#but errmmm hey. look
a-gay-little-cat · 8 months
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"Dredging up distant memories"
Getting his truck back wasn't the happy reunion Tiger would have hoped it to be.
Tiger was forced to abandon his truck not too long after leaving his old campsite for good. Parking it as out off the way that he could, he hoped to return and fix it up with the right tools.
Sadly that wouldn't be the case, the truck gone, likely hauled off by people looking to strip it for parts.
Try as he might, he wasn't able to find it anywhere, eventually writing it off as just another thing lost in this nightmare.
And he wasn't wrong, people took the parts they could, leaving the chassis to rot out in some scrap pile.
Though little did he know someone eventually happened to stumble upon it, the truck making the perfect vehicle to get far, far away from Night City. A stranger spending a lot of time fixing up this quite tacky vehicle.
And once it was up and running again? Tiger received a ping. A geolocation telling where exactly his truck was at. He dropped everything in an instance, rushing off without explaining anything, much to V's (belonging to @gr-74 ) dismay.
He didn't expect Tiger to lead them out into the desert, out to the huge trash piles just outside NC. Even less so to see... that truck. It had Tiger written all over it.
Nor could anything prepare him for the scene he was about to witness. A stranger simply trying to get out of the city (who could blame them really by using this truck they fixed up. A truck that very much so belonged to the other mercenary.
V expected Tiger to let it go, let the person leave. He's always been nice, charitable.
But not this time.
He's never seen him this... angry, tense. Not budging in the slightest and telling the stranger to take a hike. Doesn't want to hear it, just get lost. And get lost they did, yelling at Tiger for his cruelty.
Cruelty V had to agree with. Because what the fuck was that.
The answer he gets?
"Ya wouldn't fucking get it.", followed by him getting into the vehicle.
When asked where he thinks he's going it gets deflected with a "None of your business."
Uncharacteristically cold for a man like Tiger.
After a bit of a drive he arrived at an empty spot in the desert, nothing of interest to see here, just sand and rock as far as the eye can see.
At least, that is what its now. Years ago? It was the last spot his clan camped at before it all burned down.
A loss he never processed, simply buried deep deep down where it was left to fester, never daring to uncover it.
Until the truck appeared and it all got dragged to the surface to show its ugly face.
Tiger spends the next days drinking, sober being far from a state he wants to be in right now.
No one has heard from him in this time, simply wanting to be on his own. Much to the concern of his family and Vincent who figured Tiger was staying with the other party.
Once telling Tiger's sister what has happened, she might know where he is, sending V on a wild goose hunt out in the desert.
Luckily it's not hard to miss that bright blue truck out in the brown and dry landscape.
Stepping closer, the image that unfolds in front of him is not a pretty one. Several bottles and cans of beer scattered about and Tiger staring off into the distance.
Walking up, V asks if he can sit with him, if he wants to talk about it but all he gets in response is a grunt.
What does he care? What's there to talk about?
Vincent has been keeping him at arms length, so why does he want to get involved in his life now?
An exasperated snort leaves the smaller merc. Fine, be that way.
Despite that, he doesn't want to leave, doesn't feel right to leave Tiger on his lonesome like this.
Instead he chooses to look around, see if there's anything here, must be a reason as to why the guy drove to this spot.
After a while of finding nothing but sand, a gruff "Nothin' here anymore." is mumbled from behind him.
Using this as an opportunity to get a better picture of all of this, Vincent asks "Oh yeah? How d'you figure?"
There's a long pause. Tiger staring off into nothing until finally a quiet "Watched it all burn."
The nomad never told him much about what happened, why he isn't running with a clan anymore. It was only ever vague answers, nor did V ever push the topic much.
So when Tiger tells him, tells him about how the camp got caught in a crossfire between corporations in the middle of the night, V stands and listens, asking the occasional question to keep him talking, eventually sitting down next to him.
After a while he trails off into stories of the past, what it was like.
And then it's quiet again for a bit.
Until V offers to get them something proper to eat, Tiger not wanting to leave his truck out here.
It is strange, sitting here, eating in silence, no city noises anywhere, the stars visible above them.
Between bites Tiger thanks him for listening, apologizing for being an asshole back there.
It's not long before V is getting tired, looking forward to his bed.
Offering Tiger to come with, crash at his place.
But Tiger wants to stay, just one more night. He's been out here sleeping in his truck, one more time won't hurt. He'll be fine, playfully nudging the other as a reassurance.
"Well.... I guess I'll see you when I see you."
"Not getting rid of me that easy, promise."
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nonsensical-questions · 4 months
Errmmm annual update,
How are things goin for ya (not about sensetale specifically, just in general)
I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off I appreciate the general check up as i haven't posted anything in a bit, but for a little update i guess, got a new job, pays me more and doesn't give me as many hours, this is a good thing as i can pay my bills just fine without having to work as much, but i am getting called in a lot and i need more money in general so i'm sorta trying to build stuff up... got a new name, i'm still keeping my old one i just have two first names i switch between now so that was funky but it made me feel a little better so it's nice got on HRT a while ago and it's fucking with me emotionally i think either that or i'm experiencing periods as it's not all the time, but it's too soon to tell if it's this or that so right now i'm just enjoying the general effects of it and learning how to deal with stronger emotions, this is a good thing i no longer feel as dysphoric about myself but it still comes from time to time as for projects and stuff i'm working on? got quiet the load honestly, no progress on sensetale for mental health and general self confidence issues, it's still on hiatus until i can get good enough to make the sprites i need or find someone willing to help me out but in non-sensetale related projects... well... i did wanna keep some stuff a secret but some of these have been in the work for a while so... what the hell might as well show some off
vs. mad mew mew genocide route edition! i love mew mew as a character and i've been really inspired to make something relating to her i just didn't know what to, well recently i got my insperation and have been coding it out, don't know what the ending is currently but i have a rough idea of what i want to do, hopefully you will all enjoy it the song is Dummy! from UNDERTALE: Alternate, thank them so much for letting me use the song! couldn't hope for a more fitting battle theme that just so happened to accidently match with the character i was making the fight for lol I have more projects i'd love to show off but tumblr only allows for 1 video so you'll have to have the shitty gifs instead
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after undertale yellow released I loved the concept of everything so much but i really wish some more attention to the lore had been put in, but hey there was still some really cool stuff they did like i loved the guns and ammo types, so i decided to work on what it would look like for the blue soul which i nicknamed melody as her healing things are music notes and clovers are well clovers, this spawned a whole thing where i started making characters and ideas and... honestly i don't think it will go anywhere soon.... if at all but hey a mouse can dream huh? well i might as well show off some characters with little to no context huh?
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not all of these are major characters but just stuff I wanted to show off, if people wanna make art or ask about it, the au name is official "Undertale: Era of Integrity" but for now you just get the designs and simple mechanics that i showed off, i have more to talk about
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an underfell project! this was mainly learning to code KR and fuck around with my idea of an underfell au that takes the canon version and makes small tweaks here and there, i made some sprites to show what i mean
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again not really giving out much info, if people wanna know more let me know i guess! no official name just some underfell concepts i've been working on I do wanna make some playable fights eventually but i'd need to work out some kinks first to make it all work some other projects that feel too small to sorta show off stuff of are a Tale's end sans fight (like from the comic) i was working on with friskbits actually helping quiet a lot and a help_tale sixbones fight (again from the comic) both are almost done but also both have big hurdles i'll need to get past before i finish it, for tale's end it's just... writing, frisky is normally busy and i had major writers block, writing for what you may ask? the comic surely has most of what i need right? haha I wish, there are so many options and it all comes back to that stupid flower, i have like 20 endings based on if you kill or not and then reset and do a certain action, I have the main endings coded but the great flowey remembering my resets makes it way harder to actually finalize the sixbones fight is mainly the absorb stuff, as we never saw that in the comic so i sorta had to improvise and making it looks cool! but I'm sorta just winging it i guess i'm also working on a mettaton date, this one with an overworld, you know how alphys, undyne, and papyrus all got dates? oh and sans too sorta, well toby literally mentioned dating mettaton on the kickstarter and never delivered! so i'm doing it myself, date the sexy rectangle... eventually i'm still on the overworld stuff and need to finish designing mettatons room fully, i'd show some stuff off but i'm not sure how long it's gonna be plus this post is already hella long so just gonna cut this here and maybe talk about it later there is some other stuff here and there but it's mainly just ideas, I had an idea of something something deltatravelers something something OFF but i'm prob not even gonna do that, maybe i'll make some sketches or mock ups for it later but eh i wanna finish projects first i have too many on my plate currently I know a lot of people might be mad, that i'm working on other projects and stuff while im supposed to be working on sensetale, but I'm trying to improve skills and general get better at making the content so people can enjoy it more, and when i was ready i would try and work more on sensetale maybe remake the area do new poses make new characters or sprite something unique and cool, one of the reasons i don't post or even answer questions on this is i don't want to get people's hopes up that this will return soon, i really want it to return soon but I don't have the resources or time to commit to it I had a thought that maybe, I should make this a general au project stuff, so I can show off more stuff and see what people like but i've had 20 or so projects i've never finished. I wouldn't want to show all this cool stuff off and never deliver on it. But perhaps if that is what would everyone would enjoy more, seeing progress and stuff i'm working on, if people would be okay not seeing sensetale in favor of more content? just food for thought, i want to see what people think before i act.
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tauforged · 1 year
prev anon is a clown but also ‘designing a character as a man and then turning around at the last second and calling him a lesbian without changing any of his male traits or doing anything to indicate his sex’ is like… a pretty well established transmisogynistic caricature, just FYI. it’s fine for them to be a nonbinary lesbian or whatever, but doing the whole ‘it looks like a man it acts like a man SIKE it’s a woman’ trope is tacky at best if not outright harmful. I feel like changing their body type a bit to at LEAST more accurately convey that they’re meant to be fem-aligned (because they can’t be a lesbian if they’re not a woman) would be less problematic. just my two cents.
me: hey check out my new oc. originally i was just doodling without direction but i realized that every bland male character design becomes astronomically cooler when applied to a lesbian so i decided to make him a gnc butch. isn’t he cool i really like him
your dumb ass: errmmm but are they a BOY nonbinary or a GIRL nonbinary?? you need to be more specific :/// it’s problematic for me to not be able to tell the agab of this fictional water elf at first glance. have you considered making them a little more feminine, maybe adding some boobs or lipstick so i can tell they’re supposed to be a girl? i reaallyyy think you’d be better off getting rid of all those yucky masculine traits in case they make anyone uncomfortable :///////////
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lunarsun12 · 5 months
Seomghwa Therapy Session
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From the previous episode (click here to see the previous episode). Taehyun and Hyuka has enough of Beomgyu getting away with everything. They decided to call their uncle senghwa, asking to live with him. To make Soobin and Yeonjun appreciate them.
After the two left, Beomgyu angel facade has vanished. He has been terrorising them and Soobin has been complaining nonstop to Seonghwa.
Seonghwa decided to fix their family problem, by offering his therapy.
Will Hyuka and Taehyun come back home..?
Soobin and Seonghwa Private Chat
Today 16:00
Soobin🍞: Seonghwa, please tell Kai and Taehyun to come back home!
Seonghwa🌸: You always say, I need to control my children and now look at you now
Soobin🍞: We got played by Beomgyu all this time! How am I supposed to know he was plotting to get rid of them!!
Soobin🍞: After those two left, he started to be a menace! Luckily for me I wasn’t there but according to Yeonjun, he locked Yeonjun in our bedroom and made him late for work
Seonghwa🌸: Don’t your child has a job?
Soobin🍞: errmmm we don’t talk about that, every job he has. The employer was like take him away something with scaring the public…
Seonghwa🌸: Just grab your husband and child. I will create a chat to sort your mess out
10 mins later…
Seonghwa created the chat:
Superhero Seonghwa To The Rescue
Yeonjun🦊: Seonghwa?
Seonghwa🌸: H-hi
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Hello, Yeonjun…you stay away from hwa
Yeonjun🦊: Aishhh, i said his name!
Soobin🍞: Oh the irrespon- ah I mean hey Hongjong rare to see you here
Taehyun🐯: Why are we here, Kai is with me! As I think Jongho took his phone away to play games
Beomgyu🐻: Why are they are here! They better not come back after all the effort I did!!
Soobin🍞: Kai and Taehyun we are really sorry for not listening to you all about Beomgyu! We really love you!
Yeonjun🦊: Yes! Who know that sneaky brat can be so smart
Beomgyu🐻: Not my problem…should have used a brain old man ha ha ha
Taehyun🐯: Why can I hear his windshield laugh over the phone
Taehyun🐯(Kai): I actually like seonghwa Eomma! He is sweet, he gave me a cookie!
Soobin🍞: He is not your Eomma! I am!!
Seonghwa🌸: You kids said, they were unfairly treated because you two. Literally didn’t do anything when Beomgyu did his evil deeds
Soobin🍞: We were fooled!! He knows how to play with our strings
Seonghwa🌸: They were upset as one you two said you never loved them! That must have hurt
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: ooooooo
Soobin🍞: Yeonjun you big mouth!
Yeonjun🦊: What? I was angry in the moment! Kai broke my favourite teacup!
Taehyun🐯(Kai): It still hurt…
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: ahhhhh
Beomgyu🐻: You two stay at old man Seonghwa house! You are ruining my vibe here!
Taehyun🐯: Like we wanna stay here! No offence to uncle seonghwa, he is noisy at 5am with his vacuuming and as well somone called wooyoung trying to adopt Kai as his next son
Taehyun🐯: We are not coming back! Until beomgyu swear on our hit man bang chair. To take all of the punishment
Seonghwa🌸: What so special about that chair?
Yeonjun🦊: The chair has magical power, if one of us made a promise. We have to oblige or else misfortune will happen
Beomgyu🐻: I’m not swearing on anything!! You can’t make-
Few mins later…
Heuningkai🐧: Wow this family has a magic chair! I want one!!
Seonghwa🌸: NO! I mean maybe another chair Jongho
Heuningkai🐧: I’m not Jongho, I’m San!
Seonghwa🌸: where is jongho?
Heuningkai🐧: Jongho got mad and dropped Kai phone on the sofa. I picked it up to give it back to Kai. I have been watching this whole thing all this time
Soobin🍞: Finally got beomgyu to sit on that chair and making him say it
Taehyun🐯: Okay, we are coming home! Kai let’s go
Taehyun🐯: Kai?
Heuningkai🐧: Taehyunnnn! Save me, some two grown man is trying to hug me and keep on saying cuddle lock
Taehyun🐯: We will be back later after I save Kai
Soobin🍞: Thank you Seonghwa!
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: where’s my thanks? I have been helping
Soobin🍞: You still haven’t left ah ha ha
Seonghwa🌸: Hongjong you literally texting ooo and ahhhh. They did it on their own!
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zumpietoo · 1 year
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Honestly? This is doubly heelarious.....
A) OG plan, all along was BAV triangle, not jizzy.....
B) And yet, Snorty, your entire argument for both jizzy and VD is “but they were high school sweethearts!!!!”.....so shouldn’t you be following your own advice?
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Actually, it was to remind us that they always endlessly crushed on each other....Douchie having moved on, Slizzy having seemingly not.....she did, for awhile and then we had them, essentially? Endlessly revisiting this.
I think it’s pathetic, too.....but I also think “they were in love in HS, so they’re endgame” is also pathetic...
Aren’t you the ones always wailing about how RAS “promised” you, as well? I seem to recall, for both Izzy AND Snorty, lots of talk about “taking up the battle” against RAS/fighting with the writers.....soooo, again.....dudes....and I’ll just say it: Barfies actually GOT and endgame in season 6. Jizzy’s 0 for 3 (or moar)....
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Ummm.....were you looking in the mirror, Snorty??? Cuzzzz.....again, fact is Barfie ended season 6 canonly engaged.....and had been having an emotional affair since the beginning of season TWO....I hate Barfie, but they did happen.
YOU would be the one who’s been insisting Jizzy endgame/this means jizzy’s happening/hey#3/blah, blah, blah.....and guess what? Haven’t been a thing since season 4.....AND if you’d bother to really watch? You’d see she’d be using Jug as a placeholder/being a total cuntwipe since, again, season TWO. AND that there were lots of separations because Cole and PP kept breaking up.
So, again, I certainly hope YOU”RE not surprised RAS didn’t “deliver it” for YOU at “the least (sic) second”.
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PP had no idea what endgames were or weren’t.....actually, neither did RAS....she kept pimping “Slizzy’s a hobag” cuz she’s a hobag....
Ummm.....again, weren’t you just insisting a scene of Jug walking past Slizzy meant jizzy endgame???
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Errmmm.....nope and nope. Consider the source material....it’s BAV in perpetuity.
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She also said “Barfie fans you will be very well fed”.....soooo...nope. IDK even what she said about endgames. Or maybe she got hate and dialed the first part back. Oh and? Thus far she seems primarily stuck, even now, on Douchie....plus, again, BAV triangle.
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I don’t recall this and wasn’t it like back in November or something?
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Gee Racist, would they also learn this in AFRICAAAAA????? And, actually? No, they wouldn’t....
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Dude, this show has always been shitty/nobody makes you watch. Season 4 was total crap, too.....
The tea that will spill will be about how fucking toxic the set was and what bitches Crotchi and PP were.....
That said, I love this concept that it’s such a failure, when, again, yeah....it’s shit....but it also got 7 seasons and will now be “studied” as the last long running teen teevee dramaaaa.....
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OMGGGG.....you are SUCH a Dumbeller/Bagelswanner....and dude, all your fic sucks/saying you “care” about pretend peeps is sadddd/you care because of the OG writing, anyway. Lose and suck it!
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oikawasass · 5 years
Errmmm how about how kiri, kacchan izuku and denki kiss their s/o? gender neutral please 💓
these r super short i’m sorry.
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kissing headcanons.
‣ pairing : kirishima, bakugo, midoriya, kaminari gn x reader. (separate)
‣ headcanons.
‣ warnings : swearing, nsfw mentions.
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Bakugo Katsuki
Quick kisses and forehead/top of your head kisses are his things.
He isn’t one to casually kiss you very passionately or for drawn-out amounts of time if you know what I mean.
Just quick kisses between classes and whatnot, as he’s not a huge fan of PDA.
His favourite place to kiss is your pretty plush lips.
When he does really kiss you, it takes .5 seconds for that kiss to turn into a full twenty-minute makeout session.
Hence why he only gives you small pecks and hesitant cheek kisses when you’re not alone.
But if you’re in public, and he gets jealous because some other dude was flirting with you or something similar, bet your ass he’s gonna give you the deepest kiss right in front of whoever was bothering you.
Gotta let them know you’re his, after all!
Not gonna lie it took him a minute to get the hand of the whole making out thing, but once he got it?
You’ll be weak in the knees after two seconds I promise you.
He’ll obviously be in control every time, whether he’s on top of you or under you.
But sometimes when he’s just tired and soft, he’ll give you some of the sweetest kisses you’ve ever had.
Savour them cause he can switch into playing tongue hockey with you at the drop of a hat, you can never be sure with blasty.
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Kaminari Denki
Denki will kiss you any chance he gets no matter where you are or where his lips are gonna land.
He’s standing beside you? Kisses your cheek.
Coming up behind you? Gives you a bear hug and kisses the top of your head.
If you’re looking extra cute while talking about something? He’ll just kiss you mid-sentence and then go right back to listening to you.
“What? You looked cute, now proceed.”
But his favourite places to kiss are your cheeks.
If sparky gets jealous, he won’t normally kiss you very deep in front of someone as I hc him being too shy for that,
he’ll walk up to you, give you a sweet yet very passionate kiss and protectively wrap an arm around your waist with a lil “hey babe.”
A very handsy boy, as expected. 
Will suck on your tongue.
He enjoys you being on top, or in his lap straddling him, but enjoys being on top of you just as much.
If you’re at a sexual point in your relationship, will lead to sex almost 90% of the time I guarantee you.
But other than that, he loves to pepper you in sweet little kisses anywhere you go, he just loves you.
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Kirishima Eijirou
My god, he’s so baby and is so in love with you he just-
kisses! everywhere! anytime! no matter where you are or who’s around!
He likes to kiss your nose the most though, it’s so innocent and sweet that he just goes *heart eyes* when your cheeks go flushed at the action
I hc Kiri loving pda, so expect lots of surprises kisses no matter where you are.
Makeouts with eijirou…
God tier. GOD tier.
He always catches your bottom lip between his teeth to bite and tug at it.
His hands are always firmly on your hips or roaming around your body when you make out.
Kiri doesn’t mind you being on top, but he definitely enjoys to be in control a little bit more, guiding the pace of everything.
If you’re ever upset, he’ll pepper sweet little kisses all over your face and call you soft pet names between each kiss.
Kiri is baby he deserves all the smoochies.
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Midoriya Izuku
Soft tiny sweet boy™
Not much pda or kissing in public as he still gets flustered kissing you in private, but he’ll 100% kiss your cheek or forehead between classes.
Broccoli boy’s favourite place to kiss is your forehead.
The small smile that graces your lips along with the light pink that dusts your cheeks when he does so is enough to make him smile for hours.
He enjoys to kiss you very long and passionately, yet still very innocent and sweetly.
Holds your hands and kisses you ALWAYS.
Kisses your knuckles all the time, sweet little gentleman he is.
Took you guys a while to get to the making out stage! hardly ever leads to anything sexual a I imagine he wouldn’t be into anything like that till he’s much older.
He likes when you’re the one on top and in control, guiding everything. Cause he’s a switch i’m telling you.
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thevelvetseries · 4 years
Life’s Complicated (Part 1)
Overall Summary : When Bella Mikaelson was 17 she had a little baby girl. She went off to college and studied drama and music, while her parents looked after her daughter Camila Mikaelson. When she graduated she started auditioning for different movies and TV shows and ended up getting a role in the CW show Supernatural where she meets her new family.
Pairing : Alexander Calvert x Reader / Jared Padalecki x Reader (Platonic) / Jensen Ackles x Reader (Platonic) / Misha Collins x Reader (Platonic) / Genevieve Padalecki / Danneel Ackles
Warnings : Fluff, Angst, Smut, Semi Smut, Drinking
I decided to give the reader a name in this fic.
Series Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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My name is Bella Mikaelson. I’m 25 years old living in New York, Lower Manhattan with my 8 year old daughter. I’ve lived here my entire life. I graduated from New York University Tisch School of the Arts where I spent my time studying drama and music, and also in my free time did some photography. Ever since I was a little kid all I wanted to do was perform, tell stories whether it was through acting, writing or singing a song. I did musicals all throughout high school, but during my senior year I became pregnant with my boyfriend at the time Caleb, we had been dating since sophomore year. Everything was perfect, my parents came around and supported me the same with Caleb and his parents. Sadly during my second year of Uni, he passed away in a car accident leaving me and leaving Camila fatherless, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have some good father figures. That’s when I started working harder on my studies and starting adding more hours to my job so I could make more money to make sure my daughter would have a good life growing up. During my last year of University I got a modelling job, it wasn’t anything big but it paid well. Around that time I also joined an acting agency started getting little jobs doing adverts, then getting small role in TV shows nothing big, just one liners. I had saved up a lot of money at this point and hired an manger to help me get auditions. Around 2 months later of going on auditions I get to audition for Eric Kripke for his show Supernatural. During season 14 they were looking for a new hunter who Sam and Dean come across on a hunt. Near the end of the season. So we sent in a video tape since I was nowhere near where auditions were being held. Then a few weeks later I get a call saying they wanted me to come to Vancouver and audition in person. Let’s just say I ended up getting the role and I have been living in Vancouver now for the past 4 months with my daughter Camila. My mum also came with us until I got enough money to be able to pay for a nanny to help me look after Camila while I was at work. I also spent a few weeks before filming bingeing the whole seasons from 1-13 since I hadn’t ever watched the show before.
We are currently working on the season 14 finale episode before wrapping up before head out for hiatus. My contract had already been signed as I was wanted back for season 15 as well. However, I was only staying for half the season, as they were killing my character off in the upcoming season. I was currently on set, just finished filming a scene with Jared and Jensen in baby. It was now lunch. We all headed over to catering to grab something, I ended getting a chicken salad and grabbed myself 2 bottles of water and headed to the little seating area outside where we all sat during lunch. We only had one more scene to film before we were finished for the day and would be wrapped for the season. During hiatus we had different cons we would attend to but we also had time to relax and I couldn’t wait for that, to spend loads of time with my girl and take her on a mini holiday, as we never really been on a real holiday before.
I was currently eating my salad when Jared and Jensen came over after getting their food and sat down opposite to me on the bench. We were talking about what we were doing on our time off before convention season starts which I was being invited to as the viewers really welcomed my character Toni with open arms. It was like over night my life changed. I was now financially stable for one thing, so I could make sure Camila was well looked after which was the most important thing to me.
“So Bella, What are you going to be doing during hiatus?” Jared asked while eating a chicken sandwich.
“Thinking about going home fore a little while, back to New York. Cami hasn’t seen my parents in a little while, I could tell she is missing them a lot like me. So going home for a bit to relax doesn’t seem like a bad idea. Then maybe take her on a little mini holiday, just the two of us. What about you guys” I say.
He nods “Yeah. We’re going to do pretty much the same. I like having my family around. I miss them too much” Jensen agreed with his statement.
Throughout the rest of our lunch break we continue talking about little small things and what was going to happen during con season. Once we had finished lunch we headed over got some retouches as we had just eaten and then we headed into the library set to finished our last scene for the season.
It was currently around 8pm, sine we started filming early this morning we gad enough time to get all the shots we needed and got to head home a little later than normal as while shooting the final scene Jared and Jensen kept trying to make everyone laugh but we got through it and got all the shots we needed. I was getting my belongings from my trailer and FaceTime Camila as it was getting close to her bedtime and I never liked not saying goodnight to her, even though I was leaving I just like to make sure. I could get in traffic and I would be annoyed with myself for not doing when I had the chance.
“So how was you day sweetie?” I ask.
“It was good. I finished all my math homework even though I found hard, but I figured it out” she said proudly.
I smile. She always made me smile. “Well that’s good. I’m proud of you, keep that up. Don’t give up and you can do anything sweetie. So what did you end up having for dinner tonight?”
“SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS” she screamed. I start laughing as I know that’s her favourite meal in the world.
“Ohhh. I’m jealous. Hehe. Well I’m gonna just about to leave work right now to come home ok. I’m going to try and get home in time baby, but if I don’t I’m gonna say goodnight now ok.”
“Ok mummy. Goodnight. I love you.”
“I love you too my sweet baby”
“Sweet dreams petal.” Then we end the call and I finished putting my things away in my bags when a knock comes from my trailer door. I call for the person to come in, when Jensen pops in with Jared following him.
“Hey Bella” Jensen said while leaning on the counter and Jared sat down on the sofa.
“Hey, What do you guys need?” I ask while putting my laptop into its case with its charger.
“We forgot to ask you this at lunch today, we are having a BQQ in a couple weeks. It’ll be our to families as well at the Collins. Alex is coming we just spoke with him, now we are asking you? You think you’ll be free Sunday before the Cons start?” Jensen said.
“Errmmm… let me check my calendar.” I say and get out my phone and opening up my calendar app. I had nothing planned. “Nope, looks like I free that weekend.”
“Great! You’re coming then. I’ll text you the address, it’ll be at my house. Bring Camila too. It’ll be nice to have all little ones around together.” Jared said.
“Yeah” I said with a smile. We said our goodbyes and they headed off while I collected my packed bags and headed to my car and leaving and heading back to my Vancouver home. If I rushed I would make it just in time before Camila had to be in bed.
Life’s Complicated Tag-List 
@myopiamystical @ms-reader @musiclovinchic93 @tvshowlover123 @scatchia @sixx-sic-sixx @imaginationisgrowth @hettolini @leftjensenackleshollywoodshoe @dolans-lover @alittlebittyuniverse @smoothdogsgirl @xostephanie @idksupernatural @imsuperawkward @notsoftstcn @hazelle-uvu @amywinchesterxx @easygoingtheatre @jack-kline-world @simonadii @uglycryinginthekitchen @c-ly-g @hellosweetdeath @clawsandshotguns @sarsmilesah @catieiscute2001 @midnight-archer03 @lidibug @101stshippersquad @maesflower @shadowhunter82 @alliedimlerr
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eremika-forever12 · 5 years
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Eremika Fanfic: Remember Me!?
(Previous Chapters)
Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter: 3
Eli peeps through the door of his house which was kept slightly ajar...
He scans around the house with his big green eyes trying to spot someone particular...
The house looks almost empty while Eli hears whistle coming from kitchen side...
His Mom must be up there cooking something....Eli sighs in relief thinking he wont be needing to face her at the moment.
Just when his breath got caught as he feels two hand on his shoulder from the back....
Eli hears the sarcastic tone from back “ Woww....Eli....Whom are you searching?”
Eli swiftly turns around as he jumps back letting the door open completely while being already inside the house....
Eli grins nervously as he stares at the person standing infront of him now “ Errm....Nothing...I Just....Hahaha(nervous laughter)....You Scared Me Mom”
Mikasa raising her one brow as she stands while folding her hands “ Oh Really! Eli is scared....of ME? I See....Thats really something astonishing....”
Mikasa lets out a cuckle while watching Eli staring at her widely still confused on something....
Eli giggles awkwardly- Ah Very Funny Mom! Errmmm I go & change my clothes....
Eli quickly turns around & was about to leave when Mikasa calls him out “ Wait....Ermmm did you come home a bit early today?”
Eli stiffens as he started shaking a bit but controls as he says hesitantly “ No...ermmm...The school....I...actually....our class ended early today...nothing else mom...I better go change my clothes”
Before Mikasa could reply Eli ran upstairs to his room....
While Mikasa kept on wondering all confused “ Why does it feel like...Eli is being tensed or worried due to something!”
As soon as the thought strikes her...Mikasa ‘s protective instinct immediately activated...as Mikasa frowns “ Is he hiding something from me!”
Eli closes the door behind him quickly as he starts to take deep breaths. He gulps hard as he started to feel all nervous....he never really lies to his mom & has always been honest with her.
But today....he had to lie....or else his mom would be super upset with him knowing he didnt attend school today instead ran away even bit far due to his over flowing emotions! And he hates to make his mom upset....if his mom gets to know the truth not only she will be upset, she will be mad at him too for running away like this....!
Eli could feel himself shaking slightly as he slides down the door and sits on floor...
What's happening to him! Why was he feeling scared all of sudden!
All of sudden flashes of those pair of deep green eyes came to his mind...
Eli gasps....that man....he followed him all the way....to give him his water bottle! But How come he didnt notice him back then in that barren destructed area....
Eli remembers that silhouette hovering over him from behind....Was that...that guy?
But....he didnt saw anyone there! Eli could feel a gush of fear running through his veins...
He never felt this much scared in his life....it wasnt only fear....but it is something else which is haunting....him!
Was he scared of those two men who almost bullied him & he was about to hit them back! No....he has started fight & opposed many....but he never felt such ever! He isnt afraid of anyone....
Eli tries to calm his breathing to make his mind stable....
If he keeps on shaking like this & be nervous all time....his mom would surely caught his lie perfectly!
Nor that he ever escaped by telling lies to her....he didnt even lie much....due to his mom's super active nervous system! She surely detects his made up stuffs so he in the end just stopped making them up....Eli bets already that his mom must have already identified something....
Lost in the thoughts Eli suddenly freaks out as he hears a loud knock on the door of his room...
“ Eli....Have you change your uniform yet? Come down honey....I have cooked your favourite dish today!”
Eli starts panicking as he quickly push himself to the door so that Mikasa cant open the door & come in.
Hearing a thud against the door concerns Mikasa as she asks “ Eli....Hey! Is everything alright? Should I come in?”
Eli freaks out as he says hurriedly “Noooo....I....I am fine Mom! Just err....I am coming...”
Mikasa with doubtful voice- Err....Well...Okay I am waiting....Hurry! The food will be cold...
Saying this Mikasa hesitantly leaves from there while Eli pushes his ears against the door as he hears his mom's foot steps fading away making him believe that she actually left!
Eli sighs in relief....he better acts all normal infront of his mom Now....or else she will really be mad at him!
As Eli munches the bread & steak together....Mikasa keenly notices Eli is lost in some thoughts as he eats his lunch...
His little adorable face was reflecting worry & tension moreover Eli wasnt even looking at her all these while....it was like he was trying not to make an eye contact with Mikasa! And Mikasa well knows he does it when he tries to hide sommething...
Taking a bite from the bread , Mikasa from no where breaks the sillence “ Hiding something Eli?”
Eli stiffens as he looks up at His mother- Huh?
Mikasa boringly- You wanna spill the beans?
Eli stammers a bit but raises his voice- Huh? What...Wh...at are you talking about?
Mikasa shrugs as she stares at Eli with a suspicious look and replies all calm “ You know Eli....your face reflects everything! So....is everything okay? Like in school? You might share with me!”
Hearing the word school , Eli in his high pitch tone replies “ Damn Mom! Whats wrong with you? SINCE I HAVE COME HOME YOU JUST KEEP ON SUSPECTING ME AS IF I DID SOME KIND OF CRIME! I HAVE ENOUGH OF THIS!”
Saying so Eli runs upstairs shocking Mikasa as she calls him back from behind “ Eli Wait...What the hell is wrong with ya! Come down right now....”
Mikasa hears sound of closing the door with force from upstairs....she was hell confused with such behaviour!
She kept on staring upstairs wondering did she actually say something wrong this time! She was simply asking her son to open up and share his problems with her!
Mikasa calls again “ Eli! Eli! Are you hearing me? Come down!”
Getting no response from Eli....Mikasa sits back on the chair with a huff...
Mikasa feels empty all over inside....She isn't understanding what she have to do to make Eli understand that she only cares for his safety! After all these time she has only lost her close ones every now and then....And now she only have Eli!
She cant afford to loose him....now..
(Flashback) ( 5 Hours Back To Mikasa Armin Conversation )
Armin says hesitantly- Will you be able to forgive him even if he returns from his grave?
Mikasa being emotionless- I dont know what are you talking about...
Armin became suddenly furious- You know very well What I am talking about! Eren might be our friend but that doesn’t change the fact that he has killed so many people during the rumbling & before....This world wont forgive him....Neither me...even if he is dead...
Mikasa snaps at Armin- Really? Then this should also apply with Annie too? Doesnt it? She killed so many people too for whatever reason....if you can give her a second chance....no you not only gave second chance....you eventually fell in love with murderer Armin...then Why not Eren? He had reasons for his actions & you in the end accepted his actions & we all created an Aly with him....What happened now Armin?
Armin astonished- Oh Wooo Hold On! We allied with him cause we had no other options after what he did...even if it was good for the mankind....Does it really change truth? Will it change the viewpoint of people? And about Annie...I never forgave her for what she did to our people in scouts! And she knows it too .... we just settled an understanding between us...But here we are talking about Eren Yeager...He almost exterminated people around the island of paradis...he is known as humanity's enemy...no matter what we consider him as...this fact wont change...and this is the only danger for Eli ‘s life!
Mikasa remains mum and stares at the blonde’s blue eyes...
As he continues- Listen Mikasa you might think I hate Eren now or Something like that....But to be honest I cant hate him! For god sake he was my best friend but at same time he had done crimes which cant be ignored....honestly I feel...it is good that he is gone!
Mikasa gave a look at Armin which clearly was murderous but Armin continued inspite of that “ Cause my concern is Eli....I wonder how will he react when he will know his father's truth...I know you are not planning to tell him anytime soon but one day he will learn! One day people will learn his truth....And I am afraid for that day...And due to this I believe Eren is dead for good! Atleast as time will pass by...people will tend to get adjust with history while rumours of Eli being Eren's son will soon fade & Eli existence wont be a problem for them...but if Eren appears from nowhere in your life which wont be but incase if such a miracle happens...it wont be good for Eli!”
Mikasa doesnt say a word...just kept on staring at Armin....
Her eyes were blank & empty but he could notice the pain in them which she was trying to supress....his intention was not to hurt her...but he had to speak the fact so that she can start accepting it.
Realising Mikasa wont say anything....Armin decides to leave...
He turns around and was about to step toward the door when he halts and looks at Mikasa “ I have no business in telling what to do & what not! But I want to suggest you tell Eli the truth of his father before he comes to know from else where! And try to understand him Mikasa....dont lock him up in this house! It wont help but will only make him lonely....Handle him with care thats all I wanna say!”
(Flashback ends)
Mikasa sighs....thinking of what Armin said! She doesnt know what Armin said was right or wrong! She knows one thing...Armin was right about Eren's deeds...
He has killed people & that wont change...can she forgive him for that? She doesnt know...& she doesn't agree to Armin ‘s not able to forgive Eren behaviour!
She wont be judging Eren's behaviour unless she gets to know proper reason for hid actions....there were so many unspoken words between them...
He promised her he will return alive to her after everything is fixed....no matter what he promised this time he would come back to his home...thats Her!
She could feels her cheeks getting wet again....Mikasa wipes her tears off hurriedly as she tries to control her emotions....
She might not really care about his sins now , what matters to her that he should be alive....Armin cant be right about this...he cant be DEAD! EREN NEEDS TO COME BACK...
But right now she has to take care of someone else...she will make everything Alright for her little baby...
Mikasa gets up from the seat as she heads upstairs...
Gigantic monsters were running towards one direction....there were plenty of them...steam were coming from all sides...
Eli was laying on ground as he opens his eyes to the sound of rumbling....
He was in state of shock as he looks around.....
Those creepy monsters were all around him....as if like their prime aim is to hunt him down...
Eli starts screaming in fear as his eyes become blurry due to tears...
Eli cries out as he stands on his feet “ Mom....Mom....Save me! Mom....Help!”
He tries to look around for his mom but seems like he was all alone in that huge field....
Without wasting time he started running to opposite direction where he saw a gap to escape from those huge humanoids....
Eli was trying to run as fast as he could but those monsters were faster than him......all he could do was run & run & not look back....
He was breathing rapidly....his small legs were hurting....as he kept on running all he could see was death bodies all around him...they were scouts...
Eren's eyes widen as he could identify those uniforms on dead bodies ....it was same as uncle Armin ‘s.
He was scared now more....what happened here?! He didnt know and doesnt care....he needs to search his mother...
Eli cried out if fear as he kept running “ Mom.....Mom.....”
He turns back and was shocked to hell as he saw those monsters so close to him, one hand was trying to reach him as he doges his head from the clutch....of the monster...
All of a sudden Eli freaks out in fear as a monster body just falls infront of him....scaring the hell out of him as he starts wailing loudly....
But then he realises the Monster wasnt moving as blood spilled out from its neck and steam was coming out..
How did it die! But there is no time to wonder....as Eren found himself standing infront of a huge monster which was smiling at him....not exactly but its teeth and face were like it was smiling...it had a different body structure....
Eli couldn't move a bit...he completely froze at its spot...the gigantic hand was approaching towards him....his voice wasnt coming out....his tears just dried out as he felt completely frozen and in shock stage....
The hand was about to make a grip on him when he suddenly found himself being carried out by another monstrous hand as it took him far away from that smiling monster clutch but surprisingly the monstrous grip wasnt hard or rough...it held him delicately....Eli slowly looks around...to see who was this...
With fear & tears in his eyes he stares at it & he was just shocked to what he just saw...Eli finds out a human coming out from the nape of monster....
He couldnt clearly see the face but their eyes met as the monstrous hand brought him closer to him .....
The green eyes stared deeply into his as he speaks “ You Are Safe...”
Eli couldnt speak a word instead he was just staring back at his eyes....
The eyes.....spoke something different to him but before he could see his face....Eli finds himself falling from the monsters hand as some one cuts his hand off....
Eli screams out of his lungs but before any thing could happen....that same green eyed man held him this time by his own hand....and stopped him from falling as he was hanging in air...
He speaks “ Dont worry Eli...I wont let anything happen to you”
Everything started to vanish around while the little green eyed boy stared at the green eyed DEVIL...
And just then Eli started to realise something he has seen those pair of eyes before too....
“ Aaaaaa.....Wait......”
Eli wails out as he opens his eyes wide as he tries to hold something in air....
Hearing his loud scream....Mikasa opens her eyes quickly as she raises her head up from the bed....
Mikasa finds out Eli staring at the ceiling while his one hand was raised in the air making a fist....
Mikasa worried as she quickly gets up from ground and sits on Eli's bed besides him.
All this time Mikasa was siting near Eli's bed when she found Eli slept off after retorting her back...
The sun had already set....and the time was nearing to night....more likely past the evening...
All these while she was only staring at her child's face lovingly which resembled so much like Eren when he used to be sleeping....Eli looked so calm when his eyes were closed and he was in deep slumber....
Mikasa ran her hand through his black hair trying to not wake him up & let him sleep so that his anger subsides....during this she herself doesnt know when her eyes closed and she slept putting her head on his bed..
Her sleep just broke when she heard Eli ‘s loud scream out of fear....
Mikasa as she quickly pulled Eli out of bed and brought him close to her chest...
She noticed tears in corner of his eyes & cheeks completely wet...which implies he has been crying all these while...
Worry took place on Mikasa as she hugged him closely and asked softly “ Eli What happened baby? Did you have a bad dream?”
Eli clutches her gown in fear as he hugs her in return, only whispers absent minded “ That Man....I Saw....”
Mikasa could hear his blabbering...
She pulled his face back so that she could stare at him while breaking his trance....
Mikasa asks “ Sweet heart! You okay? What happened?”
And Just then Eli realises he was in his home near his mom....
Eli in his child like voice as tears fell “ Mumma...I...we... are at home!”
Mikasa rubbing of his tears “ Yes Eli we are at home....Did you have a bad dream?Why are you crying?”
Eli stares back at Mikasa with his wide eyes shocked....as realisation hits him upon...
Those eyes....he dreamt of those eyes....so many times....and today....
Wait he saw those eyes somewhere....flashes of that limping stranger face came on his mind at once....when he stared at him with his green eyes....
Eli freaks out “ That man....I saw that man....”
Mikasa confused “ What man are you talking about Eli?”
Eli looks at Mikasa shocked and realises he wont be telling his mother about that man he met today & that his eyes resembles to the man's eyes which oftenly comes in his dreams & everytime saves him from those monsters....but who is that man? How come he arrives in his dreams! And those monsters....
Eli hugs his mom out of fear as he starts crying.. water pouring down his eyes as he sniffs..
Mikasa was terrified “ Eli....What happened? Dont get scared....Mumma is here and everything will be fine!”
Eli stammers as he cries- mom...m...I saw those monsters again....
Mikasa stiffens a bit knowing well what he was talking about....
Eli continues as he cries “ They almost caught me but I ran and ran....I searched you mom but you werent there....I was all alone... I....was scared...”
Mikasa rubbing his back as she tries to calm him down as his voice was breaking her own heart “ Sssh Eli...Everything is fine....I am here now with you! Ssh you are safe!”
Eli whimpers “ Mom....why...t..those th...ings come in my dreams! And that man...”
Eli stops as he realises what he was spilling....but mikasa caught his word as she asks worriedly ” Which man?”
Eli taking deep breath as his cries subsided a bit “ Its...A....man everytime...rescues me”
He carefully said the truth without revealing much....
Mikasa remains silent for a while as she cuddles Eli and says while placing kiss over his hair “ See....In the end you are safe....thats what matters”
Eli curiously as he looks at his mom “ But those monsters....why do they always try to harm me? From many years....they only come in my dreams....do they really exist mom?”
Mikasa knows the feeling of seeing those monsters in dreams....she also experiences same thing but difference is she only sees Eren leaving her alone forever, disappearing into a group of titans....and never returning back...
But one thing she never understood why and how does Eli gets those dreams? He never got to know about titan existence not yet...he never experienced those fears which she and Eren did then how...
Eli calls her out breaking her thoughts “ Mom....”
Mikasa looks back at Eli and smiles “ No they dont....there is no such things which exist...its all in your head..dont worry nothing will harm you...I wont let anyone do that...”
Mikasa hugs her son as she pats his back while Eli remains lost in thoughts wondering how come those green eyes in his dreams matches with that limping stranger’s green eyes when such gigantic monsters dont even exist...
Does that mean that green eyed saviour is REAL?
P.S Okay I guess this chapter was bit boring but then it was necessary for the future chapters 😂 Anyways do like, comment and share.
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asexual-hugger · 4 years
Allison McQueen is out at lunch with her friends at their favorite tea shop down the street from Allison’s residence, and who should walk in the door, but Detective Ernest Sinclaire, Allison’s new boss.
“Whoa.” One of the girls’ attention draws away from the table. “Don’t look now, but Hottie A-LERT.”
The others follow her gaze. A dashing young man has just walked up to the counter, clothed in a pristine white shirt, dark slacks, and a pistol holstered at his right side. A very old, antique pistol.
“Check it out. Not just a hottie, but a freakin COP!” The girls at the table giggle. “I bet he’s got a badge, too.”
“So? Go talk to him.” Annabelle, one of the girls, nudges her friend. 
“What? No way! You saw him first!” Briar, the other one, almost whines. “YOU go talk to him!”
Allison is quiet in the whole discussion, but she secretly grins to herself. 
“I have a better idea.” Annabelle’s eyes find Allison. “Why doesn’t McQueen go talk to him?”
“What? Me?” Allison jerks up. But then, the man at the counter sees her, and they lock eyes.
“Hey, Allison!” He waves.
A gasp goes up at the table. The girls look at each other, and then at Allison.
“What?” Allison asks innocently.
The cop approaches their table, a wide grin on his face. A grin that Allison suspects is only reserved for her.
“Hello, ladies.” His English accent is gentle and kind. “Do you mind if I borrow Allison for a bit?”
“Errmmm...no! Of course. Go ahead!” Annabelle stammers. Her eyes flash towards her friend.
“Allison McQueen! You didn’t tell me you KNEW this guy!” Briar shouts it almost too loudly.
“Yeah,” Annabelle states. “How would you know a COP??? You guys hook up without telling us??”
“Annabelle!” Allison groans, hiding her flaming cheeks.
“I’m a private investigator,” the man explains. He holds out his hand to shake. “Ernest Sinclaire. I’m a detective at the Ledford Park agency. And Allison here...well, we have some business to take care of. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Ermmm,” Annabelle stammers again. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Detective. How do you know Allison?”
“He’s my boss,” Allison answers before Sinclaire can explain. “He just hired me on to work at his estate as his assistant. I swear there is nothing going on between us other than pure professionalism. Excuse us.” 
She looks apologetic as she gets up from the table.
“Whoa,” Briar mutters after Sinclaire’s retreating back. “If he’s Allison’s boss, sign me up for the next police investigation! How did she end up working for such a babe? If it were me, I’d snatch him up in one second and slam him well on my bed!”
“That’s nothing,” Annabelle answers. “You know what I’d do to him? I’d grab up that perfect ass and spank it!”
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hotaru-no-tail · 5 years
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Fast #kaihil drawing ... It has ... some mistakes in ze anatomy=v=;; Drew it while waiting my turn in ze hospital ovo Hiromi passes through the crowd in the airport. She bumped into someone Hiromi: OMG ! IM SO SORRY SIR I - Kai: long time no see *smiles* Hiromi: * who's this?* errmmm... Kai: its kai ..u can let go now :) Hiromi: oh sorry .. kai? ... KAI!!! Kai Hiwatari!!!! Omg !!! *hugs him* oh shot *let go* sorry Kai: *continue smiling* you've never changed .. Hiromi: you've changed alot !!! Look at you !! I didnt even recognize u !! Kai : yeah .. time passes .. hey wanna grab some coffee ? Tea?? Hiromi : is mr.Hiwatari asking me out? Kai: *looks at her and leans near her ear, whispers* maybe Hiromi: *giggles* I'm joking Kai: I'm not Hiromi : o_o #kaihiwatari #hiromitachibana #kairomi #beyblad #fanart #takaoaoki #couple https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx9zVWvBckJ/?igshid=r9vvx1cuz9jw
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zumpietoo · 1 year
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Errmm....while this does quickly descend into batshit (cuz, again, Barfie isn’t endgame, etc....), and I’d say poor Jug was to Slizzy a placeholder, but “second choice” isn’t applicable.....and doesn’t really matter....
However, yes, she DID throw him away.....there’s no question there....cuz, the hilarious part in this? Slizzy’s shitty trash and always was.....so no cloo why she’s the prize each of them is so obsessed with....
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Errmm....they were together for the entirety of season 6, culminating in an engagement, they were also essentially “together” on some level, for much of season 5----and, if you’re real about it? They started a deep emotional affair at the beginning of season TWO....
I hate Barfie, but it’s always been a thing...
Umm....dude? It IS what happened. Your “argument” is baffling, scarystarey, so now shit didn’t happen cuz peeps had a sad? Okaaayyyyy.....
And for you two? Umm....you should also go look at what YOU post...
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Umm....dudes? Barfie’s canon, in every iteration, currently: depending on what’s returned to, we have:
A) Fuccbuddies about to try something moar serious
B) Engaged
C) Dullard HS sweethearts, with a side of pervy predatory in the mix.....
The show would have to go back, honestly, to moar like early season 4 (at the latest) to make jizzy work, etc, again....because most of season 4 turned into Slizzy seeking excuses to be a cheater....and then lying and then not bothering herself. Literally, it was the season where she shifted from emotionally cheating entitled hypocrite to just “fullbore selfish asshole”.
And I’M just convinced Snorty’s sending these to herself for attention...
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TBF....MM has on a wedding ring, so I suspect it’s Pinkle wedding (or Gossip Clay?)---also, even if it IS “prom”, doubt it’ll be remotely epic, etc....cuzzz lammmmeeeee....but I think Slizzy enjoyed prom previously...and, again, so the Barfie is merely confirming that Slizzy was supremely unappreciative/not good enough for Jughead, so fine by meee....
Ummm.....that’s not what “star-crossed” means, either, Snorty....shouldn’t your fanfic writing/college edumacated ass know that?
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Uhhh....sheepbrain? You’re the one who hates a stranger for dumping your fave, thus costing you a teevee ship (oh and smoking, OFC, the ultimate evvollll), his current GF of 2 1/12 years for “being in the way” and anybody (i.e. yours truly) for daring to not hate him.....I think the “whacky” (no “h”) and “crazy” would be youuuu....
Can you imagine A) doing the above, like sheepbrain or B) sending these to yourself, Snorty? Cuzz.....
Jizzy won’t be erased, but “topped”? Errmmmm I hate Barfie, too, but it is a thing. Also, again, who knew it was a competition?
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Oh yes, Snorty....and don’t forget, write bad fanfic.....dude, you live in the past. And while they’ll also be, they’ll only be there in the past, with you. And, again pretend....
Errmmm....Barfie IS canon, so not getting that.
Ummm.....seasons 5 and 6 very heavily pandered towards them. I think the ones “watching with that attitude” (lolz, WTF????) and hating half the show so passionately are yourselves....again, we didn’t “get 4 seasons.....we had one short, amazing one, then they were split for most of 2 (with Slizzy as an elitist, lying cuntwipe), together, but seldom interacting in season 3, largely separating, with lying, cheating Slizzy in season 4. And almost always using Jug as a placeholder, taking him granted, claiming credit for his accomplishments...
It’s not the serve YOU think it is....
And what “dropped storylines” afterwards? The ones you made up in fanfic/pretended Slizzy was Tabs?
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Umm....no, Snorty, they legit HAD this last season. YOU’RE pressed because you know jizzy isn’t happening ever again....and you trusted RAS, too, so, again, glass houses?
Uhh....also, again, #hey#3????
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Uhhh.....scarystarey, see above. Same applies to jizzy. AND Barfie WERE together all of season 6, so noooo....and I’d say you’re responding with VASTLY moar than a “blank stare and a shrug”....Again, dude, season 4 was NOT a jizzy season....nor, until well past the mid-point, was season TWO....and thanks to PP’s cheating/endlessly splitting up, they barely had screen time in season 3.
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uhhhh.....Snorty??? Go do that rewatching....and then tell me what you see!
Nah, just BAV endgame.....also, you guys are the ones predicting they go “back in time thru the mines in season 5″----all so it’s before Jug kissed a black lady..and now think that happens in the finale. With jizzy fully reconciling, too.
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I mean, she was instantly preggers (and knew it) by basically raping Douchie in the Vale, so, you know.....plus, again, no moar bizarro than YOUR theories....
Scarystarey, it’s Snorty, herself.....
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Wait....weren’t y’all the ones insisting they “block film” now? Plus it’s 13 days and counting.....and one would tend to imagine the finale will take a bit longer to film, so, yeah....they’re quite likely on ep 20, now....
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zumpietoo · 3 years
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Whelp, at least she accepts some of it....and, honestly, not exactly, dude...
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I think the “constantly DMing fans” is significantly overblown....however, do you also judge PP and Amy thusly when you’re DM’d info?
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Errmmm.....Barfies were about BH, but, again, discussing the actors here. Didn’t notice anything about Crotchi, but Barfies largely hate her, anyway.....and, TBF, both she and PP live to mislead on this shit, anyway....
Yeah, hey, not with the OP about Barfie----and DGAF...
And, again, you’re just pissed it isn’t what you want.....back when it was “but Barfie Evan saaaiddd.....” you were perfectly fine with it...
Ummm...y’all threw a conniption when Brian vaguely alluded to shit just a couple of weeks ago. Chrissy Moron trolls almost as heavily as Barfie Evan does, and I guess y’all have forgotten your tantrums at Coop, the Set Cat?
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Yes, please noobsplain, there, sock account! Plus I do love all the victim lenthing I’m seeing here....as well as deflecting your crimes onto others....
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Again, glasshouses.....only difference between them is y’all hate on Cole, while they hated on PP....
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Errmm....I’d say all of this speaks of YOUR desperation. And nope. BH was the biggest ship ONCE---that’s no longer the case and the writers didn’t GAF....I doubt Pinkle have remotely the base they once did and VD never was and never will be popular. While Barfies didn’t generate the numbers they thought they were, it’s also immaterial. The show lost most of its viewers and won’t be getting them back. 
So while you, too, won’t “finally be heard”, it doesn’t fucking matter, anyway (and you must be really, really dummmmm.....).
And yet y’all have spent years trying to control what I post, huh? 
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I’d agree if you assholes also didn’t spend 4+ years trolling meeee!!!
You’re a jackass, that’s how they found you...plus since you’re a sock, they found you cuz you wanted to be found!
Also, since you’re a bonafide Cole hater, why don’t you follow your own advice?
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Dude, we all know you’re a PP/Slizzystan.....and want Cole/Jug as her reward...
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Errmm....noooopppppeee....if anything, I’d peg Chrissy Moron as a Barfie...no fucking cloo where you’re getting ANY of that. 
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Ummm.....again, slizzypinto, take a look at yourself, maybeee???
Again, y’all need only to look at yourselves for hypocrisy, dude
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eremika-forever12 · 5 years
•• Eremika Two Shot: An Improper Proposal ••
Chapter 1 : Hesitation
“ So What are you planning?” Armin spoke as he took a sip of coffee.
As 5 of them were siting around a round table, playing cards, chilling out a bit as they took break from the work for few hours.
As Armin asked the question everyone shoot their gaze at him confused except the particular one who was busy gazing at his cards while taking a sip of his coffee...
Armin sighs watching his best friend paying no attention to his words....
Armin in a sharp tone- Eren I am talking to you....
Coming back to reality, Eren stares at Armin startled “ Huh? Did...you say something? “
Just when Connie says being a bit curious “ Oh yes....He asked what are you planning? Wait...you have a plan for something Eren?”
Eren absolutely confused “ Errmmm....What? NO? Armin What's the matter?”
Armin who rolls his eyes and says “ Eren Come On! It has been a year or more....you still haven't thought about it?”
“ Thought about what?” questions Jean as he finally thinks to interpret about their weird code words “ Guys whats going on really? What are you talking about Armin?”
Eren scowling a bit “ I have no idea what he is talking about! I am clueless just like You!”
Armin mutters under his breath “ Dumb ass! I knew he would just forget as if nothing happened!”
Eren confused watching him talking something in low voice “ What did you say?”
Armin takes a deep breath and decides to put some sense into Eren “ Eren you know...I just dont understand! What has seriously got into you? I mean I understand before we had a different situation and your mind were always occupied with titans so you had no time for your personal business....but you know I honestly thought you finally realised & admitted to your feelings for Mikasa after you both kissed during that whole rumbling scene! But I am surprised in a matter of fact....you both still haven't talk about it since a year....as if nothing just happened! So I was just asking you....have you still not think about it?”
Armin just finished it in one go as he finally breathed waiting for Eren to answer something...
But well Eren just looked so shocked, startled, embarrassment, confusion & a feeling of being cornered....his cheeks were almost being heat up as he felt completely blank and speechless as Armin's timing of asking such direct question to him infront of his other comrades, who were staring at him all shocked.
Just when Jean broke the silence as he asked in astonished way “ Hey wait a second? What did you just say? Eren kissed Mikasa....I mean they both what?”
Keep Reading
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zumpietoo · 2 years
Ooohhhh....There Are Notes!
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Again, Slizzy’s forgotten most of her childhood from the looks of things, dudes..and the writers don’t have to “prove” anything. I love how you this every couple is compelled to have deep links since birth (or at least hs) for them to work.
Errmmm....actually, again, if anything...canon now shows that Barfie carried on an emotional affair since sophomore year and Slizzy was always using Jug
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Slizzy seems to (again) not remember dick, anyway.....and she’s always been obsessed with Douchie. 
Hey guys, what about, “Jughead is not my problem, nor is he your problem.....lemme give away his manuscript and make his drunk confession all about me while I ghost him!”
Also, that is not Vale Douchie and why TF would he be “manipulating” Slizzy? Oh sweet jeebus. Even if he were, she’s a violent psychopath....
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Dude, it was meant as a goofy fantasy-----and that’s with me loving the concept of Douchie as a villain....but if you believe that, then Pussy’s still Abby and they all offed Douchie...
No he hasn’t. In Douchie’s defense (hate that), he’s been trying to legit defeat Pickle Pervert....honestly, not being obsessed with ONE Cereal Killah, while trying to save the world doesn’t seem “frozen” to me. It’s called the writers decided to move the plot forward a bit. Good lord....
So literally, why isn’t, yet again, a dude revolving himself around Slizzy? Got it
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Oh FFS...dude, they inserted a little story cuz it was meant to give Slizzy hope. This show endlessly retconning shit/inserting new memories, etc is not new. Actually it isn’t new for anyyyyyy show.
Ummmm.....90% of children do this? Ummm....nooooo (both spread disease, BTW)....also, again, dude, why is this your hill? It’s a literary cliche. Let it goooooo
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Really? IDK I’d know what to do with a wounded baby bird if I’m being honest
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zumpietoo · 2 years
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OML....dude, “Jillian” is playing/grooming her, Slizzy’s merely proceeding to be a cereal cheating slut.....Errmmm.....Barfie pursued each other a lot faster and harder than just that. And then did choose to try it again. I, again, can’t stand either of them....but there has been development. 
How will they eat their words if Slizzy cheats? That just makes her a horrible person, who’s incredibly selfish and has no respect for commitment or consideration for others. 
Yeah....and Slizzy’s still not getting to fuck Jughead, so how are you so happy about it? Because Drake’s clearly playing her? 
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What about all the essays you wrote, Liar of Slizzy, of how Slizzy didn’t do anything really wrong, Jug was just as much to blame and why should she be punished? Or how it was “moar of a misunderstanding/just one kiss”, etc? 
So no, you didn’t....you’re lying again. 
Again, she couldn’t wait to fuck him tho, could she? And dismiss everything she supposedly shared with Jug? Speaking of, she also jerked Jughead around for 7 years and didn’t date him, either!
The Barfie show IS happening, tho....and was RAS’s OG plan.....and for “convincing yourself”, etc....are you looking in the mirror?
And yet, you’re the “hey” = “epic twu wuv 4Evah”.....again, Barfie is canon and Slizzy cheating at least emotionally, AGAIN also is....and, again, she could’ve gotten back together with Jughead in those 7 years and opted not to. And had been cheating emotionally all along, had contrived the excuse to pursue it, etc...
Moar like she’s just a slutty whore who wanted to do this for whatever reason (and Douchie IS a cheater, confirmed) and they both wanted to really fuck over and hurt Jughead. Which they did.
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zumpietoo · 3 years
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Ahhh...another day, another “we’re not racists, you are!! As we fully choose to be total racists!” I see??
Except that isn’t Tabitha’s remote “entire purpose”, plus, OFC, always love how if it’s somebody caring about Jughead, that’s wrong, but you were previously really into the idea of her caring entirely about Slizzy/being a mammy there, no?
Also who are these people wanting this and, again, it’s all pretend----BH can be kept apart or not for any reason. However, nobody’s “wanting” that, per se....but, yes, because Cole and PP hate each other and really can’t work together (in addition to Cole’s civil rights being protected), BH IS being kept apart. And it’ll remain that way. 
Except all of you insisted no, #hey#3 4 BH, etc....I thought it was “so forced and rushed”, now your noobie ass is admitting you DID see it all along? 
Also, nobody GAF if you like it or not....and OFC you don’t, because, once again, you wanted Jug as Slizzy’s celibate reward, staying chaste until she decided to stop treating him like a subhuman. 
Why did we need to know any moar about Tabs’s relationship with two day players? OFC it was moar about her pairing with the show’s male lead, you fucknig moron. Plus, again, if the show wants couples separated, they don’t have to “make up reasons to keep them apart”. It’s all pretend, they can do what they want....
And ALL those couples were split/had been split for years. And were then single for a loonggg time.
Cole didn’t say that....but I do love how y’all live to lie by omission....plus, again, canon they were already planning on moving in together. And that wasn’t even remotely what he said, we’ve SEEN Jug also looking after Tabitha...
However, what I think is interesting is that you hate it because it’s the first time this has ever been the case for Jughead....he’s always been the one sacrificing for others, in fact....here’s somebody who really cares about him and puts him first. Which was what Cole WAS actually interviewing. 
Again, plenty of Jabi shippers who hate Barfie, but, again, immaterial, because the show doesn’t GAF who you think like or don’t like them.
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Errmmm....noooo, Snorty. Plus, again, all of those couples do have history. That you ignored it/dislike it is also immaterial. 
Nope. But, again, I think the most hilarious part here is that you somehow think this makes any difference for you and what will happen on the show.
They are and OFC they can. Again, it’s all pretend. “They” can do whatever.
Cole has chemistry with everybody. Erinn’s also a good actress. You’re biased and butthurt.
Nope. Again, love the endless need to lie by omission.
Wow you sent your sad self an anon? OOohhh...yes, stand back! Now everything will be your express, heart’s desire fanfic. 
Actually, we’ve had Slizzy choosing to be her cereal killah cousin’s whore for the past seven years and Jug, once sober, specifically choosing Tabitha. So no, we don’t “know” that. What we do know? That’s your fanfic and you’ll, again, twist anything to make it fit with that. Plus, again, it’s all pretend....BH could stand off and kill each other in the next ep is the writers decide it. 
You ARE aware of this, right?
Oh and we already SAW Slizzy “pick” Douchie when Jug was very much available to her in early season 5 and offscreen for years....
They have no “star crossed lovers fantasy”, but, since it’s all pretend, OFC it exists!
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