#but chaos reigns so i might need to find a way to muster through it lol
flintbian · 2 years
Can someone tell me what gtn/The Locked Tomb series is actually about? Unfortunately when people recommend it they often just say "lesbians necromancers in space" and that just ain't enough,,, but I see it all over my dash and I'm curious 👀
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pink-purplesunset · 3 years
A light cannot exist without shadow.
Before the history that people like you and I know, Gods walked the Earth like common man. Virgin lands laid untouched and unbroken, waters ran clear and free of debris. Gods had a much simpler view on life. Many things as well as what happened to mere mortals, left them unbothered. Because of this, they then chose to leave the land, returning to the sky. In their wake they left their children to rule Earth, to keep it from ending in chaos.
There were two sides both ruled by family blood, one of light, the other of dark. The first born, named Jin, came to be known as a being of darkness, an evil no one had seen before. Soon many others who shared that same deep iniquity began to follow him, morphing into what the people called Dreadlings. They took a form stuck between light and dark, eventually forming the largest army of men and women on the planet. With this power Jin ruled the planet and for many years all people knew was darkness.
Years later, his sister gracefully named Nabi, was born. She radiated light, love and all that is good and had come into the world as a bright beacon for many. Her union onto Earth had been celebrated, a prophecy had been filled giving many the courage to stand up to the darkness that had overtaken the land. Nabi was quickly labeled their savior, and thrust into the role of Earth's Guardian.
Contradictory to might you may think, both sides united as one.
With a small army Nabi confronted her brother, her charms and purity quickly talking him down from his horrid reign. From that day both siblings remained close and confided in each other to rule to planet as two instead of one. Peace was to remain on both sides for the remainder of their immortal lives, both making agreements to never harm one another.
Many years later is where this story begins.
On an ordinary day, one with warm winds and feathery skies, a hummed song hangs in the air, coming from a figure that bathes in a waterfall nearby. The area is secluded on each side by natural rocks and tall pine trees, a field of colorful wild flowers blanketing the surrounding area.
Nabi runs her fingers through silvery locks, sighing in ecstasy when the cold-water leaves goosebumps on her skin in contrast to the warm sun. She was used to days like this, with birds chirping in her ear and the smell of wild mint in the air.
Every day was almost completely the same for her and had been since her descend onto Earth.
She would be awoken by one of her chambermaids, they would help her into a morning steam, feed her, brush her hair and adorn her in clothes and jewelry that were made by the God Plutus, a regular gift she would receive from her family to praise her for getting along with her brother. Then she would be whisked off to play the role of mediator and politician, listening to the complaints and opinions of the people, an event the Primary Gods had suggested to keep the people happy, only to then be ushered into the Chapel to be broadcasted across the world giving the morning prayers. Something enforced by the clergy so that the Primary Gods would not be forgotten. By noon, she was off to some lectures which gave her more insight on how the common man lived, giving her a looks at which areas of the world needed her healing the most.
She lived this life everyday without stray. Until recently.
She, her brother and their armies, where the only being on Earth that could manipulate reality. Nabi could control elements, weather, the human body and much more. Her brother could do the same but in opposite effects. She found herself free time under the mask of ability training.
A few hours before dusk she would visit the stable under disguise and gallop off on her favorite friesian outside the kingdom walls to a place she only knew. Here she could be herself, do what she wanted and imagine a life where she was normal. A life where she would be able to find a love, have kids and a simple job before coming home for the night to a family.
This became her new normal.
Gradually her brother began to find out, only giving her a mild scolding before focusing on the many tasks that encompassed a a kingdom. Eventually as she would sneak out more and was caught, the scolding became punishment.
There was many rules amongst her life and one of them was never letting someone outside the inner walls of the palace to see her appearance. She was a goddess of purity, anyone who started to lust after her could taint her aura, eventually turning her into a being like her brother. The Primary Gods demanded balance, she was to never be tainted or it would bring the end to her and her brother.
But Nabi had a rebellious soul. She would continue to sneak out, no matter what her brother threatened.
Nabi sighed in delight once again as the water left small pools on her body, smiling when she noticed a curious bystander near the entrance to her secluded area. She knew him well, a soldier sided with the light and a fierce warrior she had watched from the sidelines for some time now. He had been drawn in by the sweet sound of her voice before, something he could not resist. He had visited her often within the past months, giving her something, someone, to look forward to.
She knew he could not see much of her as the waterfall did well to give her a natural veil, all to be seen was her hair, as it twinkled like stars whenever the light caught it. She watched as he stared in wonder, still oblivious to her own. She abruptly stopped the humming and stepped out of the running water allowing her eyes to peer into his own, which now were splayed wide with fear.
It was absolute law never to approach or see the Guardian unless given clearance, offenders would face the wrath of Jin aka death.
Before he could run, Nabi let out a small chuckle making him stop in his tracks. She held eye contact with him, not bothering to dress in her robes before she walked forward.
He had seen her like this before.
"You came to see me again." She smiled.
Not believing his senses the man remained frozen. Nabi made her way directly in front of him, in all her glory. She continued to smile, trying to fill the man with ease.
"You are Jimin correct?" Her features remained soft and her eyes twinkled. "You should really try and hide yourself more, I catch you being here everytime." He continued to gape at her, not sure of how to react. "It's nice to meet you again." She added with a grin, her hand glided from her side to grab his.
Jimin gulped and continued to stare at her flawless skin.
"I- I did not mean to oppose on you Guardian."
He then diverted his eyes down, not mustering the courage to bring his hand away from hers.
With a small laugh Nabi pulled him closer to her. Her unoccupied hand came up and began stroking the man's hair. Causing Jimin to hold his breath.
"It's alright." She laughs. "you being here tends to make my day." She hugged him a little closer, always eager for a warm embrace. "Besides... I happen to know that you like being here too."
Within her embrace she allows the memories she had taken from him to flow back. With a small gasp Jimin brings his eyes back to hers.
Nabi laughs at the familiar reaction.
"Please stay." She whispers once she recognizes the familiar lust that settles in his eyes.
Jimin lets out the breath he was holding and pushes away from her in shock.
"Am I not to be punished?!" He spoke loudly. Causing Nabi's smile to slip. "Isn't this breaking the law?!
Putting back on her smiley mask, she puts both hands over the man's mouth. She could never get used to his reaction, even after experiencing it many times.
"My brother is not here and you side with me. Fear nothing."
She takes her hands away and wraps one around his wrist dragging him backwards with her into the water.
"Come now."
Nabi frowns when he is not looking as she is running behind schedule now and her guards will soon come looking for her.
Jimin does nothing but comply, hushed by her words and newly acquired memories serving him well. When both are fully under the roaring waterfall, he smiles at the small invisible bubble protecting them from the heavy water above. He eyes Nabi from head to toe before capturing her lips in his. She smiles at him in childish wonderment before diving back into him for more. His hands begin to move over her body, ghosting over her nipples to pull a moan from her. He bites her lip as he smiles although it begins to fall.
"Please don't take these memories away from me again." He asks in a pleading whisper.
He looks into her eyes and can tell she's hiding from him.
From yards away both of them can hear the footfalls of horses.
"I'm afraid we must part now." She breathes out, distancing herself but catching his hands in hers once again. "Please visit again, I really miss you when you're gone."
A sadness overtakes Jimin's face but is quickly replaced with panic as Nabi places her hand on his forehead and wipes the memories of their meeting from his mind. She places him gently on the dry moss below them, her magic still protecting the area from the water above.
With one final look she once again leaves the waterfall and dresses in time for her guards to appear through the trees. One dressed in gold ornate armor, displaying her own insignia, the other made up in an armor of volcanic rock that somehow still glows red hot.
"You know the entire palace begins to panic in your absence." States the one in gold. He looks to his side where Jin's soldier stands. "Please do not force me out here with one of the Dreadlings again."
Nabi smiles and begins to walk towards the two.
"Where would the kingdom be without you playing my babysitter Hobi?" She allows them to place her veil over her head and help her onto her horse. "Although I do agree that my brother did not have to send one of his own." She squints at the heat radiating off the man as she looks at him. "The fresh air must feel like poison to you V."
The dark soldier remains stoic and leaves to mount his own horse with no reply.
"Always a man of many words." Remarks Hobi as they all set off towards the palace.
The ride takes them down the steep mountainside, through a forest of large cedars and along the edge of the wall that surrounds the kingdom. They tactfully stop at a spot on the northside of the wall, where Nabi is able to manipulate some loose rock and allow a gap big enough for them to walk through with their horses.
"How will your brother feel knowing you have left the walls again?" V finally speaks up once they are inside.
Nabi just smiles and closes the wall behind them.
"Why must you threaten me with this same line every time you're forced to fetch me? We both know you don't plan on telling him. "
V sighs and continues to peer forwards, knowing too that she speaks the truth. After a few more minutes sulking he again speaks up.
"You rely too much on the false relationship you've created for us in your head. You know who I remain loyal to."
Nabi giggles and shakes off the remark.
"Ok, Ok Mr. IHateFriendshipandLove. I will believe your words from now on until proven otherwise." She rides up closer to him and whispers "I'll tell the chefs to serve japchae in the commissary tonight." He shivers from their closeness while with a wink she makes her way away from him and towards Hobi.
After follows a few minutes of silence with the exception of chuckles she and Hobi share in their own conversation. V then clears his throat, edging his horse on to get closer to the two. He makes sure to make eye contact with Nabi.
"Although I do not appreciate the endearment of friendship, I will gladly accept the food."
He then hurries his horse forward.
Behind him, Nabi and Hobi share another knowing look and a small laugh as they continue to the gate of the palace. It is a massive structure, half white, half black marble, with gold welded gates connecting it's center. On all sides it is guarded by a mix of gold and black clade soldiers.
"May the dark bring forth the light!" All the soldiers shout when they identify her and draw the gate upwards.
Entering, Nabi breaks off from her two escorts, turning in her saddle to address the two men.
"You guys can head back to the barracks, I can take it from here."
Hobi gives her a deliberate glare.
"Promise to appear before your brother as soon as possible so he does not kill us both and NO more adventures today." He makes sure to point at her to add emphasis.
Nabi rolls her eyes. "I would never allow him to do such a thing." Hobi opens his mouth ready to retort. "-But I promise to see him to save you both from his nagging."
"Thank you, milady." Hobi jeers with a silly bow, still on his horse. "Now stay out of trouble and I shall see you later after dinner." He gives a big wave and follows V towards the side of the palace where workers and military are housed.
"Let's go Lucent." She pats her horse's shoulder and gives him a small squeeze to continue to the stable she and Jin shared.
Like usual, the overly decorated palace yards were occupied by the gardeners that kept it looking clean and the pious followers that would used the gardens as a place to pray. Regardless of who they were, when they noticed Nabi, they would drop what they were doing to pay respect to her. Something she did not always enjoy. Finally making her way towards the royal wing and the stables that connected to it, she was met by her stable hand Yoongi with is arms crossed.
"Overstayed your time outside again I see." He uncrossed his arms and grabbed her horse by the bridle. "I should have known something was up when Lucent was gone from his stall again this morning." He gave a small smile while petting the horse on his nose. He looked up to Nabi "Do you want me to put him away for you?"
Nabi dismounted and gave Lucent a big hug around his neck.
"Yes, thank you. You're once again a lifesaver Yoongi." She let go of the horse and handed the reins over to him. "I'm unfortunately late to a meeting to humor my brother right now, as it seems everyone in the palace knows I was outside again."
"You're not exactly secretive about it anymore." Yoongi states.
Nabi gives him a cheeky smile. Yoongi clears his throat and begins to take care of the horse. "Sorry Guardian, I'll just be on my way."
He walks away and glances behind him to see Nabi gathering her long robes and hurriedly walking up the many steps that led to the entrance of the colossal palace.
Nabi could hear Yoongi's small laugh from behind her as she went, making her smile.
Many of the palace workers that recognized her would too stop what they were doing to bow, she would do her best to do the same with her hurried pace. Not even bothering to change out of her normal robes, a somewhat dull look compared to her usual attire to help her blend in, as she ran to find the door to her brother's room.
Stepping inside, she was met with a brotherless room. She wrapped her arms around herself, needing a source of comfort to prepare her for the talk she was about to get. There was nothing dark and scary about the place, but it still caused a cold chill to run down her back and the hairs on her arms raise. The room was very well kept considering Jin did not let any workers into the room or around his belongings. As she walked further in, the corner of the room drew Nabi's attention where a large canvas sat, the first few details of a panting started. There was a deep emotion attached to it, something dark and consuming, as well as many other feelings she was unable to be explain, it was all lost to her. On the painting, all she could make out was a figure in gold armor, the face all too familiar.
"Do you like it?" Jin whispered out of nowhere making her jump.
"Brother." She breathes out, spinning to face him, holding her heart. "I was just admiring what you've started."
Jin faces the painting but looks towards Nabi out of the corner of his eye.
"I needed something to do when I cannot sleep. My dreams have not been kind recently."
One of Jin's individual traits was seeing the future in his dreams.
"I told you to come find me when you are troubled." Nabi worries over him and places a hand on his forearm.
Jin places his hand over her own.
"It is but a small issue for the time being, the dreams change daily. You know I'd come to you if it were anything important."
Nabi looks to her brother as he further studies the mostly empty canvas. The bad feelings inside her grow worse.
"I sense something growing, it radiates around the room. It makes me sick to my stomach." She barely speaks out loud.
Jin shows no further emotion but she can tell he fakes a smile as he turns to her again.
"I doubt it has anything to do with the otherworldly. I shall send one of your maidens to get you a medicine. Go rest and try not to venture too far from the walls again."
Nabi froze, hoping to skip the scolding today.
"I'm sorry-"
Jin raises a hand to stop her.
"I sent another to watch you. A little birdy had told me V has been less than useful lately."
Nabi tries to show no fear in her features but couldn't withhold her good nature.
"You didn't hurt him, did you?"
Jin looks to the ground with a small laugh but his eyes snap to her full of rigidness.
"My soldiers should be none of your concern sister."
A very uncommon emotion for Nabi started to rear its head. She clenched her fists to her side, nails digging into her palms.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" She breathes out trying to calm herself. "Do I not rule this kingdom by your side? Are we not equals?" She steps further into his space. "Tell me if he's hurt so I can help him."
Jin closes the gap between them, capturing her chin between his fingers.
"You know better than to speak to me that way. Know your place girl and do not test me."
She pushes away from his grasp but does not retreat.
"Know my place?! You are nothing without me." She growls.
Jin looked to her with a raised brow, a smirk growing, he breaks the tension with loud claps.
"Now this is a side of you I've rarely seen, let's hope your holy followers in the palace have not heard." He crosses his arms, his right hand playing with his chin in thought. "Although I quite like this side of you." His sickening smile grows.
Nabi comes back to reality quickly, a little shocked herself.
"I-I'm sorry brother." She holds her hands close to her chest. Panic setting her pulse ablaze. "It's this room it makes me...on edge. I do not understand these emotions I'm feeling."
Jin gives her a dismissive gesture, Nabi could not help but feel as though he had meant this meeting to go this way. Like he had expected her to act in such a way.
"Apology accepted." He grabs her by the shoulders and aims her towards the door. "Leave me and get some rest. I'll help the cooks make your favorite soup for dinner."
Nabi turns to hug her brother, not used to small spats with him.
"I love you brother."
Jin lets out a small sigh but answers back.
"As do I sister."
She did not feel any emotion behind the words.
He gently pulls her off himself and walks her to his door. Nabi shows herself out as he closes the door behind her. She catches her lip in her teeth trying to understand the interaction that happened minutes ago, her mind drawing a blank. She can count on one hand the amount of times she has felt anger before, and each has left her with a sense of amnesia. Her soul was not made to house such an emotion. She was created to do and spread good, not to wish harm among others.
Unlike her brother, Nabi is closer in comparison to those who are considered a normal person. Some say she has not reached her full potential yet; she believes she was made that way for a reason. To further her knowing of empathy among the humans, something she cannot rule without.
A hand reaches out to grab her arm. Startling her once again into reality. She did not know how long she had been standing outside her brother's door.
"Guardian." One of her maids, Sara, greets her. "I was told you are not feeling well. Allow me to lead you to your suite."
Nabi just nods. Slipping back into her mind. She contemplates the occurrences in her life, those that had led her into small fits of anger. The first occurrence being when she was a child and a follower had offered her a small poodle as a gift. Later in the day another child had tried to play with it, resulting in the kid crying in the dirt with a bloody nose. The other big occurrence being over a tear in her favorite dress, where she was then being rushed away from a fire, she had started over the bush that had torn it. Today's incident was nowhere near the worse, but it had been a good five years since she had been lost away in such blackness.
Numbly she finally realizes that the sun has set, and she has been tucked into her oversized bed. Sara places a tray full of fruits and the soup her brother had made on her lap.
"You brother said there's leftovers in the kitchen must you want more. I'll be right outside if you need anything more of me."
Nabi gives her a small smile and begins to pick at the fruit on her tray. Usually being her favorite thing to eat, the soup her brother had made seeps off the smell of rotting flesh, quickly making her throw up everything she had eaten that day.
"My dear." Sara runs to her side, starting to clean up the mess. "Are you feeling that ill Guardian?"
She begins to feel her head for signs of fever, while drawing Nabi up from her soiled bed.
"Please sit." She sets Nabi down on an overstuffed couch. "I'll make another bath for you."
Her consciousness fades in and out, finally laying way to a dreamland.
She is once again in her favorite place. The water roars above her but she is not alone. A familiar figure stands in her embrace and warms her soul. With such a perfect scene, she is surprised to find tears covering her cheeks. A deep ache resonates through her chest, she looks down so see a black liquid staining her skin and a hole where her heart should be. Without a warning the man brushes the tears from her face, then brushes back small strands of hair. He captures her cheeks in both hands before kissing her. He smells of earth and tastes of mint. Her heart begins to thrum happily, quicker and quicker as the kiss develops into one of shared tongues and quiet sighs. The ache in her chest also grows. She breaks the kiss to looks down upon herself again, seeing cracks splintering over her skin like cracked stone. It is realized then what this dream is trying to tell her, the thing that would continue to bring on these dark occurrences in her life. If she continued on her path, Love would surely be the best and worst thing to ever happen to her.
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inforapound · 4 years
With Our Eyes Shut Ch.5
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A/N - Thanks for reading. This chapter has a little angst, alot of brotherly love.. Chapter 4 here. 
Pairing - Sigefrid and Genevieve 
The morning progressed like any other preparing for a raid with the men packing their horses and weapons for the ride to the next doomed village. Despite the shock the previous night, Genevieve rose ahead of Sigefrid and slipped out of the tent, busying herself, tidying the mess from the men's night of drinking.
When the time came, Sigefrid called her over to where he stood with his decorated war-horse, fitted with as much leather and fur-trimmed armour as him. She stood before him and his eyes flitted over her; her bowed face and soft shoulders, lips in a slight simper, making her appear almost bashful. He fucking loved it. Inhaling deeply, he inwardly sighed, the feel of her curves holding her all night, the smell of her hair and skin, flashed through his mind making his nostrils flare.
Taking a step closer, he picked up a lock of her long brown hair, placing it behind her shoulder. It was a tiny gesture but somehow meant to remind her that things had changed, and he was not going back.
"You stay close to the camp today. We will be back by dusk." Motioning with his head, he glanced over at the cook-fire where the male thralls were stacking freshly cut wood. "If you need water, send one of the boys to the creek."
Nodding, her eyes lifted just enough to meet his gaze for an instant.
"Hey," he hunched down in order to catch and hold her eye. "I will see you in a while, eh?" Those were the most romantic words of farewell he could muster.
Nodding again, her lashes fluttered and she smiled but it quickly faded. "Do come back though," she whispered, the center of her dark brows pinching.
Shifting even closer, his eyes brightened and he felt a thrill at the thought of her being concerned. "I will go to Valhalla one day, but not today, and not by the blade of any Saxon villager."
She nodded again and he could no longer resist. Reaching up, he cupped her cheek with his large weathered hand, his thumb sweeping away a speck of ash from her lightly freckled skin. She did not reach for him, but held his gaze, staring up into his dark eyes; eyes that were fixed on her pale pink lips. Like the fierce, Lord of Chaos yet chicken-shit-warrior he was, he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Gods help him, he inwardly cringed, nearly shaking his head. But when he pulled back she was smiling, clearly happy with the outcome.
"See you tonight," she whispered, and turned away, heading toward the cook fire, peering back once over her shoulder.
Ready to leave his embarrassment in the dust, he mounted his horse glancing at his grinning brother and their similarly grinning men.
Grabbing the reins with his hand, he held his blade high above his head, "Today, we raid and send a message to Alfred that we are here to stay!" his voice boomed through the camp. "Let us strip them of their wealth and ride back rich, get drunk, and wake in warm beds."
Maneuvering his horse in a tight circle, his eye caught her smile one last time making his chest puff and him roar again into the air. Giving his horse a firm kick, he led the men out of camp, riding tall as if he possessed the invincibility of the Gods.
The men raided well and for the second time, there was little need for the clashing of swords. The threat of the Danes was now so realized that few picked up weapons to defend and instead fled to the forest to hide.
The spoils were less than the previous day but Sigefrid uncovered a finely crafted gold ring with a perfectly round, prong-set pearl. It was well crafted, with a simple beauty, small in size and perfect for the finger of a woman. Picking it up, he turned it over in his large hand before holding it up for Erik to see. The fair-haired Thurgilson responded with a simple smile and an encouraging nod.
The ride back was a joyous one with the men laughing and at one point, racing their horses over a hill through an open field. Arriving back, the buzz of excitement abruptly ended when they found the camp abandoned, the cookfire cold, and one of the thrall boys crumpled on the ground with a deep gash to his throat.
The camp was scoured and an enraged Sigefrid, incapable of tempering his panic, stormed about barking orders to find her.
"Where is she!" he screamed rushing out from checking their tent. "Where is she!"
His breath was heaving and his nearly black eyes were wild, scanning the area and surrounding trees.
"Sigefrid, here!" Erik called from somewhere over the slope and that led to the river on the edge of the camp. Rushing down the hill with three of his men, Sigefrid lurched to a stop seeing Erik crouched over the other thrall, badly wounded and barely conscious.
Blood covered his torso making it hard to know the extent of his injuries but it was clear, he had little time.
"Boy!" Sigefrid called as he approached, "What happened?"
Coughing weakly, the kid's drowsy eyes slowly tracked from Erik's face over to Sigefrid. "Where is Genevieve?" He pressed.
"Haesten," the thrall whispered and Sigefrid's eyes flashed wide.
"How long ago?"
"Not long," he uttered trying to point across the river to indicate the direction.
"Erik!" Sigefrid yelled as he turned away and began running up the hill toward their horses.
"You did well," Erik said to the boy, giving a nod, before placing his dagger to the young man's throat and putting an end to his suffering.
"Brother!" Erik yelled at Sigefrid's back, but he did not stop. "Brother!" He repeated as they rode single file through the narrow trees.
Their warriors rode in tow as they followed a dear path, the only visible way. The ground on either side was so densely covered with underbrush and bramble, it was impossible to lead their horses off the trail.
"Sigefrid!" He hollered again and this time, the older Thurgilson slowed his horse to a stop, each rider halting in succession.
"Let us stop and think about where he may be heading."
"We are losing time, she could already be dead," Sigefrid snapped back over his shoulder.
"You and I both know," Erik paused, clearing his throat, "that is not what he took her for."
Gritting his teeth, Sigefrid said nothing, his head and chest so tight, it felt like they might tear.
"If the boy was correct, this is likely the only path he could have taken," Erik continued, seeing that his brother was too furious to speak. "We will keep on but the light is fading and we will have to stop, at some point, for the night."
"You will have to stop for the night," Sigefrid replied, adjusting the reigns in his hand, his heal knocking the side of the horse to go.
The sun bid farewell and despite the star-lit sky, the forest was cloaked in blackness. The usual sounds of the night's creatures were absorbed by the rush of moving water from another river somewhere ahead. Grunting, frustrated, Sigefrid stopped and dismounted, not saying what everyone likely knew, that it was too dangerous to ascend the rocky slope to the water at night.
As the others followed his lead and lowered to the ground, offering their horses what water they had, Sigefrid, in the pitch black, unpacked his weapons and strapped them on.
Without a word, he headed off, continuing on foot, skidding on his heels down the dark path, his bladed arm extended in front to block branches from hitting his face. Hearing movement behind, he stopped and turned.
"Did you think I would let you carry on without me?" Erik asked, standing in the dark, equipped with his own weapons, even a bow slung over his arm.
Despite knowing his little brother could not see, Sigefrid nodded before turning back and carrying on toward the river's edge. Without a definitive plan, they moved in the direction of the water knowing its edge would provide a rocky but bramble free path.
Every step placed on the uneven ground, every breath drawn seemed to stir a new fear of what vile treatment she could be enduring. Bound, beaten, the images of Haesten's filthy body over hers plagued his mind; her beautiful face contorted in pain. He wanted to scream. It was his fault, entirely his fault. He should have hunted Haesten the previous night and slit his guts like a hog. Instead, he left her with the protection of children; young boys who were no match for a Dane with a sword.
"Sigefrid," Erik called from behind. "Let us make a plan."
Grunting, Sigefrid stopped, and lowered to a crouch, scooping water from the river into his hand to drink. Erik was right, they were rudderless, armed to the tits and stumbling in the dark.
Looking over, he could just make out Erik's outline, also taking water in his hand. "All I have done is..."
A noise sounded from somewhere in the distance making him freeze and lift his ear. It could have almost been the call of a bird, something shrill but at this late hour, he thought it unlikely.
"With the water, it is hard to know where that came from," Erik said and Sigefrid felt a rush of relief that he had not imagined it.
Pushing to stand, he waited, afraid to walk and miss another sign.... but after some time, none came.
"Does the sky seem brighter ahead?" Sigefrid asked, tipping his head back and looking up. There was no glow from a camp but there was a dark patch in the sky where the stars seemed less bright. "Let's go," he said, not waiting for a response, starting off into a run.
Without thinking, he stepped into the river, wading up to his chest, heading to the far side. The current was strong threatening his step but he pushed on, glancing behind to see Erik following, also up to his chest. Once out, they continued along the shore, Sigefrid rushing as if the direction was clear.
Through the trees, up from the river, the slightest flicker caught his eyes. Slowing, he motioned for Erik to look as they moved away from the water and into the tree line for cover.
Another scream ripped through the night and his heart lurched; she was there, Genevieve was there. Holding his breath, his pulse began to race, thundering in his ears.
As they rounded an outcrop of rocks, his worst nightmare came into sight. A large bonfire lit the scene; Haesten was standing, turned away, facing Genevieve in front. Hands over her head, she stood, strung to the branch of a large tree with a gag-like bandana in her mouth.
His blood boiled and he wanted to throw his ax, his sword, stab that filthy letch until his body bloated like a full skin of ale. Erik's hand on his shoulder made him flinch.
"It is far but I am sure I saw the glint of a blade in his hand," Erik murmured keeping his voice low. "The distance is still too great, but the noise of the river will cover our steps. If he does not turn, we may be able to reach him before we give ourselves away."
Saying nothing, Sigefrid stepped forward, his fury threatening to spill as he watched her struggle on the line while Haesten ran his hand up and down her body over her dress. The bastard placed his dagger to her chest, slipping it below the laces at her bust and began cutting the ties, making her squeal again. It twisted Sigefrid's insides and took every bit of his strength not to run and hurl his blade.
Stalking forward, he silently snarled as Haesten ripped the front of her dress apart, exposing most of her breasts. She sobbed through the cloth gag as his grubby hand kneaded her chest. Sigefrid could not hear what vile things Haesten was saying but he watched her turn her face from him, straining to get away.
Squirming, she managed to pull back enough to lift her knee and kick him between his short stubby legs. Stumbling back, he planted his feet, knife still in hand and lunged forward, grabbing her face.
At that Sigefrid broke into a run, gripping his ax, now close enough to hear Haesten's threats. Focusing on the center of Haesten's back, Sigefrid drew in a deep breath and raised his ax when, over Haesten's shoulder, Genevieve spotted him approaching. Haesten tensed, whipping his head around to look, his blade still pressed to her skin. Sigefrid lurched to a stop, frozen, as did Erik behind.
"My lord," Haesten seemed to cover any shock with a slick crooning voice, "I should not be surprised. I was expecting to see you.... sooner or later."
Snarling like a beast, Sigefrid's bared his teeth, his arm shaking, wanting to let his ax fly. His eyes darting back and forth between Haesten and the point of the knife poking at her sternum.
"Can you blame me, Lord? I had hoped to have time alone with her...proper time," he lowered his chin, smirking, "before slitting her throat but.... here we are."
Keeping his eyes on Sigefrid, Haesten raised his dagger to her throat and Genevieve braced, squeezing her eyes shut.
"No!" Sigefrid shouted and charged forward.
The rush of something whizzed passed his ear and Haesten's body jolted as an arrow ripped through the skin on the side of his throat.
Gasping against the gag, Genevieve opened her eyes, watching him fumbled back and drop the knife, clutching his throat with the point of the arrow protruding out the other side. Instantly, he dropped to his knees, falling onto all fours.
"Genevieve!" Sigefrid called and her shocked eyes returned to his, breaking again with tears.
Stopping just steps away, he lifted his ax and in one sweep brought it down, cutting Haesten's head clean off his neck.
Dropping the ax, he stepped to her, using his blade to cut the gag free from her head, then wrapping his arm around her and carefully slicing the ropes above.
She slumped into his arms, her small hands clinging to his chest as he hugged her tight against his still wet body. Guilt, anger, and sweet relief flooded every part of him. The thought of what could have been still a spear stuck in his heart.
"Are you hurt?" He pressed his lips to the top of her hair but she did not answer. Leaning back, he reached up and cupped her cheek in his hand, lifting her face to his. "Gen, did he hurt you?"
Shaking her head, she closed her eyes, more tears slipping out. "No," she whimpered, and opened her brown eyes, staring up into his. "He did not get the chance."
Pulling her against him, he embraced her again, resting the side of his face to hers. Closing his own eyes, he silently gave thanks to the Gods, grateful he found her, grateful to Erik who still stood behind with the bow in his hand, and grateful he would have the chance to love her, as he had, all along.
@naaladareia​​​​​​​ @geekandbooknerd​​​​​​​​​  @hecohansen31​​​​​​​​  @mdredwine​​​​​​​​ @ceridwenofwales​​​​​​​ @whenimaunicorn​​​​​​​ @laketaj24​​​​​​​ @xbellaxcarolinax​​​​​​​ @medievalfangirl​​​​​​ @edythofhastings​​​​​
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who wages a war in white gold on AO3
chapter 7: poison
Ly’Xrius, 3 months previously
“Take her.” The Doctor drowsily looked up from her restless nap in her corner, she wasn’t sure how long she had dosed off, but it had gotten quite uncomfortable quite quickly.
She was almost sure another bunch of hours had passed, but the disorientation of the teleportation and now the deprivation of any stimulans had the Doctor completely zonked out, to a point that she wasn’t sure anymore what was left and what was right.
And if she was very honest, it scared her quite a bit.
Without any permission two people grabbed her arms and pulled her up, her hood falling away from her face, while one of the two people that pulled her up punched her in the gut for good measure.
“Don’t you dare to try and pull anything, Doctor. Next time we won’t be so nice.” The utter tone of anger made the Doctor wonder how much they actually knew about her, the plan and her involvement with it.
For once the Doctor decided to leave the sass at the door, now that it was just her in danger she had more time to balance out her next moves and decisions, something that with the fam around normally wasn’t possible, getting them out of the situation as quickly as possible was always the first thing the Doctor wanted to achieve.
When the Doctor was pulled upright she couldn’t for the sake of it all get her feet to cooperate, which meant that they were dragging along the dirt floor, sometimes catching onto a stone or a ridge, but never really able to get any footing.
No food, barely any sleep and the utter anxiety of the situation making her lethargic, something that hadn’t happened before.
Is this my body’s way of saying that this time I’ve gone too far? The Doctor wondered, while trying to at least capture her surroundings.
She felt drowsy now, and she was sure it wasn’t just because she was tired.
There was more to it than that, she was sure of it.
The Doctor was dumped on her knees in something that could be best described as a cave of some sort, all rough stones and it didn’t look very manmade. She was now also almost 100 percent sure that the reason why the base of the Continental Army was so hard to find was because everything was underground.
The Doctor, kneeling in the middle of the cavernous space tried to look around, but only a few small sources of light wasn’t enough for her addled brain to figure out where exactly she was. Being surrounded by people with big guns didn’t help either.
“Hello, doctor” the distaste in the voice of whoever this person was made the Doctor shudder right on the spot.
Wasn’t she universally liked by every single person in the universe?
That was a lie, and she knew it, but she wasn’t sure what she had done so far to be on such grievous ground with anyone from the Continental Army.
Except her plan, which might be the reason why she was now here in the first place.
Someone was now standing in front of the Doctor, and when she finally mustered up the energy to look up at who it was exactly she couldn’t help but gasp.
“I’m glad to see I instil such a reaction into the beast of Trenzalore, which means that you aren’t as great and heroic as the people of the Royal household seem to think you are.” The distaste was apparent, and at the same time the Doctor also realised that to some extent with some of their ideas and plans Caleb had been so abhorrent and distant from them.
Because in front of her was Caleb, the Kings right hand man. And it was now oh so clear why his vocal disobedience was so in tune with what the Continental Army wanted.
He was their leader, he was using his position as the Kings right hand man to his advantage. He wanted to overthrow the Reigning king, and for what? The Doctor was sure it was only for his own gain, nothing more and nothing less.
“You son of a…!” the Doctor seethed, while trying to lunge forward out of her kneeling position towards Caleb, who to the Doctors satisfaction took a step backwards. At least he had the audacity to be afraid of her
Her idea of attacking Caleb didn’t get far, because what she hadn’t realized was that one of the guards was right behind her with some sort of stick, hitting her square between the shoulders and making her fall towards the unforgiving ground. While trying to breathe through the pain, Caleb lowered himself towards the Doctor’s level, his grin all teeth and no remorse.
“Didn’t expect that, did you Doctor? We were amongst your ranks all along, and you didn’t even know it. Trust me that not rubbing this little tit bit of information into your face every time you went all look at how superior I am on us in our battle meetings was hard. But here we are, and oh am I glad that I observed correctly that if I’d go after people you love you’d sacrifice yourself in a heartbeat.” The Doctor just looked at Caleb, not really sure what he wanted from her. If it was information he was after then she could tell him straight away she wouldn’t give it to him. As if Caleb was reading her mind he answered her question.
“Don’t worry Doctor, I won’t ask you what you were planning, considering I have most of my answers right in my head, I was there when these plans were created remember. Meanwhile you are going to be a good asset to my own plans. I see the poison is starting to work now.” The Doctor frowned, she would know if she’d been poisoned would she not?
“It’s a good thing I’ve been working on this plan even before you arrived on this planet, it made injecting you with a ready to go poison so much easier, the plus side? You won’t die from it, and at least I’ll know I’ll have a working back up plan if you don’t do what I have in mind for you.” Caleb kept looking at the Doctor’s hands, who had noticed that even if they’d been cuffed in front of her, they’d started to shake.
Might have been the reason why everything feels so slow. The Doctor mused, while looking intensely at her hands.
“What do… you want from me?” The Doctor groaned, while she suddenly felt her stomach do god awful flips. She wasn’t sure if this was going anywhere good. Caleb just grinned, while grabbing the lapels of her jacket and pulling the Doctor roughly upwards to face him.
The world tilted on its axis for the Doctor, while the face of Caleb was her only, albeit awful centre point to the chaos that was now her brain trying to catch up with the situation at hand.
“What I want, Doctor? What I want is to rule this planet, and when I’ve taken over this planet I’ll move on to the next, and the next, and the next! No planet will be safe from me and my wrath. But for that to happen I need the king to be dead, so that I can step in as is rightful heir.” The Doctor swallowed, she’d gotten herself in a right pickle this time.
“You’re delusional, Caleb. You’re delusional to think that me and my friends will ever let that happen.” The Doctor swallowed, she suddenly had the urge to throw up all over Caleb, and if that was the poison, or just her feelings, she wasn’t sure.
“Oh, but Doctor don’t you see? I’m not going to be the one that will kill the king, no, that’s going to be you.”
The Doctor laughed at that, she laughed a laugh that sounded foreign to her own ears, cruel and full of disdain towards the person in front of her.
“Why would you think I’d ever do that for you, Caleb?” The Doctor husked, while she was trying to rebalance herself when Caleb let her go. Her own two legs betraying her a god awful lot while she fell down on her knees. The Doctor couldn’t help but cough, her throat suddenly feeling like sandpaper. What had Caleb given to her?
“Don’t worry, Doctor, all will be revealed in no time to you. I see the poison is making its way towards your organs now, so it might be a good idea to let you suffer and bleed all over your own cell floor. Guards! Take this menace back to where she came from, leave the cuffs on, I need her to suffer as much as possible.” While the Doctor was being pulled up again by her arms she couldn’t help but let her eyes go wide at the little flecks of orange red tinted splatters that were now painted on the floor of the cavern. She tried to struggle out of the guards grasps, but was roughly pulled away from the one person that could give her answers.
Don’t worry, doctor all will be revealed in no time.
read the first 6 chapters on AO3
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