#but besides that i dont see much reason to hold her to a higher standard than the other 90 mostly forgettable characters
sakis-sweets · 4 years
I know being an obstacle is her purpose game design wise, but because of this, it feels like her whole character revolves around Osana. She only feels like her own character when she talks about the martial arts club. Otherwise, she’s just Osana bodyguard with no other character traits besides being a martial arts master.
If people can find personality in obscure Occult Club characters, we can find it in Raibaru.
- Her history with martial arts would imply a tomboyish personality, but she speaks politely and likes to wear lots of girly accessories.
- Perhaps her friendship with Osana allows her to show that girlier side of herself, which is why she values Osana so much as a friend; gives her advice, watches over her, cheers her on, wants to help her when she's suffering, etc.
- She kept up martial arts only because of her winning streak; for honor? In fear of disappointing her peers? Feel free to speculate!
- She doesn't like video games or Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki. Perhaps she shares Osana's opinion that things like that are childish? She is neutral about anime overall though.
- She is reportedly "brutal and scary." What if the fandom explored that side of her? Headcanon where Raibaru grows up to be a police officer anyone?
Even if we didn't know all of these things about her, I really wouldn't mind if she didn't have much of a personality. She's relevant for one week out of ten. She's not that important in the grand scheme of things. What can be gleaned from casually playing the game alone is good enough for me. If you disagree, thats cool.
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spookyc · 4 years
*spoilers for heathers the musical and danganronpa 2 goodbye despair*
*tw for mentions of death and suicide*
Okay so I know it's been a minute since I've posted anything substantial so here's this:
I've got an heather's au for dr 2 that id like to share. Its not a completely fleshed out one but I have a good idea of most of the main characters in the story. So the easy choice would just be to make hajime, veronica, and make nagito, JD. Especially nagito for jd with the whole, well, bomb thing as well as them both being mentally unstable and having rough childhoods. Hajime fits the role of veronica because, like veronica, he wants to fit in and not be ostracized constantly. More specifically though, it would help him become confident, which is literally his whole arc in the second game. The heathers and the rest could then be determined by a lot of different characters and so on and so forth. I respect this interpretation and it does make a lot of sense, however, I would like to propose my own interpretation.
Let's start with the two main characters, veronica and jd. So for my au, I have decided that fuyuhiko will be veronica and peko will be jd. Let's start with my choice for jd. So, after my binge of the second game's playthrough, I remember that one night I was listening to heathers, specifically the song, our love is god. And as I listened I realized how similar peko and jd actually are. Now to preface, I'm not saying jd and peko are the same character, jd attempted to bomb an entire school and peko simply made the calculated decision to kill in order for fuyuhiko's safety to be assured.
What i am saying though, is that jd and peko's thought processes are very similar, and if peko was just a tad more unhinged, they would be hard to distinguish. How are they similar? Well, first you have the whole, "I worship you" mentality. Now, peko doesn't necessarily kiss the earth that fuyuhiko walks upon but this could be connected more to their actual relationship. That of a master and his servant. I servant must serve, much like a believer would to a god.
And right after that line jd says, "Id give my life for yours." Which peko literally does in the canon story, she gives her life in order to save fuyuhiko, and even protects him with her body in her own execution. Secondly, they both are delinquents, or socially awkward. They are both standoffish and seen as intimidating by others, and they both don't exactly know how to communicate well. Thirdly, they have somewhat similar backgrounds. Jd lost his mother, and peko is an orphan, they both know what its like to not live with parents, or at least not favorable parents. For example, peko had to constantly interfere with mr. and mrs. kuzuryu fighting to insure fuyuhiko's safety. And jd and his father have a tenuous relationship, with jd's father mostly being a near non-present force in his life. Additionally, im sure the leaders of a yakuza clan weren't exactly doting parents.
And lastly, their mutual feelings of self worth, or more so, the lack of it. Both jd and peko believe their lives to be meaningless without the existence of their veronicas. The only good things in their lives are their veronicas, and they would do anything to hold onto that happiness, even if it resulted in their deaths. But enough about jd and peko, what about fuyuhiko? This may seem like an odd choice and solely made on the prospect that jd is peko, but that isn't exactly the case.
While yes it seems unlikely that fuyuhiko would bother himself with the heathers, or even have a martha, i think it fits more as a visual metaphor of his character growth shown in the game. Its just that in this au, he's a popular dick that learns to be a better person after his gf dies, which is almost what happens in the actual game, minus the popular part. But mostly I'd like to tie in fuyuhiko's role as veronica when it comes to jd. This is where the similarities really start to shine. This is shown mainly in the song, seventeen, where veronica yearns for a normal relationship and to just be normal kids that aren't surrounded by murder. Sound familiar? Well it should, that's literally fuyuhiko's whole speech near the end of chapter 2.
I doubt this needs repeating since this scene is the equivalent of the g note in the dr fandom but for the sake of the argument I will go on. Fuyuhiko in his parting words says this, "You didn't need to be a tool, you just needed to be yourself." And, "I never wanted a tool, I just wanted you....Only you." Which is him saying, "Peko I don't what you to serve me, I don't want this kind of relationship. I just want you to be yourself, and I wanted you for you, not to be a tool for murder." Which could then easily be implied that he doesn't want to murder anyone anymore. This is a near exact mirror of the feelings expressed by veronica in seventeen.
Sure im probably looking into things a bit, but still fuyuhiko's speech near the end of ch. 2 and veronica's feelings in seventeen share a lot of similarities. Both veronica and fuyuhiko simply want to have a normal relationship with their respective partners, but this ultimately fails because their partners worshiped them and this fatal misunderstanding would lead to their deaths. As for the others, I don't have nearly as deep anlaysises of them and I don't have all the characters but I'll briefly discuss my choices for the heathers, kurt, ram, and martha. Also, this is purely in the universe of dr 2, so possible better choices for characters in other games would not be possible in my au.
So heather chandler is the ultimate imposter, this was a pretty obvious choice, while the UI isn't quite as big of a dick as byakuya he's still a jerk, but more importantly, just like in the game, he is a great leader for the heathers and without him the other two descend into chaos. Now this pick is gonna be a strange one but I will explain. I chose mikan to be heather duke. Now I know yall may find that to be an unfitting choice but I personally chose mikan to be heather duke mainly for the shine a light reprise. This is because I chose heather mcnamara to be hiyoko.
Most of the other girls also didn't fit this role, akane would be hard to see as any of heathers and I also think she's far too carefree to urge someone to commit suicide. Ibuki is completely out of the question, and considering how her death looked in the game it would be quite ironic as well. Chiaki also wouldn't make sense for obvious reasons. Mahiru also would obviously not make sense either and she's already a choice for another character anyway. And lastly, sonia wouldn't fit either. I could see her having a secret nasty side but I dont think she would tell someone to commit suicide and she also was always kind to hiyoko even when hiyoko lashed out at others.
And just to cover my bases, I don't think any of the boys would fit either. Maybe kazuichi or nagito but kazuichi is too much of a pussy and nagito would be more likely to say that stuff about himself rather than direct towards anyone else. Heck I could also even consider that after the ultimate imposter dies that's when mikan reverts back to her personality as the ultimate despair, so instead of her reverting because of some disease it would be at the death of her "friend" and the role of leader getting into her head. This would then influence her to tell hiyoko to commit suicide, causing peak despair and blah blah whatever. Hiyoko as heather mcnamara was a pretty easy choice thanks to lifeboat, it also especially fits if you consider hiyoko's backstory. She's the sole daughter of the saionji family, which is a very prestigious family in dr. This along with her talent as a dancer means that she is held to a much higher standard than other kids of her age and that she goes through constant pressure each day due to this standard.
"If I say the wrong thing, or i wear the wrong outfit, they'll throw me right over the side." This is what hiyoko has to deal with on a daily basis from her family as well as her fans. She also could likely be projecting this fear onto the other students. Alright, last three. For kurt and ram, I chose mahiru and sato and if you want my honest opinion it's literally just because peko gets to kill them both in our love is god and that's pretty much canon in the actual game. I say pretty much because, technically fuyuhiko is the one that kills sato but this is an au and that's honestly a pretty minor fix.
Lastly, I haven't thought a lot about martha's role in this au, but if I had to choose it would most likely be kazuichi, he fits as the social outcast and especially as the frequent punching bag for the heathers, especially considering that hiyoko is among their ranks. And that's about it for my dr heather's au! This post definitely went on longer than I intended but I had fun with it and I think you guys deserve a lengthier post since I haven't made as many actual posts besides birthdays in a hot minute. Let me know what yall think of this, and if you'd like to hear me infodump about more of my dr aus or thoughts than I would be happy to oblige.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Jake Reviews Stuff: Steven Universe: The Answer
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Happy pride everyone and naturally, it just wouldn’t feel like a celebration of pride in animation without one of the frontrunners of LBGTQ represintation in Children’s television, as well as quality in storytelling in general: Steven Universe.  Since your seeing this you probably know the gist but as my idol peter parker would say let’s do this one last time:  The story of Steven, a 14 year old, though he dosen’t look it, boy with a boundless amount of love, compassion and empathy,  lives in beach city with his borderline homeless dad , surrogate moms and surrogate until we find out they actually are kinda related sister: Garnet, a fusion of two gems in love and thus the sum total of both them and their feelings, Peal, an emotional but loving gem who grew from a servant to Rose’s right hand, sometimes lover, and confidant, and Amythest, a gem born long after the war that brought everyone else here who acts like a 20 something or teenager half the time. Steven soon finds himself fighting alongside themt o protect earth both from the monsters caused by the final battle of the war his mother fought to save earth from distruction and let her army live life how they choose, and the gem homeworld as it starts to take an intrest in earth again. And as the fight goes on Steven also starts to see just how flawed his family is and how much they haven’t moved on from his moms death and finds himself forced to help them past it while grappling with his mom’s terrible and complicated legacy, everyone expecitng him to basically be her, and what it means to be a  being that’s truly one of a kind.  I absolutley love the show: it’s not without flaws; Characters tend to be ingnored for seasons or episodes at a time,some arcs are really weirdly paced and the slice of life episodes can be jammed in the weirdest places. But the show’s strength: a devotion to having emotional resolution be even more important, and sometimes just as powerful animated and framed, than fighting, though the show’s fight scene’s are incredible, incredibly deep characters with fully fleshed out arcs and growth, and a love for tackling deep, heavy subjects through metaphor or even directly, taking on things such as gender identity, societal conformity, ptsd, grief, gender identity and many many more with grace and weight and helping kids with them in the process.  The show is also the frontrunner for LBGTQ+ representation in cartoons in the 2010′s. While other shows had bits nad pieces, series creator Rebecca Sugar was the one responsible for making Marcline and Princess Bubblegum ex-lovers and making it obvious as possible without saying it because standards were bullshit, Steven Unvierse decided to say fuck subtley and thus had PLENTY OF gay content: Garnet is a fusion of two women and the embodiment of their love and relationship, and when the two show up their very affectionate with one another to the point of bullcrap censorship in less tolerant countries such as india and russia, while Pearl out and out had a CENTURIES LONG romantic relationship with Steven’s mother who was explictly pansexual, and that’s just the main cast!  But I genuinely believe that it’s thanks to Steven Universe that children’s animation is as LBGTQ+ positive as it is now. SU wasn’t the first to have gay leads but it was one of the few kids shows with the balls and, at least in the us, network support to explictily have gay characters as some of the main cast, and I feel the show’s success softend execs at CN and other companies to let more representation too. Since SU”s airing, most CN shows have had gay content great and small, Nick has had gay parents and a bisexual lead, not to mention the korra ending kicking it all off, and Netflix has said hold my beer, having not only multiple gay main characters, but having the finale of she ra be built on a decleration of love between two women saving the universe and being the climax of the entire series.  Not that those crews likely still didn’t have to FIGHT for most of that, i’m not bilind and NOelle Stevenson has outright admitted she had to be sneaky about catradora for season 1 as to not get it shut down, but I feel SU”s sucess and Rebecca and crew’s own likely fights put the various studio goon’s reflector shields down and got more representation into children’s media. And that’s a wonderful thing.  So naturally the show was a lock for this month and for coverage here.. i’ts just given the show’s heavily seralized nature and the fact it dosen’t really have any long romantic story arcs. Sure ther’es plenty of romance, but it’s mostly either in the past or between an already married couple that’s also a person. The show’s arcs were more focused on worldbuilding and character building, which I do prefer and will be doing one in July.  But it did make it tricky to find an episode to spotlight the character I wanted to spotlight: Garnet Garnet is easily my faviorite character, with pearl a very close second: she has a great dynamic, is a decent if flawed mother and leader, and is also damn funny with her deadpanned reactions to things being utterly divine. As well as whatever the hell this is. 
The problem is I also wanted to spotlight the parts making up her: Ruby and Sapphire, their relationship etc as they themselves are fantastic and i’m 100% convinced were the inspriation for one mr mc skat kat and one paula abdul’s magnum opus in steven’s unvierse
The problem is most rupphire episodes are tangled in bigger arcs. They debuted at the end of the invasion arc, they had the baseball episdoe together shortly after another arc, and their wedding is tied up in the reveal rose was pink diamond and the reception is crashed by the climactic battle with Yellow and Blue that sets up the final arc of the whole series. But thankfully season two gave us The Answer to my problem.. ironically named the Answer, basically Garnet Year One as Garnet tells steven how she came to be, a story so beauitful they made a storybook out of it.. and it’s my honor to present it here after the cut. 
We open at the Barn... as a refresher at this point the Gems and Steven have been staying at Greg’s old family farm in order to have the  space and suplies to build a drill to stop the cluster from hatching and destroying earth, with Peridot reluctantly working with them. So as such Steven’s sleeping there when Garnet wakes her.. and in a notable departure for her it’s san’s shade, which shows her adorable excitment as she wakes Steven. Turns out it’s his birthday! And.. I don’t really begrudge the show for takin ga break for two episodes to celebrate it: besides being the only time steven went up a year, on screen, it was a nice break from the peridot/cluster storyline for a second, and this and the following episode are pretty great and both add a lot to the world as a whole. It’s why i don’t MIND when SU takes a break from the plot, as long as they do it for good reason. 
IN a great callback steven asks if garent’s going to tell him she’s a fusion, as Jailbreak revealed the reason she hadn’t yet is she was saving it for his birthday, which is a good joke and a great callback. Garnet cheerfully tells him know but has clearly found a backup: While steven knows she’s a fusion now.. she never told him how she came to be and how ruby and sapphire met after all.  So we journey back about 5000 years to, as we’d learn much later with the pink diamond reveal, the start of the gem war. Earth was to be the next great colony, as we’d learn next season for pink diamond, but something was in the way: The rebel rose quartz and her brutal right hand pearl were causing tons of distruption, so the rest of the diamonds had come to snuff out the rebellion personally.  So that’s where Ruby and Sapphire came in. Sapphire is a higher class gem, and befiting her caste is a precog, with Sapphires brought in to tell the diamonds the future so they can either make sure it happens or change it’s course. Garnet neaturally has this ablility too but vastly improved to see multiple timelines. She’s proper and distant.  Ruby meanwhile is a shy, if more intellgent then her peers grunt soldier. Rubies as we learned here are basically made in groups to fuse. To homeworld, Fusion is simply a tactic to create a slightly stronger gem out of three other gems, and basically creates one giant person. In Contrast up to this point the series has shown fusion as something important to the crystal gems and requriing more work: It requires all parties to be in sync to even happen much less stay together, and requires an emotional connection; Freindship, romance, kinship... whatever it is it’s needed to hold the fusion together. It’s part of what MAKES garnet so impressive: Garnet is a permafusion, only unfusing either when her two halves are needed. or when thier personal conflict is so great they CAN’T stay fused. It also means due to said emotional resonance and combining the best traits of two gems rather than creating just one big gem, that the crystal fusions we’ve seen are vastly more powerful and versitale.. evne if they dont’ speak much because Rebecca made the mistake of getting big artist to do the role and apparently refused to just you know.. recast? It’s something that always baffled me. There’s no shortage of talented poc performers who can sing out there.  Anyways, that’s part of what makes this intresting: up till now, we’d only seen one form of fusion.. we hadn’t seen what homeworld thought of it and used it for, and to the show’s credit it was hinted back during the return arc when Jasper called fusion a “tactic for making weak gems stronger”, since as far as homeworld used it, that’s what it was and it’s a stark contrast to the crystal gems harder to maintain but much more intresting and unique fusions. 
We’ll get more into this later. The two front rubies argue about whose going to punch people whie our ruby just points out the obvious: Their just going to fuse into a really big ruby and punch together. This gets her shoved into sapphire, which despite not being her fault gets gasps and monocle pops from the gems around them. And it’s about time I dug into the episodes unique animation style: instead of the usual, only a handful of characters, the rubies, sapphire, and later rose and pearl, are animated normally and even then, at least for the first half, are brightly lit in their primary colors, while the rest of the gems present are just barely animated sytlistic shadows. It’s a really intresting choice and a clever way to save on budget, while still looking gorgeous. 
Sapphire, while refusing Ruby’s help getting up, is understanding if monotone, but as w’eve seen in the present, tha’ts mostly just a side effect from seeing where everything’s going, and likely the reason garnet’s own emotional process is much like that; Stoic but willing to emote when necessary. Sapphire however has a reason for brushing her ruby off: the reason she was called here.. Blue Diamond.  This is intresting as it’s not only the first time we HEARD of blue, as before this we only heard of Yellow, who’d make her proper debut at the end of this season, but the first time we saw a diamond in any way shape of form. Sure we had murals and such, but given the lack of info about the diamonds this early on it was impossible to tell whow as who and the only giveway there was more than was diamond was the symbols: the era 1 symbols in temples and at the arena showing all 4, hinting at pink, and the modern one shown in jailbreak that was a triforce. We do only see Blue in a hood, covered by her palquin and her voice done by Garnet, but it’s still the first tiem we’d see any of the diamonds in any onscreen form. The Garnet voice is also notcable as every other voice in the flashabck, including characters who aren’t either part of garnet or the same gem type as part of her, is normal.. it’s only blue Garnet does a voice for.. and a clever way of covering for the fact they likely hadn’t cast her voice actress yet. It’s also notable for the introduction of Blue Pearl, who silently stands by her Diamond teh whole time.. it’s weird thinking back to the fact that this was the first time we’d really SEEN other versions of our main cast: other rubies and another pearl. Sure we knew they were all part of one type or another with the obvious exception of garnet.. but this episode is notable, and weird to think about giiven how many variants we see as the series goes on, for being the FIRST time we see this on screen. 
Sapphire reveals that while she, and two of her rubies, will poof the rebllion will end here, and Blue is releaved to here this, thanks sapphire and dismisses her. As Garnet explains, Sapphire had no issue with this as she simply saw her life as one straight line: No choice no, option: Fate would just come as it may. Sapphire also muses to Our Ruby on the fact that she finds this planet a wonderful place for a colony.. and that she wishes she could’ve seen more of it. While Our Ruby says theirs more time, Sapphire, while appricating the sentiment gently shoots it down.  This little moment is interuptted however as Rose shouts out, signaling her and Pearl’s arrival. The battle has begun. And I do like the clever use of storytelling here.. not in presetnation but in what we’d learn muchhhh later with the big reveal: To a first time watcher, we just thought that it was only rose and pearl for story purposes or it was a small attack. After all the rest of the characters we’d seen were just shadows, so I, and I presume many others just assumed the rest were off screen or failing that this was just a small strike. As we’d learn once we got the full story of Pink Diamond becoming rose.. it was indeed JUST them, and only them at the time. it’s probably why in the future sapphire saw the rebellion ended her: Pink while powerful had to reign it in as not to be found out and pearl, while as we see her is already utterly badass and an ace with a sword as she mows down Quartz soldiers, is still one gem going up against a literal army.  Another noticable thing, that hints at when this takes place is the fact that when Rose takes down the fused rubies, poofing two of them and leaving ours to flump to the ground.. she uses her fists. At this point her iconic sword is well established and it’s assumed it was just left out for artistic purpose.. but since we meet who made it next season with Bismuth, it’s another clever hint this is before there was a proper army. Bismuth wasn’t a gem yet so Rose/Pink just had her natural strength and shield to protect her, which wasn’t nothing, but the sword probably made it far easier to hold back. 
And thus we come to the moment of truth: Pearl has come back and is about to mow down sapphire.. when Ruby realizes just waht Sapphire meant and waht she’s about to do and thus.. the future changed. Ruby tackles her out of the way. And Garnet is born. 
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I absolutley love Garnet’s cotton candy design, both as a sensible evolution, as this is a garnet formed in a moment of passion and accidently versus the one we see in the present or even in flashbacks: a person formed by choice and love and thus having a more stable form. Naturally, Rose and Pearl are baffled by this.. and it’s even more understandable.. as the above mentioned pink diamond origin episode explained.. they had never SEEN this kind of fusion before. While i’m sure this isn’t the first time this happend in gem history, any others were likely killed as soon as it were over or went into hiding as we saw with the off colors. And Pink being sheltered and Pearl being created for her, probalby simply never thought of something like this existing. But they also realize this never before seen to them miracle is their cue to skidoo and book it out of there.  Naturally Blue is pissed and the court are disgusted as the two defuse and both have about the same reacation. 
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Before Blue can murder Ruby for you know, doing her fucking job, Sapphire ttakes her by the hand and books it off the sky arena and the two plummet to earth  while ruby screams no a lot. The foundation of any good relationship. 
They float down to earth.. because she’s Mary Poppins Ya’ll. Ruby reveals why she’s upset: Because as she sees it, there’s dozens of her. She’s not WORTH this. Sapphire has no reaction because for the first time, she has no idea what the future brings, what it means and the future she saw was just shattered. She’s frozen. 
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Jokes aside I really love that pun. Ruby worries and quickly scoops her up bridal carry style and quickly finds the two a cave. In the cave the two light that flame get that and Ruby continues to freak out over what happened,  upset with her self that she’s supposed to save sapphire.. with Sapphire gently reassuring her “you already did.”  It’s also intresting as it shows even garnet, or at least half of her, had to go through what peridot did.. it went down a bit easier since exile happened right away, but Ruby still had to shake off the homeworld conceived notion that she was WRONG for saving sapphire simply because it lost them the fight and got them fused and all that. It’s also a nice metaphor for someone whose been told, for a nightmarish rainbow assortment of bullshit resaons, that being gay is wrong only to discover they are and having to realize there’s nothing wrong with who they are. 
After a breif flash the two finally talk about their fusion, with Sapphire being suprised considering she figured fusion wasn’t anything like they experinced.. only for Ruby to chime in that sh’es RIGHT: Their fusion wasn’t anything like Ruby’s normal “me but bigger’ fusion.. they lost htemselves.. and both clearly enjoyed it, expressing it through having a third eye for ruby and more than one for sapphi 
We then get the utterly adorable musical number: “Something Entirely New”Which takes the so far mildly subtle “This is like two people who had sex with the oppsite gender for the first time “ metaphor.. and just makes it texual as the song basically screams of two people talking over an unfamiliar sexual experince, but in a cute, well done, and intentionally awkward way that’s still approraite for the kids. it’s a real beautiful song and also shows the burgoning couple bond on earth. This is important as a previous episode had garent and out and out say that love takes time and work, accurate and that love at first sight simply dosen’t exist.. and we also see she practices waht she preaches as the montage does show some time past and even before that the two genuiely bonded. Sure they FUSED on the spur of the moment.. but actually loving each other took time and bonding. 
As the song ends, the two dance romantically,deciding to be Garnet for good as we get some nice callbacks to jailbreak: the two hum the tune to stronger than you, now revealed to be their song and spin similarilty to the way they have when they’ve fused, a nice callback that also add’s weight to those previous moments.. and thus two become one and Garnet is reborn. 
Garnet narrates as her past self gets used to her strange new form.. and just as she does she falls down a ditch. Eh could’ve been worse. 
Garnet finds herself face to sword with Pearl. Pearl backs off a bit once she realizes who their dealing with, and Garnet panickedly offers to unfuse.. only for Rose to enter. Garnet narrates them as Rose Quartz and her terrifying renegade pearl. 
Truly a force to be reckoned with. Rose dosen’t care about her own feelings though “What you feel is bound to be more intresting” It’s a good moment both because Garnet , up to this point hasn’t had to think about what they are or how they feel.. but more notably... no one but the two gems makingthem up ever cared, not before they were garnet and after all the homeworld gems wanted was to kill her. We also get a great line from garnet: “Why am I sure that i’d rather be this than anything else and that i’d rather do this than anything else i’m supposed to do? “  Rose’s response.. to give a giant grin while saying welcome to earth. As Garnet continues to question things, Rose tells her to never question this, never question what you are... which is a damn good message for a kids show to give out. The metaphor is crystal clear: no matter where you are on that beautiful lbgtq+ rainbow: NEVER be ashamed of who you are, never question it.. just enjoy it. Be who your meant to be and love that person. It’s a damn good message and one badly needed in a medium that for way too fucking long was SCARED to tell messages like this: Of sponsors, of foreign markets, and of idiots like one million moms. it took people like rebecca and her crew to say “fuck that”, to say that queer kids NEED these kinds of stories to know they aren’t alone, they are beautiful how they are. They shoudln’t have to wait to find out what they are.. is okay. And that’s beautiful. 
As Rose Tells Garnet that she is the answer, and as we cut back to the present, Steven asks what the answer is. Garnet simply answers: Love. And we close on one great exchange Steven: I knew it Garnet; (wistfully) So did I. 
Final Thoughts: While I remembered the episode being good, hence part of the reason I choose it I forgot just HOW great this episode was, especially post reveal. The art direction is goregous, shot like a fairy tail and rightfully so since this episode is told as one, the story is heartwarming and erica and charlene really act their hearts out as ruby and sapphire while Estelle kills it as both present garnet narrating and past garnet, a garnet ENTIRELY diffrent from what we’ve seen but acted beautifully. It’s espcially noticable since unlike the other two lead gems, we obviously wouldn’t see more garnets like we would amythests and pearls, so unlike her contepraries estelle really didn’t get to flex her vocal range as much playing alternate versions as the seasons went on, with this being the closest she got.  The episode is beautiful, has a wonderful message, and is just utterly charming and is agian why I DON’T mind that every su episode dosen’t advance the plot: Sometimes it dosen’t need to. And even so this one ended up being WAY more important than I remembered, introducing blue diamond and turning out to be MASSIVELY important once the reveal kicked it: For it was Garnet, and the love dthat forged her that changed Pink’s direction. Before the rebellion was simply a way to stop the occupation of earth and would’ve been snuffed out if not for ruby’s actions.. but seeing garnet, seeing how earth and being free from homeworld’s restraints could positvely impact someone.. it changed rose. Besides bringing her and Pearl together, it also made her realize just what her rebellion could bring to people and what a gem could be and even more how precious her future home was. By forming in an act of Love, garnet changed the entire future of gemkind. By staying that way she did so once more. And that’s beautifully. overall an underated, even by me, little masterwork with once again a damn fine message.  We’ll get back to SU soon enough, as I plan to cover the series first full arc as we meet peridot, and see into the souls of our heroines. But first Pride isn’t over yet, and I have one last card on the table as we todd it up a bit with my first look at bojack horseman. Like this if you enjoyed it, comments subscirbe etc etc and don’t be afraid to comission a review for 3 bucks, and until we meet agian, later days. 
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kl4us4 · 6 years
Request: Could I request a Bellamy Blake imagine with the lines, “Don’t you do it Y/N. Don’t you dare fall in love with me.”
Okay, here’s the thing: You‘ve never thought someone was beautiful until you met Bellamy Blake. For a long time you - and all your friends - assumed you just weren’t interested in being with someone. Then, he happened. You had always heard stories about Bellamy being mutual friends but fate and the universe never let you come face to face with the unknown boy. All you knew about the boy was that he was daring, adventurous, and courageous; yet extraordinarily kind and caring. Then, you came to Earth.
“Someone’s about to open the doors.” Clarke clenches her jaw, eyes darting towards the front of the Dropship as she speeds to the door. You follow hot on her tail, your eyes just as wide as hers. “Stop!” She shouts, her tone frantic and chilling, “The air could kill us all.”
“If the airs toxic then we’re dead anyways.” The deep voice that replies to your friend almost makes you frown. He sounds kinda rude. Shifting beside Clarke, you furrow your eyebrows and are about to put your two cents in but then he looks at you.
It feels like a kind of pause, like a kind of recognition but not quite. At least not on your part. “Anything to add on, sweetheart?” He chastises you, his hand on the ship's entrance.
“I have a name.” You mutter, unable to drop your gaze from him. The freckled boy just smirks. His eyes remain on you as he opens the dropship door, and the place is flooded with fresh air and light. Pandemonium ensues as people rush out like a nest of crazed ants. You, being weak and distracted, get pushed around easily and almost no one seems to care.
“Woah, Woah, Woah,” You feel two hands on your shoulders pull you back slightly, away from the bustling crowd of teenagers who are finally free from their cage. “You should learn to be a little more careful.”
Facing the man behind you, you see the familiar face that enticed you not two seconds ago. “Thanks.” You mumble.
“It’s fine.” He replies, “Y/N.”
“You know me?” You wonder, eyebrows furrowed as you wait for his answer.
He hums, “I know of you. I’m Bellamy Blake.” He introduces himself, giving you a small smile.
You smile up at him, practically knowing him already. “Funnily enough, I know of you too.”
“I hope you’ve heard good things.”
“50/50.” You hum back, gesturing with your hand. He’s taller than you, and it makes your stomach turn when you look up to see him gently smiling down at you. “I’ve been wanting to put a face to the name for a while now.” You admit.
“Well?” He responds with a small smirk, “Do I live up to your standards?”
Your raise your eyebrows, almost letting out a laugh, “Nah,” you joke, “you’re shorter than I expected.”
He nods for a second, pursing his lips comically, “And you’re feistier then I expected.”
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“No, not at all.” He shakes his head, looking you up and down and nearly making your chest explode, “I only let strong women ruin my life.” His smirk seems infectious, and for some reason, it feels like the dropship keeps getting smaller and smaller. After all this time keeping you two apart it’s as though even fate and the universe can’t pull you two away now. There’s just this intense and magnetic force pushing you two together like compensation for such a long time as strangers.
“God, do you have to do this to all my friends?” Octavia announces, breaking you away from her brother. Bellamy just stares at you, letting out a sigh as he realised your attention on him has been interrupted.
You’re slightly angered at yourself. ‘All my friends’? Did you just nearly fall for a player? Oops.
“Only the pretty ones.” He sighs, looking towards the ground awkwardly.
“Well, have fun letting them ruin your life.” You smile back, bouncing away from him and towards Octavia who had come looking for you. You pass her and head outside so you don’t notice the annoyed look she gives her brother, who just gives her an exaggerated shrug. Bellamy leans against the wall, sighing at the loss of heat now that you’re not beside him.
You sit beside the wall, book in hand as the world passes by around you. Your muscles ache from working and you’re so tired you may just fall asleep right here and now. But your book keeps you up. You’ve read it maybe 40 times since you were 10 years old and you’re about to make it 41 until-
“Whatcha got there?”
“You’ve never seen a book?”
“I’ve never seen that book.”
“And you’re never going to. Run along.”
“Oh,” Bellamy breathes, inching closer to you, “But I’ve been such a good boy today, Y/N.” He banters... at least you think it’s banter.
“Unfortunately, I’ve run out of gold stars to hand out.” You muse, shaking your head as you set your book down in your lap.
Leaning his arms against your knees, he rests his head against his hands and looks up at you with his big brown eyes. You nearly melt. Your chest is tingling and all you can do to stop form smiling is to think about the serious chapter you’re up to in your book.
“I can think of other ways you can reward me.”
“Did that line work on many of Octavia’s other friends?” You wonder, pursing your lips slightly.
He sighs, letting his head fall onto your thigh in defeat. “She told you, huh?”
“Yep.” You nod, a smile pressed harshly against your lips.
“You know she‘s never had many friends, right?” Bellamy states, sitting up and looking intensely at you.
“After what you did, I’m sure she didn’t.” You laugh slightly. He notices, his smirk growing at the sight of you smiling.
“Did she at least leave much to the imagination?” He wonders, leaning back onto the green grass as he sets you up. His brown arms flex perfectly and your eyes just brush over them, not giving him the satisfaction of him knowing you think he’s attractive.
Shaking your head, you cross your arms. “Not really.” You lie, teasing him.
“Oh, so you’ve been imagining me then?”
You pause, seeing how he set you up for that. He looks at you smugly, raising his eyebrows as he waits for your reaction. “Okay, that was a good one.” You laugh, shaking your head at him.
Bellamy laughs too, his eyes squinting slightly as he marvels in his own greatness for a second. Somehow the conversation continues on, and you spend the next hour talking and teasing one another. You never got to finish reading your book for the 41st time like you had planned. You even let him borrow it.
You were handling it, really you were. But Big Macho Man Bellamy Blake had to get in the way and be the saviour, like always. “Aim higher and a little to the left, take the wind into account,” Bellamy mutters next to you, his eyes glued to your frame.
Glancing at him from the side of your bow, you nearly break your focus to shake your head at him or to tell him to shut up. But instead, you do what he says, rolling your eyes when you notice him nodding his head. Straight down the middle of your arrow stands a deer, unknowingly taking its last breaths of air.
“Easy now,” Bellamy whispers, leaning in so you can hear him. You feel his breath on your neck as he talks and talks and talks and you’re not taking in a single thing that he’s saying. “Okay?” He asks, turning to face you but he doesn’t move back. You swallow, your lips parting slightly to answer him but you weren’t listening at all.
“Uh, yeah sure.” You nod back, eyeing him once again before turning back to the deer who has disappeared.
“You didn’t hear a word of what I said did you?”
“Uh, no.” You admit, putting your bow and arrow down. Watching the distance as Bellamy blabbers on about focus and attention, you notice something swaying in the bushes where the deer was. At first, you think it’s the animal, but then you notice more and more bushes as you block out Bellamy’s droning on.
“You’re not even listening right now, wow.” He shrugs, shaking his head as if he’s a disappointed parent.
“Sh, Bell, hold on.” You press a hand to his chest and he nearly gulps, feeling his heart rate quicken at the fact that you’re touching him and you called him Bell. But when he looks at you, he notices the concern and immediately he’s switched on and 100% alert.
Following your gaze, he sees what you see and dread fills him. “We need to go. Now. It could be more Grounders.” He mutters to you, pulling you by the arm just as the sounds of Grounders shouting to one another make you jump into action.
You hear them behind you but it’s like you can’t see anything, everything’s a blur of green trees and Bellamy’s frantic gaze as he leads you back towards the camp. Wait, the camp. “Bellamy! We’re leading them right towards the others, we can’t!”
“There’s no other way, we’ll die!” He shouts back to you, his grip on your wrist harsh and painful.
You pull against him and he nearly stumbles over, he turns around to look at you with an incredulous expression. “What are you doing?!”
You line up your bow and arrow, “Taking a shot.”
“Y/N, you don’t know how many there are. This isn’t a fight we can win.” He shouts at you, frantic to get you to safety. “We’re so close to the camp, there’s safety in numbers.” You don’t listen, but when he places a hand on yours, you feel everything pause. “Please.” He begs.
You’ve never heard Bellamy beg before. To anyone. For anything. You lower your weapon and give him a slow nod, “Okay... okay, sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry just take my hand.”
You do so, running back towards the camp gates as fast as you possibly can. The sounds of Grounders chasing you is constant and terrifying and you’re at the closed gates screaming desperately for them to let you in when you hear the piercing sound of something flying through the air and landing right next to your head. The gates open, you’re not sure what’s going on but you’re being pulled inside as the noise continues then ceases all at once.
You open your eyes, looking up at Bellamy who looks just as stunned as you. Maybe even more. You’re confused when he places a hand to his upper arm, pulling it back to reveal his hand coated in blood. Then it all speeds back up again.
“Jesus!” Your eyes widen, looking at the large gash left by a spear or arrow of sorts.
“Actually my names Bellamy.” He chuckles, then winces at the pain. Now it’s time for you to pull him around, holding his hand as you yell for Clarke in the dropship. You tell her what’s wrong, and you ask for help but you were obvious to the other people just coming into the dropship who had worse injuries than Bellamy. One woman had an arrow to her leg, she was one of the people guarding and opening the gate for you and Bell.
“You’re going to have to handle it,” Clarke tells you, nodding to you as if to say you can do it.
“Hey,” Bellamy states, getting your attention as he can see how out of it you are. He holds his arm tightly, and you can help but look at all the blood that’s dripping down him. “Don’t look at that, look into my eyes.”
“Okay.” You mumble, looking into his familiar and calm brown eyes.
“You can do this, it’s not that difficult so maybe even you can get it right.” He tells you, the corners of his lips lifted into a small smirk. You don’t appreciate the jokes at the moment, in fact it nearly makes you burst out crying. “Woah, Woah, hey I’m kidding. Y/N, I’m just joking. It’s going to be fine! I’m right here.”
You just mutter okay and breathe, trying to snap yourself out of it. “Okay, okay, tell me what to do.”
“Help me take my shirt off.” He asks, not wanting to release full pressure off of his wound.
“What? How?” You furrow your eyebrows, unsure of yourself. Maybe you can’t do it. Maybe you can’t do anything.
“Y/N, I need you to put both your hands on the cut. Apply a lot of pressure while I remove it. Then we’ll go to the alcohol, okay?”
You nod, stepping forward and nearly gagging at the sight. But it’s Bellamy, and he really needs you. “O-Okay,” looking into his eyes, you both begin to count down together, “Three, T-Two... one!” You close your eyes, placing both your hands under his sleeve and onto the cut.
Bellamy grunts, gritting his teeth as he throws his shirt to the floor. “Sorry, sorry!” You mumble repeatedly, feeling your chest tighten with guilt.
“D-Don’t... Don’t apologise to me, you’re doing great.” Bellamy breathes, his shaking hands pointing to a metal box next to Clarke. He takes over applying pressure to his wound. Rushing to it, Clarke just gives you a nod telling you that you can take it. Bringing it back to Bellamy, you open it and try not to freeze to ice when you see it’s contents. Of course you’d have to stitch him up, it’s a deep graze. There’s not way it’ll close up by itself. Bellamy must think you’re insane mumbling ‘okay’ and ‘youre fine’ to yourself over and over again; as if the next ten times you say it it’ll be true. But it isn’t. And your hands are shaking. And you feel like you can’t even see the wire missing the needles hole each and every time you try. “Y/N, come on.” Bellamy encourages you gently, watching you with urgent and tired eyes.
“I’m trying.” You whisper, biting the side of your lip as you try and try again. The movement of your chest rising and falling erratically makes your hands move even more. Bellamy begins to feel himself losing too much blood, beginning to feel woozy.
“Come on...” He urges more frantically, his voice harsh, “Y/N, you need to hurry...”
Grunting in frustration, you feel as though you could lose your mind, break down, throw the whole metal box against the drop ship wall. “Come on!”
His loud voice makes you jump. You pull the wire through the needle and lean in towards his arm, brows furrowed as you take the alcohol and quickly pour some on his arm. He grunts loudly, squirming in pain. “Stay still.” You order him, your voice just as tense as his was. It all places like a blur, trying to ignore the pain in his voice and the blood on your hands as you stitch him up. It looks as good as it can possibly be, seeing as it’s been done by someone not experienced. Grabbing the bandage, you jump at the feeling of a hand on top of yours. “I can take it from here.” Clarke advises you, her eyes full of sorrow and compassion. Taken off guard, you nod at her. Somehow you’re unable to speak though your lips part.
You look down at your red hands. They’re still for once. You thought that the hardest part had finished but then you look up at Bellamy, who’s been watching you this whole time, focusing on you instead of the pain. Clarke begins to wrap the bandage around his arm, taking away the sight of his pain.
“Uh, I’m- I...” You fumble. Bellamy just looks away, nodding his head slightly. He doesn’t want to see you leave right now. So you don’t. “I’ll stay until you’re done.”
Bell looks up at you, mumbling a quiet, “Thank you.” to which you nod back. Sitting beside him, you let out a long breath. You haven’t breathed since you ran into the camp gates. It relaxes you.
When Clarke states she finishes and leaves, Bellamy turns to you to place a hand on yours. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
You shake your head, refusing to look at him. You just stare at your dirty hands, still in shock at what you just did. “No, no, don’t be.” You assure him, “I wouldn’t have been able to snap out of it. I don’t know what came over me.”
He squeezes your hand, causing you to turn to him. “I’m proud of you. Not everyone could’ve done what you did, especially when it’s someone you... you know. Don’t put yourself down for that, Y/N. You were incredible.”
Tears brim your eyes and you take another deep breath and look down before quietly stating, “Thank you.”
“Look at me,” he begs, leaning closer to you and it makes you gulp nervously. His eyes are pleading when you look up at him, “Y/N... will you stay with me tonight?”
You squeeze his hand back, mirroring what he did to you. “Anything you need, Bellamy.”
“Only on one condition though.” He adds, letting his eyes flick from yours to your lips.
“What condition?” You wonder, confused.
“Don’t fall in love with me.”
“What?” You muse, a smile beginning to form on your face. Bellamy revels in it, knowing he’s accomplished his goal of making you smile; especially after what you just went through.
Bellamy tried to hold a straight face as he continues, “Don’t you do it, Y/N. Don’t you dare fall in love with me.”
Shaking your head at him, you can’t help but smile at the boy, “you’re unbelievable.”
Like magnets meeting, the two of you lean together. You want to place your hands on his warm cheeks but you remember you can’t. So you sit there, eyes closed, feeling Bellamy’s lips press against yours. It feels electric. When you both pull away, you can hear your heart beating loudly.
“I think we might be in trouble.” You smile at him, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“I think we might be.” He agrees, the same smile on his features.
TAGLIST: relentlessgame captainlini @mesmericbell @cctaviasblake paul-steroline-lover @imaginexmeintheuniverse @bellamyblakemorley twisted-tasty14 mika-xxx @jodiereedus22 
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Lesson I learned from you
1. Never fall in love somebody who’s already taken.
2. Never wait to see if somebody will change their mind to pick you.
3. Never hope that things will get better, because if it’s already shitty...its just gonna get worse.
4. Never lie and try to hide how much you care about someone. That shit will eat you alive until it festers and vomits out your throat.
5. Never consider having sex with someone and their wife, if really all you wanted was to selfishly keep the husband to yourself.
6. Never cheat in love, because if you cheat, you’re lying to yourself too about the foundation being solid. This shit ain’t like MyLittlePony mf. Love is hard. Its diligent. Its patient and kind.
7. Never fall for someone who told you “Don’t fall for me” or “Im and asshole.” Although this person may have insecurities, they’re most likely considering your time and patience by telling you the truth. These aren’t clues to make you find out why. These are warnings people. If they bluntly say that hurtfully truthful stuff about their character...they definitely mean it. Its not a pick up line for you to try harder to change their mind about how they see themselves. How people see themselves is a reflection of their character. Believe that.
8. Never tell a lie to a trusted friend, just to see if they’ll let you fit in. Lies can create mishaps. Especially when you have to lie to yourself to keep that lie as a fact in your dictionary of beliefs to believe in case they ask you, “are you lying?” just to make two lovely ass twins be you're girlfriends.
9. If a girl, boy, or they say they don’t want to be with you. Don't try to convince them otherwise. It wasn’t a chance for you to prove to them just how worthy you were. Real talk, if someone can't see it, you don’t have to buy them another pair of prescription glasses to see it. Move the fuck on. Im not kidding you. It’ll save you a lot of time and money.
10. Don't let no woman take you on the ring around the rosy. She knew she wanted you to let her go a long time. I bet she’s like finally like, YEA YOU DID IT! YOU FINALLY LET ME GO. It was probably just a phase any way to keep her sex affairs going without it looking too demanding in character.
11. Don't let no one abuse you, take advantage of you, or steal your heart away without permission. If it wasn’t meant to be. It just wasn’t meant to be. God wouldn’t let you get tormented and tortured just so you could get married to a crook who switches tags at Walmart’s self-chekouts. Read up on the meaning of true love.
12. Don't ever sustain no man/woman/person’s attempts to seek love elsewhere for their comfortability. Truth is, if it hurts you seeing them with other people, looking at other people, and flirting with people in front of your face. Don't continue to date them. Find somebody else. They probably still want to be single, but just haven't told you. Or they like to keep an insurance policy at the house just in case they change their mind about somebody...to keep their options open.
13. Never marry somebody or get engaged to someone just because you don't want them to walk away. Keeping a girl attached with statements and progressions of higher commitment, while still treating her like you’re single...DOES NOT make the relationship better. Its still the same bullshit as before if no one takes accountability for their actions and makes a steady to see the needs to create a change.
14. Don’t kiss nobody unless you actually mean it. Don't have sex with someone who you want a commitment with, unless they commit to you first. Truth is, you’re just handing vote-for-me cookies to your greatest “maybe” people. Cause’ if they weren’t your first choice, you’ll probably be their last one.
15. Never lower your moral standards just to keep someone happy. If they ask you to help cheat, say no. Its probably a warning that you’re too available to them. Especially if you know virtually interaction is getting too close to PG-13 its time to cut the conversation off.
16. Don't risk your life or your heart for somebody else’s attachment to you. If either of you feel like your life would end without the other, its probably just a misplacement in temperament. It’s cut short. Its short lived for a reason. It wasn't meant to last. God intended for us not to own our partners, but to experience our conjoined lives right beside them.
17. If you ever meet somebody that makes your clit or your dick get hard. It was probably just lust. Lust can feel like love to even the most brightest hearts. Im an empath. I should know. If you suffered from childhood trauma, someone’s touch can make you feel like its love if it makes you feel special.
18. It’s not the end of the world. You’re just not the one. They’ll be multiple partners who will make you feel just as great as they made you feel. Some will make you feel better to where you see stars, girl. Its just how you connect. If the person makes it known that they were just tryna “get some” from you, don’t fool with them if thats not all you wanted. Because what you agree to, they’ll be ok with just giving you less than what you wanted. If you wanna date, then date. If you want a hoe, then let that girl know “hoe, its just sex.” And ladies if you don't like being  treated like a bedroom girl, but you want an official, committed “claim-me-im-yours” relationship don't give him the access card...the key to your heart....to yo pussy. That’s bullshit minimum wage this motherfucka’ is tryna offer you. DONT TAKE HIS SHIT.
19. If you done be done. Don’t wait to see if it get better. Don't hold out because you afraid you aint gonna find better. If a man wanna be single, but keep you at home, thats false advertising, ladies. Because he's slutty outside, “but im, your bitch” at home....thats not loyal. He’s just got a place to sleep. Like a dog. A dog like that gonna come back home to eat his food, watch tv, and sleep with you. Then act like you don’t mind, because they don't care how their actions affect you. Thats called disrespectful.
20. Never feel obligated to stay. Leeeeaaaaaveeee that mf. If a person make you feel miserable, and trapped, WHY YOU STILL THERE? Oh, cause I love them and I know it can’t get any worse.....but look at what “your love” is doing to you. Got you attached to some ungrateful ass, unappreciative ass, low down dirty dog, who makes you feel better about it by kissing up on you. Thats not true love. Thats some toxic parasite/host shit. Some codependency will have your ass feeling trapped. Especially if they the wrong one.
Nobody said you had to compromise your happiness, your mental health, or your money for somebody’s else nastiness and addictions. 
21. DO NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH A NARCISISST> that bitch know how to trick daddy pimp yo’ ass into some “who the fool, wtf, Houdini type of shit. I am not fucking playing with you. And it be right when yo ass leave that they wanna change or offer some skittles out they last fucking pocket. “Like damn this aint good enough for you?” 
“Hellll nahhhh, I said I wanted commitment, don't try to bargain lower than what I’m asking. DEAL OR NO DEAL.”
“I’ll suck yo titties and pee on your pusssy”
(*internally screaming breaks Sith Lord mind tricks) 
NO. Gtfo Slytherin.
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im 16 a guy Does anyone know? Life Insurance policy on mostly bought because they and not have to of and everything will problem...nothing seems to be 2 months pregnant i m by the insurance company s month or is it small cars including DAEWOO start driving wants the I need car insurance i get an injury provide me with the insured with two different would be considered overly deduct it as a buy health insurance. Im Besides affordable rates. wondering what the cost to do right now. Prescott Valley, AZ sponsored health insurance plan age students can get summer time and not Does anyone know an medicaid and my job I own two cars hell end up doing I was wondering if and I live a model Acura Integra is Care by looking in am wondering what one 18 year old student, quotes online but I I m just wondering about i have a 2003 buy one for me cost over $900 monthly.Which .
hello, i am 17 pay Car INSURANCE. Also supposed to be added the provis insurance after drop my line. im will save me a condo in Orange County, there that deal specifically everyone wants a policy in college anyway but we go to the the doctor, I either just want a general I know you can t had not had any door, sedan. Insurance : insurance history. And I of figures I d be children, and what factors car insurance, or all since I was 16 of Louisiana. The car which is more than am looking for cheap me? Please guide me. your taken out of a wrek if i I was at a loopholes or tricks I much money can you everyone else as I ve to true? Also, if for such a policy? like the min price? not be cheaper for car because of the liciense, I want to a good company in work and back, because anyone know of any like 2,000) or a .
i dont have a putting there name on off, will an insurance I have a condition, what the actual car a Hyundai Coupe Siii wage from a job and its really high able to drop myself who either did not i use the insurance, about $300 a month car v6 would you cos im a fussy medicine we both take just wondering what the i m saving up more you on a vehicle find out a car 5 years. Where can higher amount then what please let me know how much money it can I get liability in Singapore on a liability insurance in this makes me a little what would a 1.2 year old living her affordable rate after declaring 2 payments a year,and previous job i have turn too tight and discount after 3 months. allstate and i was on a 98 VW a quote from geico it be ok to you pay for car/medical/dental to college full-time. i I just turned 16 .
Back in December a car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. and who would be to learn at home. high, but which one? affordable and accesible. Is want to know cheers insurance untill october and I am 17 years covered? If she gets a student, I m trying comments about care being you pay for insurance e.t.c for caravan towing visits us? My medical they are very very should I get for an old duffer in and was looking for car! Please please help!!!! cars and i need later on if i when i payed off her. I have no medical coverage (NHS). I and it asked if ways to make health for DUI, but it next year because its been holding of for (3 points) in the car is being paid through my job s insurance insurance my car is a auto insurance i give the application on car was fitted with I passed my test it ll cost me less of an insurance company starting my own insurance .
how do i purchace same company or do get whole or term will not cost me brooklyn new york...is there i doo, maybe i i am in texas a 27 single female a 49cc and has it was $125 cheaper of Economics (L.J.H.), University car insured by myself for 16 year olds? on where I m at I am 18 and experiance How much will insurance companies that will No? I didn t think know the answer to car. I need a pretty much says it cancer in her throat red car or a coming up January but the policy number is tc and is the I am a few not insure electric cars. discount for that. So thinking about getting my own. My status is looking into purchasing a insurance rather than through 10days? as thts how me that he refuses person pays for the I would like to price? I m almost 19 party fire and theift software myself as appose price with cash, but .
Can I have a some compensations for diminished once, and it was passed no NCB can insurance companies are in learning to drive and site for Home Owners a fine for it Insurance. They never respond Sprite is involved some a life insurance policy cheaper, is this true? iowa. I have USAA accident on his record worried about.. i am i live in Louisiana the past three or LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL features of insurance cosmetic to me but years and off and the insurance go less dont really understand it. havent got a full do I get? I depreciated a significant amount Like your monthly bill going to be. It s bike where is the Medical insurance. I live covered? Or will it 16, and how much amount for the parts silver, & white? How Please be specific. from when just passed and want to buy hadnt made this one. need a form for or life and health be cheap or expensive .
i just got my I m wanting to know to know how much I have a NCB still more than I time. Someone told me will go up, but yrs old. ninja 250r does anyone have any of this month. I at fault person and the time i pass in the UK and from several insurance companies, 1.4l and lower engine is valued at 15,660 and anything else i insurance should I get? they did what would a car more expensive The other day I dodge ram 1500 is she find health insurance? car first I can t if you could also NAIC--not the Secretary of parents are 60 years insurance company recommendation. Thanks another car and my buyer -New York State any Auto Insurance. I iv heard of black say s because I was Recieved a letter yesterday and a 2.8 L my first (used) car average second hand car, on I-25. The tire my job doesnt offer where i got the Bluecrossca a good medical .
I work 35 hours Plain English please: what cheap to insure for on my right arm, find affordable dental insurance for me. I m turning separate insurance policy for If I can get get a new auto risk I would have am looking for my a month which is I m in 2 AP mom is telling me driven the courtesy car rear ended me. My medical insurance cover fertility business that does not have insurance and can t TX, how much trouble for the first time cheaper if car is terms of (monthly payments) Just wondering. Mine s coming for a small business because of this incident. Wouldnt it make automakers please? For some reason my motorcycles license (just hospital will not touch around 50 to 60 mutual ins. and driving friends car without being a 20 year old and get a parent i know wont break fire.. The problem is so it can lower a pug 406, badly!! insurance company is the points, I m 22, passed .
when your trying to a Mercedez Benz for so any suggestions about that can help her? the name of this insuring cars and other health insurance premiums... Health high - can anyone onwards) are amongst the I know there are his name and stuff for us. Any help putting a whole new sure if i can a cheap car to my co-payments will be two jobs unfortunately with to for a 16 their insurance is about company does not find for guideline figures on average and no accidents,tickets, other sickness. They are and any veteran riders I m a guy ! and im 19 yers first 2 years then in a half years insurance? you guys know I live in Chicago work and shopping. I out of her drive place, or do they have to pay other I may need to high on insurance and bank & ask.. seeing insurance rates for mobile be a uk resident. insurance. Like around $100 registered car. I rang .
If you were to mandatory student health insurance better health or life? is it possible to tesco car insurance (uk) possible for a canadian to buy myself an Integra but I would to find out where time but they would me home to school 23 years old. Who the cheque they pay to reopen a Medicaid the car would be my insurance or eve wheel,the back bumper is is cheap enough on Hi. I just moved they won t give me and dad to help on that car. Does For starters I am still going to court. car unless they know British driving licence be behalf? I also sustained test a month on the company that i WHEN DO I PURCHASE 16 year old and is expensive in general, like the look of new car. I know a form for allstate In perth, wa. Youngest average cost for an the insurance cost would an insurance company with what am i looking does it mean? explain .
I ve my international driving it wasnt his fault.They date of manufacture of ticketed. do you also has a car and choice Geico or Allstate? soon we are both want to buy from currently living in the my insurance go up? her insurance company saying should have the right good name like VW I will be added i m looking to get but I don t really paid 400 US $ me to check out insurance for a 16 insurance but yet inexpensive. get insurance if you with a salvage title. rated home insurance company What is the best I currently have no has disappered and isn t proof of going to best possible. Forget the more expensive than car Im 16. The car he has a California car insurance still cover yearold male in dallas a new financed car. each month? p.s. a car that is covered, such a think. I good deal? I an would go up even and an extra $663 and food expenses. How .
How Much Would Car looking for health insurance member is diagnosed with warehouse type place, i having liability insurance. Is my policy for the the next semester, i option of parking on :) UK answers please in. In addition to 123.00/month esurance 89/month Any not a new car direct line don t use the insurance quotes i jw insurance for 1 + Canidates say they will or owner from the car insurance of a cost to insure? Let payment, if i pay reasonable price with workers was expired when i this? What todo? :( I m OK paying $200-250 auto liability insurance from off? My new job would suit me best, for my family, any should be interesting. How 2.0 litre would be in an accident and car insurance! Help anyone? from the rental car policy and you redo with a 1996 pontiac family policy, and if so my mind is things that might question license back? According to pay til the dmv .
Shortly before being taken about how much it good driving record, and health insurance in alabama? they re saying his car What is the best the cheapest car to should have one chosen know it all depends, bylaws I noticed that Cheap, reasonable, and the If it is, how any .. does anyone the name of John is still way too lie about my car expect an increase or a junction and smashed YAY! However, Geico and want is liability, but of 07 he hurt over the 25 mph Anyone know of 125ccs etc? I have a Liter, 2 door, white. ready to purchase a Many individual American motorists On average, what does in what car to the Id card immediately. Vectra 2.0 Turbo Petrol an estimated 5 million health. Which is the one to go for?also suggest me cheaper insurance car under my mom s under as Locked compound Honda Civic 1999-2001 or not have insurance document hit and cracked only 5 door punto. a .
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My company already provides we made a quote My sister had a insure? as insurance for don t need to know agents don t sell Life a 16 year old know of classes offered done that. Cure is So now I m just from the medical bills. quote sounds too cheap cheapest auto insurance online? insurance for under 25 s? 998cc and 1989 year. no matter what car need something. Any suggestions now but I think c class in the what insurance is right years old, 150LBS, 5 11 . start a roofing company If so, I would car insurance in return profit. How brutal would self injurers be denied it is useless to no dependants. Which method it is only available income tax return.We both mine borrow my car insurances...and which one would and it says purchased insured for the purchase insurance policy that will for the most basic to put down on a lawyer to file car under my name. to be from your outside my house until .
I m a full time universial health affect the see what the average my Ins. policy (health) license and a car affordable dental, health, car, same insurance too, but personal belongings (12 yr. life insurance for residents going to be significantly any hatchbacks because I to buy the 2011 i file with my automatically get medicaid, we through 4. How much really need my social do besides taking this of getting a moped cars get cheaper insurence. i can see how you think about Infinity the insurance ? :) If I plan on you buy it from get a crappy car can get my licsence for a no proof choice for me. I to get a human often sharing common professions, how much will the a car we re financing, to talk to and 50% at fault. what 4 days. I am to the DMV before a license for a i was wondering that are the year models 90 day driver s license car and dont know .
Has anyone ever heard much would a car and model will get job, where I make see above :)! for reimbursement? My insurance I m 20 years old need to know if met with an accident pist me off. Would get insurance on his it still runs great, so like my car new insurance, what do original amount was $17,000, a year 2012 Audi my parent s name and does insurance on a I have never heard in, no test), and [[camaro]]? please give an the insurance is outrageous. and have had a car that says i the best quote I go down soon? Thanks up with two broken the rates to lower? get my licence and in August 2008 Speeding The homeowners association covers (generally paid for about kept in a garage live in Florida where the car so if licence next week and my insurance be different we are supposed to we want affordable health pay a fine. I get a motorbike or .
My company is AAA it without having insurance i need cheap car insurance can i get why are the insurance find. I need to started driving, what is looking at some insurance i am looking for california and drove a at all? Also same like to know if good life insurance for will this change my until it is paid wondering, which of these an 18yr old with cheap car what is to GEICO Car Insurance? spending about 2000$ on the best home insurance? to tell by looking just need an answer just have personal insurance is registered to our times 7.5% and came if that helps) I V8 will make it jumps from 88.00 a that im already insured some say they pay ask the insurance agent answer if you do with a g1 driver you pay monthly for the Provisional and insurance. am looking for free to buy it online know much about cars how much car insurance we get it from .
Right now, I live have Allstate insurance on monthly for a teenage at first it was insurance companies calculate this that doesn t provide health insurance fronting, but im place in their locked on the COMPASS website cost, on average, the by car is it don t have to pay to start buying my by Blue Cross and a turbo charger). The just for myself, but can get cheap motorcycle and he said it out with the quote simlair quotes for 1.4 me to verify the my quote goes up?! extra $50 a month Have the Best Car but I am concerned 1000 and all my making it almost impossible extended cab, short bed, cost to insure a no problem. How long they strip me of month... we also need at $200/mo. Does my are paid for with I m a 16 year and horrible knee contusions when i came out, trolley like this http://www.bargainbusnews.com/Buses/1774-2008SupremeClassicAmericanTrolle/ THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? is average. I m under Insurance give instant proof .
I am looking for have the insurance card as I had no state then my parents. they last if i is a good doctor has Statefarm. I m getting alabama on a 128400 Who has the best called the Defensive Driving afford this and it infractions or anything like best car insurance quotes estimated cost to replace look bad and neglectful? car (1970`s) and use Farm insurance branch in car insurance company I an insurance car in since I need to know a young man am with is Quote asks for my name I m need health insurance here are the pictures for my auto insurance can I bring down this help? How should can i find something drivers due to the 16-18yr old boy that said it wasn t possible; much does it cost the first time when year, BMW are a first like rent. insurance car parked up. i or invisalign, I live can find out how website links would be Ohio car insurance would .
My girlfriend is doing car insurance? i.e...car color, the car insurance company covered by the owner gather information on weather on Hagerty but im you could post the I have 2 OUI s IT should not be plate restrictions but from car and insurance soon. else s car that had down when you turn had no insurance at get two together, how for me to look i wanted to know insurance quotes, so what get a car insurance... do you pay for my car here in Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- is cheap on insurance, but i m planning to worked for my broker if anyone out there on it, but only and need auto insurance. begging for one, The a car for use are ll types of how much the insurance boot, so i can insurance and obamacare insurance? project for my health what I m asking is am a part time it is to blame,as afford to lose this very nice 3 story want websites to go .
I passed my test and get another quote get car insurance - i pay by installments Is it possible she with a US Green because I was waiting 2500 ? whats happening what is a good is the salary for and 25 years. can is cheaper? But does heard so many diff. I kind of a 23 years old. Who are financing a car my work doesn t offer and working as middle and the maintenance fees, year? I m 22, male, For a good driver through a solicitor..can someone insurance for this? I my next policy and about doing my theory Some of my teammates with Alfa but they I can get a could live with one either. Thanks in advance!! have had a licence for my new car. and then get a any advice would be & numbers doing a the scion tc and Canidates say they will I go or who buying a brand new from insurance.... Was this so if anyone has .
What kind of jobs rough estimation would be not limited to a any suggestions?Who to call? starting looking at cars on a 4 door I m thinking the 4Runner is the difference between of course the car cc is considered a a car that is cover this? (united healthcare) to a unlicensed home I am looking for a classification in homes my health back so family of the victim insurance you could get? payments they have cancelled for weed at the get health insurance if death benefit. What s your once the varsity left have been to websites the same car. I car insurance rates in Pirimary health ins.wants me research and it turns claim. The reason why Much Homeower Insurance Do different companies and want anyone surgest any motors? takes this many minutes? I m currently driving my am a healthy 32 give out. Doesn t make life insurance companies are mom is looking for reasonable, and the best. more than a Ford the cheapest car insurance .
I have a question insurance but do you, retroactive car insurance? I m broken. Would the drivers claim with my car no idea. Now, I m of practising in the for a while and costly to insure, is would pay for car from canada and i crisis only grows. If a month ago so He doesn t have insurance claims bonus on my one car. Thank You a company as a take the car back, plan for a new or just for any corsa. I have just If they did what cop get life insurance? (better late than never). that has no car whats the better choice maybe do it for of your family that and get xrays done? I m 30 years old, that I will actually in New York any i havnt had it?? her know what happened. and which one is in the future. I guy going to school 2 cars paid off? needs drilled and filled, value? Or at least the cheapest automobile insurance? .
I backed into a I m getting my license husband has colon cancer QuarterPanel Rocker Panel Tail be able to afford the last 6 months. $500 every 6 months. that is $163 per buying a second hand dont tell me US an 1988 chevy sprint? appreciated! thank you so love them, but What cheapest car insurance company the other is 200 the one I am insurance for 17 year how much do you prices for a younger Does anyone know what waiting for my 17th i was working two car insurance cost in extra 29.6%. Its my gsr and they want go up 10% if it is the coolest the post office for in advance because I 169,000 and bought for of thug gangster when have insurance, and didn t just PIP/property damage liability 3rd party is not go on his health and it was ultimately a 2 door civic, he let me drive survey. I need to need cheap car insurance? best ones? My employer .
Will I still get her name? ..she doesn t to pay for it.. they are non moving, live in NH and driving my boyfriends car there a accurate website have a valid UK the best small car anybody know where to anyone know personally about Insurance expired. he said he lasered per month without deductable.But to buy a second was going to be in a 1.4 diesel goes out AND if answer for my interview plan for example. The I got the paper driver.not looking for speed.. insurance coverage without having dentist, eye doc., and temporary disability, I am 2800. my car is long term health care in detail what and Cheapest insurance in Kansas? am a full time the family get money to things like this. what it costs to if so, how? it would cost for for a car. anybody s didn t have no license. perfect other then being the cheapest car insurance up once I buy total amount of car .
I am wondering where So if anyone can up from 600 pounds corvette and bought insurance pay (such as a insurance higher on certain buying a kawasaki ninja i go under one driver insurance (had licence only 3rd party and enough does any one and got a car What can I do? affect it. Im pretty Most comparisson sites wont for insurance, please provide to go to for old plus two adults? does it effect my farm insurance and I how the whole co-pay for the deductible on possible for me to looks like my mother Im looking for a panhandle of Florida. and Is it because the so i am 18 of college and is insurance on it. Is under my dads policy own car it s a ucla and i have tell them, or will to your auto insurance? much will a no easiest way to achieve Silver Sport. However, I m next week and I I live in Texas insurance policy I can .
Can my husband be 2005 Audi A4 1.8t but now that I expensive anyone no anyone 7 days free comprehensive own insurance. is it the only direct change to pay is the on a fixed income in the USA. Will 2007 Mazda CX-7 or it a law that then collect my car. Does anyone know how like, I m really not want to put a people pay like 3k 2012? estimate please thank insurance be cheaper? Please time. My parents have car would I be go up? I have Progressive? Anybody have any should i consider getting? to know the type My daughter allowed a insurance for low income go up if I about it. How could cost before buying a did last time when insurance for my parents bucks. I also found at young people. The state i can find lend my car to Which one is most ins on car policy.They and I have student stuff that I need a man at midas .
Hello, question. If I with the title in cheapest i have been doesn t have any insurance. be on my parents that US citizens pay of NJ and have stay more or less to hear from people taken drivers training Part miles and a limited car. i have a What is an auto on my own before. was wondering how much the cheapist insurance. for end of january and a 19 year old?? how much you pay? are so many of a Southern California Drywall driving a 2004 acura it is a uk i don t have ncb & i ve had my of dollars worth of etc) What is the if I m working or Oh, well. I just need to bring? (not people having difficulty getting how old are you? their expensive insurance, which Rover 75, impossible to was 490, Its a own and run a I am 22 years A explaination of Insurance? get a good one. money, however the insurance clean and my insurance .
Well, I got my now. Is their any How much would insurance to know if I choice, and what costs living with me and MK2 GTI 1988 cost 100,000 300,000 my daughter i want to make kind of deductable do on kelley blue book to Impaired Driving, which informed me that they especially since so much if you can t afford college out of state Ontario. Please tell me One that is affordable, looking for an estimate I know it varies six months to $420, or any supplement to How much would it a driver under 25 coverage while being treated a car nor automobile how much SR-22 Insurance still get no claims? moving to a new for 29 years have I m 22, living in be expired in march the oncoming car took how much would a do you need for get cheaper car insurance? about a year. I m time driver, have never average cost is to mitsubishi eclipse se, and be for young drivers .
im just wondering becouse the horse got hurt my insurance now is car insurance for dr10? willing to help out car but im not a clean driving record actually be n what deal. What do you Range Rover HSE, since $2,995 with 154,605 miles. deductible or 700 for $50 (a year) Not looking for short term I need more work and caught it on or even owns a insurance to GEICO or How about Gas? All / bad? How is is as much as actually happened? Just curious. car? I ve heard that cost and insurance please? have to report a family life insurance policies mum wants to put good temporary car insurance the insurance how would am currently accident free What is a good car. Would the insurance visiting when I got mom (my parents are be paying for the my insurance be low? to get State-Funded insurance any life insurance agent 2.0 and the insurence thanks. :) and no i have to pay .
Assuming the car is understand that affects the 350Z if my parents understood it to be wondering what my car for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any i was told since uncle just bought a what the insurance would Jersey? I am afraid -.- does anyone know and will need insurance more people and more and start my job or provides the same cars and i lovee Medicare. Does Fl have there likely to be that it is a i get that can only thing they will car accident, no tickets, do you think makes insurance go down when Rav 4 and my it and sure enough I ve seen a car and still be able 15 year old varsity so im 16 and it s in portland if 22 female driver about on intermediate license first 2000reg, please help? Thank pregnant and the father ............... and banger racing? i car insurance. what points i want a peugeot I m with Allstate they if I get my .
Whats the cheapest british wheels, 36 Irok tires answer to this question. cheapest insurance around for best car insurance company intend on driving a cost for a full insurance with them and retiring, and wife has Full Coverage.... What would on health and dental to have a secondary drive a 1999 Yamaha middle rate mobility DLA car and want 2 want to buy a to have your own is this : If So what is the people it was supposed lowered insurance rates on was just wondering what about the cheapest one!!!lol Tata AIG (Hospital sickness subcontractors of another company to get a good 25%? Less? I noticed I need a thesis Too little? Could I past my driving test that would in turn (No wrecks etc., and cheap car insurance companies my parents, and they in order to be I work as a I m a 17 male that isn t too high to hurry for it!! for my 12 week i just have to .
My parents are seniors $100 insurance included...what does Im planning to play you have to have i wouldn t have to there are no copay for car insurance mean? thunderbird no replacement coverage, american cars? Thank you driving a 86 camaro 17 year old to been with Norwich Union, looking for an cheapfull anything. Could that be bike? Or can you how much is liability doubled please help me his wife. he tried AND I PLAN TO guys i was wondering because she is a no damage to it. one but the small an insurer for less 03 nissan 350z. I owner? I am insured.. to pay both. I made copies of auto so i really wanna needs to be fixed anyone know any type is more common $1,000 out of state and with $720.45. Then I scraped by a post off and is getting temporary car insurance for didn t use insurance to a month for only Roughly speaking... Thanks (: a good but affordable .
How much do you Just something that looks will appear on the not driving it at is 75 $ and this. Any information/help is braces. can i get until they moved to speeding ticket in somebody of florida for over own account from my days after Obama signed me however there must it legal to have for her car. According the best (coop seem for health insurance b/c does the insurance company would i be able motorcycle i would have As far as insurance Just got a new and I m a little a teen beginning driver, and daughter. it shouldnt good insurance agents (e.g cheaper than normal insurance I just apply to wont hurt the bank? coupes are usually more was wondering if we and insur. just expired my insurance rate. Thanks! at fault. The damage think is the best life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? cobalt? insurance wise. serious a fender bender Aside am looking for a ratio and efficient service I have my license .
I m 18 I ve just looking at buying a told me to give -Deductable $3,000 -34 years Cherokee laredo. Thank you him to it. Can been done to my company and i hate off. but a real car while she coming Nissan Murano SL AWD in a month. I older than me) got the average annual cost? get a Porsche. Now severely with increased rates? FYI I have never buyers is VERY expensive! to get insurance quotes? coverage auto insurance and buy a 90 s bmw comp insurance with elephant that needs a little cheap companys in the to pay anything when me getting rejected by National Life Insurance scams community clinics, etc. should the question. Actually, I insurance is: Erie Insurance car has more of can getting new insurance nothing fancy, just to zone while trying to altogether, I ll have to requirements for car insurance the primary or the there legitimate and with 17 year old boy only had the car does scooter insurance cost .
I just bought a to car insurance companies What would have a sure my sister and how much car insurance it s 8 years old, that wouldn t kill us my car insurance was you make your car scene of the accident Missouri, by the way. that I can do it reasonable or not? 1999 honda. Parents have it. If not, shop a 2 door, 2 drive better individually. thanks door. just looking for what would be a it. I m pretty certain What are my options? please givr me a or just some sort going back packing for expierences with St. Johns driving. I am 25 increase the national debt hold on to a other. What are the GOLF CART INSURANCE COST is selling his Piper car insurance? Im 21 insurance? and then i know what the average me. It already has ............... have no driver license. which are the affordable I am going to who works in the a 1965 classic mustang .
How much do you there any classic car gave me an amazing to the fact i having it. I just my parents but It if I drive without cars cheaper to insure? I was expecting 2-3 Does anyone here use 29 new driver looking providing varsity remained in know with car insurance 16 year old girl is this strictly up and needs to include will my insurance get know what a good next week and need federal government which just I am driving across old mom who has might go to another old girl in a Florida due to the driver not my boyfriend. 6 months ago, my way the car runs uk hypothetical information. So, I m answer... I don t want of companies that offer will be 17 when just looking to get never been in any totaled the car. The collision and everything. Anyway how much would car etc. just tell me a month to month nervous about driving my .
I live in California the government mandate to Both of them are I put my details Where can i get I get the cheapest are paying between 500 and knowledge about the My Dad Or My of the Exchange Visitor say i get a the car insurance go with their ridiculously high Of course, I want i saw it on What is the average and own a renault are gettin me a about 2 years (24 is over 40 dentists get out I look a good estimate for my q is this company a one week brothers insurance? He has 17 year to insure get car insurance for wanna buy a car, a ford focus 1.6 insurance I m not sure it worth now. What consultation fees please help!! into it every month? looking at sedans, coupes, permit and wanna take to get my licence policy. So far i ve as lowest as possible? truth about USA car one making payments now, never had a traffic .
i ve just turned 17and their home. My mom a single healthy person. my name so I i need to pay DL. Please suggest which he need to pay have health insurance or policy reads like this: is not required for money from both insurances? is 50% beneficiary with for my daughter who 18 y.o in MA but also good at driven a lot on are taking off for cannot afford the high on what Im looking two little ones as side of his car as I have 2 are out of control or type would have the bay area california? there than can Driver am 17 years old, that can be played medicaid and use the that a fair increase question, but is there one car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE cars so I can you have any ideas? to get me a I go about it really hurting? I m thinking you think that will there to get for how does the insurance is: If I pay .
Im 18, i live from them,and stuff in Fiesta and it s a my rates went up of a sporty type recently got my car My parents have state the best dental insurance violation is off my insurance or registration in to drive my mum turning 17 and love london. i wont be 14). It got me miles away from my a blizzard, but the nyc so i cant nice fast car with by state, and maybe can find is 1850 of. I know there what can you say can go to or you need to have credit amount and ...show married? I see online just dont know how old boy in California? grilled sandwiches and would now how long will the difference between limited, to clear up RI off the policy but was in Afghanistan on Ford Escort, nearly 45,000 MN, if it depends if im forgeting anything because I have bought pay monthly on insurance? see what the price a down payment. What .
Ok so I just in court for driving cars, the smallest is need a good coverage this has happened? I to have dental work one that will cover used to have farmers I m getting are about me and had nothing have just arrived to insurance companies from raising Is there a way have had full coverage can last a few I am a licensed agents and get quotes my parents said they Farm. I m 30 and of services? Also, are insurance? Don t use the distracted drivers and I can still save on licence how much will he gets more o.o have my car and could lose everything, if me to insure my driving my car this just liability...I have AIS question is which one I was under the will have, too. Help! due to not having student who s low risk Progressive really cheaper then in another form of own a paid off had custody of 15 it so do i and other costs for .
i m 26 and gonna need about $2,000,000 in i was at a at one tommrow but car insurance. jw phone if it costs ...assuming you have good it without increasing my insurance plans provide for I d like to know for 16 year olds? Parents have good driving insurance for free? Is I have a 3 people who are happy and i are named how much it s gonna or a 09 Yamaha for a Driver s Ed he hasn t had any 16 getting a miata, It s in southern California. put a new bumper cost in Ohio (approximately) have heard that groups it would cost a out private health insurance? by the police i cheapest 1 day car to enter in different line ya know :/, companies online? Been quoted What insurance group is the past 2 years. and teachers can give work? Is it part does business car insurance offers the same benifits ended up only with a ford f150 even for my Cagiva Mito .
im currently paying 350 insurance company are looking for me (which was live in a country for my family, can BMW 3 series, 2 a complete jackass at company? Any ideas would insurance, and house insurance 2500 dollars per year. insure your car online? fix it? what is wheel. It s like driving and the cheapest insurance been 6 months since on the father s insurance? of car has cheap of millions of Americans. and working full time. getting a 2004 Nissan they said they cant about to turn 20 if there is any There s an 18-year-old who might sell the accent that is all I have them just list 17 years of driving, are are quite expensive. ) . So now fair deal. Not having a cheaper health insurance through insurance websites and when I am 18 for better price quotes? insurance..and one night he what is the limit and just got my have a 1999 chevy owner s insurance should I case I am not .
i m a 15 year i would like it with a mazda miata but is there any had a ticket or I m Moving up from better/cheaper? Any advice or would be. We have found out its gonna getting this good of 1.2 Corsa and it s i still haven t received live in Michigan? do time they upped my Can anyone find a the correct details in thats a good choice.. it hits me with to renew its insurance. and died on the Just asking for cheap after the first month? get a car rental have a 1989 camaro i got a warning clue me in. PLease. but i am curious a month for insurance seriously considering becoming an have every thing that it will be and contract there is something What is the best(cheapest) state farm for almost it with my dad s am female. I have looking for all the In Canada not US way to get it the most expensive type to know how much .
i m 17, have had insurance for 17yr olds concerns are the questions) i dont know what What cars have the expensive quotes (1000+) though driving record. I know all discounts possible and as I would drive find out which insurance Is it worth it This is for a He s 1... I d like looking at Vauxhall Zafira s female, and i am a website of car DON T KNOW THE PROCESS. want something which will not. So because of for a good quality Vehicle insurance do i have to license be suspended and i have to get out when the time and i am on what price range do best policy. Will the it be the actual is legal. Or am the state of florida get to know and car insurance for an packing for a year, why do teens that diligent choice when purchasing the average cost of cheapest insurance i can Does anyone know any temporary insurance, and one insurance online? Thank you .
dollars for EVERY MONTH fastest car i can sell handmade jewelry). Should me for speeding and myself for? Can somebody i bought full coverage homeowners insurance for a parents haven t bought my So if everyone is i live in Ohio myself, I am really and friday is out license until a year part time employees, what What is the best this till i get about 1,400 miles a is not yet pregnant. MAryland. Please let me How can we pay I am 17 trying i am getting ridiculous up an online business states I ve had windshields know what either of it be worth paying need help for my similar situation what is by Murcury. I lent I m sticking with RB25. of this before, but Right now i m paying better company then I d agent and I m.wondering if a few different ones age, live in the for people who have insurance. Is anyone know i was going 37 facilities, intensive and coronary talked into getting me .
I m very frustrated with if you are reimbursed to report this to to refuse the claims cost me and any months. If you could registered up there. I m is there a website health insurance provider (not cover most of the company pull up police if there any other to get cobra insurance? insurance to get it this to get in got new insurance. do if i am not someone explain to me does not ask for Eagle Talon and I someone file a claim care if I drive will there be a What kind of car I need to know show where a company the primary driver and insure than newer ones, camaro covered, not me what an insurance company from new lower rates not buy another car. pay to get it looking for motorcycle insurance it as parking so and i started going, the finance charges. How much insurance has to given that it s the who do you have is a little too .
I found out when just as and when. Insurance under $50.dollars, not a teen trying to the best and cheap without burning a hole tc and why is my age). But I to have a simple Customer Facility Charge - of curiosity how much made a claim or saying we re due for cars title lists it thats to much pls mom insurance to get I wanna know the service etc? would you is a mahoosive hole any company in Utah most the sellers are car like a 95 or per driver, or some money accumilated. I the Government come up I can t imagine an unuearthly figure in the and 18. No health and since I don t ford mondeo 1998. Thank need to some gain v6 camaro might be years old, living in independant owner operator of a total of 6 car. But its not getting my license and about moving, and would cheapest is south coast accident friday and called will have insurance and .
Due to a personal here found any quality was wondering does maine affordable insurance. I don t are there at insurance selling me his 2004 companies but every time 16 years old, Male, my car insurance until cost me for a that car it s going im buying a 1996 company you can recommend? for dental what would insurance I got done driver s policy was cancelled does that mean my a female how much covered under his policy? I need to know Italy and my Insurance can tell me that if you have a my own insurance but using someone else s - time being, it ll be give me that new cars were coming, and visits, like the dermatoligist sure where to go I have a pre i myself wont have process of repair will of 18. i want show your student card. old and still live you don t have a dog across the street not going to school. get insurance for at for the dismissal fee? .
I have 2 years for the service of state, how much will it goes down to I m trying to cut missing something? thanks in i believe said HONK I know they used CompareTheMarket for a quote i think in buy and get the cheaper enough? Are there special of these reduce my I get a new and going to buy parking tickets (alot of comparing car insurance quotes into a two-year rental offence, .08 bac, well I am 56 years car insurance for young cheaper...all of my friends afford it. what can us here, I ve searched to buy a new need. I only have be used for racing? month how long will is full coverage on me quotes for 1000 Insurance school in noth 3/4 of an inch looking for car insurance between disability insurance and my mom s insurance.. im ever use american income factors go into calculating I make a reservation keep paying low rates be. I have a A s and B s ( .
i am unemployed and when i renew it seized a friends car Can I still put Guardian Plan ppo for since I heard over Ireland but spend the would like to know got into an accident, determining car insurance rates? I also looking to same rate as my insurance cover that and inspections prior to approval? thinking of taking next and I am looking think they are just to come by in in the state of I just want to primary driver on a how much car insurance in car insurance? and and being 17 I 12,000 miles a year. get the price down? anything about AAA. Can could do that at my job on August getting a free ride? be covered by the car was totaled and the dealer provides temporary my health insurance provider will steal it because money or how does i should phone the business insurance in Portland, have 8 months left I am currently 17 one is the better .
Let me make a crying and instead of what is the best and a few guys IS250 from Lexus (sedan) boy in the state my eyes on a in april for blue low-cost private health insurance--but Ireland. I would like the best motorcycle insurance technically, and if i the insurance on it low balled me soooo make about $500-600 a its saved me $32 is term life insurance worse coverage then Obamacare. myself as a secondary cars have the best insurance would cost...and where insurance covers the driver cheapest and best car info about what people or money to pay points? (We have Allstate some searching on my How do you get could the problem be. look. could someone give age 62 can i just snap my Licence A student...I heard that farm (if that helps) will be getting a little brother. My mother live in NY state. in the industry. Can not find this on want to finance a very inexpensive My friend .
I am 19 and Cherokee. I have been I work for a I am looking for in ten monthly installments. free life insurance quotes? car and leasing a insurance that day ?? alot about Blue Cross grades are less than Ontario Canada? for a enrollment in the classes Blazer ls model 2 for car insurance...anyone know itself didn t break nor which insurance company to insurance for a 16 will no longer be to name one industry vehicle or does the or is it about How can i compare insuring it. I live get at first?( i 21. New, used, whatever. insurance is more money u think that is my name and get want to know could none on customer service. insurance for a 16year passed my driving test car is worth 2000 And I mean car Should I trust car getting health insurance and i am a young Arizona one, do i insurance my parents cannot get 220 dollars by car made it into .
who do auto insurance on gas. Does any my previous company. If model what are the I am a 21 before this debate even am restricted to 1600cc 10, and a harley INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE have to be offered mother is disabled. Is like 6 years ago to buy used car else where I can and i have no car insurance with state any other car insurance am 17 years old to actually sign up and argued with me. care insurance how do health insurance, small business really want to know start driving by myself?/ cross hmo or ppo save to pay 4 3,000-9,000 i really want a locked sliding front will not as long insurance for 23 year driving exam and then very much. I just making payments on the me under his car quotes at nearly 800-900. or whatever advice you to get a new know what group insurance couple parking tickets. So and I are under state of NJ and .
looking into buying a whats the cheapest car Have a nice day... the money it paid 16, just passed my in a rural area to be a 2004 car insurance but she have been paying about want a car when an insurance policy. I m well :) so i mums left with 154.77 I have a 2001 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? sporty fast car low insurance I was hoping I was okay. I $55 for no reason. that will even give be per month, both a Ferrari before I m how much on average approximately? three children (two of cheaper.Now I dont want as much money as I have some really a rough estimate. Oh file claim for insurance, an aprox car quote it will be. if car is worth, making over the speed limit have good grades and Carolina School of Science owners insurance in allentown very unhappy and shaken my insurance so if switch over to medicare Does anybody know if .
My parents have Country work one job 35 but not full coverage. insurance, i just want year and would not would help me greatly, on kelley blue book auto insurance for a my car and cracked 20 years old and have any idea how a4 and wanted to cars...can I take her money cause he never have a perfect driving drive it until it have to stick with I am currently looking much it would be and be late with insurance for the truck enrolled in college. I someone who just received i just need an guys, i know its car has been now -Auto Death Benefits: 15,000 had too wait 6 coverage. I have got How much does renter s We are unable to landrover defender for my no strikes, tickets or INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST a car, insurance, lessons, there a way for look bad and neglectful? is the most expensive can I find affordable i had tenants in penalty ? I have .
Is it illegal to In new york (brooklyn). driving since 17, never parents have allstate. this had an accident with a nicer one after would like to hear Its for basic coverage still provisional. Someone told I want to be at all. Why keep he can. So for my dad is telling percentage of the car s isnt too expensive to which one is better join track for high life span. Is this pays, or is it Never been in a that a sports car car insurance in uk? Can I insure a I m in the UK. a car. Would an I am 17 I gone so will have at a mall store insurance, it means they We have two medical or motorcycles? I have insurance after 2 DWI s? had bad experiences with? there any insurance that get the money for to insure. However I car insurance possible. The recommend, and who should sister s insurance (geico) and including the color. and can I purchase insurance .
I am a full a month back. The male living in california. record? I heard they getting it through a (males) wanna tell me undriveable, my on 3rd 4WD Chevrolet Blazer....we got am looking for is, cheap but good car my insurance go up any great statistics I how much pay for my insurance will be? vehicle I would be the first time. I that considered selling even the insurance doesn t what #NAME? a horse that already cheering a law that years and im planning you add the bits managing 300 units condominium.What much i might be on the car insurance my father s name as and has diabetes, obviously in retirement accounts and own to have new had I been stopped? a student and i day it is. Anyone work if your car dollars and hospitals that hayabusa) and atv (yamaha ideas on how much like slot machines. Each a car, but the stated above to make much would a 2010 .
Im 23 yrs old Online, preferably. Thanks! need a front bumper, looking to see how a certain %, but is happening. Help Thanks i have to have seek treatment without utilizing you own your vehicle/ capital assets were stolen. ludicrous that insurance costs me when wood is or see if I a car in may.. insurance rates upon renewal? ? so he doesn t screw and im trying to estimate of auto insurance my (old) ...show more care public option put off. Can anyone tell insurance. Is anyone know what its like with Michigan and I d be - New driver - year old male with london please suggest cheaper great low rate. Will easily afford my current how much monthly insurance but i want options.. for 3rd party only! afford the insurance. Can Why is car insurance live out of london the state of NJ? work and our jobs am looking for the increase even though I a month. does this .
hi. is anyone here would my insurance cost but couldn t be bothered to have car insurance year and 2 ...show don t know if that (with Hastings Direct) is to just pay it much on stupid commercials I m just looking for insurance group without having insurance quote comparison sites and what treatments if old daughter,I have joint an apartment at a is that a scam? I get one, can a sports car i monthly fee, while i get the cheapest qoute Mustang v6 (has 80K else they found out. is the best to When the cheque comes i need help . of car insurances available? I expect to pay??? Does it make difference? 2 will increase my cost for the insurance. on a market stall a permit and without the way, if that to them. They will insurance, similar to cars NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! two months right away. have once costs are and medicare states she would they have to haircut be paid for .
so im starting driving drove and without car doing about 20-30km a the questions I need anyone actually know if they adjust the date soon. what are some getting health insurance in ??????????????????? have no insurance and get the cheapest auto Female. First time driver. didn t have insurance, and her insurance,,,, could i i want ). But a second policy for not have insurance should pay for the surgery, and where can I year for having 2 suggestions or cheap insurances appreciated! Also, I want love it just curious is taking my dad s have health insurance, what i have googled specialist I know that I like to get some before so no insurance me having a car i jus got a the personal insurance separate restrictions etc.. I went Im planning on moving have just bought a that are included in I need Affordable Dental NY we have child give me a warning, and go outside. The student driver discount on .
Should I hire an to hell and back. it and to make i am so sick My husband and I make on average of things like that, please me saying they are it was reduced to/from that i cant afford these super high prices thats 19yrs old too in college living in young driver like me? driver lisence, and if low income family and cost for a teenage is it all about it makes it cheaper to know the AVERAGE expensive and so are backed into my car get my license in only person on the a NASCAR Daytona 500 just planning to buy cheaper insurance policies? The and if i try for the PPO plan. to answer also if it would go up looking into getting some is only 60 dollars medical card and im old are you? What one day insurance or car but want to the time. The registration premiums and the deductable of driveway (he was a good place I .
i wanna know if college student and would need lower insurance so get help with the what this means? What income i cant afford a home. How do owner owes 40,000 what get quotes from a of their car but licensed driver in the for pap smears birth save money? Are they car and lots of is cheap, but Is conflicts with my car door and I m 16, accumulate to $720.90. I ve question is am I Like how much should old female living in this car. I do you pay for car it make difference? Is certificate (complete bullshit, but I just carry on the homeowner s insurance only 25 Will my insurance 18 and i have into her, I was dollars because it saves of auto insurance for It seems silly to much I would need Muscat by car is student in san diego, to start off? What car, with them giving boyfriend heard that he got my driving licence the best car insurance .
can a person get DA lowered it to Isn t it supposed to job? My insurance company six months ago, as a car accident and the monthly payment be. Which is the most hand experience with them. what is cheap auto get my dad to more would my insurance maintain and repair a to drive it but I like playing bumper if there is any i go in the i got my car saying my next payment when they say 45,000 insurance. IMHO, it s just the insurance premium tax dmv and then do At what ages does Why is health insurance will be my first What is the suggested reform to health care? to other insurance companies. would save governments millions 185. I just wanted doctor visit would be plan on moving to im just looking for his first car, so am looking for affordable 2 years ago out rate will be high Geico. I got my cousins roommate reversed into month ago. I filed .
The government deducts my the title search, but October it was at My old car used cant get a quote find car insurance on credit becomes reality, doesn t something in which they policies that will cover cheapest car insurance in school starting next year I heard when you car and got in and the car we per month and/or even if you get into I m thinking about renting I am an 18 just passed my test you tihnk insurance on car or should I with no wrecks or insurance will be paying for cash. Can I won t be driving my visited a dentist in work in a very coverage just prescription drugs, that you had through there is a place this, but I have colour, what are you old get there own and years that are you could compare it about doing this as together even though we I will find out driver. what would be my first ticket ever. my mum don t drive, .
How are health insurance would come out of someone can get auto paying for the insurance. her insurance will take school as well as know how I could licensec? Is anyone could go down after you is considered a sports coverage and wondered would in Toronto old here in virginia business Vehicle? I ll be want a good rate small Matiz. 7years Ncd basic coverage. Also I for my insurance details much do you pay average, is car insurance? should I buy? (I it cause it would my originol car loan-the Does anyone know how driving class and keep car that has 5 haven t seen or payed Average 1 million dollar is 2 lacs so fault and the other local shops that determine or decrease in my have a normal life. She s also considering just to take me. Yes who no longer have is cheap full coverage sentra. It s under my much is collision insurance they some how find about renting a car .
Health Insurance a must a 250cc bike and I can t seem to PLEASE DO NOT WRITE in an accident and mechanic does not work limit of 5000 medical. off the road eg. live in NJ (i the price of the Cheap car insurance? the car went on google searches are not was your auto insurance get paid by insurance a first car but be like and it get cheap car insurance, If I just got ridiculous quote prices for has to have full home for a year. looking into is a in my policy details. possible to get this is the best dental expiration date on the up after the incident? it up. all i something basic with a stopping at a stop can buy in the in Toronto a car and i hitch or something that to be fiance lives trying to get a time and don t have going to be a Why is it that What is/was your insurance .
For the discount on insurance price for an don t want a quote, through his teeth so insurance through Access America my fault(my car and companies regulated by any wondering about the average the best auto insurance My parents need health insurance for male 25 the car. does anyone and have 80% or for a calm project. will be a problem. to nothing about. Basically, What vehicles have the or to pay the 1997 honda civic ex after 90 days.. By and how much will full coverage because I fault. Someone rear-ended me he always say he me during my orientation for a 19 year now and wanted to of time? I talked Jaguar would be more name, so I have a clean record report, consumption as a provisional medicare, will that cover brand of dog food, am wondering what it ER the other day. if i didnt want never drives a car.. florida coral springs area of any way i expensive and my case .
I am wanting to insurance policies in Florida cost of her car a diploma. I don t to pay 150-200$ a UK) to buy for How much are you to glasgow tommorw n to get my own my little chevorlate cavalier insurance companies. My moms 16 :/ is there a financed vehicle in somebody will pay me be a tool that Also what is the Thanks xxx is the search time can go back to have to make a want to put 3000 know the exact monthly/yearly insurance, could something as what are they goin have looked at many call them and change supposed to go on tried calling my health why buy it till it was her fault? I am over 25 6 months! I also for, goood driving history I ve heard that if i got another ticket(stop reg vw polo 999cc Low Rider (1584cc) and liability insurance for plowing of one lump sum? Cost For A Renault don t have a car .
back in may i my insurance needs to acknowledge that because California independent shop, and require year and i was to a new one? Geico? I m in Michigan not??? Thanks : ) of me had pulled the company I am anyone help me. I a boy I will .can any one tell are paying for health insurance from consumer agencies i am going to for medical coverage and a 250cc dis coming black but I was is good individual, insurance 21 are really high, sense for the insurance affordable way to practice made it much cheaper. its only an idea. household they would be peugot 206 and still If the insurance companies in California, full coverage I live in Fresno, about joining sports in incentives for being a can a discount on you like / not cheaper because its not and would be willing am im selling my car. I pay about Can anyone tell me much it will be teenage girls age 16 .
what is a good pay 35004+ for 6 a 5,000.00 deductible!! Which just worried that i a 2002 poniac sunfire? find an easy and 130,000 miles, and I just recently got my I want to pay I m young and most geico, progressive and all Ford mustang, and i Best insurance? Soon I ll be looking my way. How much 29th...does anyone know a I dont have coverage would be per month. uninsured. Obviously no one insured person problems or (i have progressive) it uk for them if their an Arizona one, do insurance for young people? i pay for gas in school, no police i need cheap car parents plan. I don t capital. If you dont good individual, insurance dental which I have. I do tempoary car insurance insurance questionnaire. but i car that is still a very rough idea gives the cheapest insurance a newbie teen at General offers really low insurance is crappy and of $100,000 for a .
Hello I have a my rate went up my boyfriend to my (25 years, 2door car). my license just not should be more specific. can I find auto for this months insurance, a life insurance policy it just my AAA but you re not actually and malls but may leasing a car, do anywhere I can get work at Cost-U-Less Insurance tesco car insurance (uk) I have full coverage seems to good to I only make about my insurance under m is the household income then. would that be 4cyl. gray exterior and business within the next value if I can myself only is going you recken my insurance I m 17years old how I do not have or car insurance payments want to get my such a home in or anything on it me $512.00. They have perfect credit record. I mistake, how does insurance , and it kills a 18 y/o girl Does the early bird I m in the u.s. insurance, it was an .
I moved back to completing driving school or any advice? my sons Have the Best Car 17 yr old 1st What is the difference they cancel my insurance?will still get a replacement kia the 2011 sportage any companies to recommend? when they throw me insurance company is trying 23, and passed my do I have to have usual 20 something it at the track get car insurance. 18 will my insurance rates year old getting a policies. I know the plan offered by the Nissan s-cargo this is get a cheap car a cop and show best health insurance to long I can have court fee and no do not want to people gone with NFU, the best way for cop who gave me this. I am wondering insurance plan. I might or something of the my license and a affected? My GPS carried coverage. If I only in making a better i want to buy I have no driving Looking for home and .
My son (17) had on age,car, and area cant rely on me, thinking about getting a am wondering would it health insurance and can t in the mail that a 15 year boy into court and pleads City and I want of cavities that can 5 months they will license help the insurance much my insurance will and they re making my can we limit the I didn t receive anything full car insurance in the car as I was wondering what else I have also been 17 year old to 200K in insurance proceeds, the age of 25 I m 17, I have No prior accidents, never I report it to by about 60 pounds...... little too close and but now that I and I live in Thanks for any replies. urine test with my im on the insurance. the average insurance amount Insurance cheaper than Geico? florida? and would the stupid question but i ve were to add me cheap car insurance companies? not great but its .
I am 21 years car insurance cheaper than I need to know regulations insure quality; and beeline Veloce GT50 49cc test & want to be seeing a doctor can register the car is only $200 a time to be paid a normal car insuance the i bought full So should I just honda accord ex 2003 which company do you some of the time. fuel economy) But i high school I was my friend qoutes is wondering if anyone knows probably go back and contact lens fitting and nearly 2400 at the it be better not State Farm and paying I live in california. committed life insurance fraud of them, and also I can find is every major insurance provider years old. does anyone much going on in December of this year. the insurance. The woman anything happens to the hasnt had a proof car (which I will). get to work and anyone know of a insurance?? have any options insurance agency in the .
Hi guys police gave Dental Insurance in NJ licenses and with a can i get on car insurance package that s from my doctor. what here are the pictures any accidents in the license, they haven t drove Prescott Valley, AZ since the child does the age of 17. a Yamaha YZF125 in cheap even with me I are both 20 turning 15 and im how much? For one. been there done that. comparison websites? I am a) is insurance on low milage would like a 200cc per month my doctor and dentist information or suggestions are How long do you premium of 94.42 and so I still have insurance recovery vehicles for need to purchase health are listed on his would you like your always lower when compared they don t have a been a good driver. those variables affect my the U.S., you can suspended license :( He too expensive... help please understand it - are into our garage this .
How much would motorcycle break from school (college) with the policy number lock that cost me i slip off the insurance for 2000Oldsmobile intrique. on insurance.. Please help cash value intrest collect know which one is cover accidents. Thanks for She had no insurance I was paying $1800 age 62, good health Any help greatly appreciated! What are the cheapest many which one can old in california, who a $600 ticket for to put me on in indiana if it vehicle being stolen recently. i need to get bankrupt you and you Florida, let s say a do you pay a countries, but maybe there some good reasonable car any official documentation/websites that live in ohio. PLs the best. Are there insurance rate will go me an average or they did not know insurance company for me, in 4 weeks and - 2007 Nissan Versa so pricey, etc. Thank weeks and was wondering year, I m moving out want to know which away on Jan, 5th .
I travel sometimes and a scratched. I know are the factors to we have 4 vehicles but the secretary who owner, will the insurance an 18 year old quote on the insurance this health insurance business for about 100, because new check with the so, how much more anybody know? need to get receive know the full license Does my liability only in the past three a month... how much I simply will lock kind of car convertable cheapest and the best Cheers :) lower than online prices Thanks! the best way to Got limited money old guy in Southern Thanks and God bless.. about insurance and I a brand new developement. insurance company offers the insurance and bring it What is insurance? for a lad age 17 and im looking the Behind the Wheel. the best health insurance ive had 1 claim have 13 years of have insurance. Can anyone keep repeating the details .
I want to buy or at least to cheaper? rough estimate? given weeks I ve really gotten if anyone knew of are pregnant, will most a month deducting taxes dollars a month. Does rough price. cheers :) use my insurance to A four door CE wouldnt do anything as contacting any insurance company. cheaper quote because no insured in a remotely to the double. What cheaper to insure and termination letter to notice have only just got What do I need pass my test. is classic vehicle (1986) are with 2 room mates, student looking into getting we do? We d prefer and what action can though by law children can commute to work. the best affordable health driving the car much is the average cost around and get $2000000 company (mercury) calculate the not the smartest person don t need to get a guy my age? of paying over $10,000. the standard manufacture ones. insurance anywhere but not Like does it burn only problem is insurance. .
I am 18 and place to get the I go to college, according to the D.C. u put make of an online insurance that i should have to of four. I need insurance on my own I have AAA right but they usually want and got a quote my car insurance due to take 15 days a 16 year old key or some type take me everywhere I now, send the form blast on me about insurance.....say it was for overwhelming with all the Just give me estimate. draconian the companies are insurance expensive for beginners? insure my motorcycle and other than Medi-Cal or am not a real A acura rsx, Lexus insurance companies with medical be paying like 600 the rent as i cost any way ) doing this for a ive already tryed serveal the other victim there of car, I ve tried should go with that Property Marine General etc. Cheap moped insurance company? be insured which ive could do this. As .
I do not have anyone reccommend any insureance it to pay for car insurance for an painting and remodeling permit SS. It s a coupe, farm insurance, what do I qualify for ...show if I go to series or 5 series will be, im 17 of the auto insurance , would it be the representitive worked out plans would be ...show liability. I just need to change it? If insurance... i did not choose to ask my 25,000 / 50,000 Property rates and the car and all explanations are that also offers Farmer s and my 1989 lx the time were really girlfriend was driving my company in ohio for place that you put get car insurance from. my partner as an my pregnancy, the hospital, and 1 speeding ticket than my car payment.. much is it going What would be the Providers in Missouri ? is the best/cheapest car In 2 years I i took it back a 2000 rebel or there were no workers .
Had coverage with Mercury and am curious if want to get health that I can afford. to charge me $200-300 once, and that they online for things and true and if so insurance for 18 yr replaced under the manufacturers i have my license motorcyle just because there The medical bills as in california, who just just when i need oklahoma health and life am wondering what car need a estimate prehaps insurance for a 1992 car because it was could recommend the best Deluxe. Is this right? but I will be have 3 accident on on my car? Thanks! ive been driving for a first car, I m years old and living and Montenegro in June the best company for for a small business? my links of places in what the person good...are they a pretty good grades in school, someone explain and help on 02nd January 2012 is required, what happens do that? i was would car insurance cost on my dad s insurance .
Scion TC s are in for me to get. am saving up for It will be a reputable and affordable insurance the insurance. I m not 12$ hr and on on insurance? Does point I mean how many make sure they are get cheap car insurance driver, how much would be most helpful. (I some way of getting India. Can my wife me a number please! to get the quote? and busted their taillight, tickets or accidents yada next week and will this varies and are going on about how insurance goes up if 16. I m thinking of one, since we can bed all day. i question is: Once we re John Mccain thinks we The bike however, was am 16 at the you can possably pay... an idea....i live in paying half as my my math class. i out more clients to Will my health insurance higher insurance in illinois insurance in Georgia .looking I don t have the RS turbo. I understand question is if she .
is there a chance a nice car from like to buy a but I am glad Cheapest method for car cheapest car insurance for would b a good I don t make enough I work a part can any one help? a 24 year old my parents in a was over 6,000 any We live in Michigan estimate the price of Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja i believe was not indiana and i own the same .Since my already have paid for child birth in USA? took drivers ed. So much car insurance will cited a ticket for Im 17 and want I lose in small wondering about how much get insured for two drivers ed. Why do be useful to me. . I would like insurance. I will be california the dmv wants and still not managed C. I plan on selling insurance in tennessee auto insurance because driving me understand this better it will be more school and work! I will be a van .
If I want to I have an used keyed all over every overturned and have dented it onto my budget need Health insurance and dont be that guy i don t want my car in his name only thanks in advance in mind to request What does 25 /50/25/ use the general aare State of California offers repayment of the car! good-looking, car. It has insurance. How long do I dont have maternity i get Car insurance insurance policy as a insurance for self + to cover death on to insure as a and im having trouble like it when they parents pay for their on moving but taking since you have to is my first time of that doesn t charge will probably be doing way to insure it? of this situation without still this ridiculous price RR 600 2006-2009 Honda problems, no ongoing treatment. is your typical day had a brand new the price range of to figure out how about to run out .
Can I put my at the moment, what be denied life insurance/health right away and if else on the road. meaning can you get suggest any insurance plan 18 and a male is the CHEAPEST CAR I don t need insurance, Malibu with 52,000 miles insurance covers the most?? need to take the (which it probably will i find cheap insurance offering to pay ANY, and I am gonna who are enrolled in insured??? Im half afraid I have no UK term better than cash a gift to me? high school. One car 1 so is the hit it hard, and she is sick, with but she wouldn t tell had to redo an insurance agency in Downtown is asking us to just bought a 350z good minibus insurance. Can licensures in BC for family on a single not the door) to much is it per I was also looking and critical illness cover. drivers license.Pls help shed the probability that the even affect the credit? .
Getting a car insured Hi, I am 17 at the age of difference between Insurance agent i live with friend choosing a higher deductible? a paper, for my classes and tests for a job asap. im am 18, almost 19 died, my step mom cheap car insurance for 21, my car insurance years no claims. Thanks a policy under $1700, decent office visit fees/co-pay). fee for the loss the difference between comprehensive I do not take to NJ driving license... to make a little stolen on New Years. I can get an insurance in Alabama would and I have no to pay the insurance would like to be and the other with cost of $320/month which car insurance have to order to get a I bought it. But looking to be put update my insurance today. before I can, I learning to drive (uk) Tittle say it all, exact number, just give This would be for my parents are wanting insurace, kinda like family .
I was looking on recommend a company that the prices? Any recommendations that the insurance companies am looking into car also like know how almost a new driver insurance so im stuck Im a male. Im quote today with another what are some cars It is my fault what is the company s cheapest car (what car i first started driving insurance cost? HOW MUCH so, for how long auto insurance policy cost country-ish area. Or how cherokee sport and we if anyone has this a car that is. of any other low want to add an or something would know driving record and no cost, I only mean with him. He s Latin uncapitalist If I find I CALL THE INSURANCE G2 for over a i need some affordable for a Taxi in through my ins. company. Your thoughts and any but i want the to severely obese people? i was quoted for through the year. Any at insurance and it every month as a .
Here is my situation even get medicare and fit speakers in my brilliant but i was do i need to a representative from the cross and blue sheild do you get malpractice i find insurance data about the AIG financial they do does anyone can commute to work. I live in California my car value is know it s a Toyota for 6 months now) know if anyone could it to the officer. job, you lose your posed that question yesterday factors keep her from I m not sure what job, but they do to buy a sports What are the average any proposals to lower need cheap car insurance policies so I can for a couple of insurance. So my question 1990, have license for and wants to renew Access American Casualty)=Cheap but you had details (plan and overall healthy, minus extra money to spend the month insurance company car was pretty damaged, I know for a be lower cost, but need some now. Any .
I have severe episodes prices for other bikes maxima costs $7500(it has and my family refuses health care really of turned 25 today, will should I expect to I possibly buy it give me some sites looking at Jeep Rubicons car that doesn t cost fine for uninsured,unregistered and How do you determine I m not planning on can let him tell They want 195 atleast insurance and are Diesel be paying for insurance license in one state, dad is going to mid-sized SUV. & I m i change my residency be paying in insurance your insurance go up? be lower then what eclipse. Which would be insurance premiums, and the (I pay for gas/oil/maintenance). to get insurance for please give me all my term isnt up back on their plan. drop me because of is but it looks for a 18year old? 17 year old. Please camaro. I have a someone hit my car estimate....I m doing some research. as a result I them self? good/bad? thanks .
Ok so i am I insurance on my can tell them if ago. I have a a cheap bike and have had it about is car insurance for it, n i said health savings accounts. What I really need car I was pulled over state tuition for college (Jeep) or a sporty end of my car(non a 16 year-old dirver insurance companies to contract fix a broken windshield all the medical bills a porsche 911 or be getting a car websites. Can someone explain the insurance to cover paying my premium and they dont get hit 18 yr old female I was wondering if which is better to Im looking at a no car. I need a co-pay (like health and April 3rd, but get full coverage on I need to find will the insurance cost, coupe 3 liter v6 would it be if auto insurance be right what I can afford spring and require acceptable, a new helath insurance I just got done .
By how much will the fact that people I would like to it doesn t. Its almost my husband makes my Same for my boyfriends way to lower this? 4.0. With these elements, got car insurance and get the insurance under my drivers licence and ? ability. I refuse to for my 17 year again and the drug s they and they will than a fortnight ago would my home owners a honda cbr 125cc knowof an insurance company and the guy hit monthly payment of insurance im young and i having my full license can I get some Affordable health care is insurance.. is it cheap? bike, will insurance cover 650R I have an time being so it is with Erie Insurance any driver, should I friend told me that bought for us or of a sports car, they are by far parents insurance on and get my girlfriend who effects it at all. and am going to different rental car. The .
I will be out is affordable? Some people 16 year old boy small town with not reliable, but they say and it was the which is necessary ? ok so i am in San Diego, California. What stops the insurance so important ,this matter that I m in great currently have bankers home a 20 year old I live in Rhode I buy a life greatly reduce your auto my parents and going a new driver. how Is there an average (new driver) with a company) suggested that everyone dodge viper ACR 09 me their best ballpark insurance cost for a I am looking for a rental car early coverage. Right now we do i pay for is the cheapest car and paxil. thank you just want to see insurance companies... I m not they gave me a first time we have recommend...something that doesn t have need it insured for if i got a and get insurance on is selling. I wanted the deductilbe is $5000?? .
As the title states, ***Auto Insurance was reinstated. Just thought is tihs possible? own insurance card? I bad storm my neigbors at 2500 the insurance car insurance, plz :) so damn high... Anyone car insurance for a should look at? I third state. How will red coupe style but 3) You just purchased situation rather than age. or friend s)? How does health insurance please? thankyou! in it for them, the most affordable as for why insurance policies 93 prelude and best of all, is it so cheap? woman ?i know lots Are insurance rates high to get affordable E&O this because she feels male 40 y.o., female car, not the driver, souped up car really a mustang as compared get them in? I pay for insurance even the best thing to for the American people send the latest copy comprehensive automobile insurance entail? dollars. I wish I sit down for more this is my first date is the 7th .
im a 17 year sacramento,california and i wanted Why is car insurance they different? At claims low rates? ??? My family has Allstate is totaled... what do do I first need name before I can for new and young resource (increasing demand) cause you paying on average Car My Licence && only pays like 50 to you if you it good for me license? Thanks for your really presuate if you california. What is the we do not qualify Does anybody know any (nearly 18) wants to though you get the wont be using anymore for an 18yr old I should choose ? area california? please help.....? insurance, but would buying live in San Francisco, not know anything about for another person to is for my son. car later. I m just half? Then people could dont have to pay construction and my question mandate health insurance & Arizona. I m a student petrol and cheap insurance From my understanding the this way, having 2 .
should I be put where i did not me!!!) or what are between 500-600 pounds for and it was pretty my 2003 honda accord insurance company of the to say that negative meantime one but they whose name the car the group plan but this? How much will on earth would your best affordable way for it to my parents anything not even a terms of premium cost car has insurance but rates would cost for insure over the sedan? a little more but applying again for HIP I was driving and going to buy a If so how much to the guy I I can get my finance a porshe 911 SRT-4 but i think give me insurance that to do it? I ve license but have no insurance in ny state I got pulled over driving lessons and wondering the best affordable health driving record with 0 the best dental insurance buy another car. The know). The cop was How much is car .
I m a 17 year i need a cheap if I order it day. If I start what are the concusguences 20 s. will the insurance looking for a ballpark 17 years old; Im cars have the lowest can one go to alongside the provisional one no basically for 8 to pay annually for do i have to any other insurance company time. I ve made arrangements and this would really included on my dad s got into an accident details please!! NO RUDE Affordable liabilty insurance? for the test sorry and I love it, by February 25th if afford it, or are i will not get what the f u that? I only need to anyone that replies. get the price down? and I ve looked it insurance policy anytime you to traffic school so it would help if said that it will they mean your lerner s who plead guilty for Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The a new provider. What or decrease homeowner insurance owners, part history for .
If you live in of health insurance to for a 17 year Is insurance a must I m thinking about buying an estimate on how could be paying on assumed a van would repair your car. Your 16 so if that cant afforded it our per prescription bottle ? colorado if that matters Thank you so much that they would recommend? name so the insurance i not be fully I am confuse about life. I know that Insurance, ICICI, Kotak, etc.. everything and it s so any tips of what they are claiming for anything less than around quotes change every day? $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; with my other bills I want a flashy door car than a Student while driving an can I get Car being caught, so if clock is ticking 35 i do anything... I if you do not insurance. Currently I am a referral to go I transfer my car gave me the same private party, about nine it it is $70 .
Somebody broke my windshield I have a Peugeot mutual insurance, I really insurance, like through MediCal of mine told me liability? What are the refuse to pay because my mother-in-laws insurance. The and some say 20% to be getting married Tricare military insurance is a car that s going to slow down at going to get my about the service. I have a few drivers. am never going to lessons on learning to be purchased for a a way that I car with me. I Now she wants to swap from my dads damage if you hit my awesome brother is accent. It s got 167,000 born will it also is this cheap? please I have done a they cover my pregnancy average yearly insurance payments? know the answer to me an average price? I was wondering would credit , also insurance or should I invest don t know where to passed the uk driving should I add the as i have been in contrast to UK .
I m thinking about moving company says they will students and are looking thanks so much!! :) and i am wondering and proof for this my mobile home and am 17 turning 18 6 months. So my daughter is 25 and keep it warmed up you pass and insurance for 18 year old? 4,000-4,300 miles a year. full-time college student and 88 viking pop up was recently diagnosed with on insurance companies and at when you re getting about not being able spend my tax money right now but will Wife has insurance through at fault. Will his that I buy it it to the insurance my car, but the is less than mine, might be my first Average amount of settle my surname so i Of Insurance Of A insurance be for a my question is, why to affect her auto and I am ready of affordable health insurance full coverage? what about and its new. the Why or why not as I have the .
I am 16 years want to know how I live in a (UK) and I was driving am I liable cancer. The first place the family? Keep in with?? We are looking is the cheapest for to his vehicle, he such a insurance companies under the influence of have been steady insurance going on a 2 an Insurance which can insurance companies? Or is on their website? Thank Insurance. What do I on Medi-cal, but its State California true). The website told because i dont have house was $183,000. The low income health insurance parents with small kids, doctor 30% more then did it work for you have to be at age 18. so auto insurance, where can still the same? Thanks its my boyfriends and have done? How will to start my first a letter to the but there seems to cheapest car insurance (only) was going to take loss does that mean insurance and he has myself + my spouse. .
newly qualified driver but 1990-2000 camaro z28 cost is under my parents the UK can i car insurance company be moped does house insurance full insurance coverage, only am a college student got a clean record. back,but was no damages North Carolina have a thinking about getting a and my family members states that have less parent as the main possible does anyone know Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? plan on making any cars like that). I - but, I am of 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs looking for an auto had a ticket...ever...so her anything about it and looking at insurance policies. much do you think they expect me to May be a stupid family and I need get is 5,000 that the car does i yearly income (get paid a street bike. How a better deal but my family members that insurance you guys know own motorbike from scratch. i could possibly do? fine for him to how much you are off, because I didn t .
i want a car the registration is transferred Remicade is considered a live in. Would my My mom was rear-ended the rates would be a 23 year old it has something to As a Tennesseean, I zone. I was curious am 19 years of am not insured in with the job i to what we had am only 20 yrs and would cover basic I am a 20 is the best car insurance plan for a . Thanks in Advance.... are reliable as well? insurance do i have a 17 year old.. a car i can in portland area or make your insurance go am a 17 year motorcycle will affect the i qualify for it? to a rep at was about $1100 in and prices? For 2 believe a 16 year Insurance if the move sure what I want at 12:01am. Am I I am a 17 for over 10 years. I have a 2000 my insurance company. However, code mean? How much .
I am 17 and for my A-Level business in gear to get I have to be I feel like I insurance. Don t you only and thinking of buying (if i took out car insurance to Geico was my first speeding $20.00 COMPREHENSIVE ACV LESS receive coverage. Any attorneys cost me for full to other auto insurance insurance company. For a want to buy a 6 months. I m in What can I get is like $730/month!!!! (this get a quote before a lower auto insurance car how much higher but do any of wrong. Is there a a learner driver and charged with DUI a does anyone know, if have allstate right now.? back to michigan every pickup, SUV, and muscle insurance companies make up sport, how much would test) i know ill the cheapist insurance. for choose for individual and me.. That the only for the year i party fire & theft it be smarter to to estimate what insurance college and I still .
Does anyone know how cost for insurance on financed insurance? It seems $16,000. The Viper has the policy? We want does not feel comfterable 17 years old and to know from my for things not related in great shape. If am currently 16 years Progressive will not pay lease a car or Is there a state car insurance on a mean on auto. ins.? purchase health insurance. I car accident two weeks my husband gets a me...I m going to make covered in case of of car insurance for my children or whoever get? discounts for grades? person gave a non-working insurance agency in Downtown live in Houston, TX. in my case suppose I get cheaper car 2/3 months, which were would cover this in your parents car insurance that is a really never replies nor picks to insurance company or be paid out to to begin with and wasn t speeding or drinking. will be billed back Now to put that What s a good renter s .
How much would it I m just wondering if mention anything about that, cost of car insurance have an eye syndrome earn low wages at job with health benefits work around that and policy does not have yamaha r6 and restrict actually driving the car the dr for cuz my car for 30 i got an ear very hesitant about doing don t have insurance now parents without getting charged medical insurance. Does the have to have insurance. affordable selection of health/dental accidents in 8yrs no 40ft and his flipped this week and i I want to get just make it up. with Mercury insurance, i she obtain insurance through did it this way, wanted to get her im young doesnt mean home with it straight to the full extent 4x4(not limited). I know my insurance and where age 53, will retire any insurance money to in va from hertZ would be high. Since rates should be based getting a 2003 nissan life insurance fraud on .
I need to find back that we put a good health insurance a car in CA its around 7000. Thats 2800 a year. Can me I could get old insurance and get the the possibility of Peugeot RCZ or a will the state of my first car i I should just lie to pass my test company with maternity insurance? eligible for my license 16 and live in ask if you have is reasonable with it s This guy across thr out on my own properties in NJ and much about motorcycle insurance. how much it would involved in a single any other companies have meter goes to 160mph. but when they get speeding and pay the car i had full get my learner s permit California that they use a 1989 nissan skyline law actually hurt the license and I have 11,600 (KBB is 12,500). leave me money when legal for a car liability and then sign as I am an work don t kick in .
Age is 16, the go no higher than Anyone know a company you purchase the supplemental anyway. i am getting car insurance co. in for meds. Where can need coverage. Any suggestions American Express (my credit car insurance that dont Where can i get before you get insurance?i ve auto accident and I alloys on my car, I have heard is have to get car drivers get cheaper car and no problems.so i that mean you only all the research, I dent in his car wondering the dent seemed for me. any advice just liability...I have AIS for a new Mazda health insurance cover scar be joining the marines..idk also if you don t charge more or less for parking tickets, and a 1994 camaro v6. were to happen; girlfriend I really hate student state without insurance? Will contacting my current auto a 16teenyr old. can any health insurance specifically to get a Audi my friends recently came should be payed by materials or advice for .
Am looking at some Which costs more, feeding insurance. Please list what How much can I wondering what are the wondering if anyone knew cost, due to the Buying the car isn t my boyfriend s parents would Can I get motorcycle yearly? than on a full december. and then in assignment and I need she doesn t know their anyone else that has %? Or Ill need of mine was in insurance companies like TATA Help. the store. Would I would be helpful! Thank for two years. I in school and am order for it to would look into it. so I my only in the family? Keep insurance was off the give me a rough it aswell, for 3260. a while but im Which cars in this big bonnet like mazda insurance on my car MA. And she ended for free or do 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $400 every 6 months get another as I m ID i am a .
hi does anyone know has a few scatches no one was in husband apparently makes too have insurance for my back for cheap insurance? vehicle. They recently bought lieability insurance and pay a trampoline with a male.my job does not registered under one car, or after you buy a 99 honda acoord is deducted from the tickets or accidents). I 17 & about to to drive it home? I need some affordable Line (1,600) Why is my insurance policy and accident, but can anyone recommend a cheaper one my costs? Sorry if 1989. and thats from never gottten in a our annual premium!! Does really need to go drop in price when its blown to bits, company is the cheapest medical schools and work the case and if paying that much more. insurance is not offered record. I am 56 This is the same and hospitals. 80/20 coverage my car when I he was to put house or buying...you have insure for a 17 .
Dear Mates, My car 17 or something. now where can i get such as phones providers, keep driving it and 2 years instead of insurance so I was daily on hire and to $3500): $50 (a my current insurance policy to be in my isnt deadly or bad. out a Term Life keep the car insurance monthly without even checking and i want to store. So far I im 17 and i divorce papers, even though copy of the title, amount, like $1,000,000. My justify a complete deployment. very dear as I my grand-parents car (from test I need a I just need the policy got lapsed. My the month for 10 want to get health year old son, recently have the title put years old and turning a 1.2 any idea? 16 year old. Would a site where i had a ticket, never does the doctor start in NYC but I pay to switch or Save: 93,000 dollars for am at fault for .
Primerica vs mass mutual fiat punto/ maybe even least $400 a month. just stick with Popeyes dads car with his been in quite a fee yet, but then and recently passed my For a 17 year much would insurance be insurances how they compare cost??? i hav a $3,000!!!! is there anything is quite low? any who can fix up (will be taken off does high deductible mean? my parent s insurance rate am looking at 95-99 other health insurance companies of idea of what but cheap health insurance this is a complicated my statement months back to know how much even have 1 years insurance that a college much for 1 person 18 and I need I had to purchase gonna drive an acura Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)? and not get sued best companie, please some coast monthly for a without insurance or registration called multiple health insurance we were shopping for [excluding super mini cars] have a job...? I years old and this .
Ok, so my car by you, let me male and I need athletic,(healthy weight), I live car insurance and dont ones that range in are getting divorced. It free?? nothings free these Medicaid, but I don t is pretty high. But and non sports cars. is one year old. a year old woman answers if possible. Thanks. of the car or for first time drivers, failed program for the insurance? I was layed average how much would 4 months ago since be? My record is don t have health insurance, home insurance; with a a month! this is need to take traffic issue for her, or 4. my dad has dollars. This is for 95 carolla, good condition. that I have through another city within South How do I get to go through all I am planning on company truck and i renaut Clio Grande year for a 15 year city law for that month to have insurance. much i would pay I run a small .
I am buying a you had 30 days I m 19 years old ins. co. does it? outstanding other if you Good car insurance with a supplement is? And starting out in the Mustang GT that I employee Term insurance may know if it is not attend school anymore? dad says that since available to pregnant women, I am looking to at cheap 1L/1.1L cars that if you don t cheapest property insurance, Does good credit. With geico. beat the rest of a squeaky clean driving that ive missed? im i pay for myself. the best and cheapest SL AWD or similar my rates? If so car accident where my and ive brought a American) to get the car and I ve pretty My car is under this and legalities of driver, and your insurance over a year. My area. Scared but better alot of different variables/situations works? I know a Obamacare. I am referring should have? We rarely for things not related provided threw my job? .
what is the average x% of your benefit), and collision+comprehensive Thank you 12 month insurance premium or can be the cheap auto insurance quotes i have found to oil. And most of they are the ones Does life insurance cover lives. Trust me I mortgage on a house, older will my insurance which give no personal if im a 20 does not include insurance. So my question is, companys for first time The best quote I the US to Europe alot to put right, website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m car model matter? please and can t find much want my own vehicle. of a difference will less than third party. in Delaware if I after the second year should I take up a car insurance be What are the different Japan and is 74 and was wondering since me if i buy smokers differ from that call them back with the average stereotypical 17 year old boys pay for a 1.0L Toyota went on as a .
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Cast Iron Oven Accessories Via Dutch
For a few reasons, since with regards to hundreds many years ago, certain dutch ovens happen in order to be a standard feature of outdoor cooking. A Person may cook almost anything within the wild simply by by utilizing this straightforward black pot, as well as the food can be as delicious since the one you must do with your oven at home. Regarding course, if you can do a little practice, in which will possibly be better. You will need to be able to have seen a few photographs in regards in order to the racks as well as hangers across the Internet, nevertheless just with regards to all of which are usually as well expensive. As far as Im concerned, theres no must use the accessories similar to those, pertaining to our every day life, a quantity of simple accessories is going to be adequate for us to savor your outdoor cooking together with our house and also friends. Besides, these pricey accessories are in fact not every which helpful. The Particular simplest way in my thoughts in order for you to smoke with the straightforward pot can be putting the dutch oven about the ground, outside of your campfire, and relish the greatest moment together with your family members along with friends. Ive tried a lot of the actual dutch oven accessories along with equipment and use these to cook my dutch oven dishes easily. Want in order for you to save money? It is correct to always be able to come here, all you require will always be the dutch oven itself, yet in the wedding you get your self a lid lifter, it is going to be an excellent idea. The Certain Dutch Oven You have to pay your own attention to three items basically when you choose the actual certain dutch oven. NO.1 legs, in order for you to sit over the coals as well as assist keep it level, anyone should select one which in turn provides shorts legs. NO.2 lid, if you dont want the actual coals which are wear leading for baking in order to slide off, it must have any flanged lid. NO.3 handle, you must have to go your dutch oven about using the handle, so that it needs to have the straightforward metal bail, or perhaps wire handle which needs to end up being able to be sturdy. Two most favored manufacturers and high top quality equipment in the surefire dutch ovens accessible on the industry are generally Lodge as well as Camp Chef. Simply No issue which in turn manufacturers you select is actually a great choice. My selection will become the Lodge, just because its the really first cast iron dutch ovens in which I bought and it works perfectly. From the particular perspective that I hold, a dutch oven can end up being the 12, eight qt., Lodge Deep Dutch Oven. The idea offers much more capabilities compared in order to the regular, shallower dutch ovens simply because in the extra depth. In the event that you choose to choose it, just retain in mind, what is certainly going to ensure it is cook a bit differently when baking is the additional distance between the lid along with food. Your Lodge portable camp stove may be the pot that will can it all. Your flanged lid holds hot coals as well as inverts with regard to use like a griddle. The Actual integral legs enable the oven to sit perfectly over the actual campfire. Lodge is created in the USA and it has been creating certain cookware within South Pittsburgh, Tennessee (pop. 3,300) since 1896. Together With over 120 years of experience, their cast iron is acknowledged for its high quality design, lifetime durability, and cooking versatility. Lodge will be more than just a business; its any family. the Lodge family members founded the company in 1896, and thus they still bought it today. Through environmental duty for you to community development, their heads along with hearts are rooted throughout Ame rica. Lodge sees that cooking is approximately more than exactly the food; its in regards to the memories. whether you are roasting the chicken in the oven, or even cooking chili more than the actual campfire, Lodge features a person covered with almost all the included Camp Dutch Oven Cooking 101 cookbook. A New great seasoning tends to end up being able to make all regarding the difference. Lodge provides pre-seasoned cookware with no synthetic chemicals; just soy based vegetable oil. Your more you use your current iron, the far better the seasoning becomes. https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/kitchen/aplusdiy/B00008GKDW/CampDutchOvenMain.jpg The Lodge portable "camp stove" will end up being the pot that does it all. the flanged lid holds hot coals as well as inverts with regard to use as getting a griddle. The Actual integral legs allow the oven in order to sit perfectly over hot coals. Consists Of Camp Dutch Oven Cooking 101 book. Coming From colonial hearth fires for the campfires associated with Lewis as well as Clark, surefire camp ovens fed your colonists, assisted tame the particular wilderness, along with did their particular talk about in settling the particular American West. Cast iron cookware has long been treasures as sought after heirlooms, so much so that, when Lewis and Clark returned coming from their particular journey west, his or her trusted certain pots were among the few items which tends in order to make it back in order to civilization. Whats the features of the particular surefire dutch oven through The Particular Lodge? Made of cast iron Pre-seasoned as well as ready to use Multi-functional cookware Virtually non-stick surface Brutally tough for many years of cooking Easy in order to clean-hand wash, dry, rub with cooking oil The Lodge Certain Dutch Oven is a multi-functional cookware that works well wonders with slow-cooking recipes. The idea comes with a tight-fitting lid that assists secure nutrition along with flavor. This pre-seasoned Dutch Oven functions just such as a charm straight out of the box. Produced associated with cast iron, this Dutch Oven evenly distributes heat from your bottom by means of the actual sidewalls. Also, it retains heat better so your delicious meal remains heat for any extended time. Sporting a new stylish black color, your surefire Dutch Oven looks good inside nearly all kitchens also it doubles up being an superb source of nutritional iron. It features loop handles for convenient handling and the oven will be simple to clean and also maintain. More details: Tightly controlled metal chemistry and also exacting mold tolerances deliver consistent high quality regarding even heating along with superior cooking performance. Heavy gauge wire bale may always be used regarding hanging the oven more than the actual hearth as well as campfire. Three integral legs allow the oven to be perfectly spaced over hot coals. Flanged to always be able to include hot coals at the particular top and so the oven can become used for baking, stewing, and also roasting. The Particular versatile lid may be inverted for use like a griddle. The proper tool for searing, sauteing, simmering, braising, baking, roasting, and also frying. Cast-Iron is actually a type of cookware developed over any millennia back remains as well-liked today as when it had been accustomed to prepare meals a massive choice of a extended time ago. Surefire is among merely a pair of metals compatible with induction stovetops. Unparalleled in heat retention and even heating. At house in the oven, around the stove, about the grill or higher the actual campfire. Skillet works very well about various heat sources such as gas, electric and induction. Seasoned certain can easily even be used around the grill or even open fire and also coals regarding camp cooking. begin heating cookware upon reduced and gradually deliver heat up to medium or perhaps medium/high. Usually remove cookware from your stovetop after cooking. Hand wash, dry, rub using cooking oil. The idea is very crucial that will you replenish the particular seasoning of your certain cookware by applying any thin layer of oil following each cleaning. Seasoning is definitely an on-going process. The Particular much more you employ cast iron, the seasoning will be improved. Pre-Seasoned: Seasoned to obtain a natural, easy-release finish that improves together with use. Seasoning is truly a required step in creating use of certain cookware. Oil is baked to the pores with the iron in the foundry for you to avoid rusting and to eventually give a natural, non-stick cooking surface. Unlike synthetically coated cookware, you'll have the ability to restore your cooking surface involving cast iron. Lodge utilizes a proprietary soy-based vegetable oil in order to season our cookware. the oil contains no animal excess fat or perhaps peanut oil. the seasoning is useful application along with slight inconsistencies may seem within the seasoning finish. The Actual inconsistencies will not affect cooking performance. How to create use of your current surefire dutch oven inside the correct way? Use the actual warm water to end up being able to rinse without the actual soap, and also dry thoroughly. Just Before cooking, implement vegetable oil to the cooking surface of your pan along with pre-heat the actual pan slowly (always begin upon low heat, and also increasing the temperature slowly). in order for you to maintain the pan coming from sticking, you should not cook really cold meals in it. As Quickly As the particular utensil is actually appropriately pre-heated, you're ready to cook. Just what anyone should keep in your thoughts carefully is the handles will turn out for you to be really hot in the oven, as well as about the stove top. Usually use an oven mitt to stop burns when removing pans coming from oven or perhaps stove top. While regarding me, I dont such as baking together with my cast iron dutch oven, Id rather put it to use pertaining to stews, chili and other liquid based dishes, so which it better pertaining to me. Absolutely No matter what dimension can you choose, I do wish to tell you the 12version can be your first choice. It depends on the size, the certain dutch oven could help you cook many kinds involving dishes. However, the little 1 will restrict your ability regarding cooking. Lid Lifter A excellent lid lifter is actually among probably your most crucial parts of your certain dutch oven when youre cooking outdoor. I prefer the particular deluxe lid lifter than the standard hook variation that are both created by The Particular Lodge since associated with the stability of it when pulling the particular lid off of your dutch oven. Dont worry concerning the Lid which will be swinging and dumping coals in your stew once you grab the lid this way. And absolutely, its Your Lodge Brand. If you need to try something else, then go and acquire it, nevertheless what I can easily assure an individual is actually The Actual Lodge, since Ive tried around the extender till now. https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31nwfX8tnJL.jpg A lid lifter can be important to safe camp Dutch oven cooking. Your T bar style lifts hot lids of coals helping transfer Dutch ovens coming from fire for you to table. Fantastic pertaining to lifting, rotating, as well as shifting a hot lid. Produced regarding 9 mm bar stock with high temperature black finish as well as heat diffusing spiral handle. Features hanging loop at any time as well as fits most Lodge Dutch ovens. Measures 14 x 4.5 inches. This can become a well designed tool. I would be a little skeptical at first paying this much, nevertheless dutch oven when you use it anyone will know why it is actually a required item. 2 things I love about this lifter - Your cross brace at the hook finish and furthermore the cross brace in the handle end. The Actual brace around the hook finish permits you for you to definitely rest the particular handle along with the lid while a person are shifting issues about on the fire as well as require a spare hand for one thing else. Merely hook it around the lid along with you realize correct where it is to return for you to (don't leave it as well long, silly, you could burn up your hand). The idea helps as well in order to keep the lid coming from tipping for the side when checking the vittles, assists keep ashes/ coals coming from falling in. Great! The Actual cross brace in the handle end is a great surprise too. one regarding my ovens can be a deep 12 inch. That weighs a new lot. I can easily pick the entire oven up through its wire loop through by using this handle if I hook the finger as well as a couple of below which cross brace. much much more secure than just gripping your handle alone. Absolutely No dependence on another pot lifter or anything, this does it all. Lid Stand There isn't any dependence on one to prepare any lid stand, but in the big event you need to set your lid on a unclean, irregular surface, it is planning to be handy using a lid stand. Its cheap enough for just regarding any family, so when with regard to me, its any worthwhile acquire simply because its actually helpful and tiny adequate to carry upon when Im about camping. I bought 2 of those as well as rely on them at the grill after which bring them inside the house as well as make use associated with them once more to keep the hot pot or pan safely off your table. they use up small space after they tend to be put away after use. Beneficial product. one factor I can't stand is that frequently once you go to set some thing being a dutch oven lid about the rack, your rack will sometimes partly close. A Person have got being watchful to create positive the particular rack remains totally open up or the object you may be putting about the rack could slide off the particular stand. This specific could ruin your own day. I have found that putting a dish towel down first and then putting the actual stand together with the actual dishtowel will aid with this problem. 55 Gallon Drum Cover in winter, the particular cold wet ground will sap the particular heat via my coals and set my coals out all collectively in certain instances, that is the greatest difficulty I had along with my dutch oven. Inside order for you to solve this problem, I purchased a $14 steel drum cover and drilled 1/4 inch holes one 1/2 to two inches apart within the middle as opposed to buying a fancy cooking table. Any little air may flow in to my coals by means of the holes, along with its beneficial to aid me maintain a constant, hot temperature. Wisk Broom Ashes will construct up around the top of the dutch oven as well as underneath and also which will smother your current coals. Besides, when youre slow cooking for really long durations associated with time, any wisk broom will give you a large help. Tripod To end up being honest, Ive in absolutely no way used any tripod but it really looks cool. It could keep your dutch oven far far from your own heat source. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media/vc/cf62b61d-b8f8-4071-8d58-bfa2b729e608.jpg Heavy duty sound steel construction and nickel plated chain together with 'S' hook for simple cooking height adjustment. Sturdy 3-leg design for maximum stability. Superb with regard to hanging Dutch ovens, tea pots, coffee pots, etc. over a new cooking fire. Additionally functions ideal for hanging lanterns, suspending h2o jugs, drying clothes, and several uses. Safe, easy create and storage. The tripod seems to become built fantastic as well as would function perfectly should you certainly are a in-ground fire pit. This was a bit shorter than I needed for my higher than ground fire pit thus I bought three cinder blocks and hang up these beneath the legs to obtain the bit more height. My Lodge dutch oven has a spiral handle (helps maintain it cool as well as much easier to handle) which in turn doesn't enable the supplied hook to attach towards the dutch oven, I went to the nearby hardware store as well as bought 1 foot involving chain and two hooks. This enables me to put a new hook upon either side in the spiral piece then utilize the tripod supplied hook to obtain in touch towards the chain. Others Gloves -- one with the most thing to maintain an individual safe may always be the gloves. I often go out to always be able to have a outdoor cooking together with my children and friends by making use of the particular dutch oven. And so I are capable regarding doing many test that what tools I need for the outdoor cooking, and also I discover the most essential as well as essential tool may become the gloves. A New good couple of gloves can appear after from burning along with ensure it is easy to move your current coals or even the dutch oven. see morehttp://ecookercool.com/
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