#but also. that clock symbolism really reminded me of black sails
Okay, but hear me out-
That fucking alleyway scene. It fucks so hard with Leonard Cohen's Avalanche.
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I mean come on.
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mxrstar · 4 years
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hey do you ever love a fic so much you want to draw fanart for it? but you are not very good at drawing so you decide to try out collage for the first time in your life? well, let’s just say that i quite liked the last published chapter of  @gerrydelano​​‘s fic 
[ID: the image is a collage. the background paper is pastel blue, and towards the top right corner there is a group of birds, drawn in white. they are eating and the lines of the drawing are smudged, so that the white drags out from them in vague shades. on the top left corner, there is a single window frame; the frame is green and the glass is black. there are a series of eyes taken from various paintings glued on top of the glass. from behind the frame, comes a single butterfly’s wing, which is red yellow and white. on the bottom right corner, there is a tiny, white drawing of a person helping another on a small boat. the drawing is framed into the corner by an arch. the colors of the arch are graded from dark green to dark red. a red and yellow leaf is glued on top of the arch, and there is a tiny piece of paper glued onto the leaf. the paper says: “-G”. right in the middle of the drawing, we first can see (looking at it from the bottom to the top) a picture of some kind of body of water, upon which two boats are sailing. upon that first picture, acting as shore for the water, there is a picture of outer space. it is red, green, violet and white, and it is a bit shiny. there is an old stairway glued right in the middle of outer space. at the bottom of a stairway we can see a yellow figure (maybe a kid, with long hair and a backpack) and the top of the stairs connects to a door. the door belongs to a blue room. there is a big clock glued upon the door, and there is a drawing of a man, looking tired and facing the other way, right in the middle of the room. the top and bottom right corners of the room are framed by two colored vortex, which are incidentally two of the stars from Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”. from behind the left side of the room, comes out another butterfly wing, which perfectly mirrors the one that comes out of the window. on the right side of the paper, we can see the sentence “I’d say you have at least somewhat of a chance” spelled out in different letters. at the bottom of the paper, a white piece of paper says “two ships passing”. /end ID]
under the cut I have written an explanation of the meaning behind the,, symbols? I am not going to pretend I had super strict idea to begin with, but as I started to find things I liked on random high-school books I (un)consciously  assigned them a meaning. feel free to indulge my pretentiousness and read my ramble I guess + (also under the cut) close-up pictures
okay so let me just run down a list: — the window okay, so. that’s meant to represent the background world, the things Gerry and Jon are going to have to live with whenever they step outside of their refuge. the glass is dark, because they try to protect themselves for as long as possible, but there are still various Eyes peeking in, mostly looking aggressive or extremely focused (fun fact: all of these come from paintings; i perhaps should have written down which belongs to what but i forgot) — the birds this is a reference to the ongoing “birds in jon’s stomach” metaphor. they are eating because that’s what they were drawn doing on the paper i miraculously found dsgfghk but if you want to push it you could say that they are all going “finally, some good fucking food” at Jon’s joy in meeting Gerry?? + they lines are smudged because,,,,,,, (god i am so sappy) because it gives an impression of movement? like, they are at ease but part of them is free to fly — the butterfly’s wings so, take “one dropped stone can change the way the whole ocean moves” but make it boring, and suddenly it’s the butterfly’s effect. the wings connect both to the outside world, to the window and the Eyes /and/ to the room (which I will get to later) because their meeting changes everything. it changes how they interact with the world and (at least partially) it saves them from it + it changes them as people, and gives them a space to be happy, to be with each other — the sea + outer space the sea with the two boats is quite an obvious one so i am not going to say anything about it. outer space is,,,,,,,,,, Miriam? I know she is more ocean vast that she is space vast, but I guess the contrast is nicer this way. she has been the shore to their sea, the vast, contextless freedom through which Jon and Gerry have connected, and Gerry has healed — the yellow figure in my head, that’s Gerry. i don’t know about the yellow, it came with that so i didn’t choose it and i don’t really have a meaning for it (unless you want to be really emo and decide that “Gerard just looks at him like he’s seeing the sun for the first time, and then looks away like he’s surprised by how much it hurts” is suddenly reversed in this last chapter, and Gerry is, in a way, Jon’s sudden source of light). the figure is that of a kid (I think, at least?) with a backpack. it’s Gerry as a kid, meeting Jon in that chance Miriam has made possible and relatively durable — the stairs those are a reference to the stairs in Portia’s house, but they also mark the passage of time (that’s sort of represented by the big clock on top of the door). by the time Gerry gets to the top, Miriam has left and suddenly he is in another room — the blue room + the man the blue room is where Jon is stuck now. he is facing the other way, he is adrift. the man doesn’t look like Jon but we’ll forgive that because in the original full drawing he is sitting onto a rock which is connected with some ropes to a boat. the blue room is framed by those vortexes (which are actually two starts from Van Gogh’s Starry Night) because i had made a mess with glue and i needed to cover up the corners sfgsdfg but if we want to think well and hard about this, perhaps they are the lights Jon still has but cannot, won’t see. he is not looking at either of them. wow now im sad — the door Gerry and Jon don’t meet in the universe, nor in the blue room. they meet beyond the door, in their sacred, private space. they both need to get in in order for this to work — the bottom right corner okay, in my head that’s sort of a page number. something that marks our position in the story. there’s this drawing of a man helping another on a boat (which comes from the same drawing I found the man in the blue room in!) cause, you know. it’s reunion time. the arch was originally part of a circle which was rainbow-coloured. it reminded me of that idea which I think is in the Official™ gtcmu™ lore- that thing about Jon having no specific colour, but colouring everyone else, sort of being the rainbow. it’s not obvious cause the arch isn’t a full rainbow, but I was indeed thinking about it. i guess i also wanted to somehow convey that it’s not just Gerry that is giving something to Jon. they are both sharing something meaningful with each other. Jon is still making him bright. then, there is the leaf, because this happens in Autumn, and the small “-G” which is a reference to the note Gerry leaves to Tim — “I’d say you have at least somewhat of a chance” the quote is obviously very cute and the moments in which both Gerry and Jon say it (though this is Gerry’s phrasing) are CUTE. but i chose this one because it’s superficially warm + as a standalone could mean something more. it’s simple and it’s complex. it’s “yeah im totally bi” “yeah i would indeed like to kiss you” and it’s “sometimes it feels like the entire world is against you and your life has been so so hard, but I’d say you have at least somewhat of a chance”. and this is their chance. so they take it
OKAY i made myself emotional thank you for get quite as far as you are reading this!
pictures next:
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goldthatglistens · 5 years
For some reason I started writing down whatever was in my head when I was watching Black Sails and sleep deprived and this is what happened:
Now you have everyone’s eyes where you want them. What happens next? I wish to speak on behalf of the defendent. The power you’ve given them. That the prisoner before you. For those of you who live to see tomorrow, know that you had a choice to see that the truth and you let yourself be convinced otherwhies. Stay down. Fire. How are they so good at fighting? I’m so confused. Peter Ashe. Her word with be the last hope for this place. Move. What? They’ve engaged the blockade. I’ll take my chances sailing. Oh my goodness. What? I gave you an order? What is your problem. Where are his key’s? And has he seen them since he took me away from my men. Shouting. Gunfire. More screams. Billy Bragg. I legit can’t believe he is in so many shows. Take him to Howell. Help me. If those ships flank us, they’ll have us. Gun crews at the ready. Fire at will. How did that happen? WHo did they conspire against. How did two pirates fight  literally everyone in town. I don;t understand. They’re over there. This is probably the most unrealistic part. People screaming. The buildings on the right, every building. Look down there. Cannons boombing. This is literally chaos. I don’t understand how people. He sets the m free. Move. There is so much chaos, how do they even know who the pirates are? How did they not runinto them. They are really leading their reputation. I wonder if Peter Ashe was a real person? Fire! Get them both. Men. Take aim. Behidn them. Wait, what the fuck happened? Why didn’t he fire? How are they not getting hit by the cannonballs? What did they do to his leg? Somone give him some rum. Somone should just knock him out. Oh my lord that is nasty. I think they need to cut it off. How is he still talking and not screaming. What does that mean?W hat does that mean? They should knock him out omg. Why don’t they. Don’t they have things. But it’s under control now. Release those men. What/ I know what happened and I don’t care, I won’t hold pirates prisoner on my ship and I wont again . Ready the guns, full compliment. Whatever’s left. They are really going to town. Charles Vane is just chill there. I can do it wiht as few as three or four men. I don’t want this. I don’t want this. You’ll die. This way there is a very good chance to prevent this. I don’t understand how cutting off can make it better? Also, how did they do that much damage with just a hammer? I guess hammers are really heavy. Oh wow, this is more graphic than I thought. Wow. Did this actually happen to Charles Town? Is this in penssylvania. Literally everything is being blown apart. Yikes that must suck to be Lord Ashe. But he betrayed them? I really don’t understand what is so bad. HOw are they sawing his foot off when he’s still alvie? Why the fuck didn’t they knock him out? Or why didn’t he pass out. I am so confused. How do they stop the blood? How did they stop the infection? His eyebrows look weird, I think that’s why he looks weird. Also, he should shave off that ugly mostashe. Also, bwhy did they put him on the bed. At least he lived, I guess. Just south of Inagua. Winds blew us east. We stopped at tortuga to refit and garner news which there was plenty. Elanor Guthrie has been arrested. In teh custody of His Majesty’s Navy. There is no Guthrie in Nasseau. Did Guthrie actually exist? Try and act suprised. That’s nice that they coted. THe more those men need you, the more you need them. It drives us to do the most unexpected things. There’s something you’d ought to know before we reached nassea. I’m sorry I’m having a hard time. He lied to us all. And then he sold the information to the other crew so that he could retrieve the gold. WHo the fuck did he sell it to. Mr. Jack Rackham. Oh gotd thats an ugly child. I guess its a boy. Max is honestly so annoying. Honestly, Jack is the best. The information was incomplete at best and they fought like hell. Is that the. We needed the hold space? OMG he got it. I can’t believe it. WHy did the spanish soldeir  figiht. Also, why would the king get so much money. What happen to Elinor Guthrie. What is Carolina? Oh, I bet this is the British dude. Oh wow, those are good brothers. Eww look at his beard. Everythign moves towards its end. I feel like clocks are a symbol. I explained all this to Mary who said she understood. Well, you’re here. I can think of at least three lies. First, I amge she told you I retired from a prosperous trade. The trade was piracy. Second she told you my name was drummond, she clearly led you to believe that you could point your sword in my direction and survive the experience. Yikes. It’s not their fault. This too was somethign less than the truth. There is definitly a similar way they introduce pirates. They start with the bad and then go on to add more layers. Also, was there an intro to every episode, because if so I missed it lol. Who are these masked leaders. Those are the same signs that arthur uses in the once and future king. What the hell is happening. Is this blackbeard? What happened to the gold? Where is Jack Rackham. Jack Rackham is my favorite because he’s funny lol. Oh my goodness are they saving Eleanor guthrie. Oops thats some other blonde woman. OMG thsi is flint. Who are these old farts? Hazzard the magistrate. Their magistrates hagned men for piracy. Fint has gone crazy and SHAVED off all of his hair. I don’t understand why flint is so gungho about saving all the pirates after they are dead? I wagered that despite all I heard about you that you could tell the difference. Why the fuck did he kill him? Oh my goodness, Flint has really gone off the rails. What happened? When he lost his hair, he lost his sense of justice or something. I thin he is being reminded of Miranda. I guess without Miranda he has nothing left as an ancor to humanity. Hoenstly, I just want captain vane and flint workign together. Why does Long John Silver have that ugly ass neck beard? Don’t enable Flint Billy. Charles Vane is very pretty. HE is gathering the slaves. Charles Vane does not like slavery. I forgot how scary the pirates are. Why did that dude just give up? How was Charles Vane a slave? Like how did that happen? HE’s white? Who enslaved him. Oh my goodness, I would rather just get shot. 
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