#but did we miss aaron being the instigator of all time
josten4exy · 1 month
andrew and aaron both being assholes is hilarious to me because with siblings there's like a 20 percent chance of you ends up being like a total sweetheart while the others are extreme bitches but these guys are both out here being dicks 24/7 if i was trapped in a room with them i'd take the riko ending because there's no way i'm getting out of that without life lasting trauma
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
Sink Or Swim
tag list: @cleocc @feeling-kinda-so-so @hopelessromanticvirgo @dreamy-slytherin @adora8 @lockerfivethreefive @painfully-oblivious @poeticinemaa @jjustonemorething @sassy-sara @wedarkacademia @coolguyssyndrome @hischbabe @suckerforsobbe @tayspots @starmansander @theah0lt @zoenneforever @invisibleme @chibibanane @odi-et-amo85 @watermelonlover-123
Saturday, 13:20
Song: Benny - Boys Will Be Boys
Jens watches the story again, watches a redheaded girl he doesn’t know wrap her arm around Lucas’s neck and pull him into the frame. The two of them grin cheesily at the camera, Lucas’s eyes squinted exaggeratedly, happily, as the girl hollers a ‘happy birthday’ and presses a kiss to his cheek. Next is a full shot of the party, reposted from the same girl, then a recording of Lucas’s own, with a shorter girl with a head of curls who Jens thinks is Isa, and then the boys he recognises as Kes and Jayden. All of them giving Lucas the same cheerful, enthusiastic wishes.
Happy birthday.
He had woken up to Lucas’s post, with the balloons leaving no doubt as to its purpose.
He’s startled from examining further when his door opens and Moyo slips inside, smiling easily at him and instantly flopping onto his bed. “Hey man. Oh, is that Lucas’s party? Why the fuck didn’t we know it was his birthday?”
Jens stares at him, brows raised and lips slightly parted. “What are you doing here?”
Moyo raises a brow back. “You invited me?” He gives a small laugh as Jens continues to look on in confusion. “Dude, where is your head at these days? Remember on Thursday at lunch when Lucas was talking about going home and you got all pouty so I asked if you wanted to hang out? And you said to come here?”
“Right,” Jens eventually allows. It does poke vaguely at his memories, but it’s quite unclear. Still, it isn’t as if he’s going to turn Moyo away. He has no reason to. It’s better than staring at his phone any longer. “Cool.”
Moyo snorts. “Okay, cool. I also texted you when I was leaving my house. And you didn’t reply. Which is why your mom had to let me in.”
Jens furrows his brows before drawing down the notification bar on his phone. He purses his lips when he sees the text from Moyo, wondering how he had taken on such an absentminded focus that he missed it completely. “You did.”
“But I can see you were preoccupied,” Moyo raises his brows. “Didn’t you already see them when you woke up?”
“Yeah,” Jens mumbles.
“So what’s the obsession?”
“I’m not obsessed. Just, trying to see who I know.”
Moyo snorts again. “If you know anyone other than Lucas in those dark, blurry ass shots, I think that’s a little bit obsessed. I know he’s your new favourite toy but surely you can survive without him for one day.”
Jens feels angry, suddenly. He isn’t sure if he’s right to be, knows that Moyo probably doesn’t mean anything by it, but he’s already upset and so incredibly tired. It leaves him wrinkling his nose in distaste and sitting up and away. “Why do you always have to make it out like everything is so gross? You know there’s a way to make a point without fucking making fun all the time?”
It feels surprisingly good to get it out, and where he expects regret to claw through his chest, a small stream of relief flows through him instead.
However, it leaves Moyo’s brows shooting towards his hairline. “Sorry, man. What has you so pissy?”
He sits up next to Jens, bumping his elbow gently, and now he begins to feel a little bad. Still, the upset hasn’t quite run out. “Why do you think it’s so wrong for me to care about Lucas?”
“What?” Moyo frowns. “I never said that. Lucas is cool, I’m glad we’re all friends with him.”
“He’s not my friend.”
The words slip out before Jens can stop them, and then there’s no taking them back.
Moyo’s frown melts away in his confusion as his brow furrows again. Then he lets out a small, somewhat nervous laugh. “What, are you that pissed you didn’t get to join the party?”
“I am,” Jens agrees easily, then has to pause, has to center himself. He thinks of Robbe yesterday, so happy and understanding, and of Lucas just before he left, so happy and excited, and of Moyo a year ago, laughing at the idea of anyone being bi, nose wrinkled at how ‘gross’ it appeared to him.
Then he thinks of how that was a year ago.
Then he says, “I am pissed, because my boyfriend didn’t even tell me it was his birthday and I don’t know why and because it doesn’t surprise me that the first thing you did is make fun of it.”
Moyo’s lips part, and he simply stares at him as they fall into silence. Jens looks back, trying not to let himself falter, trying not to let his fissures show or crack any further. It’s difficult, more so than he thought it would be, and he puts it down to the tumultuous feelings already raging through him after the surprises this morning. It also feels somewhat more terrifying to be voicing it in this room, under this roof. Perhaps this is where it should feel easiest, that it should be a safe place, but he finds his eyes flickering towards the door instead, making sure it’s shut tight. It’s not like it had been, wrapped up in Lucas’s warmth in their own little universe or under Robbe’s gentle gaze in a familiar setting. It’s nerve-wracking and nauseating, to listen for footsteps and watch Moyo look away from him.
Jens is inches away from pulling his hair out when Moyo finally turns back, appearing cautious as he licks his lips. “So you’re...you’re bi, or something?”
Jens’s heart clamours as he nods.
“And you’re with Lucas?”
“Just for about two weeks,” Jens says quietly.
Moyo’s brows raise, but he nods, once again licking his lips and averting his gaze. He focuses on a spot on the duvet as he speaks again. “Like...you’re into him? Like you would want to have sex with him, and everything?”
The little flicker of irritation returns. “Yeah, man, maybe, and I don’t need you telling me how it disgusts you or whatever, okay? Just—“
“I don’t think I ever want to have sex. With anyone.”
Jens snaps his mouth shut as his friend meets his gaze, surprised to have been interrupted.
He certainly hadn’t expected to be interrupted with that.
Moyo makes himself small, hunching his shoulders slightly, but he keeps his gaze on Jens. It’s oddly full of nerves, alive with apprehension, overcast with doubt. Below it all, there’s a small hint of relief. Jens suddenly understands what’s happening.
“You don’t like sex?” he carefully pushes.
Moyo curls in on himself further, shrugging without opening his shoulders back up. “I’ve never had an actual experience to base it on, but the idea of it doesn’t actually appeal to me, no.”
All of this is admitted quietly, almost tersely as Moyo picks a thread loose in the sheet. Jens lets him, watchful and thoughtful, wondering where it is he’s supposed to take it from here. He hadn’t been prepared to come out to anyone today, but he hadn’t even considered the possibility that someone else would come out to him.
He has to admit, however, that he’s a little confused.
“But you talk about it all the time. About getting with girls, about what you’d do, and all your shitty dirty jokes?”
“That’s what we all talk about,” Moyo points out. “Aaron was whining over getting laid for months before Amber and it’s not like you’ve ever been shy about it. It’s what we’re supposed to talk about. Even Robbe isn’t as shy about it now. Like shit man, what else am I supposed to say?”
Jens eases up, letting his expression soften as he shifts slightly towards him, setting his phone aside entirely. “The truth,” he says gently. “Anything other than digging yourself into a deeper hole.”
“Yeah, because I wouldn’t have been the butt of the joke, the prude, if I just said I didn’t want to join in right?” Moyo scoffs, shaking his head as he turns to lean back against the headboard. “Don’t give me that.”
“Moyo,” Jens tries, but the words aren’t there. He knows, no matter how much it disappoints him, that his friend is right. They would have joked, and Jens would have been the main instigator.
He realises, with a sort of derisive amusement, that he’s as much the reason Moyo hadn’t come out to them as Moyo is the reason Jens hadn’t come out himself.
“I didn’t even realise what was wrong with me, why I revolted against it even while making dumb jokes or random passes. I thought it was just like, frustration, or jealousy even, that I didn’t actually have the experience. I knew that talking about it, wanting it, was the normal thing, the guy thing.”
Jens’s heart twists, and he’s instantly shaking his head back. “Bullshit. There’s nothing wrong with you.”
Moyo snorts, shaking his head. He still won’t look at Jens. “Isn’t there? Fuck, I didn’t even understand it until Noor came onto me and I had to literally shove her away.”
This is another new surprising piece of information.
“Noor? Seriously?”
Moyo closes his eyes, nods his head, doesn’t say anything else. Jens remains quiet, as well, absorbing the information and giving Moyo room to think. It’s a dead sort of silence, not comfortable or awkward, but heavy. It’s only when Jens realises that Moyo isn’t going to offer anything else that he pushes a little further.
“When was that? I mean, the thing with Noor?”
Moyo shakes his head slightly, shrugging again. “Like two months ago maybe?”
“Two months?”
“I know.” Moyo purses his lips, picking at his nails as he stares down at his lap.
Jens thinks. “You’re not...forcing yourself to do anything, are you?”
Moyo finally looks at him, head whipping around as his brows knit together. “What? No. It’s not like that. Since then, she’s been helping me figure my shit out. Because I...I don’t know, I went into like this panic mood. It wasn’t even about kissing or sex it was like I realised I wasn’t attracted to her at all. Not physically. Like I know that Noor is beautiful, but it’s like I didn’t care. My mind could understand it and my body just didn’t feel it. And then I started to think about it and I’ve never actually been attracted to anyone. Not just Noor, just in general. Girls or guys. It confused the hell out of me, because I thought I did like her but I just...don’t think I can like anyone like that. Sexually.”
“Okay,” Jens nods slowly. “I’m still just not really understanding all your talk about something you have no interest in.”
“I’ve already told you. That’s what’s expected, y’know? That’s how you be a man.”
“Where is that shit coming from? Because I know it’s not your parents, and I hope it isn’t us.”
“No, not my parents, but what about the rest of my family? My uncles and even some of my cousins, I don’t know, it’s like fucking ingrained in them. I’ve ingrained it in myself. Even with you and Robbe, it’s different. They’d see it as like this minor error, but at least everything still works the same. With me it’s like...I don’t work, like this thing just isn’t there at all and—“
“Hey, hey, Moyo, woah,” Jens cuts him off, laying a placating hand on his friend’s shoulder. He waits for Moyo to steady himself, taking a deep breath with a clenched jaw, and then he gives a light tug to his shoulder. He has to do it again before Moyo actually gives in and looks at him, and then Jens keeps his expression serious. “Everything about you works whether you have sex with someone or not. Look at it like this. Your dick could be chopped right off, never able to use it, and you’d still be Moyo.”
He makes a cutting motion with his hand and then a sweep to the side as he makes a ‘phew’ noise through his teeth. It has the intended effect of making Moyo crack a smile even as he cringes, slapping Jens’s hand down with a shiver.
“And you said I make everything fucking gross, man. Jesus.”
Jens cracks, too, letting a small laugh escape as Moyo’s smile widens and his shoulders relax just so. “But it feels better, right?”
Moyo shrugs again, drawn-out and ashamed. “Still abnormal either way.”
“You’re not. You’re just asexual, I think.”
Moyo’s brows instantly shoot upwards. “You know what that is?”
Jens blinks at him. “Do you?”
“Dude, it’s been the only word in my head for weeks. Why do you know about it?”
“I kind of researched into everything when…”
He trails off, letting Moyo pick up on the implication himself, watches him purse his lips and give another nod. “Have you told anyone else?”
“Robbe, and only yesterday,” Jens admits. “You? Apart from Noor?”
Moyo purses his lips, shakes his head. “I’m sorry I didn’t react better to you actually...I mean, Jens, you know I have no problem with it right? What I said last year, it was really stupid. That’s not how I think anymore. Or at least, I’m trying not to think like that.”
“It’s okay,” Jens says softly. “I think I definitely understand a little better now. I’m sorry I haven’t made it easy for you to tell me, either.”
“We can circle back to me, okay? Right now we’re gonna talk about Lucas. You really didn’t know a thing about his birthday?”
Jens kind of wishes they could continue talking about Moyo, because in the last few minutes, he’d forgotten all about his own predicament. Now he’s forced to face it with a groan as he drags a hand over his face. “No. And I was telling myself it wasn’t that weird, because maybe it just hadn’t come up or he didn’t like celebrating or something, but now that you’re asking I feel like it’s weird.”
“Well maybe it is that. It looked kind of like a surprise party,” Moyo offers. “Maybe he just didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. Not with a new relationship.”
Jens isn’t quite sure why he flushes at that, but it makes Moyo’s lips tick slightly upwards. “Yeah,” he blows out a sigh, “but he also hasn’t messaged me. Like things were good yesterday before he left, and he fell asleep on the phone to me last night, and then like an hour later,” Jens makes a vague gesture, only waving his hand back and forth, but Moyo nods with a grimace.
“Maybe he’s stuck in bed. Hungover.”
“Maybe. It just freaks me out, ‘cause I know this is what he does when he’s pissed, or when something’s wrong. Gives me this radio silence. And I can’t go see him at his flat when he isn’t there.”
Moyo hums, then simply says, “Fuck. I’m kinda glad I’m not in this relationship game.”
Jens snorts, rubbing his hand over his face again as Moyo locks an arm around his shoulders and gives him a brief squeeze. “I thought Luc was going to be easier. These past few weeks have been, but,” he breaks off on a sigh, slumping back against his pillows as Moyo slips his arm out from behind him.
“You know what I think?” Moyo says. He waits for Jens to look at him before producing an unopened bag of weed. “I think you need some of your chill back.”
Jens only hesitates for a second before grinning and snatching the bag out of his hand.
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a-kosher-dunk · 5 years
May I ask about something I’ve read regarding Miriam? Is it true that she made a racist remark against Tzipporah, and that’s why she wasn’t allowed into the Promised Land? I could be totally misunderstanding something, but I do remember reading that. Thank you!
I hope you're prepared for a 2000 word answer, because this is a complicated question about a difficult passage. Content warnings for violence, non-explicit discussions of sex, and (maybe) racism.
The incident you're talking about happens in Numbers/Bamidbar 12. Here's what the text says, quoting from the translation by Everett Fox, skipping over some verses that aren’t relevant to the question, and anglicizing Fox’s spellings of names for clarity:
12:1 “Now Miriam spoke, and Aaron, against Moses on account of the Cushite wife that he had taken in marriage, for a Cushite wife he had taken.
12:2 They said: ‘Is it only, solely through Moses that YHWH speaks? Is it not also through us that he speaks?’ And YHWH heard.
12:5 And YHWH descended in a column of cloud and stood at the entrance to the Tent; he called out: ‘Aaron and Miriam!’ and the two of them went out.
12:10 When the cloud turned away from above the Tent, here: Miriam has tzaraat like snow!”
Tzaraat is usually translated as leprosy, but this is a bad translation. What you need to know is that tzaraat is an affliction sometimes caused by angering G-d and, as in this case, it can turn a person’s skin white.
If you're not confused yet, you should be, because this passage gives a lot of confusing information. Why is Moses's wife referred to as a Cushite, when before Tzipporah was called a Midianite? Why is Miriam punished while Aaron isn't? What was their problem with the "Cushite wife" in the first place? Why does the text say that Aaron and Miriam were speaking about Moses's wife, but then the rest of their dialogue is about their roles as prophets?
I'm breaking this down into a series of questions and explanations for better readability. 
Question 1: Is the Cushite woman Tzipporah?
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You'll notice that the "Cushite wife" isn't named. So the first question we have to answer is, are Miriam and Aaron even talking about Tzipporah? Or has Moses married another woman? (Polygamy would have been fairly normal in this place and time.)
Previously, Tzipporah was described as a Midianite, which would suggest that this is a different woman. However, today we don't know exactly where Midian was. We're not even sure that it was a place; it might have referred to a collection of tribes instead. "Cush" is generally assumed to mean modern Ethiopia, but that's not totally clear either.
It's possible that there was some overlap between Cush and Midian. Maybe the Midianites were a tribe of people living in Cush, or maybe Midian was an area in the larger territory of Cush. This might be the Bronze Age equivalent of saying "Tzipporah was from Texas" and then later saying "Tzipporah was from Houston."
Most Torah commentaries agree that this person is Tzipporah and that’s my interpretation too. For ease of discussion, I will continue referring to her as Tzipporah.
Question 2: Were Aaron and Miriam equally at fault for this situation?
In your question, you mentioned reading that it was Miriam who "made a racist remark," but as you'll notice from the passage, both Miriam and Aaron spoke. What you would miss if you only read this text in English, however, is that in Hebrew, verbs are gendered. In this case, the verb for "spoke" is gendered feminine. Normally, if you were referring to something done by both a woman and a man, you would use the masculine form of the verb.
Why doesn't that happen here? One traditional explanation is that it was Miriam who initiated the discussion. She went to Aaron first and persuaded him to join her in her complaint. Aaron has a history of acceding to what others want (see: the thing with the Golden Calf), which I think is very Hufflepuff of him. Meanwhile, Miriam has a history of taking leadership and persuading others to go along with her plans (see: convincing Pharaoh's daughter to adopt Moses, or leading the Hebrew women in a song of victory after crossing the Red Sea). So this explanation is perfectly in character. Either only Miriam said the part about Tzipporah, or both Aaron and Miriam said it, but Miriam was the instigator. A more fun explanation is that Aaron is trans and prefers feminine pronouns, but I don't know of any other passages that support that reading and in any case, that would be a subject for a different post.
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Question 3: Was this about race?
First off, I'll point out that no one in this story would be considered white today. Miriam, Aaron and Moses would be considered Mizrahi Jewish or Middle Eastern by today's standards, while Tzipporah would be considered... well, again, we don't know where Midian was, but Middle Eastern, Ethiopian, or specifically Beta Israel would all be valid modern guesses.
That said, racism can absolutely exist between different people of color. Midianites and Hebrews would have seen each other as different people, if not different races. And there are lots of examples of violence flaring up between those two groups. In Genesis/Bereshit 37:28, Midianites enslave the young Joseph. In Numbers/Bamidbar 31, the Israelites launch a war against the Midianites. In a particularly violent scene from Numbers/Bamidbar 25:8, a Midianite woman and an Israelite man are killed for sleeping together.
So, it's totally plausible that Miriam was being racist. This would explain why Tzipporah’s race is highlighted twice with the repetition of the phrase “Cushite wife.” It would also explain why G-d chooses to punish Miriam specifically with tzaraat. The affliction is described as making her skin look "like snow," i.e. unnaturally white. This might be G-d's way of saying, "You think skin color matters so much? Okay. Let's see how you feel about your skin color now." Rabbi Rick Jacobs interprets the story this way, and has a very good talk about it in this podcast episode.
However, racism isn't the only explanation for what's going on here.
Question 4: Why the abrupt change of subject halfway through the complaint?
As I mentioned above, the text at first says that Miriam was speaking "on account of the Cushite wife." But then the very next line from her and Aaron is, "Is it only, solely through Moses that YHWH speaks? Is it not also through us that he speaks?” Which is a total non-sequitur. Imagine saying to your sibling, "I hate your girlfriend, and also, you’re not that special. Dad gives us special treatment too."
One explanation is that the real issue all along was the issue of leadership. Jenna Reback on an episode of the podcast Bad Jew Weekly says, “The ostensible reason that Miriam and Aaron had for talking badly about Moses wasn’t actually the root of their problem… They’re like, “Ugh, he married this Cushite woman.” And then they really get into what’s actually bothering them, which is that they should be more celebrated by people and by G-d because G-d has spoken to them too. In a way, I think this is one of the reasons that G-d is so mad at them, because they don’t actually just level their complaint… Miriam and Aaron are kind of being surreptitious and saying one thing but meaning another and talking behind closed doors…Miriam and Aaron don’t have the guts to just say it outright.”
In this reading, Miriam at first tries to hide her true intentions, possibly out of shame, or possibly to delegitimize Moses ("How can he lead us when he didn't marry a woman from our people!") before admitting to her real problem. This would explain why her punishment from G-d is harsher. Not only did she criticize her brother; she wasn't even upfront about what her criticism was!
But there's another explanation that ties these two threads together. According to commentary from Chizkuni and Rashi, Miriam spoke "on account of the Cushite wife" not to disparage her, but to help her. They interpret the repetition of “wife” to mean that while Tzipporah was being a good wife, Moses was not being a good husband. He had become too wrapped up in the responsibility of leading his people and stopped paying attention to Tzipporah. From Chizkuni’s commentary: “’Miriam and Aaron spoke out critically against Moses;’ how did either of them know that Moses had separated from his wife? They had both noted that Tzipporah no longer wore the jewelry she had been in the habit of wearing. Miriam asked Tzipporah why she no longer wore that jewelry. Tzipporah replied that it was because Miriam’s brother (Moses) did not pay any attention to her jewelry. This was a hint that he had separated from her. She told Aaron about this and they talked about that situation criticizing him.”
I should point out that the language used here is euphemistic; the implication of “separated” is that Moses and Tzipporah were no longer having sex. Tzipporah was upset about this, and Miriam was angry on her behalf. It’s kind of like that one scene in Brooklyn 99.
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Let’s revisit the line, “Is it not also through us that he speaks?” According to Exodus/Shemot 6:23, Aaron was married to Elisheva. No spouse is named for Miriam in the Torah, but one midrashic tradition says that she married Caleb, a man introduced in Numbers/Bamidbar 13:6. I’ll come back to him, but for now let’s think about this setup. All three siblings are prophets. All three are married. But unlike Moses, Miriam and Aaron have remained close with their spouses, despite the challenges of leading their people. That’s why they make this point. This isn’t a challenge to Moses’s leadership; it’s a reminder that fulfilling G-d’s wishes is no excuse for neglecting human relationships.
This explanation seems random, I know. Where are Rashi and Chizkuni getting this backstory from? Turns out, there's a story about Miriam intervening in a similar situation between a wife and a husband. According to Rashi, back in Egypt when Pharaoh gave the "kill all the baby Hebrew boys" order and before baby Moses was born, Yocheved's husband Amram divorced her. Amram's argument was that if all baby boys were going to be murdered, there was no point in having more children, and therefore no point in being married. How Yocheved felt about this isn't elaborated on.
Miriam, however, was ready to fight. Rav Chanina says that Miriam “told her father: ‘Father, your decree is harsher than that of Pharaoh! He only decreed against the males, but you have decreed against both the males and the females. It is doubtful whether the decree of the wicked Pharaoh will come to pass, but you are righteous, and so your decree will be fulfilled.’ Amram immediately took back his wife.”
Keep in mind, most commentary says Miriam was only six at the time. Please picture a tiny, furious six year old girl standing up to her father and refusing to let him break their family apart. This is why I love Miriam.
Anyways, that story sets a precedent that A) Miriam is willing to intervene in extremely personal matters if she thinks it's for a good reason and B) when there’s a dispute between a husband and wife, Miriam intervenes on the wife's side. Feminist solidarity FTW.
Recap: I know that was a lot of information, so in summary, here are three possible explanations for what happens in this section. 
1) Miriam spoke against Tzipporah and Moses because she was being racist about Tzipporah. 
2) Miriam and Aaron resented not getting a bigger leadership role, but rather than admitting this directly, Miriam initially pretended that their problem with Moses was that he had married Tzipporah. 
3) Moses was neglecting Tzipporah and Miriam tried to talk to Moses on her behalf.
Addendum: In your question, you asked if Miriam "wasn't allowed into the Promised Land" because of this incident, and at first, I was going to say no. In Numbers/Bamidbar 14:27-14:35, G-d states that because the Hebrews will not stop bickering amongst themselves and doubting their G-d, they will wander for another forty years. The generation that was enslaved in Egypt will not set foot in the Promised Land, but their children will. I always assumed Miriam was included in the category of the generation from Egypt.
However! There are three exceptions to G-d's pronouncement. One is Joshua, who doesn't matter for this discussion.
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The other is Moses because G-d plays favorites. And the third person is Caleb.
Remember the midrash I mentioned earlier about Caleb being Miriam’s husband? Well, if we take that as true, that implies that Miriam would have been allowed to enter the Promised Land with him. Especially since the other exception to G-d’s declaration is Moses, her brother. They’re supposed to settle in the land and raise families who will never have to suffer under slavery. Doesn’t make much sense for G-d to deliberately break up a family.
But let’s go back to Moses. Because guess what? He messes up. In Numbers/Bamidbar 20, G-d instructs Moses to summon water from a boulder by speaking to it. Instead, Moses strikes the boulder with his staff. G-d’s response is, “Because you did not have trust in me … you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I am giving them!” And with that, Moses is barred from entering the Promised Land.
From this we know that G-d can and will revoke Promised Land privileges for certain offenses. The incident with Tzipporah may have been one such offense. Maybe that is why Miriam doesn’t make it to the Promised Land, and why she is the first of her siblings to die.
There’s a lot that I didn’t cover. Sefaria lists 77 commentaries just on the first sentence of Numbers/Bamidbar 12. If you want to read more about this passage, I’ve linked some of my sources in the post and listed two others below.
Miriam in the Desert with Alicia Jo Rabins: a video discussing, among other things, popular interpretations of Numbers/Bamidbar 12
Sefaria: an all-purpose encyclopedia of Jewish texts and commentary
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scrapyardboyfriends · 6 years
Jenny’s Belated Live Blogging - 14 February 2018
- Happy Robron Valentine’s Day
- So, other writers are great, but after yesterday’s boring, choppy episode, Maxine’s writing really does feel like a breath of fresh air. I just feel relaxed (as relaxed as you can be for a major robron episode) going into her episodes because I know that they will flow well. 
- Let’s get the other stuff out of the way first. The Debbie and Ross stuff wasn’t bad. I didn’t really watch much of Dross the first time around so I don’t quite have the war flashbacks that some people do. Not that I overly want them together. In any case, Mike continues to do well with Ross’s struggles. The Sarah card stuff was cute too.
- Sandy and (Please someone tell me her name!) continue to be sweet and adorable and the stuff with Arthur as the waiter was great. I’m glad the only bit of Bobel we got was a look because I’m so tired of that after yesterday. 
- The Liv stuff has started off so well. I love getting to see more of the teenaged group and I thought Maxine did a really great job with them. I like that they have Gabby reacting well to things but still questioning her a lot. It’s not harsh but it’s still managing to pose a counterpoint which will allow them to tell the story. It’s drama but it’s not over the top like say the way Adam first reacted to Aaron trying to kiss him and I appreciate that. And I’m glad they’re getting Jacob into the mix too. 
- Chas and Paddy...haha. She’s obviously way off base but I like hearing her talk about Aaron again because I feel like she just hasn’t been all that involved and it was making me a bit sad so it’s nice to remind everyone that she’s there and she cares and what not. Also, the Patrick Cedric Kirk thing just brought me back to Paddy’s 40th and Aaron mocking him for his name. 
- Also...Chas! Who wants their mother dropping in on their Valentine’s Day date with their boyfriend! Stop!! Haha. I don’t want her THAT involved. 
- Wasn’t Paddy supposed to see Robert leave? #Confused
- Now, the Robron stuff. I loved Liv mocking Aaron’s cooking skills in the beginning. That was cute. And Aaron throwing the hearts at her. It’s adorable that he got her something for Valentine’s Day. Also, her little ‘I’m covering my eyes in case there’s snogging’ bit at the end was great and very Liv.
- Aaron Dingle: Kitchen Disaster. I can relate. I love that he just has no idea what he’s doing.
- Robert coming over to genuinely apologize for the tickets was great because it’s such a change for him. And Aaron’s just like ‘yeah um..no I already knew and I was totally cool with it’. Also, Robert just jumping in and helping him cook was amazing too. Like ‘oh no I must save him from himself’. And I loved that we got confirmation that the pasta maker was totally his. Obviously. And they have a ‘messy cupboard’ so that’s adorable. 
- They just fall back into their natural rhythm so easily and I love it. I’ve missed it soooo much. The smiles and the banter and the barely concealed heart eyes and flirting. Aaron just full on staring at him at the table. Amazing. 
- Roblivion talk. Hopefully we get a scene of Robert back helping Liv with her maths homework post reunion. #AsItShouldBe I loved Aaron trying to play off like he didn’t just genuinely miss Robert. They’re the worst...and the best. 
- ROBERT: It’ll keep AARON: Yeah, but wouldn’t you just rather have it with me instead? Again, they’re the worst and it’s all instigated by Aaron and that makes it even better. Thank god Alex is a doctor! Haha. 
- Robert going on about Rebecca stuff and then stopping himself and Aaron being encouraging and telling him he’s proud of him. This is a version of them I could get used to. Robert actually opening up about his feelings. Aaron not feeling jealous and instead, just being able to be there for him because other than his crazy love feelings, he’s doing so much better himself and can help Robert now. Love it. 
- The almost kiss. Aaron leaning in. Shades of the bench but Robert was so gonna go for it until stupid Alex had to show up. One more person couldn’t have eaten an engagement ring!? Honestly! Haha. 
- Robert racing out of there was amazing. Good to know that room has an escape hatch. 
- Aaron lying to Alex, a known doctor, about being ill and Alex actually reaching up and feeling his forehead to check. Hilarious. 
- The phone call!!!!! Brilliant. Loved everything about it. Aaron just wants him back so bad but he’s confused and he’s fighting it. Just let it all go Aaron. Let yourself be happy. 
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Miss Atomic Bomb. (Aaron Tveit Fanfiction)
Chapter Four.
That saturday started weird. She woke up at ten o'clock, got dressed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Meanwhile, she woke up her brothers. Her usual routine on weekends was staying stuck at the computer until five in the morning, then turn it off and go to sleep, waking up at almost midday, turn on the computer again, go to the kitchen, grab a coffee, shout her siblings to wake up if they weren’t already watching tv while having breakfast and going back to her bedroom and stay in there all day, just getting out to eat or going to the bathroom. But that saturday was weird. It felt weird and Marie Anne knew why.
Her brothers woke up and when they arrived to the kitchen, there were pancakes, lattes, juice and their sister, already dressed with her hair in a ponytail. That never happened. Parker and Allan didn’t wanted to ask but they knew something was going on. They just needed time to find out or make her talk. They suspect it has something to do with the guy from the Yankees game but if they asked, their sister was going to say no. They knew her. She was a bit reserved with her private life and she only talked to them about it when she was completely sure what she was doing. And anyways, the fact that she might like someone didn’t mean she’d make breakfast and wouldn’t being asleep.
The park date/no date -cause she didn’t knew what to think about it- put her in that good mood. At the beginning she thought it was a terrible idea, but when he appeared all those stupid ideas went away. And even more every time he smiled at her or just laughed about one of her comments or joked. Just looking at his shinning blue eyes was a reason to try to give herself a pat on the back for the crazy impulsive idea of asking him out.
She wasn’t the kind of girl who follows her impulses. She was a calmed person. She tried to never argue, not getting angry, and solving problems instead of relying on them and let other people do it. She was also an independent girl. When she finished her career started to work immediately and got the control of her life. She helped her mom with her brothers, did most of the things at home, and most of the times helped her with the bills -something her mom deeply inside appreciated, but in the meantime she never mentioned or said “Thank you” to her-. Besides that, she worked in the office, and when she had something to do at home, she locked her inside with a big ham and cheese sandwich, a big glass of juice and her beloved laptop.
That night she was going out with an actor. Marie Anne had to repeat it for herself every some minutes because she couldn’t believe it. She didn’t ask him too much about it in the park. Didn’t wanted to sound interested in the bad way. Neither had the courage to search him in Google. If she was going to know him it wouldn’t be through Wikipedia or some stupid page. She didn’t even knew if he was famous or no, but she didn’t even care. She was interested in him before the park date. He was kind, and lovely, funny and she didn’t wanted internet to threw that down the drain. Internet used to do those things.
After breakfast, she went out shopping. Her brothers were about to call an ambulance because that girl, wasn’t their big sister. At least not the sister they’ve been living with for the last three years. She had nice clothes to go to work or go out with her friends but not something as nice to go out with a handsome guy like him. And she liked shopping but mostly online in the comfort of her home. That night she needed to look fine. Even more than fine. Marie Anne wanted to look classy and interesting at least for one night.
Five hours later and with some bags in her hands, the girl went back home. She didn’t pay attention to her brothers’ questions and walked straight to her room. She was happy her mother wasn’t there to say any comments because she wasn’t in the mood to handle it. She forgot to eat too, so after she left the bags in her room, got out and walked straight to the fridge to make herself something, while heating up a big cup of coffee with milk. Her brothers run to her as they saw her there.
“We need to talk.” Parker said first, looking at Marie Anne and standing beside her.
“About?” she asked, acting like she didn’t knew about what. She knew those boys almost as she knew herself.
“You. You went shopping. You never go shopping. Not alone at least. If you do you always go with us or you shop online.” Allan inquired standing in the other side so she couldn’t run away that fast.
“So what? Can’t I change my routines?” she prentended that nothing happened there.
“No. Not you. You don’t do such things as change routines” Parker affirmed, standing still beside her and staring at her eyes.
“Going shopping is not your thing sis. What’s going on?” Allan asked, clearly without expecting a no. Better said, not accepting a no.
Her brothers were so especial, in every possible way. They used to push her to tell them absolutely everything, and even when Marie Anne had her tricks to fool them, there were moments when they won. They were two. Besides, one thing was if they wanted to know something that happened at her work, or with their mother or father. She knew how to stop those instigations after all those years. But, in this case we have to highlight the difference. With the boy subject she had more trouble hiding it from her brothers. That included Aaron, a guy that she really liked, a boy she thought had something especial… things would be worse. So knowing this truth, Marie Anne had no other chance but telling them, and tried to find the words to explain the less details she could.
“I…” and she stopped herself for a second to think in the right words to say. “I have to go out tonight, okay? That’s all. I needed new clothes. And shoes. And maybe a bag or two. Or three. That’s it.” Marie Anne explained fast and grabbed her coffee and sandwich to go to the dinning table.
Parker followed her fast without thinking. “Woah woah what!? Allan! She’s going out!” Allan was right beside him.
“Is the Yankees blond guy?” the twins smiled and sat beside her in the dinning table.
“Of course the Yankees blond guy!!” Parker was already talking too much and Marie Anne knew that if they kept talking, they’d discover absolutely everything. Her brothers used that technique before, and always succeeded.
She didn’t knew what to say. If she told them how idiots they were they’ll knew she was trying to avoid the subject. If she say no they were going to know she was lying. And saying yes wasn’t even an option. After a sip of her coffee another option popped into her head. “I need your help.”
“Yas!” Parker shouted and shocked hands with his twin, laughing. “Whatever you need, sister” Allan and Parker looked at her expecting her to say something.
“I need you to tell me which dress looks better. I have a couple so…” she explained and grabbed a bit of her sandwich. She knew they were going to be happy with that at least for some hours.
“You want us to tell you which one you think he’s going to like more?” Parker joked with a big grin on his face.
“Or with which one you look prettier, uh?” Allan followed his twin’s joke. “You look pretty with anything you put on, sis.” “Al’s right, Mar… So, are you going to show us?” They both were running to her room.
“I’m eating, guys!” she yelled and grabbed her cup and sandwich to finish it in her room. “Don’t touch anything if your hands are dirty or I swear I’ll kill you!”.
When she walked in they were already trying to open the bags but stopped at the second they saw her grumpy face in the door. “Did I see a blue dress in there?” Allan tried to take a look inside a bag.
“Yes. Show me your hands and if they are clean you can grab them very carefully.” she demanded, leaving her food on the desk and standing in front of them. The boys extended their hands and show her they were all clean with big smiles on their face like good boys. “Be careful.” and with that they both opened the bags like kids on Christmas morning.
“Oh my God, look at this bad boy!” Parker took out a beautiful black dress and stood up showing her dress in front of them. “Try this one first!”
“No, no… Hang on. Look at this. Seriously sis, you can rock his world with this one!” Allan took our the blue dress. “Try this one first.”
“There’s three more there…” she pointed at another bag as she grabbed the two dresses from their brothers’ hands and went to the bathroom to try those two first.
Her little brothers took out the dresses, and the shoes and argued about which one was the most pretty, sexy, ugliest, and all those kind of things. Meanwhile, Marie Anne got out with the blue dress on it. “So…? How do I look?” her brothers stayed silent looking at her.
“Pretty.” they both dropped their jaws to the floor.
“Really?” she blushed and felt so dumb to be there with a new dress. She just wished one of those dresses had the same effect on Aaron than with her brothers.
“Try the blue one!” Allan exclaimed, still trying to recover from the effect of the black dress. They couldn’t believe their sister was wearing a dress like that.
“Yes, go!!” Parker laid in her bed and looked at the roof. He just wished that one day he’d have a girl as pretty as his sister. “She’s soo going out with the Yankees guy..” Allan laughed with Parker.
“I HEARD YOU!” Marie Anne yelled on the way to the bathroom.
“And he’ll lose his mind” they both laughed and got ready another couple of dresses for her.
Marie Anne came back to the bedroom with the blue dress on and a grumpy expression trying to scare the twins. “Stop it, yes? I’ll do this on my own if you keep making jokes.”
“We just want to know if you are going out with him!” Parker complained acting more like a five year-old boy than a sixteen year old teenager.
“Yes! We already know, so…just admit it!” Allan looked at her with a sassy face. Parker laughed at his brother’s joke.
“No…” and she wanted to keep a straight face but it was getting harder and harder every minute.
“Come ooon…” Allan stood up and walked to her and looked her into her eyes. “He’s a sexy blond stud… Even we know that… Just say it”
“Stop it.” she murmured trying to not smile. They were right. God, they were so damn right.
“That’s a little smile showing up?” Allan smiled poking her cheek.
“Uh, I think it iiis…” Parker stood up and walked to her and started to poke her other cheek. “He’s a blond sexy handsome guy…”
“He is really pretty and sweet…” Allan followed immediately his brother’s plan and she started to smile.
“You can’t tell anyone about this…” and she finally smiled showing how happy she was.
“C'mon, we know how to keep secrets!” Allan exclaimed all excited for Marie Anne. If someone deserved to have a nice guy in her life, that was their awesome sister.
“I saw him yesterday…” she murmured, hiding her face with her hands.
“Aaawww” Parker said and both of them hugged her. “Tell us everything, come on…” Allan sat her on her bed, and Parker gave her her sandwich and her coffee.
The twins always had that power with her. It was awful but since she remembered they could convince her of almost everything and Marie Anne had no idea why she thought that day will be different. “So, where did you meet?” Parker sat on the floor in front of her.
“God, why I’m telling you this? You are my baby brothers!” she complained, drinking her coffee.
“Because we are better than your friends.” Allan explained.
“Way better.” Parker affirmed without doubt. “So, tell us.”
“We met in Brooklyn. That place I like near the river and the bridge.” the girl started to explained but Allan cut her.
“Wait. How do you did it? You didn’t knew his name…” Allan inquired, thinking already in ways she could have got his number without them noticing.
“He’s right.” Parker looked at her. “How did you do to meet?”. Both of them were looking at her a bit confused, waiting for her answer.
“He gave me his number. When you were leaving the stadium he offered me his hand to shake it and he gave me this…” and she got up to get the little paper with his number that she had hidding in her nightstand. When she came back she gave it to their brothers.
“OOohhh!!” They both yelled and applauded. “That’s my boy!!”
“We came home and I send him a text. We started to talk and I…” Marie Anne had to take a deep breath before she could say it. “I asked if he wanted to do something…” she said in a whisper.
“Uhhh… You took the first step, amazing��� Parker looked surprised. “And so… What happened next? I mean, he said yes, of course. You met there so… How did that go?“. Parker asked, wanting to skip forward to the interesting part. Allan, who was sitting beside her, stood up and sat beside Parker on the floor. They both had the faces like if she was telling them one of her bedtime’s stories.
"Good. Really good. We just stayed there talking and making jokes. He’s really funny and sweet. We were talking and he told me he’s an actor so I make a joke and he invited me to dinner tonight…”.
When she was going to keep talking Allan place his hand in the hair to stop the conversation for a second so he could talk. “He’s… He’s what??”
“An actor…” Marie Anne murmured and at that second she regret saying that.
The twins went running to the computer and were about to google him, when they realized they didn’t know his last name. Not even his name. “What did you say his name was?!” screamed Parker from his bedroom.
“Aaron…” and she started to curse herself for being so stupid.
“Aaron what?” shouted Allan, already looking for all the actors named Aaron in the internet.
“I won’t tell you!”. She knew they would find him. The boys were like two little hackers that could find anything they wanted in just seconds. Marie Anne always thought it was some kind of gift. Their parents just thought it was dangerous.
“Look at this beauty…” Parker exclaimed when he found him. Aaron Tveit. He put his name into Wikipedia in that very moment.
“Oh, hello… Mar…! You’ll like to see this!” Allan was really enjoying it. They found out in a second all the things he did; movies, plays, musicals, tv shows… They were in Disneyland.
“No. I don’t wanna see anything. I told him I wasn’t going to Google him so no. I don’t wanna know what he did for a stupid computer. I want him to tell me, okay?? and she ignored them as she started to look at the other three dresses on her bed.
"You didn’t, we did!” Parker was already downloading all he could of all the things he did as Allan went for Marie Anne.
“Uh look at this pic… I bet we just saw of him more than you!!” the boy started to laugh and saw thousands of pictures of Aaron in Google. “Oh my God, he’s hot!” Parker was truly having fun.
“You remember who gave you those new computers for Christmas even when mom and dad didn’t wanted, right? Cause I can get them back. Or way better. Change the WiFi password.” she threat them.
“Come come! Look at this!!” Allan found some funny videos of him and now he was truly interester in her sister to watch them.
“You are two idiots.” she exclaimed closing the door of her bedroom. She wasn’t in the mood to handle their jokes when she was so damn nervous about that night and had to do so many things.
“Hey, no wait!” Parker came running to her bedroom and Allan followed him. They were really sorry for it. “Hey, Mar… Sorry… We didn’t want to…” he said knocking the door.
“Just go and keep doing whatever you want. I’m busy. I won’t ruin my day and night for this.” Parker went back to the computer. “What are you doing?” Allan followed his twin brother. A few seconds later, Marie Anne’s phone, ringed. Allan and Parker came back to their sister’s door.
Marie Anne got her phone in case the one texting her was Aaron, but instead she found a text from Parker. When she open it she saw a photo of Aaron smiling at the camera. In one hand she wanted to kick her brothers, but in the other side her heart just melt for seeing those eyes and smile. “Its not funny, guys!” she yelled at them as she opened the door enough to look at them. They got into her room and hugged her.
“Don’t get mad, come on” Allan said as he kissed her head and Parker was also holding her tight. “He’s a cinnamon roll and we like him for you, come on…”
“You don’t even know him. You talked about baseball for an hour…” she murmured while hugging Allan and holding Parker’s hand. Those boy could be silly, but they were her silly kids. She wouldn’t change them for the world and she will do everything for them.
“We love you, Mar” they said that at the same time like they always do, cause their sister loved it when they do twins’ things.
“You are two idiots.” she smiled laughing a little bit. “You got that photo from Google?”
“Yes, we looked for him and he has a thousand pictures.” Parker said leading her to their bedroom. “He has made a shit ton of things, he’s amazing”. Allan followed them, all excited to show his big sister how much he liked him to be his brother-in-law.
“Guys, I love you and I really appreciate your enthusiasm but I don’t wanna fuck this up. You can watch whatever you want but I won’t do it.” Marie Anne explained and lay down in Parker’s bed. She stayed there looking at the roof to not see the computer screen. In that moment Parker put a video from youtube of him singing and both of the twins stayed in silence. “You screw it. I’m leaving.” Marie Anne affirmed and got up from bed to leave the room. She really wanted to discover thing talking with him but her brothers clearly didn’t understood that.
“Okay, okay!! I’m sorry! But he sings so damn well!” Parker ran after her.
“But you fucked up! I had no fucking idea he could sing! He was supposed to tell me, not you! Its not that hard, guys!” Marie Anne yelled at them in the way to her room. “I don’t even know why I tell you things!”
Her brothers stayed at their room, feeling guilty for making their sister feel uncomfortable. Parker turned off the music and they both stayed silent in their room.
That’s how Marie Anne’s mood got ruined for the rest of the day. She tried her new dresses and she felt like none of them fit them good. She didn’t like it how they looked on her and she hate it. That was the last thing she was going to tell to Parker and Allan for a really good time.
Allan and Parker didn’t know what to do to ask her for forgiveness. Allan went to her sister’s room and knocked. “Mar…” “I don’t wanna talk. I’m busy.” she answered a little too loud and in a really bad way.
“We’re sorry. I… I came alone because Park doesn’t want to come because he knows you’re mad. We just wanted to help, Mar…” said Allan, sadly in the other side of the door, talking slowly trying to not make her feel worse. They were two excited young men who still didn’t measure the consequences and felt everything was a game. Now they discovered it was not. “Parker said we won’t joke with that again and… We understand if you don’t talk to us about it anymore.” Allan moved away and walked to his room again. Even after what happened before, they were two amazing kids, with a huge heart and good intentions. That was something Marie Anne always had in consideration.
Marie Anne couldn’t get mad at them. She never could, not when they were little kids and not now as teenagers. She knew they didn’t meant to make her mad or anything, she just wished they could hear when someone tells them to stop the jokes in time. She also couldn’t handle hear them sad, so she left her room and went to theirs. “You really have to learn when to stop the jokes, guys…” she murmured once she get in the boys room.
“We’re so sorry… We like this guy and want you to be okay…” said Parker, almost whispering from his bed. He was laying on it, facing the wall. Allan was just sitting in his bed, looking at nowhere when Marie Anne came in. “We don’t want you to be upset with us…”. They were really sweet, and there was no evil in them.
“Look, its my fault, okay? You are my little brothers, maybe its my bad for treat you like grown up people and not like teenagers. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you some stuff, but I end up doing it cause I trust you both more than anyone.” she breathed deep before she keep going. “I know you don’t mean wrong but you gotta listen when I tell you to stop. I really don’t wanna screw this up…”
“Neither do we!” said Allan said jumping of the bed. “We’re such a jerks, we won’t do that anymore… We just… Found it… So amazing and… We got overexcited. We’re sorry.” He looked at Marie Anne and now they were the both of them glancing at their sister, waiting for forgiveness.
“You look so pretty with that red dress, by the way.” Parker was always the one who broke the ice in those situations, and tried to warm things up smiling at Marie Anne.
“You are not jerks. You are silly boys, but my favorite silly boys, so its fine.” she smiled and went to sit in the middle of them. “I really like him, guys. He’s the nicest guy I ever met.”
The boys looked at her, smiling. Allan took her hand between his and put his head on her shoulder. “We’re so happy for you, Mar…” he said, while kissing her hand.
“We never saw you this… Enthusiastic for any boy. That’s a good sign.” Parker took her by her arm and kissed her cheek. “This must be a great man.”
“Oh, and by the way. If he hurts you, we’ll kill him”, Allan was smiling when warned his sister.
“We already decided what are we going to do with him if that ever happens…” Parker had the ability of raising his right eyebrow like if it was a hook, squint, puck and make anything sound perverse and evil. He once said he was going out with Allan for finishing some work, and Marie Anne really thought they were going to kill someone. “But until then…” He came back to his peaceful and happy face like it was nothing. That was one of the reasons why Allan said that he was going to be a better actor than a journalist, and that he was going to hire him to star in one of his movies. Marie Anne always laughed when she saw Parker annoyed by those comments. They were like a married couple.
“Oh yes? What are you going to do, Godfather?” she asked smiled and punching him slightly in the stomach with her elbow. She hated how they could make her laugh even when she wasn’t in the mood for doing it.
Parker put his evil face again and looked at her. After that, he cleared his voice, and talked with the Godfather’s voice, which made Allan start to laugh at the instant. “I am… Going to kill him, his brother, his sister, his nephews, his parents, his dog, his cat, and his grandma. And if she’s dead, I’ll resurrect her and I’ll kill her again.” Allan couldn’t stop laughing.
“That’s a Pablo Escobar’ line, not one of the Godfather!!” he was such a movie buff, so he knew all the things about movies anyone can even imagine. He used to act like a “tip” when anyone was watching a movie. He just walked into the room, said an interesting fact about the actors, or the story of the book the character was reading, and without any more to say, just left. He loved doing that. That, and correcting his brother, at almost anything.
“He doesn’t have a sister. He has a brother. And a dog. He’s not very friend of cats so…” she explained to Parker and tried to keep a straight face. It was hard as hell cause all she wanted to do was laugh like Allan, but play alone with Parker was too much fun and she couldn’t help it. Besides, Marie Anne knew she shouldn’t have let them watch The Godfather when some years ago, since then he started with the silly joke that her mom hated.
“In that case, we’ll have to get him a little cat, make him love him, and KILL HIM.” after he said that, not even Parker could hold a giggle, and that was enough to make Allan get worse and make Marie Anne finally laugh.
“You know what’s worse? That if I got him right here you would act like two five years old excited kids and not all badass like you are doing now!” Marie Anne laughed because everything was too much. She couldn’t love those two silly boys more and couldn’t be more than five minutes mad at them.
“We’ll behave and act like grown ups. Wanna bet?” Allan offered his hand to his big sister. She always knew betting was going to be a problem to him. He liked to bet for anything. And the real problem, was that he always won. Although… Maybe it wasn’t going to be a problem at all.
“Yes! You’ll see. We’ll act like adults, and we’ll show you we both ARE real badasses, and we’ll tell him what we just told you.” Parker offered his hand too. He never let his brother apart, and neither did Allan. “Ten bucks.”
“Okay.” the girl accepted the deal and shaked first Allan’s hand and the Parker’s. She knew this time they were going to have a hard time to win the bet. “And now bets are made, I have to get a shower and get ready.” she smiled and kissed their heads, then got up. “Oh, by the way, not a word to mom or dad about this. If she comes back from grandma’s tell her I’m out with some friends and I’ll be back late. Just don’t mention Aaron or a date, okay?”
“Aye, captain!” both said that at unison and then left. They were going to put all their efforts to win that bet. “Are you… Going to tell us how it goes… Later?”. Allan was the one who spoke for both in that moment. He was the most peacemaker of the Woods twins.
“Of course I will.” she affirmed and kissed their heads one more time. “I love you both, good?”
“We love you too, captain” said the twins and laughed looking at her. “You’re the most amazing sister we could ever have.”. Allan was such a sentimental boy, and every time he had a chance, he showed it up.
“That’s not true. Oh, and by the way, Aaron said you are amazing kids. See yaa!” and with that bomb dropped she started to walk to her room once again. Marie Anne knew they were going to freak out just with that little thing and she loved to bother them even with little silly things.
They clearly freaked out when she said that. They jumped in their beds and went running to their computers to look more information about him. Actually it felt like he was their crush. It was very funny to Marie Anne to look at that show they made every time she talked about him.
She went to her bedroom laughing about the scene the boys were making, then grabbed the necessary things and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She usually took like 20 minutes showering and getting ready, but that day she spent an hour locked in the bathroom with the twins complaining two or three times cause they wanted to get in to use it. She just told them to wait or go to the bathroom that was in their mother’s room. She was going to enjoy that night, so she took her time to relax. She stayed a half an hour more to get herself ready.
When her brothers heard her getting out of the bathroom, the got into her room to help her to pick the dress. At some point, they looked more excited than her. After another half hour deciding the Woods siblings chose a burgundy dress. It was more the boy’s decision, but she was okay with them. When they were trying to decide which shoes she should wear her phone buzzed in her desk.
“Uuuuuh that’s a text! Wanna see it!” Allan yelled, jumping to grab the phone and see who texted Marie Anne.
“Hell no! Stay right there, boy” she walked through the room and picked her phone. “Don’t you know how to respect a woman’s privacy?” she said, looking at her phone.
“You’re our big sister so…” Parker said just before laughing.
“Oh, I see… I won’t tell you anything, you know?” she tried to put an angry face, but every human being in that room knew that was crap.
“Don’t get mad, Mar… What does it say?” Allan went to sit back with his sibling.
“Nothing big. He can’t come and pick me for some work stuff he has to do before and was last hour call. He asks if we can meet in the place.” she explained, but she didn’t told them the whole text. She skip the part when he was saying he was looking forward to see her and that he was going to pay her back for not being able to pick her like he promised.
“Just that? C'mon!” Parker exclaimed like he was the one getting the text.
“Really just that…? That’s ruuuuude…” Allan said that in a girly way that made his brother laugh. “Can’t believe it!”
Marie Anne couldn’t help but smile at the text. Reading that he wanted to see her made her smile like a silly, happy girl.
“Wait, she’s smiling, he said something else!” Parker exclaimed, watching her face closely. “Listen, little girl. Tell us or we’ll open Messenger in your magically ON computer, and we’ll read the text. You know I’ll do it.” he threatened her and pointed her with his finger.
“Don’t you dare, little boy!” she pointed at him too. There was no way she’ll let them do it.
“Then just say it! It cannot be a dirty thing, this is your second date.” remarked Parker.
“And if it is, then he’s a pervert jerk.” Allan smiled at her. It was his famous fake smile that he used to take out in those cases. He looked creepy.
“You are idiots. I’m changing the WiFi password now…” she said walking to the computer. She wanted to sound serious but it was pretty hard with them acting like that.
“Marie Anne, come on. We just wanna know! You were smiling and that’s because he said something nice to you and we wanna know!” Allan just stayed sitting in her bed and looking how Parker tried to not let her reach the computer.
“You can’t know everything adults say, boys, c'mon…” the girl argue trying to reach the computer. She wasn’t going to change the password of the WiFi, just turn the computer off so they couldn’t see anything.
“Then its dirty stuff!” Parker insisted holding her away from the desk.
“It cannot be, Park, she’d never date a dick like that…” Allan just laid on the bed and crossed his arms under his head, resigned, knowing their sister wasn’t going to tell them anything.
“Parker, just let me go! I need to get ready, man!” she insisted and then Parker had a great idea. If he couldn’t get the computer or her to talk, he’ll get the phone. And that’s what he did, Marie Anne got distracted and grabbed her phone, then throw it to Allan. “Think fast, bro!”
Allan took it and read the message out loud: “Hey there, Marie Anne! Look, something happened with some work stuff and I’ll have to stay longer, so I won’t get in time to pick you up. I’m so so sorry. I was wondering if we can meet in the restaurant.” Allan tried to read it like an adult, lowing his voice. “I’m really sorry, I don’t use to break my promises like this. I’ll pay you back for this -woah, that sounded really nice, sis!-. I’m looking forward to see you tonight…” Allan gave Marie Anne back her phone gently.
“It wasn’t that bad, Mar…” Parker sat beside Allan, and they both looked at her. “He sounds like a really good guy.”
Allan cleared his voice, and talked with a very polite English accent. “He is a proper lord, my Queen. I would like to enjoy his presence one day, if I may ask.” Parker smiled. He loved when his brother made impressions of other accents.
“You can if you behave, good sir. No fanboy pictures or autographs. And no telling to anyone I’m going on a date with him, okay? Nobody. Not even your friends.” she insisted in a very serious tone. She was really scared that someone was going to screw it.
“And give me that.” she examined, taking her phone back.
“Aye, Captain Marie Anne. Don’t worry” smiled Parker.
“We got your back, Mar.” Allan laid on his sister’s bed, and both of the twins were clearly satisfied with that situation. Obviously, they were waiting until Marie Anne left the house to keep looking for information about him.
“What do you want now, guys?” she asked looking at them. She knew them well enough to know they were waiting something. “I mean, you are still here… Want me to give you a class of how to do your make-up?”
“Duh, Mar! We already know how to do our make up!” Parker exclaimed and Allan laughed at his brother’s joke. They both stood up. “Guess is time to go…” Parker led the path to their room. “You’ll rock it tonight.” they smiled and left.
“I’ll tell you when I’m done so you tell me what you think.” Marie Anne winked at them and closed the door then the boys were out.
Once Marie Anne was alone she took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked good with that dress after all. And if the date was as good as she thought it was going to be, they’ll be more than fine. ←  Previous Chapter.                                                                  Next Chapter.  →
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So SSW connections from this little revenge plot in support of the SSW Theory..?
Robron getting revenge on someone who tried to blackmail them...
Just like they did with Lachlan...
This revenge beginning, and being planned, at the scrapyard...
Just like it was in SSW...
Wylie's Farm...
The location at the heart of SSW...
The Bartons...
Because they instigated these events just like they instigated the events of SSW itself...
Mentions of Holly and her death...
Because the entire SSW cycle began with Holly...
The way in which Holly died...
Even prompting Aaron to advise Ross against getting mixed up in it for that very reason...
Mentions of James's death...
Which is the very reason for the Bartons' current predicament...
Because we all remember SSW...
Adam helping out Robron...
Just like he helped them get out of the water...
Adam v. Ross...
Because that is what Adam's inclusion in James's will lead to, with Vic caught in the middle...
Ross missing an all-important phone call from Finn...
Because he can't get to his phone each time someone is in grave danger...
Ross's taxi being destroyed...
The place he was when his dad died...
Harriet getting caught up in it all and ending up hurt...
Harriet, the only character to appear in every episode of SSW...
Harriet who, as the Vicar, thread those flashforwards of the funeral together...
Harriet, the one reliable constant in a week that played with time...
Harriet, who has since been involved in every single storyline at the heart of that week...
Harriet who was Ashley's ex and friend, who relied on Laurel as her confidante about her relationship with Cain, who became Emma's confidante and salvation, who was going to marry Robert and Aaron had they not sneaked off to the garage, who didn't turn up to marry Rhona and Pierce...
Harriet, who now lays in a coma with Finn by her side...
Just like Kasim...
Harriet getting hurt because she just so happened to be in Emma's car...
Emma, the person responsible for the crash...
But the only person whose car was never involved...
Until now.
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Dear Theo- Part 3
Okay, so since we haven’t updated the last two weekends, Sinclair (@drabbles-of-a-cosmonaut) and I are doing a double update today!
That being said, there are some heavy subjects in here.
Tw: non-consent, description of injury, cussing, homophobic slurs, sadness, and despair.
Part One Part Two
“I don’t know about you, but I have a strange urge to fight someone.”
“Alexander, you always want to fight someone, whether it be verbally or with your fists. But I have to agree with you. I don’t find it fair that our boys get expelled, especially Theo, where the original instigator is getting off scot-free. Have you seen Theodore?”
“No I haven’t. Is it bad?”
“It’s pretty bad,” Aaron said, his voice quiet, thick with emotion. “Follow me.” Aaron walked up the stairway, Alexander close on his heels. The carpet upstairs kept their footsteps quiet as they stopped in front of the bedroom. Everything was silent, but that wasn’t uncommon for the two boys. They would often lay there and stare at the ceiling. Aaron brought his hand to the door and rapped his knuckles against it lightly.
When no answer came through the door, worry bubbled between the two fathers, and they pushed their way in the room, sighing in relief when they saw the two boys lying on the bed. Theo was laying next to the wall, his face pressed into Philip’s chest, the bruise on his eye dark against his skin. Philip’s arms were wrapped around his friend protectively.
Theo’s shirt was on the bed beside the boys; he had probably ripped it off in his sleep. There were shoe prints visible on his chest, the handprint even more noticeable ringing his neck. There were parallel cuts running along his side; he had been whipped with the buckle end of a belt, the parallel swipes ending with a dark indentation of a buckle wrapping around his ribs. The cuts had scabbed over, the edges still a fiery red.
Philip’s chin was resting against the crown of Theo’s head. His lips were pursed and they moved with every breath he took. Even sleeping, he looked angry as he held Theo close, protecting him.
Alexander’s eyes darkened as he looked over Theo, clenching his fists. He grabbed Aaron by the arm, quickly leaving without a sound. As he made his way downstairs, he released the other man, grabbing his keys.
“Alexander, what are you-”
“I’m going up to the school. This is unacceptable. I didn’t know it was so bad…” His voice was dangerously soft.
Aaron frowned briefly. “We can’t just leave Philip and Theodore by themselves,” He said, implying that if Alexander was going to raise hell at the school, he was coming along.
“They won’t be by themselves, Theodosia-” Alexander had an undertone of pleading to his words.
“Alexander” Aaron’s voice hardened, cold for a moment. “You know she’s practically bed-bound, she can’t watch them.”
Alexander looked away shamefully. “You’re right, I… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just… It’s not fair, and I’m determined to bring our boys justice.”
Aaron nodded, placing his hand on Alexander’s shoulder. After a moment of silence, he spoke again.
“They are just sleeping, though… If we can get this resolved quickly, then I suppose I could tell Theodosia that we need to go run a few errands…” He said. The taller of the two dropped his hand, leaving the kitchen, leaving Alexander fiddling with his keys for a few minutes. When Aaron returned, he quickly ushered Alexander out of the door.
“Come on, the faster we get this done, we can get back home, and I won’t have to worry as much,” He said. Alexander quickly got into his car, starting it. They took off for the school, silent on the way there, each father caught up in his own thoughts about his child.
Alexander ripped into the school parking lot, just in time to see the principal walking towards his car. He jumped out and shut the principal’s door just as soon as he had opened it. “In the school, now.”
The principal reeled back in surprise. “Mr. Hamilton, this is highly inappropriate. I must ask you to step away from my car and let me go home. It’s after six o’clock and I have to get home to watch my children.”
Alexander wouldn’t budge. “Your children are fifteen and nineteen, they can take care of themselves. Aaron and I, however, have two thirteen-year-olds back at his house, one of them with bruises covering his entire body. Now we’re going to go inside, now, or Aaron and I will have no problem bringing this to the police. In fact, we plan on it anyway, but I would hate to have to mention that your school has let a child, who attempted to kill another, off with no consequences while the victim and his friend- who was trying to fight for him- to save him from the injustices and inadequacies of the school administration and their bullshit policies. Now what would you rather? Let your teenage children handle themselves, or would you rather lose your job?”
The principal looked at them and could see the fury and seriousness in both their faces. “Let’s go inside then.”
Theo slipped out of Pip’s arms and walked down the stairs. The house was insanely quiet, an odd thing when the pair’s fathers were together. The house was quiet and the older men were nowhere to be seen. Theo peeked around the curtains at the driveway and saw Alexander’s car missing from the driveway. They must have gone somewhere together.
He slipped into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge for something to eat. He hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and even then it wasn’t anything more than an egg sandwich and some orange juice. Finding nothing, he closed the fridge and instead grabbed a glass of water to drink. He wasn’t all that hungry anyway.
He turned around with his glass of water and yelped in surprise as he saw his mother standing in the doorway to the kitchen. Her face was pale as usual and her faded pink robe was wrapped around her body. Her eyes raked over his body, lingering on each and every bruise that adorned her son’s skin. He had naturally pale skin, lighter than his father's, and every bruise showed up stark against his skin.
“Theo, what happened to you baby?”
“Momma, don’t worry about me. I’m okay.”
Theodosia hobbled over, using the wall and table to support her frail body. Her hand traced the ring around his eye, trailing down to lift his chin and look at the handprint wrapping around his throat. “Who did this to you Theo? Why did he do it do you?”
“Who said it was a he?”
Theodosia slid into a chair, her body too weak to hold herself any longer. “Look at the size of those shoe prints on your body, baby. Look at the handprint around your throat. You’re telling me that’s not a boy?”
“No,” he said, casting his eyes down to the glass in his hands. “It was a boy, ma'am.”
“Why did he do it to you Theo?”
Theoset the glass down on the table slowly,still looking at the floor. “I don’t know, momma.” He whispered. She opened her arms, motioning for him to go to her. Theo climbed into her lap- trying to be as careful as possible, he was getting much too big for it, and his mom was already in a weak enough state. Nevertheless, she let him lean on her chest as he began crying.
“He’s had it out for me since he moved here. He hates me, and I don’t know why.” Theodosia’s hand stroked his hair as he cried. “It hurts so much mommy.”
“I know baby. I know.” She kissed his head. “Where’s your daddy?”
“I don’t know. He and Uncle Alex went somewhere together.”
“Probably off to go fight someone. You know how they are. Alexander fights and your daddy calms him down.”
The dark-skinned man was raging. “What do you mean there’s nothing you can do to him?! Do you want to go see my son? He has shoe prints on his goddamned chest and you’re telling me there’s no proof?! He has a black eye, a purple handprint ringing around his throat, every finger perfectly formed on his neck and you’re trying to feed me this bullshit about there not being proof?” Aaron was on one side of the desk in the principal’s office, the principal sitting on the other side, cowering from the usually quiet man.
“Mr. Burr-” Every meeting he had with the two men was always the other way around; Alexander would yell and argue and Aaron would calm him down. Only this time, Aaron was yelling and Alexander made no move to stop him.
“Don’t you dare ‘Mr. Burr’ me. My son was rasping for breath at home because his throat is swollen and your school couldn’t be bothered to do anything other than expel my son- my son, the victim- and the only person who dared to help him. My son was whipped with a belt, stomped and punched, and he’s the one being expelled? What’s that little shit Eacker’s punishment, huh?”
“Well, Mr. Burr, Philip Hamilton broke his jaw.”
“Fucking right he did!” cheered Alexander from against the wall.
“So what? Once he gets back from the hospital, he gets to go and do the same to another kid? Just because he’s a little different? I know Theo’s not the stereotypical middle school boy, and that he’s close to Philip, but is that any reason for him to get beat? My son could have broken ribs, internal bleeding, and any number of problems because a certain little fuck thinks he’s different and finds that threatening. So you better expel him too, to so help me god, I will sue the Eacker family, the school, and you personally for everything and anything I can. Alexander and I are the top two lawyers in New York and I have no problem using every ounce of my political and lawful power to make sure every party involved gets the harshest punishment possible. So what’s it gonna be?” Aaron challenged, breathing heavily.
Alexander couldn’t hide the pleasure he got from seeing Aaron be the assertive one. He crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, smirking. He was more than willing to do anything he could to get justice for Theo, but for now it was Aaron’s turn to be the furious one.
When the only response Aaron got was the principal gaping up at him, he opened his mouth again.
“I promise you, Philip will not get any punishment from the state for sticking up for his friend. No jury will convict him. So what’s it gonna be? Is Eacker expelled, or will I have to sue everyone involved?”
The principal fiddled with his tie, loosening it from his neck. Sweat was beading on his forehead and anyone could tell he was getting nervous. “I will un-expel Theo and Philip and expel Mr. Eacker. You’ve made a few things clear to me. Are we finished here, Mr. Burr, Mr. Hamilton?”
“Not until you check the video footage and make the phone call to the Eacker family announcing the news. I want a copy of the footage you get from the locker room, front entrance, and everything to the fight with Eacker. All of it. And it will be submitted to court for evidence.”
The principal nodded and pulled up the security cameras. There were cameras in every hallway, and even some in the locker room, turned away from the changing areas, but Aaron could see his son balled on the floor, just inside the camera focus. They had gotten lucky on one thing, it seemed.
The three men watched as Theo began walking toward the door, a smile on his face and a bounce in his step. The tape continued as George Eacker ran up behind Theo and grabbed him, pinning him to the wall with a hand around his neck, punching him in the face with the other. The hand around his neck slipped away and Theo dropped to the floor, hitting his head against the lower part of the wall on the way down. Theo wasn’t on the floor for five seconds before George was stomping on him, his leg coming up and down with great force. George took his time with Theo, pulling his pants down and grabbing him as he laid on the floor crying. “Do you like this, you little faggot? I bet that fucker Hamilton grabs you like this too, doesn’t he? And I bet you like it.”
Aaron’s eyes were filled with tears. “He assaulted my Theo and then molested him.” His body was shaking and Alexander put a reassuring hand on his friend’s shoulder. “That rat bastard molested my boy.”
The video continued, George finally releasing Theo’s crotch and spitting on him before laughing as he walked out of the locker room. Theo pulled up his pants and tried to stand, but he fell back to the floor, throwing up. Not thirty seconds after Eacker left did Philip come bursting through the door. “Theodore? Theo!”
The small boy wrestled with his friend, pushing him away before giving up and slipping back to the floor. Philip was questioning his friend, trying to find the culprit, and the next thing on the screen was Philip dashing out to the hallway, Theo struggling to stand behind him. An angry voice fumed from the hallway, “How dare you hurt my Theodore?”
The principal paused the video and looked at the angry fathers behind him. “I’ll get you a copy of this video and Philip’s altercation with Mr. Eacker for court records. I’m so sorry for everything, Mr. Burr, Mr. Hamilton. Both of your sons are welcome back at this school. I hope to see them on Monday.” He was visibly shaken by what he watched on the screen and he looked like he was about to be sick.
“Damn right you’ll give me the tapes. And forget what I said about not suing if you expelled Eacker. After seeing that, you’re lucky I don’t break your jaw too. And you can fucking forget about ever seeing either one of our sons in this school again. Fuck you, and fuck this school system. We’ll be going elsewhere,” Aaron stated, fuming out of the room.
Alexander walked out of the room behind his friend before peeking his head back in. “I hope you’re fucking ashamed of what you allowed to happen in this school, and you better hope to God that the court system takes it easy on you. Now go fuck yourself.”
Alexander made his way outside to find Aaron punching the concrete wall of the school building. “Aaron, Aaron stop. We have to go get Theo to the hospital.”
“He hurt my boy,” Aaron whispered, falling to his knees. “He hurt my boy.”
Part 4
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secondsofhappiness · 7 years
Megan, amazing message that rant just about covered it, thanks! I love this 👒 & that's all she really deserves! I despise her! But this morning is the first time in a long time (since before the incident!) I feel a bit better about things.. robron are very much in love that is crystal clear to me,Rob seems guilty & appalled at what he's done & all this just seems like an obstacle they will overcome in time.. I think if I can see the direction of something it makes me feel a bit better for now🙏
I do agree and it is becoming very easy to separate The Storyline That Shall Not Be Named from the rest. We shall have to see what next week brings.
Ryan and Danny are what saves this mess. Easily. Hands down. If this “storyline” (haha) was given to another couple (which it has to be honest… so.many.times) then it would be much less impactful and would make the couple insignificant. As actors, they have the skills to drag any hideous storyline to a level that is palatable and that’s bloody skill! So much so that you can easily forget the other rubbish and focus on their parts that, in large part, don’t even relate to the pregnancy shiz (which is why it seems like insanity to me to even include it - it’s not necessary at all). I was never that bothered about Rob making a pass at 👒 or even kissing her while drunk and a mess and screwed up (if the scene preceding it in the prison made sense which sadly it didn’t at all) so that stuff I could always work past because it didn’t feel all that out of character to me nor did the way he acted and spoke on the night because that’s Rob, 90% is nonsense when he’s broken or angry. We know this. So pregnancy is the only element I just can’t deal with… I don’t even like kids and as soon as kids get added to a couple, I tend to get bored. I mean, that’s personal to me though as I know some people love baby stories (but obv not in these circumstances). It’s just so lazy and boring and predictable… how many gay male relationships go this route?! So. Many and I have only followed a couple. Straight couples rarely get lumbered with a baby due to a night of cheating in the grand scheme of things. But I’m still weirdly convinced she isn’t pregnant hahaha. Anyway, enough of that!
I really enjoyed the Rob/Aaron scenes yesterday after I eventually watched it all last night when I got home. I thought the acting was flawless from both of them. Aaron has grown so wonderfully from being closed off and keeping things inside to being open and honest with Rob and explaining his feelings. That’s enormous and very important because often with mental health, the person just can’t and they only open up to strangers. Aaron’s now not afraid to say what he’s feeling even if he thinks Rob might not want to hear it and that’s massive. Also, it seems they might be getting Aaron help which is what we all wanted and what he deserves. It’s a shame they have even included a further impending misery for him because it’s not necessary and it’s cruel. Still, seeing him seeking actual comfort both emotional and physical is special - so much touching… that’s mad to me as Aaron isn’t normally so affectionate but he actively weeks it from Rob now and it’s pretty exclusively from Rob which shows how strongly he loves him and how important Rob is in his life. That’s huge for Aaron as a character as even hugs instigated from another person used to be an issue!!)
Rob is clearly teetering at times between fear, desperation, sadness, regret and also the odd moment of forgetting (in bed, seeing his phone and smiling and then remembering…) and Ryan is doing a stellar job. The moment when he doesn’t want Aaron to into their bedroom. That was really significant to me. Aaron would see anything and there’d be nothing amiss with Aaron going in there but ROBERT can’t have him in there and that’s a pretty enormous sign that this is a different circumstance for Rob. Before, he literally slept with Chrissie after Aaron, he slept with Aaron in Chrissie’s bed etc, there was no guilt there at all really. Maybe low level but nothing enough to stop him doing it again or make him riddled with guilt to the point where he can’t go back in the same room etc. The SL is nonsense and the full on cheating should never have happened on the circumstances it did but now it has, it is very clear that this is a VERY different situation from 2015. Rob is lying - but yeah, Aaron is still assaulting people. They’re both turning to vices they have to protect themselves or deal with their emotions or at a more basic level, because they just don’t know anything else. Their vices are their most interesting facets because it has always been a story about two very very broken people who can’t express or receive love easily but who found something they want and some comfort in someone else and are clinging onto that and fumbling through it. That was ALWAYS what made them special. It’s the same reason that other couples like Captain Swan (my other sweethearts) etc are so popular and beloved because it’s broken people finding peace and love and comfort and family. It’s a shame the show took their eyes off the ball and turned that journey temporarily into something crass and cheap for the sake of DRAMA rather than actual respect to the characters we know and love. But hey ho!
So I can definitely watch their scenes happily and really enjoy them because the acting is flawless, the connection is still 100% there and because of those two things… our Rob, the one we know and have seen develop is back again and I think just having Aaron back in the village is important for me. Not having him around feels so weird. Before, I didn’t place so much weight on Aaron in the village to the extent that when he left back in the day, I was so sad but I didn’t really feel his absence because the show had so many strong characters and storylines running and I’d become really disillusioned with the whole Jackson storyline… but now, he’s kind of integral for me. Chas is the same for me. She’s key to my love for the show. Her absence is really obvious to me and I already miss her a lot! I want her back asap! That’s so different to how I used to feel. In the past it was always Laurel, Paddy and Carl. Hahaha. They were my three characters who I just couldn’t cope with losing and then my ultimate nightmare, Carl, left and I was ANGRY with the show because of what happened before he left but I had Laurel and Marlon (happy sigh) etc and all the Declan and Charity madness which I bloody loved (where is Declan, come back!!!!!!!!!) but things have changed recently and I’d be genuinely crushed if Aaron went because his absence is so noticeable for me and lessens my heart’s hold on the show… I’m sure everyone has those characters in serial drama but nowadays mine are Aaron and Chas and losing Chas and still not having Aaron back made it weird to find my heart in the show - does this make sense?! Just an odd thing I realised :)
Rob, Liv and Charity are close seconds. Having Charity back is the best.
Wowza, I rambled on the train again!! This is good. I’m getting back to my old ways ;) but in short hahaha I know what you mean about feeling ok about things. I will bored as all hell if there’s a baby but I’m pretty happy to declare the Storyline That Shall Not Be Named a fever dream and erase it from my conscience when it’s done if there is no baby and 👒 scuttles off to wherever she came from or gets trapped in the HF Fire of Dreams 🔥. If there’s a baby then Christ alive, it will be unbearable being expected to feel anything other than mild annoyance for 👒 and to be required to have her, a MF White, forever entangled in Rob’s story. Not to mention it’d involve Lawrence sticking in his beak and Chrissie gloating and scheming and the whole sorry lot of them being gross and utterly boring. I can write it now - the 100000000th “get out of my house” scene from Lawrence. Bring back bloody Declan and he can burn the place down again because Dog is taking too damn long!
Ok so I’m shutting up now. I’ve clearly been storing this all up ;) I love hearing your thoughts, missus. I’m so pleased to be able to chat to you and to enjoy things again. Slowly but surely 😘 have the loveliest Friday!
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jhathaway71 · 7 years
#Emmerdale #Robron Robert Sugden’s State Of Mind (Part 1)
Disclaimer: This is not meant as a Robert Sugden apologist type post, but an alternative viewpoint for the sake of playing devil’s advocate & foster discussion.
Where was Robert Sugden’s head when he met up with Rebecca White at the Mill? 
*I’ve included the dialog below for reference if you do not want to re-watch the episode.
As the scene unfolds and taking Robert’s own words at face value, he is belittling Aaron’s mental health in some of the most crass ways possible. 
We’ve seen this same behaviour from him in the past. Each time it was directed at Aaron himself. Used as a weapon by Robert to score points during a row, etc. He apologized to Aaron, telling him he regretted ever saying those things when Aaron was hiding out at Debbie’s.
The difference this time, Aaron isn’t present for Robert to fling these barbs at. He is talking with Rebecca. He calls Aaron his ex. 
When Robert responded to Rebecca’s question on why Aaron would turn to drugs, he responded that Aaron was weak. She told Robert to not give up on Aaron to which he replied “I’m no use to him anymore.”
In the next scene, when Robert talks about Aaron lashing out when he doesn’t get his way by self harming. And then how Aaron has broken Chas’ heart, and is now breaking Liv’s.
Here is where the alternative theory or devil’s advocate comes in...
Robert had been sitting in the bedroom he was to share with Aaron after lashing out and damaging their home. He had been drinking & all around feeling sorry for himself. Aaron didn’t end things with Robert when he walked away from the prison visit. In Robert’s head, maybe he is the one who is ending things.
When Robert said Aaron was weak, he didn’t mean it. Robert was projecting how he feels about himself onto Aaron. It was not for spite, but because he is the one who feels weak. I say this because when he says with tears in his eyes, “I’m no use to him anymore.” it’s Robert way of saying he can’t help Aaron. In his mind, maybe he doesn’t think he has the strength to help him, and even worse doesn’t know how (feeling useless).
When the scene resumes, Robert talks about how Aaron uses self harm when he doesn’t get his way. That Aaron has repeatedly broken Chas’ heart and now is breaking Liv’s. Again, Robert doesn’t believe Aaron’s self harm is a tantrum. He knows better than that given Aaron’s history. This statement could be a defense mechanism and again he is projecting his own feelings, his heart breaking not being able to help Aaron, onto Chas & Liv.
What we haven’t watched is how Robert feels about Aaron’s incarceration. Would he not feel somewhat responsible for the reason’s Aaron originally lashed out? Wouldn’t it also be possible that his own guilt for lying to Aaron about Rebecca that instigated Aaron’s incarceration to be a part of his psyche after seeing the condition Aaron is now in? What is Robert’s current mental health condition?
Again, I’m not excusing Robert for his words or try to diminish any pain anyone felt hearing those words as it relates to mental health issues. This was only a possible alternative to the discussion.
Last disclaimer: This does not justify The Event That Shall Not Be Named or any physical betrayal which may or may not have happened. Not that that isn’t worthy of discussion in a separate post!  HINT HINT
·         Rebecca: Sharing that.
·         Robert: Yeah, help yourself.
·         Rebecca: So I’m guessing this is about your husband.
·         Robert: Ex.
·         Rebecca; Really?
·         Robert: Everyone reckons I get what I want, always…you, Chrissie, Aaron. I just use people and toss them aside. That’s what they think. Maybe that’s the only way to be. Falling in love is a mugs game.
·         Rebecca: What’s happened?
·         Robert: He’s doing drugs.
·         Rebecca: You sure?
·         Robert: Yeah. He admitted it. Liv busted him.
·         Rebecca: That’s what was bothering her. How could he be so stupid.
·         Robert: Because he’s weak. He always has been.
·         Rebecca: Hey, if anyone can sort him out, you can.
·         Robert: No, no. I tried reasoning with him. I don’t know what he has turned into.
·         Rebecca: Don’t give up on him.
·         Robert: I’m no use to him anymore.
·         Robert: When things don’t go his way, he cuts himself, lashes out. Doesn’t think about the people who love him. I don’t know how many times he’s broken Chas’s heart.
·         Rebecca: Bet she’s never given up on him.
·         Robert: Now he’s breaking Liv’s. You know I told him about her school. He didn’t even listen. Just stuck in his own twisted little world. Well if that’s where he wants to be good luck to him. (Takes swig of alcohol.)
·         Rebecca: Maybe you’ve had enough.
·         Robert: Why are you here
·         Rebecca: Because you texted me.
·         Robert: I didn’t expect you’d come.
·         Rebecca: Yes, you did.
·         Robert: I missed you.
·         Rebecca: Now I know you’re drunk.
·         Robert: NO seriously, things haven’t been the same for me and Aaron since you turned up. We were good together weren’t we. (Leans into kiss)
·         Rebecca: Rob, you had your chances with me and you weren’t interested. No way am I going there again.
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junker-town · 6 years
The Rockets and Clippers had a locker room fight. Here’s everything that went down.
Several Houston players, including Chris Paul, “charged” the Los Angeles locker room to confront Austin Rivers.
Late Monday evening, the Houston Rockets and the Los Angeles Clippers finished a basketball game. Soon afterward, began the evening’s real entertainment.
Several Rockets players, upset at Austin Rivers and Blake Griffin, approached the Clippers locker room with intentions of confronting them, with varying degrees of success, depending on which report you believe.
The post-game fiasco reached Twitter’s flash point in moments, igniting the social media app with reactions, joke, and occasionally reports from what actually went down in the locker room. Look, if you missed those couple hours, I’m sorry. It was the closest thing we’ve seen to sheer Twitter pandemonium since the DeAndre Jordan emoji “hostage situation.” It was magical.
Here’s what happened, as best as we currently understand it.
The Clippers beat the Rockets in CP3’s return
After six seasons in Los Angeles, Chris Paul made damn sure that his return was memorable. All the usual homecoming moments were present early on — some cheers, some boos, a video tribute — but that quickly gave way to absurdity with 3:42 left in the game. To summarize:
Things got heated in CP3's return to LA. http://pic.twitter.com/XmM5YvLAeU
— SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) January 16, 2018
Wesley Johnson’s probable goaltend on an Eric Gordon layup went uncalled
Blake Griffin was given a generous continuation call, and-one, on a layup over Chris Paul on the very next play
Two minutes later, Griffin spiked the basketball off Gordon’s back while falling out of bounds
An ensuing skirmish led to Ariza and Griffin both being ejected with technical fouls
Mike D’Antoni was mad Griffin ran into him
It apparently happened on this play.
Here's the play where Blake Griffin went right at D'Antoni on the way up the court, going out of bounds to bump him. D'Antoni complains about it immediately. http://pic.twitter.com/dwZeRJlxmv
— ClutchFans (@clutchfans) January 16, 2018
He mentioned it in vague terms after the game.
D'Antoni said Griffin hit him before their exchange. Did not elaborate.
— Jonathan Feigen (@Jonathan_Feigen) January 16, 2018
Austin Rivers wouldn’t stop talking s***
You can see a great look at it here.
Here's Austin Rivers in a boot yappin at Trevor Ariza http://pic.twitter.com/iidZrWq1cg
— Aaron Bruski (@aaronbruski) January 16, 2018
Rivers, you may note, is in street clothes and wearing a walking boot due to an Achilles strain.
We’ve all wanted to punch the coach’s son. Let’s be honest Austin Rivers is the perfect manifestation of that childhood desire.
— Anthony F. Irwin (@AnthonyIrwinLA) January 16, 2018
That sums it up.
The very first report was a Rockets fight
This has been long since glossed over, but the first word from the NBA locker room was that James Harden had tried to calm down an angry Chris Paul, and that the two had gotten into a fight. That was not what actually happened.
Chris Paul on reports that he had a confrontation with James Harden in the locker room: "That's Donald Trump fake news." With a laugh, he added, "Tell him I'm looking for him!"
— Tim MacMahon (@espn_macmahon) January 16, 2018
Somehow, this is about the 17th most ridiculous thing that transpired this evening.
Actually, Ariza charged the Clippers’ locker room
According to ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski, Ariza was the foremost aggressor, bringing teammates Paul, Harden, and Gerald Green with him. (It appears that Tarik Black was not involved, despite one initial report claiming he came with that group.) From ESPN:
Stunned Clippers players, celebrating a 113-102 victory, leaped to their feet upon the realization that four seething Rockets players had come calling for them, sources told ESPN.
For a few fleeting moments, several Clippers dared the Rockets to come farther into the room, sources said. Security and team officials soon converged on the Rockets, pushing them out the door and back toward the visiting locker room, sources said. Ariza was described as the first one through the door, with Paul lingering in the back, witnesses told ESPN.
If Ariza physically entered the locker room, it was brief, and regardless, the encounter was purely verbal. But it makes sense — Ariza pulled a nearly identical move last season with Houston.
Police were called and ‘Inside the NBA’ reacted
There has never been a news story created for ‘Inside the NBA’ quick like this one. Look, briefly imagine how you think Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley might react to a story like this one. Yes, you’re right. What’s in your head right now is spot on.
Shaq & Charles hashing the Clippers/Rockets locker room stuff had me dyyyying “Police! This is Blake Griffin. I’m at the Staples Center. I am 6-10, 220 and one of the most powerful players in the NBA. Chris Paul is trying to kick my ass. Get down here quick!” -Chuck http://pic.twitter.com/PmtGiDKMBa
— Tamara Jolee (@TamaraJolee) January 16, 2018
To quote Barkley:
“Police! This is Blake Griffin. I’m at the Staples Center. I am 6-10, 220 and one of the most powerful players in the NBA. Chris Paul is trying to kick my ass. Get down here quick!”
It was revealed the Rockets used a “secret passage”
Sure, factual reporting revealed that there was nothing “secret” about the tunnel that connected the two locker rooms underneath Staples Center, but Twitter quickly latched onto a secret tunnel joke and didn’t let up. (Wojnarowski’s typo, “backstory,” should read “back door.”)
Rockets players were clamoring for Blake Griffin too, league sources said. Chris Paul also entered with other Rockers players through a backstory that connects team dressing rooms. https://t.co/BRgyHe1WgL
— Adrian Wojnarowski (@wojespn) January 16, 2018
The mental image of Paul, a Clipper for the past six seasons, knowing a secret entrance to his old team’s locker room, and then leading his new team on an excursion through said entrance to confront his former coach’s son for talking shit, is just too beautiful to pass up.
"Everybody know the plan?"
A post shared by Sports Blog Nation (@sbnation) on Jan 16, 2018 at 12:27am PST
Twitter users were interested before, but this elevated the entire situation to something else entirely.
cp3 snuck his teammates through a secret tunnel so they could go fight austin rivers over a regular season game lmao the nba rules
— jack (@jackhaveitall) January 16, 2018
CORRECTION: Chris Paul hid in a dining cart as Trevor Ariza, wearing a security uniform and fake mustache, wheeled him into the Clippers locker room
— Pablo S. Torre (@PabloTorre) January 16, 2018
The Rockets in the back alleyway heading to the clips locker room http://pic.twitter.com/F416o8XitJ
— Carter Rodríguez (@Carter_Shade) January 16, 2018
And then it got even better, because ...
Clint Capela acted as a diversion
The Rockets center reportedly knocked on the front door of the Clippers locker room while Houston’s other group, the one with Paul and Ariza, flanked them. Paul’s such a floor general that he literally drew up a war plan for Houston’s charge on Los Angeles.
This whole thing is a testament to Chris Paul’s leadership that in 5 minutes, immediately after a game ended, he planned an intricate attack strategy complete with a diversion, a secret tunnel and a pincer maneuver to get his hands on Austin Rivers. Bravo!
— Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (@simonssaysno) January 16, 2018
Footage of Clint Capela approaching the Clippers’ locker room: http://pic.twitter.com/V0HFU5G3yc
— Fred Katz (@FredKatz) January 16, 2018
Reportedly, a Clippers staff member opened the door, saw it was Capela, and shut it on him. Capela “lingered around” before returning to the Rockets locker room, unsure what else to do.
Chris Paul did land one punch
It was Paul’s in a post-game interview, where he said Los Angeles should play through their go-to guy, Lou Williams.
Chris Paul says the Clippers should play through their 'go-to guy' Lou Williams. http://pic.twitter.com/RNqf2ZKrXR
— Def Pen Hoops (@DefPenHoops) January 16, 2018
“They got Lou Will. Lou Will is the guy, you know what I mean? That’s the go-to guy. That’s the guy they should play through and stuff like that. He’s having a great year, and he’s tough. He’s tough, man.”
There was purposefully no mention of Blake Griffin, and that nicely sums up the quickly deteriorated relationship between the two former costars.
Blake Griffin got the last laugh, for now
At midnight local time, he shot off this tweet.
— Blake Griffin (@blakegriffin32) January 16, 2018
Griffin was ejected, but he won’t be suspended for this nonsense, not unless the NBA’s investigation turns up something else. It seems likely that Ariza at least, and possibly Harden, Paul, and Green, will be banned for a game or two. They were the ones who attempted to enter another team’s locker room with the sole purpose of instigating, which is simply unheard of.
Other members off both teams got off similar tweets.
It’s a different culture in LA. No more soft shit here!!!!!
— Patrick Beverley (@patbev21) January 16, 2018
Still putting on his shoes http://pic.twitter.com/mj9vS9cwCn
— Daryl Morey (@dmorey) January 16, 2018
We assume Morey is making a multi-layered reference to a famous Mark Twain quote.
Rockets-Clippers officially, undeniably have beef
The two teams play again on Feb. 28 and March 15, and they are well aware of that.
3/3 I spoke w member of Rockets who said "we didn't like their attitude. We are together. We'll see them 2 more times. We'll remember that". And added they definitely rallied around Chris Paul to have his back.
— Rosalyn Gold-Onwude (@ROSGO21) January 16, 2018
We should also note that Los Angeles and Houston would currently be a first round series — Houston with the No. 2 seed, and the Clippers climbing to No. 7.
Please let us have that.
0 notes
So you know how we've all complained about the current phase of repetitive storylines in which the characters cheat with their ex? What if there is actually a reason? Let's skip back a few months, to just a couple of weeks before The Incident...
Laurel makes a pass at Marlon, her ex, who pulls away before Sandy walks in.
The Incident occurs with Robert and Rebecca, his "ex".
Adam makes a pass at Vanessa, his "ex", who pushes him away.
Carly shares a kiss with Matt, her ex.
Marlon makes a pass at Laurel, his ex, who pushes him away.
But - prepare for the SSW Theory talk again - this pattern actually started months ago. It started the moment Rebecca arrived in the village, just a couple of days before SSW...
Rebecca made a pass at Robert, who walked away.
Then we reach November...
Ross makes a pass at Vic, who pushes him away.
Robert and Rebecca share a kiss (although we know the real reason for this).
Paddy and Rhona share a kiss.
The odd one out in all of this? The Incident.
So why the need for this repetitive cycle of storylines? My guess is that one of the reasons for the most recent situations is to make The Incident stand out.
I'm just going to point a few things out here:
Marlon said he would have cheated if Laurel hadn't stopped him. It's safe to assume this would have been the case for Adam with Vanessa, too.
When Adam confronted Ross, Vic ended up in hospital. It was then that she revealed she thought she might be pregnant, found out she wasn't and had the nurse tell her she was probably stressed. It was this that prompted Vadam to try for a baby.
There has been children involved in each of these. With the exception of Ross and Vic (although, who knows what the future holds...), but they have both been involved in a "Who's The Daddy?" plot...
     - Robert and Aaron are currently (supposedly) facing the prospect of Rebecca's "baby".
     - Rhona and Paddy have maintained their friendship because of Leo.
     - Carly and Matt came back together because of Billy.
     - Adam believed he was the dad to Vanessa's child, Johnny.
     - Marlon and Laurel's marriage reached breaking point with the arrival of Donna and April.
     - Adam is the biological son of James and Moira.
Which brings me to;
Every single one of these characters was integral to SSW.
Robert and Aaron
Rhona and Paddy
Marlon and Laurel
Vic and Adam, who have been supporting and paralleling Robron since Rebecca's arrival, including during SSW
Carly, through association with Marlon
Rebecca, having instigated Robron's plot during that week
Ross, having instigated James and Emma's plot that week...
Because it was Ross finding out about James kissing Moira that began this whole cycle. "The Cheating Cycle".
James and Emma, who Robron have paralleled so closely towards the end of this SSW cycle. Even to the extent of Ross being the one person to know about Robert cheating with Rebecca, like he did James and Moira. Ross, Mr Plot Twist himself, who has been involved in both Robron and Vadam's plots - which are so intricately tied together...
For me, there are far too many overlaps between all of these storylines for it to be a coincidence. So what is the major difference between all of these plots of near-misses and The Incident?
Rebecca is the difference.
Why have so many similar storylines run at the same time, with Robron's in the middle and continuing throughout? To highlight the difference? Or perhaps to suggest that this storyline is not as different as it seems..? Perhaps some of this is to pinpoint that there really is a twist coming after all...
Conclusion? The Theory rises once more.
Perhaps Robert really didn't sleep with Rebecca, after all.
But I've purposely avoided mentioning one other "cheating with an ex" incident which occurred during this SSW cycle, and has perhaps been the other storyline to continue running throughout - but with all of us unaware, including the characters...
Pete slept with Moira.
But you'll notice they don't have the connection of a child... Unless Moira is pregnant. And Pete finds himself in a "Who's The Daddy?" storyline, and Rebecca's "pregnancy" really was just a red herring to cover up the real storyline all along.
Because these are the only two cheating plots that the narrative has told us went that far... But just like Rebecca did with Ross, Moira slept with Cain two days later. And let's not forget, we didn't find out until a few weeks later that Moira and Pete actually went beyond the kiss that we saw... Where the episode ended, just like Robert with Rebecca...
I, personally, don't think it's impossible for this to be setting up for us to find out a few months later that Robert and Rebecca never slept together at all.
Maybe this is all coincidence and The Theory will never rise onscreen, but once again I find myself choosing to believe that these connections stem from a plan. And that some variation of The Theory really will rise...
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Today I've had what I'm referring to as an Emmerdale Epiphany.
I was just thinking about the SSW Theory (as ever) and focusing on one particular quote from Robert (which I'll get to in a bit) which suddenly instigated a moment of great clarity. Like all the pieces of the puzzle have slotted into place and I finally understand this storyline and the point of it. I could be completely wrong of course, or other people may have come to this conclusion weeks ago, and while I still have some issues with the show as a whole right now and still don't like this storyline or the way it's been carried out, the fact that I feel I can finally make sense of everything again means I'm feeling much more hopeful about the direction of the show again. Because as I keep saying, we're not supposed to like every storyline. But we are supposed to understand it, which in turn enables us to accept and appreciate it, and the intention behind it. I finally feel like I'm able to understand. I don't know if any of this will make any sense, so bear with me...
The SSW Theory that each of the storylines at the heart of that week have come full circle roughly six months later... Just like what Adam Thomas said about SSW itself, something along the lines of "You think it's all over, but it's not". So, within the ideology of the SSW Theory, how has Robron's storyline come full circle and why has Rebecca been instrumental to it..?
Because this storyline has been running since October - since the moment Rebecca arrived in the village - and has all been leading to this point. The Incident was always going to happen, and always with Rebecca. Rebecca and what she represents is crucial to the telling of this story.
So, October 2016... Rebecca arrives in the village. She tries and fails to seduce Robert. But these scenes are crucial to the progression of this whole storyline. Because she belittles and disrespects three things - Robert's sexuality, his ability - and desire - to remain faithful, and his relationship with Aaron. And it's these factors - Robert's issues - that this storyline has always been about, from then until now. Because the line right at the start of SSW that I keep coming back to is this:
VIC.            It's not because of Rebecca, is it? Because I know she upset you.
ROBERT.   It's because I can't see my future without him in it. But yeah, she made me think a bit. So I'm trying to be more open about stuff.
Robert's altercation with Rebecca made him realise he needed to be more open - about his relationship with Aaron, and about his sexuality. But in doing this, this meant having to confront his own issues from his past, regarding him coming to terms with his sexuality and his history of infidelity. I remember a quote from during the affair era (I think) which, this is paraphrasing, spoke about Robert's affair with Aaron and the fact that "Robert has always felt like something was missing in each of his relationships, and perhaps he'll be able to find it in a same-sex relationship". By retconning a character like Robert, with his history of only ever having relationships with women and cheating on each of them, it leaves it open to the possibility of the general idea that Robert's history of infidelity has somehow been linked to his issues with coming to terms with his sexuality. (This was even referenced by Aaron himself in that first SSW episode.)
I now believe - with cautious optimism - that the whole point of this storyline was to confront this issue and separate the two, to make it clear that Robert's history of cheating is not - and has never been - a consequence of him being bisexual or in denial about it. But this means Robert himself had to confront these issues, and could only do so when he started being honest and open about them...
What was the era before SSW referred to as? "The chill"? There was next to no PDA, and the relationship itself had a tendency to lean more towards the mates part rather than boyfriends (because yes, we know they're best mates who happen to be in love, but both aspects should - and do - co-exist.). So when Robert realises he has to start being more open about stuff - including his relationship with Aaron - he decides to ask Aaron to marry him. Not because rejecting Rebecca proved to him that he didn't want anyone other than Aaron, but because Rebecca's behaviour and words made him realise he wanted to be open and upfront about the fact that he is a "one man man".
So Robert decides to make the biggest and most public commitment he can - marriage. He wants the world to know at last, that Aaron is his everything, the exception. This is evident even in Robert going to the extent of buying two rings. And this manifested itself in the form of that beautiful, crazy wedding in February. The fact, even, that it was unofficial; because that didn't matter, as long as they were making that paramount and heartfelt commitment to each other before their loved ones. As long as they were open and honest about their relationship. Because what did Aaron tell Robert to do all those years ago? "Go in the bar, and say it proud." And he finally did.
So if this was Robert's future, let's think back to his past. Because we've seen over the past few months how Robert has slowly started to be more honest, with Aaron in particular. Initially in SSW, we see that Robert only opens up about his history with Rebecca because he is pushed into it by Lachlan. And he tries to avoid the subject of his sexuality when Aaron presses for further discussion. But we do see Robert open up about it - if a little reluctantly at first - and consequently the history with his dad. And from this point we have seen Robert working on being more honest and open.
In November, we saw Robert want to tell Aaron the truth about the kiss. He wanted it to come from him, not Rebecca. And when he couldn't and it all came out, he initially tried to lie. But when he couldn't, he was honest with Aaron about all of it - including trying to break Lachlan out of the court. And with The Incident, we saw Robert want to tell Aaron, starting to, and in a few days he finally will. This is the point all of this has been building to. Because let's not forget that throughout all of this, they've both had an inability to be open with each other and communicate effectively. This was significantly highlighted in both the January break-up - which you'll remember Rebecca's presence instigated - and the special Roblivion / prison episode.
And why did Aaron go to prison? Because The Incident had to happen in order for them to have Robert fully confront his issues with fidelity. Because he's never felt remorse for it in the past. Never on this scale. (Of course I'd still rather it hadn't had to happen, and I'd just like to note that I still very much believe in The Theory.)
The only way they could have Robert cheat on Aaron was by creating the most extreme and specific circumstances. Robert and Aaron needed to be apart, it needed to be a tragic separation, one they couldn't work around and that could go on indefinitely. So then we get Robert struggling, not coping without Aaron. We get Robert reaching his breaking point. But the only way to tip him over the edge, is to have him reach rock bottom. And the only way Robert can reach rock bottom is if Aaron reaches rock bottom, too. So then we have Aaron facing his own demons in prison - Gordon and his self-harming. We have Aaron covering all of this up, lying to Robert and pushing him away. It was their inability to be open and communicate that escalated throughout all this time and finally imploded during the prison "break-up".
And then Robert reaches rock bottom. He goes over the edge and The Incident happens. And we've seen the aftermath to this, the way it's eaten away at him. We have a fair idea how the reveal is going to play out, and this is where we're (hopefully) finally going to see Robert being truly open. This is where we see them communicating. This is what the whole point of all of this was. This is what it's all been leading to. This is how Robron's cycle comes full circle and concludes in some way.
But why Rebecca? Because she was brought into the show for this very purpose. Iain said he wouldn't bring Rebecca into the show unless they "can find a purpose for her". Rebecca's purpose was to be the catalyst, or pawn, in Robron's over-arcing story all along. (And hopefully soon, she will have served her purpose...) Because think about this, if The Incident had to happen, it had to be with Rebecca. It had to be with someone from Robert's past, because the whole point of The Incident is that it was never actually about cheating. It was about revenge, hurting Aaron like he hurt Robert. It couldn't be someone random or a new character, because that would imply the desire to cheat. Which Robert never had. And that's why Rebecca has been intricately linked to Robert ever since her arrival - to make it abundantly clear to the audience that Robert had no romantic interest in her. He rejected her. He used and manipulated her. And then they became friends. This wasn't some random ploy to keep her involved with Robron - this was reaffirmation that friendship is all it ever was, and would be, to Robert. That he only cared for Rebecca platonically. So that when The Incident finally came around, those platonic feelings would not be questioned as anything more. And it had to be Rebecca from his past, because she was able to influence more than just Robron's storyline.
As for the baby matter... While I'm still adamant there won't be a baby and that the baby is definitely not Robert's, I do believe there was a reason for this side-plot. For the subject of children to come up between Robert and Aaron. There's constantly been this suggestion that Aaron can't give Robert what Rebecca can, right? And now she's supposedly pregnant with Robert's child? Or so Robron believe... The fact is that until Aaron, Robert had only ever been in committed relationships with women. For Robert, having biological children with his partner had always been an option, whether he considered it or not. This has never been the case for Aaron. And of course Robron can always have their own children in the future, through adoption or surrogacy etc - and they will be just as much their own children - but the fact is that they won't be able to have a child together - half Aaron, half Robert.
I think the whole point of the Robert/Rebecca backstory was to show that the discussion and option of children has come up before (which I believe, judging from Robert's face that day at the Mill, that he has thought about subconsciously at least, even if only after settling down with Aaron). I also think the Robert/Liv development ties into this, with us seeing that paternal instinct that Robert actually possesses. I may be wrong, but I feel like this will play a role in the reveal and aftermath, with "Aaron standing by Robert" as he presumably realises he wouldn't mind being a father, before it all gets taken away from him. And this is also why I believe it made sense for the Vadam storyline to run alongside Robron's, with all those parallels between Robert - the man who cheats and gets his one-night stand pregnant, with a baby that was unplanned and initially unwanted - and Adam - the man who cheats (or wants to at least) because he finds out he can't have children with his wife like they'd planned and wanted.
I don't know if any of this makes sense, and I may very well be wrong on all of it. I guess we might hopefully find out in a few days. For now, I'm just taking hope from the fact that I can see a way that everything that has happened since October fits together and makes sense. I finally feel like I can see that there has been a plan all along. I don't know if this feeling will last haha, but I'll take it while I can.
(Long live the SSW Theory!)
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I watched SSW again, and I have to say that your theory seems very believable. I think all four couples struggle with trust. Pierce doesn't trust Rhona, Emma doesn't trust James, Aaron doesn't trust Robert. Laurel can't trust Ashley because of his condition. All, but especially the first 3, struggle with trusting their partners in regards to their exes (jealousy). Laurel is hurt when Ashley calls her Harriet, so maybe even she is worried about the ex. 1/2
2/2 But what worries me is that children play an important part in all the sls. James and Moira have Adam because James cheated on Emma. Rhona spends time with Paddy because of Leo and Pierce was mad about that Paddy and not him got to see Leo’s play. So maybe Robert will have a child with his ex? Dotty was an important part of Ashley’s dementia sl. Laurel thought about abortion but didn’t go through with it. Dotty’s birth and christening coincided with the deteriotating of Ashley’s condition.
Anon, I love the fact that you rewatched SSW and thought of the theories! But I feel like there’s so many different strands to the SSW Theory now, it could probably fill an entire dissertation at this stage haha, because there’s just so many different ways to read all of this!? But the one thing which is unquestionably clear throughout, is that there are overlapping and recurring themes throughout each storyline, as you’ve so rightly pointed out. And because I’m stuck in theory realm, for me this is absolutely intentional.
I would actually extend these themes beyond just the four couples at the heart of SSW, and include Vic/Adam and Marlon/Carly in most of them, both of whom were at the edge of the storylines involved that week… So personally I’d take these themes as:
Trust / Communication / Honesty / Insecurity / Jealousy / Infidelity / Exes / Unrequited Love / New Starts / Commitment
I feel like I’m missing some, but I’ll go with these for now haha. So breaking them down per couple, we get:
These two were engaged to be married, and were just moving into their new farm at Wylie’s. This was their new start. But, as with all these couples, they had an obstacle…
James previously had an affair with Moira, which resulted in the very permanent reminder of Adam. This has fed Emma’s insecurities for a long time, and fuelled her jealousy of both Moira and Adam (being included in James’s will, as an equal to her three sons). But James was also insecure and jealous - because he loved Moira, but she didn’t feel the same. Moira loved John, and now Cain. James was never a choice for Moira… So we have a woman cheating on her husband with his brother, getting pregnant, and rejecting that brother again in later years when she’s married to the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with… So I can’t help but make the connection - Moira = Robert, James = Rebecca, John = Chrissie, Cain = Aaron. (Although this would make Ross Emma, and I want Rebecca to have a showdown with Lachlan, not Ross. Haha.) But James didn’t do what Robert did, he didn’t tell Emma about his kiss with Moira. She overheard him discussing it with her own son. And then some pretty dramatic stuff happened and SSW was born… (Actually I’m going to get to the dramatic stuff in a bit because your message has prompted me to rewatch a specific scene - Emma pushing James - and the whole of that dialogue between them sums up what I think is the connection between all of these couples. It’s all right there in that pivotal moment and I’ve somehow only now made that connection…)
Now we’ve seen towards the end of the SSW cycle, these two got engaged and later married of course. But let’s go back to the beginning of their relationship and this cycle…
Rhona and Pierce’s relationship began as a result of Paddy and Tess’s affair. Those are pretty rocky foundations, so both characters already had individual issues with each of the themes I listed above and they each brought these into their relationship. Pierce was already insecure, jealous and possessive, even regarding someone like Cain who Rhona had no history with. But there was always the Paddy thing… Not a massive issue at the surface of their relationship - until Paddy returned to the village… (Other recurring themes among most of these couples are exes returning to their lives and their refusal to acknowledge a problem until they have a permanent reminder in their face 24/7… A bit like Rebecca and her baby…) And when he did, it was a constant reminder and threat to Pierce - not only of Rhona’s history with Paddy, or his relationship with Leo and all of their friends, but also because Paddy effectively “stole” Tess from Pierce.
Now, although Rhona appeared to have moved on, she and Paddy still were a part of each other’s lives through Leo. And to make matters more complicated, Paddy was still in love with Rhona. That is what a large part of their SSW story was about. And what we saw between Paddy and Rhona was the two of them communicating about their relationship, unlike Rhona and Pierce who didn’t confront their issues until they bubbled over the surface and resulted in that big row which instigated their involvement in SSW.
So Paddy loved Rhona, Rhona loved Pierce… Emma loved James, James loved Moira…
These two remarried just a few months before SSW. They then moved back into their old home at Mulberry. But how did any of this come about? Ashley’s diagnosis was the catalyst. Shortly after he found out he was ill, Ashley and Harriet split up. Now I’m not sure how well I remember this, but as far as I’m aware, it was quite an abrupt end to their relationship? They didn’t just drift apart? (Although I do recall there was a very brief allusion to Harriet/Bob which never went anywhere…) So in this instance, Laurel was the ex returning to Ashley’s life. But then we have Ashley’s Dementia getting worse, him thinking he’s still with Harriet, Laurel turning to Marlon - her ex - for support, and Ashley thinking she is cheating on him. Then in the care home we don’t have the issue of an ex, but there is the obstacle of Maggie (I think?) who Ashley grew attached to. Laurel became jealous and insecure, and consequently made a pass at Marlon. Because at that time, Ashley could no longer remember her or the fact that he loved her. Effectively, when she saw him with Maggie (?), Laurel’s love may almost have felt unrequited in that moment. Like Paddy’s or James’s…
And then there’s the communication/trust issues, again a result of Ashley’s Dementia. Because Ashley’s deteriorating cognitive ability affected his being able to effectively communicate with Laurel and she with him. And as you say, Laurel couldn’t really trust Ashley because of his illness, but likewise, as much as he needed and was expected to, Ashley couldn’t really trust anyone because of his illness. Including himself…
So obviously the boys got engaged during SSW because they have impeccable timing, then bought their first home together a couple of months later and got married a couple of months after that. But their SSW cycle had already begun the week before with Rebecca’s arrival providing them with their obstacle…
We have the returning ex whose love is unrequited, we’ve seen the jealousy / insecurity / infidelity. What their cycle is focusing on now is the communication / trust / honesty issues. We saw them start to tackle this during the reveal, but we can clearly see they’re still not there yet. That’s what this pregnancy plot will bring about…
Their whole connection to the SSW Theory is wrapped up in the Vadam baby plot. Starting a family was their new start after James and Holly had died. But the trust and communication issues initially came in because Adam wasn’t on the same page as Vic at first but struggled to be honest about it. We then saw them get back on track, only for Adam to find out he couldn’t have children. This then brought about the cycle of insecurity / infidelity / jealousy because Adam’s insecurities over this lead him to finish with Vic and make a move on his ex, Vanessa…
We saw Carly move in with Marlon, and him think about marrying her. But Marlon was insecure right from the start of their relationship. This prompted a lot of jealousy / trust / communication / honesty issues throughout, until it all came to a head with the arrival of Carly’s ex, Matt… Who Carly kissed (while Marlon was being rejected by Laurel) and eventually left with… Marlon was the victim of the unrequited love here… Or at least, a different love.
But you see the parallels between Carly/Marlon/Matt, and Robert/Aaron/Rebecca? Carly reached out to Matt, the same way Robert invited Rebecca to the village… Matt still had feelings for Carly and wouldn’t give up on the idea of them, just like Rebecca with Robert… The difference? Carly asked Matt to leave because she didn’t trust herself, because she reciprocated his feelings. Robert never asked Rebecca to leave (in fact he even asked her to stay) because he did trust himself, because her feelings were never reciprocated…
So where does the theme of children fit into this? Again, I think it can be interpreted in so many ways. I first wrote about this pattern in this post, where I discussed the cycle of characters cheating with their exes and that they’ve all shared a tie of children apart from Vic and Ross - although I’d just like to note that Ross making a pass at Vic occurred shortly after she commented on him being a good dad to Moses (just like Rebecca did after The Incident) and seeing him in another light… I 100% believe it’s highly probable that Rebecca is pregnant with Ross’s child and Vadam will be the ones to bring it up, and this would bring it all full circle from that initial scene…
But for me, the connection of children comes down to the fact that it has been a child who has instigated some of the most significant moments in these SSW cycles. Ultimately, the children are the catalysts:
Marlon/Carly - Billy. Carly confiding in Marlon about Billy brought them closer together. The choking incident occurred with April, which prompted Carly to leave and confront her grief over Billy. This then prompted her to get in touch with Billy’s dad, Matt…
Vic/Adam - They don’t have a child. There are no children involved in their storyline - yet - and that is their connection in this theme…
Ashley/Laurel - Dotty. Ashley told Arthur he may forget him one day, and later that SSW day, he forgot Dotty. This was the first time he’d forgotten a member of his family…
Pierce/Rhona - Leo. As you say, Paddy attending Leo’s play with Rhona instigated their involvement in SSW. Paddy giving Rhona the necklace on behalf of Leo on her wedding day was also a pivotal moment in their cycle…
Emma/James - Adam. Because of the tie to Moira. Arthur. Arthur is going to find out Emma’s secret and be the catalyst for it coming out. But there’s also Holly, which I’ll get to in a bit…
Robert/Aaron - Again, there’s multiple children. Lachlan. He brought about Robron’s involvement in SSW. Liv. She told Robert Aaron’s secret and effectively instigated the row which saw the boys break up while Aaron was in prison. Or Rebecca’s baby. A catalyst to them confronting their issues - because this is the one time they cannot escape or just ignore the problem - with communication and honesty, and eventually having a child of their own…
But there’s still the Holly connection that I just can’t let go of…
Holly died just a couple of weeks before SSW (although it was originally planned to happen that week I believe)… Rebecca first met Aaron (and Vic) during those scenes which foreshadowed this entire storyline at Holly’s wake… It was Holly’s funeral that James was so desperate to leave Wylie’s for, which prompted Emma to prevent him leaving at all… It was Holly’s death Rebecca discussed with Adam (and Vanessa) on the day of The Incident… And what happened, what did we see in the episode where Moira discovered Holly had died?
We saw every single parent in that village, reaching out to their child, grateful that they weren’t in Moira’s position but terrified of the prospect that one day they could be. So it seems to me like the possible child connection could be the loss of, in some way…
Marlon/Carly - Carly lost Billy. But she also lost April in the way she left, and Marlon briefly felt like he was losing his daughter, too.
Vic/Adam - Vadam lost the dream of having their own biological children together.
Ashley/Laurel - Ashley lost the ability to remember each of his children. Sandy had to watch his own son die before him. Laurel’s now lost Gabby to her extended family and life on the other side of the world.
Pierce/Rhona - As far as I recall, Tess said she never had children because Pierce never wanted them. But now we have Rhona effectively losing Leo, however long it may last, because Marlon and Paddy are refusing to let her spend time with him.
Emma/James - James specifically said to Emma on that bridge that she will “lose the boys” when they find out what she’s done. They’re about to find out…
Robert/Aaron - The only children Robron can lose are either Liv, or the baby. And I’m completely convinced that is where this is going; for the boys, Robert in particular, to grow attached to this baby and then have it snatched away from them…
But I mentioned the scene between Emma and James on the bridge, right before she pushes him… I have to say, this message got my SSW Theory senses buzzing again so I decided to rewatch that scene (I’ve actually avoided rewatching SSW during all of this because I’m honestly trying not to get too carried away with the theorising haha) specifically because I knew there was a reference to Holly. But when I rewatched it, I had a sudden realisation that I’ve missed the most overwhelming theme connecting all of these storylines all along - Loss.
If you rewatch that scene and listen to the dialogue between James and Emma, almost all of it can be applied to each of the four main SSW couples;
“I can’t. […] It’s too late. If I stop now, I lose everything…” (Emma) “Yes, you lose. You lost me. God knows when they hear about this, you’ll lose the boys…” (James)
“You can’t only live your life for a man you don’t love… No, you’re obsessed. You’re sick. This isn’t love… ‘Cause if you really loved me, you would walk away right now, from all of us… […] You lived without us for years. You moved on. You got over it.” (James) “I can’t do that ever again.” (Emma) “Yes, you can. And you will. Because that’s what people do. You lose someone over a mistake you made or something horrible happens…” (James) “Oh, you mean like Holly? And John?” (Emma)
“All you’ve ever done is use her to hurt me… To destroy my life… Our life… You did this, not me. This is all because of you.” (Emma)
Then we have Aaron, “You had Chrissie and you came looking for me…”
Rhona, “He came looking for me because he cares…” “[…] folk who can’t let their exes go…” (Rhona)
Robert, “I’ve chosen, all right!”
Rhona, “We can’t lose him!” “No, we won’t… I’ve lost enough today…” (Paddy)
Emma, “You still love me? There’s still hope. I know there is because deep down you still love me…” […] “Even now, there is a part of me that still loves you…” (James) *Emma goes to kiss James, who pulls away* “You’re lying.” (Emma)
You see how it wasn’t just the characters’ physical logistics that culminated together in time for the crash? Every single one of the overlapping themes from each of these storylines converged in this moment. But the one which was most paramount of all? Loss.
Because ultimately, anon, every single one of these characters is terrified of losing the people they love.
So much of that dialogue can be transferred to each of the SSW cycles, but if we look at it from a Robron perspective, we can absolutely read James and Emma’s lines as Robert and Rebecca respectively. Whether there’s any basis to this or not, it fits. So thank you, anon, for encouraging me to rewatch this scene haha.
And I think this is probably one of the longest posts I’ve written about this yet, I’m so sorry haha! But I appreciate you joining me in the SSW Theory feels! :) May it continue to rise ever stronger…
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junker-town · 7 years
The Jalen Ramsey vs. A.J. Green rivalry and 5 more things we loved about the NFL in Week 9
Fights, bad speeches and the “Hill Mary” dominated Sunday’s NFL action.
The extra hour of sleep NFL players got apparently resulted in many of them getting up Sunday on the wrong side of the bed — because everybody was fighting.
There were three separate fighting occasions on Sunday. Jalen Ramsey and A.J. Green got into it after Ramsey shoved Green. Later, Jameis Winston instigated a fight by poking Marcus Lattimore in the helmet, then Mike Evans came out of nowhere to drill Lattimore. The final fight was between the Cardinals and 49ers, where three players were ejected.
But the best bout was between Jalen Ramsey and A.J. Green. It eventually got to a point where Ramsey shoved Green to his limit (quite literally) and Green did his best Andre Johnson impression in throwing haymakers after pulling him down by the neck.
Both players were ejected from the game, though it doesn’t quite make sense why Ramsey was. Green took him down twice by the neck and got a couple of punches in. Ramsey did instigate it, but should have probably just received a personal foul.
Violence isn’t good, but it is refreshing to see anything resembling a rivalry or bad blood in the NFL. We got small doses of it with Josh Norman and Odell Beckham Jr. in 2015 and Norman and Dez Bryant in 2016.
Most players in the NFL are competitive and passionate about the game, it’s how they got there. If that comes out to the highest degree, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to accept it at certain intervals. It’s not like anybody got hurt on Sunday.
Ramsey is one of the best young corners in the NFL today, and next time the Jaguars play the Bengals, that’s going to be a matchup to watch with Green. You can’t say that about many other teams or players in the league when it comes down to wanting to destroy the opposition.
Jameis Winston eating his fingers
I don’t know if Winston did this because he knew there was a camera in the huddle or what, but buddy...
Jameis Winston with an ... interesting pump up speech. http://pic.twitter.com/z0tESHAA6k
— FOX Sports: NFL (@NFLonFOX) November 5, 2017
I don’t believe I find this nearly as weird as everybody else does, only because I am too busy finding it incredibly hilarious that a human being could have conceived an idea like this.
Winston really had to wake up one day, think of this, and say to himself, “This is what’s going to get us over the hump this week!”
And I mean, who knows where his hands have been prior to the game. Surely at that point he had been throwing around the football, which had plenty of other hands on them as well. It’s not like he was kissing his fingertips, either. He was putting entire digits up in his mouth like sausages.
As it turns out, the Bucs weren’t hungry enough for that W because they got mollywhopped 30-10. I’m here for another wacky Winston pump-up effort, though.
More like Ben McAdon’tSpeak to your team
For all of the press conference rants — good or bad — that coaches have gone on throughout the years, this might be the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
Ben McAdoo's halftime speeches sound epic http://pic.twitter.com/9HyJPPVOOh
— Andrew Joseph (@AndyJ0seph) November 5, 2017
McAdoo couldn’t even come up with anything fake that he told his team at halftime. He didn’t even try to deflect with “Oh uh, well, that’s between me and the guys, yanno?” This man really had nothing to say to his team.
After getting smoked by the Rams, the Giants are now 1-7 on the season. If McAdoo keeps this up, there’s no question his biggest L won’t be on the field. It’ll be on “Black Monday” when John Mara picks up the phone, or passes him a pink slip, whatever.
He’s totally getting fired.
The ceiling is the roof for Cam Newton
This pains me as a Falcons fan, but Cam Newton really brought the hammer down on Marcus Trufant on Sunday.
Newton had that extension that Blake Griffin had the first time he turned Timofey Mozgov into a poster where he basically threw the ball in.
The dunk touchdown was appropriate with the Panthers playing in Charlotte, where Michael Jordan (you may have heard of him) owns the Hornets. He also played a little college ball at North Carolina.
If the NFL ever wants a silhouette-type logo like MLB or NBA, they could take this one into consideration:
Of course, it would obvioulsy be some Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Johnny Unitas, or some other quarterback’s silhouette. Though it should totally be Marshawn Lynch grabbing his crotch.
Anyway ...
The “Hill Mary” is the play you didn’t know you needed in your life
The Chiefs’ offense has been one of the most fun to watch this season. Between Kareem Hunt, Tyreek Hill, Travis Kelce, and Alex Smith throwing passes longer than five yards, it’s been electric.
With two seconds left in the first half, the Chiefs ran what was basically a long screen pass to Hill, who picked up a couple of blocks, and used his world-class speed to find the end zone.
There were at least seven Cowboys back there, y’all, against four Chiefs. I’m not great at math but those odds seem to be in the Cowboys’ favor.
The Chiefs didn’t win this game, but they did show that if you aren’t a Hail Mary expert like The Great Aaron Rodgers, you have other options.
That is of course, you have a wide receiver faster than a cheetah.
Are we sure the Chiefs actually lost this game? Because they had the two best moments from this game.
After a Travis Kelce touchdown in the second half to give the Chiefs a 17-14 lead, he, along with Tyreek Hill and Demarcus Robinson had a pretend potato sack race.
Hill and Robinson both pretended to fall down, making Kelce the appropriate winner. I mean, he did score the touchdown after all.
After a slow start to the season, group celebrations are starting to become more common.
The Steelers were off this week, and had an entire week to come up with new stuff. Please believe we’ll have something from the black and gold up in here next week. For now, we’ll be more than happy with this work of art.
Keelan Cole saved a Blake Bortles incompletion with a one-handed snag
*6th pass* *interception* Brock Osweiler BACK
The Rams showed just how bad the Giants are on one play
The Saints tried to be tricky and failed miserably
Welcome to Philly, Jay Ajayi
Jameis Winston instigated a fight after being out with an injury
Cam Newton screamed at Riverboat Ron, who didn’t like it
Eli Manning cracked 50,000 passing yards — he’s the 7th to do it
FOX pulled a fast one on Falcons fans
The Cowboys gave Tony Romo a warm welcome back
Blair Walsh missed three kicks in the first half. T H R E E.
Cam Newton has clearly never seen Titanic
Alex Smith finally threw an interception
The Cardinals and 49ers fought too, because that’s what everyone did this week
Sunday scores
Colts 20, Texans 14
Washington 17, Seahawks 14
Titans 23, Ravens 20
Saints 30, Buccaneers 10
Rams 51, Giants 17
Eagles 51, Broncos 23
Panthers 20, Falcons 17
Jaguars 23, Bengals 7
Cardinals 20, 49ers 10
Cowboys 28, Chiefs 17
Raiders 27, Dolphins 24
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