#and my relationship with food. forever lol and it was for nothing because at the end of the day im basically back to the weight i started w
widevibratobitch · 4 months
#look away everyone this is gonna be embarrassing#nothing new really same old shit that's been going on every day for almost 20 years with me but uhh#at this point i dont even wish i were fucking skinny (<-lying). id give anything to just go back to my lowest ed weight#which was by no means skinny. not even thin. but it was thinnER than now.#anyway. nothing makes you hate your own body quite like trying to buy clothes lol#being a huge hypocrite rn cause yes yes fuck fast fashion we know#but being able to go shopping for clothes with your friends to a mainstream brand shop and only feeling *a little* inferior in all aspects#but not ENTIRELY worthless as a woman and a human being in general. my god. it only happened once in my entire life#and i had so much fun that day. and i felt so good and happy and even a little attractive. we love internalised mysogyny <333#but i miss experiencing the first stirrings of this stupid ass shy little hope that i could actually be considered hot and pretty#for the first time in my fucking life. like hot and pretty RIGHT NOW. not in some undefined future of ✨...if you lost some weight✨#idk it just feels like it was all for nothing. i ruined every part of my life i fucked up my teeth and my skin and my hair and my metabolism#and my relationship with food. forever lol and it was for nothing because at the end of the day im basically back to the weight i started w/#its a goddamn joke. like yeah maybe im not losing fistfuls of hair on a daily basis anymore but id honestly rather just go fully bald#if i was allowed to keep the weight off#god i only hope i die in a way that will completely obliterate my body. it is kind of a comfort#no matter what - at least ill always have the train tracks i used to play on as a kid <33 one of my most beloved places in the world fr
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lumi077 · 3 months
X-Men HCs
A/N: my hyperfixations are not very hyperfixating rn. literally they’re changing so fast. But take some nice little relationship headcanons, and the next Chapter of Winters’ Servants is coming soon!!
Characters included: Logan (Wolverine), Scott (Cyclops), Kurt (NightCrawler), Jean
Warnings: potential OOC, nothing else really. kept it nice and light.
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Logan (Wolverine):
Logan would absolutely, if you use them, stretch out your new hairbands for you. If you express that you dislike using them unless stretched, he’ll offer to wear them on his wrists for a day or two till they’re stretched to your liking. It could be the most girly hair ties and he’ll proudly wear three on each wrist. When asked, he’ll happily tell them “Just stretchin ‘em for my woman/man/partner”
Scary dog privileges? Scary dog privileges. He adores making you feel safe enough to wear the most skin revealing or feminine clothing. You want to wear something revealing/very feminine but tell him you're scared? He’ll instantly assure you and tell you to wear anything you want. If someone says something, he won’t hesitate to shut them up before you even hear.
There’s going to be a point in your relationship that you’ll realize he absolutely doesn’t care about any of the gross stuff you do. Burp, Fart, don’t shave? He really doesn’t care in the least bit. Definitely the boyfriend that will go, unphased, into the bathroom while you're on the toilet and brush his teeth or shower without a care in the world. If you are comfortable that is, and he secretly preens when he realizes that you're comfy enough to do that stuff around him lol.
I wholeheartedly believe that when he realizes he wants you to be his forever partner, he’ll gift you his dog tags. His past is very personal to him, because he could never remember it for a good part of it. His dog tags are only second to him getting down on one knee. 
Speaking of getting down on one knee, sorry for all the people who want it to be a surprise, but he won’t make a big deal and will tell you about his plans beforehand. No surprise engagement, and no public one. Not because he doesn’t care, but because he wants to make sure you’re ready and want it too. He doesn’t put much on marriage because it doesn’t change much, and doesn't want you to feel pressured to say yes because there are people there. He’ll love you the same married or not, but he does note how pretty you look with the ring he bought you on your finger.
I personally believe he would be more likely to get in a committed relationship with another mutant. I just think a lot of the X-Men would want to be able to relate to their partner and have their partner relate to them, and Logan is going to live a long life so…I can't truly see him with a normal person. 
If you are apart of the X-Men, while he won’t baby you or anything, he finds himself keeping an eye on you the most. There have been a fair amount of times that you find yourself having a Logan shield on the field, and even more often if you are susceptible to projectiles. 
Dates are a norm at this point, Fridays are always the day he takes you out. It’s usually the same place, but he thinks it’s nice. 
Flowers are also a norm, if you mention you like them. 
He doesn’t do much on Valentine’s day because he already does all the normal valentine’s day stuff it weekly or bi-weekly. Does get cheat food so you guys can eat it and watch stupid rom com movies though. 
Scott (Cyclops):
First and Foremost Scott is such a golden retriever. Anything you want, he obtains quickly and with 0 thoughts of you getting him something in return. He just wants to see his partner happy and healthy, with a smile on their face as often as possible.
He is very big on PDA, likes to hold your hand, or slip an arm around your waist, put his hand in the back pocket of your jeans, etc. Overall he just likes touching you, and just because you're in public doesn’t mean anything.
Adding on to his liking of PDA, I feel like he’s possessive. Like in the one X-Men movie, when Logan goes into the past and stops bad shit from happening and goes to touch Jean and he blocks him? Yeah he does that with you but with everyone. He likes people knowing your his and what’s better than you two being attached at the hip in public?
He likes when you wear his things as well, not so much for people knowing you’re his like mentioned above but just because you're adorable in it. Want his sweatshirt? He’s giving it to you even though it's negative 5 out. His cologne? Just take the whole bottle, even though it’s brand new. He’ll get another one!!
When he’s on missions and away, he gives you so many shirts and even a pair of sweats. Sprays the stuffed animals he got you with his cologne, same with your pillows. He will expect the same if it’s you going away for a long time. Or you’ll come back to him sleeping on your side of the bed where it smells the most like you, his face stuffed in one of your pillows that has one of your shirts on it. 
He is very vocal about being your boyfriend, and you being his partner. Everyone in the world knows, yet no one asked. He’ll gush about you to whoever will listen, the rest of the team is so done but they do admit his devotion to you is adorable.
All the ladies and gents and nonbinary pals who want an over the top surprise proposal, this is your man. It’s super romantic, he pays for your nails if you wear them, getting your hair done, and a new outfit. And you can’t even tell it’s because he wants to propose because he does this all the time. Then he takes you to your fav restaurant and pops the question.
Make no mistake though, he has to be 100% sure that you want him to propose to do so. He’s so attuned to you and your likings he gets your dream ring without having to ask everyone close to you first. Which also assures him no one can spoil the surprise.
He is one of the few ones who probably doesn’t care if you're a mutant or not, because his love is 100% blind. He would probably want a mutant partner, but once he falls he falls hard.
He also won’t baby you if you’re in the X-Men, but if he happens to laser them first? Not his fault.
Kurt (NightCrawler):
He is a very shy partner at first. But once he falls for you, and you make it obvious you have fallen for him it all goes out the window. He is a completely different person around you, confident and flirty. He is just so in love. 
Teases you almost constantly, he’s a teaser with everyone but he loves to see you blush and squirm from his words. 
Loves if you run your fingers through his fur, and almost emits a low purr when you do. If you brush it for him, especially if he doesn’t ask you but you WANT to, he swears he is going to marry you one day. 
He takes you places you told him you wanted to go to when you guys were in the talking stage. Paris? Done, let’s get some baguettes for back home! The Bahamas? Pack a bathing suit, and make sure to bring the detangling brush.
He loves non sexual acts of intimacy, like taking baths together!! Your fingers feel like heaven on his scalp when you massage the shampoo and conditioner in his hair. He also loves touching your body, he’s always careful with the fact he has claws but he would never dream of hurting you.
Big on cuddling and all that stuff in private, but I feel like he would want to keep it behind closed doors. Not because he doesn’t love you, but because he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands on you otherwise. 
Long missions with him are never a problem, he’ll just teleport to you wherever you may be and spend time with you before heading back. 
He’s your call bird, and the gossip you two are able to share with one another? It is divine. He seems to know everything, and you know the most obvious stuff but he always makes you feel like Sherlock Holmes when you tell him things he already heard and was going to tell you about. Which is why he always makes you spill the tea first lol.
For marriage and proposing, I can see him accidentally proposing on a mission. Tensions are high, and he’s worried that one of you won’t make it home to the other. The thought alone makes him dread the upcoming battle, but he grabs your hand and looks into your eyes and states with all the conviction in the world “We’ll get married after this.”
You brush it off, after you both survive the battle, that he didn’t mean it. He just wanted you to know how much he loved you. But oh how wrong you are when you walk into a room with all your close friends and family, Kurt in the middle down on one knee and asking you to marry him. Your face was priceless, and lucky for him everyone took pictures. 
He definitely carries around a photo with you wherever he goes, and when he prays he takes it out and not only asks that God protect him, but you as well because there is no life beyond you. Even if you’re not religious he’ll still do it, just for the peace of mind. 
She’s the black cat of the relationship for sure. I mean, she has a lot of issues but she always makes you her first priority. 
She keeps tabs on you constantly. What’s your mood, why? She’ll talk to you in your mind when you’re anxious to calm you, and let you know that she’s there with you. She’s probably an anxious persons’ best friend. You don’t even have to talk, she knows what you mean and changes accordingly. 
She is big on communication for sure. If you do something that bothers or hurts her feelings she will sit you down and talk to you about it. And she has this certain way of doing that doesn’t make you feel guilty. She’s just letting you know what she does and doesn’t like and won’t tell anyone else. These things are very private to her. And she expects you to do the same, and her feelings are never hurt by it. 
Jean’s type of love is selfless. She would put herself in danger tenfold just to keep you safe. Mutant or not, she would be the one to baby you if you’re a part of the X-Men as well. There’s always a kind of bubble around you, that not many but you notice. Hence, people think you’re indestructible because you’re the only one who came back uninjured for the fourth time. 
She wants to be independent, but also loves when you do stuff for her. She will never ask, but her heart warms so much when she sees you did something for her because you wanted too and not because she asked. 
She plans your dream proposal. She is almost a roommate in your own mind, she knows what you like and don’t like. 
Small extra blurb: imagine giving telepathic hints that you want a proposal. She thinks “Why are they broadcasting their ring si-ooooh. I see.”
She is so gentle with you, almost afraid that you’ll break and it’ll be all her fault. The way her hands gently caress you or how she holds your hand is so incredibly gentle.
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cinnamoneve · 8 months
eonian \ əʊnɪən \ (adj.) - continuing forever or indefinitely; lasting for an immeasurable amount of time
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❆ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: gojo satoru x gn!reader ❆ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: food always tastes better when it's shared with someone you love. even if you're too tired to appreciate it ❆ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: reader doesn't like red bean paste lol (this is self indulgent because i do not like red bean paste. im sorry.) ❆ 𝐰𝐜: 2k ❆ 𝐚/𝐧: i love domesticity i love boring things about being in love!!! in my mind gojo isn't sealed and nothing bad ever happens to him, he's eating taiyaki on the floor and happy ♡ please enjoy
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satoru said he’d be home hours ago.
tracking him down when he was out on a mission was near impossible. you both agreed that if there was any kind of emergency, he’d definitely find a way to get to you. but if not, no news was good news with satoru’s work.
unfortunately, this made any type of planning difficult for the two of you, so you had to soak up all the time together you could.
by the time you had finished dinner, your appetite was gone, and you’d realized that the last thing you wanted to do was eat by yourself in the quiet apartment. you covered the food, as if a thin layer of plastic would help to preserve the presentation and flavor. satoru would eat when he’s home, and you’d join him, you thought.
mealtimes always made satoru a little bashful. he refused to eat without you, and would pout if you didn’t uphold your end of it as well. satoru firmly believes that food always tastes better when you share it with someone you love. whether or not it’s true, or whether or not you believe it yourself, satoru has an almost parasitic way of infecting you with every inch of him; so throughout your entire relationship, you can count all the meals you’ve eaten alone on one hand.
hidden beneath the five languages of love, there has to be a secret, sixth one that satoru has surrounding food. what better way to tell you he loves you than to cut your apples the way you like? or remember your takeout order? not to mention the sampling of any dessert place within a certain radius of his mission, just for him to steal a bite. or two. or three.
sharing a meal with satoru felt deeply intimate. with every bite from his plate, it felt like his love was devouring you at the same time. whole, or piece by piece, even. he had always wondered if you’d caught on that his sweet tooth developed after he kissed you for the first time. he’s just hoping to find something sweet enough to hold himself over until the next time he gets to fall in love with you again, and again.
collapsing on the couch, you drifted off thinking about what dessert he’d bring you this time. some type of pastry? a sweet bread, doughnut, or maybe a cake sampling? you wondered if he’d smear icing on your nose so he could kiss it off again, or how many kisses he’d steal between bites. or even, the gentle way he held his hand underneath your chin to catch any stray crumbs.
your daydreaming got the best of you, however, and you hadn't realized the time when you heard the all-too familiar sound of a key jingling in the door handle.
you sit up a bit and make yourself look like you weren’t fantasizing about a man who is already and desperately yours. you didn’t want satoru to feel guilty–he wouldn’t want you to stay up too late for him.
it’s around 3am when the door opens.
he looks wiped. your poor, pouty boyfriend melted in your arms when you met him at the door.
“i missed you, love,” was all he managed to croak out before exhaustion hit him, nearly leaning on all of you with his weight to keep himself stable.
“i saved you something to eat, satoru,”
“oh, thank you. i love you,”
he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead after mumbling the confession, and shuffled his way into the kitchen. not even halfway in, his legs called it quits and he resorted to sitting down on the cold floor.
“i don’t think i’m moving from this spot”
“i’ll join you, honey,” you spoke softly, almost nervous that your words would shatter him. 
you leaned down and helped him take off his blindfold. he ran his fingers through his hair, eager to loosen it up and relieve the tension building. 
you notice a white box wrapped in delicate twine. 
“can i take that from you? where can i put this?”
satoru rubs the day out of his eyes. “anywhere’s fine. this shop near me today is known for its taiyaki. i couldn’t remember which filling you liked, so i got them all. we don’t have to eat them now”
satoru had watched you order taiyaki before, on numerous occasions. for a man who can remember every detail of orders from restaurants you like, there’s no way in hell he could ever forget which filling you preferred. chalk it up to exhaustion, maybe, or his own selfish intention of eating the ones you don’t like.
you grabbed the box and put it on the counter, silently.
satoru watched your every step as you carefully reheated the dinner you made. although, a puzzled expression crossed his pretty face when he saw you reheating two plates instead of one.
“you didn’t eat?” he asked, almost whispering.
“hm?” you almost didn’t hear him. “oh, no, satoru, how could i? i wanted to wait for you”
he rests his head on the cabinets behind him, gently pouting away from you.
“it’s late, love, you could’ve eaten without me.”
his voice was sincere, but you knew his words weren’t. eating alone would’ve been the straw that broke the camel's back, he realized, and he regretted his bold-faced lie the second the words left his mouth.
all you did was continue to heat up your plates, a soft smile adorning your tired features. satoru looked at you like you were made of an ornate and delicate glass, something precious to admire but never touch. you were almost a heavenly treasure, tonight especially, and he couldn’t help but watch in silence.
you grabbed your plates and sat with him on the floor, just enough to be close but not in his personal space. extending out your legs to get comfortable, satoru gently laced his long, spindly legs with yours. anything to be in your space.
“eat up, it’s hot,” was all you said.
satoru did as he was told, grabbing the plate from your hands gently so as to not burn himself.  
“thank you for the food,”
you sat in silence for a bit, just enjoying the meal you made and each other’s presence. usually, satoru is buzzing to tell you about work missions; the kind of curse, how his students did, if he had to dramatically save them (and how cool he looked doing it too). tonight was different. you’re not sure if something happened or if he was just too tired to even bring it up, but you still wanted to ask.
“do you wanna talk about your mission today, satoru?”
“mmm, there’s nothing to talk about, babe,” he added between bites, “it was super lame and long. i missed you the whole time, though”
“thinking about me with an ugly curse in front of you, how romantic”
“ah, hush, you know what i mean,” he rolls his eyes and shakes his leg against yours. “how about you, how was your day?”
you finish your meal and set your clean plate on the kitchen floor with a big sigh. 
“booooring,” you shifted closer to satoru as he finished up as well, “i had no work to do, so i just hung out here all day.”
“mmm, sounds fun though. a day to do nothing, i mean” satoru put his hand on your leg as he looked off at the floor. 
he wondered how he’d spend a day off. his first thought was to spend it with you, and the next, would be to take his students out. maybe to an expensive shop nobara wanted to see so he could spoil her a bit, or take yuuji to some movie he’s begged someone, anyone, to see with him. or actually, the day could be spent finding megumi a quiet bookstore in a quaint and cozy town so he can truly soak up some alone time.
naturally, his thoughts go back to you, and how you could spend the time together. god, the possibilities were just endless. a day trip? a movie marathon? a romantic day together filled with any type of date you’ve ever wanted? he didn’t care. a day in bed with you would be a day fulfilling and well-spent.
not once did he consider spending it alone. he was selfless like that, but also selfish like that. 
you grabbed his plate and stood up to put it in the sink, grabbing the pastry box on your way back to joining him on the floor.
“doing nothing is fun, i guess, until it really isn't. it’s lame being alone,” you say. you sit a little bit closer to him than before, throwing out your regard for satoru’s personal space. if anything, his hand on your thigh was an indication, a blinding one, really, that you should be closer to him.
satoru’s leg finds yours as his hands reach for the box. 
“what, you miss me or something?” 
his ridiculous question forms a reluctant smile on your lips. you look at him as he gently holds one of the taiyaki between his teeth, passing you the box and avoiding eye contact.
“hmm, maybe a little,” you answer, grabbing the box from his lap.
satoru takes a bite and looks at you, exaggeratedly offended.
his mouth is full.
“only a little?” 
“yeah. just, like, a teensy bit”
satoru sighs dramatically after he swallows his first bite.
“and to think i brought home your favorite filling too, from a famous taiyaki shop”
you meticulously pick out one of the crispy fish from the box, hoping you guessed the filling correctly.
“i thought you didn’t remember my favorite,”
satoru stops chewing for a second to mull it over.
“c’mon. did you really believe that?”
“hehe, no,” you giggle, “you’re not good at lying to me, you know”
“whatever,” he groans, finishing off his last bite.
biting into yours, you realize you picked wrong, and the taste of anko fills your mouth. you stop chewing immediately.
“blegh, i got a red bean paste filled one,” you moan.
“i’ll eat it, baby,” satoru grabs the fish and the box from your hands. he picks out another. “this one is chocolate filled, and this one is custard. i wasn’t sure if you liked matcha, but i got a couple of those too,”
you grab your favorite from the ones he pointed out, and scoot up to kiss him on the jaw.
“thank you, satoru, this is sweet.”
“i don’t even know how you function without liking anko,” satoru replies, “even if it’s a red flag, you’re so welcome,”
you both continue to eat your treats together, commenting on how the shop lives up to its reputation. satoru helps you to your feet as you begin putting the leftovers away for the night.
as you turn to the bedroom for your long overdue sleep, satoru doesn’t follow.
“coming to bed, honey?” you ask.
“i’m gonna clean up a little. you don’t have to wait for me,”
“leave it for the night, satoru, it’s been a hell of a day,”
if one person cooks, the other cleans. it was an unwritten rule in the household. satoru liked keeping a clean house to maintain a clear mind, but he was relieved to hear tonight was the exception.
he turns off the lights and finds you on his way to the bedroom.
“thank you for waiting for me tonight, my love”
“i only did so the food would taste better, you know,” you laugh back.
“i’d say it was worth it then.”
if only food could taste this good forever, could be this sweet, you would wait a million years just to sit with satoru on the kitchen floor.
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all content © cinnamoneve 2023. do not repost, modify, steal, or copy without permission.
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#30: This Is It (S7E12)
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Their smiles in this 7.12 scene will forever warm my heart. 🥹 And after seeing the palpable yearning Rick and Michonne have for each other in each of these TOWL trailers, you just know that it’s moments like the one on this rooftop that they both long to return to. (Side note: when they said TOWL would be an epic love story they were not playing around 🔥 every teaser and trailer is showing why this is the most epic husband and wife and this is some crazy love for real. 😍)
Now y'all know Richonne's honeymoon episode 'Say Yes' is gonna make multiple appearances on this Top 30 list. Starting with this lovely moment right here where our power couple is so visibly enamored with each other...
(And y’all, at first I really thought I was gonna make these posts a lil paragraph each, but then I saw a post that said, “I’m my target audience on Tumblr,” and I was like - you know what that person is right lol. And I love me some detailed Richonne insights, both to nestle in and read and to write, so instead of short and sweet, these posts are about to be my signature-length and sweet. Cuz truly I can’t help but go all out when it comes to reveling in Richonne)
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Lemme start by saying we are so fortunate to have Andy and Danai as the captains of this ship and that this extraordinary TV relationship is in the hands of two extraordinary actors. The way they give their all to these characters and always speak so beautifully about Rick and Michonne’s relationship is just a blessing. 🙌🏾
I remember Andy saying that he likes to think “I love you” is communicated every time Rick looks at Michonne, and it really really is. And this moment in 'Say Yes' is a prime example. The way they look at each other throughout this scene was a loud and clear “I love you” from them both, and I absolutely love to see it. 
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Ok so refresher - because the universe was like Richonne deserves to keep winning on this honeymoon, they climb on that roof and find a boatload of guns at a carnival. And I love that they let Rick and Michonne’s run take place at such a date-like environment.
And I am smiling uncontrollably seeing the two of them smile when they realize this is it. They’re so beautiful and their joy brings me joy. It’s great seeing that they’re in such a good mood after being so down in 7A, and I adore every glance and synchronized smile they share. 
I love Rick saying, “I think this is it” and Michonne smiling as she agrees. This line is pretty accurate to their relationship too. This relationship is it. This is the one for them. I mean, Andy said it himself - Rick found the greatest love story of his life in finding Michonne.
Rick asks, “Think we can?” which is also cute cuz he def knows they can. As was shown in the 7.10 ep 'New Best Friends,' Rick thoroughly enjoys the fact that he and his woman are such a power couple and there’s nothing they can’t do. (and the CRM finna learn there's nothing this husband and wife can't do together real soon 💁🏽‍♀️)
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When Rick asks if she thinks they can, Michonne is like let me find the coolest way possible to say 'yes we can' when she gets a determined look on her face and shoots those cans from a far distance. It’s nice cuz when she went out practicing her shot in 7.04 it was a very frustrating experience for her, but now with her man by her side and fighting the fight with him, she’s having a far more fun and successful time. And this would be how two of the baddest in the land have a carnival date. 😋
I love how happy Rick seems to be here to see Michonne in her element. He knew she had been practicing out there alone, and now he gets to see that of course his boss of a wife has got good at it. And their smiles and laughs. Food for the soul.  
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You can just feel Rick taking in every moment he has with her and cherishing it. His adoration for this woman is so visible. And as we know, at this point, Rick had come to terms with the fact that he may not make it out of this Saviors war and that they’d lose people. So seeing him be so present in this moment with Michonne like they were the only two in the world, is all the more heartfelt cuz he’s trying to enjoy this moment like it’s his last. Cuz realistically, it could be.
And if his days really are numbered, then spending quality time enwrapped in Michonne's love and smiles is a major part of how Rick wants to enjoy what valuable life he has left.
Michonne is so glowy and happy in this scene too. 🥰  This is the face of a woman whose heart is being cared for by a good man who will be by her side through anything. Her adoration and fulfillment with her man are so fully on display, and she's so deserving of this kind of love and happiness. Also it’s sweet how Rick has this impressed look at her as she knocks down those cans.
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And truly what makes this a top 30 scene for me is their reactions after she says that. Because Michonne gives Rick the most sincere sweet smile that is just so clear she loves him. And then the lingering way Rick looks at her 😍…based on that look it just feels like my man Rick was a bit overcome with his love for her. 🥹
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It was most definitely a moment of Rick thinking, 'How’d I get so lucky finding you?' And I love that Rick can never hide his feelings for her. This is a man who is so deeply in love with his wife. And how he quietly soaks up this happy moment with her melts my entire heart. You can genuinely see that this moment in time with his true love is one Rick treasures and wants to hold onto for as long as he can.
And I just so respect that with his character so aware that life can be cut short, he’s really presently basking in each moment with her. Time with Michonne and their family is what Rick most wants. And it's refreshing to see them both be so fully present in their Richonne bubble and enjoying what they've always wanted in this scene.
The scene ends with them falling through the roof, but then after a moment of silence, you hear them laughing yet again. I love it. Nothing was bursting that Richonne bubble.
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Andy and Danai understand the assignment every time when it comes to depicting Richonne’s relationship. And I love that they knew in an ep where they get to just have all this alone time, they would be so smiley and on cloud nine. And this was one of the moments that beautifully portrayed that. 
Joy wasn't often depicted on this show, but whenever Rick and Michonne got alone time together it was joy’s time to shine. They know they can get through anything together so they’re able to just take a moment and enjoy each other and laugh and smile and that is a rare and wonderful thing only the two of them could give each other in this way.
So if you were to ask me what true love is, I’d show you Richonne scenes like these and just have three words - This. Is. It. 😌
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weird-bookworm · 9 months
ᴇʟᴅᴇʀ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ!ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ
a/n: part 2 of the abomination i posted 4 (?) weeks ago
pairing: elder brother!svt x reader
genre: headcanons, fluff, crack, comfort
word count: same as before, around 1050-ish
warnings: mentions of food, mention of fire, a couple curse words, mention of harassing (dw nothing srs), idk what can be a trigger help a girl out here 😭
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ʟᴇᴇ ꜱᴇᴏᴋᴍɪɴ
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(dolby? who's that? i only know dk 👍🏻)
coddles you with love
no concept of personal space
unexpectedly protective
your room is practically his now
puppy eyes at you for everything
as if he's the younger one and not you
randomly starts singing
*soul left your body* even though you've heard him do it your entire life
despises it when you're sad
gets adorably angry at whoever or whatever made you sad— just to see you giggle
innocent babie
(protecc him pls)
aka you're more dirty minded than he is
might be the elder but you're stuck taking care of him
elaborate skits in the middle of the night
you don't tell him but you enjoy them as much as he does
ᴋɪᴍ ᴍɪɴɢʏᴜ
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puppy personified
practically a giant
you often wonder if he took your share of tall genes
25/8 teasing you about your height
"want help shorty?" annoying smirk
"i'm not short you bitch, you're tall" angry pout
*cue giggles*
picks you up randomly and scares you shitless
always ends up cooking for you though
y'all have a very playful relationship
affectionate insults are as plentiful as his clothes
a giant dork basically
gets sad when you're sad
envelops you in his arms and holds you as long as you need
so so easy to prank
and so annoying because he knows every girl you know has a crush on him
flirts with your friends to annoy you
likes to cuddle
wakes up in your room 5 days out of 7
roleplays as your blanket and refuses to move
xᴜ ᴍɪɴɢʜᴀᴏ
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you're his princess
the apple of his eye
he's very very soft for you
but you're the person he's fights with the most
The sassy siblings ✨
y'all are more twins than anything
similar fashion styles
both martial artists
both self-assured
and really good looking 👀
pretty much a package deal atp
your friends are his friends, and his are yours
you're his forever priority
forces you to meditate lol
as in wakes you up early every morning and makes you sit and meditate with him
will not let you go back to sleep
safe to say he's the only person who's seen your whiny side
ʙᴏᴏ ꜱᴇᴜɴɢᴋᴡᴀɴ
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a lot of it
even bickers with your best friend 💀
does favours for you unprompted
"stop looking at me like that, i did it out of the goodness of my heart and this is the thanks i get, hmph"
*dramatically gets mad*
while you're there looking at him like •_• -_- •_•
later uses it as leverage
"remember that one time i brought you a glass of water? you owe me!" "i didn't aSK YOU TO DO IT!!"
embodiment of getting second hand embarrassment
no kidding, pretends he doesn't know you at anything remotely embarrassing you do
✨MaTeRiAl GwOrL✨
hallabong full of sass
only and only He can bully you
you have a problem? hold his americano, he's ready to throw hands
squishy lil tangerine
ᴄʜᴡᴇ ʜᴀɴꜱᴏʟ
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chill asf
takes you to movies every weekend
sends you random songs he likes or songs that remind him of you
unbothered king
comfortable silences
hang outs include not speaking and listening to music
while chilling like starfishes on the floor and staring at the ceiling
strange lil guy
except you definitely take after him
down to the style of walking
bad dad jokes
never understands the good ones 💀
occasionally loud enough to rouse the entire neighbourhood
cluelessly cute
does silly things when you're sad
like sit upside down on the sofa
or just wear one of his out-of-this-world 'outfits'
he's secretly offended you're laughing but at least mission accomplished?
ʟᴇᴇ ᴄʜᴀɴ
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the only remotely normal one
often complains that you're weird
and he's lucky that he got the better genes
constant fights over who looks better
often drags you to dance with him
whines for you to cook for him
even though his cooking is perfectly fine
once felt generous and decided to help you make dinner in high school
your parents came back home to smoke in the house and the fire alarm going off
don't think he doesn't notice you going soft when he laughs
often acts like the most typical 'oppa'
then both of you cringe and laugh together
sneaks out with you every friday
weirdly mature when the situation calls for it
once punched a guy in the face because he thought he was harassing you
had to awkwardly apologise because that wasn't the case. at all.
very very common and very very petty fights
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astarkey · 5 months
So I was tagged forever ago by my lovelies @archeryqueen95, and @bloodychamber, that I decided to combine the tag games since they're basically the same thing. Thank you so much for tagging me guys, and I'm so sorry I'm now getting around to doing them! 🙏🏽💖 The last few months have not been so kind to me at all 😔
Last movie: Scandal (1950)
Last show: I Dream of Jeannie
Last song: Pure Morning // Placebo
Song stuck in my head: Foe // Blackmail
Favorite color: Purple and black
Currently reading: Nothing at the moment
Currently watching: Seinfeld, Wellington Paranormal, Dexter's Laboratory, King of the Hill, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, The Mighty Boosh, The IT Crowd, Sweet Home (even though I'm having a hard time trying to go through this latest season since I stopped halfway into episode 5. Idk how to feel about it 😔), Community, Alice in Borderland and The Wayans Bros.
Next on your to watchlist: Bargain, The Bequeathed, and Shining Vale
Currently consuming: Well I was consuming some Ruffles sour cream & onion chips lol.
Currently craving: Beef lo mein and general tso's chicken from Szechuan, even though I don't think I'm going back there to eat for a while.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet and savory :p
Relationship status: Still single, even though I tried to change that status last year 😣 Still trying this year.
Current obsession: I think the Yakuza series. Like I was obsessed with it's spin-off Judgement series last year, which I guess is in that same universe, and now I got into Yakuza just because I was curious and wanted to know more about the universe since I finished the Judgement games.
3 favorite foods: Mac and cheese, tacos, and cheese pizza.
Last thing you googled: avatar netflix
Dream trip: Take a road trip across the country to go to the west coast. Maybe travel to Spain, France, Italy, or Japan.
Anything I want right now: For my dad to be okay and to make it through another night at the hospital 😔
I'm tagging (no obligations!) @onyxheartbeat, @bonnielass23, @heatherannchristie, @the-highest-most-exalted-one, @eizagonzalezs, @alwaysupatnight, @lilmissuncreative, @astriferias, @georgieharrisons, @musicrunsthroughmysoul, @esteblogsiesp0rn0, @mediumrarefallingcow, @bustedandblue, @camiladnne, @userlestat, @bentcoppers, @weloveachother and anyone else who wants to do this! 💕
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mrstsung · 3 months
Shang tsung character analysis and hcs. Pt1
My shang tsung hcs and character analysis too.
*note this is mk11/95 movie/tagawa's shang tsung with a mix of my own verse.*
Cw:nsfw kontent ahead. Maybe some angst. Mostly hcs and fan rambling. So if you dont wanna sit here and scroll thru me rambling about my fave sorcerer sneky man. Ignore this post. If you do. Welcome to mortal kombat. 💚
Shang tsung first and foremost you gotta understand is self serving and preserving. So for him to set aside himself for you,IS A BIG THING! He goes out of his way for you,makes YOU a priority,takes time for YOU. THAT IS SPECIAL,DO NOT TAKE THAT FOR GRANTED!
Secondly,if he let's you in close proximity and let's you do certain things. Like make and pour his tea or wine or drink. Or make him food or he goes out the way to make you something. If he let's you dress him or fix or put on his kombat armor. Or especially,comb/brush and style his hair. He takes pride in his appearance. Not out of vanity nessicarly,but out of a sense of personal pride. He is a man who doesn't like to live in squander. Even at his lowest,he hold himself high. He always makes sure he's presentable. Even tossed asunder in the woes of kombat. Bleeding,hair tossled,bruises,etc. He still wipes the blood from his mouth with that grin of knowing. He's ten steps ahead of you. He's got this honey. He's hundreds of years old. He's got this. Dont you worry your pretty little head.
He wouldn't go out of his way nessicarly in the beginning of your relationship at least in public,to hug or give physical affection. He wont deny it either. He'll wholeheartedly accept hugs,especially if he knows(or reads your soul) that,that is one or more of your love languages. Give him time to warm up to you. It's not out of embarrassment,or even pride. It is simply my dear because shang tsung has trust issues. He is a cautious man,he has many enemies. And being with him,may gain you some reputation. Whether that is good or bad depends entirely upon you.
Shang tsung if he had a lover would absolutely be doting,i mean after all. You captured THE MASTER OF SOUL MAGIC. the tournament master of mortal kombat. The shang tsung himself. Great tsungus. Lol. I mean you're doing something right.
He is a devil in love,doting,possessive,not in a creepy way. But in a "your soul and heart belongs to me,in every life i would find you and once again make you mine. And i am yours. We are one,with the infinite cosmos. I AM YOURS AND YOU ARE MINE, FOREVER" he is all or nothing in love. Like he if he didn't see a future or a forever. Or a spouse material from you. He wouldn't even bother pursuing you honey.
Now,how long it takes for him to warm up to you. Depends. Sometimes it's a few years,few months. Maybe even a few minutes. Shang tsung is kinda finicky like that. However....once you've captured his heart. You got it for eternity. He is absolutely a loyal lover. He doesn't take betrayal kindly. So dont break his heart... or he'll break your spine like chen. Jk,jk. Shang tsung would most certainly take it hard,so dont do him dirty ok?
Like i said this man has trust issues,his trust issues have trust issues. He's cautious. He'll test the waters so to speak with you. He'll put you in scenarios to see how you favor. Or he'll say something to see your reaction. Like he pushes buttons,nothing too harsh of course. But just enough to see your standing with him. He NEEDS to know he can rely on you,and that you're the one for him.
Shang tsung is a man of weath and taste. So you're gonna be well taken care of. Nothing is too good for his beloved. Prime sugar daddy material. Srry not srry. However,he is pampering within reason. Also you gotta give that lovin back honey. However,he loves to dress you,style your hair,and absolutely adorn you with the finest he can get his hands on. Not for any other reason than that he enjoys doing that. For you,he'd burn the realms to see you happy and content. For you,your his consort and the only person he'd even consider,an equal.
Shang tsung likes to wine and dine. He wants to enjoy himself,and for you to as well. So expect a nice lavish dinner or a relaxing evening of him reading to you. Perhaps a stroll on his island or palace gardens. His beach is absolutely breathtaking at night under moonlight. He is a romantic,I'll die on that hill (He's basically Chinese Dracula ok?).
Ok shang tsung is absolutely a good conversationalist,he knows exactly what to say,how to say it,and when to say it. He knows how to stim your mind. So if you(like me) looooove you a man who can conversate and knows his way around with words and talk deep and also even if you talk about basically nothing you're still entertained and have a great time. Like shang tsung is the man for you. Like a man who can genuinely stim my mind and heart can have my mew mew anyday. They have my FULL attention. (I have Virgo mars and cancer venus,I'm screwed with this man. Taurus moon and rising,leo sun. Cancer mercury. Yeah.....im doomed. Lol) (Speaking of which i have an astro chart for shang too so if y'all wanna read i posted it. But i can reshare it again if anyone is interested.)
Ok now nsfw kontent below cut.
Ok now for the smut. 😏💖💋🐍💚🥵
Ok shang tsung like i said knows how to talk. So...this extends to the bedroom. This man could coo,purr,and Make anybody's panties drop with his voice alone. Like he could dirty talk or whisper sweet nothings. He could gas you up like no tomorrow.
If you are insecure about your looks,he will absolutely focus on those areas. He will pay extra attention. And he will reassure you that you are absolutely ravishing. He finds every part of you delectable.
For example: if you are shy about your legs. He will stroke up and down them. Paying attention to your reaction. Kissing up and down your thighs. Or if you're insecure about your belly,he'd kiss that area and reassure you that he loves every part of you. He'd reassure you that you have nothing to feel insecure about. You're perfect just as you are. How you're so soft and cute in the lighting of moonlight. The soft glow of you is always such a wonderful sight to see. How your eyes light up. Etc,etc. He's very attentive.
Shang tsung has tounge game. He'd eat you out/go down on you. Like a man in starvation. Like you were the last thing to consume in the whole realms. Also im sorry that man KNOWS HOW TO EAT PUSSY! I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL TOO! (Honestly it's not that hard to suck cock either, But he's good in that department too). Like shang's oral game overall is OUTSTANDING.
Now as for cobra. Hee hee. He's packing,but he's not like exaggerated like some people cartoonishly wanna put. 🙄. Like i hc him flaccid is 6' or 6' and a half inches, But fully erected he's around maybe 7 or 8 depending on if he's masturbated or fucked you in a bit. The longer time has passed the bigger it can look (Talking fromExperience). Like on average shang is 7 approx. So packing,but reasonable. Like people think big dicks are all great,but in reality most people can't take big dicks and aren't able to. 6 or 7 inches is perfectly fine,becausei feel people dont even know how big 7 or 8 or even 9 inches really is,also it's about skill and pacing and lots of foreplay. But anyways,shang tsung is shang hung.
He's also really good with foreplay,he enjoys the leading up to sex more than the sex itself. Not that he doesn't enjoy that. He does. He just loves to tease.
Prt 2 coming soon.
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
A rare pair I like? There's so many I like! My personal faves are Diluc x Childe (it just seems funny to me), Zhongli x Al-Haitham, Kaeya x Childe, Itto x Kaeya, and Kaeya x Ayato.
*cracks knuckles* here we go! Ima make these fancier now. So this took a while because it was so long. I hope you like this anon <3
I got em all:
Diluc x Childe, Zhongli x Alhaitham, Kaeya x Childe (my favorite lol), Itto x Kaeya, Kaeya x Ayato
Diluc x Reader x Childe!
"Diluc! You promised we'd spar!" Childe whined as he followed the red-haired man through his estate.
"Yes, after I'm done with my work." Diluc replied, looking back at him. "I'm clearly still busy."
"You also said you'd be done around noon. It's almost 3." The harbinger countered, with a slight pout playing on his lips.
"Stop doing that, my plans changed." Diluc said as he sighed and stopped walking, looking at his boyfriend. "Don't you have anything else to do? Something that doesn't include you following me around?"
"Well damn, I didn't know I annoyed you that much," Childe said, his pout only getting poutier, "and no. I have nothing to do, and both you and (y/n) are busy."
"You need an outlet," Diluc said as he began walking again, causing Childe to follow him like a lost puppy.
"I have an outlet."
"Killing people isn't an outlet, it's madness, we've been over this. Why don't you find a hobby?" Diluc offered, briefly looking back at the man.
"I consider you a hobby." His words made Diluc stop walking again and look back at him in silence- prompting him to explain. "You take forever to learn about- it was like a full time job at one point. Isn't that what hobbies are?" For one second- one hot second- Diluc debated on keeping Childe in the relationship.
"You know you're really stupid sometimes, right?" Diluc questioned, which Childe immediately nodded to.
"Sometimes. But it doesn't stop you or (y/n) from loving me. So I can't be that stupid."
Zhongli x Reader x Alhaitham!
"So that's how it was," Alhaitham murmured as he placed a hand on his chin and fell in thought. "What happened next?" His green eyes shot to Zhongli, who continued to recount his experience. "And you were able to encounter that? Amazing."
Zhongli never failed to amaze Alhaitham with his stories of the past. Not to mention is vast knowledge about everything. Every question Alhaitham had was easily answered by Zhongli- like why research when the entire library was his boyfriend?
You sat there with a giant smile on your face as you watched them interact, little giggles escaping your lips every now and then. When they engaged in conversation like this, the hours ticked easily. The world usually melted away for them and it was just... them. No one else.
Until they met you, of course. Now it was them and you. You were happy to listen to all the stories Zhongli had as well. He knew so much, not only that but he was also so willing to share that knowledge. It's what attracted Alhaitham in the first place. Unfortunately, some of their conversation did go over your head, but they always took time to explain it. Even if it made your head hurt.
"You're not bored, right?" You blinked, realizing Zhongli was speaking to you.
"What? No way! I was totally into it!" You said, looking at him and straightening your back a little.
"You were totally zoning out," Alhaitham revealed, smirking a little. You squinted at him before rolling your eyes.
"Ok, I was, but I was just in thought! That's all!"
"Oh, so you can form thought?" Alhaitham teased, making you scoff as you threw a piece of your food at him. Zhongli just chuckled at your antics. Sometimes, Zhongli felt a little... insecure about his age. He was much, much, much older than you two and he wondered if he'd be a good fit in the relationship. Then there were days like this, where he just sat and talked with Alhaitham and you for hours, which made him feel important.
Since you and Alhaitham were younger than him, you two did what you could to help him feel comfortable. There was a stark difference in how you and Alhaitham acted compared to how Zhongli acted with you two. It took time to understand that there wasn't anything wrong with how he was. It's what you two loved about him.
"What were you thinking about, (n/n)?" Zhongli asked, interrupting you and Alhaitham.
"You, actually. I was thinking about how much you've experienced and how much you know. I mean, it's not every day you meet an archon, let alone get to date one!" You said with a smile.
"Former," Zhongli reminded before nodding as he sipped his tea. "Well, I'm glad you two are happy with me. I know I'm a little... slow in some things, but you two are very patient with me."
"Don't worry, me too." Alhaitham said, making you both look at him. "I don't get relationships- dating especially. It can be hard sometimes, but every day is a day I learn something new, whether it be about you two or our relationship. And that's what helps me improve." Zhongli smiled softly before both of them looked at you, expecting you to say something similar.
"I find it easy to date two hot dudes." You replied, making them blink.
"Have you no tact?" Alhaitham asked, making you shake your head.
"Sometimes, no." He opened his mouth but paused when he heard Zhongli laugh. The two of you looked at the former archon who was laughing. It didn't take long for you to join him too.
Kaeya x Reader x Childe!
"Don't do it." Childe said with a low growl, a glare in his eyes trained on Kaeya. The cryo user only stared back, challenging the harbinger.
"Or what? What will you do?"
"I'm warning you now. I have a lot of respect for you, Kaeya. So I'm warning you ahead of time. You don't want to do this." Childe stated, calmly, taking a deep breath to ease his frustrations a little.
"You're so predictable, Tartaglia." Kaeya scoffed, rolling his eyes. Childe felt the twitch under his eye at the use of his name.
"I will kill you, Kaeya!" Childe growled, slamming his hand down onto the table. "Do not test me!"
"You don't scare me, Harbinger." Kaeya replied, leaning back in his chair. "You tried, we can appreciate that. But at the end of the day... you'll always lose to someone like me."
"Someone like you, huh? And what's that? An egotistical prick who only cares about himself?" Kaeya didn't let the words get to him and only laughed, waving his hand.
"Not true, I care about you and our shared love, (y/n)."
"Kaeya..." your voice poked out, making both men look at you. "Please don't provoke him. You know how seriously he takes this. It's almost as if you're making fun of him."
"I am." Kaeya said without hesitation as he looked at Childe and met his angry gaze. "I am making fun of you."
"Kaeya..." Childe grumbled as he watched the man in front of him move.
"Draw 4." Kaeya said as he placed the uno card down, making you burst out laughing while Childe slammed his head down onto the table.
"I was almost done, you loser!"
"That's exactly why I waited this long." Kaeya laughed along with you as he watched Childe pick up four more cards, making it a total of five he had now.
Itto x Reader x Kaeya!
"Trust me, Itto, the last thing you want to do is challenge Kaeya at anything. He's just too good." You warned as you watched Itto hype up his little onikabuto for a fight.
"Come on! I'm the reigning champion, babe! You don't have faith in me?" Itto asked with his charming smile. You shared his smile but shook your head.
"No, darling. Because you don't win against anyone except children." Itto gasped dramatically and frowned, looking away.
"H-how could you?! I've won against better!"
"Yeah and who was that?" You asked, placing your hands on your hips. The door opened as Itto was about to answer, making you two look at the man. "Kaeya!" You chirped as you ran to him, giving him a hug.
"Hello, (y/n). Itto, you're here too? What brings you two by?" Kaeya asked as he gave you a kiss on the cheek, before moving to Itto to do the same.
"Well, I wanted to challenge you to a fight but (n/n) says you're too strong."
"A fight?" Kaeya asked as he walked around to his desk. "I mean, I'd love to take you on."
"He meant onikabuto fighting, not like an actual fight." You translated, making Itto nod excitedly.
"Yeah, but I don't mind actually fighting him!" You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
"Itto, must you challenge every new person you meet?"
"What? I've never had a chance to fight with Kaeya! So, I might as well fight him!" You just smiled and shook your head again.
"Whatever, I get to judge."
Kaeya x Reader x Ayato!
"That... sounds silly?" Ayato said with a slight frown. Kaeya shook his head and scooted closer, throwing on his charm.
"What? No way, I think it would be fun. Come on... I know you want to try it~" Ayato stared into his eyes before sighing.
"We are grown men, Kaeya. Please."
"Ok, fine. What if we kept it indoors. No one would see us then, right?" Kaeya opted making Ayato frown as he looked toward you.
"What do you think?" You were still too busy giggling to even get any words out.
"I think it'll be fun! Come on, try it once!" Ayato went silent, looking between both you and Kaeya before rolling his eyes and sighing in defeat.
"Fine. But we can't do it inside unless we have a big enough room. Outside is better. We'll just... find somewhere that's devoid of people." He said as he stood up. You clapped your hands and stood up as well, looking at Kaeya and giving him the thumbs up.
Ok, so explanation. You were curious to see if Kaeya could freeze Ayato's hydro attacks. Ayato said it most likely work but you- you wanted to see a demonstration. He said no without hesitation. So, you got your beloved Kaeya to woo Ayato because it worked every single time. And it worked this time too.
"We love you Ayato," Kaeya said with a proud smirk.
"Yeah, I love you both too." Ayato said with a slight sigh. The things he did for you two.
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beevean · 9 months
me constantly going in the CV tag despite knowing that it's 10% nice game fanart, 40% gifs of the show, and 50% some absolute braindamaging takes, is taking a toll on me
because after blocking the nth post admiring Lenore for playing Hector like a fiddle/saying Hector deserved to be enslaved for his original plan of culling mankind (nvm that babyboy Isaac was far more evil about it and he never got punished for wanting to "purify" the world)...
... I really want to think about Lenore and how I'd make her work with the crumbs that the show gave me lol
Lenore is obviously meant to be a parallel to Hector. Both of them are the animal lovers of their group, and mocked for it. Both of them are the "nice" ones in a group where cruelty reigns. Both of them are the least respected of their group - Dracula and Isaac shitting on Hector vs. Striga and Morana not even thinking about Lenore when they peace out. Both of them got used then discarded - yes, even Lenore, who became useless after enslaving Hector. Both of them are actually more of a threat than they look (allegedly, in Hector's case, but I can tell the intention was there).
Then there's the way they contrast. Lenore is a vampire who still clings on vestiges of humanity: she likes to eat food ("why live forever, if you're not going to live well?"), she rejects brute violence (again, allegedly) in favor of the more human art of diplomacy, she's compassionate about lesser creatures (humans included), and she's horrified at the realization that she is, deep down, nothing more than a greedy beast destined to crave more and more. Hector is a human alienated by humanity, who thinks culling is the kindest option, relates more to animals than his own species, and seems fascinated by the nature of vampires.
Imagine if the two actually bonded over this, and betrayed their "factions" because finally they found someone who respects them. And I mean organically bonded. On screen. With dialogue. Without the gross BDSM petplay. That part 100% has to go, it adds nothing, it's humiliation for humiliation's sake, it ruins Lenore's character, and it's just masturbation fuel.
I'd also change the scene where Lenore beats Hector. In my idea, Lenore flees from Hector's clutches, and then doesn't visit him again... for a week... and leaves him without food and water. By the time she comes back, Hector is desperate and is not above begging for some water, but she doesn't want to come close. "Are you going to hurt me again? :< you hurt me the last time :< you're so scary :< I did nothing to you and you tried to kill me :< I'm afraid that you'll do it again :<"
Basically, treating Hector like a rabid dog until he genuinely apologizes, and not only he learns the lesson that he shouldn't attack the only vampire who visits him, but he feels actually guilty and a terrible person about it. Made worse by how sensitive Hector probably is about all of this, as a love-starved abused child.
You know, manipulation, not just a brute display of strength to admire how stronk the girlboss is.
I don't know how their relationship would go from here, though. I only know that I'm more than happy with Lenore sunning herself: it is thematically coherent for her, her refusal to become like Carmilla, her guilt for hurting Hector, and if the two actually cared for each other, her choice to look at the only man who treated her with respect rather than the sun would be lovely.
Needless to say, we can only get here if she organically grows fond of him and doesn't rape him :^) but if she does, if she's really so cruel to hurt a man at his most vulnerable just to do what her sisters asked of her, then the story should treat her as such - and I'd also love to see Hector just snap, because by this point he's sick and tired of being seen as an object. Give him his big moment of taking down both vampires who hurt him. (in my vision not only he smashes Lenore's skull with his hammer, but he also takes a swing at Isaac - not killing him, just hurting him a little. please)
But I'd rather avoid that. I would like both characters to have agency - not even falling in love with each other, I don't care about that (they'd never be a cute couple anyway, not when she starts out as his jailer), just have a more interesting relationship built on two kindred spirits finding each other, but driven apart by their roles and nature. The vampire chooses death, the human grows and thrives.
There is sadly not going around the fact that Hector fell for two vampires (three if you count Dracula, but I can forgive that one) who employed the same strategy. I don't like the way Carmilla uses Hector either, but I can't be bothered to fix her rn.
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rachelsfav-queer · 6 months
How would a vampravenwolf anniversary look like? 🥺
Ughh, sorry not a lot of energy to write so this will be a little small.
Hmm so I think I’ll take a few risks here. Let’s say that Wednesday is actually the first to wake up. It’s not the biggest stretch to say she knows how to cook and really well too. I mean, look at her family, Grandmama would definitely have taught her at like the age of 2 lol.
So, Wednesday would get up early, somehow earlier than Enid which is quite a feat, and would prepare an extravagant breakfast for her partners. Enid and Yoko would wake up to see the whole bed covered with plates and there’d even be a few tables holding plates of food surrounding the bed. And standing in the middle of the spread would be Wednesday, smiling softly at them.
“Normally I resent typical stereotypes for how people in relationships spend important holidays, but with you two, I’d like to participate in them all. Breakfast in bed is a particularly enticing idea and thought I’d spoil the two most perfect women in the accursed world. Every day closer to death that is spent with you both is a reminder that love and passion are just as much a part of me as death and melancholy. Thank you… for showing me that love and passion.”
Of course, these three would utterly decimate all that food, not leaving a single crumb behind.
After breakfast is finished, I think their day would be quite slow. It really wouldn’t matter much to any of them where they spend the day, their bedroom or the living room or wherever, as long as they’re all together.
But, I think Enid would end up dragging them all to the living room.
Giant Blanket Fort.
No reason beyond “just cause”. It’s their anniversary after all. They can do whatever the hell they want!
And so once the fort is assembled, the trio turn on their playlist of their favorite movies while Enid transforms into her wolf form and curls up inside the blankets. The seer and vampire then curl up against the werewolf and they all watch movies for most of their day and eat plenty of food. Wednesday, being closer to Enid’s face, feeds the blonde.
Then, it’s time for dinner! And of course, because Wednesday made breakfast, the other women restrict her to setting up the table and let them prepare dinner. And as much as the raven wishes to help out, she’s learning to allow her partners to care for her and do things for her.
The werewolf and the vampire come out of the kitchen into the dining room with three plates of food and three champagne flutes. Setting everything down, Enid makes one quick trip back to the kitchen to grab the champagne. Enid returns and begins pouring the champagne into her partners’ glasses, leaving a gentle kiss on their heads as she does so.
“My wonderful raven and vampire. You are everything to me and loving you and being loved by you both has changed me forever. I don’t know where I would be now if you two hadn’t touched my life, but I know I wouldn’t feel so at peace. Thank you, both of you, for showing me that I am lovable beyond my ability to serve others.”
The trio enjoys their meal together, talking about nothing and laughing at everything while they sip at their champagne. It’s calm and domestic and happy.
When they finish, they’re decidedly too drunk and too tired to do much so they leave their dishes in the sink to be washed tomorrow and they all head to the bedroom. They take their time with each other, removing each other’s clothes and going through their basic nightly routines. When they’re done, they all crawl into bed. Yoko takes the middle and the others cuddle up against either side of her. Holding them both so close, she smiles and pulls their faces up to kiss them each soundly.
“I simply don’t have words. My prettiest girls lying on either side of me? How could I ever express how much this means to me? You two are simply beautiful and I feel beyond lucky that after so many decades of life, I have found you both. You both have shown me love in ways I never thought possible and I am honored to have been given the chance to return that love with everything I have in me. You both have been through so much, we all have. This… is our reward. I love you both, my prettiest girls.”
And with that, they fall asleep in each other’s arms.
End <3
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derelictheretic · 1 year
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefae and @detectivelokis !! Ty 💕💕💕
Not quite sure whose done this since i've been. absent. so i'mma send tags out to @deputyash @bluemojave @adelaidedrubman @bl-beater @jollybone @clicheantagonist @florbelles @unholymilf @henbased @ishwaris @megraen @shellibisshe @trashcatsnark @v0idbuggy @wewillryesagain No pressure as always !!
Favourite OC
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Currently I would say Lola is holding that spot, she's fun to draw and write for and I just spin her in my brain like a rotisserie chicken all day she brings me so much joy to think about. She's also my first transfem OC so she,,,,, is so special 2 me <3
My consistent faves of all time tho are my boy Damien (my half demon half vamp man), my girl Lucy (She is a unicorn shifter and I Adore she sooooo much) and ofc my creacher Dean uvu
Oldest OC
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Damien!! He's from my first original story I ever made and I've had him for 7 to 8 years!! He rotates in my head forever even tho I barely talk about him 👉👈 His story has changed a few times but his design has stayed pretty consistent! He means the world to me and so does his story and one day I will bring it to life ashsjsjs
Newest OC
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That would be Lola!!!! I'd been wanting another unhinged lady to play around with and felt like having a pink murder lady as well and thus Lola was born 🥺 She brings serotonin and I love playing around with her relationships with the other characters!
Meanest OC
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Hmmm this is a tough one but it's probably Heather! Heather is actively mean on purpose and loves her passive aggression and tearing people down through her words. She smiles while pointing out all ur insecurities and faults and will laugh if u cry <3 bestest worstie wife ever <333
I have a few other mean OC's like Rilo (Demon lord) but he's on a much bigger scale of wanting to commit genocide against all supernatural creatures soooo he's just like evil less so just mean. Very smile in ur face while he obliterates ur very atoms kinda vibe,, hate him so <3
Softest OC
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This is impossible I have too many softies,, But probably Lucy! She's a pacifist and just has the biggest heart, she's very empathetic and always wants to help people even if there is nothing she can do in a situation. She also is just very soft in nature like she has a gentle touch and soft voice and sweet eyes that will make u cry and tell her all ur problems while she holds u.
Most aloof/standoffish
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I have a few of these too lol I'd say it's a tie between Michael, Silas (Eldritch horror slasher) or Pheonix (Marvel OC besties with Wade). Silas probably wins because he doesn't tolerate talking to humans in any circumstance and just seeing him tends to send people running. Silent, brooding, grumpy eldritch horror man my beloved.
Smartest OC
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I have a sentient AI OC called HEXX and he has knowledge from all across the galaxy (being an AI for a spaceship he needs it lol) so I'd say that'd be him! Ask him anything and he has the answer, just don't ask him about love bc he will have his 1010th identity crisis and the ship will suffer it's 1010th failing and emergency landing :)
Dumbest (affectionate) OC
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Hmmm i'm gonna say my baby boy Ky bc he's my literal himbo lmao He has zero thoughts in his pretty little head!! Only loving friends and having fun!!!! Golden retriever boy only know eat hot food and love everyone!!!!! No but he genuinely is so,, so stupid,,, the one thing he can somehow do on his own is cook, baking is off limits he will burn down the kitchen......
OC's I'd be friends with irl
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I have a few I think it'd get along with so I'll narrow it down to three!
Piper; We would vibe in a makeshift tree house and play video games and I'd listen to her gush over women (Faith) for hours and she'd judge my horrid taste in men <3 She'd probably also beat me in poker and steal all my money.
Fredrick; my genderfluid god would take me to so many concerts and drag me across the country to get something they bought off of eBay and I would have a blast.
My lil tech nerd Keiden; he likes coding and games, I can kind of code and like games, it just makes sense. We'd play raft and Minecraft and make epic structures and talk about what we would do different with the game mechanics.
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hecckyeah · 1 year
Hey! I’m super enjoying your pro-Joey Friends phase. It was my favorite show for a long time.
You had a GREAT post about how that relationship really grew and matured both Joey and Rachel’s characters, and I want to add that the fizzling of that relationship also DESTROYED Joey’s character.
Joey finally falling in love - real love - with Rachel made him see the hollow/shallow reality of his womanizing ways. His parents’ dysfunctional marriage really affected him early on in the series, and I head canon that he felt safe with Rachel. They developed that trust from living together. She was a person he’d never tire of the way that his father tired of his mother and sought out someone else.
When things didn’t work out with Rachel, the writers infantalized him. For laughs. Monica and Chandler joked that they’d have to have a room for him at their new house so they could take care of him forever because he couldn’t take care of himself. A grown man. Who had a good job and lived on his own since his 20’s.
If anyone should’ve been stuck in neutral forever, it was Ross. He was self-destructive from the start (Carol destroyed him and he never got over it and kept hurting other people because of it) and it would’ve been so satisfying to see him just stay in NY and raise his son and be a confirmed old bachelor. He had the temperament for being alone.
Oh! And one more thing: Joey was the first one to step up and offer to be committed to Rachel to help her raise Emma, and even tho Rachel turned him down, he ended up doing it anyway because Ross drove her away.
Anyway, I haven’t thought about all of this in a long time! But it’s been a lot of fun to read your takes and analysis. ☺️
Okay oh my gosh YES to all of this. OH the essays I could write.
I actually went through this exact same phase many years ago, and hadn't watched Friends in a while, so now just speeding through the entire series in a couple months, it's really giving me a different perspective than I had the first time. I'm also quite a bit older (you know how people change so much from late teen years to early twenties? It's crazy) and I have a different frame of reference for all the issues these characters deal with, since a lot of them have become my own issues now. There's so much nuance I didn't pick up on the first time around.
You are so right about Joey's character deteriorating after season 9. It's like the writers didn't know what to do with him except continuing his infamous saga of being an immature, stupid womanizer. He has no character development in season 10. Nothing pushing him ahead, nothing to look forward to like the other 5. Monica and Chandler having their babies and moving, of course, Rachel getting the Paris job offer, Phoebe and Mike getting married. What's in all this for Joey? Jokes about him being possessive of food and regressing back to how he was five or six seasons ago.
Infantilizing is absolutely the perfect word. Of all the friends, I would say Joey had the biggest development in the shortest amount of time, with Rachel right there with him. He was immediately ready to step up when she told him she was pregnant, without giving it any kind of second thought. In fact, he begged her to stay and live with him when she was so sure he would hate the idea. He was there with her at every turn, when she was scared about the braxton hicks, when she had so much anxiety about being a single mom, and especially when she missed going on dates and he made the perfect pseudo-boyfriend.
He absolutely felt safe with her, probably more than anyone he'd ever known. They're so similar in so many ways and he'd been living with her for years. Rachel couldn't even live with Ross for a year, or probably less (the timeline isn't super clear, let's be honest lol). She and Joey finally fell into this relationship built on an incredible foundation of trust and friendship (just like two other friends we all know and love), but they broke up because......???? of Ross? Or something? They were so perfect for each other, the writers had to bumble their way through a breakup in the weirdest way possible.
And then how do they treat Joey in season 10? Like he's the dumbest person who's ever existed. I get that he's not the sharpest crayon in the box, but they play up the stupid factor by about a thousand, and it's infuriating. I've always said he's the emotionally intelligent one of the group, but not even that is really shown in season 10. He flunks at the Pyramid game, he doesn't realize he's not speaking French, digs are made at his character, like you said with Monica and Chandler having a "Joey room" in their house. Sweet idea, horrible insinuation.
I mean, the man is in his mid-thirties. He's been through more life than Ross, for sure. I specifically remember watching that episode recently with Joey's parents and thinking how mature he was, how protective of his mom. And how angry he was at his dad, and insistent that he make things right with Ma. He's had to fight tooth and nail for a place in the world of showbusiness. He's had to watch all his friends find love and settle down and get everything they've ever wanted, while he's been in love exactly once in his entire life. He's grown and matured and when his best friend was pregnant, he realized that he actually wants to settle down and have a family. I mean, what level of growth and maturity does it take to realize that?
In earlier seasons, his demeanor was totally different. I don't even recognize season 10 Joey. They had to kill his very essence to explain their breakup.
And yeah, like you said. I think they wrote Ross into a storyline that -- if we're being realistic -- can only end with him being a bachelor and working at the university. He's never been able to live with anyone. He was a terrible roommate for Joey and Chandler, and he and Rachel couldn't last. Not only is he self-destructive, but he's destructive to everyone around him.
What kind of world do we live in where Joey "my god, she is... beautiful" Tribbiani doesn't get a happy ending, and Ross "we were on a break" Geller does??
Anyway, there's the essay for the day. My mind kind of ran away with me and I probably have more to say and maybe I'll organize my thoughts someday, but I'm watching season 10 as we speak and I'm just so. so sad. about how it all turned out. But I'll just live in AO3 Land and pretend Rachel and Joey raise their little family and grow old together and Ross stagnates and continues his precious tenure.
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cypanache · 5 months
Hi! I recently read Patchwork Heart (like twice in two days) and I now have brainrot from that fic. (Which is to say that I loved it.) And I’m sad that it’s incomplete but I’m grateful that you wrote it, and all your other Parks and Rec fics. I remember reading a comment from you (from like 11 years ago lol) where you said you’d been writing for 14 years and you encouraged someone who was feeling bad about their own writing. Which gave me the motivation to keep writing, and made me think, how awesome must it be to be a fanfic writer for so long? This is a rambly comment to say that I’m glad you’re still writing (even if it’s not for Parks heh) and you’re a great inspiration!
(Also I’m aware this isn’t a question but I don’t really know how Tumblr works)
Well this ask officially made my year. (P.S. - Asks don't have to be questions. Especially when they're as lovely as this)
You know every once in a while I think, am I being totally ridiculous just leaving my live journal out there like that? Really, who's going out and reading stuff from over 11 years ago, except ... yeah I've totally done that myself. And I'm forever grateful for the authors who let their stuff just float along and exist. So I'm gratified to know that I did that for you today. And extremely gratified to know that I was able to give you a little motivation to keep writing. I have been doing this for over twenty years with varying levels of success and intensity as my life evolves, but I keep coming back to it, because really at the end of the day, fanfic is one of those hobbies that more than anything make me feel like me. When you find that, you owe it to yourself to hold onto it. Even if you can't do it perfectly or quickly.
I am not going to lie, I'm very sad Patchwork Heart is incomplete as well. That was an unfortunate product of life circumstances overwhelming me and by the time I paddled my way to the surface my emotional relationship with Parks had changed. But I am forever in love with the complete human disaster that was teenage Ben Wyatt in that fic.
Sooooo this isn't much, but this ask made me go back through my google docs. Here have part of a camping trip:
Griggs-Knope-Wyatt (Whatever) Family Vacation  
Hell – 375-369 days to go
Yeah, it’s official, Ben does not get camping.
At all.
Look he gave it a fair try.  But he just-  he doesn’t get it all right.  He doesn’t get what’s so fun about sleeping on the floor (”Ground,” Marlene informs him, “It’s called a ground when it’s outside, dear.") or getting so many mosquito bites, or having to make sure your food is put up in a certain way so raccoons won’t get to it.  And you know what he really doesn’t get?
Ghost stories.
He does not get ghost stories.  They’re not scary.  They’re particularly not scary if your dad is telling them.  And when your step-mom takes over and does manage to tell a scary one, well then you’re outside, in the dark . . . scared.
Oh and his tent collapses on him in the middle of the night.
Yup, okay.  Not.  Having.  Fun.
Ben just wishes he could convince himself that’s actually because of the camping.
Leslie’s been withdrawn and subdued for the past two days.  Not angry, just quiet.  He tried to talk to her yesterday morning like a dozen times, but the one time he got anywhere the fact he was trying to take the whole thing seriously only seemed to make it all worse.
He doesn’t know what to do for her.  Has the sneaking suspicion there’s actually nothing he can do.  Or at least nothing he’s willing to do.
So yeah, maybe he’s going to just lie here under the wreckage of what used to be his tent for a little while.
Except he can’t even seem to manage that, because the next thing he knows there’s the sound of footsteps and a flashlight is being shined into his eyes like an interrogation lamp.
Ben holds up a hand to shield his eyes and squints up at the outline of his step-mother standing over him.  “Umm, hi?”
“Benjamin dear.  Your tent’s on the ground,” she informs him as though she’s not entirely sure he’s aware of this fact.  Sometimes he’s pretty sure his step-mother thinks he’s an idiot.      
“Yeah, so umm, funny story about that.  You know what it was, it-  it fell.”
The fact he always winds up saying stuff like that around her probably doesn’t help.
Marlene doesn’t respond for long moment, and even though he can’t see her face he can pretty much picture it.  It’s a face he’s pretty familiar with.  The one that says ‘I worry about your ability to dress yourself in the mornings’.
“I don’t-  I’ve never really camped,” he continues, unable to help himself.  Marlene’s silences are just about the most effective interrogation technique he’s ever encountered.  No wonder Leslie’s usually so talkative.
“I never would have guessed,” she shoots back, before adding, “Well, should I just leave the two of you alone or would you like some help putting it back up?”
“No- no, help would be good.”
There’s a long pause, then:  “Ben, dear.”
“You need to get out of the tent.”
“Oh.  Right.”
So in a surprising turn of events (at least in his opinion), Marlene actually turns out to be a pretty good teacher.  Like okay she isn’t the most patient person in the world, but she’s incredibly precise in her explanations of how to do things like tie a hitch-knot, and Ben’s always been more comfortable with precision over intuition, so it doesn’t take him too terribly long to catch on, and when she pats him lightly on the knee in approval, it feels like getting an A in your most demanding class from the teacher who scares the shit out of you.
All in all, Ben’s feeling kind of good about things by the time they get the tent back up, so when Marlene points out that it’s only an hour or so until sunrise and asks whether he wants to help her make coffee for breakfast, he says yes, thinking maybe things are looking up.  
Yeah, no, that was obviously just designed to lull him into a false sense of security.
“So,” Marlene opens without warning or preamble, “Leslie tells me I’m returning the Purdue sweatshirt.”
He barely manages not to tip over his cup of coffee. “Yeah, um, sorry about that.”
“Ben didn’t we talk about that? Um-”
“Is the sound in dumb.  Yeah I know.”
The look she gives him could level small countries.  Ben keeps his head down and tries not to have an aneurysm.
How does he get himself into these situations?  Really why is it sarcastic, smart-aleck things always come out of his mouth at exactly the wrong time.  It’s not like he’s trying to be a wise-ass.  He’s not really trying to be anything really.  (Except maybe invisible.  Invisible would be nice right now.)  But for some reason it happens anyway, and he can’t seem to stop it.  It’s like this leak, this crack in his personality.  Ninety-five percent of the time he manages to be exactly the kind of guy he should be, the kind he thinks Virginia Wyatt would have wanted him to be.  The kind of son his perpetually fragile father seems to need.  Quiet and polite and respectful.  But every once in awhile the pressure of keeping everything else in just gets to be too much and these little drops of acid seep through, landing where they’re not wanted and scarring once they’re there.
Except Marlene Griggs-Knope doesn’t scar that easily.
“Oh, sit up straight.  Really, Ben if you keep going through life acting like a spineless jellyfish, it won’t just be Leslie who treats you like one.”
“I don’t.” he mutters under his breath.
Only he says it to the picnic table so that probably undermines his whole protest.  He forces himself to sit up and look Marlene in the eye (Okay, it’s more like her forehead, but come on, cut him a little slack here.  Do you want to look Marlene in the eye?  Yeah, that’s what he thought.  Shut up.</i>)
“Leslie doesn’t-”
But he can’t make himself complete the thought, because . . . yeah, sometimes she kind of does.  And, shit, it’s Leslie’s mom, and Marlene’s giving him this look that clearly says ‘don’t bullshit me about my own daughter.’  Still, Leslie treats everyone like that, at least everyone important to her.  Ann gets, like, twenty-three instructions a day.  And, well, he likes it.  It’s been a really long time since anyone paid that much attention to anything he did.  It’s how he knows he’s important, that she cares.  If she ever stopped trying to micromanage his life, well then he’d just be another ordinary person on the outside, wouldn’t he?
He opens his mouth to try again, but Marlene waves his efforts away with a dismissive hand.  Oh good, apparently he’s now already used up whatever small amount patience she had allotted for him today, and it’s only, what?  Five-thirty in the morning?  This is probably some kind of new record for him.
Yaaaay . . .
At that moment from across the campsite, Leslie unzips her tent and steps out into the new dawn, only to freeze, eyes going wide, at the obviously unexpected sight of Ben sitting at the picnic table with her mother.
He tries to remember enough Morse code to blink her a S.O.S.
And any other morning it wouldn’t matter that he’s pretty sure he just looks like he’s having an epileptic fit, Leslie would have already come over and rescued him. 
Instead she just turns back around, grabs her towel and a bar soap out of the tent and trudges off to the shower facilities, leaving him alone with Marlene to fend for himself.
Okay, Leslie is officially really upset.
“She will get over it.”
At Marlene’s observation, Ben whips his head back around only to find himself pinned by his step-mother’s sharp assessing gaze.
It feels like all the oxygen just got sucked out of the . . . well, earth.
He opens his mouth to stammer out a disclaimer but only manages a strangled kind of gurgle, which Marlene, thankfully, ignores.
“Leslie is no stranger to disappointment.  She’s a very resilient girl.  Always has been.” She says it matter-of-factly and maybe even a little proudly, then immediately counterbalances it with a sigh of exasperation. “Realism, however, is unfortunately not your step-sister’s strong suit.  Particularly when it comes to people.”
Ben just presses his lips together and fiddles a little with his coffee cup, drumming his fingernails against the metal.  He’s not really sure why Marlene’s telling him all this.  Not that any of it is exactly revelation.  To know anything about Leslie is to know she puts too much faith in life in general and people in particular.
So no it’s not like he doesn’t realize Leslie’s been disappointed by people before—her father, Lindsay . . . And then suddenly it clicks with him, the why behind all of this.
People leave.
In Leslie’s world, people leave her.
For some reason he’s never thought about it before, about her history and the painful lessons life’s given her.  After all, he’s the one with the dead mother, the great tragedy that defined his entire fucking existence before he met her; that he wears like a poorly healed scar on his personality.  Leslie always seemed so untouched by comparison.
But she’s not.  He can see that now.
Because yeah, maybe his mother was ripped out his life.
But people walk out of hers.
By their own choice.
Of their own free will.
Ben drops his head to stare down at the film that’s started to form on his rapidly cooling coffee in shame as he realizes he’s been making plans to join them, to go off to college and then conscientiously extricate himself from her life, little by little, bit by bit, until he’s down to a subsistence diet.  To the bare-essentials of what he needs to survive.  Never once thinking about Leslie’s needs.
God, he is such an ass.
Marlene who has been silent for a little while, gets up to pour herself another cup of coffee, before coming over to sit back down and drop another bombshell on him.  “You know, sometimes I wonder if your father and I should have waited until after the two of you went to college to get married.”
Oh god. He feels a cold finger of dread crawl its way down his spine at her words, and suddenly all he can think is:  She knows.  She knows how he feels about her daughter, and he’s going to die.  Up here in all this outdoors, Marlene probably knows a dozen ways to kill him and make it look like an accident.  Maybe that’s why they’re camping in the first place.  Maybe this was her plan all along . . .
It’s about this time that the rest of what Marlene’s saying starts to sink in.  “—it’s not that we’re not happy you two get along so well.  After all, that’s the whole reason we decided to get married when we did.  Give all of us the chance to try to be a family.  But--” she purses her lips, and narrows her eyes, “Maybe we were a little too successful?”
And the terror’s back.  “Too successful?”
“Up until two days ago, all Leslie ever talked about was going to IU and being close to home.  She’s already learned the fight song.”  That makes him almost smile despite himself, because of course she has.  He bites the inside of his mouth just in time to stop it.  Marlene continues.  “And your father tells me you’ve been collecting brochures for out of state schools ever since the two of you moved to Indiana.  But suddenly here I am buying sweatshirts for Purdue.”
“I didn’t ask-”
Marlen waves his protest away.  “Of course you didn’t.”  Then in a seeming nonsequitor:  “Did you know Ann Perkins did Model UN all last year?”
When I get a little more time I'll try to bullet point out for you where I was going.
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feral-cockroach · 7 months
aaaa huge thanks to @witch-from-a-block-of-flats for the tag!
ive always wanted to do one of these but ive never been tagged before and i am always scared to just jump in anyways incase i am intruding lol but tysm these always looked so fun :D
Last Song: Maniac by Conan Gray
Song Stuck in Head: Run the World by Rare Americans
Favourite colour(s): purple, black, yellow, grey, pink
Currently Watching: nothing new started quite yet but just recently finished Ginny & Georgia lol
Currently Reading: nothing new started quite yet again but I just finished A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and plan on rereading The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer when I can
Currently Craving: some Burger King, ngl. a nap would also be nice
Last Movie: All Quiet On The Western Front (if you haven't seen it and can handle war movies please watch it, it's so powerful and does NOT glorify war (thank the gods)
Sweet, spicy, or savoury: sweet for sure i'm always craving something sugary
Relationship Status: taken :3
Current Obsession: homestuck always and forever tbh
Three Favourite Foods: i dont really like food very much so i don't have a favourite food lol
Last Thing Googled: "Cinder Marissa Meyer" because I forgot the name of the Lunar Chronicles mentioned above lol
Dream Trip: honestly i dont have one, i would just like the funds to live lol thats all i dream of anymore
Anything You Want Right Now: my fucking check to deposit i need groceries !!!
tagging (no pressure! :3): @gender-mailman ; @dylan-the-gay ; @butterfliesdreamtoo
and @witch-from-a-block-of-flats ; giving u that hug and some painkillers u have been craving, should u accept /lh <3
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kydrogendragon · 2 months
I saw the writing ask, if you're doing it: 13 or 30
Took me forever to find the post again! My Tumblr did not want to show it to me, lol
13. Rate your worldbuilding skills from 1 to 10.
Hmm . . . I thought on this one for a bit. See, on one hand, there are some authors and writers out there that deserve a true 10 (or higher) that come to mind, like Tolkien with the expansive universe and such he had created. And those seem very "Heavy In Worldbuilding" type stories. But worldbuilding still comes into play for stories set in our normal world as we know it too, of course, not just fantasy settings 😅
So after pondering worldbuilding in general for probably far too long, I'm thinking I'll go to a solid 5. I feel like I'm decent at world building and considering different aspects of the world my stories take place in and how that might affect things, but I know I've a lot of room for improvement in that regard. There's been many cases where people would comment or theorize on different things and how it might affect the story that I hadn't ever even thought of! So, probably at my current skill level, pretty average, I think.
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't
Oh gods, so many. Of which, many are in WIP status because I'll feel bad if I day they're abandoned 🤣 But let's see, what's a good one that I don't think I'll get around to writing . . .
I really wanted to try writing a classic fake-dating, only one bed trope filled fic with Dreamling. Very Hallmark Movie-esque with Hob not wanting to deal with his family and grandparents and everyone asking when he's "going to bring someone home again" and "you deserve to have another chance at happiness" and "Elle would want you to try again" and "I don't want to see you all alone, it's not good for you." And Hob's just . . . Done with it all. He's not sure he can handle another holiday filled with those comments, so when his Ma calls, confirming when he's coming down for Christmas and asks if it's just him, he lies and says no. It's not. He's bringing his partner.
And then freaks out once he hangs up and realizes what he's done.
I had the thought of him meeting Dream on the way there. Both of them waiting at the train station to get out into the countryside. The trains running late. Snow's coming down pretty quickly. Dream's miserable and Hob overhears his argument over the phone with someone (Desire? Death? Night?) before growling out that "he would have a better holiday keeled over in a ditch on the side of the road than if he spent a single minute within any of your company." And aggressively (as aggressive as one can with a smartphone) hangs up. He starts gathering his items, looking ready to head back to London when Hob speaks before his brain can tell him it's a terrible plan.
He asks Dream—without even knowing the man's name—to come spend the holidays with him. Says there's gonna be good food, a cozy fireplace, a cute cat, and that no one should have to spend the season alone, even if their family sucks.
Dream, fresh off his most recent failure of a relationship with Thessaly, feeling more depressed than his usual baseline, and a tad more comfortable than he should with the idea that this man could very well be a serial killer, agrees. He shouldn't. Death's voice rings in his head, telling him this is how true crime podcasts start, this is how horror movies start. But he finds he can't even bring himself to care.
They talk a bit over the train ride, small things. Hob does most of the talking. Then Hob brings up the fact that he may have told his Ma he was bringing a date.
Dream bristles at that, they get into a quietly heated argument on the train but the fight soon leaves him. Perhaps this is the only way someone could "love" him: faked for their sake. Untrue. A lie. But it's better than nothing.
So to that, he also agrees. Hob's shocked through this whole thing and feeling guilty about basically conning this man into being his "boyfriend". But then, in classic rom-com fashion, they start to truly fall in love, though convinced the other isn't. There's probably a good portion of arguments and rubbing each other the wrong way, of course. And intentional embarrassment of each other too.
But it's when Christmas morning comes around and the whole family is having fun and laughing and watching each other open gifts that one of Hob's little cousins hands him a small, flat package with his name in fancy script. He blinks, confused as he sees the "From" field filled in with Dream's name.
"I thought we said we weren't giving each other anything?" Hob asks, brow quirked upward, wondering when the hell this man even had time to get him a gift. (Then a spark of fear, wondering what the hell is in this package. Especially after their fight the night before.)
Dream says nothing, of course, just silently watches with an intensity Hob's begun to grow fond of, hands curled around a warm mug of hot cocoa, still clad in the set of matching PJ'S Hob's mother had bought them both.
Hob peels back the shiny red wrapping paper to find a single sheet of thicker paper. On it, a wonderfully sketched and rendered image of Hob's very own face rests. He's smiling, wrapped up with the beanie and scarf combination he'd worn on their outing to the tree farm earlier. It takes his breath away.
"Turn it over," Dream commands quietly, the sound of joyous laughter and activity nearly drowns his deep voice out.
On the back is that same, neat script. There's a letter addressed to him. His eyes barely get through the first sentence before he tears up.
"I have grown far fonder of you this past week than would be advisable, but as I have found throughout my life, the heart rarely cares for such matters of the mind. You aggravate me, Hob Gadling. You, with your overly cheerful morning greetings and terrible singing. You, with your propensity for listening to the same three Christmas songs on repeat and a ludacris appetite for sweets. You, who would visit the Queen of England in nothing more than coderoy trousers and a secondhand sweater vest. There are countless reasons I should only feel disdain for you. Had we met in any other fashion, I doubt we would have ever wished to speak with one another again.
And yet . . . And yet, I find myself smiling when I hear your voice above the falling water in the bathroom. And yet I find myself humming along to the words to Deck the Halls, a song I had never known the lyrics to before this year. And yet I find myself enjoying the warmth and comfort one finds wrapped in your arms, pressed against those very sweater vests.
You confuse me, Hob Gadling. You are the antithesis of everything I have ever sought in others, but perhaps that is why I now find myself falling for you. You who understand me at a level I find terrifying. You who is unafraid to push me when I need pushing, to guard me when the world is more than I can handle.
I believe I am falling in love with you, Hob. And that terrifies me. But, perhaps, you have started to feel the same?"
Hob, of course, all but falls into Dream's lap and kisses the man, earning a whooping holler from his brother. Be he doesn't care. Because he has Dream, something he thought impossible.
Writing Ask Game
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rebornologist · 2 years
Hi!! How are you? So excited to catch you with your requests open because i LOVED that one you did with the arcos in college, and all around all your khr requests are literally soo good, thank you for your time and hard work! I'd love some hcs for the arcos as tsuna's guardians? Or anything else you're the most comfortable doing with this request ☺️🥰
Hello! I’m doing quite okay, just catching my breath after the long academic year. It’s nice to finally have a bit of a break. This is a really interesting request, thank you for submitting it! It’s def some food for thought hehe :)
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♡ Arcobaleno* as Tsuna's Guardians ₊⁎⁺˳✧༚ *sorry no Yuni/Aria/Luce :( </3 In this case I'm thinking that the Arcos would have been in the places that the actual Vongola 10th gen guardians were, if that makes sense..
I think Fon as a guardian would go absolute sicko mode much more often than he does in the actual series (never. he never does); I really like the idea of Fon being absolutely pissed beyond comprehension and wreaking endless havoc, something that he really really hates and is deeply ashamed of; I'm talkin punching down entire walls and collapsing buildings that he should not be able to tear down
But Tsuna has his back, and he knows that Fon's worst and most destructive side is not his entire character... the guy is still as chill as ever the other 99.99% of the time, but he holds himself to an impossible standard
Underneath all that peace, rattling beneath the floorboards of his very being, is uncertainty... the quiet storm brewing in him, even after all his years of martial training and mindfulness
He adopts a new sense of peace with himself through his relationship with Tsuna and the others, the type of peace that was more intuitive, less methodical and trained, if that makes sense.. I'd imagine his heritage has him a lot more wound up deep inside than he shows, since he's so outrageously zen (this might be reaching, ik lol)
But he is such a wonderful storm guardian, right in the middle ground between Bel and Gokudera in some way; He has a mix of strategy and intuition amidst combat (Belphegor) and adaptability (Gokudera); I imagine that his strikes never miss and he is nothing less than a one man army when it comes down to it
If you had put him in the ring conflict in Hayato's shoes, he would have definitely sensed the wire placement much sooner due to his familiarity with his own body, clothes and gear and all; however, he very much seems to be the guy to bring a stick to a knife fight... he bears very many scars from the ring conflict battle and he actually is a bit fond of them because it means that he made it out with his life and his friends :'(
Naturally he would be the right hand man, arguably one that calls the shots more often than Tsuna lmao; I can only imagine him chewing out some of the guardians (cough Skull and Mammon) for shirking their duties because Tsuna let them off the hook
He's a very capable right hand man at that! Giving Gokudera a run for his money, but I think similarly he was very cold and aloof to begin with, only opening up to Tsuna when he offered some home made treats to him (similar to what happened with Luche), and now he's like Tsuna's lap cat/scary dog privilege lol
He is not without his prankster and jokey side, but it takes forever for him to feel comfortable enough to stop taking everything so seriously. Tsuna's friendship really drew it out of him! He cannot help the small smiles that grace his features and chuckles escaping his lips whenever silly things happen with the gang :') Eventually, he becomes one of the main perpetrators of trouble, but you never see him own up to it because he's got such a stoic facade
He absolutely throws quiet tantrums over not having his morning coffees...
Also I absolutely cannot say anything about the way the sun ring conflict turned out, because Reborn is well versed in martial arts, but ?? Against Lussuria? Would they still have a similar showdown? I do not think so x.x so I will simply not reach that far in this AU
He’s the most aloof guardian, usually just stepping in since it’s an opportune time to test out his newfangled weaponry; He’s here because he’s pretty dead set on using the Vongola as means to create some ultimate world-ending machine
But Tsuna keeps him in check somehow, granting him a perspective on life and power and what to make of it, it softens Verde just a bit, but I can’t help but see him as the daemon spade equivalent in this scenario, just a little bit of a loose cannon, not really working for Tsuna… but he still feels following the don is the right way to achieve his end goal
Oh you already know he's killin it in the ring conflict, showing up fully loaded with the strangest contraptions and an eerie thirst for blood
He initially wasn’t supposed to be a part of this but he just kept showing up and had to eventually bear the rain position when Lal was out of commission, and I think that he brings some pretty different dynamics when he’s alone vs with Lal
Colonello is kind of like a heavy rain, a constant rain storm, more similar to (aha) a stereotypical storm type guardian than a rain
But it works in their favour! Peep my thoughts with Lal hehe
He would have somehow gained his guardian role after the ring conflict, methinks; possibly in the next arc for insert plot point reasons
He's a follower of Tsuna because he finds his resolve very impressive, and his willingness to put himself through the wringer for the sake of improving himself and protecting his loved ones
Colonello finds that reflection of himself with Tsuna, and despite how frequently he chews his boss out with their training, it's a way of motivating himself as well and he always goes the extra mile to prep recovery meals for everyone after training, despite his reluctance to admit that he cares for his family members
Lal Mirch
I think in this case, instead of having two mist guardians, Tsuna would have two rain guardians! It would not have happened in the same way as Chrome and Mukuro, but Tsuna just couldn’t say no to either of them and the two of them just work so much better together and greatly enrich the team as a whole, so there’s no reason to have to pick
Anyway, I see Lal as more of the flash flood type of rain guardian, wherein you don’t realize the rain is going to get super heavy out of nowhere, and by the time you start running for cover, it’s too late; that way, the two of them cover different bases and ultimately Lal is able to gain more control of combat due to Colonello’s more in-your-face, flashy fighting style; they greatly complement each other ! :)
Lal and Squalo would have been the fight of the century tbh, I don't know how she fought back then but I would bet that both of them are skilled in martial combat and pack firepower
Lal is kind of there because she feels like it's her job, but admittedly is a super softie for the rest of them, especially Colonello; Down time with the group is the only time she gets to relax and you won't see her sharing her feelings verbally, but she strangely is always freeing her schedule just enough to spend quality time with her loved ones, even with the resting pissed face gracing her beautiful features
Esper Mammon
They’re in this for the money, and they only like Tsuna because of how rich and powerful his family is lolol
Initially they say that they’ll never work for free, but they most likely will get their life saved by Tsuna a few times, and they hate the feeling of being indebted to this guy; Mammon attempts over and over again to just throw a wad of cash at Tsuna to feel like they’re no longer on the hook for their life debt (they never were!! Tsuna is not that kind of guy), and Tsunayoshi just keeps rejecting it over and over, insisting that he did it purely because it’s the right thing and there’s literally no reason to feel indebted…
Ding ding ding, Mammon’s grown attached and is now loyal to Tsuna for more than just money reasons; Life is short, that’s why they collect money and surround themselves with people they adore
Mammon would have totally used their illusions to skip school and make some extra cash on the side lolol and Tsuna ends up having to cover for their ass when the teachers get suspicious; Reborn is the trouble maker that tries to get Mammon busted B)
He somehow ends up doing a lot more secretarial work than he signed up for, because everyone else pushes it on him; He doesn’t mind at some point because it gives him so much leeway to slack off lolol until Lal catches him and gives him the ass beating of his life for it
He's a thrill seeker, and his humungous ego actually gets him in a lot of trouble. There are points in time where he feels like if he cannot succeed at something, the whole world is against him and he might as well just stop trying? Or to go balls to the wall with disregard for his life
Now, man is built like a tank and practically unkillable, but the amount of times that Tsuna and the others had to live through Skull's near-death experiences has made him a lot more aware of just how much people actually give a shit about him and how throwing all caution to the wind may not kill him yet, but pains his loved ones more than anything..
He's still the baby of the family though, despite him wanting to show up and be the cool guy, he's just a silly guy!! He also always arrives late to anything and everything and that's gotten them in trouble infinite times
me realizing I had to pull character flaws out of my ass to see the Arcos in a more well-rounded light, with room for character development (since they'd need to do that over the hypothetical course of the series if they were Tsuna's guardians) this rly juiced my brain but I might as well post??
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