#alex calvert rpf
writercole · 2 years
The First Customer
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Squares: Free Space @anyfandomaubingo​ // Reporter AU @anyfandomfluffbingo​ // Nurse!Alex Calvert @spnaubingo​ // Bubblegum Bitch @lgbtqbingo​ // Boss' Son @spnfluffbingo​ // Briana Buckmaster @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Words: 1284 Warnings: Fluff, empty threats, meddling, betting A/N: Thanks to @fictional-affairs​ for the push to get this done. I know it's been a bit hectic lately but I'm getting back where I need to be and I can confirm that there is plenty more coming!
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The opening shift was always one of your favorites. You got there at least thirty minutes early, connected your phone to the sound system, and danced and sang around the cafe while you started brewing the coffees you knew you were going to have to make.
There was Briana, who shuffled in before heading to the news studio. She claimed your coffee beat the studio by miles. Her smile was worth the early morning alone.
Jared was usually right behind her, getting his pick me up for his patrol route. He usually had the day shift five days a week, the six city blocks the cafe sat on was his zone.
But the first customer in every day was Alex. He was a nurse at the local hospital, working twelve hour days six days a week in the pediatric ward. He may have had dark circles under his blue eyes, but his smile was always contagious. 
Today, you were so lost in your music that you didn’t hear the bell over the door chime as Alex walked in. He stood watching you sing along to “Bubblegum Bitch” by Marina. 
“Soda pop, soda pop, baby here I come,” you sang as you spun, shrieking when you saw Alex standing on the other side of the counter, an amused smile dancing on his face.
“Don’t let me interrupt,” he teased, “I was enjoying the show.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in,” you told him as you switched to the generic playlist your boss wanted you to play in the store. 
“No, really. It’s okay. I’m off today so it’s no big deal.”
“Oh, this is your first day off in how long? Three months?” you asked as you made his coffee.
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Any big plans for today?” you asked, keeping your head down. “Spending time with the girlfriend?”
“If by girlfriend you mean my apartment that’s somehow become a pigsty, yes,” he chuckled.
“Someone like you is single?” you questioned as you handed him his drink, your eyebrows high on your forehead.
“Someone like me?”
“You know, attractive, kind, makes the world better one child’s smile at a time,” you detailed with a soft smile, tilting your head to the side as you watched his face turn pinker and pinker. “You’re blushing.”
“Am not,” he denied, taking a sip to hide his face. 
"You are, too," Briana called as she walked up to the counter, her blonde hair perfectly styled and a red smirk on her lips. 
"See? Bri agrees with me," you teased as you brewed her latte, giggling at how red his face had gotten.
"You could just admit you two have a crush on each other and do something about it," Briana snarked cheerily.
"What?!" You squeaked at the same time Alex stammered sounds that tried to be a denial but came out more like a car that was having trouble starting.
“Honeys, I’m a journalist. And a damn good one,” she said, “of course I know about your little crushes. Now. Stop pining and just do something already.”
You were stunned as you handed over her drink. She dropped a hefty tip into the jar and shot you a wink before she made her way out of the shop, leaving you and Alex alone again.
“So, you really have a crush on me?” you asked, breaking the tense silence first.
“Uh, maybe. I mean, you really like me?” he rebutted, one hand in his pocket while the other held on to his coffee cup for dear life.
“Maybe. Do you want to take me out to dinner tonight?” you offered slyly, a wide smile on your face when he looked up.
“How’s six?” 
“Six is perfect,” you confirmed as the door opened yet again, your boss strolling in this time.
“Alex, are you harassing my worker?” Misha questioned as he stepped behind the counter.
“Actually she’s the one who asked me out,” Alex replied proudly, grinning from ear to ear.
“Good job, son. Now get out of here. I have a business to run,” Misha told him.
“Sure thing, Dad,” Alex agreed before turning to you again. “See you in twelve-ish hours.” He left you with a wink as he walked out of the door.
You spun around to face Misha who was standing with a smug grin on his face. “All this time and YOU COULDN’T TELL ME THAT ALEX WAS YOUR SON?!” you exclaimed, tossing a bar cloth at him. “You knew I had a crush on him and you couldn’t manage to mention that you were his father?!”
“Whoopsie,” Misha smirked. “It was fun to watch how oblivious the two of you were. Me and Jared even had a bet going on how long it would take for him to ask you out.”
“You bet on your son’s love life?” you sighed exasperatedly, pinching the bridge of your nose at the antics that this man pulled.
“I have to have fun somehow,” he shrugged. “Don’t you want to know who won?”
“Actually, I kind of do,” you conceded, scrunching your nose up.
“I did. Because I knew he’d never be the one to ask first.”
“I heard that, Dad!” Alex called across the cafe.
“Oops? Why are you back here anyway?”
“I, uh, I may have forgotten to get your number,” Alex muttered sheepishly to you, causing Misha to laugh loudly next to you.
“Handles medications for multiple children. Can’t remember to get the number of the person he’s taking out for dinner,” Misha pointed out as he headed to the office.
“Shut up!” you yelled at him before the door closed. You wrote your number down on a napkin and handed it over, watching him fold it carefully into his pocket. “So, that’s your dad, huh?”
“Yeah. Are you mad I didn’t tell you?” he asked.
“No, it explains a lot. But…why didn’t you tell me? I charged you full price for that coffee every morning and you could have gotten it for free.”
“It was worth it to see you every day,” he winked and started backing towards the door. “Six o’clock!”
You sighed happily as you watched him walking down the sidewalk.
“You really didn’t know he was my son?” Misha yelled from the office.
“Nope,” you replied, turning to wipe down the machines.
“So you really charged him full price for the coffees?”
“Nice,” Misha chuckled. “I can’t believe he didn’t say anything. He must really like you.”
“You think?”
“You’re the first barista I’ve hired that he hasn’t told,” he admitted. 
The chime above the door broke the conversation and Jared came strolling in. You busied yourself with making his drink as he and Misha discussed the bet they made and the impending payout.
“So you’re really going out with Alex?” Jared queried when you handed his drink over.
“Yep,” you confirmed, the venom lacing your voice was not real anger, just something to make Jared think you were upset with him.
“You know we didn’t mean anything by this, right? It was just a fun little bet,” he explained. He fixed you with a puppy dog face that rivaled an actual sad puppy. 
“I swear if the two of you actually interfere, I will poison your coffee every day,” you mumbled through a vicious grin. 
“Duly noted,” Jared said through a chuckle. 
“Now, leave us alone and go do your job. Protect and serve, Officer,” you sassed.
“Yes ma’am. Have fun on your date!” he called as he headed out.
“I definitely will,” you sighed with a smile, waving at the policeman as he stepped outside. Today was not what you expected, in the best way possible.
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Supernatural: @msmarvelouswinchester​​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​​​ @deanwinchesterswitch​​ @spnbaby-67​​ @janicho88​​ @watermelonlipstick​​ @stoneyggirl2​​​​2 @impalaspixie​​ @gia-25​​ @samsgirl93​​ @magssteenkamp​​ @that-one-gay-girl​​​​​ @flamencodiva​​​​​ @winchest09​​​​ @jensengirl83​​​​ @asgoodasdancingqueen​​​​ @fairlyspnfanfic​​​​ @hobby27​​​​ @tatted-trina6​​​​ @unfortunate-brat​​​​ @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad​​​​  @supraveng​​​​ @440mxs-wife​​​​ @panicking-outside-the-disco​​​​ @jawritter​​​​ @stixnstripesworld​​​​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​​ @waywardbaby​​  @jbsgirl4ever11​​ @maliburenee​​ @princessmisery666​​ @nancymcl​​ @stephv213​​ @leigh70​​ @desimarie12​​
Everything: @thelastpyle​​ @deangirl93​​ @downanddirtydean​​ @katelyn--renee​​ @fictional-affairs​​ @lassie-bird​​ @paintlavillered​​ @buckys-zomdoll​​ @polireader​​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​​ @welcometothefandommultiverse​​ @mlovesstories​​ 
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princessmisery666 · 13 days
Best Con Ever
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Summary: It’s all fun and games until the truth is revealed.
Warnings/Genres/Troupes: fluff, drinking, silly stuff, Jared being an annoyingly good friend (seriously, he wouldn't shut up!). 
W/C: 2,381.
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Alexander Calvert, Richard Richard Speight Jr.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x fem!Reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity).
Challenge/Bingo: @jacklesversebingo Prompt/Square Filled: Making fun of one another 
Notes: Jensen is a single pringle for this one! 
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch // all mistakes are mine.
Graphics: dividers - @talesmaniac89 / picture in title card - @lemondropsonice - they were kind enough to grant permission to use when I asked.
Master Lists: Dean Winchester / Main
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The special fan event is going so well. The intro includes party games, such as Pin the Wings on the Angel and Bowling with the Devil. The pins have pictures of demons from each season taped to them. There’s also a drinking game with “apple juice” because Jensen and Jared keep insisting “Jack” - Alex - isn’t old enough to drink yet. You’re a little buzzed, but it helps ease your nerves. 
“Ah, you said Supernatural!” Alex exclaims, pointing at Jared, and the audience collectively yells, “DRINK!”
Shots of apple juice that smell suspiciously like whiskey this time get passed around until the four of you have one, and then, as one, you shoot them back.
“Woo,” Jensen yells, sucking his teeth as he turns his back to the audience and looks at you. “Don’t let me fall over.”
“Only if you do the same for me,” you laugh. 
“I got you.” He turns to the audience again but puts his arm around your waist and pulls you into his side. 
Of course, the audience immediately awws and gasps. “Oh shhh, you lot,” Jensen playfully scolds, “I’m just holding her up.”
“Wouldn’t want her falling now, would we?” Jared says. “Unless it's for you. Ba-dum-tss.”
He gets nothing from the band. The drummer shakes his head.
“Oh, come on!” He complains. “That was good!”
This is your first event since joining the show at the end of season eleven, but it is not the first time a potential off-screen romance has been mentioned. You have seen videos of panels where fans have asked the question, and you and Jensen have each been approached by fans on the street. With Jensen’s arm wrapped firmly around you, you are sure you can get through it without making a fool of yourself.
Jensen has been a wonderful source of support from the beginning. You had been nervous about how the fans would react because you replaced the wonderful Megalyn Echikunwoke as Cassie Robinson, Dean’s love interest from way back in season one. The inconsistencies in appearance had been loosely explained, and it was somewhat plausible in the world of Supernatural, but that didn’t bother you so much. Being Dean’s love interest was what worried you the most. The fans are so protective, and rightfully so.
“They’re going to love you,” Jensen had said when you aired your concerns. “Just like I…we do.”
He was right. The reception to the reintroduction of Cassie couldn’t have gone better. The fans loved it and accepted you and Cassie Robinson with open arms. You’d read some comments, heard second-hand from producers, and when the fans started an online petition - for fun - to get you and Jensen to date in real life after seeing behind-the-scenes footage, Jared dubbed himself the President of the “Jensen and Y/N should be a couple IRL” club.
You and Jensen played along with it. It helped ratings, and it wasn’t a chore to have Mr Ackles’ undivided attention at parties and dinners to play up to the rumors. But that's all it is: rumors. The two of you are close, on and off set, but whereas Cassie and Dean are super hot, you and Jensen are lukewarm. Hugging Jensen - though it happens often - unfortunately doesn’t lead to sex like it would with Cassie and Dean.
Richard announces it's time for the fan questions and asks those selected to form an orderly queue behind the microphone. Though the questions have been pre-approved, you get a wave of anxiety as you don’t know what they will be, and you hope this portion of the event goes as well as the rest of the day. A fan asks how your first meeting with the cast went, and you look sheepishly at Jensen. 
He shakes his head and rolls his eyes but sighs in defeat. “Fine, you can tell it.”
“Better yet, reenact it!” Jared suggests. 
Your eyes light up with something akin to glee, and Jensen raises his brow and doesn’t need to ask the question in his eyes, ‘Really?’. You pout, bottom lip sticking out as far as it will go. “Please,” you draw out.
Reluctantly, making a show of it, and very slowly, Jensen gets to his feet, leaning closer to pretend to nip at your protruding lip. 
Jared shakes his arms out as he stands up, “I’ll play Y/N.” 
“The hell you will,” Jensen says, playfully pushing him out of the way. “Y/N will play herself.”
Jared comically falls over his chair to the ground as if Jensen’s push was twice the pressure it had actually been. 
You stand up in front of Jensen and wait for the laughing audience to quiet down. Jared stands straight and holds his microphone close to his mouth. “It was a bright winter morning, not a cloud in the sky,” he narrates in a poor impression of David Attenborough’s voice. “The beautiful and elusive beast, Jensen Ackles, notices a radiant creature across the lot. Slowly, he approaches…”
Jensen shakes his head at the crowd and rolls his whole head along with his eyes but obliges the narrator. He walks the few steps and shakes your hand with way too much enthusiasm. “Hi, I’m Batman. Dean. Ackles. I mean …” he groans, trying to dismiss his embarrassment, then blushes and says, “Hi.”
You laugh again, as does everyone else. Jensen grimaces just as he did on the day. “I’m going to walk into the sun now, sorry.” he strides around you to the end of the stage, and Jared steps up to take his place. 
Jared shakes your hand like a normal person. “Translation, that’s Jensen, for I think I just fell in love with you.” 
Jensen, with his back to the two of you, throws a thumbs-up over his head. “It went exactly like that!” Jensen confirms, nodding and shrugging as he makes his way back to his seat. “And now that we’ve all relived my embarrassment, let's move on.”
The microphone gets passed to the next person, and they ask, “Jared and Jensen are known for their pranks. Have they played any on you, Y/N?” 
“Oh yes!” you answer as Jensen takes his seat beside you and squeezes your knee. “I’m hanging like twenty feet in the air,” you begin.
“That’s like three Jared’s,” Richard adds, pointing to Jared on his left.
“Exactly,” you laugh, spreading your arms and legs out in a star to show the position you were in. “I’m full on Mission Impossible Tom Cruise-ing it, three Jared’s high off the ground, and the camera breaks.” 
The audience reacts with grimaces and chuckles. 
“They tell us it will be like ten minutes, and being the awesome trooper she is,” Jensen continues, flashing you a sweet smile. “She agrees to stay up there while they fix it.”
“Of course, it takes longer than ten minutes, so Jensen and I get bored!” Jared laughs, evilly rubbing his hands together.
“First of all, they decide to rub salt in the wound,” you shake your head, laughing at the memory. “They start doing lunges and star jumps, bragging about how comfortable and free they are.”
Jared and Jensen reenact their exercises, doing over-exaggerated lunges and squats, to laughter and catcalls.
“Stop it,” you say, around almost uncontrollable laughter. “You’ll split your pants.”
“Hey, watch it,” Jensen warns, pointing a finger, “my ass is not that big!” 
“Your ass is just fine,” you smirk, the audience agreeing with whoops and hollers.
“You're not so bad yourself,” Jensen counters, winking.
“Hey, hey,” Richard chides, shouting over the raucous audience. “This is a family show.”
“ANYWAY,” Jared says loudly. “Then we used her as target practice, trying to throw Skittles in her mouth.” 
“Let me tell you, at speed, those things are like bullets.” You explain, “I swear they chipped a tooth!”
“I’ll pay for any dental work,” Jensen confirms with a slight nod. “And to answer the question, Jared and I messed with the camera. We knew she’d get stuck up there.”
You shove his shoulder, and he teeters to one side before purposely overcorrecting himself so he’s lying across your lap. 
“We still need to get him back for that one,” Alex reminds you.
Jensen scoffs, rising to sit up again. “You tried and failed. Give it up.”
You and Alex simultaneously declare, “Never!” 
“Alex and I decided to team up and get them back,” you explain to the audience.
“They tried to get me,” Jensen says, “but Jared caught them, and he told me so it didn’t work. But they managed to get Jared,” Jensen begins laughing, unable to continue the story.
“All Y/N’s idea,” Alex insists, pretending to edge away from Jared.
Jared shakes his head, tongue sitting in the pocket of his cheek while he tries to look disgruntled but can’t hide the smile he tries to contain.
“It was genius,” Jensen manages around huffs of laughter. 
“We got the wardrobe department to take in his shirts and shorten his pants a little each day for a month,” Alex says. “But it only took two weeks before he started complaining about gaining weight and growing taller.”
Jensen’s laughter stops, his demeanor turning completely serious. “I cannot tell you how annoying he was about it!”
“I wasn’t that bad,” Jared protests. 
“Dude, you were bad!” Jensen counters, “You were googling if you could have a growth spurt after thirty. It’s all you talked about for two weeks. It was so annoying!” 
“That’s me, Jared Annoying Padalecki,” he says. Then has a lightbulb moment, or perhaps a whiskey-inspired one, and jumps off the stage. Everyone laughs as they watch him cheekily shove to the front of the question queue, dropping to his knees. 
“Hi, I’m Gen from Texas, and this is for Jensen,” he says in a higher pitched voice than anyone would expect could come out of the giant of a man. “I would like to know what your favorite scene to film was from the last season. And why is it the sex scene with Y/N from episode three?”
Jensen closes his eyes, face scrunched and lips pursed in mock annoyance as he flips Jared off.
“What a great question, Gen,” you chuckle, turning to stare at Jensen. “It was definitely one of my favorite scenes to film.”
“It was a fun day,” Jensen agrees. “Usually, sex scenes are super awkward and embarrassing, but it wasn’t. I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend a day in the back of Baby with all this,” he gestures toward Y/N, “on top of you.”
Jared gets to his feet, using a fan's shoulder to hoist himself up, and then bends to reach the microphone. “Follow-up question,” Jared begins, “this time for Y/N. Are you free for dinner tonight? Asking for a friend.” 
“Oh, for a friend,” you say, leaning to look around Jensen and at Alex. “Well, in that case, I’m free anytime, Mr Calvert.” you wink. 
Jensen leans forward, pointing a warning finger at him, “No!” 
“Urgh, Alex,” Jared groans, using a long leg to step back onto the stage, “you’re such a troublemaker!”
The next fan is given the microphone. “So it’s been twelve seasons; what mementos have you taken from the set?”
“Funny you should mention that,” Jared answers immediately, then sings, “Jensen’s in trouble. He stole the infamous demon Dean's red shirt.” 
Jensen throws his hands up, shaking his head. “I did not! I don't know who did, but it wasn't me.” 
Jared rolls his eyes. “So some ghost took it out of your trailer?” 
“Maybe,” Jensen shrugs. “This is Supernatural.” 
The drummer immediately punctuates his response, the hiss of the snare still echoing as Jared stands up in protest. But the audience is too quick, and they yell, “DRINK!” 
“You lot are a bad influence,” Jensen tells them as you all make your way to the drinks table at the back of the stage.
You hold your microphone down while Richard pours the shots. Leaning closer to Jensen, you ask, “Are you really in trouble because of it?”
Jensen scoffs, “No, of course not. But they need it for a photo shoot, and they want to auction it off for charity. They’ve been on my ass for weeks.”
“Oh?” Jensen asks, very much channeling Dean in his expression. “Do you know something about it?” 
You wince, trying to feign innocence, but it's no good. You know you’ve been caught out, and you’ll have to give it back. “I took it,” you confess.
“What? Why?” 
You can’t think of a lie quick enough. So with a nonchalant shrug, that's all for show because you don’t feel it at all, you admit, “I like it. It's a nice shirt to sleep in, and it smells like you.”
“If you want something that smells like me, you can have me!” Jensen blurts out loud enough that the mics lowered at your sides pick it up.
The fans erupt, screaming and shouting. They get to their feet and clap. Alex and Jared talk over each other, but it all becomes white noise as you stare at Jensen, who stares back. 
“Screw it,” he says, and you're the only one who hears it. But everyone sees him take a small step into your space and place a gentle kiss on your lips. He pulls back enough to look at you for any reaction, and when you lightly smile, he slips a hand down your cheek and draws you in closer for a deeper kiss this time. 
The crowd goes wild. Your ears will be ringing for days.
Jensen keeps the kiss PG13, but you go as far as wrapping a hand around the back of his neck. It ends too soon, but you remind yourself that you are being watched. He leans back, smiling happily. “Sorry if that was out of line.”
“The only thing that was out of line was how long it took you to do that.” 
He shrugs one shoulder, tongue sitting behind his teeth. “Sorry.”
Jared tries to get control of the audience, but it doesn’t work. Jensen walks to the edge of the stage and holds up a hand, silencing them with the simple gesture. 
Once it's quiet enough, he smiles, boyish and wide. “Best. Con. Ever.”
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Master Lists: Dean Winchester / Main
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Tags Info
Tag List: @alexxavicry / @b3autyfuldisast3r / @deanwinchesterswitch / @fandom-princess-forevermore / @foxyjwls007 / @jc-winchester / @justagirlinafandomworld / @katbratsupernaturalwhore / @leigh70 / @letsbys-library / @lyarr24 / @mrswhozeewhatsis / @nancymcl / @shanimallina87 / @stoneyggirl2 / @waywardbaby / @wildbornsiren / @writercole / @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior / @Pank0w / @kmc1989 / @deans-spinster-witch / @spnbaby-67 / @roseblue373
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wipbigbang · 2 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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catnipster69 · 4 months
fic: Do You Kiss Your Momma With That Mouth? Chapter 6
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Picture credit: x
Do You Kiss Your Momma With That Mouth? Chapter 6 Published: 2024-02-07 Words: 2414 Chapters: 6/11 by catnipster
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Stephen Amell/Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles/Alexander Calvert, Misha Collins/Original Character(s) Characters: Jim Beaver, DJ Qualls, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Hilarie Burton, Danneel Harris, Emily Perkins, Steven Williams (Supernatural RPF), Sterling K. Brown, Ty Olsson, Samantha Ferris, Chad Lindberg, Dee Wallace, Katie Cassidy, Genevieve Cortese, Lisa Berry, Alona Tal, Jon Gries Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Jensen is a Chef, Jared is a Property Developer, Class Differences, Trailer Trash Jensen, Bottom Jensen Ackles/Top Jared Padalecki, Lovers to enemies to lovers, Food, Drinking, Recreational Drug Use, Porn Video, jensen has a mustache, long-haired jensen ackles, Lies, Secrets, Happy Ending Language: English
Jensen, 39, is a down-on-his-luck weed dealer in Garden, Texas. Garden is a former ranching town gentrified by an influx of Silicon Valley exiles that work in the shiny, new office buildings built by JPX, Inc.
Jensen unexpectedly inherits a trailer park from his uncle. But what Jensen really wants to do is open a food truck selling refined comfort food. The decommissioned ice cream van sitting on blocks in front of his trailer is a daily reminder of his unfulfilled dreams.
Jared, 35, is the rich owner of JPX, Inc. who wants to tear down the trailer park to put up a ritzy mall. Jared’s ex-boyfriend, Stephen Amell, is in town from New York City: to force Jensen and the lovable residents of Garden Gardens to sell by using his usual arsenal of dirty tricks.
But when Jared meets Jensen at the Farmer’s Market where Jensen is trading weed for pickles with his best friend Danneel, it’s love at first sight. At least, until Jensen finds out who Jared is.
Chapter 6 Summary:
Jared confronts Stephen but doesn't get anywhere. Jensen meets DJ to discuss next steps. Jensen hires Alex to look into the thief. Words of a certain nature are said between Jensen and Jared.
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fujobrainrot · 7 months
I wonder if, when hiring Alex Calvert to play jack, they sat him down and gave him The Talk.
"look, the fandom for this show is insane. They will write RPF of you getting gangbanged in absolutely insane ways and getting mpreg. What's RPF? What's mpreg? Oh, sweet summer child..."
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baconandpie1 · 1 year
The Gift
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Supernatural (TV 2005)
Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF
Castiel/Dean Winchester
Jensen Ackles & Misha Collins
Jensen Ackles
Misha Collins
Alexander Calvert
Dean Winchester
Castiel (Supernatural)
Jack Kline
Sam Winchester
Other actors are mentioned
Summary: It is Jensen's 45th birthday and Danneel is throwing him a party with all of his friends from Supernatural. He shouldn't be surprised when things get a bit strange... It is a good birthday. One of the best. Just ask him after the party.
Up until a few days ago I didn't intend to write anything for Jensen's birthday, and then I was watching the con tweets, his pictures, and reading about the SPNFamilyGiving and ... my brain went into overdrive and demanded to write this. So I did.
Hope you like it.
PS - It is March 1st here already - so don't grumble that it's not Jensen's birthday yet. :) 💚 💙
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45406525
Jensen is dead tired. He hasn’t felt so tired in a long time. He’s been doing conventions almost every weekend, writing and recording new music with Steve, and then there’s his new secret project that very few people know about. And JJ has been sick and wanted her dad by her side more than ever. He never could say no to her, and when she’s sick, she sticks to him like instant glue. Sometimes, when he lies beside her, telling her stories, he wonders when she’ll stop needing him this way and he forgets he is tired and has a myriad of other things he should be doing. These are the moments he will cherish forever.
He tries to put on a smile for his friends who gathered at his house to celebrate his 45th birthday, but it is difficult when all he wants is a good night’s sleep.
Danneel knows how much he misses working on Supernatural, how much he misses his friends, and that is why this birthday party is so special—all his friends from Supernatural are here: Jared and Misha, Jim and Mark, Richard and Rob, Ruth, Kim and Briana, Alex, and even Eric made it though he had to leave early. Rachel has joined them for a while through Zoom, though she would have loved to be there in person.                            
He needs some fresh air to wake up, clear his head. He wants to be at his best for his friends and not half asleep on his feet. With a bottle of beer in his hand, he slips outside in the garden and sits on the padded bench swing they got for their children.
They were sure the kids would love the swing and they do like it, but Jensen loves it more than they do, especially when he sits on it in the evenings with Danneel curled up into his side, falling asleep with his arm holding her tight, swinging slowly.
The air around him changes bit by bit, it warms up and smells different. He frowns and shakes himself, because he knows that smell, but it cannot be… it smells… it smells almost like when they were filming scenes in the bunker.
He blinks a few times, his vision blurry, and he wonders if he is drunk already. But it cannot be; the beer in his hand was only the second one of the evening, and he hardly touched it.
He becomes even more baffled when he realizes he cannot see well because of the hot tears running down his face.
His knees hurt and he realizes he is kneeling by a bed, praying.
It is his voice, but somehow, it isn’t.
Through the tears, he sees Dean’s bed in the bunker, and he blinks some more because this is impossible. The bunker was dismantled. It doesn’t exist anymore. But the pain in his knees is still there and so are the tears on his face.
His lips move and Jensen can hear the words, though it is not him saying them. Well, it is, and it isn't.
He is Dean. But he is also Jensen.
And Dean is praying to Jack.
"Jack, I know you said you will be hands off, I know. But Jack... I need him back, please... please help us get Cas back. He is your father too, your dad. you cannot leave him in that cold, devastating emptiness... I beg you, Jack... Please..."
The tears are running down his cheeks as he prays. He's been doing it every night since they defeated Chuck and Jack is yet to respond.
Somehow Jensen knows that it’s been more than half a year since Jack took over and Dean never wavered. Together with Sam, they tried everything they could think of to get Castiel back. They moved heaven and earth, they reached out to all their friends and even to the Men of Letters in England in order to find a way to save the angel.
And Dean prayed to Jack like clockwork. Every evening.
Dean who never prayed before he knew God existed beyond a shadow of a doubt, Dean who prayed rarely even after that, he prayed every day to their new God, to his son, to Jack.
Dread starts to settle in his heart as he finishes his prayer, convinced that Jack will ignore him again.
His head snaps up as a whisper insinuates itself into his mind "On one condition, Dad."
Pure joy and happiness suffuse his every cell, every molecule, the whole of his being, his heart and his soul.
"Anything, Jack, I'll do anything!" Dean-Jensen cries out.
"You must tell him how you feel." The whisper is soft and ... uncertain somehow, as if Jack doesn't expect him to agree.
"What?" Dean swallows hard, playing for time. "What do you mean?"
"Dad... I am God now. I know. I know everything."
Dean-Jensen gasps. Somehow, he's forgotten what it means that Jack is God now. A true God.
"You only need to tell him how you feel, Dad. That's it. Have to go now. There's trouble in a parallel universe. Love you!" His son’s love rushes through him, warm and soft and endless.
"Wait! Jack! Wait! How do I tell him anything? He's not here!" 
The silence is deafening, and Dean-Jensen is crying again when the door to his room crashes open.
Jared, no, Sam barges through with his gun in his hand and his hair flying as he searches the room for danger.
"Dean! Are you ok? I heard you screaming!"
His right knee creaks as he rises.
"I am fine, Sam. I hit my knee..." 
Sam looks at him dubiously, but he knows his brother too well and that expression on his face says that's all he gets from him tonight. Dean will talk to him when he is good and ready. If he gets there. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't.
His eyes soften as he takes in his brother’s wet cheeks, but he doesn't mention them, nor does he ask why Dean was shouting for Jack. 
"Be more careful, Dean. Your knees aren't getting any younger, you know.” Sam smirks at him, trying to lighten the mood. 
Dean-Jensen rolls his eyes at him. "And neither are you, Sammy."
"It's still Sam.... jerk."
"Bitch" Dean smiles radiantly at his brother, the exchange as heart-warming as it is familiar.
The days go by at a crawl, Dean still praying every evening, and Jensen wants to slap him silly. He already got his answer. What is Dean waiting for?
After a particularly bad night, when every time Dean fell asleep, he dreamt of black goo grabbing his crying but happy angel and taking him away, and then woke up screaming Castiel’s name, he trudges into the kitchen and makes himself an extra-strong cup of coffee.
He is sipping it mournfully when Sam joins him, yawning.
“Morning, Dean.”
His brother mumbles something unintelligible and Sam sits across from him with his own coffee.
“What’s up with you? Bad night?”
Dean nods and sips black and bitter. “Nightmares.”
Sam grimaces when he tastes the coffee. “What the hell is this? It tastes like poison…”
“I made it stronger… needed it.”
Sam adds more sugar to his mug and some cream, making the taste a bit more palatable.
“I didn’t know you still had nightmares,” he breathes.
“I don’t,” Dean grumps. “It was just last night…“ He sighs, sneaking a look at his brother. “It was Cas…“
“Oh…” That’s all Sam says. He doesn’t ask, he doesn’t push, he drinks his coffee and munches on a cookie.
Jensen gives Dean a push; he cannot make him speak, not really, but he knows by now that he can influence him, if he does it gently, carefully.
“Jack spoke to me.”
“What? When? How? Why didn’t you tell me?” Sam cannot stop the deluge spilling out of his mouth.
Dean-Jensen frowns at Sam, but Jensen keeps on pushing, not letting Dean clamp up again. “It was that night when you ran in…”
“Is he alright? When is he coming to visit?”
Dean-Jensen shakes his head “He didn’t say. He said he was going to handle some stuff in a parallel universe.”
His brother looks at him suspiciously but doesn’t insist. He lets Dean be.
Dean jumps up and gets more coffee, and Sam sighs, convinced his brother is shutting down again. Unsurprisingly.
Dean-Jensen sits back down, opens his mouth, but speaking is difficult. It always is for Dean, and Jensen nudges him again.
The sentences spill out of Dean’s mouth, Jensen helping him word his thoughts, and Sam just sits there listening to how he prayed and prayed and then finally Jack answered.
When Dean stops, Sam’s eyebrows rise in consternation.
“So where is Cas, Dean? Why isn’t he here yet?”
“What are you talking about? Didn’t you hear what I told you? I don’t know how to make him come…”
Sam laughs at him with tears, and the more Dean frowns, the harder he laughs.
"You need to tell Cas how you feel, Dean!" He wheezes out.
"Really, Sam?" Dean is getting angry, not understanding what is going on. "He is not here!"
Jensen is still there, not sure if it's him speaking or Dean. No, it must be Dean... because Jensen is not that clueless. He can feel what Dean feels, as if they were his own feelings, like he never felt them before, not even when he acted as Dean for long 15 amazing years. Dean loves Cas with all his heart. He loves him to the moon and back, he'd die for him if that's what would bring him back to life.  
But Dean is scared. Scared of his own feelings, scared of being called a faggot, a homo, or whatever else people say these days to denigrate gay men. He doesn't care that Cas is a man, he never did. Jensen knows he loves Cas, and that his gender never even entered the equation for him. 
But what happens if he says the words? What will Sam think? Their friends? 
If he says the words and he gets Cas back, what will Cas expect from him? Will he be satisfied with just being friends or will he expect more?
Jensen can feel how much Dean wants everything with Cas, EVERYTHING. But he also feels how terrified he is of getting what he wants with Cas. 
Because, whatever Cas said the night he died, Dean is still Dean, he still messes up most of the time, fucks up, says things he shouldn't and doesn't say things he should.
So what if he gets everything and then he fucks it up? He won't survive that, he knows he won't. 
It is better if they are just friends, isn't it? Less chance of messing up. 
He pulls at his hair with both hands, tears dripping on the kitchen table, unsure if they are the result of the sharp pain in his scalp or in his heart.
"Dean... " Sam has stopped laughing, his brother's distress too real to make fun of him anymore.
"Dean, pray to Cas. Tell him. Tell him everything."
The older brother looks at the younger one, his eyes red-rimmed. "I am scared, Sammy."
For once, his brother doesn't correct him.
"Nothing to be afraid of, Dean. Tell him you love him, and you want him back. Give the two of you a chance."
Round, surprised eyes watch Sam, Dean's voice hoarse with repressed emotions, "You know?"
"Of course I know, you idiot! I've known for years! I was waiting for you to pull your head out of your ass and do something about it, and then... then it was too late."
Sam grabs Dean's shoulders and stares him in the eye.
"Dean, you must bring him back. If you don't, you will never forgive yourself. And neither will I."
That evening, when Dean-Jensen kneels by his bed, he doesn’t pray to Jack.
He prays to Castiel.
“Hey Cas.” His eyes are tearing up already and his throat is tightening with every breath he takes. Jensen tries to soothe him and calm him down, though he would be a mess too in Dean’s place. He’s done it enough times to know how difficult it is for Dean to open up, to let himself be vulnerable when his whole life was about being strong and never showing weakness. Loving someone is a weakness, they both know that. And yet.
His heart is hammering away in his chest, and he remembers that case when the guy’s heart pulsed out of his chest like in a cartoon when he declared his love. How fitting. He smiles and starts over.
“Hey Cas. I miss you.”
He looks around, and, when nothing happens, he closes his eyes again.
“I miss you so much, man,” he huffs. “Sorry, angel… I miss you more than I ever thought I could. We saved the world, you know. Sam and Jack and I, we did it. All thanks to you. I… I don’t think I could have done it all without you. And Jack is God now and he… he said I should talk to you… tell you…”
Dean-Jensen sighs, laying his forehead on the bed. “I wanted to ask you… did you really mean what you said before you died? Don’t get me wrong… a part of me knows that you did beyond the shadow of a doubt, but then… this other part of me, the part that you ignore, the part that you said doesn’t exist, that part wants to hear those words again, wants to make sure, because Cas… how could someone like you, an angel no less, love someone like me? I need to know Cas. I have to know. You said for you it was enough to just be, just feel the love… but Cas… loving you is not enough for me, I need you to love me back, Cas, do you understand? I am not like you… it was hard enough loving you for all those years when I had no idea you could feel like we humans do, but knowing that you can love? Cas… do you love me? Do you really love me? I want to believe it so much, I want to believe I am worthy of that love… though I know I am not, but maybe… just maybe… maybe I can become worthy of you if you’ll be here by my side. With you here, Cas, I could do anything, be anything and anyone for you. Please Cas… Please come back to me… Please love me… “ His throat closes up, and he sobs into the mattress as there is no whoosh of wings nor any other noise that would announce the angel’s arrival.
Dean-Jensen crawls into bed and cries himself to sleep. He didn’t even have the strength to get a bottle of whiskey to ease his pain this time.
The night is blessedly empty of dreams, but Dean wakes in a foul mood, ready to murder the world. He is mad at Jack for leading him along, he is mad at Sam for encouraging him to pray to Cas, he is mad at the angel for dying, for abandoning him, for not coming back. But most of all, he is mad at himself for being weak, for letting himself feel too much, for letting his walls down. It was a mistake. A mistake he will not repeat ever again.
Jensen is just as devastated as Dean is. He doesn’t even have the energy to try to help Dean feel better. He is along for the ride and nothing else at this point.
Like every other morning, Dean sips his coffee, but he doesn’t even bother to answer his brother when he joins him at the kitchen table.
Sam doesn’t need to ask. He can see it on Dean’s face, in the way his shoulders slump, in the way he doesn’t even look at his brother while he sips at his coffee.
“Sorry, Dean.”
His brother’s knuckles whiten where they grip the coffee mug, and Sam hopes it won’t break with how hard Dean is clutching at it.
Dean-Jensen is drowning in his sorrow, not paying attention to his surroundings, not caring if an army of vampires descended on the bunker, screaming like banshees, ready to drink his blood. Maybe he wishes they did.
He doesn’t hear the soft steps and doesn’t see Sam freezing with his mug on its way to his lips.
“Good morning,” the raspy voice is behind Dean and before he can react, it continues. “Did you make coffee for me too, Dean?”
He lurches to his feet, toppling the chair to the ground, and spins towards the entrance to the kitchen.
The most gorgeous sight he’s ever seen lands on his retina—his angel, dressed in pajama pants and one of Dean’s old Led Zep t-shirts, barefoot, a hand raised to his head scratching his scalp making an even bigger mess of the dark hair that is clearly mussed up by a night’s sleep.
Cas smiles sheepishly at Dean. “Any chance you’ll make us some pancakes? I am quite hungry this morning.”
Dean just stand there, his mouth opening, closing, like a fish on dry land, frozen in place. His brother huffs and rushes to Castiel, crushing him in a big hug. “It is good to see you again, Cas. We weren’t sure… Well… I am glad you’re back and I hope you’ll be staying.”
When Sam releases him, Dean is still like a statue, in the same place as before.
Castiel looks at his feet, suddenly uncertain. “If Dean wants me to…“ He raises his eyes and their gazes lock together for a long moment. Very long. So long that Sam gets bored and leaves the kitchen mumbling “Idiots.”
A soft whisper escapes Dean-Jensen’s lips at Jensen’s urging. “I want you to. I always wanted you to, Cas… even when I didn’t say anything, especially when I didn’t say anything. I never wanted you to leave, I always wanted you by my side,” his voice is getting stronger and he moves slowly closer to the angel, “first as my ally, then as my friend, later as my family… and then…,” his voice gets lower, a husky rasp that sends shivers through Castiel, “then as someone… closer… someone who could share my life, someone who would build a new life with me, as someone I love.” 
He cups the angel’s face in his hands, “As someone I want to spend my life with, and love for the rest of our days together.” He presses a soft kiss on Castiel’s lips and rests his brow on his, brushing his lower lip with his thumb.
“If you’ll have me, Cas.”
There isn’t much that can still surprise Dean after all he’s been through, but seeing Castiel’s trembling fingers reach for his face, and his beautiful blue eyes swimming in tears, the angel still uncertain that he can have Dean, it does surprise him.
He covers Castiel’s hands with his own on his cheeks “I love you, Cas.” He smiles and says the words again, easier, faster, and Jensen doesn’t have to push anymore. “I love you, Cas. I will love you forever if you’ll let me.”
He closes the small distance between their bodies with a hand on the angel’s hip, and kisses him again, this time letting himself taste and nip, running his tongue between Castiel’s plush lips, and he sighs when the angel opens up in invitation and the kiss deepens, their hands clutching at each other, losing themselves in this perfect moment, bodies touching, moving slowly, grinding against each other, their swelling cocks easily felt through the thin cotton of their pajamas.
Dean is breathless when they pull apart and he chuckles, “Coffee or bedroom, Cas?”
Though Dean-Jensen is all in and he wants to be with Cas in every possible way, he is anxious. He’s never been with a man before.
Half an hour later, he has already forgotten why he was worried to begin with, as his angel rocks inside him, lighting his body on fire. Dean knows that orgasming at the same time is mostly a myth, but then how many people have done this with an angel? How many people can say that they have felt the other person as if they are one? Because that’s how it feels to Dean—there is no Castiel, there is no Dean, there is only one being here, one pulsing life, two heartbeats, thrumming at the same frequency, two breaths drinking in the same air, soul and grace intertwined, he doesn’t know where he ends and where the angel begins.
He's never felt such ecstasy before, and he doesn’t know if it is because Castiel is an angel—he must be, isn’t he?—or because of the outpouring of love that envelops him and rushes through him like a physical presence.
The slap of skin on skin is getting louder, and so do their moans and whimpers, the bitten off curses, the “Cas!”s, the “Dean!”s, the man lost in the bright blue of the angel as he comes screaming his name. Those eyes become almost white as Castiel climaxes and spills inside Dean’s warm body, and spectacular, large black wings appear at the angel’s back just as the lights explode when he roars his pleasure “DEAN!”
Though Dean is floating in the post-orgasmic glow, he expects what happens next.
Sam rushes in and freezes as the light from the hallway falls on Dean’s bed. He cannot see much besides the enormous wings that hide most of the bed and their bodies, barely a glimmer of skin here and there.
“You guys ok?”
Dean snorts, “Sure Sammy. Cas just blew out the lights when he…” The door slams shut before he gets the chance to finish the sentence and he bursts out laughing.
“Dean…” Cas chides him softly…
“What? He was asking for it, bursting in here without knocking. He’ll know better next time…” And just like that, Dean’s voice wobbles as he asks. “There will be a next time, right Cas?”
The angel hums into his neck, peppering his skin with kisses. “And a next, and a next… until you tire of me.”
Dean’s arms tighten around Castiel, through his soft feathers. “That will never happen, Cas. Ever. You hear me?”
It is as if just now he realizes he is engulfed by the angel’s wings. “Cas! Your wings! You have wings and they are here! I can feel them! Are you a full angel again? With all your mojo?”
Castiel pulls his wings back and with a whoosh they disappear; he slides to Dean’s side, smearing his semen on both their stomachs, not that either of them cares.
“I am not sure… I do have my grace and my wings, but I also slept, and I am hungry… Dean… I have wings again!”
Dean is suddenly cold, and he shivers, fear creeping in when he realizes the angel is gone. Fear of being abandoned again. Fear of being alone and lonely. Fear his angel will never come back. Fear Castiel doesn’t need him anymore. Jensen, who is still reeling from the lovemaking, is convinced that Castiel will be back and will never leave the hunter again, but then, Jensen doesn’t carry the baggage Dean does.
Jensen is right.
There is another whoosh and Castiel crashes in the bed beside him, laughing like a little boy.
“Dean! I flew to Kilimanjaro and then to the Emerald Lakes in New Zealand, and…  I will take you with me next time—you’ll love New Zealand!”
“I… I thought you weren’t coming back, now that you can fly again…”
It is too dark in the room with the lightbulbs gone, and Dean has forgotten that angels can see in the dark as well. He probably would have tried to hide his teary and scared eyes if he had remembered.
“Dean…,” the angel grasps his hands between his, willing him to understand and believe him. “I will never leave you again, Dean. I love you.” He kisses away the tears on Dean’s face, the kisses slowly becoming more heated as Dean’s need to reassure himself that Castiel is truly his, rises faster than a striking snake. His hands are feverish over the angel’s body, his cock already hard and leaking despite his earlier orgasm.
He stretches the angel’s hole in a hurry, Castiel moaning softly, encouraging him, “I am ready, Dean, I am ready…” And he is. More than ready.
Dean mounts him fast and deep, his need too strong to worry about inflicting pain, though somewhere inside he remembers Castiel is an angel, and he cannot truly hurt him now. They shout their release into each other’s mouth as they haven’t stopped kissing throughout Dean’s thrusting into the angel’s body, a loud whoosh heard in the dark room as Castiel spills between their stomachs. At least there are no lights that explode this time.
Dean crashes on top of his angel, and chuckles softly, as soft wings caress his back, hugging him. “I guess you’ll be doing that every time, won’t you?” And before Castiel can give voice to his doubts, Dean murmurs, easing the angel’s fears “I love your wings, they feel amazing on my skin.”
The next days are all a blur for Jensen, but he knows Dean is happy, happier than he’s ever been since he was four years old.
And so is his angel.
They are sitting on a swing that Dean built with his own hands, up on the hill, hanging from a sturdy oak branch, thick enough to hold them and more.
The sun is setting, and a chill runs down Dean-Jensen’s back. Castiel pulls him closer, and Dean-Jensen leans his head on his shoulder, sighing. They sit in comfortable silence, watching the shadows grow longer, Dean’s fingers stroking the angel’s thigh. He can do this now, any time he wants. It is freeing. Exhilarating. They haven’t decided yet what they want to do next, but neither is in a hurry. They have time now. Jack made sure of it.
Dean-Jensen’s eyes close as he thinks about a future together, who knows, maybe even their own home with a white picket fence.
He shivers, suddenly chilly, and Castiel rubs his back, warming him up. He turns his head and presses a kiss on Castiel’s neck, murmuring “I love you, Cas.”
After a slight pause, there is an amused, yet warm “I love you too, Dean.” in reply.
Something is off.
He opens his eyes, and pulls back from where he was sitting, curled up against Castiel, wait no, this… this is not Castiel. His eyes widen and he croaks, “Mish?”
“Yeah, that would be me.” Misha’s eyes crinkle as they do when he smiles his big, sunny smile at him. “You ok, Jen?”
Jensen searches Misha’s eyes, unsure how to answer. “I… yes, I think I am… how long? How long have I been out here?” He rubs his hand over his cheeks.
“Fifteen-twenty minutes? I came after you. Alex said you looked tired, and that you needed me.”
Misha frowns. “Yes, why?”
Jensen looks away, a small smile gracing his lips. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
Nobody would. Though Jensen himself finds it difficult to believe what happened to him, he knows at a visceral level that this was no ordinary dream. Dreams are flighty things, they disappear quickly from one’s mind, only a little is left even when you remember them. But this… this is vivid in his mind, like his own memories, even more so. He remembers everything, from the pain in his knees while praying, the smell and taste of his morning coffee, to sitting with Cas on the swing, watching the sunset.
He is Jensen now, he knows. And yet, he still feels more like Dean. Maybe that is what gives him the courage to ask.
They never truly discussed it before. Not as fans, as friends. It was such a loaded question, with so many ramifications, and neither has allowed himself to talk about it before, not Jensen, not Misha.
With a quiet voice, not looking at Misha, he asks “Have you wondered what Dean’s genuine feelings were for Cas? What he would have done if Cas had come back to him from the Empty?”
His courage seems to be contagious, because, for the first time, Misha dares to say what has been on his mind for a very long time.
“Many times,” his friend answers softly. “I wish we had been brave enough to do it right…”
Jensen turns to him, and his teary eyes glisten as he cups Misha’s stubbly cheek.
“I know what Dean would have said, given a chance.” He leans slowly in and kisses Misha’s lips chastely, but long enough for it to be meaningful. “I love you too, Cas.”
Jensen jumps up and hurries inside the house, brushing his tears away, while Misha sits on the swing, his own tears sliding down his cheeks as he whispers, “I love you, Dean.”
Later that night, after all the guests have gone, Jensen makes one last round around the place, collecting garbage. They could have people come over and clean up, but he doesn’t like strangers poking around his home. He remembers the beer he forgot on the swing, hoping he didn’t make a mess with it. 
He finds the bottle stashed by the leg of the swing, still half full. He is about to turn when a flash of white catches his eyes.
“Alex? I thought you left already…”
Jensen frowns slightly as Alex comes closer, dressed in a white jacket, over a light blue t-shirt and blue jeans. Wait… isn’t Alex blond these days? And he was not wearing a white jacket… Jensen might be forty-five years old, but he is not that senile yet.
Alex smiles at him, a radiant smile lighting up his whole being. “Did you like my birthday present, Jensen?”
Jensen squirms, ashamed to admit that he doesn’t remember what Alex got for his birthday. Maybe he is senile after all.
“Sorry… was it you who got me that whiskey bottle?”
Alex shakes his head, still smiling. “Maybe you’ll remember if I call you Dean…”
Shocked eyes stare at Jack as Jensen allows himself to accept what is happening.
“You are not Alex.”
When Jack shakes his head again, Jensen croaks, “Are you Jack?”
“In some universes, I am.”
“And in others?” Jensen cannot stop himself from asking—is he dreaming? Is he having a stroke?
Jack shrugs, “I have many names. They wouldn’t mean anything to you. Some are in languages you wouldn’t be able to recognize as such.”
He needs to know, he wants to know. Because, though he made his peace with the ending of Supernatural, it felt… off, and sometimes, at night, under the cover of darkness, he let himself imagine ‘what if’ scenarios. Scenarios that, sadly, he is aware will never see the light of day.
“Was it…” he fights to speak the words, “was it real?”
“As real as this world is to you,” Jack looks around them. “It is just one of many possible worlds, and I thought you’d like to know what could have been.”
Jensen closes his eyes and whispers, “Are they happy?”
“Yes, yes they are.” Jack grins, “Dean messes up sometimes, but Cas is there for him. Always. Dean makes him burgers and pancakes, and Cas flies them to the beach when they are in the mood. Sam and Eileen join them often.”
New tears make their way from Jensen’s beautiful green eyes, down his cheeks, and drip down onto the grass.
He lurches forward, stops, but then goes for it and crushes Jack’s smaller frame in a hug.
“Thank you.”
Warmth and love flood him, and he is left standing alone in the garden.
“Thank you, Jack,” he says again up towards the starry night sky.
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ao3feed-j2 · 1 year
The Mermaid
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JfyN8sP
by timehasa_way
Inspired by a small gesture of kindness from Alex, Jensen decides that the Lost Boys need to be shown a little more appreciation. Jared receives an unexpected gift and discovers just how comfortable he is being himself.
Words: 2186, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Lost Boy verse
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Alexander Calvert
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Additional Tags: Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JfyN8sP
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thevelvetseries · 4 years
Life’s Complicated (Part 2)
Overall Summary : When Bella Mikaelson was 17 she had a little baby girl. She went off to college and studied drama and music, while her parents looked after her daughter Camila Mikaelson. When she graduated she started auditioning for different movies and TV and ended up getting a role in the CW show Supernatural where she meets her new family.
Pairing : Alexander Calvert x Reader / Jared Padalecki x Reader (Platonic) / Jensen Ackles x Reader (Platonic) / Misha Collins x Reader (Platonic) / Genevieve Padalecki / Danneel Ackles
Warnings : Fluff, Angst, Smut, Semi Smut, Drinking
I decided to give the reader a name in this fic.
Series Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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I was in peaceful sleep when I was woke up to something poking my face over and over again. At first I didn’t wake up, until I hear a little cute voice by my ear, the voice that always put a smile on my face. “Mummy, wake up” I smile and I blink my eyes a couple times and when they finally open I see a little mini me looking me right in the eyes. Since she had only just woke up she had the biggest bed head ever and it always put a smile on my face. She really did look like me when I was younger. “Morning sweetie” I say before reaching out for her and bringing into a hug before I started giving her attack of kisses. She starts to giggle and it was like music to my ears, it’s still the best sound I could ever hear. She is just the sweetest little girl in the world. I finally finished my attack and asked if she would love some waffles for breakfast. “Yes pleaseeeee. Ohhh, can I have chocolate milk too please.” She asks and I agree and we make our way downstairs to the kitchen.
It was now the first day of hiatus, and it was time to relax and spend time with my baby girl. One we had finished eating our breakfast, we decided to have a lazy day. We got washed and put on new, clean pyjamas. Once we were ready we made it into the living room and spent the day watching original Disney channel movies and eating pizza that we ordered and lots of junk food, since it’s something we never do.
During the third movie we were watching my sister Veronica texted me saying “I’ve finally finished my final exams early and wanted to come out for awhile to see us.” I let her know we were coming home in a couple days before we were going to be heading up to Texas for awhile, and even invited her to the convention season so she could hell me look after Camilo and spend time with both of us when we have free time to spare.
“Mummy, can I have another slice of pizza please?” Camila asked while wiggling in her seat.
“Yes sweetie.” I reply before getting up and grabbing her another slice of pizza for her. I also went to the kitchen to grab her another juice box.
It was now 7pm and it was now time for Camila to go to bed, we went upstairs and brushed her teeth and put her to bed. Bella spent the next few hours finishing packing her suitcase and then went into Camila’s room and packed her suitcase too, since I’m two days they were flying to New York.
When we finally got to New York, we were met by Veronica at the airport. She drove us back to our family home where my mum had made a full feast for us for dinner. I missed being home. I missed my family. They were everything to me. Mum decided to make my and Camila our favourite which was fried chicken, and mac and cheese. Home cooked food is just the best. We all sat down around the table and stuffed our belly’s until we where full. Camila started to get tired so I took her upstairs and put her down to bed we all sat down in the living room watch a movie when my mum starts with the normal questions again, like every time I visit her.
“So. Is there anyone special in your life yet?” She asked.
“Seriously mum. Not this again. I’ll find someone when I’m ready. At this moment in my life, I’m happy. I’ve got an amazing job and a beautiful child who I love very much and I don’t need a man to complete my life. It’s already quite amazing.”
“Baby. It’s been nearly 3 year since he passed. I’m sure he would be ok with you moving on. He wouldn’t want you to be alone forever.” Mum said which a sad smile.
“I know mum.” I say with a sad smile.
“I just want you to find somebody who you can share you life with and have actual adult conversations.” She said while taking a sip of her hot drink.
“I do. At work.” I scruff back.
“You know what I mean. Isn’t there anyone at work you might like?”
“No. I haven’t been there long enough to get to know anyone to feel that way, and I’m always busy with or when I’m not working looking after Camila. I’m fine with were I am right now.”
Life’s Complicated Tag-List
@myopiamystical @ms-reader @musiclovinchic93 @tvshowlover123 @scatchia @sixx-sic-sixx @imaginationisgrowth @hettolini @leftjensenackleshollywoodshoe @dolans-lover @alittlebittyuniverse @smoothdogsgirl @xostephanie @idksupernatural @imsuperawkward @notsoftstcn @hazelle-uvu @amywinchesterxx @easygoingtheatre @jack-kline-world @simonadii @uglycryinginthekitchen @c-ly-g @hellosweetdeath @clawsandshotguns @sarsmilesah @catieiscute2001 @midnight-archer03 @lidibug @101stshippersquad @maesflower @shadowhunter82 @alliedimlerr​
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
RPF Masterlist
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A Helping Hand 🍆🌓 |Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Jared x Anonymous!Fem!Omega| 1.9k
Captive 🍆🌓| Jared / J2 | 2.3k
Cry No More 🙃🌗🍆| Jensen x Chris Kane / younger!Jensen x older!Jared | WIP Mini Series
Forbidden Fantasy 🍆🌑🙈 | J2 / Jared x Violet | 1.2k
Not The Only One 🍆🙃| Jenneel/J2/Jared x Jensen x Danneel | 5.5k
Nothing On But The Radio 💥🍆 |Jared x Jensen| 2.7k
Pinky Promise 🍆🌓| Jensen Ackles x Karl Urban| 3.6k
Riled Up 🙃🌗🍆|Jared x Jensen| WIP
You Got Iced 🍆|Jensen x Reader x Jared| 14.5k
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Bareback 🍆|Jared x Violet | 4k
Everything's Bigger in Texas 💥🍆 |Jared x Reader| 3.5k
Lose It 🍆🌓| Jared x Violet | 3.1k
Runaway ☁️🙃🍆|Jared x Reader| 90k
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Bad Reputation 🍆🌑 | Jenneel x Yaz (OFC) | Mini Series
Coincidence? 🍆|Jensen x Reader| 950
Instinct 🍆|Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader| 3.2k
Mine 🍆🙃|Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader| 2.5k
Shadows - taken over by new author! Visit @synmorite for more 🥰
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Femme Fatale 🍆|sub!Alex x domme!Reader| 6.5k
Not done yet 🍆🌓|J2 x Alex| 1k
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Desperate Measures 🙃🌗🍆 | JDM x Jared (background J2) | 1.8k
Serious 🙃🌗🍆 | Past JDM x Ty Olsson / Jensen x Ty / JDM x Jensen| ~10k
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Bad Reputation 🍆🌑 | Jenneel x Yaz (OFC) | Mini Series
Not The Only One 🍆🙃| Jenneel/J2/Jared x Jensen x Danneel | 5.5k
Red 🍆| Danneel x Reader | 4.5k
Emoji Key:
🍆 smut
🌑/ 🌓 dark/kinda dark
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tintentrinkerin · 3 years
Transmasc!Jensen. Alex worshipping his pussy.
Today's brainworms are delicious, fam.
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writercole · 3 years
RPF Masterlist
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La Raison  Deux  Trois- Jensen Ackles Pick Your Poison - Multiple Pairings Three Weeks - J2 x Reader Three Kings Productions - Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki x Fem Reader Targeted - Jensen Ackles x Fem Reader (enemies) Song of a Siren - Lauren Cohen An Unexpected Matchmaker - Jensen Ackles
The First Customer - Alex Calvert
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negans-lucille-tblr · 3 years
Alex Calvert Masterlist
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All of my Alex x reader fics
< Main SPN Masterlist
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jackandthesoulmates · 3 years
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catnipster69 · 4 months
fic: Do You Kiss Your Momma With That Mouth? Chapter 8
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Picture credit: x
Do You Kiss Your Momma With That Mouth? Chapter 8 Published: 2024-02-21 Words: 4265 Chapters: 8/11 by catnipster
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: M/M Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Stephen Amell/Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles/Alexander Calvert, Misha Collins/Original Character(s) Characters: Jim Beaver, DJ Qualls, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Hilarie Burton, Danneel Harris, Emily Perkins, Steven Williams (Supernatural RPF), Sterling K. Brown, Ty Olsson, Samantha Ferris, Chad Lindberg, Dee Wallace, Katie Cassidy, Genevieve Cortese, Lisa Berry, Alona Tal, Jon Gries Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Jensen is a Chef, Jared is a Property Developer, Class Differences, Trailer Trash Jensen, Bottom Jensen Ackles/Top Jared Padalecki, Lovers to enemies to lovers, Food, Drinking, Recreational Drug Use, Porn Video, jensen has a mustache, long-haired jensen ackles, Lies, Secrets, Happy Ending Language: English
Jensen, 39, is a down-on-his-luck weed dealer in Garden, Texas. Garden is a former ranching town gentrified by an influx of Silicon Valley exiles that work in the shiny, new office buildings built by JPX, Inc.
Jensen unexpectedly inherits a trailer park from his uncle. But what Jensen really wants to do is open a food truck selling refined comfort food. The decommissioned ice cream van sitting on blocks in front of his trailer is a daily reminder of his unfulfilled dreams.
Jared, 35, is the rich owner of JPX, Inc. who wants to tear down the trailer park to put up a ritzy mall. Jared’s ex-boyfriend, Stephen Amell, is in town from New York City: to force Jensen and the lovable residents of Garden Gardens to sell by using his usual arsenal of dirty tricks.
But when Jared meets Jensen at the Farmer’s Market where Jensen is trading weed for pickles with his best friend Danneel, it’s love at first sight. At least, until Jensen finds out who Jared is.
Chapter 8 Summary:
Misha may not be a stand-up guy. Jensen gets in trouble with the law. Alex comes through with the goods on the check fraud, but a meeting with the DA does not go as expected.
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Supernatural (Cast) x Reader - Masterlist
Jensen Ackles x Reader
Jared Padalecki x Reader
Misha Collins x Reader
Alexander Calvert x Reader
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ana-swritings-vault · 3 years
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Falling (Mature) (Book 1 - "Flying" series)
Summary: Arabella Williams is the youngest daughter of a powerful King. When a neighboring King refuses to marry her older sister, Arabella's father sends her to his Kingdom to, unknowingly, work as a spy. But what will happen when Arabella figures out her father's plans and decides to think for herself? Will she be able to stop a war from happening? Or will everything go as her father had planned? And how does the King's Military Commander fit into all of it? All Arabella knows is that she will do whatever she can to stop war from devastating both Kingdoms. But will she be able to?
Somebody To Love (Explicit)
Summary: Harmony never thought her life would change so much when she is sent to Court to find a husband by her father. But when she becomes friends with the King, things change and fast. Will she be able to stay true to herself and save, not just herself but her sister as well from their father, or will she lose herself to all the dangers that lurk in the darkest parts of her new life?
Mother (Teen and Up) (Book 1 - "Mother" series)
Summary: When Jensen hires a nanny for JJ, all he wants is someone who can be there for his little girl. Little did he know that hiring a nanny would change all of their lives. But what will happen when in one summer all of their lives are turned upside down? Will they ever be the same? Or will things change beyond repair?
Piece By Piece (Teen and Up)
Summary: In a world were there are fewer weddings and less people starting families, the Government decided to implement "Arranged Marriages". Jensen doesn't want to get married to someone he doesn't know and neither does his future wife. Will they make this marriage work or will they fall into pieces like so many before them?
Mom (Explicit) (Book 2 - "Mother" series)
Summary: It's been a year since we last saw Jensen and Chloe and a few things changed for them.
The summer has arrived and with it a world of possibilities. But what will happen when life decides to throw them into darkness and despair? Will they rise to the occasion or will they break beyond repair?
The Claim (Mature)
Summary: Running away from an arranged marriage to a local mobster, Eloise finds herself in a new town with it's own crime family. After she meets the local Mob Boss, she finds herself having to hide after she crossed the wrong person. Will she be able to come out of this alive?
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