#but dain was too corrupt
wickedcriminal · 6 months
King Lief, where he wasn't actually the true heir to Adin by blood, but was still the true heir by heart.
Where Endon's bloodline really did die, but by uniting the belt, using it wisely, and proving himself worthy to all the tribes in Deltora, Lief became king anyway.
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I remember seeing a (possibly canon, idk man) theory that states that the reason that alchemy tables require mora is because alchemy is basically the transition of matter to other matter, with a little energy from the geo energy lingering on the mora to make the transmutation a lil explainable scientifically
This got me thinking
What if the difference between alchemy and Khemia is that alchemy is the transition from matter to matter (with a little energy to help things along), while Khemia is the transition from energy to matter (with a little matter to help things along)
Maybe the matter used in Khemia (in terms of creating carbon-based things, at least) is chalk, as purified earth, the basis of all life
So if you try and make a living being with Khemia and use the earth as your matter is kinda just… dumps a pile of minerals on the ground near this suspicious dent which wasn’t there a second ago
In albedo’s idle of reanimating that branch, I’d imagine that some of the energy would come of whatever life is still left in the plant
Consider: you can use the energy of your soul to power Khemia. I’d imagine that this would be a limited resource, considering people can only really regenerate kidneys. You might get sick for a bit (or a long bit) so most people only do this in very small quantities.
Now, as far as gold is concerned i believe that she
Was illegitimate
Was from a rich family with shitty parents
Was known as an alchemist prodigy
Attempted to kill her father (~15 years?)
Ran away from police /army for several momths
Was eventually caught, but the government didn’t want to loose such a potentially powerful resource via execution/prison for life
(Was disowned by her parents and adopted by a group (the rhinemaidens) (who she changed her lastnane to reflect)
Signed a deal to work for the government as much ad they needed her in exchange for not going to prison
And she ended up using a *lot* of khemia, to the point where she was facing nerve damage and eventual death on the horizon. A bad thing, obviously
So she sought out some blessing from the abyss that would sustain her and stop from dying from exhaustion, which worked, in exchange for her creating(?) things on behalf of the abyss on occasion
She was generally not credited for any discoveries she made/the actual food created while she worked, as the government wanted to hide the fact they subverted the law process.
This lasted until the mounting if the aggression by the abyss, causing several alchemists to die out on the field, and forcing them to place gold on a higher level of authority due to her level of experience (id say she’s about 28 now)
So she started getting more recognition, though never achieving chief alchemist, until khaenriah eventually fell. Most alchemists died during the cataclysm, leaving her as the head alchemist once there was only a few hundred khaenriahns who weren’t soon to be hilichurls.
As for teyvat’s side of the cataclysm, i believe much of it was due to the fact that all khaenriahn defenses had fell and they couldn’t be a atopgate to abyssal forces descending on teyvat. Additonally, many restraints for domesticated animals likely fell to the wayside and they became feral in a matter of years.
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yaeggravate · 10 months
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how come traveller and paimon didn't notice dainsleif, canonically a HUGE man, approaching with significantly LOUD footsteps (not exaggerating you can actually hear them 😭), and with his ENORMOUS fucking draculan cloak sticking out from every angle 😭😭 directly standing in their line of sight, but kaeya, who can't even glimpse at dainsleif from his right side because of his eyepatch, AND has his back turned to him recognized dainsleif's presence from the moment he started eavesdropping and was the only one aware of his THUNDERING footfalls
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reginrokkr · 11 months
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Truth be said, Dáinsleif did not know what to expect upon encountering the sovereign of waters. It isn't foreign to him the knowledge that dragons detested humans and light— not because any were harmful to them except when they warred against one another, but because they reminded them of the Saint Usurper that took from them what was once theirs: this world. For that reason, he wouldn't be surprised if the dragon in the shape of human decided to ignore him or throw words of resent his way.
What he didn't anticipate is not only that he would acknowledge his presence, but whisper through hushed words sentiments of pity, perhaps even sorrow or sympathy for the beast that has become the primary topic of their conversation— almost as if there is shame in even feeling that way or even daring to voice it out.
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Dark clouds augur rain and the fallen seraph nearly pushes away the motive he has come here to urge him to speak about this elsewhere, lest the contaminated rain —result of the yet to fade defilement's pollution in this world— becomes a more urgent matter to concern themselves about. One drop falls, followed by another, prompting starry gaze to rise and notice that the water is crystal clear. Sapphire glaciers drop to his rising hand thereafter to check a water drop resting atop the palm of his hand and realize that, indeed, it lacks the contamination he would expect. Like in Mondstadt with bloody rain and in Sumeru with pitch black.
◜...◞ Dáinsleif falls into quiescent contemplation as he rises his gaze to look at the dragon before him anew, eyes narrowing for a fraction in wonder. Is it possible that he...? ◜It is not the first time I witness it with these eyes of mine. So yes, I do.◞ His head nods in further confirmation of wisdom to be transmitted and shared as a means to present as a fact emotions he finds hard to connect with— but not to understand. Thus he turns his head to the distant east, where Mondstadt's location should be. ◜Mondstadt was victim of such creature not long ago. A dragon who found beauty in the land of wind and believed it found a friend and was playing with it, when in reality destruction and defilement was created with the flap of its wings.◞
Seraphic attention returns to meet the back of the sovereign in name, now no different than every other man like himself. ◜Neither Durin or Elynas are at fault, but of an unkind mother that entrapped their soul in a body created with dark arts that makes them be that way.◞ Nevertheless, neither of this matters. They could dwell in the unfairness of innocent souls turned into monsters for eternity, yet none of it would help a more urgent state of affairs that can unleash a butterfly effect on more than a country or living being, should this situation stay unchecked— including him. Thus ultimately Dáinsleif comes a step closer to the man, but not more than that: he knows how to exercise precaution both for himself and the other, he hasn't forgotten about his own condition as half a monster.
◜The crisis Fontaine is facing must be resolved, Hydro Dragon.◞
Continued from ✦ || @maquiscursed
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msbrightsides · 2 years
Stolen Heir spoilers:
I like Oak so much better knowing he’s a bloodthirsty little monster. He was all sunshine and rainbows and laughs that I love but knowing he likes killing people and can’t always stop is so interesting. It’s kinda crazy how Madoc was banished and couldn’t hold a weapon but still spent enough time training Oak to corrupt him like that. Or maybe Madoc just unlocked what Oak inherited from Dain all along. He gets his courtly manners from Oriana, Taryn, and growing up there. He learns spy craft and trickery from Jude and the Court of Shadows. He has a knack for attracting potential murderers like Jude too. He is a Greenbriar through and through with being a cheeky bastard and in love w women who cause him trouble. He’s a perfect culmination of his influences. I’m going to be obsessed with him forever.
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hikaru-sama · 9 months
Zhongli x [Reader] angst/no confort pt2
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This post will make reference to THIS other post.
Ft. Traveler and Dainsleif. Hinted god!reader. Headcanon of corrupt Celestia (all governments the same 💀)
@naomeii pls I'm begging you
"While for humans a year is a long time, for us immortal beings it is but a second"
He remembers that sentence he once heard when he was still a mortal being, free from any curse the gods gave him and his people.
And how they tried to help Khaenri'ahns escape from the destruction the Seven caused. They said it was the least they could do for the refuge they asked during the Archon War.
"Is something troubling you Dain?"
"Forgive me, what is you were saying?"
He promised to himself that he would not forget about them.
Or their death on hands of the one they loved most.
"[Reader]. I hope... That one day I'll meet you again and apologize properly to you."
Explanation time! + facts:
Celestia was truly evil. That is why when he agreed on that contract with his old friend, the Tsaritsa. At least that way he felt that he could avenge his first and only love.
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Celestia tricked the archons into a contract for power and they realized that after the fall of Khaenri'ah (also after [Reader]'s death).
During the archon war, [Reader] took refuge in Khaenri'ah.
[Reader] was aware of the corruption of Celestia.
[Reader] and Dainsleif were friends.
Morax fought [Reader] because they were helping Khaenri'ah, and it would break his contract with Celestia if he didn't stop them which in turn broke the contract between him and [Reader]. After he discovered the truth about Celestia he felt immense regret.
[Reader]'s death was accidental. Morax stabbed them too many times and died from blood loss.
Dainsleif never forgot the sacrifice [Reader] made for his nation. He has a necklace they gifted him on his birthday.
And yes, the abyss twin knows [Reader].
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maplleaf · 2 years
"Snow and Stars"
Dainsleif x gn!reader
{cw: Dain pining harder than when Khaenri'ah got destroyed}
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You sighed, the calming warmth after hours of walking around the cold mountain that is Dragonspine finally hits you. The curse that the Gods gave hurts as hell sometimes, but it does ive an extra layer of resistance to the cold.
Surviving the Cataclysm as a Khaenri'ah citizen seems more like a curse than a blessing. The literal curse that the Gods inlaid upon you is a sore thumb. Not wanting to gain attention from people; and possibly Gods, you retreated to Dragonspine. The barren snowland making it easy for you to blend in, it's been like that for the past 500 years.
Unfortunately someone at the Adventurer's Guild decides it would be great to start using Dragonspine as the 'peak of an adventurer's strenght', causing many adventurers to come here.
The sudden interests of adventurers made you uneasy. They pop up unexpectedly in Dragonspine when the only reason you're here is to avoid people for fuck's sake!
You swear to your long-gone homeland that the adventurer would get frostbite.
Just as your legs were starting to feel less numb, you hear footsteps coming from behind.
"Shouldn't you be resting somewhere more safe?"
Ah yes, that deep and recognizable voice. "Dain, you need something?" Just as you looked back, you realized how Dain isn't looking the best as usual, "abyss fight again?"
"You could describe it as that," Dainsleif sat besides you. It's common to see the Twilight Sword alongside you. As the few Khaenri'ah survivors of the Cataclysm who still has their humanity left, the both of you got along well.
You both stayed quiet whilst looking at the corrupted dragon's heart in front of you two; the heavier air doesn't affect the both of you but it does give warmth around the cave. "It's really unsettling that the heart is still beating..." you commented.
Dainsleif chuckled, "then look for another cave to seek warmth, a fire would suffice."
You disregarded his idea with a scoff, "with all the adventurers running around? No thanks. They'll end up dragging me to Mondstadt as a new species of hilichurl or something."
You leaned back against the red ground you're sitting on, feeling much more at ease with the calming warmth and no sounds of anyone else nearby, and of course the added safety from Dainsleif. "So, are you here to regain some energy or just to comment on my life decisions?"
"I wanted some companion, that's all," Dainsleif answered truthfully. After seeing his past soldier back at the Chasm, he wanted some time to be with someone from his past again; even if the two of you didn't know eachother back then.
"A companion," you couldn't help but laugh, "worked out well last time." Dainsleif's lack of words made you feel guilty for the jab, "but I'm glad you came to me, the snowy mountains started to feel lonely."
When the traveler's sibling joined the abyss, Dainsleif devoted his next hundreds of years to prevent them from destroying Teyvat. He expected it to be a long and lonely path; to which his expectations are broken when he finds himself befriending someone with the same curse as him within the snowstorms of Dragonspine.
"It is much safer at least," Dainsleif glances at you; the last person he knows from his homeland that, like him, prefers the peace that reigns over Teyvat now.
He doesn't remember the exact moment when he fell for you, his feelings more like raindrops than a hard pouring rain that comes out of nowhere. Your presence brings him comfort he thought he didn't deserve anymore, sometimes he feels that he doesn't even deserve you.
Even with all those thoughts, Dainsleif still finds himself getting closer to you, and he's scared.
Dainsleif have lost too many things; his homeland, his people, his companion. Thoughts about you leaving him when he's vulnerable, or some kind of disaster taking you away makes him scared.
The Twilight Sword would rather distance himself away than to see you in danger. Chances are is that Dainsleif himself is the person who would endanger you with all the enemies he made.
You couldn't help but glance at the former knight. I's rare to see Dainsleif look so, for the lack of a better term, absent-minded. You've seen him focused before, yet it's the first time he has this expression.
Your hand subconsciously start to move as you fall into temptation.
The twilight sword held the cheek that you poked with your finger, a small hue of pink shades his face; it's almost invisible if you're not looking at it closely, "What're you doing?"
You couldn't help but smile at his adorable reaction. It's probably the first and last time you'll see him flustered, so it's best to savor the moment.
"Nothing," Dainsleif didn't seem too convinced with your answer but brushed it off anyway.
You wonder how long it'll take for him to realize that you know about his infatuation towards you.
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maingh0st · 4 months
First i wanna say that your writing is beautiful and thank you for your effort for taking time to actually write Taryn as the complex character that she is, while i think not liking taryn it not complete misogynistic since we all have the right to not like a fictional character even if it well written AS LONG AS WE ADMIT THE CHARACTER COMPLEXITY.I always loved taryn and jude dynamic and how you said every character did shitty things,i always was captivated by characters like Taryn in a way, characters who know how to make people like them shortly said characters who had this "wolf in a ship clothing" vibe,and one thing that i never saw people talk was the similarities between Cardan acting like a fool and Taryn way of acting all innocent and sweet.(and i could talk hours how the fandom perception of cardan is as wrong as is with taryn).Now this is something that has been on my mind for a while,What if there was no coup?Well it hard to tell but i always though that jude path will have been way more different than just not being queen.Withoud a coup jude would have continued to be the king spy but being a spy require hiding her abilities so how dain was going to make her part of the court ?well i cant say.Overall between jude and taryn,taryn plan would have been the first to succeed(now if locke would still be himself and get himself killed that another story).Both taryn and jude tried to fit in a world that normally didn't belong to them but guess what living in faerie requires some sacrifices.
thank you so much!! I've had so much fun filling in the gaps for both her & the Ghost. I think I've said it before, but I honestly had fully neutral feelings about Taryn until I started engaging with the tfota fandom and was just kind of... shocked by how people talk about her.
and I absolutely agree! I was responding to an ask saying that a lot of the overblown Taryn-hate seems like misogyny at this point, and I do agree—there's just this weird misogynistic undertone to a lot of the most vitriolic anti-Taryn content in the fandom. but I would never say that every person who dislikes Taryn is a misogynist; that would be wild lol. everyone has character preferences, and some people just don't vibe with the kind of character she is even while they understand her role in the narrative. like you said, though, a lot of people seem unwilling to engage with her as a complex, layered character, and that's where we get into weird double-standard territory.
it's a fun thought exercise to consider what might've happened if there'd been no coup. I'll borrow the Ghost's words when Jude asks if things will be better with Dain as King: "Things will be as they always are. Only more so."
I think Madoc would still be angling for power—after all, he wanted a King who would go to war (and a King he could manipulate). assuming that the existing animosity between Dain and Madoc persisted, I imagine Jude would've eventually found herself in an awkward position between her loyalties to both of them. perhaps she'd be able to hide her spying from Madoc (maybe she'd even become a knight as a cover for her time away), but I'm sure Dain would use her to spy on Madoc, or ask her to go to extremes to prove her loyalty. his geas would've remained a double-edged sword, too (girl really got out of that one too easily—consider an entire lifetime under his thumb?). I'd like to think her good heart would eventually make her unable to continue serving him (Jude's not really an idealist, but she is unwilling to bear with corruption), but it's possible she could just go on a slow downward slide. consider the Ghost, who certainly wasn't proud of poisoning Liriope, yet did it regardless for his service to Dain.
that's not even really to get into the side characters—like I imagine that Cardan, never being put in a position to grow and prove himself, would've spiraled worse (especially if Balekin survived). etc etc. honestly, the books strike me as the best-case scenario. it seems like things would've gotten a lot uglier if the coup (and Cardan's ensuing kingship) hadn't panned out!
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sophisticated-crow · 4 months
Just finished reading Fourth Wing
and I have some.. thoughts??
(spoilers below)
Listen. Violet’s great and all. But does she HAVE to be described as “small and frail and weak and defenceless” on practically every single page? (Thankfully this becomes less of a problem as the book goes on)
On a second note, I like the fact that the book actually showed her progression in training; getting stronger bit by bit and losing over and over just to get one victory. Not nailing everything on the first go. Refreshing.
Dain. Shoo. Get AWAY from my bestie Violet. I know you have “good intentions” but crossing her boundaries, breaking her trust, using your VERY invasive signet to intrude into Violet’s memories WITHOUT HER CONSENT is a MASSIVE red flag. Oh and the fact that YOURE the one constantly lamenting on about how “weak” and “fragile” Vi is. Also the fact that Dain believed that he DIDNT EVEN NEED CONSENT to read her memories the first time he tried it.
the time skips are.. funky in this book. I can be a page in and not realize that several weeks have gone by until it’s explicitly mentioned.
Ik it’s a fantasy romance book but I kinda wish they’d focus more on the “fantasy” than the “romance”. Probably because it’s not my cup of tea when the love interest is described on every other page as hot and sexy and irresistibly handsome while there’s uhm. A war going on. And corruption in the government. And the rebellion. Idk I just wish that element was more explored in the book, not just by the end of it.
speaking of things I would’ve liked to see: I REALLY want to see more worldbuilding. Like do ALL dragon riders go out to battle, even the ones with signets who’s abilities would be best utilized in civilian life?? Like, I know there’s one professor who teaches the Cadets, but that’s still combat adjacent. Like the mage lights! Who made those? And the Barrens! What goes on there?? What about “forbidden” signets? Like mind-reading? Are there any more of those? I wanna know!!
[LIAM MAIRI THE MAN THAT YOU ARE] I swear to GOD I love this guy he’s just so loyal and cool and when he died I CRIED because he is too pure for this world and he didn’t deserve ANYTHING bad that happens to him. Kicking screaming crying pulling out the floorboards and punching walls. I CAN and I WILL mourn him.
tairn and andarna are so cool!!! hehe idk why i just love these two having conversations with Violet in her head
others’ nicknames for Violet >>>>> (Violence, Silver One, etc)
Overall pretty okay book. The… intimate romance scenes were kinda… intense? But that’s what I get for reading a romance fantasy book. Solid 7.5/10
can’t wait to read the next one.
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wri0thesley · 2 years
expanding on the other anon's inquiry: who do we think has the teyvat's biggest corruption kink. is ayato the pinnacle or does someone else outstrip him? i think zhongli and venti def, but i'm not sure if they can compete with mr freak himself. i feel like yae might give him a run for his money, too.
I think ayato might be the pinnacle purely because he wants to take control of every aspect of your corruption; specifically seeks out someone soft and sweet and reasonably naive so he can mould them into something depraved, just like him.
pantalone, too; for him, i think, it’s a power rush thing. he is powerful now when he did not used to be; and using that power to control is very attractive to him, so he’s naturally drawn to people he can control who are more . . . susceptible to corruption.
dottore has a corruption kink because nothing pleases him more than seeing the change in a person, and isn’t it cute when it’s someone who thought they were too ‘pure’ for the mad doctor?
venti’s corruption kink is reasonably light-hearted and teasing, and zhongli’s is a little more indulgent. more often, he corrupts by spoiling. yae and lisa both have similar corruption kinks in that they get a kick out of being the one to show a cute little thing more carnal pleasures, but they’re not as interested in full-time every aspect corrupted as characters like ayato are (although yae does get to go at it from a religious angle with her whole shrine maiden thing, so outstrips lisa just a little).
kaeya, too, i think has a corruption kink. he’s just so fascinated by how people tick, how he can lead them along . . . actually, he probably could give ayato a run for his money, except ayato wants to push corruption to an absolute extreme in which the object of his affections is loyal and desperate and almost ruined; kaeya is a little more playful than that.
also dain has a corruption kink and fights it every single day because he thinks he’s a monster for it, but oh to take some pretty thing for himself and have them with him always . . . to teach them everything, to have them think of nothing but him when he’s had so little for himself since the curse began—
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dkniade · 1 year
Translation: Dainsleif’s Insult to the Abyss Herald in “We Will Be Reunited”
Game: Genshin Impact
Developer/Dialogue: HoYoverse
Fan Translation: Dusk
(Warning: violent imagery)
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Original Chinese
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My Base English Translation
Abyss Herald: You’re still annoying like this, enemy of the Order, Dainsleif!
Abyss Herald: I can feel that, there’s a stench of a terrible smell of blood on you. Is it from pitch-black nightmares, or perhaps it’s… Hmm?
Abyss Herald: Ohh… How dangerous. You also have that kind of rotting smell, letting me know that…
Abyss Herald: You and us are the same, both dangerous things. But dangerous things outside of the Order, should all be put into cages…
Dainsleif: Tsk.
Dainsleif: Your tongue, I’m afraid it has also been rotting for too long…
Dainsleif: It ought to be cut!
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My English Translation
Abyss Herald: Still annoying as ever, enemy of the Order, Dainsleif!
Abyss Herald: I sense the terrible stench of bloodshed on you. Is it from your darkest nightmares, or perhaps… Huh?
Abyss Herald: Ohh… Such danger. You also reek of that rot. Then, I see that…
Abyss Herald: You are the same as us dangerous things. But any danger not of the Order ought to be caged up…
Dainsleif: Tsk.
Dainsleif: I’m afraid your tongue has also been rotting for too long…
Dainsleif: It ought to be cut!
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Official English Localization
Abyss Herald: You are just as vexatious as ever, Dainsleif, enemy of the Abyss!
Abyss Herald: I sense your soul is stained by terrible bloodshed, perhaps from your darkest nightmares. Unless... Huh?
Abyss Herald: Oh, and something far more dangerous! You reek of a corruption familiar to me...
Abyss Herald: Then we are the same. We're both dangerous. But dangers from outside of the Abyss Order must be caught and caged...
Dainsleif: Tsk.
Dainsleif: It is your words that forever reek of corruption...
Dainsleif: Time to silence you!
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Translator’s Notes
The Abyss Herald is slightly more informal in Chinese (annoying vs vexatious), and Dainsleif’s insult is more graphic.
Let’s see… I tried a process where I translate it in a direct way and reword some things to make it sound more natural in English. Prioritize tone and idea over total accuracy…
Ahh, I wouldn’t translate Japanese literally word by word into English, so I shan’t do the same for Chinese either. Genshin Impact’s Chinese script sometimes drops subjects, but that’s just another aspect of style and diction.
English Dain: *threatens to silence the Abyss Herald*
Chinese Dain: *threatens to mutilate the Abyss Herald’s tongue*
Dear (lack of) Archons, Dain. You’ve got a sharp tongue.
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rougekithes · 10 months
So... I'm having Dainsleif brainrot once more. (I'm counting the days to the next quest now.)
I'd like to leave this little theory titbit here...
You know how Hoyo takes quite a bit of inspiration from Norse Mythology and a Norse Poem - a bit more specifically from an opera version from Richard Wagner, "Der Ring des Nibelungen". TL:DR, It's about a dawrf called Alberich from the Nibelungen and his treasure the Rhine Gold. The Gold is forged into a Ring that grands the bearer the power of ruling the land - the Ring gets stolen by the gods and out of spite, Alberich curses the Ring.
Now for tinfoil hat time... and Genshin Lore.
So, from Apep we learn the Nibelung left Teyvat in search for the Key to victory against the Primordial One, came back to Teyvat... aka. Descended to Teyvat with forbidden knowledge. So he and the sovereigns waged war, lost and died. - Apep said, with the right to shape the lands, the primordial one sent down the divine nails.
This is where the ring part comes in handy, because Zurvan during the Khvarena of Good and Evil world quest mentions that when she found Dainsleif in Tunigi Hollow, fighting off Abyss Monsters, he was tightly holding a ring.
Which has me think that the ring Dain is so tightly holding onto might be coming from Nibelung and/or directly from beyond Teyvat.
We will defy this world with a power from beyond.
-Dainsleif in the Trivail Trailer.
Now I'm thinking, that said ring is some sort of physical representation of said right to shape the land, much like it is in the Opera that went from Nibelung's hold to the Primordial One, but got corrupted by the Forbidden Knowledge he brought as some sort of Genshin's version of the curse Alberich put on the Ring when it was stolen by gods.
Dainsleif's constellation is "Snake Ring" and think snake and dragon are somewhat interchangable here; Apep for example looked more Snake-like, rather than Dragon-Like. like Dvalin or Durin, perhaps Nibelung did too.
I am now wondering if Khaenri'ah somehow got the ring "back" not knowing it was corrupted, therefore triggered the surge of Abyss Monsters and the Cataclysm itself. - Also possibly by the Sustainer looked corrupted and seems to be dormant for the last 500 years, even if one of her Archons is actively plotting against her and the other 6 being seemingly on board, even if Ei technically committed the same sin as Egeria by creating human-shaped life in form of Scaramouche, even if Focalors just destroyed one of the Divine thrones AND returned the Gnosis' authority to it's rightful owner. Just because she technically doesn't have the right to rule and shape the land anymore.
And the ring is now in Dainsleif's hands since, slowly corrupting him too and granting him whatever element he uses. And that he is, or well, holds the key to the endgame with that refering back to defying this world with a power from beyond - because he himself has learned to control and resist it. (Unless he's refering to the Traveler as the power from beyond.)
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reginrokkr · 7 months
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𝐂𝐋𝐗𝐗. A recent Discord conversation made me want to look into the references I've posted on this blog and I couldn't help myself but take special attention on a few ones that point towards how horrible is to be cursed and corrupted once you are, be it by pure corruption or even Eleazar:
◜Craven trespassers… the majestic one’s dark curse… is inescapable…◞ ◜…In death… there is awakening…◞  (Buliwyf, Guardian of the Desolation.)
◜Depart! Depart…! The shadow of the omnipresent struggle is not something you can bear!◞ ◜...The echoes of the end… will never… subside…◞ (Herger, Jester of Bloody Tears)
◜…Void emptiness… everything is… void…◞ (Rethel, Slain of the Split Bow)
...The curse... inescapable... but... we will be reunited... (Sealed Orders — Khaenri'ahn / Schwanenritter).
And how this has very dark connotations when linked with King Irmin as per one of his statuette's descriptions, but more likely than not the crystallized entity met in Caribert that, according to Chlothar, "blessed" him and Caribert but it could be just as good as the curse described by all these Khaenri'ahns.
A one-eyed carving that emanates an ominous energy, with no indication of what it’s made of. As you gaze upon this idol, you can almost hear a strange, comforting whisper… “See, my child. All that lies under the throne of heaven shall be destroyed by upheaval. The eternal peace of the pitch-dark void shall embrace us all.” (Deathly Statuette)
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strdstd-m · 1 year
{Speaking of my Dain, here are some notes abt my portrayal of him:}
6'4" in height.
To me, Khaenri'ah is based on Iceland & has strong Norse influences, & the language is based on Icelandic, with that being (one of) the oldest Nordic languages.
Dain used to have long, near-elbow length hair back in Khaenri'ah, but cut it short after the fall. Sort of being symbolic to his change in roles, from Royal Guard captain to Abyss hunter, as well as it being overall practical. Less of a chance to be used against him in fights, but that'd be the reason he'd say as to why he did it to save himself from recalling the true reason.
Love the idea of Dain having mastered many different weapons other than his main sword: bows, polearms, & even some catalyst experience.
Blind in his left eye (the one behind the mask) due to his curse progressing up his face, since I hc the blackened skin & blue marks on his left arm to be a physical manifestation of the curse. The nails on his left hand are claw-like & he has visible fanged canine teeth as well.
Has the tendency to growl, hiss, & snarl involuntarily due to the Abyssal affliction, as well as bare his fangs when angry/upset.
Has chronic pain due to the curse as well as due to absorbing Abyssal energy from every Abyssal being he kills. Mainly in his left arm, but it can be full-body, too.
Dain? 100% has muscle on him. Mans did not fight against Abyss Heralds day in & day out for 500 years to not gain some serious muscle. So, ye, Dain's buff. Likely looks like Alhaitham. Along with his curse-enhanced strength
His memory was somewhat improved after his journey through the Chasm due to the cleansing effect/easing of the effects of the curse the Chasm itself gave him, but he still has issues with remembering short-term things. Especially when it comes to recently-learned, 100% new information to him.
Is clearly deeply traumatized by the fall of Khaenri'ah, how much of it he shoved down, left unprocessed, or overall forgot due to his foggy memory, the curse and/or the sheer amount of time that'd passed since. Heck, one could even classify his one-track mind when it comes to tracking the Abyss as an unintentional coping mechanism in order to distract himself from not delving too deep into what he does remember.
Has a strong urge to avoid the Chasm and even the area above it, not wanting to succumb to the urge to stay there and let himself finally rest. As well as wanting to avoid coming face-to-face to his former comrades and former people. The cleansing effect lessening the effects of the curse being just enough to where he can remember with a somewhat clearer head, the guilt downright slamming into him even though it wasn't outwardly shown the first time he was there.
Speaking of the Chasm: due to the amplification device & the strong toll it took him on, him warring with past memories and guilt throughout the time the Traveler was going through Inazuma while trying to continue investigating, fighting Abyss beings even in his weakened state to avoid thinking too much about past events & people he only just remembered.
He still feels random jolts of the amplification device's pain if he overexerts himself/overuses his abilities.
Abyss energy emanating from Dain like a miasma when his emotions are high or after he uses his Abyss abilities- Affecting/harming those near him, which is another reason why he's so intent on staying solitary, bc he doesn't want others harmed by him/his curse.
Dainsleif... with galaxy-looking scars- Just, his scars from before Khaenri'ah fell are normal, but the ones he gets post-fall are all bright blue & glow a bit.
Regarding the Abyss, it is attracted to those with strong ambition & those with personal ties to it have been known to gain an ability to cause havoc & conflict. As well as prolonged exposure causing changes to appearance & personality. And Abyssal corruption, if far enough along, it apparently makes the haver feel like they're being gnawed on by sharp teeth. So Dain also now has the intense feeling of being gnawed on. As well his hair & eyes being far duller in color than they once were.
And the biggest thing: The Abyss using Dain's strong sense of duty & guilt to lure him deeper in, creating a horrid loop. To keep him exposed to their energy to hasten his corruption. Just, he feels this strong urge he cannot ignore no matter what; he MUST go out & hunt down the Abyss. Even if it leaves him in even more pain compared to when he left.
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Ok. Ppl talk about BDE- which I've now changed to Big Dain Energy.
Others with this energy include:
Tamlin (ACOTAR)- in love w FMC, has no chance, controlling, way too overprotective, doesn't step in to help FMC grow, uses FMC to gain knowledge of his enemies
Jocelyn Fairchild (Shadowhunter Chronicles)- Though not a man, nor a peer, Jocelyn lacks belief in FMC, literally steals her memories, and tries to undermine FMC's choices, relationships and growth, all in the name of "protecting her"
Percy Weasley (Harry Potter)- this one's kind of obvious; overrules his family and humanity for the rules and ends up on the cruel, "bad side" because of it, even uses his family ties to advance in corrupt government in some ways
Gale (Hunger Games)- in love w FMC, participates in ruthless war efforts despite lack of humanity in said efforts (personally, I still prefer gale to dain- he didn't lead FMC to a literal death sentence, he believed in her ability to win the games, and even helped actually train her for the quell-- low fucking bar, ik)
Sorry so many of these are YA- still getting into the Adult fantasy genre...
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avemstella · 4 months
4.7 Dain quest spoilers (and some tangential fic related rambles)
I'm dying, even Dainsleif can't escape Genshin sibling drama. No one can escape pfft. Sorry, I love that he has a brother that fell to the dark side (this is not sarcasm, love some sibling drama), but it's just very funny to me.
And it's so bad, my immediate thought was 'how can I integrate this into smfwtwd's Khaenri'ah flashback side plot' pfft. I have put an embarrassing amount of thought into the complicated web of politics and personal drama that resulted in the fall of Khaenri'ah in my fic, that will be barely shown because this fic is mostly from Childe's perspective taking place 500 years after most of it happens. I'm a fool. But yes in all seriousness, Dain's bro is 100% going to exist in my fics universe, but probably won't play any major role (and certainly not the role he plays in canon). Maybe when we learn more about him I might find a role for him, but for the moment he's just been added to my increasingly convoluted family tree of Khaenri'ahns in my fic to look pretty pfft.
Okay enough of that, nice to know Skirk's master is confirmed Khaenri'ahn, meaning she is probably one too. And I'm super, super, super interested in the "sinner" squad. Dain's luck with friends has been abysmal (pun unintended pfft) hasn't it? Between them and the Abyss Sibling, everyone be betraying him lol. god theres something from my fic I want to ramble about but spoilers ahhhhhh
Dain was really sussy about the corruption they were exposed to and his own involvement... throwing an idea out there, I think Dain might be just as much of a sinner as they are. He just thinks he isn't, but his own mind can't be trusted. But thats just a theory haha. Regardless, its interesting that their group makes 6 (if we include Dain), considering the importance of the number 7 in this world... hmmmmm (or maybe it's just 5 lol).
Also, very curious if this will be an excuse to 'redeem' Rhinedottir (and everyone else but her in particular because of our history with her haha). Like she was corrupted when she did things like have Durin eat his brother and the like. Not sure how I feel about that, though I am also a terrible Rhine apologist anyways so hey pfft.
uhhhh I think thats all. Quest very good, endlessly sad about the tragedy of khaenri'ah.
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