#but as someone who always plays mages it always felt a little... unkind i guess
crossdressingdeath · 2 years
The Dark Ritual just hits different if you're playing Surana or Amell and he's the one to do it. Because like... Circle mages routinely have their children stolen from them. That's common practice. And this isn't exactly the same, but at the same time... imagine what it would be like to finally get out of the Circle and have a chance to build a home and a life and a family, and then this child is dangled in front of you, and you never even considered that possibility, and you can even justify it to get the whispers of the Chantry's teachings out of your head, and then you're told that you will never know your child. Part of the deal is you won't know them and you won't try to and the Warden accepts that but it must still sting. I wish there was an additional dialogue option for Surana/Amell when Morrigan makes it clear that he doesn't get a part in his kid's life to say "That was all I was ever going to get anyway". At least this way he knows his child is free and reasonably safe, which is more than he would ever have had if he'd had a child in the Circle.
Anyway my headcanon will always be that a high approval unromanced (and romanced, basically just even if he doesn't follow her through the eluvian and meet Kieran in Witch Hunt) Morrigan who did the ritual with the Warden eventually cracks and introduces Kieran to his father, because the Warden is a good man and quite possibly her best friend and he and Kieran deserve to decide for themselves if they want any sort of relationship.
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coeurvrai · 5 years
We are on Chapter Eighteen and that means it’s a Nadya chapter. We begin with a quote from the Codex of the Divine.
Vaclav is rarely seen, rarely heard, and rarely worshiped. Dark forests and darker monsters heed his calls. His lands are vast and ancient and deadly and he is not kind. Truth is never kind.
What? If he’s so scary and unkind, wouldn’t that incentivise people more to worship him, especially since a shit ton of Kalyazin IS forests and woods? Especially since he’s the only nature deity mentioned of the 16 out of 20 named deities. And if he controls such “dark monsters” such as the Leshy, then why wouldn’t a lot of people worship him to not get fucked over? I literally don’t understand.
Also if I was Kalyazi and had a god of truth on my hands, I would worship him more because that seems handy. RIP to Nadya but I’m different.
So they arrive at the border between Kalyazin and Tranavia, which is some sort of... encampment? Wall? Not sure. After discussing their readily discussed plan, they put it into work. Malachiasz, wearing a military jacket, shows off some pins that are supposed to mean something. He explains away why there’s no other soldiers with him and who Parijahan, Rashid, and Nadya are.
Malachiasz fucks off to do some bureaucracy bullshit or something with the soldiers but after a while returns.
Eventually Malachiasz stepped out of the cabin, his face pale. 
But Malachiasz is already pale enough as is, he doesn’t need to become more pale! Soon enough he’ll be translucent lol
Malachiasz grabbed Nadya’s wrist and pulled her away from the camp. She let him, fully aware it was all part of the show but also that he was clearly enjoying it.
Neither of them had addressed what had passed between them in the clearing. She didn’t think they ever would. She just tried to ignore the stutter in her heart that was intrinsically tied to his hand around her wrist.
Which incident? The one where you checked him out before realising that you could be checking out a dead body because you hadn’t immediately thought to check if he was breathing or not? The one where you apparently accepted that Malachiasz was a real boy despite being a “heretic” and an “abomination”? The one where he flirted with you and touched your hair? The one where you were doing that thing while cleaning the shrine?
Like be specific here, Nadya, I don’t know what particular bullshit needs to apparently be addressed between the two of you, because there’s been a lot of it.
Also that was really easy, for all their apparent panicking and insistent discussions about getting her Tranavian right and having a Kalyazi accent and shit. Also, how are they going to forge the papers that Nadya apparently needs for Tranavia? What papers do they need? They haven’t addressed that whatsoever, but Rashid volunteered to do it and I remember that.
Nadya comments that Tranavia was beautiful and says it’s not what she expected. Trust me, it’s apparently all smog and swamps. Although does Nadya not know what Tranavia is like? Like what does Nadya actually know about Tranavia besides blood magic and every Tranavian are “heretics”?
“It hasn’t been particularly kind to me,” he said. “But Tranavia is home. It’s wild and vibrant and tenacious. Its people are bullheaded and innovative.” He glanced at her. “I’ll save it from destruction.”
It was something they had in common—though she felt a pang of guilt because her actions would lead to Tranavia’s fall. Her gods wanted it punished for its heresy and she would see that done. Even if it put her at odds with this strange, beautiful boy. But she could see he cared, deeply, the same way she cared for Kalyazin, and she could respect that.
And yet I still refer to him as a “heretic” and an “abomination” and a “monster” because god forbid there be an actual empathy and understanding between them or for Tranavia that isn’t merely in service of trying to push them together as a couple. Also Nadya still isn’t like “wait, blood magic is woven into the fabric of their society and removing it would be violent and intrusive and a horrible thing to do because I’d be removing their way of life” in terms of her whole “I will destroy Tranavia!”.
And like, ED, how am I supposed to believe that Nadya chooses understanding and empathy over revenge, unlike so many “burn it down” heroines if she’s literally basically unchanged in her perspective and biases and xenophobia more than half way through the book? (We’re 200 pages in, guys!)
Like it’s one thing for it to be slow burn development, but there’s no actual character development for her to be seen.
Malachiasz hands her a spell book, saying that she needs to appear like a “competent blood mage” and he can’t be carrying it around. I don’t know why, what’s the difference between competent and sub par blood mages like King Isak Meleski? Does it matter that she, specifically, is a competent blood mage?
“I’ll have to tear through it without using the spells,” she said. While ruining a blood mage’s spell book had always been a private goal for her, she would have preferred it not be his.
He tapped his temple. “They’re my spells. I can rewrite them anytime.”
Yet again, unexplained about the whole “I write my own spells” thing and what that exactly entails or is different to the average blood mage’s spell book? Does he invent his own spells like Snape? Like what is the big fucking deal?
Also, Nadya, that’s pretty obvious considering you don’t want to commit heresy.
“I will remain nearby,” he said. He frowned and it furrowed the tattoos at his forehead. “It would not be uncommon for a slavhka to travel with a blood mage acting as their guard. It won’t necessarily give me optimal reach of the palace, but I can certainly make do.”
Nadya pursed her lips. That was a sound part for him to play and she found she had no arguments.
Malachiasz’s plan apparently involves not going into the palace and lurking about nearby, which sounds utterly convoluted. Like if Nadya is supposed to be acting as a noble lady, under the alias Józefina, then why can’t Malachiasz hang around if he could pose as her guard? Are they worried about him being found out by the Vultures? But I thought the protection magic Veceslav placed on him is supposed to “shield him from his enemies”, including apparently the Vultures?
“I’ve never had someone worry about me before,” Malachiasz mused.
Nadya contemplated pitching herself into the water.
“Well, don’t look to me to be the first,” she replied.
He smiled. The breeze caught his hair, sending it out like tendrils of black smoke through the air.
*roll eyes*
Also I guess Parijahan and Rashid are just nothing, huh? Their worry and concern as your companions and supposed friends are worthless, hm?
Malachiasz starts talking a little bit more about the Rawalyk and they both agree there’s nothing more they can do at the moment.
Nadya was, for all intents and purposes, ready. She wished she felt it.
... are you, though? Cause from what we’ve told, I would objectively say you’re not and would side eye you if you did feel prepared.
“You have to trust me,” Malachiasz said. “Once we get inside, the moment where we can get close enough to strike will present itself. We’ve come this far, getting into Tranavia was half the battle.”
She didn’t want to trust him. Especially not after seeing him for what he was.
HAHA, trust you?! I mean, for all of Nadya’s xenophobia and my condemnation of it, I certainly wouldn’t trust you. You don’t explain shit half of the time, we still don’t know how or what you specifically use Nadya’s blood for, you’re a shiftier version of an Ironteeth witch and I’m pretty sure you’re the Black Vulture.
You’re the villain. But no, yeah, you’re totally a trustworthy person.
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junkyardlynx · 5 years
Pt. 13
The presence made no attempt to disguise itself, nor it’s...gentle rankling of hostility. It trampled through the fallen leaves and branches of the woods, birds scattering in it’s wake. The our visitor was loud, obvious, and it seemed like they were none-too-pleased to be there. I briefly wondered what they could be so agitated about as I buried my head against Sarisa’s warm stomach. 
“You really think you should keep your face right there?” She asked, even as she continued to play with my hair.
“I really doubt they’re coming to fight if they’re being so loud about it.” 
I had almost pulled my head away from her when the flimsy plywood door flung open with such force that it actually agitated me, so I stubbornly remained. Why do people feel the need to slam doors? Can you just act like a person? It’s not that hard. It’s actually easier than slamming it, because you use less force.
“Your friend is struggling to maintain control of his own begotten flesh and the two of you remain locked in an embrace as the morning turns to afternoon. Why did I bother with this fool’s errand?”
The voice that addressed us was dripping with venom. Muffled slightly through a mask, it was feminine, with a touch of gruffness that coloured it’s fanciful speech. Sarisa tapped the back of my neck and I lazily pulled my head away from her stomach, every cell in my body still screaming for rest. I waved my hand dismissively as I went to turn my head. When I saw who it was, I smiled. This was rich, honestly. 
“Hey, it’s you. How’s the jaw? I really thought you’d get cold feet when it came to hunting Jeal down again.” 
I laughed in spite of myself at Sarisa’s comment, then shook my head. I could feel the visitor’s glare as a physical force. 
“Sorry. I assume you’re here to disturb our recuperation for some actual reason? Given the overall lack of anything approaching stealth.”
“It should be obvious, given my opening statement. Did you not come to this dilapidated observatory platform in search of your friend Thomas? No wonder he trusted you so little.”
I had taken the situation easy at first, but the remark about Thomas and trust ignited something in my belly that I couldn’t ignore. I forced a laugh as I stood up, using the flat of my palm to crack my neck and jaw. It was meant both as a show of intimidation and a way to loosen myself up. 
“I see. Well, you’re certainly right. We certainly were locked in an embrace, as you put it.”
Most of my mana was depleted and the air was thick with a sort of stillness. We’d burned up all the latent mana, commonly known as aether, in the area with our big stupid battle.  Still, there was something that a lack of magic couldn’t take away from me.
The body I’d built to handle it all.
I shot forward, shirt open and trailing behind me. My right leg shot up, aimed at her head, but it was pushed away by her crossed arms. The mere act of being deflected caused my the wound on my side to scream in pain, the scabbing flesh twisting and pulling itself open to acquiesce my desire to move. I didn’t care.
“Fool! Why do you resort to violen-”
I dropped low, aiming a sweeping kick at her legs with my left that she barely manged to jump over. 
I was angry. Ever since last night, when I lost myself against Amduisas, I couldn’t control it. It raged in me, burned in me, chilled me to the core. It felt like my anger wasn’t in my control, wasn’t even mine, but it used me. Like it was the anger of something far older and far colder. My body was aching to move, to fight, to kill. Something in my blood. There was something in my blood.
I don’t know what it was, honestly. Maybe everything about her infuriated me. I had pieced together what had happened, that she was the one that told Thomas everything. That got him wrapped up in this big, huge mess. For her to come in, break Thomas’ heart with an inconvenient truth, turn him against us and then talk about trust? Hypocritical. Unforgivable.
“Do you know what I just finished doing, you oni-wannabe?”
My voice was oddly cool as I twisted the motion of a sweeping kick into a rising one, left leg shooting up towards her mask. She pulled back skillfully, but not entirely quickly enough. The tip of my foot caught the bottom of her mask, pulling it up. Guiding myself into the air with the momentum of my kick, I returned to a standing position. I heaved a few breaths, my tattered and bloodstained rag of a shirt swaying lazily in the slight breeze coming through the open door. Sarisa made no move to stop me.
“I just slew a Duke of Hell. I just transmuted my own flesh to make up for a mistake I made in that fight. I think I deserve a little rest before cleaning up the rest of your FUCKING mess!”
The unmasked visitor regarded me stoically. No emotion or thought betrayed her stony countenance, but some personal war was being waged behind those dark eyes. Feeling unkind and not in any sort of mood to offer a chance at personal reflection, I flew forward with a straight right jab, bereft of technique. It struck the sheet metal beside her face, opening the laughably weak material up to the outside world. 
“I think that about pays you back for last time. Doesn’t feel great to be attacked for no real reason, huh? You sword-wielding maniac.” 
I pulled my hand back through the thin wall and turned around, taking a step towards Sarisa.
“...You are correct.”
I stopped. The validation wasn’t really validating at all, strangely. It deflated my righteous anger. She continued to speak, this time at length as I turned around.
“This mess is of my own making. I miscalculated. I, and my superiors, failed to properly assess the situation. At the time I engaged you, you seemed to be a threat we could not ignore. Your intentions were unclear and your training was harsh from what we had observed. Your foreign blood awakening in the Russian mountains at the mere age of thirteen was our major concern. We acted under this knowledge while failing to realize that the mere fact of your birth had already broken the Seal. For this, I apologize.”
Her words left me moderately baffled, but Sarisa spoke first. I took the moment to rein myself in, quashing that mounting fury in my bones.
“Wait, what’s this “blood awakening” thing? Jeal, what happened on that trip?”
I honestly didn’t know myself, so I shrugged.
“My sorcerer’s blood, I guess? I dunno. I guess I never told you about it, but I had to defend myself in the Urals and...that’s when I took my first life. Mage hunters like our friend here tend to be sensitive about that stuff.”
The visitor laughed, clear and ringing. She found something hilarious. It vexed me.
“Ah, you really are unaware. For someone so sharp, you sure can be dense when you wish it. Jeal, you are not entirely human and I am not a simple hunter of magi.”
She approached me slowly, drawing a blade from her hip. She held both hands up, her right hand clutching what looked to be a red letter opener. Two steps away from me, she motioned for me to stick out my arm. I rolled my eyes, but offered my right arm.
She nicked the vein with the red, red blade.
The blood that dribbled out froze as it came in contact with that peculiar knife. 
“I am Fujiwara, onmyouji and descendant of Abe no Seimei. My selfsame clam hunts what you might call Japan-native demons, or fiends. You carry the blood of a particularly dangerous Yuki-onna from the Aomori province. It is clear you have no control over it, but the fact remains as you tremble with the desire to remove that which vexes you.”
“Guess my dad left out a few details about how he met my mom.” 
My own voice was weak. My anger was gone, and confusion seemed to wash over me. I took a seat by Sarisa on the table, who seemed to be regarding me with a mix of similar confusion, worry, and slight wonder.
“Now that we’ve all had a chance to poke and prod each other, uh, maybe we should. We should talk about the elephant in the room. Not Satsuki, Jeal. It’s Thomas. I’m talking about Thomas.” 
Sarisa broke the awkward silence as I pulled into myself, assessing what I knew. My mom was apparently some super-popular Japanese snow spirit? I thought she was just a mage like dad, which is why she lived so long. Didn’t really take into account any of the little details like the stories and folklore she shared, or the fact that she always complained about the heat. She was just my mom. 
I sat there in a daze, legs swinging from the desk a little until Sarisa prodded me into the conversation. I felt strangely anxious, filled with restless and aimless desire.
“Jeal, Fuji says she has information on where Thomas is.”
“What? Oh, cool. Wait, what?”
“Thomas was moved from this location a scant few hours before your encounter with the Duke. It seems as though he was brought back into town. To the school, more accurately. There’s something you should know, though.”
Her words kinda made me slap myself in the face. What an obvious place to take him. I guess I didn’t expect it because hey, who’s gonna bring someone to the most obvious place ever after engineering a plan like this?
“Jeal, Fuji says the town is gone.”
“Rissa, you just said they brought him back there.”
“The buildings remain, and even some of the people. However, that place is not meant for the living now. I imagine this ritual was decades in the making.”
The intentionally obscure phrasing of her words was agitating me, like almost everything about her. However, Fujiwara seemed to be our ally for now, so I grit my teeth and asked what I already knew, somewhere in my breaking heart.
“What. Happened?”
“The town has been sacrificed, for lack of a better phrase. A boundary rift has been deployed, and demons walk the streets, hunting down those that remain. Your own house lies dormant and empty. I looked when escaping, and seems that your casting of Xyir managed to give your parents enough time to flee themselves. Selfish to their own ends, I imagine.”
My head pulsed terribly. A headache hatched from all the anger, beating in my temples, and I grit my teeth hard enough to crack them. I wanted to lash out in this anger, berate her for talking ill of my parents, ask her why she did nothing to save the town. I knew that my mom and dad escaped to live another day, escaped to fight another day. I knew that coming to us for help instead of attempting to do everything alone was the right choice on Fujiwara’s part, but I still choked on that fury. I felt the blood in my veins turn to slush, barely chugging through my arteries as I struggled to contain my emotions.
Turns out the kind of people who would bring their sacrificial lamb back to the most obvious place were the kind that would turn a town into a living hell. That was fine. I’d send them to a real kind of hell. Something in my body, in my bones, in my frantic blood ached for release. Something cold and ancient.
“Let’s go.”
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veridium · 6 years
OC Interview Meme
I have been tagged by @dickeybbqpit to do this wonderful interview, this time I will be doing it for everyone’s favorite petite, sweet badass, Olivia!
I am tagging @orlesianbard, @wardenofmyheart, and @ladylike-foxes but if you have already done one already I’m sorry! whoops!
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This is an UNNOFFICIAL face-claim that I am having stand-in for an image since I do not have access to playing DA:I right now in order to craft her character!
1. What is your name?
Well, that would be Olivia. 
2. What is your real name?
...Olivia? Oh, I’m so silly, you’re probably suggesting my full name. That would be Olivia Berenice Sinclair. 
3. Do you know why you were called that?
My father got to choose my first name, but my mother insisted that ‘Berenice’ be put in somewhere. It’s funny to think I was almost a Berenice, actually! I wonder what my nicknames would be? Hm. Well, my name also means ‘peaceful victory,’ which is a testament to my father’s virtues. If only he knew who he was naming.
4. Are you single or taken?
Oh my goodness, *laughs* how hilarious would it be if I were to tell you I had no sweetheart, if Cassandra heard? She would be so bothered. But, I suppose that means I should say I am happily in love with someone. A certain Seeker who looks very attractive when she’s sparring, and filing reports, and...well, most everything she does. 
5. Have any abilities or powers? Besides the power of persuasion? Oh yes, silly, I am a Mage. I did not develop any particular elemental abilities when I was in the Circle -- I preferred Apothecary and Natural sciences. I can make most anything blow to smithereens, or turn to mush, or chemically break down. That is a hard-won skill, I must say. The construction personnel here are not particularly fond of me, now. 
7. What’s your eye color?
They are a light hazel, though the Seeker insists they are honey-gold. Oh, whoops, *giggles* should I have not said that? Does that complicate her tough persona?
8. How about your hair color?
Blonde, like my father’s. It was very fair when I was small, but gradually it’s turned darker.
9. Have you any family members?
Hm, well, yes. My father passed many years ago, but I imagine my mother is still alive and well -- I would have received a letter dictating the contrary otherwise. She lives on our small estate in the northeastern countryside of Orlais. Then there are my relations on either side of my family tree, though I was never very close with them. My cousin was the only one I had contact with, and she has recently passed. 
10. Oh? What about pets?
Oh, no no, not for me. I could scarcely find the time! I like going for walks out on the trails and watching the wildlife just fine. I don’t need any other tasks to manage. Although, I must say, it would be adorable to have Cassandra be around a puppy, don’t you think?
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
Oh, my, well. That would be...hm. Men who think they know more than me because they see I am pretty, and petite, and kind. Most Orlesian food, besides those little chocolate pastries, uh, I can’t remember the name. The Ambassador would know. 
Other than that, I suppose unkind people? I really don’t pick things to dislike in my life, they find me. 
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
Making explosive substances is always riveting. But, when I’m not hard at work, I enjoy bathing with candles, reading, walking around the fortress...sometimes, I sit by the fire with Varric and he tells me about his writing. Don’t tell Cassandra, but I know what happens in the next book of Swords & Shields.
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
Yes, yes, but is that really a rarity around here? I can’t find a person who is a tried and true pacifist. Also, if you have done the work I’ve done, and made end’s meat like I have had to, you find nonviolence to be an impossibility. 
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
15. What kind of animal are you?
Animal? I could tell you the human speciation term, if that is what you are referring to. But, I am confused as to what you are referring to other than that. 
16. Name your worst habits.
Oh, drats. I’m a terrible workaholic. Really, I could spend overnight hours here in the tower if I get a project that I an enthusiastic about. I am also very silly and clumsy, I’m afraid. If it isn’t precise measurements or recipes, I tend to knock into things or stumble. 
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Plenty of people! My friends, Veronica, Naomi, and Theia, the Inquisitor. They are strong and wonderful souls, and I am so blessed to have them in my life. Cassandra, because she is so brilliant and just...well, just amazing. Vivienne, because she is so endlessly confident in herself. Dorian, because his humor is wonderful and he is terribly intelligent. 
I suppose the better question would be who I don’t admire!
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
Hm. I love people, I do, but...I would be content never knowing the attention of a man ever again. With Cassandra I feel as though that is no longer a concern, but, I would say I prefer women.
19. Do you go to school?
Yes, I was a very attentive scholar. My mother sent me to school in the Capitol when I was of age, and before that I was tutored. I showed great promise in the performing arts, so when I got a bit older my schooling was focused on those talents most of all.
Truth be told, I consider my time in the Circle the most educationally nourishing time of my life. It was where I found something I was passionate about, and now I am here serving the Inquisition with all that I learned. 
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Marriage was one of the first virtues ever instilled in me, so I...hm, I really don’t know if I have an objective taste for it! I think if the conditions were right, and I felt like I wasn’t giving up a life I wanted to lead, it would be something I would consider. 
Children...children, I don’t know. I don’t believe I learned from the right person how to mother, and thus I am not confident motherhood is my fate. There is so much of this world to see, and so much to do, besides be a mother. I could easily spend the rest of my days finding out what all those things are, and not bring a child into this world. 
*Laughter* I just imagined what it would be like to proposition Cassandra about parenthood and just the image of her complexion turning to snow, it’s priceless! I may have to steal that question. 
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
Besides the children that insist I be their best friend, I suppose not. I am a controversial person here, I believe. A former harlot and Circle Mage, who has no ensnared the heart of one of the most faithful Chantry figures who could be the next Divine? That does not exactly make me the world’s favorite person. 
Surely, I don’t see why not, though. I consider myself a splendid person. 
22. What are you most afraid of?
Veronica and Theia when they get into arguments. Naomi and I have to almost threaten freezing them to opposite walls in order to get them to cease. Other than that, I don’t have any real fears.
...Okay, well, my dreams would suggest otherwise, but I am not defined by my trauma as a Mage. I believe fears to be unexplored understandings.
23. What do you usually wear?
I have a couple dresses that are simple and practical, that I wear day-to-day. When I travel, it is typically to the Capitol, so I wear more fitted and formal attire. But, for all other excursions, I prefer a light patented armor I had specifically made for me. It is nimble, flexible, and sturdy -- and I must say, makes my butt end look positively delectable. 
Nothing beats a masterful seamstress. Absolutely nothing!
24. Do you love someone?
Yes, I love many people! Well, alright, I struggled with romantic love for a long time. I had signed myself away to a life of no real romance, and no true love, to protect myself. I felt calloused from my upbringing along with my experiences as a rogue harlot. 
Now, though? Love has been redefined for me, and I intend on exploring its depths for as long as I can. It helps to have someone who inspires such a new direction in your life. 
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
Oh, never! Never, ever, surely. How could you ask such a silly thing? *Giggles.*
Although, on many an occasion, I have stained my dresses in such a way where it looks like I had an accident. Those always make Cassandra chuckle when I come back from the tower. 
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
What fun this has been, I’ve never been interviewed about my life in such a way before!
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
Well, being a Mage, I am pretty nomadic in life. But, I was born into a comfortable gentry life with my family, so, I could say I’ve experienced multiple areas of class in my short life. I don’t need wealth, though, as much as I have depended on its proximity. I like a quiet life where I can do what I want to do.
28. How many friends do you have?
Oh, many! Many dear friends in my life, whom I adore. There’s the girls, and then some of the allies in the Inquisition -- have you by chance met Cole? He’s such a dear. Ambassador Montilyet and I have much in common. Vivienne and I have struck a good reporte as well. 
Friends are wonderful, and I am fortunate to have them in this stressful and uncertain time. 
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
Oh! My goodness, you reminded me that tonight there is to be thindleberry pie in the kitchens. I have to bring several spices for it before dusk hits, or else it’ll be terribly bland. 
Pie? Pie is delicious. The crust bottom is the best part. 
30. Favourite drink?
Honeyed tea, just warm enough to make my tongue tingle!
31. What’s your favourite place?
Somewhere in the countryside with pastureland and woodlands. Oh, and anywhere the Seeker is. *giggles*
32. Are you interested in someone?
Yes, of course. I am interested in you, for example. Where did you come from, and why did you search me out of all people?
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
*Giggles* Precisely one-Seeker’s-hand’s worth. 
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Lake, because that would suggest there is lush land around it, and I love valleys and meadows where there are flowers and trees to enjoy. 
35. What’s your type?
Someone honorable, who is passionate about what they do! I cannot be with anyone who is apathetic or uninterested in life’s intricacies. Someone who is kindhearted and has respectable virtues. Someone who loves to be impulsive and silly sometimes! There has to be sweetness to balance out life’s bitterness. 
Oh, and I have to say, if they have dark hair and battle scars, that also melts my lard, if you know what I mean. 
36. Any fetishes?
*Laughs* No! I don’t need them to be creative. 
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
I prefer the term “Persuasive.” But also, I’m afraid I’m far too flexible and nimble to simply remain on a pillow. I have talents, and just because I’m no longer utilizing them to survive, doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy partaking in them. 
Plus, it is thrilling to find out what makes someone with an assertive and dominant personality feel more...comfortable. *giggles*
38. Camping or indoors?
Camping, certainly! And with those wonderful fleece blankets that come out of the Hinterlands? Agh, there is nothing more beautifully engrossing. 
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
I mean, no, but I do have a kettle of jasper elixir on the fire and it is temperamental once it gets to a certain temperature. Oh, I should show you what it is when we are done here! It turns water into....well, you’ll see!
40. Now it’s over!
Oh, splendid! Let’s go, I have much to show you!
Thank you again for tagging me!
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