#you guessed it. again from black sails
Okay, but hear me out-
That fucking alleyway scene. It fucks so hard with Leonard Cohen's Avalanche.
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I mean come on.
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remythologise · 9 months
2023 fujoshi wrapped
you got baited 24 times
you debated the difference between queer-coding, queerbaiting and censorship in the comments section 4 times
you revisited fanfiction for 7 hit ships from the 2000s
you got blocked 5 times for tagging paragraphs of old man yaoi ship meta on unrelated text posts
you played 585 hours of video games for a combined total of 10 minutes of gay subtext and/or sex scenes
you judged a BL manga or light novel by its cover 948 times
you told 39 friends to watch 3 gay tv shows that are 'actually really really well written and enjoyable and not just gay' and 0 of them did
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madkiska · 1 year
watching the entirety of jrwi: riptide again. here's some important things from the first few episodes that I feel we forgot (<110 mentions too though)
Had night terrors similar to those of Kubakinta's curse in episode 5, and they eventually start returning even after Loffinlot's curse is lifted ○ All of them were about her family and/or the navy ○ I simply think people leave her out of the nightmare stuff and she deserves it. Hurt her more, please (he said, lovingly)
was actually very upset at having to use her medal to get a Loffinlot rebellion to shut up ○ This could be because she didn't want them to guess she was a spy, but I choose to believe it's because she felt guilty
"If you're gonna be sailing with someone, you should have a good relationship with them. [nervous chuckle]." She says, while asking him for information about the Black Rose Pirates (ep. 10)
Said "thank god they didn't find me" after a nightmare about the navy attacking. Even when she was supposedly a spy, who one day would have to return to the navy ○ Very unclear if she was scared of her dad, or if it's because she was a secret spy so the navy would've just killed her
Rewatching, she was suspiciously into the plundering and gold and stuff. Like that was real sus. It doesn't fit her current character much
The only one among them who's gambled before
The entire thing literally starts off with Bizly holding a lit match
Called Gillion "Gill" and Jay "Sureshot" from an early stage
Was SO much more of a bastard. Lied to Gill constantly, didn't care about anything but the money, etc.
Had aggressive hand tremors alongside Jay's night terrors ○ Gill cures it with lay on hands
When he gets drunk married, they talk extensively about how he'd be released when he's dead. Welp.
They did actually break up and it was fine and they were still friends. They parted on good terms
Is really fucking good at chess ○ Beat Earl twice and Jay once. Jay had a point of exhaustion after a nightmare but Earl had no excuse ○ Lost to Gillion though, but only cause of prophetic screwup ○ This kid is smarter than he lets on, y'all
Was the first one to have a backstory dump while Jay is asking him about the Black Rose Pirates, yet still we know jack shit about his life before them other than "orphan"
Charlie has referred to Gillion with 'they' many times. I can pull receipts.
When describing Gill, Charlie said: "He's more.. elven, if you had to make a comparison. 'Cause I don't wanna be a fish guy". Oh, honey.
Smote a bald person by using his hair as a whip (ep. 4)
Was given anxiety and self-doubt alongside jay's night terrors and chip's tremors ○ "What do you want?" "I want the feeling of satisfaction I've been chasing my whole life." ○ This was episode FIVE.
First mention of the prophecy and how Gillion wasn't their ideal student is ep. 7, after he divine smites + prophetic screwups and deals like 60 damage to some beetles ○ Chip spends the next 30 seconds in gay awe
He refers to the crescent moon Niklaus tattoo as "my zodiac" (probably a bit) ○ It's not a lil basic white girl moon this thing is the entire size of his forearm
Gill had never heard about the Black Sea - it's unclear if the Undersea just don't know, or if that's just how sheltered he was (ep. 10)
Biz: "What would Gillion do. If he just had no goal - was just sitting there." "Gillion always has a goal." "Would his goal ever be to just.. Sit there?" "Absolutely not." ○ Later, Chip expresses that he doesn't know what Gillion likes. What he would want out of winning a bet. Gillion doesn't have an answer
Apple, in a couple of early battles, acted like Gill's familiar (see: ep. 7)
They also pecked at his Niklaus tramp stamp and looked all confused at the idea of eating seeds
The specific crescent of the moon in the Niklaus tattoo is known as a symbol of "corruption" (ep. 9) and its antonym is the sun, for "life", similar to the yin and yang ○ Interesting to consider after what the tree said in 110 <_<
Pretzel has a masters degree in couple's therapy (ep. 10)
The Albatross/Millennium Chipper was described as the colour of rosewood or mahogany
Captain Lizzie's first introduction was a wanted poster, and Chip wanted to turn her in for the prize, then decided to try learn from her instead
Chip/Bizly called Old Man Earl "Erol" for a loooong time ○ Maybe it's an accent thing but I have an uncle called Erol and so this stands out to me
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namism · 5 months
alternate universe | portgas d. ace
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➳ categories: marine ace au, gender neutral reader
➳ word count: 1.4k
➳ notes: if this fic does numbers, i might consider writing a full-length story ❤️ title came from this underrated banger -> even in an alternate universe by ysanygo
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In another universe, Ace is a member of the Marines and you are his colleague from the same division.
In this universe, specifically, Portgas D. Ace, the son of the wanted Gol D. Roger in another timeline, is an exceptional Marine with a driving passion for his work and a renowned hatred for the pirates that conquer the seas. In this universe, you are Portgas D. Ace's secondhand, who later become a Commander under Captain Ace's leadership.
The admirable grit of your duo is one thing that the Marine upholds. Ordinary soldiers look up to you, while Admirals respect the dedication that you two put in maintaining the Marine code of conduct. There is no one else like your pair.
Lately, however, a few oddities have caught your attention.
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"Hey. Take this to Garp's quarters."
You spin on your heel as you feel a leather bag poke your ribcage. Standing beside you is your black-haired freckled partner, whose Marine uniform is yet again unruly and not a bit presentable for the title he holds and the respect he receives. Grabbing the bag from his hold, you point at a mysterious stain on his uniform.
"What's that?" you question.
Ace follows the direction of your eyes, landing on the collar of his inner dress shirt. "Uh, this? Dunno. Got it somewhere from a battle, I guess."
You roll your eyes.
"Sure. Just another one of the dark stains that you get from a battle without the sight of blood," you deadpan. Ace's lips morph into a sheepish smile. "I know what that is, idiot."
"He-he, just checking. I thought you wouldn't notice," comes his excuse.
"Everyone notices the scent of grilled meat on you, Ace. A food stain is no different." You shake your head. "Anyway, I'll catch you later. Garp's office, you say?"
"Yeah. He should be there."
After saluting to your Captain, you march to Vice Admiral Garp's office that is located in the far west wing of the base. On your way to his office, you encounter an unpleasant sight between a horde of your men and the Vice Admiral himself.
In the far end of the hallway come the marching crowd toward the where you just came from. The Vice Admiral, with his giant and brawny build, pokes out from the crowd as he walks side-by-side of what seems to be a lanky man in his 40s, his hands restrained by a pair of handcuffs made of Seastone.
As they approach, you ask one of your men in the frontlines.
"What's the meaning of this?"
The man salutes.
"Commander. We are taking the possessor of the Memo Memo no Mi to Impel Down. We must sail this evening under Admiral Fujitora's orders."
You look past the soldier to inspect the man in question. Vice Admiral Garp washes him out by a ton with their height difference, as well as the muscular composition of their bodies. His hair is matted and unkempt, and his clothes are ragged and baggy. He has his head down as he saunters with the group, like he's afraid of being seen in this feeble state.
As he comes close, however, he raises his head, then looks at you.
"You have an interesting life," he says. Vice Admiral Garp and the Marines who hear this look at him, surprised that he has spoken since his arrival this morning.
"Me?" you ask in disbelief.
The man grins odiously.
"You're the great first mate of the Spade Pirates." Stopping in his tracks, he chuckles. The Marine behind him barks an order to continue walking. Your vision darkens. "You're— you were a great pirate."
Your men look at you, some in horror and some in anticipation of your response to the strange statements. You grit your teeth.
"What the hell are you talking about?" you growl. "I was never a pirate."
He laughs.
"Of course not, but in your first life, you were."
Your look hardens into a glare. Garp yawns, and with a forceful push of the man's shoulder, he orders him back to walking forward.
"Stop yapping, get moving! I'm going to miss my nap time," he yells. The Marines follow suit. He then notices the bag in your hand. "Good timing, Commander (Y/N). Just in time for my departure. I'll see you in a few days."
The Vice Admiral claims his luggage.
"You're going, too, Vice Admiral?"
"The jerks up there said I must," he says.
You nod. "I see."
You go back to your post as you part ways with the pack. They transport the handcuffed man to the coastal area of the base, where a heavily guarded Marine ship is docked and a Seastone cell awaits the Devil Fruit user in its lower deck.
On their way to the coast, Ace runs into Garp, his grandfather, and decides to tag along to oversee the progress of the mission. Before the shaggy man is taken away into the ship, he speaks to Ace in a wary tone.
"Be careful with the power you hold, Fire Fist," he tells the Captain, leaving the young man disturbed as the ship prepares to sail away.
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Deep in the night a couple of hours later, you reunite with Ace in the mess hall for dinner. As usual, he comes back to your table with three plates loaded with different dishes, not accounting for the seconds that he will be taking later.
With some of your men gone for the recent mission, you and Ace sit alone together at a table.
"Did you know that they were on that mission?" you ask him.
Ace chomps on a rack of ribs, the barbecue sauce staining the corners of his mouth. "What mission?"
"The one with the weird guy," you say. "Uh, I'm assuming you saw him. Old guy, messy hair, looks like he hasn't taken a bath in a month?"
"Oh." He swallows. "I saw him. He was weird. I'm glad I didn't have to deal with that."
"Weird, huh? Did you talk to him?"
"He told me something about fire and a fist." The Captain laughs. "It sounds ridiculous. No wonder why he's going to Impel Down. Something must be wrong in here."
He taps the side of his head with a finger. You snort.
"He spoke to me as well," you admit. Ace looks at you through his peripheral vision as he picks up a bowl of mashed potatoes. It's heated and well-cooked, just the way he loves them. "He told me I was a pirate in my first life. Can you believe that?"
"I do," your partner chirps.
You glare at him.
"Not the time for jokes, Ace. He said that I was the first mate of the Spade Pirates, or whatever that crew is." You look down at your food, feeling the heat waves hit your face. "Is there even such a thing as the Spade Pirates?"
"We can figure that out now that Garp is gone," suggests Ace. You look unamused. "Just kidding, he-he."
After dinner, you retreat to the barracks. You change into a set of pajamas and slip under the covers of your bed. As soon as your eyelids close, you drift off to a deep sleep.
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"Come with me," he tells you, flashing a smile that you have never seen before: lips tight, eyes soft. Strands of his wavy black hair blow on his face as the sea breeze comes and goes, covering his freckles and his smile of sincerity.
"I can't leave Dadan alone." You tell him. He frowns. "I'm sorry."
"She'll be safe with Luffy. Now, come on!"
He tugs your arm toward the shore, where a small boat floats on the water with a thin sail and a couple bags of food that pool around the mast. He hops in the boat. He wears his trademark hat on his head, an orange cowboy hat with a rim of red beads and two smileys in front.
"There's room for one more person and some luggage!"
"I'd rather not, Ace," you say firmly.
Ace purses his lips together. "Are you scared?"
"Uh, no? I told you, I just can't leave this place."
He rests one foot on the edge of the boat. Leaning toward you, he says, "Come with me, please. We'll travel the Grand Line together, and in a few years, maybe we can recruit Luffy into our—"
"Your pirate crew," you finish. "I-I get it, but I can't. I'm not fit for that kind of life."
"You'll be my first mate."
You sigh.
"And what will your pirate crew be named as, Captain Ace?"
He laughs heartily, his bright white teeth showing as his eyes form into crescents.
"The Spade Pirates."
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t3a-tan · 1 month
Romantic and Hopeless (6/?)
First / Previous / Next
Sammy kept her eyes closed after yelling, breathing heavily, her expression pulled into a grimace as if bracing for something. She was waiting for a reaction— anger, amusement, pain— it didn't matter which, but she was certain it would be one of them. It always was.
And then she felt herself being lowered down, eyes shooting open again at the feeling of wood beneath her. The fingers around her released and pulled away, and Sammy watched as those giant hands rubbed together as if his fingers had been burnt by the contact.
“I…I'm sorry…”
She bristled at the apology, eyes wide with surprise as she cradled her injury close. She scooted back until her back hit the wall, brows furrowing with confusion. Sorry was the last word she expected to come from the human's mouth. She was catching her breath, staring up at him, unable to formulate a response.
“I…” Sammy watched as Oscar bit his lip and trailed off, his expression showing clear guilt mixed in with a bit of distress. Why would he be distressed? He's the one with all the power here. He leaned forward for a moment, his mouth opening as if to speak only to hesitate again when his approach made her flinch back. Her shoulders tensed as he cleared his throat.
“Sammy… Y-you uh… you know I'm not going to hurt you…right?” She didn't respond, expression growing wary. Oscar slowly shifted back, lowering his head more. “I.. thought you knew that. I guess I shouldn't have assumed after everything you've gone through that you'd trust me… But I really won't hurt you.”
Oh how she wanted to believe it… but it simply wasn't possible. Humans were not capable of being good to her kind for long. Thanks to Ryker Sammy had been in the eyes of many humans, and thanks to Wells she had been in the hands of many more. She was an expert on how humans treated borrowers…
Sooner or later, Oscar would snap at her too.
“Yes you will. H-humans…humans always hurt people like me…” She responded, wiping at her watery eyes, her lips pressed into a scowl even as she continued to take in shuddery breaths. “You— you just haven't decided what you want to do to me yet…”
Oscar's expression turned into one of subdued horror at her words, then shifted in confusion and guilt. He leaned down a little more, his hands pressed into the floor now to brace himself, although they remained a distance away. Not far enough for Sammy to feel safe by any means, but that ship had long sailed.
“First of all— I know exactly what I want to do… and that's help you. Whatever ideas you have in your mind about that sort of stuff…I—I would never hurt you. Never.” He insisted, tone edging on pleading. His brows then furrowed as he continued.
“Second of all though… Sammy— I thought you said you got shrunk, right? So why are you saying humans like that? And people like you…?” He questioned slowly.
Sammy froze. In the panic of everything she had completely forgotten that she answered yes to his question earlier about being shrunk— Oh God. This makes it ten times worse.
She could feel her breathing getting faster again, her mind immediately going to the fact that she knew borrowers sold for a lot of money on the black market. Even just the thought of being back in the hands of Wells or others like him made her skin crawl.
“Please, Sammy… please explain everything to me— I… I just want to help you. I can't help when I don't even know what's going on…” Now he really was begging her, and he sounded so sincere… Sammy opened her mouth but hesitated and averted her gaze, staying quiet.
After several seconds passed, a warm sigh washed over her and she cowered back as Oscar began to stand up again, meeting his concerned eyes with surprise. Why isn't he breaking character? I already called him out…
“Please wait there. I'm just gonna…I'll get the first aid kit. And some ice…if we have any.” She watched as he walked away, her eyes following him into the kitchen but her back remaining pressed up against the wall.
He's…leaving me unattended? Again? After I just tried to escape? I know I'm injured, but…
Sammy looked down at her twisted ankle, gathering her breath as she inspected the sprain. It wasn't too severe, but it was noticeable… Maybe a week of healing? It might give her a limp if she rushed things, but she might need to rush things in this situation.
She glanced towards the doorway into the kitchen again, gaze wary and discerning. She could see Oscar's towering figure in the distance as he searched through the cupboard under the sink, presumably for the first aid kit.
She wiped her eyes again, some of the adrenaline that had been rushing through her beginning to fade, and leaving her leg to ache even more. Sammy winced, hunching over and hugging onto her knees, still staring in the direction of the human.
Her soulmate.
Why is my soulmate a human? I don't think I could ever love a monster like that… even if he sounds so nice, he's lying. He has to be… Even when he listened to me, it's a trick. It's not real.
And yet, Sammy stayed where she was, waiting for him to return with the first aid kit and ice. Soon, after rummaging around in the freezer he seemed to give up and started walking in her direction again.
After being lost in her own thoughts watching the giant move about from a distance Sammy couldn't help but be a little startled by his approach. She shifted away once before managing to stay where she was sitting, her body trembling.
The red box was set down a foot away from where she sat, and she flinched as it was. Oscar followed soon after, crouching, then kneeling. He clicked open the box and Sammy watched those giant invasive fingers delicately brush through the contents of the box; searching for specific supplies no doubt.
“We didn't have ice.. um… but I'll go out and get an ice pack from the shop in a sec. First you should disinfect those scrapes and wrap up your ankle…” He placed a few different things close to her and Sammy bristled once she processed his words.
Oscar paused, looking down at her and offering a sad half-smile.
“Well yeah. You said you don't want me to touch you after all… My hands are probably too big to do it properly anyway, so yeah.” He explained. His smile then fell and he let out a sigh. “And I'm sorry— about grabbing you like that? It was pretty bang out of order… I just saw you were hurt and wanted to help, but I should have asked first.”
Sammy blinked in surprise, her eyes widening just a tad at his words.
He's…apologising… again? I don't understand.
Hesitantly, she shuffled over to the disinfectant wipe and bandages he had set down, first picking up the wipe after giving Oscar a confused side glance. As soon as she had grabbed it she quickly scooted back into the corner again. He made no moves to grab her…
Sammy swallowed nervously and began to dab at the scrapes, face scrunching into a wince at the cold sting it caused. Even so, she continued cleaning them before glancing up at Oscar again. He had moved back a bit since putting the supplies next to her. She bit her lip.
“I… I-I'm a borrower… Not a human…” She admittedly softly. Her eyes quickly shot up to inspect Oscar's expression to watch his reaction. She expected anger, or maybe a smirk, but he just seemed…confused. His head tilted sheepishly.
“What's a borrower..?”
Sammy flinched at the question, looking back down at her ankle again as she began to carefully wrap it up. She thought about her words first, still considering not telling him anything else…but something about the way he was looking at her made her want to tell him.
“We're…little people… that live in the walls of human houses, and take stuff that won't be missed. Like paperclips, scraps of paper, crumbs, that sort of stuff. Some borrowers live in the trees instead. But we try our best not to get seen by humans…” She explained.
As she heard the floorboards creak again under Oscar's weight her gaze quickly snapped to focus on him again, only to see that he was laying down; his cheek now rested on his forearms folded in front of him. The tension in her body faded once she realised he was just getting more comfortable.
“Makes sense… Humans can be pretty shitty about new discoveries and all. And most people would be pretty peeved about someone stealing their shit.” He remarked with a hum.
“..not you though..?” Sammy asked, noticing that he said most people would, not I would.
Oscar shook his head, his strawberry red hair falling in front of his eyes slightly. A gentle smile formed on his lips. Sammy felt her heart hammer in her chest again, but this time it wasn't accompanied by the usual cold terror pumping through her veins.
“Be pretty hypocritical if I were. You know I don't have a great track record with the law…and it's because I've stolen stuff before. Mostly food, sometimes other stuff.” He explained. “A lot of humans don't like me much too for that reason.”
Sammy tore off the edge of the bandage as she finished wrapping her ankle, making sure it was secure. She frowned. I thought humans didn't have to steal food… They always seem to have it…
The rustling of clothes moving met her ears, causing her to look up at Oscar again as he leaned forward a little more. From this close she could see his green eyes through the blue lenses; shining with concern.
“So did you get…caught? By humans? Is that why you were in that…oddly high-tech basement?” He asked softly, his expression turning more sombre with the subject matter.
Sammy averted her gaze again, nodding slowly. She could remember that day like it was yesterday. The panic and chaos as her mum tried to get her and her brother to safety. The sight of her dad trapped under bits of smashed up wall, unmoving, bleeding. The first time she felt the now-familiar sensation of giant fingers wrapping around her.
She shuddered at the memory.
“Just…one day they broke down the walls, and before we knew it we were being handed over to Dr. Ryker. It's been so long, it feels weird to be outside of his lab. I-I just feel on edge. Nothing makes sense anymore like it used to…” Her shoulders tensed again as she hugged underneath her knees, looking at the grains on the wood below instead of up at Oscar.
“Hey… I…It's okay if you feel on edge and stuff. I'm still not gonna hurt you… And I won't let that monster get a hold of you again.” He sounded so serious, Sammy wanted to believe that he would protect her.
Her eyes widened and quickly looked up again as she realised something.
“Shit. Ryker's probably noticed I'm gone by now… Oscar— Did you take care of the cameras when you came in?” She asked urgently. In the heat of the moment she hadn't even thought to ask, and now that she was thinking about it she felt nauseous.
The red-haired human paled at her question.
“I-it was dark— I didn't even…” He stammered as he immediately realized how badly he had fucked up. He genuinely hadn't thought about there being cameras in that secret lab, because it was dark and definitely an illegal lab. He hadn't seen any red dots in the corners to signal that a camera was running, and he let his guard down.
Sammy felt a cold chill run up her spine.
“He— he's gonna find me again… He'll probably kill me…” She breathed, her vision unfocusing for a moment before darting up to meet the human's gaze, eyes wide. “Oscar— he's gonna kill you. You’re literally walking distance away from his lab. H-he might already be on his way..!”
At the very least she had her size to her benefit in terms of hiding… Oscar on the other hand was a sitting duck. If Ryker found out where he lived…
“We need to leave.”
“Wh— I-I can't just leave. I have no clue when my mum will be back— what if she gets hurt?” He protested at her suggestion. Sammy grimaced at the mention. As much as she viewed humans as monsters, she could definitely empathise with that sentiment. She wouldn't be much better than a human if she ignored Oscar's feelings on the matter.
“I.. I don't think he would hurt her. Ryker's a prick, but if there was nothing to gain I don't think he would just hurt another human randomly— if anything she's more likely to get hurt if you stay here, because Ryker can use her as collateral with me.” She pointed out.
As soon as she said that though she regretted it and her eyes went wide, body tensing. What if he decides to hand me over now just to avoid getting hurt? I know it's understandable, but I don't want to go back. I-I can't…
She scooted herself back slightly again, glancing towards the shelves that were a few feet away. Even if she got there it would only be a temporary solution. She looked back up at Oscar, but he didn't seem to notice her anxiety, his expression concerned and in deep thought, not even focused on her.
Soon enough, he reached a decision. Sammy bristled as his gaze fell upon her again, awaiting her doomed verdict.
“Okay. Okay… I'll text my mum and tell her I'll be at Freddie’s in case she gets back. I know a place we can stay. Nothing homey…not that this place is that homey either, but it'll do.”
She blinked in surprise.
What…he'll actually help..? But…
“You’re not going back there again. Over my dead body.” He spoke firmly. Her heart fluttered and a warmth filled her chest at his words, not expecting him to be so resolved about keeping her away from Ryker. Her muscles relaxed slightly, the urge to dash for cover fading quickly as she stared up at him.
“I…I'll have to put you in my pocket again though so we can get there… Is that okay?” He asked softly. This time Sammy didn't feel as petrified over the idea. Sure it would be uncomfortable— one good thing wasn't enough to get rid of the years of bad she had been through, but it was progress.
She nodded, feeling heat rise to her cheeks again as Oscar smiled. Although she couldn't help but flinch as he began to sit up, when he lowered his hand towards her palm up she couldn't help but feel…almost safe. She was sure the feeling would fade soon enough…
“Here. I'll pack some stuff first, then we can head off, yeah?”
Sammy nodded once more, and after a brief moment of hesitation she climbed onto his hand so they could get going as soon as possible.
. . . . .
A light flickered in the distance.
Tanner almost forgot what light looked like. It was that same odd feeling you would get after closing your eyes in a bright room for longer than a few seconds— he knew his memories were bright, but after being surrounded by this all encompassing darkness for so long he just struggled to picture it.
“H-hello…?” His voice echoed in the void, repeating back to him, taunting him with the idea of not being alone. How long had he been stuck here? It could have been a day, it could have been a year, Tanner truly couldn't tell.
He was afraid to go towards the light. Isn't that what people say you see when you die? Am I dying..?
He felt so cold he wouldn't be surprised. Maybe it would even be nice to embrace it. Will it be warm? Maybe I'll see mum and dad again…
Tanner shook his head quickly to dissuade those thoughts. I can't see them. Sammy's still waiting for me… She'll save me soon.
As his gaze fell downwards he let out a small gasp, finding that because of the faint light he could actually see himself again. It was dim, but tears sprung to his eyes just watching his fingers move, staring at them and feeling them with his other hand. They're still here… I'm still here…
The light in the distance flickered again and Tanner's eyes widened as he realised he was going to be plunged into darkness again. He began to try moving towards it, but in a space with no walls, floors, or ceilings, moving felt practically impossible.
Please don't make it dark again..! Just a little bit longer!
At this point he had spent so much time isolated that he couldn't tell the difference between thinking and speaking. He reached out in desperation, the light dancing across his skin and making it almost glow red. The sunlight. I remember.
And then it was gone.
Tanner's breath hitched. In the darkness he couldn't see anything. Eyes open or closed, it didn't make a difference, so he wasn't sure which one he picked as tears began to stream down his cheeks, a sob held in his throat and coming out as a whimper as he curled into himself again. He trembled, the abyss swallowing him whole again.
She'll save me soon…
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Evolution X-Men meeting Deadpool for the first time
An idea for the first episode Deadpool would appear in the show. It'd take place during early season 2. I don't have enough ideas to write the whole thing but here's the introduction
After the Brotherhood fled and the old warehouse was empty once more, the X-Men could finally focus on their unexpected guest. Through the darkness where he stood, they could see him sheathing his katanas and stretching his arms.
"Phiii-ew! Nothing like a good workout after a mind-numbingly boring sail home!" He said, rolling his neck and shoulders. "Warms my cold, unfeeling heart to see the streets just as crime-infested as I left them!"
After a second, the man stepped towards them and into the light. The younger members of the X-Men couldn't help, but gasp when he revealed himself to them.
The person who joined their fight was wearing a red and black costume that covered his whole body, including his face. Outside of the twin katanas on his back, he had two gun pouches attached to the sides of a multi-pocketed belt. His white eyes stared at them with unclear intent.
"You?!" While Kitty, Rogue and Kurt were intimidated by his presence, Scott and Jean stood their ground. They appeared to be more disgusted than afraid. Surprisingly, the man seemed to recognise them as well.
"Jeanie! Scottie! Long time no see! Come here and give uncle Deadpool a hug!" He said, spreading his arms. Before he ran at them, Jean used her powers to throw him into the air. His enthusiasm faltered.
"Cold. I guess you don't want all the radical gifts I bough you abroad!" He said, starting to levitate upside down. "Do kids these days still say it? Do they say 'radical'? I hate that word. I hope it'll die out quickly."
"You know this weirdo?" Kitty whispered to them.
"He calls himself Deadpool." Jean stated. "He used to break into the Institute regularly."
"That's all you have to say about little ol' me?" Deadpool interrupted, then traced a line from his eye down his cheek. "You can't see it, but I just shed a sad tear. I thought we were friends."
"We're not-"
"As (I'm pretty sure) my pop used to say, if you want something done right, do it yourself!" The mercenary clapped his hands, interrupting her again. He kicked his legs and pushed himself back up so he could face them properly.
"I go by many names! Deadpool is one, but some prefer to call me the Merc with the Mouth!" He stated, pointing his thumbs at himself. "The world-famous mercenary willing to do any kind of job for a good pay, weapon expert, master of all known fighting styles and three times Champion of Hot Dog Eating in West Virginia! This city used to belong to me, but the merc job is unforgiving and I had to leave it for like twenty years!"
"We haven't seen you in two years." Scott corrected.
"It felt like twenty to me, so it must've been! Now I come back and see that you X-Dorks grew in numbers!" Deadpool continued, then crossed his arms and looked away. "Not that I'm bitter, or anything. I can do so much better than your little rich kid houseclub anyway."
"... Wait, he was an X-Man?!" Rouge asked, baffled.
"Professor tried giving him a chance once." Jean sighed. "He almost blew up the mansion."
"Like that old thing doesn't blow up every other week, am I right, guys?" Deadpool snorted and rose his hand. Outside of the distance between them, no one was willing to give him a high five. He waited a few more seconds and then high fived himself.
"Is it bad that he kinda reminds me of Kurt when he has too much sugar?" Kitty snickered.
"Don't even joke like that!" Kurt didn't like that.
"The only difference is that Kurt isn't..." Scott began, then whistled and swirled his finger around the side of his head.
"I believe the term you're looking for is 'able to think outside the box', three eyes." Deadpool overheard them and air quoted. Without any warning, he disappeared in a small flash of energy.
"What the-?!" Kurt cried out as they all stepped back in surprise. After a second, the mercenary reappeared behind them.
"And who those adorable new faces might be?" His voice startled them all. "No, no, don't tell me! You look like Jessica," He said, pointing at surprised Kitty. "Your super power is shrinking. You look like Bridget and you love being different!" He pointed at Rogue, making her scoff at him. "And you look like Elvis! You have an eternal bad hair day!" He said, pointing at Kurt.
"What?" The blue boy squinted.
"Deadpool, stay away from them!" Scott warned, flashing his visor in readiness. "Whatever you came here for, you're not getting it from us!"
"Look at you all grown up and shouting orders like a boss man! Relax, kid, I have no quarrel with you today. I just wanted to catch up and meet new people! Speaking of..." Deadpool said, then reloaded his gun that he suddenly grabbed. Something darkened in his eyes. "Where's Wolverine?"
The other X-Men could see Jean and Scott getting tense. It seemed that despite their distate, they were scared of the man after all.
Suddenly, Deadpool seemed to hear something and his head perked up a bit. They could almost see a smirk forming on his face.
"Right on the clock." He mused. He spun his gun in his hand, then without any warning, whipped back and fired a single shot.
Wolverine had entered the warehouse and managed to sneak behind them. He quickly released his claws and slashed the bullet mid-air. Before other X-Men could stop him, Deadpool switched, pulled out his katanas and teleported again. He reappeared right in front of Logan and took a swing at him. His weapons and the mutant's claws clashed.
"Kurt, get everyone outta here!" The X-Man shouted. The boy nodded. The kids came closer and he teleported them away, leaving the two alone.
"I had a feelin' I smelled a rottin' brain somewhere!" Wolverine growled.
"You're the one to talk, dog-breath!" Deadpool retorted, trying to slash him again. Wolverine blocked him. "Dog, or bear, or some other animal that smells bad! I don't want to say badger, because I feel like I'd be beating a dead horse at this point-"
"I miss the silence already!" Logan said. He roared and tried to throw a punch.
Meanwhile, the group reappeared outside.
"What does this Deadpool guy want with Logan?!" Rouge couldn't help, but grow concerned.
"They have... history." Scott explained. "I'm pretty sure they hate each other."
"Like he and Sabertooth?" Kitty asked.
"Honestly? We have no idea." Jean admitted. "It's best to just stay out of the way and let Logan handle it. He always does."
As soon as she said that, they heard an explosion that made them jump. Suddenly, Wolverine fell out of a window with a trail of smoke following him. Deadpool jumped after him and skilfully landed on the ground. When he stood up, the kids saw that he was holding a bomb with his face painted on it.
"He has explosives?!" Kurt shouted, tugging his hair. Logan returned on his feet, smoke from the explosion still dancing on his body.
"I thought you were done takin' bounties on me!" He shouted.
"I am, but it's an emergency!" Deadpool said, throwing the bomb from hand to hand. "I need this money more than I need food and water!"
"A sellout through and through!" Wolverine said, then charged back. Deadpool let him get close, teleported, and then tried to throw a bomb at him from the distance. Logan kicked it right into the ocean and it exploded in the water.
The mercenary quickly switched back to his katanas and charged with full force at his opponent. There was a lot of slashing, dodging and rolling involved. Neither of them managed to reach each other for a good while. Finally, Wolverine used an opportunity to pin Deadpool to the ground with one arm behind his back.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" He cried. "That's foul play! You're disqualified for being a bad sport!"
"Cry me a river, Wilson." Logan tsked. "Whoever hired you must've not known that you always lose to me."
"Yeah. That might be true." The mercenary said, another almost visible smirk appearing on his face. Little did Wolverine know, his free arm was trying to reach for a hidden pocket in his costume. "By the way, don't think that I forgot to bring a souvenir or two for my bestest friend. Why don't you let me go so I can show it to you?"
"I ain't lettin' you go that easily, bub. You're gonna tell me exactly who sent you and what kinda money made you break your promise."
"Oh, I love to talk! Especially with you!" He quietly unzipped the pocket and reached inside. "But you know I can't talk about my employers. Merc 101. Buuuut, I can tell you all about the crazy places I've been to for the past two years! I learned like three different languages! Do you want me to say something in Chinese?"
"If you're tryin' to make me angry, it ain't gonna work. We've been doin' this song and dance long enough for me to know when you're lookin' for a distraction."
"Awww, you care about me enough to know my strategy! You so deserve that little treat I bought you!"
"Logan, look out!" Rouge shouted, but she was too late. Logan felt a sharp sting in his leg. He gasped and quickly pushed himself off Deadpool. He looked down and saw a dart sticking from his thigh. The X-Men were ready to intervene.
"Do not get involved!" Logan snarled, sensing their intent. His head was already beginning to spin.
"Yeah, you better listen to Papa Wolvie! This is between us adults!" Deadpool shouted, looking at them as well. The mutant suddenly fell to his knees, trying to fight whatever Deadpool injected into him, but it seemed stronger than his healing factor. His eyes started feeling heavy, and finally, he fell lifelessly on the ground.
"Logan!" The kids yelled. Jean was already floating whatever she could to throw at Deadpool.
"Don't worry, X-Kids! I promise to give him back as soon as I get my money! Follow your dreams and stay in school!" Deadpool gave them a peace sign before he kneeled in front of Wolverine and teleported away with him.
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canyousonicme · 3 months
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Q&A with Alex Kingston, who plays Sheila Bellowes on Steven Moffat's upcoming ITV black comedy, "Douglas Is Cancelled"
(Air date: 27 June, 2024)
What appealed to you about Douglas Is Cancelled?
I'd say what appealed first of all was that the piece was written by Steven Moffat. I would do anything that Steven wrote because he's just such a brilliant writer.
The characters he creates are such a delight to play. I've had that experience of working with him on Doctor Who. It was just a joy to read the script. I laughed out loud. I even cried with laughter in some places. It's so superbly written.
Were you also taken by the idea of playing opposite Hugh?
Absolutely. Oh my gosh, Hugh and I have worked together many times over the years. We go way back to literally when we were teenagers. And so, I was definitely attracted by the opportunity of working with Hugh again. We already have that shorthand between us. That relationship doesn't need even to be acted because we know each other so well and are so comfortable in each other's presence. It's not a new person who I've got to get to know, so that married relationship was already a given. I was thrilled to have the chance to do that.
How would you describe Sheila?
She is amoral, she is ruthless. But I'm assuming that's what the paper wants. I'm also guessing that in the world these sorts of people inhabit, in order to get a good story, they have to be prepared to throw even their best friends under the bus. To be in that position as the editor of a national newspaper, you've got to be not only incredibly ambitious, but also, I would imagine, highly-strung because you are carrying a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. It's just a joy to play somebody who's so on the front foot. Sheila is also really inappropriate. That's what's so great about the script because all the characters behave inappropriately in a world where we're supposed not to anymore. I don't feel like I'm that sort of person at all, which is why it was great fun to play!
How would you summarise the relationship between Sheila and Douglas?
I would definitely say that she wears the trousers in the household. What's so interesting is that they are this high-powered celebrity couple at the start of the story. He is the nation's favourite news broadcaster, and she's this very, very successful editor of a hugely popular newspaper. But I rather like the scene that Steven wrote for them where they are on holiday because that shows a little bit more of who they are as a family before all the stuff hits the fan. They are a unit, and they love each other. But it is an unusual marriage. She is very strong, and he just allows her to be like that. If Douglas was a similar personality to Sheila, the marriage wouldn't ever have lasted. But he just lets her sail on forward, and he's in her slipstream being dragged along.
How does Sheila get on with her daughter?
The relationship she has with her daughter Claudia is much more volatile because her daughter is actually a bit more like Sheila. She's got a bit more fight in her. In a way, Sheila is terrorised by her daughter as she can't hold her daughter down. Also, Sheila doesn't understand young people and all these words like "boomer" that drop out of their mouths. For Sheila, it's just so frustrating. She thinks, "Who is this person we brought into the world who seems like a creature from another planet?"
The drama has lots of very topical things to say about cancel culture.
Yes. It's really interesting because Steven originally conceived this as a stage play several years ago. That's what I found so brilliant and so prescient about it. Steven was working on this way before all the recent scandals involving popular broadcasters. Obviously, cancel culture was already swirling around then, but I feel like Steven has the courage to put the conversation on the table in a way that is super important. But he does it in a darkly comic way, which allows people watching to laugh, but hopefully also to be able to have conversations and ask questions such as, "Where are we going with this? And how dangerous is this becoming?"
What do you hope audiences might take away from Douglas Is Cancelled?
I hope people will be a little bit more thoughtful and a little bit more careful about how they treat people or what they say about people. We need to be more conscious and kinder and aware of other people's feelings and how they wish to be perceived in life. But I think some men of my generation struggle with having to make those changes. I certainly remember sitting in the pub as a young person and hearing jokes about women that were awful. Men would safely say horrendous stuff. But that's just how it was, and you just had to suck it up. But men cannot behave like that anymore. I think there are still elements of our generation that struggle to remember to be a little bit more thoughtful before they say something. That's not out of malice. It's because they're still trying to learn the new rules of the world.
After many years working together on Doctor Who, how did you find it being reunited with Karen?
It was a real joy. It was great just spending time with her. It was very funny because she played my mother in Doctor Who. So it was really lovely to do something different with Karen, and for us both to explore this new relationship together. In Douglas Is Cancelled, there is one big scene that we have together in the toilet. They're these two alpha females who are prowling around each other, and they both absolutely know each other's game.
Did all the cast get to hang out together on set as well?
Yes. When everybody came together for the grand finale, we ended up sitting in the studio control room between scenes, all just chatting, reminiscing, sharing, messing around. Working on Douglas Is Cancelled was just a lovely, lovely, lovely experience.
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angsthology · 10 months
“when you said you were seeing someone i was kind of hoping a therapist” — or an alt title: roo sees things others can’t
theres been this uneasy feeling she feels on the back of her neck...
a/n fun fact i was possessed once as a kid. but anyway this came to me when i was reading the gamer episode of vr!!! so thank u noelle. but anyway let me explain this one: where im from the places here are kinda... "spooky" i guess and there are some people who can see otherworldly creatures and idk i just feel like bringing these in cause i thought it would be fun!
warnings; kinda creepy tbh i wrote this and imagined it a couple of times and scared myself (cause ik damn well it can happen to me 😭), this writing is kinda all over the place so uhh sorry
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alex had initially been unfazed by the girl beside him, having a hard battle against her drooping eyes. he definitely understood where it’s coming from. this meeting was so boring. plus, roo wasn’t a big fan of listening to words that came out of the mouth of men anyway so there’s no surprise there.
it was only then after several more head drops she seemed like she was more awake, her eyes quietly and cautiously scanned the room from every top corner to behind them.
he brushed it off as nothing, probably just gathering reality after her on and off nap.
after that it was smooth sailing and more... listening.
only, he sort of noticed how her eyes barely looked up from her lap but he fully knew that she was awake now. still, he thought, maybe she was just tired still so he didn’t bother bothering her.
when the excruciating life sentence had finally stopped, the entire room stood up and either made their way to each other or simply leave.
alex had a brief conversation with charles who sat on the right row behind him, he then went to speak to his friend that was just one second ago still sat silently beside him only to turn around to find an empty seat.
he then looked around the room to see if she had went to talk to someone only to find her lack of presence in the room.
weird. she always did like to mingle.
again, he shrugged it off, maybe she just went to take a nap elsewhere.
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the next time they had a meeting in the same room, the alfa romeo driver had arrived with george russell by her side. they barely said anything and arrived in silence. well, that wasn’t true. the girl had arrived in silence, george was greeting everyone happily.
when they arrived, george occupied himself in a conversation with alex. when he looked to his right he found the spot empty where the woman once stood in. he then looked around to find her already sitting silently besides her teammate.
she had been fine this morning when she met up with george until they were called into the meeting that’s when her energy seemed to have shifted. george simply thought she just dreaded the meeting itself—as per usual, like any other meeting she didn’t like so it seemed pretty normal to the brit.
though, she was uncharacteristically quiet. like, she wasn’t exactly someone with a big dictionary on the daily but she was still as annoying as a twenty-something-year-old could be.
she had kept her head down during the entire duration of the meeting, only ‘listening’ to whatever there was to be said. every once in a while she could be seen looking up cautiously from her lap, though her eyes only seemed to be looking at repetitive spots.
after the meeting was finally over again, she was gone before anyone could reach her.
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another day, another meeting everyone dreaded. seems like that’s all the agenda was the last couple of days.
but no one dreaded it more than the woman in metallic black.
she was currently walking along with zhou (who was now caught up with all the information). she was uncomfortable, she hoped that today she’s gone—that it was gone. she had been keeping her head down to avoid it but over the days she could feel her creeping in closer and closer to her.
roo was so close to entering the room until she felt the hair on her neck stood up in alert and she knew she couldn’t. she was so close to escaping today’s meeting but just her luck.
lando had seen her and she knew it was too late when he had beckoned her over.
she—like she has been the last few days—entered the room cautiously, not looking up to that spot for her own sake.
“hey, man.” the brit greeted, patting her back.
she tried to greet them all back in the same manner but her uneasiness were overpowering her social skills and she couldn’t find the power in herself to say anything coherent.
the rest of the men looked at each other in question giving the other only a shrug. they were about to ask when they were cut off by the meeting starting.
and, surprise surprise, roo had already disappeared again from their side.
she now sat on the far left just next to the opening isle where they could walk through.
the three british men didn’t waste time to occupy look at the other for confirmation and the empty seats beside her. usually that would’ve pulled a reaction from her, a comment along the lines of ‘everybody wants to get with roo’ but when she stayed quiet head down that really piqued their interest.
throughout the entire meeting she was still very quiet which wasn’t something out of the blue but something that was, is the heavy breathing coming out of her mouth. at first it was nothing but the more and more time passes it got heavier and louder. lando, who sat next to her had heard the entire buildup causing him to worry for his fellow driver. he nudged her with his arm to which she flinched at.
“hey, you alr—” before he could finish she was already jumping off her seat and mumbling a small ‘excuse me’ as she sped-walked in front of them, circling her way out of the row and exiting the room.
a moment later, her teammate excuses himself out of the room leaving the three british men to give each other a look.
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after they were all dismissed, the three had made it their mission to find the alfa romeo driver(s). everyone knew how random roo’s (behavioral) pattern is, but even they knew that was weird and out of the blue.
but somehow, it was not really a big surprise when they saw her walking along the paddock with fernando, smiling as if nothing had happened.
when she saw them, her smile grew and she waved at them happily as they went and approached her.
“hey, how was the meeting?”
“fine. —are you alright?” lando didn’t bother to hover around the topic.
she shrugged, “yeah, just, things, y’know.”
george furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and quite frankly, taken aback, “what things?” he asks, his tone almost sound accusing.
she sighs, slumping her shoulder a bit, “it’s stupid.” she states.
“if it made you bolt out of the room like that, not really.”
she rolls her eyes, “i kinda… have been seeing a woman.”
they were so taken aback the three furrowed their brows in sync, only making her realize the mistake in her words.
she shook her head as if to refresh her thoughts, “let me rewind—i uh, i can… see spirits.”
still—hell, probably more—confused, their response to her words were tilting their heads like a puppy dog (though george and lando had a sort of shift into a more judgy look).
she clicks her tongue, “every time i look up in that room i see this woman with long hair—hair that covered her entire face down to her chest. and– the first time ‘round i thought that was it and that when i come back the next time she’d be gone. but… i guess it seemed like she got closer every time i come back. and today– today she went to the point where she was near my face and i guess… i guess i was finally feeling her presence getting too close instead of just seeing.”
when she finished talking, the three drivers in front of her stayed silent and she almost regret saying anything. she felt really stupid despite how real it was for her. she turned to whine to nando next to her when one of the three brits finally spoke up.
“that’s awesome!” exclaimed alex.
roo, still standing facing in fernando’s direction, only side-eyed him—judgy and  confused, right on-brand.
“…i was terrified.” she somehow thought she needed to clarify.
“no, yeah, sorry you had to go through that, whatever—you can see ghosts!” alex re-states excitedly.
the older man out of the four of them couldn’t help but be amused by the entire conversation. he put both his hands on each of the girl’s shoulders and laughed lightly, shaking her a little in the process, “good luck, niña.”
“man, i don’t need luck. i need new friends.”
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taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoision @vellicora @bborra sorry for this mess 😭😭
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marleyybluu · 2 years
Baby Daddy
Pairings: Fezco x black!reader
Warnings: swearing, sexual content, unprotected sex.
Word Count: 2.5k
this is from my old account too so if you see this and you're like "Hey this is familiar" its because its me babe
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"When are you going to start dating again?" Kay asked her friend. YN rolled her eyes and fed her 8-month-old child a spoonful of mashed sweet potatoes. "Sage can you tell your aunty I'll knock her right tooth to the left." The little girl oblivious to the conversation only whined for more food.
"Come on, look, you've been out of the dating pool since you got pregnant since you and... he who shall remain nameless-"
"Girl, just say Fez." 
"YN don't you miss having some fun, flirting with whoever just to get bored and ghost them in like a week?"
YN missed having fun in terms of going on dates with whoever she wanted to and accepting gifts from whoever gave them to her and on the occasion just having a drunken one-night stand but she was a mother now, things had been put into a different perspective. She wouldn't mind dating but she knew what it was like out there, not a lot of people were up to play step-parent or wait around until her child went to sleep.
"Or are you still hung up on you know who?"
YN's baby daddy was no stranger to being the topic of conversation, he was a steady fling— occasionally going on trips together, going to hotels, planning cute little dates, going on double dates, and he even met her parents. But something just prevented them from putting this title on things and as deep as she was falling for him she never let him know. Soon she was pregnant and they agreed to co-parent, it was all smooth sailing but watching him be a father made her yearn for a relationship with him. A solid one.
"No, I'm not still hung up on him," She lied. "Even if I was... could you blame me? I mean you saw the way he treated me as if I was his whole solar system and seeing him with Sage. It just makes everything deeper."
"You two are so complicated, you were the one who said you don't date-"
"Well, that was before I met him!" She shouted. YN took a deep breath. "Kay... you don't know how he makes me feel, gosh I mean when I was pregnant there was no hesitation he was so happy, he wanted me off my feet when I started showing, he put me on this pedestal that I don't know if anyone can make me experience again."
The doorbell rang cutting into their conversation, YN asked her friend to go answer and she did swinging the door open revealing the man of the hour as if they summoned him by accident.
"Hey, Fezco." She heard from the kitchen. "Speaking of the devil," YN muttered. Heavy footsteps trailed inside the kitchen. "Hey YN."
"Hi, Fez."
Sage instantly started to kick her feet when she saw her father come into view. "Hi, my happy baby." He cooed rubbing his nose against hers. "Well, I guess I will leave y'all alone, have some family time. I have some shopping to do."
YN wiped off her daughter's mouth and stood up leaving her with her father. "With who's money?" She asked. Kay shrugged. "Doesn't matter as long as it's not my own. See y'all later."
Kay left the house leaving YN in awkward silence. "So what are you doing here today?" She asked. "I was missing you guys, so I let Ashtray handle shit today." She took a sip of her coffee and sighed sitting around her kitchen island. "Did you eat yet?" He asked. She nodded but he stared at her longer. "Fine, no. But I'm not that hungry anyway."
"You have anything to cook?"
YN groaned. "Fez,"
"I don't want to hear it I'll make something."
There was no point in arguing with him really he would just turn around and do whatever he wanted anyway. The rest of the day was breezy, YN got to finish some work and take a nap while Fezco took care of their daughter. She sat in her playpen in front of the television watching some Bugs Bunny he had left on. YN rubbed the sleep out of her eye coming down the steps in a baggy shirt and some socks. She peeped over to see Sage engulfed in the old cartoon and decided to let her be.
She slid into the kitchen and crept behind Fez drawing a line down his back. "Hey." She smiled. "Hi, sleepyhead."
YN laughed. "Thank you for letting me have more than 15 minutes."
"Five hours should do you justice for the week." He joked. She rolled her eyes leaning on the counter to peek at what he was cooking. "You have no idea how much I appreciate this, I owe you."
He shook his head. "You're the mother of my child, carried my little girl for almost ten months, you've done everything for her. You don't owe me anything."
'Why do you have to be so nice?' She said to herself.
YN looked up at him wanting to ask something, maybe confess her feelings, but her doubt got the better of her and she only sheepishly smiled at him before heading to the living room and sitting in the large playpen with her child.
Holding up toys to her face and watching her little hands grab them only to toss them back on the floor. Florian poked his head around the corner grinning as he saw his two girls having their own fun, he tip-toed over. "Room for one more?"
"Of course."
Soon all three were in the playpen. YN felt his arm snake around her pulling her in closer to him, he kissed the top of her head. This was what she wanted, every night, with him and no one else honestly. "Dinner's ready if you're hungry."
"Mmm you know I'll never say no to food."
The three gathered around the table, Sage for her own small portion of the food. They said a little prayer before digging in. YN's eyes rolled to the back of her head. "I swear you make the best steak and potatoes oh my goodness."
"Thank you." He chuckled. The dinner was more a comfortable silence with the occasional random noise from the baby who was covered in mostly mashed potatoes. "Every time I look at her I fall more in love. She's perfect." YN mumbled.
Fez agreed. "We did a great job. Making her and raising her." YN lightly threw her napkin at him for the comment. "It's true, I know you remember." He winked taking a sip of his water. She remembered very well to the point where it would leave a heartbeat in more than one place.
Dinner was done, and Sage had been bathed and put to sleep. YN washed what dishes were left while Fez picked up the toys and packed away the playpen. It was 8 pm and though she didn't wake up too long ago she was ready to go back to sleep. "Well everything is cleaned up, guess that's my cue to go."
She frowned but kept it hidden. "Uh... okay, well thanks again for today I needed the little break."
He nodded. "No problem."
Neither wanted him to go just yet.
"I- um, what if you leave a little later... I have wine." YN felt herself becoming rosy she couldn't believe she was stumbling so much. Fez found it cute though. "Uh, I drove here."
"There's a couch... or an extra room." She flirted. He agreed to her offer setting his keys back down. His eyes were glued to her backside watching her bend down to one of the lower cabinets grabbing the liquor. "Hey there are some glasses somewhere up there can you-" She stood up catching him in the act, her heart fell to the pit of her stomach. "What?"
"Nothing." He shrugged. "Glasses right?" Fez didn't need much of a stretch to collect the glasses. "If we really wanna keep her sleeping we could go in the basement."
"Lead the way."
YN stepped downstairs hearing the door quietly close behind her, she stopped in her tracks seeing the tent made of blankets that she set up one night with Kay. "That's cute." He chuckled. Drinks were poured while they sat up in the tent. "Cheers to a parent's night in." She giggled. "I'll drink to that."
YN picked a movie and laid back against some pillows that were stacked but she felt herself being pulled once again into Fezco's hold, he rested his head on her thighs and she smiled lightly scratching his head with her acrylic nails knowing that was what he liked. As the movie played and more drinks were poured she started to feel the buzz, she couldn't handle liquor like she use to— tingles ran through every inch of her body as her temperature rose.
Fez was feeling the same way, his fingers running up and down her thighs. By this time they switched positions and were both laying down with her as the little spoon. She, not so subtly, pushed back against his crotch her eyes widening feeling his already hard member poking through. His hand moved from her thighs up her torso and under her shirt, his lips pressed against the back of her neck.
"I miss you." He mumbled. She shook her head at the drunken confession. "Mmm, you had too much wine." She hiccuped. "So? A drunk man's words... have... thoughts." YN fell into a fit of laughter. "What the hell was thaaat!?"
He only shook his head, his glossy eyes analyzed her every feature, the little dots of freckles spread across her skin, her full lips forming into a smile. "Fezzy..." She whispered.
"YN." He whispered back. Her low eyes fixated on his full beard. "Do you miss life before Sage?" She wondered. He disagreed. "I love her too much to turn back the clock you know?"
He closed his eyes. "I miss how close we were though. I miss taking you on dates and shit. I miss pretending like we were in a relationship." 
YN ran her thumb over his cheek. "I think you were the only one I wanted a real relationship with," She admitted. "Why do you think I trapped you?" 
"Shut up." He mumbled pulling her face closer until their lips touched for the first time in quite a long time and it was a feeling that was well overdue. Soon the movie was just background noise, clothes were coming off piece by piece, kisses filling in their places, and warm hands exploring their bodies like it was the first time they met. YN wrapped her legs around his hips, her nails digging into his soft flesh, her soft moans caressing his ear. 
He grunted burying his head in the crook between her neck and shoulder leaving kisses behind. "Oh my goodness... Fez." She breathlessly whispered while tapping his back. "Oh, baby I'm gonna cum." 
His tongue slithered against her warm neck tasting her salty skin, sweat coating both bodies. "Cum for me, please cum for me, baby." 
Yn felt her legs loosen their grip allowing him to thrust harder, she let out a long groan her nails sliding down his back leaving faint red trails. Her orgasm took over her whole body causing her to shake and shiver, to reach down between them in a weak attempt to push him off but he wasn't going anywhere he loved watching her mouth form that 'O' shape, his name repeatedly slipping from her, her perfect eyebrows coming closer together, the eye contact was the cherry on top of it all. 
"Shit." She giggled out of breath. "You okay?" He chuckled passing his thumb over her chin. "Yes." Her cheeks started to feel warm. 
Fez rolled over on his back letting out an exhausted sigh picking up the phone to check the time. "1 am, wow."  He put the phone down seeing Yn now on top of him her hands laying on his chest, her soaked pussy sliding against his shaft, she whimpered at her sensitive clit's contact with the vein he had poking out. She lifted her hips taking his dick into the palm of her hand so it stood straight up and slowly sank down on it. 
"Baby..." He moaned feeling engulfed in her warmth and slickness. "Can't take anymore?" She flirted rotating her hips. "Mmm don't start that, I always make you tap out." 
YN didn't answer only lifted back up to his tip and carefully back down, she repeated her actions until she was comfortable enough to go a bit faster. She rode that man like a horse, helped that he was hung like one too, his hands had a hard grip on her cheeks spanking them once in a while hard enough in the hopes to leave a print. She leaned down resting her upper body on his and still moving up and down on him. "Fuck it's so deep." She muttered. "Yeah?" Fez wrapped his arms around her waist holding her down, he began to match her motions. 
"Ouu I- mmm fuck I hate that." She giggled knowing she felt the complete opposite. Soon her body gave out letting Fez take over with his relentless pounding, she whimpered reaching back to push against his thighs but was denied when he collected her arm trapping it under his initiating the same on the other side. "Take that shit, I told you I always make you tap out." 
She really had no choice but to lay on his chest she wiggled her upper body as much as she could but there was no point. "Fezzz." She whined, her eyes falling to the back of her head. "I'm gonna cum YN." 
"Cum in me daddy, please." 
Fez felt her pulsing around him only for it to trigger his own orgasm, his thrusts became slow and sloppy as he emptied himself inside of her. He released his grip on her leaving her to lay lifelessly on her, out of breath, officially tapped out for the night. "You telling me to cum in you will never get old."
She smirked. "It won't be the last time either." 
The moment was interrupted by their original outcome from the last time she made that statement, baby cries over the monitor that YN had left in the basement because she always forgot the other one upstairs. "And there she goes." 
YN cleaned up from the sink nearby and stole Fezco's shirt to cover her body. "Really?" 
"Yuuup." She laughed running up the stairs to her daughter's room to see the infant kicking and wailing. "Okaaay mama I'm here." 
She sighed carrying her back to the master bedroom seeing Fez in his boxers laying on her sheets. "I don't think she's hungry, just fussy." He watched as she carefully laid down with the baby laying on her chest. He scooted over to get closer and kissed her cheek, he placed his hand on Sage's back as she slowly calmed down and was soon back to being quiet.  
"I love you guys." 
Yn looked over at him. "We love you too." 
don't we love when she posts on a random day in the week after saying she only does weekends? lol
New Rio fics dropping this weekend fr tho and if I don't do it shiiiiiit don't shoot the messenger
taking a break from Miss Ivy (but if you are a curious cat and would like to take a read come through) and diving back into my other boys
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, comments and reblogs help and are very appreciated each time (even tho tumblr wont let me respond to comments for some stupid reason.)
Be cool🤙🏾
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(Little mid-timeskip scene with Perona, Zoro, and Mihawk:)
The castle was beautiful, but empty. And quiet. So, so quiet, aaaaalllllllllll the time. Perona had never been able to stand the quiet.
To fill the space, she sang. She wasn't the best at it, but it was better than talking to herself all the time, she thought. Plus, it was comforting, in a way.
Mihawk was typically apathetic about her singing. But Zoro, being the good and proper pirate that he was, often added his voice to hers.
This particular evening, as she set about preparing dinner, she found herself reminded of an old familiar children’s song, one that she remembered her mother singing to her while at work in her own kitchen.
“There was a boy called Johnny King, who used to ride his bike-”
“Up and down this simple country lane,” Zoro joined in, from where he was casually leaning back in his chair at the table.
Perona smiled. “Now he’s gone to sea, to sail under the black flag of death, and- ack!”
She dove for the stove as her pot threatened to boil over. As she did so, Zoro completed the verse-
“And all the people know he won’t come home again.”
“What?” Perona turned back around, having got the situation at the stove back under control, and frowned. “That’s not how it goes.”
“Uh, yeah it is. Didn’t you know?”
“No, no, it’s ‘the people far and wide all know his name’.”
“...Huh? No it isn’t!”
“Yes it is!”
“I’ve heard both,” Mihawk put in before the argument could develop any further. “Zoro’s is the East Blue version, Perona’s is the version here in the Grand Line.”
“Oh. Ohhh, well, I guess that makes sense, doesn’t it? Maybe he was a real guy, and he went from the East Blue to the Line.”
“Maybe so,” Zoro nodded. “That would also explain the difference in the two lines themselves. If he died at sea, he never actually would come home again, would he?”
“But then, the other version isn’t necessarily wrong. I mean, we do all still know his name, don’t we?”
“I guess we do.”
“So he must have had at least some success as a pirate. That’s…I don’t know, it’s kind of fascinating.”
"If you say so," Mihawk shrugged.
“That guy Noland ended up being a real guy," Zoro said thoughtfully, "from that North Blue children's book."
"You mean Liar Noland?"
"Yeah, but it turned out that he wasn't lying."
"What," Perona frowned as she began ladling steaming pasta onto plates for each of them, "are you saying you found the lost city, then?"
"Yeah. It was on a sky island."
"...That's a story I haven't heard."
"I'll tell you sometime, then," Zoro said around a huge yawn.
"As long as it's not at the dinner table, please," Mihawk sniffed.
"Hey, Hawkeyes, how come there's no songs or books about you out there?"
"I don't know, but I am thankful that there aren't."
"I bet we could make our own! Mihawk, Mihawk, with blade of steel and, uh, eyes of gold..."
"Lord of the sea and Kuraigana cold," Zoro added with a snort.
"Yes, that's genius! We've got to write this down!"
"On second thought, I believe I will just take my meal in my room."
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Wild Uncharted Waters - Prince Eric X Female Reader
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Title: Wild Uncharted Waters
Prince Eric X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Sir Grimsby, Eric's mother (Mentioned), Reader's mother (Mentioned), Reader's grandmother (Mentioned), Max the dog, crewmates (Mentioned), and Royal palace people (Mentioned)
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 4,651
Warnings: Reader has a mother, Reader has a grandmother, childhood friends to lovers, I have not seen the movie, maybe slight changes in storyline?, mentions of illness, teasing, taunting, flirting?, pinning, fire mentioned, Eric almost drowns, fireworks mentioned, confessions, anxiety, nervousness, embarrassment, wounds mentioned, a few song references, even though he had almost drowned Eric is always down for a race, slight angst, death mentioned very briefly, and a lot of fluff
The ocean waves crashed against the side of the small ship, erupting in white seafoam and bubbles as the vessel journeys through the dark, deep waters to the newest destination. You held onto the thick, coarse rope, leaning off the edge, and letting the fresh, salty sea air blow through your hair as your booted feet planted firmly against the wooden beam of the ship's railing. You were coursing through wild uncharted waters, on the day of the Prince's birthday: your best friend, Eric. Eric had been your friend ever since you were both little children. You lived in the village near the castle and met Eric after he was adopted into the royal family. 
You first met at the seaside, you remembered that day well and looked back upon it fondly; even after all these years. Your tiny feet in the wet, squishy sand, the surprisingly warm water lapping at your ankles, and the sound of a young boy laughing; giggling away, had gained your attention. You remembered turning, and seeing a small boy, no older than you at the time, with a flurry of raven black curls, barreling down the beach; a bright smile on his face. As a young child, you had never seen someone so excited to be at the beach. Then again, you guessed that the people in the village were used to the sights and beautiful smells of the seashore; you wondered if this boy had never seen the ocean before. Overall, it was nice. Seeing someone love the beach just as much as you.
Seeing that you were the only two children there, you both introduced yourselves and began playing with one another. And over the days and months, you two became great friends. Tossing rocks into the water to see who had the biggest splash, building lop-sided sand castles, and racing to the castle's kitchen; little Prince Eric always let you win. Even when Eric got his pup, Max, you both played with the dog, playing fetch until both you and the Prince were called home. And, as the years went on and on, the two of you got even closer.
No longer were you friends, but the most inseparable pair anyone had ever laid their eyes on. As young adults, when Eric was free to visit the village, he'd join you at the market, looking at fabrics, jewelry, and even homemade quilts. But, most of the time, just as you did as children, you would both spend time at the beach. You spent a lot of time there since it was both a place you and the Prince held so close to your hearts. The ocean breeze was calming, as were the sounds of the crashing waters against the harsh rocks. There, you both spoke of your day, life in general, and your dreams. There was hardly a time when you and Eric weren't by each other's side. Only when Eric was needed at the castle, his home away from the shore, for whatever princely duties, did you part.
And although both of your lives seemed to be full of sunshine and rainbows, that was far from the fact. You and Eric both had your fair share of hardships. He, Eric, wanted to be free of life inside the castle walls. Eric longed for adventure, sailing the beautiful seven seas, and filling his office with more treasure he had found along the way. And you, you wanted to get away from the village, similar to Eric. And like Eric, you wanted to go on daring adventures, go away to far-off places, and see the world. But, it was hard when you had to stay and take care of your ill grandmother. She was old and frail, and you had to watch over her when your mother had to go off to work. You loved your family deeply, but you wanted to chase that freedom that blew swiftly and sweetly in the salty sea air.
But, to add salt to the wound, you had a secret. You were in love. You were in love with your best friend. Originally, you were overjoyed. The amazing feeling of love overflowed throughout your entire body and soul as you realized that you were indeed in love with Eric. You loved when he ran a hand through his hair, trying to fix it when the wind blew against it, getting into his vision. You loved the ways his eyes lit up with deep fondness as he stared off at the sea or spoke about the newest treasure he had found. You loved his voice, beautiful and soft when he would hum or sing a song under his breath. He was entirely perfect.
Though, you had an inkling that the love you had for him was always there, simmering and sizzling below the surface. Though, as some time went on, you realized that your love could never be. He was a Prince, and you were just the daughter of a seamstress. It deeply saddened you, knowing that there was no chance that you could spend the rest of your days with the man you loved. But, you dreamed and you wished upon the great, shining stars in the sky that one day you and Eric could live happily ever after. Or at least, you could be in his life in any way, just being by his side is all you could ask for. But, you were selfish, and you often let your daydreams wander and think about the ‘what ifs.’ What if Eric felt the same about you? Maybe it was all your insecurities talking.
"Beautiful day, huh?" You heard the familiar soft voice, instantly allowing a smile to grace your features. 
Turning your gaze away from the blue sea, your eyes landed on the soft brown eyes of your Eric, "Yes," You sighed softly, "The perfect day for someone's birthday..." You lightly teased, watching with a certain admiration as the dimples of Eric's cheeks deepened and his smile grew.
The man before you nodded, looking briefly at the wooden floorboards of the ship before looking back up at you. He, too, had a dilemma. It wasn't the fact that his mother was probably worried that he went off sailing again when she begged him not to, nor was it the seemingly gray and gloomy-looking clouds that speckled the sky. No... Eric was completely enchanted by you. 
Looking up at you as you held on tightly to the rope, staring off at the sea; Eric stood simply in awe as the slowly setting sun gleamed against your soft skin. You looked stunningly beautiful, as always, the carefree smile that he adored on your face making him grin. You were truly breathtaking, a goddess among men; he could just stare at you forever. 
Really, it was only a matter of time before the two of you fell in love with one another, as said in the words of your mother. But, somehow, no matter how long you've known each other, you both were incredibly oblivious to each other's feelings. Even though you had a knack for telling what Eric was thinking, and Eric had a few tricks in finding out when you were lying, you both were totally clueless about each other's feelings. 
As if sensing the intensity of Eric's gaze, you turned your head once more. Tilting your head slightly to the side, you stared down at Eric, a small smile growing on your face. You couldn't help but admire the man before you, your eyes raking across his lean and sturdy figure; from his brown leather boots to the dark ruffled curls upon his head. He was truly a handsome sight.
"Well," Eric began, voice slightly breathless before he cleared his throat, his eyes shifting slightly from the tingling of nerves that flowed through him, "I came to see if you'd be joining in the festivities, or staying up there?" He asked, only to watch as you hopped down from the railing, your boots landing on the wooden floorboards with a thud. 
Smiling up at him, you shrugged your shoulders, "I wouldn't dare miss out on it, Eric. After all, I heard there was going to be fireworks." You answered, following Eric as you headed to the other side of the ship where most of the crew were setting up for the party.
Eric mirrored your smile, looking down at you as he gently took your hand in his, "Thank you for being here beside me." His voice was gentle, yet sincere as his eyes locked with yours. You felt your cheeks heat up, your heart fluttering wildly in your chest, and your stomach twisting into knots as he gazed at you.
Shrugging your shoulders once again, you smiled sheepishly up at him, "Absolutely, Eric. Anything for you."
The fireworks lit up the sky in purples, reds, and blues, creating a brilliant display of bright colors. The loud booms of the explosions echoed throughout the sea and air, almost drowning out the cheers of the crowd on the deck. However, you were not paying any mind to the beautiful lights above, your eyes and mind were on the Prince on the deck, laughing and fooling around with his crewmates and friends. You watched as they hoisted Eric into the air, some singing a bright, cheerful tune as others drank away on their mead. You admired your best friend from above, his dog Max beside you, keeping you company; his warm fur grounding you. 
The sky was a dark blue, the sun had long since set and as the night continued, the sky slowly littered with stars. It had been a long, lovely day. Pushing off the railing, you wandered over to the side of the ship, taking your time to stare up at the sky, gazing at the twinkling stars as the firework show finally ended. The moon shone brightly, illuminating the waves below. You breathed in deeply, sighing contently before you heard the sound of boots against the stairs of the ship, not even bothering to turn; you knew who now stood beside you.
It was calming, looking up at the night sky with Eric. He said nothing, falling into the peaceful silence with you. Though, you began to feel jittery, almost nervous as you glanced over at him. The moonlight shone down upon him with white angelic rays, highlighting his beautiful side profile. Your heart swelled, loving every single aspect of him, whether it was the curve of his lips, or his dark eyelashes that fluttered against his cheekbones every time he blinked. 
"What did you wish for?" You asked abruptly, but yet softly, gaining the Prince's attention as he raised an eyebrow your way.
"What did I wish for?" He asked in return, only for you to nod your head before looking back at the sky before you. Eric took a moment to gaze at you, watching as the light of the lanterns on the ship cast soft shadows upon your form, giving you a certain glow. He let out a small breath, eyes and mind taking in the woman before him. Oh, how beautiful you looked in the moonlight. As if hearing his thoughts, you turned once more, meeting his gaze. You offered him a small smile, which he returned almost nervously. Placing one of his hands over yours, holding onto it, your touch anchored him. Caressing it gently with the soft pad of his thumb, he turned back to the sky, "I wish that tonight could last forever." He muttered softly, thoughtfully before turning to look down at you. "But I don't think I should've told you. Hearing that voicing your wishes out loud can cause them to never come true." He gave you a small charming smile, one that never failed to make your heart race.
You smiled, nodding as you slid a bit closer to the Prince, your shoulder brushing up against his arm. "Either way, your wish sounds wonderful."
Eric turned down to look at you once more, his eyes meeting yours, causing him to lose focus momentarily. His Adam's apple bobbing slightly as he swallowed thickly. He inhaled sharply through his nose as his eyes scanned your features, noting how you had gotten a new freckle upon the apple of your left cheek; probably from the almost constant sun no doubt, and the way that you slowly turned your hand you intertwined your fingers with his sent tingles throughout his arm. If Eric hadn't known any better, he would've thought he was about to confess his feelings for you. And maybe he was. Opening his mouth, Eric was just about to say your name, when there was a loud shout from the deck. 
"Fire!" A voice called from the deck, "Fire!"
Eric's eyes widened as he quickly made his way down the stairs, almost tripping over his feet. Some of the crew members were trying to put out the flames, but they weren't quick enough and before Eric knew it, the whole ship was engulfed in flames, burning the wooden deck and burning down to the bottom of the ship to the top of the masts. People screamed, shouted, and ran for the lifeboats, dropping them down into the dark depths of the ocean below. Eric cursed silently as he jumped into action; he quickly ran to the edge of the railing, ready to jump in when he heard a bark. 
Looking up and over to where he had previously been, he watched as Max became trapped, fire flickering and flaming around him. Eric rushed around fallen beams, climbing up the stairs and grabbing Max before tossing him into the water; carefully watching as Max made it to one of the lifeboats. Panic filled him just as the smoke filled his lungs, Eric looked around the burning ship, his eyes tearing up slightly as the flames grew higher and higher; where were you? 
"Eric!" He heard your voice, turning abruptly and tightly clutching the side of the ship to see you in one of the lifeboats. Eric felt the tightness in his chest lessen slightly, seeing you safe, but, before he could try and do anything, a loud explosion knocked him against the beam; causing him to fall back into the water below. 
You leaned forward, the lifeboat wobbling slightly as you watched as Eric fell from the ship and into the water. Not seeing him rise to the surface, you threw yourself into the ocean, ignoring the cries from the crewmates. Holding your breath, the salt water burned your eyes as you swam further down, finally spotting Eric's silhouette. Pushing yourself further down, your legs and arms ached as you finally reached the unconscious Eric. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you used all of the rest of your strength to swim back up to the surface, your lungs begging and crying out for fresh air as you swam up and finally broke through the surface. 
You let out a large breath, coughing as you readjusted your hold on Eric, making sure his head was above the water as you looked around, the ship was far behind you and there were no lifeboats in sight. Trying not to panic, you could see the faint streetlights from the island only a bit away from you. Swimming with all your might, your body ran on the adrenaline that flowed through your blood, pushing the fear and anxiety away as you slowly but surely got to land.
The rising sun began to shine over you, warming your chilled skin as you dragged Eric towards the nearest beach. You stumbled upon the sand first, pulling Eric with you as you crawled onto the ground. Chest heaving with heavy breaths, you laid Eric onto the warm sand, raising your hand up to brush his wet curls from his face before checking his neck for a pulse. You let out a sigh of relief as you felt the soft thump beneath your fingertips, finally letting yourself rest and calm, knowing that Eric was alive and safe. 
Raising your hand, you placed it on Eric's cheek, wiping off the sand before you lightly tapped him, "Eric, Eric, can you hear me?" You asked, trying to wake him, watching in anticipation as his eyelids flickered and he lightly groaned. 
Slowly opening his eyes, he squinted them, taking in his surroundings before focusing them on the silhouette above him, "Y/N?" He asked, voice deep and hoarse as he blinked a few times before finally getting his vision back into focus; his brown eyes looking up into yours. 
You let out a breathy sigh, your hand still resting on his cheek, "Thank God you're okay. Well, minus the small cut on your head there, do you have a concussion?” You abruptly asked, seeing as his eyes seemed fine, you let out a sigh, “I… I don’t know what I - I thought I lost..." You stuttered and then trailed off, you couldn't finish that sentence, closing your eyes briefly and taking another breath, "I'm so glad that you're alright." You finished weakly, the front of your teeth coming out to pull at the corner of your bottom lip. Eric blinked again, trying to calm his soaring heart; he didn't know if his almost drowning was the cause of his racing heart, or you above him, your voice and touch so soothing and calming. 
His own lips parted slightly, his mouth dry as he tried to speak, "You saved me," He murmured, not caring about the slight twinge of pain that burned his throat, and how tired he felt, "Thank you, Y/N," His lips curved upward, his voice gentle as he spoke.
Your eyes closed, a soft smile crossing your lips as he moved his hand up to your cheek, the tips of his fingers brushing through your wet hair. "It's no problem, Your Highness," You lightly teased before your voice softened, "I don't know what I'd do without you." Your words caused his heart to soar, a surge of emotions running through his veins like electricity.
"You're not hurt, are you?" Eric asked, his eyebrows raising slightly with concern as his eyes raked over your face for any cuts or bruises, but you just shook your head.
Opening your eyes, you could only smile, "No, no, I'm fine, Eric. Just a bit out of breath is all." A laugh escaped your lips, shaking your head lightly as you watched him, admiring the man in front of you.
He seemed almost relieved as he nodded, relaxing. "Good." He said before moving his hand, the backs of his fingers brushing against your cheek. "When I was on that ship, and I couldn't find you... I was scared," He added after a minute, his thumb rubbing against your cheekbone gently. Your eyes drifted shut at the feeling of his touch, unable to stop yourself from leaning into his hand. His touch was so tender, so sweet. It sent shivers throughout your entire body as his hand continued to rub up and down your cheek; his touch sending little jolts through every cell in your body. "I was worried I'd never get to tell you how I feel." 
Eric felt his chest tighten again as he watched your eyes open, the same curiosity held in them that Eric admired, "What do you mean?" You then asked, voice no louder than a mutter as Eric moved to sit up before speaking; one hand propping himself up and the other falling from your cheek and onto his lap.
"I don't know how to explain this... Well... I don't really have a word for it... I just... Know that my feelings for you go beyond friendship. I've never felt this strongly for anyone in my life. All I ever think about is you..." Eric replied quietly, his hand holding himself up digging into the rough sand below him.
You blinked, your stomach erupting into butterflies at his confession, "Really? Are you sure you're not concussed?" You breathed out, your mind racing as the ocean waves crashed gently upon the shore behind you, merely inches from touching you; but at Eric nod, you let out a shallow breath, "That’s… Nice…" You began, swallowing thickly, "Because, uhm, I- I feel the same, ever since we were children," You whispered, flushing lightly as Eric's eyes instantly snapped up to meet yours. "I cannot get over you."
"Wait, what? Really?" Eric questioned, completely shocked that you felt the exact same way as he did. The surprise and absolute joy he was feeling seemed to distract him from his fatigue and possible pain. His eyes widening similar to yours as you nodded, feeling your cheeks burning; both your hearts pounding and racing.
"Yes, of course," You said softly, smiling sheepishly as you looked down, "But I wanted to make sure that I wasn't reading too much into things because I'm not an expert in romance or anything. But I'm pretty sure that you're the love of my life," You chuckled lightly, cringing lightly from your chosen words, your eyes glimmering. "No matter how sappy or cliche that sounds now that I've said it," You continued, feeling a bit nervous as you took in the expression on Eric's face.
Eric smiled widely, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and those adorable dimples on full show as his hands rested on his knees, "Oh no, that was very cheesy." He chuckled lightly before leaning forward a bit, his fingers coming up to brush the stray speckles of sand from your cheek and temple, your cheek tingling at the simple touch. "And I think you're right about the whole 'too sappy' thing too." His eyes flashed with amusement, his thumb running along your jawline, and leaving behind a trail of goosebumps in its place.
"You just love to tease me," You muttered, rolling your eyes slightly before shifting your gaze, a light flush appearing on your cheeks as you leaned into his touch once more.
"Maybe," Eric replied softly, reaching out to tuck your damp hair behind your ear. "May I... May I kiss you?" He asked, his eyes holding a hint of uncertainty and worry.
You looked back up at him, your hand slowly clenched around the sand at your fingertips, the course and dry sand softly scratching at your palm. Eric's brown eyes drew you in, the small specks of gold shining under the bright morning sun. You slowly nodded your head, your eyes flickering between his brown ones before they closed as you felt Eric lean closer toward you. Your heart pounded hard against your chest as you felt his warm breath fan across your face, his hand cupping your cheek once more as his lips brushed against yours in a sweet, fleeting kiss before going in and claiming your mouth with his in a passionate kiss.
Your lips parted slightly at the sensation, your hands quickly reaching up to tangle themselves into Eric's soft, black curls. The taste of salt lingered on your lips, causing his heart to race even faster as he held you in his arms. The two sat in bliss before you both pulled away, both your faces flushed as you looked at each other. Your heart goes a million miles a minute as you let out a carefree and joyful laugh, making Eric smile at the pure sound of it.
Eric couldn't help but sigh softly, his eyes narrowing lazily as he gazed at you, goosebumps rising on the back of his neck as your fingers gently raked through the hair there, sending chills down his spine and a warm feeling flowing through his veins. The warmth he felt was nothing compared to the one he felt when he was near you; the warmth you gave him made him feel safe and secure; you had such a calming effect on him. Like the open sea, you always had the ability to wash away the worries in his mind, to bring him peace and tranquility. 
Eric watched in a sort of awe, watching as the sun shined over you, lighting up your skin in a golden glow; the blue sky reflecting beautifully within your eyes as your long lashes fluttered against your cheeks. He knew that he loved you since the day he met you, that's for sure.
"Eric," You called to him, gaining his attention as you gestured to a few of the members of the castle coming down the stone and grassy walkway, all looking panicked as they rushed toward the beach where the two of you were sitting. Eric furrowed his brows in confusion, his eyes widening when he saw Sir Grimsby approaching, Max the dog in tow. He glanced between you and the others, noticing that they were all looking at the both of you, worry written across their features. 
"Your Highness! What happened?" Sir Grimsby asked, coming over to help the Prince up, "You've been gone all night, we heard about the ship sinking!"
Eric just smiled, albeit a bit bashfully as he turned and offered you his hand, helping you up from the sandy beach, your feet sinking slightly into the wet sand as he pulled you close to him, his hand intertwining with yours as he spoke, "Yes, well, Y/N saved me... So, we're all good." He spoke, giving you a glance as Max came bounding over, his sandy paws landing on your legs as you ran your fingers through his fur with a smile.
Sir Grimsby sighed deeply, running a hand down his face in exhaustion as he gestured for you and the Prince to follow, muttering to himself, "I swear, if he keeps being reckless like this-" He cut himself off as he realized that Eric was holding onto your hand. He cleared his throat and pointedly ignored Eric's gaze, as he led the two of you towards the castle.
"I don't think your mother's going to be too happy to hear about this." You whispered to him, causing Eric to chuckle softly as he squeezed your hand comfortingly.
"Probably not, but she'll get over it..." He answered with a slight shrug, "She can't keep me away from the ocean forever."
You nodded, slightly swinging your arms together as you spotted the castle before you, "We may have to take a break from sailing for a little while," You told him, a small teasing lilt to your tone.
Eric grinned playfully at the thought, "I wouldn't mind," He replied, "As long as I am with you," He trailed off, turning his head slightly toward you.
Your heart melted at his words, his gaze lingering on you as his lips curved into a gentle smile. "I'll be here beside you." You mumbled quietly, your own lips tugging into a smile as you squeezed his hand tightly in return.
Eric matched your smile, his eyes gazing down into yours as he raised your hand, pressing his lips gently to your knuckles as the world around you both slowly floated away, disappearing beneath the calm waves.
"Your Highness!" A voice yelled, pulling you and Eric out of your own little bubble, the Prince before you turned to the voice that called down to the both of you.
"Coming, Grimsby!" Eric called up to him before he turned to look back down at you. 
A small mischievous smirk graced your beautiful face, raising your other hand, gently pressing your finger upon his nose before letting go of his hand and walking backward towards the castle, "Last one to the kitchens is a rotten egg!"
Eric let out an amused huff, his own lips curling into a smirk before he ran up alongside you, unable to stop the laughter from flowing out of him as he let you win, just as he did when you were both children.
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shadowofroses · 5 months
Embracing Mermay 1
TW: drowning, TW: The Ocean, Pirate reader, Mergojo. Fem reader I guess I only mentioned Bride. Which could be said to anyone.
It wasn’t anything you were personally prepared for.
Then again being a Pirate on the Seas, Voyage of Souls with Captain Geto was nothing anyone could prepare for. Neither would sailing straight into a hurricane.
You were struggling to swim as the currents were currently pulling you downward. Air bubbles being stolen from your form as you were close.
So close.
You felt something around your ankles. Mind screaming shark but. It felt like skin? Your eyes seeing black spots shot down to your ankle. More air coming out of your mouth out of shock as you saw a Man. White hair, blue eyes that glowed, as he tugged you down towards him, you tried to struggle against him but your body was growing weaker. You hardly noticed he had a tail. The only thing you recalled was the glow of his eyes getting closer, and closer the feel of his lips against yours.
This...was an interesting way to go out. Random man in the middle of the ocean kissing you. He had to have been an angel with how ethereal he was.
When you came to you felt a weight against your chest, lips against yours as they breathed into you, you started to cough up water, everything felt sore.
You heard a relieved sigh as whoever saved you leaned forward and ran their hand through your wet hair. “Thank goodness, thought I lost you there…” your eyes fluttered open, only for your breathing to hitch as your eyes caught ahold of the same blue eyes from before, looking down at you in fondness.
A finger placed against your lips, “Sh…focus on breathing. That’s it…” He then pulled away giving you a cheeky grin. “Consider yourself lucky, I don’t just kiss everyone you know~”
You blinked finally registering that something...harder brushed against your legs, looking down you saw his tail, mirroring the color of his eyes as it brushed against your legs. If you weren’t mistaken it reminiscent of a Koi Fish.
Your eyes widened. “Mermaid?”
“Technically, Merfolk. Mermaids are just the women of our kind.” He hummed staying close to you as his fingers played with your hair. “Be grateful I wasn’t a Siren.”
“Does...a Mermaid...Mer Kiss do anything?”
He flashed a Wicked grin. “Nothing big, just made you my bride.”
“WHAT?!” you yelled out causing you to wince, and he busted up laughing at your reaction.
“So cute...It extended your life by a little.” He said before going into a pout. “Why...would being my bride really be that bad?”
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lumi-wumi · 4 months
This is just a general post because I need to actually get my ideas in order to talk about this. But I was thinking about how some people say the sapphic ships are "male-gaze centric" in Black Sails because of how "it's focused" in sex or whatever. But then I was watching episode 4x01 (XXIX) with my friend yesterday. And realized... The thing that confirms to us that Silver and Madi have a relationship... Is a post sex scene. Jack and Anne in the beggining? "I wanna fuck". Miranda and Flint also in the beggining? Also confirmed by a sex scene. Vane and Eleanor I guess is the most hinted at before we actually get one of those but... We definitely got one of those as ultimate confirmation. Like... It's a constant theme. It's not something that's used with the sapphic characters only. Matter of factly, the only ship that does NOT have a sex scene in this show is James/Thomas which... I need to think about it a little further to try and understand why. And I don't mean it in a "this show is homophobic" way, but more like... If it's a constant and thematic, why? Black Sails is definitely NOT the show that would have tried to avoid a scene like this between two men - or even something post-sex like with Madi/Silver.
Idk, now I wanna rewatch it AGAIN and try to look at this from a thematic pov bc I don't think it's the kind of thing that you notice unless you stop and think of it. It only hit me bc I was bothered by how some people talk about the f/f ships in this show.
Just wanted to put that out there, I definitely wanna make a more detailed post about love and sex in this show when I put my thoughts in order with something more than WAIT A MINUTE, IT'S A THEME.
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jamdoughnutmagician · 6 months
A Slice Of Life (Waitress AU) Part 2
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Doctor!Steve Harrington x Waitress!Reader
<- Previous part Next part ->
Warnings: Steve is a sweet guy in this, and Billy continues to be a horrible husband. Brief mentions/descriptions of sex.
Word Count:2,158
*dividers by @saradika-graphics
Masterlist // Steve Harrington Masterlist
Quickly you rush into work, the time on your watch already ticking into your shift. You’re running late.
You push through the diner doors, and sure enough Hopper is there to greet you, with a stern expression set on his features. His moustache sitting over his lips pressed into a thin line.
“You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago.”
“Cut me some slack, Hop, the bus was late.” you huff as you try your best to straighten yourself out.
“Why don’t that husband of yours buy you a car or something?”
“Because he doesn't want me going anywhere.” you scoff, pushing past him to the back room to get changed into your waitressing uniform.
As you step out of the room, Nancy is there to catch your eye.
“How did you get on at the doctors this morning?” 
“Well, I’m definitely pregnant, if that’s what you’re asking.” you laugh to yourself. “It was a new doctor. A man. He’s taken over since Doctor Bloom retired.”
“Ooh a man? Was he cute?” she joked, nudging you with her elbow.
Nancy watched as the heat bloomed on your face, your eyes not meeting hers.
“Oh, okay so he was definitely cute.” she gathers from your embarrassed expression. “Is he single?”
“Nance!” you gently slap at her arm, you’d been friends with Nancy for too long for her not to know when you liked someone. “Okay, he was kinda cute, I guess. Didn’t see any ring on his finger either.” 
“Hey, could you do me a huge favour?” 
“Sure, what’s up Nance?”
“Can you serve Joyce today? She’s in her usual seat by the window. I don’t know if I have the energy to face her this early in the morning.”
“Sounds like someone's got a guilty conscience? You poke at your friend.
“Just because you know I’m sleeping with her son, does not give you the right to hold it over me. She smiles, narrowing her eyes at you. “Joyce. Table 7. Please.” she begs.
“Alright, alright. I got it. No need to get your panties in a bunch.”
“Darling, you’re an absolute angel.” she says with a pat on your shoulder as she whizzes off to tend to the other guests sitting at their tables.
Coffee pot in hand you make your way over to Joyce’s table where she’s sat by herself, reading over a glossy magazine.
“Good morning, Joyce.” you smile brightly, filling up her coffee mug. “What can I get for you today?”
“This is my pie diner, you know?” she starts her usual morning ramble. “Jim likes to think he runs things here, but this is my place. I own it. It’s my name on the deeds, and it’s my name above the door.”
“I know Joyce,” you nod as you listen to her, suddenly feeling un-easy sick feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. You suppress it as best you can for now, to take her order. “So, what’ll it be today huh?”
There it was again, that nauseous feeling creeping up your throat, the kind that leaves a bad taste in your mouth. That couldn’t be morning sickness already, could it?
“I’ll have a slice of the “Midnight Mulberry” pie please, and a glass of water with ice when you get the chance, Hon.”
Midnight Mulberry. A dark chocolate pie shell filled with sharp black mulberries and blackberries, the sharpness offset by the dollop of fresh cream served on top of the chocolate lattice work on the top of the pie.  
“Alright, got it, one slice of Midnight Mulberry coming right up.” you say jotting down her order on your notepad quickly before turning on your heels to rush off to the bathroom.
“Wait a moment, before you skedaddle off, let me read you my horoscope.” she says, her eyes looking back to the magazine in her hands. 
“Libra, smooth sailing today as Mars enters your inner circle, whatever the hell that means. The ones you love will listen carefully to you today, just make sure you’re careful with what you say.” she finishes as she puts her magazine down “do you want to hear your horoscope, darling?”
“You know what, I’m a Libra too, the same as you. If you’ll excuse me I feel like I’m going to be sick.” your words rush out as you hot-foot it to the bathroom stalls in the back of the diner.
After you had emptied the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl, and washed your mouth out with water from the tap, you head back out onto the diner floor to collect Joyce’s order and bring it to her table.
“Here you go, one slice of Midnight Mulberry and a glass of water.” you smile, placing her pie down in front of her.
“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” she asks all-too-knowingly.
You shush her, not wanting anyone else around to hear her.
“I remember when I was pregnant with Jonathan, I could barely keep any food down for the first few months, nearly every smell made me sick, it was awful.” she sips from her glass of her water. “When are you due?”
“Shh, Joyce, I can’t have Hopper hearing you or I’ll lose my job. I’m trying to save enough money so I can get away from my husband, but you’ve got to promise me that you won’t say anything about this baby, okay?”
“What baby?” she smiles at you with a wink. 
“That’s what I like to hear.”
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Sitting next to Robin in her small, run-down car as she gives you a lift home, because apparently Billy had been too busy at work to pick you up, although the background chatter from the bar he would frequent after work told you otherwise. However, any thoughts of your husband are elsewhere, as you mindlessly watch as the hazy sunset breezes past your window.
“Billy has no idea that you're pregnant, does he?” Robin says softly, breaking the comfortable silence. 
“No, he doesn’t. And I'm never going to tell him. I’m just going to run away.”
“How much money have you got saved up?”
“Not much, about $1,000, and I can save up a bit more before the big pie bake-off.”
“And how much is the prize money?” she asks, her fingers gently tapping a rhythm on the steering wheel.
“$25,000.” you reply with a grin curving across your lips.
“Wow. So what pie were you thinking of baking?”
“I’m not sure yet. I was thinking of baking one of my more unusual pies. Y’know, the kind where you don’t think the ingredients are going to work together, but then they do.”
“You know what you could do with that prize money though,” Robin says, her eyes briefly flicking over to you.
“What’s that Rob?”
“You could open up your own pie shop.”
“C’mon Rob, that’s crazy talk.” you scoff with a playful laugh at your friend’s suggestion.
“No, I’m serious, you totally could. "The Pie Palace’’ I can just see the sign in my mind!” she laughs, her freckled cheeks round and rosy.
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The morning comes and you find yourself sitting on the bench a block away from your house, waiting for the bus to take you to work. Closing your eyes, you allow yourself to think about the life growing inside of you, and what your life might look like with a baby in the picture.
Baby’s screaming its head off in the middle of the night pie.
New York style cheesecake base, brandy-brushed filled with pecans warmly spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg.
“Hello.” comes a voice from beside you. “Mind if I sit?” 
It’s your Doctor, Doctor Harrington.
“Sure, go ahead.” you gesture to the empty space on the bench beside you.
He sits down in comfortable silence next to you.
“So what’s a doctor doing catching the bus, huh? Thought you’d have some big fancy car or something” 
He chuckles, a gentle rumbling laugh that illuminates his face with a bright smile.
“Oh no, I do have a big fancy car,” he jokes with that charming smile. “..it’s just having a few problems at the moment. Friend of mine who runs an auto shop downtown is looking after it for me.”
“So, do you live far from the Doctor’s Practice?” you ask, the flow of conversation between you 
“Uh, no, not too far. I live over on Ashmore Road.” 
“Oh, it’s nice over there.”
“Yeah it’s nice. Lotta trees, which is good, uh, y’know, if you like trees. I mean who doesn’t like trees?” he stumbles over his words with an adorably nervous cadence.
“Trees are good.” you smile back, nodding to him.
“So, you’re a waitress then?” he asks, as he gestures at your blue and white waitress's dress.
“I am. I work in a little diner just off I70, Byer’s Pie Diner.”
“I’ve never been there. Is it..is it good?”
“Yes, it’s very good. We make all the pies there fresh. Breakfast pies, dinner pies, twenty-seven different varieties of pie, and a new house special that I create every day.” you smile. “I was actually just inventing a new one in my head when you walked up.”
“So, that peach and raspberry pie that you brought me, you made it?” He asks, sitting up a bit straighter and turning his body towards you.
“Indeed I did. Peaches In Paradise Pie.” 
“That was quite possibly the best pie that I have ever tasted in my life.” he says, his bright smile somehow feeling even more brighter than before. “I mean, that pie was like, life-changingly good, that’s how good it was. You could win contests with stuff like that, I’m serious.”
You delight in his praises, smiling to yourself at the kind words of this man.
“Well thank you very much.”
There’s a beat of silence that falls between you both before Steve speaks again.
“Y’know, when I was a kid, I used to go to this diner all the time after school, I had this insane crush on this waitress that worked there, her name was Margaret but everyone called her Peggy. She’d always wear her little uniform, and she was just so damn adorable, ” he admits shyly. “Of course I was just a dumb kid and didn’t realise that she would never see me in the same way that I saw her, but I don’t know, when I saw you sitting here, you just reminded me of her.”
“Wow, that is quite the thing to say.”
“Sorry, I guess in a round-about way I was just trying to pay you a compliment.” he blushes. 
“No, it was a nice thing to hear, thank you. No-one ever really notices me in that way.”
“Well, I suppose someone must’ve noticed you in that way, or you wouldn’t be in the condition you’re in.” he says, his head vaguely nodding towards your stomach.
“Ah, yes, you mean my husband.” you nod, you’re brought back to reality, suddenly all too aware that you’re a married woman flirting with a handsome man. If Billy only knew what you were doing, his hand would be stinging your skin in an instant. 
The bus rolls up to the bus stop.
“Here’s my bus. It was nice talking to you, Doctor Harrington.”
“If there’s ever anything you need, anything at all, don’t hesitate to call, and please, call me Steve.” he smiles as he waves you off as you get on the bus.
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“Please, Honey, you know I can make you feel real good.” Billy pleads as he mouths at your neck, trailing sloppy kisses into the crook of your neck that only served to make your skin crawl. “It’s been at least a month since I last felt you, and you know a man like me has needs.”
“Billy please, I don’t feel even the littlest bit sexy right now.”
“Honey, you have never been more sexy to me.” his raspy voice gravelled out. “I mean, call me crazy, but your tits are looking a lot bigger than before. Not that I’m complainin’ about that, of course.” he chuckles, his wandering hands grazing over your chest, feeling up the swell of your breast. 
You fight against the shudder that wants to run down your spine.
“You’re probably just imagining things Billy.”
“Honey, please, you’re killing me here, I gotta be with you.”
 You lay back in the bed, totally out of it as Billy holds himself above you, chasing his own high, sloppily rolling his hips into you whilst he huffs out groaning moans, before flopping down in bed next to you.
“That was so good, Honey.” he groaned once before turning his back to you and falling asleep without a single thought about your pleasure, but that was your husband. Uncaring and selfish. 
Lying back, your eyes cast up to the ceiling, you think about how different your life might have been if you’d never met Billy Hargrove. 
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@penguinsandpotterheads @paybacksawitch @mrsjellymunson @seatnights @ali-r3n @potatobeanpies
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drama--universe · 1 year
Learning cultures
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Requested by anonymous: Hello! How are you? Your writing is divine, just...wow, speechless! Can I request a oneshot for LXC? The reader is a cultivator from a completely different country, she has different customs, different fighting style, different weapons, different magic... she traveled all the clans, Nie, Jiang, Jin and even Lan, in every clan everyone liked her even though she had different customs, she was kind and accommodating to everyone, forming strong friendships with JGY and NHS. Then she runs into LXC during one of the walks, literally slamming into him when she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. Of course, LXC didn't get mad, he made sure the reader was okay and went on his way. JGY sees all this and then teases the reader when he saw her blush😂 NHS then becomes something of a messenger as he passes letters from LXC and the reader to the other one 😂I don't know, somehow the request came to me, I hope it's cool, I don't ask for requests too much😄 take care and thank you!👋
Pairing: Lan Xichen x fem!foreigner!reader
Word Count: 2.9k words
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You never really expected to find another country, you honestly just wanted to leave your home for awhile. You had set sail on the shores of your home country and now you found yourself on the shore of another. Your boat was wrecked and you went under, only to wash ashore later on while trying to not inhale the salty water. The sun shine down from it's spot up in the sky, making the sand beneath your hands burning hot and the air around you dry. You could practically feel the taunt from the sun as it challenged you, but you could care less. Your weapons felt heavy, the spear on you back was pulling you down back into the water due to it's weight and the twin daggers didn't help you out much either. Your bag was floating somewhere in the water and you didn't even want to think about where all your food went, probably already taken by the sea like your ship.
But even while nearly drowning, you were painfully aware of the eyes on you. Two curious eyes that made you wonder why they were not even in view.
Then you spotted it, a child staring straight at you with big eyes full of curiosity, almost sparkling as they spotted you. The kid wasn't tall, slightly on the thinner side if you'd compare with the children from your country, and you guessed that he'd been an early teenager. He was hidden behind a tree, eyes barely visible as he tried his best to stay hidden. The man behind him, you assumed it was an adult anyway, didn't share that thought as he casually strolled forward out of the woods. He seemed surprised by you and you were just as surprised, he looked quite different from you or anyone you had ever seen before today. He was a bit paler than you, silky black hair and thinner slanted eyes. The grey robes he wore were also unique looking to you, looking nothing like your clothes in the slightest. He spoke, the language unfamiliar to you and not even sounding like anything at first. You held up your hand for him to pause, getting up before focusing your energy to him. He spoke again and this time you understood him fine, thanks to some quick spell.
"Are you alright?" He repeated his question again as he held out one of his hands, which you quickly took with a thanks as you focused your spell to make him understand your words.
"Fine, fine... Could be worse." "Worse than drowning?" He asked and you opened your mouth to retort his statement, but closed your mouth again when you realized he was right. Not much worse than almost dying...
"May I ask who you are?" "Right! The name's (Y/n), pleasure to meet you!" You smiled brightly as you held out your hand to shake, surprised as he just bowed his head while revealing himself to be Meng Yao. The boy from behind the trees had also decided to join you, standing behind Meng Yao while sending you a bright and yet shy smile and introducing himself as Nie Huaisang. The conversation quickly moved on to your place of origin and how toy actually got here, which was then followed by Huaisang offering you a place to stay. You could hardly ignore the kid or his request, so you agreed.
Thus you found yourself on the grounds of the Qinghe Nie clan, meeting Nie Mingjue and being absolutely terrified of the man as he reluctantly agreed to let you stay thanks to Huaisang's pleading look. He reminded you much of your little brother, a cute boy who knew how to get what he wants. Although difficult, you tried to adapt as much as possible to their culture. Huaisang was quick to guide you through everything, starting with giving you a hanfu to wear. It was beautiful, a soft material used instead of the rough fabrics that you were more used to, and details were so difficult to catch that you could spend hours just looking. Then he and Meng Yao taught you some of their customs before explaining that every clan had different ones. It took you a couple of weeks to get the basics of the Nie clan before you set off to the next.
First the Lanling Jin clan, where some disciplines were kind enough to tell you a bit before you set of again thanks to the arrogant teenager(s) that kept mocking you. The second clan you went to was the Yunmeng Jiang clan, where you were taught by the daughter of the head of the clan. Jiang Yanli was the sweetest, never getting annoyed or angry as she taught you everything you needed or wanted to know. Wuxian, her adoptive brother, was even more excited to teach you things (pranks mostly) and he was always present when Yanli taught you. You only saw Jiang Cheng a few times, but you could tell that he was a nice person as well, just not visibly showing it to others. You stayed with them for 3 months, then you moved again to the final clan.
Gusu Lan, one know for it's strictness and their many rules to follow. You didn't really know what to expect from them, so having the kids from Yunmeng and from Qinghe join you for a sort of school was kind of exciting. You were just glad that you were allowed to join them, Meng Yao had sent you a letter saying that he got permission to take you as a Nie representative.
You actually enjoyed the trip up the mountain, unlike the others, as the view as astounding to see and the fresh air instantly woke you up from your drowsiness. Once past the gate, you could only marvel at the structures that were build in between the mountain. Of course you loved all the other clan buildings, but this one had a massive library that you just couldn't ignore. You just wanted to find out what kind of information the books in there had, what kind of knowledge you could possible gain you. Then you were inside, greeted by a man that you could only stare at. All the previous people you had met were attractive, both men and women, but this man was different. Maybe it was because of the confidence that he had or maybe just something else, but he looked dazzling. You almost thought you reached the heavens, the white and blue robes didn't make that thought any better. You also noticed the ribbon weaved through his hair to rest on his forehead, a cloud symbol laying between his eyebrows. It looked intricate and you wondered if you could take a closer look at it in some period of time later on.
You joined Yanli and some other girls to a dorm, settling in quickly after a short introduction. The robes on your bed were soft, feeling almost as soft as the clouds that were painted on the bottom of the robe and you were almost afraid of how quickly you would dirty the white and light blue colors.
A woman entered not much later after you got dresses, her robes a darker blue than you had seen others wear, and she asked everyone to follow her before pausing on you. You expected a mocking comment or something along those lines, the girls from Lanling hadn't been to quiet with their insults, but she just walked closer to you and pulled your belt up a bit before pulling your robes a bit down to make it lay flatter than it had before. You thanked her, bowing your head before following her out like everyone else. You entered a lecture hall, the men were all present already and you quickly joined Huaisang and Meng Yao before looking around. Two men entered, one an elder man that you assumed was the head of the clan when you saw his clothes and the other was the angelic man from the front gate. He was smiling slightly this time, mostly aimed at a younger boy in the front that looked very similar to him. The elder man spoke first, but you hadn't expected him to start rules. At first, you were carefully listening to his words but that changed around the 30th rule or so.
"How many more do we have to listen to?" "There are 3,000 rules in total, all of them are equally important. I do admit their wording could be shorter." You flinched as someone actually answered your question, turning your head slightly to see the angelic man. After blinking a few times, you nodded to acknowledge his words before turning to face the front again. Huaisang, who had heard of the number of rules, was already laying face down on the table and you couldn't help but do the same. It was only at the 580th rule that you shut off your brain, letting go of the translation spell that made you understand the elder and instead trying to push back your growing headache. It was like someone was pushing your head together at the temples, knives pushing into your skull and turning around once inside. It was painful, so much so that you just wanted to lay down and sleep right in this room. You couldn't, obviously, but you opted to just close your eyes instead in hopes that it would lessen slightly by doing so. So you closed your eyes, hoping that you would be left alone as the elder still listed the rules, you assumed he was anyway.
When you opened your eyes again, because of course you had fallen asleep, everyone else was getting ready to leave. You just followed, you didn't want to stay longer at the moment. Your headache, although lessened, was still killing you and you had some medicine in your bag that could help. You didn't wait for anyone, you just want to the dorm and shoved the medicine down with some water. Then you laid down to sleep, quickly moving on to the dream world.
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Although it was early in the morning, you were wide awake and bringing with energy. You were the only person, beside the Lan disciplines, that seemed happy to be out for a walk. You didn't know why Huaisang looked so glum, the sights were beautiful and the cold breeze could easily wake up anyone from their slumber. Nonetheless, you talked him through the walk as you walked, a happy skip in your step and a big smile on your face. Your eyes weren't really focused on the road ahead of you, they remained on Huaisang during your conversation. Unfortunately, that also meant that you didn't see that everyone else had stopped. The result? You were abruptly stopped when you slammed into someone's chest, stumbling backwards until the person caught you. You looked up and we're surprised to see Lan Xichen before you, giving you a smile like you hadn't just bumped him.
"Are you alright?" He let go of your waist and you straightened your robes out before nodding at him, trying to ignore the way that your heart skipped a beat and how your face heated up.
"Please be mindful of your surroundings." He said before turning around and walking away, leaving you standing in the same spot with a look of surprise. Yet you couldn't help but smile a bit.
"You're so in love with him." Meng Yao speaks loud enough for anyone to hear as he passes by you, smirking at you before speeding up a bit as you kicked your leg at him. This action earned a disapproving look from Lan Qiren while Xichen just chuckled softly, which made your face heat up even more. Luckily, the rest of the walk was without you slamming into someone else again. However, you also noticed that Xichen lingered near you as you walked, almost like he was ready to catch you if you tripped again or something along those lines. Not that he made that clear, he just walked beside you at a decent distance, which only made Meng Yao raise his eyebrows at you suggestively once more. You ignored him without hesitation, instead focusing on the road and those interesting pebbles on the ground.
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You didn't know how you ended up in this situation, sitting across Xichen while drinking tea and talking. But you also didn't really care about how you got here, you were too busy trying to keep your face neutral enough and not to just smile like an idiot. Xichen was explaining some stuff about the clan, the reasons for their colors and how their rules came into place, but you could only stare at him. More specifically at the cloud symbol on his forehead, which he hadn't noticed and if he had, he was kind enough to not point it out.
"Why do you wear that?" You blurted out in the middle of his sentence, realizing how rude this probably was and quickly apologizing after. Xichen paid no mind to this and kindly started to explain instead.
"It is a metaphor, it shows that we restrain ourselves." The explanation was simple, you were sure that he oversimplified the actual meaning, and Xichen was also quick to add that it wasn't something that just anyone could touch.
"Only close family members are allowed to touch the headbands. When we marry, our wife and future kids are also allowed." Xichen says and you felt a wave of disappointment wash over you, unsure of the reason for those feelings. The conversation moved on to other subjects, but somehow the thought of marrying Xichen had entered your mind and it wouldn't leave. You could only try to hide the slight blush on your face until you could excuse yourself to go to your class.
You never went to that class. and the thoughts of marrying Xichen turned into hopeful dreams that revealed your true feelings of the man.
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The first letter you sent to Xichen was after your leave of the Gusu Lan clan. You added it to your letter to Huaisang, the paper folded neatly with Xichen's name on it. Xichen answered not much later, his response folded into the letter that Huaisang send you back. You didn't miss Huaisang's teasing in his own letter, you had no doubt that the boy had peaked into your letter. However, you first focused on Xichen's letter, because the man had called you his dear friend and you took a few minutes to just process that.
A dear friend was a start, maybe someday it say dear lover.
The second conversation was started by Xichen, asking you where you were traveling this time. You answered him, sticking in a small note of thanks to Huaisang that he helped you deliver the letters to Xichen. You received no you're welcome back, but you did get another letter. One that only made your heart ache as Xichen spoke of marriage, but he was to be clan leader after all and neither of you were still really young. But still with all that, you wished that he would chose you and not some clan's daughter that was chosen for him. Luckily, he didn't seem to mention his future marriage in any way, so you didn't see need to worry yet. Even though you were glad, you couldn't help yourself from asking if he had plans to marry. The letter was sent before you could actually control your actions, embarrassment entering much later and when it was too late to get the letter back.
You waited for two weeks for any kind of response from Xichen, but you got a very good response. You got Xichen in front of you, his angelic smile aimed to you and a letter in his hand. You took it with confusion, reading it's contents carefully.
Right at the bottom, written in the neatest letters stood a sentence that made your heart stop.
'I hope that we might marry someday.'
You were ready to faint at this point, not being able to control your magic as you made the letter go up in flames thanks to the sparks from your fingers. You only stared at the ashes before apologizing to Xichen, but he was just smiling at you like it was nothing. Then again, you had explained your powers to him or at least to some extent.
"I presume that to be a yes?" He asked and you nodded slowly, not really knowing what you were supposed to say to his proposal. You'd figure it out later, however, because you just wanted to hug him right now. So you did, embracing him and toying with the back of his belt as he threw his arms around your shoulders.
"How'd you know?" You dare to ask him, looking up to him with curious eyes as you awaited his answer.
"You often think out loud." Cue your face heating up as you hid your face in his chest, only making the man chuckle softly while parting your head.
You received one more letter later on from Huaisang, asking if the proposal went well. You burned that one as well.
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izzyspussy · 28 days
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@fanficfanattic you will regret this
okay so. it wouldn't be the revenge specifically because that is its own story and i think the whole general Thing is really dependent on the characters in it (as it should be! most of the time) and the shameless characters really don't mesh well with it (as it also should be! most of the time). HOWEVER. if the characters of shameless were put into a plot/setting framework of a golden age pirate romcom with a defining theme of self actualization especially regarding gender expression and/or trauma recovery...
the milkoviches would be the ranking crew on one ship, with terry as the captain. the gallaghers are also the ranking crew on their ship, and frank is the captain. very early on in "canon" or perhaps pre-"canon" they mutiny and elect fiona as captain instead. kev and vee own a bar at a pirate port. i wouldn't pick nassau because like. that is reserved for real life and black sails. to me. maybe tortuga or maybe port royal. anyway one day the bar was owned by some guy. the next day the bar was owned by kev and vee. nobody knows how that happened. every "episode" the bar features in there is a new version given. none are ever confirmed.
i like the families knowing each other/having close enough experiences that a main relationship conflict with any of them is each not understanding that their circumstances are actually not the same (i.e. how ian can't quite grasp that being gay is a much bigger deal for mickey than it is for him; they live in the same town, they went to the same school, they're in the same tax bracket, they both have a shitty dad who hates them personally and no mom, ian was in the closet too, etc, so there's kind of this disconnect there where i think ian expects mickey's experiences of homophobia to be at least similar enough to his that it shouldn't make that much of a difference - but of course there is actually a huge gulf between a shitty dad who hates you because you were conceived through infidelity and shows it by insulting you but mostly is absent anyway and a shitty dad who is. a fucking neo nazi and organized crime boss who regularly beats you blue. and i think the same is true for other members of each family, like how fiona judged mandy, and i guess in later seasons i didn't watch [insert gallagher] says some kind of something implying gallaghers are better than milkoviches and mickey points out if that's true it's only true by an insignificant margin. not that any of that was ever textually explored because the writers weren't actually interested in exploring anything. who said that).
and also! i always love a character or characters that are famous, or infamous as the case may be, in-universe. EveryoneTM knows who the milkoviches are. EveryoneTM knows who the gallaghers are. and they each have a distinct reputation that comes with their name. and! i also like the knowing Of each other for a long time before getting to Know each other dynamic that the canonical milkovich and gallagher kids have via having gone to school together and buying (or bullying) goods and services from each other. love childhood Ugh This Guy Again to lovers waaaaayy more than childhood friends to lovers. personally. not to mention the capulet and montague vibe.
anyway so i'd want to preserve that as much as possible. so idk maybe frank and terry used to be whalers for the same company or even on the same ship, and the kids lived in an isolated island whalers' families ghetto (which would also preserve frank's and terry's frequent long absences). wait wait yes. okay. here it is i've got it.
they are employed/indebted to the same company but actually work on different ships, and they generally dislike each other because they are both supremely dislikeable, but there are limited socializing opportunities in a whaling community so they are extremely bitter frenemies because it's either that or nothing. and obviously they hate whaling because who doesn't, but terry hates it out of anger toward the company (reasonable) and frank hates it out of laziness (also reasonable tbh). anyway so at some point they start talking about mutinying and going pirate, and frank thinks they're talking shit but terry's serious. and terry's also scary and frank's a coward, so alright looks like he's going to mutiny and go pirate because he said he was going to and terry said yes he sure was.
so terry starts (drunkenly) strategizing, and his strategy is the very peak of violence. and frank is not exactly a paragon of compassion, but violence is pretty high risk and you know once you kill a guy you can never get a loan from him again. and maybe a little tiny itsy bitsy weensy ickle part of frank just doesn't want to do murder because it's murder. so for once in his pathetic little loser life he puts up a fight, kind of, and argues with terry that all that isn't necessary and it's possible to unlawfully secure a ship through other means. and he actually manages to not back down about it until terry gets too annoyed to keep the discussion going, and because he's already piss sloshed and frank is the only man he's spoken to outside of work in like twenty years, terry doesn't kick the shit out of him for being an annoying pansy or whatever and instead makes a bet with him that terry will get a ship his way and frank's way will fail. they obviously don't have any fucking money or literally anything the fuck else because they are fucking whalers, and anyway it's more to their style to bet years of service on the other's ship instead. so if frank fails to take over his ship, he and his family will be indebted to terry instead. and if terry fails to take over his ship (or doesn't have enough survivors left to sail it back), he and his family will be indebted to frank.
unfortunately, they both successfully mutiny and take control of their respective ships, so the wager is void. frank doesn't press the issue for real but he constantly bitches and moans that technically he didn't lose so terry owes him. terry makes it Well Known that if he ever runs into frank off neutral grounds and not on a job he will kill him extremely dead since, you know, technically he didn't lose so frank owes him.
anyway fast forward. the milkoviches and the gallaghers both become Big Name pirates. they make port at the same place and frequent the same bar and do business with each other, but they are ENEMIES. (i think i like port royal for this, because it was not quite as definitively a pirate port for a lot of the age, so it's more believable for the bar to be neutral ground that terry would actually honor since offending the colonials that also hang out there would ruin it for everyone - and most importantly would fuck up his business in addition to putting a black mark on his reputation.)
okay so. positions. terry is the captain. they don't have a quartermaster at all because terry is a tyrant and won't allow it. mickey is the closest they've got, as the only one who is brave, angry, and informed on everything enough to occasionally challenge terry. don't get it twisted, it's definitely not often. the general rule of the ship is that everyone is subservient to terry and nobody looks out for each other in a way that might get in terry's way. but just. every now and then, mickey will make a fuss about something or redirect terry's anger (sometimes he ends up as a whipping boy in the latter case, but never intentionally. yet! ☝️). mandy is also brave and angry enough to challenge terry, and she does sometimes, but she's at an extra disadvantage because she is not informed or (pseudo-)respected like mickey is. yet.
his official position is bosun, but really mickey is a jack of all trades. he does a little bit of everything, and is the understood second in command despite terry not allowing for a real quartermaster or first mate. mickey keeps the inventory, ensures that everyone gets their correct percentage of rations and loot shares, assigns whatever duties terry couldn't be assed to, and carries out discipline for whatever offenses terry doesn't take personally (sometimes obeying terry's orders including the method/severity of the punishment, sometimes punishing someone terry said to but didn't give specifics on how so mickey can decide that for himself, and sometimes completely of his own volition; usually the latter is either for neglecting a duty, endangering one of the milkoviches in some way, or of course something mickey took personally lol). (compare to izzy hands)
iggy is the navigator/pilot, has good control of the boat, can read currents, winds, and stars, but mickey reads the maps. he's happy with this position and is one of only two brothers who never enter into the power struggle. he likes sailing, he likes the frequent semi-solitude, and he likes not having to be involved in on-ship discipline or in making any hard choices. (compare to fang)
in what i watched the other brothers really didn't have much personality so idk about them, but they each have some level of rank/leadership over the non-milkovich crew members. one is in charge of commanding the gunners, one is in charge of commanding raiders, etc. mickey will give them a general "this is what terry wants" guideline and mostly leave them to it unless what terry wants is something particularly (and needlessly) dangerous, in which case he does his best to give them more specific orders that will hopefully lose less crew without them getting pissed off he's stepping on their toes, which would of course make them make the situation worse out of spite/power display.
mandy is the cook/surgeon when terry is around, but she's a strategist and raid leader when mickey's in charge (compare to roach) - which happens because the milkoviches have a fleet, mostly just due to their reputation and the fact less established pirates and sometimes merchants will surrender once the flag goes up and bargain to be annexed into terry's command rather than slaughtered (which works maybe. 30% of the time), and terry is so power hungry and paranoid that he can't stand to let any of the other captains in the fleet actually captain one of his ships for too long at a time. he's always going from ship to ship just to undermine his captains and exert his own power over each crew, leaving mickey to head the flagship.
mickey ends up with all the responsibilities of a captain but not much respect; everyone knows he's not the real dad boss and he has to fight for every single order he gives. the real reason(s) he's the understood second in command is because 1: nobody else wants to be that close to terry (again, compare to izzy hands lol) and 2: none of his brothers are as (realistically) ambitious as he is (they want power but aren't aware of or willing to put in the work to gain/maintain it + they don't jump on opportunities as fast, etc). so nobody ever calls mickey 'captain' or 'sir' or anything else that denotes or implies a higher rank, both to keep him cut down and out of superstition that terry will somehow Know and take offense to anyone except him being given even that much authority.
and of course all of the milkoviches including mandy are general enforcers of the milkovich rule on the flagship. they all participate in mutiny-busting, routine intimidation, etc. and they all give unofficial punishments for insults or just for pissing them off. manny, who i assumed is an uncle and have no interest in being corrected on if i'm wrong, is a fence.
sveta (and yevgeny) would be included Later as a prostitute working at a brothel near port, with the same general Circumstances of Meeting mickey (and ian) as in canon, marrying mickey for financial/social status reasons while he's forced (which i kind of assume is the canonical situation since she seemed genuinely happy on their wedding day), and then the same plotline of mickey having a problem with her madame but instead of the madame turning all the girls out she gets killed by definitely mickey for sure ("i kill, you take credit." "why the fuck would you not want credit?" "don't want precedent you kill boss get promotion when i will be boss." "..." "you should be happy, this give me good reason to not kill you." "...jesus, you fit right in with this fucking family.") and svet buys the brothel property under mickey's name (since she can't legally own it herself) and becomes the new madame while he keeps pirating, so now he (and mandy) has somewhere to go separate from other milkoviches while at port where he can actually fucking relax for once in his fucking life. & ig if you really want sandy to be here she can be a fence too, but tbh if i ever do write anything in this fandom again i have no intention to include her or any other characters introduced past season four :)
on the gallagher ship frank is captain for a while, at least in name. he is usually both drunk and seasick in addition to his natural laziness and inability to work with others, so a lot of the time he doesn't even try to captain and lets fiona handle it without interference. every now and then he gets some kinda fucking bug up his ass and goes banging on about his rightful authority or whatever and sends them on some deeply stupid and pointless farce and/or will say they're doing something and then give orders that absolutely will not accomplish that thing. for a while, the gallaghers follow along with this, then they start just not obeying him/quietly belaying his orders to other crew, then they start telling him directly they're not going to do what he wants, then actively preventing him from giving orders in the first place (usually fiona locks him up, or lip knocks him out, and debbie got to knock him out once too, but if it ends up being left to ian he'll do something more creative and lowkey humiliating like shoving a gun rag into frank's mouth or dunking his head in the pickle barrel), and then finally they officially commit mutiny and kick him off the ship entirely.
the gallagher ship doesn't include any extended family. no aunt ginger, no uncle clayton, no whoever the fuck else was in there. their non-gallagher crew is all the mentioned neighbors and etc that they're friendly with in canon, minus kev and vee.
fiona is captain, lip is quartermaster, ian is navigator and he likes to correct and expand maps and has big dreams of going straight (ha ha) and becoming a chartered cartographer/expedition leader. lip and ian also lead raids. carl is the master gunner. debbie is officially bosun but has a pretty in between job. she assigns shifts and chores and supervises and all that, but she doesn't ever handle discipline, and she also does the more i guess administrative is the best way to put it quartermaster duties that lip is too bored by to do. she also is always on the up with the rumors and can typically be relied on to know who's who and where they are (*mickey mouse meme* this is a tool that will help us later).
liam is the surgeon. several non-gallagher crew members think he's a witch because he is way ahead of his time wrt medicine (simply because he treats based on evidence lol) and because he so very rarely talks. he has no strong opinion on this perception as it usually doesn't interfere with his ability to do his job and often keeps strangers from approaching him uninvited (the boy. is autismal. and also has selective mutism. which really should be called something else by now but i digress).
ian knows all the myths and legends, though he doesn't really believe any of them, and frequently regales the crew with them. lip doesn't really like the stories because he suffers from a whimsy deficiency, but when he has the patience for it he'll back ian up on the lute (Later, mickey will play for ian too, or sometimes for his girls to sing/dance to).
so the milkoviches and the gallaghers both use port royal as their port of call, and they both spend a lot of time in kev and vee's bar. kev and vee are personal friends with the gallaghers, but as said their bar is neutral ground so they keep civil relationships with literally anyone who abides by that neutrality, including the milkoviches, other pirates, merchants, fishers, pirate hunters, naval officers, natives, colonials, anyone as long as they pay their tab and don't cause trouble.
sheila and karen are merchant class but seem like gentry to ex-whalers, especially since actual gentry nearly never deign to go somewhere so close to the docks, and even tho technically after a while being quite successful pirates they are richer in terms of material wealth (but still not in social wealth). karen loves to come to the bar whenever she hears pirates are in town. she loves the thrill of the baddest boy a bad boy can be (and also the thrill of bad girls who are proud about it), and she loves the attention she can get when she dresses up in something classy just to go slum it with a bunch of society-fringe sailors. lip is her favorite, sure, but he gets it in his head that she's his shore wife or whatever and that she'll eventually tearfully beg him to retire and stay on land with her (extremely loud buzzer noise).
jimmysteve is a fence. and a drug runner. and a semi-pro snitch. he (in some ways, much like frank) thinks he is much cleverer than he really is and that he can play multiple sides at whim. he gets himself in trouble with the pirates for breaking neutrality, and gets himself in trouble with more than one royal navy for thinking he could snitch but only when he felt like it lmao. he somehow always manages to weasel his way out of trouble and back into good graces (again, much like frank, except frank gets his hundredth chances through pity or trickery and jimmysteve mostly just uses daddy's name and plantation money).
kash and linda are also merchant class and have a little curio shop and bakery. ian likes to do basically the opposite of karen and 'sneak' away from the lowbrow area of town that caters to sailors to shock and impress all the not-poors with how Just Like Them he is, which is how they meet and start hooking up.
but of course it IS a romcom about self actualization and. you know. comedic romance. so the Main Plot is actually just gallavich and not as much of an ensemble here.
the Plot in question happens because mandy gets sick of shit and decides she wants to just fuck off. she just has to figure out where to fucking go instead. she doesn't want to just run away. she doesn't want to be alone. the gallaghers just kind of seem like the only real choice. she knows them by reputation to be damn good pirates but as kind and generous as pirates can reasonably be. they don't torture, they don't rape, they don't hurt young kids or pregnant people, they don't kill unnecessarily (and yet all of them are still alive, so like. for Real they must be fucking good pirates), etc. she figures if she seduces one of them on the last night of their leave, they'll take her back to their ship to fuck her and then in the morning the chaos of making way will make them forget to make sure she disembarks.
she picks ian because fiona is busy with jimmysteve, lip is busy with karen, and the other three are too young for her. and also. she thinks ian is cute, and she's seen him act like a whole gentleman with her own eyes more than once. she like. actually kind of wants him. and he's sitting alone. so she goes over. at first he seems into it. he's not intimidated by her even though she knows he knows who she is. he listens to her when she talks and has relevant things to say. he's funny. he's charming. he doesn't treat her like a whore. it takes like half an hour before mandy's goal has changed from "seduce him to get onto his ship" to "fuck him so much forever and maybe have an epic romance or something". but of course when she starts really putting the moves on, he just flat out rejects her. he does it gently, but still. just a straight-up full-stop no.
so then. mandy's plan changes to "get mickey pissed off enough at this guy that he ends the stalemate and kills his whole family and then convince him to give the damn ship to her". and well, the best way to do that is to make mickey think ian hurt her (which also will later provide them all an excuse to give terry as to why they blew up his legendary status's structural support rivalry from his backstory - they started it).
so she makes a scene in the bar, and she uses some very skillful body work to make ian look like he's aggressing her - which only works on him despite him also being very skilled in that area and usually very tactically observant because he's unnerved to have been hit on so boldly by a woman.
as it happens, at least two of her brothers (notably NOT mickey himself) are in the bar when she does this, and she kind of thought that would be enough to at least start a fight if not the war she's planning to work them up to. but. they don't really do anything. maybe they cuss at ian or throw something at him or whatever to warn him off or let him know it's time to leave if he knows what's good for him, but like. they don't even get up. so now mandy is humiliated from being rejected by ian AND humiliated to have made a scene, to have publicly positioned herself as a victim, and nobody caring enough to put down their fucking grog.
so now she really doesn't know what to do. she's upset, she's embarrassed, she doesn't want to go back to her own ship almost doubly as much as when she sat down at ian's table. in the end, mandy makes it onto the gallagher ship regardless, by stowing away. she does recognize that it's their ship when she carefully tucks herself away in the farthest corner of the hold, but really... where else could she go? on any other ship she'll be treated even worse than on her own, at least in a day-to-day sense, and that's only if she manages to convince someone else to take a woman crew member in the first place. and if she's caught as a stowaway, which she inevitably will, any other crew would put her to death. when she's caught on the gallagher ship they might whip her and put her in the brig, but they won't hang her or toss her overboard, and she thinks she can probably plead her case to them given enough time. she'll just have to try to stay hidden until they're well out to sea to buy that time in distance back to port.
the only problem with this is that terry is off on another ship just now, and mickey is in charge-ish. and unlike terry, or even like some of the other brothers, mickey 1: notices when mandy doesn't board and 2: cares. he makes them wait for her, getting increasingly pissed off until he seems almost as scary as terry, until finally one of the brothers who was there steps forward to fearfully admit he saw ian gallagher mess with her.
first, mickey punishes that guy. he gives up the other brother who was there pretty easily, so mickey punishes that one too. they are both expecting a terry-level It's Personal punishment - everyone knows mandy is mickey's favorite - but it's not even quiiiiiite on the level of a mickey-level It's Personal punishment. he's not holding back on purpose, and he absolutely is taking this so fucking personally, but. they're family too. he wouldn't torture them unless they tortured him first. or made too credible of a threat that they were going to.
anyway, when that's done mickey immediately assumes ian has kidnapped mandy and is certainly forcing himself on her at this very moment, or else he murdered her for bruising his ego last night and mutilated her body so no one would know to tell mickey someone needed to be return-killed. so uh. well. mickey is officially pissed off enough that he orders the ship off course to hunt down and kill ian's whole family. and for once he's not contested on it, even though it's against terry's preceding orders, because first of all. he is so so evil right now and no one wants to breathe too loudly at him, let alone argue. and also secondly... mandy's family. none of them would want her dead unless she killed them first.
so the milkovich flagship hunts down the gallaghers, and they make no secret of it. terry catches wind, but the teller includes mandy's presumed fate at ian's hands, so he's pissed at being disobeyed and double pissed at mickey for daring to take initiative, but he approves of the reasoning enough that he decides not to catch up with them and crush them back underneath his thumb until after they've razed every last gallagher from the earth. insert atla book one style imminent redemption arc anti-villain misadventures here (perhaps even complete with manny purposely giving mick bad intel to keep him sailing around in circles lmfao).
meanwhile. mandy gets caught as a stowaway. luckily, it's ian who finds her. like in canon, he impulsively confesses that he's gay - or whatever euphemism or obsolete term they were using for that back then - and asks her to pretty please call her brothers off. mandy, having been hiding in the bowels of a ship at sea in the 18th century, had no idea that her brothers were on. whoops! together, she and ian explain a severely abridged version of what happened to fiona and convince her to let the milkovich flagship catch up to them. mandy swears up and down that her brothers won't sink the ship while she's on it, and she can convince mickey to board so she can explain before leaving the gallaghers without her presence's protection. (fiona had never had any personal beef with any of the milkoviches, beyond just thinking poorly of them as people as a whole and having a particular distaste for many of terry's best known atrocities, but now mandy is definitely on her shit list and mickey is on the thinnest of thin ice.)
so the milkoviches catch up to the gallaghers. they do some damage to the ship before they notice mandy on deck, but it's just warning shots anyway. they had every intention of exploding them into a billion pieces, but a warning shot is just the proper thing - even if you've got no plans to accept a surrender or give any time for return fire before you obliterate them into viscera and sawdust. but then it turns out mandy is right, and mickey orders an immediate (slightly panicked) ceasefire, and thoughtlessly boards when mandy asks him to even though that's objectively tactically very stupid.
as privately agreed, mandy tells mickey it was a misunderstanding. that ian hadn't actually menaced her. he'd just been clumsy with his words and actions and she'd taken offense, but he'd apologized and then she perfectly willingly went back to his berth with him where they spent the whole night thoroughly and consensually enjoying each other's company. they simply slept through the morning bells, and by the time they did wake up it would have been such a horrible inconvenience to take mandy back to port, and she'd figured mickey would have left without her by then anyway. she didn't realize it would cause such a hubub, and btw she and ian are courting now.
mickey is pissed obviously - not least because now he's going to have to face biblically apocalyptic wrath from terry - but mandy is really really his favorite, and he's relieved she's okay, and maybe he's a little bit relieved he doesn't actually have to vaporize like twenty people too but that is for absolutely fucking nobody to know up to and including mickey himself fuck you very much. so all she gets is the milkovich pirate captain version of Go To Your Room Right Now Young Lady. she is unconcerned, and offers her hand to ian so he can make a small production of gallantly kissing the back of it before she goes over the gangway.
mickey stays just long enough to give ian the milkovich pirate captain version of a shovel talk, which involves a lot of disturbing kraken imagery (it's kind of homoerotic too, but surely that doesn't mean anything haha. unless...). for some totally unknowable fucking reason, ian seems to be entertained by mickey's uh. way with words, more than he is threatened. at the end of mickey's speech he's even smiling. he offers a reasonably chilling rejoinder, and then fucking bows like he's some kind of bougie rich fuck seeing a guest out of his big bougie fucking house. fucking... dickhead. fuck.
anyway so yeah. it's so over for mickey. cooked! and soon to be stuffed and basted ;)
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