brown
Pierce Brown broke my heart again!!! I was so happy on how things ended on Morning Star, like I imagined at least Darrow would have some peace... well nope he is still fighting and has a lot of conflict with the new government they set up and the Ash Lord is still giving trouble. I really loved the mentorship between Cassius and Lysander it felt good for Cassius. But darn I was not ready for this , the political stakes are as high as always in this universe and can my son Darrow rest pls 😢😢???
4.- City of Night (Frankenstein #2) - Dean R. Koontz
This book didn't move the plot that much but holy shit was it intense. We follow all our storyline were we left them in book 1 (Randal was scary but at the end I did feel for him) Victor Helios still thinks he has the upper hand even when all evidence points to the contrary, the members of his New Race keep having mutations and failures and it is only a matter of time before Deucalion finds a way to kill him.
5.- One of us is next (One of us is lying #2) - Karen McMannus
I think I might like this one better than the 1st one (I still love Addy tho) it reminded me a bit of Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars (the text messages and gossip stuff) and I am a sucker for those, the characters were pretty great and even if I did guess who was the Simon Keller copy cat it managed to shook me in other ways. My only pet peeve is why does everyone has to end on a romantic relationship??? So wierd. But I still enjoyed it a lot .
6.-The Queen of Nothing (Folk of Air #3) - Holly Black
It was sooooooo good. I really loved this one, my favorite in the series I think. Jude really comes strong in this one. I was crying like a fool at the very end, it was a very satisfactory ending though I wish Tamryn had been more developed and had her own narrative arc instead of dropping everything in this book. That ending was so heart warming and cute.
7.- Petals on the Wind (Dollanganger #2) - V.C Andrews
The drama. Gosh had I witnessed any of this I would have called the Police on everyone (yes Dr. Paul included). Cathy has the worst coping mechanisms ever. Like I understand wanting to get back at her mom (she totally deserves it no matter how she tries to justify herself) but bitch u don't have to base all your life on that or she wins. This fool getting into relationships with trashy ass man instead of pursuing her dreams earnestly. Like it could have been so easy to denounce her (you had proof you were her children and Carrie's medical records) and boom her money would be gone but instead she chose to be a dramatic ho and ruin all her life and the life of others (also fuck Julian, it wasn't Cathy's responsability to fix his needy ass or fix Dr. Paul's mopey ass he was her guardian yet he abused her gross)
8.-Oligarchy - Scarlett Thomas
This was a heavy read, it deals a lot with mental health and eating disorders, and it's so so dark. I really enjoyed it though I would have liked it if it went deeper with some stuff like the ending felt a bit rushed, there should have been more build up for the final reveal but all in all it was great.
9.-LifeLik3 - Jay Kristoff
I just couldn't . I never got used to the slang, the story seemed so predictable, there wasn't worldbuilding to speak off and the romance was the deal breaker for me, insta-love I can't handle.
10.-Tiffany Sly lives here now - Dana L. Davis
I cried multiple times reading this book. It was beautiful and so real. Tiffany's struggles with her new life and this family she is just getting to know that come with all this inflexible rules on top of her mental health and coping with her mother's death.
11.- A Trick of light - Stan Lee
It was a cute story, really with TONS of cómic vibes. The characters were pretty good , they did have depth and the powers were cool. The plot twist left me shook. Super enjoyable I really recommend it to any superhero fan.
12.-Infinity Son - Adam Silvera
It was okay-ish. I mean it wasn't a bad story but it was full of clichés and predictable. We don't get much on worldbuilding and honestly that last "twist" pretty much ruined the whole thing for me. It was an intresting premise but the execution was not great.
13.-Alex and Eliza - Melissa de la Cruz
It felt so disconnected, maybe because Melissa de la Cruz usually writes Contemporary and tried to use the same tone for this one, but it just didn't work on this historical fiction romance, it felt too juvenile for me. I will still read her other books cuz she knows how to write cute romance but this series is not for.
14.-Family Life - Akhil Sharma
As someone who has had to care for a incapacitated family member some of this book really hit me hard. Still I think it moved to fast towards the end. It was a good story but the ending was kind of bland.
15.- Dreamland - Nancy Bilyeau
It was a pretty fun read. I always enjoy a good mystery and this one is pretty fun, yes it is predictable but I don't think that's necessarily bad in this case, because it was more about the privilege and the Police being onto an immigrant because they are so prejudiced.
16.- The Princess of Cleves - Mme. De Lafayette
This is a classic about the court of France during the Dauphin's reign, there is lots of romantic drama and anguish very intresting because it depicts a very complicated and ultimately doomed relationship. But also it is tremendously intrincate on the factions between these powerful woman and the political drama. I super recommend it.
17.- Cranford - Elizabeth Gaskell
All this vignettes were lovely. They are interconnected with one another showing us the life of all this color full characters living on a small town of England during the Industrial Revolution, all their moments sad and happy, their ambitions modest as they may be are reflected beautifully in here.
18.-John - Annie Baker
I miss doing theatre a lot, and when I come back I hope I can do something as great as this. This play is complex and emotional, when it's setting and characters seem so simple and first. It made me laugh and cry and even be scared and unnerved. I really recc it.
19.-Angelina o el Honor de un brigadier - Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Una obra muy ingeniosa y divertida. Una lectura increíblemente placentera,la historia es simple y fácil de seguir, los personajes son bien definidos y poseen una voz propia.
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