#but everyone calls him Eddie
tstain-is-an-idiot · 8 months
It's 2/2 so take this 2
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xx-sketchy-xx · 1 year
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I suppose Julie joked about Franks nose, what a silly!
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plistommy · 4 months
Omega!Steve and Alpha!Eddie just makes SENSE…
Like, this nerdy and ”freaky” guy being an alpha is such a big yes and the known jock and a ladies man being an omega who gets fucked by the known freak and his big knot is everything to me. It’s the best dynamic!
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relicsongmel · 3 months
Something I've always found fascinating about Raymond Shields is that despite seemingly having altruistic reasons for being a defense attorney, his reasons for trying to convince Miles to be one are anything but.
It seems understandable enough on the surface. After Ray comes around and agrees to work with Miles in The Imprisoned Turnabout, he sees remnants of Gregory shining through him despite von Karma's influence. Whether or not he recognizes that Miles' decision to become a prosecutor wasn't just born from that alone—that it was in tandem with wanting to distance himself from anything that reminded him of his father to alleviate the burden on his heart—is up for debate, but regardless: he acknowledges Miles as Gregory's son through and through and wants to capitalize on his dedication for pursuing justice in a way that he knows would make his father proud. He wants to let Miles in on the life he was robbed of at 9 years old—the life he once dreamed of living, where he follows in the footsteps of his father by giving everything he has to save people, by fighting like hell for the vulnerable and the condemned.
That said, as much as Ray dresses up his proposition by making it out to be as if he's looking out for Miles' best interests (and the best interests of society, even)...his motives for trying to get Miles to switch sides are almost entirely selfish. Ray's efforts (and most of his actions in general, really) are ultimately a product of his desperate attempt to cling on to anything related to Gregory out of an inability to move on from his death. Wearing his hat and coat, leaving the name of his office unchanged...and now, requesting that his son literally change jobs just because he can't bear the weight of his own loneliness anymore. Because he can't bear to think that the damage done by DL-6 is irreversible and Miles has moved on while he has stagnated for the past 17 years. Because he has an idealized vision of what he thinks Gregory would want and fails to realize that his son's occupation wouldn't matter to him as long as it brings him happiness and fulfillment. In his mind, letting Miles go means accepting the circumstances that brought him where he is and allowing both of them to move on. And that terrifies him.
It's even more deceitful when you realize that Ray's pitch comes at a very opportune time for Miles given his circumstances at that point: that is, he's under threat of investigation for prosecutorial misconduct and at risk of being stripped of his badge. Ray might fake incompetence, but he's not stupid—and he takes full advantage of Justine's warnings to try to sway Miles when he's in a more vulnerable position in terms of his job. Which is...pretty fucked up, to put it lightly. Despite having a better idea of where he came from compared to most people, through this Ray shows a lack of understanding of who Miles truly is and a lack of respect for what he's come to value, even if his path toward obtaining those values had some bumps along the road. But he's so blinded by his grief that he doesn't even stop to consider how much he's really asking of him, or what Miles is really searching for.
Ray was moved by Gregory. He values saving people. Defending the weak is an undeniably noble endeavor. But to ask that of someone else without consideration for their best interests is decidedly less so.
For all his occupation requires a certain selflessness, Raymond Shields is far more selfish than he lets on. And I for one find that contradiction fascinating to unpack.
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"Eddie, what did you do to this thing? It's traumatised."
"I'm traumatised! It's got no business havin' that many legs!"
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buddiebitch · 4 months
WHY are BT shippers so vehemently against actually analyzing the symbolism and choices made for this show?
i mean i saw multiple people saying we were overthinking the vertigo poster. they were saying that it was weird to assume that Buck would fill the pining best friend role that Midge did in the original movie??? (haven’t seen the movie, i just read a few synopses)
i’m sorry, so you agree that he put Ryan Guzman in the main character and Devin Kelley as the love interest because they’ll fill those roles in the storyline, but we’re overthinking when we point out what role he put Oliver Stark in?
or when i bring up the possible symbolism of Tommy always calling him Evan, the only response i get from BT stans is “well he would tell him if he didn’t like it” or “i think it’s because he was introduced that way and that’s why” or even “i think he probably likes that Tommy calls him Evan” (all real responses i saw) and it’s like, yeah that’s cool, those are great headcanons for you, but that actually isn’t what i was talking about. nothing wrong with having a headcanon, but it doesn’t explain anything about the show or answer any of my questions.
i mean in s4 he corrected his PARENTS and told them his name was Buck, and in s6 it was used to emphasize the strangeness of his coma dream, how everyone was calling him Evan, the whole show him being called Evan has almost always been used to emphasize that someone doesn’t know him very well, how are y’all convinced that it’ll mean something different this time? i get that some people think it’s supposed to be growth, that he’s cool with being called his first name, but if that’s the goal it definitely isn’t reading that way to me.
like i wish i could see things through the same lens as these people so it could make sense to me, i just don’t get how you can willfully ignore SO many hints just so you can ship what you want.
no hate to the ship or the shippers obviously, i’m just baffled by the lengths they’ll go to in order to convince themselves that plot device man is endgame for Buck.
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shitouttabuck · 2 months
what if i wrote a twisters au……….
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momotonescreaming · 9 months
Where did the trope of everyone leaving Hawkins except Steve come from? He canonically admits he wants to travel America? He's not some sad little baby who wallows in his sadness? he knows who he is and what he likes? Plus he'd never let Robin go alone. Come on.
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chheese-mmmhh · 2 months
fine i’ll say it…i think bucktommy is fine but him solely calling buck “evan” is a little blech to me…and that’s mostly just from a storytelling perspective because before this “evan” meant something… it was either used by his parents to show they don’t understand him or by maddie to show that she’s seeing him as her kid brother in that moment or by eddie just to show that he sees him and the conversation is important…and even then it was used very sparingly so the name didn’t lose its meaning but now we hear it so often it just seems like it doesn’t have as much meaning as it used to
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buckleygracechan · 9 days
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there's many things I love about the clip they released from family feud but this is my favorite part. oliver literally has both ryan and tracie looking at him with their big brown doe eyes like he's hung the moon and the stars.
no idea how ryan survived filming the first few episodes with oliver because that haircut literally made him ten times hotter for some reason.
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i like to think that Poppy holds Wally when she's scared/nervous
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littlespoonevan · 5 months
i went back to the start of my 911 tag because i was looking for something and i found these tags on a gifset about bi!buck:
#i'm literally getting war flashbacks to the 'do you also like boys?' moment tw pulled with stiles#one day a show will surprise me and actually follow through lmao
well ciara from 3 years ago, gUESS WHO FOLLOWED THROUGH?!?!!??!?
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
Buck showed an astronomical amount of growth in this episode, from his leadership skills (601) to his professionalism when delivering a baby (season 1) to his ability to separate himself and give the baby away to his real parents despite his own feelings (the entire donor arc). to say he hasn't shown any growth because he stayed in a relationship that, up until this point, and despite the audience being able to see thematic clues that it won't last in the long run, is very new and despite the one hiccup that got resolved with a genuine apology he has not had any reason to turn away from, is a disservice to his character and also just. unfair
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thatbuddie · 4 months
i'm sorry. i have kept quiet about this for so so so long. but i can't any longer. i'm just sorry.
if you call buck "evan" you don't understand him as a character. if you call buck "evan" you don't understand the show.
the minute someone refers to buck as "evan" they are immediately telling on themselves.
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realchemistry · 3 months
About plot twists and 7x04
A good plot twist is supposed to make you go, "oh!" and then, when you look back at the facts, you're meant to be facepalming because the signs were right there and you missed them.
The end of 7x04 was not it. When you look at the whole episode, the facts do not align with the ~twist because it was actually a decoy. Buck was not trying to get T's attention, and it was built that way. After all, when questioned about it, because T himself didn't believe so, Buck's answer was, "I guess." There was no resounding "yes," no certainty because it simply wasn't the truth. After all, how was peacocking exercising in front of Eddie, getting a basketball and suggesting getting a hoop gonna get T's attention when he wasn't even in the same building? How's complaining to Maddie about Eddie's plans with T and Chris talking about T meant to get that man's attention when he wasn't around to hear any of it? Buck's actions had nothing to do with anyone other than Buck and Eddie (and Chris) and their relationship, and I think we're meant to read as much because that's what they wrote, what they showed us.
Why Buck decided to go along with the idea that he was trying to get the decoy’s attention instead of Eddie’s? I think realizing he had feelings for a man was fine in his books, but admitting who those feelings were really about was just too much, Buck’s not ready for that. This was alluded to when Maddie talked to him afterwards: the “something” that Buck needs to tell Eddie in his own time wasn’t about coming out to him but about Buck’s feelings for him.
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buckera · 10 months
Wip Wednesday ☔️
I was tagged by @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 and @eowon thank youuu 💛
Still got the ski fic to finish but I've been posting and writing about nothing but Christmas stuff in weeks, so instead please enjoy some Eddie and Lena from the mudslide fic this time.
Eddie dug a thumb into his forehead, hoping to chase away a headache no doubt coming on with every new word being said between them. “It's not that easy.”
“Okay… why not?”
“I distinctly remember having this exact conversation before.” Eddie grumbled at her and crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned back in his chair; as if the position could somehow protect him from the scrutiny of Lena Bosko's gaze.
“Yeah and I remember you never telling me what’s really holding you back.”
“Lena…” Eddie groaned.
“Eddie.” She mocked him right back.
“It's c–”
“Complicated? Look Eddie,” she put her Jell-O cup on top of the tiny folding table by her side and leveled him with a fond but incredibly exasperated look, “I know it ain’t my business, but the guy’s been following you around like some lovesick puppy ever since I’ve known him and the two of you can't stop making heart eyes at each other wherever you go. It’s frankly disgusting to be around.”
“We don't make hea–”
“Not to mention yesterday.” She cut him off. “Eddie, come on, what gives?”
The memory of last night’s conversation in the kitchen flooded Eddie’s mind, the ghost touch of Buck’s nose against his own haunting even now. Buck didn’t lean in and Eddie… well, he definitely didn’t chicken out, but also… didn’t not chicken out either.
He sighed.
He was pathetic, wasn’t he?
“Okay, okay, fine. How about we talk about something else? Anything else other than my love life?”
“What love life?” Bosko snorted.
“Glad to see your sense of humor wasn't affected.” He deadpanned with a roll of his eyes.
✨no pressure tagging: @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @ladydorian05 @disasterbuckdiaz @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @heartshapedvows @nmcggg @rainbow-nerdss @watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @hippolotamus @exhuastedpigeon
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