#but can't sense sabine 😭
twinsunstars Β· 4 months
Ezra: *steps one foot onto Lothal's lands after returning*
Every single loth-cat on the planet: *awakened*
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oh-three Β· 6 months
Bad Batch S3E9:
Beautiful opening shots and music
Guysss, Cross as updated his armor a bit….I miss the antenna pauldron 😭
Not Batcher chasing the moon-yos reminding me of Jurassic Park II's opening scene
Who the fuck landed in that cave.
Okay, I should've realized it when the description said "mysterious stranger".
Damn, she knows exactly who they are.
The way they phrased the dialogue to say "more capable of wielding the Force". Dave Filoni watching out to make sure that another Sabine situation makes sense.
"I need to know what I am." 😭
Ventress putting Omega through basic Jedi tests >>>>
Damn, they figured out who she was fast.
….Is riding Batcher cheating?
Ventress fist fighting the Bad Batch isn't something I thought I needed, but this is actually kind of entertaining.
BAD BATCH THEME. Like, not the full theme, but maybe as close as we'll ever get to it, with the pitching changes to the score over the seasons.
Shitttt, the "I wasn't planning on killing you, but you're making it very tempting" quote was directed at the team.
"We were pawns in the same war. And we all lost. "The Empire is more dangerous than you could possibly fathom. I'm many things, but I am not your enemy." Honestly, I don't think she came here to do harm. They just pushed a little too hard- can't entirely blame them, though, with her record, but still.
"Okay, but if she's as bad as you say, then why didn't she kill you when she had the chance?" Glad to see she's thinking about this rationally.
Omega making decisions for TBB (and them going along with it) >>>>>
Wait. Using Batcher wasn't cheating? Must've been an improvisation test, then.
Okay, but seeing Ventress casually sitting on that boat, more curious about Omega than anything, is very satisfying for her journey after seeing how violent she had been at the start of TCW and how far she's come since Dooku.
Not Ventress turning to glare directly into the binocs 🀣
Ventress, you accidentally summoned something that wants to eat you, good job.
Oh, it has kraken tentacles!
The animation of Ventress's hair when it's wet is so fucking good.
Wait, I saw a Tumblr post about the Marauder getting blown up in the Teth episodes- I don't think that actually happened, because that's definitely it.
I half thought they were gonna leave Ventress there, I'm surprised Crosshair was the one to let her aboard.
Test 1: Patience/Mediation/Balance. Test 2: Improvisation. Test 3: Connecting with animals through the Force.
So, Omega does have a high M-count πŸ‘€
"You're not as safe as you think you are." Well, that's ominous as fuck.
That ship has an extra-long wing like the Twilight, neat.
Are we all in agreement that next week is the invasion of Pabu?
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spacelizzbian Β· 1 year
Ahsoka s1 ep6
Love how they reminded us of the fact that there are "former imperials working at every level in the new republic" ain't no way they're getting back to the normal galaxy this episode? like bro, dw I didn't forget the New Republic kinda sucks πŸ˜‚
Deadass thought Ahsoka was gonna spill on her world between worlds experience πŸ’€
Hm, Ahsoka seeing Sabine giving the enemy the map as a fault of her own shortcomings as a teacher when it shows that she really was Anakin's padawan.
Urging Sabine to do what's right and putting feelings aside, while being unable to do that herself and fearing what could happen because of it..... this coming after the episode where Anakin's legacy and Ahsoka's unease with it was explored is 😭😭
Though it is throwing me off that she's still saying the same stuff as before her epithany last episode?
I understand it would be too easy if those fears caused by Anakin's betrayal would be healed after one episode and they probably wanna save that moment for a more exciting scene than her and Huyang sitting in the mouth of a space whale. But it'd have been better if Ahsoka showed that she has progressed in this regard?
I cannot believe they did the cheesiest thing and actually had Huyang say the thing.
This show so corny I love it
Pour one out for the Wolfren people, there was a prison on board lmao
God I hope he keeps his promise, he's a more interesting dark sider if he does
Something about them being so far from civilisation is actually creeping me out....
They were in hyperspace for all of the events of last episode, probably longer, that distance between galaxies is incomprehensible.
If anyone gets stranded or hurt they'd be so far away from help, the typical "fleet arrives to the rescue" at the last second can't happen now.
I don't think it's ever sunk in for me how hopeless Ezra must've felt being stranded here
A signal?!? Really??? That was fast lol
You know, for a literal different galaxy, I'd have expected this planet to look funkier.
Even Dathomir looked more mythical than this
I guess I take back all that dreadful pondering about being stranded far from home in a deserted galaxy cause apparantly there are fucking people living here
ok sure
Poor Sabine, not Jedi enough for Huyang, too Jedi for them witches πŸ˜”
I swear to god if they show us another iteration of order 66
I don't think I've ever commented on Shin and Baylan's designs but I love how they almost have a game of thrones fantasy knight vibe about them. Makes sense as this convo suggests they seek glory from the past.
Props to Kevin Kiner, the music is stealing Thrawn's intro scene
Wild guess Im throwing out there, Enoch is Ezra but like ... brainwashed as Savage was
Either that or he is deep undercover as one of those stormtroopers, that def sounds like something he'd do
Bro why there so much familiar kind of typical star wars life on this DIFFERENT galaxy?? πŸ’€
Damn, last episode really felt like clone wars in style and this one really feels like rebels lmao
Shin self identifying as a trained Jedi? Interesting.
Her doubting what Baylan is saying?
I cannot wait for Baylan "destroy the past" Skoll to face off against Ahsoka "recently started healing from the wounds of the past" Tano again. I can practically feel the emotional culmination of this show and Ahsoka's character concluding
Oh these creatures are gonna get fridged so bad aren't they?
Ah shucks my wild angsty guess disproven so quickly
Tho Ezra just chilling with a bunch of lil creatures is also very him
They can sense Ahsoka approaching in the whale?ΒΏ?ΒΏ? That sure is convenient for them
Lmaoooooo Morgan is so angry she's like "sOMEONE FUCKIN KILL THIS DAMN WOMAN ALREADY IVE HAD IT
πŸ‘ UP πŸ‘ TO πŸ‘ HERE πŸ‘
Thrawn upon learning Ahsoka's master was Anakin: "oh, psssht, I know what buttons to push, easy"
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loonyrose Β· 1 year
thoughts on Ahsoka ep8
Spoilers!!! You've been warned!!!
Morgan being given "the gift of shadows" by the night sisters was so cool. And then her getting mother talzin's blade thing!!
Kanan reference!! A more in depth one this time!! I was already crying by this part 😭
And Ahsoka talks about Anakin so much in this show I'm not well. Ahsoka and Ezra holding up the ship with the force was epic btw.
"For Dathomir". Chills.
I love how thrawn is so scared of anakin and anyone trained by him in this show it's an awesome reference.
I knew the night sisters were reanimating some of the troopers with magic! I knew it!
No no guys don't split up please haven't you learned your lesson
Sabine using the force properly for the first time in the same way as Luke >>>
Didn't expect Sabine to stay behind and help Ahsoka, honestly. But now I see that it was the same choice she had to make earlier. First it was either leave behind Ezra, or risk releasing thrawn back into the galaxy, and this time it was help Ezra defeat thrawn, or save her master and friend. Sabine still can't let go of the people close to her, even when it has terrible consequences.
"one wonders, just how similar you might become" anyone else been picking up a bit of dark-side indulging Ahsoka vibe in this show? She definitely channeled the dark side during her fight with baylan on seatos, and she sith eyes for a moment in the world between worlds (which is more likely symbolizing the dark side in her of course).
Also thrawn calling Ahsoka a ronin!! Can we all just say ronin or Jedi ronin now instead of grey Jedi it's so much cooler.
Sabine and Ahsoka literally swapped places with Ezra omg πŸ₯² but now they're friends with snail turtles now yay ig
I really do feel bad for shin at this point tbh. Whatever path she's on now isn't good for her or anyone else, she needs her master back.
The statues of the mortis gods!!! I literally screamed when I saw them!!! I wonder if the fact that the sisters head fell off and it's the most damaged statue has to do with anything? And I think Baylan standing on the father statue really symbolizes that he isn't partial to the light or dark side, he's fairly balanced. Also I really have no idea where his character is going, he's too mysterious and the actings too good. RIP Ray Stevenson.
EZRA IS BACK! FOR REAL HE WAS ON HOME ONE! I love how chop immediately knew it was him. "Is it you? Is it you Ezra?" 😭 and also DAMNIT DAVE WHY'D YOU HAVE TO CUT THE SHOT THEY WERE ABOUT TO HUG
I can't wait for Ezra to find out about jacen! I really hope jacen doesn't go to Luke's academy that would not end well.
"thrawn got away"
"and thanks to you, Ezra got home"
Sabine sensing her force grandpa. Grandfather in training? What exactly are we calling this?
UNFORTUNATELY no zeb Kallus or rex, but hey we still have season two perhaps?
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jessicas-pi Β· 10 months
i just got hit by an overwhelming Big Sad yesterday when I realized obitine wouldn't've been soulmates in your sabezra soulmark au 😭 (because sabine and ezra were the first mando/jedi soulmates ever recorded)
(this is nothing against you, btw. i love your fic and it's so good. just. ahahahrhh πŸ˜”)
i send this partly hoping you have an amazing explanation because your silly words always delight me!
Neither of them had soulmarks!
Obi-Wan and Satine both put their duty first, above all else. Not that having soulmarks means someone can't do that, but for them, it would always have been the default to put their people above their own selves, so in that sense, neither of them could really have a soulmate at all.
Of course, this doesn't mean they never had feelings for each other. They did! They just weren't soulmates.
I have a lot of extra soulmate lore to go along with this, both for Mandalorians and Jedi, but it's kinda rambling and not all figured out yet, so I won't go into that here lol
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mushstump Β· 1 year
Here all my thoughts while watching Ahsoka EP 7
- that senator is kinda sus but it may be me being salty
- FINALLY some mention about Mandalore, know it's Sabine's turn to say something about it
- Hera is my queen. And yes the Senate should be worried about Thrawn, at least Gideon is already out of game
- Anakin πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜­ I will always have a soft spot for his story
- Ahsoka can stab me- I mean...uh...good technic...
- so...the purgill Ahsoka and Hyudan came will die? ;-;
- oh no it is worse it's a mine field. My poor whales ;-:
- Ahsoka you're really unlucky, it must be a thing from your lineage
- "her master was general Anakin Skywalker?"
- Ezra and Bine talking and I can *feel* Sabine's anxiety bc I'm having too
- They kept his scar nice
- Sabine say something please. NOT THIS YOU'RE AVOIDING THE QUESTION
- "that's complicated?" Ezra is starting to see that something is not right
- oh hi cockroaches- I mean - siths (I think)
- the nightsisters are creepy I don't like then
- nicee Ahsoka and Sabine bond!
- I dont think Shin will kill them πŸ‘€
- Baylan, I like baylan. But what is he planning? I hope it is blowing up the spaceship
- where's the Wolfie? ;-;
- "she is like you but with less sense of humor"
- where's the Wolfie yeey
- oh nice baylan and Ahsoka will fight?
- can they stop arguing? No they can't
- Ezra is in his kung fu era
- stormtroopers being useless as always
- Ahsoka offering to help shin, nice. Ofc she ran but it's ok it's a start
- Ahsoka smiled to Sabine and I'm okay now
- Sabine I can still see your guilt
- I hope we see the reunion Hera and Ezra and the meeting Ezra and Jacen at the next episode
Final thoughts: I think thrawn will get away bc it's only one(?) episode left. I already need next season. And I can't believe that we still don't have any mention of Mandalore coming out of Sabine's mouth.
My prediction to the next season? The ghost crew trying to keep Sabine away from prison
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ylojgtr Β· 1 year
for the record, i did enjoy the first 2 episodes of ahsoka, but i can't help but feel like there's an overwhelming sense of "disney" to the whole thing, just that feeling that some things are a little underbaked, not everything holds the weight or tension you expect it to or they seem to want, like some things don't feel entirely satisfying in the way they're paced and/or presented
for instance, i felt the scene where sabine is decoding the map at the tower to be so unsatisfying, like she literally just turned the sides of the sphere to match up, which is like, the exact same thing ahsoka did in the temple when she got the map in the first place? i was really hoping for a more enthralling discovery to pave the path forward, but instead we got another "eureka moment"
ive kinda noticed this in the mandalorian too, especially in s3, like with the one episode they spend following dr pershing on coruscant and you really hope for it to lead somewhere interesting with his character arc...but it just. barely comes up again. or how the darksaber is built up so much, like "ooh is it going to be used as a symbol to reunite mandalore" or smth, only for it to get broken in a kinda anticlimactic final battle...even if that was meant to be some sort of power symbolism of the empire taking over local cultures or something i just personally find it very by-the-books and like they're almost making it up as they go along, or overall just that the endings are anticlimactic. and that goes for obi wan too, such as revas entire arc
now i blame this on disney but i honestly have no idea whose fault it is, or if it's any single factors fault. there are many other common factors between the 3 shows here, but it does undeniably come in the age of disney, and ill take any chance to blame the big corporation for producing cheap shit (cause honestly, it probably is, and if it's not, im happy to cut the writers/directors/actors/crew/every other non-millionaire person some slack)
but i guess what i really want is to have some fun in the series and have it feel unique and not like another bland product. it's a show for people who love clone wars AND rebels, who enjoy the wildly different aspects of each of the shows for what they are. and i really hope ahsoka grows into a unique identity too, not just another mandalorian/bobf/obi-wan. (i should point out i do love the mandalorian too, especially its first season, specifically for feeling so unique and different from other star wars stories at the time. it sucks it's become a sort of template for other star wars media) and we know it is very possible to do so, even based off existing characters and character arcs, because andor exists and it is perfect in every way ❀️
also please let ahsoka have some joy in her life, i want to see her be fun again too and i get she's not really there at this point in her story but please let her have some peace not just another stoic jedi 😭
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worfianism Β· 1 year
Ahsoka Ep 7
Spoilers ahead
- oooo sassy hera
- always so funny when star wars characters are like this sounds like a fairy tale and im like yes buddy you are indeed in a fairy tale
- C3P0!!!! On behalf of LEIA 😭😭😭😭😭
- Senator Organa is Senatoring
- see I get it. Senator Xiono being wary because Hera does read like a military woman stuck in a war but he's very reticent which along with the fact they pointed out that there is ex-empire at all levels in the new Republic make me distrust him
- 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ANAKIN
- at least he's self aware πŸ˜‚
- Awh buddy. You know what I think Good Master is pushing it but I get it. I really do think he tried his best when it came to Ahsoka especially since they were at war but he still let his selfishness get in the way of being a truly good master.
- Huyang I LOVE YOU. David Tennant I LOVE YOU.
- sometimes I forget that Ahsoka was apprenticed to arguably the best pilot in the galaxy
- did he not know this? Or is that he knew that Anakin was Vader but not that Ahsoka was apprenticed to Anakin?
- YOU KNOW WHY JEDI HAVE HAD TO HIDE FOR YEARS?????? (Order 66 mention im sensitive about that)
- I do get why people enjoy Thrawn as a villain
- I love that we go from space battle to idyllic little ride with ezra and sabine
- Zeb mention!!!
- Ezra πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ "Really? You???"
- Oh Sabine. You know you messed up. But you can't admit it and you can't fix it.
- ARE THEY CANONISING FORCE TRAINING BONDS????? I thought they were entirely headcanon? (I mean I know Rey and Kylo ren had a force bond but I thought master-padawan bonds were something the Internet made up) also sabine is basically force-null so could she have a training bond anyway?
- damn Baylon Skoll essentially gives like evil Obi-Wan Kenobi vibes but anyway I wonder what he's up to
- omg the little guys trying with a slingshot
- Ezra's ability to care about literally anyone I love him
- Sabine saying she's like you but lacks your sense of humour about Shin I can't πŸ˜‚
- omg they just dropped the soft Ahsoka theme very randomly
- I wonder who did the music for the show
- the little guy just threw a pan I love it
- oh ezra how do you not know that you can't say stuff like that it's basically asking to jinxing it
- Oh god for a moment I forgot that troopers were now clone troopers not stormtroopers so for a second I was like yay they're being rescued!!
- hes so ezra
- Huyang you have to outlive literally everyone
- I'll give that to Thrawn, they are kind of like Jedi of old
- uh ohhhh
- Ahsoka πŸ₯Ί offering to help a darksider back to the light
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qvnthesia Β· 1 year
AHSOKA Ep4: "Fallen Jedi" thoughts
(considering how i'm already losing my mind it's only by the Will of the Forceβ„’ that i'm able to type this with whatever that's left of my sanity)
the way seatos' aesthetic always slays >>>>
(god how i wanna live my shadow phase there)
love it every time when ahsoka ignites her sabers, especially when huyang powered down that ship.
shin's subtle cloak drop πŸ‘€
lightsaber duels were FERAL this episode
lmao marrok disintegrating into dust and just obliterating all other fan theories about his identity. though, the dust was green in shade, similar to the nightsisters one πŸ‘€
"anakin spoke highly of you." "funny, he never mentioned you." dead.
the way the dialogues continue to slay >>>
okay hera sweetie I love you but bringing a 10-year-old to a potential warzone isn't such a good ideaβ€”
i'm mad at sabine for giving up the map but i understand her decision so i got mixed feelings about the outcome lol β€” though it goes to show how much layered she is, which is what I've always loved about her
my writer mind wants more information about peridea and the hyperspace coordinates
am i sensing something between shin and sabine? yes. am i interested? VERY MUCH πŸ‘€
here's reaction to when the hyperspace ring leaves 😭 she's just so fuckjng devastated
"i've got a bad feeling about this" 😭😭😭
and seatos, which has an ENTRANCE TO THE WORLD BETWEEN WORLDS??
live action world between worlds is beautiful 😭😭
"hello snips" WHAT THEβ€”
"anakin" THE DEAGING LMFAO hayden's always looked like a 30-year-old anakin to me, it's, like technology, a bit off. let's see how it looks in the next ep though.
all-rounding questions to the ahsoka show (questions are also related to the sequels; respectfully asking, this ain't a place to bash them because I love the characters but also displeased with the writing and the way disney betrayed them):
jacen is a jedi and obviously luke and hera know each other, so he's going to train, right? or does hera decide something else for him considering kylo went on to destroy the temple?
are there any more details we can get about seatos considering it was settled by an extragalactic species and that it has an entrance to the world between worlds?
i hope we get to see bits of peridea; not much, but enough.
where's leia in all this? and luke? ik appearance isn't possible but a mention would be great.
would travel to peridea possibly create a rift in the galactic barrier of the known galaxy? there was some SERIOUS void-like cronau radiation trailing behind when the ship jumped to hyperspace πŸ‘€
how did clan wren d-word? and why didn't ahsoka trust sabine? was it with regards to physical or mutual support?
(more questions will be added later on)
hands down, ep4 is a gazillion out of 10 from me. as i've indicated, I am clearly very much dead, and will be back alive next week to scream more.
live reaction to seeing anakin:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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nimata-beroya Β· 1 year
MY THOUGHTS ON AHSOKA - Part 1 "Master and Apprentice" & Part 2 "Toil and Trouble"
(ok let's do this again, bc I posted the previous post before I was finished by mistake, and the power went out right at that moment which means I had no Wi-Fi to fix it 😣😣)
The first thing I can say is that I liked this premiere a lot, but it didn't blow my mind to smithereens. It was a pretty decent start and I can see the potential, I'm invested. But I'd rather remain cautious for the moment. I don't want to hype myself too much, fearing a big disappointment down the road.
There were surprises (very good surprises), some confirmations of things I suspected or have seen others speculating about, and a thing or 2 that I'm iffy about. and also I liked the pace. It's not too slow, nor too fast. It seems deliberated, and I think that's a good thing.
Let's dive into the details…
Part 1 - Master and apprentice
Watching a New Republic transport losing yet again a prisoner, makes me think the NR needs to work on this problem. Because so far, there've been 4 different prisoner breakouts that we know of (2 of those were the same guy!!)
Ahsoka in the ancient temple looking for the map was cool. I love the video game treasure hunt/solve the puzzle kind of feel about it (it made think about Jedi fallen order/survivor). And Huyang roasting Ahsoka for not having a padawan with her was the best.
I loved the subtle hint that Ahsoka made about Morgan Esbelth hiring mercenaries in the past (AKA: Din. I wonder if he could have a small cameo)
My first reaction to Hera believing that Ezra is dead was shock, especially since in the Rebels finale seemed that she knew he was just lost not dead, but after thinking about it, it does make sense. First, because she never had the confirmation that he was actually alive. There's no trace of him or Thrawn in the galaxy (we learned why later), and second, and maybe more importantly, it's much easier to continue living on with a loved one's death than a disappearance. The not-knowing, the constant yearning can be exhausting. With death come pain, but eventually with healthy grieving you should accept it and move on.
Omg! I can't believe Ryder Azadi and Jai Kell were there!! And the mural’s dedication to Ezra 😭😭😭😭 I love that everyone still have him so present even after all this time πŸ’•πŸ’•
Sabine is commander, huh? Nice! But the fact that she wasn't in the ceremony doesn't surprise me at all.
Her Loth cat is the most adorable thing ever. I want one!!!
That Morgan Elsbeth being a Nightsister wasn't the biggest surprise for me, bc I had seen people speculating about. In fact, I like the idea of another surviving Nightsister. My only nickpicking about this is that her skin is too pink for a Witch of Dathomir. I guess she's either half-human/half-zabrak, or she's using some cloaking spell on herself.
Ezra's message just for Sabine 😭😭😭
(I have to make a pause here to confess something. When I watched Rebels for the first time, I was happy that Ezra and Sabine didn't end up being a thing. That doesn't mean I didn't see the signs that they could be more than friends/siblings, because there were signs, but I feel that media loves to put first love as if it should be the love of the characters' life always, when in real life it's much less common. It happens, but usually you don't marry your first love. And I thought it was ok to leave the romantic plot out of it. I mean, they were kids fighting a war, they had enough on their plate.
But now, as adults who have grown and gotten vastly different experiences in life and all that? I won't be mad if, when they find Ezra, they declare romantic love for each other. And regarding the message when Ezra says he sees her as a sister, I have the strong feeling that he said that because that was what he thought she wanted to hear. He accepted he was in the "friend zone" and respected that, not knowing Sabine was pinning for him, you know, like idiots in love.
It could be just as he said, they love each other platonically as siblings, and I'm ok with that too. But my heart goes out to all the Sabezra shippers. I know your pain, and as Kalluzeb shipper we might share the same boat soon. I'm fearing that they'll put even harder the "Only friends" sticker on Kallus and Zeb. But just like you, I'll ignore it. So, ship away, my dears. Who's going to stop you? Not me!)
Ahsoka should've known that Sabine would take the map! That was a very Sabine (and a very padawan) thing to do. She should know. How many times she disobeyed Anakin?
And Sabine should've known something like that would happen. When something goes as planned?
The fight between Shin and Sabine was great, but it was painful how rusty Sabine has become. Come on, girl!! and OUCH!!! I didn't expect she was going to be impaled. And thank goodness episode 2 was next because I would've hated that cliffhanger.
Part 2 - Toil and Trouble
Ahsoka's reaction about Sabine losing the map, altho understandable, got on my nerves. Really Ahsoka? have you never done something wrong? I know, I know!! her reaction stems off her trauma and all that, but idk, I didn't like it.
On the other hand, Mom daughter moment with Hera and Sabine was so precious 😭 That really took me back to Rebels. I always love when Hera is the best mom in the galaxy, showing Sabine unconditional support. Despite the physical aspect of the character that it's taking me a bit to get used to it, I think Mary Elizabeth Winstead is doing a pretty good job embodying Hera personality.
For one glorious second, I thought we were going to see live-action Kallus, I swear. I mean, who could've been better to accompany them to Corellia to found out if there were Imperial spies, hmm? I didn't even need him to be in the whole thing, just 5 seconds of screen time, giving them intel on the shipyard or something. Is that too much to ask?!!
OH!! So Ezra and Thrawn are in another galaxy! That explains why nobody found a trace of them. So I guess Peridea is a thing now. And what if Mortis is in that galaxy --or in another-- and Anakin , Obi-Wan and Ahsoka traveled in one of those paths back in TCW? Ok, this is getting interesting.
Thrawn calling Morgan?! Sounds unlikely. But if it's not thrawn, then who? Oh! OH! 😳 I just remembered, The Grysk can manipulate other people's minds!!! I thought we weren't going to touch on the Grysk on this show, like ever, but what if?!!! (i'm sure I'm wrong, but if I'm right? OH MYYY GOOOOSSSHH!!! This show could be soooo so good)
Chopper!!! There he is!!! My beloved war criminal!! I missed him so much!
Yes, yes!! that's general Syndulla I know. Taking shit from nobody!
Thank you, Huyang for easing my mind! Thank the force that Sabine is NOT force sensitive. Like this, I can get behind of the whole idea of Ahsoka being her Master. It's not my favorite thing, but I can tolerate it like this.
🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 Chopper in the chase in the phantom was absolutely great!!
😭 Sabine cutting her hair just like Kanan did. Stop it with feels, dammit!!
Ok now we have caught up with the epilogue, and I'm excited for what's to come.
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oh-three Β· 1 year
Ahsoka Ep5:
Okay, the camera shots for the opening were perfect.
Omg, I forgot they left Huyang. That poor droid. "I told them to stay together. But they never listen." 😭
"One is never too old to learn, Snips." Yeah, you'd know.
Hey, that is Anakin's lightsaber after all.
"I won't fight you." "I've heard that before." 😭
Seeing Anakin in his ROTS era again, dueling someone, it's like time didn't go by at all. The nostalgiaaaaaa.
CHOPPER can't use the Force, Hera.
Does Jacen know he's Force sensitive?? Holy shit, he can hear them fighting
KANAN MENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe it took them five episodes to mention him.
LIVE-ACTION REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, that's totally Ryloth omg.
"Do you even want a Padawan?" Says Anakin, who'd claimed not to want one but had taken Ahsoka anyway.
There's something very significant here about Anakin walking away with his lightsaber in the same position as the one he'd had walking toward the Jedi Temple during Knightfall.
Huyang's description of Anakin as "intense" is so right lol.
Aww, Anakin praising Ahsoka over how Mandalore went.
This scene is fucking awesome.
The musiccccccc.
The rising water, the peaceful gradualness of it, reminds me of the Living Waters of Mandalore from Mando S3.
Also, the sunlight coming into the Ghost- it reminds me of that one scene of Andor.
remembers that no one knows what Sabine's done yet
HEY, SHE'S WEARING WHITE. Talk about rebirth. (the whole Gandalf thing)
Ahsoka standing there and sensing what happened between Sabine and Baylan.
"It's the fleet. They're on their way....I don't think they're coming to help." Yeahhh, we knew this was coming.
I see you up there, purrgil. Her plan is definitely to use the purrgil to help them follow Morgan.
They're literally just gonna use the purrgil to gtfo of there and deal with the New Republic when they get back Lmaooooo. Once a rebel, always a rebel.
Oh god, this scene is painfully peaceful. LOOK AT ALL THOSE PURRGIL. Now I'm sad all over again with the tragedies of Rebels S4.
Yep, that's a fleet, alright.
Carson being an MVP. The "oh boy" look on his face πŸ˜‚
Man, the New Republic sucks.
Oh, so Hera did tell Jacen about Ezra and the purrgil.
Damnnnn, Disaster Lineage is at its finest right here. Flying into the purrgil's mouth for transportation between galaxies.
"It could go anywhere." That's half the fun, friend.
And they're offfffffffffff!!
Ahsoka is definitely living up to Rebels' legacy right now.
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spacelizzbian Β· 1 year
"You told her that?"
Poor Sabine, getting dissed left and right
Uh oh, my force sense are telling me Ahsoka is about to do an Anakin training session
Nevermind, she did an Obi-Wan or Terra Sinube like training. Neat
In EVERY level if the new republic?? So also governing? That doesn't entirely sound like a good idea
Between this and the mandalorian s3, the new republic is looking like a bunch of shortsighted chumps
Granted in the mandalaorian they at least looked like they were trying but here they're like
"aaah what's the worst that can happen, he's probably dead anyway"
"We have evidence that he isn't"
Uuuuh yes it would? Ahsoka you're talking as if you participating in a "dire situation" didn't accelerate your training at all
Disaster lineage cnfrmd canonically disasters
Her sneer and jab at the cup 😭
Very rebels humor
Ah THERE is the Anakin training, turning a life threatening situation into an exercise πŸ€™
"What do you need?"
Now that? That is Ahsoka training
I love the familiarity they both have with these moves. It actually FEELS like they trained together and came up with these.
Sabine's excitement at getting one aww
"Pweaaaaasse UwU" Huyang is sucha little shit I love him
Why did Ahsoka look and sound so much like a mom when she said "we can't help him if we're both dead"
The fucking epic flute theme set to Ahsoka walking out on the ship in the silliest space suit πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ’€
Ahsoka on the ship looks so silly but it's exactly what she would do cause she has done so many ridiculous things and it's so so clone wars and I love it
(Obligatory it would've looked better in animation but that applies to the whole show and I don't wanna say that 254 times)
Ahsoka, floating in space, completely deadpan: "did you fix the ship yet?"
11/10, so stupid but exactly my type of stupid
Ok, the Purrgil setting for the chase is suprisingly claustrophobic and disorienting? Good, that is how that would feel
"Standard jedi protocol"
Lol. Lmao even.
Manifesting an infiltration of the big ring next episode, that'd be fun af
This guy showing up to say one thing at the end of the ep to remind us he is also here
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spacelizzbian Β· 1 year
Shoutout to that one time in tcw when someone saw a shadow of a Tooka cat and thought it was AhsokaΒ approaching
Love that the one most concerned about not blowing up is the droid
Ahsoka be like: "Im already dead inside, just do it"
Hm, I am curious about these dark jedi though. Like the girl still has the padawan braid so they actually do follow some of the teachings beyond the lightsaber techniques I imagine. What better narrative foils to Ahsoka than jedi who have also renounced the order but actually turned to the dark. Can't wait for that parallel to get brought up
This whole sequence in Correlia with the shipyard officer feels so much like clone wars. Like idk what exact episode, but a scenario where the heroes are being toured by double crossers definitely happened
Hera just doesn't sound like Hera to me? I feel like Vanessa would deliver these lines differently. Like it's defenitely similar and I could see myself warming up to it, but my inner Hera voice is not lining up with this Hera
Suprisingly, not having that problem much with Ahsoka. I feel like Rosario Dawson is a good fit for adult Ahsoka though I miss Ahsoka's sassy energy. But that has been mostly lost since rebels which makes sense in that she is older and hardened now but it does make me a lil sad.
"These people dont care about politics, just who is paying them" now that is a sentiment I'd love to see explored more since that is not the impression I got from most civilians under the empire who weren't uber rich and powerful but I guess we have Andor for that
Oh Sabine is the one who is not ready eh? πŸ€”
The more they tell us about Sabine and Ahsoka's dynamic the more I'm vibing to it??
Yes please give me two disasters desperately trying to cope with the loss they've endured by being disasters together.
Huyang really said "yeah your force abilities suck but could be worth a shot eh?" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­
Hera and Huyang seeing these two absolute disasters and trying to get them to reconnect so they hopefully become less of a disaster is so funny to me? They're the real homies
Protocol droids being clueless to nuances going on around them has to be one of my fav plot progression bunnies in star wars
Ahsoka who has bodied inquisitors brutally before: "oh no a double bladed saber oh nooo"
Them shooting at that inquisitor that Ahsoka follows step by step is so silly
If you didn't care that you hit your own dude, just shoot some more at them so you actually hit them or don't at all
Hot take, but I'm gonna miss Sabine's long hair. The reddish orange and purple looked real good
Wish I made a bingo for this show cause "rebels epilogue shot gets remade" would've def been on there lmao
"It's more me" πŸ₯Ί
I just realised the real threat to Ahsoka in this show is not any force user or Thrawn or whatever.
It's that she's taken on the role of mentor, a dangerous profession to have in any media but especially star wars
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worfianism Β· 1 year
Ahsoka Ep 5
Spoilers ahead
Jacen is so freaking cute
Huyang holding Sabine's helmet 😭 saying that he told them to stay together
Oh gosh 😭😭😭 huyang feeling like he lost more of the little family he has left of the culture that he belongs to
Anakin!!! You look old!!!
Trust me you lost!
Always the teacher, still a menace
One is never too old to learn snips!! What's the lesson master!!!!
Live or die!!!!!! I won't fight you!!! I've heard that before!
Leia mention!
Ahsoka makes snippy remarks at anakin as they fight and then anakin smirking and cutting the ground out from under her
Also omg watching Hayden fight is soooooo
Baby Ahsoka!!! Baby Anakin!!! Clone wars!!!!!
No dont please Anakin's little smile as he says no kidding
Baby Ahsoka's actor is great!!
Oh no please Ahsoka sitting with Clone troopers as they die but also Adult Ahsoka's o66 trauma 😭😭😭😭
Also baby anakin hair swoop my beloved
Anakin comforting Ahsoka, actually offering wisdom being the Anakin that people actually end up adoring on clone wars
Ughhh God the problem is anakin is so not clear cut, he turns into a genocidal maniac but the beauty of the character is that you can't help but see what he could have been if he had pressed into his good qualities and actually attempted to be a good jedi and god I love him so much but also I hate him for making the bad choices
Ahsoka asking if she has anything to offer her padawan that isn't war and blaming herself for things
Anakin joking around to keep spirits up and them arguing 😭😭😭😭😭
What was he (anakin) like? Intense πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
Oooo they're on mandalore!!! She's really got the mannerisms down between pre and post the wrong jedi ahsoka
Anakin giving his verdict on Mandalore 😭
Anakin!!!! Being all annoyed that someone would dare bring up his 20 year rampage across the galaxy!! Just as Ahsoka has to face her past I think anakin has to face his!
Ahsoka with the golden eyes for just a moment and then saying she chooses to live 😭😭😭😭
There's hope for you yet 😭😭😭😭😭
Oh Anakin 😭😭
Also the world between worlds looks gorgeous
Oh Ahsoka without her head covering looks kinda weird
There's something about Ahsoka and Jacen hugging that makes me soooo 😭😭😭
Since when did Ahsoka have Force Psychometry????? Why can she sense object memories????
Wish me luck! It's like she's got a bit of her cocky youth back again now that she's faced Anakin
The purrgils <33333
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