#but dare i say hes not even connected to the doorframe
oneawkwardwriter · 4 months
prince caspian, inspired by 'I see the light' from tangled also imagine on the dawn threader at night under the moon and the stars
anything else is up to you
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I See The Light
pairing: Dawn Treader!King Caspian x gn!reader warnings: a little bit of pining, very intense eye-contact, maybe perhaps some kissing... maybe even perhaps things getting just a little bit more heated... not quite nsfw, but there's some implying summary: you're staring at the moon and stars; Caspian is staring at you a/n: thank you so much for requesting this, I absolutely LOVE Tangled and I've recently come back into my King Caspian Narnia hyperfixation. Also, this is techically not the first time I've written something like this, but definitely one of the better things I've written wc: 1.3k
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The only light, besides that of the moon, that illuminates your path to the railing of the Dawn Treader is the lantern at the helm, where a faint flame is dancing in its little cage.
For the first time since you've left the harbour, the midnight sky is fully clear, not a cloud that dares to blanket the twinkling stars or the silver glow of the moon. It's colder than usual, a light breeze blows against your cheek.
You lean down on the railing, resting your head in the palm of your hand as you look up at the sky. For some reason, there's something mesmerising about the way the moon casts a silver glow across the water, how the stars form constellations that only exist because someone decided to connect the dots to make some sense of it all.
You're too caught up in your own head to hear the door to below deck open. And so Caspian, King of Narnia, finds you staring out into the midnight sky. He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed, a smile adorns his lips. His eyes skim over your figure, taking in every detail as the wind lightly ruffles your hair.
For a moment, he just stands there, not wanting to disturb you. After some time, he carefully approaches you. You hadn't noticed him at first, but after a while, you had felt his eyes burning in your back. So when he came to stand beside you, you weren't entirely startled.
"Can't sleep?" Caspian asks softly, not looking you in the eyes just yet and instead looks up at the sky as well.
"Oh, I'm sure I could if I bothered to try," You answer, "It's just that the sky hasn't been this clear ever since we sailed out of the harbour."
"It also hasn't been this cold ever since we sailed out of the harbour," He remarks, "A simple shirt won't keep you warm enough."
"Oh please, I'm fine," You say, even though you're unable to hide the shiver as it runs down your spine. "Besides, shouldn't you be fast asleep in your bed?"
The king lets out a dry chuckle and shakes his head. "Perhaps, but luckily for me, I don't have to follow orders," He says, his gaze drifting towards you now, "You, on the other hand, would be wise to do so. You should go to bed, get some rest."
You playfully roll your eyes. "I'll go to bed shortly," You say, looking back at him as well now. "You know, you're welcome to stay here for a while, Your Majesty."
"Oh, don't go calling me by my title now, we're past that," He says, finally being able to properly look you in the eyes. "Please, just call me Caspian. Also, thank you for allowing me to stay on my own ship."
"Alright, I didn't mean it like that," You respond as you lightly chuckle and shake your head, "I just didn't want you to think you couldn't be here because I was already here, even though it's your ship, which you said and... I'm rambling, aren't I?"
Caspian looked at you with a light smile on his lips, his eyes trained on yours. "You are, but please, don't stop on my account," He says, moving almost unnoticably closer. "Really, do continue, please."
"Oh, okay, uhm..." It didn't make sense why your mind suddenly went completely blank. There was no reason for your cheeks suddenly feeling warm and turning a bright red. "What... what did you want to talk about?"
"Oh, anything, really," Caspian answered, the silver light of the moon reflecting in his eyes. "That wasn't an order, by the way. I just... really love it when you talk."
"Good to know," You say softly, averting your eyes for a moment before looking back up at the midnight sky. "So... the sky is beautiful tonight, isn't it?"
"Yes, it truly is." If you had looked at him, you would've seen Caspian's eyes were still trained on you rather than the sky. "The way the moon and stars cast their silver glow is... truly mesmerising."
Despite the chilled breeze that glides over the ship and the silence between them, the atmosphere is strangely comfortable and relaxed. Time seems to stand still, stretching the minutes into an eternity as the two of you continue to gaze up at the midnight sky.
After Aslan knows how long, Caspian softly speaks up again. "Have I ever told you why I love being at sea so much?"
You avert your gaze from the stars to look at him. "No, but please, do tell."
"Back in the palace," He begins, "everyone and everything always seems to be in such a hurry. And despite all of that, I feel like I'm doing nothing but chasing down daydreams until the days just... blur together.
"But out here, everything is so peaceful. The gentle rocking of the ship, the glow of the starlight... suddenly, everything is crystal clear, like I've finally found what I'm supposed to do."
You softly smile as you listen intentively, resting your head on the palm of his hand. After a while, Caspian looks at you in slight confusion, raising an eyebrow.
"What?" He asks, letting out a soft chuckle.
"Oh, nothing," You say, your smile turning into the lightest of smirks as you continue, "I just... really love it when you talk."
Caspian let out another chuckle as he shakes his head. "Using my own words against me, are you now?" He comments teasingly, leaning in just a little bit closer. "Are you sure it's a good idea to challenge your king?"
"Didn't you say that we were past using your title?" You raise an eyebrow at him, daring enough to take a small step closer as well. "And if not, what will you do? Exile me?"
"Oh no, my dear, I wouldn't dream of it." The world seemed to somehow shift into a blur as the back of his fingers lightly brushes against your cheek, creating a contrast between the warmth of his touch and the chilled gusts of the wind. "Has anyone ever told you your eyes are as bright as the stars above?"
The light touch of his hand and his soothing words managed to knock the breath out of your lungs, the way he gazed into your eyes left you in a trance-like state. If your eyes were as bright as the stars, his were brighter than a thousand suns with the intensity he was looking at you.
Slowly, carefully, an invisble force seemed to push the two of you closer together until there were mere millimeters between your lips. And then, time seemed to freeze into a moment of uncertainty, even though the electricity could be sliced with a knife.
"Tell me to stop," Caspian breathed, his hand resting on your cheek as those brown eyes bored into yours. "My Starlight, tell me to stop. I won't be able to hold back."
"Don't stop... don't hold back."
And that was all he needed to hear before closing the distance between you. In his defense, he really intended on holding back on the intensity, but as soon as those words had fallen from your lips, he was done for.
One hand snaked around your waist, pulling you flush against his body while his older hand held steadily onto your face. Your hands crept into his hair, your fingers softly running through the strands, earning yourself a soft groan falling from his lips.
His grip on your waist tightens slightly, the fervour in his kiss grows a little stronger. "Please," He whispers against your lips, nearly sounding like a desperate plea.
"Okay..." You respond breathlessly, letting him pull you towards the stairs leading to below deck.
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© This work belongs to @oneawkwardwriter, please do not copy this work to any other site or claim it as your own. Reblogs are allowed and appreciated!
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thedo0zyslider · 7 months
I Love You (I'm Not Supposed Too) - Chapter 3: Getting To Know You - 7k Words
Fwhip and Jimmy get to know each other more, through a surprisingly insightful talk one night.
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Jimmy hums to himself, a thing of comfort, his boots crunching against the Grimlands’ gravely paths. It was a sound he was learning by now, a sound that was becoming familiar to him, just like the sound of muddy boots squelching against the swamp floor already was. The cod didn’t like that he was getting used to that noise, but nothing could be done about it.
Today, it is Gem who walks beside him. Lizzie had not accompanied her younger brother on this particular trip, and the Ocean Queen had had better things to attend to than to bother with all of this. As she herself had rather kindly put it. Jimmy was rather grateful for that, for his mother’s absence especially. And though he loved Lizzie, he did not like being dragged around to all her magic lessons. Fwhip was also yet to show up, so that was an extra plus.
Gem is rattling onto him about something that is surprisingly not her studies, today’s topic seems to be the dragons that are raised at the castle. And the blonde doesnt know much about dragons, other than the Cliff and the Grimlands were very connected to them, for obvious reasons, but he listened to his friend ramble on anyway. His friend, Gem was his friend. He quite liked her, the young wizard was very easy to get along with.
Eventually, as the two noble teenagers leave the outskirts of the town and pass into the main parts of it, the conversation gets a lot more fun for the both of them. Jimmy pipes up after one particular story, comparing some of the dragon's described behaviors to that of a cat. Gem, a cat owner herself, understands what he’s getting at near instantly. Her eyes light up, and they start comparing the Cliff’s wyverns to house cats, and maybe share plenty of stories of their own furry friends in between.
Slowly, the conversation once again turns into something Jimmy is happy to just listen to, as Gem is clearly happy to rant uninterpreted about something she likes for once. The two of them enter the more business focused area of the Grimlands, the one where most of the shops reside, and Jimmy is happy to just listen for once; no need to reply or argue back to make people listen to him. Outings like this are a nice change of pace for both of them, he thinks, and the blonde is sure he’ll be seeking some more out in the future. Though unfortunately, that change of pace will not be long lived, for a certain someone is hanging around the part of the empire. Because of course he is.
Jimmy catches a glimpse of Fwhip after a moment of weaving through the crowd, the future Count leaning against a doorframe. His back is to them, and he seems to be conversing with someone inside one of the nearby shops. The prince cannot see who he is talking to, exactly, but he can see the building his fiance is standing in very well. He recognizes the architecture well, having seen it dotted here and there around the Grimlands. He’d seen it far before he’d ever visited the eastern empire as well. It is the district architecture of salmonfolk, the very type of merfolk that had been exiled from his empire long before. The one fish and their magic that makes his own people so sick. Jimmy was to stop himself from making a face everytime he sees one of them walking around the kingdom.
A ball of spite starts to grow in him. Spite he’d learned to harbor for the salmon over the years, and spite at Fwhip for even daring to talk to one, whether they were his citizens or not. The cod can’t marry into this family, into the kingdom, not if they’re going to let the salmon run wild. Not if they’re going to talk and laugh with them after everything they’ve done to his people. He wonders what Lizzie would say if she saw this. Jimmy also briefly wonders what his mother would say too, then realizes she probably wouldn’t care, as long as the war threat is taken care of and she gets a grandchild out of it, the Ocean Queen couldn't care less of what her son is marrying into.
Gem notices his staring, because of course she does. The wizard stops rambling about whatever she’d changed the topic to, and gives the young cod a playful bump of the shoulder. Jimmy bumps her back, slightly puzzled at the sparkle in his friend’s eyes. She laughs quietly at his face, which has to be rather crushed up by now, and the wizard turns away from him and back towards the salmon owned shop.
“I think he fancies you, ya know.” Gem says, giving a pointed glance at her brother's backside. Jimmy notes the use of fancy , and figures his kingdom’s slang has finally started to rub off on her. Or she’s just using it to feel closer to him or something, an option he doesn’t mind either. Though if she starts saying bloody hell , then they’ll have a real problem on their hands. Especially with an accent.
The cod follows her gaze, his eyes landing on Fwhip’s broad shoulders. He notes how the future Count’s hair is starting to get longer, and soon it will be long enough for a ponytail. Or a manbun. And oh god, Jimmy's going to have to marry someone with a manbun , isn’t he? The blonde watches Fwhip for a few seconds longer, the other not noticing. His tail starts flicking, whoever he’s conversing with clearly getting some sort of rise out of him, and Jimmy finally looks away.
“Do you really think so?” He mutters, hoping it sounds believable, like he actually has any interests in the asshole a few feet away from him. Jimmy has to sell this, he has to. For both their sakes, for his people’s, for his. Lord knows what his mother will do if he doesn’t. Plus, Gem is scarily smart and perceptive, and she knows them both pretty well. So if he can’t sell this to Gem , then he can’t sell this to anyone . Let alone his future people.
Fortunately, he seems to be selling it, for if he wasn’t doing so she would confront him right then in there, in her own way. But Gem does not confront him, the wizard just smiles up at her friend, and Jimmy has never been more pained by a friend’s smile in his life. “Yeah. I think he does.” The half dragon continues, her own tail starting to swish happily. “He talks about you sometimes, more than he talks about anyone else.”
All Jimmy can do in response is nod, for something is choking him. Fwhip talks about him, and it has to be in a good way, based on his sister’s reaction to it. The cod finds quickly what’s choking him is sudden fear. Because what if Fwhip is actually …falling in love with him? What if he actually wants this marriage, and to…kiss each other and all that. What if?
Fwhip must feel them both staring, because after a moment he turns around. The half dragon sees the two of them, clearly controlling his expression once his eyes land on the young cod; presumably unaware of Jimmy’s visit that day. Until just now that is. Fwhip seems to excuse himself, and the cod finally catches a glimpse of who he’d been talking to. The salmonfolk sees him as well, and they make eye contact. The salmon glares, and Jimmy has to hold back a snarl. The shop owner turns, and slams the door behind them.
When he reaches them, Fwhip gives the prince a puzzled look. Gem must have noticed the brief interaction too, but both of the twins thankfully decide to say nothing of it. Jimmy averts his gaze from them, and the shop, and lets Gem do the talking for the two of them. Just for a moment, until the anger starting to build has calmed and he can function normally again.
The wizard pulls her brother into a short conversation, asking about what he had been doing in the shop. A conversation Jimmy also has to tune out, for he wants to hear nothing about that shop full of salmonfolk. He tunes it out by focusing on the crunch of the dirt and gravel under his feet, the three of them starting to backtrack a little. Not even an hour ago he hated this sound, yet now it is the only thing keeping him sane. 
The conversation moves on, but Jimmy still stays silent unless he is talked to. The three of them head towards the Grimlands’ manor, since lunchtime is rolling around, stopping here and there to show the cod prince around some more. They do a pretty good job of staying together too, despite the growing crowd as working citizens are let go for their lunch breaks. That is until a certain wizard seems some people she knows form the Crystal Cliff’s Academy, and then she is keen to ditch the two boys in favor of her more magical friends. 
“I’ll leave you two alone now~” Gem teases, and bumps Fwhip closer to him as he leaves. Her brother stumbles, and finds himself near chest to chest with the cod prince. Likely his sisters plan the whole time. If this were some cheesy romance novel, the two of them would be blushing. But it isn’t. Instead Fwhip moves away, a frown already starting to form on his features. Jimmy feels his own self mirroring the look, especially as his mind goes back to his earlier wonderings.
The prince found himself over-analyzing everything about the other now, to see if anything was seemingly out of the ordinary. To see if Gem was right, and if Fwhip did indeed like him a bit more than he was letting on. And maybe the cod watches what he himself does as well, to see if maybe he’d been lying to himself this whole time. Both of them being in love would make the whole marriage thing a million times easier than it currently is…
He’d never really thought about it, if he likes boys or not, but now Jimmy was kinda being forced to think about it. He knew he liked girls though, in some way at least, even if he’d never dated a girl; or anyone really. His love life was a little sad, the blonde had to admit. 
The cod looks at Fwhip, and wonders if this guy's gonna be the reason he has an awakening. He wonders if he, of all people, is the reason Fwhip himself has had one. For the briefest second, Jimmy wonders if the two of them could...maybe be something one day. Those thoughts are squashed rather quickly, and soured by every single memory of Fwhip he has. None of which are particularly pleasant. He doesn’t like Fwhip, that’s for certain, but who’s to say if the other likes him. Regardless, he can’t imagine them together under any circumstance, and doesn’t really want to.
"Codboy." Fwhip sneered, his tone dripping with sarcasm and dislike as they began to walk, side by side in the rather busy market place. "Good to see you again."
"Don't call me that." He snapped, suddenly remembering the point of this visit. It was to “get to know” the future Count better, his mother said. Like she said about every recent trip to this godforsaken empire. Jimmy’s starting to think she’s just using it as an excuse to get him out of the house, something he usually wouldn’t complain about. Unless getting him out of the house means sending him to the worst place on earth.
"Make me. We know you won't.” Fwhip keeps walking, as if trying to lose him in the crowd. Jimmy doesn’t dignify that with a response, and keeps following him anyways. Mainly because he has nowhere else to go, other than wherever one of the twins is. Also, he doesn’t want to be lost in what is still a decently unknown empire to him, especially one crawling with salmon . 
“Why’re you even here?” Fwhip says with a sigh, once he realizes he cannot lose the cod trailing him. They walk shoulder to shoulder now, being quite the sight to behold. People had been staring before, when Gem was with them, but now it seems to have gotten worse. The blonde has to wonder if it has anything to do with a certain half dragon possibly fancying him, and any sorts of rumors their parents might start to be spreading.
“To ‘get to know you better.’ Whatever that means.” Jimmy responds, shuffling closer, until they’re practically touching. He feels a few stares lingering on his back, some friendly, some not. Fwhip must feel them too, to not pull away from him immediately. Or maybe the crowd is just getting too tight for the half dragon to try and run anymore. 
“Haven’t we done that enough already?” He grumbles, reluctantly slipping a hand into the cods. Jimmy feels his breath hitch in surprise, but Fwhip’s hold on him is rough and uncaring, not welcoming and soft like Lizzie’s normally is. He wonders what he would do if it was.
Jimmy’s next response is exasperated, wincing as the hold on his hand tightens unpleasantly. “Tell that to our mums, not me.” Fwhip weaves through the crowded main roads, and manages to duck into a quieter side street. Which is extra good, because the cod had caught a glance of the guards trailing them in the crowd. The two guards he and Gem had successfully ditched by the river about two hours ago, feeling like they couldn’t talk openly while being supervised. There was also a third one wading through the mass of people, presumably ditched by Fwhip, earlier. He figures as long as the three of them get back inside the manor safe, then there won’t be much to grumble about.
Fwhip holds back another sigh, his home now becoming visible in the distance. “Whatever.” He says, letting go of Jimmy’s. The cod tries not to long for the contact too much. “Let’s just get inside, and maybe this visit will go faster?” The half dragon walks forwards without him, leaving the other boy bounding to catch up again. He can be surprisingly fast when he wants to be.
“Yeah, maybe.” Jimmy agrees, and starts to wonder about a lot of things, since Fwhip seems determined to stay silent for the rest of the walk. He wonders when these visits will let up, and he can finally have some more free time back, instead of spending most of it with that asshole in front of him. He wonders how Gem is going to tease the supposed love birds when they get back. He wonders about both of their true feelings, and the hand hold, and what that had meant. The prince wonders why he wasn’t just ditched in the crowd, other than Fwhip stopping himself from getting in trouble over it. 
The cod keeps wondering, and knows a lot of those questions can’t stay unanswered for long, lest the possibilities overwhelm him and burst through at the seams.
Fwhip sighs, his tail thumping against the floor unhappily. It is the same day, and Jimmy has not left yet. He was supposed to leave hours ago, but no one from the Ocean Empire had come to get him. The blonde had muttered something under his breath, something Fwhip thinks he wasn’t meant to hear. Something about the Queen forgetting him, either on accident or on purpose, and how she won’t remember until Lizzie pipes up. Whenever that is.
Regardless, it is getting far too late in the evening to travel home safely, the risk of mobs having become too great. And sadly, the future Count couldn't just throw this idiot out into the woods to fend for himself. No, that would start a war or something. So instead Gem, before retreating to her own quarters for the evening, had notified the guards. A guest bedroom was currently being readied, and dinner would be brought up soon.
Another day when dinner is brought up, because there will be no eating at the table tonight. The manor staff knows about Jimmy’s presence, but he’s not sure his parents even do. Well, his parent , his father, the only one still here. Gem was probably supposed to go back to the Cliff’s with their mother, but she had been forgotten as well. Which is why she was still here in the first place.
Jimmy doesn’t seem to mind, or care. The half dragon doesn’t know if he's even noticed the tense air that's been hanging around since before lunchtime. The cod’s own familial matters seem to be taking up his mind, which is better than him inquiring about the ginger’s own any day. And he’s had time, considering they’ve been in this room for hours upon hours now.
Fwhip holds back a sigh, and hides his face in his hands. He hates being stuck in a room like this, but it’s the best choice. It’s also so weird for him, especially when Gem visits. Normally, when she is allowed time to come over, she’s busying herself in the manor’s library. Her favorite library, his sisters told him that so many times. Told him that the books are always somehow better than what the Cliffs have, and maybe that's because Fwhip himself sneaks in books he knows she hasn’t read before or whatever. And he’s usually in there with her, pestering her or tinkering on one of his smaller inventions. 
But today was a bad day, so the twins, plus Jimmy, and probably a fair amount of the staff as well, are huddled up in their rooms. Because it’s safer. Because it’s better than facing whatever shit went on between the Count and the Head Wizard, and it being taken out on them or the staff. It’s just…better this way, helps Fwhip keep his sanity a little longer. 
He should've gone to the forge when he has the chance. Or the farms. Maybe he could've hung out there all night instead. Maybe he could've distracted himself by doing things he liked, instead of moping in a room with his least favorite person behind him. 
Jimmy hasn’t asked why they’ve been in here, why Fwhip seems reluctant to let him go even across the hall into Gem’s bedroom, something they would both greatly prefer. He has a feeling, if the cod did ask, he would understand whatever vague answer he was given. His mom just seems….like that type of parent, in her own way of course.
For the second time that day, the future Count can feel someone staring at him. So reluctantly, he removes his face from his hands, and braces himself for whatever look his poor excuse of a fiance is currently giving him.
The cod sits on his bed, legs dangling off the side. Fwhip had sat down in his desk chair, a futile and failed attempt to try and sketch something, to be somewhat productive that day. He wasn’t very fond of Jimmy being in here, but it was too late, nothing could be done about that, and the prince could certainly sense how he was feeling. The air was heavy with tensions between the two, so he was almost glad when the cod broke the silence.
“Bad day at home?” Jimmy asks, surprising Fwhip at how empathetic he sounds. The cod had picked up on everything then, he was just being polite about it. He doesn't know if he should be grateful or annoyed at this guy being nice to him right now. 
“Yeah…bad day.” He mumbles, turning his chair to fully face the other. Jimmy pulls his legs onto the bed, and crosses them, getting into a more comfortable position. Though the look on his face still remains decently troubled. Fwhip keeps one hand on his desk, so he could fidget with whatever he finds in the mess atop of it.
“Don’t worry, I get it.” The blonde says, his brown eyes seeming to follow the other’s every moment. Like a cat or something. It’s unsettling and more than a little weird to him, so Fwhip isn’t too fond of when he does that.
“I knew you’d say that.” The half dragon puffs, keeping his tail from flicking in slight annoyance. If they're gonna be stuck in here for a little while they need to…. not fight for once. As challenging as that sounds. 
“Really?” Jimmy’s tone is curious, yet also cautious as well. He watches the half dragon carefully, with those stupid cat eyes, and he tries not to squirm under the cod's gaze. 
Fwhip shrugs, his gaze darting to the nearest wall. Maybe he should send this guy to Gem’s room anyway, if he's going to be all stiff and awkward the whole conversation. “Your mom just seems like the type.”
“You don’t even know the half of it.” Jimmy seems to hold back a laugh. One that sounds strangled and broken. He crosses his arms over his chest for a small moment, clearly something done out of habit, before quickly moving them back to his sides. Fwhip cannot help but wonder what goes on in that ocean. 
“Same to you.” After that, the two of them fall into silence. Until one of them decides to break it again. The future Count is the one to do so this time, but only after several more agonizing minutes of tense silence. It could have been five minutes of half an hour, neither of them would know. He hopes the guest bedroom is ready soon, for his sanity.
“You got taller.” Fwhip notes, properly looking at Jimmy for the first time all day. For the first time in a while, actually. He tries not to look at people he hates much, and the cod is no expectation to that rule. Future husband or not.
“I've been growing, yes.” The prince says, meeting his eyes. It's the first time they've done that today as well, looking each other in the eyes that is. It's something he thinks they both try to avoid doing, lest either of them see something they don't like in their fiance's gaze. 
“How much taller are you gonna get?” Fwhip asks, able to tell how tall the blonde is, even when he's sitting down. Before, Jimmy had been significantly shorter than him, only going up to the half dragon's chest. Now, nearly two years later, he is an inch or two taller than the future Count; who is getting close to six feet tall at this point. 
“Eight feet, at least. Maybe seven.” The cod shrugs, surprising the other at how nonchalant he is about it. But then again, being freakishly tall seems to be normal for his species. 
“Great.” The half dragon grumbles, trying to imagine that. He can't really, seeing as the only other merfolk he sees regularly are Lizzie and the Ocean Queen, who still towers over her children by quite a good amount.
“Don't worry, Lizzie will be much taller.” Jimmy adds, like that's any better. So they're both gonna be stupidly tall. Not that has much problem with Lizzie but, well, her brother is clearly a different story. If he were in a better mood, the half dragon's sure the prince would be gloating over his height right now. 
There is silence. Again. They better not do this after every conversation, this lapse into awkward silence until someone tries to fill it again. Because this sucks and makes everything a million times worse than they currently are. Yet still they sit there for a few minutes, Fwhip not knowing what to say despite the silence being crushing. He turns away, assuming nothing more will come of that fleeting interaction. Which is a fairly wrong assumption, with hindsight.
“Fwhip, can I ask you something?” Jimmy speaks again, hesitantly filling the quietness. The half dragon turns to look at him again, already feeling uneasy about where this is going. Absent-mindedly, he starts fiddling with an old pen on his desk, the action familiar and maybe slightly calming. 
“What?” Fwhip allows him to ask whatever it is, but doing so just hesitantly as the other had asked. He feels like it's going to be quite the earth shattering question, whatever it is.
Jimmy takes a breath, like he's gaining confidence, and then gets it over with. “Do you…erm, like me?” “No.” He faces Jimmy fully again, his head whipping around. The ginger can only imagine the look, the alarm, on his face at the question. “Do you-”
“I don’t, don’t worry. It’s just…..” Jimmy trails off for a second, biting his lip again out of anxiety. “Well Gem seems to think you do, says you talk about me.”
Fwhip is silent for a minute, fingers gripping on the pen tighter. He doesn't know where his sister got the idea, that he thinks anything good about this guy, but it's not…the worst thing in the world. “Good. We’re selling it.” He mutters, looking away from the cod. 
“I don’t want to sell this. I don’t want you.” Jimmy says harshly, his fingers curling around the bedsheets he sits on. He doesn't look at the ginger when he speaks, and won't for the next few minutes. “I know, believe me, I know.” Fwhip holds back a sigh, and runs a hand through his hair. He hasn't wanted a lot of things in his life, too many to count probably, but this has managed to top the list. He doesn't want any of this, this marriage, whatever agreement their parents had set up, he doesn't want anything, and especially not Jimmy. 
“Well that’s one thing we have in common. We both don’t want this.” The prince says, that cat-like gaze boring into Fwhip again. Like he’s being studied, watched and inspected for something, something he doesn't know. He hates when the cod does that.
“Yeah. one thing.” The half dragon grumbles, feeling his earlier bad mood return. Or increase tenfold. He has no idea if it had actually left or not, and didn’t care too much to go and find out. Jimmy was around, so his mood was bound to be rather low no matter what.
“Oh shut it.” He snapped, and the silence threatened to resume again. It was back for what had to be the third or fourth time that evening, and it was threatening to press down on each boy like a heavy weight once more. Until Jimmy broke it, for the third time in a row, because he was so damn determined to be chatty. Really, Fwhip would prefer if he was gone and he could mope around in silence, but when was the world ever that nice to him?
“Can we make a truce? At least until we’re married?” The cod sighs. Looking at him again. But in the normal, no cat like and no creepy way. The half dragon swears this guy is straight from a horror movie sometimes, with the way he acts.
“A truce?” Fwhip asks, getting a little curious despite himself. What might a truce between two horrible assholes possibly entails, he has to wonder… “To be civil with each other, so this all a little more bearable.” Jimmy explains, his tail curling around himself. Like he needs comfort or something. “And then when we get married, we can act like we’re so busy at home that we never have time to see each other.” The cod sounds like he needs this truce, needs one less person giving him a hard time. And honestly, Fwhip could do with that as well. He already has enough on his plate, and mindlessly beefing with some dumb fish guy every week or so isn’t helping it. It’ll only make it worse, once the visits get more frequent and the marriage gets closer, and they both need to be sane enough to keep lying when that comes around.
“That sounds…great actually. The one good idea you’ve ever had.” He admits, giving an approving nod. The only approval he’s ever given the codfolk, and the only shimmer of it he’ll probably get too. And Jimmy knows it, by the way he looks mildly surprised. “What did we just agree on?” The cod scolds, once his surprise has passed. Because of course Fwhip has praised and insulted Jimmy in the same sentence, no one else was around to do so. That was part of his job, after all.
“Sorry, reflex.” Is the rather lame apology that slips out. The only one he cares to give, the one with the smallest amount of effort put in. Because the prince will get nothing but his bare minimum, and always will, Fwhip had made that promise to himself the first day they’d meet.
Jimmy gives an annoyed snort, before realization seemed to smack him quick and hard in the face. “Oh cod, I just agreed with you on something.” He groaned, burying his head in his hands momentarily. The usage of cod instead of god did not escape the ginger’s notice, or his annoyance, like it did everytime the blonde said it.
“New thing for both of us, isn’t it?” Fwhip muttered, taking a moment to process that himself. That was a very new thing. One of those new things you thought would never happen in fact, it was that new and unexpected for the both of them. 
“Well, there's a first time for everything, as they say.” Jimmy removes his face from his hands with a shrug, placing them back on the bed beside him. A calmness seems to be unfolding between them, and the earlier tension feels like it's vanishing: now that they’ve moved past all the hard questions that is.
Fwhip hesitates for a second, then segways the conversation into the next phase. This had been lingering on his mind for a while, the smallest amount of guilt eating away at him. The brief thought of their first meeting had brought it back, and it felt like there would be no other time to say what the half dragon needed too. Tonight's vulnerability between them was only temporary, after all, and business would resume as usual the next time they were to meet. “Speaking of new things, I do wanna say sorry for attacking you when we first met. I wasn’t doing good at the time, and I know that was uncalled for.”
“....Apology accepted.” Jimmy was more than a little stunned, but nodded his head. He was looking at Fwhip weirdly again, but not like a calculating cat, more like he had two heads. Honestly, the half dragon wouldn’t be surprised if he’d truly sprouted another one, with how the evening seemed to be going now. “At least you have the guts to admit it.”
“I’m not a coward.” Fwhip growls, suddenly defensive, another reflex. The tension returns just a bit, and this time it won’t dissipate. Not even with the easygoing attitude the cod prince seems determined to keep for now.
“Fair point.” Jimmy mutters, and returns to their original point once more. The point that they were still doing a horrible job at remembering, though doing so would probably take some time. “So, truce? For now?”
“Yeah, for now.” Fwhip agrees, scooting the chair closer so he can reach out a hand. The cod leans forward, seemingly holding back a smile as he reaches out to shake it. “Then I can explode you all I want once we’re married.”
“Can’t wait for that.” Jimmy huffs, both of them returning to their original positions. And a safe, comfortable distance apart from each other. It is where they will remain for the rest of the night, the handshake being a temporary and one time break in that.
“Hphm, good.” The future Count can’t believe it, but he actually has to hold back a smile. A genuine one. It’s not anything the prince did, no, not at all. Couldn’t possibly be. It was probably just the idea of getting to actually blow something up that made him so giddy. Especially when that thing was the stupid codboy.
The next topic breaks that earlier calmness, a calmness that was truly never going to last. Not with the two of them. This topic seems to be something far more serious, indicated by the way Jimmy’s expression turns troubled once again, and that cat-like observation returns. “I saw you with the salmon, earlier today”
“And?” Fwhip asks, back on the defensive in an instant. The salmon in town are friendly, perfectly fine citizens. He would even go as far to say some are his friends, or at least friends of the family. Whatever problem the cod has with them, the ginger is likely not going to stand for it. “Is there a problem with that?”
“Yeah. To me.” The blonde’s response is curt and short, frustratingly so, even if the topic seems to be a sensitive one to him. For whatever dumb and probably incorrect reason it was so.
“Why?” Fwhip prompts again, and lets his wings and tail twitch with impatience. The cod’s gaze flicks to it, and he seems to hold back a sigh. What he starts to explain is far too long and windy, even in the first sentence. Stuff the half dragon is not in the mood for, and something they also probably don’t have time for. Thankfully.
“Well…the different kinds of merfolk have always had problems with each other-”
“I don't want a history lesson. Get to the point.” Fwhip cuts him off, tail lashing again. Jimmy tries not to glare at the future Count, and goes back to talking. The half dragon wonders if he has an off button anywhere on him, for it would save him a lot of headaches and lost time spent listening to stuff he doesn;t really want to hear. Like this history lesson he’s being given.
“Well, long story short, the salmon and codfolk have never gotten along. Ever.” Thankfully, the history lesson has been shortened to a summary, Jimmy’s voice somber as he tells it. “And then one of them killed my dad, so they got exiled.”
“Oh….” There is momentary sympathy in Fwhip’s tone, and he is about to apologize for the prince’s loss. But then his brain processes the rest of it, and he is quick to catch onto the rather unfortunate aftermath of the situation; for the salmonfolk at least. “Wait a minute, you exiled a whole race because of what one of them did?”
“Well, it was a mystery. It could've been one, it could've been multiple.” Jimmy shrugs, like the whole thing isn’t as big of a deal as it truly was. Which he was probably taught to think, if anything, and knowing how the Ocean Queen tended to be ninety nine percent of the time. Which was horrible and controlling and genuinely just not pleasant to be around unless she really really liked you. “It didn't matter, mum was gonna exile ‘em no matter who did what.”
“She likes doing that. Getting rid of the people who don't agree with hers.” Fwhip notes with a dissatisfied snort. Welp, this had gone exactly as he thought it would, in the end. He has sided with his salmon friends, and still disliked the cod just as much as he did earlier. Nothing Jimmy said was ever going to change that fact, he was afraid. 
“Yeah. The cod are just getting a better hand, I guess.” The prince says, sounding thoughtful. As if whatever was happening to them was okay. And it probably wasn’t, something Fwhip could admit even despite his dislike for the people.
Coruisty and need to learn getting the best of him, the half dragon pops another question. A genuine one. It’s supposed to clear up the marriage arrangement, is what he tells himself, since the cod seemed to understand it all better than he did. “What are the cod even getting anyways?”
“Well, they're gonna get an empire. In a year or so I'm going to be made the Codfather, and I'm gonna help my people start an empire in the swamp.” Jimmy tells him things he already knew sadly, but it is still good to get some extra clarification on it he supposes. “The marriage is just extra insurance. So the Ocean can't be dragged into a war between the cod and the salmon, basically. Since you guys house so many of them.”
“The Queen doesn't want to deal with the people she got rid of, basically.” Fwhip notes. A very fair assumption, based on all that knew information he’d just been told.
“Yeah.” Jimmy huffs, his tail flicking in what seems to be contemplating. The ginger can’t possibly guess what such an airhead would have to contemplate, but whatever.
“Why does she even hate the cod anyways?” Fwhip asks his last question, hoping it will satisfy any confusion he’d previously had about their arrangement, And surprisingly, but also thankfully, the answer he gets does just that, and he has a better understanding of it than he ever had before. Also surprisingly, since his information is coming from Jimmy of all people.But he is also one of maybe five people with knowledge of all this, so maybe Fwhip should not be so surprised.
“Cultural differences mostly, ones that a lot of people won't try to understand. “The cod don't like all the palaces and fancy stuff, and prefer farming and rural activities. Different religions and stuff too” Jimmy explains, and that is the most he does. Probably because Fwhip had said he didn’t want a history lesson, which he was starting to regret. The Ocean Empire’s history was surprisingly interesting, but he was sure he could just ask Lizzie later, counting on the princess to be a bit more studied than her brother. And also way less annoying to be around, even if she was still a fish.
“And what would you inherit normally? Without this deal?” The future Count inquires, out of nothing but that lingering curiosity. Curse him and his stupid brain that likes learning and knowing things.
“Nothing really. The Ocean Empire has Queens, not Kings. And the oldest daughter is always the Queen.” Jimmy hums, his thoughts likely flying back to his sister, and all the stuff she gets to have. His sister who’s role reminds Fwhip very much of his own siblings. “I wouldn't get much, besides maybe a bit more say in politics…even if I was a girl.”
“And what are you getting out of all this?” The cod returns the question, out of what is probably nothing but the fading courtesy between them. And maybe some shared curiosityas well, buried somewhere deep in his tone.
“Well, I was already going to become Count of the Grimlands.” He shrugs, having started to fiddle with the pens on his desk again. It’s a good distraction really, keeps him grounded and in the moment more often than not. “So mostly just a husband, and not paying for a war I guess.”
“Huh.” Is all the cod responds with, something short and thoughtful. But Fwip is not quite done with all this marriage talk. Not just yet, but he will be soon, after this one last little thing.
“I thought it was a bit weird...that it's a same-sex marriage.” The half dragons mentions, and it is truly something that had crossed his mind. But he had noticed how some of the adults acted around and referred to Jimmy. So this was a little bit of a test, to see if what he was thinking was indeed correct. Even it could be a bit upsetting, which he would make sure to say sorry for later. If he was right, that is. “They traditionally just arrange straight ones…”
Jimmy stiffens at that, and his fingers tighten around the bedsheets once again. Fwhip pretends not to take notice of it. “Yeah, yeah. A bit weird.” Well, the observations he wanted to do are done, as well as the conversation. Mainly because the cod looks too troubled to speak again, not that the future count particularly cares too much about whatever they’d been talking about before. Minus all the marriage stuff, of course.
There is a quiet knock on the door, one Fwhip knows to be one of the manor staff, thankfully. He yells softly to come in, and a well dressed man with slicked back hair slinks his way into the bedroom. “The prince's guest room is ready, sir.” The man says with a respectful bow, and a glance between both of the young royals.
Fwhip nods, feeling his tail flick against the floor idly. “Thanks. And drop the sir.”
“Right.” The staff member nods in response, before giving Jimmy an expectant look. But he does not wait for the young cod, and steps out of the room. He is allowing the two to finish whatever business they have before the Ocean Prince is whisked away for the night, and luckily for the man, they don’t have any business left. The surprisingly level and insightful conversion between them is over, and it is back to business as usual. Just like the half dragon predicted it would be.
“Well, go on.” Fwhip huffs after a minute, trying to keep the annoyance out of his tone. There is someone else around, after all. Jimmy has stood from the bed, and is halfway too the door, but has stopped for some reason. A stupid reason too, probably, knowing him and all the stupid things he does.
“Right, um.” Jimmy looks like he wants to say something, but is stopping himself. He bites his lip again, and fixes a troubled look on the propped open door. The door he is meant to be leaving out of right this second. 
“What?” The half dragon asks, keeping the bite out of his voice vest he can. Jimmy still says nothing. Not verbally at least, but his uneasy body language is saying more than enough right now.
The cod crosses his arms over his chest for the second time, like he’s hiding something. It’s a gesture he does decently often, Fwhip finds, and can’t help but be curious about it. It’s….a very specific thing to do, and combined with how some people talk about Jimmy, the ginger has a few guesses. But that’s not any of his business, not unless the other chooses to make it his. If his guess is right, anyways.
“....Nothing. Nevermind.” Is what the blonde finally says, his back now fully towards the future Count. He takes a few more steps to the door, seemingly eager to finally get out of the room. “I'll tell you another day.” 
“I hope you're gone by morning.” Fwhip huffs in response, wondering what the cod has to tell him. He's not even sure if he cares enough to hear it, whatever it is. Unless it will affect the marriage, then he cares very much about it.
“I do too.” Jimmy says back, and then he opens the door. Someone, Fwhip thinks it is the same person who made the prince's room, goes to escort him to it. The door is shut behind them with a sad clicking sound, leaving the half dragon alone for the first time all day. 
He turns back to his desk, and fiddles with a pen again. He's got nothing to do really, but think and wonder about what the hell that conversation was. And also hope that Jimmy will truly be gone by morning, for both of their sakes. Even if his home is no better than this one, he hopes the cod is long gone when he next wakes. 
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necros-writing-stuff · 6 months
I've been reading through all your Darius stuff, and I feel like we don't talk enough about Barista Victim. Cute little thing who Dare sees every morning before work to buy his coffee. Just a nice, kind young person who smiles at him in the mornings. Speaks with their sweet customer service voice and makes small talk and is so kind to him... Always smiles when he walks in (because she has to) and he thinks they're just as excited to see him as he is to see them. Totally misreading customer service as a flirtation or genuine human connection. One day they say something like "You know Mr. Darius you remind me of my dad a little! He's a loner too." And Dare has to FIGHT the throbbing boner in his pants.
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Barista reader returns!
Aight how's this. Darius overhears the owner talking about needing some renovation work done and offers his services. You won't be there while he and his crew are working - but oftentimes neither will the owner. Leaving the office computer unguarded.
Stupid to leave the login details in an unlocked desk. Your address isn't on the spreadsheet, but your phone number is. He may be middle-aged, but Darius knows what websites to plug it into to find your address. He knows how to use it to find any social media you've connected it to for verification - and now he can stalk them. He has no clue what these media things you post about are, and he gets jealous over how much you post one fictional dude.
When your shift ends and you head home, there's always a sense of being watched. You have to draw your curtains closed as soon as you're in - if you even opened them when you left. The paranoia got so bad you put bigger screws in your doorframe to make it harder to bust down. Just in case.
Every morning Darius comes in, with his leering stare and insensitive comments, you feel that same creeping nausea. Yet there's no proof. No proof at all that he's done anything. That fake smile wavers visit after visit, though. He's even started telling you the classic "You're pretty when you smile," or "Hey, I haven't heard you laugh in a while. Your boyfriend break up with you or something?"
Darius knows he's never seen anyone but you in your apartment and that you've never posted about a boyfriend, but hey maybe he missed something. Always good to fish for more as subtly he can. To come across as a concerned patron.
The way the skin around your eyes creases in disgust tells him he has to stop playing the waiting game, though.
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wanderingnork · 6 months
Top Ten Horror Movies: 2023
Back at Halloween, I listed my top ten horror movies of all time. Now, I'm going to list the top ten just from this year. It's 10 out of 48. Not the quantitatively best movies, necessarily, but the ones that compelled me the most, that I enjoyed the most, that I remember the best. In ascending order:
Slotherhouse: A sorority girl adopts an illegally-acquired sloth in order to try to increase her popularity while she runs for sorority president. Things go spectacularly wrong when the sloth turns out to be...murderous.
I liked this movie for its sheer audacity. Slasher villain sloth? They committed to the bit! They made it a slasher! And the sloth was done with a puppet. A VERY GOOD PUPPET. Sloths already look like plush toys, so this wasn't a huge stretch. The puppet required five puppeteers to operate, had ten axes of movement in her adorable face, and a real voice actor handling her lines. Yes, LINES. The sloth noises are part of the script! Is it a great movie? No. But is it a joy to see an audacious, absurd, well-crafted labor of love on the silver screen? YES.
The Ruins: A group of foolish college students go to visit a forgotten Mayan pyramid. Very quickly, they find out why it was forgotten when the vines covering the pyramid turn out to be...murderous.
This movie is clever, bloody, and relentless. Whenever things went wrong, my stomach dropped even further. I was on the edge of my seat by the end. My ONE quibble: I think the alternate ending should have been the real ending, and I don't understand the rationale for why it wasn't. It's real. To me.
Southbound: A series of connected short horror stories that take place along the same stretch of road in the desert of Southern California. Each story flows into the next, with the final story circling back to the beginning of the movie.
A delightful anthology that felt more like it was a single movie, I really just enjoyed Southbound a lot. Each story has good horror in different ways. Some are psychological, some are body horror, some have monsters, but they all come together to tell a single tale. And what a chilling tale it is. Plus, I love getting to see the variety of ages and body types throughout the movie. This movie is populated by Real People and that's wonderful, especially for one that's so...dare I say, liminal in nature.
Five Nights at Freddy's: A young man in dire need of money to care for his younger sister takes a job as a security guard at an abandoned pizzeria. He thinks it's an easy job, until the animatronics that used to entertain children turn out to be...you guessed it, murderous!
This one I loved largely for the animatronics. The work put in to make those iconic haunted robots weighty and real is staggering. They exist! Actors in suits, puppets, full moving animatronics...it's beautiful. Just beautiful. The movie itself is a great adaptation, but we're all really there for Freddy and his friends. I'm so excited I finally got to meet them on the big screen.
Incantation: A woman asks viewers to repeat an incantation to help her ailing daughter as the film opens. We follow the story of mother and daughter from the mother's ill-starred exploration of a taboo ritual in rural Taiwan to the climax of the movie, which has to be seen to be believed.
Contains the scariest monster I saw this year, full stop. Also had to peel myself off the ceiling when it was over from the tension. And then listen to really loud music to get that fucking incantation out of my head.
Skinamarink: Two children awaken to find that their father is missing, and so are all the doors and windows of their house.
This is a divisive one. People either love it or they hate it, and even people who love it can see why others don't. It really does contain a lot of still shots of doors and ceilings at weird angles. But...something about this got to me. To the child who used to have night terrors. To the part of me that still doesn't like doorframes full of darkness. This movie will live with me for a long time.
Splinter: A troubled couple gets carjacked by an escaped convict and his girlfriend. When they stop at a gas station, the four of them have to work together to survive as a monster hunts them down.
This was a MARVELOUS monster movie. I loved the splinter beast. I loved the disembodied crawling hand. But more importantly, I really loved that escaped convict character up there. He turned out to be the true hero of the story and I cried for him. It was unexpected, but I have to say out of all the characters I saw this year...he's #1.
Phase IV: A strange event results in ants becoming sentient. Two scientists go out to study them, and quickly get a lot more than they bargained for as the ants assert their dominion.
I would have dismissed this as a silly B-movie except for the ant actors. Yes, ACTORS. The sequences of the ants are shot using macrophotography, carefully cut so that ants seem to have personalities and goals. Their deaths are tragic. Their heroes are bold. I cared more about them than I did about the human protagonists! And it's all beautifully shot, too, with so much detail and care put into everything. It's a real tragedy that so many ants actually died during filming, though.
The Red Shoes: A ballerina takes on a challenging role in a ballet based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale The Red Shoes. As she embraces her role, the lines between stage and reality become increasingly blurred.
A pretty standard but well-crafted and beautifully-costuemd tragedy, this stands out for the GLORIOUS ballet sequence. We get to see it performed in full, 15 minutes of dance, music, and art, including beautiful practical effects and painted sets that transport us directly into the fairy tale itself. You can watch it for free on YouTube here (and the full movie is available for free there, too, if you so choose). It's beautiful and haunting enough to be a horror short film on its own.
Martyrs: When a young woman seeks revenge on the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child, nothing goes according to plan--and it's her best friend who will pay the ultimate price.
Unflinching, brutal, Martyrs brings us face to face with violence that isn't cinematic or interesting. This isn't Saw, where the appeal is in the clever traps and tension of escape. It's a story about inescapable violence enacted on an innocent person. I also think it's a story about...the Final Girl. The character, the young woman, the innocent victim, who takes on the monster so that the audience can experience catharsis and find themselves free of their pain for a while. Thanks to Anna's sacrifice in Martyrs, I experienced that kind of catharsis myself. And that's what makes it the best horror movie I saw this year: no other horror movie made me feel like this one did. No other horror movie changed me on a fundamental level like this one did.
(Interested in other horror recs? Check out the lists here.)
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callsign-magnolia · 1 year
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 33
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 7.6k
Chapter 32 | Masterlist
"Did you say, 'a buyer' was coming?" I seethed. How dare she sell what was left to me, some of the last things I have of my mother. Some of her favorite things. "Yes." She said, deadpanned. "Where is it?" I asked and she remained quiet. "Where is it, Tilly?" She shook her head. Ignoring me again. "You can either tell me where it is, or I can flip your room and this entire house upside down untiI find it. " Her head whipped around, wide eyed. "You wouldn't dare." I raised a brow before turning and marching out of the kitchen, making a beeline for the stairs. "BRADLEY NICHOLAS!" She yelled, but I kept my stride, rushing up the stairs and down the hall to her room. I knew she kept her jewelry box in her closet, but as soon as I grabbed the handle for her bedroom door, she grabbed my arm. "STOP!" I turned to her, and she sighed defeatedly. "Do you really think she deserves that ring? After everything she’s put you through?”
“Yes, she does. Mom always told me that I should give that ring to the girl of my dreams, and she’s it. So, give me the ring Tilly.” I said sternly and she huffed, walking into her room and opening her jewelry box, pulling out the familiar felt navy ring box. “And while you’re at it, you can go ahead and give me any other jewelry she left to me. She turned, glaring at me. “I don’t think I have anything else she left you.” I quickly pushed off the doorframe, walking over to her and looking down into the jewelry box. “Those gold earrings are mine, my dad gifted her that bracelet on their honeymoon.” I looked around, making sure I didn’t miss anything when my eyes landed on a familiar necklace. It was an upside-down, pear-shaped garnet with a pearl hanging from it, a small diamond in the center connecting them. “That is also mine.” She quickly shook her head. “That was your other’s favorite piece-“ “And it’s mine. So, hand it over, Tilly.” She huffed, slamming it down into my hand with the other pieces. As soon as I had it, I turned, heading back downstairs. “That girl doesn’t deserve you, Bradley.”
I scoffed and turned to her. “You don’t know me anymore, Tilly. Not since you decided to walk out of my life and leave me completely alone. I have gone through a lot of changes in my life, and she makes me a hell of a better person. Because if this had happened before I met her, I can guarantee there would be a lot more yelling and fighting.” I said before making my way down the stairs. “I bet she’s still in contact with that husband of hers!” Now she’s just reaching, trying to get under my skin. But if there’s one thing, I’ve learned from being with Magnolia, it’s to have patience and let things go. “He’s in prison and they have a no contact order.” I said as I kept walking, not even turning back to look at her. I went back down into the basement, huffing as I gently put the jewelry away, except the ring box. I held it and sat down on the couch, slowly opening it and admiring the ring with a smile on my face. It was a pear-shaped diamond sitting on a gold band with a few small accent diamonds around it. The accent diamonds almost remind me of little leaves. The wedding band was similar, resting under the ring with tiny accent diamonds adorning it. It reminded me of Magnolia, while it was simple yet intricate.
I was really doing this. I was going to propose to the girl who I’ve been chasing down for years. I never thought we’d get to this point. I thought she would always be the one that got away, but she came back, even when I worried she wouldn’t, she did. I had to figure out how to pull off this proposal though. She deserved something nice. I know she didn’t want anything big or extravagant. Maybe just us? Our friends? Maybe her family? I sat for a while, pondering on it when an idea popped into my head. I immediately whipped out my phone, pulling up Penny’s number and dialing it. “Hello?” I sighed, now feeling a little stupid. “He-hey Penny, how are the dogs?” She just chuckled. “Well, Dahlia is currently laying out back in the sun and Sadie has been glued to Amelia and is in her room with her.” I nodded. “Did you need to talk to Pete?” I shook my head. “No, I needed to ask you something.”
I seemed to catch her attention as she made a noise of surprise. “And what do you need my help for?” She sounded a bit smug, like it was funny. “I was wondering if I could borrow your boat, and if You could teach me how to sail it?” I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth, feeling a little dumb for asking. She just laughed loudly at my request. “Why would you want my boat?” I bit my lip to fight back my grin. “I’m proposing to Magnolia.” Immediate squeals sounded from the other end, loud and high pitched. I pulled the phone away from my ear, chuckling lightly. “Oh my god! I have been hoping for this since she first told me all about you!” I chuckled and leaned back on the couch, propping my feet on the coffee table. “That’s why I want to borrow your boat. I want to propose to her on it.” I could practically hear her smile grow on the other end of the phone. “Absolutely! Oh my god she will love it!”
“So, you’ll teach me when I come home?” I asked hopefully. “We start Monday once you get off work.” I pumped my fist cheering. “Thank you, Penny! You’re a life saver!” She agreed and we said our goodbyes. Now I have a plan, and I’ll execute it as soon as Magnolia comes home. Right after Christmas! She’s going to love it! I was lost in thought and didn’t hear the basement door open. I only lifted my head when I heard Aunt Tilly clear her throat. “I think I have a few more things you would like.” She said as she held two big boxes in her hands. “What’s that?” My face was stoic, wondering why she was down here. She just gave me a small smile, setting the boxes down and opening the biggest one. She pulled out some material, it was white and puffy. “It’s your mom’s wedding dress.” My eyes widened at her words. “You sure? It looks so… poofy.” She just smiled, pulling it out completely. “It was small by eighties standards.”
“She loved Princess Diana’s wedding dress. But she didn’t want something as large, so she opted for a smaller one that was a little more form fitting.” She sighed, wiping her tears as she looked at the dress. “She was a vision of beauty, your mom. I was always a little jealous to be honest.” She said with a chuckle. “Why are you showing me this, Tilly?” I asked with a sigh. I knew why she was showing me this. We were the last family each other had. She never had kids and my parents are gone. “I wanted you to see this stuff. Your mom did leave me a few things, mainly pictures and a few other items. But I wasn’t sure you had ever seen these things.” I had never seen my mom’s dress, except in pictures and I hadn’t seen over half of these pictures. I let her show me the pictures, most of family, some I had never seen. But a lot were just mom and dad, or mom, dad and me. Once we went through everything, she turned to me. “Despite what you might think. I only want what’s best for you, Bradley.” I shook my head, laying the pictures back in the box. “She is what’s best for me, Tilly. You’re just going to have to accept that.”
We have two days till we arrive in Bahrain, and I may kill Buck before then. He’s cockier than Hangman ever could be, he’s more arrogant and the danger he poses to the team is immense. “Lieutenant Motley. My office.” Captain Wheeler said as he passed by me. “Yes, sir.” Falling in step behind him, I followed him to my office. Once we were in, I stood at attention in front of his desk. “At ease.” He said and I nodded, relaxing slightly. “Now, from what I have heard, Lieutenant Cooper abandoned you in the air a few days ago.” I nodded. “That is correct, sir.” He nodded, writing some stuff down. “Mind recounting what happened?” I nodded. “We were doing a simulation and an enemy aircraft was coming up behind us. As soon as he got lock on me, Buck bugged out. He dove down, rushing back to the ship.” 
He sighed, sitting back in his chair. “Has he done anything else since the incident?” I pursed my lips, questioning if I should say anything. But then I remembered what I told Hangman. “Yes, sir. I was waiting for Lieutenant Seresin outside of your office the day it happened. When Lieutenant Cooper came out, he backed me into the wall and told me to either stay out of his way or watch my back.” Captain Wheeler’s fist clenched and unclenched as the wrinkle between his brows grew deeper. “He threatened you?” I froze up at his words, realizing he technically did. “Yes, sir.” He nodded, tapping his pen on his desk for a moment before standing. “You may go, Lieutenant.” I nodded, immediately vacating the office and heading for my own room.
Once there I plopped down in the chair at the tiny desk, opening my laptop. I smiled seeing I had a few new emails. One was from Bradley, telling me how good the dogs were, and that Dahlia’s hip was bothering her when a storm rolled through. He attached pictures. Mostly him and the dogs, a few of everyone at the Hard Deck, but the one that caught my attention the most was a very risqué one. It showed him lying on the bed, cock erect as one hand gripped it. I bit my lip lightly, squeezing my thighs together. God, I missed him, in every sense of the word. I replied to his email, telling him I was doing fine, and I was excited to call him on Thursday when we docked in Bahrain. After that I looked at the one I got from my mom. It was mostly confirming that a lot of the Christmas gifts I had her order had arrived, I had Bradley order the ones for my mom. She was telling me how excited she was to have Bradley at my brothers for Thanksgiving. Telling me all about how mine and Jake’s dad plan to invite him out on the annual Seresin family duck hunt.
I never took Bradley for much of a hunter, and he may say no, but it made my heart swell knowing they were trying their hardest to make him feel like family. I emailed her back telling her we were all safe and I would make time to at least call her when we get to Bahrain. This had to be one of the hardest deployments I’ve ever been on. Mainly because I had so much waiting for me, because I had Bradley waiting for me. Of course, my parents were back in the states, waiting as well. But I was going home to Bradley. Home, in San Diego, in our house with our dogs. By the time I get there I will probably be a blubbering mess, but it will all be worth it. I’ve never hated being on a carrier, for so long it felt like where I belonged. Even on the Uranium mission I didn’t feel like this, but that could be because Bradley was with me. So were all my friends and almost everyone important to me. But now, it felt like I was in such a foreign place. Hangman made it a little easier and the new squadron has been so welcoming, with the exception of Buck, but it still felt like I wasn’t where I was meant to be.
I knew at this point; San Diego was home. Georgia would always have a sense of home, but I have started building a life with Bradley in Fightertown. This was our life and even if it meant spending months apart, I wouldn’t want it any other way. My laptop dinged and I smiled, seeing a reply from Bradley. I read over it, but one line stood out to me. “I have a romantic date planned for when you come home. I hope it’s one you’ll remember forever, pretty girl.” A romantic date? Bradley always managed to make little things romantic, so for him to go all out and actually call it romantic. I can expect nothing less than amazing and I know it. He really was amazing, and I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better man.
I dropped my bags at the front door, letting the dogs go in ahead of me. I was finally back home, and happy to be back. But the house felt so empty without Magnolia. She was what truly made this house feel like a home. Only seven more weeks and she’ll be home and I can keep her wrapped in my arms. But only after I put this ring on her finger. I rushed up stairs and unpacked, tossing what was dirty in the laundry basket and folding the stuff I brought home. I set the jewelry on the dresser in a small bowl Mags keeps her jewelry in and I put the ring box next to it. I decided to let the dogs outside and followed them, unlocking the gate and let myself into my backyard-our backyard.
I glanced up at the house, the outside looked the same, just cleaner. But I noticed the back door had been replaced like we wanted, a white door with nine glass panes now sat where an old dingy screen door was. I walked up onto the back deck, unlocking the new door and walking in. I glanced around at everything, taking I the changes. The kitchen was brighter now. No dark wood and yellow wallpaper. It now had light gray cabinets with black handles, and black quartz counter tops. We had the shallow sink removed and a deep farmhouse style sink put in. Magnolia was going to be so excited. While I never expected her to cook, she enjoys it, and she enjoys teaching me. So, for her to have a nice space to do it in, I know she’ll be happy with it. I wandered through the dining room and into the living room where the fireplace had been redone, the brick being painted white to contrast with the gray walls. It was so much brighter in here now. Magnolia will love the sun coming in every day, she can’t stand a dark house.
We also had all the windows replaced since the old ones were coming unsealed and allowing moisture to come in when it rained. They slid open so easily which will be nice when Mags opens all of them, she loves to have the breeze come through the house, especially when she’s laying on the couch trying to nap. I walked over to the front door, checking the new locks, not that Mags will use them, seeing they used long screws to install them. Upstairs, the carpet was soft, and the bathroom was done exactly how Mags wanted it. Separate tub and shower, new tiling, double vanity for us. She was going to love it and I couldn’t wait for her to come home. Once I was done investigating everything, I went back next door, seeing both dogs were lounging in the sun. I took the opportunity to go back upstairs for a shower while they were occupied. Once that was done, I got out and opened my dresser drawer to grab some shorts and a tank top.
Once I got dressed, I noticed the polaroid sitting on the dresser, which reminded me of all the pictures I had stored away of her. I walked over to the dresser, opening one of her top drawers and finding the stack of pictures we kept. I pulled them out and sat on my side of the bed flipping through them. I sent a few of my favorites with her, but I also kept some. “Goddamn.” I muttered as I stared at the photo in front of me. It was one I took right when her orgasm hit. Her hair was a beautiful mess, her she was slack jawed on all fours as I railed her from behind. I could still hear her moans, which caused my cock to twitch in my shorts. I have to put these away before I become so hard it hurts. So, with what little will power I had, I put them away before going back downstairs. I let the dogs in a fed them before tossing something together for me to eat. After dinner we all curled up on the couch, Dahlia whining as she laid her head on my lap. “I know, girl. I miss mommy too.” I whispered as I scratched behind her ear.
Monday was typical, nothing out of the ordinary besides a phone call from the contractor telling me they should be finished by Wednesday. Which means I can start moving stuff in that evening. Now I just have to call the owner of Magnolia’s house and give him the keys. But after work I changed and Mav and I drive down to the docks, meeting Penny so she could teach me how to sail. “Some sailor you are!” She remarked as we got closer. “I fly jets, Penny!” She shook her head as we stopped just in front of her boat. “This one here said the same thing when I showed him how to sail.” I raised a brow at Mav. “You know how to sail?” He shrugged. “Barely! I know how to not crash!” He said as Penny helped him up onto the boat, before holding her hand out to me. “Alright, untie that line.” I did, unhooking the line and we were off, drifting out to sea. “Hey, mom?” I turned to find Amelia coming out of the cabin below. “Yeah, sweetie?” Penny responded. “How long is this going to take? Casey and Bethany are going to see that new spy movie and asked if I could go.” She shook her head. “I told you that you could’ve stayed home, but you chose to come. It’s going to be awhile, so get comfy.” Amelia just huffed, going back down under the boat.
“Rooster! Come here!” I made my way over to Penny, who was at the wheel. “Grab that rope!” I did as she said, and we were off from there. Sailing a boat was so much harder than I thought it would be and I knew I would need more lessons. “Turn the wheel!” Penny yelled over the roaring waves, and I did, cutting the wheel to the starboard side. The boat turned sharply, Port side sticking almost straight up. Once we were straight again Amelia all but threw herself on deck. “IF YOU DON’T LEARN TO SAIL THIS THING I SWEAR TO GOD!” We all laughed at her words, finding them amusing. “I’ll tell Caila to tell you no!” I furrowed my brows turning to Penny. “Did you tell her?” She shook her head, pointing to Mav. “Seriously?”
He threw his arms out. “I took her to lunch, and it just came out!” Amelia held her finger up. “Uh, no! We sat down and you blurted it out within thirty seconds of being there!” Penny laughed. “She just ratted you out, Mav!” He nodded, staring at the shorter girl. “Yeah, she did.” Amelia turned to me. “Show me the ring?” I just chuckled. The water was a lot calmer now, so I stepped away from the wheel, pulling out my phone. I showed her the picture and her eyes widened. “Oh. My. God.” I could feel Penny and Mav looking over my shoulder as well. “That’s your mom’s upgrade.” I nodded. “The one dad never got to give her.” He chuckled. “How much of a fight did Matilda give you?” My face hardened at the memory. “She had a buyer lined up for it. As well as some other pieces.” He sighed. Tilly and Mav never got along. I never knew why, until I heard Tilly and my mom fighting one night. She apparently felt like Mav was trying to replace my dad. Mom told her he could never replace my dad, but he was a great friend to us. Mom leaned on him quite a bit, especially when she was sick.
“She tried to make nice later. Pulling out mom’s wedding dress and some pictures I had never seen. I just can’t forgive her after all the shit she said.” I said as I moved back behind the wheel. “Wait? What shit did she say?” He furrowed his brows, confused as Penny and Amelia looked on. “She was telling me that… Mags wasn’t good enough. That she wasn’t good enough for me. She kept saying that she would leave me again for Aaron just like she has before.” Mav scoffed, leaning on the railing as I turned us back to the docks. “It was a huge blow up.” His eyes rolled behind his aviators. “It always is, isn’t it?” I nodded as the rest of the ride turned quiet, but it was relaxing. Something about being on the water was calming and I know that Mags will be so excited to be out here when she gets home. Once we docked Penny turned to me. “Would you like to join us for dinner, Rooster?” I pursed my lips, looking out at the sunset. “Nah, I have to get home and feed the dogs before Dahlia gets into the pantry.” She chuckled and nodded. “But… I’ve been missing some home cooked meals. We have tons of food at the house. I’m pretty good on the grill, but uh, Mags was teaching me to do everything else if you guys want to come over for dinner.”
She looked to Mav and Amelia who nodded, and I got into the Bronco. They followed me home and before I could even get out of the car, Amelia was already at the front door. I laughed, grabbing my bag and going up to the door, unlocking it. She immediately ran in and sat on the floor with the dogs as the rest of us walked in. “Better than movies with your friends?” I teased and she smirked. “That depends on if your food kills me or not.” I placed my hand over my chest in faux offense. “Jesus, you’re like that annoying little sister.” I said and she chuckled, standing and walking past me to follow her mom into the kitchen. “Mav is your godfather, right?” I nodded as she turned to look at me. “Then if they get married, I’m basically your step-sister.” My eyebrows shot up in realization. “Oh, god. She’s right.” I muttered as she walked into the kitchen. I followed her, finding Penny already pulling stuff out of the cabinets. “You know. I have an appreciation for a woman who knows what true staples are.” She said as she held up a bag of breadcrumbs.
Penny and I got to work making food. I tossed steaks on the grill while Penny made the sides. I was out on the back deck when Mav came up behind me, patting my back and handing me a beer. “You know, I’m proud of you Bradley. Your parents would be too.” I chuckled, raising a brow at him. “What are you talking about?” Mav motioned around us. “You have a successful career, you’re renovating your parents’ house, you’re engaged-about to be engaged. Your parents wanted this for you.” I sighed, glancing over at the newly renovated house. “You think they’d like Magnolia?” Immediately loud and boisterous laugh escaped him, one that made him hold his stomach as he caught his breath. “Like her? Bradley, I hate to break it to you, I think they’d like her more than me and you.” He said as he patted my back, making a large grin grow on my face. “They’d love her, Rooster. Your mom would love any woman that loves you the way she does.” I nodded, flipping the steaks and taking a sip of my beer. “And my dad?”
His features softened at the mention of his old RIO. “Goose and Carol were over the moon when you were born, saying ‘The line of Bradshaw men continues’.” We laughed together. That seems like something my dad would say. “He mentioned to me one day that Carol and him made a video for your wedding day. He told me it was because he didn’t know what the future held.” Oh, how right dad was. “He told me that he wanted you to be with someone who loved you like he loved your mom. That you found someone who would always stand by you.” Mav glanced over to me, a smile on his face. “You found her.” I nodded, not able to resist the grin on my face. “Yeah, I really did, Mav.” We spent the night eating and spending time together. It was nice, we felt like a real family.
But every day must end, and the rest of the week flew by. Storms rolled in on Tuesday and by Wednesday poor Dahlia struggled to walk. “Come on, big girl.” I said as I helped her stand from her bed before guiding her outside. It was pouring down rain all day and they haven’t been outside since five-thirty this morning. She slowly got up and ambled to the back door, a limp in her step. I felt for her, ten years isn’t a long time and she’s already halfway through her lifespan. As her and Sadie went outside, I went upstairs to quickly change, leaving the back door open so they could come in. Once I did that I rushed back downstairs, seeing Sadie had already come in. But Dahlia wasn’t. I looked outside, seeing she got stuck trying to jump up onto the deck. “Shit.” I rushed out into the pouring rain. The fat and heavy rain drops pounding my back as I grabbed her back hips and lifting her. She yelped and turned to snap at me, and I let go. “I’m just trying to help, dammit.” I opted to grab her back feet this time, the pads of her feet resting in my palms as I lifted her till she was level with the deck. Once she was steady, she stepped onto the deck, limping her way back inside. I dried them both off and sighed, looking at the puddle I created in the floor. “Guess changing was pointless, huh?” I asked. Sadie barked as Dahlia limped her way back to her bed.
That evening Mr. Willis, the owner of Magnolia’s house came by. “You must be the boyfriend she’s told me about.” I nodded, letting him in. “Yes, sir.” He smiled, looking around. “She really made this place a home.” I nodded, looking around as well. “She seems to do that wherever she goes.” He smiled at me as we did a walk through, making sure she didn’t change anything that would need to be changed back. “She really took great care of this house.” He said as we stepped out onto the back deck. The rain pounding on the roof above us. “She did. One of our favorite places to sit together is this swing. She told me her Mamaw had one as a kid and she loved to just sit on it for hours.” He chuckled, taking a seat next to me. “Is your renovation almost finished?” I nodded. “Tomorrow, I’ll start moving things.” He nodded, running his hand over the arm rest of the swing. “Take the swing with you.” I raised a brow at his offer. “Oh, we couldn’t-“ “I insist. My wife loved this swing and after she passed, it was hard to look at. It should be with someone who will use it.” I nodded as he shook my hand. “Thank you, Mr. Willis.” He nodded as I walked him back out front. “I’ll be back for the keys on Monday.” I nodded, shaking his hand one more time. “Thank you again, Mr. Willis.”
Once he left, I immediately started packing. We had held onto some boxes, and I bought more a few days ago. I had started packing things up, like Magnolia’s clothes. She wasn’t here to wear them, so I packed them up. I managed to get the rest of her stuff in the closet packed up for the night, including the dried bouquet I got her in Australia. Looking at them I got a brilliant idea that I would run by Phoenix, but for now it was time for bed. Which, unbeknownst to Mags, Sadie has taken to sleeping in the bed. She may kill me for it, but I couldn’t resist that sweet face. Wednesday came and it was still raining so I only moved boxes, piling them into the living room. It was mostly Mags clothes, her stuff from the bathroom, some of the stuff from the kitchen and a few pictures she had yet to hang up. But Thursday was the day I had been waiting for. I was sat on a barstool in our new kitchen as I waited for the call to connect. The little circle on the screen going around and around as I waited for the screen to stop buffering. Suddenly her gorgeous face appeared, and I immediately melted. “Hi, pretty girl.”
“Oh my god, Roo. I miss you so fucking much.” I muttered as I stared at the iPad screen. “I miss you too, pretty girl. How’ve you been? How’s the squadron?” I gave him a smile, not wanting him to see how frustrated I am. “I’ve been good. Hangman, believe it or not, has made all this a little more bearable. The squadron is amazing, not better than the Dagger Squad though.” He chuckled, smiling at me. “Buck has been a pain in my ass, though.” He furrowed his brows. “Buck? He’s on the team? No one ever informed me of that.” I shrugged. “Just like you never informed me that you told them to ‘watch out for me’?” He sighed, running his hands through his hair. “Okay, I just wanted to make sure you were taken care of. Being with a new squadron can be rough and stressful.” I nodded. “Yeah, I would know. I’ve worked with new teams before.” He pursed his lips, giving me a sad smile. “I’m sorry, Mags. Really.” I nodded. “Apology accepted.” I said as I smiled at him through the screen. “How’ve the dogs been?”
“Okay. Dahlia slipped trying to get on the deck yesterday, her hips weren’t working right.” I sighed, nodding. “I need to get back in with the vet to discuss what would be our best course of action.” He nodded. “Are you in the new kitchen?” He nodded, his eyes shining with something I couldn’t pinpoint. “Yes! You’re going to love it!” He said as he stood. “Oh, honey!” He stopped, furrowing his brows at me. “I want to see it when I come home. Want you to show me.” He nodded, sitting back down. As he did the timer went off for one minute. “Fuck. I have one minute.” He nodded. “Okay, uh, I moved some stuff into the house. Your clothes, a few pictures, some kitchen stuff.” I nodded. “You’re going to love it, pretty girl. Just like I love you.” I smiled, wiping a few tears away. “I love you too, Roo.” As soon as the words escaped my mouth, the video call shut off, making me sigh and tear up. I stood, wiping the rest of the tears as I headed for the door. But I bumped into a hard chest as I walked out the door. I stopped, looking up and locking eyes with Buck.
He chuckled, seeing my face red and streaked with tears. “Aw, did Bradshaw dump you?” I rolled my eyes, walking away. He just chuckled, walking into the room I just left. Don’t let him get to you, Caila. He’s not worth it. I thought to myself as I walked down the hall, back to my room. “Hey, Magnolia!” I turned to see Storm and Flame rushing over. “Oh, hey guys.” I said, hoping they wouldn’t notice my tears. “You okay?” I chuckled, wiping my cheeks. “Yeah, just got off a call with Rooster. I just miss him.” Storm nodded. “Well, we’re gonna hit the gym. Wanna join us?” Flame asked and I pursed my lips. “Yeah, you know it’ll do me some good. Let me change and I’ll meet you in there.” They nodded as we split off. I went back to my room, changing into a tank top and some shorts and grabbing my water bottle. I left my room, heading for the gym on board when I saw Buck heading my way. I groaned, tempted to turn around but I decided I wasn’t running from him. I’ve done enough running from men and I’m done. I held my head high as I stepped past him, hearing a low whistle as I did. “Damn, I see why Bradshaw went after you for so many years. That flight suit hides everything.” I stopped, turning to him. “As a lady and a fellow officer, I’m gonna have to ask you to refrain from making comments about my body and keep your eyes in your head.” I said sternly and he chuckled, stuffing his hands on his pockets. “You know, a banging body isn’t enough to keep Bradshaw’s attention. You’re not there to sit on his cock every night, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s buried in some blonde back home.”
The little voice in the back of my head was screaming that he was right, but another part of me knew better. Rooster wouldn’t do that, he loved me. He truly loved me. “I went through twelve years of mind games, Buck. If you want to get in my head, you’ll have to step up your game.” I said with a smirk before walking away. I was cool on the outside, but on the inside my heart was racing and I felt like I was going to vomit. Rooster wasn’t with me for sex or my looks. He wouldn’t have spent the last six years chasing me down if he just liked my body. I had to reassure myself of that, knowing everything Buck said was a lie. I sighed, trying to calm myself as I walked into the gym. “About time! What were you doing, strutting the halls?” Storm asked, making me laugh. “Sure was! Strutting down here to show you guys how a real aviator does it!” I got a lot of ‘Oohs’ from them, making me laugh again. “Come on, I need a good workout.” Flame said, motioning me over to the leg press machine.
Friday came quick and with it came back breaking labor. The teams was kind enough to help me move everything next door. It was a hard day that was rewarded with beers at the hard deck, first round on me of course. “The place really looks great, Rooster. Think Magnolia will like it?” Payback asked. Everyone seemed a little surprised when I told them she hadn’t set foot inside since we did our little demolition. Meaning she hasn’t seen any part of the renovation. “Are you kidding me? She’ll be in love with that kitchen.” Phoenix said from her spot next to me. “That was a little sexist, Phoenix. Wasn’t that sexist Payback?” Payback held up his fingers, pinching them together. “Just a little sexist.” Phoenix just laughed them off. “You’ve had her food. She enjoys cooking from time to time.” I nodded, holding up my beer. “Yeah, and I use that kitchen too. I can cook a few things and Mags has been teaching me a few of her recipes.” Everyone laughed at my words, Fanboy almost falling out of his seat. “You? Cooking?”
I held my hand to my chest, looking offended. “I’ll have you know, my girlfriend loves a Reuben-“ “You bet she does!” Payback yelled, making everyone laugh. “And she says I make the best.” I finished and Coyote patted my shoulder. “She’s just saying that man.” We all laughed. Being at the Hard Deck with the team is fun, but without Mags it doesn’t feel right. It even feels emptier without Hangman, even though I’d never tell him that. “Hi, Rooster.” A small voice said from next to me. I turned to see the familiar blonde. “Lieutenant Becks.” I greeted and she giggled, smacking my arm. “Oh, come on Rooster. Everyone calls me angel now.” I wanted to roll my eyes at her annoyingly high-pitched voice. “I’ll stick with Lieutenant.” I muttered, sipping on my beer as Phoenix cleared her throat, catching her attention.
Once Phoenix dragged her away, I sighed in relief, looking at the other guys. “You know, I liked her at first. But now she’s clingy and seems to think we all want her.” Payback said, sipping his beer. “I mentioned it to my girlfriend, and she was pissed, threatened to come out here and everything.” We all turned to him with raised brows. “I’m sorry? Girlfriend?” Coyote asked, making a grin grow on his face. “Yeah, met her before the mission. She’s coming out for the new year.” We all cheered and hung out for a few more hours. Once my beer was empty, I made my way back to the bar for another. I clocked Angel on the other side, giggling with some other girls. Good, she can stay over there. “Another?” Penny asked, catching my attention. I nodded and she smiled, taking my bottle. I caught someone out of the corner of my eye and felt a hand on my arm, making me tense up. “Hey, Rooster.” I sighed, turning to her. “You here alone?” I nodded, not paying her much attention. “My girlfriend is deployed.” A grin grew on her face, making her lips curve up in almost a vicious way. “That’s so sad. I’m sure you get lonely.” I shook my head, shrugging her hands off. “Not really, we have two dogs together who keep me busy, and the team is always around.” She giggled. “But I’m sure that bed of yours gets a little cold, huh?” I shrugged her off again and took a step back.
“Look, I’ve tried to be nice. But I have a girlfriend, who I’m going to propose to, and she means the world to me. I do not like you like that, so please, stop trying to make moves on me.” She shook her head, taking another step closer. “Bradley, come on. We all know she doesn’t do it for you-“ I interrupted her with loud laughs, the sound booming over her high-pitched voice. “No, see, she checks every box for me. I am not interested in you, Becks. Now, leave me alone, and the team unless you’re going to stop flirting with all of us.” Her face fell and I grabbed my beer from Penny, before turning and making my way back to the team. Once I got back, everyone was watching behind me. “What the hell did you say to her, man?” Fanboy asked and I turned seeing Angel was back with her friends and crying.
 “Just told her I wasn’t interested and to stay away from me and the rest of you guys unless she was going to stop shamelessly flirting with all of us.” Payback shrugged. “I’m cool with that plan.” Coyote nodded. “Me too.” Soon everyone agreed. “Think Magnolia would be jealous?” Coyote asked and I chuckled, sipping my beer. “What do you think that body shot was at the Halloween party?” Everyone stopped and stared at me. “That was her, jealous. Now imagine if she saw Becks all over me.” It stayed quiet as Phoenix giggled. “Becks would be in an ER and Magnolia would be in the back of a cop car.” Bob choked on his water. “You think?” I nodded. “She had one blonde step in on her last relationship. She’d beat the shit out of Becks for even trying.” They nodded. It made sense why Mags would get jealous. She’s comfortable in our relationship, but she wouldn’t stand for some woman crossing a line.
The rest of the night flies by and so does the weekend. I put in back breaking work to get the house ready for Mags. She deserved to come back to a home that was put together and ready for her to relax. So, I put the bed together and laid her blankets across the couch. I set up the kitchen just like she had it next door so she could find everything easily, making sure all the cast iron she had was put somewhere safe. I put the dog beds down in the living room and bedroom, their basket of toys sitting in the corner next to the fireplace. I moved her plants to our back deck and took down the porch swing, anchoring it to our new deck for her. By Monday morning almost everything was done as I put all my focus into the house. Monday was fine, until it wasn’t, and now I’m sitting in the kitchen with tears in my eyes as I waited for Mags to pick up for our scheduled video call. Thankfully she answered quickly. “Hey, Roo- what’s wrong?” I took a deep breath, not able to meet her eyes. “Bradley? What’s wrong? Are the dogs okay?” I nodded, wiping my eyes. “They’re fine.” I said and finally lifted the envelope. “I got orders.”
“What? N-no. No! I’m supposed to come home, and we’re supposed to spend Christmas together! You’re not supposed to leave!” She had tears already falling down her cheeks as a sob hit. “I know, Mags. I don’t want to go but it came in last minute. I wish I could be here, pretty girl.” I hated seeing her so upset. She became a wreck, crying and gasping for breath and it broke my heart as I wiped my own tears. “When do you leave?” She gasped out. “Two days after Thanksgiving.” She squeezed her eyes shut, making more tears fall down her cheeks. “I’ve already talked to your mom. I’ll go out to your brothers for Thanksgiving, and your parents will take the dogs and airstream back to their house in Georgia. You can fly out and spend Christmas with them before driving back.” I hoped my words would make her feel better, but it didn’t seem to help. “How long?” I shook my head, not wanting to tell her. “Bradley. How long?” I sighed, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand as I choked out the words. “Four months. I’ll be back in April.” She shook her head as a sob hit. “No. No!” She cried as her head fell back. That means we would go six months before we saw each other again. Six, long, grueling, heartbreaking months before I got to hold her in my arms again. “I’m so sorry, Mags.” She shook her head as she wailed. “It’s not fair. It’s not fucking fair!” I nodded. “I know, Mags. I know.”
Suddenly her head shot up. “Fuck, one minute.” I sighed, just taking her in. Even with a red splotchy face and bloodshot eyes she still looked beautiful as ever. She was still the Mags who captured my heart. The words almost escaped my throat, almost. I almost blurted out ‘Marry me?’ She doesn’t deserve that. She deserves a proper proposal, one that she’ll remember and love. “I still want to take you on that date when I come home.” I said and she whimpered, trying to soothe herself. “You gotta stop, pretty girl. You’ll throw yourself into a migraine.” And I wouldn’t be there to hold her and rub her head if she got one. “I know. I’m sorry all I’ve done is cry on this call.” I shook my head. “Never apologize for feeling your emotions. I love you, Mags.” She gave me the smallest of smiles. “I love you too, Roo.” Just as the last syllable past her lips, the call cut off. I thought I was fine but as I sat there, taking in the fact I wouldn’t be here to welcome her home, the sobs hit me. I rested my head on the counter as I cried. It wasn’t fair, I should be here, with her. We should be stuck in bed for hours before I took her on that boat and got down on one knee, but now it feels like everything was standing in my way of asking her the one question I’m dying to ask.
Taglist: @mak-32 @rosiahills22 @dhwanishah09
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martyrbat · 2 years
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ghosts – batman: haunted knight
[ID: a retelling of the story A Christmas Carol but with Bruce Wayne and for Halloween instead. Both images have a multi panel sequence. In the first image, Bruce is being shown by a spirit in the form of the Joker of ‘Halloween Present'’ — aka how he's changed as Bruce Wayne since he became Batman. The Joker points to a group of children walking up to The Wayne Manor's gates as Batman says, “These children live in the neighborhood. What possible connection could they have to me?” The children gossip and tease each other, taunting if the others are scared or not. One child nervously says, “H-here we go...” One asks, “Who would wanna live in a place like this...?” The last child says, “The guy never comes out. My dad told me the house is [haunted!]” They're suddenly running away in fear from the gate.
In the second photo, Bruce is in reality and is turning on lights so every window is lit up from outside. Alfred asks, “Wouldn't you feel more comfortable going out this evening, sir?” Bruce replies, “Whatever happens in the city tonight, Alfred, Captain Gordon and his men can handle it.” Alfred teases the billionaire, “I dare say, I hope we can afford the electric bill... I scarcely remember a time when we've had this many lights on.” Four children are walking up, the giant gates open and the manor lit up warmly. They say trick or treat excitedly as Bruce stands in his doorframe. He's holding a giant bowl of candy with both hands as he tells them hello. Bruce's internal narration reads, ‘I'll never truly understand what happened to me last night. What's more, I'm not certain I want to. Clearly something had to be changed in my life. And now... something has.’ END ID]
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Summary: You get a call that someone is in town, is this even a good idea?
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Slade Wilson
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, choking, Daddy Kink, Pet names, Spitting, implied cheating (Not on each other), clothes ripping, Oral (both), swearing, praise, minor deg.
AN: So... I wrote this mostly for @littleredwing89 but you guys can read it if you want.
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Standing in front of the door you pondered whether or not you should just turn around and leave. This had to stop, you were getting married in a few weeks. You couldn't be showing up at his door at god knows what hour anymore. But here you were, it wasn't often he was in Metropolis. You had to see him, had to speak to him and have him-
"There you are Princess, I was wondering what was taking you so long," Slade says, leaning his large bicep against the doorframe.
"Umm, Hi," you say looking up at him. His damp hair hanging in a mess across his face and the white towel still wrapped around his tight torso. A light sheen of water covers him like he had heard your non-existent knock and came straight from the shower.
"You coming in? Or are you going to stand in the hall looking at my door like a lost puppy all night?" He asks you, holding his arm up for you to pass under. You duck, more out of habit than worry that you'll knock your head on his arm. You're almost all the way through the door when his hand wraps around your wrist spinning you and slamming you into the now closed door.
"Your boyfriend know you're here Princess?" He leans down, his rough stubble grazing up the side of your neck.
"No," Your fingers begin to fiddle with the large diamond ring on your finger, his eyes darting down and catching the gleams of light reflecting from it,
"No," He growls into your ear, his hands gripping on your ass. He lifts you into the wall, his barely covered cock pressing into you, his teeth latching onto your ear lobe, "you can't marry that idiot," his hands rip at your clothes, his hips hold you against the wall.
"He loves me," you begin to protest, but are silenced by the hungry way Slade is staring at your nearly naked body.
"He doesn't appreciate you,” he moans, encircling one hand around your middle, “doesn't know what you need," he holds you high, ripping your panties from your body.
"He's trying, he just-"
"He isn't me. Is he, sweetheart?" He steps fast carrying you towards the bed and in a flash his towel is off and his hands are all over you. His mouth latching onto your nipples, teeth biting and pinching while he moans into your breasts.
"Slade," you moan, your hands tangling in his hair and tugging gently on it. HIs name leaves your lips and you know you've fucked up. He flips you over like a pancake, pushing your face into the mattress. His hand connects with your ass and echoes around the room, a deep growl reverberating from within his chest.
"Slade is it?" He slaps you again, "what happened to Daddy, huh?" He grabs the back of your throat pulling you back so he can look at you, "don't want me anymore Princess?" You feel his fingers graze through your lips, "got a fiancé and you think you can just get rid of me?" He spits on you, "you little slut. Feels like you want me," he collects some of your pussy juice bringing it to your lips. "Answer me," he growls, tugging your head back even further. Tears form in your eyes as you look back at him. "Answer me,"
'Daddy," you moan, his fingers thrust into you once before he pulls out and slaps you on your needy cunt.
"Answer me Princess,"
"I want you," you cry pressing back into his hand, "I always wanted you,"
"I don't believe you," he growled, pulling you to your knees, "make me believe it"
You look up at him, his hard cock staring you right in the face while his eyes dare you to defy. Reaching out your hand you take him, giving him a few warm up pumps, your tongue darting out to taste him, "Daddy," you moan taking him fully into your mouth. Your tongue tracing along the hard line of the vein underneath, your hand comes up to caress his balls.
“There's Daddy’s good girl,” he says, brushing your hair back from your face. Gathering it up he forms a ponytail at the back of your head, gently tugging on it to get you to move how he wants.
Your legs begin to twitch as you feel your arousal drip down your thigh. Sucking him right down until your nose tickles the base of his cock, using your free hand to gather some of your juices up and press it into his mouth. His lips wrap around your fingers, a deep growl surrounds them, at the taste of you. “Such a good little slut for me,” his voice breathy as he tried to keep his release at bay. His hard cock throbbing on your tongue as he thrust out of you, spearing back in again. Your lips drip with drool and his pre cum your tongue, he pulls out only to thrust back in and hit the back of your throat, his strong hands handling your hair like an anchor.
"Prin- fuck," he growls taking your face in his huge hands, moving your mouth from him, "stop, baby. I don't wanna come yet," he crawls down over you and you shuffle backwards in the bed until you hit the wall. "Princess," he leans in, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, his hands sliding you up the wall until your legs are on top of his shoulders.
"Please," you pant, thrusting your pussy towards his mouth, his hot breath lingering over you..
"Fuck you smell amazing," his tongue darts out just flicking over your lips, "bet he doesn't do this for you," his lips begin to suck on your clit. Your thighs tightening around his head holding him in place, “doesn't appreciate your perfect taste the way I do,” he thrust his long tongue into you, licking at your insides finding your g spot with years of practice behind him. His thick tongue pressing while his stubble burned your thighs and his lips kissed yours.
"Yes, right there," you moan, grinding down on his face. "Fuck daddy," so close, you shudder his growl reverberates through your body and you begin to shake, your breath speeding up, your mind spinning. Then it stops. He spins you both around dropping you on the bed beneath him.
“Bad girls, who get engaged without asking Daddy don't get to come,” he chastises you, he takes your left hand in his, glaring down on the ring that adorned your finger, “Not until l I say so,” He parted your legs pushing with his thick thighs until his knees were flush with your ass. His eyes inspect your body for marks. When he found none they met yours, electricity racing in your veins. You peer down to his bobbing cock that was a thrust away from your aching pussy, “you want it? Beg for it,” he commands, gliding it through and parting you.
“Please Daddy, please fuck me,” you plead your eyes starting to tear up when his hand presses your gyrating pelvis into the mattress.
“Louder,” he teases, “I want the whole building to hear you,”
“Fuck. Need you,” you begin to squirm underneath him.
“Tell me your mine,” he growls, pressing the tip of his cock into your core, “tell me,”
“I'm yours,” you cry.
“Yes you fuckin are, I'm going to fuck you like he can't.”
“Yours, yours,” you pant as he begins to fuck into you harder,
“That's right,” he says, those calloused fingers wrap around your neck, “you're mine,” his hard grip take a bruising grip on your hip, “make more noise for me Princess,” he squeezes down in your throat his cock twitching at the choking sounds, “There's a good girl,” he praises you when you begin to scream.
“Jesus's fuck,” you cry as his fingers begging to circle your clit,
“Open your eyes, look at me while I split you in two.” He bites down hard on your lip, “I want you to see who makes you cum this hard,”
Your voice echoes off the walls, a mess of incoherent screams and pleas for more. Your hands scraping along his back, your nails leaving markings of your own. Your legs cling to the back of his meaty thighs pulling him in deeper, so his cock could swirl your insides.
“Fuck, I missed you,” his intense stare pinning you in place, his hand releasing your neck to caress your cheek, “you almost there? fuck you feel so good,” He lifts your ass up off the bed holding your hips so he can pound into you, “Baby, I’m close. You ready?”
“Yes, Daddy, give it to me, please I need it. Need you to fill me up,”
“Cum Princess,” he smiles at you and it sends you into a spasm of shaking legs and arms, your torso convulsing like you're possessed. His cum fills you up to the brim.
You collapse on top of him, your head resting on his wide chest. The speckles of silver hair tickling your cheek. You clench down and feel his cock throb inside you, You feel a calloused hand brush the hair from your face and begin to travel along the smooth skin of your back. Leaning back, he plants a soft kiss on your forehead, then another and another, until your giggling in his arms.
“Slade,” you say, your voice breathless while you try to contain the laughter, “how long are you staying for?”
“Why princess? You going to miss me?” he squishes you so close to him, you think he might break a rib.
“I always miss you when you're gone,” you say, twirling his chest hair around your index finger.
“Don't worry Sweetheart, I'll be back in time for the wedding,”
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holylulusworld · 3 years
The end, too soon
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Title: The end, too soon
Square filled for @spnquotebingo​ (“But what is grief, if not love persevering?”) WV
Square filled for @spnmixedbingo​​ Main character death
Summary: Life without Dean is not the same.
Ship: former Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer
Rating: Mature
Warnings: heavy angst, mentions of character’s death, grief, sadness, hopelessness, loss of a loved one, hurt & comfort (a hint), character’s death, blood, a hint of suicidal tendency, fluff
2021 SPN MIXED BINGO masterlist
2021 SPN QUOTE BINGO masterlist
A/N: Story is written in the reader’s PoV as she’s talking to Dean.
Sequel to Happy birthday, my beloved
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Written in reader’s PoV
You know what they say – The brave are always the first to die.
I chuckle humorlessly as yet another hunter tries to convince me I should celebrate your life, not be sad about my loss.
What do they know about my loss? 
You were the love of my life, my partner in crime, lifting me whenever I felt down. And this one time you needed me; I wasn’t there. I wasn’t fast enough.
I let you down…
I leave the bar to get away from too many people wanting to celebrate your life with me as I just want to lay down and die.
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“Sam left the bunker months ago. He found a nice girl. You would’ve liked her, baby,” I lift my glass, to bring it to my lips. “He said that watching me destroy myself slowly is the worst thing to watch.”
What does he know about my loss?
“I know he lost his brother too, but he tries to move on, ya know. I—I just can’t, Dean,” my eyes drift toward the flannel I placed on your side of the bed the day I came back home from your funeral. “It’s a year now…”
Sam isn’t wrong. I know it, he knows it. Hell, everyone else knows it. But I just can’t move on. 
Not now. Not ever…
“Sammy is happy, Dean. He retired and got the life he deserves. White picket fence and all, baby. I’m proud of him,” I push the tears away to not blur my vision even more. “I miss you so much. How can I ever move on without you? We had plans.”
You would laugh at me for talking to a picture, knowing your soul is long gone. Waiting for me in heaven…our heaven.
“Dude, can you imagine? Sam retired and the first thing he did was to tell me to get out of this life too,” I choke on my words, knowing Sam meant well. “How dare him to ruin my fun!”
I can almost hear your deep voice, my beloved. I still feel your hands on me and your breath in my neck.
Some days I see you sit in Baby when I dare to enter the garage to have a look at your beloved car.
“I take good care of you Baby, promised. She looks as good as ever. Just one thing is missing,” I crack a smile for the empty room and the ghost of you following me around, “you…”
It’s been a while since I talked to someone else but your ghost. I just wish you were here. Being selfish is not one of the things I’m proud of, but to have you back, I’d go to heaven to drag you back down here.
“Do you remember the day?” I whisper, eyes drifting toward your picture on my nightstand again. “We didn’t want to hunt those stupid masked vampires. You found it funny and—”
I shake my head at the memory, the last happy moments with you, my beloved. We ate pie and had fun. But then, the fun ended.
Every time I imagined our end or yours, it wasn’t like this. I wanted us to grow old together. Stupid, I know.
Hunters don’t grow older. Especially not together.
“I believed in us, Dean. All these years I believed in us and then…” I close my eyes to release a shuddery breath.
I still smell your blood and feel your heartbeat slow down. I taste your lips on mine, hear you say your goodbyes to me and Sam as if it just happened.
“A year, huh?” I hear Sam say. He stands in the doorframe, awkwardly glancing at me. “I didn’t know if I’m welcome here any longer but had to come around.”
“Sammy,” I jump up to wrap your brother in a hug. He’s the only connection to you I got left. “You’re always welcome here. You know that.”
“I wasn’t so sure after the last time we talked.”
“I—I was drunk and angry, Sam. I’m sorry for all the shit I said,” I sniffle silently as I allow myself to let Sam hold me for a moment. “Dean’s death wasn’t your fault, and I should’ve never said Dean would be disappointed as you wanted to leave the bunker and your old life. You deserve all the good things, Sammy.”
“You too, Y/N. Come with me,” Sam says but I shake my head. “We will find you a nice new place to live, a job and—”
“Sammy, I love you like a brother and I know you mean well, but I cannot leave this place,” I cling to my past with you, and leaving the bunker means leaving the last pieces of you I got behind. “I will try to move on, eventually. Just not now.”
“Please, come with me. If you stay here, haunted by memories, you will end up dead sooner or later. I know you are hunting on your own,” I can hear fear and anger in Sam’s voice. “Dean wouldn’t want you to get yourself killed.”
“No, he would want me by his side, Sam. Dean would want to drive around in his car, kill the monsters out there and make love to me in Baby. Dean would want you to have us around and not spend his time in heaven!” I cry. “I—just leave me alone!”
“Y/N, your grief will get you killed!”
“Sam, my grief is what keeps me alive.” I give your brother a cracked smile while tears run down my face, “It makes me feel alive. Without the burning pain in my chest, I’d believe I died with Dean in that barn.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Sam whispers sadly.
“But what is grief, if not love persevering? Right? In the end, it’s my love for Dean keeping me alive, not grief. I know you miss him too, but please, find a way to move on, Sammy. One day, I want us to meet up in heaven again.”
“Just not yet, Sammy,” I pet your brother’s cheek softly. “Live for us. Make us proud. Have a family, a life outside of blood and despair. And when the time has come, you’ll find us…”
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It takes three months, five days, and sixteen hours before I find myself on Bobby’s doorstep. “Kiddo, it’s good to see you,” he smiles sadly at me. “I just wish you didn’t follow Dean so soon.”
“Where?” I cry. “Where is he, Bobby?”
“Heya, sweetheart,” I feel my heart flutter and my legs give in. “You are even more beautiful than I remember,” I’m in your arms moments later.
I cry and cry, as I finally found you again. “Dean.”
“Why, Y/N? I thought you will take the other road, find an out,” you whisper against my lips. “I wanted you to have a life.”
“I had a life, with you,” I let you envelop me with your strong arms, your scent, and voice. “I didn’t want another…”
“I missed ya, beautiful girl,” you don’t mention I was too reckless on my last hunt. That somehow, I wanted to end up dead on the ground, my body growing cold while I bled out. 
“The only thing I regret is that Sam must attend another burial,” I sniffle. “I’m sorry, Dean.”
“Sammy is going to be fine. He’ll be around, okay,” I nod, lifting my head to meet your eyes and a soft smile. “We will all be back together soon enough. Now, do you want to go for a ride?”
“A ride?” you guide me toward Baby, showing me your second favorite girl. “She’s here too?”
“It’s my heaven, right? Everyone I love is here, Y/N,” I smile, feeling at peace for the first time since I lost you. “Let’s go for a ride.”
“Yeah. We should hurry before Sam finds us,” we barely spend a night in your car before we find Sam.
But to him, many years have passed. 
He had a family. Grew old. But Samuel Winchester never forgot about his brother, Baby, and the life we shared.
“Heya, Sammy,” you welcome your brother, making me smile. “Bitch, what took you so long?”
“Jerk,” Sam retorts, hugging you for the first time in years.
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cherry-lipbalm · 2 years
tommy shelby
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marital bliss. tommy shelby.
part two
concept: yn’s family is down on their luck, for want of a better phrase. tommy comes up with a rather extreme solution.
The walls of YN’s house were thin, so it was inevitable that everyone would have heard her sobs, no matter how hard she tried to keep them quiet. She didn’t dare dabble in the thought of what everyone was saying about her after her… let’s say dramatic exit. Though she tried, she imagined the widened eyes and passing comments, and that only made her sob more.
She had resorted to smothering her face with a pillow, but that, too, was thin and acted as no barrier.
Outside, Tommy, despairingly, listened to her cries. He had come with rather strong intentions, marching after her not long after her outburst, once the residual shock had passed. The stairs thumped under him as he followed her, calling her name to no avail until she resoundingly slammed the door in his face. Trying to keep a bottle on his anger (he certainly wasn’t used to not being adhered to), he stood poised outside the door, teeth clenched as he debated whether there would ever be a good time to knock, rather than when it would arise. He exhaled deeply, struggling to listen to her sobs. Every time she went quiet and he found the courage to raise his fist and knock, she started again, and Tommy felt like a trespasser.
Still, he was glad he was here rather than downstairs, where the atmosphere was just as, if not more, awful. YN’s mother began to cry immediately after her daughter left, and Jack was left with wide eyes and to question why his mum was crying, innocent curiosity and all. Arthur, John and himself stood confused and hesitant, watching how Aunt Polly reached forward to console her. They had often admired Mrs YLN’s commitment to strength, and so watching her fragility was like witnessing the family dog speak. Therefore, he went after YN, not his discomfort of the dining room being the sole reason for his departure, of course. The thought of YN being alone, sorrowful, made his feet itch. Yet, he’d been listening outside her door for a while, withstanding any further action.
If anyone knew YN most, it was Tommy. They’d been friends for a long time now, in retrospect, their whole lives. Growing up alongside each other led to a certain connection YN feigned to find with anyone else, not that she’d really want to. She found it interesting how quickly time had passed them by, and how they’d both grown and matured so differently. Watching how Small Heath began to revolve around Tommy was odd, too, and only furthered the feeling that they were in completely different spheres. Though this separation persisted, the relationship between the two didn’t falter for a moment, and YN was eternally grateful.
Tommy wasn’t exactly gifted in the emotion department, and, despite their closeness, this showed. When it came to those he held dear, however, he had no option but to try his best. A little joke and a ruffle of the hair worked best for his brothers; he didn’t know how well that would go down with YN.
Still, he persevered.
A knock to the door seemed to work a treat at stopping her crying, but it remained closed, even after a few seconds. He furrowed a brow, leaning a fist on the doorframe before knocking again. While the anticipation gnawed away at him, he rubbed the nape of his neck, actively sighing in a lack of patience.
“I– I don’t want to talk to anyone,” came a muffled voice behind the door, interjected by hiccups from sobbing.
“It’s me,” Tommy said, as if that would make any difference.
Yet, it did. He heard distant footsteps, and the door creaked open not too long after. He peered intently through the gap, meeting YN’s reddened eyes, her nose running and eyelashes clumped together above the blotchiness of her cheeks. He offered a warm smile, noting the foreign feeling on his face.
“I still don’t want to talk to anyone,” she said, stubbornly, turning away. A good sign, however, being that she didn’t close the door.
“Fine,” he replied, following her inside. “We’ll just, sit here in silence, if that’s what you want.”
YN dumped herself down on the edge of the bed, clasping her hands in her lap, defeated. She didn’t have the capacity to laugh at Tommy’s preposterousness, aiming at tricking her into seeing her own.
He sighed, placing his hands in his pockets, quietly shutting the door behind him and shuffling to stand in the corner of the room. YN could have rolled her eyes, had she had the energy, at his distinct inability to even pretend to be remotely human. When they were younger, Tommy was particularly talented at making everything seem okay again, the man that had come back in his place had changed a bit. He was rougher around the edges, a statue that had been carved out by his trauma with a rusty chisel. YN feared that if it wasn’t for their time together already established, what they had would cease to exist. YN shook her head of the thought. Tommy watched her bite her lip, tears trailing past her cheeks with a blank expression. In distress, he scratched the top of his head, he hadn’t had to deal with this in a while.
Eventually, after possibly the longest silence in mankind, Tommy gave in. He pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against and strode over to the bed, staring at the space beside her as a signal for her to move along. Begrudgingly, she did, scoffing at him in the meantime. He grunted when he sat down beside her, exhaling deeply with a drop of his shoulders. Resting his hands on his knees, he turned to YN, who had resorted to staring at the floor.
“Here,” he said, brandishing a handkerchief from his chest pocket and dangling it in front of her. She gulped, rolling her eyes and snapping it off him. He retracted his hands, eyes wide at her predator-like nature.
She wiped her nose, sighing.
Tommy crossed his hands in his lap, looking forward, searching for the words to say. The last time he saw YN cry was when he returned from the War, and they were at least happy tears.
Here, he felt this was entirely out of his reach. Tommy didn’t know how to make this one better. It seemed entirely personal, in fact, Tommy felt like they were in completely different lives, distances apart. He’d missed out on all the signs that YN was struggling.
A deliberating quiet ensued. Tommy opened his jacket, delved in an inner pocket and wielded his trademark silver box. When he clicked it open he offered the cigarettes inside to YN, giving her a knowing look.
“I don’t even know where to start,” she confessed, taking him up on his offer and snagging a cigarette from the box. Tommy was quick to light a match and hold it to her lips, watching as she puffed the first drag. With it, her countenance fell to one of unsustained relaxation. Tommy followed suit, sticking one in his mouth and protecting the flame as he lit it. He waved out the match, taking a drag of his own. He waited a moment, savouring the nicotine, concluding that maybe all YN needed was a presence.
His head shot up at YN taking a stand, eyes eager to follow where she was heading. She crossed the room, and Tommy observed the frailty of her limbs in the quest to crack open the window. Arms poised, she grunted as she pushed the frame upwards. Frankly, the last thing she wanted was cold air, but she waved at Tommy and urged him to stand beside her.
“Come on, Jack sleeps in ‘ere too, I don’t want it stinking of smoke.”
He stood, sauntering over. They both remained hushed, repeatedly exhaling smoke out the parting of the window. YN rested her head against the frame, staring at the row of houses opposite her.
She turned to Tommy after a quiet, and saw he was looking at her helplessly. He even shrugged his shoulders at her, eyes wide as he rummaged his brain. God, Aunt Polly would be appalled with his behaviour. She always said he was lucky to have such a face, because the minute he opened his mouth (or, rather; didn’t) all hope was lost. Thankfully, though, this was the one thing to finally make YN laugh.
Retrieving the handkerchief she’d balled in her fist, she used it to cover the grossness of her snotty laugh, amazed he’d given her such fine material to be ruined by her meltdown. She guessed he could afford to get another one.
“I can’t stitch those trousers in time, and he doesn’t have anything else to wear to school,” she whispered, the smile quickly falling.
“He can borrow Finn’s. If worse comes to worse Finn’ll have to wear a skirt off Ada,” Tommy replied.
YN snorted, and Tommy exhaled a grateful sigh, leaning back, more relaxed now at her reacquaintance with brief exultation.
“I lost my job today,” YN said, the scarce joy of the exchange deteriorating as quickly as it had come.
“Artillery closed down,” she confirmed. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”
He paused for a moment. “I didn’t know you worked at the Artillery.”
“Yep. And the library, and the corner shop,” YN listed. “‘S still not enough.” She mumbled.
Tommy’s eyebrows were fixed in an almost permanent furrow, his cigarette hanging on the tether of an agape mouth as his mind placed all the pieces together.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asked.
“Because it’s embarrassing!” YN scoffed, turning back to the window.
Tommy looked around the room, allowing the awkwardness to fill it up. He rubbed his face with one hand, internally cursing himself for not noticing sooner. He leaned forward, pushing himself into YN’s sphere, who stared at him bewildered to the lack of space he’d left between them.
“I’ll give you some money,” he said.
She shook her head, “no. No, Tommy, this is exactly what I didn’t want,” she objected, already walking away from him, snuffing out her cigarette on the window ledge. Tommy grabbed her hand on her way past.
“YN, this is no choice. I’ll give you enough until you can get back on your feet,” he pat his jacket for his cheque book. “Get Jack some new trousers, get your stove fixed. Pol’ll probably make youse some tea– proper tea, not sandwiches.”
“Nowt wrong with sandwiches,” YN mumbled.
“Here,” Tommy stood, retrieving the book and stealing a pen off her bedside table. He began writing until YN smacked his hand.
“Stop it, Tom! I don’t want your charity.”
“Not charity, I’m helping a friend.”
“I don’t want your help. It feels wrong.”
“Now we both know you’d do the same for me.”
YN sighed, crossing her arms. She knew that when Tommy set his mind on something it was impossible to persuade him, but she could certainly give it a good go.
“I won’t accept it.”
“Yes, you will,” he said, tearing off the cheque and grabbing her hand again to force it into her grasp. Annoyed, she glanced at his characteristically scrawny handwriting. Upon reading the content, she looked at him, deadpanned.
“What? Not enough?”
“Too much!” She clamoured, shoving the paper back into his chest. In the limited space of her bedroom, she wasn’t granted much of a liberty to put him out of her sight, but she could surely sit down on the bed in a huff and stare at the floor for a significant amount of time, which was just as good.
Tommy rolled his eyes. He’d watched YN grow up, but this one aspect of her had always remained the same. She was still the most stubborn person he had ever met. Funnily enough, YN thought the same of him.
The crumpled cheque balled in his hands reminded him of his helplessness. The only thing that could help YN, and she refused to take it. Well, what was he supposed to do? Sit back and watch his best friend and her family die? He simply wouldn’t allow it.
The Peaky Blinders were notorious for a lot of things, and while, admittedly, not all of them may be good things, Tommy liked to think they were perceived as some sort of guardians for Small Heath, at least. To the rarity of people that didn’t find him fatally intimidating, and approached him for help, Tommy prided himself that he could aid the needy. He had abundance, therefore he’d be one hell of a fool to not utilise it well. Here, however, was when it proved difficult. YN, really, had never been one to accept help, nor admit she needed it.
“Think of Jack, alright? Think of your Mum. Don’t you think they need this, just as much as you do? If you’re too stubborn to do it for yourself, at least do it for them.”
YN gulped, making sure to avoid eye contact with Tommy like she always did when she knew she was wrong and he was right (something that happened once in a blue moon). Persistent, still, she crossed her arms and focused on her shoes; it seemed embarrassing to backtrack now, even if she wanted to. But, the fact still remained: she couldn’t take money off Tommy.
“I… I can’t.”
“Fine,” Tommy sulked. Then, “marry me instead.”
That made YN look up.
“Beg your pardon?”
“Marry me,” Tommy shrugged. “You’ll be financially stable that way. And a roof over your ‘ead. We’ve got enough room for Jack and your Mum. No more sandwiches for tea.”
YN couldn’t believe what Tommy was suggesting. In fact, she hadn’t fully grasped if he was joking or not yet.
“You’re mad,” she scoffed, looking away, trying not to let her imagination run away with her.
Living at the Shelby house. God. Tommy’s house was magnificent. It was more a mansion, to be honest. Every time YN went round there she got lost, and had to seek a maid’s help on how to navigate herself back to the group, because –of course– Tommy had maids. And they ate so well there! Tommy was right, she would never have to have a sandwich for her tea ever again. The prospect of warm food made her want to cry, and not even having to cook it herself.
She told herself to stop getting excited. There was no way in hell she was marrying Tommy Shelby. It would be too… inappropriate. They were best friends, for crying out loud. She didn’t need to marry him, she was just fine on her own. Tommy Shelby being her husband, the thought made her gag.
“‘Ere, what, you want me to get down on one knee?” He said, proceeding to do just that, kneeling before her as she sat, baffled, on the edge of her bed. She never thought she’d see the day where Tommy got on his knees. She raised an eyebrow at him. She knew he was constantly drunk, but this had to be a whole new level.
“Get up, Tom,” she told him, whacking his arm for good measure. The sly smile on his face dropped.
“Eh? Come on. This isn’t the worst idea I’ve had.”
“You’ve had a lot of terrible ideas. I think this one takes the cake. Get up.”
“YN,” he turned solemn, YN subsequently grew terrified. He removed his cigarette, searching for somewhere to snuff it before deciding to do so on the frame of her bed. YN’s eyebrows fell into a deadpanned gaze while Tommy proceeded. He clasped her hands in his. “I’ve seen a lot of bad things happen to a lot of people who didn’t deserve it. I’m not going to sit ‘ere and watch you die. Youse are all coming ‘ome with me, married or not.”
YN usually was against being told to do anything, but the way Tommy looked at her so endearingly begged her to, for once, not fight back. There was no denying that she needed help; this was a deep hole she was in, one she couldn’t pull herself and her family out of all on her own. Hardly believing Tommy’s generosity, she gripped back his hand-hold, letting her head fall atop his knuckles in a succinct rest. Grateful, was the only word that could describe what she was feeling.
She felt a kiss to her forehead, a stroke to her hair. When she glanced up at Tommy he looked as if he was still awaiting an answer.
“Fine, I’ll marry you.”
A smile bombarded his cheeks, and YN thought even if this was the worst decision she had ever made, seeing Tommy grin had to be worth something.
“You could sound a bit more excited,” he said, shuffling to rise. YN cringed as his knee cracked.
“Oh, sorry,” she mocked, dropping his hands. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I thought you’d never ask!”
“Alright, don’t milk it,” he muttered.
The rare moment of laughter subsided, then the two couldn’t help but stare at each other in an uncertain trepidation. When Tommy pulled out his box again and offered her a second cigarette, YN couldn’t help but wonder what she’d gotten herself into.
part three
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pinkczennie · 3 years
Dirty Mind | Yuta (m)
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Part of this playlist fic!
Pairing: Yuta x female reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 2k
Warnings: 18+ only, mature language, explicit sexual content, protected sex
 She’s got a dirtier mind than my mouth. 
Holy fuck, the man is hot as hell. I’d let him absolutely rail the shit out of me, you thought to yourself when a mutual friend of yours, Mark, first introduced you to his friend, Yuta, after a victorious soccer game. 
“Nice to meet you, y/n,” he smiles, showing off his pearly teeth, as he extends his hand out for you.
His long, black hair tied in a low ponytail that you imagine threading your fingers in between to pull on, and his long fingers painted with black nail polish that you want shoved knuckles deep in your pussy. 
You can’t believe you’re having such impure thoughts about someone you just met, but you couldn’t help yourself in the presence of such an attractive person.  
“Nice to meet you too, Yuta,” you take his hand in yours and shake hands.
When his attention is no longer on you because someone else came to congratulate Yuta on his win, you continued to gaze at him from afar until you felt a nudge against your arm, snapping you out of your dirty thoughts.
“Hey, are you staring at Yuta?” Haechan asks as he follows the direction of your eyes.
“What? No, I wasn’t,” you quickly deny, hiding your flustered face.
“Oh my god, you totally were!” he gasps.
You groan, “Okay, yes I was staring at him. Sheesh, I didn’t realize how obvious I was making it.”
“Holy shit, are you into Yuta?” he asks. 
“Maybe… god, he’s so hot,” you reply honestly. “He probably has a huge dick. Fuck, I would let that man rearrange my guts in all kinds of positions.”
“Ew, okay, I didn’t need to hear that,” he grimaces, disgusted. He wishes he didn’t have that visual in his head.
You meant it though. Bless Mark for introducing you to such a fine ass man. 
As a celebration for winning the game, his frat house throws him and the other soccer players that are in the fraternity a party. 
Thankfully, you had some connections, aka Mark and Haechan, so you only knew about the party through him and were able to get invited. 
Throughout the party, as you mingle with other people and some friends, you couldn’t help but occasionally search the crowd for a certain someone. 
Your eyes wander from people to people until you finally spot him with a beer can in his hand while chatting with his friends. Yuta sports a white tee and ripped black jeans, looking fine as always. 
Your head is empty besides the thought of riding Yuta’s thighs, staining his pants with your juices while he showers you with praises for being such a good girl. 
“Why don’t you just go up and talk to him instead of staring at him like a creep?” 
You look at Haechan with narrow eyes, “And say what?”
“I don’t know. ‘Hey I think you’re hot. Wanna fuck?’” he suggests.
“Are you crazy? I just met him like a few days ago, there’s no way I can say that.”
“I mean it’s better than just staring at him like a creep,” he mumbles.
Was I being creepy? You wonder and mentally slap yourself.
You tried, emphasis on ‘tried’, to keep your staring to a minimum of just a few quick glances, but unfortunately, you were not very good at being subtle with your staring because, damn, was it hard for you to look away from Yuta sometimes, so said man has caught you multiple times. He notices you staring at him, and honestly, you peaked his interest. He wonders what you are thinking about when you stare at him like that.
He finds it cute how you would awkwardly look away when Yuta catches you staring, your face turning a shade of pink pretending like he didn’t just catch you.
“Dude, she’s been staring at you all night,” Jungwoo states as he leans against Yuta. 
“Yeah, I know,” Yuta says as he takes a sip of his beer. “She’s pretty cute.”
“I can tell she’s into you. I even heard from Haechan that she talks about you.”
“Oh yeah?” Yuta perks up at this new information. “What does she say about me?”
“How you’re hot and that she’d let you rearrange her guts in all kinds of positions,” Jungwoo repeats Haechan’s words.
“Damn, that’s fucking hot,” Yuta mumbles as he bites the nail of his thumb to suppress the grin spreading across his face. 
“Why doesn’t she just make a move already? She’s practically making it obvious.” Jungwoo wonders.
Yuta doesn’t think you would dare approach him first, so Yuta knew he had to make the first move.
I want to be the person that you do it to
After way too many drinks, you needed to pee so you excuse yourself to search for the restroom. You’re pretty tipsy but you can walk a straight line, so you can manage yourself just fine. 
After using the restroom, you walk down the hallway, passing by the frat member’s rooms, and stopping dead in your tracks when something captures your attention.
You don’t mean to be intrusive and just walk into someone’s room, but when you notice a soccer jersey hung nicely on the wall with the last name ‘Nakomoto’ in full display, you realize this must be Yuta’s room. 
You peek around to see if anyone is looking before carefully making your way into his room and close the door halfway behind you. You won’t stay long enough for someone to see you in the room, but you just wanted to see what his room would be like. 
His room is quite simple, a bed, a desk, a laptop, a closet, and soccer gear scattered around his room. It was a little messy, like the blanket messily tossed on the bed, and some papers and textbook thrown around the floor, but honestly it was what you typically imagined a male college student’s room to look like. Honestly, it kind of just screams Yuta in your opinion.
You walk up to examine his soccer jersey, imagination running wild with thoughts of Yuta fucking you while you’re wearing his soccer jersey. 
Oh, what you would give to make that dream come true to let Yuta do nasty things to you until you’re fucked dumb. 
After examining his room and jersey, you turn around to leave but your heart almost leaps out of your chest when you see Yuta leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed around his chest staring intently at you. How long has he been standing there and how did you not even hear him?
 “Hey, you. Whatcha doin’ in my room?” The man asks.
“Oh...I-uh was just- um- I wanted to admire your jersey up close,” you laugh awkwardly, cringing at your very lame and probably unbelievable excuse, but it was the best thing you could come up with under pressure. 
“Oh really? What do you think about when you look at my jersey?” he asks as he slowly starts to approach you. 
You gulp when he’s getting closer and closer to you. “I just thought about how cool you were when you won that soccer game.”
“Oh really?” Yuta stops when he’s standing right in front of you, blocking you from any escape routes. “I think you’d look cute in it.”
Are you just hearing things or did Yuta just say what you think he just said? 
You blush, “O-oh, thanks.”
He unhooks his soccer jersey from the hanger and turns to you, “But you’d look even cuter wearing it while I rearrange your guts on my bed.”
You feel your heart skip a beat before your face turns beat red now as you stare up at him with wide eyes.
“So..I heard that you think I’m hot and you’d let me fuck you,” Yuta takes a step closer until his face is right in front of you, looking down at you with dark eyes, “Want to turn that fantasy into a reality with me?”
You feel yourself clench around nothing, and you feel something snap inside you. This devilishly handsome man right here is asking if you wanted to have sex, and who were you to say no? There was no way you were letting this opportunity pass. 
“Fuck, yes,” you breath out as your lips attack his in a hungry kiss. 
She just wants to fuck me all the time
That’s how you ended up in Yuta’s bed, wearing only his oversized soccer jersey, with your face down ass up, while his dick slams into your soaking cunt at an animalistic pace. 
Both your lips are swollen red from kissing and eating each other’s mouths. Your original clothes and his clothes are discarded all around the floor as you both try to strip as fast as possible. You get into his jersey while he rolls a condom on. 
The party is still going on outside but the door is locked, so no one can interrupt you two. But honestly, you and Yuta probably would not be opposed to leaving the door unlocked for someone to walk in on you while you’re in the middle of the deed. It just adds to the thrill of being caught. 
The blaring music from the living room helps drown out the sound of skin slapping against skin, the moans, and the bed creaking with every thrust.
His length is stretching your walls and filling you to the brim that you can feel every ridge of his dick. 
“Damn babe, you feel so good,” Yuta breathes. “Your pretty little pussy being stuffed full of my cock.”
“Y-yuta,” you whimper. 
“God, I could fuck you all day until you can’t walk for a week and you’re covered in my marks to let everyone know what a dirty little slut you are,” Yuta purrs.
The dirty talk is making you even more turned on. You can’t believe that this man is actually fucking you right now after fantisizing about this moment for so long. 
Yuta watches his member disappear inside of you as he thrusts forward. You look so small in just his jersey and he wants to absolutely ruin you. He couldn’t help but slap your bare butt, causing you to yelp.
You grip the bed sheets and throw your head back when Yuta repositions himself and brushes against a certain spot that had you seeing stars. The bundle of nerves in your lower stomach is ready to burst and you disregard any thoughts of holding back your voice. You were so overwhelmed with pleasure that you could cry. Your mind is clouded with lust and desire that you can’t think straight anymore.
“I’m close,” you breathe.
Yuta’s thrusts become even more harsh and his grip on your hips will surely leave marks. He bites his lips when he feels your walls squeezing around his dick because he feels his release coming soon as well.
With one final thrust, a silence scream escapes your lips as you release all over his cock while Yuta groans as he shoots his seeds inside the condom. 
You both pause for a moment, just catching your breaths while Yuta remains still inside of you. Your heads are spinning after that intense climax just now. You both stare at each other’s exhausted and sweaty state. 
After a few seconds, he pulls out of your entrance, leaving you feeling hollow and you whine a bit which makes Yuta chuckle. He discards the used condom into his trash bin and settles next to you on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
You turn to admire post sex Yuta, his hair stuck to his forehead due to the sweat that accumulated on his skin and his chest rising up and down as he inahles and exhales oxygen. 
You smile before climbing on top of Yuta to take a seat on his lap, surprising the man. 
“Round two?” You suggest.
Yuta stares at you with wide eyes, shocked by your stamina of wanting to go again, before bursting out into laughter. “Ride me this time.”
Hopefully, no one will be looking for you or Yuta because you two might be at it for a while.
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luckyasfuck · 3 years
effects of being high [k. bakugou]
pairing // stoner!katsu x fem stoner!reader, mentions of seromina, mentions of kamijirou, mentions of serodenki, kirishima has a girlfriend
warnings/themes // no quirk!au, stoner!bakusquad, college students!bakusquad, confident and flirty reader, smoking sessions, NSFW, masturbation, praise, nipple play, oral sex (f!recieving), fingering (f!recieving)
inspiration // the hills - the weeknd
you had found the ‘bakusquad’ smoking weed in the back of the school a few days ago. they weren’t bothered by your presence, kirishima even invited you to sit beside him while he handed you one. their little ring leader wasn’t there, you noticed as you sat down and took the blunt from the red-haired stoner. “school shit, the teachers needed him. he is pretty smart.” they said. this mini session dragged out all afternoon, mina and sero occasionally shotgunned with each other, as well as kiri and his girlfriend. 
a ding erupted from your pocket and you pull your phone out. mina ashido! is typing. hm? mina? oh. the girl from the smoking sesh. she hit you up with a “i got ur snap from this dude in class, dw! we’re going to smoke again, u should join babes” you hum at the idea, “yeah sure, when”
“after school”
“im down” she left you on opened after that. 
class drags out to be long, mina had texted you the place a few minutes ago. it was at the park. the bell rings and you gather your stuff, the bakusquad already skipped their last class and went straight to the park so you hurried your steps. 
they were sat on the concrete floor, kirishima leaning on a ledge with his head thrown back into the middle of mina’s thighs as she sat on the ledge, denki and jirou were shotgunning, kirishima’s girlfriend on his lap, all while sero rolled up blunts.
and of course, bakugou katsuki. he sat a little far away from kirishima, manspreading while lighting up the blunt he encaged in his meaty fingers. he eyed your movements with knotted eyebrows as you dropped your bag down and stole a newly made one from sero, putting it in your mouth. his eyes widen when you come closer to his face, lighting your blunt with the lighter he was using while maintaining eye contact. 
“ooh, sexual tension.” denki commented as you sat down next to kirishima once again and you laugh. “i just forgot my lighter, no sexual tension here.” you looked beside you to katsuki, failing to see the smirk he hid with his hand as he held his blunt. 
the whole session was messy, kirishima and his girlfriend having a heated make out session that led to the both of them going home earlier than the others, sero and denki shotgunning as a dare from both mina and jirou, but you and katsuki kept quiet, enjoying the show. 
“it’s getting late,” you stood up, high. “i’m going home, i’ll see you guys on monday.” sero, denki and jirou waved goodbye at you with a smile, while mina went up and hugged you. you look at katsuki, walking up to him and nearing your face to him again. “see you on monday...” your whisper sent hot air straight to katsuki’s lips, making them tremble slightly. 
“oh my god, she’s so hot.” denki said as he watched katsuki smirk and throw his head back. 
you get home and your phone gets another notification. from bakugou katsuki. you swipe at the notification, “didn’t get the chance to get your snap, so i asked mina” katsuki started. “you’re hot” 
“i know” you chuckled, stripping of your clothes and laid on your bed in your underwear. “confident, i like that” the stoner replied, smirking through the screen. “bet you’d probably love it when i tell you i’m in my underwear right now”
“you’re really trying to get me hard, aren’t you?”
“maybe. what are you gonna do about it?”
“go to your house and fuck the shit out of you.”
“do it then.”
your thighs rub together unconciously at the thought, your hand wandering past the waistband of your panties to rub your clit. the image of katsuki manspreading clouded your head as your fingers dipped inside your hole, pushing in and out slowly. a moan of katsuki’s name escapes your lips as you bite down on it, legs spreading wider. you pump your fingers faster, nearing your orgasm. your spare hand cups your breasts under your bra, playing with your nipples. 
a knock on the door disturbs you mid-moan and you clench around your fingers, fixing your underwear and getting a large shirt that would cover you. katsuki leaned on your doorframe when you opened the door, another blunt in between his fingers. he took a whiff before throwing it to the ground, hoisting you up by your waist and pressing you to the wall. his hand forces your legs open as he situated himself between them. his lips touch yours and he blows the smoke into your mouth, making you moan. 
katsuki grinds his clothed hard on against your soaking panties, his tongue swirling down your throat. he has you panting when he pulls away from you, eyeing the string of saliva connecting your lips. in a second, his lips slam on yours again as he spoke against them, “so pretty for me, y/n.” his hands tug at the hem of your panties until he set you down and took them off, dangling them against your ankle.
he lifts you up again, rough jeans rubbing against your clit making you whimper. “where’s your room, pretty face?” he whispers in your ear, biting it. “upstairs.” you whimpered out, rubbing your cunt against his hard-on. with hurried steps, katsuki places you on your bed, taking his shirt off and getting on top of you. a greek god body, a perfectly sculpted thigh making itself cozy in between your legs. 
the shirt is ripped off of you, your bra unclipped and in seconds, you’re completely naked in front of him. his tongue licks a stripe up both your nipples, gently biting and sucking on them with his pearly whites. “katsu- hng, katsuki...” you wrapped your arms around his neck as he kissed lower and lower before stopping at your pelvic bone. 
“spread.” with a quick command, your legs instantly separate, giving him the best view of your glistening heat. your toes curl when he uses his fingers to spread your pussy lips apart, giving your insides a taste of his tongue. he sucks on your clit, two of his digits digging inside you. his cock is throbbing inside his jeans, staining his underwear with pre-cum.
the hot kisses travel upwards again, his lips capturing yours as he used his spare hand to take off his remaining clothes. he adds another fingers, scissoring them inside you as he swirled his tongue all around your mouth and lips. “ready for my cock, pretty face?” you throw your head back, nodding. 
katsuki presses kisses against your jaw and hickies on your neck, stroking his  cock and prodding his tip at your entrance. slowly pushing it inside, the both of you let out a moan. he lifts your hips up from the bed, pushing in at a better angle. you whine loudly, “just shove it in already!” he cocks an eyebrow at you smirking.
“you asked for it, pretty face.”
“do u think theyre fucking” denki chatted the bakusquad gc, attaching a screenshot of yours and katsuki’s location being at your house. “obv dumbass” jirou replied. “i feel bad for y/n’s pussy” “eijirou! dont say that!’ “PLS LSADHALKH” 
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wheredafandomat · 3 years
Fear & Desire❤️‍🔥P57❤️‍🔥 London - New York
Previous chapter Next chapter
Tucking Seven into bed, you decided to ask her what actually happened earlier between her and Loki. They made some sort of connection and you wondered if she knew she initiated it.
“Sev sweetheart, what happened between you and Lo- Dad earlier” you asked stroking her hair out of her face.
“She was able to form a psychic link with me, it must be a Jotun thing” Loki explained leaning on the doorframe.
You gestured for Loki to come in and he beamed as he stepped into the room.
“She possesses hamrammr” Loki said standing next to the bed you were sitting on before pulling a funny face at Seven who started giggling.
“What does that mean Loki?” You asked looking up at him.
“She has the ability to shape shift in a way, but we’ll discuss it later” he smiled leaning down to kiss Seven on the forehead. “Goodnight my little Elskling.”
You kissed Seven goodnight too before you and Loki left her room and went to yours.
You and Loki sat down as he explained what happened between him and Sev but you zoned out. The sound of his voice was seraphic. You had missed his voice so much and now here it was again.
“Oh, would you like a shower?” you asked snapping out of your daydream.
“Yes please.”
You handed Loki a towel and showed him where the bathroom was. Whilst he was gone, you waited for him to come back until you decided to get changed. As you were putting a top on, Loki walked back into the room with the towel you had given him around his waist. Water from his wet raven locks dripped down his shoulders as he looked at you. That’s when you realised his hair had grown slightly.
“I don’t suppose you have anything I could wear?” He grinned as you started to walk closer to him.
“I don’t” you replied stepping towards him and placing your hand on his chest. You began moving it lower and lower, down his abdomen, past his navel, until his head fell backwards as his eyes closed.
“Won’t be needing this” you remarked unfastening the towel with your free hand whist the other stroked up and down his shaft.
“Y/N” Loki moaned rolling his hips against the movement of your hand.
“Shh” you teased moving faster as Loki kicked the door closed behind him.
Stopping your movements, Loki leaned down towards you and began kissing you as you wrapped your arms around him. He lifted your top over your head leaving you in just your lingerie. You felt the throbbing down below with every touch he granted. You hadn’t dared to sleep with anyone since loosing Loki, he’s who your heart belonged to even if he was no longer there to keep it. You had been celibate, only allowing yourself the pleasure permitted from the items in the draw next to your bed, so every caress felt electrifying.
Remembering that Loki had literally been gone for 6 years and you hadn’t been in contact with any of the Avengers, you thought about the fact that Thor didn’t know Loki was alive. Breaking the kiss, you pulled away slightly.
“You should tell Thor and the others that you’re back, you’re ok” you said breathlessly as Loki pulled you back towards him, kissing your neck.
“They’ll know I’m alive once they hear you screaming my name all the way from London” he quipped picking you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Throwing you on the bed, Loki tried to stand back up but was pulled back down by your legs tightening around him.
“Please y/n, grant me the pleasure of tasting you” he pleaded licking his lips.
“Later, right now I need to feel you” you insisted unclasping your bra as Loki took your underwear off.
Goosebumps formed wherever his knuckles touched you as he pulled them down. You felt yourself getting wetter and wetter especially feeling his erection on your thigh.
Gripping his cock, Loki ran it up and down your folds coating himself in your arousal as your eyes closed from that small amount of stimulation alone.
“Let me hear you say it” he ordered, nudging your entrance.
“I love yoOUUUU” you gasped when Loki thrusted into you. You were delighted to know that your unspoken telepathy was still in tact after all these years.
He plunged in and out of you rapidly as the headboard harshly hit the wall. He filled you up completely, hitting your g-spot with every thrust, making you cry out in ecstasy.
“You are mine” he verificated through gritted teeth as he looked down at your face contorted in pleasure.
“Oh gods yesss yessss” you moaned rocking your hips to meet his pace.
“That’s it, good girl” he praised fucking you into the mattress as your orgasm threatened to overtake you.
“I love you, I love you so much” you eulogised as your nails dug into his back. He was thrusting unmercifully, hitting all the right places as you clung onto your sanity trying to make this last for as long as it could.
“I have missed you every. Single. Day.” He growled in between deep deeeep thrusts until he stilled feeling your walls clenching around him as you came.
You saw stars as your climax hit you with a yell of his name. Serenity consumed you as Loki spilled inside you. Everything was bliss until you clapped a hand over your mouth.
“What?” He grinned.
“We were so loud, Sev—”
“Sound proofed the room already y/n, I knew we would be loud” he said with a devilish smirk “now, what else do you want done to you?”
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captain-asguard · 3 years
Innocent Sins
This is my Entry for @the-iceni-bitch ”hoeing to Hozier” Challenge. Again, congrats on 1k Follower, you deserve every single one of them and so many more!
I really don’t know what got into me while writing this, I hope y’all enjoy it somehow.
A/N: This is my second fic ever and my first time writing smut, I tried. Please note that English is not my first language, all mistakes are my own. Non beta’d. I'd love to read your thoughts on this, so please leave a comment, like it and maybe even reblog it? <3
This is 18+. Minors DNI! Do not repost this fic to any other website without my permission. Not my gifs, credits to the creators!
Words: about 3100
Pairing: Bucky x fem!reader, and a sweet surprise waiting for you 😉
Prompt/Inspiration: “There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin” from “take me to church” by Hozier (one of my all time fav songs)
Summary: It has always been You and Bucky. The moment you laid eyes on each other you just knew. After being together for 1,5 years, Bucky asked you to live on compound with him and the other Avengers. It’s been around 5 months now and it’s been everything you’ve wished for and more. After some rough weeks, Bucky being on missions and you working late, you decided to get home early. You didn’t expect the surprise that was waiting for you.
Warnings: explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys and gals!), voyeurism, fluff
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The moment the clock turned three, you grabbed your bag and hurried to the elevator, keen on getting home as soon as possible. You’ve been looking forward to leaving early the whole week, missing your time with Bucky. With him going on missions back-to-back, you working overtime the last few weeks, this has been the first weekend in nearly three months that the two of you were able to spend together and you really wanted to seize every minute of it. You’ve planned a romantic dinner, some quality time and talks on the couch while binging that new Netflix original and– finally – some (or a lot) needed sexy time between the sheets or under the shower or on the couch… With him, you never knew where you’d end up.
After the drive home to the compound, you’ve made your way to your apartment. You quickly unlocked the door, got inside and threw your bag and coat onto the little Table right next to the door. You wanted to shout for Buck when you heard it. A sound that made you stop death in your tracks. A sound you’d recognize everywhere.
Bucky’s raspy, deep moan filled the air. “Starting without me Sergeant Barnes?” you smirked to yourself, making your way to your shared bedroom. You slowly opened the buttons on your blouse, tugging it out of your skirt. You were about to push the door open when you heard it. The second voice.
A soft whisper was all it took for you to recognize it. Bucky was with Steve. You knew about the two of them, knew they needed each other. Steve spent years to get Bucky back, helping him recover from the things Hydra did to him. You’ve always admired their relationship, the deep love they have for each other and you’d never get in their way just as Steve would never get in the way of the love between Bucky and you. There was one line the three of you never crossed before, the line of intertwining both relationships.
Your first instinct was to leave the apartment and give the two of them the time they needed, but you were to captured by their moans and their soft whispers. You leaned against the doorframe and slowly pushed the door open a bit further so you could steal a glance at the two lovers.
You saw them lying on your bed in the middle of the room, the curtains closed, soft light coming from the lamps on your nightstands. Bucky was flat on his back, his hair fanning around his face, some strands falling on his forehead. Steve was hovering over him, deep blue eyes admiring the view. The two of them kissed gently, Bucky’s hands traced along Steve’s back while the captains hand made its way to Buck’s growing erection, gently cupping it. You could feel the lingering passion taking over you, taking you by surprise. A soft heat started to rise in your core, slowly flooding your whole body. You felt your nipples perking, rubbing against the lace of your bra ever so slightly.
Steve began to kiss his way along Bucky’s jaw, peppering his pecs with kisses, eager to reach his destination. You saw Bucky tilting his head, biting down on his bottom lip while his eyes were shut. Pleasure written all over his face, as Steve’s trail of kisses finally reached its end between your lover’s legs. He traced the insides of his left thigh with his tongue, earning a deep groan. As you watched them, you mirrored Steve’s every move with your own hand across your body, touch as light as a feather on your skin, slowly making its way to your heated core. You fingers reached your swollen clit, slowly rubbing circles with your thumb while your index travelled further, pushing deep inside you. The moment Steve lowered his lips to Bucky’s tip, licking across it, Buck threw his head back, growling. You shut your eyes, your finger slowly curling inside you as your boyfriend continued to make some of your favorite sounds. You finally found that one spot, showering you with pleasure and you couldn’t stop a moan to escape your own lips – silencing the sounds from the bedroom in an instant.
You opened your eyes, blinking into the bedroom, heat rising to your cheeks, heart hammering in your chest and you’re sure the two super soldiers can hear every beat. Two sets of mesmerizing blue eyes looked at you, one full of panic, one still lust-blown, full of mischief. You locked eyes with the latter, a silent conversation between lovers. The tension in the room was palpable, a mixture of passion, angst and wonder. Steve carefully watched the two of you, still hovering over Bucky’s hips, not daring to move a muscle as the Sergeant raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to decide on your next step. Your glanced up at Steve, silently awaiting his approval.
The blonde hastily nodded, and you finally released the breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Are you sure?” your voice was hoarse, and you saw the shiver going through Steve’s body as you spoke, baby blues turning dark, answering your question for him.
You entered the room, instead of joining the men on the bed you made your way to the dresser by the window. You could feel their gazes burning on your skin as you connected your phone to the speaker, flooding the room with slow, sensual music.
You started to sway your hips to the music, your hands gently moving along your body. As you turned around, you let your blouse fall to the floor and slipped out of your skirt, leaving you in heels and the black lingerie set Bucky loved more than anything. Steve mouth fell open, a soft “wow” falling from his lips. You made your way over to the two of them, prying eyes on you. You knew Bucky watched your every move, eager to know how this will work out.
Steve rose slowly, making small steps into your direction. You finally had the chance to really take a glance at his naked form. You had seen Steve topless before, so your eyes wandered further down, locking on his impressive length. You had to swallow the small lump that formed in your throat, because how could you be so lucky to have not only one but two men with the bodies of greek gods in your bed?
You took another step towards Steve, closing the gap between the two of you. He reached for you, his eyes searching yours for permission. The moment you nodded slightly, he tucked you into his broad chest. You wrapped yourself around him, one hand on his hip, the other resting on his shoulder. You felt one of Steve’s hands snaking around your waist, the other cupping your jaw, his thumb tracing your lower lip. Your eyes met, his soft gaze sending shivers down your spine, right into your soul.
You pulled his thumb into your mouth and slightly sucked on it, gaining a groan from Steve and a small hiss from Bucky, who lazily stroke his cock, watching your Relationship with Steve bloom right in front of his eyes. You felt the heat in your core boiling again, arousal pooling between your legs. “Oh, someone’s hungry” Steve smirked, his voice thick with anticipation. You nodded slightly, releasing his thumb from your mouth.
Your fingers danced over the Captains arm, making their way into his hair. Ever since he let it grow out a bit you wondered how it would feel to run your fingers trough it and now you finally could. And it was just as silky as it looked. Steve chuckled at your soft smile, caressing your cheek before he -finally- lowered his lips onto yours. You closed your eyes, losing yourself in the moment. His Lips tasted a little like Bucky mixed with red wine and something else, something uniquely Steve. It was a shy kiss at first, but as you slightly tugged on his hair, Steve growled. You felt the shift inside of him, the soft, cautious Steve gone.
The Kiss got heated, lips got bitten, sucked into each other’s mouth before your tongues finally touched, dancing around, fighting for dominance. Steve’s hand found your ass and soon after you felt a sting where his hand used to be. You squealed, enjoying the burning sensation the slap left. You threw your head back, glancing over to your boyfriend. His right hand was palming his length a bit faster now, a hint of sweat on his chest, hair falling into his face. You licked your lips, hungry for a taste of him.
A small bite to your neck brought your attention back to the other super soldier currently wrapped around you. You let out a small whimper as he opened your bra, finally freeing your breasts. He took in a sharp breath before he latched his lips to one of your nipples, cautiously nibbling on it. A simple, raspy “Steve” was all you could manage to say, before you gently pushed him in the direction of the bed. You caught him by surprise, and he stumbled backwards, falling on the sheets next to Buck. A quick gasp escaped his lips as his back touched the bed, but Bucky instantly silenced him with a heated kiss. You had your eyes locked on the two of them as you stalked over to the bed, finally getting to taste your boyfriend. Without hesitation, you lowered yourself between Bucky’s legs, licking your way across his abdomen, following the V line of his muscles with your tongue. The kiss with Steve swallowed Bucky’s moan as your tongue reached his tip, licking away the beads of precum. Bucky’s left found its way into your hair, slightly pressing you down onto him. You took the hint and wrapped your lips around his thick cock, savoring his taste. Your tongue swirled around Bucky’s length, playing around the veins on his shaft. One of your hands pumped the part of his cock you couldn’t fit into your mouth as the other made its way to your aching core again, helping you find the release you so desperately need.
“Doll” Bucky looked down at you, tucking at your hair so you raised your head. “Let Steve have a taste of that sweet pussy of yours…” he winked. He knew exactly what those words would do to you, and you could feel more slickness pooling on your hand. You climbed on the bed, lying down between the two soldiers, goosebumps all over you, awaiting their next move.
You felt the Captain on your right, warmth radiating of his body as he moved down, gentle touches against your skin. “Look at you, so wet for us, so ready” he purred, shoving your slip down your legs. With an agonizing slow pace, he kissed and nibbled his way up your leg, leaving small bite marks along the way, before you could feel his breath against your aching sex. The tip of his tongue darted forward, dipping into your heat. “sinful...” he whispered as you grabbed his hair again, shoving his face onto your core. A loud moan left your body when Steve’s tongue flicked around your pulsing clit and within seconds, you felt two fingers pushing inside you, curling just the right way, instantly finding your sweet spot. Bucky cupped your breast, cold metal pinch your nipple causing you to hiss. Your lips collided, a passionate dance of tongues as you grinded against Steve’s tongue and fingers, desperate for release. But before you could get there, Steve pulled out his fingers, leaving your walls to clench around nothing. “Such a good girl” Steve cooed, moving up to face the two of you, smug grin plastered on his face. “Wanna have a taste?” he smirked, cocking an eyebrow at Bucky, your arousal glistening on his fingers. Bucky quickly sucked them into his mouth, satisfied smiles on both of their faces. “hmm Doll, you’re my favourite treat, but now I wanna feel you, I need you around me.” You nodded, no longer capable to form eloquent sentences, your head clouded with want and lust for the two men in your bed. Bucky sat up, pulling you with him. “Now turn around, look at Steve while I fill you up.” A low moan left your lips as you got on all fours, facing Steve who began to palm his length. Rough hands grabbed your ass, thick fingers opening your folds for Buck.
You really had to focus to keep your eyes locked on Steve as Bucky’s tip grazed your entrance. With one slow thrust he was in you, filling you up completely. You cried out, writhing in pleasure. Bucky took a deep breath, relishing the way your silky wall clenched around his cock, waiting for him to move. You saw Steve increasing the speed of his hands, his hand thrown back as Bucky moved his hips back, nearly slipping out of you before he thrust forward, picking up the same pace as Steve. Your shut your eyes, savoring the way Buck’s cock felt inside you. “Captain…” you nearly screamed the moment Bucky found the spot you so desperately needed to ne touched, stars blurring your vision. Taken by surprise, the Blonde raised his head and looked at you. “wanna feel you too… let me return the favor… please” you stuttered, licking your lips as you glimpsed at his length. He rose to his knees, positioning himself in front of you. Without hesitation, you wrapped your lips around his tip, your tongue exploring every inch of him as you slowly began to bop your head. With every thrust you took his cock deeper into your mouth, head nearly touching the back of your throat. Your swallowed moans vibrating around him, resulting in Steve to cry out loud. He grabbed your head, fingers tangled in your hair as he held you steady. Dark blue eyes roamed your face, searching for permission which you gave him with a small wink. The captain shut his eyes, head tilted to the side as he began to move his hips, fucking deep into your mouth, looking for release.
The sensation, being fucked, filled to the brim by the two most amazing man in the nine realms tightened the knot that formed in your stomach. As if he could read your mind, the Sergeant lowered his left hand, sneaking around your waist to your pulsing bundle of nerves. “hmm… you close Doll?” he asked you with a husky voice, finally sending you over the edge. You swallowed hard around
Steve’s cock, your cries muffled all the tension in your body gone. Buck and Steve leaned in to each other, lips colliding, tongues twirling around each other as they both came undone. You felt Bucky’s thickness fluttering inside you, clenched by your silky walls, covering them with his spend the same moment Steve’s cum slipped down your throat, saltiness filling your mouth. You swallowed every drop he gave you, licking him clean as he slowly slipped out of your mouth, mirroring Buck who pulled out of you. You let your body sink to the matress, lying on your stomach, watching Steve get up. Before he made his way to the bathroom, he gave both – you and Buck- a small peck on the lips, resting his hand on your cheek for a short time.
Buck lay back against the pillows at the head of the bed, softly tapping the spot beside him. You happily took his invitation, crawling in next to him. Your head rested against Bucky’s chest, you fingers intertwined his. “So… that was new” you chuckled, tilting your head to look at the man you loved. “Well yeah” he laughed, his other hand scratching his neck. “so… did you… enjoy it?” he asked, voice filled with nervousness. You took your sweet time to answer, waiting till Steve emerged from the bathroom, a small towel in his hand. “Hm... did I enjoy having mind-blowing Sex with the two sexiest men on earth…I don’t know… yes I suppose?” you quipped, a grin forming on your lips as you saw Bucky’s face light up. “You too, Punk?” He looked over to Steve, impatiently waiting for him to say something. “I did, Buck. Very much.”
Steve joined the two of you on the bed again, his expression full of Love and Admiration. Bucky’s face lit up even more, grinning from ear to ear as he kissed both of you softly. You turned our head to Steve, hand on his cheek as you lowered your lips to his, capturing them in a sweet kiss, trying to show him the love you felt for him, the love that grew for some time now. “Wow” he whispered, leaning his forehead against yours, eyes closed, each of you taking your time to let the events of the evening settle in.
Bucky took the towel from Steve’s hand to carefully clean you up, finishing off with a small kiss to your mound.
He quickly went to the adjacent bathroom, throwing the towel into the hamper. He stood in the doorframe, watching you and Steve cuddle on the bed, his heart swelling with love.
You lay on your stomach, head propped up on Steve’s chest, mindlessly playing with his chest hair, his soft fingers drawing circles on your back, placing a tender kiss on the top of your head. “I can’t tell you how happy I am right now” he said, his voice soft. “Yeah, me too. I’m a really lucky girl” you looked up, pressing a small kiss to his chest. As you began to reminisce about your day, your curiosity took over. “So, Stevie, how come you’re here? I thought you’d be in Europe, meeting with the UN or something?” One of his eyebrows shut up and he gave you a puzzled look “well, that lovely Jerk over there told ME you’d be on a Business trip to LA and wouldn’t be home till Monday… so I could spend the weekend with him.” Bucky could practically see the gears turning in your heads, a lightbulb slowly popping up between the two of you as you realized that all that had happenend was his sneaky plan all along. “So, um, Bucky-Bear, I think there’s something you gotta explain…” you told him, mischief in your eyes as you grabbed one of your small throw pillows and let it live up to its name, tossing it in Bucky’s direction. He caught it with his left hand, strutting over to the bed, taking you by surprise as he started tickling your sides. He looked down at you, peppering your face with soft kisses, devilish smirk plastered on his face.
Damn you, James Buchanan Barnes and your beautiful, cocky grin.
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A/N: Thank you for reading this, writing it was an intense experience for me. My greatest respect to all of you amazing writers out the who write stuff like this on daily basis. Thanks for existing, thanks for writing, you’re all amazing! 💕
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keeper0fthestars · 3 years
recrudescent (i’m right here)
Din Djarin / gn!reader 
1.6k words
warnings: angst / comfort, repressed memories, heartache, nightmares (and the panic that follows), mentions of death / violence
summary: ‘the past beats inside me like a heartbeat’ - John Banville
a/n: please heed the warnings and do not read if you are affected by things like this. 
the prompt for this came from this post
The explosion knocks you back into the dirt. Smoke and ash fills your mouth. Sticks to the back of your throat, stings your eyes. You will yourself to sit up because this time, you tell yourself, it will be different. The ringing in your ears makes you lightheaded, the heat of the billowing smoke gets in the way, but you don’t need to see, you know these winding streets in the dead of night.
You run.
You don’t have to tell your feet which way to go; you know all the shortcuts, avoiding the white helmets with their flamethrowers. You’ll beat them this time. Your heart pounds twice for every stride you take in the packed dirt, the smoke gradually thins the farther away you get, and they don’t even see when you dart across the main path. Climbing the wall, the familiar chase stars and you’re ready for it. Narrowly missing the jump over the ledge, climbing up to the next roof, higher and higher, until your boot catches on a loose edge. You hear rubble fall, knocking the helmet down with a grunt but you can’t look back, there is nothing there for you anymore. There will be nothing ahead of you either if you don’t get there soon. And warn them.
The burn in your muscles doesn’t come as soon as it did before, but you’re older now, stronger. You’re through the trees by the time it hits and like last time, you push even harder. They’ll still be there. They have to be. You will get there in time. You’re older now, faster. You’re getting close, the taste of hot coals once again thick in your mouth and you try to call their names, to warn them, but your voice doesn’t carry. It’s dry as parchment, singed and black.
The house glows orange from inside and no one is here. No no no. Not again. Where are they? There is nothing left of your mother’s curtains in the summer kitchen. The blue enamel flowers on her pottery blister in the heat and no longer match the embroidery on her linens. You smell the scorch of thornwood as the flames lick along the beds and doorframes.
Eyes burning with smoke, the rubble bites into your knees. They’re gone. Everything is gone. Where are they. Clawing at the gravel, every breath scorches against a raw throat, you wish the flames would swallow you too. The grief that comes is like an old friend.
From some hazy distant place, you hear your name; a gloved hand touches your knee.
In a rush of fear, you don’t look to see who it is, your instinct is to kick it away but your feet feel like they’re stuck in mud and it takes an enormous effort to get away from the looming figure beside you. Wiping the sweat and soot from your eyes, you try to focus on the reflective round head beside you. He’s speaking but you can’t understand the words. Something familiar tugs at your memory but you don’t trust your memory because familiar means grief and heartache and misery. And familiar doesn’t matter anymore because you couldn’t save them.
You never will.
The hand won’t let go; no matter how hard you push on it. Please. Where are they?
In your desperation, your foot finally connects with a plank of metal so hard you cry out, sitting up, scrambling away.
“You’re okay,” he says again, his hand still on your knee, “it’s just a dream.”
He’d been startled out of a light sleep; the sound of choked sobs echoed from the other side of the hull, filled his stomach with panic. Detecting your frantic pulse and he’d scrambled over to you. A broken name falls from your mouth, a name he doesn’t recognize, sounding slurred like you were underwater. Under the soft light from the panel over your head, sweat and terror shine on your forehead.
“Hey,” his soft voice blankets your senses with calm. “It’s me. You’re okay… you’re okay.”
The voice tugs at your brain again, the blurry figure is still here and your body reacts to his soothing words. You stop struggling and sit up against the wall, hugging your knees to your chest.
The sharp pierce of your own fingernails digging into your palms brings you back to the Crest.
Just a dream.
Face wet, your lungs are no longer burning from ash and dust, they burn from exertion. In your exhaustion, you make out the beskar helmet through wet eyelashes. It was just like all the other ones. The same explosion, the same suffocating panic, the same fire.
Cool air fills your head as you struggle to catch your breath but your muscles droop like lead, you start shaking.
But that’s ok because he’s holding you up.
With his broad chest and solid arms. You weren’t alone.
No matter how many times you relive it, you would never get home before they were taken away. You’d never get a chance to say goodbye. You turn your face against the fabric of his worn shirt to quell the hurt in your chest but the piercing shock of fresh grief claws at your throat, your mouth starts trembling unable to stop.
“I tried but I couldn’t get there.” They were innocent. “Why couldn’t they take me instead.”
Stomach heaving, the agony of memories spills down your cheeks. It’s the kind of sobbing that leaves your heart ragged and hollow, as if you were a child, bawling on your knees. You cried for all the things you’d never get to tell them, you cried for the years you didn’t dare let yourself grieve, for the years you’d spent fending for yourself.
There are no words in Basic that comfort demons like this. His other language snags inside his mouth and he almost whispers the mantra he knows for protection. Does it still count if he didn’t say it aloud?
Taking your trembling hand, he places it flat on his chest, holds it there. He feels your fingers curl into his shirt over his heart, clinging to the fabric. Your head sags against his shoulder.
“Hear my heartbeat?” the gentle vibration of his voice curls in your chest. “Just… focus on that.”
He knows dreams like this. He wonders what else you’ve kept hidden for so long. You’d not had a nightmare like this the whole time you’d been flying with him, he would have known if you did. Vicious memories can resurface without warning, but he still finds himself wondering what brought this on.
Your day together had been uneventful, nothing out of the ordinary: a stop for supplies and fuel, a quiet couple of hours at one of the markets. The only uncharacteristic thing that stood out in his memory was when something had caught your attention that afternoon and you’d backtracked down the alley, your eyes on one vendor in particular. Like a pinhole, his memory zeroed in on that little cart where it stood behind everyone else on the corner. Two young girls were selling soft-crusted loaves and baked sweets and you’d dropped enough credits on their table to pay a small army. He’d noticed the looks of awe on their dirty faces when they saw the pile of credits, way more than what the Quinn cakes and spiced rolls were worth. He didn’t understand why you’d decided to purchase the contents of the entire cart, but he’d noticed the tender longing beneath your smile when you crouched down and spoke to the smallest one, pulling wrapped candies out of your bag and giving them to her.
When you’d rejoined him, arms full on the way back to the crest, you spoke before he could frame a question. There’s a children’s shelter on the other side of town, and I’m going to bring it all there tomorrow before we leave
Something bites painfully into his heart, swallows his stomach whole. His shirt is tear-stained and soaked and your breathing has evened out but he has no intention of letting go of you anytime soon.
He wonders if you were that young. When you got left behind. He wonders if you were as young as he was, by the time everyone you’d loved was dead and gone.
He pulls you closer to his chest, carefully tucks your forehead against the soft fabric of his cowl under the edge of his helmet. You don’t object to the closeness, exhaustion quickly takes over and you curl yourself into him.
“I’m sorry,” your voice scratches, a lonely sob still hitching in your throat, “didn’t mean to wake you-.”
His chest expands under your head; a deep breath crackles through his helmet. The soft brush of his palm on the back of your head, he murmurs. “Don’t be sorry.”
Maybe you won’t remember this in the morning, he thinks, as he reaches over your head and taps off the light panel. His visor adjusts to the blanket of darkness and the faint glow of emergency lights. Eventually, he breathes a sigh of relief when his newly emitted readings finally tell him you’re in a deep sleep.
You’re oblivious to how he carefully shifts himself and lifts your knees, bringing your limp body down on the cot with him, giving you a soft place to sleep, cocooned inside his arms.
In your sleep, you’re unaware of how you turn towards his touch when the backs of his fingers trace feather-light along your cheekbone. You don’t know that his breath catches in his throat when a soft contented hum slips from your lips. You don’t hear the whisper of his voice from the modulator. ‘I'm right here.’
The soft home-y scent of fresh pastries fills his nose, but that was because the lot of it was currently piled in the Crest’s galley.
He’d go back there tomorrow and buy more.
Thank you for reading! 
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migilini · 3 years
Give Me Attention - Charlie Gillespie
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summary: Zoomcalls Classes with a bored Charlie
a/n: a/n: Don't quite know what this is but it was stuck in my head so here ya go.
words: 1.5k
warnings: some arguing, cursewords and pure fluff
Requests are open :)
Most of the time if someone asked how living with Charlie went you answered with ‘great, literally so amazing, he brings a smile to my face every day. And you meant it, at least most of the time. You loved the way he was awake long before you even dare to open your eyes and the fact that because of that there was always a freshly made coffee just waiting for you on the counter. You loved the way that he danced in the kitchen with you while he cooked dinner and the way the bedsheets always smelled like him. Yet, you weren’t gonna lie, especially the first couple of corona moths have taken a little toll on your relationship.
“Charlie, do you have to rehearse your lines in the living room?” you asked irritated, crossing your legs under the kitchen table you currently sat at.
“But here I have the most space to move around. I gotta move around. You also said that we can go over our lines together.” he whined from the living room. At this moment you cursed the fact that you had moved into an apartment with a connected kitchen and living room. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and it was, especially when you had friends over, but right now it was only trouble.
“I know babe, but I have this essay due tomorrow and I haven't had the chance to start because we’ve been on set and in so many meetings.”
“Then you work somewhere else?”
“This is the only room with a table!” you protested, gesturing to the table your school books, notes and laptop were scattered on.
“You chose to pursue acting and finish your degree!” he shot back, getting worked up over this simple thing. The hurt flashed in your eyes making him instantly regret his words.
“I’m sorry that my education is important to me Charlie and that I wanted to finish my last one and a half years at College.” You stood up and grabbed your things “Have fun running your lines.” Charlie only heard the bedroom door slam shut and winced at the sound.
He knew better than to immediately run after you, so he waited about ten minutes before approaching. He knocked on the door and leaned on the doorframe. “Baby come back out. I’m sorry. It's just...I had a bad day, couldn't remember any of my lines, and even though we live together I feel like we rarely see each other... both so busy with the show and I… I don't know, I let my frustration out on you.”
The door opened and you hugged him tightly “I’m sorry as well. I could've just worn headphones. I’m stressed and let it out on you as well. I’m so sorry.” you muttered into his chest.
Charlie kissed your head and asked, “Can I help you with College stuff?”
Arguments like these happened a lot during the starting months of the pandemic. Both of you stressed and tired, basically working your asses off and still trying to be caring for one another. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows but after a storm of an argument, the clouds faded away and the sun came back out.
During the timespan from April to August, your boyfriend was bored, very bored. There sadly weren't many acting opportunities, there was not much to do in general and the press tour for JATP was scheduled after its release in September. You on the other hand had lots to do with school, participating in online classes, catching up on the material you missed last semester, writing essays and studying.
“Babeee…” he whined and propped his head up behind your laptop screen so just his eyes looked over it. “Watcha doiinn?”
“Pack it up Isabella…” you grinned at him “Currently working on a project due next week and I have a class in five minutes”
“What class?” he popped his head up a bit more, his whole face hovering just slightly in front of you. “Economics.”
“Boooriiing” he dragged out and rolled his eyes “Don’t you wanna do something more fun? Like Wii bowling, cooking, me.” he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“As tempting as that sounds, I can't, this class is really important...sorry bubbs.” you looked up at him apologetically and pushed your computer glasses up your nose.
“Fine” he sulked, “give me a kiss and I'll leave you alone.”
You smiled and went to lean closer to his face, with one hand he grabbed the back of your head and pulled you closer. One kiss, two kisses, three kisses later, you tried to pull back. “One more,” he muttered against your lips and you caved.
And he really did leave you alone until you were done with all your classes. But another day meant another day full of classes and work. You quickly build your own little routine. Charlie still woke up earlier than you and greeted you in the kitchen with a smile, a coffee and a kiss. Then he would go on a run and you would start your first couple classes. He would come back, shower, prepper your face with ‘motivation kisses and then try to get your attention for the rest of the day.
“Braid my hair.” he wailed like a little kid and put his head on your lap. You looked down at him for a split second, your hand immediately tangled in his hair.
“That can’t be comfortable for you.” You chuckled and scanned his figure, the side of his right hip on the chair next to you, both arms and legs hanging loosely to the ground, his head on your lap.
“It totally is,” he muttered, barely audible because his face was nuzzled between your crossed legs.
“If you say so bubbs,” you said and tried not to laugh, your fingers playing with some strands of hair.
“Miss Y/LN what is the answer to question 4?” the professor asked you and totally ripped you out of your thoughts. “Oh shit...class.” you cursed and looked over your notes before unmuting yourself “the national bank sir?” you tried but it sounded more like a question than a confident answer.
“I know you're sitting at home and this is a difficult situation for all of us but don’t get distracted. We don't want your grades slipping…” you nodded and shot charlie a quick look. He half layed on your lap for the rest of the day, drawing little patterns on your legs, occasionally he got up to get a glass of water or some notebooks for you.
You liked to say that he annoyed you and sometimes he really did but you mostly found it endearing. But he did know how to distract you.
“I’m gonna work out here alright?” he questioned and put down his weights he took out of a closet in the hall. To focused on your note writing, your professor's voice ringing through the room you only nodded your head and barely looked up.
As your professor started to ramble on and on about a topic that you already had last semester, your eyes started to wander through the room and got stuck on a particular thing. The thing was working out and still looked absolutely delicious, he was currently lifting weights and his cake was on full display for you.
A tone shift of your professor brought you back to the zoom class but it didn't take long for you to be distracted again. After his workout, Charlie showered and was now just casually chilling shirtless on the couch a couple of feet away from you. His new tattoo shining brightly in your direction.
“What is more important than my class Miss Y/LN?” the same teacher that always catches you slacking piped up. Charlie's head shot up and he winked at you. “J-just a bird,” you said shyly, your cheeks heating up.
Not even ten minutes later, there was a movement in the corner of your camera. You tried to ignore it and listen to one of your classmates' presentations.
“You also want a coffee?” Charlie asked you over the counter.
“Yes please.” you shot him a thumbs up.
Whilst the coffee machine was rattling in the background, your classmate finished the presentation and that meant that it was your turn. Time Management was never you and Charlie's strength and so just as you were in the spotlight option of the call, Charlie walked up behind you.
“Char..I-” you tried to stop him.
“Here is your coffee ma love,” he said lovingly, still shirtless by the way, bending down to give you a kiss on your shoulder before placing the cup on your table. You awkwardly froze and stared at the screen in front of you.
“That’s a funny bird.” was all that your professor said while another classmate piped up with a “He’s kinda hot.”
“So uhm…” you chuckled, your cheeks and ears bright red. “I choose this topic because…”
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myrulia · 3 years
hi ! I was wondering if I could request prompt 23 !! I really like stories like that !! Take all the time you need :D thank you !
.。.:*✧Prompt 23: "I'll be yours and you'll be mine."
.。.:*✧Warnings: Suggestive language, modern AU
╰╴⇢。.:*✧A/N: I had such a fun time with this and explored new themes so thank you for the support!🥺
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Busy was an understatement of what your life was as an adult in the city of Tokyo.
You had a well paying job but still life never could give you a proper break to yourself other than sleep.
Until your new co-worker came along.
He was a tall, young and handsome man who was around your age, yet a little younger, that got assigned to work alongside you for a new project given to you by your boss, aka the CEO of the company you work for. Working with said co-worker, you have come to learn that his name was Michikatsu Tsugikuni. 
You both were hard workers and produced excellent amounts of positive work loads, which meant you were getting paid more and more due to your new partner. You even put in the effort of getting to know the raven haired male outside of work. You both had gotten coffee with each other a few times, and even went on park "dates" to either talk about your jobs or any other small hobbies you might share.
This developed a bigger bond between the two of you, and before you knew it you found yourself locked in a closet with kisses being trailed down your neck and onto your exposed breasts that were threatening to pop out of your already half unbuttoned shirt. That one breathtaking experience in that accursed closet of your office building changed the way you saw Michikatsu. At first he made it seem like he was simply an innocent man that wanted to work with you, but instead he found you as a whole enticing and sexy in general. 
The way your skirt would slightly rise up your thighs as you sat down, your suit jacket buttons struggling to keep your chest locked and unexposed, he just wanted to rip your clothes off of your skin almost every time he saw you. Not only did he find your body damn near angelic, but your face itself stimulated his hard-on with the concentrated expressions you would make as you worked diligently beside him. 
This of course led him to have more private time with you in that same very closet that almost nobody even dare bats an eye at in the entire building. The amount of hook-ups you've had were uncountable as the months went by of your dirty little secret still being unknown that you sleep with your obviously younger coworker who was so experienced with sex it made it feel almost unreal each time even though you took charge and guided him where you needed him the most. 
Although each time you went home to your skyrise apartment, you found yourself longing for more of his presence even in your bed or wandering around your apartment, not just sex in a closet and occasionally seeing him in the office. You would lay in your bed and ponder about what it would be like to really have you as his and him as yours, not just some hook-ups only to pretend like nothing happened.
You wanted a real relationship.
After all, you had known each other for months now and would see each other outside of work regardless. You had developed a decent bond so it would only be natural for you both to be together, right?
With that in mind, you confidently stride your way into the same building you enter almost everyday, taking the elevator to the 6th floor and greeting everyone who passed by with gentle smiles and partial waves. 
You smiled, until you saw him.
His eyes were practically glued onto yours as you made your way over to him, setting your binders down on the table and sitting down next to him. You crossed your legs per usual and sipped at the latte you grabbed a little before entering, not daring to utter a single syllable in his direction. This, however, left Michikatsu ultimately confused. He did not think he did anything to tick you off or annoy you to an extent, other than the small whispers of teases he'd say in your ear that would get you fired up, so just what was bothering you?
`` Hello, [Y/N]. Is everything okay? You seem particularly silent this morning. ``
You glanced over at the raven haired male to be met with him slightly leaning over, his tie loose and a gentle - yet worried - expression adorning his features. You set your cup down and clear your throat, shaking your head and opening the binder you brought with you.
`` Nothing is of the matter, let us work shall we? We have a busy day today with the amount of proposals we have from neighboring companies. ``
Michikatsu merely nodded, pulling out his own folders of research and studying he had done the night prior to aid you with your part of work as well as lessen the load significantly for the two of you. You may have appreciated his efforts, but that lingering thought of being with him still bothered you throughout the day.
You both worked as though you were in a rush, getting through the assigned papers with ease since it was the two of you, turning them in a little after your lunch break to the second in command of the office building, Hakuji Soyama. He was also a hard worker and extremely loyal to his job, so it was no wonder that he had direct connections to the CEO. 
With your work being done, you felt a hand sliding into yours. Looking up at your very much taller coworker, you raise a brow at his choice of actions until you felt your hips being pulled in the other direction until you were standing in front of the same closet where everything started. Your mouth opened to say something, your hand holding onto the doorframe to stop yourself from going inside.
`` Michikatsu, nothing today, alright? Instead I want to ask you something. ``
Michikatsu stopped with his actions, removing his hands from your body out of pure respect and instead of the usual smirk he would have around this time, the tall male had a gentle smile and a softer expression on his face while looking down at you. 
`` That is fine with me [Y/N], but what is the question? ``
You toyed with your fingers, removing your gaze from his and sighing out due to pure frustration that you would ever have the thought of trying to have such a heavy conversation in a work space, so you thought of something else instead.
`` Actually..- will you come to my house after work? I'd like to discuss something with you. ``
`` Your house? I guess I'll be free this evening. I'll be there around 7 if that works for you? ``
`` Yes, that is fine. Now, can we finish our work for the day? There's still more that must be done. ``
You turned on your heel to leave, walking ahead of Michikatsu who followed behind quickly, but his mind was stuck on the fact that he was just invited to your home. Your private space that had everything about you represented in a few rooms. He would be lying if he said he wasn't excited about the whole thing, but the one thing on his mind is that just what on earth could you want to talk about? 
The day went by rather quickly after your confrontation with Michikatsu near the closet. You both got through your work quickly and communicated about anything else that needed to be done before the day was over, as well as things that could be done another time so you would not have to feel stressed. 
By the time you both went through everything and submitted the things you had done, the work day was over, which meant you could go home and prepare to have a lengthy conversation possibly. You exited the building and caught an Uber home, entering your skyrise apartment building and smiling at the front desk woman before taking the elevator up to your home that was only third to the top floor. It was a rather tall building that gave you a gorgeous view of Tokyo so getting it was not easy, but here you are now successful and all.
You kicked off your shoes and greeted your white cat that snuggled itself onto your legs. You smiled at your furry friend and plopped yourself down onto your couch, receiving a notification from Michikatsu who asked about your address. You replied with details and threw your phone somewhere without batting an eyelash, huffing in frustration.
Before you knew it, you heard a doorbell ring take over your eardrums, which meant he had arrived at 7 on the dot like he had said. You opened your double doors and allowed him inside. His eyes practically lit up at the sheer size of your apartment for one singular person, as well as the view you get as soon as you enter that shows off the beauty of Tokyo. 
`` Welcome to my semi-humble abode, `` you joked and guided him to your couch, your cat jumping at the new person but relaxing once it felt your hand atop its head. 
`` You have a lovely home as I expected from someone who looks lovely every day. ``
`` Don't flatter me too much, it might go to my head. ``
You both laughed, you heading towards your kitchen and making two cups of water and bringing it over to your living room, setting them both on the coffee table in front of you. You nervously took a long and a little dramatic sip, just to prolong the conversation further as nervousness set into your skin. Your mind was running a mile a minute at what his reaction might be. Will he cut you off? Will he switch jobs and delete your contact from his phone? You had absolutely no clue.
`` S-So.. what is it that you wanted to talk about?, `` He asked, getting the conversation started. You pulled the cup away from your lips, setting it down and sighing once more.
`` I wanted to talk about us..- and well, our relationship I guess? ``
Your works left Michikatsu in shock as soon as they left your pretty lips, his eyes slightly widening but relaxing right after, his gaze stuck on your eyes, trying to think of a proper response until you spoke again.
`` Michikatsu, we've been fucking around for months. Sure we've went on "dates" before but they didn't mean as much as they do now. So I wanted to ask you personally, what are we? ``
He was left stammering on his words, and for once his face wasn't red from pleasure but instead of embarrassment. Sure, you had been known to be straightforward and blunt before but being that right now left his feelings in disarray. He tore his eyes from you finally, looking down and being left in his own thoughts. You gave him time to think, seeing as how it was a heavy question.
But little did you know he felt the exact same way.
Since he joined the company a little later, you were his senior, and you being in a position higher than him only enticed him even more. It wasn't only that though, each and every time he saw your face, happiness would strike his heart since you were there yet another day. It almost felt surreal that you even existed with how utterly drop-dead gorgeous you were. Of course, with you being such an eye-catching woman, he has over heard the other males in the office speak about you and your body only, but he had come to appreciate every part of you whether that be your body or joyous personality. 
`` Michikatsu, please say something. ``
Your words brought him from his thoughts, but looking at your face that was so stern and had a piercing gaze that he could not stop his cheeks from heating up. You raised a brow at this until he began to speak in a calm manner.
`` In the truth of it all, I have thought about this as well. In fact I was planning on talking to you about it but my nervousness got the best of me. 
Hearing the male be so honest and vulnerable with you honestly pulled at your heartstrings. You listened intently for what else he had to say but nothing could have prepared you for this.
`` I'm going to be completely honest, I didn't just fall for your body, but for you as a whole. You draw me in with that gaze of yours and I can't help but to not ignore it. [Y/N], I want to be more to you. ``
This time you were fully taken aback by his choice of words, your eyes pretty much tripled in size. Your lips quivered to say something, albeit a "yes" or just anything in general, but so much ecstatic emotions overflooded your mind that you felt overwhelmed.
Michikatsu watched your face and your body movement, automatically telling that you were a little emotional at the moment so he opened his arms, inviting you in which you happily accepted. Your arms wrapped around his larger frame, his easily being able to envelop you in warmth and care. You allowed your senses to be overtaken by his, his scent of cologne being so fresh and inviting that that allowed yourself to sink into his embrace further. 
`` I take it that you are happy with my response?, `` the male said whilst looking down at you, he notices tears pricking the ends of your eyes but he quickly wiped them away with his finger, caressing your cheek afterwards and having a gentle smile on his features.
`` I believe so, so Michikatsu, what does this mean for us? ``
`` I think it means that I'll be yours and you'll be mine. ``
`` I like the sound of that. `` 
You moved closer to his face now that your emotions had calmed down just a little, but hearing the words that came from his resplendent and flavorsome lips had you yearning for more than just his words. You wanted more of him now that it was official.
He quickly caught on to what you were implying and leaned closer to your face until your lips connected in a singular heated kiss that had your legs squeezing shut already.
You wanted him more than any other time before.
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