#but being able to go shopping for clothes with your friends to a mainstream brand shop and only feeling *a little* inferior in all aspects
widevibratobitch · 4 months
#look away everyone this is gonna be embarrassing#nothing new really same old shit that's been going on every day for almost 20 years with me but uhh#at this point i dont even wish i were fucking skinny (<-lying). id give anything to just go back to my lowest ed weight#which was by no means skinny. not even thin. but it was thinnER than now.#anyway. nothing makes you hate your own body quite like trying to buy clothes lol#being a huge hypocrite rn cause yes yes fuck fast fashion we know#but being able to go shopping for clothes with your friends to a mainstream brand shop and only feeling *a little* inferior in all aspects#but not ENTIRELY worthless as a woman and a human being in general. my god. it only happened once in my entire life#and i had so much fun that day. and i felt so good and happy and even a little attractive. we love internalised mysogyny <333#but i miss experiencing the first stirrings of this stupid ass shy little hope that i could actually be considered hot and pretty#for the first time in my fucking life. like hot and pretty RIGHT NOW. not in some undefined future of ✨...if you lost some weight✨#idk it just feels like it was all for nothing. i ruined every part of my life i fucked up my teeth and my skin and my hair and my metabolism#and my relationship with food. forever lol and it was for nothing because at the end of the day im basically back to the weight i started w/#its a goddamn joke. like yeah maybe im not losing fistfuls of hair on a daily basis anymore but id honestly rather just go fully bald#if i was allowed to keep the weight off#god i only hope i die in a way that will completely obliterate my body. it is kind of a comfort#no matter what - at least ill always have the train tracks i used to play on as a kid <33 one of my most beloved places in the world fr
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onestowatch · 4 years
Teddy Swims on His Upcoming Debut EP, Writing Process, and Metamorphosis [Q&A]
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It’s Spring time in Snellville, Georgia and the year is 2019. Teddy Swims is living in a spacious abode with his producer, his manager, his videographer, his photographer and all of the musicians from his former rock band (the Elefvnts). This was more than just a typical living arrangement in a party atmosphere. It was a bonding experience that lasted for about one year. And it was a pivotal time period where Teddy Swims developed a songwriting formula that would help him blend his love for R&B and Soul with heavy components of Country Rock and Pop music. The writing sessions at this house spawned the release of an original composition called “Night Off” and a series of cover songs that would go on to help Teddy Swims garner the attention of legendary mainstream recording artists like Shania Twain.
Fast forward to the year 2020. Teddy Swims has moved to Atlanta and he’s now signed to Warner Records. With the studio release of “Picky” firmly notched under his belt, the brand new artist has set out for greener pastures. We spoke with Teddy Swims about his upcoming debut EP, his writing process and his metamorphosis from rock singer to to hip-hop/R&B artist.
Ones to Watch: With the help of your band, the name Teddy Swims has generated quite the buzz on the internet. Especially after releasing a series of covers that range from hit songs by The Weeknd and Luther Vandross to Shania Twain and Vanessa Carlton. Who’s responsible for coming up with the arrangements of these renditions and how do you determine what songs to cover?
Teddy Swims: It’s all my guys man! When we did the first cover [“Rock With You”] by Michael Jackson, it was ten years after the day he died and that’s what started us doing covers in the first place. And then sometimes we’ll do a new song that’s out and we’ll try to kind of get ahead of the curve and maybe get a little play off of something that’s number one of the charts right now…but we rarely do it like that.
What kind of reaction have you gotten from musicians whose songs you’ve covered?
We recently re-cut and put out a new version of a Shania [Twain] record. We did that with Dave Cobb. He knows Shania and he sent that to her. So just hearing that she loved it and is a fan now--that’s what it’s all about!
You lived in a compound with your management team and all twelve members of your band for about a year. Tell me a little bit about the song selection process when it came down to finalizing tracks for your upcoming debut album. Was that something that you included the core members of your team in on or did you make those decisions on your own?
At the end of the day, I’m never going to say that my way is always the right way… We built this ourselves…I always say: ‘If there’s twelve of us here it’s not a democracy—it’s a jury.’ We can all figure out why we have to make a decision. But if there’s two or three people that don’t have the same answer as us, there’s always time to make sure that everyone can get on the same page. Because we trust each other and we have each other’s best interest at heart.
Your music videos seem to be just as charismatic as your live shows. Tell me a little bit about the inspiration behind the music videos for Picky (directed by Kevin Johnson) and Broke (directed by Joel Chivington).
We do it all in-house. This whole past year we’ve been in a house in Snellville [Georgia] that had all twelve of us living there. My band, my producer, my manager… our whole team. So, what we wanted to capture with those is the story of family. Everything that we filmed in most of the music videos is right here in our hometown of Conyers, Georgia. Which is like everything that you see from the bar and the candy store in “Picky” to the coffee shop. It was right here in Conyers.
I looked up some throwback photos of you on MySpace, your fashion sense has evolved so much over the past decade. I noticed a lot of Rock influenced clothing during your high school years, but then you slowly gravitated towards hip hop attire. How has your sense of style influenced your music and which genre are you truly the most comfortable in?
Sometimes we’ll write a song and it will come out so Country. And sometimes we’ll write a song that will come out so Hip-hop….I genuinely don’t know if I’ll ever find out what my [genre] is. I think we’re getting to a place with music where genres are absolutely fluid and [music] can be whatever you want it to be as long as it’s honest. As long as it feels like soul, that’s all that matters to me.
If you had to pick one genre for the rest of your life--which one would it be?
Soul music man…baby making music. I think that could be any genre. There’s soul in Country, there’s soul in Hip-hop and soul in R&B. I love to listen to a song and if you feel that nostalgic feeling even though you’ve never heard the song…that’s what I chase, no matter what the genre.
You’re from Conyers, Georgia, but you’re currently based in Atlanta. A lot of great musicians have come from your home state. You’ve mentioned in the past how much your home means to you. Who’s on your Mt. Rushmore of recording artists from Georgia and why?
Andre and Big Boi [from Outkast], Ray Charles, James Brown and Otis Redding.
I read that the SWIMS in your last name is actually an acronym that means: Someone Who Isn’t Me Sometimes. Give our readers an in-depth description of the personal meaning of that acronym for you. At what moment did Jaten Dimsdale become Teddy Swims?
Last year in March, my buddy Addy Maxwell (producer, guitarist, trumpeter) was building beats and sending them to rappers around the area in Atlanta and they would send stuff back. So back in March, we ended up creating this SoundCloud rap song. The next thing you know we had the opportunity to go on tour. So, we built thirty minutes of music and went on my very first tour, after ten years of being in bands—we went on tour as Teddy Swims. At that time, when we started the rap thing I was going by “Swims” which is an acronym that I saw on forums and it just meant someone who isn’t me. So, I thought that I could just kind of be whoever I wanted to be in rap and never really take it seriously. It was just going to be a little rap thing for me to not take seriously. And then, we took it on tour…and it just kind of stuck that way.
The coronavirus has caused recording artists who are signed to major record labels, like yourself, to drastically change their plans for 2020. But what about your plans for 2021? Are we going to get a debut album out of you next year? And if so, can you tell us a little bit about it?
I can’t say for sure but that’s the plan. We plan on having an EP out at the beginning of next year and an album out sometime next year…At this point we’re writing right now, so I don’t want to tell you what something’s going to be about and then change my mind…I’m scared to commit something. Maybe the album will be about my fear of commitment (laughs).
What events in your life have made you a better songwriter? Heartbreak? A tragic loss? Falling in Love?
I’ll definitely say that I tend to put myself in situations to sometimes get hurt, to write better songs.  Some of my worst heartbreaks have been the best songs…it’s definitely been super inspiring in making me deal with some things that I don’t like dealing with and focus on some matters that I didn’t know that I needed to focus on.
What’s a typical writing session like between Teddy Swims and Elefvnts?
We have a B Room Studio and an A Room Studio in our old house. So I might be tracking vocals on something from yesterday and (the band) might be working on something or maybe Jesse [Hampton] has his own laptop and he’s recording a guitar and he just drops [the track] in the dropbox and the next day Addy [Maxwell] pulls it up and hears some piano and puts a beat behind it. And the next day I might pull it up on my laptop and then get an idea and write and then we all get together and kind of piece it together. So, we just put a bunch of files in a dropbox and people will just pick songs and say: “Oh I have an idea for this!” We are able to sometimes be in the same room and just jam and write. But before (Covid-19) we were able to just jam as a band and always be playing, which was great.
Not including anyone that you are currently working with, who would be your dream executive producer and why?
I would always have to say my best friend in the world, Lee Rouse (the band’s producer and engineer). But if it was someone that I wish I could work with? I’d have to say Timbaland. A record with Timbaland would be crazy! Pharrell would be crazy too…And Dr. Dre of course.
What kind of music do you think you and Dr Dre. could make together?
I don’t know (laughs). I’d do whatever he tells me to do. I’d be like: “You’re the man, whatever you say. Let’s go!” I would die to meet him, just to pick his brain and get the wisdom because I’m always a student to it. I would want to learn the mindset from producer to CEO to everything. Because that is everything that I want to be.
You donated the proceeds of What’s Going On (a song originally recorded by Marvin Gaye) to the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund. Why’d you decide to donate to that cause in particular?
When we did it, I put a grand in to five different [social causes]. I wanted to give to something that was a bigger conglomerate in that way…I am so strong of a believer in the Black Lives Matter movement. Here we are, two hundred years later and we can’t open our eyes. I think that “What’s Going On” is perfect song written at the perfect time and it still just as powerful today!  I think that says a lot about us as a society…We always hear about the Breonna Taylors and the George Floyds, but there’s so many people like that who are getting brushed under the rug. In my hometown, there was a kid two years ago named Shali Tilson. He was having a mental health episode and he was arrested. When he got in the Rockdale County Jail, they put him in solitary confinement for nine days with no food or water and he died. A 22-year old black man. Nothing has been done about it…. So, if I could say anything, I encourage people to look into what’s going on in your small towns. There are small towns like Conyers where this has been happening for years and it just gets brushed under the rug.
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CupCake Babys Clothes
Dress your little one in brand name baby and toddler clothes from Babies"R"Us. Babies Grow Up Fast! This will keep him feeling cool and comfortable as he runs around playing games all day. Your newborn baby will also be able to move into a comfortable position more easily, and there is plenty of room in them for your baby to grow. However, comfort and convenience are the two most important factors that you should keep in mind while buying the clothes for your newborn baby. Internet has facilitated the lens to get benefited.Websites that sell tobacco online offers galleries so that the customer can realize what they are buying. There are many online baby clothing companies available on the internet. We are supplying children wholesale clothing to UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, USA and rest of the world. Bamboo. Child clothing made of bamboo absorbs moisture very well and has magical thermo-insulating properties. Baby gifts certainly are a fantastic way to greet a newborn child in the population. To buy cupcake style babys clothes follow the link.
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We can offer you insulated and fleece jumpsuits for all colors and tastes, as initially we were focused exactly on them. You can get online this information along. Get 20% off when you buy 4 kidswear and babywear at Marks and Spencer. If you want them to keep the baby clothes you buy and use them, put some thought into choosing the baby clothes you buy. But not everyone knows how to buy children’s clothes online. In case the baby’s clothes they send you doesn’t fit your baby then whether they will replace it with another one or not. This is because most online baby stores have a wide range of accessories like socks, shoes, caps and other things to choose from. This is since there are online super stores that are selling thousands of maternity items from various brands. That is why baby clothes at wholesale prices are so popular.
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Recently, famous celebrities including Liv Tyler, Gena Lee, Tori Spelling, Gwen Stefani, Hillary Duff, and Britney Spears to name a few, were photographed using baby blankets from one specialty internet company. Why choose the internet for baby clothes? Baby goes Retro offers a wide selection of modern baby clothes and accessories in funky retro designs. For instance, your baby can wear a hip toddler shirt along with stripe tights and light-colored socks. The beeps serve no purpose that I can see/hear - other than to irritate. They are also used by parents grieving after a miscarriage and in memory of a stillborn. I enjoyed his character in the Pirates of the Caribbean, great entertainment, he is a great actor. Great hub as always. Glad that you found the hub on Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Captain Hook costumes interesting, ultimatepotential. I am sure if she sees this, she will be very excited.
Which Clothes Are Best for the Baby in the Summer?
Finding out you might be pregnant is one thing that must absolutely improve your whole world. In roughly 9 months you happen to be going to be completely to blame for another person that's brought in to the world. It can be daunting for moms and dads to manage but can be one of the most precious moments of these lives.
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First of all, remember that your tiny baby will grow very fast! This means that clothes that are great for at one day of age may well not fit after seven days of aging. You will move through clothes faster than you can imagine. For this reason it's ideal to possess infant clothing in many various sizes so that you don't find yourself without a penny to match your baby. If you have a child shower, then you will likely receive several various sizes of clothing, that is an excellent start. But make sure you have several unique outfits in each size for the baby.
Evaluate the web site to achieve a better idea of how trustworthy the company is. Does the vendor list a phone number, e-mail address, and information in a easy to get to area? Also, make certain that the vendor is not selling retail baby clothes while claiming to charge wholesale prices. Some "wholesalers" price their merchandise at retail prices but declare that it is discounted in order to sell to have bargain hunters. A legitimate seller of wholesale baby products could have restrictions available to ensure only retailers can get their goods.
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Baby Slings - There seems to be described as a go back to keeping your infant towards the body. One way to do this is through baby slings. You can hold baby, nevertheless, you still need free hands so you can do stuff at home or because you walk through the market. Baby slings are available in various cute patterns, and you may get to feel that closeness with baby continuously. What could be much better than that?
Look for 100 percent organic Egyptian cotton for durability and strength. New child baby garments must include outer wear, so why not take action in fashion. Of course newborns have to be kept warm and dry when venturing outdoors, but it is deemed an opportunity to make that child differentiate themselves from all the others. Look for overcoats for baby girls and boys in all of the colours and fashoins, from casual to dressy.
To see more cute baby clothes go to https://www.mothercare.com/clothing/baby-clothes/.
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chloepalmerblog · 4 years
How to be Sustainable within the Fashion Industry
What is the issue?
According to (Lees, 2019), “Every year the UK alone sends 350,000 tonnes of clothing to landfill. And as the majority of garments are made from oil-based materials like polyester – 22.67 billion tonnes of polyester clothing is produced every year worldwide – they aren’t going anywhere fast.”
Garment quality is declining every year as producers are struggling to keep up with the fast fashion demands. Our clothing is becoming more faded, shapeless or worn out. Trends are changing so quickly so manufactures have to cut corners to produce the mass amount of clothing that is demanded by the shops and the public. We purchase clothing just to stay up to date with the trends. New collections encourage us to keep buying more as it is what everyone is wearing. Image below shows the impacts of the fashion industry. (What's wrong with the Fashion Industry? — SustainYourStyle, 2020).
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Water pollution of the fashion industry:
In most of the countries in which garments are produced, untreated toxic wastewater from textiles factories are dumped directly into the rivers. Waste water contains toxic substances like arsenic, lead and mercury. These chemicals are extremely harmful for the aquatic life and can affect millions people as the water can get contaminated. “ 20% of industrial water pollution comes from textiles treatment & dyes” (What's wrong with the Fashion Industry? — SustainYourStyle, 2020).
What can we do about it?
--> Choose organic fibres and natural fibres that do not need chemicals to product it.
--> Choose clothes made in countries with strict environmental regulations for factories.
Other impacts/issues:
--> Wastes accumulation
--> Microfibers in our oceans
--> Chemicals Addiction
--> Greenhouse gases emissions
--> Rainforest destruction 
--> Wages, working hours, health & safety conditions, forced or child labour.
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Image: Durán, B., 2018. The Main Ethical Issues In The Fashion Industry. [online] COMOVITA. Available at: <https://comovita.eu/blogs/sustainable-fashion-blog/ethical-issues-fashion-industry> [Accessed 17 March 2020].
How to be Sustainable:
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There are many ways in which you can be sustainable within the fashion industry, whether it is something small or big. Any effort made towards this sustainable movement can benefit the environment in the long run.
1) Firstly, it is important to reeducate yourself on how to be sustainable. There may be updated ways or new methods to help the environment. If you are unsure but you think it is sustainable then it is worth researching and finding out the correct information. Buying cheaply made clothing can add to the fast fashion movement. This means that to be able to sell the products super cheap, means that they would have to majorly reduce costs during the manufacturing. This can include paying the workers a very small amount and working long hours. 
Fast Fashion
Fast Fashion is the term used to describe clothing designs that move quickly form the catwalk to stores to meet new trends. The collections are usually based on the designs and looks that are shown throughout Fashion Week events throughout the world. Fast Fashion allows mainstream consumers to be able to purchase fashion that is on trend at an affordable price. Instead of waiting for new seasonal collections (summer, winter eg), the consumers can get the items on a continuous cycle of trend based clothing, all year around. 
The pressure to reduce costs and speed up the production time means that environmental factors are cut and not considered. Cheap, toxic textile dyes are used in the manufacturing process. The Fashion Industry is the second largest polluter of clean water globally after agriculture (The Problem with Fast Fashion | BWSS, 2019). The speed at which the products are produced also means that more and more clothes are disposed of by the consumers; creating a huge amount of textile waste. “ In Canada, the average person throws out 81 pounds of textiles annually, while North Americans send 9.5 million tons of clothing to the landfill every year — most of which could be reused.” (The Problem with Fast Fashion | BWSS, 2019). 
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https://www.bwss.org/fastfashion/ (The Problem with Fast Fashion | BWSS, 2019).
It would be worth researching about the company or brand you are buying from, so that you have an idea of what methods they use etc. If you search for their corporate social responsibility statements, this will explain what they are doing sustainability and will help you decide whether you want to support that business or not. If their aims are unclear, you can contact the head office. 
2) If you are a follower of the latest trends, you can still take this advice. When you are looking for new pieces to add to your wardrobe, be confident in your own style so you are limited to what you buy. Ask yourself a question of will I wear this in 6 months time, if you believe you will get lots of wear and it will last a long time, then it will be a good purchase. If you think the item will only last you for a month or just a phase then do not buy that item. There will always be another piece that you will love and wear more. Is it similar to what clothing you already have? Is it versatile? Does it work with other items? 
3) You might feel like your waradrobe needs updating and you've fallen out of love with what you have. Ask your friends and family how they would pair your garments in different ways. Use magazines, Pinterest, social media to get inspiration to wear the clothing you already have. You may gain a new light on your clothing and get inspired to wear them again. Make the most of what you already own, saves money and can reduce fast fashion too. 
4) There may be some clothing that is slightly damaged or need repairing. If it is saveable then try and repair the clothes yourself. Or if you do not have the skills to do so then ask a family member or friend to repair the clothing item for you. This would save you money and reduce landfill waste.
5) Shop Vintage or charity. Buying second hand clothing returns some value to the first owner and provides a charity shop with business. As long you are purchasing a second hand garment instead of a new item, production or processing has already been done for you. Value is retained, rather than the item being throw in landfill. You can buy online or go to shops. 
6) Buying locally means that the manufacture and the supply chain is cut down. The seller usually can tell you where the item has been made and how the materials has been sourced. You will be supporting local shops to keep them in business and supporting them making a change in the fashion industry. 
7) Donate clothing, give the clothing a chance to be worn by someone who would appreciate it more. 
Slow Fashion
Slow Fashion is an awareness and approach to fashion, which considers the processes and resources required to make clothing. Focusing on sustainability. This involves buying better quality items that will last longer and better treatment of people and the environment. However the clothing might be more expensive as lots of considerations and procedures are put in place to ethically sourced the clothing.
Characteristics of a Slow Fashion Brand:
Made from high quality, sustainable materials
Often in smaller (local) stores rather than huge chain enterprises
Locally sourced, produced and sold garments
Few, specific styles per collection, which are released twice or maximum three times per year.
+ Environmentally friendly by producing fewer new items.
– If you really want to find a con here's one: slow fashion means sticking with what you have for a long time, so this can get difficult to practice when your tastes change.
NOTE: Quality is key here, take the time to really think about if the pieces suit your style and you can see yourself wearing them for a long time. It's best to start with basics. When something breaks, check to see how you can get it repaired before you toss it.
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
Our civilization encourages a dude to be a bigger man, but doesn't deign to dress him very well.
The situation in apparel for what the industry calls "big and tall" men stands in stark contrast to women's plus. A surge in feminist empowerment (spurred most recently by the #metoo movement) and the democratic nature of social media have given voice to stylish influencerswho display confident images of themselves, call out brands refusing to cater to them and hail those that successfully do.
For plus-size female consumers, a dearth of fashion options in a neglected niche has morphed into a plethora of new and legacy retailers not only getting into the segment, but also offering an inclusive size range available to all, or at least many more, women. It's become easier for those who don't fit into what is known as "straight" sizes to not only find apparel, but also see themselves in marketing and on the runway.
It's been a long road, and men, by and large, are still not on it.
"Big men are ignored," says Kat Eves, a Los Angeles-based stylist at Style Ethic, who calls herself "an ethical and inclusive wardrobe stylist, fashion designer, writer, and blogger." A shopping trip for a friend helped spark her career, and she hasn't seen much progress in the industry segment since, she told Retail Dive in an interview. "I had a big and tall friend in college who wanted to impress a girl and had one t-shirt and one pair of pants to his name. I love fashion for myself and I'm also plus size and have always been, and I think that was part of it for him, I think he trusted me — so I took him shopping. But there really weren't many options."
"They blame the customer. The excuse I’ve seen brands make over the decades is that they tried to do plus size and the sales just weren’t there — but I know that the marketing wasn’t there either."
Kat Eves
Stylist, Style Ethic
This part of the retail landscape only has a handful of well-known players. J.C. Penney recently ended its Big & Tall subscription box. There's DXL, formerly known as Destination XL. The Winston Box and Maximus Box (both offer sizes up to 6XL) have been in business for a couple of years, Bonobos​ offers extended sizes, and Stitch Fix recently expanded sizes for men — but they're strictly e-commerce. Brands like Gap, Old Navy, Ralph Lauren, Asos and Lacoste have options, but mostly, if not only, online. Others, including higher-end brands, sell through specialists like DXL and not mainstream retailers like department stores.
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Furthermore, brands that do sell a greater range of sizes for men don't market that much, according to Tara Drury, retail analyst at fashion analytics firm Edited. "Despite a larger selection of retailers investing in plus-size clothing, promotion of this is minimal," she told Retail Dive in an email.
Eves calls that a missed opportunity. "They blame the customer," she said. "The excuse I've seen brands make over the decades is that they tried to do plus size and the sales just weren't there — but I know that the marketing wasn't there either. Bonobos stepped up and actually invested ad money — that's a huge game changer from where we were. Most people don't know that Lucky jeans makes clothes for big and tall sizes. It's almost like they don't want it to work — they're even quiet about where they carry their big and tall products."
Few shoppers have a stylist like Eves to help them find the goods, and, in all, the number of possibilities pales compared to those for women, according to experts. Still, Ray Hartjen, marketing director of store analytics firm RetailNext, calls it an interesting market with "a huge upside potential in North America and Europe for retailers willing to 'get it right.'"
"[T]here's not a lot of options out there, and the opportunity exists to carve out a real competitive advantage. It's tempting to compare men's plus apparel to that of women's, and companies that clearly do it right, like ModCloth. I think it's a bit more complicated than that though," Hartjen said in an email to Retail Dive.
The size of the market
What complicates the men's market in part is the disparity in apparel sales more generally between men and women: Menswear, though still a smaller segment, has grown more than women's in recent years, Hartjen notes.
"That's driven largely by streetwear. At its roots, streetwear might lend itself to plus sizes, but the lines typically don't include professional looks and fashions for a night out on the town," he said.
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Dustin Hutton-Alcorn — who works at a tech company in Vancouver, Canada, wears double XL and has a subscription to GQ — has noticed that. He was first mortified to be shut out of teen trends as a kid and has struggled to fill his closet since, though he does see some improvement of late. "They tend to be more of an urban or streetwear style rather than business casual or formal, so it doesn't really work for office wear," he told Retail Dive in an interview. "So it's a tricky space to navigate. I'm 6 feet and 350 pounds. I'm not built like a football player who's modeling for Reebok or a brand of that nature. The same way women are fighting for larger models, how often do you see GQ with a larger model?"
People who don't fit into "straight" sizes are also missing out on the current activism around more sustainably produced apparel, according to Eves. "My personal focus is ethical fashion — which is also having a huge growing movement — and I would say plus-size women have very few options in the ethical world and men have virtually none. It's a highly exclusive, white, very Gwyneth Paltrow, very blonde movement that is ignoring that a majority of the population is plus size."
Hartjen says that some brands, especially in luxury, are starting to produce wider size ranges geared to younger men, but it remains difficult to assess the value of the market. "While men's apparel is growing at a faster rate than women's, it's important to note that men's apparel is only about two-thirds of women's apparel in total size," he said. "So, where does a brand invest? A segment of the faster growing, but smaller, men's market? Or, the slower growing, bigger market?"
Additionally, there isn't much number-crunching for the big and tall market. Many of the same research firms that track the market in women's plus and inclusive sizing didn't have similar numbers to share regarding men's. One study, from IBIS World, found that the plus-size men's clothing industry grew by 0.2% over five years to $1 billion in revenue in 2018, while the number of businesses has risen 1.6%.
The huge diversity
Some companies, especially newer online upstarts, have discovered demand on their own. When Stitch Fix launched a big-and-tall offer for size XL, for example, it garnered a waitlist of 25,000 men, according to an email from the company to Retail Dive.
"Some men are bigger than others. Some men are taller than others. We all have different bodies and that should definitely be taken into consideration when certain brands walk into the big & tall market."
Kavah King
Big-and-tall model, fashion blogger at The Gentlemen's Curb
The service's data also revealed a need for a diversity of fits, including for men who find sleeve and shirt lengths to be too long. Kavah King, a big-and-tall model and fashion blogger at The Gentlemen's Curb, told Retail Dive in an email that's something more brands need to do.
"Some brands [are] extremely quick to offer 'extended sizes,' but haven't done enough research and appeal to only one body type," he said. "Some men are bigger than others. Some men are taller than others. We all have different bodies and that should definitely be taken into consideration when certain brands walk into the big & tall market."
While many styles available now simply accommodate girth, men like Hutton-Alcorn would like other fits to choose from, like slim-cut jeans. "I continue to find clothes definitely geared toward older gentleman, not so much to those who have fashion aspirations. Being a young person, I would love to be able to purchase a pair of branded jeans, from Lucky brand, maybe, just a nice pair of dark denim," he said (unwittingly possibly proving Eves' point about that brand's marketing efforts). "In flipping through these magazines or even just watching TV and seeing ads, these brands carry options for bigger men but don't carry them in store. Or they carry them for women but not for men."
Entering the market, though, does invite complications. The design and manufacture of extended sizes require extra attention and work with suppliers. Production takes pattern grading and knowledge about neck size, sleeve size, shoulder span, waist and all-around fit. "I've worked on the inside of a brand that's inclusive and know how difficult it is to accommodate every body type," Eves said. "If a brand that has traditionally done straight sizing, when they expand into plus sizes, and they should, they really are starting from scratch if they're doing it right."
The big problem in stores
Shopping for apparel can be especially daunting when a guy runs into customer service at the store level that, like the clothes, wasn't designed for him.
"I think there's a sense in the retail space that it's a world-class experience for anyone who is coming in, say at a Nordstrom or a Calvin Klein, but it can be difficult when you walk in and you get ignored because the people working there know you're not going to be purchasing," Hutton-Alcorn said. "Even if they don't have the items for the plus-size customers — maybe it isn't today, but it's a matter of making sure that you're treating any customer as though we are customer number one."
His experience at a Tom Ford location in Las Vegas is seared in his mind. "I was given a phenomenal experience by their team members," he said. "So I don't necessarily purchase Tom Ford clothing, but I'm purchasing Tom Fordoptical and Tom Ford fragrances, and the way I've been treated, I am a promoter of their brand. If and when he were to announce a line of plus-size apparel, I would be among the first to purchase it."
DXL, as did women's specialty retailers like Lane Bryant years ago, is filling a void, and the retailer appreciates its unique position. "At DXL, we are focused solely on a guest who often can't find anything in his size in other stores. In contrast, we offer one-stop-shopping for this underserved guest," DXL COO and Executive Vice President Brian Reaves told Retail Dive in an email. "Big and tall is all we do, but uniquely different than other stores, our fit is spec-ed by size and garment and for each size. We don't just scale up product from a regular fit like most other retailers. [O]ur associates uniquely understand the big and tall shopper."
As Reaves notes, the retailer carries labels like Polo Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, and Levi's each season, as well as developing designs for DXL's own labels, like Harbor Bay, Oak Hill and True Nation.
And yet, men also want to be able to shop at other retailers — a desire that has helped propel the swift acceleration in recent years of more inclusive sizing for women at retailers like Nordstrom, J. Crew, Target and others that previously didn't offer plus at all, or relegated it to a corner of their stores.
"I would love for those retailers and brands that cater to big & tall men to receive the accolades and a return of investment," King said. "But, I would love for the generation after to not feel weird that they only have to shop at certain places. I know that feeling all too well. As a child when a brand doesn't cater to you, it definitely affects your confidence when all of your peers shop at that store."
Will bigger get better?
When it comes to advancements in apparel sizing, women have paved the way, and men's brands seem destined to follow suit.
In fact, the recent rapid change in women's inclusive sizing is likely accelerating efforts because fashion brands these days can hardly afford to ignore any slice of the market, according to Hartjen. "Women are leading the charge, and one thing that success breeds is imitation, so the expectation is that the men's market will be a fast-follower," he said.
"DXL will continue to grow its footprint. Parallel to that are the product brands themselves. DTC brands will continue to push the market, primarily online, and that's going to lead to deals similar to Walmart's acquisition of ModCloth," he said. "Merchants like Target will be looking to source more and more brands to build out their offerings, and department stores will begin to expand their product line offerings. And, I think, all of that is going to happen fairly quickly."
Eves and King do testify to progress in recent years. "A few years ago the selections were hooded sweatshirts, Oxford shirts, khakis, and polo shirts," King said. "So there are a lot of changes and more opportunities for brands so that there is some diversity in the field. There are different designs and patterns. A few retailers even offer some patterns that previously were exclusive only to custom pieces. I think that it's a beautiful time! I want to commend and show respect to the women that have been on the front lines, pushing size inclusion until it was forced to be recognized."
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cuckoomagazine · 7 years
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Interview with blogger Amy McColgan (a.k.a. Green Leafy Gael)
Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born and bred in Donegal and went to an all-Irish primary school. I went on to study Irish and Spanish in college and then did a Masters in translation after that. Before I went to college I also did a diploma course in TV Production through Irish in the Donegal Gaeltacht. I’m now living in Spain working as a freelance translator but hoping to move to Barcelona soon and get something a bit more secure!
When did you become a vegan and what made you decide to change your lifestyle?
I lived in Spain in 2012/2013 during my Erasmus year. It was my first time owning a smart phone and I took a liking to Instagram. I followed a lot of health and fitness accounts and took a big interest in health and wellness. One week in February 2013 I watched around 6 documentaries about food production, animal welfare and the links between a Western diet and all the most common Western causes of death (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke). The Monday after that was the last day I ever ate meat. Over the course of that year I educated myself on how the meat and dairy industry have essentially paid their way into the food pyramids. There are so many deceiving scientific studies done and articles written to promote this kind of food and it’s tragic because that is the very food that’s killing us. When people from Asian and African countries move to Western countries and adopt the Western diet, they also adopt Western diseases that they wouldn’t have gotten if they continued with their traditional mainly plant-based diets. Learning bits of information like this just astounded me and yet it made so much sense. Never in my life have I understood something so well – the only thing holding me back from going fully vegan was our culture and society. Saying no to family members’ food and learning how to go without dessert in a restaurant is hard work and it takes time to get brave enough to do that! Eventually, within a year I was fully vegan – although at home and when cooking for myself I was always vegan. 
Throughout that year, I allowed myself to learn of the horrors of the animal agriculture industry. Not just the sick conditions of factory farms but standard, legal practices that are done on the most highly praised farms, such as pulling piglets teeth out and castrating them without anaesthesia, dehorning calves without anaesthetic, separating calves from their mothers so soon after birth so they don’t drink the milk meant for us humans, keeping sows in crates so small they can’t even stand up; I could go on. Standard farming and slaughterhouse practices are seen as “necessary and humane” but only because they’re part of the farming business. There’s nothing ethical about it. If someone shot a bolt gun through a dog’s head and then slit his throat and skinned him before he even properly died – the country would be up in arms about animal cruelty because it’s not normal for us to eat dogs. It’s “normal” for us to eat cows so we don’t bat an eyelid when it’s done to them. Knowing all this made going vegan an absolute necessity. I could never ever live with myself if I knew I was contributing to modern day slavery and torture of the most innocent and docile creatures on earth.
Who would you consider to be your biggest influence?
I really admire Dr. Michael Greger who runs the website nutritionfacts.org and wrote the book “How Not To Die”. His selfless contribution to the health of the world and sharing true and factual scientific studies has made it so easy for everyone to learn about food and how it impacts out health. He makes complicated scientific studies make sense to the layperson through his short and snappy videos on the NutritionFacts.org YouTube channel. He does all this for free and even the proceeds from his best-selling book went to back into the nutritionfacts.org non-profit.
 How do you source content for your blog?Do you stumble upon recipes or create your own? 
I don’t source content no. I just write about different vegan products that I might have tried or different tips or tricks that I think might help people on a vegan journey. At the start my recipes were inspired by my local Ballyholey Farm in Donegal. They grow a vast array of vegetables completely organically and every week they’d throw me some random veg and say “do something with that” – so a lot of my recipes are purely experimental! They always turn out surprisingly tasty though!
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 What would you consider to be the main purpose of your blog & YouTube videos?
To inspire people to go vegan or to assist people through their vegan journey. I want to educate people on the true effects of the food we’ve grown up eating. It’s not something you can learn about in the mainstream media (although slowly but surely that’s changing). I like the idea of leading by example so I just try to share my life experiences and show people what I’m doing and why I’m doing it – that way is the least “preachy” I find. People are always interested in other people, so, if I can get people interested in my way of life, they might end up saving their own life. Also, I feel it’s my duty to the animals. I can’t sit back and do nothing about their suffering. If I can get someone to buy a cruelty-free and vegan foundation the next time they are buying make up instead of an animal-tested one – I’m happy. If I can get someone to choose a soy milk latté instead of cow milk the next time they order a coffee – I’m happy. If someone tells me they’ve decided to cut out meat altogether – I nearly cry with delirious excitement.
Do you find it easy to maintain your blog while living your daily life?
Not when I’m working a full-time job -  it’s very hard to find the time to work, eat, sleep, blog and vlog. Often times, social interaction with friends suffers! But now since I’ve lived in Spain I’ve been working at home on a freelance basis. So, when the work is quiet that means I get more time to focus on editing videos and writing blog pots. However, it also leaves me stuck financially which in turn leaves me with no nice ingredients to make nice recipes! I’d absolutely love to be able to focus on my blog and my channel full-time. As well as being beneficial to people’s lives, it’s also really fun to do and I get to use skills I’ve always loved using as a child such as taking pictures, editing pictures, making videos and acting the eejit in front of a camera!
 Is there a particular vegan dish that stands out as being the best you have tried?
No – because there are too many. Think of all the vegetables in the world (not just peppers onions and carrots), and all of the fruits in the world, and all of the grains, beans, legumes, spices, and herbs. Now think of a combination of each and every one – we’re talking millions upon millions of options! I’ve made some delicious meals in my life but as soon as I’ve made them I move on and try something else. In restaurants (that serve vegan food) I always try and get something different. I absolutely love weird combinations of food. I used to put random things in sandwiches and my mum said I get that from my late Granda. My mum is the complete opposite to me though and makes the same dinners every week – all are fantastic. But I have to say her lentil shepherd’s pie is a winning family dinner. It really is delicious and nutritious. (recipe on the blog if anyone’s wondering!) The meal I had in Sova Vegan Butchers in Dublin was one of the best vegan meals I’ve ever had. They’re so innovative and creative and it’s such a good experience eating there. I had the “scallops” and a “schnitzel” – 100% vegan, 1000% tasty. Recently I was in London and that whole day of eating was probably the best day of eating I’ve ever had – from breakfast to brunch to lunch to dinner. The Ethiopian food I got at Spitalfield’s Market was phenomenal. I have a vlog on my channel from that day again, if anyone’s interested!
 Tell us a little about the fashion side of your blog. You mention you like to buy clothes that are not brand new and ethically produced. Can you explain that a bit more? 
Well I’ve always heard about sweat shops and child labor, all my life. I don’t think that side of fashion has ever been unknown to anyone, but we definitely do just turn a blind eye to it. I did most of my life, but then when I went vegan, I kept thinking to myself that I shouldn’t be ignoring the plight of these poor sweatshop workers. I didn’t know too much about it though, but it was on my mind. I shopped less in fast fashion places because of it, but, only in the last 2 years have I completely quit fast fashion. I decided to become a minimalist 2 years ago and with that I learned a lot about the environmental impacts of clothes production, the vast amount of waste and pollution it produces, and the working conditions of the garment workers. 
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The factory collapse in Bangladesh that made headlines should have caused a worldwide shift to ethical fashion but profits of the big companies actually went UP that year! Shocking. I would recommend anyone interested to watch the documentary “The True Cost” – it’s extremely interesting. Since I quit fast fashion I’ve obviously still had to buy clothes. My budget hasn’t exactly allowed for me to buy better quality and sustainably-made clothes because they tend to be more expensive, so, I tend to focus on second hand clothes. This is even better though because it reduces waste and doesn’t use any resources. I love using Depop and Ebay, and I absolutely love vintage shops like Nine Crows in Dublin. Etsy is a great place to get handmade and vintage items as well. My proudest purchases, though, have to be the ones I’ve found in local charity shops. It literally is a case of “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.
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For people out there who are looking to start their own blog, what advice would you give them?
Being Irish I think we have a tendency to get embarrassed about promoting ourselves or speaking up online. There’s something about our culture that makes it slightly weird for us to see someone doing their own thing and being different in public/online. I’ll admit, even I find it strange sometimes if I see someone I know doing something a bit “different” online. It’s in our nature and I’ve no idea why. That said though – this is changing fast! One good thing about globalisation is that some of our very Irish ways are dissipating and more people are deciding to do what they want and put themselves out there. So, I would say to anyone who feels like they want to speak out through a blog or share anything through a blog, try not to be embarrassed or scared about what the ones down the road will think of you! If you have a good message to share people will benefit from it. I was terrified about putting myself out there – especially on YouTube – but I felt the message was too important not to share. Some people definitely thought I was mad, but I’ve had more people tell me that they’ve changed because of my blog/channel, or thank me for sharing what I’ve shared. So, you could be shocked at the impact you could have!
What is your proudest moment to date?
The Irish language is a big passion of mine and I love to promote it, so, when I was invited to be on Róisín on TG4 I felt like that was a big moment for me. Speaking Irish, working with the media, and promoting veganism all in one day – it definitely was one of the highlights! I also loved being in my local paper, The Donegal News, last year, as I grew up reading this paper every Thursday night when my Dad would bring it home. Plus, the title of the piece was “Champion of health” – that was cool! But, one of the best things that has happened since I started trying to spread this message was my family, one by one, ditching meat. My mum is vegetarian, my dad is vegetarian (sometimes pescatarian) and my younger brother is also vegetarian. Having that burden of worry off my shoulders is a great thing – now I only need to worry about my youngest brother whose diet gives me anxiety!
 Have you any particular goals for the future?
Get my youngest brother to go vegan! It’d do wonders for all his football injuries…No but really, I’d love to be able to work full-time on helping people go vegan. I’d love to take people shopping to Dunnes or Tesco and teach them all about what they can eat and what recipes they can make for their families. I find blogging and making YouTube videos really enjoyable so it’d be great to somehow be able to do it full-time. I’d love for veganism to grow massively in Ireland over the next 5 years and I’d really love to have some part in it.
To find out more about Amy’s blogs, recipes and vlogs, follow her below on the following links:
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accuhunt · 4 years
Sustainable Living Ideas to Embrace as we Emerge Into a New “Normal”.
In the midst of a pandemic, all roads seem to point towards a more sustainable lifestyle. My tips to embrace easy sustainable living ideas.
The past 50+ days of lockdown living have been an emotional roller coaster.
I’ve felt a deep longing to be in the midst of nature. The forests, the mountains, the sea, I’ve craved them all. This longing made me realize that I never fully appreciated the freedom (and privilege) to experience the incredible beauty of our world. It equally made me dwell on my environmental footprint as an inhabitant of a shared planet.
In the midst of a pandemic linked to deforestation, biodiversity loss and intensive animal farming, the future seems to point towards a life that is more sustainable, compassionate and mindful.
But will decreasing our individual footprint make any difference in the big picture? We only need to look at the past for inspiration. Many social and political transformations came about as a result of mass movements that began with individual awareness and personal choices. The more invested we become in sustainable living as individuals, the more likely we are to drive change as a society.
For those of us not directly affected by the on-going crisis, this slowdown can be a chance to make small but lasting changes towards a sustainable way of life. So behold, some sustainable living ideas to experiment with, at home and on the road:
In this post:
How I ended up living out of 2 bags
Why minimalism
Tips for minimalist sustainable living
Books / documentaries about minimalism
How to segregate and compost waste
Tips for low waste sustainable living
Ideas for plastic free sustainable living
Why a menstrual cup enables sustainable living
Tips to use a menstrual cup
Advantages of a menstrual cup in pursuit of an enviromentally friendly lifestyle
Recommended brands of menstrual cups
Why make reusing and recycling part of your sustainable living plan
How to reuse and recycle during the lockdown
Why go vegan (or consume less animal products for sustainable living)
How to turn vegan at your own pace
Books / documentaries to inspire a vegan sustainable lifestyle
The joy of growing your own food
Practical tips to grow produce at home
Have you committed to any sustainable living ideas during the lockdown? What do you plan to try?
Sustainable lifestyle ideas | Living out of 2 bags since 2013.
I know Marie Kondo is all the rage these days, but minimalism isn’t a new trend. It’s simply the idea of consuming mindfully. Owning less, buying less, having fewer material attachments.
In fact, most people in India and elsewhere lived minimalist lives before the days of television and social media. Before marketing, ads and influencers started telling us that we want more than we need.
How I ended up living out of 2 bags
Back in 2013, when I was contemplating a life of long term travel, I had cupboards, drawers and bags full of things I didn’t really need.
So I spent a few days taking stock of everything I owned. I gave away most of my clothes, shoes, books, appliances and assorted possessions to anyone who could use them. Gradually I gave up the apartment itself, and have been living out of two bags since.
Why minimalism
Over the years, it’s felt mentally liberating to shed the weight of my material attachments. I know now, that my contentment has nothing to do with trips to a shopping mall or the latest fashion trend.
Harmless though it seems, fast fashion is one of the most polluting industries on the planet. So I’ve pledged that whenever I acquire something new, it will be recycled or upcycled, support a local cause and/or be environmentally sustainable.
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Tips for minimalist sustainable living
Think about how much you really need: Use this time at home to re-evaluate what you really need. Perhaps you’re comfortable with a few sets of clothes and shoes. Perhaps your office regime demands more. Perhaps you’re too attached to some books but can consider swapping others, or donating them to a library. You could lay out all your things, and objectively assess what you must keep and what can go.
Start slow: It’s great to be excited about some big sustainable living changes, but slow down a bit. We’d do more harm than good by getting rid of things we think we don’t need, only to buy them again later. In my case, while downsizing my possessions, I stored some backup stuff in the boot of a friend’s car. A while later, when he had to sell that car, I rummaged through it again to find a couple of essentials I’d been missing. You could similarly store some things to reconsider after a few months.
Notice the inner changes: As you embark on a sustainable lifestyle journey to buy and own less, notice how your needs and wants change internally. Personally, I feel a lot less attached to what I still own and rarely ever crave material things. It’s pretty amazing.
Books / documentaries about minimalism
Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things: Made by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus – the two guys who essentially made ‘minimalism’ a mainstream idea circa 2016. This America-centered documentary explores the American dream and materialism in western societies – but is pretty relevant to urban Indian lives.
The True Cost: A documentary about the true cost of fast fashion and why we need to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle.
Essential Zen Habits – Mastering the art of change, briefly: Essential Zen habits by Micronesian writer, runner and vegan Leo Bautata, on the art of embracing change, has been on my wishlist for a while.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: As someone who hasn’t really had a ‘home’ in a long time, I don’t exactly relate to Japanese author and much-loved organizing consultant Marie Kondo. But I know a few whose lives her book has changed!
Also read: How I Fit All My Life Possessions in Two Bags as I Travel the World.
Sustainable living ideas | Compost your waste. Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash.
A few years ago, I visited a state-of-the-art waste management plant in Goa. At the conveyor belt, I saw workers sorting out recyclables from all kinds of waste. Curry covered boxes, plastic in all forms, rotting vegetables, tattered clothes, umbrellas, muck covered toys, even rotting carcasses! It is sickening that a fellow human should have to dig through all our waste just because we refuse to segregate it.
Since this is a semi-private waste plant, workers are given protective coats, gloves, a face mask and health insurance. But most ragpickers and informal waste workers (in India and other developing countries) have access to none of this.
Visiting that plant and meeting workers who once lived off the public dumping ground made me realize that the least we can do to adopt a sustainable lifestyle is to deal with our waste more mindfully.
I now consciously look for Airbnbs / homestays that segregate and compost their waste. As far as possible, I try to reduce my waste by avoiding things that come in single-use plastic, thereby reducing my junk food intake. And no matter where in the world I am, I keep my eyes and ears peeled for recycling spots to give my recyclable waste.
While in Cape Town, I decided to experiment with a month of being zero waste on the road – not easy but not impossible. I’ll be writing about that zero waste sustainable living challenge soon.
How to segregate and compost waste
The conversation about waste seldom makes it to our living rooms. No wonder, my folks put up so much resistance against the simple act of segregating waste. But now that I’m locked down with them, they’ve finally relented!
The process is really simple. All you need to do is use two bins instead of one. All wet waste (food waste, soiled plain paper and anything biodegradable) goes into one. All dry waste into another.
For the wet waste, dig a pit in your backyard if you have one. Discard the wet waste in it once or twice a day, and cover with an equal amount of dry leaves.
If you live in an apartment, get yourself an Eco Bin, which allows easy and hygienic disposal of wet waste. In a few weeks, you’ll have compost to grow your own vegetables! See this comprehensive pit composting guide if you have a backyard or these indoor composting options.
The dry waste should ideally be sent to a recycling facility. Figure out if there’s a collection service or center in your vicinity. If not, perhaps you could arrange for community collection, to be sent to the nearest facility every week or month. Alternatively, discuss with your local ragpickers what they are able to salvage and try to find solutions to the remaining waste.
Tips for low waste sustainable living
Assess all your waste and find creative solutions: Consciously keeping track of all your dry waste for a few days can be eye-opening. Then it’s time to find creative ways of reducing it. Can you refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle or find alternatives to it? It’s how I switched from shower gel and shampoo bottles to bars, started making my own snacks and began sourcing plastic-free energy bars made on order.
Get your house members on board: If you share your space with family or friends, it’s important to get their buy-in atleast for segregation if not a sustainable lifestyle entirely. Involving my folks in the ideation process (what to use to collect wet waste etc) helped. To ensure that the waste isn’t mixed up, I created a “dry waste” sign next to the regular dustbin as a reminder.
Consider a community garden for collective composting: While in Cape Town, we lived in a studio with a small balcony. Since we weren’t staying long enough, it didn’t feel worthwhile investing in an eco bin to make compost. So I got in touch with a community garden nearby, who were happy for us to drop off our wet waste every couple of days to be composted. If we had stayed long enough, we would’ve bought our produce there. Win-win!
Ideas for plastic free sustainable living
Buy produce directly from farmers: Many towns and cities around the world have farmers markets, where farmers directly sell their produce without plastic packaging. Sharan’s organic farmer markets in Mumbai every Sunday, Dehradun’s Wednesday organic market, Cape Town’s weekend markets and Thailand’s Thursday stalls are just some of the places I’ve bought my produce in the past few years! It ensures a fair price to farmers and fresh organic produce that I can carry in my own cloth bags.
Shop at zero waste stores / supermarkets that sell produce in bulk: Pretty much everything we consume – from lentils to nuts to detergent – comes in plastic packaging. While in Cape Town, I was delighted to find two zero waste stores, so I could buy essential grains, legumes etc in my own jars or bags. In Georgia, the Carrefour store sold everything from pasta to rice in bulk. In India, Chennai, Gurgaon and Goa have organic zero waste stores, while some kirana stores still sell in bulk.
Make your own plastic-free alternatives: Instead of unhealthy store-bought snacks, I’ve been trying to make namkeens with mixed seeds and easy raw chocolate brownies at home. Instead of sugary store-bought beverages, I drink fresh juice and make my own iced tea. A sustainable lifestyle should ideally be healthier too.
Reuse plastic creatively: Many people grow plants in discarded plastic bottles. Eco bricks – pet bottles densely packed with single-use plastic – are all the rage now and can ultimately be used to erect sturdy structures.
Also read: Plastic Free Living: 5 Steps to Embrace Single-Use Plastic Alternatives
Sustainable lifestyle ideas | In love with my menstrual cup.
I have to confess that the idea of inserting a menstrual cup in my vagina felt so scary that even after I bought one, I shied away from trying it for three whole months!
For the uninitiated, a menstrual cup is an eco friendly alternative to pads and tampons. The cups is made of health grade silicon, and inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual blood. Now that I’ve been using one for over a year, I can tell you it’s hygienic, safe and super comfortable!
The best time to experiment with a menstrual cup is when you’re staying home and have easy access to a comfortable bathroom – i.e. this lockdown!
Why a menstrual cup enables sustainable living
My conviction to switch to a menstrual cup came while volunteering on a remote island in Cuba. I was surprised to spot single-use plastic on the seabed that wasn’t even available on the island! Those stunning corals and marine life were co-existing with plastic bags, shampoo bottles, straws and what not.
I had switched to “biodegradable pads” by that time, but further research revealed that they degrade only when discarded and composted separately. I couldn’t do that on the road, nor could I live with myself for sending 10-15 plastic pads to the landfill or ocean every month.
Tips to use a menstrual cup
Sterilize the cup: Basically just put it in boiling water before and after your period each month. That ensures any bacteria on the surface is killed.
Try different folds and positions to insert it: It took me a few periods to figure out how to get the cup in. I watched Youtube videos, read extensively about our inner structure and experimented with a bunch of different folds and positions. When I finally figured it out, I realized it doesn’t hurt. AT ALL!
Use your pelvic muscles to remove it: I worried myself silly thinking of how I’d remove it when I finally managed to get it in. The relieving part is that it can’t get lost inside I learnt to use my pelvic muscles and breath to push it down a bit, then squeeze it between my fingers and pull it out.
Advantages of a menstrual cup in pursuit of an enviromentally friendly lifestyle
An eco-friendly alternative: A menstrual cup can be used for upto 10 years with care – easily saving 1800+ single-use pads as trash. Definitely a worthwhile alternative for a more sustainable lifestyle.
Easy to use and clean once you figure it out: The only other zero waste menstrual product is a cloth pad. It works like a regular pad, but needs to be washed after every use, which can be a pain. On the other hand, after the initial mental and physical challenges of figuring out a menstrual cup, it is super easy to use, maintain and carry.
Physical activities are easier with a menstrual cup: I find it way easier to hike, swim, do yoga and other physical activities while wearing my cup. My biggest fear is that I’ll forget it’s inside!
A long term investment: Considering that a menstrual cup can be used for a good few years, it works out way cheaper than pads in the long run. Both financially and environmentally.
Recommended brands of menstrual cups
I love my Lena Cup (bought on Amazon US while travelling in that part of the world) and absolutely recommend it.
My cup-verted friends recommend the SheCup, Cupvert Cup, Boondh Cup and Rustic Art Cup in India. I highly recommend buying cloth pads as a backup for low flow days. There are several options on Amazon India and Amazon US. A set of 4 suffices for me.
Also read: My Detailed Guide on How to Use a Menstrual Cup, With All Your Questions Answered
Sustainable lifestyle ideas | Learning to make upcycled handmade paper in Kerala.
I’ve often found it hard to focus during this lockdown, with all the negativity and indefiniteness playing on my mind. But perhaps it’s the perfect time to unleash our creative spirit to do things it’s otherwise hard to find time for.
In February this year, I met small-scale entrepreneurs across Kerala who benefit indirectly from tourism through vocational jobs. I learnt how to upcycle old newspapers into artisan handmade paper. A sweet couple demonstrated how they recycle used candle wax to make creative candle designs. A tea planter turned tailor has been making cloth bags from old clothes so people can stop using single-use plastic bags.
In South Africa, I learnt how to make trendy wallets from used tetra boxes! In Myanmar, I met a women’s collective who upcycle used coffee and other plastic packets into cool bookmarks and lamp shades.
On my closed women-only Facebook group, one creative soul bought discarded wood from a ragpicker to make a sofa. Another made a hip bookshelf with old drawers!
Why make reusing and recycling part of your sustainable living plan
I sometimes read about people making a move towards slow fashion and a plastic-free sustainable lifestyle by buying new “minimalism-friendly” things as they discard everything else.
And I get it, it’s tempting to buy that multi-purpose scarf thing on Instagram that can be worn 10 different ways. Or to throw out all plastic jars and buy a new set of glass jars to feel good about ourselves.
But here’s the thing. Sustainability and minimalism are pointless pursuits if we’re creating all this trash, or craving the next trendy minimal wear. We need to use what we’ve already got – for the maximum amount of time we can.
How to reuse and recycle during the lockdown
Limited access to non-essentials during the lockdown is the perfect opportunity to get creative. Google has tons of DIY ideas for whatever you need and how to make it based on what you already have at home.
After a long hiatus, I feel ready to acquire a new dress. So I’m trying to remodel my current one into a skirt, and upcycle one of my mom’s old sarees into a dress. We’ll see how the experiment goes
In the next few weeks, my notebook will run out of pages, so I’m going to try making handmade paper. It’ll be hard to replenish my shampoo and conditioner bars, so I’ll try to make a version at home. Many of my friends are making their own cloth masks and sanitizers. The sustainable living possibilities are endless!
Also read: 15 Responsible Travel Tips for Authentic, Meaningful Experiences on the Road
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Have you been wondering how the hell life went from being business as usual to this scary, bizarre lockdown situation?
Scientists pretty much agree that the source of the COVID-19 outbreak was a wet market in Wuhan, China. Hens, fish, snakes, birds, porcupines, pangolin, even wolf pups are sold there – to be cooked and eaten. The virus likely came from bats, and was possibly transmitted by a snake, pangolin or chicken, into humans (pangolin is the prime suspect). That makes it a zoonotic disease, one that spread from animals to humans. Similarly Ebola, SARS, bird flu, nipah etc are all infectious outbreaks that began in bats, but spread to humans through hunting, pig farms, poultry farms and animal markets. Deforestation, biodiversity loss and closer interaction with wild animals helped create the perfect breeding grounds.
There’s been a rise in the spread of infectious diseases in the last 50 years. Our population has grown. But also we have more livestock since 1960 than the last 10,000 years of domestication combined! As we use more animals – for trade, farming, food etc – we increase the probability of cross-species transmission of infectious diseases. Dr Gauden Galea, WHO Representative, China, said in an interview with CNN: “As long as people eat meat, there is going to be some risk of infection.” It’s not yet well understood how exactly zoonotic diseases work, but I guess it’s pretty clear that they are rooted in the abuse and misuse of animals and their habitats.⠀⁣⁣ ⠀⁣⁣ So perhaps this lockdown is a good time to find our inner compassion to stop abusing animals and nature, and reduce the danger to our own lives?
Why go vegan (or consume less animal products for sustainable living)
The animal suffering: Being vegan is simply a pledge to stop exploiting animals – to the greatest extent possible. ⁣⁣⁣That means not using animals for their meat, eggs, milk etc. Not separating them from their babies or castrating them. Not buying products made of leather, silk, wool and down feather. Not using toiletries and cosmetics tested on animals. Not supporting zoos, not riding animals, not using them to carry our loads. Not supporting the pet industry. ⁣⁣If it involves an animal, first google to see what it entails.
The environmental impact of animal based food: A whopping one-third of the world’s freshwater is currently used to produce animal foods, including meat and dairy. Nearly 80% of all agricultural land is used for livestock. 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions – and 12% of those in India – are attributed to raising animals for food (in comparison, flying contributes 2% of global emissions). Without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area equivalent to the U.S., China, the European Union and Australia combined – and still feed the world! Sustainable living? I think so.
The health benefits of plant-based food: Vegan diets haven’t been studied long, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest that meat and milk are associated with cholesterol, heart disease and blood pressure. I’ve met people of various age groups in India, Iran and Germany who’ve reversed diabetes, thyroid and other health conditions by switching to a whole foods plant based lifestyle.
How to turn vegan at your own pace
Research and work out your motivation: Considering that food is an integral part of our daily life, experimenting with being vegan – even for the duration of the lockdown – is a choice that will stare you in the face everyday. So the first step should be to read articles and books, and watch documentaries and videos to firm up your motivation. I even did some primary research by living with small-scale cattle farmers in the Himalayas and visiting free-range dairy farms, sheep rearing facilities, animal rescue sanctuaries and horse riding estates. I’ve learnt to ask tough questions and gathered some shocking answers.
Transition at your own pace and look online for alternative recipes: Depending on how sustainable lifestyle changes work for you, you might want to take it slow or do it overnight. Maybe start with a firm decision to not buy anything that contains animal products – including groceries and cosmetics. Maybe start with cooking one vegan meal a day. If you feel the need for vegan alternatives to milk, butter, cheese etc, a simple google search will reveal a ton of easy recipes.
Figure out how to get your nutrition on a vegan diet: This lockdown is a good time to embrace vegan food that is also local, seasonal and healthy. Most basic Indian food can easily be veganized without ghee, paneer, butter etc. Leafy greens, seasonal veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, lentils, chickpeas, beans etc are ready available. Start with this guide by the NHS to figure out nutritional needs. Note that most people – vegan or not – are deficient in Vitamin B12 and D3, so consider supplements.
Books / documentaries to inspire a vegan sustainable lifestyle
Animal intimacies: Written by anthropologist Radhika Govindarajan, Animal Intimacies is a book about farming and mountain life in Uttarakhand. Written from the social perspective of small scale farmers but an insight into the life of domesticated hill animals as well. I found myself tearing up reading it.
For a moment of taste: An in-depth expose of what happens to animals commonly used for meat, eggs and dairy foods in India, written by investigative researcher Poorva Joshipura. I just ordered my copy.
Why we love dogs, eat pigs and wear cows: A book by social psychologist Melanie Joy on the psychology of eating meat.
Earthlings: An intimate look at how humans have used animals for economic gains. Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. Earthlings might be hard to watch, but if you feel like turning it off, remember that we’re literally paying to make it happen.
Cowspiracy: The first documentary to introduce the environmental impact of animal-based food to a mass audience. Must watch if you’re interested in pursuing a sustainable lifestyle.
Also read: 11 Tips to Ease Your Transition Into a Vegan Lifestyle
How to Travel as a Vegan and Find Delicious Food Anywhere in the World
Sustainable living ideas | My microgreens start to sprout.
Nothing’s given me as much joy in this lockdown as growing my own microgreens! We’ve all likely sampled microgreens – those little plants with a couple of leaves that often appear with a starter or dish at a cafe or restaurant.
But I was first introduced to their amazing nutritional content at The Sunshine Food Co in Cape Town. The owner Elisha fell in love with farming microgreens, and now offers the most badass vegan activated charcoal burgers I’ve ever had.
So I read up, watched a couple of videos and drew inspiration from Instagram to experiment with growing my own. In reused takeaway containers filled with soil, I sowed mustard, urad dal and basil seeds. And was amazed that with little effort, they grew beautifully in a couple of weeks! I added them to my smoothies and sandwiches.
I then managed to get okra, bitter gourd and black eyed pea (lobia) seeds from an organic farmer, though those will take a while to grow.
The joy of growing your own food
This lockdown has left many of us craving to reconnect with earth, and growing our own food is a therapeutic way of doing that. It also allows us to be more self-sustainable in an uncertain future.
Besides, it’s rather reassuring to consume something home-grown, that you know hasn’t been infiltrated with chemical fertilizers or pesticides. And I can swear it teaches us to value the hardwork of our farmers enough to never negotiate for their produce again!
Practical tips to grow produce at home
Know that we can grow stuff no matter where we live: Whether we have a backyard garden, a rooftop or just a window, it’s possibly to grow atleast some of our own food. Grow herbs in the garden, transform a terrace into an urban rooftop farm or try soil-less farming with hydroponics.
Microgreens are the easiest and quickest to grow: Even though I’ve spent time living at / near organic farms and learnt a lot in theory, I never end up staying long enough to see the seeds reach the table. That’s part of the reason I love microgreens. They’re easy to grow, adaptable to most weather conditions and packed with nutrition. But most importantly, they can be harvested within 2-3 weeks!
Keep it organic: My folks, like many others, thought ‘organic’ is a myth. But since I’m here a while, I started getting produce delivered from local organic farmers. Everything from desi tomatoes to peaches to lemons taste so much more flavorful that even my folks are noticing the difference. As you grow things, keep it simple – natural, pesticide free and chemical free. You’re sure to grow into this sustainable lifestyle and notice the difference in taste.
Also read: How to Indulge Your Wanderlust at Home
Sustainable lifestyle ideas | Thinking of better times, in Mauritius.
I know these are overwhelming, unprecedented times. I have good days and bad each week. I feel angry, helpless, sad, guilty and a whole other gamut of emotions.
But this is also a time of introspection. A chance to learn more about this genius planet of ours without stepping out. An opportunity to chase a deeper understanding of the relationship of our species with nature, man-animal conflict, climate change, social justice, animal rights and impactful ways to pursue a sustainable lifestyle.
Unlike pandemics of the past, we’re lucky to have virtual access to the world through Netflix, zoom, webinars, lives, kindle and other technology.
Perhaps the greatest favor we can do ourselves is to treat this “great pause” as a chance to unlearn, rethink and realign our lives. In a way that is personally gratifying but also reduces our impact on the natural world around us.
Also read: Inspiring Women I Met in Bhutan – and What Happiness Means to Them
Have you committed to any sustainable living ideas during the lockdown? What do you plan to try?
I’m now accepting guest posts on my blog on responsible travel and sustainable living. If you’d like to contribute a story, please see my guidelines here.
If you’re a sustainability-minded rebel struggling with your life choices, join my closed women-only Facebook group.
Pin these ideas for a sustainable lifestyle.
The post Sustainable Living Ideas to Embrace as we Emerge Into a New “Normal”. appeared first on The Shooting Star.
Sustainable Living Ideas to Embrace as we Emerge Into a New “Normal”. published first on https://airriflelab.tumblr.com
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unapologeticadult · 5 years
  The decision to give up the traditional publishing route was taken after a great deal of thought. But what’s it really like going it alone? Multi-genre authors Lexi Miles and A.B. Funkhauser tell all in a candid Q&A.
You worked within the perimeters of a traditional publisher but opted to go the indie route after the fact. What shaped your decision?
AB: Publishers, large and small, are like any other organization. They have guidelines and rules to follow. You need those, especially when you’re starting out and really don’t know what you’re doing. Friends will call you out on things, and you say to yourself “do they really know?” When your fellow authors at the publisher and the publishing team call you out, you listen because it’s part of the exercise, part of belonging, part of learning. Again, publishers are like all other organizations. Think in terms of a condo association or even a cemetery. (I’m a mortician so I can’t resist including the graveyard.) A condo has rules about what you can and cannot put on the balcony. A cemetery has rules about what kind of florals you place and when they must be removed. Same with the publisher. A publisher will have rules about covers; how they’re supposed to look, how many colors are permitted, what kind of fonts are allowed. This is because the publisher wants to achieve a specific look for its brand. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s all agreed upon at the time of signing. Indies have the freedom to write their own rules about content, layout, and cover design. I wanted to try that for myself. However, my biggest caution to authors who want to try this is that they not jump in “boots first” but do their research before anything else. It’s a lot of work being your own publisher and promoter. It can get you down if you don’t know what to expect.
  Lexi: I felt constricted in many ways from cover art, release dates, and overall content. I also felt like I wanted better promotion for my work and wanted to release more works (not according to the houses allotted schedule). There are a lot of options on every front when you have more freedom.
What are some of the pluses that come with independence?
Lexi: I am what you call a hybrid author (both traditional and indie). With more independent publishers you have a lot more control over the details of your books. From length to content of the story. Yes, I still adhere to the guidelines of mainstream publishers and work with editors that do the same. Let me offer an example. As a romance author if I don’t want the standard girl meets boy and boy rescues girl scenario, I can have a story that is slightly more imaginative and realistic. I can say that they have a meet cute and she is already strong on her own and he’s not emotionally unavailable (aka robotic). They both meet challenges, but their love and support for each other helps them to conquer them. (Make no mistake, I do love those types of stories. I just like it to have more dimensions.)
  AB: The same pluses that come with being your own boss. You can show up to work when you want. You can choose not to work when you want. I tend to go hard when working on a project. From concept to finished manuscript to publishing to marketing. It can be a grind. There are so many theories out there about how often to publish, how best to affect the algorithms. I did that for three years at the end of which time I had to stop for almost a year. I needed to set a new pace for my work and for me as a person. I’m doing that now. It’s wonderful.
Is there anything you miss about traditional publishing?
AB: I miss the team and the camaraderie. From the moment I signed, they were all there ready to field my untutored questions and reassure me when I got lost. As an indie, I felt like a group of one for a long time, but over time I’ve found other like-mindeds; other indies working toward the same goal: generating quality work and getting it out there. I have peeps again. I don’t feel alone at all.
    Lexi: With traditional publishers you have their audience built in. When you release your sales are more predictable, you are releasing to readers who know and trust their brand. Also, in most cases editors come with publishers. The tricky part there is finding one that works well with you and understands the voice of your story. I have a professional editor that I work with either way, so for me I don’t lose anything.
Some indies create their own imprint or use smaller more independent publishers. Can you tell us why you did that?
Lexi: First, people instantly look for publishers and imprints. It tends to signal quality of work and indicates a more professional work. Two, the freedom. I like being able to control the various aspects of my work and when you go that route you have complete creative freedom. That is an incredibly freeing feeling. That makes me confident to release all of my work because it is the exact voice I want out there.
        AB: One of the things I noticed on the book fair circuit was that potential readers would turn the book over and then say, “Oh, you’re independent.” The first couple of times it happened, I took it as an invitation to sell my virtues. The next time it happened, I asked the person what they were looking for and they said, “the publisher.” What is the publisher on the back of a book? It’s the imprint. My imprint is real; it’s registered in my country of origin and all my promo materials carry it plus the Independent Author Seal I designed. But I find having the imprint logo gets me past the first hurdle in a face to face. Rather than say “Oh, you’re indie” they say “Cool” or “What?” and then we can talk about the books. It’s a great icebreaker.
What advice do you have for authors who wish to follow your example?
AB: If you are already with a publisher, you must ask yourself why you want to DIY and then be prepared to do the research. Do you: know how to format a book; design covers; format your book into all formats (there are a few); know a good printer for your paperbacks; need to hire a professional editor or a professional cover designer; have a budget that can cover all your wants v. your needs; know how to use the advertising features across the platforms; understand the algorithms; have resource people who can guide you? And so on. I don’t want to mislead. It’s daunting.
    Lexi: First, write the book. Second, spend time editing so that it is a high quality book. Third, learn the ins and outs of what you need to do to publish it (formatting/covers), protect your work, and promote it. And finally, GO FOR IT!
What one thing (or things) did you change that leveled up your writing?
Lexi: I am always looking for new ways to level up my writing.
One, I write daily for at least an hour or more. This helps me to stay in a great groove while writing and to get a lot of high quality content in each day. Two, after writing a section, I reread it as well as get outside eyes on it to plug any holes or to help strengthen the storytelling. Three, I utilize lists/charts with a variety of commonly used words (words like more, said, very, etc.) to really help me say it like I want to bring it across (with impact). Four, I spend time in the world that I am writing. It is what I call touch/sense writing. I do this in many ways. I may listen to beach, airport, or car sounds, visit Pinterest for clothing/setting ideas, mimic a scene in some way to bring it to life (ex: workout if my character is working out), drink a beverage like the one in the story, listen to music that defines the character (character playlist), and the list goes on.
    AB: I go slow and slow=better. Being my own boss now, I don’t feel the pressure to deliver a new book each year. I wish I could, but I find that if I take the time to send the manuscript out for editing by someone with cred and then shop the cover and blurb for feedback before going to print, I get a more effective piece of work; effective in the sense that I don’t have the goofy spelling errors (pore and pour—OMG!) or awkward paragraph splits to name a couple. It really takes time to catch these things. That means, no more rushing.
Switching gears a bit, what is the one thing you tend to work into your book when possible?
AB: There are two things that have been there from the get-go. The first is the oft complained about omniscient narrator. Dunno why poor omni is disliked. For me, omni entertains as I create, dropping dollops of knowledge onto the reader above what the characters know. I just love having secret knowledge and sharing that with the reader. The second thing readers will find is treachery of the old Byzantine kind. I’m a history nerd, and old Byzantium—fair or not—is renowned for its ability to hatch incredibly complex plots with ease. I don’t write complex plots per se, what I write are characters who are either complex and don’t know it or presume to be complex and aren’t but credit themselves with being crafty. That’s fun stuff to write and it’s going to be there every time.
    Lexi: I like to show that my lead females are not in need of being rescued, but are looking for an intimate partnership. One that makes them stronger and helps both characters face some sort of challenge and to do so by finding the strength in their love. I also like to work in characters big or small that we all have met in our daily lives (judgmental relative, snippy boss, big personality, etc.). A good plot with some sweet or hot romantic moments.
What is the most rewarding aspect of publishing without a publisher/traditional (indie/smaller house)?
Lexi: I deliver the exact book I envisioned on my terms.
          AB: That’s easy: getting to know the other side of the business. I can say this without exaggeration. After getting my first book to market under the new imprint, I was left with the feeling that writing the book was the easy/fun part. The steps required to deliver a quality piece of work (now called “the product”) were numerous, involved and filled with “either/or” choices. I’m looking forward to smoother sailing on the next ones, but that, I’m pretty sure, will take some more time to get to. Learning. Never. Stops.
What is one aspect of indie publishing you did not expect?
AB: The speedy turn around time with the printer for paperbacks. Learning the formats for all the digital platforms was so all-time consuming that I just assumed that printing would take weeks. It doesn’t. It takes days. But knowing this, I had to slow right down. I had to make sure that the pdf format for the printer was pristine. Sure, they run a preview copy, but I can’t allow myself to get it wrong. That would be a waste of precious paper. It must be absolutely ready to go before I send it to the printer. Turn around can be as fast as 48 hours for a small run.
    Lexi: All the work and research that goes into every aspect, especially promoting. When going at it as an indie, even with a publisher’s backing, you have to promote, promote, PROMOTE.
In what way have you stretched yourself as a writer recently?
Lexi: I write goals daily/weekly and stick to them (writing, promoting, and connecting with readers).
            AB: My first six books are blended genre pieces that embrace satire fiction and dark humor. Some, but not all, veer into a literary stream, but that’s more because of the characters’ inclinations. For example, the hopeless romantics go on and on about the trees and what they mean, while the egomaniac sees the end of days when the squirrels arrive. Blended genres are a joy to write, but it’s not always easy to find the audience for them. In fact, it takes years of work to do that. So, for a change, I’ve decided to give pure genre a try. My first mystery, Self-Defense from the Kirsti Brüner Mortuary Mysteries Series, should come out later this summer. It’s kind of a funeral directors drum up business whether the business likes it or not scenario. There’s some grit as well as some laughs to be found in it.
What is the one thing readers should know when reading one of your books?
AB: Know that I write because I enjoy it and I have a lot of fun doing it. Approach the work with an open mind. Characters, like people IRL, don’t always tell the truth and they won’t go out of their way to help you figure them out. But do know that by the last page, all is explained. It’s important to me to give that.
    Lexi: First, thank you for reading it. Second, I hope you connect with it and can see yourself in the story. Third, I have more books due out soon! Four, strap in and enjoy the ride! And finally, there are sure to be a lot of fun, blushworthy, and intense moments. It will be rewarding!
  Lexi Miles currently lives in California, has one sister named Cat, and is a proud pup mom of two mischievous Yorkies. Tropical warm spots and out of the way ranches are Lexi’s favorite escapes. Lexi loves to giggle. She’s a huge fan of positivity, and she is delighted when she can help someone else smile. Lexi loves a good in home TV/movie binge. She also enjoys music (all genres), baseball, bubble baths, cooking, and long walks on the treadmill (aka working out). As far as writing, she fell in love with it from when she was a kid, and she still finds that she falls more in love with it every day. Lexi is growing a cult following for both her poetry and romance novels (sweet to alarmingly spicy) and believes that love—all forms—is the most precious gift that we are given in life. She is thrilled to pen romance (multiple published titles), and all of that comes with it on paper! To find out more about Lexi, please go to www.LexiMilesAuthor.com.
    Toronto born author A.B. Funkhauser is a mother, mortician and monkey who favors cats but still loves dogs. Dedicated to spreading the word on matters serious, she believes that the best way to get a point across is with a hefty dose of humor. Her fourth novel, SELF-DEFENSE, is the first in a mystery series headed by intrepid mortician Kirsti Brüner. For more information, please visit her Amazon author page and this site.
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  YOU’VE LEFT YOUR TRAD PUBLISHER NOW WHAT? FOR WRITERS The decision to give up the traditional publishing route was taken after a great deal of thought.
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marymosley · 5 years
Meet Nipun Bhatia: A Lawyer, Chartered Accountant, Management Consultant to Legal Industry, IP Enthusiast and a Fashion Blogger
In conversation with Nipun Bhatia who is presently Vice-President, Strategic Management & Process Redesigning at Legal League Consulting, A Lawyer, Chartered Accountant, Management Consultant to Legal Industry, IP Enthusiast and a Fashion Blogger –, the person donning several hats!
  Here’s candid conversation about his Journey and different professional roles:
  What was your first choice – pursuing Chartered Accountancy or Law?
I’m sure you would’ve heard the famous saying, “What you seek is seeking you”! I believe I’ve been lucky in the sense that things have fallen into place like missing pieces of a jig-saw puzzle. I signed up for law half-way through my CA course, under the fear that I may never be able to pass the final stages (given the average number of students that qualify every year!). To be honest, I didn’t want to end up without a professional degree and hence started pursuing law. However, what actually started as a fall-back plan, actually became my mainstream choice. Regular classes in college helped fostering my interest in law more than chartered accountancy; and while I cleared both the exams, I knew my interest was more towards law. I also pursued a short-term specialization course in IP Laws which drew me closer to the field of Intellectual Property. It also helped me to better understand the nuances of IP laws, which came as a great help later as a large number of firms who seek my assistance as management consultant are IP Boutique firms. The domain knowledge of IP Laws, coupled with my learnings while pursuing CA, well-equipped me towards various inter-linked aspects like commercial laws, taxation, valuation, creation of IP assets, finance, equity structuring, goodwill, brand usage at the time of restructuring or mergers, etc.
What prompted you to choose the field of management consulting to legal industry after qualifying as a Chartered Accountant and a Lawyer?
My experience of working as a Finance Manager with a renowned IP Law Firm actually paved way for me to venture into different areas of business support like human resource management, operations management, administration, IP investigations and enforcement actions. When I met Ms. Bithika Anand, Founder & CEO of Legal League Consulting, I was deeply moved by her vision to transform the Indian legal industry. Her commitment to bring operational efficiencies to legal organizations and to equip them with global best practices motivated me to a great extent. Her vision and confidence motivated me to join Legal League Consulting and be a part of an organization that strived to achieve something extraordinary, niche and unheard of.
The recent times have witnessed strong emergence of business support functions in law firms. Do you think becoming a management consultant can be a full-time career option for lawyers?
Absolutely! Law firms are increasingly looking to recruit lawyers who are willing to try their hand at innovative roles like Brand Development & Corporate Communication, Practice Development, Knowledge Management, Research & Content Development, Legal IT & Automation, to name a few. Lawyers opting to be a part of business support functions have an upper edge as they not only understand the lives of the lawyer better, they are also able to better comprehend the legal language and understand aspects related to environment lawyers operate in (say, restriction on advertising, soliciting and cold-calling). In last five years, firms have also progressed towards professionalization of business support. There are dedicated Managers and Heads for functional areas and the trend to hire lawyers as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Systems Officer (CSO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), Business Development Managers, etc. is on the rise. Not only are there lawyers making a switch to these fields after certain years of practice, but there are also young lawyers joining the functional support areas, who are clear that they’re not inclined towards traditional lawyering. Several fresh law graduates are joining as research and knowledge trainees, helping firms with newsletters, knowledge dissemination, conference participation, industry sector researches, jurisdiction-specific researches, policy updates, case analysis, templatization, document management, etc. The field is expanding and there is absolutely no dearth of opportunities for those who want go the unconventional way.
Internship opportunities are available to lawyers who want to practice legal consultancy or work in a law firm. What about opportunities for those who aspire to pursue a career in law firm management?
It is about getting the approach correct. Those who are desirous of making a career in this field need to approach law firms with specific requests to let them intern with teams/heads handling the operational areas. Wherever possible, they can be specific to the extent of requesting for a functional area, say, Corporate Communication, Operations, Talent Management, etc. In case they are interning with law firms that do not have such sophisticated bifurcation of business support departments/specialized teams, they can always interact with the operations team or business support members during their legal internships; and gather knowledge on areas that interest them. It would be worthwhile for students who intend to enter this field, to follow international writers/bloggers who write on law firm management, as the concept is far more popular and accepted abroad. Legal League Consulting also offers internships to law students where they get to work with the core team members and get trained on areas like Compensation Benchmarking & Structuring, Practice Development, Brand Enhancement, Human Resource Planning and Synergies & Alliances amongst law firms.
You are handling brand creation for a sizeable number of law firms. Given the restrictions on lawyers towards advertising and solicitation, what goes into creating a brand strategy for lawyers?
When I talk of ‘brand creation’, I always resonate it with ‘creating your worth as a trusted advisor’. If you are not the ‘go to’ person for a client in the hour of need, you’re yet to create your brand. Therefore, contrary to what people think, brand creation is less about the extent of your web/online presence and more about the relationships you develop and your perception as an ‘authority’ or ‘thought leader’ in your area of practice. The brand strategy for lawyers is actually their macro-level plan in terms of their presence and contribution at various relevant events and forums, the fervour with which young lawyers look up to them, their involvement in the policy making or regulatory environment for their practice area, and most importantly, the dedication with which they want to make the lives of their clients, colleagues and prospective client contacts easy. Of course, ranking by leading international publications also make a difference to the brand perception, as it culminates from a thorough research process and is largely reflective of the work done by the organization in last 12 months. Collate and articulate the key work done in different practice areas and make submissions to ranking publications, which will increase the chances of your firm being ranked or included as notable/upcoming lawyers.
Being a management consultant to law firms entails you dealing with high-end and time consuming initiatives like strategy planning, equity structuring and mergers between law firms. How did fashion blogging happen?
Fashion blogging commenced as a result of encouragement (and some criticism!) by a few friends. Amidst comparisons with Ranveer Singh’s quirky sense of style, there were some who were always supportive and some who were simply amused (for the lack of a better word!). Let’s just say I’m experimental with my looks and I have an eye for clothes that have an edge or are slightly different in terms of their style. I chose the name @notjustacompulsiveshopper for my Instagram and Facebook profiles to let the world know that while my friends and family consider me to be a compulsive shopper, the truth is that I enjoy being experimental and having a huge wardrobe to choose from is always a plus! I’m usually ahead of times in terms of adorning a trend and am as comfortable with street shopping as I am with branded stores and online shopping sites.
Amidst leading a busy lifestyle and multi-tasking with heavy duty deliverables, how do you find time for pursuing fashion blogging?
I am a firm believer in training the brain to toggle between switch off and switch modes. Thus, after a long day at work, writing about fashion or clothes or new trends is just a way to connect with people who share similar interests and who are as passionate about grooming and fashion trends as I am. I wouldn’t call myself a blogger in true sense of the word as I’m not able to keep up with the commitment it requires. But yes, I would say I enjoy writing about looks that are unconventional, clothes that are unique or have an edge; and how to create a unique ensemble look with different clothing items, colour combinations and accessories. It is a complete stress-buster. My advice to all the lawyers out there would be to develop a hobby amidst leading a fast-paced and stressful lifestyle. Doing what you love both on and off-work will help you channelize your creative energies better.
The post Meet Nipun Bhatia: A Lawyer, Chartered Accountant, Management Consultant to Legal Industry, IP Enthusiast and a Fashion Blogger appeared first on Legal Desire.
Meet Nipun Bhatia: A Lawyer, Chartered Accountant, Management Consultant to Legal Industry, IP Enthusiast and a Fashion Blogger published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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howtohero · 5 years
#201 Sewers
Sewers! The world beneath the one you’re familiar with but the one above the world that Greg the Skeleton King is familiar with. If you think about it, the world is really just a sewer sandwich with Hell bread and land of the living bread. And that’s beautiful. If you’re going to be a superhero you need to constantly keep tabs on the sewers in your city. Because I can personally guarantee you that at any and all times, something weird is going on down there. (When we say “personally guarantee” we do definitely mean that if something weird isn’t going down in your sewers, we will come to where you live and make sure there is something weird going on. 
The National Sewer Census Bueareaeueaua (somebody please help) reports that by tomorrow, every sewer system in the contiguous US will be home to either a community of sewer-mutants, supervillains, or Gerb the The Unshowerable Sewer-Man. And that’s only thanks to data gleaned from supervillains and mutants who deign to fill out census surveys. (And Gerb, but he’s a sucker for surveys, he’ll fill out any survey placed in front of him.) It is likely that both populations are larger than our government thinks. It is also likely, that these groups are not going to get along. When you donned your emblazoned scuba mask and eagle-head-shaped water wings, you made a commitment to the world. A commitment to protect innocent people from supervillains. Even if they’ve got tentacles or are giant turtles. Which means when the sewer-mutants call for help after their homes are converted into supervillain lairs, you best be heeding that call. 
When fighting crime in a sewer, you’re most likely going to need to heavily alter your fighting style to account for the cramped space. While it’s true that sewers in universes with superheroes in them are much larger than sewers in universes where superheroes are less mainstream, they’re still not going to be especially spacious. (Excepting of course, a one mile stretch of sewers underneath Nice, France, which is just a portal to the outer rim of the Milky Way so it is literally quite spacious.) If you’re a hand-to-hand combat whiz this might not actually affect you too much. You don’t need that much space to throw a punch. But if you’re a superhero who relies on ranged weaponry or who likes to occasionally throw their enemies very far away so that you can take a few seconds to catch your breath and come up with a few more quips without risk of being attacked, you’re going to experience a kind of culture shock. But do not fret! You can use this cramped space to your advantage. 
For one thing, if a supervillain is setting up shop in such a cramped space, there’s going to be a lot of important supervillain stuff, concentrated into a very small space. If you were breaking into an evil castle, it would take you a while to find and dispose of all of the evil machinery and half-formed schemes and half-formed mud men, but if you’re in a sewer, one well placed plasma beam is all you need. It doesn’t even need to be well-placed actually, minimal aiming required! Not to mention, that the supervillain will also be fighting in just as cramped a space as you will. And while they have the advantages of a home-court advantage (which is mostly negated anyway by the fact that they have to pack all of their important evil gear into a tight space) and not caring about causing any damage to city infrastructure, you have the element of surprise, and the luxury of being able to develop a plan of attack in advance of jumping down the manhole cover. Reach out to your contact in the City Hall archives. If you don’t have one of those by now literally just retire. You’ll never be the hero we need you to be. Tap your guy to find a blueprint of the city’s sewer system and study them so you can plot your attack. Figure out the optimal entrance into the sewer, study the different tunnels and find out where they intersect and connect, and find the part with the most doody water so you can toss your enemy into it after you stop them from terrorizing the sewer-mutants and put an end to their evil plan to get fish addicted to sewer water. (I guess the end game there is that all the fish in the city move into the sewers and then any person who eats fish will get food poisoning? I don’t know, definitely don’t wait to figure out what their ultimate goal is before you stop them.) 
You can also take advantage of the cramped space to try out some cool parkour moves! Do a kickflip off of a wall and nail that sucker in the face with your shoulder of something. Make sure you actually know how to do cool parkour moves before you attempt this though. Otherwise you’re going to look like a fool in front of the bad guys and the mutants, who you’d really to respect you since they’ve got spikes and sludge and turtle shells and are generally a lot cooler than you. Plus, if you fall flat on your face in the sewers, odds are that you’re going to get a face full of sewer water. Which is not good for your brand! Or your skin probably. Please consult a doctor. 
You can also use your new knowledge of the sewers to set up a network of escape tunnels to use if you ever need to beat a hasty retreat after getting totally wrecked by a supervillain, of if you need to flee the scene of an averted-crime before the police show up and arrest you because you’re making them look bad with your zany toothpaste-themed brand of vigilante justice. (Shout out to Cole Gates, aka Minty Frezzh, whose powerful toothpaste-blaster has sent many a supervillain begging for mercy and a prison cell). Keep a small motor-boat in the sewers that you can easily access in the event of an emergency. Learn the sewers and tunnels like the back of your hand so you can easily lose those who would wish to pursue you. Figure out how to dull your sense of smell so that you can venture into the smelliest part of the sewers without any risk of being followed. In order to do this I recommend standing in the most smelliest parts of the sewers for days on end in order to go nose-blind to the disgusting smells. You can also visit with Al “Da Boss” Marconi, who is currently serving his second of three life sentences in Gargoyle Penitentiary (he died once but got better) and see if he’d be willing to train you in the art of having no sense of smell. Or invest in a big clothe’s pins and be ready to stick them on your nose. With your sense of smell temporarily overridden, there’s nowhere you can’t go. (Except, for some of you, into volcanoes. And for one of you, Quebec, you know who you are.) 
Another thing you should be wary of when venturing into the sewers is that there are alligators basically everywhere. I know what you’re thinking, because I have been illegally reading all of your thoughts for over two years now, “isn’t that just a dumb urban legend?” and yeah, it used to be. But because of that urban legend, people kept throwing their alligators into the sewer, and now it’s really full of alligators. This doesn’t have to be an issue, you’re a superhero, you should be pretty charming, all you need to do is charm the pants off of those alligators and you’ll be free to do as you please. Compliment them on their scales and on how sharp and terrifying their teeth look. Tell them that you know that they’re not crocodiles. They’ll appreciate that. If you’re doing your job correctly, you should be making dozens of new alligator allies every time you venture into the sewers on official business. 
The sewers are an interesting, and sometimes literally magical place, there’s no way we could ever prepare you for everything you might find down there. I once fell down a manhole cover and ended up in Medieval-era Mars, which was actually a lot more technologically advanced than we are now during our Medieval era. So getting back wasn’t an issue, but it was definitely a weird way to start my week. Hopefully these tips will get you through the sewers with minimal issues, and you’ll come out with a lot more mutant and alligator friends at the end of it!
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instagram-money · 6 years
BEST 34 Bandage Dresses for women '' NEW ''
BEST 34 Bandage Dresses for women '' NEW ''
TOP Bandage Dresses for women 
Hello, before watching the Bandage Dresses I recommend you first watch this video
To buy the Bandage Dresses click here please
An Introduction to Bandage Dresses
In the realm of form, we frequently run over dresses and clothing types which may appear to be abnormal at first, however in the long run end up worthy to the general population. Garments organizations, mold houses and creator dress makers frequently turn out with clothing types that appear to be totally unique than those clothing types which are accessible in the market. Keeping in mind the end goal to advance these clothing types, they procure superstars to wear these clothing types, to promote them. Given the way that famous people are worshiped by the general population, the clothing types they advance inevitably turn into a hit with the majority. A case of such clothing types would be bandage dresses. 
What are they? 
As the name recommends, bandage dresses are those dresses which are folded over the body like bandage dressings. They are produced using a substantial number of stretchable strips, in light of which they ladies of all body composes can without much of a stretch fit into them. Be that as it may, they stayed joined to the body in a figure-embracing way. Subsequently, they can feature even the scarcest of 'defects' in a lady's figure. They are basically worn by ladies who are thin, and are alright with the manner in which they look. These dresses were first presented by a brand called Herve Leger. 
For what reason would they say they are well known? 
As the bandage dresses are produced using stretchy materials, they effectively form themselves to the state of a lady. This is the reason, the figure-cognizant ladies of today like wearing them as they get the opportunity to look 'hot' and attractive by wearing them. Additionally, finished the most recent couple of years, these clothing types have been made well known by numerous mainstream superstars who have worn them in a few events. Taraji P. Henson, star of prominent TV demonstrate 'Individual of Interest', vocalist Katy Perry and on-screen character and artist Jennifer Lopez are a portion of those big names who have worn these dresses and have added to their fame with the majority. 
The bandage dresses are with the end goal that they help ladies in looking provocative and more smart. Given the way that they are produced using stretchable textures, they can feature the magnificence of a lady's figure and make her look lovely and alluring. They are promptly accessible in most on the web and customary stores. Additionally, they are not extremely costly, in contrast with other planner clothing types that are accessible in the market. Another explanation for the prevalence of such dresses is that, they are accepted to influence ladies to look 'more slender'. They can be found in the cabinets of most form cognizant ladies nowadays.
Tips to Perfectly Wear Bandage Dresses
Gauze dresses are your most logical option of having your most sultry look. They have a one of a kind method for clutching your body influencing you to look way more slender and rounder in the meantime. Above all, you don't need to stress over your bends not being noticeable when wearing it. Regardless of whether you don't have an exceptionally uncovered figure, wrap dresses will continually draw out your bends making all the correct spots to be seen. 
Briefly, gauze dresses are in vogue as well as the best sort of dresses for complementing your figure and physical highlights. 
By and by, there are a few things you may need to do keeping in mind the end goal to have the capacity to impeccably wear it. For example, on the off chance that you have a really noticeable belly, wearing it may not exactly draw out your best look. Luckily, even that can't keep you from appreciating the appearance help that it offers. You just need to utilize the accompanying tips and you'll be ready. 
I. Stomach Controllers 
On the off chance that you would want to wear your swathe dress without worrying about your belly destroying your general looks, utilizing a belly controller can rapidly take care of this issue for you as you scan for more changeless answers for the same. Especially in the event that you don't have a vast belly, stomach controllers can furnish you with the handy solution you have to openly put on your hot-looking dress. In this way a little belly ought to positively not come in the method for you setting off to that gathering or occasion on your ravishing dress. 
ii. De-swelling 
Now and again what can keep you from completely appreciating the charm of wearing gauze dresses is swelling. Swelling has a negative impact of making your stomach to seem less level that it typically is. Considering that it firmly fit into your body, swelling can uncover your belly in a negative light. The uplifting news is there are numerous ways you can adequately manage swelling henceforth put on your dress with no issues. The primary de-swelling procedure you can utilize is to remove your admission of salt and sugar no less than three days before the enormous occasion, when you intend to wear your wrap dress. Another solid system is to begin expending nourishments that are known to settle glucose which frequently are wealthy in Omega-3 unsaturated fats. 
iii. Abstaining from excessive food intake 
For major physical difficulties that may make it somewhat dubious to wear gauze dresses, think about abstaining from excessive food intake. Remember this additionally will give you a long haul answer for getting on your battling weight so you can completely enjoy the advantages of putting on a gauze dress. A couple of long stretches of train on consuming less calories will at last result when you in the end get fit as a fiddle and begin getting all the reverence in view of your dazzling looks in a dress. 
iv. Working out 
Close by consuming less calories, practicing is additionally a smart thought to ensure you truly get the opportunity to look awesome in a wrap dress. Going out for a stroll, a run or a morning keep running for only a couple of minutes can have a major effect in changing your looks and setting up your body for wearing the in vogue dresses.
Points To Remember When Picking A Suitable Bandage Dress
{A lot of women|Lots of women|Some women} {want to|wish to} wear tight-fitting dresses to show off their naturally beautiful body {figure|shape}. {In case you are|Should you be|For anyone who is} confident enough to wear similar outfits, you should find a plaster dress today. This {outfit is|dress is|clothing is} extremely stylish and sexy. It is {especially|specifically} loved by top {celebs|superstars|famous people} and ordinary women. The bandage outfit was {formerly|at first} created by Herve Locker, a fashion brand {possessed|owned or operated|held} by a famous {developer|artist|custom made} called Herve L. Leroux. The company designed {the|their|it is} first dress with a very stretchy fabric so it could hug the curves of they. Herve Leger continues to be the leading producer of designer bandage dresses and it boasts numerous {followers|enthusiasts|supporters} so far. Prior to buying {make certain you} know how your attire will look like. It is normally {made from|manufactured from|created from} thin strips of thick stretchy fabric {sewn|padded|embroidered} together.
All strips are cautiously cut and {formed|designed|molded} like bandages. There are many fashion houses that produce this item of clothing today. So you will find a plaster dress that could {enhance|go with|supplement} your body shape. {In the event that|In the event|If perhaps} you manage to buy the {most suitable|best suited} attire for your body {condition} and size, you will look prettier in the {eye|sight} of everybody. Bandage clothes {are incredibly} {proficient at|great at} creating an illusion of thinness. {They will|That they} also make the {condition} of a woman {easy|clean|soft} and delicious. In addition these clothes can {accent|humor|humour} different figures as long as they are {selected|chosen|picked out} carefully. If {a woman|a female|a girl} chooses an outfit that is too tight, it will produce {a packed|a filled|a loaded} appearance. On the other hand, choosing {the one that is|the one which is} too loose-fitting for your body would certainly ruin the figure-hugging effect it is intended to bring away.
Thus it is {essential|crucial|very important} {to consider|for taking|to adopt} the time to pick the right {clothing|attire|clothes} for yourself. It was made to be tight and sexy dress which means you had better avoid it if you are timid and {timid|self conscious|bashful}. Another point to {keep in mind|bear in mind} when selecting and buying bandage clothes are style. Some clothes have much longer sleeves and others have short ones. As well the neckline and {size|duration|span} of the dress can vary. To look {good|reasonable|respectable} and attractive, avoid very short and tight clothing. That is not {stop|forbid|restrict} you from showing {a lttle bit|somewhat} of your thighs though. The important thing is to test your {plaster|plaster} dress first prior to buying it. Let it stay alone if it feels too uncomfortable. {Intended for|To get|Pertaining to} instance if you {are not able to|are unable to|simply cannot} easily walk, sit or breath properly, while {putting on|using} your outfit, it is not your match.
{To prevent|In order to avoid|To stop} making a mistake, {ask for|demand|obtain} a relative or good friend to help you {choose|decide on|opt for} {a good|an intelligent|a brilliant} garment for your figure. Perhaps you want to shop online. {In the event that|In the event|If perhaps} this is the circumstance, ensure that the {merchant|supplier|seller} offers a functional {sizes|size} chart, money-back guarantee and fair return policy. You need the last two options just incase the bandage dress {you select|you decide on} will not fit or please you when it is delivered. {A reasonable|A good} return {plan|coverage|insurance plan} will let you send back the product to the seller as soon as possible. If you want a replacement, this policy will allow you to get it. The money-back guarantee will apply under certain pre-determined situations. {Make sure to|Make sure you|Be sure you} ask an internet based vendor about it.
Grab Attention With Attractive and Trendy Bandage Dresses
{As time passes}, various new dresses have {developed|progressed|advanced|improved|changed}, and each has its style {declaration|assertion|affirmation}. But one of the {trusted} attires {forever} is bandage dresses. {Without doubt} {these} attires {are really} stylish and can truly {provide a} sizzling {turn to} the person {putting on|using} it. They {aren't} only known {for his or her|because of their} awesome looks, {nevertheless they|nonetheless they} can fit any {physique}.
Hollywood actresses {broadly|extensively|generally|greatly} wear {this specific} {clothing|attire|costume}, as nowadays they {have grown to be} famous worldwide. {Superstars|Stars} prefer {putting on|using} these {clothes|clothing|apparel} to get an eye-catching look. {Beginning with} fashion designers to {superstars|stars} {also to|and} {regular|common|normal|standard|typical} women, these attires {took} a {long lasting|everlasting} {put in place|devote} the closet.
More about Bandage Dresses:
As the name {implies|advises}, these {clothes|clothing|apparel} can be {covered|twisted} around {your body} {as being a} bandage. The stretchable {pieces|whitening strips} {of the} apparels made these gain its {recognition|reputation|acceptance|level of popularity|attractiveness}. {Because of the} stretchable property, these cheap bandage dresses can {easily fit into} any {physique}. Best {elements of} these {clothes|clothing|apparel} are, that no need of using {lively|radiant|attractive|vivid|exciting} accessories. These {are incredibly} appealing {and therefore} give an {appealing|attractive} look to {the ladies} wearing them.
Bandage {clothes|clothing|apparel} are {also called} body hugging dresses and {help} flatter {form|condition}. Women with {an effective} {condition} can look {exceptional|excellent|spectacular|remarkable|fantastic} with these dresses. Getting {a proper} party {gets easier} with these body hugging apparels.
Types of Bandage Dresses:
- V {Throat|Neck of the guitar}:
These {clothes|clothing|apparel} come {in a number of} attractive colors and {unequaled|unparalleled|unrivaled} styles. {They often} {conclude|wrap up} to the {leg} and {feature a} v shaped {throat|neck of the guitar} {collection|range|series|brand|lines}. These sleeveless {clothes|clothing|apparel} are {exceptional|excellent|spectacular|remarkable|fantastic} in its way and can surely {get|pick up} the centre of the lime light. The {dazzling|gleaming} colors {of the} attires make it unique.
- Long:
As the name {implies|advises}, these apparels are usually long {size|duration|span|period}. {They could be} the perfect attires {for just about any} {wedding ceremony|service}. They come sleeveless and with {pieces|whitening strips}. {Types of} designs are including one {make} and two {make} create a {stunning} look. {They could} come with {profound} neck or {brief} necked. {Without doubt}, these apparels {are really} beautiful and {help} get a {stunning|amazing} look.
- Long Sleeve:
These {clothes|clothing|apparel} are usually {brief} and {conclude|wrap up} to the {leg}. Women who {aren't} {more comfortable with} sleeveless can {choose|decide|select} for these as {they are} equally {amazing|wonderful|great|brilliant|magnificent}. The sleeves might be {clear|translucent} or {a standard} one. The neckline {differs|ranges|can vary} enormously. {You can} choose these {desired|appealing|attractive|suitable|advisable} attires from {a number of} choice.
- Strapless:
These types {have grown to be} popular {in the current} date. {A lot of the} celebrities prefer {this type} as these {can provide} {an attractive} look. {Without} straps, {you can} {showcase} the shoulders {that provide} an eye-catching look. The neckline {of the} dresses is usually too {profound} {gives} a sensuous look. Using not {overweight} accessories with {high heel shoes} can give {a superb} look.
- {Cause of} Their {Recognition|Reputation|Acceptance|Level of popularity|Attractiveness}:
1. Unmatched fabrics {improves|boosts|increases} the looks {within an} immense way
2. High elasticity makes them comfortable
3. All body {designs|styles|forms|patterns|figures} {may use} these apparels
4. {Provides} sensuous and {attractive|interesting} look
5. Flatters {your body} shape
Bandage dresses {have grown to be} {the only real|the sole|really the only|the one} name fashion. These cheap bandage dresses {can boost} the looks {within an} {enormous|tremendous|huge} way. For {get together} lovers {this is actually the} only choice, {whatever the} form of {physique|number|shape|body|amount} one has.
Choosing A Bandage Dress: Two Ideas To Reflect On
Garments can enhance or exacerbate your body shape. In this manner you should know your figure first. Every female shape can be alluring as long as it is dressed properly. In the event that you are honored to have excellent bends, you can improve them with a bandage dress. It is a stretchy outfit that mirrors the body of the wearer when worn. Since ladies have distinctive body sizes and shapes, bandage dresses can change. As you pick yours, put the accompanying 2 thoughts into thought. 
Shading, length, texture and style 
Women have isolate explanations behind purchasing bandage dress. Some need to expel swells from their figures while others want the thinning impact made by these garments. To look slimmer than you truly are, be cautious with your shading decisions. Strong hues are the most suitable for those of you who want a slimmer body. There are women who just won't wear strong shading dresses and feel lovely in them. Is it true that you are one of them? For this situation pick a bandage dress that has similarly disseminated blended shading groups. Those of you who have exquisite shoulders, more extensive hips and a small midriff can attempt a dress with shading blocking. In this piece of clothing the originator changes shading at the body parts specified above to attract eyes to them. Length is another basic factor to consider while choosing a reasonable piece of clothing. To make a thin body shape, utilizing bandage dresses, evade low profile and short ones. 
This is on the grounds that these garments are now tight and figure-complimenting. Might you want to demonstrate some cleavage? A slipover tank style is simply ideal for you. To look youthful and chic, get yourself an off-the-bear or a top sleeved dress. At the point when collaborated with high foot sole area shoes or shut shoes, one can accomplish a prolonged look starting from the waist to the toes. Additionally a knee-length furnish is perfect for those of you who might love to have a more drawn out body outline. Texture and style goes together. There are a few textures that can never embrace your outline regardless of which style or cut is connected by the originator. This sort of texture will influence the zones you to need to shroud more conspicuous than those you need to flaunt. So it would be a smart thought to pick a stretch spandex texture as it extends relying on the extent of your body. Other than it delivers extremely sharp dresses. A few people prescribe a polyester rayon mix texture for a fitting bandage dress. 
Adorning your clothing 
To have an exciting look in your clothing, pick the correct adornments. For example, you could wear a metallic accessory made of gold or silver. This is especially when the picked dresses have scandalous neck areas. Guarantee that the accessory is short however. A choker will work. It is essential to pick your hoops painstakingly as this will rely upon the look you plan to make. Unnecessary to say, you needn't bother with a satchel when wearing your shocking bandage dress. A grip is perfect in light of its little size. Regardless of whether you pick sequined or strong calfskin grip does not make a difference as long as it supplements your clothing. At last, wear strappy shoes or stiletto recuperates rather than level footwear.
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from HOT DRESSES https://ift.tt/2oktlYw via IFTTT
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gossipnetwork-blog · 6 years
How Women, Tech Took Over Porn: Inside the 2018 AVN Awards
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/how-women-tech-took-over-porn-inside-the-2018-avn-awards/
How Women, Tech Took Over Porn: Inside the 2018 AVN Awards
From #MeToo to cam stars, this year’s Oscars of the obscene showcased the future of porn
Here’s a Black Mirror pitch: You pay several hundred dollars to attend the world’s biggest porn convention and awards ceremony. You travel to Las Vegas, where the air has transformed into mentholated nicotine vapor and no one will validate your parking. You do this in order to meet porn stars in the flesh, to see them onstage celebrating the Oscars of the obscene, because – even though, according to Scientific American, half of us are now creating our own sexual content on our personal devices – there’s something superhuman about sexual celebrities.
Death of a Porn Star
When August Ames killed herself following controversy on Twitter, it revealed a schism between the gay and straight communities in the porn industry
But when you arrive at the convention, in place of your 1990s dream of impossibly proportioned stars in bedazzled Lycra posing for Polaroids, what you see is a 15,000-square-foot hall teeming with hundreds of beautiful, semi-clothed models of all shapes and styles, grinning into their laptops. You try to talk to a young woman in heart-shaped pasties and booty shorts, but she’ll only give you a few seconds of attention before she’s back to clicking her shiny gold nails across her keyboard.
Here’s the twist: This ain’t no dystopian nightmare. Attendees of the 35th Annual Adult Entertainment Expo and Adult Video News Awards were treated to precisely this display of tech-mediated intimacy. Plenty of big names were in attendance – stars who had led more traditional adult-film careers – but they were outnumbered by scores of up-and-coming models who primarily built their own businesses using cam shows, original clip stores and monetized social-media platforms. The mass availability of easily pirated streaming video may have decimated the porn economy, but it seems that women are the ones adapting, finding fresh ways to connect directly with consumers. As these models gain more economic influence, they are also raising the bar for consent conversations throughout the industry.
The last time I was at the AVNs was in 2012, when I was nominated for producing and directing a niche site called QueerPorn.TV. My Bay-Area scene was proud to think of ourselves as the forward-thinking weirdos, exemplifying the characteristics of the queer porn genre: body-positive and diverse, with a riot-grrrl aesthetic. We were nominated in the somewhat self-contradicting category Best Professional Amateur Site, and were miffed when we lost to Clips4Sale, a platform which had been around since 2003 for creators to upload and sell short original videos. Here we were, indie smut with a vision, and we lost to a tech host?
Now, it seems as clear as a Bellagio fountain that clips stores were the future of “professional amateurs.” While much of the male-dominated porn studio system is fighting against stolen content, independent female artists have been able to establish a sustainable business, producing their own content and marketing it to a small but loyal fan base.
One such artist is Bratty Nikki, a leggy, half-Mexican, half-Irish woman with a frosty reality-TV aesthetic: blonde extensions, impossible nails, skin-tight miniskirts and designer spiked heels. She sat on a gleaming white couch in an enormous booth on the expo floor, calling attention to her shirt, which read; “Never underestimate the power of a girl who knows what she wants.”
“Never underestimate the power of a girl who knows what she wants,” says Bratty Nikki. Roger Kisby for Rolling Stone
Nikki is the executive vice president of IWantEmpire.com, an umbrella company that includes IWantClips, IWantPhone, IWantFanClub and IWantCustomClips, with more in the works. Hers is one of many companies vying for dominance in a sort of clips market arms race. Nikki got her start seven years ago working as an online financial dominatrix, offering phone and cam sessions to clients in which she expressed a personality she tells me isn’t really a character. “I am a greedy brat,” she says. “I believe that I deserve the best out of life. My fans love that I’m confident enough to say, ‘This is what I want and you’re gonna give it to me.'”
She started IWantEmpire with her husband, entrepreneur Jay Phillips, because she felt other host sites were underestimating her as an artist. Like other platforms, they take a cut of the profits, but the artist sets their own price and decides what and how much they want to upload. Their brand expanded to offer a store for consumers to order custom clips, and a fan club where artists can monetize social media-like “lifestyle” content. As it turns out, kinky consumers are willing to pay for content created by people who understand precisely what they’re looking for.
Like many fetish clips, Nikki’s videos don’t include sex or even nudity, just specialty monologues in which she teases, chastises and degrades her devotees. In the larger-than life video projected over us in the booth, she wore skinny jeans and a tank top, standing in an apartment entryway holding shopping bags. “Yes, I’m leaving you,” she spits at the camera with an exaggerated eye roll. “I’ve already maxed out your credit cards. Taken a bunch of vacations with my girlfriends that you paid for. You’re going to be sitting home alone tonight crying into your pillow as you hate-jerk your little cock.”
The audacity of financial domination is a perfect fit for naturally bossy women. Haven, a Haitian-American dominatrix from Orlando, says that when she was go-go dancing and camming she didn’t take direction from clients very well. When she discovered that she could make fetish clips online, it was a way for her to make a career off her genuine demeanor. “I really don’t want to talk to you; I really just want your money,” she deadpans. “That’s me, wholeheartedly.” Now she films around 15 short clips every Sunday, improvising on topics like small-penis humiliation or jack-off instruction. She spends the rest of the week editing footage, scheduling uploads, writing marketing copy and promoting her brand on social media.
Fans mill about the floor of the AEE. Roger Kisby for Rolling Stone
“It takes a lot of work to make this look so easy,” she says.
I tagged along to an afternoon of clip shoots at a local film studio run by porn director/performers Madeline Marlowe and Will Havoc. Havoc was pulling a red and black leather harness over his tattooed chest, preparing to shoot sex scenes with two porn stars named Riley Nixon and Arabelle Raphael.
Riley, who was nominated for Best New Starlet at the AVNs, wiggled into a canary-yellow latex two-piece and platform heels. As she filled out her legal paperwork, she kept squatting and yanking on the rubbery crotch of her outfit. Even though she was following a conventional route to adult film fame, signing at the Penthouse booth and shooting for notorious gonzo studio Elegant Angel, she also sold Skype shows, custom clips and signed Polaroids on her personal website. She would post today’s footage on her own ManyVids and OnlyFans pages, where fans can pay a monthly membership for access to exclusive content.
One advantage to making her own content is that she has more leeway to maintain her preferred androgynous style and buzzed head ­– some mainstream studios still won’t cast models with short hair or tattoos. “I’ll wear a wig to play a character, but I don’t want to have to wear a wig to play the role of a woman,” she complains.
Arabelle has had to deal with her own hair troubles in the industry. She’s a French-Persian Jew, and long ago grew tired of being expected to straighten her hair and use skin-lightening makeup to work with certain directors.
“I was being cast in really racist roles,” she says, “and basically told I was not good enough.” She took time off to build her own membership site, a Clips4Sale store, and an OnlyFans following, discovering unprecedented financial and emotional success. “I had no idea I was a good performer and that people wanted more content of me,” she says. “I left my hair curly, got as many tattoos as I wanted, shot with who I wanted.”
Riley, Arabelle and Will showed one another the results of their standard STI tests on the secure Performer Availability Scheduling Services database. They negotiated sexual boundaries and preferences while doing their own costuming and makeup. With low production cost and the creative advantage of working with friends, they’re each an individual porn studio unto themselves.
Will Havoc, Riley Nixon and Arabelle Raphael film a scene after hours. Roger Kisby for Rolling Stone
Porn stars work hard and party hard, and sometimes they work while they’re playing. Late that night, I was invited to a private sex party with a hard-to-obtain address. A Lyft took me away from the light pollution of the strip to an edge of town tract housing development. Through the unfurnished living room, past an ominously neon-lit pool, was a warehouse filled with porn stars smoking blunts and offering one another bumps in their rhinestone-encrusted nails.
Hired stars ascended to a sort of wrestling platform in the center of the room, performing exaggerated lubed-up sex for onlookers to the rhythm of deafening drone metal. My friends, a polyamorous “family,” decided to find a quieter room in which to play. As I enjoyed a beer and watched sex-worker activist Siouxsie Q fuck her curly-haired boyfriend Michael Vegas, an AVN nominee for Best Supporting Actor – as her Barbie-blonde pro-domme girlfriend Bella Bathory was eaten out in a nearby chair – it occurred to me that we were doing exactly what porn fans assumed we must be doing. I felt like I had ringside seats to watch NBA superstars play a pick-up game.
As the four-day convention wore on, the all-night partying didn’t threaten to slow anyone down. The AEE still makes the classic circuit demands of conventional porn stars, each scheduled to appear for three- to five-hour shifts, where they were to sign and sell eight-by-10 glossies, allow hands around their waists and shoulders, smile, twerk, tell fans how their favorite position is still reverse cowgirl, princess wave, talk to men like they’re babies, talk to men like they’re dogs. But it was the cam models who had the boundless energy, who behaved like Vine stars or friends at a slumber party that just happens to be surveilled. They hovered over their screens, promising to spank one another in exchange for tips; the ding of virtual tokens being earned echoed the slots at the nearby casino.
The models had each brought their own laptops, colorfully branded with their stage names. Most of them had elaborate production rigs including flattering ring lights, bulky webcams and phallic microphones. Cam models perform all kinds of explicit shows when they broadcast from their homes; but, due to city-wide nudity laws, they couldn’t wear less than pasties and a thong at AEE. That meant no dildo shows or live sex. Yet their chirpy conversation still had value for the members watching from home, some of whom had actually financed the travel for their favorite model.
Performers at the FreeCams booth. Roger Kisby for Rolling Stone
At the booth for the webcam company Chaturbate, both men and women were making cameos on one another’s screens. This seemed to be in defiance of the porn convention that objects of desire should be separated, lest a consumer’s taste be offended or boner deflated by something they weren’t expecting to see.
A male model named Leon with One-Direction hair and powder-blue briefs explained to me that one of his online fans had just told him he was enjoying watching all the broadcasts because, “It’s like seeing all of the characters from my favorite TV shows in a crossover episode!”
I approached a group of giggling young camgirls in pastel-colored wigs. They were teasing a group of bystanders, telling them to tune in to their group cam show later that night “to see some real action.”
I asked them if they were hoping that in future years they’d be as famous as the porn stars in the Wicked or Evil Angel booths? Did they want everyone to know their names?
One of the models shook her head vigorously, making her unicorn-horn headband wobble. “The more famous you get,” she pointed out, “the more people will pirate your content.”
Her friend, who was wearing a mesh leotard with skeleton hands covering her nipples, agreed: “We make more money when only our fans know who we are.”
MyFreeCams performer Lil Miss Angel at the 2018 AEE. Roger Kisby for Rolling Stone
With the national conversation surrounding #MeToo, it was no surprise that the sex workers at AEE were ready to address the topics of harassment and bodily autonomy. Members of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) handed out colorful “What Is Consent?” flyers, which illustrated how consent is “informed” and “freely given,” and that it “can be revoked at any time.”
For the second year in a row, every single convention attendee – fans and exhibitors alike – was required to sign a Code of Conduct form that outlined, for example, the difference between a consensual public picture and a violation such as an upskirt.
The Code of Conduct described a zero-tolerance policy towards “stalking, unwelcome physical contact” and “offensive verbal assaults,” emphasizing that guests were “welcome to use the restroom that match their gender presentation or identity.” This last stipulation was especially welcome from the trans community attending the awards, as two years ago several performers accused Hard Rock security guards of disrespecting a gender non-conforming attendee.
Some participants were aware of ways they could make their models more comfortable. Best director nominee Greg Lansky, a delightfully flashy French pornographer in a red Givenchy tracksuit, says that he literally elevates his studio so that fans can see women “on a pedestal.” His security teams knows which performers are ok hugging and touching their fans and which aren’t.
“I’m trying to make these girls feel good about what they do,” he says. “They all worked really hard to get here.”
With security at all corners of his booth, with its Instagrammable gold couch and open bar, Lansky believes fans get the message that women deserve respect.
“It’s hard for me to go anywhere [in the hotel],” says Jessica Drake, a Best Actress nominee, from the relative privacy of her pristine media suite. “Guys congregate in groups of 30 and just stand there. They circle you. I’ve become a master of taking a selfie and restraining them at the same time.”
Director and performer Joanna Angel, owner of the alt genre site Burning Angel, says she’s never had a bad experience with a fan at AEE. “The fans are traveling to be here,” she says. “They’re really looking forward to this. People wait in really long lines to come see you.” The only time she’s seen nonconsensual groping is from men at the bar after the convention, whom casino security quickly ejected. “I wouldn’t even call guys like that fans,” she says, just entitled jerks.
Ron Jeremy, who has been considered more of a walking novelty than active performer for many years, was banned from the convention and awards show following his claim that groping is a part of the job of his pubic appearances.
In a statement to Rolling Stone, AVN CEO Tony Rios commented, “Ron Jeremy admitted guilt to specific aspects of our code of conduct policy. We discussed this with Ron, and he was not allowed to attend the convention and awards show.”
However, performer/director James Deen, who was accused of on-set misconduct as well as intimate partner violence back in 2015, was nominated at and attended the awards.
Rios clarified, “We did not prohibit people from attending based on accusations.”
Siouxsie Q, who was recently elected secretary of APAC, is upset about what she sees as double standards, where the young, powerful Deen is still welcomed while aging Jeremy is put out to pasture.
“I think we see similar trends in Hollywood. These accounts of Harvey Weinstein’s predatory behavior aren’t coming out during the height of the Kill Bill franchise, but rather in the soggy aftermath of Paddington Bear 2,” she says. “As someone’s star dwindles, people are more willing to watch them fall.”
Deen’s attorney Michael Fattorosi characterized comparisons to Jeremy as “inaccurate and unfair.” In a statement, he said, “James was never investigated criminally, nor were there ever any lawsuits filed against him by any of the accusers. Nor did James ever admit to any misconduct on his part.”
And unlike other industries where powerful men continue to be reckoned, those in porn face powerful taboos. “It’s challenging for adult performers to speak out regarding any abuse that occurs; it is because it perpetuates stigma and allows for society to tell us we asked for it,” says Tasha Reign, an APAC chairperson.
Siouxsie Q agrees that stigma plays a huge role in consent controversies within the sex industry. “As long as sex workers have as much difficulty as they do when reporting and prosecuting sexual assault,” she says, “there will continue to be a culture of silence, victim scrutiny, and inconsistencies in how the industry responds.”
Janice Griffith was nominated for the Best Actress award at the AVNs. Roger Kisby for Rolling Stone
“What do you think of this dress? It’s very ‘Times Up,’ but is it whorey enough?”
Janice Griffith, a Best Actress nominee, is in her hotel room preparing for the awards. It’s true that her black cocktail dress is not as provocative as some of her colleagues’ revealing red-carpet looks. The teal undertone in her ombre hair is fading. She’s Indo-Caribbean, Angelina Jolie-skinny, and speaks with a husky authority. She barks at her date not to interrupt her, impulsively dumping out a jar of candy because there’s nowhere else for him to pour her a fresh vodka cocktail.
None of Janice’s friends in attendance know how to roll a joint. I’m happy to oblige, so she gratefully hands me a packet of rolling papers the size of a hot dog and a sack of sativa the size of my laptop.
“Our biggest issue is that we treat an industry of freelancers as if we’re an industry of employees,” Janice says. Despite the efforts of the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee and Free Speech Coalition, in her view, porn is currently too under-regulated for meaningful accountability.
“When men make women uncomfortable, we brush it off,” she says, “because we know people will write us off as being over-reactive or emotional.”
I visited many porn star rooms and saw both their self care safeguards and true psychological states – Sephora explosions and Cosco-sized boxes of Tangerine Emergen-cee, elaborate dabbing rigs and electric kettles. Janice had brought Complete Works of Kierkegaard.
Harli Lotts, co-host of the AVNs, dons a suicide awareness and prevention ribbon on the red carpet. Roger Kisby for Rolling Stone
As the red carpet wound its way through the Hard Rock, gamblers and bar patrons scrambled for a glimpse of the stars. While many pornographers opted for prom-worthy gowns and suits, their outfits nodded to their profession with bare midriffs, waist-high slits and undulating décolletage. Some wore little more than fringed bikinis. Lance Hart, founder of the PervOUT network, stood out in a stripper-style policeman’s shirt and fishnet stockings; he was handcuffed to his date Charlotte Sartre, who revealed on Twitter that she was not wearing anything underneath her slinky black dress. Abella Danger, last year’s Best New Starlet, shimmered in a transparent bodysuit adorned with strategically placed green and pink crystals.
The AVN awards show was predictably raunchy but surprisingly sincere. Co-hosted by comedian Aries Spears, Australian performer/director Angela White and camgirl Harli Lotts, the event’s biggest draw was hip-hop star Lil Wayne, who performed two high-energy sets with a drummer and DJ. The teleprompter dialog meshed well with the talents of porn star presenters, who were well-practiced in the art of the arched eyebrow and exaggerated wink.
White set a record by winning fourteen awards, the most AVN wins in one night. Clutching her Female Performer of the Year trophy to her remarkable cleavage, she emotionally thanked her co-stars for “allowing me to be vulnerable.”
Tommy Pistol, the Best Actor winner for a film called Ingenue, praised the industry for being a “fucked up family.”
Yet Spears, a MADtv alum, did not seem to pick up on the changing attitudes in the room. “Your personal space should not be invaded,” he declared, before utterly failing to read the room. “However, you bitches look delicious tonight. If I should come up to you and beg you for a blowjob, can you blame me? I am a hot blooded heterosexual male in a room full of professional cocksuckers.”
Eventually, the celebration came to an end. The false eyelashes were peeled off, the hangovers medicated with Ibuprofen and brunch. Pornographers’ minds return to their business, and to the social challenges they continue to face.
“We demand so much from porn stars,” says Bree Mills, a lesbian writer and director. “Performers who have made successful careers could be mentors. Give them infrastructure. Get them an appointment with an accountant, get them health care. They get the stigma stamp on them harder than anybody. We have to take care of them.”
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
Just do it: the experience economy and how we turned our backs on ‘stuff’
New figures show we are continuing to spend less money on buying things, and more on doing things and telling the world about it online afterwards, of course. From theatres to pubs to shops, businesses are scrambling to adapt to this shift
It was an audacious plan for an unloved bit of Manchester. A 25m arts centre to be built on a derelict plot that had not felt a cultural pulse since the closure, 15 years earlier, of the legendary Haienda nightclub. It would be called Home, formed by the merger of two proud but financially imperilled institutions the Cornerhouse cinema and gallery, and the Library Theatre Company and would, its backers hoped, revive a forgotten corner on the citys southern edge.
There was confidence from the city leadership that it would work, but a lot of my peers and colleagues in the arts were saying to me, Whos going to go there? says Sheena Wrigley, executive director of Home, which includes two theatres, five cinema screens, an art gallery and a restaurant and bar. It was a very unprepossessing area with a big car park and one large office block. It wasnt visible or on a main thoroughfare.
Programming would swim far from the mainstream, too. The centre opened in May 2015 with a challenging play about two thwarted lovers trying to survive a recession in a city like Manchester. This week the cinema is showing Lady Macbeth, a subversive Shakespearean noir, and The Handmaiden, an erotic Korean period thriller. The free gallery includes an exhibition of vibrant art from post-Franco Spain and an exploration of the role of vogueing in gay black culture.
Wrigley admits to having been nervous when she and her team set an ambitious target of 550,000 visits for the first year. But we smashed that in six months and did just shy of a million, she says. And they kept coming: as Home approaches its second birthday, it is about to welcome its two-millionth visitor. Its fascinating to me that you can open a venue of this kind and size and it can find its audience straight away in a difficult period, Wrigley adds. Of course, I would like to say its all about good artistic choices, but something else is going on.
Wrigley is right. A series of studies is revealing strange things about our spending habits. They call it the experience economy, which gives it the sense of a grand theory. And there is science behind it, but its also very simple: regardless of political uncertainty, austerity and inflation, we are spending more on doing stuff, choosing instead to cut back on buying stuff.
The restaurant at Home, a major new arts centre in Manchester. Photograph: Alamy
The latest figures come from Barclaycard, which processes about half of all Britains credit and debit card transactions. Figures for April show a 20% increase in spending in pubs compared with the same month last year. Spending in restaurants went up 16%, while theatres and cinemas enjoyed a 13% rise. Meanwhile, department stores suffered a 1% drop, vehicle sales were down 11% and spending on household appliances fell by 2.5%.
Barclaycard says the trend began to emerge about a year ago. And retailers are feeling it. In March, Simon Wolfson, chief executive of Next, blamed the clothing chains first fall in profits for eight years on the move from buying things to doing things. More startlingly, Ikea, the worlds biggest furniture retailer, told a Guardian conference last year that consumption of many goods had reached a limit. If we look on a global basis, in the west we have probably hit peak stuff, said Steve Howard, the companys head of sustainability.
It would be easy to assume that contemporary influences are at work here. The world is a bit of a depressing place right now, so lets have a nice evening out rather than buy a sixth pair of shoes. But theories abound of a much broader shift. And Ikea is arguably late in calling peak stuff. In 2011, Chris Goodall, a British environment writer, used government data called the UKs Material Flows Account to track consumption of stuff, and identified 2001 as a tipping point, long before the 2008 recession and everything that followed. He believed we had decoupled economic growth and material consumption.
And as we consume less, we are doing more. If you think about the 20th century, the big dominant value system was materialism, the belief that if we had more stuff wed be happier, says James Wallman, a trend forecaster and the author of Stuffocation: Living More with Less, in which he charts the move from possessions to experience. The big change to what I call experientialism is more about finding happiness and status in experiences instead.
The happiness bit perhaps stands to reason, but studies suggest the anticipation of an experience has a crucial, additional value. In a 2014 paper called Waiting for Merlot, psychologists Amit Kumar, Thomas Gilovich and Matthew Killingsworth showed how people report being mostly frustrated before the planned purchase of a thing, but mostly happy before they bought an experience. That feeling lingers longer, too, tied up as it is with memory. We call it hedonic adaptation, says Colin Strong, the head of behavioural science at Ipsos, the market research group. And the hedonic payoff of experiences is much greater.
We are also less likely to compare experiential purchases than we are products, in a way that means we are all happy with what we buy, regardless of what we can afford. So if you have a Nissan and your neighbour has a Porsche, theres no doubt who has the better car, and if you ask the Nissan driver to swap, they will, Wallman says. But if you ask people who went on holiday to the Seychelles or south Wales, its clear who had the fancier holiday, but surveys show the person who went to Wales wont swap because they had an equally good time.
If the experience economy has a levelling effect, research also suggests that part of the reason for its rise is its greater potential as a status booster.This supports the idea, questioned by some (and not backed up by Barclaycard, which does not account for age), that younger people namely millennials are driving the consumer shift. It used to be that our car, or handbag or wallet showed our status. Now we post Facebook pictures from a chairlift in Chamonix or the latest music festival, Wallman says. Social media is supporting this change. Posting pictures of what you just bought is gauche; posting pictures of something youre doing is fine. Strong also thinks the slightly impoverished nature of millennials is compelling them to get out more.
It used to be that our car or handbag showed our status. Now we post Facebook pictures from a chairlift in Chamonix or the latest music festival. Photograph: Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty
At Home, however, Wrigley says that while students and young professionals are pouring through the doors, the venues appeal is crossing generations. A lot of arts organisations peak at around age 45, but ours is very flat, she says. We have a lot of older explorers people who worked in professional services or local government, say, and are looking for a quality experience. And baby boomers who have been able to stop work in their 60s and have pensions to spend.
Restaurants are capitalising fast, opening at a record pace in cities all over the country. In London, restaurant guide Hardens counted 200 new openings in its 2017 edition. Cities including Manchester and Glasgow have seen similar or even greater booms. Russell Norman, founder of the Venetian-inspired Polpo restaurants, is about to open his 12th outpost in Bristol, having taken the chain to Brighton, Exeter and Leeds since it landed in London in 2008. The restaurants are as busy as ever, but Norman has been surprised by booming recent demand for gift vouchers and private party requests. When we opened in Exeter we expected it to be an all-day offering, but were really finding that people are coming for special occasions, as an event, or an experience, he says.
Businesses already dealing in experiences are enhancing them to benefit from the shifting economy. Theatres would once never have considered putting a restaurant downstairs, but now youd be mad not to. The restaurant at Home in Manchester is taking 2m a year, Wrigley says, almost double what was expected. At the Chichester Festival Theatre, where ticket sales are up 12% on last year, the restaurant is booming, too. We dont have to be just excellent theatre-makers, but excellent business people, says Rachel Tackley, the executive director at the venue in West Sussex. Its about creating theatres as destinations where you can spend more than two and a half hours watching the show.
Marstons, one of the countrys largest pub groups, with more than 1,500 pubs, is racing to meet demand for more than pints of beer. Traditionally people use pubs, but go to restaurants, says the Wolverhampton-based firms managing director, Pete Dalzell. The group has shed hundreds of wet-led traditional pubs in recent years, and opened more than 150 pub-restaurants since 2009. Last year revenues were up 7% to 905.8m, and the average pub profit has doubled since 2012. Were opening up a new range of offers for consumers who are choosing to spend disposable income doing something with friends rather than buying something, Dalzell adds.
If the writing is on the wall for the purveyors of things, their response is to make the walls more appealing. Were seeing a fundamental shift in pretty much all categories to retain being much more experiential, Strong says. Increasingly, this means using technology to create the feeling of a meaningful relationship between brand and buyer, online and offline. High-street clothing stores are deploying shop assistants with tablet computers on which they can call up your previous purchases and tastes based on online browsing. And with smart marketing, even the dullest essentials are being sold as part of a brand experience. In the US, one Los Angeles TV producer, frustrated by the high price of razor blades, launched an online subscription service in 2012. Dollar Shave Club began posting blades for as little as $3 a month and, with the help of a viral ad campaign, earned 12,000 orders in the first two days. Deliveries come with an irreverent magazine. Customers felt part of something, free from the cut-throat corporate economics of brands such as Gillette, which is owned by Procter & Gamble. It soon had more than three million subscribers, and in 2016 Unilever, P&Gs big rival, bought the Dollar Shave Club and its members for $1bn. People have got that we can move from a transactional relationship mediated by big-scale advertising to much more of a one-to-one relationship with the customer, Strong adds.
That relationship is strong in Manchester, where Wrigley says she has been surprised by the scale of Homes success. The venue is already being overshadowed by rising office and apartment towers, and a new hotel. It has become the beating heart of a neighbourhood that was a wasteland only four years ago. Thats the magic of experientialism, Wallman says. Its not anti-consumerist or anti-capitalist. Money is still going into the economy and creating jobs were just spending it on experiences. Wallman, 43, has been following the trend for more than 10 years, and has seen it transform his own life. At his wifes prompting, he has just acquired a second pair of trousers, but is holding out with his one pair of shoes and five holey T-shirts. Id rather do things, he says. I took the kids to the Natural History Museum on Sunday. We went camping recently, I go climbing, play football. And it makes us happier.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/08/21/just-do-it-the-experience-economy-and-how-we-turned-our-backs-on-stuff/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/just-do-it-the-experience-economy-and-how-we-turned-our-backs-on-stuff/
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a1-cloths-blog · 7 years
Exclusive Interview With Cleveland Brand Welcome 2 The Jungle Creative Designer Ramsey Hampton
 For those who are new to you and your brand. Tell the people about Ramsey and what he represents.
I’m just a young kid from the eastside of Cleveland, which I consider the (jungle).  Growing up in the inner-city of Cleveland, I had to mature much quicker than the average kid. My parents did as much as they could for me, but for the most part it was basically “if you don’t grind you don’t eat” type of situation. My journey to get where I’m at now and where I’m going is a process that I refuse to fail at. I will win! 
But, I represent all the young entrepreneurs from across the world with odds stacked against him with no way out. I represent the young entrepreneur who is going to fight his way into fashion game, even if it means I must demand it. I’ll even create my own lane. Were in a generation of not following the rules. We’re are about creating our own rules. I also want to be the guy the younger generation look up to and I can be able show them it’s other avenues to pursue. I feel that in our generation we don’t have too many individuals in that sense. But, being from Cleveland you have all types of obstacles thrown at you daily. It’s just up to you to create your own lane and do something positive to show the generation coming up under me there is a way out.
Now you were born and raised in Cleveland, Right?
What does the city mean to you?
The city means everything to me. This is where I grew up and this is where I come from. Cleveland molded me into the young man I am today. Being from Cleveland gives you some type of confidence that if I I’m able to survive here I can survive anywhere in this world. It’s just a love hate relationship with the city. My city has so much great talent, but most people let their ego get the best of the situations. They don’t realize that we’re more powerful when we stand together. I just want to be the one to put the city on.  I’m doing this for the city, this is bigger than me.
There is some great talent in Cleveland, Ohio. But, with the lack of originality associated with streetwear designers. What would you say separates you from the rest?
My creativity is what separates me. My hustle is just different. I’m in this game for longevity. What people don’t understand is that when you have a passion for something, it’ not just about a check. My brand means more than a logo thrown on a shirt and calling it creativity or the “wave”. This is bigger than clothes. I want to use this as stepping stone to be able to put my friends in position to win.   I’m coming into the game with a whole different approach. It’s all about longevity in this game the way I came into the game with a whole different mindset.
 I know growing up in Cleveland. The saying is “everything is earned not given” but as a young kid from Cleveland, Ohio. What would you say keeps you motivated to wake up every morning and chase your dreams to your best potential?
My desire to be great. My desire to win so I can be able to put my friends and family in position to provide for themselves. Not only that, but be able to create a better life for everyone around me. I want to be the reason that somebody decided to follow their dreams.  My City needs this. The struggle is what makes me wake up every day and accomplish my goals to get me closer and closer to my dreams. One day my brands will be global. That dream alone is enough to make me wake up a perfect my craft every chance I get.
So, living in Cleveland and being an up-coming entrepreneur with a Cleveland based brand what would you say is the biggest obstacle people face coming out of your city?
The lack of support is the biggest obstacle of them all. Sometimes you feel the love more from the outside rather than coming from the individuals closest to you. Especially in your own city. The hate is another obstacle of its own. People have that thought that you don’t deserve something, even if they can have it also. It’s a sad thought process. Not only that. But, the older people in our city don’t do their part. They talk about helping the youth and we need change. but aren’t our here really touching the people. They know its excellent talent in the city, but they wouldn’t be able to fathom somebody to surpass them.  I just hope one day we can all come together. Its bigger than each one of us.
Now, as we discuss fashion. What would you say are your style influences?
I would have to say my all-time favorite is Pharrell. I also rock with the Asap Gang. I rock with the old Kanye. He still influences me but he’s kind of drifting off the fashion game. I would love to see him make a comeback. Now if were talking about local brands. I rock with the Renati clothing brand. I like his game. Shout out my guy Khalil.  He’s doing great things with his brand while staying in his own lane.  He’s been out here for a couple years now and still is relevant. That says a lot. But as far as mainstream fashion I’m rocking with Supreme, Bape, BBC, Fear of God, Off white Of Course. Also, supreme, palace has been watered down by all the hype beast. But I’m looking for a clean mature look I’m rocking with Zara. They have some amazing pieces.
Has fashion always been a fashion for you? Or did you grow to love it as you grew older?
Fashion has always been a passion, since middle school I was obsessed with nice threads. Not only that but the girls egged me on, that’s what really made me take off. I used to let the love fuel me to get fresher the next day. Plus, who doesn’t like looking and feeling good in some nice pieces. That’s how it all started.
What would you say drove to create your own Streetwear line?
I used to hate going into stores and spending money on other brands. I always had good fashion sense from always being around the fresh dudes in my neighborhood. So, I just got inspired one day and decided I’m going to start my own clothing brand. Now here we are today in the beginning of a soon to be one of the most successful clothing brands.
  For the people who aren’t familiar with your brand, where did the idea of Welcome 2 the Jungle come from? & who does W2TJ consist of?
It all started with two of my other friends Chris Lampkin’s and Jules rhymes. Even though we parted ways, I want to give them there praise for being there at the being a part of the beginning process. We all had our own inputs. We wanted the designs to reflect how we are living, for instance I have a target symbol, which represents being young and black in America and everyday you leave the house it’s a target on your back. It’s just all about the details with my brand, I wanted to tell a story.
With all the hype-beast watering down the streetwear apparel. What are your plans for longevity in this fashion business?
Keep my head ahead of the game. Not follow the trends. But create the trends. I feel that since being in fashion since a young age I know I have the fashion sense to know what’s in next
For the W2TJ fans and future fans. What is the brand cooking up for the future?
We got 3 month pop up shop. New vest, major hoodies, people hating saying I’m only doing this and doing that. I have a secondary streetwear brand coming out soon, so be on the lookout. I’m cooking up on these So-called fashion designers.
For the people who want to shop Welcome 2 the Jungle, where can they shop for gear?
 Directly contact me on Instagram, twitter, snapchat. I’m doing custom one of one pieces.
0 notes
mariemary1 · 7 years
F8 2017 Recap: 10 Major Announcements Every Marketer Should Know
We’re making the camera the first augmented reality platform.
— Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook F8 conference 2017
Facebook’s F8 conference was once again filled with incredibly exciting announcements.
Augmented reality (AR) could be seen as the main theme of this year’s conference. From augmented masks and special effects to 360 video camera to Facebook Spaces (an app where you can hang out with your family and friends virtually), Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook want to enable us to connect with one another on a deeper level through AR.
Besides AR, there were also announcements about Messenger, chatbots, Facebook Analytics, Facebook Live, and more!
We followed the conference for the past two days and would love to share the top 10 things we think social media marketers should take away from this F8 2017.
If you have been following the conference, too, we’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas about the amazing (and mind-blowing) announcements
10 Things marketers need to know from F8 2017
We’ll go through each of the 10 major announcements and what it means to marketers, below. If you prefer watching a video instead, here’s a quick recap of the top three announcements:
1. Augmented Reality
The biggest announcement from the conference is that Facebook will be moving towards using augmented reality to connect us with our family and friends (and maybe brands).
Instead of sci-fi-looking glasses, Facebook believes that the camera will be the first mainstream augmented reality platform (think Pokemon GO).
All the cool camera features that Facebook has been releasing over the past few weeks is just the first act of its plan to integrate augmented reality into social media. Facebook has been working on a few augmented reality technologies that will allow individuals and brands to do fun and valuable things with its camera. Some examples are adding 3D objects to your camera view, turning a 2D photo into 3D, and adding a virtual information card to objects in your camera view (such as the wine bottle in the screenshot below).
(If you are curious about these technologies, check out the demos, which start at 19:22 of the keynote.)
What it means for marketers:
When Facebook makes augmented reality mainstream (probably within the next two to three years), marketers will have an entirely new channel for reaching and connecting with their audience, just like when social media became mainstream many years back. The possibilities could be endless!
Personally, I like the example of tapping on an object in the camera view and having an information card pop up. According to Google, 82% of smartphone users research on their phones in stores before making their purchase. Augmented reality could change the way consumers research, shop, and interact with businesses.
At the moment, the best way to get started with augmented reality on Facebook might be to create (branded) masks and special effects for the Facebook camera. Let’s go through that next…
2. Camera Effects Platform
After Mark Zuckerberg shared his augmented reality vision, he launched the Facebook Camera Effects Platform — a platform that allows developers to create frames, masks, and special effects (or filters and lenses as we might be used to now) for the Facebook camera.
The two main products on this platform are Frame Studio and AR Studio.
Frame Studio is an online creative editor that allows you to create frames for photos taken with the new Facebook camera or profile photos
AR Studio is an application that lets you create animated masks and interactive effects for the new Facebook camera and Facebook Live
(From Facebook)
What it means for marketers:
Last year, The Information reported that people are sharing less on Facebook, with a decline of 21% in original personal content. With this new platform, Facebook might be looking to encourage users to share more by making sharing more fun.
If this trend were to pick up, it’d open up a great marketing opportunity for brands, just like Snapchat Geofilters did. Brands could create fun, relevant frames, masks, and special effects to reach their audience and then spread their reach when people share photos and videos with their creatives. The best part? It’s free to create these creatives on Facebook!
With the launch of Camera Effects Platform and Mark Zuckerberg’s special emphasis on camera as the first augmented reality platform, Facebook might push such content as much as it did with live videos over the past year.
3. Facebook Spaces
The next big announcement is the launch of Facebook Spaces — “a new VR app where you hang out with friends in a fun, interactive virtual environment as if you were in the same room”. It is now available in the Oculus Store.
With the acquisition of Oculus, Facebook wants to connect people beyond its mobile app but also in the virtual reality (VR). Facebook Spaces will allow us to hang out with our family and friends who are not physically nearby.
What it means for marketers:
It would probably be several years before social VR becomes mainstream (if it does) but it’d be great for marketers to start thinking about how marketing could be done in VR.
Looking at the video above, there could be several native and non-intrusive ways for brands to tap into the VR experience. Here’re some fun ideas I could think of:
Travel agencies and tourism boards could let people explore certain places in VR before buying their tickets.
Real estate companies could let potential buyers look at houses in VR before actually visiting the houses.
Furniture companies could let customers “try out” furniture in their homes before purchasing.
Clothes retailers could let customers “try out” clothes and chat with friends about them before buying, or even let them customize their avatars with their clothes.
Education institutions and online learning platforms could let students attend classes together.
And more!
Some of these might even be possible already with the new Facebook 360 camera.
4. Giphy + Facebook Live
In line with Facebook’s push for the camera to be the first augmented reality platform, Giphy launched three new products to make sharing GIFs even easier. The product that caught our attention the most was Giphy for Facebook Live.
With this new product, both you and your viewers can add GIFs to your live videos. This creates a fun, new way of engaging with your audience in real-time.
Here’s an example from a Giphy team member who went live from the F8 conference:
What it means for marketers:
Facebook has been ranking videos that are live higher on users’ news feed than when the videos are no longer live. This new feature could help increase engagement on your live videos and might help your videos rank (even) higher on your audience’s news feed.
Here’re the steps to activate this feature for your live video:
Tap on the “Live” button in the Facebook app
Tap on the magic wand in the upper-right corner
Tap “Go Live”
When you are using the front camera (that’s facing you), there will be a ticker with hashtags that you can tap on to change the GIF. When you are using the back camera (that’s facing away from you), a microphone will appear as though you are interviewing someone.
5. Messenger Business Bots
There are now more than 100,000 chatbots on Messenger, up from 33,000 just last September. To help brands and consumers connect with each other better through such bots, Facebook released a series of updates during this year’s F8.
One of the updates is Chat Extensions, which allows multiple people to chat with the same business chatbot at the same time. For example, you could share songs from Spotify directly within your group conversation with the Spotify bot or make a holiday booking with your friends through the Kayak bot.
Another interesting update is that M, Messenger’s AI assistant, is now able to listen to your conversations and make relevant suggestions at the right time. For example, if you and your friends are talking about getting food, M would suggest playing an order through one of the food delivery bots.
(From Facebook News Room)
What it means for marketers:
This provides another great channel for marketers to reach and connect with their audience. How amazing! Instead of commenting on your Facebook post or messaging you via Messenger, your customers might choose to chat with your bot — which will be around 24/7.
If you already have a bot for your Facebook Page, you can now use call-to-actions like “Get Support” or “Shop Now” to bring people to your bot.
The bonus about bots is that they can help automate tasks, which is especially helpful for small businesses that have fewer resources. If you have not explored the idea of having a chatbot for your business, now might be a great time to start. Here’s a comprehensive article about chatbot marketing by Matthew Barby of HubSpot.
6. Messenger Discover Tab
With more and more bots being built on the Messenger Platform, Facebook wants to help users discover the right bots for the things they want to do. So during this F8, David Marcus, VP of Messenger, introduced the new Discover Tab.
It is a new section in the Messenger app where people can discover and find bots, nearby places, and businesses to message.
What it means for marketers:
With more than 1.2 billion people using Messenger every month, the Discover Tab might become a significant source of traffic for your business. While chatbots are relatively new at the moment, it might be timely to hop onto this rising trend before it gets too crowded.
Once more businesses and bots are listed in the Discover Tab, marketers might have to start thinking of ways to increase their visibility in the Discover Tab (similar to how apps try to be featured on the App Store or Google Play).
7. Parametric QR codes
Facebook is also trying to help people discover businesses in the physical world and enrich their experiences. By scanning the new parametric QR codes with the Messenger camera, people can find out more information about an event or business through a Messenger bot.
During the keynote, David Marcus showed how the Golden State Warriors are implementing several QR codes in their stadium that’d offer different experiences to their fans.
What it means for marketers:
This creates another touch point between your customers and your business, which is a great opportunity for you to provide extra value to them.
For example, if you are organizing a conference, you could create multiple QR codes for the conference. Your attendees would be able to scan your QR codes with their Messenger camera to receive a welcome message, find out the conference schedule, or see frequently asked questions about the conference.
If you are a physical retail store or a restaurant, you could create QR codes that would bring up your bots to assist your customers while they shop or dine.
8. Smart Replies for Pages
One of the challenges small businesses have is replying to all the messages they receive. With Smart Replies, Facebook wants to help small businesses automate some of the customer support processes.
Using AI, Smart Replies helps Page owners to respond to the most frequently asked questions that they receive, such as business hours, directions, and contact details. The AI would grab information from the Pages, detect the questions asked, and reply with the appropriate information.
(From Fast Company)
What it means for marketers:
Social media managers often have to juggle executing their social media strategy with answering customer support questions on social media. One great benefit of Smart Replies is that it can help free up some of your time for you to create high-quality content and engage with your audience on social media.
As the AI would grab information from your Page, it’ll be great to keep your Page information updated.
9. Facebook Analytics
Facebook Analytics, Facebook’s analytics platform previously only for apps, will now be providing analytics for Facebook Pages and offline conversions, too. This omnichannel analytics will allow businesses to measure and understand their customers’ full journey from interactions on their Facebook Pages to purchasing on their website.
This AI-powered analytics can automatically report trends and anomalies. Instead of spending a lot of time searching for the right data, Facebook Analytics will serve valuable insights directly to you.
(From Facebook Analytics blog)
What it means for marketers:
Facebook Analytics might become the new Google Analytics for social media marketers. While Google Analytics is great for web analytics, Facebook Analytics has an advantage of tying in data from Facebook. This will make it easier for marketers to prove the ROI of being on social media, particularly Facebook. For instance, you can evaluate if people who commented on an item in your Facebook post are more likely to visit your website to purchase the item.
You can now also create custom audiences based on people’s activities on your Facebook Page, app, website, or bot. This will allow you to reach more specific segments of your target audience through Facebook ads. For example, you could show your ads to people who have visited your website and interacted with your chatbot.
10. Global Connectivity
Facebook is moving from connecting family and friends to building communities. And building communities that work for everyone starts with building connectivity that works for everyone, according to Director of Connectivity Programs, Yael Maguire.
Teams at Facebook have been working on several projects such as the Aquila and Terragraph to provide fast and stable internet access to everyone everywhere.
What it means for marketers:
Facebook currently reaches about a third of the human population, and its goal is to connect the entire world — every single human being. Facebook still has a massive growth opportunity in terms of users and so it behooves marketers to continue to iterate on Facebook marketing tactics and focus on audience growth and engagement.
Over to You
From short-term projects (e.g. augmented reality) to medium-term developments (e.g. virtual reality) to long-term plans (e.g. global connectivity), Facebook seems to have all bases covered.
As one of the biggest tech companies around, Facebook has a huge impact on the way we live our lives and, consequently, the way we interact with our audience and market our products. It’s amazing how much work Facebook has done to make social media marketing more effective (and fun).
It’d be great to hear your thoughts on all these major announcements (and those that I have not covered such as brain technology).
What are you most excited about?
What do you think about these announcements?
How do you think each of the developments will impact us marketers?
Thank you!
The featured image was taken from Facebook News Room.
Thank F8 2017 Recap: 10 Major Announcements Every Marketer Should Know for first publishing this post.
0 notes
2017mdia4120-blog · 7 years
Kirsten Cupach
Part 1
1) My first memory of social media use is communicating with friends on AOL instant messenger, or AIM. My username was krazikay214. Everyday after school, I’d log onto AIM and begin chatting with friends about absolutely nothing, essentially. I can recall spending hours on my “buddy info”, an “about me” section that utilized different fonts, colors and gifs.
My first memory of social media use by a family member is my cousin’s MySpace. At that time, my dad forbid my sister and I from signing up for MySpace, so instead, we’d watch my cousin scroll through her own account for hours, organizing and reorganizing her “top friends list” and stalking her crush.
2)   The first blog I can remember following consistently was The Sartorialist, a fashion blog by photographer Scott Schuman. At that time, I had dreams of becoming a fashion journalist. Schuman’s job as a fashion blogger most closely mirrored my career goals at that time. His blog was my inspiration, and eventually, I began a blog similar to his. I’d photograph pictures of my friends and analyze eachs outfit, clothing piece by clothing piece. Eventually, my interest in fashion faded and my blog fell through. I still scroll through The Sartorialist on occasion, however.
In hindsight, I applaud my younger self for finding inspiration in such a modern way. While I did follow fashion magazines, The Sartorialist was my go-to for the latest trends, new designers and fashion do’s and don’t’s. To this day, I don’t follow any blogs as closely as I did The Sartorialist. The blogs I do read, however, are similar in that they are quite niche. Most of the blogs I read today are feminist blogs, like Bitch Media’s Bitch Blog and Everyday Feminism. The content specifically differs from that of The Sartorialist, but both empower women, just in different ways.
3) To prepare for a career in social media, I’ve enrolled in the social media certificate program, which has helped me understand the aspects of social media, social media techniques and so much more. I’ve also been lucky to be given two internships that had me running and analyzing each company’s social media presence. My first internship, I worked for Eversource Energy in New Hampshire working in the communication department. My second internship, I worked for Dominion East Ohio Natural Gas Company in Cleveland in the public affairs department. In addition, I’ve garnered a strong social media presence on Twitter with nearly 600 followers. Furthermore, I am connected on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit and Pinterest.
Part 2
1 )  
1 - Social media has completely changed the relationship between buyer and seller. Social media is becoming less and less of a “luxury” and more an absolute essential for companies. According to the website for The Consumerist, 70 percent of consumers rely on online reviews before making a purchase. According to the Wall Street Journal, 5,000 surveyed shoppers made 51 percent of their purchases online. This data suggests that a brand’s online presence is essential. Companies like Denny’s and Netflix, for example, have successfully garnered huge social media followings due to their humourous and consistent Twitter presence. Social media is a means of customer service, marketing opportunities and the opportunity to hear what their consumers have to say and make the proper adjustments to their products.
2 - Social media users have also changed the way money is shared, with apps such as Venmo and SquareCash making exchanging money incredibly easy. Both allow people to simply exchange money, but both incorporate social aspects, as well. Because your friends are able to follow your transactions, naming each transaction has become an art. These sorts of apps make it incredibly simple for people to exchange money. For my roommates and I, SquareCash has made paying our bills simple and stress-free.
3 - Social media users have completely changed the definition of the word “relationship” through their use of social media. Apps like Tinder and Grindr have given users the opportunity to essentially “shop” for hookups or significant others. Television shows like Catfish have cashed in on the growing presence of online romantic relationship.
2 )
1-  Kroger has recently incorporated something called Clicklist. Basically, shoppers are able to go online, order their groceries and pick them up without having to leave their car. It’s technologies like this and the data mentioned above surrounding the ways in which consumers shop that lead me to believe that the way people shop will completely change in the next few years. In my opinion, traditional methods of shopping will become obsolete as more and more people begin to take advantage of opportunities like Clicklist and the convenience of online shopping. The introduction of Cyber Monday in recent years is yet another example of the changing trends in shopping. Who wouldn’t prefer the comfort of his or her own home over the crowded parking lots on Black Friday? Social shopping is making shopping easier, as well. Facebook and  Instagram have both adopted “in-line buy buttons,” according to The New York Observer, that allow shoppers to make purchases within the social media app instead of being taken to the store’s website.
2 - Virtual reality will continue to become more mainstream. Facebook as already adopted a “VR-esque” feature that allows users to maneuver through panorama pictures. In my opinion, more and more apps will begin to adopt similar features. Social media users will soon be able to record their adventures and experiences, post them to his or her account and allow others to share in his or her adventure or experience through virtual reality. Virtual reality will also change the way gaming apps are played. In the same way video game companies are adopting virtual reality to enhance the gamers’ experience, app developers will begin incorporating means of virtual reality into games.
3 - Technologies like Apple Pay will take off and wallets will become a thing of the past. In my opinion, one of the biggest reasons it has yet to take off is because of security concerns. According to Richard Eldridge, CEO of Lenddo, “The biggest challenge is maintaining security standards and ensuring customers knowingly provide personal information. Banks will also have to implement sophisticated social media policies.” Even more impressive is Amazon’s “no checkout” grocery store. According to the website for USA Today, Amazon is testing a grocery store in downtown Seattle where customers walk in, shop, and walk out without having to wait in line. According to the USA Today article, “Customers tap their cellphones on a turnstile as they walk into the store, which logs them into the store’s network and connects to their Amazon account through an app.”
The Consumerist
The Wall Street Journal
Kroger, Clicklist
The New York Observer
Richard Eldridge
USA Today
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