#but anyways thank you again and stay safe out there MWUAH
tigerzreal · 2 years
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Yoooo it’s my birth day ig!!! i’m closer to dying that’s scary. i don’t have any saved dbz art atm so take some doodles i made of me and my sister ‼️😈😈😈
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vydante · 5 years
Sleepover | Peter Parker x Stark! Male! Reader
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Peter Parker x Male! Reader - Romantic
Summary: You and Peter decide it’s time to have your own time together after being apart for so long, so what could go wrong with a simple sleepover?
A/N: They’re aged up, but that’s left vague. Around the same age. Hints of mature themes.
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If anyone knew you at face value- let's say, the paparazzi-, they'd call you cute. Charming. Hot. And crazy rich out of your mind.
You wouldn't necessarily disagree with them, but maybe that was the Stark in you speaking.
You'd flash your million dollar smile for the cameras and held a kind face. You always responded to everyone with a polite smile and casual jokes- you know, the usual.
If anyone knew you personally- let's say, The Avengers-, they'd call you aloof. Cold, uncaring. You never really molded yourself to them so often times you stayed in your own bubble while they tried to integrated you into theirs. There were a few exceptions, like your mom and dad, but even then you weren't as loving as they were to you- not directly, anyway.
But if anyone knew you romantically- let's say, your cute boyfriend Peter- he'd say you were the best thing to have ever happened to him. Always thoughtful, romantic, and gentle.
Holding his had in secret under the table, kissing him lightly all over the face when he's had a bad day, and cuddling him when they're all alone together were just some of the things you often did for Peter.
But moments like these were also a part of that as well.
"And what'd you do with them afterward?"
You were alone in your section of the Stark laboratory, absentmindedly tinkering away with your prototype nano-tech ring. It was in the current breakthroughs for nanotechnology in which you and your father had collaborated on so far.
But while you were doing this, you were also on the line with Peter- of course, not with the speaker on.
It was almost the end of the day and you hadn't seen him in a while, so these calls were more than needed for your recommended dose of Peter Parker.
"Oh, I shot my webs at him and he got stuck on the wall. Called the cops and left."
When Peter had off-handedly mentioned that he was reporting his duties as Spider-Man to The Avengers, you'd ask who it was he was telling that to. When he mentioned Happy, you instantly knew he probably sent your sweet Peter straight to voicemail- or something similar to that, anyway. So you told him to send it to you instead, and after a brief conversation with Happy- he agreed.
So ever since then, he'd always call you after his super-hero patrolling. Not once had you missed a call.
"Mmm, should've beaten him up a little more, but good job sweethear- ah!"
You hissed quietly when you accidentally pricked your fingers. You sucked on the blood but quickly let go when you heard Peter's voice.
"Hey, you okay? What happened?"
You chuckled when you heard the worry in his voice.
"You're a cutie, but don't worry, I'm good."
He whined straight in your ear; you can feel him blushing through his mask and the phone. He always told you to stop calling him pet names, but you knew by his reddened ears and his better mood afterward, he secretly enjoyed it.
"[Name], c'mon man..."
You laughed but felt a little guilty hearing him whine like that. But what you didn't hear was the doors to the lab opening.
"Sorry, my bad. But hey, on a better note, you're still on for this Saturday night right?"
You and Peter had been planning for a get-together for a while, and that weekend just so happened to be a free one for the both of you, so you took your chances and asked him to come over, which he obviously agreed to.
"Oh, yeah!"
But really, it was all an excuse to have a private 'us' time.
"Who's on for this Saturday night?"
You jumped and quickly grabbed the gun in your back pocket. Raising it and aiming it right at the voice behind you, you only saw your father standing a few feet behind you. He instantly backed away when he saw the barrel point blank.
"Wha- hey, hey, hey champ! Take it easy, I ain't gonna hurt you!"
You narrowed your eyes as you put your gun away back into your pocket. You had always carried it just in case your suit wasn't readily available. Your father breathed a breath of relief, still startled having almost been shot.
You grumbled quietly but your lips quirked up when you heard Peter's voice on the line.
"Wa-.. -ister... -ark?"
You kept your eye on your father as you pulled the phone up to your ear.
"Was that Mr. Stark?"
"Yeah, hold on."
You heard a small 'okay' coming from Peter. Bless his patient soul. You put him on hold as your father smirked at you.
You deadpanned at him.
Your father lurked around the table and picked up some of the stuff on there, pretending to be distracted.
"You know, I just came down here to tell you that we were going to have a movie night that Saturday, but you just so happen to have other plans in mind."
You rolled your eyes, thankful that you didn't have him on speaker mode.
He glanced at you then back at the Rubix cube he was holding.
"So. Date night with a girlfriend?"
You narrowed your eyes at him in confusion before realizing something you thought you did a while ago but apparently didn't.
You hadn't told him you were gay. Or that you were dating his 'intern'.
You held a neutral expression, glancing down at your phone. You might as well be honest with him. You may be aloof most of the time, though lesser to your dad since, well, he is your dad. But it wasn't as if you didn't openly talk to him.
"No, Peter and I were planning on hanging out and having a sleepover."
Well, you weren't going to be completely honest with him- who knows what kind of a meltdown he'd have if he knew what you two were really planning that night.
Kisses and cuddles, of course.
Tony's face immediately dropped and he rolled his eyes. You smirked. You grabbed the toy from his hand and set it down. You escorted him out of the lab, knowing very well he had no other reason to be in here.
You pushed him out the door, despite it being a clear glass through and through. You closed the door on him and as he watched you with a chuckle, you yelled at him just to make sure he'd hear.
"The day I get a girlfriend is the day I owe you a hug!"
You already knew that you had won that bet, granted you wouldn't really be getting anything for winning. And besides, you hugged him behind closed doors anyway, so it's really a matter of just his pride in being right.
"You know I'll win! Time's just ticking before I get that hug!"
His footsteps faded out into the hall and you waited until he was completely gone.
"Yeah, sure pops."
You rolled your eyes. You walked back to your desk and took Peter off hold.
"I'm back."
"What was that all about?"
"Ah, he just came in to tell me about movie night. I'm not going to it though. I'd rather spend it with you..."
You murmured that last part quietly, afraid that someone would hear you being so sweet to someone. You really didn't want anyone prying in on the one sliver of normalcy for you, and you wanted to spare Peter from the cruel media news outlet.
You always loved the way he said your name when you were being extra hammy with him. You cooed at him which made him laugh. You wanted to hear more, so you just made more goofy kissing noises. You both laughed as you continued on as Peter made fake sounds of disgust, his laugh music to your ears.
"Aw, who's a goochie goo? You're my goochie goo! Mwuah! Ouh wouh!"
Peter laughed even harder at how weird you sounded.
"You did not just say that out loud!"
He laughed but he stopped all of a sudden.
"Ah, shoot. Aunt May's calling- I'll call you later tonight?"
"Tonight. Get home safely, okay?"
"Okay. Bye!"
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"Are you joining us for movie night, [Name]?"
You glanced up from your phone. You were met with Steve, who stood in front of you with his hands on his hips.
"I guess dad didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
You shook your head. Your phone buzzed and seeing a new message from 'Baby Small Legs', you smiled before getting up.
"I'm not joining you guys tonight."
You rarely did join them since they do tend to hold this little holiday often. It was meant to be a time of relaxation and bonding, but for you, you just tend to stay by either your father's side or just stay in the corner quietly.
Steve's face fell in disappointment.
"How come?"
You walked backward, facing him.
"Sleepover with Peter."
Judging by his confused expression, you shrugged.
It clicked in his head who you were talking about and he smiled. You turned around and jogged towards the elevator to meet him down to the first floor.
Steve stood there for a moment. While he was a bit upset that you always somehow managed to find a way to avoid going to movie nights, he was glad that this time around was because you were hanging out with a friend.
He just didn't want you to be holed up in your lab or bedroom all night, so he made sure to remember to thank Peter for keeping [Name] company the next morning.
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"Oh, um, should I close the door or...?"
You smiled at Peter, who stood in the doorway awkwardly.
"Only if you're comfortable with it, Pete."
This wasn't exactly the first time Peter had been in your room- in fact, after you two had met during the airport battle, you two had instantly connected and often hung out and had sleepovers with each other- some times with other company as well, like Peter's friends.
But this was the first time they had a sleepover as a couple, which made Peter extremely nervous.
He thought about it for a moment before tentatively closing the door. It automatically locked itself which made Peter jump.
"Ah shoot, my bad."
You had recently asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to have a curfew on your locks; from 5 PM to 7 AM, your doors were to stay locked to everyone else but you. But after that, it would unlock and you'd have to manually lock it again. You didn't really care since you didn't have anything valuable in your room, and you trusted the Avengers to respect your privacy and knock first.
But still, the curfew lock was just for safety reasons- you just forgot to tell Peter. You reach your hand out to unlock the door but Peter's hand stops yours.
He's hesitant to touch you.
You glance at him.
Seeing his frame appear far smaller than you remembered, you let out a soft sigh at the sight with a smile. Your heart swelled even more just by looking at him.
His head is down but he looks at you from under his lashes. They're a lot longer and prettier last time you checked. His ears area cute shade of red. And so is his lips.
Ah, it got a lot warmer all of a sudden.
"It's... It's okay, yo-you can leave... Leave it like that."
You paused and smiled. You grabbed his hand that was on your forearm and kissed it gently. Placing even more kisses up his arm, to his shoulders and neck, and to his ears, you paused at his face before leaning in.
"Of course, love.."
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"That's complete bull and you know it, Peter."
The two of you had already settled down for the night. The two of you were watching a Netflix series, though it had been long forgotten by you two.
"Then explain how Link manages to go at that speed and be turned into spaghetti."
You were laid back on the bed and Peter lied next to you. His back was cuddled up against your stomach and he held your hands as you wrapped them around his body. You had him bundled in a blanket as you just had on sweats and a hoodie. You didn't really care much for the temperature but made sure Peter was nice, comfortable, and snuggle.
"Do I look like an astrophysicist to you?"
He laughed and turned to look at you with an incredulous expression.
"Literally, what does that have to do with this?!"
You shrugged and stared right back into his eyes with a wide grin.
"I don't know; I told you I'm not an astrophysicist."
You two giggled quietly before settling back down, the previous topic at hand now forgotten. Only the sounds of the TV and breathing can be heard from the room. Peter shuffled a little bit on the bed to turn around to face you.
Peter stared at you with a smile and you returned the gesture. You gently brushed away stray strands of hair on his forehead. You traced your fingers from his head down to his eyebrows, then to his cheeks.
Your fingers grazed his lips almost ghostlike, scared that if you put too much pressure he'd break like a porcelain doll. His breath hitched for a moment and parted his lips.
His eyes were almost taunting, and if [Name] didn't know Peter for who he was, [Name] would've guessed that he was trying to kill him on purpose with those eyes.
"I love you, Peter."
His eyes widened and all the color went to his face. To him, you were always blunt and he should be used to that by now, but you always managed to catch him off guard.
"I.. I love you too, [Name]..."
He was shy about it, but it just made you find him far more endearing than before.
Your finger was still on his lips, and at this point so were your eyes. Peter kept glancing between your eyes and lips too, and you two seemed to have gotten far closer than before.
Just as the tension between the two of you reached its maximum, F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice interrupted the moment.
"Sir, Mr. Stark is approaching your room."
You and Peter instantly jumped far away from each other as possible on the bed. You reached out to him just as he was about to fall off.
You managed to pull him back up before you heard knocking.
"You two better not be smooching in there!"
Your mood went from 100 to 0 instantly, and that comment didn't help.
"We were about to..."
You growled quietly, which made Peter flush and giggle. You smiled at him.
You had asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to warn you when he's coming since he always likes to mess with you, and for nights like these, she sure did come in handy.
You stood up and unlocked the door. You left a sliver of the door opened just so he wouldn't see much- just Peter lying on the bed covered in blankets, you fully dressed, and something playing on the TV.
And because you were kind of mad at him for interrupting you from mauling Peter's lips.
"You kids want anything to eat? We got a lot of food out here... And we're playing [Movie]."
Your eyes lit up slightly at the mention of that movie. It was one that you always wanted to see but just never had the time, and you were ashamed to say that you were almost tempted to take his offer.
You shook your head, not even bothering to ask Peter since you knew he'd say no anyway.
"We're good. We'll probably order something later, right Peter?"
You glanced back at him. He gave a thumbs up in the comfort of your blankets. You smiled softly.
God, he's so cute.
You turned back to Tony who gave Peter a questioning look.
"Yeah, we're good."
You slowly closed the door on him since he looked like he wanted to say something.
"You sure, spiderboy?"
Tony only heard a small 'I'm sure!' before the door fully shut. A few bolts were moved in placed and that was that the door was locked. He shrugged and went back to the main lobby where everyone else was.
You sighed roughly and looked up into the heavens. You glanced back at Peter with an apologetic look. He giggled nervously and sat up to look at you.
"You know, chances are that's probably the only time we're gonna be bothered..."
You raised an eyebrow and smirked at Peter's confused face.
"But, what if he comes back again?"
You inched closer towards him and got back on the bed. It dipped and caused Peter to slide closer towards you. He swallowed hard. You leaned over him and took off the blanket. You tossed it to the side and looked down at him with half-lidded eyes. You leaned closer to him and murmured quietly.
"He won't; trust me. Now come here and give me that face sweetheart..."
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Steve had just woken up from last night. He was on his side of the couch in a weird position and Bucky was to his left, in an equally awkward position that looked like it hurt. He sighed and stretched. It would definitely leave a weird nook in his neck, but it wasn't that bad. He looked around and saw everyone else scattered around the couches, some were even on floors. There were a few missing faces, but that was for other reasons.
He glanced over to the kitchen and furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't see a mop of [Color] hair from over the counter.
You always woke up at around this time and was already at the kitchen making coffee for everyone, which they all appreciated.
But given your lack of presence, Steve guessed you were still asleep. But he just wanted to make sure, since he can never be too cautious.
He carefully got up from his position as to not stir Bucky- he was a rather light sleeper. He then walked quietly to your hallway.
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It was already morning which meant that F.R.I.D.A.Y. had already unlocked your door as the two of you slept quietly. You were a light sleeper, and if your dad came by you'd be awakened by F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice. But...
You only programmed F.R.I.D.A.Y. to alert you of your father.
But... it was just for your father.
There was a knock at your door. Then another. And then the door cracked open.
There stood Steve, who struggled to look into the room. While some light from the outside was leaking into the room, it wasn't enough to see much.
He whispered your name a few more times but no responses. It was too quiet- he knew you were a quiet sleeper but still.
He reached around the wall next to the door before he reached a switch and turned on the lights.
He gasped.
In your room, your TV was off. There were snack bowls everywhere, but it was neat and tidy. What wasn't neat and tidy was a bunch of clothes on the ground, some your size and others too small for you to even dream about fitting into without it being uncomfortable.
On the bed laid you and Peter, who were sound asleep. You were holding Peter close to you and had your face buried in his hair, while his face was buried in your chest. You two were covered in a large blanket, so it wasn't really cold.
Steve's eyes widened as he tried to take in what it was that he was seeing. He didn't know you were... into men. And it didn't help that there were clothes all over the floor. His mind immediately went to the gutter and his face went bright pink.
He turned off the lights and quietly closed the door. He released his breath that he didn't know he was holding and tried to process what he just saw.
He walked back quietly to the main room. Everyone else was already asleep save for one person.
Tony. He was in the kitchen making a drink and saw Steve walk in with a dazed expression
"Hey, Tony. How old are [Name] and Peter?"
You woke up in a daze. Your eyes were still closed but you tried to open them. You were confused as to where you were, but remembered when you smelled something familiar.
Peter's shampoo.
You glanced at his sleeping face with furrowed eyebrows that instantly relaxed. While this wasn't a new sight, this was one that you always enjoyed.
But something still felt off.
You slowly sat up and thanked the gods that Peter wasn't a light sleeper. His arms were still cascaded around your waist and you held his hands out of instinct.
You sat there and thought for a moment.
Did someone come in here?
You would've said no, but you weren't sure. You knew there wasn't a real reason why someone would come in your room, nonetheless come in and not wake you up.
You felt conflicted but was pulled out of your thoughts when you heard F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice.
"Sir, Mr. Stark is in the Main Room. He's calling for you to come right now."
You grumbled and sighed. You felt Peter stirring beside you. You leaned down and pressed kisses into his head. His faced scrunched up but released into a relaxed expression when he opened his eyes. He gave you a dazed smile.
"Mmm... g'mornin'..."
He stretched in his spot and wrapped his hands around you. He closed his eyes again and snuggled into your side.
"What's goin' on...?"
You chuckled at him and stroked his hair gently. You scratched the back of his head in the spot that made Peter sigh with content. He leaned into your touch and was practically purring with bliss.
"Mm, nothing much. Dad just called me to see him..."
He hummed quietly. You quickly kissed him on the lips and his nose before gently nudging his arms away.
"Hey, let go baby boy, I gotta go..."
He huffed, eyes still closed. He only held you closer to him.
You sighed softly, gazing at him with fond eyes.
"You're such a brat, but you're my brat." You gave him another smooch, hoping to please his sleepy greediness, "C'mon, let go..."
It took you a few more seconds before he finally let go. He snuggled back into bed and murmured quietly. He opened his eyes slightly and with his messy bedhead, you swore you had been in front of an angel right now.
"Come back quick... 's cold..."
"Will do."
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“Ah, there he is! Boy of the hour- or should I say man instead?"
Your dad was practically over the moon when he saw your messy bedhead and sweats-only attire. Everyone else seemed like they were awake as well, and they were all gathered around the kitchen island. Some had impressed smirks, others snickered.
You looked like you had just gotten out of bed before anything else, and you'd say that was right- you did.
Which also meant that you were in no mood to joke around, especially when he has Peter waiting for him in bed.
"What now."
Your voice came out gravely as all hell; you'd even say it rivaled Thor's, who was leaning over the counter. He stood up and tossed around his ax in a playful manner.
"They say that children grow up too quickly, and I agree. Gone are the days where I saw you as a boy, now you have grown into a man."
You stared at him with blank eyes.
What the hell was he talking about?
Steve nodded, smiling with you with an expression that made you ticked off. It was a mix of both understanding and something else. Embarrassment?
"Yeah, didn't know you had the balls to do it [Name]. Congrats."
You squinted at him.
Your dad slinked an arm around your shoulders and dragged you over to the kitchen where everyone else sat around. You sat down with a tired expression and looked at Tony for an explanation.
"So. Peter, huh?"
He raised his eyebrows with a smirk.
You were quiet for a moment.
"... What about him."
You still seemed really confused and everyone could tell; after all, they knew you rarely spared ignorance.
Pietro zoomed passed you and slapped you on the back, making you hiss from the pain and cold draft he caused.
"We're talking about you bedding the spider boy, [Nickname]."
While the combination of his thick accent and him going by so fast didn't help you understand him, your eyes widened when you realized what they were talking about.
Everyone laughed when they see that you looked like a deer caught in headlights. They all cheered and whooped for what seemed to be the loss of your 'purity'. But you couldn't focus on that.
Your head snapped to Tony with fear in your eyes, and your heart sped up to the point where you felt like you were about to die. A million thoughts raced through your head, but Tony seemed to get it instantly. He side-hugged you and leaned in your ears so that no one else would hear.
"Don't worry, you'll always be my son, [Name]. I'll always support you, got it champ? Never will I stop loving you, even if you are dating my intern."
He winked at you and you felt your heart try to calm down after doing a thousand summersaults. You smiled nervously at him, hands kind of shaking from this.
While you wish you hadn't come out to him like this, you were happy they didn't think any less of you for it.
"Thanks, dad..."
Your voice was shaking as you said it. It wasn't obvious, but it was there and it made your father's eyes soften.
He leaned in again.
"Though you made that bet knowing I'd lose. How cruel...!"
You stifled a laugh when he mentioned that bet. You felt a huge weight being lifted from your shoulders as you laughed with him and everyone else. But then something came to mind.
"Wait, who said I had sex with him? We didn't do that."
Everyone went quiet. All of their eyes gravitated towards Steve, who had a puzzled expression.
"But I saw all of the clothes on the ground? And those hickeys?"
All of the attention was suddenly brought back to you as they all started with intensity at your lightly bruised neck.
"Holy shit, he's right."
Sam laughed out loud. Bucky whistled loudly, which prompted a dirty look from you. You looked back at Steve who was mildly blushing for pointing out something private about you.
"You were the one who came into my room? Why? You know what, I don't wanna know," you raised your hand to stop him from answering.
Thor tilted his head in confusion.
"Then pray tell why clothes were strewn about on the floor [Name]?"
You thought about it for a moment. Neither of you were naked in bed, in fact. But then you remembered and laughed.
"Yeah, those were Peter's clothes. We were about to sleep, but he forgot to bring PJs so I let him borrow my clothes."
Granted, he only took an oversized shirt and some briefs which were scandalous in itself, but you'd be damned if you told them that.
That was your dirty little secret, and you intended for it to stay that way.
"Aside from that, only hickeys. Nothing below the waist."
You, however, weren't ashamed to say that some things for sure heated up a bit too much, but that didn't lead to anything more.
There was a series of disappointed 'aw's and tongue clickings from the group. You rolled your eyes at how childish they were being but stood up from your spot.
"Anyways, sorry but I've yet to become a 'man'." You eyed Thor, who sent you a knowing smile back.
'With Peter, anyways, but that was something I was NOT proud of. Besides, it's all in the distant past,'  you thought to yourself.
"See you later."
There was a chorus of goodbyes from them as you walked away and back to your bedroom.
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You went in and shut the door. You saw Peter's head pop up from the blankets. He smiled at the sight of you- and your bare chest.
You got back into bed and sighed at how warm it was.
"Woah, you're really cold..."
Nonetheless, Peter instantly snuggled up against you as you did the same. By now, Peter was probably wide awake already, but that didn't mean they'd have to get up right now.
"What he'd need you for?"
You glanced down at him and stroked his hair.
Should you lie to him? No, it'd make you feel awful to lie to someone as sweet as him, even if it was to spare him from the embarrassment you had to go through. But if you told him right now, he'd probably shrivel up in your bed and never leave your room...
Not that you minded.
But you'd rather just savor this moment of serenity between the two of you than ruin it. So you held him closer to you as Peter sighed happily. You kissed the top of his head and cooed.
"Mmm, I'll tell you later. Just stay here with me for a little longer... We got the whole day to ourselves, after all..."
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yeonjuins · 2 years
HI!! ♡︎♡︎♡︎♡︎ I actually feel pretty good about it!! My professor said he’ll try to get it graded by Monday so fingers crossed!! KSKS
but no it’s okay I get and I see that you’ve been having problems with your sleep schedule so no worries ♡︎♡︎ Aw man :( I hate that for you,, I want you to get a good nights sleep 😤😤 (goes to google solutions SKSKS)
I definitely understand that!!
tyyy and sameee but it surprising died down as the night went on and it’s been sunny and pretty but it’s gonna start raining again soon and ohh man that’s really crazy,, you stay safe out there too ♡︎
Oohh what kind of project is it? (If you don’t mind me asking) but I definitely understand that,, I’ve been half assing my assignments lately and just been accepting my fate KAKSKS BUT my motivation is back!! anywaysss I’m glad this one is going better for you ♡︎ and if it didn’t hurt your grade too bad then you shouldn’t worry but it’s okay to worry but you can do it!! (•̀ᴗ•́)و
journal anonnie would be cute SKKS but thank you for sharing that with me ♡︎♡︎
also also I wanted you know that apple music gave me a playlist of the 100 songs I’ve played the most this year already (idk why) and Rube is at #3 and Honey Bee is at #18 (I saw it and was like Woo would be proud hehe)
(lengthy response!)
YAYAYA hoping the results are satisfactory my love <3 mwuah i have a meeting today with my employer and my internship teacher thingy and i'm kinda nervous PAHAHHA hoping that my employer thinks i've been doing okay so far at my internship... definitely feel like i have so much room for improvement so i really don't know how he's perceiving me and my work right now ;; today will be the day we figure out... !!
I SLEPT AT A NORMAL TIME FOR THE PAST TWO DAYS ASDIOJAWK i slept around like 1am...? 2am max BUT this time it's more like i'm acc falling asleep and not uh <3 heading to bed at that time <3 + since it's the weekend too i got to sleep in... i work on the weekends and weekend shifts are usually quite busy so i get super tired after my shifts so my sleep schedule is always normal on those dates </3 hoping i can keep it up and not nap in this library rn ASHDOJLKMAW
it's a 3d render i'm doing on blender !! i made my fos edit primarily with it and now i'm taking another jab at it but for my media project instead (": how do i describe it... it's like a 3d render of an animated mask growing out of a statue... and then as the video zooms out you'll see chains wrapped around the statue and they will slowly begin to move/rotate around (very ..w hats the words.. grandiose...??????????????????????// i have no clue LOL)
definitely ran into a lot of problems that had such simple ! fucking ! solutions !!!! but it makes for a good write up at the end anyways so oh well (":
it rlly doesn't hurt my grade too bad but i'm just hoping that this next one will get my grade to where i want it to be ;;
RUBE AT NUMBER 3 ASHUDJKLNW SOOO FUCKING TRUE i rmbr seeing this ask a while ago and being like <3 and i listened to rube as a result hehe
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