#but also... i didn't really want to see her
gffa · 3 days
Osha's backstory episode of The Acolyte fits perfectly with a headcanon I've had forever about Force-sensitive children in the galaxy--that some children feel called to the Jedi and some do not, and that the Jedi look out for this. We see that destiny exists in the Star Wars universe, the Force calls to people to walk certain paths, but that it's still up to them to decide, you still have to make your own choices. (See: Everything about Anakin Skywalker and how the Jedi never brought that up around him, it was always about personal choice and agency. Yes, he was the Chosen One, but he had to choose his path.) From the moment we first meet her, child Osha didn't want to be a witch, she wanted to see more of the galaxy beyond Brendok, she was immediately entranced by the Jedi when they showed up during the ceremony, like a magnet pulling her to them, that she was drawing the Jedi Order symbol long before they ever got there. It wasn't just a sudden way to get out of there, she was feeling this pull towards them long before she ever even met a Jedi. She's the one who first slips out to meet Sol during the ceremony despite being told to hide, she's the one who goes over to talk to Kelnacca before the test, she's the one who fights against her entire family to say she wants this. She's the one who wants this even before she knows there will be other children like her with the Jedi. We don't see the Jedi giving Mae that same nudge, because the Jedi path wasn't meant for her, she didn't want it, and I love that both here and in The Phantom Menace, the Jedi make sure that this is what the child wants, too, that both prequels and High Republic Jedi are shown to take such care, that it's done with the parents' permission, but also getting a sense of what the Force is or isn't calling this person to do and whether they accept it. But Sol gently pushes Osha, not to tell them what they want to hear, but to tell the truth, do you want this? Do you feel like this is right for you? Just as Qui-Gon made sure Anakin knew being a Jedi was a hard choice, the Jedi want you to be sure, want you to feel called to this, because the Force exists, a mysterious destiny exists in this galaxy. It's still your choice, you have to have agency over your choices, it's not just, "What does the Force want?" but instead Sol asking, "What do you want, Osha?" The narrative is careful to point out Sol telling her about his own testing, that he knew he was different from his family, that he was scared at first, but it was clearly his choice. "But you must have the courage to say what you want." The Force called her here, the Force is something that exists within Star Wars and has a will of its own, and some people are not called to this particular path, I don't think Mae was ever meant to be a Jedi, she never wanted it, she never felt that pull. But Osha, like so many other Force-sensitive children tapping into this giant mystical energy field that has a destiny for you if you want it, they are pulled to it and the Jedi take such care with that. Some are meant to walk the Jedi path and some are not, that's something only each individual can figure out for themselves, and the Jedi do their best to honor both the Force's calling and the person's own choices. And if a child resists and pulls away, they let them go, it wasn't right, it wasn't meant for them. But when a young Force-sensitive is practically vibrating in place with how badly they clearly feel this is meant for them, that's something that exists as a thing that really does happen with the Force.
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dollypopup · 3 days
but can we talk about the fact that Colin really truly has NO IDEA Penelope loves him? It broke my heart when at the end of the episode, he was there basically going 'If you got caught up in the carriage and you change your mind, I understand' when she left for a while at their engagement ball and constantly said 'I have to tell you something'
like he's of the belief that what she wants to tell him may be that she doesn't reciprocate his feelings and that it's a love match just on his part. he thinks she's settling for him because he's the one who mucked up her chances for a different proposal but he cares for her so much he can't let her go
both of their sexual encounters so far have been Colin giving her pleasure partly to prove that he's worth holding on to, reinforcing his belief that he's only worthwhile if he can provide something. he truly doesn't believe he's loveable just for who he is, but for what he can do. in the carriage, he asked if she accepted Debling's proposal and she said Debling didn't propose at all because of the scene Colin caused, thus eliminating the choices for her. It was him or nothing, basically. Colin said he had feelings for her, but she said she wanted to be more than friends. It makes sense to me that, in part, his motivations in that carriage were threefoldfold: to show her he was serious, to revel in her pleasure, and 'let me prove how nice I can be to have around'. Then in the first time scene, they had sex after he stood up for her to Portia, providing a defense and informing he loves her and that's why he proposed. He complimented Pen, talked about how much he wanted her, and said aloud repeatedly that he loves her, but she tells him that no one else had defended her like he did before, and that she appreciates it. Not that she loves him back. He wants to be intimate with her, of course, but also he wants to prove himself a good candidate for her affection, because he doesn't believe he already has it. 'Don't you want to keep me around? Don't you see how good I can be? The good I can do?'
And it just gives added weight to his 'Then what good am I to you?' because he genuinely, from the bottom of his heart, doesn't know that she loves him for him, but that her agreeing to marry him is conditional on what he can provide for her
for Penelope, her love for him is a constant, like her heartbeat, something she feels she doesn't have to announce because to her it is so obvious and so strong, but for him, it's not at all obvious, and he knows she wants something more than friendship with him, but does not know that's because she returns his feelings.
I know she's got a lot on her plate right now but Penelope please come tell this man that you love him body and soul, I am crying
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pearlzier · 2 days
⊹ 🩰 ࣪ ✶ ˖
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✶ . ࣪ ׅ now playing / pink matter by frank ocean ࣪ ✶ ˖
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๋࣭ ⭑ from the inbox . . . | reader thinking that matt doesn't really care about her and his priorities are always elsewhere, and he decided to worship her to make it up to her — @lovesickgrlsrh0t
๋࣭ ⭑ warnings . . . | kinda subby matt, also kinda subby reader, oral (f!receiving), barely angst but sure, riding schlong, unprotected sex (dont be silly wrap that willy LMFAOO), p in v
๋࣭ ⭑ author's note . . . | take me shopping i dont care you can take me anywhere see the wind fly through my hair make the people stop n stare 😇 i hope this is. good BYE
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you know matt loves you more than anything. it was so obvious in everything he did, how he behaved around you. you love him more than anything, you're sure to make it obnoxiously clear too. he makes your heart flutter, your demeanour happier and just everything better.
so why was that quiet but insistent part of your mind trying to convince you otherwise?
it started when matt was getting consistently more busy with youtube and other influencer-y things that he and his brothers do. you were used to it, yeah, but lately it felt more intrusive and an inconvience to you more than anything. but you never mentioned it, because you never wanted to seem needy, or like that annoying girlfriend who always wants his attention on her. you do, of course, who wouldn't, but not like that.
"m'busy, baby, i can't," he'd tell you, glancing at you for a faint moment before he looked back at his computer or resumed talking with nick and chris. it shouldn't have made you as upset as it did, since it wasn't anywhere near rude or a rejection, but it did make you upset. even a—"maybe later, babe,"—was almost catastrophic, making you feel even worse.
it may seem irrational or an overreaction however you just felt.. ignored. or underappreciated, or whatever you'd call it. like, does he even care about you? insane, you know, but.. you couldn't help but feel like that. what was making you so highstrung?
and matt. oh, matt. as perceptive as ever, knew there was something wrong almost immediately. he stayed quiet about it, trying to test the waters to see whether he was wrong about it however when your reluctance to even be around him became evident, he knew something had happened. he just.. didn't know what. so, he asked chris, first. "i dunno, man, she's just—she's like, avoiding me," chris laughs, almost instantly.
"what the fuck did you do?" he's not really paying attention, considering he knows exactly why you're avoiding matt. you'd talked to him and nick about it. and he vividly remembers you saying you wanted matt to figure out why you were so upset himself; without help.
matt retorts immediately, "i don't know, if i did, i think i'd be fixing it, dumbass." he swallows thickly, feeling uncomfortable with the thought of you not wanting to be around him. he pushes up from the counter, sighing, "thanks for the help." his tone is sarcastic, snarky, as he runs a hand through his hair before heading to the living room where you were with nick.
yeah, you'd resorted to hanging out with nick, when matt was in the house—it wasn't unusual, just.. weird considering how worried he was. it was petty of you, you knew it, but..
"hey," the tension is unsettling, and he hates it. you hate it too. you both hate it. nick's in the middle of it, fiddling with the beads of the bracelet he'd been making with you with a sideways glance at matt as if to tell him that he fucked up, big time. matt knew that, of course he did. you glance up at him, a tiny bit guilty. "nick, you mind if i steal her away for a bit?" he jokes, glancing at you with soft, almost sad puppy dog eyes.
"go ahead," nick mumbles, not exactly wanting to be stuck between couple drama and kind of just wanting to make cute bracelets.
you reluctantly get up, handing the beads back to nick. a dramatic sigh slips past your lips, and you make your way over to matt, looking at him expectantly. he swallows hard, gently grasping at your arm and leading you to his room, closing the door behind him. looking back at you, he finds you standing there with your arms folded over your chest defensively. his heart melts. "baby," he starts.
you glance away, frowning. you weren't mad at him, could never be mad at him, but.. uncertain and worried and all those bad feelings that made your head hurt and stomach ache. "matt," not even a matty? now he's frowning, unsure of how to approach this without making an absolute fool of himself. you had him wrapped so tight around your pretty finger, it was unbelievable.
"you're upset with me," matt mumbles, sounding dejected and upset with himself that he'd done something to upset you. "c'mon, look at me," you won't even look at him, give him the time of day.
kind of like how he made you feel, right? he doesn't know where the thought came from, and maybe it's from how you refuse to look at him, but.. he starts to piece things together. especially when you accidentally look at him despite the whole ignoring thing you have going on. "oh, baby," he says softly, ashamed. he hadn't been looking after you the way he should, right? that's what he's thinking, and he knows he's right.
"mmph," you glance away, focusing your gaze on the ceiling. it's how a child, a particularly petulant one, would react to being neglected in the way matt had done to you. his frown only deepens, hands moving to clasp at your thighs. you flinch at the cold metal of his rings against your warm skin, however you relax moments after. "i'm sorry," he starts, knowing a simple apology won't get you to forgive him. he knows you well, after all. "c'mon, let me.." he says softly, pulling you gently towards the bed. he's careful, not too forceful in case you don't want him to touch you or anything. he's too on edge. you let out a quiet sound as the back of your knees hit the bed, and you plonk down, eyes flickering up to his.
it would seem pathetic to some, desperate to many, the way he drops to his knees infront of you. it even surprises you, and you finally look at him properly. a giggle bubbles from your throat, despite yourself, "what are you doing?" your tone is soft, upset but oozing curiosity. his baby blues meet your eyes, and he swallows hard. "makin' it up to you, ma." he runs his hands over your thighs, chest rising and falling in gentle breaths as he takes you in. all his, right? all his.
matt lets his hand gently slide over your thighs, the exhale he lets out shaky and almost whimpery in nature. "wasn't bein' nice to my girl, was i?" he shakes his head, watching the way you nod slowly, "you weren't," you say matter-of-factly, because he wasn't. matt agrees, a soft hum of acknowledgement slipping past his lips. he feels so bad for ignoring you like that, having his priorities else where even when he was busy with work.
his head dips down to suckle gently at your soft skin, tentatively kissing at it. his blue eyes lift to yours for a moment, as if asking for permission. you nod, swallowing hard. "let me make it up to you," he asks, before he continues, murmuring against your skin, "let me make it up to you. please, baby, wanna make it all better."
how could you say no to that? the sound of him begging?
"okay," you say gently, "if you'll let me rant," he moans softly against your thigh, and he nods gently, mumbling something in affirmation but you can't hear it, nor do you really care, since his touch is a little bit mind fogging. his hands grasp at your thighs, tugging you impossibly closer.
"go on," he says quietly, bringing your legs over his shoulders so he can take care of your soft skin the way he wants to, needs to. but also to hear you take your frustrations out on him, it's the least he can do, isn't it? he sounds so apologetic, it's heart melting. "i dunno, kinda feels like you don't really care about me," you say quietly, a little ashamed for even thinking it. matt lets out a whimpery sound, like it pains him to even hear that.
"no, no, no, baby," matt leaves soft marks on your skin, nibbling gently. he's only careful with you, nothing less than delicate with your body. the open mouthed kisses he leaves make a shiver run down your spine, and you continue, "it's dumb.. but, just.. i feel ignored," oh, not right now. you feel very much attended to. "and like.. i'm not really.. you don't think about me? more about your work?"
matt's hands grasp tightly at your thighs instinctively as he swallows hard, shaking his head, "ma.." it's like he doesn't even think twice as he reaches for your leggings, tugging them down quickly but gently. "lift up f'me," he mumbles quietly, pulling down the leggings with relative ease. they're discarded soon enough, and you flinch a little at the cold air on your legs. "i'm so sorry, god.." he tugs your clothed cunt closer to him with another tug to your legs, leaning in and nuzzling himself against you.
a sharp gasp slips past your lips at the friction and your fingers instantly thread through his dark hair, his groan vibrating against your core at the sensation of you tugging. "ah.." your lips part, a pretty sound escaping you. he relishes in those sounds, adores them, and he starts to coax more when he starts mouthing over your clit through the fabric. the sensation is new to you, but not at all unwarranted. his pretty groans make it even better.
"m'so sorry.." his fingers, as he wets the fabric of your underwear even more, skim over the waistband of the fabric between the two of you. he tugs, once or twice, as if asking for permission. "go on," you say softly, a giggle bubbling from you again when he pulls down your underwear with relative ease and definite eagerness. an awed groan slips past his lips at the sight of your pretty pussy, one of his favourite things in the world. "there she is.." he says softly under his breath. eyes lifting to yours.
"been neglectin' you," he addresses you directly, tone soft, then he looks to your cunt, head tilting gently, "and neglecting her, huh? how bad of me.." matt tuts, shaking his head once more. he brings you close once more, giving a gentle pat to your puffy pussy and watching as you squirm almost instantly. "should make it better for my girls, shouldn't i?" another pat, and he's diving in, letting out a groan against your folds as he kisses and slips his tongue across them.
"she tastes so good, huh? she missed me," matt's words make you cry out softly, taken off guard by how desperate he is to please you. you tighten your grip on his hair a little and even squeeze your thighs around his head a bit more, causing him to groan into your soft, wet skin. "matt, oh, shit," you whimper, and he swirls his tongue around you, shifting lower so his nose bumps against your clit with every movement of his head.
his tongue circles your entrance for a moment before he flicks his tongue into your wet hole, loving the way you practically grind down onto his face. "take what you want, that's it," his words are muffled by your heat, and how you're almost sat on his face, but you get them nonetheless, eyes fluttering down to his own meeting yours. matt's hands slide down to your ass, squeezing and kneading in his hands.
matt's not even focused on himself, no, not at all, his hips grinding into the bed slowly to gain some kind of friction at all. he might end up cumming in his pants, he doesn't care, as long as you feel good and wanted. he never wants you to feel ignored or neglected again. you're his girl, his. "holy fucking shit," he's good with his mouth, like, good. and he knows it, lord does he know it.
the moment your hips start to stutter from his mouth sucking and licking at your pretty pussy, he doesn't let up, only making his movements more intense and pleasurable for you.
"that's it, fuck," he grunts, your thighs squeezing around his head once more. he doesn't even mind it, not at all. in fact, it gets him going, nose bumping against your clit enough to have you whining and squirming against his face, that familiar tight knot of arousal squeezing in your abdomen. matt can feel it too, as he eats you out like his life depends on it, which to him, it really does. "yeah, baby, there we go, that's it, come all over my face, make a mess on me, shit.."
you in fact, do, without any shame in the world. why feel shame when your man was making you feel so fucking amazing? your thighs tremble around his head and he helps you ride out your orgasm, licking slowly to bring you back down to earth without overstimulating you. soon, he pulls back, not even minding the state of well, his face. "did so good for me," he mumbles breathlessly, and you swallow hard. "that.. felt.. oh my god, matthew." a chuckle escapes him at the use of matthew and not just matt, and he gently pushes up off his knees to lay down on the bed on his back. his hands find your hips, slowly bringing you over on top of him.
"matthew, huh?" matt smiles, a gentle, loving smile that tells you exactly how much he cares for and adores you. a little grunt slips past his lips as he tugs his boxers down enough to free his cock, pre cum leaking from it due to how he was basically humping the bed earlier. your eyes flutter over him as you look down at him, swallowing hard, and he murmurs, "so pretty, ma," he gives his cock a few quick strokes, before he lines himself up with your tight hole. "i got you.."
you let out a pitiful little whine when he pulls you down onto him, the stretch making your lips part with soft noises, and matt tilts his head, taking in your form as you squirm. "relax for me.. i've got you.." his eyes flutter over your body, adoringly. his heart swells with warmth, just.. he can't believe he's so lucky. "i'm gonna fuckin'.. explode," you mumble breathlessly.
"i'll pick up the pieces, baby," he leans back against the headboard, hands squeezing at your hips. matt swallows hard, just in awe for a moment. "gorgeous, gorgeous girl. how'd i get so damn lucky?" he lets you adjust to him for a moment, waiting for the greenlight. "you'd be even luckier if you started movin'," ever the graceful, you are, he thinks to himself, and a laugh escapes him again.
"right, right, sorry," a giggle escapes you too, but it soon melts into a moan when he lifts you up, only to drop you back down. his eyes flutter to yours, baby blues dark with sheer want, and he grunts under his breath at how tight you are. "wish i could stay buried in your pussy forever, honey," he guides your movements a few more times till you find a rhythm, however his hands remain on your thighs to hold you up if you get tired.
"mmh, shit, shit, shit," your love for profanity only fuels his adoration for you, his hands squeezing at your thighs as you bounced on his cock, the sounds of skin slapping against skin hitting your ears. he didn't think about how loud the two of you were being and the fact his door was open, no, he wanted to make you feel as loved and wanted as you should. "feels so good, matt, mmh!"
he's doing a very good job at it too.
"that's it, fuck, look so pretty ridin' my dick like that, you like that, mama? yeah.." his eyes follow the way your tits bounce beneath your top, and he pushes up the fabric so he can get a good view of them. no one's ever looked at you with such adoration like that, it's intoxicating. matt greedily gropes at you, squeezing and flicking your nipples just because. and because it makes you clench around him so good. "these pretty titties, fuck."
matt swallows hard, getting lost in you as you get lost in him too, holding onto his hoodie tight as you lift your hips up and down. "never wanna make you feel bad again, never wanna do that. m'so sorry baby, fuck, you forgive me? forgive me, please, ma?" he's practically begging, hands squeezing your body all over, showing how much he loves you. "always got time for my baby, for my girl. even if i don't, gonna make it, promise, fuckin'.. promise," he mumbles, words borderline incoherent.
it makes you smile, it makes you beam, and you're not mad at him. you'd stopped being upset with him since he made you come all over his face, to be totally honest. "it's okay, it's okay," you murmur softly, "i forgive you, okay? i forgive you." matt squeezes your hips once more, bucking his own into you to drive himself deeper inside of you. the way you squeeze around him is intoxicating.
"gonna come, ma, shit," matt whimpers, and you coo softly at his whiny tone, "yeah? go on, come for me," he whines shakily, gripping your thighs tighter and thrusting up into you harder. his chest rises and falls in quick breaths, dark hair falling over his eyes as he lets out soft sounds as pretty as yours. "where d'you want it?" he asks breathlessly, eyes searching yours.
"want it inside," just the sound of your voice saying shit like that has him groaning, hips stuttering as he feels himself reach that peak, ropes of cum painting your walls as he lets go. you find yourself gushing around him around the same time too, a shaky series of moans and whines slipping past your lips. matt takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around you and press your body against his. his head soon nuzzles into the crook of your neck. "i love you so much," he breathes out.
"love you too," you murmur in response, relaxing into him. you're happy to stay there for a while.
or go again.
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๋࣭ ⭑ taglist / @mattslolita , @st7rnioioss , @flairdean , @mattsluv , @bepositiveforachange , @poetatorturadaa , @onlynextdoor
๋࣭ ⭑ line dividers / @rookthornesartistry
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jackhues · 2 days
...but it's something stronger | oscar piastri
note: here's part 3 <3 this is the FINAL part so i hope you all enjoy it! reminder to read part one and two linked below BEFORE this so you understand
one || two
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader, logan x best friend!reader, one sided!enemies to lovers
faceclaim: various, from pinterest
youruser & oscarpiastri
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly, mclaren & others
youruser: your favs are back in vegas !!
user: stop the second pic
landonorris: again. photo creds? -> youruser: again. no.
landonorris: party in logan's room- be there by 9 -> youruser: what if i'm asleep at 9? -> landonorris: oscar get off of y/n's account -> logansargeant: well... i guess i'm hosting -> user: stop lando's friends with logan?? ahh i love this
user: awww i love them
user: girlie's trying too hard
user: nice to see she's finally coming to a race smh -> user: what is with y'all? a wag doesn't have a job- she's leeching off the man's money. a wag has a job and responsibilities and can't make it to a lot of races- she's unsupportive. like make up your mind gd
logansargeant: i have to see y'all being cute in person AND on my feed 😒😒 -> youruser: your fault -> oscarpiastri: you chose this life
y/bffsuser: imy bby <3 -> youruser: imym <33
Y/N WALKED HAND IN HAND WITH OSCAR, following the hotel signs to Logan's room. She was happier than she'd been in quite a while. She'd joined Oscar in Australia, where she met his family, getting along surprisingly well with them. They were great people, which made it really easy for her.
She turned the corner, seeing Lando and Logan standing outside of their room.
"Finally," Lando grinned, seeing them.
"It's 8:45," Oscar told him. "We're early, if anything."
"Why are you guys outside?" Y/N asked.
"We're going to this bar that Lando found last year during the Grand Prix," Logan explained. "He said they've got hot bartenders."
"I see why you two would be down for that," Oscar rolled his eyes.
"Good answer," Y/N grinned. She turned back to the other two, "Alright then, let's get drunk."
"Not too drunk," Oscar corrected. "I want to be in bed by midnight."
"What are you, Cinderella?" Y/N asked. "Oscar, you're in Vegas once a year. Enjoy it."
"I'd like to enjoy it in bed," he muttered. "Also, you're wearing insanely high heels. You're going to be begging me to take your shoes in like an hour."
"Okay fine," Y/N agreed. "Not too many drinks, and in bed by twelve. We can manage it, no problemo."
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Y/N SMILED AT THE SIGHT OF OSCAR IN BED next to her, sleeping soundly. A slip of sunlight streamed through the curtains, covering him in a golden light. His hair was splayed over his forehead in an unruly manner, beckoning Y/N's hand closer.
She twirled one of the strands around her finger, taking a moment to admire him. He looked beautiful, even more every time she looked at him. She was almost blinded by how pretty she was.
It took a minute for her brain to catch up and realize his beauty wasn't blinding her, it was the sunlight glinting off the rock on her finger.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" she sat up, eye on the ring and trying to figure how the hell it got there.
Next to her, Oscar groaned.
"Shhhhhhh," he muttered. "My head hurts."
So did Y/N's. In fact, it was beginning to spin a little. Or maybe that was the room?
She turned back to Oscar, hoping to clear up why the fuck there was a hugeass engagement ring on her finger, but he didn't seem to be in the mood to wake up.
So she stole his blanket.
"Y/N!" Oscar groaned. "Give me my blanket! And turn the light off."
"Oscar, that's the sun," she told him. "Also, why are you in a cheap looking tux?"
"In a...?" He opened his eyes, surprised at the fact that he was actually wearing a tux — or at least parts of one. What he had on wasn't really nice, probably rented. Or secondhand bought? He looked back up at Y/N, tilting his head, "Uh... why are you in a wedding dress?"
"Huh?" Y/N looked down at her clothes, repressing the urge to scream at what she was wearing. It was a white minidress, not near anything she had planned to wear at her own wedding one day. "This isn't... it's not a wedding dress. It's a white mini dress."
"The veil falling out of your hair says otherwise," Oscar noted.
"The veil—" she reached up, pulling out what was indeed a veil. "Oh my God, I'm in a wedding dress. And I have an engagement ring on my finger. And you're in a tux. What the fuck happened?"
"Wait, you— you have an engagement ring... what?" Oscar sat up, his gaze finally falling on the ring she wore.
"Oh crap, I don't even know who it belongs to," she muttered in horror. "Where the hell am I supposed to return this? It must've cost a fortune..." she trailed off, eyes meeting Oscar's. Memories of the night before were coming back to her, or at least some of them were. "Oh my God, the Bahamas. You said you were going to propose then... but I— I was freaking out because there was no ring at the ceremony and you pulled this out."
"I was possibly going to propose at the Bahamas," he corrected. "I had it planned out, but just in case, I also had something for after the season."
"Can't say that wouldn't be a fucking dream," she shrugged.
"So you'd have said yes?" Oscar's eyes widened. "If I asked, I mean?"
"Oscar, I'm like 99% sure I married you while I was drunk out of my mind because of how much I love you," Y/N responded honestly. "I'd have said yes without a second thought."
"Well it's nice to know your response while sober," Oscar responded. "But... did we actually get married?"
"I... oh, I remember Logan began crying because—"
"Because you asked him to be your maid of honour," Oscar remembered. "And Lando appointed himself as my best man."
"And Elvis was standing funny while he was marrying us, and I kept trying to copy his stance, but it made my feet hurt," Y/N continued. "And... and you took my shoes off during the vows and said in your vow that you'd always carry my shoes after I did dumb things like try to copy Elvis."
"And in your vow you said you'll never let my life get boring, no matter how early I wanted to sleep," Oscar added. "You said... you said that you're so in love with me that you'd trust me with your heart."
"And that's when Lando started sobbing," Y/N remembered.
"No, he started crying after I took your shoe off," Oscar furrowed his brows.
"Oh my God, was Elvis crying at our wedding?"
"I gave him the tux jacket to wipe his eyes," Oscar remembered. "And he never gave it back."
"Oh yeah, he stalled the 'you may kiss the bride' part so much, I said it myself," Y/N muttered.
"Wait, so if we're married... where's the marriage certificate?"
AN HOUR LATER, the (probably) newlyweds had turned the room upside down, but still had no sign of the marriage certificate.
"Maybe we didn't actually get married?" Oscar wondered. "Like it was a faux?"
"Does that mean you're still proposing in the Bahamas?"
Before Oscar could answer, a knock sounded on the door, causing the two of them to freeze in their spots. The two of them looked at each other in their wedding clothes, then to the room, with clothes and belongings littered all around.
"Don't say a word," Oscar whispered. "They'll go away."
The two of them stayed silent and frozen for a while longer, but the knocking didn't stop.
"Guys, it's me and Lando," Logan said on the other side of the door. "Open up. We have your marriage certificate."
At that, Oscar ran to the door, dragging the two boys inside, before immediately shutting the door.
"What tornado came through here?" Lando asked, looking around.
"Tornado 'we were looking for our marriage certificate'," Y/N muttered, taking the certificate out of his hands. She read it three times, before silently passing it along to Oscar.
"Wow," he muttered, silently realizing the two of them were officially married.
"Congratulations," Lando grinned, pulling Y/N, Oscar, and Logan in for a group hug. "Oh, I'm so happy. When can I expect to be named the godfather?"
Oscar whipped his head to Y/N, eyes wide, "Was that why we got married? Was it a shotgun Vegas wedding?"
"Oscar, honey, if I was pregnant, I wouldn't have been drinking," she reminded him. "I'm not pregnant, okay? And Lando, quit scaring him like that. I think the wedding is more than enough for us to digest."
"Wait, you guys don't remember the wedding?" Logan looked between Y/N and Oscar.
"We do, but like random parts of it," Y/N explained. "Like I remember most of the ceremony, but why the fuck did we decide to get married?"
"How did the topic even come up?" Oscar added.
"Well, it all started after Y/N downed a shot without flinching," Lando reminded them. "And Oscar fell in love for the millionth time right then and there. Said he could marry her. A couple drinks later, you lightweights were out of it, and Oscar started telling everyone he was going to marry Y/N. Some guy at the bar recommended an Elvis guy, and Y/N was so excited to be married by Elvis that she agreed right then. And then you guys started going looking for 'something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue'."
"That's why I kept the heels on even though my feet were killing," Y/N muttered. "They were my something old."
"The ring was something new," Oscar added.
"What was something borrowed and something blue?" Y/N asked.
"Elvis' jacket," Logan supplied.
"Elvis gave you his jacket because you said it'd be nice with the blue and borrowed. You're wearing his jacket in a lot of your wedding pictures," he explained.
"I'm sorry, wedding pictures?" Oscar asked. "Where the fuck did we find a photographer?"
"We're the photographers," Lando explained. "You sent us to buy some cameras while you guys did the something old and new. Logan got the polaroid, and I found a cute digital camera."
"At least you guys have the photos if not the memories," Logan grinned.
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youruser & oscarpiastri
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, mclaren & others
youruser: followed the queen of genovia's advice and ended up married to man who made my foot pop
oscarpiastri: i love you forever -> youruser: and ever and ever and ever and ever
oscarpiastri: looking beautiful as always mrs. piastri -> youruser: why thank you mr. piastri. you look lovely as well
user: THEY'RE MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!
user: yeah they're a pr relationship 🙄
logansargeant: i love you guys 🤍 -> oscarpiastri: are you still drunk? -> logansargeant: a little. i might cry again -> youruser: check in on hungover lando, he'll make you laugh -> user: LANDO AND LOGAN AT THE Y/NOSCAR WEDDING THIS IS NOT A DRILLLL
landonorris: FINALLY!!! -> user: wdym finally?? they met like 7 months ago this comment thread has been deleted
landonorris: guys it's too early to be this cute, but i love you so i'll let it pass
mclaren: congratulations y/n and oscar!!!
user: logan and lando moh/best man ?? -> youruser: yeah they were -> user: I'M DEAD NO FUCKING WAYYY
user: they're married already?? this ain't lasting -> oscarpiastri: thanks for ur unwanted opinion
user: i love how down bad they are for each other -> user: nah fr tho
f1: congratulations guys!!
charles_leclerc: congratulations! welcome to the family y/n!
user: princess diaries reference i love that movie -> oscarpiastri: she made me watch it with her
user: guys... hear me out... what if they got married in vegas? -> user: homie those pics ain't vegas
yourmomsig: i love you guys i'm gonna cry again -> oscarpiastri: no don't cry mum -> user: MUM
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INTERVIEWER: so first off oscar, congrats on the wedding
OSCAR: *smiles* thank you
I: we heard that the mrs. is actually here for the last race of the season, is that right? she had issues with her schedule, so you went for it all in her break, huh? vegas, a wedding, and now abu dhabi? in what, three weeks?
OP: yeah, she's here for this weekend. she was- well, she just partnered with another lawyer to actually open their law firm together, so she's actually going to have the rest of the year off, which we're both obviously excited about. but *laughs* i mean, once she said yes to marrying me, i didn't want to wait, you know? i'm just... you know, i'm really proud of her because everyone talks about the drivers and the media's always trying to diminish her, and the other partners' accomplishments, but it's absolutely insane all that she's done and all that she will do. it's great that i can stand next to her as her husband while she does all of it. i'm actually a little surprised that she even married me. marrying her's probably my biggest accomplishment.
f1, mclaren & oscarpiastri
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liked by y/npiastri, logansargeant, landonorris & others
user: stop he's so cute
user: i'm crying oscar's a championnnnn
user: did anyone else hear y/n scream while he was on the podium -> user: "that's my husband!" girlie put her whole chest in that
y/npiastri: THAT'S MY HUSBANDDD -> oscarpiastri: THAT'S MY WIFEEE -> user: iconic
charles_leclerc: congratulations oscar!
maxverstappen1: congrats mate!
logansargeant: congratulations oscar! well deserved win! -> oscarpiastri: thanks mate -> user: GUYS LOOK LOSCAR CRUMBS -> user: nom nom nom
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, mclaren & others
user: ain't he australian? -> y/npiastri: now he's american by association
oscarpiastri: THAT'S MY WIFEEEE SHE'S THE BEST HYPE WOMAN AND AN ABSOLUTE BOSS IN EVERYTHING -> y/npiastri: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH -> oscarpiastri: I LOVE YOU MORE -> y/npiastri: I LOVE YOU MORE THAN THAT -> oscarpiastri: I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE THAN THAT -> logansargeant: WHY ARE WE YELLING AT EACH OTHER?? -> landonorris: you're all sitting next to each other you realize that -> user: NOT A DRILL THE GREATEST GRID QUARTET IS TOGETHER IN VEGASSSS
y/bffsuser: RAHH 🇺🇸 REPRESENTTTT -> user: HE'S AUSTRALIAN 😭😭 -> y/npiastri: NOT ON MY INSTAGRAM PAGE TONIGHT 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
yourmomsig: congrats oscar 🤍 i'm so so proud of you! call me soon -> oscarpiastri: calling rn mum 🤍
user: stop the way he looks at her- i can't -> user: are you surprised? this the same man who said his biggest accomplishment is marrying her -> oscarpiastri: and it's still true!
oscarpiastri & y/npiastri
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, f1 & others
oscarpiastri: maybe vegas is just lucky for us
tagged: y/npiastri
y/npiastri: i love you so much i'd marry you in vegas a million times -> oscarpiastri: i love you so much but please don't expect me to ever drink that much or stay up that late again
y/npiastri: GET READY LOSERSSS BABY PIASTRI ON THE WAYYYY -> y/npiastri: baby piastri's genes boutta clear all your try hard babies' genes -> user: honey you know you shouldn't drink while pregnant right? -> oscarpiastri: she's not drunk, she's just been like this the entire pregnancy -> y/npiastri: AND THERE'S STILL SIX MORE MONTHS TO GOOOOO
user: STFU THAT TWITTER USER WAS TELLING THE TRUTH??? -> user: OSCAR AND Y/N WERE THE ONES IN VEGAS?? I'M GOING TO LOSE MY MIND -> user: can't believe they kept the secret for that long loll -> user: lando almost slipped sm times 😭😭
user: okay but the bahamas wedding thingy afterwards was a smart decoy ngl -> logansargeant: thank you 😊 -> user: YOU KNEW??? -> y/npiastri: ofc he and lando knew, who else would be our moh/best man in vegas?
logansargeant: guys really? i just stopped crying -> landonorris: I HAVEN'T STOPPED YET -> user: stop i love them -> user: need them to be godparents frr -> y/npiastri: one for each twin ye -> user: TWIN????? -> y/npiastri: oops
f1: congrats y/n and oscar!
user: oscar a DILF now -> y/npiastri: homie i been knew. why y'all think i bagged him? -> user: i though he just had such a big crush on you, he didn't really realize you were the weird girl -> y/npiastri: why would you say that to a pregnant woman? -> user: ohmygosh, i'm so sorry! i really hope you're not crying- -> y/npiastri: nah idgaf it's just funny seeing ppl freak out -> user: GIRL YOU HAD ME STRESSED -> oscarpiastri: welcome to my life -> oscarpiastri: i love you wife 🩷 -> y/npiastri: nice save
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i hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it! this is honestly one of my fav series, and don't forget to show some love and reblog if you enjoyed <3
taglist: @ravisinghs-wife , @urfavsgf , @mxdi0 , @lemon-lav , @lilipiggytails , @stinkyjax , @blckgrl-sunflower , @dreamsarebig , @k-pevensie28 , @themislovesf1 , @hellowgoodbye , @chezmardybum , @5sospenguinqueen , @stylestastic , @sie17136 , @2lsargeant , @softpiastri , @p1astrisgirl , @mavies-stuff , @littlemisssummer , @charlotte1697 , @styl1shl1v <33
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Club Lights - Lando Norris x Reader
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fluff, ¿angst?
approx 1200 words
warnings: mentions of drinking alcohol, mentions of kissing and sex- nothing 18+. I tried to use more speech :s
lando norris masterlist - here. f1 masterlist - here.
Lando was streaming fortnite with Morgan (AngryGinge), Max (F), and Filly, when he said something that caused more than laughter from Morgans end of the call.
“Y/n, god bless her heart, is not my girlfriend.” Ginge had to quickly say before any misconceptions were thought.
“But- I- You were linking arms all throughout the time you were in Monaco?” Lando replied, a look of confusion and disbelief on his face. “Prove she isn’t. Call her right now!”
Ginge simply shrugged and grabbed his phone, scrolling his contacts and landing on you.
It rung twice before your voice- on speaker- was played down Morgan’s mic.
“What do you want?”
“Fuck me, wanna be a bit nicer.”
“No, not really…” There was a pause where no one said anything, “Well what do you want, Morgan? I am busy!”
“I love you,” He was trying to bait you.
You laughed loudly- so loud the mic cut out a few times- “Have you drank? Call your girlfriend not me!” You chuckled before hanging up on him.
Ginge stared blankly at his camera, knowing Lando was watching. “Was that enough proof, Lando?”
Lando ignored him, although very satisfied,  “So~ Who’s your girlfriend Ginge?”
A few weeks later, Morgan extended another invitation to Monaco, which you eagerly accepted, thrilled at the prospect of a free trip. Upon meeting up at Manchester Airport, Morgan was relentless with his vlogging, capturing every moment up close—from your reunion at the terminal, to boarding the plane, takeoff, the in-flight experience, landing, and even baggage claim. Every opportunity he had, his camera was practically shoved up your nose.
When Lando arrived to pick you both up, Max was also recording, documenting Lando for his own channel. It was impossible to miss—especially for you—the way Lando looked at you with literal heart-eyes as you stepped out of the Nice-Côte d’Azur airport in the south of France.
"Good morning!" you cheerfully greeted, pulling your suitcase behind you with a coffee in hand.
Lando could barely muster a response, causing Max to chuckle behind the camera. Lando's attention was entirely on you during the drive to the hotel, to the point where he nearly crashed.
Your hotel room was charming, featuring a large bed, a stylish bathroom with a huge mirror, and a lovely view of the Monaco streets.
Unsurprisingly, Lando was quick to offer his assistance, suggesting he come up to your room to "help unpack and whatever."
You smiled gratefully as Lando heaved your 15kg case up the flight of stairs to your room, his muscles straining with the effort. "Thanks, Lan," you said, flashing him a warm smile. "I really appreciate it."
"It's nothing, I'd do it all over again for you," he replied, a deep blush creeping up his neck. Then, out of nowhere, he asked, "You don't have a boyfriend, right?"
You shook your head, no, and a heavy silence settled between you, tinged with disappointment that he didn't continue to speak.
Lando began helping you put your clothes into the wardrobe, his hands moving deftly until he reached your underwear. Suddenly, he seemed paralyzed, his eyes darting around the room, trying to look anywhere but at the intimate garments.
"Lando, I googled you. I know you're not shy about seeing people's underwear," you teased, a playful glint in your eye.
"Hey!" he retorted, his face flushing even redder. "You shouldn't believe everything you see!"
You gave him a pointed look. "You believed I was sleeping with Morgan..."
He huffed in frustration. "Rightly so... I mean I would—" He abruptly stopped, his words hanging in the air.
"What, you'd sleep with Morgan?" you laughed, but the humor faded as you saw the mortified expression on his face. Lando looked utterly flustered, as if he wished the ground would swallow him whole.
You stopped laughing, suddenly aware of the tension. His eyes were wide, nervous, and embarrassed, almost traumatized by what he had just admitted... out loud... in front of the girl he was clearly talking about.
"Oh, right," you said, your voice trailing off. You knew exactly what you wanted to say, but the words caught in your throat. You desperately wanted to kiss him right then and there.
"I—sorry—erm," he stammered, his voice shaky. "I'll talk to you later."
He moved faster than the cars he drove, practically fleeing from your hotel room, leaving you standing there with your heart racing and your mind spinning.
Later that night, Morgan waited outside your door, poised to dive into the allure of Monegasque nightclubs. You adorned a stunning, shimmering top paired with elegant black trousers, exuding understated glamour. Sharing an Uber, the anticipation built, though Lando was initially nowhere to be found. However, Max had secured a booth, complete with a large pitcher of an enticing orange cocktail, surrounded by a few unfamiliar faces.
One drink in, Lando sauntered over and playfully collapsed into the booth beside you. His hair, slightly tousled, added to his charming dishevelment. Clad in a simple jean-top combo and a watch that undoubtedly cost more than your annual rent, he exuded effortless style. The club thrummed with energy, the pulsating strobe lights and the dance-club remix of Nelly Furtado's "Say It Right" filling the air.
Lando's drunken smile was captivating, his eyes locked onto yours, his skin aglow under the club lights, making him look irresistibly beautiful. "Hi," he murmured dreamily, patting your thigh a few times before resting his hand there.
"Y'alright, Lan?" you asked, amused.
"Y'alright!" he mimicked with a laugh. "I love your voice, your accent, and your face. Such a beautiful face," he slurred.
You laughed, "How many drinks have you had?"
He widened his eyes in response, silently conveying the answer: "a lot."
While the table engaged in lively conversation, Lando's attention remained on you, murmuring your name just to gaze into your eyes, often letting his eyes drift to your lips.
"Why don't you like me?" he suddenly whispered in your ear, his face inches from yours.
"I like you," you replied, confused. He frowned, indicating that wasn't what he meant. "Yeah, I like-like you. I've never said I didn't."
"Like... like you'd hold hands and kiss me?"
You smiled, "Ask me when you're sober."
The next day, you woke with only a slight nausea, the remnants of the night before. As you stepped out of the shower and dressed for the day's filming, a knock echoed through the hotel. Opening the door, you found Lando, holding a bouquet of lilies, a bright smile on his face.
"What are you doing—and how are you not hungover?" you asked, surprised.
"I drink green smoothies... Anyway, I'm here to officially ask you on a real date," he declared, "with me. Right now."
Taking the lilies from his outstretched hands, you nodded. "Yeah—let me dry my hair first, bu—"
Before you could finish, Lando grabbed your wrist, pulling you out of the room, quickly snatching your keycard from the table and shutting the door behind you. "You look beautiful, and I cannot wait any longer to not see you on a date with me. So, we are leaving. Now."
You groaned, feeling the damp ends of your hair.
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i had a falling out with this friend of mine, who is also a tumblr user. there have been a lot of reasons for that, and one of the many-many reasons were her political views, that are generally considered questionable by people around here. people usually wanna know if the person they're interacting with is that type of a person. disclaimer: she's not like. A Bigot. or something. it's just that a lot of people are uncomfortable interacting with someone who holds those views.
she's like, not exactly open about them but reblogs a ton from people who are and made a couple posts that make them obvious.
however, she likes interacting with all kinds of people despite their DNIs and stuff, because she thinks there's no harm as long as they don't know, even if it's all on her blog.
now, to the aita part. we don't follow each other anymore but tumblr recommends her posts to me a lot, perhaps because we used to be mutuals/i have some of her posts liked and i cba to go through all my likes to unlike them. no, i don't wanna block her because i don't block people. as a matter of principle. i tried filtering her username out but i end up always clicking on the post anyway. i'm one nosy bitch, what can i say?
sometimes, she posts about my hyperfixation. something that is very dear and important to me. i don't know the reason why she's doing it because she knows nothing about it and doesn't care about it, but sometimes she makes throwaway comments "based on what she heard" (so, based on what I told her while we were still friends).
and for every time she does so that i end up seeing (happened like 5ish times now), i send one of her mutuals who would be uncomfortable interacting with her had they known about her views an anonymous ask about it. i don't leak anything personal that she'd told me or anything of the sort, i just link the accounts of people she reblogs from and some of her posts on the topic like "hey, take a look at that". each time, it results in the person blocking her and thanking me for telling them in a separate post.
on one hand, i'm technically doing the right thing, since these people hate interacting with people like her, and they just didn't browse her blog enough to know that that's the kind of person she is, even though it's all open source. they're grateful i told them, too.
on the other, i'm doing it for incredibly childish and selfish reasons. had i not seen her bring my hyperfixation up, i wouldn't have done that because i'm not mother theresa like that. but for that reason, it brings me immense satisfaction to do so. especially when she posts stuff like "omg, (name) blocked me... why" and has no clue why. in my mind, it's punishment for touching something that i consider My Thing. i kind of want her to someday understand what's going on, even if it's stupid and territorial of me. like that's what's gonna continue happening if you continue touching My Thing, not giving it the respect it deserves at that too. as i've said, she only regurgitates the stuff i told her because she doesn't care about it. i have a suspicion she's only doing it to piss me off in case i still visit her blog. no idea but it does piss me off. and doing what i described really calms me down.
so, aita?
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penkura · 3 days
Our Angel
Summary: Sanji can't believe how lucky he is to have you and this little baby you brought into the world.
Warning: Mentions of giving birth, pregnancy discussion, loving husband Sanji :3
Note: Ahh the final one-shot I have done from the 'knowing' universe! :') I wrote this after the last one, and it's long but also one of my favorites. I love writing Sanji, please let me write more for him.
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How much longer? How much longer??
Sanji's anxiety was through the roof as he paced back and forth in front of the infirmary door. You were finally in labor and Chopper and Robin had kicked him out of the room, thinking he was making you more stressed than your contractions were. He could hear them guiding you through the next contraction and telling you to start pushing, and he really, really wanted a cigarette for the first time in months.
He desperately wanted to be in there with you, but didn't want you more stressed than you already were. Sanji believed it couldn't be too much longer, but also wasn't entirely sure. Labor could last hours or even multiple days, yours was progressing quickly though, and it wouldn't be long before you met your baby face to face. Sanji leaned against the door, holding his breath without realizing it, just waiting and listening.
And a few moments later, he finally released his breath when he heard a baby's cries, standing up straight and facing the door, his anxiety finally being taken off his shoulders. He could hear Robin and Chopper congratulating you and telling you that you did amazingly, but he couldn't hear if they said whether you had a boy or girl, or how the baby was doing. The cries though told him that your newborn was doing just well, they were very upset to be in the world now, but it would be all right over time.
After several more minutes of waiting and his anxiety picking up again, Sanji was beyond glad to see the infirmary door open and Robin giving him a smile.
"You can come back in now."
He didn't need to be told twice, quickly entering the room and hurrying to your side, making you laugh when he got to you, dropping to his knees beside your bed and taking your hand before hugging you as close as possible.
"I'm so glad you're okay! Both of you!"
Sanji started kissing you all over your face, making you laugh lightly until you both heard a small cry, which made him freeze a bit before looking at your little baby resting comfortably on your chest. Seeing the tears start to well up in his eyes made you smile softly before you looked back at your newborn child.
"What do you think?"
"Isn't she?"
Laughing again you nodded. Through the later months of your pregnancy, Sanji made it clear how badly he wanted and hoped you were having a girl. When your baby first kicked, there was so much excitement between the two of you that he inadvertently called them she, surprising you until you questioned him about it.
"...I said they."
"No, Sanji, you said she." You giggled a bit seeing how embarrassed he was at letting his wish for a daughter out like that. "You think we're having a girl?"
"I…hope we are."
You definitely had realized, even before then, that Sanji would be a great girl dad, and now he could prove that to you with your newborn daughter. Just the fact he seemed hesitant to even touch her tiny hand for a second told you he was going to be the most protective dad you'd ever met.
"She looks exactly like you, Sanji."
"She…she really does." Sanji finally reached out and barely brushed your daughter's cheek with his knuckle, which made her move just a bit. She looked like she was his clone almost. The same blonde hair, same curled eyebrows. She basically got nothing from you and everything from your husband, but you didn't really mind it. You might get lucky and she'd get your eye color, but even then it would be all right if not.
She was still your perfect little daughter.
"Can I," Sanji pulled you from your thoughts, nervously biting his lip a bit while looking from your daughter to you, "can I hold her…?"
"Of course!"
Nerves started bubbling up, but Sanji let you show him the best way to hold your daughter. He held her close, keeping one of his hands under her head to give her more support, while she started to whine when she was moved from you to him. You weren't at all surprised when Sanji started to gently hush her, kissing her forehead and softly telling her that she was all right.
"Yeah, it's ok, sweetheart. Daddy's got you, angel."
Your daughter calmed down almost immediately, opening her eyes to try and focus on Sanji, and it nearly took his breath away to see her looking up at him. This was what you two had waited the last nine months for. To finally see and meet your daughter face to face, and here she was! A precious, beautiful little angel that fit perfectly in his arms and looked at him like he was the most amazing thing she'd ever seen (which, granted, she'd really only seen you and Sanji, but it still meant everything to him). You just watched as Sanji stared at her and she stared back at him, before she yawned and snuggled herself more comfortably in his arms, you noticing how his bottom lip was trembling while he watched her fall asleep, kissing her forehead again and whispering how much he loved your sweet little girl.
"[Y/N]...thank you so much for her."
Hearing how strained Sanji's voice was made you smile softly, knowing he was fighting to not start crying. Not right now, he didn't want to wake your daughter or cause her any distress.
"What do you think we should name her?"
"I…I'm not sure, love."
"Well, I have an idea."
When you had gone into labor, the rest of your crewmates were off the ship. You'd docked at an island the day before and they'd all gone to explore a bit, pick up a few things, and let the log pose reset. You had hoped to go later in the day but obviously things had changed and you wouldn't be joining anyone on this island this time. Robin and Chopper had stayed behind just in case, since you were near your due date anyway and it was a good thing they did.
Once Luffy and the others got back, they were surprised Robin was the only one on the deck of the Sunny waiting for them. Luffy of course was the one to ask, running up to Robin and asking if you were sleeping or something. You'd normally be on the deck waiting for everyone, so it was weird they didn't see you this time.
Robin smiled a bit, "Well I assume she is by now. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl while you all were gone."
Everyone was completely silent, expecting Robin to say she was just kidding to get a rise out of them.
"I'm not joking by the way."
With that statement there were shouts from Usopp, Luffy, and Nami, the latter of the three running for the infirmary right away saying she needed to see her niece. Not even having seen your daughter yet but being happy for you, Franky and Brook were in tears, while Zoro smiled a bit and Jimbei gave a smile and a nod.
"Sounds like the crew has expanded by one then."
Luffy and Usopp were quick to follow after Nami, nearly breaking down the infirmary door asking to see your daughter.
You were actually wide awake, holding your daughter and showing her off to Nami who was cooing softly towards her.
"What a little cutie, yes you are! Aunt Nami is going to buy you lots of cute dresses!"
You laughed a bit while your daughter stared up at Nami, seeming to be completely amazed by her. "You wanna hold her?"
Nami was about to respond when Luffy pushed past her, getting up close to see your daughter. "She's so small!"
"Luffy!" Sanji grabbed your captain by the back of his shirt and started pulling him away. "Get out of her face! You're going to scare her and make her cry!"
"No I'm not!"
"Hey guys."
"Yes you are!" Honestly Sanji trusted Luffy a lot, but he needed to learn boundaries, especially with a newborn baby.
"Nuh-uh! She's gonna think I'm funny!"
"And if she doesn't?!"
"Then…then…I don't know?"
"Idiots!" Nami was close to bashing both their heads in, but her outburst got their attention. "You're both about to make her cry!"
Sanji looked over and saw you gently hushing your daughter who was starting to whine and whimper like she was about to cry, him rushing over by your side to help with quiet, sweet words that he was sorry and didn't mean to be loud.
"My apologies, Angel. I didn't mean to startle you."
Once she calmed back down, you let Usopp and Luffy come over and see her, both of them looking amazed by how small she was. Luffy kept begging to hold her, Nami telling him she had first dibs, and Usopp asking how you both were. Your other crewmates joined you all after a bit, Brook offering to start playing a lullaby to keep your baby girl calm while Franky was crying about how super it was to meet her finally. Robin returned to make sure you weren't getting overwhelmed, and Chopper wanted to do another check on your daughter to be certain she was doing all right. Jimbei gave you his congratulations and said you'd had a beautiful baby, while Zoro mostly stayed to the side, but he did smile just a bit, glad for you to have safely delivered your baby.
You were doing well with everyone there, answering questions and letting each of your crewmates see your daughter up close, they all took turns briefly holding her since they knew that, obviously, they'd have plenty of chances to do so in the future. Once Nami got a hold of her a second time, she refused to let her go to anyone that wasn't you or Sanji. She was going to absolutely spoil your daughter and everyone could see that.
"Hey hey," Luffy latched onto your arm, giving you a big grin, "what'd you guys name her??"
The small bits of chatter quieted hearing Luffy's question, most of your friends looking at you or Sanji for an answer. Nami still had your daughter in her arms, very gently bouncing the sleeping newborn.
You smiled at Sanji with a slight nod, him returning the gesture to speak up.
"We've decided to call her Angel. After calling her that while [Y/N] was pregnant, it…it felt right."
Truthfully you had offered to name her after Sanji's mother, whether you'd had a boy or girl, and he almost took you up on it, but felt that for now, he'd wanted to give your child their own, unique name. He really did greatly appreciate you wanting to honor his mother, but didn't feel ready for that yet. And like he'd said, you two had called your daughter an angel the whole time you were pregnant, actually naming her Angel felt like the right thing to do and you both thought it sounded wonderful when you decided.
"What a sweet name." Robin smiled and nodded, the rest of your crewmates agreeing with her.
After some time Chopper said you needed rest and it was close to dinner time, making Sanji nod.
"I'll go get something started for–"
"Nope!" Shaking her head, Nami handed Angel back to Sanji to stop him. "We'll take care of dinner and bring you guys some; you stay with your wife and daughter, Sanji!"
With a grin she left the infirmary and headed straight for the kitchen, everyone else following shortly after her, once they'd given you another congratulations and said goodnight to their niece. Seeing the shocked look on Sanji’s face made you laugh once everyone else had left.
“...did I just get banned from my own kitchen?”
The rest of the evening went by smoothly and quietly for your little family. Nami had sent Zoro to bring you and Sanji dinner once it was done, and you were grateful for having so many people to take care of your family while you recovered. Chopper came in a few times to check up on you and Angel, making sure both of you were doing well before he headed off to bed, telling Sanji to come get him if anything happened. After you had dinner and nursed Angel again, you went and took a quick shower, leaving Sanji with your daughter which made him terribly nervous even though he knew it was only going to take you a few minutes to shower. All he did the whole time you were gone was watch her sleep. You'd given her a pacifier to hopefully keep her calm and sleeping, and it did work. Sanji was just so enthralled with her, gently hushing her and stroking her chubby cheek whenever she started to fuss a little.
"Hey it's alright, don't cry. Mommy will be back soon, daddy's got you for now."
When you did get back, you held back a laugh seeing Sanji was nearly asleep while holding Angel. Quietly, you went over and took her from him, waking your sleepy husband and telling him it was just you, you were going to get Angel to bed so you both could sleep. While Sanji followed your lead and went to take a shower himself, you got Angel ready for bed and comfortable in a bassinet near you, she was sleeping soundly and you knew she'd wake at some point in the night, but until then, you'd watch her sleep and hold her little hand, making sure she knew you weren't going anywhere.
"I love you so much, Angel," leaning over, you placed a soft kiss on her forehead, "I'm so glad you're ours."
Once he came back from his own shower, Sanji wasn't even the slightest bit surprised to find you already asleep, still holding your daughter's hand. You'd had quite a day, having pushed a whole new person out into the world, nursing her multiple times, and having to deal with your anxious crewmates for several hours after they got back. It was a wonder you'd stayed awake as long as you had! Sanji knew he was staying with you in the infirmary as long as Chopper made you and Angel stay there, so he did the same as you and kissed your daughter's forehead, before slipping into your bed beside you, bringing you close to him and kissing your cheek once he did.
"I'm so proud of you, [Y/N]. You've been amazing today."
You shifted a bit, making Sanji smile when you told him you loved him before falling back fast asleep.
"I love you too…both of you."
Your sweet little Angel had grown so much in the last three years. She had ended up with your eye color, which made you beyond happy that she'd gotten something from you. She'd learned to walk, talk, and had the brightest smile and giggles on the Sunny, apart from Luffy that is. She really was an angel to everyone, but especially you and Sanji.
Her first steps weren't really because of you or Sanji, it was Luffy and Usopp trying to get her to start taking a few on her own. She'd been able to walk a slight bit at the time with someone holding her hands, but not on her own yet. You absolutely trusted Usopp and Luffy with her (despite how many times Luffy tossed her into the air and caught her, the fear you felt the first time made you consider leaving), they were helping Angel learn to walk under your watch, you were sitting nearby on a lounger with Sanji, who was slightly nervous watching them. Honestly Sanji was the more nervous parent at times, but you knew he just wanted Angel to be as safe as possible while you all traveled the seas.
"Come onnnnn, you can do it, Angel!" Luffy grinned at her with his arms wide open, while Usopp had a hold of her hands, keeping her standing up. Angel frowned a bit, tears welling up in her eyes when she tried to reach for Luffy but couldn't grab him. He was only a few feet away, he'd easily be able to hurry over and lift her up, but your captain also really wanted to see her take her steps on her own.
"You wanna try, Angel?" Usopp smiled and let go of one of her hands to ruffle her hair a bit, which made her whine slightly. Luffy took two very small steps forward, arms still wide open and grinning.
"You can do it!"
Angel kept reaching her free hand towards Luffy, before she looked at her feet and took a step, looking back at him while she started to walk on her own once Usopp let go of her hand.
Watching your then nine-month-old daughter take her first solo steps caused you to tear up while Sanji was beaming with pride. Angel made it over to Luffy on her own, and once she did, he scooped her up in his arms with loud laughter.
"Yahoo, you did it, Angel!!"
"Good job! Next you'll be running around the ship!"
Angel giggled loudly while Luffy tossed her gently into the air. After the one time he threw her too high up causing you and Sanji to threaten him he'd been more careful, especially seeing how much she enjoyed being tossed up and caught. After that, she started following you and Sanji like a duckling, eventually getting to where she was running around the Sunny, either chasing someone or being chased with loud laughter.
When she said her first word, you weren't even on the ship. You had gone into town with Franky and Jimbei when you landed on an island, checking the place out to see what stores they had and how long it would take the log pose to reset. You'd left Angel on the ship with Sanji, and while he was grateful for the time with your daughter, he was also trying to figure out what groceries he needed to go shopping for the next day. Nami offered to entertain Angel while he checked the pantry and fridge, taking her out to the deck for some sun and to play with her.
"You are just so cuuuuuute! You got your daddy's hair and eyebrows but your mommy's face!"
Angel smiled and giggled a bit at Nami, covering her mouth with her little hands. At this point she was already 18-months-old, but hadn't said her first word just yet. You weren't very concerned, knowing it would happen when it happened, but every evening when the three of you went to your room, Sanji would sit with Angel on your bed and try to get her to say something more than her toddler babbling.
"Come on, sweetheart. Can you say dada?"
Angel babbled, no discernable words coming from her mouth while she smiled and reached at Sanji.
"Mmmm….mmmm…." She pressed her lips together before sticking her tongue out.
You laughed, shaking your head. "I don't think she's ready yet, Sanji."
Nami had given Angel a coloring book and some crayons to entertain herself, especially once she started talking with Zoro about the money he owed her.
"I'm just saying, if you leave me with a little of your allowance every time we dock, you'll be paid off in no time!"
"How much is a little?"
"Mmm," Nami thought for a second, patting Angel on the head when she smiled at her, "about 300 berries."
"That's a tenth of what you give me!"
"Yeah, and?"
Zoro's eye twitched slightly, obviously annoyed by this. It wasn't his fault all the stuff he normally bought was expensive, or that he spent a decent bit of it on booze!
The two argued a bit more while Angel watched them, giggling a bit when Zoro lifted her up.
"Wait, where are you taking her?!"
"Nap time. Right, tiny cook?"
Nami and Zoro both stared at Angel in surprise, your daughter yawning a little and sticking her thumb in her mouth.
"Did she just…?"
"She did! Sanji!!"
Hearing Nami yell for him, Sanji dropped what he was doing and ran out to the deck instantly. "What's wrong?!"
"Listen, listen!!" Nami turned back to Angel and Zoro, telling him to say what he did before.
"Hey, it's nap time, right?"
Angel nodded. "Nap!"
Hearing her say an actual word, not toddler babbling, made Sanji's jaw drop and he started to tear up a bit. "Y-Yeah! It's nap time, Angel!"
Honestly it was an odd first word, but when you heard her say it, it made you smile and hug her close, kissing her chubby cheeks and telling her how proud you were. After that, the words came more easily and she quickly realized she knew who mama and dada were, and started calling you and Sanji whenever she needed you. She eventually had nicknames for everyone so she could call them easily, and your crewmates accepted them instantly.
As she got older, turning three more recently, you'd become even more amazed with your daughter and how she was becoming her own person. She was a giggly mess most days, loved fruit over every other food, and took naps almost as often as Zoro. They had become napping buddies much to Sanji's chagrin, but he eventually accepted since Zoro would bring Angel to one of you once she was awake.
Nami made good on her promise to buy Angel lots of cute dresses, your daughter's wardrobe was better than yours. Robin would sit and read with her until she fell asleep most nap times, if Zoro wasn't around at the moment. Usopp and Luffy would play games like tag or hide and seek with her, one of them always having Angel on their shoulders in a team up against the other. Chopper would join them most of the time, or he and Angel would play on the swing or in the kiddy pool together. Franky made Angel new toys constantly, only with your approval did he give them to her. Brook would play whatever song or lullaby Angel wanted to hear, or do his infamous 45 Degrees to make her burst out laughing. Jimbei would tell her (along with Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper) various stories he had from before he joined you all, and she loved every one of them.
Despite your love for your crewmates, you had more enjoyed introducing Angel to the Baratie crew over everyone else. After your pregnancy was confirmed, Sanji had given them a call, speaking to Zeff before anyone else and letting him know he was going to, basically, be a grandfather. It became so quiet that you and Sanji both wondered if the connection got severed, before hearing Patty yell asking why Zeff was crying over the transponder snail receiver. It made Sanji tear up worse than when you told him you were definitely pregnant, and he had to give you the receiver to tell the rest of the Baratie crew. When they all heard, they cheered and gave congratulations to you and Sanji, a few of them saying you absolutely had to stop by once the baby had been born. Once Angel was born, you sent over all the pictures you took of her so everyone at Baratie could see her as she grew up. Eventually your ship made it back to the East Blue and the Baratie, around the time of Angel's second birthday, which Zeff demanded you to celebrate there once you arrived. You dressed her in a cute little, frilly pink dress that Nami had gotten her, and knew Sanji was anxious for everyone to meet the both of you properly. Of course, you'd been with the Straw Hats already when you'd been by and recruited Sanji, but things had moved so fast back then that formal introductions were an afterthought. Now that Sanji was back with you as his wife and with his little daughter, it was definitely nerve-wracking for him.
Well, it was until the three of you stepped inside and all the chefs quickly rushed to see Angel, all of them fawning over and doting on her. Almost all his nerves went away as Patty, Carne, and the others tearfully loved on your daughter and introduced themselves to both of you properly. Angel became shy with so many new faces, reaching for Sanji to take her from you which he did, and she hid her face in his shoulder.
"Aww come on little one, what's wrong?"
"She's just overwhelmed. It's too many people at once."
Hearing that, most of the Baratie chefs dissipated in order to let Angel relax again, the only one coming up to the three of you was Zeff himself, bringing back Sanji's nerves.
"Well, the baby eggplant has his own baby eggplant now."
"Watch your mouth with my daughter, crap geezer." The smiles on both their faces told you all was well, this was the norm between Sanji and Chef Zeff. Sanji got Angel's attention to get her to lift her face from his shoulder, pointing her view to Zeff. "This is your grandad, Angel."
Angel blinked a little, not the slightest bit scared and reached for Zeff, knowing it was safe because Sanji said so. Once Zeff had a hold of her, Angel just smiled and giggled, giving him a loose hug. It made him turn away from both of you, confusing you the most, until you heard Carne shout that Zeff was crying again and got to be the first to hold Angel. You laughed when you noticed Sanji had turned away as well, fighting his own tears. The rest of your visit was less tearful, filled more with laughter while everyone entertained Angel and you told all the stories you had of her up until then. You did also learn that Zeff kept every picture you sent of her in his room, a fact that made Sanji happier than you could have imagined.
After your visit back to Baratie, you kept in touch by sending more pictures, even a few letters telling stories of what Angel was learning and how well she was growing.
The last three years had changed so much, you and Sanji couldn't imagine life without your little angel.
"[Y/N], mon amour! Angel, my dearest!!"
"Daddy!!" Angel's bright [e/c] eyes lit up, squealing when Sanji came over to the both of you, providing you with a drink and snack, and Angel with her favorite snack of apple juice and carrots.
"I've got your drinks and snacks for the day!" He gave you both the most loving smile, making you return it and Angel giggled.
"Say thank you daddy!"
"Thank youuu!"
Clutching his heart, Sanji still couldn't believe his luck, even after all this time. Seven years married to you, three years of life as a father. The amount of love he had for you two made it feel like his heart was going to burst out of his chest most days.
"Oh, my beautiful girls!! What gods did I please to deserve you?! I love you both so much!!"
You laughed a bit, taking a sip of your fruity water and rubbing your slightly swollen stomach. "What're you gonna do if this one's a boy?"
"Oh, that's easy," Sanji gave you a loving smile while he picked Angel up as she requested, "I'll love him as much as I love you both."
"Have you thought about what I said? For a name?"
Nodding, Sanji sat beside you on the lounger with Angel still in his arms, her grabbing her sippy cup and a baby carrot.
"I have, and I think…I'll take you up on it this time."
Smiling, you gave a slight nod, before kissing his cheek with a hand still on your stomach.
"Sora it is then."
A few months later, you ended up having a little boy with your hair and Sanji's eyes, and Angel was absolutely in love with her baby brother once Sanji introduced him to her. Your crewmates once again were beyond happy for you, and you just couldn't imagine your life turning out any other way.
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berryz-writes · 3 days
Not yet
Azriel x reader
Summary: Your not ready to tell Azriel's family your mates in fear of them not liking you
note: It's just Az being the standard and the cutest shit ever. Also its pretty short im sorry lovelies <3
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"I don't want to. Not yet" I murmured to Azriel, snuggling closer to his warmth. His hands ran up and down my back, sending small shivers down my spine.
"And why is that, sweetheart?" He replied, his voice slightly hoarse from having just woken up, pressing small kisses to my face. I opened my eyes and tried to get used to the light in the room. It was a Saturday, one of the days Azriel was content to just lie in bed with me with no commitments for the rest of the day.
"I just...I don't think they'll like me. I know it's stupid but I don't know them well enough. What if they think I'm using you or don't actually love you? What if they convince you that I'm not good enough?" I waited for him to say something. I didn't usually have anything bad to say against his family but I was never comfortable around new people. Especially if they were such important figures in our court. A slight sigh left his lips "Y/n. Do you really think I'd stop loving you if one of them told me to?...not that they would"
I sat up and tucked my hair behind my ear, his heat suddenly too much. "No but it's not just that. Imagine I say something wrong. I know their your family but their also high lord and lady. What if I say something...I don't know politically wrong? They'll laugh at me and think how in the world are us two mates."
Azriel moved his arm around my waist and pulled me back to lay down on the bed, his hand moving through my hair in a soothing motion. "They will think nothing of the sort because you are perfect. But if it makes you feel better we can wait for as long as you want. Feyre was talking about inviting the wonderful florist tomorrow. Accept her offer and get to know everyone a bit"
I thought about it and slowly nodded my head. "Fine."
Azriel was right because Feyre did invite me the next day.
"Y/n! Oh these are gorgeous! You've outdone yourself" Feyre said admiring the bouquet I had prepared
I smiled and handed her the card with all my business details "Thank you high lady. If anyone asks where you got them from please give them this."
"Feyre, please. No formalities between us"
I nodded my head "Feyre it is then"
She turned her attention to the rest of the shop looking around the flower filled store "You have such a peaceful life. Living amongst flowers and smelling like roses all the time"
I let out a small laugh. Very peaceful. Sometimes a little too peaceful. "I suppose. Although it get's boring at times"
Feyre's eyes lit up in excitement "You should come to dinner tonight! It'll be something different for you and we can get to know each other more"
I thought about what me and Azriel had discussed earlier. Now was the perfect opportunity, to meet his family. "Oh...I don't want to intrude. I don't know-"
She shook her head "Nonsense. Your coming tonight. Everyone will be scrambling over each other to get to know you"
I looked around the store, hoping for a sign as to what I should do. The only sign I could see however was the open sign on the front door.
"Fine. I'll come. Thank you the for the invite high- Feyre"
She beamed and gave me a quick hug, slightly surprising me before walking out with her bouquet of flowers. I sighed. Well I suppose I better go home and change so I looked slightly decent at least.
*Dinner, a few hours later*
Azriel cleared his throat slightly before continuing "Did you want something lov- y/n?"
I paused and clenched my jaw at the slip up. The chatter at the table was luckily loud enough for no one to quiet hear what he was saying. This was the first time I had been happy for Cassian's loud voice. I shook my head "I'll get it myself, thank you" I reached over and picked up the dish, adding a few potatoes to my plate, trying not to gather attention towards us two. Really. Azriel wasn't very good at following instructions. If someone had heard that I don't know what I would have done.
Probably jumped out a window or something.
"Everything alright?" Rhys asked looking over at me first, then Azriel and then me again. I nodded my head quickly and gave him a smile "Fine, everything's fine" Azriel didn't reply merely nodding in agreement too.
I let out a sigh of relief when he turned away and took a sip of his wine. Luckily dinner passed with no other accidents happening. I watched as everyone took their seats in the living room, Feyre and Rhys cuddled up on the couch while the others sprawled here and there, Elain having gone up because of a headache.
Azriel stood half hidden by his shadows in the door way, I could sense him even though I couldn't see him without squinting my eyes.
Come to the kitchen. It's important
His voice echoed in my mind, his deep and low voice making me miss him even though he was just inches away. I got up making an excuse of needing water and walked over to the kitchen, past the dining room where we had just sat. Before I could process what was happening I was against a wall and Azriel's lips were on mine, his shadows cocooning us in a dark and peaceful bubble. He kissed me like he was starving and he couldn't get enough.
We finally pulled apart my hands resting on his chest "Azriel" I warned him, the lust filled look in his eyes ready to devour me. His hands ran up and down my body, my waist, my hips warming each part of me.
"I want to tell them. I want to tell them about my perfect and beautiful mate." He whispered his eyes dark and his hair falling forward onto his forehead. I pushed a strand away "I can't right now. I'm not ready"
I knew even if I shook my head once Azriel would understand. His hopeful expression dropped slightly but his lips remained in a small smile "Let me take you home now, sweetheart. I can't live without having you close to me"
I rolled my eyes but smiled all the same "Don't be so dramatic"
He didn't reply, instead tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "We're going" He said finally and winnowed us on the spot. I didn't even get to say goodbye to anyone but all thoughts left me as Azriel looked at me with his devilishly handsome grin.
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k2ntoss · 2 days
Jason makes love and just fuck rough just sometimes... but he loves making love, not just a thing to pleasure, but for the feeling, for loving his girl... it's a intimacy thing...
I don't he him as a abuser... a guy that don't ask for permission even if it's just a look in her eyes
Sorry for felling up ur inbox with my sad and horrified ass
Love u!
request for this pretty girl and for me happy 3 months after my concert i'm emotional and too attached to that event i'm not even sorry!!!
t/w ⭒ SMUT!!! a little bit of angst and so but mostly some kind of fluffy smut and also... john constantine's sidekick!reader, i'm not even sorry but i have to do this
word count ⭒ don't know i've slept like 4 hours in two days so here you have this made with love and pouring my raw feelings on it
song ⭒ more than you know - blink-182
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things had always been a little harder for jason, after all that's what he always expects from life so the punches sometimes hurt less but there's always something or someone that holds the power to make everything hurt worse than hell. how can he explain it? if he has always struggled with his feelings, after being left down over and over again he built walls to protect himself and pushed away whoever tried to come closer.
he didn't knew if he had to curse or thank for the day he met you. little cocky bastard that somehow connected with him from the very start, that understood him on a level that scared jason to death but he would never say it out loud, that would let you grip his throat and leave him helpless because his heart was open wide for you.
it was sad you didn't knew it and he didn't knew either if you felt the same things for him. he knew you would be there for him and so would he do for you, jason knew he had everything he lacked in your presence. you made him feel things he had never voiced because he didn't knew why and the day you started to find the way to voice the things you had bottled up he felt a little left behind.
"i- look, it's hard but i have to grow a pair and say it, jay... i want us to be different, to work a little more on whatever we are because i feel like i need more and more from you and honestly it scares me more than anything" the sudden confession feels alien for you, jason feels like he has been kicked in the face because this is not what he had expected. you always hid yourself underneath halfhearted confessions, never your real deep feelings.
"what do you mean?" the question slips past his lips before he can really think about it and the small flash of disappointment that crosses your face makes his chest ache. how can he put his words out for you? it's almost impossible to see himself saying it outloud, it was a sickening need to protect himself even if he knew you could never hurt him.
"i mean... i don't really feel like i know what you feel for me, i feel like i've been left with nothing at it freaks me out to feel you can leave me to die if i ever lose you" the words from your mouth now sound strained and realization downs on him. it's heavy, the knowledge that you felt the same fear he felt, the way you had let him hold youe life on his hands until the point that losing him would shatter you to pieces.
the lump on his throat subsided, the way you had finally voiced your fear made jason find his own grasp on what he felt. he felt like he had been cursed, his life was a constant fall as if he was sinking like a rock but there was also something else when you were around and even if neither of you had ever said it the feeling was there, deep and rooted in your hearts and it was too hard to say it out loud, love wasn't something you had ever experienced in conventional ways during life.
"why do you poison yourself with the thought i won't love you to death?" the question slip with an ease he had never felt before and the surprise in your face made it all worthy. it wasn't just giving you the power to burn him to ashes, it was giving himself the permission to lean on you, to indulge him to have a ray of light even if he sunk down further "i know i've never said it before, i've never told you how i really feel but trust me it's more than you'd ever know"
he had reached to you, his hand gently brushing a strand of hair out of your face as he leaned closer to press a soft kiss to the corner of your lips. the contact was so simple and light but yet so intimate it made you close your eyes, his hand hovering over your jaw before settling on the side of your neck as you closed your eyes.
"i feel like i shouldn't be trying at all, jay... but i just know i need you with me" your whisper made him sigh and it was all he needed to hear. his lips pressed against yours in a slow and deep kiss, jason cupping your face tenderly as you held onto his shoulders while leaning in across the distance between you in the small couch on jason's safe house.
the tender touch of his calloused hands against your face was a stark contrast, to wounded souls merging into one as he caressed your sides slowly pulling you closer to him. drinking you in like a man starving because he was giving in to you. the weight of your body making him aware of the fact that he had pulled you into his lap and breaking the kiss he looked up at you with adoration.
"can i...?" he asked, trailing off as he saw the same resolve in your eyes. you were just giving in to him, letting yourself be totally vulnerable for him to either take care of you or destroy you completely. that same resolve and trust made jason decide he would always protect you, even from himself even if it meant changing his whole being because he knew it was the least he could do for the person that was willing to do the same for him.
a silent nod from you was enough. his hands wandering across your body to free your figure from the fabric of your clothes, his eyes taking in every detail as his hands caressed every dip and curve of your body, your hands doing the very same on him as your lips lavished his neck, jaw and shoulders with tender and lingering kisses.
jason held your waist, slowly picking you up as he kissed your neck while walking to his room in long strides filled with purpose until he was able to lay you down, placing you gently on his bed and looking down at you with adoration and need. he knelt on the bed, his large frame hovering over yours as he leaned in to kiss a trail from your neck down to the middle of your chest, feeling your hands on the back of his head.
words weren't needed, the way jason looked at you as he settled between your legs was everything you needed to know what he felt and thought, the absolute trust he was putting on you mirroing yours. it was the first time he felt sure he wouldn't be betrayed or disappointed by someone he felt he needed as much as he needed air.
"jay..." the murmured call of his name that left your lips made jason shudder and he looked up as his hands caressed your waist and stomach softly, soothing and worshipping you.
"y/n..." he whispered back, moving until his face was next to yours and he pressed a soft kiss to your temple "are you sure?" the question was soft and even if he felt like he couldn't resist it another second without feeling you around him he held back. wanting to make this as special as he could.
"i'm sure" you whispered against his jaw, lips ghosting over his skin and with that confirmation he kissed your lips firmly as he sunk into you, a slow and steady stroke to settle between your warm walls. the overwhelming feeling stronger because of all the feelings poured in your words.
a low growl escaped his throat, his face hidden against your neck as you held onto his shoulders, face nuzzled into his hair as a low and soft moan escaped your lips at the first jerk of his hips. the pace was gentle and passionate, his lips peppering your shoulders in kisses and soft nibbles as your nails drew patterns on his back.
the breathless moans and grunst filling the room slowly turned into needy whimpers and low groans as jason picked up the pace, his hands gripping your waist and even if everything got more heated there was still that look of adoration on jason as he looked down at you.
and just like before. words weren't needed, all the feelings that had been poured at the start were loud and clear in the way jason let go off your wais to hold your hands, your legs wrapped around his hips as your fingers intertwined, gasps and soft kisses between each stroke that made his hips snap against yours until your body tensed.
he looked down at you again, leaning in to press a kiss to each of your closed eyes and then on your forehead and one deep thrust made you crumble apart underneath him. your body clenching around his as you moaned loudly made jason groan "jason!" and the sound of your voice was enough, his grip on your hands tightening.
a low growl of your name was all you heard in the moment he reached his own peak, his release spilled inside you in a jerk of his hips against you and the intensity of it all made you whimper silently against his chest.
"i love you, jay..." you whispered as he released your hands, his arms moving to wrap around your waist as you hugged his neck tightly and he chuckled tenderly.
"i love you too..." he muttered. days ago he would have said he didn't had highs but he had some lows but having you was definetly a high. he belonged there, right into your arms.
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Hey, Can I make a request with a s/o teaching Shenhe, Eula, Yelan, and Arlecchino how to play video games?
(Genshin Impact) Shenhe, Eula, Yelan, Arlecchino, Furina, and Clorinde's S/O teaching them how to play video games
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Game: Animal Crossing
Shenhe has tried games like Genius Invocation TCG, but that one frustrates her more than anything.
S/O, then decided to show her a game that she for sure would enjoy: Animal Crossing!
It didn't require anything other than just a will to relax. Plus, it was just a cute way to do something together!
(Shenhe) "...Your character looks cute."
Shenhe is enraptured by the charming little animals, being fondly reminded of Cloud Retainer in a strange way.
She plays it a little bit in what free time she gets, but really enjoys it in S/O's presence. Though there is one thing that annoys her about the game.
(Shenhe) "This is the fourty-seventh time I have gotten the 'Sea Bass' today. Am I doing something wrong when I am fishing, S/O?"
Her ingame avatar has long white hair and wearing something far more cutesy and casual than her usual attire.
Part of her wondered if S/O could get her these kinds of clothes from a store so she could wear it in real life.
A/N: I've gotten more Sea bass from ocean fishing in this franchise than I've eaten bread in my life.
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Game: Monster Hunter
Eula decided to indulge S/O in trying to teach her how to play a game. After all, it was better than doing nothing.
It takes her a second to get used to the controls, but she quickly learns how to attack and dodge.
Only when the game truly begins did she realize what S/O had picked out.
(Eula) "Are you trying to tell me you'd like to go hunting for beasts with me, S/O?"
Teasing aside, Eula is a quick learner and becomes very skilled at hunting the many monsters of the game, getting weirdly competitive about it. Despite the fact there was no player versus player element at all in it.
(Eula) "HAH! I finally made the best Master Rank armor in the game! Everything we fight should be child's play!"
She also loves the cat companions that are in the game and spends a great deal of time dressing them up in cute/hilarious outfits.
Though she will enact vengeance if anyone calls her out on that.
A/N: Man I can't wait for Wilds.
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Game: Metal Gear Solid
Yelan usually rolls dice to see what her day off becomes.
And this time, it was to have S/O show her these "Video Games".
Yelan settled for some "Tactical Espionage Action" game, the irony not being lost on her at all.
She learns the controls and plays it extremely casually, being more drawn in by the absurd story and characters.
Yelan is usually laughing at the action, but still enjoying herself.
(Yelan) "Geez, is this how your world views agents, S/O? It's not nearly as cool as this game's making it out to be."
Part of her wants to try hiding in a box to see if anyone would notice, but she'd also like to still be alive and not caught.
But the temptation is always there, everytime the dice decides for her to play this game again and again...
(Yelan) "Hm...the explosions in this game are a little much, but I guess it's also not entirely inaccurate...Sometimes, anyway."
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Game: Mario Kart
Arlecchino usually passes on any offer to play a game, not because she didn't want to, but because she likes to observe.
(Arlecchino) "Let the children play first, S/O. I will join soon after."
What she usually witnesses for Mario Kart is a bloodbath.
This game brings out something in her kids that she hasn't seen before.
Even Freminent and Lynette, some of her more reserved kids, turn to something feral when playing against the others.
She's equally entertained and kind of concerned, like maybe this game wasn't healthy, but it did bring everyone closer and give the kids something fun to do.
Arlecchino decides to jump in at many kids' requests, and admittedly isn't that great at it.
But she has more satisfaction in watching the kids have fun.
That being said, there is some sadistic pleasure she has throwing the blue shell and watching whoever's in front take the brunt of it.
(Arlecchino) "Fascinating what these video games can do to children. Do you have more they can all try?"
A/N: Coconut mall is the best map, change my mind.
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Game: Subnautica
Furina is at first excited to try something new.
(Furina) "Oh, a game about the beauty of the ocean? I shall beat it no problem!"
But she didn't realize that unlike Fontaine's waters, (Which to be fair, held its own terrors), this was an alien planet's ocean.
She's jumping at every little thing, screaming as she's desperately swimming away from the tiniest fish or anything that even makes a weird noise.
That's not even to mention the Leviathans.
The first time she saw a Reaper, she immediately dropped the controller and buried her face into S/O's arms in terror, yelling out something sounding like a curse and crying.
Furina doesn't like video games anymore.
It takes something like Endless Ocean to calm her down about the waters again, thinking that every video game ocean has a Leviathan now.
A/N: For me, that game is horror until I get the Prawn Suit, then it becomes Pacific Rim as I hunt down every Reaper near the Aurora.
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Game: Baldur's Gate 3
Clorinde was intrigued by video games, but honestly wasn't too keen on the idea of trying it. It didn't seem up her alley.
Until S/O showed her a game like Tabletop Troupe, but this time without the fears of annihilating some poor Game Master's campaign.
(Clorinde) "...Do you mind if I give this game a try, S/O?"
Her expression doesn't really change as she's playing, but that's because Clorinde is really immersed in the world.
It's just a lot of fun to truly let loose and interact with the world and NPC's, no fear of dealing with any player trying to murder-hobo their way.
SHE could be the Murder-Hobo, finally. Not that she would.
She enjoys playing it in her off time, but nothing beats living players and rolling the dice herself however.
This game did give her a few ideas for some new campaigns however.
(Clorinde) "I'd be interested in seeing you play with me, S/O. What choices would you make? And by the way, in true Tabletop Troupe fashion, we're not save-scumming. Once you roll the D20, our fate is sealed."
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mxtantrights · 2 days
Jason as red hood dropping off lost animals at a shelter and being smitten by one of the volunteers?
a/n: thank you anon for sending this in I could marry you!!! love love love this idea and If you want more.. my inbox is open!! <33 I hope you like it, enjoy!!
You think you'll have a door just for him. Only he can go through it, only he would have the keys to it. And he could come by as he pleases.
It's late at night when he comes in. The bell over the front door rings out and takes you out of your late night work. You were filling up needles for the night crew and also filling out paper work from earlier in the day.
"I've got another one." he says.
You lay down the needle and jog over to the front door. Jason Todd walks in with a cat in his arms. It seems calm and unmoving. It's white fur dirty and a bit matted.
"Highway?" you ask.
You take out your flashlight and carefully look at her pupils. They dilate to the light and track it as your move it around. No signs of a concussion but a scan would really answer that question.
"Yeah, she was doing cars left and right. Didn't seem hurt but you usually do scans right?" He asks you.
You look up at him.
You nod your head, "Yeah I can do an ultra sound...do you mind staying?"
In that moment, you try to dissect the way he's looking at you. No, you didn't mean for it to come out like that. But you did mean to ask. He's the one that saved her from the highway. His presence could help her stay calm.
Jason clears his throat, "Yeah I can, I can stay. Sure."
"Okay, follow me."
The cat, who Jason is calling Ziggy, is resting peacefully in a pen on her own. You close the gate gently and lock it after. You turn and look at Jason now.
He's standing a few feet behind you with his arms crossed over his chest. A serious look on his face.
"You know sometimes, it's not always a bad story. Sometimes its a good one." you speak.
"A cat on a highway dodging cars is a good story?" he asks you.
You sigh, "I've had some come in this office with extensive injuries and they were dumped on the highway. In a bag or no bag. Just left to fend for themselves in a dangerous environment."
"How do you do it?" he asks.
"Me being here makes a difference. I'm here when someone like you shows up with an animal in need. You make a difference too Jason." you answer.
He shrugs his shoulders, "I'm just doing what I can."
"Which is more than most do. So give yourself some credit."
"I don't really do that." he says.
"Well, you keep coming around here I'll do it for you." you reply.
He doesn't really answer. He just hums a response. An approving and a quite silent hum. But a hum nonetheless. You smile at that.
You remember the first time he came here and dropped of a lost bird. He barely said more than four words to you. He told you about the bird and then he parted ways. You didn't expect to see him again but he keeps showing up.
And you want him to.
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Leah Williamson x reader
Warnings: Coming out,your first experience of jealousy
You can't pinpoint the moment you fell in love with Leah, you conclude that the feelings for your best friend's older sister have always been there just taking shape in different ways but now at the age of thirteen, you know you like Leah the same way Melia likes Chris because your heart beats faster every time you see her and your stomach feels like it drops and Ellie said that's how she feels about Tristan. 
You don't understand the importance of coming out to your family it happens one night at the dinner table as your older sisters talk about who they're going to marry you speak up from the end of the table "I'm going to marry Leah."
The clinking of forks against plates ceased. A stunned silence followed, thick enough to cut with a butter knife. You hadn't meant to blurt it out, but the conversation about future spouses, fueled by your two giggling older sisters, had gotten the better of you. Your cheeks burned hotter than the mashed potatoes swimming in gravy before you.
Melia was the first to recover. A mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. "Marry Leah, huh? How does Jacob feel about that!"
You stammered, "It's not like that! I just... I like Leah, the way you likes Chris and Ellie likes that Tristan boy." You blurted out Ellie's secret too, earning a glare from your other sister, but it didn't matter. The words were out.
The silence returned, this time a more thoughtful one. You stole a glance at your mum, who seemed to be studying you. You couldn't decipher the emotions swirling in her green eyes. your sisters, on the other hand, looked positively intrigued. Finally, your father cleared his throat, his voice kind.
"Honey, what do you mean by 'like Leah'?"
You took a deep breath. This was it. The moment you'd never prepared for. "It's... it's the same feeling you get when you really like someone. You get butterflies, your stomach does flips, and you just... want to be around them all the time." You blurted it all out, hoping they'd understand.
Your mother reached across the table and squeezed your hand. "And who makes you feel that way, sweetheart?"
You met her gaze, a mixture of fear and determination in your own eyes. "Leah."
The surprise lingered, but it was laced with a newfound understanding. Your father looked at your sisters, who finally met your gaze. A hint of a smile played on their lips.
"Well," your father said, his voice booming but gentle, "that's certainly something new. Leah, what do you say?"
All eyes are on you. The weight of the moment pressed down on you, but there was a flicker of hope in your chest. You'd confessed, and that was a victory in itself.
Your Mum took a deep breath. "Honestly? I had no idea you felt that way, Y/n," she admitted, her voice soft."Thirteen is a bit young to be talking about marriage, wouldn't you say?"
The night continues like normal and as the days, turn into weeks your sisters begin to ask about different girls you might have a crush on, yet your answer never changes "Leah." 
In the same year, you discover what love is and how Leah was the cause of it you also discover what heartbreak is and how Leah can also cause it.
You are kicking about the Williamson's back garden when you turn at the sound of Leah's laughter in the kitchen but your eyes catch her body pressed up against the counter a brunette boy leaning into her telling her things you can't hear but it must be funny with how loud she's laughing.
A jolt of jealousy shot through you like a lightning bolt. Laughter, the sound you associated with good times with Leah, now scratched at your heart. You couldn't hear what the brunette was saying, but the intimacy of their pose spoke volumes, that was how close Melia stood to Chris, Melia and Chris were dating now.
This was heartbreak, a new and unwelcome feeling. The butterflies in your stomach did a nosedive, replaced by a leaden weight. You wanted to turn and run, to hide in the familiar comfort of your room, but your feet felt glued to the spot.
Leah finally pulled away, a playful smile on her face as she brushed a stray strand of hair from her eyes. The brunette reached out, tucking it behind her ear, a gesture that felt far too intimate for your liking.
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Jacob, his gaze fixed on the scene unfolding in the kitchen window. An unknown look passed between you, Jacob didn't know about your feelings for his older sister, he didn't need to when you didn't understand your own feelings towards the older girl, but there was a silent understanding of the unfamiliar pain in your chest.
"Who's that?" you managed to croak, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jacob shook his head. "Never seen him before. New neighbor maybe?"
You watched, a silent observer to your own life, as Leah and the boy continued talking. He leaned in again, this time whispering something in her ear that made her cheeks flush red. Her laugh echoed through the kitchen once more, but this time it sounded foreign to your ears.
Anger bubbled alongside the heartbreak. You didn't have the right to be mad, not really. You hadn't confessed your feelings,  you wouldn't, out of fear that Leah would find it weird and Leah hadn't done anything wrong. But the possessiveness that comes with a budding crush reared its ugly head.
Just then, Leah turned towards the window, her eyes locking with yours. A flicker of surprise crossed her face before a warm smile spread across it. You couldn't decipher what it meant, but it was enough to break the spell that held you captive.
Taking a deep breath, you squared your shoulders. You might be heartbroken, but you wouldn't let it show. Not in front of Jacob, not in front of Leah.
"Race you to my house?" you challenged a playful grin back on your face.
Jacob's eyes widened. "You sure, Y/n?"
"Absolutely," you replied, your voice stronger than you felt. "Losers buy ice cream!"
With that, you took off towards your house, leaving a bewildered Jacob in your wake. You pumped your legs, the wind whipping through your hair, a desperate attempt to outrun the unfamiliar ache in your heart. You knew this was just the beginning. The beginning of navigating the messy, confusing world of crushes, heartbreak, and maybe, just maybe, someday, love with Leah.
That wouldn't be the first time you would have your heart broken by Leah, at the end of the year the brunette boy had been replaced by a brunette girl and for some strange reason this one hurts so much more, is it because it's a girl this time that Leah seems so enamoured with or is it their proximity on the couch during movie night, a night solely for you, Jacob and Leah only now theirs an intruder sitting in your seat. 
You spend the night staring at the pair as Leah wraps her arms around the girl pulling her closer, talking to her quietly.
As the end credits roll Jacob kicks your leg "Are you staying or you going home." You turn to look at the two older girls as Leah plays with the other girls' hair, you haven't cared to learn her name to caught up in the disgusting feelings you once again have "Yeah, can I stay." 
The resentment simmered beneath the surface like a forgotten pot on the stove. You mumbled goodnight to Leah and her friend, their intertwined forms a constant reminder of your own crush on the older girl. Back in Jacobs's room, tears welled in your eyes, blurring the image of Leah's smile in your mind. This year's heartbreak felt sharper, laced with a confusing pang of jealousy you hadn't experienced before.
Days bled into weeks, movie nights with Leah replaced by awkward silences as you tried to navigate the new dynamic. You plastered on a smile for Jacob, who shot you worried glances you pretended not to see. 
One day, while helping Jacob clean his room, you spotted a crumpled piece of paper tucked under his desk. Curiosity piqued, and you unfolded it. It was a drawing – of boxes that read tick here for yes and here for no. On top, a caption read: "Sarah I like you, will you go out with me."
A gasp escaped your lips. Jacob, the fearless, outspoken Jacob, had a crush too? Relief washed over you, warm and comforting. Maybe your feelings for Leah weren't so strange after all.
Mustering your courage, you approached Jacob after school. "Hey," you began hesitantly, "I saw that note in your room."
Jacobs's cheeks flushed crimson. "Oh! That? Uh, yeah, it's nothing."
You sat next to him on his bed. "Actually, it kind of is. You like Sarah, don't you?"
Jacob looked down at his shoes, kicking them against the wall. "Maybe. But it's stupid. What if she doesn't like me back?"
The memory of your own dinner table confession surfaced. Squeezing Jacobs's hand, you reassured him, "It's not stupid. You have to take a chance, I would if I could with Leah."
Jacob's eyes widened. "Wait, you like Leah?"
"Well, yeah," you confessed, the words tumbling out now that the dam had broken. "But it's complicated."
You poured out your heart, the confusion, the jealousy, the ever-present lump in your throat whenever Leah looked at her girlfriend. Jacob listened patiently, offering words of support and a shared secret that made the burden feel lighter.
The next few weeks were a whirlwind. Jacob confessed to Sarah, who, to your delight, reciprocated. You found solace in their budding relationship, a reminder that love, even unrequited, wasn't the end of the world. You started hanging out with the pair more, forging a deeper friendship built on shared experiences, both triumphant and heartbreaking.
One sunny afternoon, while practising your long kicks in the field behind your house, you stumbled upon Leah sitting by the wall, a familiar forlorn look on her face. Hesitantly, you approached. "Hey," you said softly.
Leah looked up, surprise flickering across her eyes before morphing into a hesitant smile. "Hey, Y/n. What are you doing here?"
You shrugged, sitting down beside her. "Just, practising."
A comfortable silence settled between you, broken only by the gurgling of the leaves. Finally, Leah spoke, her voice low. "We haven't hung out much lately."
You admitted, "Things have been... different."
Leah sighed. "Yeah, I know. I miss our movie nights."
"Me too," you confessed, then blurted out before you could overthink it, "Maybe we could have one again, just you and me?"
A flicker of hope ignited in Leah's eyes. "Really? But what about Jacob...?"
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "It's okay. He has a date with Sarah."
Leah's smile mirrored yours. "Yeah, they do."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the clearing, you and Leah settled in for a movie night, not quite the same as before, but different in a way that held a promise of something new. The ache in your heart had dulled, replaced by a quiet understanding and a newfound appreciation for the complexities of friendship, love, and the messy, beautiful journey of growing up. 
You could deal with the heartbreak that came with Leah if that meant you might get to love her fully eventually.
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The Malicious Daughter Is Back! - 9
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
Chap 1, Chap 2 , Chap 3 , Chap 4 , Chap 5 , Chap 6 , Chap 7 , Chap 8 , Chap 9 , Chap 10 , -
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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The silence and awkwardness were thick in the air. Jonathan looked at you and said, "Come with me."
You followed him to a private room. He leaned against the billiard table and crossed his arms. "Why are you doing this?"
He was actually impressed with you for having Bucky as your shield. But to take something from Victoria? It wasn't like you, since you usually chose to ignore her.
"Isn't it obvious?" you replied, standing your ground.
He smirked. The way he acted was not like a father talking to his daughter but more like a gangster addressing a subordinate.
"I'll see what you've got," Jonathan said, straightening his suit. He turned to leave the private room.
Before he opened the door, he heard you say, "I still don't understand what you see in her." Your voice was steady, but you didn't look at him.
Jonathan paused for a moment, his hand on the door handle.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He remembered the quiet days with Ophelia and you. It was peaceful but boring.
As a successful man, he wanted to face something that challenged his adrenaline. That's when he met Genevieve. She gave him something that he needed: excitement.
He admitted that he went out of control. That resulted in the death of his first wife. Ophelia's face was still engraved in his memory, especially since your face was a carbon copy of hers.
Ophelia was calm and patient but fragile. You used to act like her, too, and it scared the hell out of him. He wished you to be different from your mother.
Be careful what you wish for. Jonathan should have remembered that saying because you changed into something he couldn't control.
It was exhausting to keep you in place. So when you challenged him to leave the house, he accepted it. And he cut all your resources to see how long you would survive.
His calculations were wrong. You were so stubborn and chose to live with Cassandra, his mother-in-law. He hated that woman. She cursed him right to his face and blamed him for Ophelia's death.
Jonathan said, "I understand your hatred. But did you expect me to leave her?"
"Maybe. Perhaps one day you'll realize that your mistress is a Beelzebub," you replied.
"You're quite creative," he chuckled, then he left.
You turned around and stared at the closed door, clenching your fists. Every word that came out of his mouth made you hate him even more. Your jaw tightened, and you could feel your heart pounding with a mix of anger and frustration.
After the empty talk with your father, you went back to be with Bucky. He saw the lifeless look in your eyes. The lively you had gone quiet. The short talk with your dad had drained your spirit.
Bucky felt your despair as if you were drowning in darkness. He gently touched your arm. “Are you alright?”
You nodded. “I'm sorry I left you alone.” You felt something was missing, but also a sense of peace. Looking around, you noticed Genevieve was not here or your dad.
“She left,” Bucky said.
You raised your eyebrows. It seemed impossible, considering Genevieve loved to be the center of the party.
“I said something that hurt her feelings,” Bucky explained.
“Really?” you asked, surprised that Bucky had confronted Genevieve.
While you were talking with your dad, Genevieve had approached Bucky. “You're really nice for bringing her, but I wonder why you didn't bring Victoria with you? Since she's your fiancée.” She emphasized the word "fiancée."
Bucky was silent momentarily before responding, “I've already talked to Jonathan, and he's okay with it.”
Genevieve sneered, “I never thought a dignified man would act like this.”
“At least I didn’t destroy someone’s marriage,” Bucky retorted calmly.
Genevieve flinched. If someone else had mentioned this, she wouldn’t have been offended. But coming from someone like Bucky, someone more affluent and influential than her, brought back memories of when everyone had pointed fingers at her. She knew she had taken someone’s place—Ophelia, the true Madam Sinclair.
She huffed and left the party. That was when she saw her husband emerging from the private room.
You chuckled. All your life, you had called Genevieve a mistress, and she never budged. Instead, she would give you a look and say, “So what?” But with Bucky, she was so offended that she left the party.
Bucky recounted the exchange, and you laughed softly. “Pfft.” You couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. “All my life, I’ve called her a mistress, and she never flinched. But one word from you, and she’s out the door.”
Bucky grinned. “Sometimes, it just takes the right person to say it.”
Because of your grand entrance, everyone at the party—Celestial Enterprises employees and investors—now knew of your existence.
You were exhausted, and Bucky kindly drove you back to your place.
To be exact, a new home.
Bucky's family moved fast. They weren't kidding when they said they had prepared a reward for saving Bucky.
You walked out of the car and entered the house. The house they gave you was different from your grandmother's house. Your previous home had only two bedrooms and one bathroom, while this new house had four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The incredible thing was that Bucky had provided your grandmother with a 24/7 caretaker and had prepared the best doctor for her surgery.
When you entered the house, your grandma was awake, her bedroom door still open. It seemed she couldn’t sleep because she was in a new place. But her caretaker had done a good job of keeping Cassandra calm and not confused.
Cassandra widened her eyes when she saw you. She opened her arms. “My dear Ophelia. You look so beautiful.”
You smiled and gave her a hug. The dress you wore was designed by your grandmother. She was so talented. In her eyes right now, you were Ophelia wearing the dress.
She noticed someone standing behind you. She giggled and whispered, “You said he’s just a friend. But what is he doing here late at night?”
You blushed at her comment.
“But honey, you can’t let this go on. We’re going to meet the Sinclairs next month.” Cassandra looked at you sadly.
You were taken aback. Did this mean your mom had a boyfriend before she met your father?
You looked at Cassandra, who was already yawning and starting to feel sleepy. You didn’t dare to wake her up and ask what she meant.
Did seeing you with Bucky trigger your grandma’s memory?
The next day, inside the bedroom of a penthouse in an elite neighborhood, outfits were scattered on the floor.
“Uurgh,” Victoria groaned as she woke up with a headache. She saw her phone showing 12 p.m. Shit. She was late for the office.
She pushed away the hand, hugging her waist. “Get up.”
After the humiliation at the party, she called her friends and went wild at the club, bringing home her friend with benefits. He didn't look as good as Bucky, but at least this guy could eliminate her loneliness.
“What?” she answered the call with a raspy voice.
“Why didn’t you pick up your phone? Don’t you know we’re facing a crisis? Come to Valerie. Now!” Genevieve sounded panicked.
Victoria could feel the anxiety. Despite the painful headache, she left the bed and threw on the first outfit she saw.
What had caused her mother to be this scared?
She soon found out the answer when she arrived at the company.
You were inside her office, walking back and forth while looking at a sketchbook.
Victoria stormed into her office. “What are you doing in my office?”
You smirked, letting out a small chuckle. “Didn’t you hear? I own 40% of Valerie's shares. That gives me the freedom to go wherever I want.”
Victoria gasped. How? How could you, who had no money, worked as a teacher, and had a limited budget for your grandmother’s medicine, acquire so much money to buy 40% of the shares?
The alcohol from last night clouded her judgment. She should’ve known the answer. It was all because of Bucky.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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gffa · 3 days
I keep updating my feed to see if you have more opinions about the acolyte episode. I feel like this recent episode could’ve used a couple of your posts as reference when it comes to how the Jedi canonically go about acquiring [redacted for spoilers just in case you haven’t seen it yet]
Honestly, it felt like the show was trying really hard to portray the Jedi's methods as hinky, but couldn't actually do anything about it because of established worldbuilding. The Jedi of the High Republic have explicitly said they have to get permission from the parents. The Jedi of the prequels are explicitly shown as not adoption-hungry, the only time we see potential Jedi younglings, neither of them are taken from their parents, one says they'll be going later, one is just handed back to her mom, no indication Roo-Roo is going to be a Jedi at all. So, I think it's a weird situation, where The Acolyte is working so hard to create tension and mystery, but I'm not sure how it's going to shake out. I keep thinking of Torbin, like, yeah, what happened was a tragedy, but why was he specifically so torn up about it that he felt he had to die to obtain Mae's forgiveness? From what we saw in the episode, Mae set the fire, Mae ran off and the scaffolding fell and she was assumed dead, the Jedi never forced Osha to join them, Osha was the one who said she wanted to go. Therefore, unless the show is really, really poorly written, there has to be more to the mystery that we haven't yet unraveled. I feel like that's also influencing everything going on with the Jedi potential adoption, that this situation feels like we still don't have the full context. Why was Aniseya so worried about the Jedi finding out how the twins were conceived? Why do the Jedi care so adamantly, when we see in both the High Republic and the prequels that the Jedi live perfectly fine with other Force using traditions/cultures? Even if this coven was dark, that doesn't mean anything to the Jedi, they were perfectly well aware of the Nightsisters' existence and did nothing about it. Unless this show is extremely poorly written/ignoring top level canon, there has to be more to what was going on with the coven than we know about. Because what we see is the Jedi felt very strongly about these two girls for some reason, but they were clear that, while they had the right to test them, it still relied on the parents' permission. We see that they're pretty aware that Mae and Osha were failing on purpose--Mae can't fake her blood results, after all--and they don't push Mae, but they do gently push Osha because everything about her is straining towards wanting to be a Jedi. And EVEN THEN they just say she passed the test, it's Osha who talks to Aniseya and gets her to agree to letting her go, not the Jedi. The show's vibes kinda feel like there was pressure from the Jedi there, but the actual content of the episode is that the coven agreed to it specifically because they didn't want to attract attention, like they weren't part of the Republic, they specifically said they didn't have to agree, the others were willing to fight about it, but Aniseya was the one who said, no, let them take the test. Yeah, the Jedi are pushing for some reason, but it feels like it's not because that's how they operate in any other situations where we see them with Force-sensitive children, but because they know something specific about this situation. So, I'm fine with everything presented so far and, honestly, it was a lot more positive than I was expecting! Like, this show isn't just a big lore dump, it has a specific story to tell, you know? It's a situation that has its own unique circumstances and, sure, they were borrowing elements from other Jedi worldbuilding, but everything we saw in there was done with permission and they made a point to roll with what each girl seemed to want. Sol was so careful not to unduly pressure Osha, just ask her what she really wanted, gave her a little nudge because he could see what she wanted. They made sure it was her choice! That it was her mother's choice! How could I have asked for more than that?
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mydearesthrry · 18 hours
lover, you should’ve come over - h.s.
a/n: part 2 to casual. read here! also, this is lowkey not great cause casual wasnt supposed to be a 2 parter. but bc i love u i did it. be grateful. enjoy my babies!!!! song: lover, you should’ve come over by jeff buckley
warnings: angst, happy-ISH ending
pairing: loser doormat!y/n x harry styles
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harry: hi princess, i really miss you.
harry: i haven’t seen you since two fridays ago, where’ve you gone?
harry: text me back, please baby.
y/n: safe and alive
y/n: and i already told you, u don’t need to worry abt me
y/n: im fine
harry: i’m coming over.
y/n: har, please don’t. it’s really okay.
harry: not to me.
setting her phone down with a sigh, y/n scrubbed her hands up and down her face as she felt the beginning of a headache begin to brew at the thought of having to see harry.
after the conversation they’d had two weeks ago, harry hadn’t come over, and she hadn’t made the effort to ask him to. she reckoned that if she pulled back slowly, he wouldn’t notice.
she curses herself now for thinking that. of course he’d notice. because he’s harry.
she didn't want to have to talk about how she felt, because it meant admitting that she loved him. and she knew that wouldn't exactly fare well for her.
trying her hardest to make time pass by as slow as possible, she stepped into her bathroom, starting a bubble bath. if this was what she was going to have to deal with tonight, she might as well be comfy. harry can deal with sitting on the floor.
“princess?” she heard him call. her eyes squeezed shut as she braced herself, knowing that even seeing his face was going to viscerally affect her.
“i’m in here,” she called back, quieter than he was initially. “hi.”
“you look pretty,” was the first thing that came out of his mouth. an eye roll from y/n had him squatting down in front of her, face inches from hers. “wanna give me a kiss?”
“no, not really.” she said plainly, sinking further deeper into the water, creating distance between them. harry couldn’t see her body as it was completely concealed by the mountains of foamy bubbles.
“ouch, princess, i don’t see you f’two weeks and this is what i get? even drove over here 5 over the limit jus’ t’see you.” harry didn’t want to admit that her rejection had felt like a gunshot wound to the heart, but he’d accepted it anyway so as to not make her uncomfortable. he knew she was upset and needed to fix it. he just didn’t know why.
“i’m sure you’ve gotten plenty kisses from claire the past two weeks, hm?” she mumbled pettily, shifting her glare to the faucet in front of her.
“so that’s what this is about.”
“what’s this?” she didn't think he actually noticed.
“you being all bratty, not talking t’me, s’hurting m’feelings, my love.”
harry was surprised to hear a laugh emit from her throat. “hurting your feelings… i’m hurting your feelings? that’s rich, really, harry. even for you.”
“how do you not know that you’re making me miserable?” she whispered defeatedly and the dam broke. silent tears began to run down her cheeks, and she knew she couldn’t blame it on being sweat from the heated water. not when harry reached out to wipe them away with his calloused thumbs.
“baby- i- what?” he blubbered, shifting onto his knees to have an advantage of being closer to the tub. “what do you mean i’m making you miserable?”
“because you like playing this game with me, harry. its just so fucked up. you keep me around, kiss me, fuck me, and then treat me like i’m just one of your fucking lads, like you don’t really care. you get possessive when i talk to other guys at events, but if i get upset that you’re literally fucking another girl, i’m being sensitive, and ‘i should know by now that we aren’t exclusive.’ it feels like you don’t even want me. someone who claims to love me wouldn’t do this to me.”
a pause, a sniffle.
“you’re supposed to be my best friend, h.”
the room was eerily silent. harry’s face had gone stoic and pale. y/n sat there quietly, breath hitching with every sob she tried to stifle.
“‘m sorry,” he started.
“i’m sure you are.”
“how do i fix it?”
“i… i don’t know if you can.” she whispered honestly.
no words were shared between the two for minutes that felt stretched into hours. her fingers and toes had gotten pruny, the bubbles beginning to dissolve. she needed to get out— but she didn’t want harry to see her at her most vulnerable.
“can you please wait for me in my room?” she murmured, reaching over the lip of the tub for her towel that lay on the floor, sliding it closer to the tub.
“princess,” he said in near disbelief.
“please don’t call me that. can you please wait for me in my room?” she said ruefully, catching his eyes so he knew she was serious. she knows he would never purposely disrespect her boundaries.
harry shifted uncomfortably at y/n asking him to stop calling her ‘princess’, the name he’d crowned her with since the beginning. “erm, yeah. sorry.”
walking out of the bathroom, harry collapsed onto her bed, eyes brimming with tears as he tried to control his sporadic breathing. why did he do this to her?
“hi,” y/n said, shuffling out the bathroom a few minutes later with her hair in a small pink towel. she looked significantly calmer, more put together. “let’s talk.”
“i’m sorry-“
“no, me first, you listen,” she stated, watching as harry nodded, not caring that she’d cut him off.
“i love you. it’s not a secret that i love you, and i love you in more ways than one. i love everything about you, how kind you are, how gentle. but you aren’t really,” she paused, not knowing how to explain herself. “you aren’t really nice to me.”
"what do you mean?" he murmured, head cast downward. he reminded her of a wounded puppy. it was his fault, but she couldn't help but feel a little bad.
"i... i don't know how to put this without being the bad guy, but you're really manipulative to me. texting me when it's convenient for you, coming over when its convenient for you, all of it, harry. it's manipulative, and i don't know how to make you understand. i couldn't do it to you, even if i tried."
"why didn't you tell me?" he whispered.
"i tried. every time i tried talking about it with you, you'd shut me up with a kiss, feeding me a line, something. it was always something." she explained, a sympathetic, dulcet smile on her face.
"i didn't mean to hurt you, y/n."
she nods understandingly. she knows that he's a good person at his core. she knows his heart. "i know you didn't mean to, but you did."
"if- if it helps, and i don't know if it's gonna," harry begins, before pausing as his throat began to squeeze, his nose tingling with the onslaught of tears. "i always wanted it to be you."
are you kidding me? y/n thought, taking a deep breath to keep her composure. “if you wanted to be with me, why didn’t you just come over?”
“i don’t know what you wanted. if you still wanted me, or if you wanted to end things… i… i didn’t know. 'm sorry, baby, i'm really sorry, fuck, i really, really am. y've got t'believe me, i didn't mean to hurt yo-” he stumbles over his words, breath catching as he tries to explain himself. y/n can see the panic begin to coat his green eyes, and with throwing all logic out the window, she climbs onto his lap, holding his face in her hands.
"i know you didn't, harry, i know. that's why i'm telling you now, okay? i'm trying to help you. i want to fix this, but you need to understand how i feel too, okay?" she nods, running her thumbs up and down his cheekbones, the tips of his lashes kissing her fingertips.
“i- i can’t lose you, i can’t,” he gasped through tears, shaking his head side to side. “i’m sorry baby, i’m so, so sorry.”
“harry. look at me.” she demanded, holding his face tightly so he couldn’t move. his eyes slowly casted to her face, noting how her eyes had began to gloss over again, nose reddening with emotion. “i know you didn’t mean to hurt me. i’m not that upset anymore. you won’t lose me, but you need to see my point of view.”
“and i do— i really do, i swear. angel, i promise i see you and i hear you, i just- fuck- i don’t know how to make it better.”
“you acknowledging it makes it better. you apologizing makes it better.”
“it couldn’t possibly be enough. i- y/n, i hurt you. i made you cry, and i made you inferior. i promised myself that you would be the one person i wouldn’t ever hurt. you’re too good t’me, you’re so perfect.”
a soft smile played on y/n’s lips. “its okay, h. i forgive you.”
“you do?”
“yeah, i do. but, i don’t think i can do this with you anymore.”
“do what?”
“this, the friends with benefits agreement. it’s too hurtful for me, and if i can’t have you as a lover, i don’t think i can have you at all.”
“what? what do you mean by that?”
“i need time, h. i need space, and i need room to breathe and think. if i see you, i worry i’ll make rash decisions that’ll hurt me in the end.” she sighed, climbing off his lap as she made her decision. “if i can’t love you in the way i know you deserve, i don’t know if i can give you love at all.”
“because i don’t know how to love you without it being all consuming.”
“why don’t you let it? i still want you, y/n. i just told you that.”
“but i can’t risk getting hurt again, harry. not by you.”
“so that’s it? i can’t be your friend, i can’t be your lover?”
she sighed, clenching her teeth before swallowing thickly. “i can’t be the reason you didn’t find the love of your life.”
a pause. bated breaths. “what if its you?”
a defeated chuckle. “it can’t be. no matter how much you want it to.”
“why won’t you give us a chance!”
“how can i believe that it won’t be different than last time?!” she screamed, finally at her wits end. standing from the bed, she stood at the foot with clenched fists. “i think you should leave.”
“what? no, baby, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to upset you.”
“please leave, harry. i just need time to think, and i can’t do that if you’re here.” she pleaded. watching harry step up from her bed, she placed a hand over her mouth and followed him out the door.
“i love you, but it’s ruining my life.”
“promise me you’ll call when you’ve had time to think. promise me that you’ll call when you need me again. please, promise me you’ll call me if you want me here. i will come to you, no matter where i am.”
“i know you will, harry. i know. and i will. i promise to call you when i’m ready.”
“i love you, okay?”
“i know. goodbye, harry.”
“hello?” y/n said into the speaker of her phone.
“hi, princess. i’ll be there in 20, okay? i’ve missed you.”
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AITA for taking my dog to sniff in the grass near an apartment building?
🐶 for reference so i can come back to it
I (20) am back in my home city for the summer while i'm away from college, and i'm staying with my family which includes my dog (almost 4f) who is the love of my life. she's very sweet and cuddly around people but requires a lot of exercise and LOVES to sniff around, but we can't take her to dog parks because she was a covid puppy and was never socialized properly and thus ends up pretty aggressive towards other dogs. (this is an us problem and i am trying to work on this with her this summer).
i'm trying to reinforce some of the training i did with her before i left for college, which my family hasn't really kept up. part of this is recall training, which she always responds to if there's treats involved. i want to keep that ingrained in her in case of an emergency.
there is an apartment about a block away from my house, which has this huge lawn right next to it and a couple of benches. i never see anyone there, but it's a really nice grassy area and my dog loves to go sniffing around there. since there aren't any significant triggers for her around, usually what i do is drop the leash (i keep it connected to her) and follow her around for a bit. i also always call her back every so often and treat when she comes to reinforce her recall. it's a fun time for both of us: for her because she likes to sniff and roll around in the grass, and for me because i like spending time with her!
today we were doing what we normally do when i heard some knocking. i looked around and saw an old lady in one of the ground floor apartments knocking at me (i knew it was at me because nobody else was there). once i finally made eye contact with her, she made this aggressive pointing motion with her hand for us to go away. she kept doing that until we left (i'm super conflict-avoidant so it didn't take much).
i'm worried that i might have accidentally broken a law or something. as far as i'm aware, anyone is allowed to just go hang out there. my dad says he's seen other people and their dogs there as well, and i also know for a fact that the building is pet-friendly as there are a couple of dogs who bark from inside sometimes when my dog and i walk by (this doesn't bother her). i also am never more than 15ft away from her at any given moment, and she's very well behaved and comes when she's called. the worst she'll do is pee on the lawn or poop, in which case i'll pick it up and throw it away. i think i'm a responsible dog handler, and i don't do anything with my dog that could potentially danger her or someone else.
so AITA?
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