#anyways i wanted to kinda try around with having the effect of the old camp flicker in but
a-gay-little-cat · 8 months
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"Dredging up distant memories"
Getting his truck back wasn't the happy reunion Tiger would have hoped it to be.
Tiger was forced to abandon his truck not too long after leaving his old campsite for good. Parking it as out off the way that he could, he hoped to return and fix it up with the right tools.
Sadly that wouldn't be the case, the truck gone, likely hauled off by people looking to strip it for parts.
Try as he might, he wasn't able to find it anywhere, eventually writing it off as just another thing lost in this nightmare.
And he wasn't wrong, people took the parts they could, leaving the chassis to rot out in some scrap pile.
Though little did he know someone eventually happened to stumble upon it, the truck making the perfect vehicle to get far, far away from Night City. A stranger spending a lot of time fixing up this quite tacky vehicle.
And once it was up and running again? Tiger received a ping. A geolocation telling where exactly his truck was at. He dropped everything in an instance, rushing off without explaining anything, much to V's (belonging to @gr-74 ) dismay.
He didn't expect Tiger to lead them out into the desert, out to the huge trash piles just outside NC. Even less so to see... that truck. It had Tiger written all over it.
Nor could anything prepare him for the scene he was about to witness. A stranger simply trying to get out of the city (who could blame them really by using this truck they fixed up. A truck that very much so belonged to the other mercenary.
V expected Tiger to let it go, let the person leave. He's always been nice, charitable.
But not this time.
He's never seen him this... angry, tense. Not budging in the slightest and telling the stranger to take a hike. Doesn't want to hear it, just get lost. And get lost they did, yelling at Tiger for his cruelty.
Cruelty V had to agree with. Because what the fuck was that.
The answer he gets?
"Ya wouldn't fucking get it.", followed by him getting into the vehicle.
When asked where he thinks he's going it gets deflected with a "None of your business."
Uncharacteristically cold for a man like Tiger.
After a bit of a drive he arrived at an empty spot in the desert, nothing of interest to see here, just sand and rock as far as the eye can see.
At least, that is what its now. Years ago? It was the last spot his clan camped at before it all burned down.
A loss he never processed, simply buried deep deep down where it was left to fester, never daring to uncover it.
Until the truck appeared and it all got dragged to the surface to show its ugly face.
Tiger spends the next days drinking, sober being far from a state he wants to be in right now.
No one has heard from him in this time, simply wanting to be on his own. Much to the concern of his family and Vincent who figured Tiger was staying with the other party.
Once telling Tiger's sister what has happened, she might know where he is, sending V on a wild goose hunt out in the desert.
Luckily it's not hard to miss that bright blue truck out in the brown and dry landscape.
Stepping closer, the image that unfolds in front of him is not a pretty one. Several bottles and cans of beer scattered about and Tiger staring off into the distance.
Walking up, V asks if he can sit with him, if he wants to talk about it but all he gets in response is a grunt.
What does he care? What's there to talk about?
Vincent has been keeping him at arms length, so why does he want to get involved in his life now?
An exasperated snort leaves the smaller merc. Fine, be that way.
Despite that, he doesn't want to leave, doesn't feel right to leave Tiger on his lonesome like this.
Instead he chooses to look around, see if there's anything here, must be a reason as to why the guy drove to this spot.
After a while of finding nothing but sand, a gruff "Nothin' here anymore." is mumbled from behind him.
Using this as an opportunity to get a better picture of all of this, Vincent asks "Oh yeah? How d'you figure?"
There's a long pause. Tiger staring off into nothing until finally a quiet "Watched it all burn."
The nomad never told him much about what happened, why he isn't running with a clan anymore. It was only ever vague answers, nor did V ever push the topic much.
So when Tiger tells him, tells him about how the camp got caught in a crossfire between corporations in the middle of the night, V stands and listens, asking the occasional question to keep him talking, eventually sitting down next to him.
After a while he trails off into stories of the past, what it was like.
And then it's quiet again for a bit.
Until V offers to get them something proper to eat, Tiger not wanting to leave his truck out here.
It is strange, sitting here, eating in silence, no city noises anywhere, the stars visible above them.
Between bites Tiger thanks him for listening, apologizing for being an asshole back there.
It's not long before V is getting tired, looking forward to his bed.
Offering Tiger to come with, crash at his place.
But Tiger wants to stay, just one more night. He's been out here sleeping in his truck, one more time won't hurt. He'll be fine, playfully nudging the other as a reassurance.
"Well.... I guess I'll see you when I see you."
"Not getting rid of me that easy, promise."
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moonstone27ls · 2 years
Chucky finale...
Spoiler warning...
....you’ve been warned....
....warning you...
last warning....
Okay thoughts....
.......welp a lot happened. But mostly felt like Mancini was trying to wrap things up in case this got cancelled/or he’s ending? (again if he choses to end this show I won’t judge.)
Some drama... and some head confusion... a couple of twists.
On the upside Kyle/Andy are still alive.... so if the show ends here I’ll take that as a plus. Thought it was a little rude of Lexy to compare the pair as something bad. I’m like “Uhh kid they saved your ass on a couple of occasions at least be grateful”. And to be fair.... (although Mancini never gives a scene where they all chill/be buds), Andy was the only really obsessed to well be TRAUMATIZED on multiple occasions. Kyle I feel only went to protect him.
I have a couple of issues with the finale not so much issues just tiny nitpicks. Like when the kids reveal to their old teacher about Chucky, they do that while the cops are still in the house. I mean don’t they usually worry someone will hear/and think their nuts? Uhh feel a bit mixed with G.G. Not so much the change/and their new name. More of how and I’m going back as Glenda seemed okay with they mom being a killer/and embraced being a killer. I mean last episodes they were complaining/fighting that issue. And again going back as Glenn, Glenn was fully against killing. Sooo with G.G. being so casual what does that mean? 
Is G.G. going to embrace being a killer? Now that they are “one” being I guess? Or was that the whole point of their travels. Self discovery, find out what their role is, away from their toxic parents. I mean I do give Tiff points for loving and embracing their identities.... but yeahhh still a killer. Improving as a mom but its hard for me to embrace her as an anti-hero. Specifically again even though the show has split her and Chucky (kinda miss them sorry). She’s still very much a killer. I mean I’m sorry but suddenly she cares about how murder effects people? Where was that when literally ANY TIME she’s killed .And she did still willing kidnap Caroline so nah not totally rooting for her.
Though that being said considering how the show ended (not counting breaking fourth wall/meta Chucky)... was that Mancini’s intentions? Heh I dunno I kinda thought Tiff would possess the old doll and she and Chucky would either reconcile (sorry they’re both killers they kinda suit each other) or become rivals as killers
The drama between Jake/Devon felt like it dragged on a bit but heh at least it finished.
Uhh am I shocked that Chucky possessed and kept switching dolls? Not really. Didn’t feel sorry for Dr. Mixter she put herself in that situation, guess it makes sense now why Chucky picked those kids from last season.
Am I shocked Caroline was brainwashed?/or manipulated... uh no. I mean I the kid was literally too quiet through the ENTIRE season with no real change to her personality. Though question does her choosing evil make it bad on people with autism? Not that I know she’s autistic.... I mean felt like the show hinted but I dunno. ANyways back to that... soooo...  if the show is continued what was Chucky wanting from Caroline then? Is she a replacement for “G.G”? Would kinda explain why Chucky told her Tiff was her real mother. 
Dunno how Nica found Tiff or was able to move around so fast but dang a bit obsessed much o3o;. I mean granted I get it. But hmm.. and did G.G. help her find Tiff? Was that why they kinda left? They agreed to help but wouldn’t see it?I dunno was hoping Nica would heal and be with Andy/Kyle. I dunno what with the young three survivors, I figured Nica would be with Andy/Kyle and try to heal.
And then the Belle doll being secretly Chucky... hmm I guess I was surprised. Explained why they kept focusing on that dumb doll. Feel like they ripped that off of Sleepaway camp.
Heh do I have any thoughts? Or hopes for next season if Mancini gets one? I dunno other that the kids and Andy/Kyle/Nica surive. Heh no thats it.
Not interested in Tiff, I mean I love Tilly. But either way unless Manicini’s really okay with saying goodbye to Tilly, I don’t see her being left alone. Cause like Chucky, she’s a KILLER. Any of the 6 survivors would go after her like Chucky too.
And as mean as it is to say I don’t care about Caroline. Heh I just don’t unless next season has her missing Lexy or more sympathic eps. There isn’t much to her. I don’t hate the character just isn’t much to her for me to miss.
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Alright, I read your recent post and need to know - what is your interpretation of Maglor’s relationship with the twins?
askjdhslkjag my biggest self-inflicted problem in this fandom is that my take on maglor, elrond, and elros' relationship is so intensely detailed and specific i am forever tormented by none of the fic i read ever quite getting it right (from my perspective; i’ve read plenty of fic that presents a good interpretation on their own terms, it’s just never mine.) it’s simultaneously way darker than the fluffy kidnap dads stuff and nowhere near as black-and-white awful as the anti-fëanorian crowd likes to paint it, it’s messy and complicated and surrounded by darkness, and yet there’s also a sincere connection within it which mostly serves to make all those complications worse. angry teenage elrond is angry for a great many reasons, and the circumstances around him being raised by kinslayers account for at least half of them. there’s lots of complexity here, and i don’t see it in fic nearly as often as i’d like
(warning: the post... feathers? i already have an internet friend called faeiri this could be awkward - anyway, the post she’s talking about includes the line ‘everyone is wrong about kidnap dads except me.’ this post follows on from that in being as much a commentary about why various popular interpretations of both how the kidnapdoption went and the way people subsequently characterise the twins just don’t work for me as it is a setting out of my own ideas. i’m not really interested in getting into discourse here, i’m just trying to get my thoughts down. i’ve read fic with these interpretations before that i’ve liked, even, don’t take this as a Condemnation, aight? also this turned out long as hell, so i’m putting it under a cut)
i can never buy entirely fluffy depictions of kidnap dads
which isn’t to say i don’t read them! sometimes all i want is something sweet, for these kids to get to be happy for once. it’s not like i think their time with the fëanorians was completely devoid of laughter
it’s just. the pet names, the special days out, the home-cooked meals, it can get so treacly it stops feeling like the characters they are in the situation they’re in and turns into Generic Found Family #272
it soaks out all the complexity - which is the thing i am here for - and acts like oh, these kids were never in any danger, they were perfectly happy being abducted by the people who murdered everyone they knew, there’s nothing possibly questionable about this relationship at all
and... yeah. that’s not the characters i know. that’s not the context i know they belong to
i just can’t forget the circumstances that led them to meet
rivers of blood, the air filled with screams, a town ablaze, a woman choosing to die. every interaction the three of them have is going to proceed from that nightmare
(sidenote: i tend to hold it was maglor that raised the twins, with maedhros looming ominously in the background not really getting involved. it’s mostly personal preference, i’ve been in and out of the fandom since before this kidnap dads thing blew up and when i joined that was a perfectly standard reading)
(also the cave thing was a dumb idea, old man, if only because it implies beleriand had streams safe enough for children to play in at that point. the way it separates the twins from the third kinslaying is also something i don’t particularly vibe with)
probably my least favourite angle i’ve seen on the situation (edged out only by ‘maglor was actively abusive towards the twins’ which no no no no no no no no NO) is the idea that maglor (and/or maedhros, append as necessary) took the twins specifically to raise them
like, i get where it’s coming from, but it makes maglor come off as really creepy
(i have read fics where it is indeed played off as really creepy, but that’s not a maglor i have any interest in reading about)
(’mags 100% bad’ is just as facile a take to me as ‘mags 100% good’)
even if you’re saying maglor took them in because they had no one left to take care of them - i highly doubt they were the only children the fëanorians orphaned at sirion. idk, it always makes maglor seem much less sympathetic than i think it’s meant to
i prefer to think of it as more... organic? something that evolved, not something that was preordained. them growing closer gradually, the twins finding an adult who might maybe be on their side, maglor becoming invested in them almost by accident
and then the twins are so comfortable with the second scariest monster in amon ereb they frequently sass him off and maglor’s gotten so used to not hurting them he’s not even thinking about it any more. no one’s quite sure how it happened, but they’ve made a Connection
‘wait aren’t they a murderous warlord of questionable mental stability and a pair of terrified small children who’ve lost everyone they ever knew? isn’t that kinda fucked up?’ yup! that’s the point! complexity!
another idea i don’t like is the idea that maglor was an objectively better parent to the twins than eärendil or elwing
other people have talked about this already, i won’t rehash the whole thing. i will say that while i don’t think elwing was a perfect parent - someone so young, in such a horrible situation, i wouldn’t blame her for screwing up - i do think she (and eärendil) did the best by them they possibly could
this is one of the few things they have in common with maglor
something i come across now and again is the idea that sure, elwing and eärendil weren’t abusive or horrible or anything, but they were a couple of basically-teenagers with so many other responsibilities, there was only so much they could do. maglor, on the other hand, is an experienced adult who could take much better care of the twins
first off, it’s not like mags doesn’t have a job. he’s a warlord, he has a fortress to help run, military shit to handle, lots of other stuff that needs to get done to stop everyone from starving or getting eaten by orcs. i feel like sirion had enough of a government there was plenty of opportunity for elwing to take days off and play with her kids, but in the fëanorian camp nobody really has the time to chase after a couple of toddlers, least of all one of the last points on the command network. they just don’t have the people any more
(seriously, the twins getting a formal education with tutors and classes and shit is a weirdly specific pet peeve of mine. this is a band of renegades, not a royal household; if there’s anyone left with those kinds of skills they almost certainly have more important things to do)
more than that, though - well, a quick glance through my late stage fëanorians tag should tell you a lot about what i think maglor’s mental state is like at this point. he is so accustomed to violence death means nothing to him, he’s lost most of his capacity for genuinely positive emotion to an endless century of defeat and despair, he hates everything in the universe, especially himself, he’s only able to keep functioning through a truly astounding amount of denial, and he covers it all up with a layer of snark and feigned apathy, which he defends aggressively because he’s subconsciously realised that if it breaks he’ll have absolutely nothing left
(maedhros, for the record, is... i’d say more stable, but at a lower point. maglor may interact with the world mostly through cold stares and mocking laughter, but at least his mind is firmly rooted in the present)
(on the other hand, at least maedhros lets himself be aware of what they are and where their road will lead)
which... this doesn’t mean maglor doesn’t try to be kind to the twins, or rein in his worst impulses around them
there’s just so little of him left but the weapon
he stalks through the halls like a portent of death and gets into hours-long screaming matches with maedhros and has definitely killed people in front of the twins
not even as, like, a deliberate attempt to scare them, but because when you solve most of your problems by stabbing them it’s pretty much a given that people who spend a lot of time around you are going to see you do it at least once
and sometimes, he curls up in an empty hallway, and weeps
... suffice it to say i don’t think elwing’s the more preoccupied, or the less mentally ill, parent here
just. in general, the fëanorians aren’t cackling boogeymen, but they’re not particularly nice either
no one has the energy left for that. not these isolated and weary soldiers at the end of a long losing war and the beginning of the end of the world. they don’t really bother to guard the kids against them escaping. where else are they going to go?
the sheer despair that must have been in the fëanorian camp after sirion, the knowledge that the cause cannot be fulfilled, that they are utterly forsaken, that they’re really just waiting to die -
it can’t have been a happy place to grow up in, under the shadow of loss and grief and deeds unrepentable, and the slow march of inevitable defeat
they would have had a better childhood if they stayed in sirion, raised by people who knew how to hope
but that isn’t the childhood they had. and despite everything i’ve said, i don’t think that childhood was an entirely awful one
yeah, see, this is where the other side of my self-inflicted fandom catch-22 comes in. just as much of the pro-kidnap dads stuff comes off as overly saccharine and simplified to me, i find much of the anti-kidnap dads stuff equally simplistic in the opposite direction
the idea that maglor and the fëanorians never meant anything to elros and elrond, that they had no effect on the people they became at all, that it was just a horrible thing that happened when they were children, easily thrown in the rear-view mirror...
that’s even more impossible to me than the idea that life with the fëanorians was 100% fluffy and nice
like, i’ve seen the take that elros and elrond hated the fëanorians from start to finish. they were perfect little sindarin princes, loyal to their people and the memory of doriath, spurning every scrap of kindness offered to them and knowing just what to say to twist the knife into the kinslayers’ wounds
... dude. they were six. hell, given their peredhelness, mentally they could easily have been younger
what six year old has a firm grasp of their ethnic identity? what six year old is fully aware of their place in history? what six year old would understand the politics that led to their situation?
don’t get me wrong, i can see hatred in there. but something else that doesn’t get acknowledged alongside it often enough is the fear
some of the stuff i’ve read feels like it gives the kids too much power in the situation. they’re perfectly happy to talk back to and belittle the people who burned down their hometown and killed everyone they ever knew, like miniature adults who don’t feel threatened at all
and, like, six. i can see them going for insults as a defensive measure, but it is defensive. it’s covering up fear, not coming from secure disdain
(and a lot of those insults sound, again, like things an adult who’s already familiar with the fëanorians would say, not a scared child who’s lost almost everything. why would a six year old raised by sindar and gondolindrim know what the noldolantë is, let alone what it means to maglor?)
(... i’m just ranting about this one fic that’s been ruffling my feathers for five years straight now, aren’t i)
i mean, i write elrond as the world’s angriest teenager, who snipes at maglor pretty much constantly, but the thing about angry teenage elrond is that he’s angry teenage elrond
he’s spent long enough with the fëanorians he has a pretty secure position within the camp, and he knows that maglor won’t hurt him from a decade and change of maglor not, in fact, hurting him
but as a small and terrified child abducted by the monsters his mother had nightmares about? he fluctuated wildly between ‘randomly guessing at things to say that wouldn’t get him killed’ ‘screaming at maglor to go away in words rarely more complicated than that’ 'desperately trying not to do or say anything in the hopes of not being noticed’ and ‘hiding’
(and i don’t think the twins were never in any danger from the fëanorians, either. quite besides the point that before they started orbiting maglor nobody was really sure what to do with them... well, they wouldn’t be the first children of thingol’s line the minions took revenge on)
(fortunately for them, maglor did, in fact, take them under his wing. by this point even their own followers are shit scared of the last two sons of fëanor, nobody’s going to mess with their stuff and risk getting mauled. tactically, it was a pretty good decision for a couple of toddlers)
more to the point, i feel like a child that young, in a situation that horrible, wouldn’t reject any kindness they were offered, any soothing touch in a universe of terror
in a world full of big scary monsters, the best way to survive is to get the biggest scariest monster possible to protect you. that’s how elros rationalises it when they’re, like, eight, mentally, but at the time they were just latching on to the only person around them who seemed to care about them
that’s how it started, on their end. two very young very scared children lost in a neverending nightmare clinging tightly to the lone outstretched pair of hands
as for maglor...
i’ve called mags evil before, but i see that as more of a... technical term? he is evil because he did the murder, he remains evil because he won’t stop doing the murder. hot take: murder bad
but that doesn’t make him, like, a moustache-twirling saturday morning cartoon villain. he is deeply unhappy with the position he’s in and the person he’s become, and he’s always trying not to take that final step over the edge
it’s not that i can’t see a maglor who is abusive or manipulative or who sees the twins more as objects than people. it’s just that that characterisation is one i am profoundly uninterested in. i do occasionally read fic with it, but it never enters my own headcanons
horrible people can do good things!! kinslayers can do good things!! the fallen are capable of humanity!! people can do both good and evil things at the same time, because people are complicated!! maglor is not psychologically incapable of actually taking pity on these kids!!!!
it’s... again, complexity. the fëanorians straddle the line between black and white, which is a lot less sharp in the legendarium than it’s sometimes characterised as. it’s what draws me to their characters so much, why i have so many stupid headcanons about them. pretending they fall firmly on either side of the line is my real fandom pet peeve
and, like, this moment? this sincere connection between a bloodstained warlord and two children who will grow up to be great and kind in equal measure? i may not entirely like the direction the fandom’s taken it recently, but that beat, that relationship, it still gets me
so no, i don’t think elrond and elros’ years with the fëanorians were an endless cavalcade of abuse and misery. i think there was love there, despite the darkness all around them
an old, tired monster, and the two tiny children it protects
maglor never hurts the twins, not ever, not once. his claws are sharp and his fangs are keen, if he so much as swatted them he’d rip them in half. instead he folds down the razor edges of his being, interacting with them ever so carefully. he has nightmares of suddenly tearing into their skin
seriously, the power differential between them is so great, maglor so much as raising his voice would break any trust they have in this horribly dangerous creature. fics where he does corporal punishment always get the side-eye from me
the mood of their relationship is... i find it hard to put into words. melancholy, maybe, like a sunny afternoon a few days before the end of the world. three people who’ve lost so much finding what respite they can in each other as the world slowly crumbles around them
there are times when it feels like the three of them exist in a world of their own, marked out by the edges of the firelight. maglor telling stories of the stars, elros giving relaxed irreverent commentary, elrond getting a few moments to just be, all their troubles kept at bay
they are the last two lights in a world sunk into darkness, the last two living beings he does not on some level hate. he will tear his own heart out before he sees them in pain
he teaches them to ride, he teaches them to read, he gives them everything he still has left. the twins should never have been in this situation, maglor probably isn’t entirely fit to take care of them, but it is what it is, and they take what love they can
(maglor depends on the twins emotionally a bit more than any adult should rely on any child. he’s still very much the caretaker in their relationship, but that relationship is the only one he has left that’s not stained by a century of rage and grief. he’s obsessed with them, maedhros tells him frequently. maglor’s standard response to this is to try to gouge maedhros’ eyes out)
(that particular darker side to their relationship, where maglor’s attachment to the twins turns into a desperate possessiveness - that’s not something i think i’ve ever seen in fic. which is a shame, it feels much closer to my own characterisation than the standard ways this relationship gets maleficised. darker, in a different way than usual. horribly compelling in its plausibility)
however you want to read it, i don’t think you can deny this is a relationship that defines elrond and elros’ childhood. they were raised in the woods by a pack of kinslayers, the text is quite clear on this
but i’ve seen a lot of talk about how elros and elrond are only sirion’s children. they are completely 100% sindarin, they love and forgive eärendil and elwing thoroughly and without question, they identify with doriath over - even gondolin, let alone tirion. the fëanorians - the people who raised them - had zero effect on the people they grew into and the selves they created
and that, more than anything else, i find utterly unbelievable
look, i get what this is a reaction to. a lot of the kidnap dads stuff paints the fëanorians as elrond and elros’ ‘real’ family, and i’ve already talked about what i think of the idea that maglor-and-possibly-also-maedhros were better parents than eärendil and elwing. i think it’s reductive and overly optimistic and just a little too neat
but to say instead that elrond and elros held no great love in their hearts for maglor, no lingering affinity with the fëanorians, no influence on their identity from the people they grew up around, none at all? that after it happened they just left it behind and resumed being the same people they were in sirion?
that strikes me as just as much an oversimplification. it sands down all the potential rough edges of their identity, all that inconvenient complexity that stops them from fitting into any well-defined box, and replaces it with a nice safe simple self-conception i find just as flat and boring as declaring them 100% fëanorian
we can quibble over who they call ‘father’ (i personally find that whole debate kinda petty) but denying that it was actually maglor who was the closest thing they knew to a parent for most of their childhoods, and that that would, in fact, affect the way they thought of themselves and their family, elides so many interesting possibilities out of existence
(i’m not even going to get into the most braindead take i have ever heard on the subject, namely that because their time with the fëanorians was such a small fraction of elrond’s total lifespan it was like being kidnapped for two weeks as a toddler and had no greater significance than that. do you not understand what childhood is????)
like, i tend to think of elrond as a child as being very loudly not-a-fëanorian. elros is more willing to go with the flow - hey, if the creepy kinslayer wants kids, elros is happy to play into that in order to not be murdered - but elrond is very firm that he’s not happy to be here and he doesn’t belong with them
(this is after they get over their initial terror, of course, when they’ve realised they won’t be fed to the orcs for the tiniest slight. even so, elrond only really gets shirty about it around people he’s comfortable with, whose reactions he can reasonably guess at. naturally, the first person he does it to is maglor)
elros calls maglor their father exactly once, when they’re... maybe early preteens? this is because elrond hears him do it and immediately loses his shit. they have a dad, elrond says, in tears, and a mum, and any day now their real parents are going to come to pick them up and take them home
... right?
it gets harder to believe as the years roll on, as their memories of sirion fade, as they find their own places within the host, as maglor watches over them as they grow. elrond still mentally sets himself apart from the fëanorians, but it’s more of an effort every year. life in the fëanorian camp is the only one he’s ever really known. he can barely remember his mother’s voice
then the war of wrath starts, and the fëanorian host drifts closer to the army of valinor, and the twins come into contact with non-fëanorians for the first time in forever, and it becomes clear just how obviously fëanorian elrond is. he always insisted he wasn’t like the kinslayers at all, but he dresses like them, talks like them, fights like them
the myth cycles the edain tell are almost completely unfamiliar to him, he barely remembers the shape of the songs of lost doriath. even these sarcastic commentary and subversive reinterpretations he made of maglor’s stories - those were still maglor’s stories! he’s been trying to guess at the person he was meant to be, but it’s growing nightmarishly blatant how little elrond ever knew about him
instead, the people he was born to are as alien to him as the orcs of morgoth. he is a fëanorian, through and through
... yeah, elrond (and/or elros) having an absolutely massive identity crisis upon being reintroduced to his quote-unquote ‘true kin’ is another angle i’d love to see in fic that i don’t think i’ve ever come across. all those potential grey areas around who they are and who they’re supposed to be sound utterly fascinating, and i think it’s the complexity i hate to see elided over the most
i really, really doubt they could effortlessly slot back into being eärendil and elwing’s children. not when they’ve been surrounded by, lived alongside, been raised by the people who were supposed to enemies for most of their lives
they just don’t fit into that box any more. they can’t
speaking of eärendil and elwing, while i do agree that they both (especially elwing) get a lot more flak than they deserve, i don’t agree that therefore elrond and elros were never the slightest bit mad at them and fully forgave them for everything with no reservations
because, well, they were left behind. elwing had no other choice, but they were still left behind; it led to the world being saved, but they were still left behind. all the best intentions in the universe don’t erase the weeks and months and years of waiting, of a hope that grew thinner and frailer until it finally quietly broke
that’s a real hurt, and a real grievance. even if the twins rationally understand that their parents were making the best out of their terrible situation, you can’t logic away emotions like that. it’s perfectly possible for them to know they have no reason to resent eärendil or elwing, and yet still harbour that bitterness and pain
(i did write a thing once where elrond loudly rejects eärendil as his father in favour of maglor, but something i didn’t add in that i probably should have is that elrond later regretted doing that)
(not like, several centuries later, when he’d grown old and wise. two hours later, when he’d calmed down. but he was still legitimately angry at eärendil, because the one thing angry teenage elrond was not lacking in was reasons to be mad at the adults around him, and before he could figure out if he had anything less furious to say the hosts of the valar left middle-earth behind)
(it’s another element to the tragedy of the whole thing. in that particular story, which is mostly aiming for maximum pain, the only thing elrond’s birth parents know about their son for thousands of years is that he hates them)
(and he doesn’t, not really. you can’t hate someone you’ve never known)
not that i think they couldn’t ever make up with their parents! fics where elrond and his birth parents work past all the things that lie between them and form a functional familial bond despite it all give me life. i just don’t like the idea that there’s nothing difficult for them to work past
i don’t like the idea that elrond and elros would naturally, effortlessly identify with the mother they last saw when they were six and the people they only vaguely remember. i can see them doing it as a political move, i can see them going for it as a deliberate personal choice, but i can’t seeing it being immediate and automatic and easy
no matter how great a pair of heroes eärendil and elwing are, that doesn’t change the fact that to elrond and elros, they’re at most a few scattered memories and a collection of far-off stories. and so long as the twins stay in middle-earth, they’re never going to draw any closer
compared to the dynamic, multifaceted, personal, and deep bonds they have with the fëanorians - who, and i know i keep saying this but i think it gets tossed aside way more casually than it should, are the people who actually raised them, their birth parents must feel like a distant idea
and that’s why i can never buy interpretations of elrond as 100% sindarin, a pure son of doriath, with no messy grey areas or awkward jagged edges to his identity. given everything we know about his life, it seems almost cartoonishly simplistic
honestly it seems like a narrative a bunch of old doriathrin nobles trying to manouevre elrond into being high king of the sindar or something would propagate. it's neat and nice and tidy, something that’d be much more convenient for everyone if elrond did feel that way
but i just don’t see how he can. this narrative is easy and simple in a way real people never are, it ignores all the forces pulling him apart. elrond being uncomplicatedly sindarin with the life he lives and the people he's close to - that doesn’t make any sense to me
which isn’t to say i think he’s 100% noldorin, from either a gondolindrim or a fëanorian perspective. (i find it a little more believable, given, again, who he grew up around and who he hangs out with, but it’s still a bit too reductive for my tastes.) it’s also not to say i couldn’t believe an elrond who made an active choice to emphasise his sindarin heritage
it’s not how i think of him, but it works. i don’t have a problem with other people interpreting the complexities of the twins’ identities differently
i just have a problem with people acting like it doesn’t exist
in general i think there’s a lot untapped potential that gets left behind when you declare the twins, separately or together, as All One Thing
they’re descended from half the noble houses of beleriand, and they have deep personal ties to most of the rest. they belong to all of the free peoples even the dwarves, somehow, probably and i feel like that was kind of the old man’s point? so many peoples meet in them, to say they wholly belong to any one species is probably an oversimplification
they sit at a crossroads of potential identities, and rather than narrowing down their worldviews to one single path, they take the hard road and choose all of them. that’s what you need to do, if you want to change the world
and, to bring this back to my ostensible topic, in my estimation at least this mélange of possible selves does include them as fëanorians! it’s not overpowering, but it’s certainly there, and the adults they grow into long after they’ve left the host still bear influence from their childhood
nothing super obvious, nothing that wouldn’t stand out if you didn’t know what to look for, but there’s something almost incandescent in how fiercely elros reaches out for his dreams
there’s something almost defiant in elrond’s drive to be as kind as summer
as for who they publically claim as their family... honestly, it depends. while it’s usually more tactically prudent for elros to connect himself to his various human ancestors, on occasion he does find a use for his free in with the elf mafia, and elrond, code switcher par excellence, is famously the son of whoever is most politically convenient at the moment, which is rarely, but not never, maglor
(in the privacy of their own minds, well, eärendil and elwing may have been the parents elros was supposed to have, but maglor was the parent he actually had, and elros doesn’t particularly care to mope over what might have been. elrond, for his part, figures that after all the shit maglor has put him through, the least that bastard owes him is a father)
but honestly? i think before any of their mountain of identities, before thinking of themselves as sindarin or gondolindel or hadorian or haladin or fëanorian or anything, elrond and elros identify as themselves
they are peredhil, they are númenóreans, they are whoever they make themselves to be. that’s how elrond finally resolved his identity, figured out who he was and found something past the pain and the rage
he wasn’t doriathrin, or gondolindrin, or falathrin, or fëanorian, or whatever else. he was elrond, no more and no less
and that person, elrond, could be whatever he chose to be
... elros came to a similar conclusion, with much less sturm und drang that he’s willing to admit. being able to go ‘hey, i can’t possibly be biased towards any one of your cultures, because i’m descended from all of you and i was raised by murderelves’ makes it a lot easier to unite people around your personal banner, turns out
the stories other people tried to force on them shattered into pieces, and the peredhel twins were free to shape themselves into anything they could dream of
and as the new world struggles alive, these lost children of an Age of death begin to bloom into their full glorious selves -
i just. i love the poetry of that. despite every single shadow that hangs over their past, despite all the clashing notes pulling them apart, they harmonise it all into a greater, kinder theme, determined to make their world a better place in whatever way they can
they fail, of course, but so do all things. the inevitable march of entropy doesn’t diminish the long millennia they (and their descendants) held onto the light
and their growing up in the fëanorian host definitely had a huge effect on the noble lords they became. you can see it in elros’ loud ambition to create a land of happiness and hope, elrond’s quiet resolve to heal all the hurts inflicted by this marred reality
it wasn’t a perfect time by any means, but neither was it a nightmare. it was what it was, a desperate existence at the edge of a knife where, nevertheless, they were loved
even after years upon decades upon centuries have passed, it’s hard for the wise king and the honourable sage to separate out and identify all the conflicting emotions swirling around their childhood. they never knew eärendil or elwing, true, but they also never really knew maglor
not as equals, not as adults, not as people who could truly understand him. he disappeared into the fog of history, leaving only childhood memories of razor-sharp, gentle hands
it’s messy and it’s complicated and getting any real closure would be like shoving their way through a thornbush with bare hands even if elrond could find the shithead, and yet at the core of it all, there is light. not the brightest of lights, maybe, but an enduring one
that contrast, above all, that note of warmth amidst the shadows, is what fascinates me so much about their relationship. three screwed up people in a screwed up world, finding a little peace with each other
and the fact that somehow, it does have a good ending - the children grow up magnificent and compassionate and just, they become exemplars of all their peoples, lodestars of the new world born out of the ashes of the old - that makes it seem to me like this relationship must have contained some fragment of happiness
but, fuck, all the darkness that surrounds that love, all the tangled-up emotions its existence necessitates, all the prefabricated self-identities it can never slot into - nothing about it is simple, nothing about it is easy, and i find that utterly enthralling. especially how, despite everything, that flickering light never goes out
well, i don’t think it does, anyway. my take on this relationship is both complicated enough no one else ever quite gets it right and well-defined enough every single ‘error’ in other people’s interpretations sticks out like a kinslayer in rivendell
it is an entirely self-inflicted problem, i will admit. other people are allowed to interpret those complexities differently from me, and it’s entirely my own fault i lack the :waves hands around nebulously: to write my own hypothetical fic on the subject at a pace faster than glacial
still, though. i do wish there was more fic out there that engaged with these complexities. a lot of the common fandom interpretations of this relationship just sweep it all away
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Sesskag Week: Day One ‘Green’
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Title: Stop me if you’ve heard this one before
Summary: Kagome witnesses Inuyasha and Kikyo in another loving embrace and runs away, stumbling straight into Sesshoumaru that moonlit night. (My attempt at an old fandom trope.)
Rated T
Words: 4,000
You can read this on Ao3, Dokuga and Fanfiction.net 
AN: I just wanted to try my hand at an old sesskag fandom trope that I reckon was in the height of popularity from the early 2000s- 2010s. Other tropes from that time included Abusive Inuyasha, no one knowing what the canon end or final battle was like, and mokomoko being sentient. Ah...old memories. If this fic feels like it's from a bygone era, well...that was the intention lol. For Sesskag Week Day One - Green.
Standing frozen stiff, Kagome stared ahead. A gasp remained locked behind her teeth. Slim fingers dug into the bark of a tree she'd hidden behind, gazing around the trunk towards a couple cradling each other tightly.
This was the second time. The first had hit harder inside her chest, the slam of heartbreak cracking the fragile shell of first love that had closed around her heart.
But she'd made a promise to Inuyasha; to remain by his side. She needed to get over this haze of green misting her eyes, the jealousy roaring through her veins. Inuyasha and Kikyo used to be lovers, it was perfectly natural and humane to want to hold his lost love.
That didn't make it any easier to see.
In fact, the emotion welling up in her throat threatened to burst louder than before. Fearing the strength of her own reaction, Kagome stepped back. She took another, then another, whirling around to flee into pitch-black darkness.
I wanted to be more mature about this, she thought. The tears stinging her eyes bespoke of her anger, worry, and heartache- like an old wound had been freshly ripped open anew.
Kagome couldn't be understanding or mature, not like poised Lady Kikyo likely could. Kagome was 15, emotive and sparking. She was fire, passion, a roaring flame of anger that could climb so high nothing would stifle it.
Stumbling over tree roots in the dark, quiet woods, Kagome ran blind. When she felt that she'd covered enough ground, far away from the lover's embrace, she stopped abruptly in the middle of a meadow. Sweat beading her temple and throat burning, she threw back her head.
And yelled.
She threw all turbulent emotions into it, crying so loud her windpipe protested. The noise became horse and broken before she stopped.
Standing within that moonlit clearing, Kagome caught her breath, tears threatening to spill over.
"Must you make such noise in the dead of night?" a steady voice drawled.
Her chest constricted, breath halting. Shadows peeled off from the trees, a figure revealing itself under the moonlight.
Kagome blinked hard, trying to fight tears as Sesshoumaru stepped closer. She moved back to keep distance, vaguely wary. Shit, she'd forgotten her weapons.
He wasn't an enemy per se anymore but they weren't exactly allies either. Since he'd adopted that human girl, they seemed to be in more of a stalemate. Nonetheless, the caprice of the Killing Perfection's moods were unpredictable.
"M-my bad, I didn't think anyone was around."
"You cried like a wounded animal," his lips curved, as though enjoying the thought. "Take heed, girl; such wailing will disturb demons with keen hearing- and not all are as forgiving as I tonight."
"Right, duly noted," she mumbled, rubbing her arm. Damn it. She'd just wanted a place to cry. Sesshoumaru was the last person she wanted to feel vulnerable around.
Golden eyes slid up to observe something beyond the trees. Turning to follow his line of sight, her chest constricted- glimpsing a trailing soul collector in the sky.
"Inuyasha's dead priestess uses those creatures, does she not?"
"Y-yeah, they're Kikyo's soul collectors."
His attention returned to her face, resting heavily there. It disquieted her until at length, he finally made a noise. "...Hn."
The Daiyouki smoothly pivoted, walking out of her available vision to meld within thick darkness again, but she sensed him linger beneath the trees, perhaps taking a seat.
"Keep the snivelling to a minimum."
Kagome startled, blue eyes widening. The first tear fell- closely followed by the second. Soon a stream of them flooded down her face, and she crumpled to her knees, palm clasped tight over her mouth as she tried not to sob.
She wasn't sure how or why. How she could suddenly fall apart in front of him when Kagome prided herself on not crying in front of anyone if it were possible. The why also remained a mystery- why did he invite her to stay? Sesshoumaru was not a charitable sort. Perhaps his sadistic streak enjoyed the salt of endless tears.
Kagome stayed there, quivering in the moonlit clearing for a good while, grass cushioning her bare legs, arms wrapped around herself protectively. When at last the sobs abated, she shakily stood.
Without a word to the demon who had watched her like a voyer of her pain, Kagome headed towards the village after piecing herself back together.
She couldn't see Sesshoumaru's expression, nor the way in which citrine eyes followed her figure until she stepped out of sight.
It wasn't like Kagome cried after every damn encounter with Kikyo, though they did leave her worn and exhausted. She felt mighty proud of not bursting into sobs the second Inuyasha's eyes lingered on her a little too long. But Kagome could bear that. She could bear many things.
It was fine, totally fine. She was fine!
Until she wasn't.
It had been two months since that emotional night and thankfully Sesshoumaru hadn't acknowledged her fine display of despair and teenage hormones. In fact, he seemed a little quieter during their encounters while hunting for Naraku, pinpointing her amidst her friends and eyeing her carefully sometimes.
So it was with mild surprise that Kagome stumbled into him again on one such occasion where she needed a good cry. And then again a few weeks after- followed by another encounter near a waterfall a month later. Every time, Sesshoumaru said nothing. He merely waited a respectable distance away, not particularly looking at, nor acknowledging her sorrow as she let out pent up frustrations.
What should be an immensely private thing had changed. Kagome wasn't sure what to feel about it, especially when he began erecting barriers around the area.
Almost like he was ensuring her privacy while continuing to invade it himself.
"W-why…?" she choked out one evening, sitting upon a log with only the Daiyoukai for company. Inuyasha and the others were none the wiser, sitting back at camp further within the forest. "Why are you here, hanging around? Is it fun for you to watch this?" her anger simmered, misdirected.
Sesshoumaru's lazy gaze slid over to her, reclining at the base of a tree. He huffed, drawing a knee up to gracefully drape an arm over it. "Your wailing is an assault on my hearing, I derive no pleasure from this."
"Then what's the deal? I find it hard to believe you're doing it for me."
"Hn, you are correct, I am not," he freely admitted. "This act of concealment is out of acknowledgement. Warriors must not show weakness in battle, nor to anyone but a select few. I am merely ensuring your wish to hide your pain is successful since you are so terrible at doing it yourself," inhuman eyes pinned her in place. Her breath stalled at their intensity. "Your desire to conceal tears and weakness is unexpected for one as emotional as you."
Kagome picked at her fingers. "It's not out of a sense of duty or warrior pride as you seem to think. I just don't like burdening people with my problems. Only...all this energy piles up and explodes out as anger at Inuyasha anyway, I'm not suppressing or hiding anything at the end of the day," she gave a self-deprecating smile. Letting out a long whoosh of air from her lungs, Kagome turned to him.
"For what it's worth, thanks. For uh- concealing me. I still think it's odd that you're going to all this trouble but I'm grateful."
He arched a brow, unruffled and outwardly placid.
Wiping the remaining tears away, she gave a weak smirk. "Urgh, I blubber so loudly over a guy I really shouldn't be in love with. Kinda stupid."
"Indeed," he drawled without sympathy, glancing away.
"And you're still a jerk," she hummed, smiling slightly. But a weird, considerate one. Was it possible to be both considerate and a jerk?
Sesshoumaru did not look at her, tilting his head back to gaze at the branches overhead.
"You 'blubber' so loud a 'barrier' is necessary in order to keep your privacy. Inuyasha would catch your scent otherwise."
"Can Naraku see us like this?"
"The barrier does not mask us from sight, it merely hides scent. It is effective on Inuyasha and other demons but the spider could easily survey us from a distance."
Kagome sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Gotcha," she murmured, falling into a strangely companionable silence with him, before asking; "have you ever been in love?"
His reply was immediate and crisp; "no. Such things are for fanciful beings."
Biting her lip to keep from mentioning his 'Great and Powerful Father' had fallen victim to such fanciful things too, she hummed.
Sesshoumaru frowned in her direction. "Speak."
"I just think- when you do experience love, it's gonna knock you off your feet."
He sneered, "you think yourself an expert on the subject?"
"Gods no! Do I look like one?" Kagome grinned, gesturing to her tear-stained cheeks.
Sesshoumaru searched her face, visibly relaxing slightly. He tilted his head, surveying his sharp nails. "For what it is worth, if I had an opinion on the matter- which I do not," he assured. "I should think your fanciful 'love' emotion is not supposed to cause such pain. I question your dedication to it."
"My feelings for Inuyasha aren't something I can turn off. Believe me, I would if I could," shifting she gazed up at the stars, smiling gently. "Wow, Ursa Major looks so clear and close tonight."
Youki brushed her senses, her only warning. Soft grass crunched beneath boots as Sesshoumaru joined her on the log, sitting beside her. Mokomoko brushed the exposed skin of her knee. His eyes narrowed. "You are referring to the stars?"
Kagome blinked with surprise at his sudden piqued interest, raising a hand to point them out. "Yeah, a constellation. Ursa Major starts there and ends there," her finger drifted.
Sesshoumaru's blank features became lofty, huffing. "That is the incorrect name for it. Those stars are called Satoko."
"Who told you that?"
"My instructor when I was young. And this collection," he reached out, plucking her hand out of the air and redirecting her point to another constellation, "is Mineko, a volcano spirit."
Her skin burned at the contact, feeling his calloused palm, rough from years of training- clasping the back of her hand. Kagome blinked, feeling strange. Her stomach jumped, and she felt grateful and confused when he released her.
"I-I see! Tell me more about them, are they linked to your demonic heritage?" Kagome asked, flexing burning fingers in her lap.
Even hours afterwards, the sensation of warmth and strong youki flitting over her flesh continued to itch at her skin.
"I don't want to talk to you! JUST BACK OFF!"
Inuyasha's expression flickered, open hurt briefly appearing before white ears pinned flat to his skull. "FINE! Go running home again, see if I care!"
Kagome stormed away, hands balled into fists. She didn't call for Kirara to fly her to the well, she couldn't be bothered to haul herself back to the future and continue their long and tired trend of long-distance pining followed by disgruntled reconciliation.
She was tired.
Miroku, Sango and Shippo were tired too, judging from the multiple sighs sounding out behind her.
Before she could step out of earshot, she heard the monk murmuring to Inuyasha, encouraging him to follow her and make up. Likely to save everyone the hassle of another drawn-out spat.
Oh no.
Hadn't anyone listened to what she'd said? She didn't want to be chased in some coy 'let's have a fake argument' way. Real hurt and bone-weary annoyance soured her mood.
Hurrying away, Kagome began to run alongside a stream, jogging through a sparse forest and hoping to put distance between them. So lost in her thoughts of avoiding the Hanyou was she that Kagome burst through a youki barrier without noticing, glancing over her shoulder with paranoia.
By the time she detected wafts of steam brushing her skin, it was too late to stop. She gaped upon facing forward, almost crashing headfirst into a well-sculpted chest.
Long strands of silver against bare skin caught Kagome's dazed attention, gaze travelling up to find golden eyes staring down at her. Sesshoumaru paused half-naked before a hot-spring he'd likely intended on bathing in, tipping his head to one side in a silent demand for explanation.
"Kagome!" a distant voice resounded through the trees.
Panic erupted inside Kagome's heart and she turned to the demon. Her hands latched onto his remaining arm, blue eyes stinging.
She couldn't articulate what she wanted, even though it was so simple. Something thick clogged her throat.
The Daiyoukai lifted his attention to the trees. He then moved swiftly.
Sesshoumaru tossed his red and white hankimono over her, enclosing it tight around her body. It shielded Kagome from sight as her vision became swallowed by white silks.
Kagome jolted as a hard force shoved her down into dewy grass that perspired from heady steam saturating the air. Before she could react to the plains of a lean body pressing against hers, his weight pinning her to the ground, she heard branches shaking. Twigs snapping.
Her loafers were ripped off her feet, tossed somewhere further away. Likely out of sight. She heard them clatter over the sound of her drumming heartbeat, unable to see what was going on.
"What the- Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha snarled, sounding slightly out of breath. "The fuck are you doing, hanging around here?"
A clawed hand minded the folds of the hankimono apart just enough to expose the side of Kagome's cheek- firm lips pressing against it. She stiffened. Sesshoumaru kissed her skin heatedly, his sigh billowing hot breath over her sensitive skin.
"Clearly I am enjoying myself with a woman. Do not interrupt, whelp."
Kagome could barely breathe, face turning steadily red. She lay frozen, reeling.
"Keh, whatever. Just tell me if you've seen Kagome pass through here."
He must not be able to smell me...
"Can you not keep tabs on a simple miko, brother?" Sesshoumaru purred, his hand gliding over her covered thigh, stroking back and forth. "Did she flee from you? I cannot say I blame her."
A snarl ripped through the hot springs. "Piss off! I'll find her myself!"
Furious sounds of bushes being slashed aside rang out, Inuyasha's swears becoming fainter as he drew further and further away.
Left with a demon straddling her and enclosed in luxurious silks, Kagome exhaled. She blinked, briefly dazed as the cover was lifted from her face, eyes adjusting. Dappled sunlight stretched across Sesshoumaru's face as he lingered close with an unreadable expression.
Kagome swallowed. "Thanks," she managed to say.
She's never been this close to a guy before, well not like this, anyway. Inuyasha carried her on his back or occasionally in his arms if the situation got dire, and they'd hugged. But this felt different.
Sesshoumaru braced himself over her using his one available arm, corded muscles leading down to a tapered waist. He was handsome in an aristocratic, cold sort of way – all hard angles and sharp edges. Her polar opposite. The heat of his bare skin bled through her school uniform, their hips melded together, and Kagome was struck by something painfully obvious that had eluded her until now.
There were...other options besides just Inuyasha.
Clearly, the Hanyou knew this little nugget too, since he flitted between herself and Kikyo.
But really, Kagome hadn't given it much thought. Hojo liked her but was easily dismissed. Kouga liked her but she'd always been too busy to really give him a chance.
And Sesshoumaru?
Her attention was helplessly fixed on him while the demon craned his neck down, scenting her hair.
Sesshoumaru had never been on the table before. Did he even look at her like that?
Golden eyes slanted to meet her, half-lidded. Her stomach did a flip, thighs twitching. Soft pink lips parted, and his attention flew to her mouth, lingering.
Before she could say anything, Inuyasha's voice sounded out somewhere close by again. "Damn it, Kagome! Just come out! Quit hiding!"
Kagome found herself sighing- stilling when she caught Sesshoumaru's dark rumble. His lips peeled back with displeasure, body leaning up and away from hers, climbing off.
Remaining sprawled on the ground for a moment, she calmed her racing heart. Picking herself up unsteadily, Kagome unwrapped the hankimono from around herself, awkwardly folding it as best she could and handing it back.
"I better go."
He inclined his head. "Until next time."
Next time.
Her gut wrenched. The next time she became upset with Inuyasha chasing after Kikyo. Oh wow. It really had become something so commonplace it felt inevitable.
That wasn't right or normal. That wasn't how she wanted to live, was it? Anticipating one crying session after another?
"Actually, let's meet up," she said, setting her shoulders back.
Surprise brightened his gaze. Sesshoumaru's lips twitched, "meet up, hm? You make it sound like an illicit affair."
Her expression darkened, "no. I'm not into that," she snipped, pushing her vindictive mood down. This was not an offer out of petty revenge. She just wanted to see him out of choice for once. "I brought a telescope. Let's use it tomorrow when it gets dark."
He agreed to it, watching her leave in that quiet, interested way he usually did. Kagome glanced back in time to see him partially turned away- hankimono clenched in his grip and lifted to his nose in a careful inhale.
Kagome actually felt quite happy about the meeting. Anticipation had raced through her veins during the entire day, though she didn't breathe a word about it to her friends.
After finishing up her food, she'd hung around camp late into the evening, before inching away with a weak excuse.
She didn't notice Inuyasha's keen eyes trailing after her, too preoccupied with hurrying around a nearby waterfall and retrieving her telescope that she'd hidden behind some rocks earlier.
Carrying the heavy thing up to the crest of a decently sized hill, she staggered upon finding the Daiyoukai already awaiting her at the top.
Kagome stopped and stared. She then felt a genuine smile curve her lips. How strange, that he could invoke such a reaction.
"Did I keep you waiting?"
Sesshoumaru lifted his chin haughtily, grunting. "I am not some lost puppy following you around, miko. I sensed your approach from my camp and generously decided not to stand you up."
Kagome grinned. What a big response. Almost like he was lying.
Giggling softly to herself, she arranged the telescope set, angling it up to face the distant cosmos. "Okay, you're gonna love this. I'm going to bore you with astrology and point out zodiac signs."
"These fancy foreign words do not sound boring," he uttered, leaning in close to view the stars with faint amazement, perhaps not anticipating the clarity of their view. Kagome felt his hip brush her side, her cheeks immediately blazing red. She tried to temper her reaction but failed miserably, looking at him briefly.
His placid features were much too close, familiar dark youki humming in the space between them. Comforting. Golden eyes met hers, ever watchful. Waiting.
They immediately flew apart as though they'd been doing something scandalous, Kagome's heart leaping into her throat.
Inuyasha stood a little ways away, teeth on display, hand resting on his sword. "Get the hell away from her!"
"Inuyasha- wait," she tried to cut in, but Sesshoumaru was quicker. Lifting his remaining hand, he fed youki into it, allowing deadly fingers to elongate into murderous talons. However, much to her surprise, he faced Kagome while flexing them.
"I will kill her if I please, Inuyasha," he rumbled. "She is a mere fanciful human."
Blue eyes widened, but Kagome clocked onto what he was doing immediately. It lingered there under his calm features that he tried to harden into contempt.
He was playing the villain. For her.
Likely out of some misguided desire to keep everything at the status quo, because he believed it would be easier on them both if they weren't seen as friends. Everything halted inside Kagome. She felt like she'd been coasting through her days without really questioning it.
"Bastard!" Inuyasha snarled, ripping his sword from its sheath.
With a strange sense of calm, Kagome raised her head. She then stepped in between them both, placing her fingers atop Sesshoumaru's sharp, transformed ones.
"That's enough," she said quietly, lowering his large hand.
"K-Kagome? What're you doing? Get back!"
"I said; that's enough, Inuyasha!" Kagome grit her teeth, tension gripping her fiercely- until it abruptly left all at once, rendering her exhausted.
"We need to talk," she said softly, gazing at him meaningfully.
Inuyasha blinked, lowering his sword as his ears pricked and lowered.
Turning to Sesshoumaru, she smiled weakly. "We're going to have to cut this meeting short, sorry."
"We can always reschedule."
Kagome gentled, a warmth pooling inside her that she hoped to revisit soon. However, the Daiyoukai hadn't made it three steps away before familiar laughter spread over the vast countryside beyond their hill.
Miasma leaked out of the sky, waning flowers on their stalks and killing the grass, rendering it dulled brown.
Naraku appeared in all his true, villainous glory- at exactly the wrong time nobody wanted to deal with him. However, absolutely no one could ignore this fight, as a completed Shikon jewel rested in the palm of his hand.
Kagome's stomach dropped. She automatically accepted her bow and arrows from Sango and Miroku when they arrived, looking grim-faced and out of breath. Inuyasha lifted his sword again with determination blazing in his eyes.
The Final Battle had begun.
They say 'time heals all wounds.'
Kagome would like to have a word with whoever 'they' were because this sentiment proved false. Time muted pain. It concealed it under layers of civilian life, responsibilities, family dinners and get togethers with friends, but her deep wound never really healed. The pervasive desire to return back to a life that had been stolen from her.
She couldn't say it had been perfect in the Feudal Era but she still missed it terribly. Missed her friends, travelling, exploring, strengthening her burgeoning powers.
She also missed someone she hadn't anticipated longing to speak to.
After killing Naraku and getting her hands on the jewel, Kagome had made her wish;
'I wish Kikyo would come back to life.'
It had resulted in trapping Kagome in the future, the Bone Eater's Well closing, barring entrance. She'd figured the look on Inuyasha's face had almost been worth it, his gob-smacked expression kind of hilarious.
Perhaps the wish had been an out of nowhere impulse. Who knew. All Kagome knew was that a part of her had died that day on the hill with the telescope- the candle of first love snuffing out. She still cared for Inuyasha of course, she wouldn't have wished Kikyo alive otherwise, but the act said something. They'd never be anything more than friends.
After trying her hand at dating a few boys in class, Kagome had broken up with them and remained single for the better part of a year. There wasn't anything wrong with them, per se, but it had felt disingenuous.
It wasn't them she wanted to speak to.
At the age of 18, the miko got her chance. Inexplicably, and without warning or provocation, the well reopened again one night.
Kagome stirred awake, lured downstairs by the promise of magic. It pulsed strongly like before, so she slid her legs over the rim of the well without fear that it would be a oneway trip.
Leaping down while still clad in her patchwork style pyjamas, dark hair whipped upwards as blue light swallowed her whole.
Immediately the smell of city smoke was replaced with distinct smells of petrichor. Fresh scents guided her feet to land gently on the bottom of the well, looking up at dark, cloudy skies.
Climbing out and feeling moisture lingering in the air dampening her hair, Kagome looked up, breath hitching.
The clearing looked exactly the same. Achingly nostalgic.
It sprawled empty and lonesome, awaiting her in complete silence. Kagome noticed the dirt disturbed around the well from how often she and Inuyasha had travelled through it.
Breath catching, hot tears stung her eyes.
Laughing weakly to herself, Kagome tried to rub them away in vain, more rolling down her cheeks. Unlike the usual times though, these were happy tears. Relief threatened to buckle her knees.
"I'm home," she shuddered.
"...Welcome back."
Snapping her head up, Kagome swallowed an embarrassing noise, warmth melting into her expression. She took a step, and then another, walking over to Sesshoumaru as he stood a little ways away, moonlight highlighting his hair.
"Y-you're here?"
Golden eyes flitted over her face, gentling a touch. He reached out and brushed pale knuckles against her jaw, catching tears upon it. "I sensed you. As usual, you blubber too loud, miko."
Choking on a sob, Kagome laughed, catching his hand and pressing her lips to the inside of his wrist.
Sesshoumaru stiffened, attention zeroing in on her. Kagome held his gaze as best she could with watery eyes, smiling.
"Date me," she stated plainly.
No second-guessing, no 'will they, won't they?' no more pining or questioning. Kagome refused to do it again.
He seemed somewhat taken aback by her forwardness for a moment, before a strange kind of intensity livened his expression. He wound his single arm around her waist, pulling her in close.
"What boldness, Kagome," he purred, lips ghosting the side of her ear. "But you can do better than that. Are you certain that is all you want from me?"
Kagome blushed hotly, shifting to catch his eye and smirk. "I just made it back here after three years. Let me catch my breath," she teased, hooking a hand under his yellow obi. "But...yeah, I might want more soon, you jerk."
Sesshoumaru rumbled with approval, swiftly ending the charade of teasing and swooping in. His lips claimed hers firmly, and it was not a kind, sweet kiss but she didn't mind, pressing herself against him. His tongue delved into her mouth, brushing against hers as a clawed hand snaked up into dark hair, gripping tight.
Smiling against his mouth, Kagome trying her best to keep up with his rough kiss as he bit and sucked her lips, inhaling her scent. He almost seemed elated, kissing her so quick and eagerly, like he'd been starving for it.
Out of curiosity, Kagome slid her palm over his chest, finding his heart racing.
Sesshoumaru broke away to plant heated kisses against her neck. He panted, the hand in her hair shaking with want of her.
Kagome stared, slowly looping her arms around his shoulders. "You...want me?" she said quietly like an obvious revelation. It felt so strange and surreal.
He huffed with amusement against her lips. "Hn, it appears you have made me fanciful, miko."
Brightening and smiling widely, Kagome pushed up on tip-toe. Guiding his mouth down with palms cradling his striped cheeks, she kissed him again, pouring every powerful emotion left unsaid into it.
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drabbles-of-writing · 3 years
Have never seen Craik of the Creek but if you want an excuse to info dump on your new au, I will happy be that excuse
i highly recommend craig of the creek its a very fun show that deserves more love, i adore the vibe of the kids
After Luz messed up at her last school and got expelled, Camila moved the 2 of them to the town of Bonesborough because it was basically her last hope on keeping Luz in a school and Luz is Determined to stay in this one. But they moved in the summer and Luz pretty much immediately wandered into the creek and found Eda camping out there in an old shack because shes avoiding taxes and cops and is called the Owl Lady (aka the most Powerful Witch™ in the creek) by the kids. they have the same mentality towards everything like in cotc in that they can spin anything to fit their games and ideas, with a bit of actual magic put in here and there.
Eda's 'curse' is an illness that messes with her head and emotions which can cause her to lash out if provoked when in that stressed state. her elixir is obviously her medicine that manages it. the kids call it the Owl Beast bc they know Eda doesn't normally act like this and that was the best thing they came up with. the curse wasn't caused by Lilith in this AU and instead is just something that hit her when she was young and Lilith at one point purposefully caused it to flare up to like, become a cop. anyway Eda makes a living by selling junk and occasionally trading the stuff she doesn't want with the kids who come by. she may or may not actually have a bit of magic she doesn't tell anyone about.
King's some toddler Eda found when she was looting an abandoned house/mansion and accidentally realized she had this little guy with her. She did actually go around trying to find who's kid this was but there was just. nobody. yes she could've given the kid over to the authorities but she didn't want to put the kid in the system and also in that time trying to find his parents she kinda got attached to him so she just. stole a child for a few years. He had an actual name that Eda knows but he insists on being called King because he thinks its a way cooler name.
Amity is the Queen of the Creek who got the role because Ed and Em stepped down from being the King and Queen due to school picking up and they hang out at the creek way less often, but they still show up occasionally to cause problems and pull pranks and get away w it because "technically we're still in charge over Amity" and shes So Tired of them. Boscha and her posse were like the 'advisors' or most loyal followers of Amity until she ditched them/ordered them to fuck off. King swears she's his mortal enemy because of the Queen title, she has no idea he exists until Luz introduces them.
Willow was a friend of Amity before she became the Queen and is part of the garden kids, and is known for being really good at it and helps out new gardeners. and is also strong as shit and can and will Destroy You. but she and Gus like hanging w Luz so they don't mind being away from their groups on occasion.
Gus is part of like the theater/special effects kids that have packets of fake blood and can use makeup really well for fake scars and are just basically the tech theater kids who are good at making stuff to look the part. He's also one of the best kids in that group (and the youngest) and had a rivalry going on with Matt before he got kicked out of his school due to starting shit w Gus and thus was put in Glandis.
WHICH SPEAKING OF THAT the creek is split up between the towns, its Massive. each town just has a different section of it with notable differences, and Bonesborough has the biggest piece of it (not Significantly bigger, but enough that all the kids know about it) due to like town borders. Gus wanting to be an ambassador to the human realm in toh is switched to him being an ambassador between the kids in the other towns that share the creek.
I'm full of ideas you've no idea I'm makin another info dump
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foulserpent · 4 years
nosleep mods deleted this for apparently not being a horror story. enjoy
My friend Ed is a bit of an outdoorsman. Not one of those hardcore 'two week hike hunting for food and sleeping in the dirt' types, but he does his share of hunting and camping. He and I got into it together when we met in community college and went on a weed-fueled camping trip over spring break, and since then he has far outgrown my own outdoor endeavors.
He's gotten some great stories to tell over the years. Finding a pair of souvenir Vegas dice in the stomach of a rabbit he was cleaning, getting hit by two skunks in a single day, close encounters with pumas and bears, and the far more harrowing and painful encounters with other hikers. But he's never come back with anything all that disturbing. Until his last trip.
Ed had been making an admirable effort of converting his 'spend the fall watching netflix and consuming pumpkin themed beverages' oriented boyfriend, Saúl, to some small game hunting. About a year ago, the two of them had taken a trip down south to do just that.
A few days into their week-long trip, I got a flurry of panicked texts from Saúl. It was all things like, "omg we just saw something so messed up" and "never going to the desert again LMAO there was a naked guy" or something to that effect.
I barely remember. I was bedridden with the worst case of the flu I'd ever experienced, and received these texts through a haze of fever and Nyquil. At that time, my response to those texts was more or less "Wow, hate when that happens :("
Neither of them provided elaboration upon their return, and I was a little too consumed in my own misery to ask for it. It was left at that.
Last week, Ed and I were practicing our usual 7 o'clock ritual of smoking behind the gas station during his break and complaining about the mere existence of customers. His mask was pulled down to his chin and he was fumbling with an entire cigar he'd brought to work, complaining about some customer who was shirtless in the middle of November and clearly blitzed out of his mind.
It was as he was describing the man's public indecency that I remembered the frantic texts I had received last fall.
"Hey, speaking of nudity...What was the story with the naked dude in the desert?" I asked him.
He cringed.
"From last year, on your trip?" I pressed.
"Yeah, I know, I know. God. Did Saúl text you?"
"Yeah, but he didn't give me the details of it."
Ed finished lighting the cigar, and took a long drag.
"Yeah, okay." He said. "I was honestly trying to forget about it but like. I don't know why Saúl was so stuck on the nudity like, that was the least messed up part of it all. It was the craziest thing."
It was the craziest thing is the set of words he would begin every particularly intriguing story with, and I realized I should probably settle in. I made myself comfortable against the dumpster in anticipation.
His story was as follows.
"So, yeah. We were out in the scrub. Technically weren't supposed to be there, we were a little ways off my aunt's land but like, there's no one to bug you about that out there. It was this kinda rocky area, lots of little hills and tall brush. So you couldn't see very far from the ground. And it was pretty well into the afternoon, and we hadn't caught a damn thing, so we were just kinda screwing around at that point. And we were near this bigass arroyo, and-"
He paused.
"Wait, you know what an arroyo is?" He asked me, taking another drag from his cigar.
I shook my head. He nodded solemnly at my midwestern ignorance.
“Okay, yeah. So it's a dry sorta riverbed in the desert. You ever seen a dried up creek? It's like that. They form when the rains come and are completely dry the rest of the year. And a lot of them are pretty small, but this one was like, a miniature canyon. Probably thirty feet across and ten feet deep. And it kind of winds around the hills before getting shallower when the elevation changes or whatever.
“So anyway we’re… yeah we’re there. The arroyo is on the other side of some rocks, and the open desert is in front of us. And we were sat down in the shade, having some beef jerky and stuff."
He paused again. He seemed to be lost in thought, eyes squinting and looking somewhere distant.
"So yeah, we're having a grand old time, just having a snack or whatever. And suddenly we hear screaming. Some guy’s screaming, ‘help! help me!’ out in the bush somewhere nearby.”
“And you know how Saúl is. Too much of a sweetheart for his own good. He's like nudging me and going "Eddie, we should go help." And yeah, sure, I wanted to help but there was something… Weird? About it? Like the shouting sounded real close but I wasn’t hearing anything else that, you know, accompanies a call for help. Like, no running, no sounds of struggling or being mauled by a wild animal or whatever. It was DEAD silent whenever the guy wasn't shouting.
"And like, call me an asshole but I'm not gonna do some ‘white person in a horror movie 'lets split up, gang!'’ shit. I was staying right where I was.”
"So we just kind of sat there, listening to it. The guy had started just- shrieking. No words, just making noise. And at this point I was starting to feel like a complete bastard for being the pragmatic one, but Saúl didn't seem to wanna move either. Like, it was super off.
"And then, there’s another sound. Kind of a…uh… Gurgling noise? Like-”
Ed broke off to make an odd sound in his throat. It was a low, prolonged croak that slowly lifted into a 'whoop!’
Some old woman in the process of fueling her SUV glared at him. He scowled back.
“Okay, it was actually nothing like that. But you get the idea.”
“And that happens a couple times, and it... It didn't sound like a person's voice anymore. And I'm thinking maybe the world's most fucked up coyote just killed a guy and was celebrating or whatever, but it didn't really sound like an animal either. It was kinda inorganic, you know what I mean?
"But yeah, it kind of whoops a couple more times, and then the last time it just... Didn't stop. It kept going, and it turns into this- music? It sounded, uh, sort of like a bunch of different flutes being played at once. But lower. Very deep. I don’t remember the tune so don’t ask. But it was music, and me and Saúl are just looking at each other like "what the fuck?”.
"And at that point, curiosity is kicking in and I'm gripped by this wave of idiocy, so I get up and start walking towards the sound. Low to the ground, super slow. Stealth. And I can tell it’s coming from the arroyo. So I just verrrrry carefully climb up the side and look inside.“
Ed paused to grasp for words.
"And there’s a man in there. Some pasty dude. Sunburnt, t-shirt tan lines, all that. Pretty scrawny, but otherwise normal looking from the chest down. No injuries or nothing, which I can say for sure because, yeah, the dude is completely naked. I mean naked. There was a pile of his clothes nearby, and his whole dick was out and he was barefoot. And he was DANCING. He’s just dancing naked in this friggin’ ditch.
"And it took me a bit to process what was going on with his head. Like, the music sounds are coming from up there. And I’m thinking he’s got some sort of weird instrument over his head, but he dances towards me and um. He has no head. Or like- Shit. He kind of has a head? Like I could sort of make it out, but it’s tilted all the way backwards. Like, touching his back. So his neck's facing the sky, and his eyes are just kind of staring out behind him.
"And there’s all these… tubes. Coming out of where the nose and mouth probably used to be. Big fleshy tubes, skin toned. But they didn't flop around, they were like, pretty firm. And they’ve got little holes all over them. And that’s where the music is coming from. He’s playing them.”
Ed lifted his arms over his head and mimed with his fingers. “Like a flute”
“So like, it’s the most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen, basically, but I can’t stop watching. And Saúl eventually comes up beside me, and we don’t say anything, we just watch this guy. It’s gotta be like… A solid hour we’re just sitting there, with this guy playing his music and dancing around. And he starts moving up the arroyo, still dancing the whole time, and eventually he’s out of sight. But we hear the music a good while longer until it gets too distant. I don't think he ever saw us. Or he didn't care. I don't know."
He was silent for a long while. I waited for him to continue, but it was evident that it was over.
"And... That was it?" I asked.
"Yeah, that was it. We got the hell out of there and didn't see him again. Or hear anything about a crazy nudist in the area."
He took another puff of his cigar, and coughed.
"I mean, it could have been... A really, really good costume or something. Like, REALLY good. I mean I definitely saw his eyes blinking. On the head that was... You know. Bent entirely backwards. But hey, could be a costume!" He added with a flourish, clearly not entertaining this possibility whatsoever.
"Holy shit." I said.
He laughed, and snuffed out his cigar in the snow. "Damn right."
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harringtonstudios · 4 years
best friend’s ex.
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plot: he’s your best friend’s ex and you should stay away. 
A/N: i wrote this in one sitting and it’s very long <3 took some creative liberty here so imagine 2020!kells but he hasn’t made it just quite yet in the industry. this is heavily based off the song release tonight with blackbear so enjoy (maybe while listening!)
The circles in New York are different than the ones in Los Angeles. There’s a hint of familiarity in the New York circles, everyone seems to know each other connected by one person or a distant story of that one night the whole crowd tripped on molly. It’s dizzying, intricately knowing every single person backstage or at some club without recognizing them exactly.
You haven’t gotten used to the life, not yet acclimated with the high-fives and looks thrown your way at a party, or the nameless phone numbers crowding your text messages. It’s all new, fun and exciting and you have no one to thank but your best friend.
She’s made for this life, for the late nights and the rushes, the sticky floors and glittery lipgloss. This is her environment, where she thrives, and sometimes when you look at her in the club, necklaces shining with the overhead lights, you find it hard to connect this Domi to the one who you’ve seen crying on your bedroom floor after watching a despairing animal shelter commercial. But then she throws you a grin, crowds close, drapes her arm over your shoulder, and it just makes sense.
It’s been years of friendship, ever since you two met at freshman orientation for college. Her roommate was terrible, and more often than not, she’d be camping out on your twin-sized bed, offering you bites of her snacks in exchange for a safe haven. You both hadn’t really been into the party scene at school, too busy scrambling for reports and fibbing results for the endless lab sessions.
Domi graduated a semester early, spent an entire summer taking accelerated classes so she could go fly off to New York right before the new year started. That’s when things seemed to change. You’d been upset with her, hints of jealousy tinging in when she’d send you pictures of fancy clothes and people she was hanging out with, the nicely decorated venues she’d find herself in. She invited you to come to the city a few weeks in, buzzing on Facetime about backstage passes.
Then you were graduating yourself, packing two suitcases and jetting halfway across the country to live in the shitty apartment Domi’d been renting out with a couple of strangers. It had been hard to settle down at first, the air was different in the city and you’d had to up your resting bitch face game when you sat on the subways late at night, but before you knew it, you were enjoying the city that never sleeps, best friend right by your side.
Colson had stumbled into your life a year ago, and then been ripped out six months after. He was a up and coming musician (self-proclaimed) and had taken a chance bet on the city, moved from Cleveland with his friends and a mixtape. He was beautiful in a rugged way, angled cheekbones and lanky limbs, but Domi had taken one look and called dibs, so you tampered any attraction down.
It hadn’t taken long for them to start dating, even if Domi claimed they were just fooling around, it was clear to see that there was some level of intimacy there, a relationship itching to be formed. You’d been happy for her truly and it was easier than you’d expected to fall into a camaraderie with the guys.
Colson’s friends were funny, quick on their toes and absolutely chaotic. They fit into New York better than you did, and almost every single night, you would find yourself at their apartment, playing shitty drinking games and jamming to loud music.
Domi kept the relationship as lowkey as she could, and at some point, you would hear less and less about Colson. It didn’t really hit you then, but it was the beginning of the end in a way, and then she was walking in, eyes red and wet before yelling out the fated words, “We broke up.”
Everything you had gotten used to was suddenly taken away. You spent weeks consoling her, reminding her that she was better than this guy, stronger and that time was the only way this would heal. She begrudgingly listened, and then took your phone from you, casually blocking Colson’s number along with all his friends.
At first, you’d been mildly upset. She was the one who’d fucked up, the one who’d decided to break up with him, so why was this effecting you? It didn’t make sense, they were still your friends and you liked them more than anyone else you’d met here.
But then she’d given you her patented puppy dog eyes, and you’d dismissed it, decided that if this was what she wanted, so be it. You could stand to lose the drunken nights, your liver would thank you.
Colson Baker and his friends disappeared from your life as fast as they had appeared into it. You spent your nights cooking at home instead of going out, focused on building back your sleep schedule instead of getting drunk off your mind, and the days went by.
Of course, nothing lasts forever and six months later, your coworkers’ are begging you for a night out, like the old times. Everyone’s antsy for your reply, know that you haven’t been to a social function with them in ages, and you take one look at their faces before sighing and agreeing.
The entire office claps, you flip them all off before catching sight of your boss, who simply smiles and shakes his head. There’s a faint flutter in your stomach, memories rising from months ago, parties and late nights, flashes of lights and thumping music. You shrug it off, tap your pen against the desk, bring your focus back to work.
Three hours later, you’re catching the train back home. It isn’t exactly rush hour yet, you’ve gotten out a little earlier than usual, Friday evenings usually being dull at work anyway and you’re glad because there’s less people mulling around in the sticky heat of the train station.
The station doesn’t smell great, there’s a tinge of stale pee filling up the air and you discreetly move to the other side of the station, trying to get as far away from the smell as you can. New York City man.
The train pulls in, and you automatically put in your headphones, music blasting in your ears as you sidle into the train car, passing the passengers coming out. It’s relatively empty, being near the front and you thank the train gods before sliding into an orange seat near the door.
There’s a couple of guys sitting at the other end, they’re loud and boisterous, shoving each other and you give them a once-over before settling into the seat. The train moves, and you pull your purse onto your lap, patting it once before letting your eyes fall close.
The next stop comes abruptly, jolting you out of the little dreamscape you’d created. There’s a shout as the doors open and you pause your music trying to tune into what’s going on. It’s still the group of guys, but now there’s more of them and you roll your eyes at the banter drifting across the car.
The music starts up again and you lean your head back, try to get comfortable again, but it doesn’t work. There’s a weird feeling in your gut, making you uneasy but you brush it off, raise the volume until all you can feel is the dirty bass.
A minute later, someone kicks at your shoes and you open your eyes, ready to angrily scold at them until they can feel the rage across the car.
The words die in your throat. Colson Baker’s standing there in all his glory, lanky arm leaning against the metal, blonde hair puffing around his head, grin lighting up his face.
His nose is pierced now and you take it in, the way it brings out his eyes and you pause the music mumbling out, “Nose ring looks good on you.”
You bite your tongue right after, embarrassed that after months of silence that’s the first thing that falls out of your mouth. He laughs, body shaking and you’re flashed back to nights in his apartment, watching him laugh on the other couch, head thrown back.
“Thanks,” he murmurs before going, “How’ve you been?”
“Good,” you answer honestly and there’s another shout from across the car, Colson turning to wave a hand.
“It’s the guys. They didn’t think it was you, but I could tell yanno,” he explains and you raise your eyebrows as he continues, “They’re all still kinda pissed you blocked us.”
The statement falls between you two, awkwardly as the train car rumbles on. You wince a little as he fake coughs to fill the empty space.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about all that man. You guys were like family,” you carefully mention, hands playing with the hair tie on your wrist.
“It’s cool. I get it, I mean we both know Domi,” he stammers out and his own hand goes to rub at his chin.
This conversation isn’t what either of you expected and you shift up in your seat, trying to change the topic at the mention of your best friend.
“So what’ve you been up to?” you ask and he smiles at the gateway question, eager to get rid of the uncomfortable energy.
“Got signed to a record label,” he murmurs and the smile that takes over your face is unreal. There’s pride blooming in your chest.
“No way!! Oh my god, congrats dude. That’s killer,” you gush out and his cheeks taint red at your words.
“Thanks,” he says, eyes meeting yours.
“I knew you’d do it. You’re immensely talented,” you continue on as the train comes to a stop.
It’s not yours but it seems to be his. The guys all shout over at him and he’s looking up and then gazing at you, caught between the two options before he makes up his mind.
He doesn’t choose you, you’re not surprised.
“I appreciate you!” he shouts out before running off the car, joining the rest of the guys on the station.
You turn in your seat and wave at them, catching a couple of glares and hesitant waves back before the car pulls away, to the next destination.
The music starts up again and you will your heart to slow down for reasons you can’t even comprehend.
Domi gives you a look as you rush into your room. Usually after work, you spend time in the kitchen, milling around grabbing little snacks as she cooks, but you actually have plans tonight.
It’s the first time you’re going out in months and you take a quick shower before pulling out all the old outfits you’d shoved into the back of your closet.
There’s a nice dress, black with faint traces of glitter and you eye it for a second before deciding against it. This is a fun night with the coworkers, not your insane best friend who’d always managed to get you to dress your very best.
There’s a pair of skinny jeans tossed into a dresser, and you eye the rips in it before pulling it on. It looks good, tight in all the right places and you root around for a shirt that can be just fancy enough.
There’s a nice purple one tossed in the closet, slipping off of a hanger and you grab it before pulling it on and tying it up in the front.
It’s pretty, makes you look just right and you play around with your hair before sitting down and committing to a makeup look.
Fifteen minutes later, you’re throwing your keys, a pack of gum, gloss and your phone into a small purse. It hangs off of your wrist and you take a look in the mirror before stepping out of your room.
“Where are you going?” Domi asks, her tone slightly cold.
“Night out. Coworkers invited me and I couldn’t say no,” you explain, running your hands down the jeans.
“Oh,” her face falls.
“Do I-look good?” you ask hesitantly.
“Yeah. You always do bitch,” she half-heartedly adds and you smile at her.
“I’ll see you tonight,” you say, grabbing a carrot from the countertop.
“I’ll wait up,” she smirks and you nod before heading out the door.
The club’s only a few stops away and when you swipe your metro card again, you groan at how low the funds are running. You haven’t filled it just yet, and the $1.25 flashes up at you, taunting.
“I’m poor,” you scoff at the machine and the girl swiping next to you laughs.
You get in somehow, sneakily using the swinging baby stroller door and by the time the train pulls up, you’re only running a few minutes late.
It only hits you when you sink into the familiar orange seat that you didn’t tell Domi about running into her ex. You know she doesn’t care as much about Colson now, scorchingly refers to him as that one rapper, but it’s an unspoken rule. You always tell if you run into the ex.
Your fingers tap against your phone screen, wondering if texting her is appropriate but you drop it quickly. It’s not a big deal. You’ll just let her know when you get home tonight.
The doors open, you leave and then you’re stalking towards the club doors, eyeing the long line. The bouncer is staring everyone down, and you wade up to the front. You’ve learned enough tricks in the short party lifestyle you’d had.
“I’m with the VIPs,” you flash your ID and then a $5 discreetly tucked under it. He looks you up and down, grumbles slightly before taking the money from you.
The rope opens and you smile before stepping through into the dark. It’s loud inside already, the lights contrasting the slight evening colors from outside. You look around before you spot the team and walk over to them.
“Hey!!!” they exclaim and then you’re being handed a glass, cheering the night as everyone drinks it down.
It’s tequila, stings in the back of your throat and you cough before wiping your mouth, “God, I haven’t had this in so long.”
“See that’s why we needed you out tonight,” one of them goes, checking your shoulder with theirs. You laugh before agreeing and order your drink of choice, chiming into the conversation.
It’s going so well, the night seems to be twinged with good vibes. You feel nice and loose, arm draped over your nearest friend as you two sway at the songs playing.
There’s a commotion at the door and you guys turn towards the bouncer only to see people scuffling around, pushing to get closer.
“Hey dude! I’m playing tonight. Musical guest here!!!” comes a loud voice, and it rings familiar in your head. It’s faint, digging somewhere into the back of your mind and you get on your tip-toes trying to see.
“Fuck you,” someone else spits and it echoes around the club.
The crowd splits open then, and you get a glimpse at old friends, adjusting their hats as they stalk across to the stage.
Rook’s fuming as he walks past you, and you spot the tell-tale crease on his face, the grit of his teeth. It scares you, the memory of it all after late night game losses, the way he would blow a gasket about cheating.
Slim and Baze wander behind him, they seem cooler, always are, but the anger is brimming under and you look away as they pass you.
AJ isn’t there and you guess he’s already in the club. He’s always been the sensible one, stable and ready to take control of the situation when it inevitably turns bad.
Colson’s following the rest but his eyes are on the crowd, hand going out to meet people, smiling at everyone. There’s a faint cut on his lip, blood trickling out and you want to scream at him. He comes up around to where you’re standing, and you step back, let your coworkers high five him as he passes.
He doesn’t see you, it’s better that way.
You order up another drink, ignore the whispers of the pesky rapper as they fill up the air around you. He’s well known here apparently, people aware of him in the scene. They mumble about the fights, the way he never seems to show up without a cut or bruise.
You take a shot, sip at the alcohol, smile fading as your coworker ravishes on about how good looking the musician is.
It takes about twenty minutes, and then the music shuts off. There’s a squeal of microphone feedback and everyone around you ducks, hands rushing up to cover their ears.
“Fuck,” a mumble comes across the sound system.
There’s another shuffle and your friend grabs your arm, pulling you closer to the stage. There’s already people there, milling around, clutching drinks and you try to stay on the sidelines, out of view.
“We should go closer,” he determines and then you’re being pulled forward again, swimming around in the second row.
Colson is standing front and center in all his glory. The shitty lighting makes him glow, and he looks big, energy filling him up. He pulls the mic off the stand and steps back before going, “Afternoon. We are Machine Gun Kelly.”
The name isn’t familiar. You don’t know it and quite frankly, it doesn’t place anywhere either but that’s all you get before the music starts up. It’s weird, a pace you don’t expect from him and then he’s off, singing with a grit in his voice, fingers flying across a guitar draped over his shoulder.
Everyone seems to bob along in the crowd and you do too, losing yourself in the way he sounds, the tone of his voice as he croons. The music is great, drums harsh and strong, guitar loud behind the vocals.
The set’s over quick and you’re slightly sweating by the end of it. He thanks the crowd before jumping off stage, and you immediately retreat back to the bar, anxious to steer clear of him.
Even in your drunken state of mind, it’s a bright red flashing light: Stay away from Colson. Stay away from the guys.
You switch to water for a while, try to stop your head from spinning with the lights. Everyone you came with is somewhere on the dance floor, so when an arm drapes on your shoulders, you freeze up, still facing the bar.
“Hey,” and then you’re looking up at Slim’s face, sweaty and eager.
“Slim,” you breathe out, vice in your chest loosening at the fact that it isn’t Colson. You don’t know why this is better, but it is.
“What’re you drinking?” he asks, hand going up to call over the bartender.
You don’t have the heart to say water, know that he’ll laugh and then get you a beer, so you murmur, “Get me a shot of vodka?”
His smile widens and he shouts the drink order over the counter before dropping his arm, “You sipping the hard stuff now?”
Shaking your head, you respond, “I’ve always drank the hard stuff.”
“Yeah, back when we hung out,” he slips into the banter, and your heart stops. You didn’t realize it had hurt them this bad, that months later, drunk and high off of a good show, Slim still manages to bring it up, voice tightening slightly.
“Look, I’m sorry about all that. I really am,” you start, but then he’s passing you the drink and locking arms.
“Cheers,” he says and you clink your shot glass against his, tipping it back.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble out but he throws you a look.
“Don’t worry about it,” he says and then he’s shouting out, “Yo Kells!”
It clicks into place then, the Machine Gun Kelly. It’s his nickname, has been for years apparently since he was rapping in middle school hallways, but he’d always introduced himself as Colson to new friends, let them decide whether the Kells fit him or not.
You hadn’t called him Kells once, in the months of knowing him, had laughed about it a couple of times with Domi, who loved to mock it any chance she could.
“You stalking me?” Kells sleazes out, there’s already a drink in his hand, someone following him around with bright eyes.
“No,” you state, moving away from the counter. The red lights are in full effect, this could end up terribly.
“Seems like it,” he sums up, coming in closer to lean against the bar. His lip is still cut, looks swollen as he approaches you.
“You fucked up your lip,” you state, mind cursing at the lack of filter you seem to have around your best friend’s ex.
“What?” he goes, and then his fingers are rubbing at the fat lip, eyes scrunching, “Guess I did.”
“Well it was nice to see you again,” you try.
“I just got here, you leaving already?” he murmurs, brushing off the person following him.
Slim’s moved to the other end of the bar, Rook’s throwing you a glare.
“Don’t think your friends want me around,” you nod over.
He turns his head and makes some kind of motion. Rook drops his eye contact, head going to duck at the bar. Slim smiles.
“They don’t know what’s good for them,” he mumbles, head turning back. His fingers tap at the bar, and there’s a beer appearing. He smiles at the bartender.
“I’m good for them?” you scoff, there’s a hint of bitterness at your tone, but it’s not directed exactly at them. It isn’t their fault.
“Always have been. The good influence when we would try and do stupid shit,” he says thoughtfully. He’s almost as drunk as you, eyes slightly red.
You laugh at that, “You’re always doing stupid shit. Great set by the way, impressed the fuck out of me.”
“You didn’t expect it?” he says as if you were supposed to have known all his songs by heart.
“I haven’t heard any of your music,” you honestly reply.
“Not even the mixtapes?” he seems shocked.
“No, Domi never sent them to me and you all just assumed so,” you stop yourself, falling into dangerous territory.
At the name drop of his ex, he winces a little, “God she was a fucking head-case.”
“Hey that’s my best friend you’re talking about,” you shout a little too loud. You catch Slim slamming a hand onto Rook’s shoulder. The air becomes stifled.
“Sorry,” Colson offers, taking a long, pointed sip.
You sigh, “Don’t be. She can be a little much sometimes. I’m sorry for how it all ended.”
“You should hang with us tonight,” he calmly says, switching the subject. Your breath catches in your throat.
“I don’t know-“ you start.
He cuts you off, “I get it. If you want, we’ll be here for a while. Find us.”
That’s all you get and then he’s walking towards the gang, slipping into the crowd. You drop your head onto the shell covered bar, groaning out.
The night dwindles down, your coworkers trickle out, slamming messy kisses on your face before walking out. You’re left by yourself soon enough and there’s a pulsing in your head, matching the music vibrating under your shoes.
It doesn’t take long to decide. You want to hang out with Colson and them, with Machine Gun Kelly. It’s a bad idea, you can tell before you’ve even fully determined it, but it’s as if fate’s lined everything up for you. It’s gonna happen.
You push away the nagging thoughts, wander around the club trying to find someone, coming up empty. Everyone seems to have left and you roll your eyes before stepping out yourself. Maybe fate doesn’t want this to happen.
As soon as the thought crosses your mind, you spot Rook across the street, blunt in hand. He hasn’t seen you, looking down at his shoes but you know him well and if he’s around it means the others are close by.
You brace yourself, work up some form of courage and walk over. He looks up at the sound and there’s immediate dislike flashing across his face.
Out of everyone, Rook’s been the most temperamental. You’d thought it was going to be Colson at first glance, but were quickly proven wrong by his friend, by the harshness of his demeanor at times. He doesn’t hide his feelings, and while you respect that, you’re also intimidated by his posturing.
“Hey Rook,” you mumble.
“Y/N,” he bluntly states.
“How have you been?” you try, but immediately know it’s the wrong thing to say.
“Cut the shit. What’d you want?” he bites out, eyes hard.
“Was wondering if I could catch a ride with you guys?” you question. 
AJ usually drives them around, his black van large enough for the gang, and his self control strong enough to stay sober. You don’t know if it’s changed since the last time everyone hung out, but you’re hoping it hasn’t for the sake of your almost empty metrocard.
“Why’d you think we drove here?” he’s shrugs, giving you a hard time, and you shake your head wondering if your pride is worth this.
“Never mind dude,” you turn around but then he’s groaning behind you.
“Yeah we’ll take you back home. Kells’ kill me if I let you walk around here drunk. C’mon,” he says and you try to hide your smile as you follow him.
He takes a few more hits before tossing his blunt to the ground, and you’re glad he hasn’t offered you any. It would be too forgiving of him, too close to what you all used to be, and you wouldn’t know what to do if it came to that. Domi would kill you, hell she’d kill you if she knew you were getting into a car with them right now.
He stops in front of the familiar van, opens the door with force and everyone’s shouting inside, clambering over each other. You almost smile at the chaos, the familiarity of it all.
“Y/N!” Colson’s shouting and you do smile then. He slumps over long limbs and comes over to the door, reaching his hand out to you.
“You coming with us?” he asks and you nod before Rook mutters, “She needs a ride home.”
Colson purses his lips before looking back over at you, hand still outstretched, “Yeah, c’mon in. AJ got you.”
It’s late, later than you should be out and there’s a reminder that Domi’s waiting for you back home, wants to hear about your night. Your resolve flickers the minute his hand wraps around yours.
He tugs you in the van, and you follow, stepping in before they all scatter around, making enough space. There’s another girl with them, someone you don’t remember meeting or knowing but she smiles at you and curls into Rook’s side.
The music in the van is almost as loud as in the club, filling up the space. You wonder, not for the first time, how AJ drives like this, how he casually sings along, fist bumping the rest of the guys after a song.
Before you know it, there’s a blunt being passed around. Colson skips you on the first round, and you try not to let it hurt, remind yourself that you’ve stung them harder than this, hurt them worse.
He leans into your space after handing it off, whispers, “You still don’t smoke right?”
There’s a painful twist in your stomach at his question. When you all first met, you wouldn’t smoke blunts with them, hesitant about the strain and Domi’s eyes on you. She hated weed, despised the smell and would always remind you of that fact before you’d all spend the night out.
After the breakup, she’d loosened up on that, didn’t care if you smoked out on the fire escape, and sometimes even joined in, it was weird. Weirder than the fact that Colson somehow remembered all this months later.
“I do,” you whispered back, licking your lips, “smoke I mean.”
“Oh,” he softly says and then the blunt’s coming back around. He barely takes a hit before handing it off to you, pushing your hand slightly with his fist.
“Thanks,” you mumble, smoking it in. It’s strong, brings an immediate rush. You close your eyes.
When you open them, Colson’s too close to you. The red lights flash hard in your head and then the car’s stopping in front of their building.
You don’t even hesitate, “Is it wrong if I come up with you?”
His eyes look into yours, it’s quiet enough that you feel the weight of your statement sink in. This is bad, so bad.
He doesn’t say anything but everyone around you is moving, pulling off instruments and slamming doors. He carefully takes your hand, pulls the blunt out from your other one.
“AJ, we’re gonna chill for a while,” he says, towards the front seat, giving him the blunt. There’s a hum and then he’s opening the door, pulling you out just as he’d pulled you in.
For a second, you hesitate and then you’re falling into him. His arm wraps around your hips, pulls you back up on the sidewalk.
“You okay?” his voice is quiet, the world still moves around you both but it feels like you’re the only two people who matter.
“Yeah,” you nod.
“Wanna go home?” he says, and the words hit you for a second before you shake your head.
“No, this is cool,” you tongue out.
You’re both walking into the building then, satisfied with your answers. The manager gives you a once over at the front desk but that’s all before Colson’s thumbing the elevator button.
“What about everyone else?” you murmur.
He looks at them unloading the van and lets out a laugh, fingers tightening slightly against yours as he shakes, “They’re gonna be busy a while.”
You laugh back, try to tamper down the feeling of seeing him full-body laugh for the second time that day. The elevator dings and you step in, he follows.
It’s the same damn elevator as it was six months ago, but there’s something different in the air right now. It’s staticky, thrumming through you and it feels like you’re stumbling right on the edge of something.
The doors close, it’s just you and him. The feeling gets stronger, his fingers loosen against yours. You grip harder and he looks up straight into your eyes.
The door dings open again and he huffs a little, “Forgot to click the button.”
You smile but it feels thin. Your brain is flashing wrong, flashing red, screaming Domi’s name, but your heart is racing, pounding against your chest.
You screw your eyes shut.
He hits the button, the elevator starts going and you step closer to him. His back is against the elevator wall and there’s a calm look on his face, but you can tell he’s nervous, can feel it in the clamminess of his palm where it’s sticking to yours.
“I’m going to kiss you,” you blurt and you don’t even have time to regret the words before he’s pushing into you, lips finding yours within seconds.
They’re warm and softer than you expected. He lets out a groan as you kiss back, and you’re reminded of his cut, the swollen lip he’s sporting now. You move back, rest your forehead against his.
“Sorry, your lip,” you attempt to explain, but he shakes his head, forehead sliding across yours, twisting it.
“I like it,” he mumbles and you smile before kissing him again, feeling his arm wrap around you, pull you closer.
It’s the first time you’ve kissed him, he’s strictly off limits, a forbidden idea, but it feels like everything has suddenly fallen into place. The warning signs dissolve into bursts of serotonin as he makes little sounds, pressed up with your mouth.
The door dings open. You break apart and step out. Is kiss drunk a thing, or are you losing your mind? He grins at you, pulls your joined hands up for a soft kiss brushing on your knuckles.
Your heart flutters right then. If you’re losing your mind, you’re glad it’s with him. Dealing with the aftermath is something you’ll do later, so you push all thoughts of Domi and her complications aside and follow him straight into his apartment, consequences be damned.
taglist:  @iamdorka @no-shxt-sherl @bakerkells @findingmyths @rosegoldrichie​ @mayaslifeinabox​ @itjustkindahappenedreally @hnbtx @backoftheroomandnotbelonging​ @sophroniaa​ @enchantedamusedslightlyconfused​ @calum-defense-squad​
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moccahobi · 4 years
Written in The Stars [Hoseok x Reader]
Warnings: Cuss words
Summery:  Hoseok had always been big on supporting his friends. Thus it came as no surprise that he ended up spending his free time at Namjoon's latest buiseness venture: a little dessert cafe. He didn't expect to fall for the cute barista who always worked when he was there though the.
Word count: 7k words
Genre: Slice of life au; Cafe au
Author’s Note: Thank you so much to @kyub for making the banner and @heyitsmeee2, @jung-hoseok-s-airplane, @jiminful, and @elenasgotyourback​ for betaing. This fic took so much out of me! I had one idea than the next and the main time I had to write this was during school. Oof! I am glad I did it though! Big shutout to @bangtanscenery​ for orchestrating and creating this project! It was soo fun!
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Hoseok sighed from where he was seated in the all too cliche cafe. Namjoon had just opened it up so Hoseok was trying to fulfill his role as a supportive friend by eating there, but it just wasn’t a place he was into. The place was beautiful. He could tell Namjoon and his business partner had quite the eye for design. The wall behind the register was painted in chalk and the menu was written in large swirling letters across it. They had picked a light and natural wood tone for the tables and booths that complimented the dark grey of the metal chairs which were all  all seats upholstered with a rich navy blue and embezzled with glittering gold rebites keeping the cushions to the furniture. It was an ethereal kind of look that undoubtedly drew in the crowds. 
Looking around, Hoseok’s eyes landed on a large astrology chart sprawled out on the back wall, similar in handwriting to the menu, painting a story with the chart. He only noticed it because Namjoon had a passion for astrology and he would often gush about it to Hoseok who would listen to almost all the times that they met up. To top it off, the ceiling was painted in an all consuming shade of black, mimicking a galaxy with its streaks of white, here and there, which glimmered like actual stars (although Hoseok could admit that the ceiling was almost a piece of art). Aside from the heavy reliance on a theme, it was a dessert cafe. Hoseok liked sweets. Namjoon loved sweets apparently. Almost every food was doused in sugar and it was almost overwhelming just how sweet it all was. They all sounded amazing and cavity inducing (especially the french toast and ice cream combo), and Hoseok was tempted to try them, but he couldn’t handle all that sugar in one sitting. He’d need someone to help and he didn’t have someone to help him today. The only thing Hoseok could handle was the Black Hole coffee (americano with a little sugar) and a Galaxy bagel (it was just a plain bagel with some sugary cream cheese). Hoseok felt a little more like Yoongi, the resident grump of his friends, sitting in the cafe with such… unsweetened foods. 
Of course Namjoon’s cafe had some savory food and Hoseok wanted to try them some other time, maybe with Yoongi.The main thing Namjoon sold was dessert though, and to support Namjoon, Hoseok had to have one of the desserts. 
What wasn’t a shock about Namjoon’s cafe was that he co-owned and ran it with someone else. Hoseok didn’t know who it was yet, Namjoon having not told him yet but from what Hoseok knew of the current set up, they were manning the counter with two baristas. From what Namjoon had said about his business partner, they were much more focused on what they were serving as well as the astrology side of the cafe work than any of the real business. It gave Namjoon exactly what he wanted: the business side of things and a partner to share the possible debt. Hoseok had finally managed to visit today, their fifth day open and if he had to list the things that he did like,  he’d have to start with the ceiling and then mention one of the baristas:
They took his breath away the second he entered the store. They smiled broadly and greated Hoseok and for a second, he forgot that he was at a local cafe and not a family run restaurant back in Gwangju. The world slowed as he looked at them and all Hoseok could think about was the warm feeling of returning to his mom’s friend’s restaurant after his post-school program and eating kimchi and rice. 
The trance was broken the second she turned to take someone’s order and Hoseok slowly came back to reality. He wasn’t in Gwangju but he was about to have a wonderful meal in a shop owned by a friend. 
Hoseok had only been in the cafe for half an hour and he could already say that he was starting to develop a small crush on the barista. He didn’t mean to and he didn’t dare think about actually asking her out… it just happened. She was a pretty woman doing her job and Hoseok was an attention starved small business owner who was entranced by her caring attitude. Hoseok was stressed and tired. Plus, he was finally feeling better after his last relationship. There wasn’t this constant longing nestled deep inside him at the thought of the end of his last relationship anymore, and he might finally be at a point where dating was ok to do again.
That is what he brushed it off as. 
Hoseok didn’t want to think of the alternative. He just got out of a relationship a month ago and was still recovering even if he felt like he might be better now. Sure it might have been a mutual agreement based on his best interests and their best interest, but that didn’t make it any harder. Hoseok still missed the nights when they would spend the night in their apartment and snuggle close while watching cheesy shows or when they’d force him to stop working on pottery for a day and instead grab food at one of the food trucks. He missed the companionship but by now, he didn’t know if he missed them.
He might.
There wasn’t a real way to always tell though. The two went everywhere together. Every place that Hoseok went to now conjured memories that danced and pranced around in his mind. This cafe would be different though. There were no ghost memories dancing around. It was new and he could work effectively and happily. 
At some point while Hoseok was finishing his food, Namjoon came over and joined him. The two had barely had more than a handful of conversations since graduating college, both too busy to make time for the other as small business owners (well this was Namjoon’s second business venture, the other supplying him a good source of money to fund him and the cafe). That was how life was sadly but with this cafe open so close to where Hoseok lived and worked that now they might have a chance of having long and winded conversations again.
“Do you remember watching stars on our old apartment’s rooftop?” Namjoon asked at one point, a soft and content smile on his face
“Somewhat. They were nice. Cold, but nice.” Hoseok lied while taking a long sip of his coffee.
Namjoon had always loved the night sky, so much so that he would drag Hoseok out three times a week just to look at the sky. The man could name every constellation and phase of the moon off the top of his head. It was an amazing skill. Hoseok didn’t have that same passion though. Sure, the night sky was nice, awe inspiring at times, but most nights Hoseok would return from work exhausted and all he wanted to do was go to sleep. Those nights when Namjoon and Hoseok would go onto the roof and look at the sky were mostly filled with Hoseok drifting off in the cold. 
Hoseok did it though and Hoseok would do it again in a heartbeat because it made Namjoon happy. 
Namjoon smiled broadly, “That was kinda the inspiration for the cafe’s decorations! My co-owner, Y/n-ssi, really likes astrology so she added some of the more… magical elements.” 
Hoseok chuckled and looked around with a small smile growing on his face as well,“I am glad you enjoyed those nights so much. Do you still make time to go out and look at the stars?” Hoseok asked before taking a long sip of his coffee.
“No.” Namjoon snorted, his smile much larger now, “I am a working man. I barely have time to eat, sleep, and breath. Let alone gaze up at the stars.” 
“You should make time, Namjoon-ah. It isn’t healthy to work all the time.” Hoseok chastised, taking special care now to scrutinize Namjoon’s face.
He looked very similar to the young twenty year old Hoseok once knew but there was more evidence now of stress and wear-and-tear. Frown lines and bags etched in his face. When was the last time Namjoon took a break from all his work? Hoseok didn’t know the answer. He did know though that he was no better than Namjoon. This was his first real break in a week or two.
“You sound like Minjae.” Namjoon laughed.
Hoseok winced instead, “Sometimes we need someone to look after us, Namjoon-ah.”
“I am sorry, man. I didn’t mean to-”
“It is ok, dude. I am over her.” Hoseok said, carefully watching Namjoon process what Hoseok said.
He still looked stressed, his frown lines growing as he looked at the table instead of Hoseok. Namjoon had set up Minjae and Hoseok and his pride was undoubtedly wounded when the two decided to end it. Namjoon also barely had time to check in with the two so his own memory was probably a little foggy.
“ Anyways, we should try to go camping sometime… or go to some sort of museum for stars. Bet we could stay there for five hours before they’d kick us out.” Hoseok proposed, watching as Namjoon smiled, his frown lines becoming ghosts as he looked back up at Hoseok again as the previous stress left him. 
Namjoon snorted in laughter, “I would love to look at the stars with you again, if that is what you’re asking.” 
His eyes lit up as he started to speak animatedly, “And we can make s’mores and grill some beef. Oh my god! I haven’t had beef in sooo long. It would be so good!”
“I think we would have to go camping to do that, Namjoon-ah. I don’t know if a museum will allow us to start a fire and cook stuff there.” Hoseok laughed.
“Well then, looks like we will be going camping.” 
“Yeah. Looks like we will have to plan that soon.”
A comfortable silence filled the two as they looked out at the bustling cafe, nothing left to talk about. They were both running their own stores, Hoseok had his pottery shop and Namjoon had the bookshop and now this cafe. The two did the same work just in a different setting and neither felt the need to talk about it. Shortly after their conversation died down, Namjoon had to go back to work. He mainly worked in the backroom but there was almost more work to be done.. Hoseok didn’t mind. He understood the struggle. Namjoon leaving actually left Hoseok excited as he could finally start reading the latest book he grabbed from the library. Giddily, he tapped his feet against the floor and quickly pulled the book out of his bag and started to read. The soft and sure feeling of the hardback book grounded him as he started to be carried away by the words. Distantly, he registered people moving around him as life carried on but he didn’t care one bit. The tension rose in the story the further he read and soon enough he found himself tightly gripping the book as more and more problems arose. Time passed at an unknown rate to Hoseok as someone new sat near him or left or readjusted. He barely noticed any and all changes that happened around him, too absorbed in the world he held in his hands (which he was somehow only a third of the way through). That was until he noticed someone sit across him at his table. They said something that he didn’t quite hear or understand and he quickly tried to get to a stopping point so converse with whoever it was (probably Namjoon back to bother him more).He looked up in shock to see the cute barista from earlier, smiling and taking a bite of her sandwich. You were the last person Hoseok expected to see sitting with him. Maybe an old friend and very possibly Namjoon, but you? A cute barista he barely said one word to? Nope. 
You blushed and started to speak, a hand covering her mouth to hide the food you were eating, “I hope you don’t mind me joining you for my lunch. I noticed you talking to Namjoon-ssi earlier and you’re reading one of my favorite books and I thought that it could be cool to meet and talk to you. I am Y/n by the way.” She smiled brightly and nodded lightly at Hoseok.
Hoseok laughed quietly and blushed himself before nodding with a smile, “I am Hoseok. Why is it your favorite book? Oh! And no spoilers! I just started the second part.” 
“Ah! A bunch of good stuff is about to happen! I am warning you!” You laughed before taking a sip of your drink. 
As you did so, Hoseok looked at what you brought with you, namely your lunch box. Hoseok knew that Namjoon built into the budget a small meal for each of the workers during their shift and it struck Hoseok as endearing that you brought your own food instead of eating the sugary sweets offered in the cafe. It was smart too. The sweets probably wouldn’t be the healthiest to eat daily and you could eat more if you packed your own food. 
“I really enjoyed the story. It just… it traps you and doesn’t let you go. The author is really good about that in general with her works. I have read some of her other works and they’re so good!” You said, your eyes glued on the book splayed on the table and not Hoseok.
“I am learning that now.” Hoseok laughed, “This is my first time reading one of her works and I definitely want to read more of her stuff. I specifically enjoy how she is associating certain aspects of her world with different textures and feelings. ”
You nodded excitedly as Hoseok kept talking, your cheeks full of food as you ate. His heart fluttered endearingly as he watched you eat and talk about the book, your eyes wide and cheeks flushed with excitement. Time was moving almost as quickly as when he read the book and he enjoyed it. There was something fun about talking about a book with someone. He hadn’t done it since high school (Minjae was always more of a movie or show person and he did other things with other people). Until now, reading had been an  activity he’d done alone. He found himself smiling and laughing more with you than he had in awhile. Maybe there was something fun about talking about books with others that Hoseok had been ignoring until now.
Maybe there was something magical about you. 
Maybe it was how your eyes drew him in and kept him there. He didn’t fully know. 
The fun didn’t last too long though. You came to talk during your lunch break and lunch breaks were short. It didn’t help that as they talked more and more, he started getting inspiration on some new pottery and he knew that he would need to start working on them soon or he might lose the idea (that or he’ll lose the inspiration).. Just to be safe, he excused himself after you finished eating your sandwich and made his way to his shop. He tried to ignore the image of you nodding and smiling sadly as he left that bounced around in his head but it was heard. You simply looked so adorable and he wish that he didn’t have to leave.
In fact, he thought about how he left Namjoon’s cafe in a rush  many times over the following week. Regret stewed inside him the more time he dwelled on it and didn’t return to the cafe. He should have risked the idea for talking with you (his new creation barely sold so it probably wasn’t worth losing a conversation). He should have stayed longer. He should have asked you for your number. Then maybe he might have been able to ask you out to meet up (and maybe call it a date). Plus, if he had gotten your number then he might have had enough courage to reenter the shop instead of standing outside of the shop like an absolute buffoon every time he passed it. Like he was currently doing right now.  Inside the shop, people were bustling around. A group of children had gathered there after school and were drinking some sort of milkshakes. People were simply sitting there and working. Friends were meeting up. You were working away behind the counter.
He was standing outside like a loser.
He wished that he had the gall to go in and order something (as well as as for your number) but all he could do was watch you flutter around behind the counter as you worked hard, his own heart fluttering and stuttering as he watched you work. Why was he chickening out? He didn’t have this issue when he officially asked Minjae out but with you Hoseok could barely manage to gather up courage to ask for your number. Maybe he wasn’t actually ready for a new relationship. 
But he couldn’t stop thinking about possibly having one with you. Hoseok was so confused. Friends could ask for numbers too. It wasn’t inherently a romantic action. Hoseok liked the idea of it being a somewhat romantic action. 
He didn’t have the courage to go in today sadly. Hoseok didn’t know when he would have the courage to.
With a disheartened sigh that seemed to cling in the air around him, Hoseok turned around and sat at the bench in front of the cafe. It overlooked streets that were surprisingly empty save for a bus or two. He watched as a couple walked hand in hand on the sidewalk across the street, dopey smiles on their face as they looked at each other. 
A pang of jealousy bubbled up in his stomach as he stared at them. The two looked so happy and content. He wanted that. He wanted that with someone who wanted similar things out of a relationship (unlike Minjae).  Hoseok could be the man across the street holding hands with a romantic partner if he just asked someone out.  
“Crazy seeing you here, Hoseok-ssi.” Your voice shocked Hoseok out of his thoughts, making him jump and turn around to face you. 
Your hair was frizzy from a long day of work but your eyes shone brightly, almost saying that you enjoyed every minute of the hard work you did. Hoseok understood that drive. Your navy blue apron complimented what you were wearing underneath too, over all you looked undeniably cute. You took Hoseok’s breath away. Even if you had coffee stains and looked like death, you would have taken Hoseok's breath away.
“Y-y-yeah! I… Uhhh… I was enjoying the view.” Hoseok managed to stutter out, turning red as he kept stuttering.
“Oh really? Street views are nice… Yet, I had hoped that you might have been thinking about coming into the cafe. Guess I was wrong.” You laughed, sitting next to Hoseok on the bench and taking out your lunch box, this time a dinner tucked neatly into it. 
Hoseok spent a few seconds to look at the tattered lunch box. You must have had it for a while as there were scratches and dents on it that only came with time and repetitive use.
“I-I… well… I might have been thinking about going inside.” 
“And what made you decide to not go inside? Did you want an actual dinner?” You laughed before putting some of your food into your mouth.
“Oh… Uh… no… I just… decided not to. Nothing against the cafe.”
“Ok. And how is the book going?”
“Uhh… It is going decent.”
Hoseok was kicking himself. Just a minute ago he was fantasizing about going on a date with you and thinking about how cute you were and now he could barely finish a sentence! How was he supposed to even possibly ask you out when he couldn’t even get out more than a four word sentence and you were carrying most of the conversation? 
He was handsome, damn it! 
He was a catch! Yet here he was getting flustered by a barista… what has he come to.
You weren’t just any barista though… You were a cute and interesting barista who liked similar books to him.
“Why’d you decide to come outside and eat instead of eating inside?” Hoseok finally asked, trying to push his nerves aside. 
“Oh! Well… It’s hot and stuffy. Plus, you’re here. That helps.” You said quietly and from the corner of Hoseok’s eye he noticed you blush as you gently brushed your shoulder against his. 
A fluttering in Hoseok’s heart made his response get stuck in his throat. What was that supposed to mean? Was she interested in him too? How was he supposed to interpret that?
He cleared his throat and spoke, “Yeah… You’re pretty cool too, I guess.” 
What is all he could say?
How lame!
“I mean, I think you’re cool. I just don’t know you much yet and don’t want to say something that might possibly be wrong… I don’t think you might not be cool though! I just-”
Your laugh interrupted Hoseok and struck him into silence. It was a melodious laugh that he could listen to for hours on end and never get bored. 
“I am glad you think I am cool, Hoseok-ssi.” You said, turning towards Hoseok with a broad smile.
Hoseok’s heart was beating wildly now. Its erratic heartbeats weren’t ideal earlier when you were simply sitting next to him but now? How was he even supposed to focus with you staring at him intently? Especially with your lips looking like the perfect place for his own lips.
Unintentionally, Hoseok started to lean towards you.
They really did look wonderfully soft. 
What was he thinking about?
You were practically a stranger! Even worse: you were Namjoon’s employee! For all he knew you were trying to use Hoseok to get a better pay.
But Namjoon paid his employees well… and most didn’t have tons of room to grow with the work as it was a small cafe. 
“I enjoy your company too, Y/n-ssi.” Hoseok said with a cough as he turned to face the street again. 
All of the sudden he was very focused on how hot he was feeling. It wasn’t summer but the heat was… present. He was probably blushing and sweating from the heat. Nothing else.
“Even if we have a conversation like this? Where we’re both awkward?” You asked with a strained laugh, leaning into Hoseok.
You had stopped eating.
“Uhh… y-y-yeah. I am having fun. Even if it doesn’t seem like I am.” 
“So… would you enjoy my company if we… went on a date, Hoseok-ssi?” You asked slowly, your voice devoid of all laughter.
“Oh. I. Yeah! Totally.” Hoseok’s voice cracked and he leaned back and coughed to try to cover it up, “I mean… It’d be cool, I guess. Yeah. That would be nice.” 
You giggled, “Wonderful. How does… Tomorrow at seven in the evening sound? We can meet up here and then go somewhere close by.” 
That was so soon.
He could make it though.
“Yeah. That works.” Hoseok nodded, trying to ignore the incessant vibrations from his phone that was sitting in his pocket.
“Are you going to take that, Hoseok-ssi?” You asked with a small giggle, already going back to eating your food.
“Oh. Yeah.” 
He quickly grabbed his phone and looked at who was calling. It was Jisoo, one of his employees.
“Hey… boss. I am sorry but uhh… I can’t make it to my shift. I have been vomiting nonstop. I think I have food poisoning. I am about to go to the hospital. I tried asking Jinyoung but apparently he is currently working and can’t do any more overtime. I am so sorry.” Jisoo spoke hurridly.
Hoseok winced at the connotation. He only had two employees aside from him and this meant that he would have to go in and keep the shop open until ten tonight. Five hours more of work and he needed to leave soon.
“Don’t worry, Jisoo. You didn’t intend to get sick. Take care.” Hoseok said before hanging up and looking over at you, “That is sadly my signal to go.”
You looked like a kicked puppy in that moment, a sad gaze growing as you looked up at Hoseok, “Ok. See you tomorrow.”
All while he walked away, he wished that he could turn around and spend the rest of your break together. He felt like an ass for leaving right after agreeing to a date but his shop needed him. It was the curse of a shop owner and it was a curse that Hoseok had chosen. 
Of course, what he hadn’t realized until he got to his shop and Jinyoung had left was that he completely forgot to get your number once again. 
He was such a damn idiot at times!
Now he couldn’t text you to fill the time that he was forced to work. He also couldn’t get any more information about your date. Would it be formal? Casual? Where were you going to take him? Should he get a gift for you? 
It’d make sense that the two of you would be going on a date after your shift because otherwise why would he meet you at Namjoon’s cafe? 
In the end Hoseok fretted all throughout his shift and the night about what he could possibly wear for his date tomorrow. Everything felt wrong and he had no idea what to do. Everything he did and tried on felt like not enough. Nothing felt right and for the first time in a while, he didn’t know what to do. First dates were hard and he didn’t know how to prepare. 
He shaved and just barely missed twenty nics and even took a longer than normal to make sure that he wouldn’t stink during the date but what was he supposed to wear?
Despite his panicking and fears, Hoseok somehow managed to calm himself down to restlessly sleep that night and was even able to work in the morning. After work though, he was back to panicking. Somehow Hoseok managed to settle for wearing a simple pair of light blue jeans, one of his favorite large shirts with a smile on it, and his long tan jacket.
His whole afternoon bleed into itself and eventually Hoseok found himself sitting on the bench outside of Namjoon’s cafe, a single sunflower held loosely in his hands as he waited for you (he got it at some point between changing into his current clothes and coming here but he didn’t know if he could manage to pinpoint exactly when he had).  He barely had enough sense to wear his jacket for when the sun set and it got cold (or if he had to hide in it if you ended up taking him to some fancy restaurant). He would feel so underdressed if you did.
Why would you though?
From what Hoseok understood, you were just coming off of work so you probably wouldn’t want to go to some fancy place. Plus, working in a cafe wasn’t going to get you too much money, even if one’s employer gave them a living wage. You’d probably be a little pressed for money. 
If that was an issue though, Hoseok would be more than happy to pay but he wouldn’t care either way. 
It also probably wasn’t Hoseok’s place to pry at this time either.
In a last ditch attempt to make sure he was ready for the date, he quickly tried to check his breath with his hand, only getting blasted with air in his face instead. How was he even supposed to check his breath with his hand? 
Had his hair got messed up on his trip here?
Had they even agreed to meet here? Maybe you said a different place instead? 
Just to check, he looked inside the cafe and didn’t see you there. It was almost seven so maybe you were in the back? Maybe he could just text Namjoon to make sure you were off at seven. Hoseok didn’t want to overstep yet. 
“Are you looking for someone in there, Hoseok-ssi?” You asked from beside him, scaring him to the point that he jumped up and almost dropped the sunflower in his hands.
Once he managed to get his bearings again, his breath was taken away by how etheral you looked. There was almost no way that you had come from work, Hoseok was sure of that. Your hair was beautifully and simply styled and your outfit… Hoseok loved every bit of it. His heart fluttered slightly as he looked you over again (barely noticing the reddening blush growing on your face). You looked so good and for the umpteenth time that day, he questioned his own choice in clothes. He might be really underdressed. 
Dress pants would have been better to wear instead of jeans. What was he thinking? He really goofed up.
“Y-You look wonderful tonight, Y/n-ssi.” Hoseok finally said, blushing lightly as you laughed quietly.
“So do you, Hoseok-ssi.” You complimented, a broad smile on your face as you stepped closer and looked down at the sunflower.
“I… Uhhh… I got this for you. I don’t know what your favorite flower is or if you even like flowers but I thought it would be nice.” He stuttered out, quickly giving the flower to you. 
You looked up at Hoseok with a small laugh before saying, “I love it Hoseok-ssi. Shall we get to the restaurant? I got a reservation for seven thirty.”
“A reservation! I guess it is really fancy, huh?” Hoseok asked, rubbing his neck nervously as he started to walk with you.
“No. Not really. It is just popular and I didn’t want to have to spend the night looking for somewhere to eat. I hope you like Haemul Pajeon (vegetable pancake), I got us a reservation at a small place that is just about three blocks down the street. They make wonderful food.” 
“I love the sound of that. How’s your day been so far, Y/n-ssi?” Hoseok asked, biting his lip to hide a large smile growing on his face.
Haemul Pajeon was one of his favorite foods… and Y/n was being so considerate. He was feeling so soft and mushy. How dare you make him feel so soft. 
He loved it.
“It hasn’t been the best. I worked the morning shift and… well there are always rude customers but morning people have such a strange breed of rude customers.” You had started rambulling, animatedly gesturing and talking about the rude morning customers.
Hoseok simply watched and listened as you kept going on, a content and fuzzy feeling washing over him as he kept waking next to you. Occasionally your shoulders and hands brushed as you expertly led the way to the restaurant while ranting and while it left Hoseok reeling, it didn’t seem to phase you at all. He could live with that though. As long as you were happy. 
In the midst of all your rambling about work, the two of you made it to the restaurant. It was at the bottom of a large building, the upper floors likely dedicated to apartments or business offices. Even from the outside, Hoseok could see a large mass of people jostling around in the restaurant. Large friend groups talking and moving around the restaurant drunkenly, couples draped over each other, and restaurant workers expertly weaving through the masses. 
It was obviously a popular place and it made Hoseok just a little nervous. How would you and him get to talk much when all that was happening around you two? Maybe it would be more of a people watching event? One where he only really talked when it came to theories about other’s lives outside of this restaurant. 
There wasn’t too much time to think though as the two quickly started walking inside. You only stopped talking after introducing yourself to the hostess. In the silence between you two, Hoseok looked around the restaurant. It looked different from the outside. Whereas earlier it looked as if it would be a party place, now that Hoseok was inside, he could see a semblance of organization to the chaos.
Despite both you and Hoseok not talking, there wasn’t a silence that fell. The whole of the restaurant was lively and filled with a soft amiability that Hoseok really enjoyed. 
“Alright. Your reservation is ready. Please follow me.” The hostess said, bowing slightly before turning around and starting to weave through the tables. 
Hoseok swallowed his nerves before he started walking in front of you (the three of you had to walk single file because the space was too small to walk side by side) and gently grabbed your hand from behind. People were bumping up against him as he quickly followed behind the hostess but his grip on you didn’t falter. He hoped that his hand wasn’t too sweaty and that he wasn’t gripping you too hard, but Hoseok was nervous and he didn’t want to lose you in the crowd (or let go of your hand yet). 
The table that you had reserved was tucked in a corner and overlooked all of the action happening in the bar. There was a small candle lit between the two of you that flickered gently in the soft breeze created by the fans above. Hoseok liked the spot.
“I just realized,” You started with a laugh once you sat down, “I talked the whole walk here. Silly me. I got carried away. How has your day been so far?” 
“I like listening to you talk so it’s ok. As for my day, it has been a good day. I didn’t make any more pottery, but I headed the shop and got some good work done there.” Hoseok started, a large smile on his face as he looked across the table at you. 
“Oh! So you’re one of Namjoon’s business friends?”
Hoseok snorted at that. Namjoon did have a lot of business friends at this point.
“Yeah. I think I might be Namjoon’s first business friend though. We met in high school and have been friends since. Back in high school Namjoon wanted to be an astrologer believe it or not.” 
“Oh? I wouldn’t have guessed!” You laughed, “So what do you do?”
“I am a potter. My shop is just two streets over from the cafe you work at.” Hoseok nodded.
“Own. Namjoon and I are co-owners. I run the front.” You corrected lightly, “How about we look at the menu?” 
“Oh. Yeah. Let’s look.” Hoseok nodded along, somewhat caught off guard.
You were the co-owner? It made sense, Hoseok thought as he opened the menu, you looked like she belonged in that cafe. Plus, you were closer to Namjoon’s age than the other baristas' ages. He should have seen it coming. 
After a few minutes of looking through the menu Hoseok spoke up, “So… have you figured out what you’re going to get?” 
“Yeah. I am thinking of getting Haemul Pajeon with a side of chicken feet. What about you?” 
“Uhhh… I think that I am going to get Haemul Pajeon as well but with a side of kimchi. I’m not too hungry today.” Hoseok laughed lightly thinking back to his two large stress induced meals earlier today. 
You snorted and laughed lightly before taking a sip of your water, “I get that. Plus, the Haemul Pajeon are quite large. They have great deals.” 
Shortly after you two decided, a waiter came by and took your order, and then Hoseok and you were left in amicable silence once again. He was a ball of nerves once again and he had no idea of where to go from here… He wasn’t this anxious when he started dating Minjae… why was it so hard with you? Maybe because he was genuinely interested in you from the start and he was scared of screwing it up. Maybe because he had just spent most of the day fretting over this date and now that it was here, he realized that he didn’t think over the right stuff. 
“So,” Hoseok coughed lightly, hoping to clear his throat some, “Do you come to this restaurant often?”
“Not really. I came here the first night I moved into the apartment complex above the cafe but since then I haven’t. I actually came here on my own and just sat at the bar and talked to random strangers. It is amazing to see what conversations one can have when they’re open to it.” You said with a smile as you looked over at the bustling bar space. 
“I can imagine. I haven’t gone to bars much so I don’t have such conversations often but I have never had a dull conversation.” Hoseok said wistfully, thinking back to some of the talks that he had when he volunteered to help the homeless back in Gwangju. He wanted to keep up the volunteer work when he moved to Seoul but it simply didn’t happen. He got carried away with his studies and his life and service work simply got put on a backburner.
“Yeah? I doubt that, Hoseok-ssi.” You laughed, “I can’t believe you’ve never had a dull conversation. Not even one with a boring professor?”
Hoseok laughed lightly and shrugged, “I mean, I guess you could count some of those conversations as dull. I guess I was more thinking about general conversations with people… not cardboard cutouts.” 
You snorted at this before taking a large sip of your water, blush rising quickly on your face. A sense of pride washed over Hoseok at your reaction. He had made you laugh. It felt good to make someone smile this much. 
“I loved most of my professors, don’t get me wrong. They were amazing, but oh my gosh. Ask Namjoon about Professor Gaewon who taught our Stat 240. He was such a snore.” Hoseok started animatedly, smiling as you laughed again, “Even for me and I double majored in Statistics and Business. Dude could put me to sleep in seconds. Lecture or not. I went to one of his office hours once and it was even worse.” 
“Oh really?” You asked with a laugh, raising your eyebrows and looking at him with a lopsided grin.
“Oh yeah! I wanted to know a little more information about some complicated statistic and the details and whatnot, nerdy stuff really. He got so excited but you couldn’t tell because he talked in such a monotone voice,” Hoseok smiled brightly before he started mimicking Professor Gaewon, “This statistic, blah blah blah. It is interesting stuff.”
You were laughing uncontrollably at this point and Hoseok couldn’t help but indulge in the butterflies that fluttered wildly in his stomach. This was amazing.
“Needless to say, I didn’t go to his office hours after that.” 
You nodded, “I didn’t have anything like that in college. I mean, I was also not a business major and didn’t have to take any stat classes but I mostly got a lot of very pretentious professors who had written books or wild professors who I loved. I didn’t enjoy the former.” You laughed lightly and shook your head, “They seemed to think that they knew everything. It was painful.” 
“Oh? What’d you major in?” 
“I double majored in Literature and History. I love it. Don’t use it much with my work but that is ok.” You said, coming to a stop when the waitress came with sides for the food. 
You and Hoseok slightly bowed to the waiter before turning back to each other and smiling. For a couple minutes, the conversation died down and the noise of the restaurant around you two filled the air as both of you indulged in the sides. Before you and Hoseok had time to continue conversing, the waiter returned and gave both of you your Haemul Pajeon and the two of you dug in All throughout eating, the two of you made comments about how the Haemul Pajeon compared to what you two had had in the past. 
Somehow, all the time in the restaurant blurred together and before he even knew it, the two of them were back at Namjoon’s and your cafe. It had closed by now, the windows dark and reflecting the party life outside. 
“Well… this was a great night, Hoseok-ssi.” You said, swaying forwards and backwards with a soft and happy smile plastered across your face. 
Hoseok felt giddy looking at you. How did he get so lucky to have you ask him out? 
“It was. I would love to do it again sometime.” 
“Yeah.” You giggled and bit your lip as you asked.
“Yeah.” Hoseok nodded, biting his own lip as he took a step closer to you.
You took a step closer to him as well, your smile growing as you reached out and grabbed Hoseok’s waist. He leaned closer at this and gently pressed his lips against yours, you quickly reciprocating. His hands rose to cup your face as the kiss got heated, soon enough tongues starting to intertwine. 
A moan left him as you broke the kiss, a sly smile spreading on your face, “You may have to work for my phone number first, Hoseok-ssi.” 
He groaned quietly and smiled, his hands sliding down your soft face to your shoulders, “Well then, can I get your number then, Y/n-ssi?” 
You took a step away from Hoseok and giggled as his hands fell to his sides, “Nope. Try again tomorrow… then I will consider. Until then, good night, Hoseok-ssi.” 
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pi-creates · 4 years
Hey Pi!!! So far I really liked games you mentioned like King's Quest and TFTB so I'm curious would you like to recommend any other? :D
Depends on what you’re into, anon. And you’ll have to keep in mind I’m mostly talking from a PC perspective, I’m always behind in terms of consoles.
If you’re in to story-telling without heavy gameplay:
I adore Oxenfree. Which is basically a 2.5D game that is a little bit horror, a little bit puzzle solving, and mostly about making dialogue choices to determine your ending. As for the story, you play as Alex, a girl in her last year of high school as she goes to an overnight beach party on an island with her friends. Spooky shenanigans happen. (This game does have some death and suicide related topics/imagery, so be aware of that if that’s something that you’re sensitive to)
For something even more puzzle heavy, there is the Zero Escape series of games. I remember playing the first game on the DS, but the full series is available on PC now. This is another horror-ish game that involves clicking on locations in a room to find objects and solve puzzles. The story revolves around your character waking up inside a locked room with no idea how they got there, and no idea how to get out. The problem happens to be much bigger than just one room, as you find yourself pulled in to a game where breaking the rules, being too slow, or failing a puzzle, will result in a very quick, and very explosive end. (This game also features blood and death)
Then if you’re in the mood for something chill and just fun - I love the Katamari Damacy games. Just... roll the ball. Roll the ball and make it a bigger ball. Roll up the fish and watch them be all wiggly. The story isn’t important, though it is wildly bizarre. Just lose yourself in the absurdity and the music.
Or if you’re in to more gameplay heavy games:
I will always recommend the Dragon Age series of games if you like RPGs. If you’re into fantasy settings with elves, dwarves, mages, dragons and world-ending calamities, then this will be right up your alley. I love it. The games are massive, there’s plenty of side missions to explore, your decisions are important, and the characters are just... I love them. I love the 2nd game the least - but god damn, I still love it. Even if every single one of these games broke my heart.
On a similar vein, If you like sci-fi games with aliens and a little bit of shooting, the Mass Effect games are good too. The original trilogy anyway... though the ending is... well... infamous for being not great. But to put it simply, if you like interacting with the characters, and you like a big universe where your actions have consequences, then you’ll probably like the Mass Effect games.
Then there are the Persona games. I personally haven’t played the first 2 games in the series, but each game is self-contained so you can pick up any and roll with it. If you aren’t familiar, these games are half about your characters social interactions and school life, and half about battling through dungeons full of shadows. The actual threat you’re facing changes between games, but 3, 4, and 5 are all definitely very good games. Also very long games... so be prepared for a long haul.
If you want to play Persona 3, I would recommend getting the PSP version (Persona 3 Portable) since that adds the option to pick the female protagonist - and regardless of whether you usually play these game as male or female, the female route is more enjoyable to play. It balances things out better in my opinion since it lets you befriend more characters in your immediate team. 
And I do also enjoy the Borderlands games - though they can be kinda hit or miss. If you like shooters, and don’t mind some silly or crass humour, then it might be worth a go. Though I won’t lie, the story and humour can sometimes be too much for me too. It just depends on whether you are capable of ignoring the bad parts and enjoying the rest of the experience. And annoyingly, they have some damn good writing at parts, and so it’s frustrating when most of the good stuff is hidden behind a boner joke.
Or if you want to go a little old-school and try one of my favourites from a long time ago... Psychonauts. This isn’t a choice heavy thing, but it’s super quirky and creative. Basically, you play as Raz, a little boy who ran away from the circus to join a summer camp for psychics. You then go on adventures inside people’s heads and try to unlock a secret going on at the campgrounds. Very fun - but you’ll probably need a controller for this one since there’s quite a bit of platforming. 
And that’s all I can think of off the top of my head...
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punkwithpaints · 4 years
The Rammstein Magic!AU no one asked for
Sorry this is kinda Richard heavy. I originally was just going to use him as an inspiration for a single character, but the deeper I went for his character, the more I started pulling in the rest of the gang until I decided it was easier to call it an AU. This is absolute word vomit and spit balling an idea, but I’d love to hear what you think and some feedback! Pardon the rambling and sorry if this makes zero sense.
 Richard: Alright, so, basically he can summon spirits/entities things like that. He knows about the forest’s darker secrets. Think of those spooky writings that are like “If you’re in the woods and hear 3 knocks, knock back but leave immediately.” Like, this fucker knows every old spirit, good, bad and unknown that go through the forest. He knows all the do’s and don’t’s and people come to him when they manage to get curses put on them or their families. He also knows about monsters that lurk around at night and other things.
With summoning, it’s a skill where at first it’s overwhelming since he starts to see and hear spirits and all that, so it’s a hard power to learn. Most summon animals or things that are living, not the dead. Most people’s minds can’t handle the added effect of seeing and hearing that stuff constantly.
He goes to churches or houses that people are like, “Uh, What is happening in this place?”. And he can strut in, look around and be like, “lmao that’s a demon, I see you fucker.” And he’s gotten so good at summoning that he can kinda reverse uno whatever it is, causing to it to be able to be seen by everyone else as well.
Problem is, when he first started learning, he got cocky and ended up fucking around with something way stronger than what he could handle at the time and basically got possessed. For years he is basically a dick. He’s dangerous, reclusive, hurts his friends and those around him, yadda yadda. Finally, he has enough will power to try and stop this thing, but the only way he knows how to get rid of it is to kill himself. Because without a living soul/body, the demon has nothing to feed off of or a place to stay. So he attempts by trying to slit his wrists, however, the demon is so impressed with his willpower and determination he offers a deal. It basically says, “Listen, I’ll make you a deal. You will have free will over your body and mind, but I get to stay.” Fine. Demon doesn’t let him die, heals his wounds, but there are scars obviously.
Richard now has a demon inside him. Fantastic. Richard and the demon can converse back and forth. So, Richard will be like, “Yeah, looks like you’re dealing with *insert demon thing here*.” And suddenly his voice will change and the demon is like, “I don’t know, it seems more like *other demon thing*”. Freaks people out pretty bad usually, if they aren’t expecting it. Richard also has a regular eye and a blind eye. Regular eye is just a regular eye, but his other blind eye is what gives him the ability to see the spirits. It’s like a right of passage for his type of people, where they have to blind one of their own eyes somehow.
With the demon inside him, the demon has the ability to bring things back from the dead. Hence why Richard was able to come back after attempting to kill himself. Technically speaking, Richard is sorta permanently dead but living. I considered giving him no heart beat but I’ll get back to that in a sec. So, Demon and him slowly start working together where he lets the demon influence and strengthen his summoning powers and summon the actual dead as well as see them. Now he has necromancy.
When the demon made his deal, he tells Richard he can summon him if he needs him, but it’s gonna be hella taxing. Richard has to summon him exactly as he did the first time. AKA, slit his wrists to activate it. So, demon would take back into control causing Richards magic to get stronger by God knows how much. Obviously, he can’t do this very often or for too long, but if shit really hits the fan, this could help him make it out alive. I mean, the demon really doesn’t want to lose his flesh home.  I’m thinking this is where the heart beat thing comes into play. Where he’s sorta half dead, his heart would stop when he activates the demon to take over.
  Till: TILL. THIS GUY. So, I figured where Till likes the water/swimming/animals so much, he’d live at the edge of the forest by the ocean cliff sides. He’s specialize in familiars and mythological creatures. Like, he’s BFF’s with the local sirens and mermaids. He’s the opposite of Richard. Till has the magic that I forget the name of but it revolves around communicating with animals, knowing what the area is saying through them, that kinda stuff if that makes any sense. He likes growing special and rare herbs for potions and rituals. He’s pretty quiet and doesn’t like being around people, so he keeps his magic on the down low usually and spends his time talking to the sirens and mermaids, creatures/animals around him. Tends to his garden and such. He sells it at the weekend markets where he does fine since he’s one of the few that can offer certain herbs. I think he would have a shapeshifting ability or have a familiar he could change into. I’m thinking a bear or a griffin. Druid-ish????
Although Till loves the water, he’s actually specializes in pyromancy. He doesn’t use it too often, since he keeps his magic mainly hidden, but hey, he can start a camp fire or his stove with it, so that’s nice. He loves to gossip with the mermaids and sirens. They were a little confused when their tricks and songs didn’t work on him, well, they did a little, but not completely. But then they put 2 and 2 together and go, “Oh….Wait….I don’t think he likes girls as much as some of the other sailors we’ve met.” So now they just accept him as their bestie and like talking to him about their crushes and the newest dumb sailors they all lured in. They both share fish catches with each other, and Till does sketches of the market/forest so he can come and show them what it looks like since they’re curious.
He also owns a dragon. Not a big one. One that’s the size of a parrot. It likes to chill on his shoulder and likes crackers and grasshoppers. He raised it from an egg. Everyone is all like, “Dude yeah he’s scary omg, I heard he has a whole dragon!!” and they stop by, only to find this burly dude having a cup of tea with the mermaids and a tiny dragon nibbling a graham cracker on his shoulder.
However, his herbs/garden is what links him to Paul and Flake.
 Paul/Flake: So, these two bois live together (Definitely no homo going on here) and Flake is even more recluse than Till. They have a cloaking spell on their cabin. You have to absolutely know a certain tree with a ritual attached to it or a spell/password sorta deal to gain access/the ability to see it.
They’re in an open field/prairie area. Flake would be a healer and very good at protection based spells and rituals. He always buys a lot of his herbs from Till so him and Till are close because 1.) Both reclusive as fuck and 2.) P L A N T S.
Meanwhile, Paul has telekinesis and mind reading. He’s a cocky boi but he does care a ton. Even if everyone wants to smack him half the time. I keep thinking their first meeting was something along the lines of:
Flake brings him along when he goes to Till to stock up on herbs, and Paul meets Richard for the first time since Richard stopped by to visit. It’s probably pretty fresh after the whole “Tried to kill myself to yeet the demon out of me and now we’re roommates” deal. And They have barely shaken hands when Paul is looks smug and goes, “You regret you didn’t die but you were honestly too scared too as well.” And Richard is like “ALRIGHT I HAVE TO KILL HIM DON’T YOU DARE READ MY MIND LIKE THAT”. So, Paul and Richard hate each other for a while. Well, Richard hates Paul, Paul doesn’t mind Richard, he’s just waiting for him to come back to him cause that’s usually how first meetings go for him.
Later on, as they start to talk, Paul confides in Richard (after apologizing) that he understands what Richard felt and that he had attempted before as well. Being able to hear everyone’s thoughts and feel their emotions is horrible when you first start out, and is incredibly overwhelming. Over time, Richard and him end up connecting pretty well. Richard still hates the mind reading thing (so does Till), but despite the differences, they’re friends.
Paul can also temporarily slow/reverse time in a certain limit around him. Maybe like, 15-20 foot radius? For about 30 seconds? Let’s say Till decided to use his pyromancy towards him, Paul can decide to halt it and slow it, or it can begin to reverse itself. Richard sends out some hellhounds, Paul can cause them to slow way down once they get close so he can duck around them and hurry off somewhere else.  
Flake, despite the hatred of being around people, is actually a pretty great guy once he warms up to you. He’s someone you can have a good cry with but also, he can absolutely fuck up your whole day. I’d think since he can do cloaking spells, he’d understand spells about portals and rifts. To make something ‘invisible’ (AKA, their house), he’s more so just shifting the dimensions people can see, making it into one that they can’t. And sometimes, you got to yeet your idiot friends through portals to somewhere safe cause they don’t know when to shut the hell up. One of my inspirations for his powers was the music video to the song Falling to Pieces by David Guetta, specifically around the 2:55 mark. I’d imagine that, instead of getting obliterated like the people in the music video, it more that he’s shifting every part of that person into different portals/dimensions. I mean, technically, yeah, they die. BUT HEY, who can say they died via getting blasted through different portals and shifts down to a molecular level? Flake can’t do it a lot obviously. It’s hard enough opening one or two portals, so to pull a stunt like that could kill him if he isn’t careful enough. So many times everyone has had to be like FLAKE NO HEY CHILL WE ARE OKAY DON’T DO THAT.
I imagine Flake and Paul have been friends since they were teenagers, so they watched each other’s powers develop. Once Paul starts figuring his powers out, it starts becoming too much. Flake tries his best to be supportive and encourage him and keep him sane, but Paul can feel how much he’s scaring Flake and making him worry. Paul finally tries to end it (in a similar fashion to Richard, so they have matching scars which is another bonding point for them), but Flake finds him in time. However, Flake hasn’t quite got his healing abilities down yet, but the fear and adrenaline of losing his best friend is what flips the switch to finally allow him to completely channel it. Paul heals up and startles back into reality and is like “EXCUSE ME, I THOUGHT YOU COULDN’T DO THAT” and Flake is shaking him like, “YOU DUMBASS IF YOU EVER DIE IM GOING TO KILL YOU.”
 Ollie: My tall boi. I’m thinking he’s part wood elf. His magic is based off of using the environment such as tree roots or trees, manipulating and summoning eco life around him. Wanna get beat by a root system? Ollie is your guy. His powers are kinda like Till, but not as animal heavy. I know there’s a word for this magic too but my ass cannot remember it for the life of me. He’s probably one of the rarest of the bunch to spot, but unlike Till or Flake, he doesn’t put up much of a fight when it comes to seeing people or going out. People are intimidated by him cause, I mean, this fucker is 6’7 and came out of the woods like some magical sasquatch lumberjack.
But he’s very down to earth (Pun intended). Ollie crafts armor or blades in his spare time. Sometimes he’ll join Till at the market and sell his stuff or take commissions from anyone who needs new weapons/armor, or if they need anything repaired. He knows how to lace objects with magic so it can do a better job with protection or heighten the users own abilities. Ollie is able to know what’s happening in his neck of the woods. He lives in the deepest part of the forest, Richard isn’t too far from him actually. But Ollie’s area is more of a calm area of the woods, not the spooky ass weird area Richard stays in.  Ollie has way more ALIVE deer, first off. No wendigos. What a difference.
I don’t know how to phrase this without it sounding dumb as hell, but basically he talks to trees. He can tap his magic into the systems of the trees and plants and pick up on conversations miles away from him. The trees become his eyes and ears, if that makes sense. It’s never super sharp or in focus (Dream like maybe?), but he’ll know when you’ve entered his section of the woods. He can sometimes tell roughly how many, and catch snippets of your conversations. He’ll make sure to keep an eye on you.
Schneider: My boy. I’m thinking he’s a witch mage kinda guy who has visions and predictions. He fucking loves crystals, tarot cards, special odds and ends, things like that. Reading the stars kinda guy. Schneider actually gets called in by the king or whomst the fuck ever is running this world I’m coming up with, to predict the futures of queens incoming babies, wars, decision making, yadda yadda. He’s hella guidance and damn good at what he does. His visions are never in perfect clarity, but with the aid of his other doodads and such, he can give you a pretty good estimate. He’s like Turbo Tax, but with life choices.
I’m thinking his powers would probably be something along the lines of a copy cat? He can usually tell what your about to do a few seconds before you do it. Somethings are super easy for him to predict (like a punch), other things are harder (complicated magic). I think he might fit under the title Warlock with a Vestige pact? Where the souls/echos of his ancestors that have passed on stay with him. They’re the ones that help him see glimpses into the future make sure he’s protected. They’re also why he can replicate (roughly) most spells that are done towards him. For example: If Paul tried to levitate something and toss it at him, there’s a chance that someone before Schneider, in his linage, had some kind of knowledge of that form of magic. If Schneider reacts fast enough, he can reverse uno that shit back at Paul or toss it somewhere else. Sometimes, it’s more of a canceling effect. So, if Richard tried to resurrect something to attack him, he could undo the resurrection spell, making the dead thing fall back apart, since you can’t double bring something back to life.
Him and Richard went through a similar process to gain their abilities. Richard is a host and dealt with/is dealing with being possessed, and Schneider is temporily possessed/influenced by his ancestors when needed. For a bit, they’re tense around each other cause both felt they were better than the other. Schneider felt like Richard “cheated” to gain his necromancy powers, while Richard is pissed that Schneider had it “so easy” compared to what he went through.
Like Paul and Richard, Schneider and Richard finally have a sit down and Schneider admits his whole ritual/process of gaining his abilities.
To gain access to all the souls/echos, Schneider had to ‘live’ through each ones most painful times via his visions. So, easily 100+ memories that he has to go through in one go. No stopping, feeling/seeing/hearing everything that happened to these people, one at a time. Sometimes it’s their deaths, sometimes it’s a fight or injury, sometimes is verbal things. It totally wrecks with a persons mind and body. A lot of times, the people who go through this process don’t make it because they try and kill themselves afterwards or during. If they stop the line of visions, they cannot ever be started again. They usually develop a severe fever and cold chills, and the process can take several days. So if the fever or themselves don’t kill them, they might make it. So him and Richard bond over that.
I know it sounds stupid, but Schneider lives in a cave. Once you enter, it’s lined with different crystals, crystal balls, dices, maps, star charts, ornate rugs on the floor, silks all over the place, just really nice and cozy.
Overall, each one could work together and combine powers. Examples include: Richard and Till combining Richard Necromancy and Till’s Pyromancy to create a physical embodiment of hell and scare the absolute shit out of anyone.
Ollie (Controlling trees/roots) and Till (connections with animals and mythical beasts) deciding to just use a whole ass forest all that lives in it to really fuck up someone’s day.
Schneider and Paul staying 50 plus steps ahead of the game. Even more so, could Schneider have Paul slow time so he could have a better chance of knowing what’s about to happen/copy a spell?
Flake and Paul working together to slow time, then open portals for enemies to run head first into at last second.
There’s some other ways but there’s a few! I’m so sorry this is so long.
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patchdotexe · 4 years
explorers of arvus: camp vengeance / 11.24.20
(solar and jorb wanted to see my notes bc i mentioned they are Very Bad)
LAST TIME, ON EXPLORERS OF ARVUS................... i didnt take any notes because i didnt have my pc and was hanging out w solar. we found a cave behind the waterfall and then i died of having a migraine. now we get to Kill!
jorb is afk waiting for his food to Arrival so im eating a tootsie roll pop and thinking about dreamout au
jorb is here! kaepora tries to distract the troll we found and Extremely Failed. sieron uses wand of wonder! it was super effective! (he hit the trolls w lightning and it was pretty pog)
throne: that was fucking sick! charlie: [dies]
charlie got talked out of fireballing it bc burning potential treasure would suck ): HOWEVER she did get to use her fiery crossbow to do some radical shit so !! Fufk Yea
thorne: [obliterates the troll] charlie: YOOO! THORNE, THAT WAS FUCKED UP! DO IT MORE!
silje's got a cursed weapon!! his cool ass sword enjoys blood, apparently. good thing he's a blood hunter! They're Made For Each Other.
charlie tried to hit the guard drake in the nads but a) it doesnt have nads and b) i missed, so. f. charlie flipped it the double bird
taure did a Very Cool Kill and then charlie set its corpse on fire as a "fuck you"
im currently suffering from the curse of constantly aying "pog" but its ok bc charlie is a halfling and theyre just Like That
charlie: YO SIERON, COOL SWORD! you're a swordboy now, right? you like swords? (god i missed playing charlie. she's very fun! she's a squeaky rowdy bastard)
leo: just guys bein dudes bein dead in a cave!
I STILL HAVE MY GIANT DOG i missed justin!! charlie brought her giant dog to arvus and i fucking love him. apparently i named him after justin mcelroy and i dont remember doing that but thats on-brand
charlie: we're the hope's guard! we brought supplies n we brought friends! ... [dabs]
anyway yeah we made it to camp vengeance! its kinda a shithole but we are in the middle of arvus's undead zone so. hopefully the supplies we picked up from the troll cave will help?
Taure Has Leukemia (she does not)
we've met Knight-Captain Ord Firebeard! taure and sieron are doing healing, charlie and silje were fucking around with cards before ord showed up and charlie had to Try And Be Professional, which is always fun. charlie temporarily being the party representative bc shes very friendly and the other 2 people are socially awkward
silje's gonna disrupt the econony ):
charlie sees taure walk up to some guards and talk to them abt "ok who needs to take watch off" but charlie cant hear what shes saying so she just sees the guards scurry off after taure looks Intimidating and is just like FUCK YEAH, TAURE!!!!
commander is Niles Ryder (thats such a cool name wtf),  there's a bunch of native arvusians that we're hanging out with and learning stuff abt! the camp vengeance guys arent really prepared for how fucked up arvus is so thats why theyre in such a bad state. we're helping out, but ryder is very much not like... not the right sort of commander for dealing with the wilderness of arvus.
meanwhile, charlie teaches silje to play go fish!
charlie: [quietly] when the fuck did i become party spokesman
entire call: uh ohhhhh, stinkyyyyy! (apparently me and penn are the only ones that dont instantly hate commander ryder On Sight which like. valid. i do want to set him on fire if he gets any more douchebaggy tho)
camp's sick because water's poisoned! specifically there's some sort of magical disease coming downriver from the aldani basin, so we need to go up there and check shit out. plus thorne & silje heard about "heaven's brazier", an eternally burning watchtower, when they took night shift.
man everybody is sick. camp vengeance blows.
WE LOST IREL. WE LOST IREL,,,,, okay good news charlie found irel. irel made a friend! speicifcally irel woke up ulfric, the head arvusian scout, and is pretending to be a normal feathered snake and not A Bastard. i am now realizing im not sure if im spelling irel's name right (irrel? yrel???) but i am Committing To This Spelling apparently
ooh, old arvusian legend abt the aldani basin! the aldani tribe angered fjolnir [? spelling???] and got turned into lobster monsters, supposedly.
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Charlie Has Become Snake Parent aka charlie is the one trying to babysit irel. irel knows the definition of bastard! and also was born with endless knowledge beyond charlie's comprehension. charlie does not like this answer. i, however, adore irel
i checked fallen london and now we've named a npc "jeremy jared sonofabitch". i think. wait no i think michael found a spider. farewell jeremy jared sonofabitch
[loads crossbow] river's haunted
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returnn-of-the-mac · 5 years
I love the way you write the companions! Especially X6! Companions react to Sole giving them nicknames based on pre-war movies?
Thank you! X6 is one of my favorite characters to write (along with Ada and Danse)! Sorry this took so long, there were a few characters I struggled with (looking @u gage & preston). Also, again, I usually write a silent Sole, but I couldn’t for this one, obviously. Please enjoy!😄
Fo4 Companions React: Sole Giving Them Pre-War Movie Nicknames
Strong and Sole where walking around Sanctuary when the super mutant heard rustling in the bushes.
Sole smirked, “Easy there, Hulk. It’s just Dogmeat.”
Strong scratched his head, “Who Hulk? He a Radroach?”
Sole was in Danse’s quarters as the Paladin was trying on some new patriotic power armor he had designed. He stepped out in his red, white, and blue mechanical suit and twisted around a bit to show Sole.
“What do you think,” He asked, “Is it too much?”
Sole giggled, “You kinda look like Optimus Prime.”
“You mean Liberty Prime?”
“Nope. I mean Optimus Prime. He’s a Cybertronian from a pre-war movie called Transformers.” Sole explained.
“Cybertron? Is that like a synth,” Danse scoffed, “Cuz I’d be damned if I looked like a synth.”
“Well, no. Cybertron is the planet they’re from. It’s complicated, but it’s basically a fictional species of robots that can transform from ordinary objects. Like cars.”
A confused Danse gave his companion an acknowledging nod, “Ah, okay. That actually sounds pretty interesting. Maybe the Brotherhood could start crafting armor based off of these ...uh...’Cybertronians.’ You’re going to have to show me sometime, soldier.”
“Hmm...” Nick pondered, looking over his latest case, “This Marowski fellow seems to be up to no good, yet again. His chem lab is more secure this time too...I’m thinking we’re going to have to tinker around with some scrap and invent a device to break into there undetected.”
“And what do you suggest we create, Inspector Gadget?”
Nick rolled his eyes. “Ha ha. Very funny. I happen to who that is, you know.”
MacCready and Sole where camping out at Outpost Zimonja for the night, lying under the stars, next to a campfire.
“You know what stinks,” Macready began, “Being an adult. So much is expected of you, and all the other adults are all just a buncha bullies.”
Sole gazed at their companion and he continued, “I swear, the kids at Little Lamplight were more mature than at least half the mungos in the Commonwealth. I wish I’d never had grown up...I wish I could’ve stayed a kid forever.”
“Okay, Peter Pan,” Sole laughed, “Growing up is a part of life. Everyone goes through it. Society wouldn’t thrive if people didn’t get older.”
MacCready was still caught up on the first part of Sole’s statement. “Peter...who? Who’s that?”
“Peter Pan. He was a mythical boy who never grew up, and he lead a group called The Lost Boys in Neverland. They’d go on adventures and stuff. It was a story that got adapted into a popular pre-war movie,” Sole explained.
MacCready was captivated by the description. “That seems...awesome, actually! Can you tell me more about it?”
Sole and Ada were trekking through the wilderness just beyond the glowing sea when a RadStrorm hit. Adamant about making it to their destination, Sole continued to their journey, despite the wind, rain, and rads.
“[Sir/Ma’am],” Ada beckoned, “Being that I am non-organic, these rads don’t have an effect on me. You, however, might get sick if we continue.”
Sole ignored Ada and continued to press forward. Ada tried again.
“[Sir/Ma’am]? It is highly likely that you will not be able to successfully complete your mission if you were to fall ill.”
Sole, once again, ignored their companion and continued forward. Ada, ardent about keeping her companion healthy, tried a third time.
“[Sir/Ma’am]? I believe I saw an abandoned barn a few miles back. We could camp there for the night.”
Sole stopped and gave Ada a stern look. “C-3PO. Please. Be quiet for just a minute. I can’t even hear myself think.”
Ada beeped a few times. “I am unfamiliar who this model C-3-P-O is. My model number A-D-4.”
“Okay, look. I think we’re really gonna get him this time, Blue,” Piper began, peeking through her binoculars at an unsuspecting Mayor McDonough, “Oh! Oh! Look! He put the toilet paper on the holder flap-side-up. Mm-hmm. Definitely a synth.”
Sole raised an eyebrow, “And what’s your master plan here? We gonna break in there and catch him in the act of changing his toilet paper, Lucy Stevens? Kinda not a good look.”
Piper cocked her head to the side, “Lucy...Stevens? Who’s that?”
Sole giggled, “She’s a reporter from one of my favorite pre-war movies.”
Piper smirked, “And what movie would that be?”
“Detective Pikachu.”
Sole and Gage were building a raider base when suddenly Gage stopped hammering.
“Hey, got any more nails over there? Can’t see for shit with this eyepatch.”
Sole rolled their eyes and handed the raider the container of nails, “Why don’t you just take it off then? I know you have a fully-functional eyeball under there.”
“Yeah but it’s part of the image.”
“Alright, One-eyed Willie.”
“The fuck is that?” Gage asked, “You pickin on me, boss?”
Hancock and Sole were hanging out in Hancock’s quarters listening to the radio, taking hits of jet, and drinking whiskey.
“This is niice,” Hancock mused, taking a long hit of jet, “Sometimes ya need a break from running the city, yanno?”
Sole nodded.
Suddenly, the song changed and Hancock grunted. “I hate this one. It kills the vibe in here.”
As he got up to change the station, drink in hand, a random Goodneighbor resident barreled into the room, nearly knocking the mayor over.
“Woah, friend, I’ve got a beverage here.” It was then the ghoul noticed he had spilled his drink all over himself and the rug. “Ah, come on, brother. That was a new rug.”
“Easy there, Lebowski,” Sole consoled, standing up and putting a hand on their companion’s shoulder, “Whiskey shouldn’t be too difficult to clean off a rug.”
“Sorry Hancock,” the resident apologized, “But your friend here is right. I mean it is practically water.”
Cait and Sole were crouched behind a stack of boxes, fully prepared to ambush a group of raiders who were holding an innocent settler hostage.
“Can’t wait to use this new machete ye gave me,” Cait gushed, excitedly studying the weapon, “Never have had the chance to use one of these before.”
Sole smiled.
“Ready darlin?”
The pair sprung out from their hiding spot and began their onslaught. Sole took cover behind an old desk, shooting at the raiders with ease and Cait decapitated them with her machete.
“I’m just gettin warmed up, ye clowns!”
The redhead suddenly ran up a side wall and did a flip, slicing two raiders heads off at the same time. Sole lowered their weapon and watched in awe as their partner singlehandedly decimated the raiders with her melee weapon. When the last raider was taken out, Cait took a little bow.
“Damn, Uma Thurman! Leave some for me next time,” Sole joked.
“Couldn’t help it. This machete is way too much fun.”
Deacon and Sole were hiding in an air vent, preparing to take out some synths as asked by Drummer Boy, when Deacon started fumbling around.
“What are you doing?” Sole whispered harshly, annoyed by their partner’s commotion.
“I’m due for an image change,” Deacon answered matter-of-factly, taking his shirt off, “I’ve been in my Elvis Presley Wannabe disguise for two hours now.”
Sole clenched their teeth in frustration.
“What do you think I should go for? The intelligent Bald Doc or intimidating Street Punk?”
“How about the bumbling Austin Powers?”
Deacon chuckled, “Yeah bAbY! I’m flattered you would even suggest that. Such a cool character.”
Sole rolled their eyes as Deacon began to dress as the iconic British spy.
Curie and Sole were walking along the coast of Salem when the synth suddenly stopped. Sole turned around, concerned.
“You okay, Curie?”
The synth looked at Sole and smiled. “Oui. I was just thinking...thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to exist in human form.”
“No problem! I’m just glad you’re happy.”
Curie nodded, “It’s not like I wasn’t happy being in my old body it’s just...I can do so much more now in this new body. Do field work, collaborate, share my findings and be taken seriously. That and...this body is very flattering. Much more attractive than metal and bolts.”
Sole laughed, “Hey, I thought your EVE form was adorable.”
“Eve? Who is that?”
“She was a character— a robot— from a pre-war movie called WALL-E.”
“I see...well, that is very interesting, [Madame/Monsieur]!”
“Damn snow. I hate the North. Move me to the tropics,” Longfellow complained as he and Sole walked through a light snow flurry.
“It’s not even that bad,” Sole reassured, “Besides, what would Christmas be without snow?”
“I don’t care about Christmas. Got no family to celebrate it with anyway.”
“Oh come on, Scrooge,” Sole teased, “We can celebrate Christmas together if you want.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I am old Ebenezer. Bah humbug,” Longfellow grumpily muttered, taking a shot of whiskey.
X6 and Sole were on a mission tag a synth with a tracking beacon when Sole suddenly stopped.
“Is something wrong, [sir/ma’am]?” the synth asked, concerned.
“No it’s just...what would you look like without your glasses? I’ve never seen you take them off. Do you even have eyes under there?”
X6 nodded, “Of course I have eyes. The glasses make me look slick. More professional, if you will.”
“You look like Morpheus from The Matrix.”
“And he was an influential individual, was he not?”
Sole remained silent.
“Case in point, [sir/ma’am].”
Sole had just returned to Sanctuary after a lengthy fight with some gunners with Preston beckoned to them.
“Another settlement needs our help,” he began, “The settlers at Nordhagen beach are complaining about a wobbly chair and—“
Sole raised their hand in the air, “Do it yourself, Fix-it-Felix,” they mumbled before retreating to their room for a nap.
Sole and Codsworth were in their old house, assembling furniture and reminiscing about the past.
“This was such a happy home before the bombs dropped. I wish we could go back to it, [sir/mum].”
Sole nodded in agreement as they discovered old photographs in cracked frames. Codsworth hovered over to examine Sole’s finding.
“Ah! That photograph! That was the first day you adopted me,” the robot gushed, “I’m so glad you chose the name Codsworth and not any of the absurd names the [hubby/wife] was suggesting.”
Sole laughed, “But Codsworth was their idea! I was going to name you BB-8.”
“Seriously? Why? Just because I’m round and I’m a robot?”
Codsworth huffed in annoyance and floated away from an amused Sole.
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percysbluepizza · 5 years
Oh we ARE impertinent
okay since @annabetncnase asked for it, my big ole post, UNEDITED about the Lightning Thief Musical on Broadway. good luck to anyone who attempts to read this shit
Prologue/Day I Got Expelled
Alright so there is big boom lightning at the very very beginning of the show because Of Course there is? But it also comes with a huge flash of light, which startled liTERALLY everyone in the audience. Very fun, good use of technical effects. First guy on is James Hayden (Luke + Some) and he opens with the line. Then KRISTEN FUCKING STOKES (whom I have grown to ADORE) and the rest of the ensemble (Sally, Claiese, and Grover) come on and have this AMAZING choreography. They’re singing and all and then these curtains (which have been up and are on my pic) get pulled away from both sides by the whole onstage cast and CHRIS runs up and does this slide thingy to the very tippy top of the stage, where he sat for a moment, then turned to the audience and started. I about screamed and I’m not joking, he’s so expressive and such a great Percy (god I’m in love with him great work). As the song progressed, I was impressed by the ability with lighting use and all these cool stage tricks to have the Mrs. Dodds and also the pen/sword thing! Jorrel plays Grover so well, he’s so empathetic and caring toward Percy and I!!! So the whole story of him getting expelled is explained and god it is so fucking sad. Percy’s voice cracks. Percy’s fucking upset clearly and doesn’t understand and ouch…. ‘So if you think you are a half-blood’ is said so gently, and then THE DANCING. Chris can dance. Like well. Very well. So during ‘THis ain’t Odyssey’s Odyssey” he did a big ole kick and danced his heart out. SO good.
So obviously there’s some talking in between the first piece and this one, and there was a scene change when the lights went out and now they’re in Percy’s apartment with his mom and Gabe. Gabe is like… god you seem him and you loathe him bc he’s played so well. Percy sprays a chan of ‘aerosol’ at one point bc Gabe smells. And Chris just captures Percy’s compassion so well… He tells his mom that she doesn’t have to stay with Gabe and doesn’t deserve that and ugh so good. There are genuine blue marshmallows. and the way they did the little fire with the fog in the bucket and Percy’s mom’s comforting him hhh.
The Minotaur/The Weirdest Dream
The transfer to this scene/piece is very quick, Grover comes running in with a trash can over his head and he asks if Percy told Sally about the field trip and she said no and it was just a big mess of miscommunication. He basically gets to the point where he says the Minotaur is after Percy and holy shit. This boy is massive. And the design of it is insane and it’s got red eyes and wow. ‘I hope you’re really a SWORD” and he fight and it’s all just great. Sally goes away, Percy kills the beast and then ‘Don’t pass out…” Poseidon is in a tank top and a open Hawaiian shirt as well as flip flops and just “oh look, a man in a Hawaiian shirt’ He takes the seashell and is just the most confused. And then they bring in Annabeth, pushing her on one of those dolly things and she’s ‘floating’ and the whole thing is a big dream. Up until she tells him “You drool when you sleep” right and the thing is… the banner for CHB unfurls and the lights come back up and all of that and just it’s a true rude awakening. Then he looked around the camp and was so confused, Annabeth (beautiful, amazing, badass Kristin) started explaining what was happening and he had no clue. She then calls for Mr. D  
Another Terrible Day
I don’t think you guys realize how good Jorrel is. Maybe you do but we stan Jorrel. But he comes out dressed in not matching clothes with a bright button up (pink) and plaid shirt, suspenders. He’s angry. Percy explains that he has no clue what’s going and everything’s getting explained to him with the other demigods. The other demigods are so cute and I love them so much. And he’s yelling through a megaphone. Jorrel can do so many roles so well and he did a great job. “You’re a horse?!” also he just clops. Like it’s human legs. Clip clop bitch. With a tail.
Their Sign
Again the transition from the first song to this second one is really fast. Chiron’s comforting but god is Percy angry. I love that tbh. Chris is clearly upset and he feels for Percy. And he shows it. He’s upset and then Percy’s voice goes all soft… Love that. Luke starts being buddy-buddy and showing him that it’s gonna be alright. Supposedly.
Put You In Your Place
Fucking. Sarah. Goddamn. I can’t believe how good she is. We stan so hard. Her fit? Great. Her voice? Belted. Awesome. Annabeth truly out here though. SHe’s intimidating as fuck and she knows what she’s about. There’s so much cool battle choreo in this scene and it just looks great. There’s blocking and stabbing and it looks awesome. Also that guitar riff that she comes in with is rad. And then the bathroom thing. Great. Percy’s cornered and it clearly shows that his powers came as a last resort with stress and the way they flashed the blue lights is just great I love that so fucking much. And they’re asking about the way he figured out those powers and they’re freaked out. Cool shit. Also “The plan would have worked either way.” Holy fucking shit. Annabeth is fucking scary as hell. She gives zero fucks about Percy at the beginning
The Campfire Song
The way they made the campfire is so cool! Very techy. And I didn’t realize they’re sitting around the campfire eating dinner together as a camp. Very family much love I’m a big fan. They’re putting the food into the fire and then complaining and I love it. Percy’s so sweet trying to talk about his mom and then come back around once they tell him what’s going on. Also they have a cute dance they do together. SO unified and lovely. And then THE FUCKING SIGN COMES. Percy’s sign. The whole thing. They’re looking and he’s like “Is that a fork?” “I’m the Son of Poseidon? sweet!) Everyone freaks out when they’re sure he’s a son of Poseidon. Percy is told to go see the “Mummy in the attic” “That’s old people talk for Mom, right?” Cue the Oracle.
The Oracle
This sounds so dumb but kinda like… found the Oracle impressive. Spooky. 10/10 Also… side note… Chris plays Percy with a lot of random mannerisms and movement and it’s really quite fun to watch. Anyway the Oracle is big spooky and she’s in a huge dress and she’s pointing to him and it has all the people who are in the next scene sitting there underneath and moving the dress. Big cool. And the vocals! Sis can sing. And it’s just beautiful bc then Percy has to see Mr. D and Chiron, the first of whom wants to turn Percy into a dolphin. “Percy you have no choice.” “You’re expelling me again?” Basically Percy is getting kicked out of camp bc of his unwillingness to do the quest. And there’s the transition to Good Kid my friends.
Good Kid
Guys oh fuck. Oh shit. Chris just really came out here to kill with the vocals tonight. And My heart? He kinda does a fist thing toward what would be the Big House and walks off to sulk, starting the song and walking around being angry ugh. He climbs up the back of the stage (which is essentially scaffolding) and sits at the end to deliver the sad part of the line when everything goes piano-y and soft and essentially that’s him sitting at the docks at the lake and watching the water. Luke later finds him (“If you’re a son of Poseidon, don’t hide at the lake, that’s where everyone will look.” and talks to him about the quest, where they figure out his mom would be in the Underworld if she was anywhere. Also there’s a trident where Percy is the middle prong and the other two are blue and shine on him UGH yeah
Killer Quest
“Yeah I’ll do it!” Was delivered so well, so sweet and innocent. This kid just misses his mom. Also since when did Luke and Percy get a bro handshake? Grover shows up with a bunch of bags and says he’ll go too (Luke’s chilling in the background) and he gives him the official questing backpack. I think Luke leaves at this point to get some shoes. Annabeth is there with a bag telling him that she’s going too and that her mom will be excited and they’re all dancing together and god I’m so emotional. They dance and they all work as a team so well great work you guys. And the lights turn out with them starting their quest!
Return from intermission with a literal bang, as there are three demon triplet math teachers on the bus, with Percy on top and Grover and Annabeth inside. The driver’s screaming, they’re screaming, Percy hops off the top and then fights the fury outside and eventually… The bus explodes, with confetti raining over the audience. Awesome. The piece of paper is in Annabeth’s bag pocket actually. And Percy’s trying to be a reassuring friend to Grover, who’s freaking out, and he’s trying to keep Annabeth safe too… ugh great stuff. They move all together when they say “We’re lost in the woods” for the first time. Their priorities really become clear later in the song when they talk about what they’re wanting. Grover could not be more enthusiastic about the squirrel. Also this is the first time we see Annabeth laugh at Percy “I think that’s kind of nuts” is the line and she turns around to laugh into her hand. PURE AS HELL. Wandering aimless through the forest occurs for a minute longer until Percy decides. This point in the musical made me realize that these kids are young. Like 11 or 12. I love that. I felt that in this one. The kids go into Auntie M’s art studio. Annabeth’s asked to take a picture and she’s checking her hair in her dagger, meanwhile Percy’s getting a bad feeling now and Grover’s looking more and more intently at Uncle Ferdinand. Percy is then asked to join in. No camera you say? MEDUSA REVEAL. They do a big battle and Grover ends up picking up Percy and swinging him around to cut off Medusa’s head. Which gets thrown in her own fridge for the time being. Grover leaves.
My Grand Plan
Bitch. This was the moment I teared up a lot. She sat down and started singing and I felt. I FELT. I’m depressed as fuck at the moment and I started feeling things bc of this damn song. Kristin Stokes I love you. Anyway, she’s singing and Percy intently watches, and she’s telling the gods to Wise Up by pointing directly to the sky. SHe’s saying BITCH YOU WILL NOTICE ME. And the pain in her voice when she explains her family situation. The soft part? She’s talking directly to Percy and looking at him, telling him what’s going on. Dear god did I feel. I’m so proud of her my queen Annabeth Chase. She finishes explaining and Percy says: “No more fighting” and she says “Not between us anyway” and they shake on it. I love that. Then Percy decides to have a little fun with the gods and boxes up Medusa’s head. “THey’ll think we’re impertinent Percy.” “Oh, we are impertinent.” He writes both Annabeth and his own name on that box and ships it via the Hermes express. Grover comes back in. “While you guys were in here not solving all our problems, I found these!” “Three Amtrack tickets!?”
We boarding the train. WE singing. Life is dandy again. Percy sticks his hand in a dog cage and it bites him. They take a tractor which is scaffolding tied to a wheelchair which a guy pulls. They meet Bianca and then they meet Ares after arguing with each other. Cool guy. Also Percy looks so free and proud of himself when he’s on the back of the motorcycle “I mean, look at where I am!” He’s so PROUD holy shit. Also they all put one foot forward during the different lines god the Choreography so fucking cute dear lord. Anyway they’re going and going and they meet Bianca who’s got braids and then they move on!!! I love them! I’m proud. They take another bus. “This time we just won’t blow it up.” They’re sitting on the bus (or train not really sure) and all asleep. Percy’s dreaming now. And Annabeth and Grover are also sleeping. Each is on a chair and it’s kind of cute tbh.
The Weirdest Dream (Reprise)
Percy’s standing there in his dream and he’s very confused. This is ‘scary” and I love that. He’s standing and listening to the these people in his dream talking. Kronos is so fucking scary they literally make him scary. His voice is so deep and spooky and fuck man. Luke’s talking to him (downward, into a pit, technically on the top of the scaffolding) and he’s in a cloak and Kronos says Percy’s name and the lights flash all sorts of colors and then he’s back in his seat. Chris does a bunch of spins until he gets back to his seat and Grover’s shaking him awake, saying he was screaming. Annabeth can’t sleep either. Everyone’s on edge. Thalia’s name was mentioned in the dream and Grover sits up straighter and says he hasn’t heard that name in awhile.
Tree on the Hill
Oh shit this was so emotional. So Grover explains that he didn’t tell Percy this any sooner because he was afraid Percy might not want him to come. Big sad. But he starts the song and let me tell you I never felt like crying more. So Grover’s narrating this story and Percy’s listening on the train and above them, like with the main bridge, Annabeth, Luke and Thalia are slow mo acting out the details of the story until Thalia becomes a tree. Thalia is the same girl that plays Clarriese, and every other character almost omg. But when he’s explaining her turning into a tree, Annabeth and Luke stand behind Thalia and become the branches. So symbolic and so beautiful. Percy comforts Grover and then it’s the last stop.
THis song. At first I didn’t like it on the soundtrack. Skipped it. But goddamn what a bop. The sparkly dress, the funky tunes, the control of all of the kids so they all dance together. Also dying in a really big bathtub. Yeah. Real. The way they did the elevator with the lights moving in the background was actually super convincing and I Loved that. The dress sparkles all over and all the other background people are in cloaks are dancing too, including James who makes this beautiful jump I love it so much. But they’re all scared and cornered against the light and then have to reconvene together. They all get up from the ground frazzled and then Percy’s shoes start doing something weird. His feet start flying away from him and he’s confused and freaking out and all of a sudden they’re in front of the pit. Oh god the pit was so cool. I thought the feet were shaking and it’s so cool and and the pit literally looks like a pit. I know they’re looking into a light but it’s so scary! The shoes go down into the pit and the tartar sauce joke is made. I love this. SO scary. AND BOLT REVEAL. The line that Percy’s says “betrayed by a friend’ that accuses Annabeth after she pulls the bolt from his bag. I gasped. And then Hades comes around and he’s in a sparkly jacket and says he’ll have his friends and his mom back if he gives him the bolt and then gives them a chance to decide. Everyone walks off stage and he stands there and debates.
Son of Poseidon
Percy’s mom comes out and tells him that what belongs to the sea can always return. She does a little loop around him and he spins in a circle and follows her for a moment. He starts singing and GOD CHRIS. He’s realizing that he has the shell and all that. He blows the conch and a blue light shines on the right side of the stage, the PORTAL. They jump through the portal and they’re all excited that they survived. Standing on the beach and Percy pulled new shoes out and starts putting them on. He tells them that they’re his two best friends and he hugs them close and fuck man the original trio feels. They summon Ares. Ares comes out and he’s fucking ripped and got a pipe. A literal pipe. They start fighting and it looks like they’re losing, Annabeth lost her dagger (which was strapped to her thigh goddamn) and Grover’s down, Percy’s lost his sword. “Percy get to the ocean” He runs to the stage, Kristin and Jorrel run backstage and deliver the blowers with TP. “How about a lot of it!”He yelled and theres the music and he’s relishing the moment, Chris is just giving it his fucking all and there’s a lot going on and I just.. Was amazed beautiful. Great work cast. Ares is washed away and then Percy says: “You can escort us, back to camp.” They’re escorted back.
Last Day of Summer
Percy is standing there and he’s stunned essentially. What does he do now? He gets a letter from his mom with her newest sculpture and that she’s going to school. Annabeth passes him and talks to him about going home and she calls him Seaweed Brain. He and Luke battle when he accuses Luke of being the lightning thief. Luke fucking says yes right and then STABS HIM after trying to convince Annabeth to pick the right side (his side) and she disarms him but he takes a knife and stabs Percy. He runs away, Percy’s on the ground, Annabeth’s at his side and holding him. She’s giving him emergency ambrosia as he’s dying and he looks like he’s gone but then he comes back. She says Seaweed Brain and he says Wise girl and hugs him to her and SHIT man.
Bring on the Monsters
Percy motivates the camp. Tells them it’s real, shits getting real and they need to get ready. He’s got his sword and his fresh stab wound and he motivates them to get going, all of them sing and then Chris does his beautiful solo thing and stands in front with his sword and they’re all singing in the background. When he maintains his line on the bottom people are passing back and forth around him and touching his shoulder as they pass him and he yells excitedly back next summer at one point. And they all stand together in the back and the spotlight hits him as he says he’ll be back next summer and the guitar ends. damn.
The curtains come up and they’re all there taking bows and I love them. Main points: these boys flexible, they’re all doing kicks and all sorts of shit like that, jumping up and down and dancing as well as singing, I’m very impressed. also Chris plays Percy so well. He’s got all the things that were in my head for Percy for all the quirks and ADHD and UGH I love that. Kristin rocked my fucking world and Jorrel played every character so cleanly and had such great vocals. I love them. I love them all. The end.
If you made it to the end of this fucking long ass post send me an ask or a message bc I’m proud of you and you deserve a reward 
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 10: Bonds Old and New
Death and Wren then head inside, and ran into Morgen. Death could only think of one word as these two women looked at each other, "Aw shit."
Sighing he then looked at Wren, "This is Morgen, Morgen this is....Wren."
Morgen looked at Wren and was pleasantly surprised at the genuine smile she got, "How do you do?"
"Quite well actually, thank you. And greetings to you as well."
Death noted their civil behavior and had an inner sigh of relief, "Well I'll go about finding something....for me to do.....ladies, I'll see you later.....and please be nice to each other...."
Quickly he headed to find Ale and explained everything that had just happened. Getting a resounding squeee, which got the other three's attention.
"What the hell is going on in here?" Strife asks.
"YES!" War added.
Fury meanwhile stated, "Explain. Now."
"I'm explaining everything to Ceise, you tell them about it." Death tells Strife.
"Right I'll do that, ok guys over here. That way Ma isn't gonna make us go deaf." Strife states.
Fury then inquired, "I know why you call her Mother, but why does our brother do so?"
"A, that's for him to tell you, and B, it's something that probably piss you off." Strife vaguely tells her.
War chose to remain quiet for now, deciding to let Death be the one to explain. Meanwhile Ale was DELIGHTED over her son being a heartthrob.
"How wonderful, two ladies. And one I already know. Oh I still remember how much you used to gush about Wren."
"Ceise....please not so loud....I don't want them to come back in here." Death tried to express with his growing embarrassment.
"Oh sorry Atan, you seem a bit more flustered than I expected. I mean I can be a little embarrassing sometimes, but it seems you have reached your limit faster than usual."
"It's just....I have a problem of sorts....and I need a little help with it..." Death told her.
"I see, well what's on your mind then Atan? What troubles you?" Ale implored him.
"I noticed I've been starting to feel things for Morgen, but after seeing Wren I've begun feeling those old feelings for her. I really don't know what to do right now. It broke me finding Wren dead and I don't want to happen to her. However, I need to check with Morgen about her feelings towards me. It's all messy, and it terrifies me. Only a little bit, but still."
Ale looked at him calmly and gently brushed his back, "This is a very cliche answer Atan, but follow your heart. Only you can make that choice, only you can decide who makes you happy. I know you always spoke highly of Wren, and from what I've noticed of Morgen she seems to be a kind woman. Whoever you choose, I'll be there to support you."
"Thank you." Death says simply, trying to process what to do.
Wren meanwhile began speaking to Morgen. The two of them actually found a common ground with each other and began conversing about normal things mostly. But the conversation did ultimately come back to Death, leaving Morgen to finally ask the question she'd been dreading,
"So Wren, how do you feel towards Death?"
Wren actually took a moment to respond, "I like to believe I still love him. But lately....I've been scared that maybe I don't. Several eons alone will do that to you."
"I can't say I blame you. I do have my own feelings for him, but if you need time to figure things out I won't get in your way. Nor will I be angry if it turns out the doubts were for not." Morgen told her calmly.
"You have my thanks, really you do. I do have an idea of how to figure this out. My race, the Arcaeniens, we can only have children with those we view as equals. But on top of that, we can only feel pleasure during the act if we love our partner." Wren explains.
"So in other words, you wish to engage with Death in the bedroom to see if you still love him?"
"Yes. I just hope to make things....a little easier on his end. Extreme emotions have always been....hard for him to express. But when he does manage it, it truly is something to behold. He may not always have it easy with words, but his actions are always sweet when they shine through." Wren explained thinking back to those coveted memories of him.
"It sounds like you know him well. I promise you Wren, I'll do my best to treat him well should things end up not going the way you may be hoping for."
"Should things go well for me, and I end up being wrong in my concerns, I promise you much the same Morgen. I am a nurse after all." Wren tells her. Both women share a brief laugh together before Wren continues, "I only ask that if I do end up correct, that you'll also let us work together to find our daughter and care for her."
"I swear to you Wren, I won't interfere with your parenting or search for your child. You both deserve to have her back, or to know what happened to her." Morgen replies kindly.
With that Wren nods and the two part ways. Morgen heading off to see how Arthur is doing, among other things. Wren meanwhile goes looking for Death, hoping to speak to him about this. Believing the sooner he knows the plan the better.
Meanwhile Death had gone off with his siblings to tell them about what happened with Lilith all those eons ago. Strife decided to give Death sometime to prepare himself by bringing him into a sideroom off the main one the other two were in. Death began having a mini panic attack as he started worrying about worse case scenarios,
"Relax relax relax....just tell them what they need to know....just relax."
"Dude breathe. Remember telling me to breathe, trying doing it yourself." Strife told him.
Death does so and after a few deep breaths responded, "What do they wanna know?"
"Well first off why you call Ale Mother. Another one is Wren, which I explained the best I can but you need to explain it yourself. And Lilith, you're gonna need to them about that. Don't worry, I'll be right behind you with that stuff. If you have trouble, I'll help you out."
"Thank you for....helping me out with this. Kinda terrified of figuring out how to do this on my own, but with you in the room it may help." Death expressed simply.
Strife then inquired, "So, you good to go?"
"Yeah, let's get this over with."
War and Fury stand up as their elder brothers enter the room again. Fury seems calm but is internally freaking out. War meanwhile is just dreading what they may end up hearing.
As he remains quiet, Fury asks instead, "So, what exactly is going on? And what has happened?"
"Where do you really want to begin?" Death inquires.
"Well for starters you could tell us about Wren. As that is one of the most recent questions to come up." War states at last.
"Wren is the woman I met back during the time of the horde. After I was grievously wounded I found her and she saved my life. After that, I made frequent...house calls, well visits. Unfortunately I could never stay long, always another battlefield, always another request at Absalom's behest. And Absalom DESPISED my relationship with her, as it kept me away from my 'duties' as he would put it. 'Too much of a distraction' he'd sometimes say. I didn't care much for them, I still visited as much as I could, for as long as I could. Last I saw her was eons ago, and I was...leaving to a battle. But before I left, she asked to produce her child, so I...obliged..."
"Is that why you reacted the way you did when that message came?" War questioned.
"Yes. If said that she was pregnant. I still remember how I felt. Excited, anxious, proud, scared, all sort of things. But when I got there, a purge had happened. She'd been taken to a camp to be killed. But the childbirth killed her before they could. When I found out she was there I went on rampage through the camps. When I found her, I was broken a bit, greatly actually. But I found my daughter, she had survived, hidden from the carnage. From there I buried Wren, and set up a pyre near her home. After that is when the Hag struck. I did my best to fend her off, to rebuff her attempts. But unfortunately, she was too strong. I couldn't figure out how to stop her. After she defeated me and took Coventina I found myself back in one of our camps. Absalom had said that she was dead, the witch had killed her....back then I somewhat believed him, but I know that's true anymore. At least I hope it's not. He didn't try his damnest to find her, to save her. If she were Nephilim, he would have cared far more than he did. But then again, I never cared to mention it to him. I didn't want him to do what he did to all of you." Death explained further.
"We only helped with the memory loss thing, because you were depressed. If I knew the story behind it, I wouldn't have helped." Strife informs him.
"I still remember those few weeks. You stopped eating, rarely slept without nightmares, and Absalom was just....angry. More so than he normally was on most days." Fury says in musing.
War however remained silent again, trying to process it and figure out what to say. He did eventually motion to his brother, "There are still the other questions."
Death just nods, "I would only assume."
"First off why do you call Ale Ceise? Second off, Strife mentioned that something happened. But he did not specify any further. So what was he referring to?" War pressed him.
Death sighed deeply, "This started before any of you were created or born. I myself was created in the woods around Ale's village, specifically behind her home. From what I could surmise from her....excited ramblings...", he then looked around for Ale before moving on, "I was apparently either created in the flower, or it was used to make me, or a side effect of the Creation magic. Whatever the case I have no idea. Anyway that's not too important....even after being blinded by Absalom she still kept up some hope. After I was able to find her, she still viewed me as a son. In time though an event happened, something that showed me who my true Mother was. Before I continue, the information I say will not leave this room, and after I'm done recanting you MUST NOT go after the person in question. I do not want you to suffer a fate similar to mine."
War interjected, "It does make us question why you would ask this of us."
Death's eyes closed for a moment before he spoke up, "Getting to it. Remember how Lilith's home, I certainly remember the face you were making during that experience."
War actually shudders a bit, "I'm not even going to try to remember. Well based on what I can remember initially, it wasn't to any of the senses."
"If you think THAT was horrible, let me explain just how truly deplorable Lilith is. To begin with, Absalom was the one who....technically started the mess. He explained to me....that it was essentially my...turn to finally meet our 'Mother' alone. I was nervous about it to begin with....and went to Ale for guidance on it. She herself was...mortified, begging me not to go through with it. I ultimately felt I had no choice, and so....she gave me a way out should I need it. A small crystal that would teleport me near her home. But when I did go to Lilith's home.....I...I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was. I assumed it would be a normal meeting....but really happened was the worst three days that I ever experienced. For those three, long, agonizing days, I found myself at her mercy. I found myself...being....used.....to pleasure her.....as her toy. I lost count of how many times I begged, how many times I pled. I urged for her to stop, to let me go, to end it several times, until my voice gave out. But she never yielded, she carried on. Eventually I freed myself as no one came for me. The moment I escaped her 'abode', I ran for so long I don't even know exactly just how long. Then once I felt I was safe, I used the crystal Ale gave me to teleport close to her home. From there I ran, as far as I could. Until she found me, Ale not Lilith. She brought me into her home, and sheltered me. When Lilith came she took on the woman's wrath to protect me. And afterwards made sure I felt safe, both physically and mentally. She even got me new trousers to replace the ones Lilith tried to destroy. From that night on I knew who my real Mother was. From that moment on, I knew who I could trust, truly."
Fury's jaw had gone slack, although she was now trying to hide it with her hand, "Death.....how much....did you suffer under her?"
War however, "Explains several things for one. And thank you for making sure that situation did not befall me all those years back. As I can now see why you were so adamant that I not be in the same room as her."
"Exactly." Death responded softly.
"You good bro?" Strife asked.
"Better than I am most of the time so yeah, I guess I am."
Fury then placed a hand on his shoulder, "If you ever need it, we'll be there to support you. Be it during a, Creator forbid, flashback or if you have nightmares of the event."
"And Lilith rears her neck out far enough, I'll be sure to cut her off for you." War added on.
Death actually smiled behind the mask, glad to have this support. He actually began to chuckle a bit. Soon however, those chuckles sounded like he was trying to hide something behind them. War actually pats him on the back before giving him an awkward side hug. Death chuckled a bit more but appreciated the attempt anyway.
"Thank you.....all of you....I was...scared for the longest time.....that you wouldn't understand or that your reactions would be.....far worse than they are now."
Strife then joined in on the hug, "Ok, everybody in. You know the rules."
Death then begins to protest, "Wait no no no...."
Only for all three siblings to wrap him into a group hug. He could be heard grumbling the entire time.
"And there's Death again." Strife remarked.
"Right right right this is nice and all but get off of me." Death grumbled.
Finally they released him, but Strife asked him, "So you need a hug from Ma too?"
"No, already received that. I don't need her to get involved."
After having come by with C when they both heard a slight commotion, Gregory inquires, "Ok what's this about ye having a Mother?"
Death froze at that and quickly stood up, "None of your business Dwarf, go on."
"Nothing to see here, nothing to see here." Strife added on.
"Right, nothing to see here. Nothing to see here my ass. For one thing I just came across you lot hugging each other and all that. And you were being grumpier than I would expect." Gregory retorted.
Death would've said more, but then noticed an...interesting necklace, around C's neck. It had clay beads on it, with symbols that looked way too familiar. But he wanted to be certain, "Mind if I...take a look at that necklace?"
"Oh uh, sure. I'm used to people asking at this point, hell I'm used to their reactions too." C replies handing it over.
"You know what this is?" Death questions her.
"Beyond something that used to be around my ankle, not really."
Death examined the necklace closer and realized the symbols were actually Nephilim letters, "Where did you get this?"
Gregory stepped in, "She came to me with it. We found it as an anklet after she was rescued from Black Annis."
Death's eyes widen at the name Black Annis, "How were you saved by chance?"
"A man named Harker McCloud saved her, knew how to kill those beasts it seems. Course he didn't explain his method, only looked messed up to all he-......ehhhh....Horseman, are ye alright over there?" Gregory expressed.
Death then looked C over briefly, and noticed that not only were her eyes two separate colors, they were changing color every so often and most importantly......they were glowing like a Nephilim's, "I need to go confirm something with someone."
From there he found Wren and rushed to ask her, "Wren I need your point of view on this."
Wren then follows him back to where everyone is, and upon seeing C her own eyes widen. She's able to see the glowing line like tattoos hidden on C's body. She then asked Gregory, "How is you two met?"
"Like I was telling the Horseman over here, a man named Harker saved her."
"How old was she?" Wren pressed further.
"A baby, why?"
"Death, we need to find this Harker. Get more information." Wren states.
"I already know about Harker, he's a good friend. He's helped me out as much as I've helped him out." Death explains.
Strife adds in, "Yeah you remember the time you saves him from Leatherbeard?"
Death goes rigid and immediately says to Strife, "We agreed NEVER TO SPEAK OF HIM AGAIN. For MANY reasons."
Wren and C look at him concerned. But Gregory just groans, knowing the stories all too well from the occasional pirate come wandering into the tavern. "Ooooooi I've heard about that sadistic fuck. I always dreaded that man ever showing up at my tavern. C would probably allure that monster way too fucking easily, and he wouldn't even care about whatever her preference was. Hell he might even use it against her."
"Ok....just how bad is this man? And more importantly, who the HELL is he?" Wren inquires.
"Leatherbeard, aka Ralph Dingleberg. The most perverted, and depraved pirate I've ever had the misfortune of sharing a room with.." Death begins before eyeing Wren and War, "He reminds me of Lilith the most, out of all the most depraved, inhumane, people I've EVER MET. The MOST."
Wren gets shocked beyond belief and War just feels his skin crawl. He even nearly pukes just as Death continues further, "And apparently he can't seem to die. No matter how hard you try he KEEPS LIVING. AND LIKES WHATEVER DO TO HIM. I remember one time he shot himself out of cannon, then proceeded to maim, butcher, torture, and do far more debaucherous things to everyone on his enemy's ship."
Wren then finally says, "Well.....yet another reason why I can avoid sailing."
"Anyway, I need go by Harker's home. See if he's there and get more confirmation on....some things. Completely unrelated to that CRAZY FUCK." Death states wanting to get off the subject of Leatherbeard.
"Good luck Death, and when you return, I need to speak with you, alone." Wren expresses.
"Right, I'll see what I can do. Hopefully nothing else comes up."
Meanwhile as Death rode on to find Harker's home, Harker has found himself strung up to a mast on one of Uther's tallest ships. He was starving and in an emaciated state. Normally a few days without love wouldn't do this, but he'd been neglecting to find time to feed before being captured. Harker had originally been captured because he'd spoke highly of Death in public after seeing a wanted poster for him. Around him, a great dragon lion hybrid flew in circles. Uther's true form, greed and obsession incarnate as some might say. Uther circled around the mast for a time before settling to fly in front of Harker. The people had gathered to witness this, as was his intent.
"I will let go if you tell me the whereabouts of Death. And I may even let you have your way with some of my men, you look so famished after all."
Harker took a moment to catch his breath before responding, "Like I said before....I don't know where he is....and even if I did I wouldn't tell you. Besides....your men aren't that pretty to begin with....not my type...."
"You hold Death in great reverence. You must have some feelings for him, since you denied my men. So, to make it easier on you, I promise I won't harm him, badly. And I'll banish him from this kingdom, simple enough. And I'll give you a full pardon for raiding my privateers. So what do you say?"
Harker shut his eyes as Uther spoke to him and when it finally ended he said, "We haven't spoken in a long time....you're obviously not going to get anything from me....and there's no point in killing in me.....so just let me go please just let me go...."
Uther's hair and body go pale again as they did for Morgen that one night. He seems to come closer to Harker and almost obliges the plea. But just as suddenly, he shifts back, having caught himself in the moment. Uther grabs Harker by his head and begins to slowly tighten his grip. Hitting the soft spot that makes it all the more painful. Causing Harker to shriek in pain as Uther crushes his head.
He smiles in silence at his deed before saying, "You can make this stop, all I need is the location."
Harker's pain prevents him from speaking, and he ends up getting his head slammed into the mast. From there Uther, being highly annoyed now, begins searching Harker for a crystal. He manages to find one, and recalls how he found one on Death to call Strife with. He figures he'll lure Death to him in this way. He then makes the call, waiting for the recipient's answer.
"Harker, I'm on my way to your home. Be ready for some questioning."
Uther then hangs up the crystal, only for Death to call right back again, "Harker you there? Are you alright, you just hung up there for a second?".
Uther shoves the crystal in Harker's face, and quietly says, "Should you tell him, or should I?"
"IT'S AMBUSH, DON'T GO...!" Harker quickly shouts into it before Uther cuts him off.
He then takes over the call, "Well I was going to leave it as a surprise. But I guess we can't have nice things."
Death growls at Uther, "WHERE ARE YOU."
"Oh I'm here at port, with your dear friend. I was going to send some of my men to escort you here, but....I can assume you'll already be on your way. Besides, Harker is a bit under the weather at the moment. You may want to come get him, before he withers away."
"I would dream of that, besides, something as rare as him is worth a fortune to many people. I'm sure there's plenty of nobles who would want him, or even a particular pirate. One I've let into my waters on multiple occasions. And Leatherbeard has brought me several toys for me to use. Unless you were by chance to arrive, I don't like to be kept waiting." Uther states before going back up to Harker.
Just before he ends the call, Uther leaves a massive gash on Harker's chest. Harker's screech in pain is the last thing Death hears before the call hangs up again. He chucks the damn crystal away shouting in pure rage at the situation.
Crom then chose this as the time to speak, "Well that's not being very productive, now is it?"
"If you want to survive, listen to me." Crom presses.
Death only growls in annoyance, "Shut IT."
"I'm just saying, I could be of assistance here."
Death only grows angrier, "If you don't shut up, I'm going to knock my head into this tree. Knocking us both out."
"That would delay the rescue, and you're on a time limit remember? That, and you know that wouldn't work. I'd still be capable of picking through your head. Just because you're unconscious doesn't mean I'M unconscious. I'm in your head. So, wanna hear me out or do you want to try and cook up some scheme?"
"Anything would be better than what YOU have in store." Death retorted.
"Fine if you to wish to go on a suicide mission. Remember, he did strike you through a wall."
"And I Harvester this time, surely that would even the playing field. Besides, I killed Absalom, he hit harder this bastard does. Even I can't beat him, it'll be a good distraction for me to get Harker out of there." Death explains.
Crom shakes his head a bit, "So self sacrificial....that's why I like you.", then goes silent again.
Death sighs to himself before riding out to go get Harker. With Despair's help, he makes the distance in about three hours. He hoped he wouldn't be too late to reach Harker. Finding the port, and the mast Harker was on proved easy, too easy actually. When seeing Harker wasn't moving, he has to resist the urge to throw caution to the wind and go straight for him. Instead, Death keeps his wits whilst hoping in his mind that his friend hadn't died. He sends Dust to go check on him, and Dust does so. Not even cawing when he lands, only lightly pecking at Harker.
He jolts and actually hisses at Dust before realizing it's him, "Dust? Are you.....?"
Dust gives a light squawk before gesturing to Death. Death then puts his index to mask where his mouth would be behind it. Harker manages to nod and tries to stay awake as Death makes his way over to him. Watching as Death dove into the water and swam to the ship. From there he climbs through a gunport and then begins to take out any and all guards there. Only subduing though, leaving all alive but knocked out to high hell. He keeps an eye out for Uther as best he can, but sees nothing yet. Finally he reaches the stairs going to on deck, and slowly goes up them. He then looks around and checks for any trouble on deck. Death doesn't see Uther, but notices various guards around. Seeing he needs to find a way to knock everyone out at the same time, he summons forth mystical, incapacitating mist. From there the men above deck all pass out, dropping like flies. Once everyone is asleep, he changes it into a shadowy mist instead, to hide himself and Harker once he's got him. Sighing he turns Harvester into shuko climbing claws, although it may as well have been an after thought. Death was already quite the athlete to begin with, he just wanted to be certain in case he messed up. As extremely rare as such a case was. He begins climbing, getting even more paranoid as he got closer to Harker.
Eventually he reaches Harker, "Idiot, you....shouldn't have come..."
"And leave you behind? Don't be the moron you think I am. Now zip it." Death says simply.
Harker complies and once freed he informs Death, "I can....change into my snake form...if it makes this easier..."
"Just in case it would be great."
Harker obliges again, and wraps around Death's neck. Occasionally he coils tighter in pain, but tries not to choke him as Death climbs down.
Eventually though, Death has to tell him, "Ack...easy..."
"Sorry......still sting in a few areas." Harker whispers in hidden pain.
Death soon landed on the deck with a quiet thump of his boots. He darted his head around quickly in case anyone heard him, but still saw no sign of Uther.
Harker gave a light nudge in response, "What's wrong....?"
"He's not here. Where is he? He's not here I don't see him."
"He flew off, said he had.....other business to attend to. Retrieving his daughter...." Harker replied.
"Shit!" Death whisper-shouted before hurrying to leave the boat.
As Death rides on, heading towards Vortigern's home, Harker began to feel a small searing pain. He began breathing heavily and went limp as the pain drained him.
Death feels Harker go limp and actually panicks a bit. He pushes Despair to go faster and soon makes it there. Only for Harker be in even more pain when they arrive. To the point that as soon as Death hops from Despair's saddle, Harker falls from his neck. Death quickly catches him and hurries inside shouting for Merlin, "MERLIN I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE HERE!"
Merlin comes from his room looking like a mess, "Aiiiiiiie.......What in the fuck are you needing me for n......oh shit."
From there Merlin goes to work aiding Harker and Death is pacing in rising panic. "What's wrong? He's..."
"Convulsing in pain I know....let me figure it out." Merlin explains as he searches for the problem. He then notices Harker's emaciated state, "Might I inquire on why he looks like this?"
"He's starving. Will that make helping him harder?"
"Hmm....dealing with someone who's currently starving tends to heighten the chance of death. What does he feed on?" Merlin questions.
"Love! He's a Leanan Sidhe." Death expresses in growing concern.
"Hmm? I may have bottled a pure version of love a long time ago. It's a long story, managed to bottle it, anyway...", Merlin tells him before pulling a bottle of red fluid. It looked like glowing liquid glitter.
Death has to ask, "And what do you intend to do with that?"
"Feed it to him, he feeds on love and this the purest and most potent concentration of it. Now hold your friends mouth open. I need to make sure he swallows it."
Death does so and tells Harker, "I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to do this."
Harker then feels the liquid pouring down his tiny throat and begins swallowing so he doesn't choke. He tastes his favorite 'normal' food ever, dark chocolate. His little tail begins swishing back and forth a bit as he drinks it. He then suddenly feels a burst of energy and begins to glow a little. Gaining a strange little pink aura around him as he begins to roll around, apparently being in a certain mood now. Death knows exactly which one too, given the sudden purr like sounds he's hearing.
Death begins to snicker and tells Merlin, "Hold him."
"No no no no no no no no....I'm going to bed, you take care of him."
"What if the pain comes back?"
"THIS SHIT CURES CURSES." Merlin shouts before walking off finally.
Death then goes to find some helping hands, and sees Puck coming back, "Puck I need you to take care of him. This is a friend of mine, go easy on him."
Puck just looks at him confused, "Uhm....why is vibrating, glowing, and making strange noises. And moving all weird like."
"He's in one of those....moods."
Puck gives him a stinkeye, "So you give him to the sex addict, to take care of it? Smart play smart play."
Death gulps and hopes for the best, then goes to get some sleep. Meanwhile Puck brings Harker to his room and questions him, "Ok...what's going on here?"
"I was in pain earlier, now I feel soooo good. They used a strange red glittery potion on me."
"Apparently it's one hell of an aphrodisiac." Puck remarks.
"Well they did say....it was essentially liquid love...."
"And you drank it anyway. Are you sure it was red? Because I've heard about little blue pills that cause these kinds of things?" Puck partially jests.
"I was starving....and Merlin said my chances of dying from the pain were higher....so I had to drink it." Harker says coiling up tightly now.
Puck facepalms, "What the hell are ya?"
"A Leanan Sidhe good sir....." Harker replies.
"Oh...that's explains a lot actually. Well I can actually help ya metabolize it. But you're gonna need to be more...humanoid for this to work."
Harker then turns into his Fae self, and DEFINITELY looks more horny than he did before. He's also still glowing like bonkers. "Well.....what do you think? My clothes aren't so presentable but....."
"Get on the bed I'll show ya a good time."
"Mind the new scar though, it's a bit sensitive." Harker implores him.
Meanwhile Death finds himself having another nightmare and begins tossing in his sleep heavily. Morgen actually senses it and gets the urge to check on him and does so. Finding him in bed tossing to and fro, she gently lays her hand on his shoulder. From there she is suddenly pulled into his nightmare. She sees him strapped down onto a rack and begging to be let go. Pleading for someone, anyone, to help him. Morgen immediately goes to do so and Death upon seeing her doesn't recognize her. As all he can see is a being encased in a light blue light, and the outline of horns on her head. He begins thrashing more at seeing that detail, but then he hears Morgen's voice telling him,
"Death be still, I'm here, I'm getting you out of here."
"What.....who are you? You're familiar, somehow." Death inquires a bit unsure.
"I'm here Death, just keep calm. I won't let her hurt you further." Morgen replies before placing her hands on the chains on his wrists.
They suddenly snap apart and Morgen quickly places her hands on his ankle chains. Once they also snap, Death quickly gets up and scurries backwards away from the rack. Morgen then calmly tells him, "Go now, run. You're free."
He does so and soon sees a white light ahead of him. When rushing into it, he finds himself in a pretty field. One that's full of colorful wildflowers with their fragrance on the breeze. It all felt so real to him. The next thing he knew, a floating white sheep suddenly bumped into his back. Turning around, he saw more floating over. Where that had once been a hallway of Lilith's home, there was only more of this beautiful field. Just then, he saw a proper glimpse of his savior. Rushing closer, he realized that it was indeed Morgen, only she had small sheep like horns. She glanced to him with a sweet smile before calmly saying, "Enjoy the peace tonight."
Death then heard a similar voice behind him, "You'll need a clear head for what's to come."
He turned again to find a woman that looked very similar to Morgen, with the same type of horns as well. Then with a sudden flash of light from both sides, Morgen and the mystery woman were gone. Death, despite his confusion, laid down upon the grass. Relaxing within the calming field. Meanwhile in the waking world, Morgen came to and slowly stood up to leave. However, she suddenly felt dizzy. She managed to make her way outside, only to collapse a ways down the hall.
Barrcus hears the thud and goes outside his room with Mina to check, "Is someone out here?", then upon looking down, "Morgen!"
He gently checked her over and rolled her onto her back in his arms. It caused him some pain to be holding her whilst crouching, but he had to be sure she was alright. He begins to stroke her head, but feels some bumps on her head. He figures she needs a bed straight away and asks for Mina's help. Mina then aids him into getting Morgen back to her bed.
"I felt two bumps Barrcus, should I check her head?"
"Yes let's."
Mina does so with Barrcus watching her closely, and when parting Morgen's hair, they found what looked like a tiny horn forming in her head. It was a blunt, miniscule thing, but still a concerning sight.
"That's a horn, must be. But why?" Mina questions in a mix of fear and worry.
"I have no idea. I'll keep an eye on her, you get some rest ok?" Barrcus states.
"Very well, just wake me if anything happens."
"I'll try." Barrcus informs her before Mina heads off.
Barrcus settles for stroking Morgen's head gently, despite the horns being there. He actually tapped one of them before Morgen made an annoyed groan in her sleep. She could clearly feel them from what he could tell. Barrcus then grasped her hand and continued to hold it through the night. Meanwhile Death got interrupted from his sleep by an extremely late visitor. He groaned and got up begrudgingly. He half expected either Puck or Harker. Instead he was met with Wren, in a simple lace nightgown. He couldn't help but think back to those nights he'd spend with her way back when.
"Uhm.....I would say this is a little unexpected but....not unwelcomed."
"I need to talk to you, and I can't wait any further. Please Death, can we speak to each other now?" Wren pleads with him.
Death sighed, "Uhm...sure."
He then lets Wren into the room, closing the door behind her. Fuzzball meanwhile yawns on a tiny bed in the corner whilst Dust is asleep on a perch. Wren then hugs Death, holding him close to her. Death isn't sure how to react for the longest time, but soon reciprocates her embrace. He can't remember readily how long it was since he'd held her like this. Admittedly it felt nice to have this sort of moment again, but he had a sinking feeling that it'd be the last one they'd have.
Once the two finally released each other, Wren told him, "I wanted to test and see if I could feel pleasure with you still. My race is rather weird about sex but essentially we can only have children with whom we view as equals. However, we also can only feel pleasure if we love the other person. Morgen and I did discuss it, and she gave me the ok to try this, in case you're wondering."
"I find this to be a bad idea, but if you want to continue on, I will be fine." Death assures her.
"If you say so. I'm only doing this because....I'm scared." Wren expresses hugging herself a bit.
"What are you scared of exactly?"
"That this test will be for not. That I've....you know...." Wren begins having a hard time saying it aloud.
"That you don't love me. Right now I wouldn't blame you. Given that I buried you alive with what were practically the living dead next to you. Among other reasons. Look, I find this to be extremely awkward, but if you want to go through with this we can. But if you're not feeling comfortable with any of this, we can just end this here. And get some needed rest. I'm certainly in desperate need of it."
Wren hugs herself tighter and thinks on it before saying, "I knew I should've waited until tomorrow before asking this.....the last thing I want to do is bother you.....I just can't sleep with this fear in my head....I'm well and truly scared that I've already lost my love for you."
"You do realize there are other forms of love? Friendship is one, family is another. But then again, it's not losing love that you're afraid of, is it? I still remember Wren, how you hated it whenever I left you alone. I was too afraid to disobey my elder brother too far. While you, you were terrified of being alone. You hated it so much that you always plead with me to stay with you. Wanting me to remain longer, or to flat out leave my kin for you. Neither of which I could ever fulfill. Hell, I even blocked the memories of you and our child because I couldn't bare it anymore after I lost both of you. How sad and pathetic is that, seriously?"
"What....what are you saying?"
Death wrapped an arm around her and sat her down beside him on the bed, "Wren, I don't think you need this test to prove anything. You're only clinging to me because for the longest time, I was all you had. I was the only person you spent your days with, and when I was gone, you rarely left the house. You told me this yourself once, so I remember it clearly. You told me I was all you had left, that I was your purpose, your reason to keep living on without your family. Wren, I don't deserve you. Not after everything I put you through. You deserve someone better. Besides, if our suspicions about C are correct, you won't be alone. You'll have someone to care for."
Wren began to sob, partially because her concerns were realized. But also out of relief, strangely enough. She hugged Death again, who obliged right away this time, sensing she needed it. Death made sure to make this final act of love count. As much as he cared for Wren, he knew she couldn't be happy with him. She needed to find herself someone who could do what he failed to do. He had to let her go, so she could be free to find herself in her own way. Wren soon calmed down but remained in his arms longer, wanting to be sure this moment would be among those happiest memories of Death.
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1, 8, 12 and 52 for the writing thingy!!!
Look at me finally answering these after like a whole month lol
Thanks for the ask!
1. Tell us about your WIP!
Which one lol, I’ve got many of them. Too many. Really. That, coupled with the fact that I am a slow writer because I keep getting distracted and procrastinating (like with answering these asks,,,,) means that pretty much everyone on this site will die of old age before I finish like any of them :’D
Anyway, I guess I’ll give brief summaries of all of the… main ones. This is gonna be a long one, fellas! I guess in the order I came up with them? Or the order I’m pretty sure I came up with them in.
TT: My original story I’ve been low-key working on and reworking since… 2012…? It’s a fantasy story, and it is… way too long probably. Also needs a lot of work. Worldbuilding and character building and plot building… At the moment, I guess I could summarise it as, our world gets wrecked for some reason, and the main characters, these two girls, who got saved into another, fantasy world with like… a bunch of other survivors, leave the Earth-refugee camp and get tangled with like, politics? Of that world? Well, politics and then eventually like, a war type thing… I didn’t say it was good, and I did also say it needs a whole lotta work. I’m pretty happy with some names younger me came up with though! Also it has dragons, so. Yup.
Fantasy fanfic: I am very good with names, as you’ll come to notice. Anyway this is a.. Hetalia fantasy fic..? I came up with in, like, 2014. I’m not actively working on this one at the moment, but I would like to maybe write it one day, and my most beloved OC originated in this story, you may have seen me mention her in my tags? I haven’t managed to come up with a name for her, but I call her the Asshole Goddess, because she’s a goddess, and also an ass. So.
Anyway this one’s pretty cliche, and it’s like, an absurdly large cast of Hetalia characters ending up in a fantasy world, where a bunch of other characters, who’d gone missing earlier, have apparently been taken to? Then it’s a journey to find and get them back, friendships are formed and magical things are encountered, but uh oh! They’re mortal here and can die! And many do. You may note I was 14 when I came up with it, so. Well. It is quite edgy. Had some good concepts though!
Kingdom AU: Great with names, as I said. This one is also a Hetalia fic, because that is the fandom I’ve been stuck in forever, though mostly just because I’ve so many fics for it. This is the odd one out in my fics though! This is like, a royalty AU of an rp AU me and my friend made by accident one time? The RP, not this AU, this is all my invention. It’s really just for me and my friend, since it’s based on that strange RP and the main thing in it is like and OC x canon character ship? That’s also why it’s the weird one, I don’t usually have much romance in my fics because I’m not big on ships and just prefer gen stuff, but this one is like primarily romance? Lots of pining. And it’s very soft. And I love this AU with all my heart. It’s also got a whole lotta angst!
Basic plot is the more or less classic, kinda cliche, peasant girl goes to get a job in the royal palace to help her poor family and meets the crown prince, and they become friends, and slowly fall in love.. Except, well, this is weird also in that the end point isn’t them getting married or confessing their love or anything, that’s like...Maybe the midpoint? There’s also politics, kinda worldbuilding? It’s set in like a 1700s type setting, I think, And while it’s not really a fantasy world since no magic, it’s not like, a real world setting. Anyway, yeah, this is near and dear to my heart.
The Home Front Fic: This! This is the one I’ve been trying to work on lately! It’s about life on the Finnish home front during WWII, and yes this is uh, also a Hetalia fic. Sorry. Though to be fair with this one and the previous one everyone’s probably gonna be so OOC and the setting is so different they might as well just be original works lol. Anyway, it’s a human AU, and also had a lot of OCs for that reason because it’d be tough to make a story of this scope with like. Three characters.
Basically! Tino is a 8, soon to be 9-year-old boy living in the Finnish countryside in 1942. His dad’s gone off to war, as well as the farmhand they had at the farm, and his mom and grandma can’t take care of the whole farm by themselves. So when they hear a nearby factory and some other farms in the area are getting extra work force in the form of Soviet prisoners of war, they decide to ask for one, too. They get a worker, his name’s Ivan. It takes some time, since they’re technically enemies, right, but eventually Tino befriends him and slowly he kind of becomes a part of the family… But you know what happened when the Continuation War between Finland and the Soviet Union ended in September 1944? :) Well, I’ll just say that Stalin did say “There are no Soviet prisoners of war, only traitors.”
This one also has angst. But it also has found family! I like it a whole lot, I wish I’d written it already, but I have been having such a hard time starting it. :(
That BNHA Fic: I can call it that because I’ve only got one so far! So this is a My Hero Academia fic, and hmm. I haven’t talked about it too much, but I do like it, even though my focus has been pulled back to the Home Front Fic again. I do wanna write this one!
So this is like a future fic? It’s canon divergent because some stuff happening in the manga rn is not gonna work with the plot, I guess it’ll diverge at least from like… all the New Year’s chapters? I don’t remember what the number is.
Anyway, the main character is Eri, who’s been going to like this boarding school meant for kids with volatile quirks. She wanted to go there herself when some years ago her quirk had gone bonkers, she thinks? Something like that, she doesn’t remember that well anymore, but anyway, she’s going to apply to UA! Just the Gen-Ed, her quirk isn’t any good against robots. She’d love to be a hero, though, she knows so many heroes and she just wants to help people, but her quirk is no good. :( Anyway she’s back in Musutafu for the summer break in her last year of middle school, and she meets Mirio and Aizawa at the train station, and they go around the town meeting everyone! In the entrance exams she meets Kouta, who for some reason doesn’t want to be a hero though he’s got a really good quirk for it, and he’s proud of his parents who were famous heroes! They both get into UA, and she manages to convince him to try to get into the hero course through the Sports Festival, and he does! She doesn’t get that far in the festival though, because even though she’s practiced using her quirk, she’s scared to use it on people when in battle and stuff. Anyway, she’s very upset about it, and when she tells Mirio about how she wants to help people, but can’t, because her quirk sucks, he gets this look on his face and later tells her that he knows someone who could help. They go to meet this scarecrow lookin’ dude, and oh wait, is that All Might?? Why’s he refusing to help her out from Mirio’s request?? And later, what’s this One For All Mirio’s talking about?? And whose kind arms does she keep dreaming of in her sleep??? 
So yeah. That’s the BNHA fic. One more WIP to go!
Space Fic: Back to Hetalia, and this is technically an older fic but I decided to someday actually write it just recently. So it’s my Historical Human AU No. 3. It’s based on a space facts video fact, where it said that in 1963 Kennedy had proposed the USSR and US go to the Moon together, and Khrushchev had been meaning to agree, but then Kennedy died and the plan was abandoned. This story idea was like, but what if they’d gone through with it? And then, because why not, what if they’d included other countries as well? And this WIP was born. It’d be like, the main characters would be representatives of their home countries, sent to take part in the program and they’d all be candidates for going to the Moon, but there’d be only 3 spots on the rocket so like, they’d kind of have to compete for the spots? And the ones that wouldn’t pass would take part in the mission on Earth. So then there'd compete, there’d be personal drama, their personal relationships would be affected by the relationships between their home countries, but overtime friendships would be forged, and they’d all just become… one big ole found family. A space family. A big ole found space family. And the Overview Effect would also play a part. This is kind of on the back burner, this’ll need lots of research and the Home front fic also needs a lot of it, so I’ll try to.. write that first, I guess? We’ll see.
So that’s all my WIPs. There are other fic ideas that I haven’t put much thought into yet so they’re not on the list, but yeah!
8. Do you have any writing buddies or critique partners?
I don’t have any one person who I’ve talked to about all of my stories, but I have discussed my stories with a few people! Both online and irl. I’m also on a couple discord servers that are for writing or where people talk about writing, even though for the most part I’m too shy to talk much on any of them ;u; But the people who’ve been awesome enough to listen to me ramble about my stories have helped me a lot!
12. Which story of yours do you like best? Why?
Aaaa, don’t make me choose between my children! ;__; I love them all,,,
Well, I am very fond of TT, since it’s my own original story and I’ve worked on it the longest… Then again, the Kingdom AU has a lovely aesthetic and those two pining idiots in it… But also, that BNHA fic has some really nice plot and character moments? But also I’ve spent so long researching for the Home front fic and it’s got my boys in it! And the atmosphere in it is so nice, and it has found family,,, But then also… Space??? And even the fantasy fanfic has the Asshole Goddess in it?? And a nice storyline with Liech?? See I can’t choose ;_;
To be fair, the story my dumb brain takes interest in changes every now and then, for example lately I’ve been mostly thinking about TT, the Kingdom AU and the Home front fic, so I guess those would be my favorites at the moment? But a couple weeks ago I was really into the Space Fic, and at the start of the year it was the BNHA fic. So it depends! But I do love them all.
52. Who do you write for?
Well, primarily probably for myself. I do often find myself in a situation where I’m looking for fics or books to read but none of them really click, and then I realize I’m looking for my own story. Which I haven’t written. So that’s definitely a big one! Then, to some extent, I also write for the people I’ve rambled about my fics to, so they might maybe someday get to experience the whole thing through something other than just my ramblings :’D But mostly for myself, I think.
Thanks for the ask again and sorry for taking so long!
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forestwater87 · 5 years
The Jungle (Day 4 of Gwenvid Week 2019)
Gwen has to go into the city alone to propose an idea to Camp Corp. It was supposed to be an easy, unexciting trip.
It wasn't.
(Gwenvid Week 2019, Day 4: Whump/Comfort)
(an unofficial companion on S4E12, “The Forest”)
Chapter 1
“I know you’ll be just great, Gwen!” David took her by the shoulders and gave her a smile that was way too happy for 5:30 in the morning (and should not have made her feel just the tiniest bit brighter, but she’d long resolved herself to the fact that David had that effect on people). “And just think: after this, we can just focus on making Camp Campbell the very best it can be!”
What did he think she was going all the way to their offices for? It wasn’t for her fucking health, that was for sure. But she bore his optimism with the best grace she could muster before the sun was up -- namely, sighing and not kicking him in the shins.
“Now, do you have everything?” The Campmobile was broken -- Gwen was inclined to blame Max and the other two, but David was convinced it was “just something mechanical” that he’d be able to fix despite his complete lack of interest in cars -- and QM, the only one of them who knew how to drive the bus, had disappeared on some sort of mysterious retreat that neither of them had wanted any details about. Which meant she had to walk into town and from there take a regular, crowded, non-school bus into the city to make her 9:00 meeting with Camp Corp. (She’d initially suggested a taxi or Uber or something, but then looked in both the camp budget and her bank account and decided that wasn’t going to happen.) She’d change into her heels and interview suit in the bathroom and then blaze into that meeting and charm the Campwells’ attorneys into hopefully partnering with them as an “independent Camp Pals partner camp” -- which mostly just meant “you give us a bunch of money and we’ll use it to do our thing and you can take credit for anything we don’t royally screw up” -- after which she’d triumphantly cram herself back onto the next overstuffed bus of sweaty assholes and be home in time to collapse in bed and not move for at least 14 hours. To facilitate this plan, David had insisted on packing her a hiking bag complete with a change of clothes, three water bottles, and enough granola bars to feed the entire city. (He’d tried to sneak in an extra pair of socks and a first-aid kit before she’d told him if he made her bag any heavier she’d clobber him over the head with it.) “I know it’ll be chilly at first, but make sure you stay hydrated anyway! Dehydration can --”
“Got it, David. I usually run the First Aid camps, remember? That’s my speech.”
“Well, okay!” He hovered around her anxiously as she tugged on her boots and hooked her purse onto the backpack. “And just remember, I know things didn’t go all that great last time, I’ll have my phone all day! If you find yourself getting nervous, or starting to feel like -- like you might sell the camp --”
Gwen rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything.
“-- you just give me a call!” He looped an arm around her shoulder, squeezing her against his side painfully. “Remember, Gwen, we’re a team!”
“Yeah, got it,” she grumbled, extricating herself from his grip. She made it to the cabin door when she was suddenly hit with a wave of nervousness, turning around to see David standing where she’d left him, his hands clasped in front of his chest and his smile bright and a little wavery. She put her hand on the doorframe, focusing her gaze on the pine tree clock above his shoulder to avoid having to meet his earnest gaze (and the way her chest tightened at the sight of it). “Seriously, though, thanks.”
His grin steadied and widened, and he gave her the Camp Campbell salute. “Any time, Gwen! Now go get ‘em!”
She didn’t return the salute, but she was smiling as she closed the door and headed off into the very early morning.
“Jesus.” Gwen collapsed onto the bench outside Sleepy Peak’s sole bus stop, tipping her head back toward the muted sunlight that had begun stretching tendrils across the sky. It was actually a rather nice walk, but ever since she’d taken over the business-and-paperwork side of running the camp, she’d kind of let herself fall out of shape, and she was just relieved the morning was a relatively cool one. She lifted her ponytail off the back of her neck, enjoying the cool air on her sweaty skin just long enough to feel the pinch of a mosquito. “Fuck!” An old lady approaching the stop jumped, shooting Gwen a wary look like she was rabid. “Sorry,” she muttered. “Just . . . you know, waiting for the bus.”
She nodded, taking a seat on the other side of the bench. “I’ve been taking this bus every day for the last fifty years.”
Oh, god, that sounded like the beginning of a conversation. “Neat,” she said, hoping her “please dear god don’t talk to me anymore” voice was obvious enough. She pulled out her phone and sighed with relief; at least the bus would be here soon.
“It started when my husband Edward lost his job at the silicone implant factory. ‘No good would come from changing the gifts God gives,’ I said when he took the job, and you know I was just right. That factory burned down in 2007, and I think the foreman -- he was a dear friend, the foreman; that’s how Ed was offered a place in the factory in the first place. Factory jobs weren’t common even in those days, and lord knows they’re all but gone now, so you better believe he thought he’d gotten lucky when old Jimmy Fitsimmons called! Dear Jim is now working at a packing plant in Missouri, and you know Missouri is just beautiful most of the year -- but goodness, the winters are rough. ‘I hope you know what you’re doing, Jimmy, with those winters,’ I told him, but he and his wife Enid were determined to make the best of it, and we’ve even been down to see their home. It’s small, you know houses just aren’t as easy to pay for as they used to be, and my Ed and I are very lucky to still have the home we bought as newlyweds -- and oh, that is a funny story! You see, my father . . .”
“-- oh goodness, where was I? That’s right, Edward lost his job at the silicone implant factory. So I said, ‘Edward, I’ll have to help you get back on your feet,’ and he didn’t like the idea of me working -- he’s an old-fashioned man, my Ed, but times were changing then and still are now; you young people might think we don’t pay attention, but we --”
“Wow, the bus sure is running late, isn’t it?” Gwen interrupted, glancing at her phone for the third time in the last ten seconds. She was supposed to have a full half hour once she got into the city to make herself look less like a swamp monster, but she was starting to wonder if she’d have to run straight from the bus to the meeting in her sweat-soaked camp clothes. “Wonder where it is?”
“Oh, don’t worry, my dear,” the old woman said, taking a long sip from her thermos. “It’ll be along any minute now; I should know, I’ve been riding this bus every day for the last fifty years, ever since --”
“Great. I just kinda have an appointment to get to, so . . .” She tapped her fingertips on her knees, trying not to panic. Panic made her break out, and she probably didn’t have time to put on the makeup she’d packed in her bag, so she needed to have a nice clear Dove-commercial face for this meeting.
“It’ll be here,” she said, and Gwen forced herself to take a deep breath. Deep, soothing breaths, like she’d learned during those six weeks she’d taken yoga. In through the nose, out through the mouth; breathe out stress and negative self-talk, breathe in positivity and healing . . .
“Unless, of course, they’ve canceled the run,” the old woman added casually, and Gwen nearly choked on the positivity and healing.
“Wait, what?” she managed, coughing past the swallowed air. “Canceled it? You mean they just don’t show up?”
She nodded. “It happens sometimes, in a town as small as this one. On those days we just have to wait for the next one to come along.”
Gwen couldn’t exactly afford to wait for the next one, not that she seemed to have much choice. Maybe if they cut one of tomorrow’s camps, they could stretch out the supplies enough to afford a single lousy cab ride . . . “When’s the next bus?” she asked, holding up her phone and cursing the lack of a signal.
“There’s a schedule down outside the general store.”
I thought you did this every goddamn day for fifty years, she thought, grinding her teeth. But the store was a straight shot down Main Street; she’d never be out of sight of the bus stop. “Don’t let them leave without me!” she called to the old woman before half-jogging, half-running down the road to the general store.
Of course there were a thousand fliers papered all over the store’s windows, and of course the schedule was buried under a months-old announcement for a “xmas family fun fest!!!” But another bus should be arriving in . . .
The bus blew past her, barrelling like a runaway freight train toward the stop at the other end of the street. “Hey!” Gwen broke into a sprint, the rising sun searing as she tried to reach the bus stop in time. She tripped over a rock, hitting the dirt road face-first and seeing stars as she scrambled to her feet. “Fucking -- hey!”
The bus started pulling away, and she tried to force her body to run even faster despite the stitch forming below her ribs and the throbbing sting where her knees, chin, and palms had scraped the road; she swiped one hand across her face and it came away bloody. That old bitch hadn’t even told the bus to wait thirty seconds! After she’d pretended to listen to that whole goddamn story about Jim and Ed and whoever the fuck else . . .
It finally stopped just at the edge of town, its engine growling impatiently as she staggered up to it. The driver stared at her for a long moment before opening the doors, his expression blank.
“I was at the bus stop,” she panted, dropping her money into the till. “I’d been there for half an hour.”
The driver shrugged. “I coulda just kept going, lady.”
She resisted the urge to flip him off and just continued onto the bus, which was somehow completely full even though she was pretty sure Sleepy Peak didn’t even have this many people. They weren’t even the last stop before the city, which meant it was only going to get more crowded.
She squeezed in between a family of six and a young businessman, grabbing onto the overhead bar just as the bus started moving again; one of the children stumbled into her, jabbing his elbow into her side and clinging to her backpack with sticky fingers.
“Whoa!” A lanky young man leapt out of his seat, gesturing for her to take his place. She sat down with a grateful smile, her legs starting to feel like jello after all the abuse they’d taken that day. Thank god there were still some decent people out there.
She opened her mouth to thank him when he shook his head at her and added:
“Just keep your arms down, girl. You stink.”
Mortified, Gwen dropped her gaze, searching for literally anything to look at that wasn’t involved in this conversation when she noticed that she was somehow seated right next to the old bitch who hadn’t held the bus for her. She smiled at Gwen serenely, like she hadn’t just been the cause of all this bullshit.
“You look familiar, my dear,” she said. “Have we met?”
“Nope,” Gwen replied shortly, preparing to disappear into her phone when the woman continued.
“Well, I’ve seen so many faces. I’ve been riding this bus every day for the last fifty years, you know. Ever since my husband Edward lost his job at the silicone implant factory . . .”
She dropped her head into her hands and prepared to spend the rest of the bus ride trying not to exist.
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